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Home Explore Revista Salud Coomeva

Revista Salud Coomeva

Published by El Colombiano, 2020-01-30 09:48:17

Description: February - march 2020 - Number 151

Keywords: Revista Salud Coomeva,Coomeva Medicina Prepagada,Cuidarte es Quererte


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DIEZ PILARES PARA LA VIDA 10 keys to living a better life ISSN 1692 - 5556 Fabrero - Marzo 2020 - Edición 151 1

DIEZ PILARES PARA LA VIDA 10 keys to living a better life ISSN 1692 - 5556 Fabrero - Marzo 2020 - Edición 151 A DAILY CHALLENGE Marco Montes Martínez Issue 151 General Manager February - March 2020 Coomeva Private Healthcare Magazine Founder Innovation is more than going beyond From Coomeva Private Healthcare and The late Gilberto Lotero Muñoz making extraordinary ideas into rea- through our initiative Cuidarte es lity. It is about being disciplined and Quererte, we encourage leading a heal- Board of Directors rigorous in observing our surroundings thy lifestyle that is open to both the tra- José Vicente Torres Osorio and thinking about what we can do to ditional and the new, and to current improve them. It is about expanding our trends and to those that are more Executive Chair of Grupo perspectives and being in a constant advanced. Our App, Cuidarte es Empresarial Cooperativo Coomeva search for solutions that help the body Quererte, is an example of this, as it is Alfredo Arana Velasco and mind live to their fullest. available to users of the Oro, Oro Plus Through this perspective, medicine plays and Asociado programs. From their cell General Manager a key role. Not one day goes by without phones, users can access personalized of the Coomeva Healthcare Sector Coomeva Private Healthcare undergoing monitoring programs, receive medical Gilberto Quinche Toro a transformation to offer even more per- guidance virtually and connect with our sonalized alternatives for our users to live healthy community. General Manager of Coomeva Private in harmony with their surroundings. This is how we build a network that fos- Healthcare Therefore, when we talk about the future ters conversations about well-being, Marco Montes Martínez of your health, we are brought to the pre- mental health, risk prevention, self-love sent as something that is your responsibi- and love for others. Department Manager lity, always with the support of experts Creating awareness is the best tool we of the Healthcare Sector Marketing and correctly following the recommenda- have today to innovate with a forward- Camilo Ernesto Diusabá Perdomo tions that arise in the process. •looking perspective. General Director of Revista Salud Coomeva Editorial and graphic management, Macroeditora ECestudio. Journalists Advertising Xiomara Iveth Campo prepress and printing Content Agency Laura Jaramillo Arango El Colombiano El Colombiano Andrea Lozano Cali: Marisol Monsalve Editorial Committee Tel.: (4) 331 5252 Paula Andrea Montoya T. Ángel Orrego Arenas 310 544 2354 Pascual Estrada Garcés Editor Natalia Ospina Vélez [email protected] National Medical Director [email protected] Andrés Velásquez Bogotá: Yulieth Acosta Galvis Blanca Inés Vélez Natalia Estefania Botero C. Ingrid Cruz 315 479 7045 National Director of Oral Health Graphic Editor Paola Cardona Medellín: Viviana Barrera Diana Cristina Sánchez Ramírez Diana Milena Ramírez 310 411 6018 National Customer Experience Hugo A. Vásquez E. Photography [email protected] Director Design ShutterStock Bertha Varela Rojas Anabell Maya T. National Director of Medical Audits Frank Jaramillo P. Julián Villegas National Director of Health Risk Management Mabel Irina Calero Head of Comprehensive Medicine, Oral Health and International Business Martha Liliana Cifuentes National Coordinator of Provider Relationships Sandra Viviana Muñoz Rodríguez National Epidemiologist Contributions Olga Liliana Palta Fernández Ana María Correa Montaño Alexandra Arango Rojas Érika Ximena López Macías Juan Pablo Barba Castañeda Viviana Trujillo Jiménez Hugo Ricardo Campo Cardona Leidy Tatiana Jaramillo Sánchez El contenido de los artículos de la revista Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. está destinada a la ilustración y/o conocimiento general. En ningún caso deberá sustituir el asesoramiento o las indicaciones de un médico. El lector no podrá usar esa información para diagnosticar y/o realizar el análisis, diagnóstico o tratamiento de una enfermedad o problema de salud sin consultar a un médico certificado. Las ofertas de producto y servicio realizados en los avisos publicados en la revista Salud Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. son responsabilidad exclusiva de los anunciantes . Así mismo, los contenidos de los artículos que describen servicios, porcedimientos o tratmientos que no estén incluidos en las coberturas que ofrece Coomeva Medicina Prepagada S.A. no obligan a la empresa a prestarlos a sus contratantes o a incluirlos dentro de cal- quiera de sus planes y servicios. Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción parcial o total bajo cualquier forma o sistema. © 2019

TABLE OF CONTENTS February - March 2020 q SIGUE LA RUTA DE Cuidarte es quererte 7 27 57 75 ( ) ( )WITH YOUR WORLD ( ) ( )YOUR MIND YOUR BODY WITH YOU 8 Grandparents 28 For her 58 Prevention 76 Keep in mind Growing in mind and That colon pain spirit in community has an explanation Empathy: one pathway Making cigarettes a to being more humane thing of the past 12 Your generation 32 Couples 62 Harmony 80 Directory 10 pillars to growing A routine Our network in the as a person for two in health Caribbean An active heart 18 Infography 36 Focus on 66 For him 82 Institutional 5 reasons to go to Calcium and bones Expressing yourself Healthcare through the emergency room without fear your cell phone 20 Nutrition 38 Keep in mind 68 Little giants Energy-filled snacks Offering benefits that What babies are are not always safe saying when they cry 44 Trends 70 Keep in mind Put your strength Overcoming trauma to the test through resilience 50 For your smile Protection for healthy teeth 52 Go natural Natural and complex carbohydrates

TU PROGRAMA ORO PLUS TIENE TODO PARA TI Además de tener amplias coberturas en salud, también ofrece ¡atención médica y de urgencias domiciliarias 24/7!* Cobertura de medicamentos Asistencia a mascotas post hospitalarios y al hogar. Si aún no estás afiliado ¿qué esperas? Ingresa a Aplican condiciones contractuales del Programa Oro Plus. *Coomeva Emergencia Médica: Podrás aprovechar este servicio gratis 2 veces al año. A partir de la tercera utilización por cada uso adicional se realizará un copago. Este servicio está disponible en Cali, Bogotá, Medellín, Cartagena y Barranquilla y está sujeto al área de cobertura definida por CEM.

