PART 4 Scene One Point Advice 漳 「お境れさまです」is a routine greeting in the work place. It can be used morning, noon eps and night when you meet people.「お疲れさまでした」is a related greeting, but used when you leave for the day or complete a specific task. CD-2 お疲れさまです。 ★ tsukaremasu = be/get PART 4 0 tired dmm r Scene つか 融 Otsukaresama desu. 午後から外出します。 ごご がいしゅつ Gogo kara gaishutsu shimasu. 何時に戻る予定ですか。 ★ modorimasu = be back, return なんじ もど よてい Nan-ji ni modoru yotei desu ka? これを5部ずつコピーしてもらえますか。 ★ 5bu = 5copies 4 —— わかりました。 Kore 〇 5-bu zutsu kopishite moraemasu ka?—Wakarimashita. じゃ、お昼に行ってきます。 ひる し、 Ja, ohiru ni itte kimasu. 6さくら無に护自わせに彳亍ってきます。 ★ uchiawase = meeting Sakura-kokoku ni uchiawase ni itte kimasu. お先に失礼します。 ★ Shitsure-shimasu = I'm out of here. / Гт going さき しつれい home a little before you. 7 一一お疲れさまでした。 Osaki ni shitsurei shimasu.—Otsukaresama deshita. 151
At the office ② de②会社で②kaisha ★ The ability to communicate well will have positive results in the workplace. Will Mr. Brown be at the meeting, too? ► Braun-san mo • be at the meeting kaigi ni demasu ka? □ 2 Was the meeting from 10 o'clock? ► Miteingu wa 〜 ka It seems that the boss wants to change ► Bucho да 〜so the meeting time to 3 〇,clock. desu Is Miss Tanaka in the office? ► Tanaka-san wa □ 4 ®in the office — shanai (niimasu) Do you have the name card for the person ► Tantosha in charge? Are there any problems? — No, none at ► Tokuni 〜ka? ロ 6 the moment. • at the moment -* ima no tokoro I have something I would like to ask you ► Chotto ~ desu □ 7 about. Do you have a moment? да, 152
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice JapsePARTI The word ГHORENS〇」used in a Japanese company derives from three different F-rsr words. HO from HOKOKU (information). REN from RENRAKU (communication). SO from SODAN (consuit). It is considered important that you inform, communicate and con- PART 2 PART3 sult with your bosses and colleagues at work. Functions G r a m m a r CD-2 ブラウンさんも会議に出るんですか。 かいぎ で Buraun-san mo kaigi ni deru n desu ka? ミーティングは1〇時からでしたか。 PART 4 じ Scene Mitingu waju-ji kara deshita ka? 部長が打ち合わせを3時に変更してほ ★ uchiawase = meeting PART 5 Topics 3しいそうです。 ★ henkd-shimasu = change Bucho да uchiawase 〇 san-ji ni henko shite hoshii sb desu. 田中さんは社内にいますか。 4 たなか しゃない Tanaka-san wa shanai ni imasu ka? 担当者の名刺を持っていますか。 ★ tantosha = person in charge ★ meishi = name card たんとうしV» めいし も Tantosha no meshi 〇 motte imasu ka? 特に問題はないですか。 とく もんだい ★ mondai = problem 6 ——ええ。今のところ、問題ないです。 いま もんだい Tokuni mondai wa nai desu ka? —Ё. ima no tokoro, mondai nai desu. ちよっとお聞きしたいことがあるんですが、今、いいで き いま 7すか。 Chotto okiki-shitai koto да aru п desu да, ima, ii desu ka? 153
Visiting a friend's or teachefs house 友達•先生の家を訪ねる tomodachi/sensei no ie 〇 tazuneru ともだち せんせい いえ たず ★ The first time you visit someone's home can be a little nerve-wracking. These phrases will help put you (& your host) at ease・ □ 1 Hello, thank you for having me. ► Konnichiwa. Mr. Tanaka is always giving me lots of ► Tanaka-san niwa help. kKohi ロ Would you like tea or coffee? 觀 Would you like-? 〜(wa) ikaga desu ka? □ 4 (I'd like) coffee please. ► Ja, kohi 〇 〜 What would you like to drink? — (I'd like) □ 5 tea please. しNcmi〇〜ka? 觀What would you like to 〜? -* Naniga -tai desu ka/nani 〇 -masu ka? ロ Thank you very much for inviting me here today.》矽 Thank you for ~ing. -* ~te itadaki, arigato gozaimasu. I'll be leaving shortly. ► Dewa 釧'II be leaving (polite) shitsure-shimasu □ 8 Thank you for having me. ► Domo 154
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice 「おじゃまします」is used when you enter someone's house and「おじゃましました」 is used when you leave. The literal translations are \"I will disturb you\" and \"I have disturbed you':The phrase「いつもお世話になっています」is also often used. On this occasion you are telling the person that you want to continue your good relationship with them. CD-2 こんにちは。おじゃまします。 Konnichiwa. O-jama-shimasu. 田中さんには、いつもお世話になっています。^^waninarimasu 2 たなか せわ =be helped, be Tanaka-san niwa, itsumo o-sewa ni natte imasu. supported コーヒーか紅茶はいかがですか。 ★ ikaga = do [polite] こうちゃ Kohl ka kocha wa ikaga desu ka? じゃ、コーヒーをお願いします。 ねが Ja, kohi 〇 o-negai-shimasu. 何を飲みますか。—— じゃ、お茶をお願いします。 なに の ちゃ ねが Nani 〇 nomimasu ka? —Jaf o-cha 〇 o-negai-shimasu. r今日はお招きいただき、ありがとうございました〇 ,manekimasu 6 きよっ まね =invite Куб wa o-maneki itadaki, arigato gozaimashita. “では、そろそろ失礼します。 ・ 、: しつれい ★ sorosoro = so Dewa, sorosoro shitsure-shimasu. 8どうもおじゃましました。 Domo o-jama-shimasita. 155
◎2 With a host family ホストファミリーと hosuto familT to ★ Staying with a Japanese host family will create life-long memories. If you get the chance, take it. I am Jones. I am very much looking for ► Korekara ward to staying at your house. 2 What time do you all wake up? ► Minasan wa ka? About what time is dinner usually? ► Bangohan wa 3 ka? 務about what time nanji goro Please tell me about any household rules 4 you may have. ► Nanika 綸 Please tell me—►〜〇 oshiete kudasai/itte kudasai 5 (Looking at a photo) Who is this person? ► Kono 〜ka? 醪 Who is~? -* -wa dare desu ka? 6 I'll be a little late home today. k Куo wa 7 I'm sorry that you were worried about me. >SWnpo/. » Гт sorry that~ f ~te sumimasen deshita Thank you very much for treating me as if □ 8 I was a member of your family. knontoпотоки Thank you for~ -■* ~te kurete/itadaite arigato gozaimashita. 鬱 as jf —\" -уд ni 156
