GAGAN BIHANI MOHANTY CioDaityani Mohanty, At Denliasahi, P.O.Cuttack-1, Dist. Cuttack, (Orissa) Gagan, aman 'who neverwalks,but runs' isaways busyfor nothing.His voracity, in harmony with his corpulent body, favours the idea'we livetceat' Simple and jovialheinvokes laughter inamelancholysoulbyhisplain bluffing. Hisappetite for dishes as well as knowledgereveals his earnest desire for the perfection of his body and mind. Alover of all indoor games, he has never failed to show his mettle inendurance running remaining indifferent to the result. Knowledge and timber should not be much used until they areseasoned. -0.W.Holmes 105
HARAPRASAD DASH CIo Sri Artabandhu Dash, Advocate, At Matia Mandap Sahi, Puri Short but robust Hara ismuchactive innature and versatile in hisfields of interests, which compensate his deficiency in stature. Heexhibits incomparable love for all games, but his mastery over table-tennis and bridgedeserves recognition. In solitude he wanders in aworld of dreams listening to the enchantingfairysongs.Inmomentsofboredomnovels arehis excellent companions astheysingthesweetsongsof life. You can fool some of the peopleall the time,all thepeople some ofthe time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. -Lincoln 106
HARlBANDHU MOHAPATROCIo.Dr. D. Mahapatro At/P.O.Pratap Purusottampur Dist. Puri (Orissa) Itissurely not unnatural for a Y-axial man to look more like aninsurance agent than an engineer-andso looks Hari bandu, whomthe class chose to play this humourous role. A lover of novelsandmagazines, hehas the soaring spirit of an athlete and we guess, but forhis fragile body he could have been a good man of cricket andfootgall; for these teams never go anywhere leaving this importantspectator behind. In thevainlaughters of follywisdomhears half itsapplause. -G.ELIOT. 107
JrTENDRA KuMAR Cjo.Sri D. P. SinhaVill.Gopaichak P.O. Saksohra Dt. Patna (Bihar JJitendra is a fine gentleman with a polished demeanour. Abriefsmileon hissclemn face isforceful enough to induceafascinatingglowof jubilaticn ineverybody. Hisenlightened heartshrines a lot of respect for goodness and sanctity. Blessedwithan enviable figure he also possesses a shining brain. Hetoilssincerely and endeavours tenaciously. Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the souL --A PoPE. 108
KAMALA KANT KAR C/o.Dibakar Kar Viii.Kubera P.O. Bhuyan Dash Dt. Balasore (Orissa) 'Adversity adds fragrance to life, let us laugh at our misfortunes'-thismotto apparently mirrors a little bit of lunacy in hecandid nature of Kamala ; but he is quite sane. His authenticlovefor films,musicand natural beauty often makes him mad andhence nomad. Asincerevolunteer onalloccas sions, hehas beenrewarded time and again. He isleaving no stone unturned to retainhis rapidly falling hair atleast upto his wedding days. Power 1s like a desolating pestilence, pollutes whatever ittouches. -SHELLY. !09
KISHAN LAL SHARMACIo.Budharam Sharma Chandan Bazar Dt Balasore (Orissa) God gave him a fertile brain, a lily-white heart, and a charmingface but why he made him short remains a mys tery, and Sharma isbusy in making the best use of what he possesses. His ambitions arehigh and never ending, but he is short in temper; his wants are a fewand he is always humble. Hededicates hiseveningstolawn-tennis,and leisures to table tennis. He longs to go abroad for higherstudies, but not before his marriage. Awake from hypnotism and weakness. None is really weak;the soul isinfinite, omnipotent and omniscient. -V lVEKANANDA llO
LOKANATH SAHU At/P.O. Padmabati Dt. Puri Lokanath is talented with an amazing power of unendingdiligence. His punctuality often excells that of a watch andhissincerity in studies beggarsexaggeration. A silent devotee in thetemple of knowledge, Lokanath meditates with utter austerty.His conversations are inevitably tinged with the language oftechnology and he seems to be a sincere politi· cian in the metropolisof technolvgy. He isslow and steady always winning the race. Hiscelebrated studentship is a glory to our batch. Every one hasequal amount of time. Itishowweuseours that counts. D.CURTIS 111
