PART3 GRAMMAR J^One Point Advice To give「あげる」:I or someone else gives something to someone else. (Never say「わた PARTI し Iこあ Iナる」).The subject of the sentenee is the giver.) s rFirst: To receive Г くれる」:Someone gives to me, my child, my younger siblings etc. CThe e subject is the giver.) p To receive「もらう」:Someone gives somethi ng to someone else. (The subject is the s recipient.) \"un PART 2 n Verbs of giving and receiving can be attached, to other verbs to include a sense CD, c t of appreciation for the action, 曲鈔欝鼠 ons' 田中さんにオーストラリアのお土産をあげました。 PART3 Grammar たなか みやげ Tanaka-son ni Osutoraria no o-miyage 〇 agemashita. ★ (o)miyage = souvenir 彼はなかなか連絡をくれません。 PART 4 Scenes N かれ れんらく s Kare \\nq nakanaka renraku 〇 kuremasen. 田中さんはよく、私にお菓子をくれます。 PARTS Fopics たなか わたし かし Tanaka-san wayoku, watashi ni okashi 〇 kuremasu. 今日中に返事をもらいたいんですが。 4 きょうじゅう へんじ Kyoju ni henji 〇 moraitai n desu да. ニフーさんは、山田さんの書類を英語に翻★也oM = document 上. — t? 一 [ 二n i しょるい えいご ほん★ honyaku-shimasu 訳してあけたそつです。 =translate やく Mira-san wa, Yamada-san no shorui 〇 eigo ni honyaku-shite ageta so desu. 兄が迎えに来てくれました。 あに むか き Ani да mukae ni kite kuremashita. 電話番号を教えてくれませんか。 / でんわばんごう おし ★ bmgo = number Denwa bango 〇 oshiete kuremasen ka? 友達に引つ越しを手伝ってもらいました。・ hikkoshi ともだち ひ こ てつだ =moving (house) 8 Tomodachi ni hikkoshi 〇 tetsudatte moraimasita. ★Xga ~te kuremashita.仃he subject is the same as in the English sentence) == (Watashi wa) X ni~ te moraimashita. 101
Is it OK, even though you are so busy? ► Isogashi ♦even though -* -noni/ -nimokakawarazu That's a delicious plaにe, despite being so ► Sokowayasui □ 2 cheap. • despite ~ »-noni/ -nimokakawarazu □ 3 It's busy today, despite being a weekday. ► Kyowaheijitsu 厂 勰 Even though she knows, she is not telling □ 4 ► oshiete kurenai me. Even though I met her last time, I cannot ► omoidasenai remember her name. But I just said that a moment ago! Weren't □ 6 you listening?! □ 7 Oh, that's unfortunate. I tried so hard. ► Aa, ganbatta •that's unfortunate — zannen(desu) (After spilling something on clothes) Oh no, this is terrible. This is brand new. 102
PART3 GRAMMAR One Point Advice Firs-s(eps Functions Grammar FriesPARTI The pattern ГХ (な)のに YJ means, ''Although X, Y happens/happened? Therefore, the Part心 X (clause) andY(clause) should be two different matters. This「のに」is a conjunctive particle. IfY is understood, it is often omitted. CD-I 忙しいのに、大丈夫ですか。 PART3 PAXT4 いそが だいじょうぶ ★ daリobu = alright Isogashinoni, daijobu desu ka? そこは安いのにおいしいんです。 やす Soko wa yasui noni oishi n desu. 今日は平日なのに込んでいますね。 PARTS Topics きょう へいじつ こ ★ heijitsu = weekday Kyd wa heijtsu na noni konde imasu ne. 彼女、知っているのに、教えてくれないんです。 4かのじよ し おし Kanojo, shitte iru noni, oshiete kurenai n desu. この前会ったのに、名前が思い出せないんです。 まえあ なまえ おも だ Kono mae atta noni, namae да omoidasenai n desu. * konomae = last time, previously さっき言ったのに!聞いてなかったの? いき Sakki itta noni! Kitenakatta no? あーあ、頑張ったのに。残念。 ★ gdnbarimasu =try hard がんば ざんねん Aa, ganbatta noni. Zannen. 8飓钱されて)ひどい!これ、韻なのに! ★ h/do/ = terrible ★ shinpin = brand new (fuku oyogosarete) Hidoi! Kore, shinpin na noni! 103
~rashi / ~mitai / 沖poi ~らしい、~みたい、~っぽい ★ These expressi〇ns are similar; but make sure you understand the subtle differences. Apparently a typhoon is に〇ming soon. ► Mosugu ♦Apparently ~ rashidesu. Oh, was that the company president? He I doesn't look like one at all. ► Ett,imanohtto • look like ~ f ~ rasni 「一] I think l,ve caught a cold. My throat is 叶〇 sore. ロ 厶 It looked like she was mad. ► Kanojo, okotte iru • It looks like 〜〜mitai desu. I'm often told that I am just like a Japanese □ 5 (person). »Nihonjm • lzm told that 〜--〜da to/tte iwaremasu. He looks like a student, but he is actually the □ 6 company president. > Gakuseippoku • look like ~ ~ ppoku miemasu He said it as if it was a joke, but in fact he □ 7 must be hurting. ► ]odanppoku • As if—•• -yoni ~/〜ppoku ~ The person wearing the black clothes is ► Kono kuro ppoi fuku □ 8 Bill. • A wea ring — ~ 〇 kiteiru A 104
PART3 GRAMMAR One Point Advice らしい is used in two different ways. F The first is when you are reporting something you heard from somewhere such as in 1; P ir AR st or talking about something intuitive, that has no basis in reason. In this case the casual sT tI e conversation version is みたし、 such as 3. p s 2 is an example of the second usage. This is indicating something stereotypical. In -n PART 2 summary7/社しゃち長ょううしいひと人is reall/y aし社めち長ょう.Howeverし,社ゃ•ちょ長う 長みたいな人is not actually m uncr-ons p a社しрち長ょう.A more colloquial exprJepsちsょioうn of社長みたいな人is社長っぽい人as in 6-8. n's いちょう ひ 4もうすぐ台風が来るらしいですね。 PART3 Grammar たいふう く Mosugu taihu да kuru rashi desu ne. えつ、今の人、社長(さん)だったの? *zenzen~M PART 4 x zenzen - nai Scenes いま ひと しゃちょう 2全然社長らしくない人だね。 =not~ata\" ぜんぜんしゃちょう ひと Ett, ima no hito, shacho(san) datta no?Zenzen shacho rashiku nai hito da ne. PART 5 ヨ風邪を引いたみたいです。のどが痛いです。5dxthroat Kaze 〇 hita mitai desu. Nodo да itai desu. ..彼女、怒っているみたいでしたよ 〇 ★ okotteimasu かのじょ おこ _haancr Kanojo, okotte iru mitai deshita yo. c日本人みたいだってよく言われます。 Nihonjin mitai da tteyoku iwaremasu. 学生っぽく見えるけど、彼は会社の社長なんです。 がくせい み かれ かいしゃ しゃちょう Gakusei ppoku mieru kedo, kare wa kaisha no shacho na n desu. 彼、冗談っぽく言ってましたけど、本当は辛 ★Q伽=joke かったはずです。 ★ hontowa=in fact Kare, jodan ppoku itte mashita kedo, honto wa tsurakatta hazu desu. この黒っぽい服を着ているのがビルさんです。 くろ ふく き Kono kuro ppoi fuku 〇 kite iru no да Biru-san desu. 105
~ sd/~tte [hearsay] ~そう/ ~って[伝聞] でんぶん ★ Note the differences in formality when reporting what you heard. Izve heard that Kyoto is hot at this time of year. □ 1鍛 I've heard that ~ so desu. » Imanojiki 觀at this time konojiki/ima nojiki Mr. Smith said he was taking the day off 〜tte itte mashita tomorrow. e have the day off -* yasumimasu 厂□ 3r I hear that Mr. Smith is having tomorrow ►•〜n da tte off. □ 4 I hear that he isn't に〇ming tomorrow. А〜nda tte □ 5 Bill is apparently from Sydney. no shusshin na n desu tte 霧 A is apparently Д wa ~ 5d desu. □ 6 I hear that Bill is from Sydney. □ 7 Apparently Mr. Miller is not a student. ► gakuseija nai □ 8 I hear that Mr. Miller is not a student. » ~ ja nai n da tte 106
