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Sport in Profile 004

Published by Sport in Profile, 2015-01-21 07:20:05

Description: Sport in Profile 004


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HARLEQUINS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPsDoton’tpletpfrloasyt this winterTotal Growth Cover offers a unique andproven frost protection and germinationsolution in one.Protect any natural turf sports surface intemperatures down to -6°C • Full pitch covers • Bespoke cover sizes • Goal mouths • Hire serviceFor more information please visit Brought to you bytotal-play Ltd. The Hatchery, Quinton Green Park, Northampton NN7 2EG t:2 01604ISSUE 04 864 575 e: [email protected] w:

PUBLISHED BY PROCESS PUBLISHING LTD CONTENTSSUITE 1, SAVILLE EXCHANGE,HOWARD STREET, NORTH SHIELDS, SPORTin profile ISSUE04NORTH TYNESIDE NE30 1SE FEATURES 04 PRIVATE AIR TRAVEL 08 FISHING FOR FORCESWWW.SPORTINPROFILE.BIZCOMMERCIAL CLUBS IN PROFILE 72 PORTARLINGTON GCCOMMERCIAL DIRECTOR 12 NEW CAMBELL NETBALL CLUB 74 DUNBAR RFCIAN FINLAY 14 BAMBURGH castle GC (GOLF CLUB) 76 TERRY HOLLANDs STRONGMANT: 0191 447 2512 16 WARSASH WASPS FC 80 DONCASTER HCE: [email protected] 19 LEICESTER RIDERS BASKETBALL 81 FULHAM IRISH GFC 24 REDCAR BEARS SPEEDWAY 82 LOSTOCK HALL JFCOffice manager 29 HIGH WYCOMBE CYCLING CLUB 85 CHEMMY ALCOTT alpine SKIERMARIE LENG 32 BRIGG TOWN FC 92 BRITISH SKIING AND SNOWBOARDINGT: 0191 447 6161 33 RHIWBINA RFC 94 GLENSHEE SKI CENTREE: [email protected] 34 THE BRITISH HORSE RACING AUTHORITY 96 STUART EASTON MOTORCYCLE RACER 36 SOUTHAMPTON SAINTS G&L FC 97 NORTH SHORE JIU JITSUMEDIA DIRECTORS 38 FORMBY HC (HOCKEY CLUB) 98 NFL UKMELANIE RAE 40 NEASDEN GAELS GFC 100 THETFORD GCT: 0191 447 6767 42 WIMBLEDON HC 101 YATELY HCE: [email protected] 48 CROYDE SURF CLUB 102 HORSHAM HC 51 FORTROSE & ROSEMARKIE GC 104 IRONMAN UKDAVE LOCKER 54 DURHAM WILDCATS BASKETBALL 106 PONTELAND GCT: 0191 447 3737 56 LANCASHIRE SPINNERS BASKETBALL 108 ICKLEFORD CCE: [email protected] 58 MMA NEWCASTLE 110 CARTMEL RACECOURSE 60 BRAMPTON GC 115 WARRENPOINT GCLIAM MILBURN 62 ST VINCENT’S GFC 116 IRLAM AMATEUR BOXING CLUBT: 0191 447 6996 66 WALSALL FC 117 LANSDOWN HCE: [email protected] 68 TRINA GULLIVER DARTS PLAYER 118 LEICESTERSHIRE GC 70 ICKENHAM RFCKEIAN SANCHEZT: 0191 340 5773 29 HIGH WYCOMBE CYCLING CLUBE: [email protected] GREENT: 0191 340 5587E: [email protected] LAWLORT: 0191 597 8080E: [email protected] LENNONT: 0191 340 5587E: [email protected] MCKEGNEYT: 0191 447 2554E: [email protected] WILSONT: 0191 447 6997E: [email protected] ELLWOODT: 0191 597 8944E: [email protected] ANTHONYT: 0191 447 2376E: [email protected] of ProductionGaRry HoosanT: 0191 597 6078E: [email protected] IN CHEIFJAMIE SEYMOURT: 0191 435 7878E: [email protected] GOLDSMITHT: 0191 597 6078E:[email protected] MURPHYT: 0191 597 6078E:[email protected] ADMINISTRATORJASON AMESE: [email protected] THANKS - PAUL MCKELLAR FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/@sport_ip© PROCESS PUBLISHING LTD ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted inany form or by any mean, or stored in a retrieval system withoutprior written permission, except as permitted under the copyrightdesigns and patents act 1998. Applications for permission for useof copyright material shall be made to the publishers.

HARLEQUINSPRIVATE AIR TRAVELFOLLOWUSONLINETWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP Private Air Travel has become increasingly popular and can be particularly useful for Sports club’s that have a large number of fixtures outside of their home country. The Baltic Air Charter Association (BACA) oversees the field with the objectives to ‘promote the highest standards of professionalism and ethics within the Aviation Industry. Their Chairman, Tony Seeing people almost physically sucking in information is a Coe, took the time remarkable thing. With comments and observations after training to tell us more about sessions, it never ceases to amaze me just how important this the benefits involved aspect is in life - the passing on of knowledge.” for sports clubs using private air travel. He He went on to tell us about the part they play in representingstarted by giving us a little more information about BACA and the commercial aviation companies and said, “BACA currently hasrole he plays there, saying, “My company has been a member 216 member companies and this is increasing on average byof BACA since 1997. The Association has always stood as a 30-40 companies per year. The split is interesting. 34% Brokers,benchmark for quality, honesty and integrity. BACA’s motto “Our 33% aircraft operators, 33% associated companies such asword our Bond” says it all and has done since 1947. To be able fuelers, handling agents/FBO’s, aviation law firms, and so display the BACA logo is a sign to the industry and clients that BACA has a code of conduct which each member signs up to,our business is conducted to the highest ethical, professional, and reaffirms that every year.and honest standards. We insist companies operate to the highest industry standards.The most rewarding aspects of my role are helping companies We represent the industry in many important areas. We fightand individuals through difficulties, sometimes with legal help but causes on behalf of the members should that be necessary. Wecertainly sharing our knowledge on how to cope in an extremely are introducing Broker industry standards which has never beencompetitive world. Training and particularly training younger done before, and are about to embark on a Training structureentrants to the industry is probably the most rewarding thing for that will encompass classroom and/or on-line courses.”me.4 ISSUE 04

Making travelHARLEQUINSa pleasure, not a choreWhat are the advantages of flying privately as guaranteeing that they will receive honesty and reliabilityopposed to first class with domestic airlines? together with realistic pricing.Tony: There are many. Firstly there is security. You and your Have you any advice for those that are interestedfellow passengers are the only ones travelling on that aircraft. in flying privately?The crews are dealing with corporate, business clients eachand every day, and their first priority is always safety. Tony: Work with a BACA Broker. They have had to be in business for a minimum of 2 years, and many in excess of 20-Secondly you have multiple choice of airports that are not 30 years. They know the best aircraft for the job. They haveavailable when flying first class and/or domestic. You can probably checked or even flown on various aircraft beinggenerally depart from an airport much closer to your place of offered. Build up a rapport with the same or residence. They get to know your likes and dislikes and travelling thenThirdly you can depart and arrive when you want to. becomes a pleasure and not a chore. Remember that cheapGenerally you can arrive at an airport within 15 minutes of is not necessarily (and probably not) the best.your departure time and be airborne within a few minutes.The same applies to arrivals. Generally one can be on your Using the Internet can be good at times, however contractingway within minutes of landing. can leave you in a delicate situation. Some Internet aviation companies will insist you contract directly with an operator.What would be the main advantages to our Sports Clubsand Sports Professionals of using a Baltic Air Charter That’s fine until there is a problem, for example weatherMember Company ? diversions, or you’re held up in traffic etc etc. And what do you know about contracting aircraft?!Tony: The BACA has a firm belief that abiding by the codeof conduct is the correct way to do business and that A good broker will take care of all of that, and all the problemhonesty and integrity are still valued by the majority of clients areas that can arise - and indeed they do. Booking via theworldwide, unlike some industries which seem to thrive off internet could leave all that messy stuff to youdishonesty and hoodwinking the general public. By usinga Member Company Sports Clubs and Professionals are 5

HARLEQUINS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPWe have created a new category in private jet travel. Excellence. Since 2005 Oxygen Aviation has stood for the very best in private aircraft travel. By consistently providing a first-class customer experience Oxygen Aviation has become a dominant global player in the private aviation market. Our philosophies of Trust, Service and Excellence are shared by us all and our reputation depends on providing each as much as the other. Oxygen Aviation provide services to Government Bodies, Royal Families, Celebrities, Private Individuals and an array of Corporate Clients. The trust we earn from all our clients is due to the high levels of service and utmost discretion we deliver on every occasion. With access to aircraft with 4 to 400+ seats based all over the world, Oxygen Aviation can service any private aircraft requirement.6 ISSUE 04 Call us today: +44 (0) 1403 237 010 Or send us an email: [email protected]