MAHABIRPRASAD KHEMKA Chandan Bazar Cjo. Sukhdeo Mahabir Prasad At/P.O. Bhadrak Dist. Balasore for this blessed son of goddess Laxmi 'Life is a bed of roses·. Heprefers sleeping to any other vocation and is seJ.. dam found in the firstperiods. His body, although they say it to be abnormal, is not aproblem for him either in table tennis or in badminton. Avoracious reader of novels, a votary of cinema, he has an ambitionfor fiOing abro-ad. A bit intolerant he immediately creats theproblems of hostility, butshwedlysolvesthemfor better friendship. Live among others as sugar does in a cup of milk, full tc the brimwhere it adjusts without overflow. 112
MAHESH CHANDRA GuLATI Cfo.Sri B.N. Gulati 108 F. Ajmer Road Purtap Puma Agra(U.P.) Smart and fair complexioned Gulati isquite politeand sober innature. He never believesin fate and firmly supports the sayings\"Man is the maker of his own destiny\". A beginner in table-tennis heissome times discovered with a table-tennis bat evenat thedead ofthenight. Alover ofHindi poetry he also finds fascination in music andgossips, and photogrphy is his fond hobby. Habit isa cable;weweavea thread of iteveryday, atlast wecannotbreak it. HoRAcE M.uiM 113
MRINAL KANTIDEB AtPaitpur Bazar P.O. Kailashahar (Tripura State) Let usenjoy life leaving aside themonotonous daily routine-isthe sincere entreaty of Mrinal to his friends. This tall and slimyoung man of Tripuraisquite addicted to sleep and obliged to thecreator of the golden land of dreams. He findskeen interest inT.T., Badminton and can sacrifice sleep for hisbeloved bridge. Hehardly findsagossiperof his rank butat thesame timeheisadefiantscholar too. Thus let me live inseen, unknown, thus unlamented let medie,Steal from the world and not astone tell where Ilie. -AP OP E . 114
MEHTA RAMJI LAL Durr BlockNo.18,Quarter No. 9 Patel Nagar, Dehra Dun Dist. Dehra Dun (U.P.) Hereisamanwhois acombinationofmany,anditisno exaggeration.As a student, he stresses upon fundamentals, as a philosopher hefeasts on devotional music,and asa citizen, hefeelsithisdutytoscrutinisethenationalandinternational problems withperfect impartiality. His jokes, though harm less,seldom arouselaughter, but his peculiar facial expression is an elixir of ecstacy formany. Dutt, indifferent to eulogy and criticism, profoundlypreaches. \"Love issublime,and weallmovetogetherunderit'seternalCanopy'' I lovelife; it is not a burden. When a man likes his job heflourishes. -JAWAHARLAL115
NAGENDRA NATH JENA C/o.SriJadunath Jena Viii. Taliha (Jenasahi) P.O. Rambagh Dist. Cuttack (Orissa) Nagendra Baboo to us islike a big tree to the weary travellersduring the summer days. He is a source of innocent mirth,and his peculiar talks along with the gesture of his face can rouselaughter in every body in the twinkling of an eye. He is a majesticstory-teller and his stories are the laughter gardens, where bloomthe laughters, fresh and superb. This celebrated comedian,sympathetic and considerate is very good at cards and formidableatchess. Let me be a little kinder, let me be a little blinder to the faults of those around me. -E.A. GUEST. 116
NARAYAN CHANDRA NATH 52/9 B.B. Ganguly Street Calcutta-12 He isseldom agile and hardly quick, but his quick dealings on thefoot-ball field are extremely surprising. Steady and poised, he isnever known to have committed a mistake in the field and is highlypraised as a reliable player in the Rengcol Foot-ball team.Apparently sturdy, Nath also re joicesover the tender hearts andsoft eyesin the novels. He is gentle and though given to games ismuch sincere in his studies. His face, usually blank and indifferent,unfortunately fails to mirror hisirresitible juvenileheart. In prayer the lips never act the winning part, without the sweetconcurrence of the heart. -GANDHIJI 117