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice If you ever stay with a Japanese host family it is worth asking them to clarify their house rules and expectations. It tells your hosts that you want to fit in and inc〇nvenience them as little as possible. Plus, it will help to avoid embarrassing and unexpected problems that may arise through cultural misunderstandings. これからお世話になりますジョーンズです。よろしくお せわ ・ sewa ninarimasu = be helped / supported 1願いします。 ね余 Korekara osewa ni narimasu Jonzu desu. Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu. ノ,み皆な さんはいつも何なん時じ に起お きますか。 Mina-san wa itsumo nan-ji ni okimasu ka? 晩ご飯はいつも何時頃ですか。 ばん はん なんじごろ Bangohan wa itsumo nan-ji goro desu ka? л何か家のルールがあったら教えてください。 4なに いえ おし Nanika ie по гйги да attara oshiete kudasai. 〈写長を另ながら〉この人は誰ですか。 しゃしんみ ひと だれ ★ shashin = photo (Shashin 〇 minagara) Kono hito wa dare desu ka? 今日はちょっと帰りが遅くなります。 きょう かえ おそ Kyd wa chotto kaeri да osoku narimasu. _心、配をかけて、すみませんでした。 ★ shinpai 〇 kakemasu =worry someone / しんぱい Shinpai 〇 kakete, sumimasen deshita. 本当の家族のように接してくれて、 ありが・ honto = real, true 8 とうございました。 ★卜ni/to) sesshimasu =treat ~ Honto no kazoku no yoni sesshite kurete, arigato gozaimashita. 157
At a real estate agent 不動産屋で fudosanya de ★ Since you will live there for several years, there is no need to compromise ask for what you want. 厂 噪 Гт looking for an apartment around here 口 1 tふhatいI にan lrive .in .by myselIff. ► Kono hen de ロ What kind of plaにe are you looking for? ► Donna ~ ka? •What kind of —► donna ~ ► Donna 〜ka? ………………………………一・ーー 一一…,…「・…一一, □ 3 What kind of place would you like? □ 4 rd like it to be bright and spacious. ► Akarukute I prefer a quiet location. ► Shizukana tokoro 壽 I prefer... ho да ii desu I would prefer to be dose to the station. ► Eki kara chikai □ 6 耀 be close to—•- ~ni/ка『a chikai rd like to be less than a 10 minute walk ロ 7 from the station. ^less tha n~ -inai □ 8 lzd like to see this room, please. ► Kono heya 鹼 I'd like to —* -tai no/n desu(да). 158
PART 4 Scene JJ^One Point Advice It is important to explain clearly to the real estate agents, the kind of accommodation FMAsteps you are looking for. They will do their best to fulfil your request. The phrases「〜がいい です」「〜のほうがいいです」are useful to describe what you want. When 100king for accommodation, be sure to ask about any fees that are not included in the monthly rent. These may include a deposit, a gift to the landlord, real estate agent fees, maintenance fees and contract renewal fees. CD-2 この辺で、一人暮らしの部屋を探しているん PART 4 i Gramnw SceneH ★ sagashimasu W !ですが。 二 look for Kono hen de, hitori-gurashi no heya 〇 sagashite iru n desu да. どんな部屋をお探しですか。 へや さが Donna heya 〇 o-sagashi desu ka? どんな部屋をご希望ですか。 へや きぼう Donna heya 〇 go-kibo desu ka? 明るくて、広い部屋がいいです。 あか ひろ へや ★ akarui = bright Akarukute, hiroi heya да ii desu. 静かなところのほうがいいです。 5しず Shizukana tokoro no ho да ii desu. 駅から近いほうがいいです。 6えき ちか Eki kara chikai ho да ii desu. 駅から徒歩10分以内のところがいいです。 /えき とほ ぷんいない Eki kara toho 10-pun inai no tokoro да ii desu. この部屋を見てみたいんですが。 ★ ~te mimasu = try ~ing へや み Kono heya 〇 mite mitai n desu да. 159
Talking with neighbors 近所の人と話すkinjo no hito to hanasu ★ Japan has a saying 〃A neighbor is better than a relative living far\". It is important to get along with your neighbors・ My name is Rivera. Tve moved into apart ment 201 and I'm looking forward to living » 201goshitsunj in this building. ♦ move into- — -/?/ hikkoshimasu What day should I put my burnable gar ► Moeru gomi □ 2 bage out? □ What day should I put my non-burnable ► Moenai gomi garbage out? □ 4 Where can I put out my bottles and cans? ► dokoni~ka? □ 5 Are PET bottles recyclable? ► Pettobotoru How can I throw away items such as furniture □ 6 and electronic appliances? »d6yatte 〜ka? • such as- f 〜noydna ! It seems that the toilet is blocked. 越 It seems that—〜yd desu. 160
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice FiPrsAtRsTe1p s F uPnAcRtTi o2n s G Pr Aa Rm Tm a3r卄 The disposing of garbage varies throughout the country and may differ between neighboring towns. It is important that you dispose of your garbage in the manner required by your town. Understanding the rules and following them will be appreciated by your neighbors. Not following the guidelines, may result in damaged community relationships. CD~2 201号室に引つ越してきました、リベラと申します。よ PART 4 ろしくお願いします。 Scene Ni-maru-ichi-goshitsu go shitsu ni hikkoshite kimashita, Ribera to moshimasu. Yoroshiku o-negai shimasu. 2壕えるごみは鯉耳に申すんですか。 ★ moeru (moyaseru) PART 5 Moeru gomi wa nan yobi ni dasu п desu ка? gomi = burnable garbage Topics 燃えないごみは何曜日に出すんですか。 ★ moenai (moyasenai) gomi = non-burnable も なんようび だ garbage Moenai gomi wa nan yobi ni dasu п desu ка? 4びんや熊はどこに申したらいいですか。 ★ (gomio)dashimasu =put out garbage Bin ya кап wa doko ni dashitara ii desu ka? ペットボトルは資源ごみですか。 ★ shigen gomi = recyclable (garbage) しげん Pettobotoru wa shigen gomi desu ka? 家具や電気製品のようなごみは、どうやつ, かぐ でんきせいひん ★ kagu = furniture 6て捨てるんですか。 Kagu ya denki sehin noyona gomi waf doyatte suteru n desu ka? フトイレが詰まってしまったようです。 ★ tsumarimasu = be /つ clogged Toire да tsumatte shimatta yd desu. 161
Talking on the phone ① 2withfriendsor teachers 勇硕で黄す①〜蠶・豔と Denwa de hanasu ①〜tomodachi/sensei to ★ Learn the language you need to commu・ nicate with friends on the phone・ Hello. This is Rivera・ ► Hai/〜desu ► Moshimoshi ©Hello moshimoshi (phone conversation) □ 2 Hello. Is that Rivera? This is Tanaka. Excuse me, Tanaka who? ► Shitsurei desuga «Tanaka, who? dochira no Tanaka-san desu ka? Excuse me. Are you sure you dialed the ► bango 〇 〜ka? right number? Hello, this is Rivera. Is Miss Suzuki home, ► go-zaitaku ロ 5 please? •this is -(name) — ~ to mdshimasu (polite) I apologize for interrupting your evening. ► Yabun ni □ 6 • I apologize for- — moshiwake arimasen (polite) □ 7 Do you have time right now? ► Ima 〜ka? ロ g I will be in touch. ► Dewa/Ja •to be in touch -* renrakushimasu □ 9 (When the phone is hung up.) Good bye. ► Dewa/Ja 162