)WITH YOUR WORLD ( )CON TU MUNDO 15 % OF A CHILD’S BODYWEIGHT IS THE MAXIMUM RECOMMEN- DED WEIGHT FOR HOW HEAVY SCHOOL BAGS SHOULD BE, ACCOR- DING TO THE WHO. IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE INFORMED AND TO HELP YOUNG CHILDREN CHOOSE THE RIGHT BACKPACK, AS THIS WILL HELP PREVENT NECK, SHOULDER AND BACK INJURIES. CARRY ONLY WHAT IS NECESSARY PROTECT THE SHOULDERS SAFE ITEMS Some alternatives include trying to Padded and wide straps are Avoid pointed or sharp objects that keep a light load by using lockers or preferable, as narrow straps reduce may even be dangerous for children. backpacks with wheels on them, and circulation. It is best to wear the Make sure the inside of the backpack is packing the heaviest objects in the backpack with two straps on to lined for additional safety. center of your back. properly distribute the weight. 7

WITH YOUR WORLD ( )grandparents GROWING IN MIND AND SPIRIT IN COMMUNITY Once your working life is over, you can still continue to learn to keep your brain active and to fuel your curiosity. ADVISOR BEATRIZ PELÁEZ MEJÍA Journalist

People over age 50 often sign up for groups to participate in leisure activities together. In addition to activities like yoga or art, however, there is now a growing trend to participate in acade- mic programs that universities are offering to com- plement the field of knowledge they studied for their profession. This is due to the fact that a new generation of adults is arising that is known for being more intellectual, having more certified acade- mic experience (with undergraduate and graduate degrees) and having extensive work experience. This generation wants to continue challenging their minds, as well as connect with others. The general knowledge courses that universities offer are valuable for acquiring new information in different areas of knowledge. Arts and crafts classes are opportunities to create, express yourself, and develop your skills and abilities. Classes on spiritua- lity help you reflect on how to live to be in balance with yourself, with others and with the world. “They give the person the tools to live better and to be accomplished, where the person can develop their inner self as well as their mind and spirit in order to give a new spark to life and give it new meaning at a time when perhaps other major goals have been achieved and the individual has more free time,” explains journalist Beatriz Peláez Mejía, director of the House of Happiness program at Pontifical Bolivarian University. University courses and certificate programs for older adults are not only limited to class time, they often include going on excursions or trips so that students have the opportunity to expand and apply their knowledge outside the classroom. This allows older students to experience seeing life through the fun of learning. These programs are also known for not having evaluations or assignments to measure the students’ skills, as at this stage in life, many of their goals have already been met, which is why these classes prioriti- ze having fun over having obligations or meeting requirements. These programs are an additional motivation to stay active.

OTHER ALTERNATIVES In addition to expanding your knowledge in uni- versity classrooms, joining a group at the gym or doing any other physical activity, there are always other alternatives to have fun. Here are a few: Be disciplined about doing 1 hobbies such as cross- words or sudoku puzzles. Learn how to do a craft or watch a foreign film in its original language. Spend more time 2 with your family strengthening the relationship with your partner and children. Join a theater 3 group, a dance group or a choir. Volunteer at hospi- tals, churches or 4 other institutions, or with nonprofit social projects. Give free classes 5 that involve sharing your knowledge and experience. Be a member of the local community action council 6 of your neighborhood or •residential complex. Keep in mind: If you are an Asociado affiliate, you can be part of the Vida en Plenitud (Living Life to the Fullest) program.

Y TÚ ¿YA USASTE TUS ASISTENCIAS? Cuando eres asociado a Coomeva Cooperativa, disfrutas muchos más beneficios en tus programas de Coomeva Medicina Prepagada. Asistencias exclusivas según rango de edad: Mayor a 60 años de edad Entre 41 y 59 años de edad Entre 26 y 40 años de edad Menor de 25 años de edad Conoce más escaneando el código QR: Cuidarte es quererte Las asistencias son exclusivas para los usuarios de Coomeva Medicina Prepagada, asociados a Coomeva Cooperativa. Las asistencias aplican solo para los rangos de edades definidos. Las asistencias son exclusivas para el usuario– asociado contratante. No aplica para asociados que sólo tengan programas de Coomeva Emergencia Médica o Coomeva Salud Oral.

( )CON TU MUNDO DIEZ PILARES PARA CRECER COMO PERSONAS Muchos se preguntan cómo lograr que en las sociedades contemporáneas se dialogue más y se valore la diversidad. Aquí algunas pistas para empezar por el compromiso personal. ASESORA DANIELA BETANCUR GONZÁLEZ Psicóloga, especialista en Clínica y Salud Mental Cuando se piensa en cómo construir socieda- des más incluyentes, que valoren el diálogo, plurales y que convivan en paz, no hay que buscar por fuera, el viaje debe comenzar en el inte- rior de cada persona. Aquel que se reconoce y se comunica adecuada- mente consigo mismo entiende que existen otras maneras de ser, pensar, sentir y manifestarse. La psicóloga Daniela Betancur González, líder del pro- grama Expansión en Ser de la Colegiatura Colombiana, explica que existen unos pilares trans- versales a la familia, al colegio, a la vida laboral y a todo aquello que implica la vida personal, que per- miten la evolución del ser humano. 12

( )CON TU MUNDO 10 PILLARS TO GROWING AS A PERSON Many people wonder how modern societies can engage in more dialogue and value diversity. By taking on a personal commitment to this, the following are a few tips to get started. ADVISOR DANIELA BETANCUR GONZÁLEZ Psychologist, specialist in Clinical Psychology and Mental Health When it comes to thinking about creating more inclusive societies that value dialogue, are diverse and live together peacefully, there is no need to look beyond yourself, as this journey starts within each person. Those who know and communicate well with themselves understand that there are other ways of being, thinking, feeling and expressing. As the psycho- logist Daniela Betancur González explains, a leader of the Personal Expansion program at Colegiatura Colombiana, there are certain overarching pillars that apply to our family, school and work lives, and everything related to our personal lives, that help us develop as humans. 13

( )CON TU MUNDO 3 4 12 OBSERVAR LAS EMOCIO- CONSENTIR AMOR PRO- MIS PENSA- NES SON MIS VÍNCU- PIO PARA MIENTOS MENSAJERAS LOS ESEN- RECONOCER CIALES AL OTRO Yo elijo cómo estar, qué sentir Somos seres emocionales. y con qué pensamientos con- Cuando el bebé nace expre- De la relación consigo mismo Si un papá, con sus acciones, versar. ¿Qué quiere decir sa emociones y su madre le parten las que se establecen demuestra que se valora esto? “La respuesta es que a entiende desde el amor. con padres, parejas, amigos y poco, ¿cómo podrá dar veces creemos que somos lo Cuando se aprende que compañeros de trabajo. Es ejemplo al hijo? Cuando me que pensamos y que eso nos estas expresiones no son importante preguntarse, ¿qué quiero de manera sana, determina. A veces se pueden enemigas, se puede fluir con mensajes me envío?, ¿cómo puedo querer al otro de tener pensamientos negativos ellas. Muchos niegan o bus- proceso las emociones?, ¿qué igual forma; cuando me y limitantes, y creer que se es can soluciones externas a la tanto me acompaño?, ¿qué escucho, escucho al otro. eso. Y yo no soy lo que pien- tristeza o la rabia. Y, ¿qué tanto me perdono, me quiero, Pero, “cuando me concentro so, mi ser es lo que siente”, pasa si las escucho? ¿Qué me me respeto? Cuando hay una en mí desde el ego, anulo a explica la psicóloga. Los pen- quieren decir? Es importante relación conflictiva con los ese otro. Al ego le gusta samientos y la inteligencia son darles la bienvenida y apren- demás, la reflexión debe par- ganar, tener la razón, solo herramientas que debemos der de ellas, pues hacen tir de una idea: ¿qué pasa con piensa en sí mismo. En cam- poner a nuestro favor. parte de la vida. ese ser? “Porque uno da lo bio, el amor acompaña, no que tiene”. controla ni juzga”. (Si a los niños no se les permite expresar sus emociones, cuando sean adultos no van a saber tramitarlas. Si el niño llora y se le entrega un celular, no se le deja experimentar su emoción. No se le debe dis- traer de ella, porque la emoción es humana. 5 DARLE 6 SOMOS ABUN- RIENDA A MI DANTES POR CREATIVIDAD NATURALEZA Cada actividad que realiza el ser humano está impregnada de La abundancia no se trata en exclusivo del tener. Tradicionalmente, creatividad. Sin esta potencia innata, inevitable y universal el ser se ha seguido un modelo: hacer para poder tener y cuando no llegaría a saber nada, ni podría hacer nada. La creatividad tenga, voy a ser. Desde la comprensión de estos pilares se permite generar respuestas diferentes. Ayuda a la flexibilidad del plantea que “cada uno ya es, con eso hacemos y la consecuen- pensamiento, a abrirse a diferentes maneras de ver el mundo, de cia es que tendremos. La pregunta es qué tan abundante me relacionarse, de estar en la vida; a entender al otro, que trae siento o si me siento siempre en escasez. ¿Estoy esperando a consigo su propia historia. comprar una casa para sentirme feliz?”. 14

