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Home Explore คู่มือการปฏิบัติงาน APACC ปี 2560

คู่มือการปฏิบัติงาน APACC ปี 2560

Published by supinya.sathuwan, 2022-02-07 03:44:13

Description: คู่มือการปฏิบัติงาน APACC ปี 2560


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tJ~iie1n11tl~U~-!JTU lmct'bo Operations Manual ~ Q.J ~ 21 .ct~ .:JTUtl1~b1JtJbb~~1U1el.:JflWJ11~flt11tJAn~1~1un11€l16lf1An~1q 2J 1~;UJ11fl'WtJbelb,labbtl6lf~n (APACC) The Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) Ubonratchathani Vocational College QJ c:t ..a QJ c:t cf ar11uitn11e116lf1An~1n1fl~~1ite1e1nb~UH1tvt'We1 er Institute of Vocational Education : Northeastern Regeion er 0 QJ c:t ~ a1'Un~1'Uflru~n\"a\"a1Jn1\"an1\"ae116U1An'el-1 Office of Vocational Education Commission ..a ~ n\"a~Vl\"a1~An'el-1nn1\"a Ministry of Education

~1'W'a16tln1'a :l.1'.W1l_~~JiJ_u_~L-~~1\\JJJ)~_~QUJ1Y'lfln1'.WMn~1®'.1J.Jn:iJ~:ilJMm-t:i.J~®'.v.nJ.1:1i'I.J_L.b1l_~xJn_fA!:ACC} . ..,.' ~ \"\"' 'Vl ------- -- -- ---- -- ------- -- ---- ----- ---- _ --- 'J'U'Vl Ip :W fl'a1fl:W \\pcrb® -- ---- -- -------- __ -- __ b~B.:J 'VeJ'a1cJ,l1'Ui:.J&'l n 1'auiiu1i-:11'U __tl f11'a~n~1__ \\vcrbo ~1 cJ ~1cJ bbi:.J'U-:I1'U ua ~m1:wi1:w~e:i -:11'U'IJ 1~ biJ'U bb&'l~fo1e:i-:iflru.n1'V'l?ft11'U ~n~1~1'U n11m~1~n~1 ' 'a~lil'U.fl1fl:'UbeJb~cJbb'U'8~n (APACC) 1~v11b'U'Ufl1'a'<D~Vl1~~Bfl1'a'UD'\\J~-:!1'U 'U'a~'<il1U 'V'I-~- lvctbo b~B1'M f111'UD'\\J~-:!1'Ub'U'U1umm~ b'U cJ'U bb&'l ~i:-1&'1 f111'UD'\\J~-:!1'U~'U 'a~~'Vlfii:-1&'1 bb&'l ~ bfl~'U W~'V15.fl1'V'I~-:! ~~ u~<Q -:I 1'U'U W biJ'Ubb&'l~ ~'U 'ae) -:Iflru.fl 1'V'I ?fmu ~f1~1 ~1'U fl1'aeJ1~1 ~f1~1 'a~\\il'U .fl 1fl:'Ube) b~cJ utJ'8~ fl ' (APACC) u1'U~'Uv:1!1J1b''VL'll''U.a,efJ1:W1''\"aU,\"',<D~v\\'1~~ e:im1'1J5u~-:11m?t~lil b'U'U~ b1cJ'U ~e:imb~1 ~-:I'VeJb?f'UeJ~~e:i n11u5u~-:11'U m:w ..,.' be) na1'a'Vl ('U1-:!?f~?f11'Vl '<D'UI'\\111-:!~) ' 1X1'Vl'U1. :J1'U'lh~biJ'Ubbi;'ld\\J'HNrlru.fl1'V'li.'!'11'U~f1'1~1\\i11'Ufl1'Hl1~1~f1~1 ';j~v]'lJ.fl1rl~'Ubmimb'U'Vvlf1 (APACC) m1:w b~'U1e:i-:i~rl1'U1 cJ n11 ~1mLi:-1'U-:11mL&'l~m1:wi1:wi1B ~~;:;;;;;~ . vv?~ &'l. :J\"1JeJ : . (t.11-:1?111fi'Llm 'U'a~'Vl:Wb1cJ-:i) ' 1e:i-:i ~rl1t.11 cJ rn'a~ 1 cJ bbi:.J'U-:i 1'Ubb&'l ~fl11:wii :w~e:i ~ ., 0 !'111:W bVl'U i:-1 e)1'U1 cJ f11'a \\J ····································································V···\\·,·n····\\·)··········································································································· ································································~~~~· ········••:1:!•·· ··· ··········· ································································· ('U1cJfi1'1l'ticJ ~'Ufi'Ufl&'l) 'q <V q ~ i.l O q i:.Je)1'U1cJf11'a1'VlcJ1&'JcJe)1'1l1~f1~1e)'U&'J'a1\"1Jfi1'U \\J ' ......... ./ ./ .

0 'U'Vl'U1 W~'\\J.fl1fl~'\\.Jbelb;!:Jbb'lJ;vJfl The Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) zj,:ith~flel'U~1!:J'U~'Vl'\\.J'U~'U~.:J1'\\.Jb\\9l~mJm1:wY1{mJb~el,r'\\Jfl11'U1~dJ'I.J Flow Chart fl~bb'\\.J'\\.J'llel.:J bb\\9161~~1;ff-r~ 1~~'\\Jb'Vl~mu ,bb1;1~m\\?l1,i1'\\.J~1el.:ifom1tlwb:w'I.J~.:i 7 m\\?l1,i1'\\.J V~ ~ 1'1.Jfl11V11rnn?f11tl1~flel'Ud .:i1'1.Jtl1~b:W'\\.Jbb61~-r'\\J1el.:ir1rumY1?fm'I.Jfimn ~1'\\.Jm1m;1fimn 1~~'\\J ' mr1'V1mel b;mbtJ;vJn (APACC) 1~11'\\J11:w-v'el:w~1;1 b~ el1oifb'U'\\.J belfl?f11B1.:JB.:J1'I.Jfl11~1b'U'\\.Jfl11~~V11-Vel:W~61Vll.:J b'U'\\.Jel ~1.:i ~.:i11 bel fl?f11u'U'Ud '<il~~~1'1.J-il1cJe~Y~fo~~\"llel'Ubb\\911;1~mm~,i1'\\.J 1~~1b'U'\\.J n11?1'1 b~'<ii 1;'1~1.:i1tJ ~,.rn~ nu\\J'itb:W'Ubb'1tfo'i!l~f)rui11Ylilt11uPin'l!l1 ~1un1w1ihPin'l!l1 W\\i1'Ui111'ltmm;mb,J;~n (APACC) c'.J1mbf.J'U~1'Ubb'1tl'\\'l11.d,:ui'.i!l