The Baltic Air Charter Association HARLEQUINS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/FOOTYFOCUSMAGThe aims and objectives of the Baltic Air Charter Association are:• To be the representative forum of the air charter industry.• To be accepted by governmental and other regulatory agenciesas the accredited negotiating body representing the air charterindustry.• To promote the interests of its membersworld-wide:• To provide membership to any organisation or individual who candemonstrate - Active participation in the air charter market.• Commercial integrity, Acceptable financial standing, Occupationalcompetency.• To provide both professional and social facilities for members.• To promote and protect the reputation of the industry• To institute, promote, support or oppose legislative or othermeasures affecting the interests of members of the Association• To assist with commercial mediation if required by members.• To furnish such advice and assistance to members in pursuanceof any of the above objects as the Council of the Association may,at its discretion, consider as necessary or expedient.• To provide professional advice as requested on such terms andconditions as the Council may from time to time decide.A Breath of Fresh AirThe Sporting Industry has always been an important part of private jet companies and encompasses a plethora of ‘reasons to fly’.It is not only reserved for the rich and famous - aircraft chartering has its place whether flying the sporting personality the fans oreven, as we once had here at Oxygen Aviation, an urgent part of a Formula 1 car.Mark Green, Director of Oxygen Aviation says, “Private jets are all seen the “Transfer Deadline Day rush” and clubs need tonowadays a business tool. For the sports personality, it offers keep things under wraps until pen is put to paper, so sitting inquiet surroundings to focus before the competition or a relaxed Seat 1A on board a regular flight from Barcelona to Manchesterenvironment for their holiday flights without media intrusion. could be seen as a ‘bit of a giveaway’.They also arrive more refreshed and whilst these days mostpersonalities have no objection to posing for ‘selfies’ with adoring At Oxygen Aviation we have welcomed on board some of thefans, for every fan, there is also the fan of the competition who highest profile players in the Premiership during their transfers,might wish to offer some choice words of support! This applies as well as players to/from other European leagues, naturallywhether you’re a footballer, golfer, cricketer, rugby star or we have comprehensive non-disclosure agreements signed toanyone well known in the sporting arena.” ensure discretion is rock-solid at all times, the slightest leak can scupper a deal.”The fans also play their part in aircraft chartering, for awayfixtures and events the fans travel en masse, it can put a strain The costs are not vast either, chartering a private jet will almoston the services offered by regular airlines and often they are not always be more expensive than business class airfares, butflying to the most convenient airport for the event, the chartered not to the extreme that you might think. Six passengers flyingaircraft can utilise airports not serviced by scheduled services on a light-jet from London to Paris (return) can be bought forwhilst also travelling with a dedicated aircraft full of fellow as little as £5,000, when one considers the time saving atsupporters. the airports alone, plus the enhanced travelling experience, it begins to make sense. Whilst there are the larger and moreIn terms of private jet as a business tool, it makes a huge luxurious aircraft that are more pricey, when prices start at lessdifference during the football transfer windows. Green than £1,000 per person, who is to say it is only for the rich andcontinued, “a club or an agent will use a private jet to move a famous.high profile player who is about to sign for a new club, we have 7

FISHING FOR FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP FORCESFISHING FOR FORCESFormed in 2009 and launched in 2010 Fishing For Forces is exactly what it states. The Anglers ofthe UK wanted to show their appreciation to those that have suffered trauma or been physicallywounded in recent conflicts, but also those that are still serving their country, and veterans ofall conflicts back to WWII. What Fishing For Forces do Founder Bill Howell took the time to tell Sport in Profile Magazine more about the good work that they have been doing, saying, “We organise group events of up to twenty HMAF (Army, Navy, RAF) guests with an equal number of angler/mentors to pass on our angling skills as well as introduce the extremely therapeutic effect that a day at the waterside can have. We recently took 60 guests from 150 Provost Company from Catterick Garrison trout fishing over three separate days (20 per day) and the results were excellent and are on the video on our website. There are also a large number of single one to one superb fishing outings totally free of charge donated through the UK by individual anglers, clubs and the owners of fishing on the “Fishing Available page” on our website www.fishingforforces.org8 ISSUE 04

FISHING FOR FORCESWe considered 2013 a good year with group eventsand individual trips of Coarse, Trout, Salmonand Sea/Beach fishing being held nationwide.However 2014 has been an exceptional year withthirty group events being held to date with 500 ofHMAF guests to the waterside as well as manyindividual outings.For those that have suffered wounds of all kinds(and we are aware all wounds do not show), weorganise events to cater for them, with angler/instructors qualified in this respect and modifiedtackle. We also have groups of veterans one mayjoin that have started their own angling clubssupported by FFF and we supply a lot of the tackleand fishing required.This coming year we are aiming to open more“Fishing Schools” at many of the 15 PRU/Ccentres nationwide. The Tedworth House PRCFishing School opened in June 2012 is a stunningsuccess with unstinting support of the staff andlocal anglers and FFF supplying complete sets oftackle for game, coarse and sea fishing, (ten foreach discipline).The list of veterans suffering from PTSD and otherrelated trauma symptoms that will last a lifetime is The underlying principles of innovation, product quality and service are the cornerstone of Sharpe’s of Aberdeen. The Sharpe’s of Aberdeen built a reputation for quality and innovation in the design and manufacture of split cane rods and this continues today with the award winning Gordon series of fly rods. Rods Landing Nets Wading Staffs Fly Lines/Leaders For more information contact us below Telephone: 01466 794415 Email Address: [email protected] Sharpe’s of Aberdeen, Artloch Fishery, Longhill, Huntly AB54 4XA 9

FISHING FOR FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP FORCES growing continuously so we would wish to be available to assist therapeutically for many years to come. Please join us and help make their day. Be you an angler wishing to donate usable tackle, your time and skills or a member of the public simply wishing to donate funds to give them a well-earned break please do get in touch. I assure you that you will get as much from your donation as they do.” Fishing For Forces is a non profit organisation. Registered Charity number 1141744 Fishing For Forces, Apt C, 69 Perham Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9SP Tel: 0207 385 2135 Mobile: 0785 037 3760 Website: email:[email protected] ISSUE 04 11

NEW CAMBELL FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP NETBALLNEW CAMBELLNETBALL CLUBNew Cambell Netball Club is a terrific example of a well-run,community establishment. Sport in Profile Magazine caught upwith their Secretary Tracey Daley to find out more.Dagenham Park School /// /// Founded 1959She said, “I have been at the The most rewarding thing for me sitting 2nd and the Regional side top. is coaching the \"babies\" in the We also have 7 senior teams in aclub for 30 years now. It was the high club. We take them from age 6. local league who are all doing reallycalibre of coaches and players that The improvement at this level is well and 4 junior teams in a leagueattracted me. At the time I joined, immense. They start by not being who are thriving.Head Coach Pat Watson was also able to catch and throw a ball tothe England U21 Coach and she a year later taking the court for a I think the main key to the clubswas assisted by Jillean Hipsey who match. It’s such an achievement for longevity is that we are not just ain her time was the most capped everyone involved.” netball club but a large family. WeEngland player.” all care and are there for each other Success on and off the netball court. The clubThe Role was founded by Pat Watson's mum, “The general mood is very good at Alice Hallmark in 1959, and I think“I have many roles at the club, player, the moment. Our Premier side are we will always strive to keep it goingcoach, secretary and junior club in her memory.”treasurer. I say the most challengingis the coaching and management of Communityour Premier squad. The majority ofthese players also play in the Super Our club is definitely a communityLeague and once their season starts club. We have great links with allin January they are restricted on how the local schools. I would say themuch they can play for the club. majority of our players are local although we do also have someWe can go from some weeks having players that travel up to an hour toa full squad to the next week 6 out come to us too!of our starting 7 not being allowedto play. We are lucky we have the Our youth section is massivelydepth and strength in the club to important to us, they are our future!bring players in but of course we do When our players hit 14 they aremiss these elite players at this level. entered into one of the lower division of the local senior league we play in (Essex Met). It takes them about 6 months to adapt to playing against12 ISSUE 04

NEW CAMBELL NETBALLadults. For those that show potential, at 17/18, they are theninvited to train with the regional senior team with the view toease them into a higher level of netball. Then of course theycan move into our premier team.”Progression“We have many players that are in a Super league team,this is one level down from international competition. SophieHankin, Georgia Lees, Michelle Drayne, Rose Morgan-Smith, Lindsay Keable, Mikki Austin. Any of these girls couldbe invited to represent England. Lindsay Keable is in theEngland squad & we are very proud of her.”Challenges/Ambitions“I think the biggest challenge for any club is making sureyou have enough and the right calibre of coaches. We do tryto keep our membership fees as low as possible to enableeveryone to participate but this does have a knock on effect for our coaches who only get a minimal fee to cover expenses. This sometimes makes it hard to attract new personnel especially if they have not been a previous member of the club wishing to give something back. The clubs ambitions in the next five years is for the Premier Team to win Division 1 again, a few years back we did win it for about 7 years consecutively so it would be nice to be back at the top again. We are close this year so fingers crossed! We also have great ambitions for our junior section and would love for them to reach the National finals which we haven't done for a few years.” 13