( )CON TU MUNDO 1 234 TAKE CARE WHEN YOU OBSERVE EMOTIONS OF YOUR LOVE YOURSELF YOUR ARE MESSA- CLOSEST ENOUGH, YOU THOUGHTS GES RELATION- CAN ACCEPT SHIP OTHERS You choose how you act, what We are emotional beings. you feel and what thoughts When babies are born, they you will discuss. What does express emotions, and their The relationships you form If a father demonstrates that this mean? “Sometimes we mothers understand them with your parents, partners, he does not value himself believe that we are what we through love. When you learn friends and co-workers are enough through his actions, think, and that this defines that these forms of expres- based on the relationship you how could he be a good who we are. Sometimes you sion are not enemies, you can have with yourself. It is impor- example for his child? When can have negative and restric- flow with them. Many people tant to ask yourself the you love yourself in a healthy tive thoughts and believe ignore their sadness or anger following questions: What way, you can love others in the that’s who you are. But you or look for solutions to them messages do I send myself? same way. When you listen to are not what you think; your outside of themselves. What How do I process my emo- yourself, you listen to others. being is what feels,” explains happens if I listen to them? tions? How much do I support “When you focus on yourself psychologist Daniela Betancur. What are they trying to say to myself? How much do I forgi- from a place of ego, you deny Our thoughts and intelligence me? It is important to receive ve, love and respect myself? others. The ego likes to win, are the tools we should use to and learn from them, as they When you have a conflictive be right, and only thinks about our benefit. are part of life. relationship with others, ask itself. Love, on the other hand, yourself: “What is going on is supportive, isn’t controlling with that person?” Because and doesn’t judge.” you get what you give. (If children are not allowed to express emotions, when they become adults, they won’t know how to process them. If a child is crying, and they are given a cell phone, they will not be able to experience their emo- tion. They shouldn’t be distracted from it because emo- 5 LET YOUR tions are human. CREATIVITY WE ARE FLOW 6 ABUNDANT BY NATURE All the activities we do as humans are full of creativity. Without Abundance is not exclusively about having. Traditionally, we have this innate, inevitable and universal ability, we would not be able followed the model of doing in order to have, and once you have, to learn or do anything. Creativity allows us to come up with then you are complete. Through these pillars, the suggestion is different solutions. It helps us be more flexible in how we think, that “We are all already complete. We make do with what we open ourselves up to different ways of seeing the world, relate have. The question lies in how much abundance you feel you have to each other, live our lives, and understand others who each or if you always feel you are living in scarcity. Are you waiting to have their own unique story. buy a house to feel happy?” 15

7 8 9 10 VELARÉ ME CUIDO LAEDUCA- ME COMPRO- POR MI CIÓNES METO CON PROPÓSITO Cuando voy al gimnasio ¿lo TRANSVERSAL MI FELICIDAD hago por mí o por la aproba- Cada uno tiene el derecho, en ción social? Qué tal si nos Saber que la educación lo Cuando se logra comprender sí mismo, de descubrir cuál es aceptamos como somos y de que hace es potenciar lo y potenciar estos pilares, su propósito fundamental de manera consciente nos ali- mejor de cada persona, per- entonces hay una sensación vida y su vocación. El éxito mentamos o ejercitamos. mitirá entender que competir de felicidad, que no es la ale- real llega cuando ocurre el Hoy, la sensación que gene- no tiene sentido. Es un proce- gría permanente. No es ser encuentro consigo mismo y se ran las redes sociales “es so en el que se acompaña al aprobado, no es tenerlo todo. expresa en un servicio a la que todo el mundo es feliz y otro en el encuentro consigo La felicidad es estar en com- sociedad. La frustración con el yo no. Cuidado con la infor- mismo, usando las herramien- pleta coherencia con lo que éxito nace de la comparación mación que consumimos, tas que cada ser humano se es, con uno mismo. Así, con los otros, y “no tenemos que puede generar mucha tiene para afrontar la vida. Y, quien encuentra coherencia que ser mejores que nadie. frustración cuando no estoy en esa línea, papás y docen- entre lo que piensa, lo que Solo tenemos que ser la mejor listo para diferenciar entre lo tes educan, pero también versión de nosotros mismos”. que es o no real”. puede hacerlo un médico que •hace, lo que siente y lo que atiende a su paciente. dice, alcanza la felicidad

7 8 9 10 YOU SEE YOU ARE PAY ATTEN- TAKE EDUCATION COMMITTED TION TO CARE OF ASSOMETHING TO YOUR YOUR LIFE YOURSELF THAT IS HAPPINESS PURPOSE FOR ALL How do we take care of what When you are able to We each have the natural-born we inhabit: our bodies? When By knowing that education is understand and improve right to discover what our you go to the gym, do you do it what helps bring out the best upon these pillars, you may main purpose in life and voca- for yourself or for social accep- of each person, you allow experience a feeling of happi- tion is. True success comes tance? What if we accepted yourself to understand that it ness, which is different from a when you discover who you ourselves for who we are, and doesn’t make sense to com- permanent sense of joy, from are and express yourself by nourished ourselves or exerci- pete with others. Education is getting approval and from being of service to society. sed consciously? Nowadays, a process by which you having it all. Happiness is There is not just one form of social networks generate the support others to find about being in complete success; there are just as many feeling that “Everyone is happy, themselves, using the tools alignment with who you are. forms as there are people in but me. Everyone has the per- that each person has to deal Those who find alignment the world. Being frustrated fect body, but me. Be careful with life. In this sense, both between what they think, about success comes from of the information you take in, parents and teachers are edu- what they do, what they feel comparing ourselves with which can be very frustrating cators, but so are physicians others, “We don’t have to be when you’re not ready to diffe- who treat their patients. •and what they say, are those better than everybody. We just rentiate between what’s real have to be the best version of and what isn’t.” who find happiness ourselves,” Betancur states.