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nT'a1bfl';i1~~.:rn..1~111';i~b'Ut'.J'U611'Wn·nwflru~m';iiJn1';in1';iel1~!hAm~n 11~'Jt'.Jn1';iU~'Vl1';i~tl1'L!An'l~1 'VUt 2552 ~1'L!tl';i~b~'L!bb6l~fu';ieJ~fl•ru.n1-w~m'L!Am~n~1'L!m';ieJ1iti1Am~1 ';i~;u.n1fl~'L!beJbiti1:JbbtJ~Yln (APACC) .c::li!d 21d .c::I il'Vl'L!1'Vl 'Vl'L!1'V1~1l.J';i~ bU !:JU .2 11~ bbt:-J'Wfl1'a~1 b'Ll'L! nu ~Tu fl1'aU'a~ bil'Wfl rumV'l~1\\?l 'a\"~'1'W ~1'W APACC b~eJ'W11tl~n1'a~~'W1fltU.f11V'l';i~~'\\.J'U1'W1'1J1~ 'U • APACC - '<Vil~'V1O1flI~.::!ii e) 'U 3 'IJW?f1'U~1'Wfl'\\.J~1cJ\\9l1~1 bbt:-J'Wfl1'1J1 bb~~~1'W\\911~ 11'W - 'IJ'a~?f1m1'Wnu~1cJ\\911~ 1 bbt:-J'Wn1\"1J1 ?ft11'WP1m~1'a1~J~?tm'W'IJ'a~ne:ium'a '\\.•Jflfl~ e:i~Aff'm~~ bb~~~1'W\\911~ 1 4 'IJ'a~?f1'W~1'Wfl'\\.J611'Urn1'UAsia Pacific Accreditation and - U'a~?f1'W~1'Wfl'\\.J611'Ufl~1'W Asia Certification Commission (APACC) him'a~1b'Llm1'W Pacific Accreditation and mm~'\\.J'\\.Jfl1';i'\\.J';i~bil'U~1'U APACC Certification Commission (APACC) 5 t1w?11'U~1'Wbb~~1~fl11~j1~ih:inrn,,t11 ~M1'U\\911~ 1 J~ - '\\.J';i~?f1'U~1'Wbb~~1~m1~j1~iie:inu .f11cJ1uuaernaua na tl1'UP1fl~1 vrtl1cJ~1'U\\911~1 J~mcJ1uuaernuuan ?ft11'WP1fl~1 6 ~~v\\'1t1nvi'Wfl1'atlnu~~1'W b?f'WeJbfl';i~fl1';i bb~~';i1cJ~1'W fl1';i - ~~V11bbt:-J'Wtlnu~~1'W tlnu~~1'W\\?11~~1~'\\.J-rr'W - ~~v\\'1t1nvi'Ufl1'atlnu~~1'W - ';i1cJ~1'Wt:-J~fl1'atJnu~~1'W 7 ~bb~ 0V bb~~';Qi.J'\\.Jtq:-J~'1JeJ'\\.JVl'aQ.JV'lcdJ\"?~f'W'1JeJ~?ftl1'WlC\"lifl~1Vdl U1'a~';ifl~1 'U • 1~-ru~e:iuvrmcJ vifV'-1 ~~'W'll e:i~?tm'W Pin ~1~1~fo ~e:iuvrmcJ 8 iTv1u1rn.1tJ'i~bi1'Llbb'1~1'\\.J1eJ~flruJ11¥j.'IC11'LlPln'l!l1 d.~flL-- 011'Lln1'lel1'8,Pin'l!l1 'l~\\il1.J.f11fl~'Llbelb'8mbtJ;vin (APACC) ('W1.:J?!Tmii1111 1.h~V1mit1.:i) ' 'HM~v eJ1'Ll1EJn1'ie'.J1EJbb~'Ll~1'Llbb'1~i'l111J'l11J~el

1 APACC II 2 3 4

ll1\\WHi1'U APACC \"' - .:J1'U'lh:::biJ'UflWJl1'W q ll1~'Hi1'U APACC \"'

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J~11:J!?l1..:i LLi:..J'Wt1i\"ll1 LL6'1~..:J1'U!?l1..:i 1 m'W:W1(,mi1'U APACC \"' - SSR Lb6'l~Annex LJel:W6'l'<il1tl~11:J, .:J1'U, - 111:J..:J1'Ufl11'l.h~b:W'U(?l'I.Jbe).:J - SSR bb6'l~Annex ( SSR bb6'l~Annex ) \" ~'Yl1 SSR mn'U~t1~1 - ~11:Jbbi:..J'U..:J1'Ubb6'l~fl11:Wi1:wi'.ie:i APACC:w1m:01'U \"' ?ftl1'U~tl~1 - ~11:Jbbi:..J'U..:J1'Ubb6'l~fl11:Wi1:wi'.ie:i

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d0 QJ m~'UTlJn11 tJi]u&i-:J1 fil1~'U'VI -:i1'UtJ1~bii'Ul\"lUJJ ' 1 2 APACC 3 4 6

1'U~'U\\111lJ~11?lfolJB'UVli11tl J11~lJ1(,11;j1'U APACC \"' - V1'LI-:J~an1t1'Uan/V1'U-:i~a mt11'LI/u'Uvin-ifal\"l11lJ lJ1m;j1'U APACC - V1'LI-:J~an1t1'Uafl/V1'LI-:J~a \"' m t11 'LI/u'Uvin.if a1\"1 11lJ - ~1mbt:.J'U-:J1'Ubb~~m1:i.d1lJiia - Vl'W-:J~amt1'Uafl/V1'LI-:i~a mt11'LI/u'Livin-ifam1lJ ,, 0 - V1'LI-:J~an1t1'Uan/V1'LI-:i~a m t11 'LI/u'Uvin.if a1\"1 11lJ - t:.Ja1'Ultlfl11 'U - V1'LI-:i~amt1'Uafl/V1'LI-:J~a mt11'LI/u'Uvin.ifa1\"111lJ - ir1V1'U1-:i1'UtJ1~n'LI - ~-d1t1-:i1'UtJ1~n'U 'U

APACC INSTITUTIONAL ACCREDITATION FLOW CHAR T 3 R e s p o n s ib ili ty Activity Procedure Description Applicant Institution Application Applicant contacts APACC. The applicant APACC submits accomplished application form APACC endorsed by NCAs/NAB/HRDA (if available). APACC then processes the application. Upon confirmation, notifies the institution on successful outcome and informs the institution to accomplish and submit online Self -Study Guide. Applicant Institution Self-Study Applicant prepares required documents Applicant Institution based on the Self-Study Guide within two to three months. APACC Evaluation Online submission of Self-Study Report to APACC APACC On-Site Visit APACC reviews Self-Study Report upon receipt. Team Once processed, APACC and the applicant institution agree on the on-site visit schedule and APACC Accreditation settle necessary fees and documents. Applicant Institution No \"V During on-site visit, Team Leader conducts APACC opening meeting and starts evaluation t Yes based on APACC's Criteria and Policies, Applicant Institution inspects facilities and equipment. Each onsite-visit team member will submit report to the Team Leader on their assigned area. Team Leader prepares final report and submits to APACC President through the NCAs/NAB/HRDA (if available). When the result of the report is acceptable, applicant is notified of accreditation status awarded. If not accredited, applicant may submit written request for appeal. If appeal is accepted, the institution will accomplish necessary corrective actions for a minimum period of six (6) months. Once accredited, an institution needs to immediately submit an Action Plan based on the recommendations of accreditors. Validity of Certificate is for four (4} years. Two-year (biennial) reports are required to be submitted after accreditation. Annual fee for four (4) years may be remitted lump sum or yearly depending on institutions' convenience.

2 Philosophy - Vision - Mission \\.ltu61'U Determination €L~tru1~f ~ruf'1~1~'1tl'U '4f'1\"11m1~.:iTU ~'U~\\,n~L~'W1ll'U1 ~11'U~~'!l1~1lJL'oJ 1'VlE.J1acJL'U\\JL~l'i UVC provides an environment where student value learning, Faculty members loves teaching , Staff members' dedication to work , Administrators' aim for development , collaboration with the community , and where education is at its best. mn~0,m/ ;ru~\"Uv~'AJ'VIV1~QIE.l The Identity of the College 1'VIV1iV'!X'JL~1\"111;j'Vi The College for the professionally spirited people er~in'MW\"UeJ~Um~m.1unfln'M1 The Uniqueness of the students Skillful Self - disciplined Initiative tli'\"11£1!1nT1An'M1 Philosophy of Thai - lVET ., d Excellent in skills 'Vln'l~~Lm.JlJ .J Holistic work ethics Ltlt.J11~ruu~~11 \"' Competitive educational system ci'1L~\\'11'!11 t tin'11 ~'Ln~f'•lru Time conscious Philosophy of UVC To implement work relativity focused learning Job as life's meaning .., .! s, To produce moral and ethical oriented students '1111:)'Vlfi~.m~1E.J~ruu·rm 16'tl\\1fl'U Vision it:,J~(;l'!j1.:ltlih:ii'W~ 'UnL'Vlf-ll'WLG'l~.ff'Ui.11 6'1,Je),:jf'l'J1:W~el.:Jn1~1 Ltl'U1'VIE.J1'1E.J'lltl.:J'qlJ'!l'U Producing excellent craft men ,technicians , and enhancing the technologist's ability in order to meet the employer's needs as well as begin the college for the community.