BAMBURGH CASTLE FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP GOLF CLUBBAMBURGH CASTLEGOLF CLUBBamburgh Castle Golf Club is one of the most beautiful and entertaining golf courses in Britainwith views of Lindisfarne, the Farne Islands, the Cheviots and Bamburgh Castle. Lined withgorse, heather, whinstone and rare fauna the course provides a unique set of challenges.Alan D Haile Funeral Services The course is not the longest at just24 hours 7 days a week over 5,600 yards and is a demandingPrivate Chapel of Rest par 68 with plenty of birdie opportunities, especially on the back 9 with 3 par 4s under 300 yards. Club Representative Mike Robinson took the time to tell us more about the club.All Funeral requirements professionally arranged He started by telling us about hisPre-payment Funeral Plans available involvement, saying, “I’ve worked in golf since leaving the RAF in 1980. I started111A Main Street, Seahouses, as caddie master at Walton Heath GC,Northumberland, NE68 7TS. then from 1984 to 1991 PGA tournamentOffice Tel/Fax 01665 720258 director at Belfry (Ryder Cup referee 1985Mobile 0777 5524 438 and 1989).Home 01665 720658 I’ve been in golf club management [email protected] 1993 in Essex (Braintree), Isle of Man (Peel) and here at Bamburgh having started playing in the late 70’s as something to do when I finished playing football. I enjoy the challenge of different courses and weather14 ISSUE 04

BAMBURGH CASTLE GOLF CLUB Set on the delightful village green and overlooked by the magnificent Bamburgh Castle, the Victoria Hotel offers a high standard of en-suite accommodation and fine food served all day in the AA rosette- awarded Bailey’s Bar & Restaurant, all within the peaceful Northumberland village of Bamburgh. For More Information Contact Us: Telephone: 01668 214 431 Fax: 01668 214 404 Email: [email protected] The Victoria Hotel Front Street, Bamburgh, Northumberland NE69 7BP • A well maintained and clean 8 seater vehicle • Friendly and reliable service • Local and long distance journeys • Luggage transfer for walking holidays • Caravan sites pick-ups • Sensible prices LOCAL TAXI SERVICE IN SEAHOUSES, NORTH SUNDERLAND CALL US NOW: 01665 720 542conditions. Also the social life is great 70 junior members but they are based the course and the area as a golfingand it is a sport you can play for as long all around the country. We are trying to you are active. initiate a coaching scheme with the local school in Belford as a way of introducing There has been a general decline inOur membership is very buoyant at new juniors to the game. The 2013 membership throughout the UK and itpresent, the course continues to improve Amateur Champion Garrick Porteous will be important to maintain our positionyear on year and is in great shape at is a member of the club and came up as one of the premier clubs in thethe moment with a new extension to through our junior section from the age County. Our ambition is to be recognisedthe clubhouse added last year that has of 7. as a premier golf destination both forproved a great hit with members and membership and visitors. We also havevisitors. We had a very good year in 2014 helped a rolling plan for improvement on the by the new building and the excellent course and it is important that this is keptIt is very important to maintain a healthy weather. We want to continue to improve under review.”junior section. We currently have around the course and grow the awareness of 15

WARSASH FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPWASPS FCWARSASH WASPSFOOTBALL CLUBDengie Hundred Sports Centre /// Wasps SFC is a club built around player development and enjoyment and do aterrific job in this regard. Club Chairman Mike Ashley took the time to tell us more about thegood work that they have been doing.He said, “I first got involvedabout 14 years ago as both mysons played at the Club. Someof the most rewarding parts ofthe role include the smile on a 6years old face when he turns up toDevelopment squad on a cold, wetSaturday morning and having hisMum tell me it is the only morningof the week she does not struggleto get him/her out of bed, seeing15 year old lads, who have beenwith the club since they were5, help with coaching youngerplayers and the feeling of pridewhen people like Matt LeTissierand Steve Claridge praise the Clubfacilities and especially the maingrass pitch.”Atmosphere“We always try to stay positive,optimistic and proud of ourfacilities. We have a long lease onour main Headquarters where wehave an 11 a side pitch which isthe best non-professional surfacein the County, a 3G training pitch,inside training area, refreshmentbar and meeting room.We are 75% of the way througha project to build a new changingroom block, with refs room, and alarge teaching room upstairs whichwe hope to rent out to the FA fortraining courses and utilise for ourown needs on education withinthe club. We are lucky to havesomeone who is qualified to runLevel 1 courses here.” 16 ISSUE 04

Youth WARSASH WASPS FC“We are a Youth Football Club first of all; the Adultsections have only been added in the last 5 years as Unit 2 Salterns Lane Ind. Estate, Salternsplayers at Youth level have wanted to carry on playing as Lane, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 0SUWarsash Wasps. In the past the Club stopped playing at E: [email protected] 15 but after a change in policy we have kept sides T: +44 (0) 1329 284145at Under 16, 18 and Adult football. www.FlotechPS.comBut Youth rules to the extent that the Adult men’s Having moved their offices toteams play at the local recreation ground and not at Fareham earlier in the year, Flotechour headquarters. The reason being that the Club was Performance Systems is supportingfounded to provide football for local children, that is still the local community by sponsoringthe aim but with the add-on that we will provide the best the Warsash Wasps under 11’s team.facilities we can for them to grow their game at their own Throughout the 2014/2015 season,pace without the result coming into the equation. the team's kit will be sponsored by FlotechPS, with the FlotechPSThe aim is to develop young players so that they all logo proudly displayed on thereach their full potential and it is that aim which all the team's shirts. Flotech Performanceclub’s coaches work towards. Like all clubs we have Systems is a manufacturer andplayers who disappear off to academies etc. but to be turnkey solutions provider to manyhonest, the club is about ordinary children playing and, different industries. They specialisemore importantly, enjoying football. If we have success in solutions for the storage, transferso be it but that has never been, or will be, our objective.” and distribution of liquid and gas products and also provide access solutions and safety equipment to any industrial facility. 17