NIRANJAN BEHERA Vill. Gopinathpur P.O. Lendura Dist Cuttack (Orissa)Niranjan, a splendid youth, leads an enviable life, nimble andgay,likeavernal spring. Fearless and energetic,hetreadstherockywayoflifewitha smileandneverheavesasigh of desperation.An apostle of love, he extols the glories of love, sublime. His heartthrobs for another sweet heart at homG and he invariably prolongshis holidays. Candid and affec tionate, he easily wins friendsand knows no cessation of friendship with anybody. 'God islove;and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and Godabideth in him'. -BIBLE 118
NRUSING:H CHARAN PATINAIK Vill. Badarodang P.O.Tertang Via.Balikuda Dist. Cuttack (Orissa) Tip-top withhisdressand blitheasbird, Serion under-officer inN.C.C.,backbone infoot-ball. Agilelikeasnakeand atigerin jump, .Intable-tennis and carom always at the top. His words are airy,hismoustache-they envy, Secy,andCaptain inathletics hasphotographyashishobby. Gratitudeisaduty which ought to bepaid, but which none has a rightto expect. -ROUSSEAU. 119
PADMA CHARAN PATTNAYAKC/o.Sri Syamasundar PattanayakD.I.of Schools Dist. Phulbani (Orissa) An enthusiastic youngman Pada Baboo, has amassed abul'! dantexperience from all corners of life, and all this could hardly Stealaway the childlike fragility from his nature. This most desiredcomedian for the Rengcol Pendal, can bring the roofs down with hisquick-fired jokes. An astute politician, he is extremely apt in the artof criticism and can go up to any extent to support his views,right orwrong. His inter ests lie in music, games, novels, dream-fulslumber, and he always tries to find time to run home. Better that they had never been born, vho read to doubt, and read to scorn. -w.scorr. 120
P.H.RAO C/o. P. Adinarayan, 'F' Coy 4th Bn. O.M.P. Camp Rourkela-1 Dist. Sundargarh (Orissa) His exqms1te way of talking always commands attention, andhespeaks fluently inmany alanguage : In dining hall he is serious likethe mid-day Sun, among friends he emits the cool charming beams ofafull moon. A celebrated inhabitant of hockey-dom he has renderedvaluable service to his class. In magazines and books he finds hisleisure, and in duty his life. Stealthily inclined towards religion heSpeaks highly of ethics and appreciates aSpiritual life. There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart'sdesire;the other is to get it. -BERNARD SHAW. 121
PRAFULLAKuMARBEHERA At Dladia P.O. Monda Via Bahugram Dist. Cuttack (Orissa) \"Love! 0,that is the essence of life!\" professes young romanticPrafulla in a grave voicewith furrows on his fore head. Avoraciousreader ofOriya novels,Prafulla hasspecial fascination forbetter-writing. A celebrated mimic lover on thestage,a seeker ofsolitude, he entertains a disdain for the grim realities of the world.An expert in bridge,he testshis hand on all indoor games. 'Cartoonsketching' during the weary moments in the classisa favourite thingfor him. For whatisaman profited,ifheshallgainthewholeworld, and loseownsoul? -NEWTESTAMENT. 122
PRAFULLA KUVu\RP.AruDA Vill. &P.O. SeikpurVia.Pattamundai Dt. Cuttack (Orissa) 'A patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom'·-advocates P.K.,and to be true to his words has offered himself to our Army todefend the country's freedom. In his dress he is never behind themodern trends and in taste he is always apace with thechangingworld. Too tallfor hisage,he never shrinks from games and has servedhis class in hockey and foot-ball, but he feels more at home in table-tennis. In the examinationdays his work to rest ratio is as high as99%. The sweetest sounds to mortals given Are heard in Mother, Home and Heavens. -W.G.BROWN. 123