4 The Criteria with Weighted Points Criteria . Weighted Points I. Governance and Management 46 II. Teaching and Learning Ill. Human Resources 120 IV. Research and Development 74 V. Image and Sustainability 50 VI. Other Resources 50 VII. Support to Students 110 Total 50 500 The APACC Accreditation levels with the corresponding points and status Level Total Points Status I (Bronze) 301-400 Barely meets threshold of the standards, accredited for four (4) years II (Silver) 401-450 Meets standards substantially above the threshold, accredited for four (4) years Ill (Gold) 451-500 Meets standards substantially way above the threshold, accredited for four (4) years

5 d O GI Q GI 111~';iJ1'1J'VI 1 n1';in1nru~bb~ u~:n1';i'U';iV11';i'1~n1';i Criterion I - Governance and Management ., ~1ti.:if (Elements) FltU.'U'U (Point) ~1ti.:if 1.1 n'l'ltii\"11'f~vln1'lLL~tn1'l~vlil'UL'1 4 2 ( A - Decision Making and Management System ) 4 ~1'U{ltvati 1.1.1 'iiiTU1'Uflf.:i~ijfl1'a~tlft1) Lt:-JcJLLYl~1\"'cJ'VIP!tJ LLa~~\\J6f1'l 4 How frequent does the institution communicate its vision and mission to 4 stakeholders (administrators, governing board members, school board, 4 students, parents, faculty, staff and community) ? 22 ~1'll{lfVmJ 1.1.2 flN:m'a)l.Jfl1)tl~V!1)ft'11'U?lfl'l!/1LLa~Vl~tlflN~fl'l\"'Sl.Jfl1)1Vle.11'1cJ iia1l.!~1l-l1tJm)n1vi'W~m1E.Jme.1~1..:i 1 '!Ja.:iaml.l?in'l!l1 Are the members of the decision-making body involved in the formulation of policy matters pertaining to the Institution ? ~1ti{l~vm1 1.1.3 'iii1u1uflf.:iv!F1ru~n))l.l n1'ItJ~V11)~m'U?in'l!l1 LLa~Vl~aflru~m'll.lfl1'l '1~1.JTQ. VlmaUml'!.1/11'a1l.J,J W'lJlJL'dW'eJ.Yl'11)N1LLa~~vlft'U '1 LflcJ1 fUltlfl1'afl01V!'Uvl t'U1c.1u1e.1 tJL~cJ.:i~1.:i 'l' 'UcJ.:JftmtJPin'l!l1 How often does the institution's decision making body (Governing Board, Board of Regents, school board, etc.) meet to discuss decision/policy matters of the institution? ~1'U./l~V8V 1.1.4 'iii1l.11'Uflf.:i1'Ufl1)VltJV11'U'ULcltJ1cJLLa~i'W~el'Ufl1'lUljm1.:!1l.l 1L~'e) ~ftelvlfl\"''eJ.:Jfltl)~tJtJ fl1'ltJ~V!W~'vim'lfJN.fl1Yl How often do you review policies and procedures to conform to the Quality Management System? i1ti{l{VaV 1.1.5 {ae.1a~'!Jel..:lflN~m'll.Jfl1'jtJ~V!1'jG'frl1'U?lfl'l!/1LLa~Vl~elflN~m'jl.Jfl1'j 1Vlc.11~cl~iia1'U~1l.Jvlvl~'W1'11'Wn1)~vlfl1'ael1~1?1fl'l!/1 How much is the involvement of the institution's Administrative Committees in the decision making designed to support the TVET programs? i1ti{l~tiav 1.1.6 icJe.1a~'l.lel.:Jflru~m)l.lfl1)~1'U1'lJ1fl1'l\"ll'eJ.:J\"1m'UPin'l!l1 vi~aflie:n1la ~n~1u Lfie.11.rra.:i1ufl1'jv1v1a'U1'1 L~e.11 nu.:i1'U1'lJ1n1'l How much is the involvement of the institution's Academic Committees/Senior Teachers in deciding academic matters like curriculum development/implementation, grading system, supervision of teaching, etc.? '3111

9i'1ti.:i~ (Elements) 6 FJ:m'IJ'IJ (Point) ., 'if·\"'9111J'3 'VI 1.2 m'S11.:i LLe.J'IJLFJ <a./lm'Sm'I ::n1\"a~hLihm1\"a~1i.JLLN'IJ 4 { B - Programs/Projects Planning and Implementation ) 4 4 9i'1tfofvev 1.2.1 '11'U1'ULLi:J'U'11'ULfl'S'3n1'SvibPl~~iinTn1'1Lltl'U 1.Lr1::tl1~m-stlfiu1i 4 How many special programs/projects were planned in the past three (3) years ? 4 - '11'U1'ULLi:J'U'11'ULR'S./ln11viLP1~~iinTn1./ILLe.J'U11 4 24 special programs/ projects planned (e.g. greening the community) 46 - ~1'U1'1JLLe.J'U./11'ULR'a./ln1'SviLPl'ej~U1~n1'Stlfi~ Programs/ Projects Implemented i1u.:ifvmJ 1.2.2 ~1'U1'Uflf'1~~f'U~vl'!ltl'U~1Un1'a'L~'U iim-stl-s::,i11Yi'11'H\\J111'1LLt-J'U '1.,vt'1'S'S./l'Utiwmru LLri:::u.\"av.t1.'S.'1.vtn1'Sm\" 'Um-sL\".:iu1'U\"L'S\"eJ\"./le\"JU 1 How often does the Financial Management Officials meet to discuss budget planning and allocation, and other financial management activities? ..~-.I11Jt'3'J!1V,elV 1.2.3 -ts,mm:::'!JeJ./IL4./l'U'S1EJ1v\"l'!JcJ./lm)1lJP-ln'ej1V,.:JJ'.1_,vl'1'S'S bY&:Jleln1'S11'1LLt-J'U'WCV~U1 0 m1:::m-s~rnU'U'11'U Indicate how much percentage of the institution's income-generated funds is allocated for its development plans and for its operation? 9i'1u.:i~timJ 1.2.4 ~1'U11.Jfl{'11Un1'S!Jl'S1'1'1eJ1Jia~tl'S:::~1U How often does the institution audit its inventory? i1u.:i~vmJ 1.2.5 ~1'U11.JR{./IL1.Jn1'S'U~Vl1'Sivtm'S'lltllJ'1LeJna1-s1lXL~1.JU'1~U'U How often are communications and records sorted, filed and updated for easy retrieval? \"51i.J ~ ,, n11vi,:iau