PART3 GRAMMAR PART3 F w s t s r m p s F u f k 〇n s Grammar One Point Advice To talk about something you heard from someone, or read somewhere, use Гそつごす」. Its colloquial contracted form is「〜って」. ゴ CD-I ,今の時期、京都は暑いそうですね。 [いま じき きょうと あっ Ima nojiki, Kyoto wa atsui so desu ne. スミスさんは、明日休むって言ってました。 あしたやす い Sumisu-san wa, ashitayasumu tte itte mashita. スミスさん、明日休むんだって。 あしたやす Sumisu-san, ashita yasumu n da tte. 彼、明日来ないんだって。 A かれ あしたこ Kare, ashita konai n da tte. ビルさんは、シドニーの出身だそうですよ 〇 ★ -no shusshin desu しゅっしん bf Biru-san wa, Shidoni no shusshin da so desu yo. ビルさんは、シドニーの出身なんですって。 しゅっしん Biru-san wa, Shidonino shusshin na n desu tte. ミラーさんは、学生じゃないそうです。 がくせい Miro-san wa, gakuseija nai so desu. ミラーさんは、学生じゃないんだって。 がくせい Mira-san wa, gakuseija nai n da tte. 107
sd[mode] ~そわ[様態] ★ If you can use \"so\" to describe a condition, your Ianguage will sound quite natural. Does it look like it will go well? ► Umaku ► Samukute • look like —- ~so It was so cold I almost froze. □ 2 • look —► ~so □ 3 It looks crowded today. ► Kyd wa □ 4 I might forget that so I'll write it down. ► wasuremasu • might —- ~kamoshiremasen/~s6 □ 5 What do you think? Can you do it? ► Do? □ 6 rhat cake looks delicious. ► Ano keki ► isogashi As always, he looks busy. ► Kare, anmari ♦ As always -* aikawarazu/itsumo no yd ni 8 He didn't look very happy. • did not look ~ -* - sojanakatta 108
PART 3 GRAMMAR 』One Point Advice PARTI \"In —5 the form rv(pre-masu form)+ そう」indicates that something appears to be F-rst s f e p s happening right now. Adjectives, that express a feeling, such as うれししヽ(glad) & か悲なし しゝ(sad) can only be used to express the speaker's feelings, not anyone else's. 8 is an は PART 2 example of a third person reporting someone's feelings. The understanding is that the Funn ohs feeli ngs are being observed by someone else. When using this form in the negative for l-adiprtivA<1「〜ない! +そうhaccmaら「〜な次そうI. うまくいきそうですか。 ★ umaku ikimasu PART3 Umaku ikiso desu ka? =go well Grammar 2蹇くて遼えそうでした。 ★ kogoemasu PART 4 Samukute kogoeso deshita. =be chilled Scenes 3罪は逞んでそうですね。 ★ komimasu PARTS =be crowded Куб wa kondeso desu ne. Topics 4I忘わす れそうだから、書か いておきます。 Wasureso dakara, kaite okimasu. どう?できそう? Do?Dekiso? §あのケーキ、おいしそう。 Ano keki, oishisd. 相変わらず、彼は忙しそうです。 7 あいか かれ いそが Aikawarazu, каге \\л/а isogashiso desu. 彼、あんまりうれしそうじゃなかったね。7 かれ ・ иreshi= happy 8うれしくなさそうだったね。 Kare, anmari ureshisoja nakatta ne. / Ureshikunasaso datta ne. 109
yd ni naru/ ~ ku naru/ ~ ni naru ~ようになる/ ~くなる/ ~になるメ%. ★ By learning how to describe change you will be able to discuss your Japanese ability and Japanese culture. It's become quite にold lately. A Saikin, kyuni ® become -(adjective) -* narimasu □ 2 My bags have become lighter. ► Nimotsu (My) hair has got quite long. ► Kami □ 4 Sorry, I don't quite understand. ► Chotto I just become sleepy after eating lunch. » Ohiru-gohan 〇 After ~ing -* ~ta ato wa tabeta That's an interesting person. I'd like to be ► Omoshiroi hito □ 6 friends with him. I've never had a serious illness. ► Okina byoki 驗 have never ~(p.p.) -* \"a koto wa arimasen I'm gradually starting to be able to speak □ 8 Japanese. ► Dandan «start to —-suruyo ninarimasu no
PART3 GRAMMAR One Point Advice To express cha nge, use「V(dictionary form) + ようになる」.It is often used to describe を F А博 諜 something you couldn't do, but can now do; or something you can't do, that you used фр^ зтэ to be able to do. It is often used with potential verbs, sensory verbs and verbs of 1 percepti on. (л -T3U1 S With Л/Д-adjectives「ようになる」becomes「になるJ./-adjectives become「くなる」. は3 The negative forms of verbs use「なし、」and they act like an /-adjective. a 〇, w- =驕3 .最近、急に寒くなりましたね。 ★ kyuni = suddenly PART3 ! さいきん きゅう さむ Grammar P A ?Scenes Saikin, kyuni samuku narimashita ne. 荷物が軽くなった! ★ nimotsu 2 にもつ =baggage かる Nimotsu да karuku natta! 看 髪がだいぶ長くなりました。 T5 Topics かみ なが ★ daibu = quite Kami да daibu nagaku narimashita. ちよっとわからなくなりました。 Chotto wakaranaku narimashita. お昼ご飯を食べたあとは、どうしても眠くなります。 ひる はん た ねむ O-hiru-gohan 〇 tabeta ato wa doshitemo nemuku narimasu. ★ doshitemo ー ニ no matter what 面白い人ですね。友達になりたいです。 おもしろ ひと ともだち Omoshiroi hito desu ne. Tomodachi ni naritai desu. 大きな病気になったことはありません。 ★ okina (byoki) Okina byoki ni natta koto wa arimasen. 8 だんだん日本語が話せるようになってきました。 ★ dandan にほんご はな =gradually Dandan nihongo да hanaseruyo ni natte kimashita. 111
Passive / にausative 受け身/使役ukemi/ shieki うみ しえき ★ The passive form represents some of the unique aspects of the Japanese Ianguage・ It can be tricky, but is worth the challenge! Apparentlyz this building was built about □ 1 one thousand years ago. 》 tateraremashita •Apparently ~ sd desu. 厂 - Someone stepped on my foot in the train, LJ 2 ► fumaremashita a while ago・ I was told not to use this route. ► Koko о □ 3 «I was told to —-yoni iwaremashita. I'm worried that she doesn't like me. ► kirawaremasu □4 ~ ka shinpai desu. 磯 Гт worried that Please let me do it. ► Zehi «let me —► ~(V丿 sere kudasai □ 6 Please don't surprise me. ► Bikkuri sasemasu Please let me know as soon as the date is ► Hinichi ga kimat- tara ロ 7 set. ® as soon as —- -tara sugu ni □ 8 I really disappointed her. ► gakkari sasemasu 112
PART 3 GRAMMAR One Point Advice The passive form is often used to describe an unfortunate occurrence; such as in 2.1 is describing a fact from history. 5 to 8 are examples of causative verbs. In 5 the speaker is asking for something to be given to him/her to do. 92 この建物は、約千年前に建てられたそうです〇 ・ tatemono PART3 Grammar たてもの やくせんねんまえ た _h ■]汁.с Kono tatemono wa, yaku sennen mae ni taterareta so desu. さっき電車の中で足を踏まれました。 ★ fumimasu =step on でんしゃ なか あし ふ Sakki densha по пака de ashi 〇 fumaremashita. ここを通らないように言われました。 とお し、 ★ torimasu = pass Koko 〇 toranaiyo ni iwaremashita. 彼女に嫌われていないか、/匚、配です かのじょ きら しんぱい Kanojo ni kirawarete inai ka shinpai desu. ぜひ、私にやらせてください。 わたし Zehi, watashi niyarasete kudasai. びっくりさせないでください。 ★ bikkuri-shimasu Bikkuri sasenaide kudasai. =be surprised -日にちが決まったら、すぐに知らせてください〇 = 7 ひ き し let someone Hinichi да kimattara, sugu ni shirasete kudasai. know 彼女をがっかりさせてしまいました。 ★ Gakkari-shimasu 8 かのじょ =disappointed Kanojo 〇 gakkari-sasete shimaimashita. 113