WARSASH FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPWASPS FCCommunity“We are a Chartered Standard Community Development Club and take thecommunity part very seriously. Virtually all of our players live within 2 milesof our New Road ground and many of our younger players play for the Clubbecause their parents did.We run a Saturday morning Development squad for up to Under 7’s, whereup to 60 children attend and their parents are encouraged to stay and watchas the Club’s coaches( all Level One or above) work with their children.The 3G pitch is available for local schools to use during the week with atleast one primary school using it for training and matches. It is also used bya 5 a side league on a Sunday night with many of the men playing comingfrom the local area and also having children at the Club.At the end of each season we run 6 a side tournaments from Under 8 toUnder 13 over 2 weekends with the tasks such as parking, BBQ, sellingprogrammes and Refreshments being performed by parents from eachsquad. We actively encourage parents to get involved in running their child’ssquad from U8 upwards, paying for all courses they attend and runningEmergency aid training on our own premises.”Ambitions“The major task facing the Club over the next 5 years is to find morevolunteers to help with the practical things like grass cutting, pitch markingand also volunteers to run sides. We are a football club run by volunteers;we aim to break even financially every year. We are not a coaching school,run for profit, where parents can leave their children, we need the parents toactively get involved with the Club.The other issue as mentioned earlier is to provide extra grass pitches sowe can meet demand, of course that then goes hand in hand with havingenough time for them all to train. I suppose we do not have any majorambitions other than providing local people with the facilities to play footballin a good, safe environment.”Pass! Shoot! Score! Most children welcome the chance to have fun and Recycling Ltdlet off steam during an activity. Football encourages children of all genders and Delivering operationalbackgrounds to participate in such an activity, whilst promoting important life excellence in HWRCskills such as physical health, teamwork, communication, leadership and self Managementesteem. Hopkins Recycling Ltd., who manage Hampshire’s 26 HouseholdWaste Recycling Centres, have always keenly supported such interests as an for more than 20 yearsopportunity to build relationships with the local community. As Warsash WaspsSFC is one of the largest community football clubs in Hampshire, is local to our For information contact:Head Office, and has inspired one of our own children and his friends to play, 01489 798960it seemed the perfect choice for our sponsorship. We have seen at first-handhow the support of the Club, dedication of the volunteers and a little additional help from us, has given these children the opportunity to reachtheir potential and shine. The now U10 Warsash Wasps Blacks, under themanagement and coaching of Rob Wise and Anthony Bennett, triumphantlywon last seasons U9’s Club Tournament competing and winning against other local teams.Due to the self belief that the Club inspires in its members, several playershave gained the skills and confidence to pursue other opportunities, withinand outside of football. For example, Jack Turner-Doll, one of the teamsGoal Keepers, and outfield player Daniel Wise have been selected to play forEastleigh Academy. Outfield player, Oliver Covell has been selected for theTalent ID programme at Southampton Diving Academy. Kevin Hopkins, theM.D. of Hopkins Recycling says ‘I have great memories of playing football as achild and the hours of fun and friendships built. I also learnt valuable life skillswhilst playing, such as how to win, lose, stay determined in challenging timesand communicate with different people. Personal and business success oftendepends on the ability to build strong relationships and stay focused on goals.So hopefully lessons learnt on the pitch will translate into other important areasof these children’s lives. It’s an opportunity for them to learn real life skills in a fun and safe way.’18 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @RidersBball LEICESTER RIDERS BASKETBALLLEICESTER RIDERSBASKETBALLSir David Wallace Sports Hall /// /// Founded 1967The Leicester Riders are the oldest operating side in the topflight having been established on the 26th April 1967 andwere founder members of the National Basketball Leaguein 1972 and the BBL in 1987. They were founded by a groupof students and lecturers at Loughborough Universityand have put together matches. This sees them sitting just behind plays above the rim and can bring a differenta history of which they the early pace setters. dimension to our team.have every right to be I think the athleticism is certainly somethingproud since then. This should provide them with the perfect that jumps out at you when you watch him platform from which to build as they look play. He really is an exciting player and canThey currently compete impact the game on both ends of the court.” ahead towards the rest of thein the BBL Championship campaign. So long as they It is not just the men’s team that have beenand have enjoyed a superb can keep up their early excelling recently however as the women’sstart to the current campaign, form they should be in with side claimed the Championship in just theircompiling a record of 9 wins a great chance of chal- second season of EBL Division competition.and just 2 defeats lenging for honours come This was a superb achievement for thefrom their the business end of the side, claiming the title by defeating Sheffieldfirst 11 season. Hatters by 68-63. They are clearly fully This led to their Head Coach, Matthew committed to developing Harber being named Coach of the Year at the annual Charnwood Sports Awards. He further and this has told the club’s official website, “To receive been demonstrated the award of Coach of the Year was a real by the recent addi- surprise, but I was of course over the moon. tion of American TrayVonn Wright. As I said on the night, it is an absolute pleas- The 23 year old ure to work with our student-athletes on a is a North Dakota daily basis and credit to them for continuing State Univer- to believe in our system and our process sity graduate during the good and bad times.” that averaged Leicester Riders are also committed to play- over 11 points, 5 ing an important role in the local community rebounds and 2 and this is reflected by their launch of Project blocks a game in Hub thanks to funding from Sport England his senior year. and the British Basketball League Founda- Standing at 6 foot tion. The project will see an increase in the seven inches tall provision of basketball in Leicestershire. he helped the side to one of the most This will include the launch of 6 new sites for successful seasons males and females aged 14 and over, giving in the school’s people an opportunity to take up the sport history. and continue it into their adult life. Leicester Riders is clearly a club with a The forward is known fantastic set up both on and off the court for his ability to stretch and this has been reflected in the fantastic defences with his in- results that they have been achieving lately. side-out play and his high This is thanks to all of the hard work that has flying style and blocking been put into the club and hopefully they will ability should be great to be able to continue in the same manner for watch for the fans. Speaking many years to come. to Head Coach Rob Paternos- tro said, “TrayVonn is a long, athletic and versatile player that 19


LEICESTER RIDERS BASKETBALL RIDING HIGH: PUKKA PIES SPONSORS LEICESTER RIDERSPukka Pies is delighted to announce a two-year sponsorshipextension with local basketball team, the Leicester Riders.The Leicester-based company “Our sport has attracted much new are created by dedicated andand UK’s best-selling pie brand is attention recently, and so I think I caring people, using the bestsupporting the oldest professional can speak for everyone involved ingredients sourced from theclub in British Basketball for the when I say that that we are all most trusted suppliers in state ofsecond year, as part of a three- excited about our future” the art facilities.year agreement which sees the The Pukka Pie story: Feedingteam sporting new shirts for the families for over fifty years With each Pukka Pie beingupcoming season. Pukka Pies prides itself on providing produced by passionate pie- good, honest food. makers at the family-runAs seasoned supporter of local The business started life in Leicester business in Leicestershire, it’ssport, Pukka Pies has always been in 1963, when husband and father- no surprise that the companyat the forefront of the Leicestershire of-three Trevor Storer quit his job prides itself on providing goodcommunity. Based in Syston, the and founded ‘Trevor's Homemade quality, honest business employs over 250 Pie Company’, to set about makinglocal workers and is delighted with and selling great-tasting pies; they Pie lovers can be safe in thethe new deal. proved to be a massive hit. knowledge that Pukka Pies doSally Voss, Brand Manager at not contain any hydrogenatedPukka Pies, comments: “As a local In 1964, Trevor renamed the fats, artificial preservatives orLeicestershire business, we feel company ‘Pukka Pies’ and the flavourings.very proud to be supporting The company has been feeding familiesRiders. The team won the British ever since. To this day, Pukka Pies All meat is hand-prepared byBasketball League in 2012-13 and remains an independent, family-run a team of skilled butchers andcame fourth in the 2013-14 season, business passionate about pies, each pie comes adorned withso we know they’re a very talented with recipes remaining the same the company’s familiar pastryand successful team! We wish the as when the flavours were first patterning and placed in aLeicester Riders the best of luck created. distinct colour-coded foil tray forthis season.” convenience. Pukka Pies makes over 60 millionNews of the Pukka Pies pies and pasties every year, whichsponsorship comes just weeks afterthe announcement by Leicester’s “We are delighted toMayor, Sir Peter Soulbsy, of a have the support ofplan to create a £4.2m Community Pukka Pies; a world-Arena in the city which will become renowned brand andhome to the Leicester Riders. popular business based in our community.”Leicester Riders CommercialManager, Ian Davidson, adds: “Weare delighted to have the supportof Pukka Pies; a world-renownedbrand and popular business basedin our community. The relationshiphas enabled fans of the team toenjoy Pukka Pies products onmatch nights and their support issure to be a huge boost to the team;hopefully we will have anothersuccessful season in the BritishBasketball League. 21

LEICESTER RIDERS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP BASKETBALL Warming the nation with good honest “Pukka Pies’ food Individual Pies areNow that darker dinnertimes have drawn in, Pukka Pies is packedinviting food lovers up and down the land to indulge in quality with tenderBritish comfort food with its delicious range of pies. pieces of qualityThe UK’s number one pie brand offers a wholesome variety of meat and atasty pies and flavours, so it’s never been easier to enjoy your tasty saucefavourite winter warmer this season! encased in over 140For a quick and easy treat, a Pukka Pies Microwavable Pie layers of(RSP: Twin Pack £2 for 2) is the ideal solution. It cooks from light pufffrozen in only three-and-a-half minutes, and with fillings pastry.”such as Steak, Chicken, and Balti Chicken, these fast-trackcomforting pies are bound to banish the winter blues.There are no soggy bottoms to worry about either, as PukkaPies Microwavable Pies have been specifically developed forthe microwave. The product comes in innovative packaging,ensuring that the pastry has a light crumbly eating quality,making for a truly delicious pie every single time.Those with more cooking time on their hands can opt forPukka Pies’ wholesome Individual Pie (RSP £1.85). Cookingin less than 50 minutes from chilled, the flavoursome andperfectly-formed single pies are the perfect remedy on a coldday.Pukka Pies’ Individual Pies are packed with tender pieces ofquality meat and a tasty sauce encased in over 140 layers oflight puff pastry. The flavour range includes; All Steak, Steak& Kidney, Chicken & Mushroom, Potato & Meat, and MincedSteak & Onion; alongside Potato, Cheese and Onion.For a family treat which you can all enjoy around the table,why not try a tasty Family Pie (RSP: £3.50).Pukka Pies’ filling and comforting Family Pies are the ultimatein quality, reliability and convenience and are guaranteed tokeep the whole family satisfied this winter. They cook in lessthan 50 minutes in the oven from chilled, and come with thechoice of Chicken & Gravy, All Steak and Minced Steak &Onion flavours.Just like the Individual Pies, Pukka Pies’ Family Pies are filledwith chunks of quality meat, a tasty sauce in a light puff pastryand are perfect with mash and vegetables for a satisfying,balanced meal.Pukka Pies Microwave Pies are available from Asda,Morrisons, Tesco, Iceland, Farmfoods and Heron Foods.Individual Pies are available from Asda, Morrisons, Sainsburysand selected Tesco stores. Family Pukka Pies are availablefrom the chilled food aisle in Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys. For further information about Pukka Pies, please visit the latest updates, follow @pukkapies on Twitter and visit ISSUE 04 23