,d r.l A 7 il1fl\".iJ1\\J'VI 2 fl1\".i'1~fl1\".iL\".itl\\Jfl1\".iaeltJ Criterion II - Teaching and Learning i1'u~;1 (Indicators) fl::bbtJtJ (Point) i·ni.:if 2.1 fl'J1iJL~aiitu~\"Ua~na'l\\'lt5nu1111qth::a.:ifo1 n1\".iivm1\".iL°iut.1n1\".iaau (A - Strategic Link of Learning Objectives) . ..i1,i.:i;J\"tim.1 2.1.1 L_L,i:.JtJEJ•V15!'11'1111{6ile:i.:ii'lmt.1Pini:!·r~'v1nTH~EJ'Un11aen.1ae:iv1r1'1fl.:i fi'ULLi:.J'Un1\".ifllf11!!1'trnl Is the institutional strategic plan aligned with the national standards with regard to teaching and learning system? - i'!m1..1Plni:!1iim1riT1.lftJv11im1P1tl (Vision) 4 - am1..1Pini:!1iim1n1V1'Uv1ii..ioih1 (Mission) 4 - '11'!J1.1.'!11V..IIL;u'1tJLa..fl! (Thrust Areas) 4 - ami..iPl'ni:!1iim1lJ!u~v1\"!!mJt,1fli.:ir1lJ (Social Responsibility) 4 - am1..1Pini:!1iim1iv1m1L~m.1m1&1tltJ (Teaching and Learning) 4 - ~~1L~'1m1Pl'm:nii.:i1i..ivT1V1~mtli..i~tlwnBum1~1E.JtJ1'ULtJ.:i 4 24 (Employment/Self-employment) 4 IK1ti~~ 2.2 vrlnijfl\".i (B - Curriculum) 4 i·n.i-,~thm 2.2.1 ~1tn1..1r1f.:i11..1m™~tJ1V1~n~tJ1\".ii1&1eJvlA~tJ.:inuLL1..111i!me:i.:im1Ltl~wLLtla.:i 4 1i..itl '1 ~ui..iua :::tl!u na ~'Vltfl~fl fl'Ui'l'UB.:im1ll~e:i.:i n116iltJ.:i111a1vl u1.:i.:i1i..i 4 4 How often does your institutionreview the curriculum to integrate current 4 trends and strategies to meet industry needs? i1ti.:i;1fim.1 2.2.2 in~UJtn1\"aiia1'Ui'Jll6iltl.:ie.JtJ1tneJ'Uff11Pl1LLmmr1a1m'Vl1~ 'II 'II • n1\".iP1fi~1~tJ UnL~EJ'U UfiPlfii:!1 LLa:::~ii'11'U1vi''11'WLi1EJVjfi.fl1fl a1t.1l'Um1i~i..i1'Vlin~1111 What is the frequency of involvement of the industry, faculty and staff, students and other stakeholders in curriculum review (i.e., proposals are written and submitted for curricular enhancement and improvement to proper authorities; attendance to curriculum review and revision meetings called upon by higher authorities)? - n11ii'11tJ'!JeJ.:ifl1Pl~\\11'11'Vln\".i\".ilJLLa:::~tl\".i:mtJ'Un1\".i (Industry) (Faculty and Staff) •• t .:f d - n1'ill'11tJ11lJ'!JlNPl1'IILLa:::u,r1a1mV11.:im1P1ni:!1eJ'W - m1iiaTw~1ll'!JeJ.:itl'm~m.J tl'nPini:!1 (Students) - m1iia1'Wi1ll'!Jtl~~iia1u1~a1m~EJVJnmr1a1i..i (Other Stakeholders) :-1&/ I ci I 111'lU-1'tlVelV flII 2.2.3 QI _Q. .dc:il QJ 3 II QI 'ielE.lcl~'IJel.:l'lllclfl~(;l'S'S\"l!l'l'll~Vl1.Jf)1'S'W(;lJ\\l1 L\\J'i~E.l~L1a1 uE.lel\\l\\1a-.3 LVqIE.J\\Jf1\"UV\"lfln' ~m11E.1Q1'1l1QVJl'~VllJvl What percentage of the total courses offered are reviewed in the last three years?

~1ti,1~ (Indicators) 8 f\\::LL'Ll'LI (Point) Does the curriculum include components for the following areas? 1 1 1- lG.lf'V\"ln'l!f::Y.¥l'U!1'U 'Vuln~::1-'ll1'.l.l.ViLL;lt'V\"lm' ~::edl'U ~ urns.u1!\"]''U.,v.1..:J1'U 1 1 (Core Skills/Employability Skills/Non-technical Skills) 28 - ~LL'U1~vtfl1'i~WJ'U1el~1.:il.:i~'U (Sustainability Concepts) 4 .- ~n~::fl11Ltl'Uc\"!i.J1::nel'Ufl1'i (Entrepreneurship) 4 .- ~n~::m':i'L~EJ'U~\"a~1.:i1,1mila.:i fl1':i'EJm::~utJifoL~Yi1::'V11.:i msL'tl'llvtfl1':i'L~EJ'Ua°1L~~'a\"i.J 4 (Continuing/Specialized/Skills Upgrading/ Education Module) 4 4 ~1ti.:if 2.3 bPl'a-lJfl1':i'~el'LI (C - Syllabus) 4 4 i1ti-1lifof.l 2.3.1 'a::EJtL1'11L'Ufl1'a~WJ'U1 i.J!uu1.:iLfil'a'1fl1'H'1el'U1~iif1111J~'U'1lJmLa:: '1elvtfil~a.:inrnL'U11i111LLa::na~vm1Vlll How often are the syllabi updated and revised to integrate new trends, strategies? ~1ti,1;i 2.4 ~eln1':i'L~m.m1'a~el'U (D - Instructional Materials) ;1u.:if~m1 2.4.1 {elE.1'1t'lJel'1~elfl1'3'L~EJ'Ufl1'a'1el'U~tl11,Jl°tll'Ufl1'a~Vlfl1'3'L~V'Ufl1i'1el'U Is teaching and learning enhanced by the availability of print and non-print instructional materials, access to networked computer facilities, use of audio-visual aids and other advanced technologies? - ~e)EJ'1t'!Je),:j~e)~.:JYh.J~vitl11ulmvm'aiVlfl1'SL~EJ'Ufl1i'1el'U (Instructional Materials Print-based (modules, workbooks, manuals, etc.) 1.- i.velV'1t'!Jel'1'attJ'ULfild'aiel'llJ1Ve4l'UL'Vlel'a'L'~Uv1Vdl'UO1 ufl~.'~ll ~.1.J fl1'a~..,Vlfl1'3'Lq'aV1.Jfl1'3''1el1.J (Access to networked computer) - {eiEJa::'!Jel'1~elL'1~~flltlvitl11'tJ'l°tll'Ufl1'a~Vlfl1iL~V'Ufl1'3''1el'U (Audio visual aids (multimedia projector, CDs, DVDs, etc.)) - {avat'!Jel.:J~elL'VlfilL'UL'1~i'iJ~.:iv1tl11ul.mi.Jfl1ii~fl1iL~fJ'Ufl1'aael'U (Advanced technologies (teleconferencing, closed-circuit 1V, mobile learning etc.) i1ti,1~ 2.4.2 rmmt'!Je)'1'1'1.JUW1J1ruv1~Vla'i'iL~el~~;e)~e)fl\"l'll~V1.Jfl1'aael'U LLa:: fl1'au11.:i!n~1 LvJBrn'atl1fl~'Ul.J1L'tllVlll What percentage of the total financial resources is made available for the purchase of these instructional materials; and maintenance/recycle or reuse? Instructional materials include consumables, print/non-print materials used for instruction.

9 9i'1u.:i;J (Indicators) fl::Lb'Ll'LI (Point) 4 :::fli.n msJ~ tII.e., _,:., , d dct II fl1tl.!l'ti 2.4.3 ·rn El'1 :::'ll e),31&1~ LL&'! ru,i Li EJ'Un1'H1eJ'U'Vlllfl11ll'1eJ~fl'18'3 LL&'I::: LYifMWB~eJvi~n~1J11nTiL~V'Ufl1i'18'ULU'ULtl1J111J-uein1V1'U~ How compliant is the student-instructional materials with the curriculum in termof (relevance and adequacy)? 24 f\"l1'lHI \"All 2.5 .1Q,C6,n1'5flv'LI LLa::LVlfl'LQlfln1'aaau (E - Teaching Methods and Techniques) 911U.:i'Tifim.J 2.5.1 'H~~tJ\\J'5:::~'Vl6.f11i\"lb'Un1ibiL'Vlfliifl LL&'l:::16n1i'1BiJ'lleNf'li \" To what extent do the faculty members effectively adopt the following teaching methods and techniques? 4 - m·mm.1LLUtm11u.nuqiV11 m1'Vl~flt1.:in111<b''1m'Um1rui1&'1e:i.:i m1tlfl'!m'1~.:i (Problem Solving/ Experiments/ Simulation/ Hands-on) 4 - miaa'Uu.tium1e:i.ntl·nvn~•ll mi1:::~l.lfl11l.l~~LL\":::m1u.tfotliii.h::'1umiru (Group Discussion, Brainstorming and Experience Sharing) - n1iL~V'UjLL'lJtJ\\Jfl''U6 n1'H~EJ'UU.UUl'l>lifo\\Jlj'lm 4 (Interactive Learning/Workshops) - n1i'1eJ'\\JbLUUL~U'U LU'UiB\"U.:i1'lJ'Vl~e)1m.:im\"J\"mru?im;1 4 (Project-based Learning/Case study) - mi&1tl'UU.'U'\"H~eJl!\"~ih~v11.m11ihLa'UeJ 4 (Multimedia Presentation/ others (please specify)) 20 'a'UI 911'U.:i;i 2.6 fl1'5fi111tJ9l~lll11J bbf1Zn1'a'th°:.:Lij'Ll~rn (F - Monitoring and Evaluation) 9i'1u.:i;i'Eiav 2.6.1 '11'lJ1'Uf'l~.:jb'l..ln1iUL'VlPI ~~IJ11lJ LLflt'lh:::dj'U~&'I What is the frequency of monitoring and evaluating (e.g., supervision of classes; teacher-supervisor of conferences; performance assessment of teachers, percentage of completed courses in due time); different teaching and learning processes to assess its effectiveness and relevance? 4 - ~1'\\Jn1i'1eJ'U (Delivery of instruction) 4 - ~1'UmiH'tl1::1v'lltl~eJ.:i'\\Jfi'!mm1 h.:iNnnw n11e1n.:i1'l.J n11tlm:::wh.:inwvh.:i1'U m11lnaml.l~1J1&11V1n'fill (Utilization of laboratories/workshops/industrial training/OJT) 4 - ~1'Unw1~LL&'lti.l1:::ui'lJ~&'1~\\~mJ (Student's Assessment/Examination) 4 4 \" 20 - v11\"Um1'\\J1:::LU'U~fln1'5UQ'!m.:i1'U'll8>lf'li (Faculty Performance Evaluation) - vi'1'Un1i~~miL~mJ1,IJ1&'18~\"H11J1 (Lifelong learning programs) 120 -\"\"'\"'-...0..--\"'----·--------