Honorific expressions 敬語keigo ★ If you can use polite Ianguage in Japanese, your language will be highly regarded. Good luck! □1 What time will you be back? ► o-modori desu ka? What will you do for lunch? ► Go-chushoku □ 2 ®What will you do for ► Go-annai ~ и/d do shimasu ka? I'll show you. Please come this way. •this way kochira e/ni [polite] □ 4 I saw your (e)mail. ► Meru □ 5 ГП take your bag for you. ► o-mochi shimasu □ 6 Where are you going next? ► dochira e 〜ka? □ 7 ГН visit my teacher's house. ► sensei no o-taku □ 8 Welcome. Please come in. ► Irasshai Bon appetite. Please enjoy your meal. ► Dozo, ~ kudasai □ 9 —Thank you, (this looks delicious). 114
PART3 GRAMMAR One Point Advice Broadly speaking KEIGO in Japanese falls into three categories:(1)polite Ianguage, (2) respectful zlrsr parti language and ⑶ humble language. Examples of (1)include Г行く」「行きます」、「はな」お花」. In (2) we try to pay respect to the listener e.g.お V になる•ご V になる etc. In (3) we try to humble ourselves, at the same time making the listener feel Important, e.g.お V する as there is only one example. In (2) and (3) the actual vocabulary may change. Respectful language examples part 2 Include: Г食べる」—「召し上がる」「行く/来る/いる」—「いらっしゃる」「見る」-「ご覧」になるetc. functions Humble language examples include: ! 食べる」-*■「いたたく」 「行く/来る」〜「参る/伺う」「見る」f「话見する」etc. い< まい うかが み はいブん ,何時にお戻りですか。 ! なんじ もど ★ modorimasu = be back Nan-ji ni 〇-modori desu ka? 2ご:i意はどうなさいますか。 ★ nasaimasu = do [honorific] Go-chushoku wa do nasaimasu ka? ,ご案内します。どうぞ、こちらへ。 ★ annai-shimasu = guide / show も あんない Go-annai-shimasu. Dozo, kochira e. .メール拝見しました。 ★ haiken-shimasu = take a 4 はいけん look [honorific] *used by the speaker to humble themself Meru haiken-shimashita. 『かばんをお持ちします。 5も Kaban 〇 o-mochi-shimasu. これから、どちらへいらっしゃいますか。 ★ irasshaimasu = go [honorific] Korekara, dochira e irasshaimasu ka? 先生のお宅に伺います。 ★ o-taku = ie [honorific] ★ ukagaimasu たく うかが =visit [honorific] Sensei no o-taku ni ukagaimasu. いらっしゃい。どうぞお上がりください。 ★ agorimasu = come in one's house [honorific] 8あ Irasshai. Dozo o-agari kudasai. どうぞお召し上がりください。 ★ meshiagarimasu/itadakimasu 9——はい。では、いただきます。 =eat [honorific] Dozo o-meshiagari kudasai.一 Hai. Dewa, idatakimasu. 115
■ Features of the Japanese Spoken Language 3 ■ ★ The phrase ~んです is often heard in Japanese conversations. This phrase represents one of the unique characteristies of the Japanese language. If you use this phrase appropriately, it will convey your feelings nicely, although too much use is strongly discouraged. ~んです is used in the following cases: ① When questioning with a certain premise, or when questioning with a concern or worry. ② When giving a reason or excuse, or when explaining. ③ When adding the connotation of emotion or emphasizing the emotion For example, please read the following dialogue: 山田「あれつ、そのコート、やっぱり買ったんですか。」① やまだ か 田中「ええ。どうしてもほしくて、買っちゃったんです。」② たなか か 山田「そうですか。あんなに高かったのに、買ったんですか…」③ やまだ たか か Yamada: My goodness! You've bought that coat after all? Tanaka: Yeah, I really wanted this, and decided to buy 汁 after all. Yamada: I see. You bought it, despite the fact that it was so expensive... Without ~んです in this kind of daily conversation, it sounds some- what like mechanical robots are talking. If your friend appears in front of you with a bump on his/her forehead, asking どうしたんですか“ will convey your warm feeling of concern better than どうしましたか which is more like a doctor's objective inquiry. ★ In addition to these, the Japanese language has many other basic sentence patterns that express the speaker's feelings or that indicate concern for the listener, e.g. ~ ちゃう(て しまう),passive verbs, intransitive verbs, and verbs to describe giving and receiving. Each of these forms is explained in the One Point Advice section in this book. ■I ■ 116
PART 4 See ne
Catching a train 電車(J乗る densha ni noru 2 ★ You may be surprised, but trains are more convenient than cars, and essential to iwgetting around the big cities in Japan. Excuse me. How do I get to Shibuya station? ► Sumimasen, •HOW do 1...?-Do... to? Shibuya ni wa 〜 □ 2 Please take the Ginza line bound for Shibuya. ► Ginza-sen no • bound for 〜~iki/yuki Shibuya-iki/yuki Does this train stop at Akihabara station? ► Kono densha wa 觀 to stop at —»~ni tomarimasu Does this train go to Tokyo? ► Kono densha wa □ 4 «to go to--* -ni ikimasu □ Where should I change trains? ► Dokode ~ ka 觀 change trains -* norikaemasu Please change to the Chuo line at Shinjuku. »shinJuku de □ 6 «change to A line A ninorikaemasu □ Which platform has trains bound for Tokyo? ►'Tokyo~yuki wa 7 鑽 Which platform -* nanban sen/nanban homu Is this an express train or a local train? ► Kono densha wa ロ 8 «express train -* куйкд 〜ka/〜ka? «local train -* kakueki(teisha) 118
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice Given the number of trains and train lines around Tokyo and the superb transportation system, this is a good page to learn if you want to get around the systems smoothly. CD~2 5 すみません、瀬にはどう彳アナばいいですか。 Sumimasen, Shibuya niwa do ikeba ii desu ka? 銀座線の渋谷行きに乗ってください。 ぎんざせん しぶやい の Ginza-sen no Shibuya-iki ni notte kudasai. この電車は秋葉原に止まりますか。 でんしゃ あきはばら と Kono densha wa Akihabara ni tomarimasu ka? この電車は東京に行きますか。 4 でんしゃ とうきょう い Kono densha wa Tokyo ni ikimasu ka? どこで乗り換えますか。 ★ changetcains =norikaemasu のか Dokode norikaemosu ka? 新宿で中央線に乗り換えてください。 Shinjuku de Chud-sen ni norikaete kudasai. 東京行き(の電車)は何番線ですか。 ★ sen/homu 7 /何番ホームですか。 =platform Тдкуд-iki wa nan-ban-sen desu ka?/Nan-ban-homu desu ka? この電車は急行ですか、各駅(停車)ですか。 8 でんしゃ きゅうこう かくえき ていしゃ Kono densha wa куйкд desu ка, kakueki(teisha)desu ка? 119