PRAHLADMISHRA At. Mahammadpur P.O. Bainsaria Dist. Cuttack (Orissa) This sturdy young man is a speciality among us. His coarseappearance scrupulously conceals an ardent love fm literature andmusic. Constant frowning of poverty could littlefrighten himonhiswayof heroicprogress. Hesincerely toils and never leaves a jobunfinished. His sympathy gets dried up to the last drop for the mancomitting an injustice. His obstinate adherence to jusiceand straightforwardness is often misunderstood by his friends. Each soul is potentially divine. The goals is to manifestthisdivinity within bycontrolling nature, external and internaL VIVEKANANDA. 124
PRAMODTHAKURC/o.Raghu nathThakurAt.Maripur P.O. Muzaffarpur Dt. Muzaffarpur (Bihar) He possesses a lofty and robust figure much like an army general.His gigantic stature tacitly coneals a spring of childlikesoftnessflowingwithasweetbabbling. Hefeels extremely irritatedwhen an event goes against his wilL Lavishly patriotic, heeloquently advocates 'My country, wrong or right'. Deeplyinterested in politics he discourses on the Nationaland Inter-National political issuesin a roaring voice and soaring language.Apparently sturdy he entertains a liv ing appreciation for beauty,anywhere in dews, dales or damsels. Procrastination is the thief of time and year after year itsteals till all are fed. EDWARD YOUNG 125
PRANAB KUMAR CHATTERJEE C/o.Sri P. G. Chatterjee Katcheri Road P.O. Bhadrak Dist. Balasore (Orissa) The childlike simplicity seems to be innate in Pranab and thecontinued fame of studentship could hardly rob him ofthispricelesspearl. He isextremely studious and is bestowed withboundless capacity for continuous perseverance. Effi ciency indrawing and rapidity in execution often earn him a grand success inthe study of Technology. Too much amicable and foe to none, heknows no privacy and isleast interested in participating inmeaningless arguments. With door and windows ever shut, hisroom resembles a saintly cave of meditation. Let us then be up and doing, With a heart for every fate Still achieving,Still pursuing, Learn to labour and to wait. -LONGFELLOW. 126
PREMPRAKASHGANDHI 3/24 Rajinder Nagar NewDelhi-5 Extremely gentle and amicable Prem Prakash isan embodi mentofserenity withan impressiveappearance. Hefeelshim self too old tosit in the class and always has a well-planned waytoescapeit.Intelligentandstudioushealways beatsthe examinations however hardthey may be. His eyes glitter at the sight of beauty even in thetrivialities of nature and he is afirst ranking lover of decency anddecoration. He maintains perfect decorum in his dealings and isfondof playing tennis. Yield not to importence, 0Partha!Itdoes not befit thee. Castoffthis mean weakness of heart. Stand up, 0Parantap. -THE GITA. 127
RABINDRA NARAIN SINHA Vill &P.O. Khutaha Via. Barhiya Dist. Monghyr (Bihar) Tall and wellbuilt Sinha issometimes misunderstood to be s<eriousfor his tranquil face, but under a grave garment he concealsa heartoverflowingwith thenectar oflove. Judicious and concise inconversation he can upset every heart with his startling revelation ofpolitical intrigues. Interested in all arts under theSun he never fails tobea night-pilgrim in theland of dreams and this, weguess, keeps himlate in the bed. \"Show him the way, but do not take him to the place\". CoNFUCIOUS. 128
RADHANATH RAJAOURUC(o.Jagannath Rajaguru Chitrakar Street Parlakimedi 'Wha: is life devoid of advantures and adversities'?-andRajaguru can face any adversity with unexpected fortitude. Everconscious of his dress, but verycareless in his ways, he has a stronginclination for army to find field for his adven tures. As analternative he finds fas::ination in business. Addicted to lightdiscussions, he stands with perfect serenity!lmidsthis friends and talks solemnly like aleader. A$.Il1ferl9ver of carcls,he als() plays table tennis. Nothing sooner over throws a weak head than opinion ofwthority; like too slr()nliquorfor a frail gl;t s, :r. SIDNEY, 12\/