REDCAR BEARS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP speedwayREDCAR BEARSSPEEDWAYFor almost a decade Redcar Bearshave proudly continued a tradition ofspeedway racing on Teesside whichstretches back to 1928 and almost asfar as the sport itself in this country.South Tees Motorsports Park /// ////It was only a matter of months after Johnnie Tayor to get permission and build a 271-metre circuit on the other side of the town on theHoskins first brought over from Australia the site of a disused steelworks which had beenconcept of racing motorcycles on a loose utilised as a makeshift quad track and runsurface oval track, that speedway was first as part of the South Tees Motorsports Parkwitnessed at Cleveland Park in Middlesbrough. track.It was the first venue for the sport in thenorth-east and continued, with a few brief The complex already had a fully certifiedinterruptions, until the stadium was sold and motorcycle racing and kart circuit, capableredeveloped at the end of 1996. of staging national events, and had also staged trials and supermoto (a combinationLocal enthusiasts Steve Harland and Jason of road and off-road racing) and the additionPipe kept the Bears name alive during a of speedway - once upon a time second onlydecade that followed through a nomadic junior to football in popularity in terms of payingside which plied its trade in second halves spectators - was seen as a major various venues, from Hull to Newcastle,throughout the region. Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council owned the land and gave permission withThey were rewarded by West Midlands their blessing and the Redcar Bears, whopromoter Chris Van Straaten seeing the were to race in the Premier League, werepotential and teaming up publicist Gareth born.Rogers and former rider cum engineer Glyn Then icing on the cake came when locally born, bred and based former World Champion Gary Havelock agreed to join and took on the role as club captain and the Evening Gazette and other regional media united in heralding the “Homecoming of a Local Hero’. Havelock had begun his career as a 16-year old at Cleveland Park during the eighties and won almost everything the sport had to offer in the intervening years, including becoming one of the most popular England captains of all-time. The seeds sown, the club were rewarded with a capacity crowd of over 6,000 cramming into the newly built stadium on opening night.24 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @RedcarBears REDCAR BEARS speedway“The icing on the cake camewhen locally born, bred andbased former World ChampionGary Havelock agreed to joinand took on the role as clubcaptain.” 25

HARLEQUINS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPRedcar Bears starRichard Lawson in action 26 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @RedcarBears REDCAR BEARS speedwayI like the Keith Miller (left) of Ecco Finishing Supplies with Redcar Bears riders.Bears somuch, Isponsor them!Victor Kiam famously stated that he liked the 15,” he recalls. “You never forget the sounds andRemington shaver so much that he bought the smells, the thrills and spills. I had my heroes as acompany. There was a similar situation when Keith young lad but it is the smells and noise that haveMiller rekindled his boyhood love for speedway on his stayed with me over these last 40 years.”first visit to see Redcar Bears. His decision to sponsor the Bears was an easy one toKeith liked it so much that he immediately agreed for make. “As a business, Ecco Finishing is going reallyhis company to become the Bears’ main sponsors well and I wanted to share some of that success with– and his failure to buy the business hasn’t been the local community,” he explains. “It’s all very wellthrough a lack of trying on his part. working hard and making profits but I’m a firm believer in giving something back to the local community.”In March, Ecco Finishing Supplies will begin theirthird season as Redcar Bears sponsors. It is a Whilst Ecco’s sponsorship is crucial, Keith feels theproud commitment for Keith, who clearly takes great deal is about so much more than the financial input.satisfaction from sharing his success with his localcommunity. He continues: “Obviously there’s a financial contribution but I want it be about a lot more thanKeith gave Ecco it’s first kick-start when he launched simply signing a cheque. I want to take the Bearsthe business from a spare bedroom with the purchase forward on and off the track.of a £25 typewriter from Argos. Now the companyturns over £5 million a year, manufacturing and “The more I have watched the Bears, the moresupplying shot-blasting and fire protection equipment interested I’ve become. I’m now a passionate Bearsto world-wide clients in the oil, gas and off-shore fan and have travelled around the country watchingindustries. them. But I get frustrated because I know we could be achieving so much more.”But while Keith’s corporate horizons now stretch tofields as far as Kazakhstan, Russia and the Far East, That belief that he can make a difference has ledhis heart remains closer to home. He believes he has to two unsuccessful bids to buy the Bears from thea responsibility to support the Teesside community in club’s existing owners – but he hasn’t yet given up onwhich he was born and raised. his dream of owning the company he likes so much.As such, Ecco not only sponsor Redcar Bears “I’d still like to think that one day I’ll be owner or co-but Middlesbrough Cricket Club too, as well as owner of the Bears,” said Keith. “I think the club hasMiddlesbrough Homeless Football Club, helping great potential but nowhere near enough local peopleto put back on track young people who have found even know about it. As sponsor, I do all I can to raisethemselves without a home to call their own. its profile but I could do a lot more if I was in charge.”But it is with the Bears with whom he has a passion In the meantime, Keith vows to continue backing thethat he hopes will one day see him calling the shots Bears’ supporters and riders. “When you talk to theas owner of the club. fans, it’s clear that speedway people are very special. They have a different mentality to anything I’ve comeMemories of a boyhood love for the action-packed, across elsewhere. They are just so passionate andhigh-velocity action of speedway came flooding back committed. To hear that supporters are contributingwhen Keith first saw the Bears in action just two to the costs the riders have is unbelievable. I can’tyears ago. imagine that in any other sport.”“I used to watch Teesside Tigers – the Bears’ 27forerunners - with my best mate when I was about

REDCAR BEARS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP speedwaySuch was the clamour to get in that Whilst many other larger clubs, like More recently regular monthly trainingan ‘out of bounds’ unconsolidated once Elite League Birmingham, sessions, with bike and equipmentbanking along the back-straight was Peterborough and Eastbourne, have hire available, have been run at theopened to alleviate any possible also hit trouble in these financially Redcar raceway with, among others,dangers of crushing as the Bears testing times, careful management by Bears’ current teenager mascot Kyle(who have periodically also been Havelock snr and his fellow directors Bickley emerging to claim Britishknown as Tigers over the years) have constantly made Redcar one of and World age category titles atcommenced an exciting new era. the first tracks to confirm “business speedway, long and grasstrack on as usual next year’” at the end of specially built 125cc machinery.In only their second season the every season.Young Shield became Redcar’s first 2015 will see the Bears celebrate asilverware and whilst further trophies The Bears have successfully decade at the STMP and, despitehaves been hard to come by on the weathered a difficult economic crisis, losing their top two riders Richardtrack, success in speedway is often the unexpected loss and enforced Lawson and Aaron Summers tocalculated using different criteria. retirement of iconic skipper Havelock, big spending Glasgow, they have following a horrific accident in 2012, gathered a side which should againThe wide, banked and surprisingly plus several other set-backs and be capable of thrilling the Teessidefast red shale circuit has always responded by cautiously continuing crowds every week throughout themade for close and exciting racing, to develop the new facility, with a summer..which has enticed passionate sizeable and raised bar area andsupporters from throughout the hospitality facility and, most recently, In addition Redcar have gained theregion to continue coming through a permanent 160-plus all-seater continued support of Ecco Finishingthe turnstiles every Thursday night. stand overlooking one of the best Supplies, an expanding company appointed pits areas in British racing. based within sight of their formerWhen Taylor took over the Cleveland Park home on the otherpromotional reins in 2008 and got his Youth development in the region side of Middlesbrough.figures wrong, getting into serious has always been to the fore withfinancial difficulty, the local flavour the club running a team in the third This will be the third successivewas enhanced as Havelock’s father tier of British racing, formerly the season that the side’s red, white,Brian, already team manager and Conference and now known as the black and grey race-jackets will carryanother former rider, got together a National League, for three years in the name Ecco Finishing Bears asconsortium to rescue and restructure the late nineties. they strive to make an impression onthe club. the 13-team second tier of racing in the UK.28 ISSUE 04

HIGH WYCOMBE CYCLING CLUBHIGH WYCOMBECYCLING CLUBFirst established in 1924, High WycombeCycling Club has a history of producingtop class Cyclists and a reputation forplaying a vital role in the community.Sport in Profile Magazine caught upwith their Club Manager RobertTaylor and Club President DrGordon Wright to find out more.Robert told us, “I have been a member As I am quite new to the sport and have and also Jonathan Shubert who this year no experience in organising a race this will became the National 24 Hour Time Trialof the club for just over a year now, I was certainly be a challenge to coordinate! I do Champion.attracted to the club as not only does it believe however, that when you are parthave a strong reputation as a Racing of a club such as HWCC, that there is an We are looking forward to the next seasonClub, both in Road Racing and Time element of give and take, members get a with a vibrant and dynamic club goingTrialling, but there are also a wide range lot from the club, and it is nice to be able to forward, we will be relaunching our Raceof activities for members to participate contribute and give something back to the Team for 2015, this will include a men’sin, both on and off the bike. Regular Club club which, as a collective, gives a lot to its road, men’s TT, junior and ladies teams.Runs, mid week “Chaingangs”, Evening members.” Our Race Team is sponsored by VercoLeague Time Trials, Social Events, and Furniture and Stupples, Chandler Garveybeing able to participate in one off events Atmosphere Commercial Property Consultants.”such as the Silverstone 9 Up Time Trial arejust a few examples of what draws people “The general mood here is very positive, Successto the club.” we have many motivated and enthusiastic riders, a good club spirit and camaraderie, “A successful blend of the strong traditionsThe Role there is a strong club run culture, with and culture of a very long standing and all competitive road racing and time trialling inclusive traditional club together with the“Being relatively new to the committee I am spearheaded by the HWCC Race Team. drive, enthusiasms and motivations of newjust getting to grips with the role, however, I wave riders of all ages have been key forhave quickly managed to volunteer myself We have some very high performing us.for additional tasks, for example we are riders at national level, for example Adam There’s an adaptable club atmosphere -hoping to put on a closed circuit “criterium” Topham who has 3 times won the Best accepting change is no big deal as longrace in the spring of 2015. British All Rounder Time Trial competition, as the inclusive club wide family culture 29