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice 「もしもし」is only used in telephone conversations. It means \"Hello\" when you call someone or answer a phone call. CD~2 はい、リベラです。 Hai, Ribera desu. もしもし、リベラさん?田中ですが。 たなか Moshimoshi, Ribera-san? Tanaka desu да. 失^Jですが、どちらの田中さんですか。 しつれい たなか Shitsure desu да, dochira no Tanaka-san desu ka? 4Л 5 失礼ですが、番号をお間違えではないでしょ ★ machigaemasu 4 うか。 =mistake Shitsure desu да, bango 〇 o-machigae dewa nai desho ka? リベラと申しますが、翰杏齢はご熊で★论 しようか。 =be at home Ribera to moshimasu да, Suzuki-sensei wa go-zaitaku desho ka? 夜分に申し訳ありません。 ★ yabun 巾二 in the evening [polite] やぶん もう わけ Yabun ni mdshiwake arimasen. 今、お時間よろしいですか。/今、時間、大丈夫? / いま じかん いま じかん だいじょうぶ ima o-jikan yoroshidesu ka?/1majikan daijobu? Qじゃ、また連絡するね。 0 れんらく Ja, mata renraku-suru ne. 〈電話を切るとき〉 でんわ き 9じゃ、失礼します。/では、失礼いたします。 しつれい しつれい Ja, shitsure-shimasu. / Dewa shitsurei itashimasu. 163
Talking on the phone ②~心〇岬世 電話で話す②〜鵜で Denwa de hanasu ②〜shokuba de でんわ はな し\"ば ★ Although you are speaking on the phone, the language in an office situation, is different from when talking to friends. May I speak to Mr. Tanaka, please? ► Tanaka-san □ [ — Yes, one moment please・ • May I speak to ~? — ~scm 〇 onegaishimasu •one moment please — shosho omachikudasai Would you please connect me to Mr. ► Eigyo~bu no Tanaka in the sales department? Yes, lzll put you through. Please wait a ► O-tsunagi shimasu moment. lzm sorry, but Mr.Tanaka is on another » Mdshiwake ari- masen, ロ 4 line right now. 殲 be on another line hoka no denwa ni dete imasu ► tadaima I'm sorry. Mr.Tanaka is not at his desk at ロ the moment. Can I ask him to call you ► orikaeshi back? 觀 be not at one's desk seki 〇 hazushite imasu Tanaka is in a meeting at the moment. ► 〜desugaf ...ka? □ 6 Is it urgent? ebe in a meeting -* kaigichu □ 7 Would you like to leave a message? ► Yoroshikereba 164
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice 瑶 P/Ш コF st st You will often hear the phrase Гおまたせしました。〜です。」When you call a company or shop. Even if the caller has not waited very Iong, the recipient is acknowledging the РАГГЗ ffi wait. p a un2ons Grammar\"n 田中さんをお願いします。 ★ shosho = sukoshi [polite] (かしこまりました。)少々お待ちください。 Tanaka-san 〇 o-negai-shimasu. — (Kashikomarimashita.) Shosho o-machi kudasai. PART 4 Scene 営業部の田中さんにお取り次ぎいただけま・g:?m;ntaleS えいぎょうぶ たなか とつ uepdnmeni え2 苛ヨ アJ7 Iレ/ 6上 二ノS /ナ」!ヽ。 ★ S=ritcsoungnimeacst uto PFAoRpT®S Eigyo-bu no Tanaka-san ni o-toritsugi itadakemasu desho ka? おつなぎしますので、このままでお待ちください。 ま O-tsunagi-shimasu node, konomama de o-machi kuda- ★ tunagimasu sai. = connect to 申し訳ありません。田中はただ今ほかの電 л去キ一常F+ヽは士 т・丄\\ヽたなか いま でん★わокаか〇 = another 4話に出ておりますか…。 Moshiwake arimasen. Tanaka wa tadaima hoka no denwa ni dete orimasu да... 田中はただ今席をはずしておりますが、折 たなか いませき お ★ tadaima = ima [polite] り返しお電話させましょうか。 かえ でんわ ★ orikaeshi denwa- Tanaka wa tadaima seki 〇 hazushite orimasu да, orikaeshi o- shimasu = call back denwa sasemasho ka. 田中はただ今会議中ですが、 お急ぎでしょ 6う办。 ★ isogi = haste, urgent Tanaka wa tadaima kaigi chu desu да, o-isogi desho ka? よろしければ、ご伝言を承りますが…。 ★ dengon = message ★ uketamawarimasu でんごん うけたまわ =receive, Yoroshikereba, go-dengon 〇 uketamawarimasuда... hear [honorific] 165
Talking on the phone ③~心〇砂 電話で話す③〜網で Denwa de hanasu ③〜shokuba de でんわ はな ★ Honorific language is essential in the office and especially when talking to a customer on the phone. Mr.Tanaka is out of the office at the moment. ► tadaima □1 He is due back around 3 〇,clock. ► yotei desu • be out of the office — gaishutsu-shite imasu □ 2 About what time will he be back? ► Nan-ji goro 〜 ka? Could you ask him to call me when he gets □ 3 back, please? ► O-modori ni nattara • ~when one gets back ―omodori ni nattara (the honorific form of modottara) ~ Hello, (I have a message that) you called ► Sumimasen, □ 4 me? (About an inquiry). ► O-shirabe shimasu Let me check. Just a moment please. • Let me check -* oshirabe-shimasu (the honorific form of shirabemasu) ~ □ 6 l,H transfer you to the person in charge. » Tant6nomono Just a minute, please. □ 7 I'm sorry. Could you say that again, please? »鴛需篤“ 166
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice The phrase「お電話が遠いようです(literally wthe phone is far awayw)J is used when you でんわとお cannot hear the person at the other end. If you use「聞き こえません(\"I can't hear you\")」 you may be misinterpreted as disagreeing with the person you are speaking to. PART 2 Functions 田中はただ今外出しておりまして、3時に戻る予定です。 PARTS 1 たなか いまがいしゅつ じ もど よてい Grammar Tanaka wa tadaima gaishutsu-shite orimashite, 3ji ni modoru yotei desu. 何時ごろにお戻りでしょっか〇 ★ modorimasu PART4 /なんじ もど レ Scene Nan-ji goro ni o-modori desho ka? お戻りになったらお電話をいただきたいのですが。 PARTS Topics もど でんわ O-modorininattara o-denwa 〇 itadakitaino desu да... すみません、お電話をいただいたそうで。 でんわ Sumimasen, o-denwa 〇 itadaita so de. 5 〈問い合わせに〉 お調べしますので、少々お待ちください。 O-shirabe shimasu node, shosho o-machi kudasai. ★ shirabemasu =check 担当の者に代わりますので、少々お待ちく ★ tanto no mono (tantosha) 6 ださい。 =person in charge Tanto no mono ni kawarimasu node, shosho o-machi kudasai. すみません、もう一度よろしいですか。 いちど Sumimasen, moichido yoroshidesu ka? 167