d4 10 iJ1tJl'3.J1'1.1'VI 3 AJLLa~'4Fta1n'a'Vl1-1n1'ai'ln'leJ1 Criterion Ill - Human Resources The standard of the institution is greatly measured by the qualification of the faculty members and staff. The institution maintains high ranking faculty members in terms of their academic qualifications, experience and professional competence. It maintains an effective system of recruiting, maintaining and developing an adequate number of highly qualified and appropriate faculty members. And staff. JQ,/ I FIZLL'U'U (Point) tJl'l'lH\"tl (Indicators) 4 i1ti-1i 3.1 f1Wi'!iJU91LLi'lt'11'1.1~i''lJti~\"tlel'lJ\"!lel'1FllLLa::'4Fta1m'V11-1n1'a~n'leJ1 4 4 A - Qualifications and Job Descriptions of Faculty Members and Staff 4 4 i1ti~~vmi 3.1.1 fei Efflt'!Jei.:i R~vlii~ n.q~vn.:i n11~ ms1 Lba:::th:::aunT~ru1J1111 4 4 11cJ1t1vlam.i ,..,~e1m11m1:::.:i1'Uvft~-stJ11e1um.i1cJ - 28 What percent of total faculty members possess the appropriate academic Qualifications and experience to teach the courses assigned to them? - ~tJ~V!11vlill'lrul~'Vl1.:in11~n~1LLa:::th:::aun11ru IJ11,:jt,111Jflruauu~i'U~1yjf11V!'U~ 'U ' ' (Head of Institution/Principal/ Director/ Administrator) - ~1V!ti1LLr.l'Uf1yji'j~rul~Vl1.:in11~n'ls1 U\":::tl1t'1tlf111rum.:i1J111l~C\\JalJ'l.m.ff'U~1 vln1wu~ (Chief Instructor/ Head of the Department/ Assistant Professor/ Senior Academic) - r1ien11a LLatr1ivlilfln,q~vn.:im1Pin'l!l1 LL\"1ttl1:::aum1ru1J11.:i1J111Jflrua11u~i'U~1 vln,,..,'U~ (Senior Lecturer/Lecturer/Instructor) - l'li~'!l'ltl LL'9trl~YiLfl!'tsae:J'Uvliiflrul~'Yl1.:if111Pin'ls1 LL\"1ttl1ta'Ufl1)0Jv\\1.:i1J111Jfln.1'1lJ'lm .ff'U~1vln1V!'U~ (Junior Instructor/or its equivalent) 1SIelt1\"1t'!JeJ.:i\"4ria1m'Vl1.:in111g'1 n~1e,d1'U'V.:Jl14Jflru1v,1oi, 'Yl1'1n11ld'ln'l!l1LLattlseaurnsru< U I3 3.1.2 tJ11,w11 vli1dJ'U~e1m1tlfl'1.m.:i1'U1>11.:i1J1111fJrua11i:m.ff'UJ1vln1vi'U~ What percent of total staff possess the appropriate academic qualification and experience required of their job? ... ' J ,, .. ..I ..I .. ., Vl1'lN'l1 3.1.3 'Seltl'9t'!Je),:jfl~ Ll,\"1t'4l'lmm'Vl1.:in1\"Sl'lf1'\\s1el'U'Vl'1'11'Ul'lf1'\\s1'1~'\\1!1lJ1'Vl~LL'Yl'U 'l O I ..,I o b'U1J11Lm'U.:i'V111,:i How much is the institutional effort in filling up the vacant posts for faculty and/or staff? \\Jl'Jt)-1,fVmJ 3.1.4 {eJt1\"1t'!Jel,:jfl1viii~mi1'U ,_.,'ie:itJ1:::~'1.Jf1110J l.J1'11f1I11Flel\\Jl'11'\\l!n':i11J 'U ~ ' ,..,~e:ia~1utl1:::ne1'lJn11 Out of the total hired faculty, what percent come from the industry or have industry background?

i1ti.:i, (Indicators) 11 i1ti-1~ 3.2 PjNff1l~'IJtNAN::~'U,Vl1'5 aeuuu (Point) (B - Qualification of Administrative Staff) 4 4 0, I ,: I II II A d. I~ c...6Q '1 II ~ .J 0 4 ~1'lN'tiVtltl 3.2.1 'rneJat'!Jel.:JliNt~tJ'a\\'11'5Vlu!]tl\\Jl.:J1'U b(il\\J11:I.JbnCU<nV1fl1Vl'lJl11 4 What percentage of Administrative Staff is competent in their respective 4 12 works? Please base your answers on the final weighted average as calculated 4 ca.I • c; 3.3 \" d-., Q. 4 \\Jl'J'U.:f'ti '\\.1'U1Vl'a'UW~'titl'U'IJel.:fliami::il1'5::.:f1'1J 4 ttal.I11.1N',tNiVItl'1 (C - Faculty Members Assignments and Load) 3.3.1 'HII lclfl:l'!Jel.:JlilY.:JI,J!-)tQl..tMtIl,V!'lIJ.I1Vdl J)1'5::.:J1'lJ\"'tl'IJ .:i1'UV~1 bl1I1I'\"atJllel'UV!lJ1cl ,d. \\;11l.J Ln C\\J~Yl f11Vl'lJ111 What is the average percentage of the faculty members' workload, assignmentsand numbers of preparations comply with the established government or institutional standards? U t 81 ti II 4=11 dc::i1u t I 4t.' cil 4V d .ttl1'U.:i'tivav 3.3.2 'aerna::'!Jei.:iviei.:it'acJ'lJY11Jt1\\J\\'a1a1'lJfll(,lt1'lJm'aE.J'lJ 'lJnf'ln~n {,1111 LfH\\J'r'l'.IJ.\".''lJ ' {,11 What percentage of the classes follows the teacher-student minimum ratio: for theory class 1 : 20? And for practical, 1:10? - ~tl.:JL~m.1~iiB1J1'51'11'W'!Jtl.:JAiit1'UnL~E.J'U \"Wnfin~1 a1wru1'!11Vl'J~6e){,l'a1'11'lJAi~e) 'WnL~tl'IJ \"Wn~n~1 1:20 (Percentage of Compliance For Theory Class) - ~ei.:iL~m.1~iia1J1'a1G11'lJ'IJeJ.:Jfll(;lt1'Wm~m.1 i!n~n~1a1vifo1•1ni.Jfiu1i 1: 1 o (Percentage of Compliance For Theory Class) i1ti.:i~ 3.4 'at'U'Uf11'afl'a\"aVl1~Fta1m fi1\\Jltl'UtbV1'1J n1\"ath:an'IJe.Ja f11''atl~~,IJ1'1J L\\lf11'a'W9Al'IJ1 tta::n1'aai'1.:itt-a.:i~.:i C - Systems of Recruitment, Compensation, Evaluation, Development and Motivation i1t.i.:i;\"i'~av 3.4.1 {ava::'!leJ.:Jm'ai.Jfillii1J1111m::rntJrn1\"'11V111iiLLa::tjAa1mvi1.:im'a fifl\"c11\\J11l.J~f11V!'\\Jl11 How compliant is your institution in observing the system of recruiting faculty members and staff? i1t.i-1~~mJ 3.4.2 {am'lt'IJcl.:J n11,Jnu9i~rn.J1:: L,j eltJ~f11W.J(ilL'Uf11'5~1E.J 1-i11J1BrnLnuurirrs LLa::ulia1mvi1.:in11~n~1 \"' Does your institution follow a set system in compensating the faculty members and staff? If yes, what is the percentage of compliance against the set norms? 3.4.3 '11'lJ1'lJrl.:iL'lJf11'j\\J1:: Lfl'lJ~a rn\"ii.Jflu~.:iTU'IJel.:Jlii Lrn~ljlifl1f11 i1t.i-1~veiv d .,I vn.:im~l'ln'11eJ'\\J How often are the faculty members and staff evaluated with regard to their performance?