HARLEQUINS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/ Proud sponsors of the HWCC Race Team Pedalling hard in the commercial property sector since 1979Stupples Chandler Garvey is a regional firm of Commercial Property Consultants with offices in High Wycombe, Aylesbury,Amersham and Slough (Thames Valley) and offers owners and occupiers a full range of services, including sales, lettings,acquisitions, valuations, rent reviews, lease renewals, planning and development advice, management and building Office Furniture are an office furniture and seating manufacturer based in High Wycombe since 1912.We strive to deliver quality and value, using a combination of traditional skills with modern techniques,from the very best materials available, to provide a stylish and high performance product every time.proud to support the HWCC Race Team100 years of inspiration from verco 30 ISSUE 04

HIGH WYCOMBE CYCLING CLUBis preserved which is important. We have arapidly expanding junior section, no doubt,in part due to the recent success of BritishCyclists both in Olympic and Grand Tourcompetitive cycling.”Youth“Youth development is vital for us, we havea good track record with Juniors – somehaving gone on to win major competitions.Peter Keen won the Juvenile Nat 10 title in1980 and eventually became British Cycling’sfirst World Class Performance Director. Wecurrently have some 16 teenagers between16 years of age and 18 years of age and wehave a strong junior Race Team going into2015.”Community“We are absolutely a community club. Wehave a good social calendar with a clubdinner, fish and chip supper, and the end of theevening league TT programme has a buffetand awards event. We are an inclusive club,with a good number of family membershipgroups; typically mum, dad, and offspring.We have from the very modest riders (menand women) who just want to enjoy our widerange of club runs, up to some very highperformers and potential high performers inthe youth section.”Challenges“The biggest challenges for us will bemanaging growth and responding to andadapting to the increasing popularity anddiversity of cycle yet still retaining the strongcultural traits of a large traditional club.We want to continue to develop our raceteams, find bigger sponsors and becomemuch more professional in our managementand administrative systems.” 31

BRIGG TOWN FC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPBRIGG TOWN FCThe Hawthorns Ground /// /// Founded 1864Lincolnshire’s oldest football club, Brigg Town FC are an FA Charter Standard Club cele-brating their 150th anniversary this year. They currently compete in the First Division Southof the Evo-Stik League Northern Premier and play their home games at The HawthornsGround in North Lincolnshire.They have put together a history of which they have every and perhaps make one or two quality additions they will be in with a good chance of doing just that.right to be proud and were founder members of the LincolnshireLeague in 1948. They did not waste any time establishing One of the standout features of the Brigg Town set-up is thethemselves in the new competition, being crowned champions in superb youth section that they have in place. This part of the1950 and a further 7 times before being elected into the Midland club looks to provide youngsters from the local area with anCounties League in 1976. opportunity to play the game in a safe and enjoyable environment whilst helping them to reach their full potential.One of the undoubted highlights for Brigg Town came in the1995/96 season when they lifted the FA Vase, defeating It is important for any side to be able to produce their own talent,Clitheroe in the final at Wembley Stadium. They repeated this particularly in the current financial climate and this is an areafeat in 2002/03, overcoming favourites AFC Sudbury 2-1. Brigg that they appear to have covered. It will certainly be excitingTown’s current group of players will be keen to add to these to see how their juniors can progress over the coming months.successes over the coming years.Last season it would be fair to say that Brigg Town did not Although Brigg Town’s results have not been what they wouldperhaps enjoy the campaign that they would have liked. The have liked lately this should not take away from the good workclub struggled for continuity throughout the year including a that is being done at the club. Sport in Profile Magazine wouldmanagement trio of Paul Grimes, Scott Hellewell and Michael like to wish them the best of luck for the future.Jacklin.The team did manage to avoid relegation however which givesthem a chance to do better this time around. Undoubtedly thehighlight of last season was their performance in the LincolnshireFA Senior Trophy as they made it to the final before going downon penalties against Stamford after a thrilling 3-3 draw.As they approach the half way mark in the current campaigntheir form has again been a little disappointing. They have puttogether a league record of having won 3, drawn 1 and lost 15of their first 19 matches which has left them 2nd from bottom inthe league.There is still plenty of the season left to play however and agood run of form could see them climb away from the relegationplaces. So long as they can retain their current group of players32 ISSUE 04

RHIWBINA RHIWBINA RFCRFC “Rhiwbina’s scintillating start to the season is a reflection of all of the hard work that is put into the club behind the scenes.” Rhiwbina Recreation Club /// ///Playing their home games at Caedelyn Park in Cardiff, Rhiwbina RFC currently compete inDivision 1 East of the SWALEC Leagues. They are led by Chairman Paul Maddocks who issupported by Secretary Steve Juniper and the team has made a considerable amount ofprogress under their guidance, having been promoted as Champions last time around.They have wasted no time establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with this time around either, having won their first8 league matches. This sees them sitting top of the table with 36 points on the board.If they can keep up their recent level of performance then they will be amongst the title challengers when the season reaches thebusiness end. There is a real confidence among the players that they have the ability to claim their second title in as many years.Rhiwbina is not a club to focus solely upon their senior section however and they also have a thriving youth set up. This part of theclub looks to provide youngsters from the local area with an opportunity to play the game in a safe and enjoyable environment whilsthelping them to reach their full potential. It is important for any side to be able to produce their own talent, particularly in the current financial climate and this is an area that they appear to have covered. It will certainly be exciting to see how their juniors can progress over the coming years. In order to help these players to make the sometimes difficult transition into the senior game they also have a number of additional sides in place. This allows them to gain experience of adult level rugby even if they are not yet considered ready for first team action which can be an important step in the development process. Another benefit of having extra sides is that it allows the first XV to benefit from far greater strength in depth. If they are ever left short on numbers through injury or work commitments they have the option of calling players up with a limited amount of disruption. Rhiwbina’s scintillating start to the season is a reflection of all of the hard work that is put into the club behind the scenes. It is this extraordinary level of commitment that should enable the club to achieve plenty more success over the coming years and Sport in Profile Magazine would like to wish them the best of luck. 33

THE BRITISH HORSE FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPRACING AUTHORITYTHE BRITISH HORSERACING AUTHORITYThe British Horseracing Authority (BHA) is the regulatory authority for horse racingin Great Britain. It was first established on 31st July 2007 following a merger betweenthe British Horseracing Board (BHB) and the Horseracing Regulatory Authority (HRA).Its stated objectives are to, “provide the mostcompelling and attractive racing in the world; be seenas the world leader in raceday regulation; ensure thehighest standards for the sport and participants, onand away from the racecourse; promote the best forthe racehorse; and represent and promote the sportand the industry.”One of the key areas they are responsible for is thedevelopment, co-ordination and maintenance ofprogrammes of recruitment, retention, training andeducation within the horseracing industry. They workclosely with stakeholders in four key areas whichare Vocational Training, Careers Marketing, JockeyTraining and Community Engagement.Moving ForwardsThey recently confirmed the appointment of six newNon-Executive Directors to their Board as they lookto bring additional expertise to the governing andregulatory body. The appointments were; AthollDuncan, Julie Harrington, Noel Harwerth, JoeSaumarez Smith, Laura Whyte and Eamonn Wilmott.Speaking after the appointments Steve Harman,Chairman of BHA, said, “This is the start of a newchapter for the BHA Board and the next step in itsevolution as a governing and regulatory body.”He added, “The new appointments mean that therewill be a significant broadening and deepening of theexpertise around the BHA Board table. This includesMedia and Government Relations, individuals withEntrepreneurial, Investor, Financial and Bettingbackgrounds, good regulatory knowledge andconsiderable Training, Development and Welfareexperience.”Hopefully the British Horse Racing Authority willcontinue to play a vital role in helping horse racing toflourish in this country. Everyone at Sport in ProfileMagazine would like to wish them the best of luck forthe future. 34 ISSUE 04