^5 Talking on the phone ④寫讐\" denwa鶉で蠡す④〜廳の鰐 de hanasu④〜 w ★ Learn useful expressions for arranging delivery, using an example conversation. ロ rd like to plate an order. 'd like to—* -shitain desu да/-о onegai-shimasu May I have your name and address, ► Sore dewa, okyakusama □ 2 please? 越 May I have~? -* -o onegai-shimasu Thank you for your order. It is now ► Dewaf go-chumon complete. I I Д”1 rd like a medium margarita, chips and し〜〇 onegai-shimasu salad, please. How long will it take? ► Nan-pun 〜ka? «How long f nanpun gurai/dorekurai I have an attempted delivery notice and □ 6 I'd like to arrange delivery, please. »sai-haitatsu • attempted delivery notice -* fuzai-hyd □ 7 When would you like it delivered? ► Itsu no 〜ka? Tomorrow morning, please. ► Ashita no □ 8 後 morning -* gozenchu (before noon) 168
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice Japan has a very sophisticated courier system. You can send skis ahead to your hotel, a parti suitcase to the airport, or you can just send a gift across town. Packages can be col F i w s t s t e p s t-изс Пs lected from your door, or taken to a local convenienee store or participating shop. If you are out when something is delivered, an \"attempted delivery notice\" will be left, S 3 and the package redelivered, free of charge at your convenience. M*〇* CD-2 GF 5 summ5w 注文をお願いします。 弊 ちゅうもん ねが ★ chumon = order Chumon 〇 〇-negai shimasu. それでは、お客様のお名前とご住所をお願いします。 PART4 2 きゃくさま なまえ じゅうしよ ねが Scene Soredewa, o-kyakusama no o-namae to go-jusho 〇 o-negai-shimasu. では、ご注文を承ります。 ★ Uketamawarimasu PART 5 =receive, hear ちゅうもん うけたまわ [honorific] Topics Dewa, go-chumon 〇 uketamawarimasu. マルゲリータのмサイズ1つとポテト、 ★ potato = potato 4 それと、サラダをお願いします。 (especially, fried potato) Marugerita no emu-saizu hitotsu to poteto, sore to, sarada 〇 o-negai-shimasu. 何分ぐらいかかりますか。 ★ -gurai/kurai=about ~ ★ kokarimasu = cost なんふん Nan-pun gurai kakarimasu ka? 不在票が入っていたので、再配達をお願 ふざいひょう はい さいはいたつ ねが★ fuzai = abseпсе ★ hyo = sheet れいします。 ° ★ sai- = re- doing again Fuzai-hyo да haitte-ita node, sai-haitatsu 〇 o-negai- ★ haitatsu = delivery shimasu. いつの酉己達がよろしいですか。 ★ yoroshi= good [polite] はいたっ Itsu no haitatsu да yoroshidesu ka? 明日の午前中にお願いします。 8 あした ごぜんちゅう ねが Ashita no gozen-chu ni o-negai-shimasu. 169
Talking on the phone ⑤湍黑 ★ In order to make reservations, you need to learn expressions to indicate your preferences for time, seats and numbers, etc. rd like to reserve a ticket. ► Chiketto ® rd like to—* -tai no/n desu да,.. Are there any tickets still available for » ABC no raibu □ 2 ABC Live on December 20th? ► mada 〜ka Are there any S seats left? ► Sseki 鬱to be left — nokotte imasu Then, I'll have two A seats please. ► Jaf A seki 觀 ГН have—► ~〇 o-negai-shimasu □ 5 I'd like to sit towards the front please. ► Narubeku I'd like to cancel the tickets I ordered the ► Senjitsu yoyaku -shita □ 6 other day please. like to cancel... kyanseru 〇 o-negai-shimasu 鑽 the other day senjitsu I'm sorry I've lost the reservation number, te shimatta ^reservation number-*yoyakubango 170
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice If you want to make a reservation by phone start by saying「〜の予約をしたいんです が」.It is then very clear what you want. Next you will then answer a series of questions about the reservation including how to collect and pay. When reserving a theater ticket, an \"S\" seat or \"SS\" seat will be the most expensive and therefore provide the best view. \"A\"seats will be cheaper. 5 3 CD-2 チケットの予約をしたいのですが。 ★ yoyaku =reservation よやく Chiketto noyoyaku 〇 shitaino desu да... ABCのライブですが、12貝仪目のチケット ★ raibu = concert, 2はまだ取ミ れますか。 1iveshow Ebishino raibu desu gafju-ni-gatsu hatsuka no chiketto wa made toremasu ka? s: ,s席はまだ残っていますか。 ★ seki = seat 3 Esuせ-きseki wa mのaこde nokotte imasu ka? ★ nokorimasu =remain じゃ、A席を2枚お願いします。 せき まい ねが Ja, Ё-seki 〇 ni-mai o-negai-shimasu. なるべく前の方の席がいいのですが。 まえ ほう せき Narubeku mae no ho no sekiда iino desu да... 先日予約したチケットのキャンセルをお願いしたいので せんじつよやく ねが 6すが。 Senjitsuyoyaku-shita chiketto no kyanseru 〇 o-negai-shitaino desuда... 予約番号がわからなくなってしまったのですが…。 / よやくばんごう Yoyaku-bangoда wakaranakunatteshimattanodesuда... 171
^8 Going on a date デートに行く deto ni iku ★ You will see an example conversation of a man and a woman. They are close friends but not dating yet. □1 There's an ABC concert coming up. Do you »『如逐〜り want to come with me? □ 2 (After being told,\"yes\"). Oh, good. Which of the following dates suits you ► 7gatsu hatsuka □ 3 best, July 20th, 21 st or 22nd ? kara 磯 Which of A ~? A nouchi dore да-ka? □ 4 Where shall we meet? ► Machiawase How about half past five? ► ~ de ii desu ka 犧 How about —- -wa do (/-de ii) desu ka □ 6 Sorry, to keep you waiting. You must have ► Omatase- been early. shimashita □ 7 OK, let's eat first. What would you like? ► Ja, mazu 鬱 What would you like? f naniда hoshi(/tabetai/ii) desu ka That was a great concert! What did you think? 一 ! thought it was great too. 172
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice 慎 When inviting someone to go on a date, several questions such as「〜でしゝし、に'すか」、 Гど れが〜ですか」「イ可が〜か」are used to express consideration for the other's feelings and schedule. If the response ineludes「私も(〜丿。」the person invited is able to emphasize the same thinking or opinion as the person doing the inviting. 今度ABCのライブがあるんですが、よかつ・, こんど ★ raibu = conce !たら一緒に行きませんか。 いっしょ し、 Kondo ABC no raibu да аги п desu да, yokattara issho ni ikimasen ka? PART 4 Scene r (OKの返事を受けて)よかった。 N へんじ う (Oke no henji 〇 ukete) Yokatta. T o p ns' 7月20日から22日の3日間のうち、どの日がいいですか。 がっはつか にち かかん ひ Shichi-gatsu hatsuka kara nijCini-nichi no mikkakan no uchi, dono hi да ii desu ka? 待ち合わせはどこにしますか。 ★ machiawase = place to meet まあ Machiawase wa doko ni shimasu ka? 時間は5時半でいいですか。 じかん じはん Jikan wa go-ji-han de ii desu ka? お待たせしました。早く来て(い)たんですね。 ★ matasemasu = 6 O-matase-shimashita. Hayaku kite(i)ta n desu ne. keep someone waiting じゃ、まずは食事ですね。何が食べたいですか。 しょくじ なに た Ja, mazu wa shokuji desu ne. Nani да tabetai desu ka? すごくよかったなあ。リカさんはどうだった?ーー私も。 わたし Sugoku yokattana. Rika-san wa dodatta?—Watashi mo. 173