., l J. ....~..,1\\.Nl't\"f (Indicators) 12 ~TIN'tfmrn 3.4.4 G'lmt1Pin'l;1ijn,';iL-X';i1.:11'1 LLnFJi Lb'1~'4F1'11mvn.:in1';iP1 n'l.!f15i.J . ..... Fl::LL'U'U (Point) ~ijt-1'1m';i\\J~~.:i1'U~b~'U 1 Does the institution give awards for best performing faculty and staff 1 4 members? 4 - &1mt1Pin'l.!f1t-X';i1.:i1r1FJ~~ijt-1G'lnTjtJfitJ1i.:i1t1~b~'U 4 4 (Institution awards best performing faculty) 30 t\" .,- '1m'UPd1f1'1.!f1 m1.:i1rt'4AG'l1ff~'Vl1.:im';jpjm~1ed:it1'V..li1..Jt-1'1fl1';itl-!]tJ-v-N1'U (.j.)L(j)''lJ 74 . t(Institution awards best performing staff) ~....11.N'\"t\"f'm. m 3.4.5 immt,ia,:i~ij&11t11~'11'UL~ EJ~ijaTLthii t1mttJ1'Um';ifi'~ b~ en LLl;I t f)1';iG'l ';i';i'V11A'\";iLbG'lttJ,R'11 mvrn fl1';j?l f)'l;1~'U What is the average percentage involvement of stakeholders (e.g. industry, external subject specialists, community and alumni) in the selection and recruitment process of faculty members and staff ? m., , ci t II d .cJ IIU 11,,1 ~'J'U.:i'tfEJeJEJ 3.4.6 ielVG'lt'llel.:JRiLL'1:J'4Ri;11n';i'Vl1.:!fl1';iP!f)'l;1el'U'Vl ~';iUfl1WiW.l'U1 1~vm';ji1J11'U1 eJtJ';i1JL'8·nlfltJ1in1';i 'Vl~eJm';irJntl';i~'1'\\:Jn1';iW What percentage of the faculty members and staff participated in the development program through attendance in seminars, workshops, in- service training, etc. in the Last three years? - fm.1G'l~~v\\'1Lij'Um';iL~ (Percentage of Faculty Members Participation) 111- 'I;iIclVG'l~'Ydlmo LU.oQ'Un1';i ~ (Percentage of Staff Paricipation) ~l'J'U,:j~~elf.l 3.4.7 '11'U1'U'Y'l'U~~~G'l';i';iLbflR'\";i Lbrl~U,Rrl1f)';i'Yl1.:Jfl1';if'if1\"1;1~'U L¥le:im';irlne:imii 'Vl~eJm';iP1n'l;1~e:it,Xij~ru1~~.:i;1u How many scholarship grants through training programs or higher degrees were provided to faculty members and staff for the past three years? ';j'Jl.J ~ \"' 111J'VI .:iih.1

13 Criterion IV. - Research and Development Cl'lltl.:if (Indicators) fl::U\\.1\\.1 (Point) i•:ru.:i~ 4.1 1fl'a.:Jn111~VLL~~~~'U1 4 (A - Program of Research and Development : R&D) 4 4 i1ti-llfVelV 4.1.1 n1'Sii'11'U~11.11'Un\\lm'S11.:J1'U1~cJU\"::~W.Ji.J1~1'1Jfi'Sfh1 bbfl::Vl~el 12 4 ' ~1J1a1V1m\"a1.1 Which of the following industry R&D activities is the institution engaged in? Please check all appropriate activities. fo- 'li~L'Y11•1 L\"gm~\\11nnT~tJ~m~nVl1~clfli.JJl1!'1~\\Jl'11Vlm'a1.IVl~el'1'11'U'lh::neltJ n1'S Vl~el n-;.im-s1.1 nl'a1~E.JLLG'l~~'nl'U1 ~~lbti'Un1'~L~cJ'1m1.J'lJWm)'lJ ms Vl~elnl'a1 b\\il'Sl~VLI l'l'S..:Jnl'a lli1..:i 1 1i.iam'Utl\"a~neium-s (Technology modules in consultation with the industry/ Research undertaken with industry/ Identification of Projects in Industry) - n1'S1~cJ111.1n'lJVl'U1cJ..:J1'U 'Vl~el'1'11U'Unl'S1~cl~'U (Joint Research with other agencies/research institutions) .J oQ Q.I Q IV 4 1,1 I Cil UI ~ GI d - n1'a1';JcJ'Yl~1L'U'Unl'alil11.ltl'U'Vln'lJeJ\\Jlnfl.:Jl'l111.l'S11.11.lel (MOA) n'lJVl'U1cJ.:J1'1.JVl'Sel'1m'lJ'Uel'U (Commissioned research (Research conducted on the strength of a MOA w/ another agency or simply assigned by authorities)) .~ ~1ti.:i~ 4.2 m-aii~1'U'b3J\"tlil-llfltu~W~i (B - Faculty Participation) ~1U-ll~VelV 4.2.1 {c1cJG'l~'llcl..:Jl'l~viii&11'U-S11.l1'Un';J m'S11.:J11.J1~E.JLLG'l~~'nl1.J1 What percentage of the faculty members is actively engaged in R&D activities Like Joint Research; Action Research in the institution and/or Industry; Identification of Projects in Industry and Technology Packages; Fabrication and prototyping; Innovation and improvisation? Please consider only those faculty members or staff members who have completed at least one (1) R&D activity in the past three (3) years while calculating the percentage involvement. ~1u.:i~vem 4.2.2 fc1cJ\"::'lJel.:Jl\"l~vlii&11'Ui11.11'Lin\\lm'S11n1'S~MJ1~eln1'S~~m'SL~cJ1.Jn1'S'1el'U 4 What percentage of the faculty members is actively engaged in development 8 activities Like modules preparation; workbooks and Laboratory manuals development; instructional materials development like IT software and program development; video and film clip production; CDs and DVDs, etc.? ·--- -· -----.~----------