にatching a bus or a taxi バス・タクシーを使う つか basu/takushT 〇 tsukau ★ Buses and taxis are also convenient for getting around town. Where is the bus stop? レ〜wa dokodesu *bus stop f basutei, basu-noriba ka? What number platform does the bus to 卜〜wa nanban □ 2 Fuji University leave from? desu ka? Whe佗 should I get off to go the city office? » .・肋耐ー «Where should I ~? -•* Doko de -masu ka/~ba iidesu ka? When should I pay? When I get on or ► itsu 〜ka □ 4 when I get off? ► Noru toki/Oriru toki Please take a numbered ticket (when you □ 5 get on) and pay when you get off. ► Seiriken 〇 totte «V when —\" ~toki ni V Please go straight along this road. о massugu itte □ 6 • along 〜-~〇/ ~n/ sotte □ 7 Please turn right at the next corner. ► ~ 〇 migi ni magatte ロ & Please stop about here. » 〜de tomete • about here -* kono hen de 120
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice PARTI需 Й Passengers always travel in the back seat of taxis in Japa n, unless there are enough Fir・ Ф passengers that the front seat needs to be used. The back, passenger-side door is Р operated by the driver. Do not try to open or close it yourself. Many taxis have \"point 5 and talk\"cards to help you communicate with the driver. Bus fares are generally paid at the front of the bus. Some trips are pay when you get Functions G r a m m a rPART 2 on; some trips are pay when you get off. If you get on through the back door, you will most likely pay your fare when you get off via the front door. バス停はどこですか。 PART 3 てい Basutei wa doko desu ka? コふじ大学行きのバスは何番乗り場ですか。 PART 4 Scene ノ だいがくい なんばんの ば Fuji-daigaku-iki no basu wa non-ban-noriba desu ka? 市役所に行くには、どこで降りればいい PARTS しゃくしよ し、 お Topics 3ですか。 ★ shiyakusho = city office Shiyakusho ni iku niwa, doko de orireba ii desu ka? お金はいつ払いますか。乗るときですか、降りるときで かね はら の お 4すか。 Okane wa itsu haraimasu ka? Noru toki desu ka? Oriru toki desu ka? 整理券を取って、降りる時に払ってください。 せいりけん と お とき はら Seiriken 〇 totte, oriru toki ni haratte kudasai. この道をまっすぐ行ってください。 みち い ★ = straight Kono michi 〇 massugu itte kudasai. 次の角を右に曲がってください。 ★ migi ni magarimasu = turn right っぎ かど みぎ ま Tsugi no kado 〇 migi ni magatte kudasai. この辺で止めてください。 へん と Kono hen de tomete kudasai. 121
Asking the way 道をたずねる みち michi 〇 tazuneru ★ If you learn these phrases you'll have no trouble even when you get lost. Excuse me, which way is the station? ► Sumimasen, •which way is 〜? -wa dochira(docchi) desu ka? □ 2 Is there a convenience store near here? wa arimasen ka? 越 near here chikaku ni/de □ 3 Where is 2-3 Motomachi? 卜〜wadonohen desu ka? □ 4 Where is the taxi stand? wa doko deau ka? □ 5 Excuse me, I'd like to go here please. ► ~ ni ikitain desu ga How do I get to the Golden Pavilion? レ Kinkaku-ji ewa □ 6 (Kinkakuji) 觀 How do I get to-? -*• -wa do ikeba ii desu ka? □ 7 Can I walk to Kiyomizu Temple from here? >Kokokara 題Can I walk t〇〜? -* -made aruite ikemasu ka? What is the closest station to Sky Tree? wa doko desu ka? 觀the closest station to- no moyori eki 122
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice 「すみません」is a very good word to start with, if you want to ask someone for directions. The listener's reaction will indicate their willingness to talk to you. It will be obvious if they are in a hurry, or they don't want to answer. When asking directions, use「すみません」to gauge someone's readiness to help you. CD~2 すみません、駅はどっちですか。 えき Sumimasen, eki wa docchi desu ka? この近くにコンビニはありませんか。 ★ konbini =convenience store ちか Kono chikaku ni konbini wa arimasen ka? 本町2丁目3番はどの辺ですか。 ★ chome, banchi もとまち ちょうめ ばん =terms used in postal Motomachi ni-chome san-ban wa donohen desu ka? addresses タクシー乗り場はどこですか。 * takushinoriba =taxi stand のば Takushi noriba wa doko desu ka? すみません、ここに行きたいんですが。 い Sumimasen, koko ni ikitain desu да. r金閣寺へはどう行けばいいですか。 bきんかくじ い Kinkaku-ji e wa do ikeba ii desu ka? ここから清水寺まで歩いて行けますか。 きよみずでら ある い ★ aruite = on foot Koko kara Kiyomizu-dera made aruite ikemasu ka? スカイツリーの最寄り駅はどこですか。 もよ えき Sukaitsuri no moyorieki wa doko desu ka? 123
At a hotel ホアノレで hoteru de ★ You can get by with English in most hotels around the country; but if s better to use Japanese・ I have reservation for Brown・ May I check . ► Yoyaku-shiteiru in please? 〜desu 觀 May I check in? -* chekku in o-negai-shimasu □ 2 What time is dinner? ・〜wa nan-jikara desu ka? Can I use the internet? ► Intanetto «Сап I use-? ~ wa tsukaemasu ka? □ 4 I can't get any hot water. 4〜ga denai The уukata is a little small. Do you have a А〜да chisai □ 5 bigger one? 飆 Do you have-? 〜wa arimasu ka? I'd like a wake up call please. レ〜〇 〇-negai shitai □ 6 觀a wake up call -* moningu koru (morning call) n desu да Please call a taxi (for me). »〜hoshi n desu да □7 takush!〇yobimasu 鬱call a taxi Can I leave my luggage? ロ 8 鬱Can I leave-? ~〇 azukatte moraemasu(/azukeru koto レ Nimotsu wa dekimasu) ka 124
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice レ弟 S5 The phrases Г〜てほしいんですが」、「〜てもらえますか」are used to express wishes or desires so they are very useful for ensuring a pleasant stay in a hotel. 拜 There are a variety of different kinds of hotels in Japan; business hotels, capsule 當я hotels, love hotels, world renowned chains and local family inns - just to name a few. Q5 Prices range from a few thousand yen to much, much more. Your budget and the kind of experienee that you would like, should guide your choice of a place to stay. 予約しているブラウンです。チェックイン をお願いします。. 导體弾™\" Yoyaku-shite iru Buraun desu. Chekkuin(o) onegai-shimasu. 夕食は何時からですか。 ゆうしょく なんじ Yushoku wa nan-ji kara desu ka? インターネットは使えますか。 つか Intanetto wa tsukaemasu ka? q.お湯が出ないんですが。 ★ оуи = hot water ゆで О-уи да denai n desu да. 浴衣が小さいんですが。大きいサイズのはありますか。 Yukata да chisai n desu да. Okisaizu nowa arimasu ka? * ^koto =Jight cotton ヨプ kimonо for summer モーニングコールをお願いしたいんですが。 ねが Moningu-koru 〇 onegai shitai n desu да. タクシーを呼んでほしいんですが。 よ Takushioyonde hoshi n desu да. Q荷物を預かってもらえますか。 ★ azukemasu 0 にもつ =deposit, leave あず Nimotsu 〇 azukatte moraemasu ka? 125