THEHBARRILTEISQHUIHNOSRSE RACING AUTHORITYFor people interested in pursuing a career in Horse Racing there are a number of training activities available including:Stable Staff Programme – providing the opportunity for hundreds of industry funded recruits the chance to complete an ap- prenticeship with a view to gaining employment in racing yards across the country. Stud Staff Training – from stable staff through to management level Becoming a Jockey1.A training programme for amateur and point to point riders at the British Racing School (BRS) and Northern Racing College (NRC) 2.A coaching programme looking to support the development of newly licensed JockeysStaff Management Courses – for supervisory staff and potential trainers wishing to apply for their licenses run by BRS and NRC.The Graduate Development Programme – giving 20 people a year a chance to complete a two-week residential course fol- lowed by a paid placement with organisations from the racing and breeding industriesAdditional Courses – A number of other courses are run on BHA’s behalf including The Racing Industry Course, Overview days and Health and Safety seminars.Anyone interested in finding out more information on the careers and training available can visit information portal is maintained by BHA and offers a free job board for employers and employees with a coordinated careers marketing campaign supporting the industries recruitment needs. 35

southampton FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPsaints G&l fcSOUTHAMPTONSAINTS G&L FCFleming Park /// /// Founded 1976Southampton Saints Girls and Ladies FC have enjoyed a superb first half of the seasonand are currently among the league leaders in their league. We caught up with 1st TeamManager Adam Lee to find out what has been behind their good form.He said, “I’ve been involved for 10 years now. It’s great which has made it difficult for us at the moment. The bunch of girls we’ve got all pull together and they’re a terrific bunch.seeing the young players at the club come through and progress I think the Coach, Mark Eldridge has played a big part in thewhether that is for our team or at other club’s at a higher level. way the side has played up to now. He’s one of these coachesIf a player progresses to a Superleague club it is rewarding for that is very disciplined and the players know when not to crossourselves. We want players to reach their full potential.” the line and he’s very inspirational.”Atmosphere 2015“This is probably the closest bunch of girls that we’ve had for a “We’re still looking at trying to win this league despite beinglong time. We just had our Christmas party recently and it was down to the bare bones. We’ve got a couple of tough fixturesa great night; it’s a really good team spirit that we’ve got at the coming up and then we’ve got a favourable run in. We’re quitemoment. That’s probably one of the reason’s that we’ve started optimistic that we can contend in this league and push our rivalsthe season so well – it’s a close knit team and they all play for all the way.”each other.” YouthGood Form “There are players in the first team that have been with us for“We’re really happy with the start that we’ve made. We’ve years now having come through the ranks so our youth systemstruggled a little the last couple of seasons and this year we’ve does work. It is important for us to produce our own talent asreally gone great guns. We’ve hit some nasty injuries lately we have financial limitations in place which can make it difficult36 ISSUE 04

southampton saints G&l fc Lee Vapours Limited Hampshire’s premier vapour and e-liquid company Are proud to be the sponsor of the Southampton Saints Ladies FCWe at Lee Vapours, was looking to help a local team or group with a sponsorship to help them grow, within the field the sponsorship would be in. Luck would have it that one of the players of the team, had made a post onfacebook looking for help with sponsorship for the team she had not long moved to. We made contact with the player and setup a meeting with the team management to discuss how we could help. After meeting the team who we have grown to know and support them as much as we can. We are not just a name on the team’s top. We try to make it to every home game, training sessions and away games. We have watched them team grow in strengthfrom that very first training session we watched. The players are a credit to women’s football. Lee Vapours is a local company that offers smokers a fresh change from smoking. Giving you the chance to break free, from all the harmful toxicin’s in everyday cigarettes. Make a life changing swap from cigarettes to using a personnel vapouriser unit. Why not try The Squad e-liquid strawberry and menthol flavour, which when sold supports the Southampton Saints Ladies FC by giving a donation from each bottle sold. Come along and visit us and make the swap to vaping and ditch the smelly cigarettes Lee Vapours Limited, 192 Nobes Avenue, Gosport, PO13 OHY to attract players. Some of the girls here are paying nearly £400 a season to play which can be a lot of money to come up with.” Integration “We’ve just brought in an U18 team this year because we felt the difference between U16s and the first team was a massive gap to breach. The U16s were winning comfortably week in week out and the step up to the ladies was a bit of an eye opener for them. So we’ve put the extra side in place to try and bridge that gap, easing the transition into the senior game.” Challenges “It all comes down to finance for us I think. It costs us a great deal to run the club every season and we have a lot of expenses. A lot of the team’s we go to are under the umbrella of the men’s clubs and we don’t have that in place.” Ambitions “We’ve got our vision in place for what we’d like to achieve. We want to gain our own venue with a training facility but it will be important to raise the funding necessary to enable us to do so. We’ve got ground grading requirements that need to be met and so for us to have a facility of our own would be absolutely fantastic. Basically, we just want to carry on the way we are with the strong youth structure we’ve got within our club, progressing players through the ranks whilst bringing in experienced players to help the side to flourish.” 37

FORMBY HOCKEY FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP CLUBFORMBYHOCKEY CLUBFormby Hockey Club is based at Cricket Path, Freshfield on Merseyside and they are a greatexample of what can be achieved with a strong set up behind the scenes. Their men’s firstteam currently competes in the North Hockey League Premier Division whilst their women’sside is in Division 2 West. Cricket Path /// /// Founded 1900/02The men’s team has been in fine make one or two quality additions have been well entertained and they should be in with a good chance should encourage more of the localform so far this season, having put of mounting a title challenge. community to get behind the side in thetogether a record of 8 wins, a draw future. This in turn has the potential toand 4 defeats from their first 13 One of the highlights of the team’s provide them with a valuable sourcematches. This sees them sitting in the performances has been the attacking of additional half of the table with 25 points on brand of hockey that they have beenthe board. producing. This has been reflected by Their Ladies team have been steady the fact that they are among the top as well, winning as many as they’veThis should provide them with the scorers in the league, having already lost with 6 wins from their 12 matches.perfect platform from which to go on found the back of the net 41 times at This has left them sitting in a safeand have a successful season. So a rate of more than 3 per game. mid-table position with 18 points uplong as they are able to retain their This has certainly meant that any to now.current group of players and perhaps supporters attending their matches38 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @FormbyHC FORMBY HOCKEY CLUBThey will be keen to push on from here as a goodrun of form could see them quickly climb thetable. It will certainly be exciting to see how therest of the season goes for them and there is areal confidence amongst the players that they canfinish strongly.Formby HC is a club that is committed to providingas many people as possible from the local areawith an opportunity to play the game and theyhave a number of additional sides running. Thisallows them to give far more players a gameevery week than if they only had first teams.A major benefit of having so many sides is that itallows the first teams to benefit from far greaterstrength in depth. If they are ever left short onnumbers through injury or work commitmentsthey have the option of calling players up with alimited amount of disruption.There is much to admire about Formby HC as theycontinue to play a vital role in their community.Hopefully they will be able to continue the goodwork for many years to come and everyone atSport in Profile Magazine would like to wish themthe best of luck for the future. 39

NEASDEN GAELS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP GFCNEASDEN GAELS GFCGAELIC FOOTBALLNeasden Gaels GFC is a great example of a well-run community establishment which prides itselfon giving players a warm welcome. Competing in the Cara Stationery Football League Division1 they play at the highest level of senior football in Britain and encourage anybody interested ingetting involved to come along. Silver Jubilee Park /// /// Founded 1989The team is based in Kingsbury, North London having first beenestablished in February 1989 following a meeting between officialsat McDonagh’s Bar in North West London. They were first foundedby Michael Cleary, Roger O’Connor, Jim Devine, Bobby Moynihan,Claire Moynihan, Danny O’Sullivan and Michael McDonagh whowas appointed as the first team manager.The club has certainly come a long way since then, winning theintermediate championship in 1996. They did not stop there eitheras they went on to win the London Senior Championship in 1999just 10 years after being set up and are now one of the top sidesin Britain.Their success in recent times is there for all to see as they competedin the 2008, 2009 and 2010 London Senior Championship Finals,winning it in 2010. They also enjoyed a terrific run in the All IrelandClub Cup, making it to the quarter finals before being defeated bythe eventual champions Crossmaglen Rangers.One of the reasons for the success that the club has achieved hasundoubtedly been the superb set of facilities that they have whichare some of the best in London. They have a full-size playing field,floodlit pitch with stand, 4 changing rooms and a clubhouse withbar and function rooms at their Jubilee Park and Kingsbury FCTown grounds.The team did not perhaps enjoy the campaign that they wouldhave liked in 2015 in League Division 1 as they put together arecord of 1 win, 2 draws and 3 defeats from their first 6 matches.This saw them finish in the bottom half of the table with 4 pointson the board.40 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @NeasdenGaels NEASDEN GAELS GFCTheir performances were not without positives however and the managementteam will look to draw on these as they build for 2015. It will certainly beexciting to see how they are able to get on in the New Year.There is plenty of optimism around the club as they look to have a successfulseason and they are targeting honours with the hope of winning both theLondon Division 1 Senior League and the London Senior Championship.They are currently looking for players based in Central, North or North-West London to join there successful squad with training taking place onTuesdays and Thursdays in Jubilee Park. With a couple of quality additionsthey will be in with a good chance of challenging for honours.There is much to admire about the set-up that Neasden Gaels GFC currentlyhas in place and this should enable them to look forwards to a bright andsuccessful future. Everyone at Sport in Profile Magazine would like to takethis opportunity to wish them the best of luck for the New Year. 41