\\JQIITLW• a'tl (Indicators) 14 aeuuu (Point) i1ti./l;i 4.3 n1\";iLll,JtJUVffa~::m\"at'titJ\"a::1v\"tltl;11ne,HN1'Un1\"a1'1£1LL~::'W911'J1 4 (C - Dissemination and Utilization of R&D Outputs) 4 4 ;1ti./lfv,m 4.3.1 ijnTiiJ1t.Jfl.:JTtihYv1tlL~mL~~LLm~H',.h::1f.J\"lltJ (Does the institution maintain its program of reporting, dissemination, publication and utilization of R&D Outputs? Please check all appropriate activities applicable to your institution.) - ~Yi1J~ LLr1:::Lt.JmL~~t.Ja,:n'U1if.J.rnf.JL'UVl~elfl1f.J'Uun &1m'U?in~1 (Publication (internal or/and external) and Dissemination of R&D outputs) - i11~an1-s1,i'vltJ'l~\\J1:::fo\"11'U1m1m'UPin\"d1 \"qll\"ll'\\J LLa:::&1m'Utl1:::ne11.Jm-s (Implementation of output within the Jnstitution, community and industry) - tl1~a.:JTU1'1f.J1J1WtJ1:::ttJ\"1l'U1'ULiil.:ivnru'tl~ (Commercialization) ~QmI N' \"8tl 4.4 n1\"a\\Ja\"a.'lll1\"a'1o,I~n1\"a.:i1u1Q;Qi/mL~::'W..,~'U1 (D - Management of R&D) 12 4 i1ti./lfVelV 4.4.1 {uf.Jfl:::\"'U'\\Jn11~'1~\"1\"a1,hv,frn1'\\J1'1tma:::w~'U1 4 How many percent of the institution's budget is allocated for R&D programs? 4 2 ;1ti.:ifvmJ 4.4.2 ~1'\\J'J'\\J'Vn11tJ.:!1'UVl~eJe)-!jf')f)')v11-!l 1 v1'l,Xm11J~'J1JUuflU\"11:11t.1Pin\"d1 L'UnTrnuu&1~'U\\'lt.11iEJVl~u~1 L'U'U m\"a1iv ~11Jn'U 4 Number of institutional linkages with other agencies in the funding or 18 undertaking joint R&D projects for the past three years. 50 ;1U./l~VelV 4.4.3 ~1'U'l'UFl-:i1'Un1\"afl111tJ~~vl11J LLfl:::'lh~LlJ'Ui:.Jfl-!l1'\\J1rEJLLfl:::W~'U1 How often does the R&D program undergo monitoring and evaluation process (use of Monitoring framework, Gantt charts, progress reports, etc.?) 1imLa:::w~'U1 Is there a system providing incentives to faculty members and staff conducting research projects? i1ti./l~VelV 4.4.5 {uva:::\"!l\"a1f.J1/1\\11n.:i1'U1if.J~i~LL'U-!l1,Xnufili Lbfl:::\\lfilfl1n'fVJ1.m1\"aPin~1 L~uL'U'ULL'S.:i~.:i1'J What percentage of the research project's income is provided as incentives to motivate the faculty members and staff to conduct R&D programs/ projects?

15 d 5 ., ' g ... ..i.:. .... 111~'a!1'U'Vl Jl1'Vian'tiN'!Jel.:1'1tl1'Urtn'l~mL~:m1-a-w~'U1'Vltl·Ul'\\J Criterion V Image and Sustainability The presence of the institution should be recognized by the community. Its image is enhanced by extending its expertise through Extension and Community Services, Consultancy and Income Generation, and sharing or getting support to its expertise through Linkages and Networking. fl11\\J~fl11~1u1•t11n1-a 1,i1;i-w LLa::n11L\\1U~n1'S'Yl11'll'\\J (Extension and Community Services) ('11\\i~i\" (Indicators) aeu'U'U (Point) 4 i1tl.:if 5.1 Lfl1.:in11u'in11~1u1,i1n1-a ua::1,i1;i-w (A - Program of Extension) 4 4 i1ti.:iiaut1 5.1.1 ~1\\J1'Uflf-!l'!Jel.:Jfl111~'1.J~fl11~1t/i'!J1n1';i LLG'l:::1'lf1.g~m11fl111J(llel.:Jfl11 12 '!Je.Wqll'll'ULLmia-!lfll.J ~1'U1\\Jflf.:Jv1eltl'llel~fl1'S1~'U~fl11~1'U1'll1fl1'S LLG'l:::1'111.g~IJ11l.Jfl111J(lleNfl11'!Jel.:J'ql.J'lJ'U (LLvla:::1fl1.:J n111Xe1.:iil0~!'U tJ-s~LcJ'tl'LJmh:n!mi 6 -s1cJ) How many times in a year does the institution provide extension services (with at Least 6 individual beneficiaries based on the community needs?) i1ti.:ifve1t1 5.1.2 ~1'U1'Ue.JG'l.:J1'U1{cJ'!Je).:Jam'U~m~n~\\!11tl1ii.J1:::1cJ'lftJ 1tm11{\\1l'Y11 LLe.J'U-!l1'ULPl1.:Jfl1'S'U~fl1'S~1'U1'lJ1m-s LLa~i'll1.g\"v'l How many research results were utilized as extension inputs during the past three years by the community? i1ti.:i\"1tit1t1 5.1.3 LR-s.:im-su~m1~1'U1'lJ1m-s LLa:::1'lf1'1i\"v'l~1L'U'Ufl1'Sfl'S'U~1'U~111 .ffu~el'U ~e.l 11.:ILLt.l'U~1L'W'Ufl11~1l.JLLe.J'U fl111'U~\\11~111 LLG'l::IUWLii'Ue.JG'l Did the extension project follow the complete process of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation? 1111 (B - Faculty Members Participation in Extension Projects) 4 4 i1ti.:ifve:it1 5.2.1 ~e.lcJG'l:::'!Jel.:Jfli~ila1'U~1111'Ufl1111.:JLLe.J'U fl11tJijlliimllLLe.J'U fl1'Sf11f1'U ~\\11~111 m-s1~LLa:::tlwLiimmn111~'li~n11~1'U1'lJ1nT;iLLa~1'l!1'1i~ ~~l.J'lf'U a.:ifll.J What percentage of faculty members are involved in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of extension services in the community? (Take the sum total of faculty members involved in all activities and compare to the total number of faculty members)

QJ I J (Indicators) 16 IJl'J\\J{l'U fl::LL'U'U (Point) i1u{I( 5.3 n1-su'ivr1-si~nT'3~1\"Un1-st~u'in111'111n1-s LLa::1'111;i'rl 4 (C - Management of Extension) mi1u{livm.1 5.3.1 {m.1\"~'Ua.:i.:iu~i;i.J'U1'1m'U?if1'liTITT 'ULfl'5.:lf11'5nT'J1'H\\J~f11'51'1l1f11'j How much of the total developmental budget of the institution is allocated 4 to extension projects? (Budget outside of operational expenses) 8 i1u{l~Vm.1 5.3.2 ~1'U1'U'U'Uvinsua1J1m1.:im11Jfn.111a (MOA) m~\".:J'U11lrl111l~11l11a 24 LL\"::t11~m-stJJju~nuV1u1v.:i1'U a.:iRrn LL\"~'1mutl-s~naum'5 L'U~1'U L1'U'Y1'UV1~a~11.Jm'5u~vrni~m'51m. :im'5u~m'5~1'U1'111f11'5LL\"~ 1'111;'V'l~'ll1J'l1'U LL\"~l..:!fllJ \"' How many Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) were signed and implemented with other agencies, organizations and industrial entities for the funding or conduct of extension projects in the community in the last three years? n1'5L~A1mm!t1LLa::n1'5~i1..:i-s1vl~ Fl::!LL'U'U (Point) Consultancy and Income Generation 4',I Id IJl1\\J..:l'U (Indicators) ~1'U{l;1 5.4 bL~'lH1'Un1'5L~A1mn,;1 LL'U::!'U1 (A- Consultancy Program Consultancy) • Provision of professional or expert advice on a particular area or special field which would not be feasible in-house. Service is provided usually for a fee. Service rendered by the consultant is not part of his/her work and is outside of his/her official time. i1'U{l;jVelV 5.4.1 ~1'U1'Ufl{.:i1'Uf11'5'U'Uvin LL\"~tJ~'UUl..:l'U!llJ\"'U!l.:l~LzjE.11'111t\"\\lffi'H'\\..l~f11'5 4 S., Q Aq 4 ~1'U1'1l1m-s LLmn'l11'11'V'I 8 8 Are you maintaining a list of experts for immediate hiring for consultancy projects? Are they categorized into expertise? How frequent is the record of experts and services rendered by them maintained and updated? i1u.:ifuav 5.4.2 ~1'U1'Uflf.:i'lla.:i1fl'S.:Jf)1'j V1~arhm-s-s1J~G1m'U?im!ni'.h1v1~~1nm'5 L'H~1mn'\\!11 LL'U:::i.i1~1'U1'll1f11'5 LL\":::1'll1;j'V'I How many consultancy services have the institution provided in the last three years? ·.-- ._..__......._ _