At a restaurant or coffee shop ① レストラン•喫茶店で① ①きっさてん resutoran / kissaten de ★ Learn how to communicate in restaurants and coffee shops. □ 1 Could I see the menu, please? moraemasu ka □ 2 Excuse me. Could we order, please. 〇 onegai- • order 〜chumon-shimasu shimasu □ 3 rd like coffee, please. ► Koh/ • I'd like — ~o onegai-shimasu □ 4 Would you like hot or ice (coffee)? レ〜 十〇〜 dochira □ 5 Hot (coffee) please. ・ 〜de onegai- shimasu □ 6 Would you like your drinks after the meal? ►- deyoroshidesu 越 after —- -no ato (de) ka? After the meal, please./With the meal, please.レ Atode/Isshode 觀 with —► -to issho (ni, de) 126
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice 「〜をお願いします」and「〜をお願いしたいんですが」are very useful expressions for ねが ねが ordering in restaurants and coffee shops.They will get you almost anything you want. Japa nese people do not entertain very much at home, so the restaurant is often a venue for entertaining, especially business clients. Friends often meet or spend time in coffee shops together. People also go to coffee shops alone to study or work or just read a book and relax. メニューを見せてもらえますか。 O S み 3 3 Мепуй 〇 misete moraemasu ka? すみません、注文をお願いします。 PART 4 Scene ちゅうもん ねが Sumimasen, chumon 〇 onegai-shimasu. S 3 5 コーヒーをお願いします。 Topics ねが Koh/ 〇 onegai-shimasu. 4лホットとアイス、どちらになさいますか。 ★ aisu = iced ★ dochira = polite way of saying of\"dore\" or \"docchi\" Hotto to aisu, dochira ni nasaimasu ka? ★ nasaimasu=honorific expression oV'shimasu\" cホットでお願いします。 3 ねが Hotto de onegai-shimasu. お郎み翔はお食事の負でよろしいです,nomimono=M 6 かの もの しょくじ あと ,,. ・ shokujumeal O-nomimono wa o-shokuji no ato deyoroshidesu ka? フ後でお願いします。/一緒でお願いします。 /祜と 疝が いっしょ ねが Ato de onegai-shimasu. /Issho de onegai-shimasu. 127
At a restaurant or coffee shop ② ②レストラン•喫茶店で② resutoran / kissaten de きっさてん ★ It's common to hold meetings and parties in restaurants and coffee shops. You too, will be invited out! rd like this. Sakura, what would you like? ► nani ni shimasu «Td like —- ~ni shimasu ka? What do you recommend? wa nan desu ka □ 2 觀to recommend -* o~susume~suru »〜ga haitte imasu Does this have pork in it? ka? 觀 pork — butcmiku I don't like raw fish. “a...nandesu レ〜wa ...nain desu 够 raw fish -* nama no sakana I can't drink alcohol. «alcohol osake, arukoru □ 6 Something I ordered has not arrived. ► Chumon shita mono □ 7 I did not order this. ► chumon shite imasen Can I have the check, please? □8 (o) kaikei 嗓 the check 128
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice Most Japanese restaurants are very flexible; if there is something that you don't like, or can't eat, it is always worth asking if it can be removed or changed. 私はこれにします。さくらさんは何にしますか。 P>RT3 わたし なに Watashi wa kore ni shimasu. Sakura-san wa nani ni shimasu ka? Гおすすめはですか。 ★ o-susume PART 4 =one's recommendation Scene ノ なん O-susume wa nan desu ka? эこれは豚肉が入っていますか。 PART# Topics S ぶたにく はい ★ haitte = in it, contain Kore wa butaniku да haitte imasu ka? 生の魚は苦手なんです。 ★ ~n desu = Used to explain one's situation. 4 なま さかな にがて Nama no sakana wa nigatena n desu. お酒は飲めないんです。 さけ の О-sake wa nomenai n desu. 6姦したものが參ないんですが。 ★ ~n desu да = Used to ask Chumon-shita mono да konai n desu да. for something modestly. これは注文していません。 ★ (〇)-kaikei = accounting, check ちゅうもん Kore wa chumon-shite imasen. お会計お願いします。 8 かいけい 拓が O-kaike onegai-shimasu. 129
At a department store ① ①デパートで① depato de ★ These phrases are useful when shopping in department stores. □1 How much is this? ► Kore wa ~ ka? Do you have a slightly にheaper one? ► Mochotto □ 2 ・ Do you have ~? -・ 〜wa arimasen ka? wa arimasu ka? ♦ slightly ~er -* mochotto 〜 Do you have another color? 鑽 another color -* hoka no iro □ 4 Do you have a slightly brighter にolor? wa arimasen ka? May I try this on? / Can I try this on? ► Shichaku 〜ka? □ 5 • May I ~? f -temo ii desu ka? »〜temoii • Can I ~ dekimasu ka? ・〜temoii May I try these shoes on, please? □ 6 •to try on (shoes) -* haite-mimasu □ 7 Do you have this in an M (size)? ► Kore no M Do you have these (shoes) in 25cm? ► Kore no 25 senchi □ 8 • 25 cm — 25 senchi 130
PART 4 Scene parti One Point Advice s eFirst: This phrase is commonly used by shop assistants. Г 少々お待ち ください」.It is a very e しょうしようま p polite way of asking you to wait a moment while they follow up on your request. s \"H AP は 33MTu n c oris こ;hはいくらですか。 PART3 Kore wa ikura desu ka? 2もうちよっと眇のはありませんか。 PART4 Mochotto yasui nowa arimasen ka? Scene ほかの色はありますか。 -OSAPPART 5 3 いろ Hoka no iro wa arimasu ka? もう少し明るい色はありませんか。 4 すこ あか いろ Mosukoshi akarui iro wa arimasen ka? 試着してもいいですか。/試着できますか。 ★ Shichaku-shimasu =try on (clothes) 5 しちゃく しちゃく Shichaku-shitemo ii desu ka?/Shichaku dekimasu ka? このくつ、はいてみてもいいですか。 ★ hakimasu => wear 6 shoes, pants, skirt Kono kutsu, haite mitemo ii desu ka? これのMはありますか。 7 Kore no emu wa arimasu ka? 8これの25センチはありますか。 Kore no 25 senchi wa arimasu ka? 131
At a department store ② デパートで② depato de ② ★ Department store employees are said to be extremely polite and helpful. Enjoy interacting with them. □ 1 I'm sorry, but all that we have is on display. 〜to natte orimasu 2 We would have to order that ぬ Would ► ikaga-nasaimasu ka? you like us to? — Yes, please. These trousers are too tight. ► Konozubon •too—- -sugimasu ► Wakarimashita 口 厶 OK, ГН take this one. ® ГН take~ f ~ni shimasu □ 5 ГН think about it a little. ► Chotto □ 6 How would you like to pay? ► O-shiharai May I pay by credit card? / May I pay in cash? ► Kado/genkin 礒in cash -* genkin de This is a present. Would you wrap it please? ► ~ te moraemasu □8 bn7 tsutsumu 越to wrap 132