( )CON TU MUNDO 5 REASONS TO GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM While there are many reasons to use this service, knowing when it is the right time to go will help prevent delays in getting care. ADVISOR MARÍA CLARA MENDOZA Chief of the Emergency Room at San Vicente Fundación University Hospital 1. SEPSIS Sepsis is caused by an infection. Its symptoms include fever, chills, rashes, rapid breathing and a fast heartbeat. People with weakened immune systems are at the greatest risk of sepsis, as well as older adults, children, and people who have chronic diseases. 2. LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS When a loss of consciousness lasts for an extended period of time and comes with symptoms such as headache or chest pain or difficulty breathing, the recom- mendation is to go to an emergency room immediately, as cardio-cerebrovas- cular complications may be involved. 18

3. RESPIRATORY FAILURE ( ( )WITCHOYNOUTUR WMUONRDLDO Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath are clear infography signs of an emergency, especially if the person has chest pain, is coughing up phlegm, or if their skin, ATTENTION lips or nails turn a bluish color. CLASSIFICATION 4. CHEST PAIN ► Requires immediate attention. With older people who have never The patient’s life is at risk and had this type of pain, it is critical to needs resuscitation efforts go to the ER, especially if there is a due to the respiratory, cardiac change in the state of the person’s or neurological system being consciousness, behavior, mobility or compromised, or the loss of a their ability to speak. These can be limb or organs, among other signs of a heart attack. conditions. 5. TRAUMA ► Triage II: he patient may As a result of traffic accidents or physi- enter into a state of rapid cal altercations, all traumas that cause deterioration, or they have an physical injuries, fractures or cuts with increased chance of losing heavy bleeding require medical atten- their life, a limb or an organ. tion. This attention requires going to This medical attention should the emergency room if the person not exceed 30 minutes. experiences dizziness, changes in mobility or a loss of consciousness. ► Triage III: Diagnostic and therapeutic measures need to be taken for the patient. Additional exams or a quick procedure may be done as the patient is stable, but his or her situation may worsen. ► Triage IV: The patient’s medi- cal conditions do not compro- mise their overall condition nor are life threatening; howe- ver, there are risks of compli- cations or side effects of diseases or injuries. ► Triage V: The patient has a cli- nical condition involving acute or chronic problems and there is no evidence of impairment •that compromises his or her life or their organ function 19

WCOITNH TYUOMURUNWDOORLD ( ) )nutrition ENERGY-FILLED SNACKS Help to break up your routine and boost your activity levels. In order to get the most out of their benefits, make sure your snacks are healthy options and that you eat at the right time. Sunflower seeds are rich Eating a treat at any time of day – to have a snack and are hungry, however, in antioxidants and midmorning, in the afternoon or the recommendation is to eat a portion vitamin E. at night – is ok as long as you eat of fruit either alone, or together with a the right portions for your individual dairy product. Red peppers contain nutritional needs. Contrary to what vitamin C, E and A. many think, and depending on each ALLIES TO PERFORMING WELL individual’s needs, snacks offer signifi- As the nutritionist and professional cant benefits. chef María Fernanda Abad González As nutritionist Maximiliano explains, in addition to their physical Kammerer explains, snacks help main- benefits, snacks that provide a good sour- tain muscle mass and even prevent being ce of protein, fiber and healthy fat also overweight or obese: “Snacks help stabi- provide energy and a feeling of fullness. lize your blood sugar and insulin levels. In her words, “They help us carry out For people who are physically active, our daily activities with positive results snacks are critical because their caloric while providing nutrients to make sure expenditures are greater, and sometimes our bodies work. In addition to inclu- eating only three meals a day is not ding all the food groups in the right por- enough to meet the person’s needs. For tions, according to each individual’s these people, the recommendation is to nutritional needs, it is important for eat snacks with carbohydrates, protein them to be as natural as possible: free of and fruit in them.” preservatives, coloring agents and low in sodium, sugar and saturated fats.” For people with a lower caloric expen- diture, who do little or no physical acti- But how can you choose the right vity and whose goal is to lose or main- snacks? The following are some snack tain their weight, eating three main options that show how eating healthy meals a day is enough. can be fun. According to Kammerer, eating less RECIPES than three main meals a day is not JUAN SEBASTIÁN ALZATE - Professional recommended as long periods of fasting chef (hummus recipe) lead to a loss of muscle mass and meta- MARÍA FERNANDA ABAD GONZÁLEZ - bolic disorders. If you do feel the need Chef and professional cook. Nutritionist and Dietician. (Tapas and crackerbread) 20

( )CON TU MUNDO SNACK 1 HIGH FIBER RECIPE TAPAS: WHOLE WHEAT BREAD WITH PAPAYA SALSA AND FRESH CHEESE Cal: 234 / Protein: 8 g 2.000 Fat: 10 g / Carbs: 31 g TO 2,300 CALORIES, ON AVE- INGREDIENTS: RAGE, IS HOW MUCH A WOMAN WHO IS PHYSI- For the toast CALLY INACTIVE SHOULD GET A 1/4 cup Cooked brown rice DAY. 1/4 cup Cooked quinoa 1/4 cup Chia seeds (soaked in 1/2 cup of water for 30 minutes) 1 pinch Low sodium salt 1 tbsp Olive oil 1 tbsp Sunflower seeds 1 tbsp Sesame seeds For the papaya salsa Quinoa provides as much energy and 1/4 portion Diced white onion fiber as whole gains. 1/4 cup Diced papaya 1 portion Diced red pepper 1 tbsp Finely chopped cilantro 1 tsp Lime 1 tsp Olive oil 1 pinch Low sodium salt Mix all ingredients and set aside INSTRUCTIONS: Compared to other fruits, papaya is very low - Mix rice, quinoa, chia seeds, salt and olive oil to form a consistent dough. in calories. - Place on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and flatten to form a 3-millimeter-thick layer. - Sprinkle with sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. - Bake for 20 minutes at 150 °C (300 °F). - Remove from the oven once the mixture is crispy and cut with a knife into 8 x 4-centimeter bars. - Let cool and set aside. - Put two bars on a plate. Serve with a slice of fresh cheese and top with the papaya salsa. 21

( )CON TU MUNDO Because of its high- OPTION 2 water content, apples hydrate the body easily. WHOLE WHEAT TOAST WITH APPLES AND PEANUTS Cal: 214 / Protein: 3 g Fat: 7 g / Carbs: 35 g INGREDIENTS: 1 portion Slice of whole wheat bread 1/2 portion Diced red apple 1 tsp Cinnamon 1 tsp Honey 1 portion Thyme branch 1 tbsp Natural peanut butter INSTRUCTIONS: - Mix the apple, cinnamon, honey and thyme in a bowl. - Toast the slice of bread. - Spread the peanut butter on the toast and cover with the prepared apple mix - Sprinkle with cinnamon and garnish with thyme. Natural peanut butter helps keep your cholesterol and blood sugar levels under control. THE PERFECT SOLUTION BEFORE A WORKOUT 22