17 Lfl7il'thcJfl11lJ'blJiivfi'1'U1't:11011 LLa::1'!:11;1-w Linkages and Networking ~1u.:i( (Indicators) R::LL'U'U (Point) i1ti.:i( 5.5 fl11lJ'S1lJiiiln'Uflm'Uth:mmm1~ (A - Linkage with Industry) Li1ti.:i~Vil'-I 5.5.1 '11'U1'U,H11'Uth:mmm1-s '11J1R1JV1~e1u~,;'Vl~ihb'U~11J 'Uf11'S~~'U1 'Vl\"m'llll'S ~~'U1,!m~c.1'U ,!nPin\"cl1 ~~'U1R·mattJRa1n'SV11.:im~ V V1 ~d P!fl\"cl1el'U Indicate the number of industries, associations, and other agencies (large or medium scale) per the following table that have been involved during the past three years in activities like, curriculum design, implementation and evaluation, industrial training of faculty, staff and students including on-the-job training, and apprenticeship. - m,ii~1'1JfnJ~1unw,~'(llJ'IJ1111~n~m m,1.h111~m,91,~m,tln'tm nwLlwL~'IJ111\"°n~91, 4 \\i \\I 'U \"' 4 \\I 4 12 (Curriculum-related Curriculum design, implementation and evaluation) 3 - m\"Sii~1uci11J~11.Jm'S~{llltJ11JnL5EJtJ tTnP1n~1 L'Um,tlm:nmm1fl~91~1Vln'S'Sl.llndustrial (Training) 3 6 m,tlm.1tm.J'Stwhm1,vh:ntJ On-the-Job (Training) LLfjtm\"Stln~1tJL'IJ~t111.Jtl\"Stnmm1\"S 18 (Apprenticeship) (Student-related) (Industrial Training, OJT and apprenticeship) - n1,1-,mI11.J'SI1lJli\"'l'1tJnw,·V1(1lJtJ1fliLL\"ttJfl\"1n'S'V11~m,r!;,fm:ne.dJ'U (Faculty-related/Staff-related) ~1ti.:i~ 5.6 n11rivt!Y.:i't:11J71J vi'ie1fl1J1R'-l'S11Jfl'Uflm'UAn~1~'U (B - Consortia/Arrangement with Educational Institutions) 1~1ti.:i~ejilc.1 5.6.1 lil1'U1'U'1lJ1Rl.l 'lltm.J vi~mNRm~'1\\11~-.:i('UL~el~\\11n'1m'S1J()11./I '11Vl!'UR'S \\Jfl\"1m'V11-.:Jf11'SPifl\"cl1~'U LLat'Unb~cJ'U,!nPin\"cl1i11Jfl'U V1 How many consortia/arrangements were established with other educational institutions for promoting faculty and student exchanges; conducting joint research and joint extension activities in the past three (3) years? - fl111J~11JiiVti'IJ~1um,tli'ln~m,1J~1111{u,!m~cJ'IJ1.JnPlm:n Student-related (Student Exchanges, Joint Research and Extension Activities) - fl11lJ~1lJ~unu1111un1,ili'ln~m,lJ~1111~\\JflitL\"::'l/fll'l1mvrnm,Pln~1~tJ Faculty-related (Faculty Exchanges, Joint Research and Extension Activities)

18 d GI -, 111tJlj.fl'W'Vl 6 V1j~t11nj~'lJ'U~~'W Criterion VI. - Other Resource The institution provides an environment which is conducive to effective to effective teaching and learning that supports the educational programs offered by the institution. The adequacy of financial resources, physical plant and facilities, library, classrooms, workshops/laboratories, information technology, multi-media center and general education laboratories are paramount. ~1'Un1~t1\\.I (Financial) iTu~f (Indicators) A~bb'U'U (Point) 4 ~1u~i 6.1 U'1iu~1'Un1·n1'1J A - Financial Resources ~1ti~~vau 6.1.1 {m.1at'lJeJ~~tJtl~:::1J1ruJ,:rvn.J~~~vi'1'f~L'Ufl1\"itl~'\\111'r~'vim\"ibba::: m\"St.i11.:i!n'l!l1 4 What percentage of the total financial resources is made available for the 4 operation and maintenance of the institution in order to achieve laid down 12 objectives? 4 . 4 am'UPlm:n What percentage of the total financial resources is made available for developmental activities in the last three years? ~1ti~~ve1u 6.1.3 {mm:::'lleJ~~tJtl\"i:::mruth:::~1u'lJeJ.:J'1mtt?im;1~L'rl11(mu~EJfJeJ'U'\\11\"'~ 3 tJ By how much percent did the annual budget of the institution increase on an average for the past three (3) years? ~1,foi 6.2 n1~f~n1~~1ttnTH1'1J (B - Financial Management) ~1tfo~vm1 6.2.1 ~1'U1'Uli::i1\\.lf11~\\Jl\"i1'1'1eltl~1'Un1'H~'ULV!tl~vl\"i1\\1'1eJUf11tl'Ueln What is the frequency of conduct of external audits to ensure proper financial management? The institution may ask for additional audits more than what is required to comply. i1ti~~vat1 6.2.2 ieJm1:::'lJ€J.:JLfl\"S-:in11'\\11~€Jn'1m\"S11~a{1~11c.11~'lleJ.:J'1m'U?im,1 What percentage of the income generating projects including consultancy, research commercialization, job orders, customized projects, etc. augment the annual budget?

19 9i'1u~~ (Indicators) f'l~LLtJtJ (Point) 4 l1u~(vmJ 6.2.3 ~eJeJat'UeJ-:!'4flfl1fliVla'fl~ii'11'Ui1l.JLtJn';ittJ1'\\Jf)1';j'lJ~'\\111i.:!Utlitl.J1ru 12 IJY.:iuJ1fl1ib9l~v11~utli:::111ru fl1i'1v1'11i.:iutli:::111ru fl1i'U~Vl1i cJq9.1 QO tJ t I lilv1fl1ibLfltfl1irl1'llf11lflvl\"il1fl\"il1'\\J1'\\J'llfl'11fliVlanV1l.la1tJi1l.J '' L'\\JLL~fltf1\\Jfli';jl.J bviti'llfl'll'4flfl1fli'VlanJ.:iV!l.Jvl What is the percentage of key persons (like heads of departments) in the Institution involved in the process of budget preparation, allocation, management and control? (Take the sum of all key persons involved in each of the activities compared to the total number of key persons. ) ~~i1tJ1vF11111a~v11n~1tJn1v~1w Physical Facilities Cl,I I~ (Indicators) fl~LL'U'U (Point) \\?\"l1\\N'Yi 2 2 mGI 'UI~'.trl 6.3 O d~ d (A - School Campus) 4 Vl1L~'Vlfl,3at11'UAn~1 4 ., I.I I.I ,f cl ,,. 4 i1\\J~fvav .6.3.1 0 wm'l~'UeJ.:!fl11l.Jat:iviflaeJ.:iv11u'Yi'\\J'Vl bLa~vnLaV191.:!'UeJ-:JamtJ\\iln~1 8 LVI uu ... I.I 0 fl'll'UeJfl1'\\lli.Jvl How compliant is the institution with the standards set by the government on area and location? IJ ,J' -=ii d q CVl,/O .. ...- vl1'\\J'Yi'\\JYl'UeJ.:!amtJ\\ilfl~1L'VlfJ'llfl'll'Uelfl1'\\lltJvl (Area) - v.l,1tJV0l1Lf!Vdl\\t;l.:!'1JeJ.:!'1Cl1tJ!\"31'fl~1L ,., 0 (Location) YlfJtlfl'U'UeJf11\"1'\\Jvl ., ., i'Jl.J 911'U'~'CtOli 6.4 ~a,3L°iV'U (B - Classroom) .~tlfJfl~'Utl.:Jiti.:iL~eJ'Uvftlnl.J1\\;li~1'\\J(;l1l.J-li't1n1'1.1'\\Jvl i1u~fvav 6.4.1 What is the percentage of compliance of the institution as regard to the standards on size of classrooms set by the government? 1\"1 I .; I m'IJ,3\" tiIJ 6.4.2 II q: ,=J4 CU q.,r C ,d .<II ,d CV f' 1Bflflt'Ut1.:iV1eJ.:!LieJtJ'Vll.Jfl1i\"ilvlfliflru'fl LflieJ.:!l.JeJ aeJ ai;i'V1!31tJ rnru ' \\I tl1t,11ieJ.:!L~fJ'I.J911l.J-tieJf11'VltJvl How equipped is the learning environment in terms of furniture vis-a-vis national standards? '3111

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