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice Many Japanese stores will gift wrap free of charge. However, it will often then be wrapped distinctively in the store's wrapping paper. Inexpensive wrapping materials can usually be found in the local hundred yen shop. CD-2 申し訳ありません。こちらに出ているだけとなっており もう わけ で !ます。 Moshiwake arimosen. Kochira ni dete iru dake to natte orimasu. お取り寄せになりますが、いかがなさいます * toriyosemasu とよ = order, send 2か。——じゃ、お願いします。 away for ねが O-toriyose ni narimasu да, ikaga nasaimasu ka?—Ja, o-negai-shimasu. эこのズボンはきっすぎます。 h 5 *zuc>on = trousers Kono zubon wa kitsu-sugimasu. Aわかりました。じゃ、これにします。 Wakarimashita. Ja, kore ni shimasu. .ちょっと考えます。 、 かんが Chotto kangaemasu. ь盈お支払はどうなさいますか。 ★ (o)shiharai しはらい -payment O-shiharai wa do nasaimasu ka? カードでいいですか。/現金でお願いします。やdo = ca© Kado de ii desu ka?/Genkin de onegai-shimasu. プレゼントなので、包んでもらえますか。 Pиrezento nanode, tsutsunde moraemasu ka? 133
At a supermarket or convenience store スーパー・コンビニで supa / konbini de ★ Japan's convenience stores are definitely convenient. They provide a wide range of products and services. □ 1 Excuse me, where is the olive oil, please. レ〜wa dokodesu ka? □ 2 When does this have to be eaten by? ► Kore wa 〜ka? How long will this last after the packet ► Akete kara □ 3 has been opened? ► Reizoko de ► Rejibukuro ni 礒 last — mochimasu It will be fine in the refrigerator for a □ 4 week. *be fine f daijobu Would you like a bag? □ 5 — No, thank you. «(plastic grocery)bag rejibukuro Do you have a (point) card for ABC super- レ〜omochidesu □ 6 market? ka? Would you like this heated? ► Kochira wa 〜ka? □ 7 — Yes, please. «to heat f atatamemasu I'd like to send this via courier please. ► okuru ^courier -* takuhaibin 134
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice Convenienee stores offer a wide variety of services. In addition to purchasing food and beverages, you can pay your utility bills, buy concert and event tickets, and send pack ages around the country. CD-2 5 すみません、オリーブオイルはどこですか。 ll Sumimasen, oribu-oiru wa doko desu ka? 2これはいつまで拿べられますか。 Kore wa itsu made taberaremasu ka? 開けてからどの/どれくらいもちますか。 あ ★ akemasu = open ★ mochimasu = keep Akete kara dono/dore kurai mochimasu ka? 冷蔵庫で1週間は大丈夫です。 4 れいぞうこ しゅうかん だいじょうぶ Rezoko de isshukan wa daijobu desu. レジ袋にお入れしますか。 ★ iremasu = put in ★ oire-shimasu ふくろ し、 =o + \\/-masu + shimasu 5 ----- いえ、結構です。 [honorific] けっこう Rejibukuro ni o-ire-shimasu ka?—/е, кекко desu. бАВСスーパーの力ードは舞ちですか。 ★ omochi desu ka ABC supa no kado wa o-mochi desu ka? =о+\\/-masu + desu [honorific] こちらは温めますか。—— お願いします。 あたた ねが Kochira wa atatamemasu ka?—O-negai-shimasu. 宅配便を送りたいんですが。 8 たくはいびん おく Takuhaibin 〇 okuritai n desu да. 135
At a shop such as an electronics store 家電量販店などで kaden ryohanten nado de ★ Bargaining is uncommon in Japan, but you can sometimes negotiate the price of electrical appliances; See what happens when you try these phrases! What is the difference between this and ► Kore to kore □1 this? し ~ h6 да // ♦What is the difference -* doko да chigaimasu ka It doesn't matter if it is a little old, I'd like 2 the cheaper one. • It doesn't matter if —-〜temo ii Can you make it any cheaper? ► Mo sukoshi 4 I would buy it, if it costs 70,000 yen. А〜dattara 5 How long is the warranty? ► Hosho kikan Could you send it to my house, please? ► Jitaku made 6 •Could you ~ ~矩 moraemasu ka? □ 7 When will it arrive? ► /tsu □ This doesn't work. Could I exchange it, ► furyohin 8 please? ► kokan 136
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice sPARTI r*pse 機「〜だったつ聲つんですが」is a phrase used when bargaining.The culture of bargaining First is much more common in Osaka tha n Tokyo. Nevertheless, you may still get a good deal if you try to bargain on electrical appliances In Tokyo. CD-2 PART 2 PART3 J-unHusrJ G r a m m a r v» これとこれは、どこが違うんですか。 Kore to kore wa, doko да chigau n desu ka? -少し古くてもいいので、安いほうがいいです。 PART 4 Scene N すこ ふる やす Sukoshi furuku temo ii node, yasui ho ga ii desu. ,もう少し安くなりませんか。 PART 5 Topics 3 すこ やす Mo sukoshi yasuku narimasen ka? 7万円だったら買うんですが。 4 まんえん か Nona-man-en dattara kau n desu да. ”保証期間はどのくらいですか。 ★ hoshd-kikan = warranty 、 ほしょうきかん Hoshd-kikan wa dono kurai desu ka? 自宅まで送ってもらえますか。 じたく おく ★ jitaku = my house 6 /配送してもらえますか。 はいそう Jitaku made okutte moraemasu ka?/Haiso shite moraemasu ka? いつ、届きますか。 ★ todokimasu = arrive とど Itsu, todokimasu ka? これ、不良品だったんです。交換してもらえますか。 ふ可ようひん こうみ\\ん Kore, furyohin datta n desu. Кбкап-shite moraemasu ka? 137
At a drug store 薬局で yakkyoku de ★ The drug store is the place to go, with even just the slightest cold. When should I take this medicine? ► itsu 〜ka? «take medicine kusuri〇 nomimasu Three times a day, after meals (breakfast, □ 2 lunch & dinner). ► Asa, hiru, ban • ~times a day — ichinichi ~kai There are two white tablets, and one blue ロ 3 capsule. ► Shiroi o-kusuri • one tablet/capsule/pill -* ichijo Do you have something good for a sore しIi〜ka? stomach? □ 5 I'd like a painkiller, please. ► Itamidome • I'd like z please. ~ go hoshin desu да. ロ I'd like one that will act quickly. ► Hayaku kiku • I'd like ~ да ii desu. Do you have something that is good for ► Kafunsho □ 7 hay fever? • Do you have ^(commodities) ? 〜wa arimasen ka? Will I get sleepy if I take this medicine? ► Kono kusuri wa □ 8 • if ~ f 〜to, ztara, ~dara 〜ka? 138
PART 4 Scene J^One Point Advice There is such a wide range of treatments and medicines available at drugstores that it PARTI can be very difficult to find what you are looking for, and even more difficult to know if it is suitable. In this case the phrases「~はありますか/ありませんか」、「〜がほしいん First s t e p s ですが」are very useful because the shop assistant will show you what you need and explain how to take it. Only properly qualified personnel are permitted to sell some 2 2 drugs. Therefore, if that person is not on duty that section of the store may be closed and no-one will be able to sell you those medicines. PART T3A R nct_ons T W この薬はいつ飲みますか。 Grammar くすり の 1/この薬はいつ飲めばいいですか。 くすり の Kono kusuri wa itsu nomimasu ka?/Kono kusuri wa itsu поте ba ii desu ka? PART4 朝•昼•晩、一日3回、食後に飲んでください。 Scene あさ ひる ばん いちにち かい しょくご の Asa, hiru, ban, ichi-nichi 3-kai, shokugo ni nonde kudasai. PART5 spies 白いお薬が2錠、青いカプセルが1錠です。 しろ くすり じょう あお じょう Shiroi o-kusuri да 2-jo, aoi kapuseru да 1-jo desu. お腹が痛いんです。いい薬はありますか。 ★ опака да itai 4 なか =sore stomach いた くすり Опака да itai n desu. Ii kusuri wa arimasu ka? 痛み止めの薬がほしいんですが。 ★ itamidome (по kusuri) =pain killer いた と くすり Itamidome no kusuri да hoshi п desu да. 6杲く型くのがいいです。 ★ hayaku kikimasu Hayaku kiku пода ii desu. =act quickly 花粉症に効くいい薬はありませんか。 ★ kafunsho = hay fever かふんしよう き くすり ★ nemuku narimasu =get sleepy Kafunsho ni kiku ii kusuri wa arimasen ka? この薬は、飲むと眠くなりますか。 くすり の ねむ Kono kusuri wa, nomu to nemuku narimasu ka? 139