WIMBLEDON HC FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPWIMBLEDONHOCKEY CLUBKing’s College School Sports Ground /// /// Founded 1883The Wimbledon Hockey Club has been making some terrific progress in recent times bothon and off the pitch. Their Director of Hockey Ben Marsden took the time to speak with Sportin Profile Magazine.He said, “I used tocoach with an Australianinternational player calledTrid Woodhouse. Trid wasDirector of Hockey from2006-2008 and he tookme to the club following acoaching session. I wasseriously impressed withthe setup. The club isopposite the All EnglandClub and has great facilitiesfor Hockey, Cricket, tennisand Squash. I felt it wasa diamond in the roughthat had relatively littleexposure and I thoughtthis could be a uniqueopportunity to work witha club that had very littleperformance culture up tothis point. It had bags ofpotential.”The Role“The most rewarding aspectof my role is definitelyseeing individuals of allages improve and blossominto talented players. Thepathway a player takesto improve is something Iam passionate about; sowhen you see players areinspired by their sport andthey push themselves, it’svery gratifying.The most challenging partof the role is probably thevarying types of enquiriesand situations you haveto deal with on a dailybasis. We have a new 42 ISSUE 04



WIMBLEDON HCpitch project on the horizon which demandssome time, although it is a very exciting andnecessary project.We have 44 coaches working within ourstructure and 1200 plus members so thereis a lot of time spent organising, planningand delivering sessions and ensuring thatclub is constantly moving forward. We arean extremely ambitious club and we believethat we must be constantly pushing for thehighest standards - this in itself means yourwork is never done!”Atmosphere “The mood is high, our men’s 1st team are currently 4th in the NOW Pensions Premier League, which is the highest ever position in the club’s history. Our ladies 1’s have recently been promoted to the Investec Conference East and they are building on their successes. We have increased our junior section so we no longer have any waiting lists in any age groups. This allows us to grow our base and hopefully increase the amount of home grown talent at the club. The prospect of the men making the Premiership play offs this season is realistic and this gives us a chance to make Europe - this would be a dream come true for most club members and so there is a huge amount of excitement in the air!” Success “We have a huge number of volunteers and supporters who have contributed to our success in many ways. We have a clear vision of what we want to achieve and we support each other with the hurdles and challenges along the way - it is a team effort.” Youth “Youth development is very important indeed - it is our future! Ensuring that our junior section is thriving is high on my list of priorities. We run various midweek academies on an invitational basis. These sessions are a stepping stone for the stronger players to transition from the junior section to the senior section. Senior training sessions are on the same evening so this allows for a clear transition from one session to the next. Our coach and captains can also have an overview of players so we discuss progress and put players forward where necessary.” Community “We are definitely a community 45

HARLEQUINS FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IPIndependentco-educationfor childrenfrom 4 to 16years Somewhere your child would really like to [email protected] 8394 happythinodueagpdevhentndftueunlrotinulosdhyiovanildehusatradalwmkoirbnkiidntigocuousrteous 46 ISSUE 04

WIMBLEDON HCestablishment. We have many families pitch inside an athletics stadium within many objectives and we are extremelyat the club and we are attracting more. walking distance of our clubhouse. grateful for their support.”We have links with state and private This will provide an additional playingschools in the area and we have a surface (we currently have two pitches) Ambitionsdiverse group of members. and also allow spectators to watch hockey from a stadium. “We aim to become one of the mostWe run a successful Quicksticks We are working hard to get our ladies successful clubs in the country, withprogram for those children who are 1st team promoted and making the elite teams competing in Europe. Wejust starting play, some aged as young step from conference to Premiership hope to be playing hockey in a 1500as 3. We also run a back to hockey hockey and then staying there is always seater stadium in the heart of Westprogram, designed to get people back a challenge. The other challenge is London, within walking distance of ourto playing hockey and these England consistently providing a high level of clubhouse.Hockey initiatives have proved to be coaching and organisation across the We strive to provide a consistently highvery successful.” board. level of coaching across the board that allows players and coaches toChallenges We work with four wonderful sponsors improve. I am confident that with our - STX, NER Finance, Savanna Shops structure and support we can achieve“The biggest challenge for us is ensuring and Hall School Wimbledon - there all of these ambitions.”that the pitch project is successful. We financial support allows us to achievehave a project to put a water based 47

CROYDE SURF FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP CLUBCROYDESURF CLUB /// Founded 1979 /// Images courtesy of Rob Tibbles www.robtibbles.comCroyde Surf Club does an outstanding job of providing people an opportunity to getinvolved in surfing. Sport in Profile Magazine caught up with their Manager, Rob Whitneyto find out more.He told us, “I’ve been involved with CSC for the past five years. I love surfing so it was a no brainer really. Surfing has been in our community for years and there was (and still is) a huge kudos being a part of the club. Watching locals rip in the water and knowing they were a part of the club made me want to be like them. The Role “As Chairman of this voluntary organisation, I guess my role is extremely varied. With so many people so passionate about surfing, the biggest challenge of the club is trying to continue to set high standards within British surfing. We’re always trying to stay one step ahead of the rest and be a leader for others to follow. We want to run the best competitions, produce the best surfers and have the most fun. All of this isn’t possible without the help of our membership and therefore we’re always on the hunt for volunteers to help us to achieve our goals. The most rewarding aspects come from watching our groms (youngsters) gain success both in the UK and abroad, and putting Croyde on the surfing map. We also have some very successful women in the sport as well, which is helping to increase participation in this area. Of course, continued club success in the National Interclubs helps, especially when it comes to bragging rights in North Devon.” Atmosphere “I would describe the atmosphere here as very excited! We’ve just secured planning permission for a brand new clubhouse and are in negotiations with the local council and land owners on how soon we can get this off the ground. It’s going to be such a much needed facility for the community, we can’t wait. We’ve also just purchased an events trailer to help with the running of both local and national competitions.” Youth “Youth development is essential to us. This club and community would not function without it. When the club was first formed in 1979, the groms of those days are now the surf 48 ISSUE 04

TWITTER /// @croydesurfclub CROYDE SURF CLUBprofessionals, the surf coaches, and the time he puts into the clubthe surf shop owners, the is invaluable. We always needsurfboard shapers and ultimately people to volunteer their time, nothe figures that our youngsters matter how small that may be.”today aspire to be and better. Take PartWe use the expertise from thelocal community to raise the “There is no other feeling thanstandards of the most elite catching your very first wave.surfers, for those who want to You will need to check out www.compete on the international for your localscene, but also cater for those approved surf school and grabkids who want to just surf and your first lesson. Although youhave fun without any pressure of can hire boards and wetsuitstraining. Surfing is also a lifestyle from a number of places, youand not just a sport. should always visit your nearest surf school.It’s a part of who we are.Educating young people on surf They will show the correctsafety and lifesaving techniques techniques for getting up andare vital. Our seas become riding on your board. They willextremely busy in the summer also show the safest places tomonths and having competent surf. If you are a beginner, alwayssurfers in the water during these surf on a lifeguarded beach.times allows them to stay safe Know your flags. Approach theand help others learn.” lifeguards and ask for the safest places to surf. Things like theLongevity tides can seriously affect the waves.“The passion of the local peopleand the commitment from People need to respect theindividuals has been the key to sea and the beaches that theyour longevity. People like Martin surf on. It’s always a good ideaPurchase have been there from to keep our beaches clean asthe outset and his experience well. Where you can, taking two 49

CROYDE SURF FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/SPORT_IP CLUBminutes to clean the beach you surf will benefiteveryone. You can check out more information about environmental issuessurrounding surf spots.”Challenges“One of our biggest challenges is making sureour sport is accessible to all. Although we havea good female contingent in the club, it is still anational problem. Unfortunately it is still largely amale dominated sport and we want to continueto bring female surfers through. We have somegreat role models in the club, Peony Knight, KarmaWorthington, Flora Lawton and Laura Crane. We’rehoping that these girls can continue to inspire thenext generation of women.”Ambitions“We want to continue to set high standards. CroydeSurf Club is the longest running and most successfulUK club. We want to maintain those titles. We’vegot some great talent coming through the ranksat the moment in Taz Knight, Will Bailey and AlexGibson. It would be great to see what these guyscan achieve in the next five years.Taz is already dipping in to big wave surfing withAndrew Cotton, and Will and Alex are starting tomake their mark in the Europeans. We also want tomake sure that we’re an inclusive club. We’re run byour members, and ultimately it is them who decidewhat happens next. In the meantime we’ll continueto be a family club and to do our best.”50 ISSUE 04

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