At a police station or a koban 警察•交番で keisatsu/koban de けいさっ こうばん ★ Losing something happens quite often. Don't give up! Learn the basic expressions to get your items back. My wallet was just stolen at the train station.»Sakk,ek:de • be stolen -♦ nusumaremasu, toraremasu, suraremasu , Excuse me, I think I've dropped my phone > sumimasen,〜 somewhere. mitai nan desu I don't know where I dropped it. I had it ► -toWwa ロ 3 when I got on the train. • I don't know where Doko 〜ka wakarimasen. 厂I I 4.I had 3. 0,000 yen, credit cards, and bank ► Saifи niwa, cards in my purse・ □ 5 It is a black SUZUKI wallet. ► iro wa Could you let me know if you find it, ► Mitsukattara □ 6 please? «Could you ~ ? — ~te itadakemasu ka 厂 It looks like there was an accident at that . ► Soko no intersection・ Ht looks like 〜.-*■ -mitaidesu. 174
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice むF Kobans (or police boxes) can be found on many corners throughout the country. One e— of their main roles is community safety - making sure the local area is safe. They have T2 detailed maps of the area and can tell you how to get somewhere. You can also report traffic accidents or lost items to them and they will follow up. さっき、駅で財布をすられました! 严心waMet Grammar えき さいふ ★ surimasu Sakki, eki de saifu 〇 suraremashita! = pick one's pocket すみません、スマホを落としたみたいなんです。 PART 4 Scene .г お Sumimasen, sumaho 〇 otoshita mitai па п desu. どこで落としたかわかりませんが、電車に乗る時はあり お でんしゃ の とき 5ました。 Doko de otoshita ka wakarimasen да, densha ni noru toki wa arimashita. 財布には、現金3万円とクレジットカード、 さいふ げんきん まんえん 4銀行のカードが入っていました。 ・ genkin = cash \"■▼ぎんこう はい Saifu niwa, genkin san-man-en to kurejittokado, ginko no kado ga haitte imashita. ”.SUZUKIの財布で、色は黒です。 、 さいふ いろ くろ SUZUKI no saifu de iro wa kuro desu. も見つかったら、知らせていただけますか。5ts畑喚 Mitsukattara, shirasete itadakemasu ka? そこの交差点で事故があったみたいです。 ★ kosaten = intersect!on Soko no kosaten dejiko да atta mitaidesu. 175
Making a travel plan 旅行の計画をたてるryoko no keikaku 〇 tateru りょこう けいかく ★ Learn how to express your opinions and make suggestions about having some fun. How about we all go on a trip together7 十 〇〜肋 • How about ~ ? т•〜wa dO desu ко?/-masen ka? What about somewhere close, but ► Chikaku de □ 2 overseas? That sounds like a good idea・ しet's do it. ► So shimasho •That sounds good. -* lidesu ne. □ 4 For example, where would you like to go? ► Tatoeba, How about an island towards the south, □ like Bali or Saipan. — I agree. > -gaudesu • like A or В -*Д toka В toka □ 6 H°W about(听 go in) February? Tickets »2g<jfw 和 are cheap then. Letzs look it up on the internet. ► Netto de • ГП —k -masu/^masho/^te mimasu ロ 8 I'll contact a travel agent. ► Ryokogaisha •contact f renraku-shimasu, toiawasemasu 176
PART 4 Scene Firs( steps F u n c t i o n s G r a m m a rPARTI One Point Advice It's important when you are planning a trip with someone that you take their opinions into consideration. The phrase「例えば〜か」can help up do this, by asking for concrete examples. CD-2 PART 2 1鏘、みんなでに彳亍きませんか。 PART3 Kondo, minna de ryoko ni ikimasen ka? 近くでいいから海外にしませんか。 1 PART 4 Scene ちか かいがい ★ Kaigai(ni) = overseas Chikaku de ii kara kaigai ni shimasen ka? AP 305T 3いいですね。そうしましょう。 Topics li desu ne. So shimasho. A例えば、どこですか。 ★ tatoeba = for example 4たと Tatoeba, doko desu ka? 南の島がいいです。バリとかサイパンと そなみ しま 亠亠・ゝ ・ sanse-shimasu = agree か。—— 賛成。 さんせい Minami no shima ga ii desu. Bari toka Saipan toka.一Sanse. 2月はどうですか。航空券が安いですよ。 がっ こうくうけん やす Ni-gatsu wa do desu ka? Кдкйкеп ga yasui desu yo. ネットで調べてみましょう。 ★ netto = internet しら Netto de shirabete-mimashd. Q旅行会社に問い合わせてみます。 0 りょこうがいしゃ と あ Ryokogaisha ni toiawasete mimasu. 177
At a travel agency 旅行会社で ryokogaisha de ★ Learn how to ask questions and confirm information to make travel plans you can enjoy. I'd like to know more about this tour, ► Kono tsua ni tsuite please・ like f -tai no/n desu(ga). 2 What is your departure date? ► Goshuppatsubi I'm planning on the beginning of ► 9 gatsu nojojun ロ 3 September. ► Zasekishite 觀I'm planning on —► -oyote-shite imasu. ロ Can I reserve a specific seat? 觀Can I ~ -(wa) dekimasu ka? I'd like an ocean view room, please. ► Umi no mieru heya 綸I'd like ~ -* - да ii/hoshi n desu да. How much free time do we have? ► Jiyujikan □6 dorekurai 霧 how much When do I start paying cancellation fees? »Kyanserury6 ®any nanika other hoka no 178
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice PART2 PAHT3 PART4 53- 20 The phrases Г~を予よて定いしています」and「〜をか考んえが てしゝます」are verノy useful when yノ ou Fwststeps Tur* ns Grammar Scene are talking about plans or things to do. Especially if you are discussing possible dates or destinations. CD-2 このツアーについて詳しく聞きたいんですが。,kuwashiku Kono tsua ni tsuite kuwashiku kikitai n desu да. =in detai1 ご出発日はいつでしょうか。 ★ shuppatsu 2 しゅっぱっび =departure Go-shuppatsubi wa itsu desho ka? PTAomp-® 9具の占馬を祈しています。 tn ★ jojun = first ! 〇 days Ku-gatsu nojdjyun oyote-shite imasu. of month 座席指定はできますか。 ★ zaseki = seat ★ shite-shimasu ざせきしてい =designate Zaseki-shite wa dekimasu ka? ★ kakarimasu ”海の見える部屋がいいんですが。 =be charged 、うみ み へや Umi no mieru heya да ii n desu да. は自由時間はどれくらいありますか。 0 じゅうじかん Луй-jikan wa dorekurai arimasu ka? キャンセル料はいつからかかりますか。 りょう Kyanseru-ryd wa itsu kara kakarimasu ka? 179