At a hospital 病院でbydin de びょういん ★ Describing your symptoms well, will lead to better treatment・ May I see the doctor today? What time do , ► shinsatsu you close? I donzt have my health insurance card. ► hokenshd □ 2 May I still see a doctor? ► jushin « May I ~? т -shite mo ii desu ka/-dekimasu ka □ 3 How have you been feeling? ► Do 〜ka? 4 I've had the shivers since yesterday. да suru I have a headache. ► Zutsij □ 6 I'm nauseous. ► Hakike □ 7 I don't feel well. ► Kibun □ 8 I feel dizzy occasionally. A Tokidoki ► Shokuyoku How is your appetite? — I don't really □ 9 have one. 第 How is ~ wa do desu ka 140
PART 4 Scene |/One Point Advice PARTI Japan does not have a well established \"GP\" or \"Primary Care Provider\" system. Instead Firsk people visit a specialist. For a skin condition you would go to a dermatologist, a child n would go to a paediatrician, if you break a bone you visit an orthopaedic specialist etc. P There are plenty of English speaking doctors should you need one. ifpB A CD-2 bn〇 SOT 今日は診察はしていますか。何時までです ★ shinsatsu-shimasu РАЖТЗ ぶZ 灵fっ 少 しんさつ なんじ =examine (a patient) ヨm r 言 Kyo wa shinsatsu wa shite imasu ka? Nanji made desu ka? PART 4 sceno 今、保険証を持っていないんですが、 叉 ロク★ kenko hokensho じゅしん =health insurance 2できますか。 1b pTs5 !ma, hokensho 〇 motteinai n desu ga, jushin-dekimasu ka? どうされましたか。 Do saremashita ka? 昨日から寒気がするんです。 ★ samuke да shimasu = feel a cold/shiver 4 きのう さむけ Kind kara samuke ga suru п desu. 頭痛がします。/頭が痛いです。 ずっう あたま いた Zutsu даshimasu./Atamaда itaidesu. 4吐き気がします。 〇は け Hakike да shimasu. 気分が悪いです。 ★ kibun ga warui =feel bad きぶん わる ★ memai да shimasu Kibun да warui desu. = feel dizzy ときどきめまいがします。 Tokidoki memai да shimasu. d食欲はどうですか。——あまりありません。 у しょくよく Shokuyoku wa do desu ka? —Amari arimasen. 141
At a post office; bank or government office ① 郵便局•銀行•役所で① ゆうびんきょく ぎんこう やくしょ yubinkyoku/ginkd/yakusho de ① ★ These are places you will visit often if you live in Japan・ □ I'd like to send this package air mail to ► Kono nimotsu Sydney. ► kokubin ►〜made □ 2 lzd like to send this EMS to Singapore. ako沧。 How long does it take by air mail? □ 3 觀 How long does it take ~? -* (dorekurai, nan-nichi kurai) » Kokubin dato kakarimasu ka? ka? • by 〜de, ~dato rd like five, 90-yen stamps please. ► 90-en kitte • rd like 〜please? — ~ 〇 kudasai. □ 5 Please send this express mail. ► sokutatsu □ 6 Please send this registered mail. ► Kakitome □ 7 I'd like to open a savings account. ► Koza 〇 I'd like to have my rent automatically >ybcWno □ 8 deducted. • HaveX~(p.p.) -*Xo~n/shitai. 142
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice A post office provides many services. If you are posting items, inquire if they have any \"memorial stamps\" they are usually prettier and more interesting than the regular stamps. If you like to collect stamps there are many different ones to collect through out the year. 92 この荷物を航空便でシドニーまで送りたいんですが。 PART3 Grammar にもっ こうくうびん おく Kono nimotsu 〇 кдкйЫп de Shidonimade okuritain desu ga. これをEMSでシンガポールまで送りたいんですが。 PART 4 おく Scene Kore 〇 EMS de Shingaporu made okuritai n desu ga. 航空便だと何日くらいかかりますか。 PART 5 Topics こうくうびん なんにち ★ kokubin = air mail Kokubin dato nan-nichi kurai kakarimasu ka? 4 90円切手を5枚ください。 ★ kitte = stamp えんきって まい ★ sokutatsu 90-en kitte 〇 5-mai kudasai. =express mail これを速達でお願いします。 ★ kakitome =registered mail 5 そくたつ ねが Kore 〇 sokutatsu de onegai-shimasu. 書留にしてください。 6 かきとめ Kakitome ni shite kudasai. 7孵を閣きたいんですが。 ★ koza Koza 〇 hirakitai n desu ga. =savings account Q家賃を自動引き落としにしたいのですが。 ★ yachin = rent ★ jido hikiotoshi やちん じどうひ お =automatically Yachin 〇jidd-hikiotoshi ni shitai no desu ga. deducted 143
At a post office, bankor government office ② ②郵便局•銀行•役所で② yubinkyoku/ginko/yakusho de ★ If you can access information at your local city (or ward) office, it opens doors to inexpensive (or even free) language classes and other fun events. What is the rate for US$1 right now? k Ima, 1-doru 鬱 What is the rate for ~ 〜wa ikura desu ka? Please show me how to use the ATM. k ATM no 耀 Please show me — 〜〇 oshiete kudasai. Can I transfer money using the ATM? k ATM de □ 3 ®Can I —- -wa/ga dekimasu ka? rd like to renew my residence card. ► Zairyu-kado □ 4 鹼rd like to ~ f -tai no/n desu да. Please fill in this form. ► Kono shorui 礒fill in т kinyuu-shimasu □ 6 I really don't know how to fill in this form. ► Kakikata ® I don't know how 〜~ go wakaranai desu. □ 7 Can I speak to someone in English? ► Eigo de ~ ka? □ 8 Is there a course in Japanese? ► Nihongo no 144
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice Banking services are provided through the post office, and cash can be sent via registered mail. Bills can be paid in person at the post office and if you have a bank account you can arrange automatic deductions. 今、!ドルいくらですか。/今、!ドル何円ですか。 いま いま なんえん Ima, ichi-doru ikura desu ka?/Ima, ichi-doru nan-en desu ka? ATMの使い方を教えてください。 2 っか かた おし ★ tsukai-kata 二 how to use ATM no tsukai-kata 〇 oshiete kudasai. ATMで振り込みができますか。 * furikomimasu = transfer ふこ monery ATM de furikomi да dekimasu ка? 在留カードの更新をしたいのですが。 ★ koshin-shimasu = renew ★ zairyu kodo = residenee ざいりゅう こうしん card Zairyu-kado no koshin 〇 shitai no desu да. この書類にご記入ください。 ★ [(^〇+V-masu kudasai] =a form of honorifics しょるい きにゅう Kono shorui ni go-kinyu kudasai. 書き方がよくわからないのですが。 ьか かた Kaki-kata да yoku wakaranai no desu да. ブ英語で相談できますか。 ★ Sodan-shimasu = inquire, ask, consult / 彳いご そうだん Ego de sodan-dekimasu ka? 日本語の講座はありますか。 にほんご こうざ Nihongo no koza wa arimasu ka?