( ( )WITCHOYNOUTUR WMUONRDLDO nutrition Healthy fats from olive oil help protect the brain. Combining chickpeas with grains increases the quality of their protein. 2.500 OPTION 3 TO 2,600 CALORIES, ON AVERAGE, IS HOW MUCH A HUMMUS PHYSICALLY INACTIVE Cal: 120 per 100 g / Protein: 375 g MAN SHOULD GET A Fat: 7.0 g / Carbs: 57 g DAY. INGREDIENTS: INSTRUCTIONS: 375 g Garbanzo beans - Soak the garbanzo beans overnight. 100 g Tahini (sesame seed paste) - Cook in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes once it boils. 80 g Greek yogurt - Remove from the pot, save the water for later and process the 2 portions Peeled garlic cloves beans in a blender until it reaches a smooth texture. (If it needs To taste Olive oil more liquid, use the left-over water from cooking). 3 portions Limes/lemons - Remove from the blender and place this paste in a bowl. To taste Salt/pepper - Add the tahini, garlic paste, lime/lemon, yogurt, salt and pepper. To taste Paprika - Serve and garnish with parsley and 1 portion Parsley extra virgin olive oil (optional: paprika). - Serve with chips or pita bread. 23

WCIOTHN YTOUUMRUWNDOORLD ( ))sets SLEEPING 14 Being attentive to SOUND your baby’s sleep HOURS IS HOW MANY Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) HOURS OF SLEEP decreases the chances of is defined as the unexpected death of a NEWBORN BABIES GET IN A sudden infant death 24-HOUR PERIOD. child under age one while they sleep, syndrome and helps makes and whose cause of death cannot be sure they get good sleep. established through clinical examina- tions or an autopsy. To reduce the occu- A LIFESAVER SLEEP ON rrence of SIDS, parents must be vigilant THEIR BACKS and implement practices to make sure they are sleeping safe and sound in pla- ces such as a crib or bassinet next to the parent’s bed. As the weeks go by, babies will create a nighttime routine that is easier to adjust to. HAPPIER KIDS 80 % When the baby sleeps on its sto- OF CASES OF SUDDEN mach or side, it is exposed to the Because they are not aware of day INFANT DEATH SYNDROME fact that, due to gravity, food pas- and night, the arrival of a newborn at ses from the esophagus to the home means reconfiguring your sleep CAN BE AVOIDED BY trachea and can cause bron- habits, as they tend to wake up at any FOLLOWING THE choaspiration. This is why babies time. While it may take several weeks should sleep on their backs for at for their brains to distinguish between RECOMMENDATIONS FOR least the first six months of life. light and dark, as this occurs, you can SAFE SLEEP. Another recommendation is for create a quiet environment for them them to sleep on firm surfaces, as to rest well and wake up relaxed or in ADVISOR soft mattresses makes it easier a good mood. NATALIA FIGUEROA for them to turn, roll and end Pediatrician, member of up in unsuitable positions. the U.S. National Sleep Foundation. 24


WCIOTHNYTOUUMRUWNODORLD (( ))trends KNOW MORE NO TIME TO STUDY In a study published in JAMA Pediatrics DIGITAL HEALTH, and disseminated by the agency Sinc, a THE TREND IN negative correlation was found between 2020 the amount of screen time children and adolescents (ages 4 to 18) spend watching Dr. Frederic Llordachs, partner and television and video games, and their aca- co-founder of the Doctoralia platform, demic performance. This is mainly due to explained this year’s trends in digital the type of activities that are done on health for the agency EFE Salud. these electronic devices (such as compu- More than just having remote medical ters, TVs and cell phones) and not neces- consultations, these tools are innova- sarily due to the amount of time they ting and improving patient care and spend on them, “It is important to consi- disease prevention. Some of these der the content of the devices and what tools include monitoring people with they are being used for, as they may have chronic ailments online, digital thera- a strong influence on this relationship,” pies for sleep hygiene, treating type II states Mireia Adelantado, one of the diabetes, keeping obesity under con- study’s researchers. trol (in adolescents, for example) and using artificial intelligence for health 17,5 % purposes. The American Medical Association estimates that 70% of IS THE PERCENTAGE BY WHICH ULTRA- doctor’s visits can be resolved without PROCESSED FOOD IN LATIN AMERICA the need for them to be in person. HAS INCREASED OVER THE LAST TEN (KEEP IN MIND) YEARS, ACCORDING TO THE PAHO. The WHO recommends that the SAFE ENVIRONMENTS MORE FRUITS AND VEGE- average adult get a daily intake FOR WOMEN TABLES FOR THE HEART of less than five grams of salt. Relationships with skills strengthened, According to Intramed, researchers at the Empowerment of women, Services ensured, Centers for Disease Control and Poverty reduced, Environments made safe, Prevention (U.S.) found that a 5% increase Child and adolescent abuse prevented, and in calories from ultra-processed foods, Transformed attitudes beliefs and norms leads to a corresponding reduction in car- are the pillars of RESPECT, one of the diovascular health. The recommendation is WHO’s strategic lines of action for preven- to opt for more natural foods. ting violence against women and young women throughout the world. This is one of the WHO’s efforts to recognize the role of the healthcare sector in protecting women, providing the required medical services and delivering information in a timely manner. 26

( )CON TU CUERPO )WITH YOUR BODY 30 MINUTES OF WALKING AT A FAST OR MODERATE PACE EACH DAY HELPS TO WARD OFF PHYSICAL INACTIVITY, ACCORDING TO THE WHO. WALKING IS A PRACTICAL AND EFFECTIVE EXER- CISE THAT BURNS CALORIES IN ADDITION TO STRENGTHENING THE MUSCLES AND THE BRAIN. TREADING SAFELY On long walks or nature hikes, be sure to wear comfortable shoes that protect the ankle and have soles with traction for more grip. GOOD POSTURE Make sure you have proper posture by keeping your shoulders relaxed and back, and by stepping with your heel first followed by your toe. MENTAL HEALTH Walking helps keep your mental skills strong as you age and reduces the risk of future brain conditions. 27

WITH YOUR BODY ( )for her YOUR COLON PAIN HAS AN EXPLANATION Women are twice as likely as men to have irritable bowel syndrome. Hormones, bacteria and the connection between the intestine and the brain all have some role in what causes this syndrome.