At a hair salon 美容院でbiyoin de びょういん ★ Learn how to explain what you want, so you won't be disappointed later. Myname is Miller, I have an appointment at 5 oZIoにk・ □ 2 A trim, please. ► Katto About two centimeters all over, please. 〜te moraemasu • all over zentai (teki) ni ka? (Pointing at a photo) ► Коппа kanji ロ Could you cut it like this, please. What would you like to do with your fringe ► Maegami (bangs)? — Just covering my eyebrows, please. □ 6 Could you cut just a little more off, please. ► Mosukoshi □ 7 ГП leave the rest up to you. ► Ato wa 180
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice First: 伴 Japanese hairdressers are said to be quite skillful. You can make specific requests in FurJaions Ф order to achieve your desired style. Once you can trust your stylist, or after they have Р finished creating the general style, you can say\"Ornakase-shimasu.\"and leave the rest 5 РАЯТЗ to them. £ CD-2 a m 5時に予約していたミラーです。 m じ ょやく syF Go-ji ni yoyaku-shite ita Mira desu. カットをお願いします。 PART 4 Scene ねが Katto 〇 o-negai-shimasu. 全体的に2センチくらい切ってもらえますか。 ぜんたいてき き Zentaiteki ni ni-senchi kurai kitte moraemasu ka? (写真を指しながら) こんな感じにしてもらえますか。 ★ -nagara = ~ing 4 ★ sashimasu = point (out) (Shashin 〇 sashi падага) Коппа kanji ni shite moraemasu ★ konna kanji = like this ka? 前髪はどうしますか。 ★ = fringe ——眉毛が隠れるくらいにしてください。 ★ mayu(ge) = eyebrows Maegami wa do shimasu ka? 一Mayuge да kakureru kurai ni shite kuda sai. もう少し切ってもらえますか。 Mo sukoshi kitte moraemasu ka? あとはお任せします。 ★ makasemasu = leave ~ up to someone まか Ato wa o-makase-shimasu. 181
Part time job interview アノのヾイトの面接 arubaito no mensetsu ★ For an interview, you need to have a polite attitude and proper language. ロ Vm calling about the advertisement I saw》 on the internet. □ 2 Are you still taking applications? ► Mada 〜ka? □ 3厂 -I will come at 3 〇,clock tomorrow. Thank ゝ“ ゝ. you for your time. ► Dewa, ashita (At the reception desk.) My name is Smith. I have an appointment □ 4 for an interview at 3 〇,clock. ► Honjitsu • My name is —- [polite]- tomdshimasu •! have an ap- pointment for ~ —卜 ji ni) o-yakusoku 〇 itadaite orimasu. (At the beginning of the interview.) ► ~ to mdshimasu □ 5 My name is Smith. Thank you for taking the time to interview me. Do you have any experience in this field? ►- Коуи shigoto □ 6 — No, but I have some which I think is ► kanren-shita relevant. shigoto I thought I'd like working for a Japanese ► Ichido 〜te mitai □ 7 company. □ Thank you very much for meeting with ► Kyd wa 8 me today. 182
PART 4 Scene One Point Advice The expression「お時間をさいていただき、ありがとうございました」is very common in じかん the work place. It is used when you asked for the interview or meeting, to express appreciation for the time you have been given. CO~2 インターネットの募集広告を見て、お電話しました。 ぼしゅうこうこく み でんわ Intanetto no boshu-kokoku 〇 mite, o-denwa-shimashita. まだ募集をされていますか。 ★ mada = still ぼしゅう Mada boshu 〇 sarete-imasu ко? では、明日3時にお伺いします。よろしくお ★ oukagai-shimasu 〇1? あした じ うかが =come, visit '?願いいたします。 [honorific] faが Dewa, ashita san-ji ni o-ukagai-shimasu. Yoroshiku o-negai-itashimasu. 〈肆护〉本日з時に面接のお約束をいただいて ★ honjitsu 4 おりますスミスと申します。 =today [polite] <Uketsuke de〉Honjitsu san-ji ni mensetsu no o-yakusoku 〇 itadaite-orimasu Sumisu to moshimasu. 便舊鳶に〉スニスと卑します。态旦はよろしく・ mens&sukan 5 お願いいたします。 =in,erVi6Wer くMensetsukan ni> Sumisu to moshimasu. Honjitsu wa yoroshiku o-negai-itashimasu. こういう仕事は経験ありますか。——いえ、・加 しごと けいけん 6関連した仕事は多少経験があります。 experience かんれん しごと たしようけいけん Koiu shigoto т кёкеп arimasu ka?—le, kanren-shita shigoto wa tasho keiken да arimasu. フー度日本の会社で働いてみたいと思っていました。 / いちどにほん かいしゃ はたら おも Ichido nihon no kaisha de hataraite mitai to omotte imashita. 今日はお時間をさいていただき、ありがとう 8 ございました。 ★ jikan 〇 sakimasu =spare time for Kyd \\Na o-jikan 〇 saite itadaki, arigato gozaimashita. 183
■ Features of the Japanese Spoken Language 4 ■ The Japanese language has a polite system called KEI&O. Information about KEIGO,计s classifications, meanings and forms are described in the One Point Advice section of Part 3, Unit 30. Some learners are not willing to study KEIGO, saying that it is feudalistic. On the other hand, many foreigners admire the manners and service offered in Japanese department si・〇res, and hotels, etc. The KEIGO that the staff use reflect their hospitality and ensure a very warm welcome to their customers and guests. The use of KEIGO demonstrates the hospitality of the speaker. Therefore, in Japanese society, in companies and offices, employees are required to use appropriate KEI60 to people outside their office, and in the new employees* training sessions, new staff are taught how to use KEIGO. KEIGO expresses not only the vertical relationship but also the distance between people. If you continue to use formal, polite KEIGO to your friends, they might feel that you are refusing their attempts to become close to you. In Japan, the younger students at school use KEIGO when talking to older students, and usually it continues even after graduation or even forever. However, if people get especially intimate, e.g., becoming lovers or business partners, KEIGO is gradually forgotten and, without noticing it, КヒIGO is no longer included in their conversations. If you listen to the conversations between Japanese people, you I may feel that they do not express their emotion very much. But as you study the Japanese language more and more, you will gradually notice that the sentence pattern itself can express the speakers emotion, even when it is not directly expressed. 184
PART 5 Topic