At a university 大学で① daigaku de ① だいがく ★ Come and study as an overseas student in Japan! Can anyone take this class? A Konojugyd 爨 Ca n anyone ~? dare demo -dekimasu ka? rd like to take this course. ► Kono koza like to ~ -* ~tai no/n desu да What is the last date for registering for ► Rishii-tdroku courses? □ 4 When is the report due? ► Repoto 4〜waitsudesu ka Would you be so kind as to please look at □ 5 my report? > Repoto 觀Would you ~ itadakemasen ka/-itadaitemo ii desu ka I will come to your office at 3 〇,clock Msotfe 15,ini tomorrow. □ 7 Thank you for your help (guidance). ► Go-shidd 146
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice At Japanese univerisities, there are many opportunites to seek advice from supervisors about study and research. On these occasi〇ns it is important to make appointments, know what you would like to discuss and then thank the person for helping you. CD-2 この曙叢は蕭で舞けられますか。 ★ jugyo 〇 ukemasu =take a class Konojugyo wa dare demo ukeraremasu ka? このI轄を常けたいんですが。 ★ koza = course Kono koza 〇 uketai n desu да. * rishu-shimasu = take ★ toroku-shimasu = fl 履修登録の受付はいつまでですか。 register りしゅうとうろく うけつけ Rishu-toroku no uketsuke wa itsu made desu ka? レポートの提出期限はいつですか。 ★ teishutsu-shimasu =submit ていしゅつきげん * kigen = deadline Repoto no teshutsu-kigen wa itsu desu ka? 5レポートを啓いただいてもよろしいでしょうか。 Repoto 〇 mite itadaite moyoroshidesho ka? 6 明後日3時に先生の研究室にうかがいます。 ★ ukagaimasu あさって じ せんせい けんきゅうしっ =come, visit [polite] Asatte san-ji ni sensei no kenkyushitsu ni ukagaimasu. ご指導いただき、ありがとうございました。 ★ shido-shimasu 7 しとつ Go-shido itadaki, arigato-gozaimashita. =provide direction, give guidance 147
At a university 大学で② daigaku de ② だいがく ★ You must use the polite language when talking to your superiors, but try something a little less formal when talking with your peers. □ 1 Are you going to class now? ► Korekara 〜ka? Do you have class during second period ► Ashita ~ ka? 2 tomorrow? It looks like you can still register for this □ 3 course. ► Kono koza • It looks like - mitaidesu. Today's ''International Communication\" ► Kydno 4 class was cancelled. Do you think you can get credit? ► Tan-i wa 〜ka? □ 5 — No, I might drop it. ► Mori-sensei 磯might —- ^kamoshiremasen «credit tan~i ► Kore, chotto Prof. Mori is strict. So we can't afford to ka? □ 6 miss a class. • miss a class f kurasu о yasumimasu Can I にору this please? ロ7❺ -dekimasu ka/〜te mo ii desu ka, -sasete kuremasen ka □ 8 Susan is doing research in the library. ► ~ te imasu 148
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice Fwst Functions 「「 Discussing a schedule is a common occurrenee at un iversity. The phrase「扌受業に出る」 ts 「 じゅぎようで 二 indicates that you are attending that class. The phrase「C授ゆぎ業よがうは入いっっている」indicates nspj that you have a class at that time. 5 5 M これから授業に出るんですか。 じゅぎよう で Korekarajugyo ni derun desu ka? 明日の2限は授業入って(い)ますか。 PART 4 あした げん じゅぎようはしゝ Scene Ashita no ni-gen wajugyo haitte (i)masu ka? この孵はまだ幾できるみたいですよ。 ★ koza = course Kono koza wa mada toroku dekiru mitai desu yo. ★ toroku-shimasu =register n金日の遇際コミュニケーション」は休講です。・何如ecture Kyo no ^kokusai komyunikeshonf, wa куйкд desu. cancellation 単位は取れそうですか。 5 ——うーん、落とすかもしれません。 Tanfi wa toreso desu ka? —Un, otosu kamo shiremasen. 矗森先生は厳しいから、授業は休めません。 心 Ь もりせんせい きび じゅぎょう やす ★ kibishi = strict Mori-sensei wa kibishi kara, jugyo wayasumemasen. ?これ、ちょっとコピーさせてくれませんか 。 Kore, chotto koplsasete kuremasen ka? スーザンは図書館で調べものをしています。 ★ shirabemono 二 8 としょかん しら examining some thing Suzan wa toshокап de shirabemono 〇 shite imasu. 149
At the office ① ► Otsukaresama ► Gogo kara ①会社で① kaisha de ★ Here are some words and phrases that are specific to an office environment. Leaming them will make your work life easier. □1 Hi. / HOW S it going? (Expressing appreciation for one's work.) ГН be out of the office this afternoon. □ 2 «be out -* gaishutsu-shimasu □ 3 What time do you think you will be back? ► Nan-ji ni 〜ka? Would you please make five copies of ► Kore 〇〜ka each of these? 一 Yes, of course. •Would you please 〜7 » ~temoraemasu/moraemasen ka? □ 5 OK, 111 go at lunch time. ► Ja, ohiru ロ Гт on my way to a meeting at Sakura ► Sakura-kokoku ni advertisement. Good bye, I'm going home. — Good bye. ► Osaki ► Otsukaresama (Excuse me for leaving before you.) 150
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