xxxxxxxxx 90% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF ADVISOR Fear, stress, anxiety and other emo- BACTERIA IN THE HUMAN PATRICIA ÁLVAREZ QUINTERO tions usually travel through the BODY (ARE FOUND IN THE digestive system. How is this possi- Internal Medicine Physician and ble? As Patricia Álvarez Quintero – inter- DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Gastroenterologist, practitioner at nal medicine physician, gastroenterologist and author of the book, La mente y las grow, increasing gas in the colon, and cau- Coomeva Private Healthcare enfermedades digestivas (The Mind and sing bloating and inflammation in the Digestive Diseases) – explains, the brain abdomen. They also produce metabolites and intestine are connected through the that can reach the brain and raise anxiety enteric nervous system, a structure whose and depression levels.” main task is to regulate gastrointestinal BE AWARE OF THE SYMPTOMS function. “The digestive system begins in There are several different factors that the mouth and reaches through the anal cause irritable bowel syndrome, one of canal at the end of the colon, whose which is genetics, especially in patients lining is home to the enteric nervous sys- with a family history of this condition. tem. This system has receptors and hor- “Another cause in our environment is gas- mones that can act alone, are susceptible troenteritis, especially that which is caused to our emotions and do not always need by bacteria such as salmonella or shigella, the central nervous system.” which can have significant effects on the immune system,” argues Alvarez. Serotonin is part of this group of hor- mones and is responsible for regulating During menstruation, women may mood and behavior and ensuring that the experience changes in their bowel habits; digestive process is successful. Its presence however, this should not be confused with in the intestine is greater than that which irritable bowel syndrome, which Álvarez is found in the most important organ of defines as, “The presence of abdominal the nervous system. This is why, when pain at least once a week over the past six people express an emotion as a “gut months, together with other symptoms, feeling,” or refer to the intestine as the such as diarrhea or constipation. The pain second brain, they are not exaggerating. usually improves a little when the patient goes to the bathroom.” Intestinal bacteria are also responsible for these reactions and their role is key to As our specialist confirms, this syndro- colon function: the human body has over me is twice as common in women than in 40 billion bacteria, 90% of which are in men. Social, family and work circles can the digestive system. As our specialist sta- help determine whether these symptoms tes, “They help to process medicine and food and boost the body’s immune sys- •improve or worsen tem. While we have seen that these bacte- ria can be beneficial, stress, anxiety and fear can cause pathogenic bacteria to

COYNOTUUR CBOUEDRYPO (( ))forher (Living with irritable bowel syndrome is a daily challenge for those who suffer from it, which is why it is important to take care of your health and mental well-being in order to prevent symptoms from worsening. COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT IS KEY 1 As Dr. Patricia Álvarez emphasizes, “In order to make a diagnosis, patients must get medical attention and exams such as blood and stool tests. It is also important to rule out other causes of pain with an ultrasound of the abdomen. With people over age 50, if the healthca- re specialist considers it appropriate, a colonoscopy should be done to rule out colon cancer.” 2 “When it comes to abdominal pain or changes in bowel habits, some people self-medicate or follow the suggestions of others. By doing this, without knowing it, they are worsening the symptoms of irri- table bowel syndrome; and when the time comes to go to the specialist, the condition is already very advanced,” Dr. Patricia Álvarez states. “They key is seeing your doctor before it is too late.” 3 In addition to diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome or other pathologies, the gastroenterologist’s role is to teach patients to live with this disorder in order to avoid anxiety and depression. And as Dr. Álvarez concludes, “If it is too late, we will not know whether the diarrhea and constipa- tion symptoms causing the anxiety and depression come first, or if the anxiety and depression are causing the bad bacteria to increase, making irritable bowel syndrome worse. Therefore, it is best to take a multi-system approach in order to focus on the body and the mind.” 30


( )CON TU CUERPO A ROUTINE FOR TWO Getting the motivation to exercise can be easier and more fun if you exercise together as a couple. Going to the gym, going for a walk and cycling are great healthy activities to do together. ADVISOR The benefits of exercise are well known: it pro- may or may not be able to do. Expanding on this JORGE PALACIO tects your heart, increases circulation, streng- point, Palacio warns against falling into what he calls Sports medicine doc- thens your bones and muscles, and reduces the “ego exercise”: “It is quite common for one of tor, practitioner at your levels of fat in the body. However, while its the two to notice that the other is lifting more Coomeva Private benefits are many, sometimes the most challenging weight or has a higher endurance and cannot do the Healthcare thing can be to have the motivation to do it and same, so it is very important to know how far each make it part of your daily routine. One way to get one can go, because the skills of one person are not inspired and to make your exercise more dynamic is equal to those of another. If you are just beginning, to exercise as a couple. you can start by doing your own weight-bearing exer- cises and increase as you adapt. In a situation like For sports medicine doctor Jorge Palacio, exerci- this, for example, it is important for your partner to sing as a couple makes for a more versatile, enjoyable make sure you are doing the exercise right or to offer and even safer workout because “You can verify that help if you need it.” the other person is doing the technique properly or even help them do a certain movements if they are While these exercises clearly benefit your physi- having a harder time.” Another advantage of working cal health, it is important to remember that they out together as a couple is that not many machines or also benefit your mental health. Physical activity equipment is necessary, as the person’s own fosters the release of endorphins, which are the bodyweight in addition that of their partner’s helps hormones that increase feelings of well-being, expand your workout routine. euphoria and vitality. Palacio suggests including aerobic and strength Therefore, in addition to being beneficial, saying training exercises in all workouts. He also recom- goodbye to physical inactivity as a couple can also be mends being very aware of each person’s individual fun. Read on to learn more about some of the abilities to avoid comparing what you or the other advantages of working out as a couple. 32

1IT BOOSTS YOUR ( ( ) )WITCHOYNOUTRU BCOUDERYPO couples SELF-ESTEEM 2IT IMPROVES The physical changes that arise as a result of doing exercise help you to be YOUR SEX LIFE more comfortable with your body. It will even make both people feel and look In addition to the feeling of well-being and more attractive as a couple. pleasure that the release of endorphins creates, exercising together also increases 3IT LOWERS YOUR your libido. Thus, those who do physical activity often have more and better sex. STRESS LEVELS After exercising, the body relaxes, 4IT FOSTERS A HEAL- which helps to prevent anxiety, tension and depression. Doing physical activi- THY LIFESTYLE ties that bring enjoyment and positive Some say that being in a relationship makes you feelings are therefore recommended. gain weight because couples often prefer to go out to eat or watch a movie at home. However, exercising together is a healthy and different way to break up your routine; it also motivates couples to improve their eating habits. 5 6 7FROMDISEASE IT PROTECTS YOU IT IMPROVES YOUR IT FOSTERS ABILITY TO LEARN PRODUCTIVITY When couples have more creative and Exercise fosters neurogenesis, which Working out as a couple increases per- different routines, this increases the is the process of creating new brain formance and allows people to be more chances of preventing cognitive impair- cells. If varied and different routines active during the day, preventing fatigue ment, which refers to reducing the risk are added, this also benefits a per- and a lack of concentration. Exercise of having diseases such as Alzheimer’s, son’s capacity to learn, memory and helps regulate the body’s cycles and dementia or having a stroke. decision making. helps you to sleep well. 33

COYNOUTRU BCOUDEYRPO (( ) )couples BE PREPARED 1 Stretch Sitting in front of each other, with your The sports medicine doctor Jorge legs in a “V” position, hold your partner’s Palacio suggests taking the following arms and bring them towards the floor recommendations and ideas into to stretch their legs, back and arms. consideration when starting a sports Have each partner repeat this 10 times. routine as a couple. 2 Advanced alternate ► Use sunscreen, especially if the When bending the knee, to activity is outdoors. avoid injury, do not go past the tip of the foot without the other ► Wear comfortable clothing, prefe- knee touching the floor. Do 3 rably cotton, and the appropriate sets of 15, alternating legs. footwear for doing exercise. ► Have something to hydrate with for before, during and after your exercise. Water is the best liquid to hydrate with. ► Avoid exercising after a heavy meal to prevent dizziness, vomi- ting or cramping. ► Do warm-up activities before you start. 3 Abs Use a ball to do sit ups and when both are in the upright position, pass the ball to the other. Do 3 sets of 20. 4 Squats Do squats holding on to each other’s elbows with straight arms and a straight back. When at the lowest point of the squat, make sure your knee does not go past the tip of the foot. Do 3 sets of 15. 34