Sport ► Dochira 〜ka? スポーツ supotsu ★ Sports are often broadcast live on television and shown on the news, making them an easy topic of conversation. Try talking about the sports you enjoy. Which team is winning? «Which...? -•* Docchi….ka? □ 2 The Tigers beat the Dragons 6 to 1. ► 6 tai 1de □ 3 I go to the gym almost every day. ► Hobo mainichi □ 4 Do you watch sumo on TV? ► Terebi de 〜ka? □ 5 Did you play any sport at school? ► Gakko de 〜ka? What is the most popular sport in your ► Anata no kuni □ 6 country? ► nan desu ka • most f ichibcin □ 7 I play tennis. ► Watashi wa 186
PART 5 TOPICS One Point Advice Sport is a popular pastime in Japan. Many people follow their favorite teams, even if they don't play a sport themselves. Sumo has always had a large following and in recent years soccer has grown in popularity. At the junior and senior high school level being a member of the school team can mean practicing after school (and sometimes before) five days a week; plus additional practices and competitionson Saturday, Sundays and during school holidays. CD-2 どちらのチームが勝っていますか。 ★ kachimasu =win か Dochira no chimu да katte imasu ко? 2 6対1でタイガースがドラゴンズに勝ちました。 6 たい de taigasu да doragonzu ni kachimashitaか. tai 1 ほぼ毎日ジムに行きます。 まいにち い ★ /?obo = almost Hobo mainichijimu ni ikimasu. テレビで相撲を見ますか。 すもう み Terebi de sumo 〇 mimasu ka? 学校で何かスポーツをしましたか。 がっこう なに Gakko de nanika supotsu 〇 shimashita ka? あなたの国で一番人気があるスポーツは何ですか。 くに いちばんにんき なん Anata no kuni de ichiban ninki да aru supotsu wa nan desu ka? 二卩〇は曽, 私はテニスをします。 /わたし Watashi wa tenisu 〇 shimasu. 187
Movies 映画eiga えしゝが ★ Conversations can turn lively when both you and the person you're talking to enjoy movies, or if you share a favorite movie or actor. What's your favorite movie? ► ёда □1 «What is yourfavorite~? sukina 〜wa nan desu ka? Shall we go to the movies on Saturday □ 2 night? ► Doyobi ni «Shall we 〜? /mashO/masuka? ロ 3 1 like to watch movies in 3D. ► Ёда wa • 1 like to--» -no да suki desu ロ 4 Have you ever seen Letters from Iwojima? ► lojima kara no tegami • Have you ever -・ 〜竹 koto да arimasu ka? What kind of movies do you like? да suki □ 5 •What kind of 〜? -* donna ~ka? A佗 the Harry Potter books and movies ► Nihon dewa 〜ka □ 6 popular in Japan? Whe佗 can 1 borrow a DVD to watch this ► doko de 〜ka? □ 7 weekend? 188
PART 5 TOPICS One Point Advice \"Golden Week\" was once a time when movie companies encouraged people to go and see a movie. It was considered a \"Golden\" opportunity because there were so many holidays in the week. 好きな映画はなんですか。 す えいが Sukina ёда wa nan desu ка? 土曜日に映画を見に行きますか。 どようび えいが み い Doyobi ni ёда 〇 mini ikimasu ka? 映画は3Dで見るのが好きです。 もいが みす Ёда wa suridi de miru no да suki desu. 硫黄島からの手紙を見たことがありますか。 いおうじま てがみ み ★ tegami = letter \"Ibjima kara no tegami\" 〇 mita koto да arimasu ka? どんな映画が好きですか。 えいが す Donna ёда да suki desu ka? ハリーポッターの映画や本は日本で人気です 6 か。 ★ ninki desu =be popular Haripotta no ёда ya hon wa Nihon de ninki desu ka? 今週末に見るDVDはどこで借りられますか。・伽masu 7 こんしゅうまっ み か _ь Konshumatsu ni miru di bui di wa doko de kariraremasu ka? orrow 189
Family ► watashitachi 豕族kazoku かぞく ★ Family often comes up in conversation. Try learning the basic vocabulary and expressions relating to family. □1 We are twins. □ 2 Do your family celebrate Christmas? ► Anatano kazoku wa ~ ka? □ 3 What does your (older) brother do? ► Onisan no shigoto My younger sister just graduated from ► Imoto wa university. Do you miss your family? ► Go-kazoku 霧 miss someone -* ~ga inakute sabishi Ifs my parents750th wedding anniversary ngetsuwa □ 6 next month. desu My grandmother is not very well at the ► Sobo wa □ 7 moment. 驗not very well guai даyoku arimasen 190
PART 5 TOPICS One Point Advice Be careful to use the correct vocabulary when you talk about families. The words for talk- ing about your own family are different from those you would use to talk about some one eIse's family. E.g.「はは(my mother)丄「おかあさん(someone eIse's mother)J . CD-2 私たちは双子です。 わたし ふたご ★ futago = twins Watashitachi wa fиtag〇 desu. あなたの家族はクリスマスを祝いますか。 かぞく いわ Anata no kazoku wa kurisumasu 〇 iwaimasu ka? お兄さんの仕事は何ですか。 にい しごと なん Onlsan no shigoto wa nan desu ka? 妹は大学を卒業したばかりです。 ★ sotsugyo-shimasu =graduate from 4 いもうと だいがく そつぎょう Imoto wa daigaku 〇 sotsugyo-shita bakari desu. ご家族がいなくて、寂しいですか。 かぞく さび Go-kazoku да inakute, sabishi desu ka? 来月は両親の結婚50年記念です。 ★ ryoshin = both parents らいげつ りようしん けっこん ねんきねん ★ kinen(bi) = armiversary Raigetsu wa rydshin no kekkon goju-nen-kinen desu. 祖母は今、具合がよくありません。 ★ sobo = my grandma ★ gu(7/ = condition そぼ いま ぐあい Sobo wa ima, guai да yokuarimasen. 191
Health ► Watashi wa ► ketsuatsu 健康кепкд けんこう ★ Health and sickness both come up in daily conversation. While they may be somewhat difficult, try to learn the words relating to health that you need to know. I'm allergic to seafood・ ♦ be allergic to ~ 〜门〇 arerugiga arimasu □ 2 I have low blood pressure. □ 3 When is the best time to have a flu shot? ► Infuruenza I'm running out of my medicine; do you ► Kono hen ni 〜 ka? □ 4 know of a good GP in this area? • run 〇ut of —~ ga kire(/nakunari)masu I've got a sore tooth. Do you know a good □ 5 dentist? • sore itai How do you say \"antibiotics\" in Japanese? ► Nihongo de 〜 □ 6 —It's \"koseibusshitsu!' ka? Do you know if herbal medicines are ► Kanpoyaku wa 〜 covered by health insurance? ka? 192