( )CON TU CUERPO 5 Resistance skipping Use an elastic band (or place your hands on your waist) to create resistance and increase the exercise’s level of complexity. Do 3 sets for 40 seconds each. 6 Obliques Sitting with your backs on the floor and with your knees bent, take a ball or a heavy object and turn together at the same time to pass the ball from side to side. Do 3 sets of 20. 7 Parallel push-ups In a push-up position (one in front of the other), do a push up at the same time and then give each other a high five. •Repeat the push up and use the other hand for the high five. Do 3 sets of 10. 35

( )CON TU CUERPO FOCUS ON ACNADLBCOIUNMESCalcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, representing about 2% of bodyweight. Its main reserves are in the ( )bones, where it plays a key role in resistance, strength and in supporting the body’s mechanical functions. ADVISOR NICOLÁS CORONEL RESTREPO Internal Medicine Physician and Endocrinologist Find more information on calcium and bones at 36

(( ))WICTHONYOTURCBUOERDPYO focus on One of calcium’s main functions in the body is with the get additional nutrients, it is best to get calcium from what you bone mineralization process, which helps make this tissue ingest instead of from supplements. While it is found in many pro- resistant against deformations or fractures and helps pre- ducts, dairy products have the highest calcium content, and also serve the structure of the skeleton’s mechanical functions, which is contain magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. A glass of cow’s milk or what allows people to stand and walk. In addition, this mineral natural yogurt (about 200 ml), for example, has about 250 milli- plays a role in the activities of the cardiovascular, neuronal and grams of calcium. The same amount of soy or coconut milk can muscular systems and intervenes intracellularly in enzymatic pro- have between 30 and 60 milligrams. It is important to get your daily cesses and in the permeability of cell membranes. required amounts of calcium in age-appropriate amounts, or take Our calcium intake comes from what we eat. To best absorb it and •supplements under medical supervision CALCIUM 25-30 PROTECTS THIS IS THE AGE AT WHICH Not getting enough calcium causes the PEOPLE REACH THEIR MAXI- bones to lose their strength, increasing the MUM BONE DENSITY. DUE TO risk of getting a broken bone. Getting the HORMONAL CHANGES DURING right amount of calcium as a child helps to MENOPAUSE, WOMEN MAY form strong bone mass, which helps protect EXPERIENCE A GREATER RISK against complications, especially with diagno- ses such as osteoporosis. OF OSTEOPOROSIS. THE IMPORTANCE 99 % OF VITAMIN D THIS IS THE PERCENTAGE Getting a good amount of vitamin D in the OF CALCIUM THAT IS STO- body helps the intestine to absorb cal- cium. Normally, this vitamin is synthesized RED IN THE BONES AND in the skin through sun exposure to the TEETH OF THE HUMAN torso and arms. Getting sun exposure for BODY, WHICH HELPS MAKE a brief 10 to 15-minute period in the mor- ning is one sure way to get this vitamin. THEM STRONG. 500 mg THE RIGHT AMOUNTS THIS IS HOW MUCH CALCIUM CHILDREN AGES 1 TO 3 NEED A The recommended amount of calcium varies by age and condition. Worldwide, the recom- DAY. THIS AMOUNT CAN BE mendation is 1,300 mg a day for children and REACHED IN TWO OR THREE young people ages 9 to 18; 1,000 mg for adults up to age 50; 1,200 for older adults; and 1,300 SERVINGS. CHILDREN BET- mg for pregnant women. Ideally, these amounts WEEN AGES 4 AND 8 NEED 800 should be covered by a person’s diet, and supplements should only be used in specific MG A DAY. cases following medical advice. 37


ALWAYS SAFE ( )CON TU CUERPO The improper use of TAKE PRECAUTIONS plant-based supplements may counter the effects of ► Maca is a traditional plant from Peru whose components certain medications, make include alkaloids, fatty acids and amino acids. It is used to diseases worse or cause boost physical performance, brainpower and to treat flu new conditions. symptoms. If you take any medications, consult with your doctor before using it. Its use is recommended for a ADVISOR period of up to four months as it can increase the risk of JORGE MARÍN CÁRDENAS liver damage and of conditions such as anemia. Clinical Toxicologist ► Spirulina is an algae-based nutritional supplement. It It is often common to see products has high amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. advertised as nutritional supplements People take it to control anemia and lose weight. to improve either your physical or Because spirulina boosts immune system activity, it mental performance and some even say should not be taken if you have an autoimmune disea- they can treat certain diseases. Some of se and should not be used together with blood thin- these include maca, spirulina, American ners or immunosuppressants. ginseng, ashwagandha and ginkgo biloba, which are currently not included in wes- 39 tern pharmacopoeia. As Dr. Jorge Marín Cárdenas states, a clinical toxologist, “While their use is traditional, there are not enough scientific studies to support how they work and what their effects are in the body. Therefore, I do not recom- mend them for managing underlying organic diseases due to the high risk invol- ved, especially with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, epi- lepsy, hepatitis and kidney problems.” If you are going to use them, consult first with a physician and make sure that the brand of the products is approved and registered with Invima (Colombia’s food and drug administration).

CWOITNHTYUOCUUREBROPODY ( ))keep in mind ► American ginseng is a herb that is used to fight stress, infections, ► Ashwagandha is a plant known as Indian anemia and insomnia. It also has properties that enhance mental ginseng and is native to Asia. It contains performance. It contains both ginsenosides, which lower blood different types of alkaloids, is used to sugar levels, and polysaccharides, which can affect the immune sys- enhance physical and mental perfor- tem. If you take diabetes medications, using American ginseng could mance, and to manage stress, insomnia also drop your blood sugar to levels that are too low. and anxiety. It should not be taken if Similarly, because ginsenosides act as estrogen in the body, you you have a stomach ulcer or an should not use this substance if you have any estrogen-related con- autoimmune disease. It should also not dition, or breast or endometrial cancer. It should also be avoided if be taken in combination with thyroid blood thinners such as warfarin are ingested. Other precautions hormones, anti-diabetic medications, include if antidepressants or immunosuppressants are taken, as well blood pressure medications, immuno- as interactions with other herbs and supplements that also lower suppressants, sedatives, or with herbs blood sugar levels. To prevent liver damage, its use is recommended and supplements that lower blood for up to six months. pressure or can cause drowsiness. 40

( )CON TU CUERPO ► Ginkgo biloba is a nutritional supplement from Asia. It contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant qualities, and terpenoids, which improve circulation. It is used to boost physical performance, brainpower, and to treat sleep and anxiety problems. People with epilepsy should avoid it, and it should not be taken together with antidepressants, diabetes medications, blood thinners, medi- cations to treat brain conditions, or medica- tions that are synthesized in the liver. It should also not be used together with St. John’s wort or with herbs that thin the •blood to improve circulation. 41