PART 5 TOPICS 形 One Point Advice PAR PART 2 PART3 PART 4 ご Firs(steps t-unc ons Grammar Scenescr. Japan has a very good medical system. However, compared to some Western countries, hos pital stays may be longer for the same procedure. The number of different pills prescribed for an ailment may also be more than you are used to. This is because often each symptom is treated separately. So there may be a pill for the nose, one for the allergy and another for the cough. Plus one for the stomach, which may be upset by one of the other tablets. If you have any questi〇ns about the treatment you are receiving, you should ask until you are well informed. !私はシーフードアレルギーがあります。 Watashi wa shifudo-arerugi да arimasu. 私は血圧が低いです。 わたし けつあつ ひく Watashi wa ketsuatsu да hikui desu. ”インフルエンザの予防接種はいっすればいいですか。 PART 5 コ よぼうせっしゅ Topics Infuruenza no yobosesshu wa itsu sureba ii desu ka? ★ yobosesshu=vaccination дこの辺にいい医者はいますか。薬がなくなりそうです。 •f1 へん いしゃ くすり Kono hen ni ii isha wa imasu ka? Kusuri да nakunariso desu. ★ kusun = drug w歯が痛いです。いい歯医者を知りませんか。 Пは いた はいしゃ し На да itai desu. Ii haisha 〇 shirimasen ka? ★ ~gaitai=〜 hurts 日本語でアンティバイオティックスはなんですか。 にほんご 6 —~生物質です。 こうせいぶっしっ Nihongo de antibaiotikkusu wa nan desu ka? Kosebusshitsu desu. 漢方薬は保険でカバーされていますか。 ★ kanpoyaku = Chinese herbal medicine / かんぽうやく ほけん * hoken = insurance Kanpoyaku wa hoken de kaba-sarete imasu ka? 193
Hobbies 趣味shumi しゅみ ★ Engage in a spirited discussion with someone who shares your interests. □1 What are your hobbies? ► Shumi wa □ 2 What do you usually do in your free time? ► Himana toki I love to read mysteries. ► Misuteri 〇 □ 3 ^love to —(V~suru)no/koto да daisuki desu ► Ryoko I really like to travel. □ 4 觀really like ~ 〜ga totemo suki desu I'm a Red Sox fan, so I go to all th&r games・觀so…ア〜nod巳.... □ 6 I Skype my family and friends back home. nisukaipu- shimasu □ 7 I watched the new Brad Pitt movie. A 〜〇 mimashita 194
PART 5 TOPICS J^>One Point Advice \"П黑專苟 舟 ご The basic expression used when speaking about your hobbies is「〜が好きJ .The forms rNoun + が好き」and rdictionary form of the verb +の+が好き」may also be Ф Р すす used. 4Л Functions CD-2 趣味は何ですか。 2 ★ shumi = hobby 5 しゅみ なん W .h/™ = free,having Shumi wa nan desu ка? 5看 time ;гф» 2般な漿に(いつも)倒をしますか。 Himana toki ni nani 〇 shimasu ka? п ф -у» 饗ミステリーを読むのが大好きです。 PARTS 3 よ だいす Topics Misuteri оуоти по да daisuki desu. ,旅行がとても好きです。 马りょこう す Ryoko да totemo suki desu. 私はレッドソックスのファンで、試合は, わたし しあい ★ subete no = a\\\\, every 5 全部見に行きます。 Reddosokkusu no fan de, shiai wa zenbu mi ni ikimasu. 班の凰の粹や私にスカイ九ます。 6 Watashi no kuni no kazoku ya yujin ni sukaipu-shimasu. ブラッド•ピットの新しい映画を見ました。 あたら えいが み Buraddo Pitto no atarashi еда 〇 mimashita. 195
Weekend ► Shumatsu ► nanika 〜ka? 週末 shumatsu »Tenkiда しゅうまっ ►«oyo ★ Try to become able to speak to a coworker about how you will spend your weekend or how your weekend was. How was your weekend? 曦 How was ~? f -wq do deshita ka? Did you do something fun over the 2 weekend? The weather was lovely, so we went □ 3 hiking in the mountains. ^to go hiking -* haikingu niikimasu □ 4 rhe autumn leaves were spectacular. The skiing was great. A soft, powdery ► Suki wa snow. I caught a cold, so I just stayed home. ► ~ n/ imashita «catch a cold kaze 〇 hikimasu My friend came over and we watched a ►'Tomodachi 7 DVD together. ► futari de 196
PART 5 TOPICS One Point Advice PARTI 爲 ^ While Japanese people are known as hard workers, how you spent your weekend or F vacation is a frequent topic ofconversation.In order to show others that you are Jae interested in what they have to say, terms such as「へえ」,「そうなんだ(そうなんですか、 p そうですか)」,and「いいなあ(いいですね)」areoften used. s PART 2 Functions ..週末はどうでしたか。 ★ shumatsu = weekend I しゅうまっ Shumatsu wa do deshita ka? 线週末に何かおもしろいことをしましたか。 ノ しゅうまつ なに Shumatsu ni nanika omoshiroi koto 〇 shimashita ka? 天気が良かったので山にハイキングに行きました。 てんき ょ やま しゝ Tenki gayokatta node yama ni haikingu ni ikimashita. ,紅葉がとてもきれいでした。 ★ koyo = autumn 4こうよう leaves Кбуб да totemo kire deshita. スキーは楽しかったです。雪は柔らかい粉雪 5 でした。 ★ yawarakai = soft Suki wa tanoshikatta desи. Yuki wa yawarakai konayuki deshita. かぜをひいたので、家にいました。 いえ Kaze 〇 hita node, ie ni imashita. 7卓が寒に来たので、祕でDVDを昂ました。 Tomodachi да ie ni kita node, futari de di bui di 〇 mimashita. 197
Weather 気 tenki ★ The weather is a surefire topic of conversation・ i Learn how to discuss it in a fluent way. 1 The weather is fine today. ► Kyd wa ► // otenki □ 2 It's nice weather, isn't it? ► Atsui ► Samui 3 It's hot, isn't it? ► Mushiatsui ► Ashita wa □ 4 It's cold, isn't it. It's humid, isn't it? f isn't it? ~ desu ne. □ 6 It will rain tomorrow. ロ Don't forget your umbrella. « Don't forget- 〜〇 wasurenaide kudasai 198
PART 5 TOPICS One Point Advice Japanese people often talk about the weather. So much so that it is often the opening line of a written communication. Just as an English speaker might say \"Hi, how are you?\" as a way of making conversation, the Japanese will say \"It's hot, isn't it?\" to which you should resp〇nd \"Yes, it is\" CD-2 今日は晴れです。 きょう は Куб wa hare desu. いいお天気ですね。 てんき // otenki desu ne. э暑いですね 3あっ Atsui desu ne. л寒いですね。 4さむ Samui desu ne. むし暑いですね。 ★ mushiatsui = humid ★ kasa = umbrella あっ Mushiatsui desu ne. あしたは雨でしょう。 あめ Ashita wa ame deshd. かさを忘れないでください。 わす Kasa 〇 wasurenaide kudasai. 199
Japan 日本Nihon ★ Japan must seem like a strange country to many people・ Try to be frank when asking questi〇ns you may have. □ 1 Whatzs your favorite Japanese food? ► Anata no Have you ever been to a publiに bath or a □ 2 hot spring? ► Sento ka onsen 喙 Have you ever been to~? ~ n/ itta koto wa arimasu ka? Would you like to go and watch a sumo »sums〇 ロ 3 tournament? 絵 Would you like t〇〜? -masen ka? Do you often talk with your neighbors? ► yoku 〜ka 繚 neighbors tonari no hito/kinjo no hito Is it important to write kanji using the cor- A 〜wa daiji desu ka? □ 5 rect stroke order? ® stroke order -■* kakijun Why is it called Golden Week? ► Naze 〜ka? 潑 Why is it called-? naze 〜toyobareru no desu ka? □ 7 Why do Japanese like \"cute\" things? ► Nihonjin wa naze 〜ka? 200
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