WITH YOUR BODY ( )trends PUT YOUR STRENGTH TO THE TEST Aerial yoga and ballet fitness are modern practices that also improve people’s physical conditions. ADVISORS JULIANA GARCÍA Aerial yoga instructor ALEJANDRA SALAMANCA Ballet fitness instructor

Creativity and the desire to try new things to take physical activity a step further have helped to create new ways of exercising the body and the mind. Repetitive exercises and exer- cise machines have taken a back seat. Now the body is the medium for strengthening the muscles, increasing endurance and working on the well- being of the mind. Ballet fitness and aerial yoga are two ways of doing this type of exercise. Ballet fitness takes the essentials of classical ballet techniques and mixes it together with exercises and music that are not instru- mental in order to make body movement more dyna- mic. Aerial yoga on the other hand, includes other practices: it works the core (abdominal, lumbar and pelvic muscles), which is characteristic of Pilates; it implements the breathing techniques and energy awareness characteristics of yoga; and it also incorpo- rates the acrobatics from aerial dance. What are these practices and what are their main benefits? Alejandra Salamanca López, a profes- sional ballet dancer and ballet fitness teacher, and Juliana García, an expert in aerial yoga, answer this question from their own experience. Before starting new methods of exercise, the recommendation is to follow the guidance of a spe- cialist in order to avoid potential injuries.

WITH YOUR BODY ( )trends BALLET FITNESS WHAT IS IT? Ballet fitness is a practice that combines the classi- cal postures of artistic ballet with exercises and body movements designed for the muscles and joints. Alejandra Salamanca and her twin sister Andrea Salamanca were professional ballet dan- cers, but their hip injuries forced them to stop. Because of their experience, they created exercise routines to the beat of pop music. “This method uses much faster movements. We do deep push- ups using leg and arm supports. We work with the bar, do jumps and we use a lot of classical dance routines,” Alejandra Salamanca explains. WHAT ARE ITS BENEFITS? People who do this practice develop a unique respect for the body, “They become more sensitive and aware of their potential,” states Alejandra. “They boost their self-esteem and become very self-confi- dent.” Ballet fitness also tones and strengthens the muscles that are more complex to work with using traditional exercises, as these movements prevent injuries and muscular atrophy, and they improve the body’s balance, flexibility and oxygenation. DO YOU NEED TO HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH CLASSICAL BALLET? Anyone can do this practice, there is no need to have prior knowledge of ballet movements or routines. “You also do not have to have a specific body type or fit the prototype for a classical dancer. Having the willingness and desire to learn is enough.”

AERIAL YOGA WHAT IS IT? It is a variant of traditional yoga that combines the elements of other practices, such as Pilates and aerial dance. It consists of suspending the body from a hammock or swing while doing different positions or asanas. “The hammock helps the body to express itself and take any posture, while of course accounting for the different abilities and strengths of each person. It is also a great support for those who have joint problems or who do not have good stability,” explains aerial yoga professor Juliana García. WHAT ARE ITS BENEFITS? ► You become mindful of your breathing. As Juliana García explains, inversion postures – which is when you are upside down – can cause dizziness if the right breathing is not used, which is why it is impor- tant to be aware of each breath. ► Because these inversions involve zero compression, people can align their backs and decompress their spines, creating a space between the cervical, thora- cic and lumbar vertebrae. ► Blood circulation also improves when you are upside down. “You are moving it and bringing it to places that are harder to reach. It is a type of detox,” adds Garcia. ► By moving the body in a different way than what it is used to, “This awakens and renews systems such as the endocrine and lymphatic systems.” ► This also further strengthens the arms and legs. “The same thing happens with the core muscles. Another thing I notice is that people become more connec- ted with their movements, and with their way of wal- king, sitting or climbing stairs.” HOW IS IT DIFFERENT FROM TRADITIONAL YOGA PRACTICES? With aerial yoga, the pressure is taken off the joints, “It actually works on decompressing the back. It is a much more physical practice than what traditional yoga involves.” No experience is necessary, and the hammock makes it a much friendlier activity. “Anyone can practice it, for example. My students •rage from age 5 to 80,” says García

CWOITNHTYUOCUUREBROPODY ( ))x-ray A NETWORK WITH A BEAT The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels It is responsible for sending oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. THE BODY’S MOTOR 2,000 On average, the heart beats bet- ween 60 and 100 times per GALLONS OF BLOOD PASS THROUGH THE minute, which is how it pumps BLOOD VESSELS blood to the body. The body EVERY DAY. then tells it how much to pump. For example, when we sleep, it pumps what it needs to keep the body at rest; and when we exercise, it pumps faster to oxygenate the muscles. A LIFE-GIVING JOURNEY SOURCES 60 SAN DIEGO HOSPITAL, TEXAS HEART The arteries carry blood from the INSTITUTE (USA) AND KIDSHEALTH. MILES IS HOW LONG heart – filled with oxygen, hormones ALL OUR BLOOD and nutrients – to all the cells in the (KEEP IN MIND) body. Then, through the veins, the VESSELS WOULD MEA- blood returns to the heart from The aorta is the body’s main artery, SURE, IF PLACED IN A different parts of the body after it it runs from the heart to the legs. It STRAIGHT LINE. has eliminated elements such as carbon dioxide. This whole pro- is the origin of where all arteries The vena cava is the largest artery cess is known as systemic cir- start, except the pulmonary arteries. in the body and consists of the culation. Then it goes to the lungs to refill with superior vena cava and the inferior oxygen, which is vena cava. called pulmonary circulation. The walls of veins are wider than those of arteries, so they carry blood slower and at a lower pressure. 48


WCOITNH TYUOCUUREBROPDOY ( )for your smile PROTECTION FOR HEALTHY TEETH A good diet both during pregnancy and a child’s first years of life is the foundation for the future of a child’s oral health. ADVISOR JUAN LÓPEZ ARTEHAGA Dentist, specialist in Cosmetic Dentistryand Oral Rehabilitation It is not just a coincidence that the first face, mouth and craniofacial system to teeth to erupt in babies’ mouths are develop properly. The Ministry of Health called “milk teeth.” Calcium, the main therefore recommends that babies be nutrient in milk, is key to forming a breastfed exclusively during their first six strong smile at the beginning of life, months of life. paving the way for permanent teeth. Later, when it is time for complemen- “The foods that make teeth strong tary feeding, everything the children eat take effect when the teeth are coming in. will affect how their teeth develop, making Therefore, in most cases, good breastfe- it necessary to get them used to eating eding practices often make for strong solid foods that stimulate the eruption of milk teeth,” explains Juan López their temporary teeth. “Even whole fruits Artehaga, a dentist that specializes in or vegetables – whole apples or large pieces Cosmetic Dentistry and Oral of carrots, for example,” are included in Rehabilitation. the Ministry of Health’s guidelines. As our expert explains, the 4th DURING INFANCY National Oral Health Study of the On average, children finish getting their Ministry of Health states that in addition baby teeth in at age three. During this to nourishing babies and building their time, and until their permanent teeth immune systems, breastmilk helps the emerge, eating healthy should continue muscles, bones and tissues that form the 50

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