R.S.PRATAPSINGH C/o. Mardaraj Pratapsingh Viii.&P.O.DaruthengVia.Bara ng Dist. Puri (Orissa)This young man, with the principle 'Love all, but believe none'isalways misunderstood to beunsccialable, for his love for solitudeand tranquility. His princely appearance 0ftenshrouds hisintense!evefer purity and sanctity, andhiswords truthfuland seren:oalw:ys defy vain superiority of others. His friends are afew but he is close to them; he never intrudes into others' premisesand wants nonetointrude his. Letter writinghelikes,and likesto belestin musictoo. He hasthe reputation of beingan extremist, and apessimist,and he believes'Thl)strongest man ishe who stands most alone..' Lead mefrom the unreal to the reaL From darkness leacl me tolight. From death le&cl me l? iimnorti!lity. UPANISHEQ, J30
RANJIT KUMAR BARUA CIo. Sjt. S. N. Barua At/P.O. Margherita Dist. Lakhimpur(Assam) \"He has cleared the board in asinglehand!\"-Yes,it is no wonder.Itis well within the skill of the invincible carom player Barua. Thisyoungman bestowed with immense physi· cal powers has also earnedparts in cricket, tennis and foot ball. The roboust youngman hasunfortunately fallen in love with the luring damsel \"Sleep\". Hepassionately loves her and roams in her enchanting land of dreamsto forget the worldly life,tumultouswithworries. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer;be thoufaithfulunto death, and I willgivethee a crown of life. NEWTESTAMEN'Jl' 131
SADANANDA SAHU SIo.Sri Raghu Sahu At. Narasimha Temple Strefi P.O. Berhampur Dist. Ganjab (Orissa) \"The World is full of lovely things, we should be happy as kingsand queens\" advocates Sadanand, the tall man with curly hair.Blessed with a soft smile, he is never miserly in sharing his happinesswith his friends, and is always found taking part in livelydiscussions. Particular about his dress and demeanour Sadanandcombines in his student life, the rare quality of present juvenilityand ageold sanctity Honest and sublime,Sada neverbetrays'duty'.Ifignorance isa bliss,itisfolly to bewise. -ASAGI 132
SANTOSH KUMAR NANDA Nanda NiwasAt./P.O.Tigiria Dist. Cuttack (Orissa) As innocent as lamb, Nanda proves to beasource of plea sure forhis friends. He never insults any body but pockets allshorts ofinsultscommitted tohim. He isextremely candid and isan adeptintheart of\"making mountain ofamolehill\". A man of pure heart andartless mind he isshy toa degree. He is interested in keeping freshtidings and holding parleys on them. He isfond of carom &cricket,and earned a place in theclasscricket team. A supreme difficulty is nature's indication to us of asupreme conquest to be won and an ultimate problem to be solved. -SRIAUROBINDA. 133
SANTOSH KUMARTEWAR! C/o.Sri P. N. Tewari Saundarya Niketan Anand Ashram Almora (U.P.) Hereis ayoungmanwhoseagilityinspeechis exceedingly charming.His peculiar statements enriched with wonderful rhythm, are highypallatable to the ear exhibiting his sharp presenceof mind. His talland stout personality secretlycon cealscertainamountofshynessaddingglorytohisamiable appearance. Hisinnocent boastings for creating mirth among his friends should neverbe misunderstood as arrogance. The most difficultcharacter in comedy is that of the fool and hemust be no simpleton that plays that part. -CERVANTES. 134
SARATCHANDRA MAHAPATRO At./P.O. Bhagirathpur Sasan Via.Kamakhyanagar Dist. Dhenkanal 'Sleep, and you willforget th:o world'-isthe silent preach:ng of Sarat who never interferes in others' ways and never-;peaks unless spoken to. His lethargic eyes, care-free deal ingsalways exhibit his strong resentment for the deplorable conditionsof hostel-life. A harmles3 escapist, he finds pesure in singingtc himself and letter-writing. He has a marvellous hobby ofsleeping on his back, gazing at the roof vith his mind chasing butter-flies in some fairly land. As a white candle m a holy place, So is the beauty of an aged face. -J.CAMBELL. ]35
SARATKUMAR RATH Cfo. Sri B.S. Rath, Public Prosecutor Berhampur Dt. Ganjam (Orissa) Sarat, popularly known as Muna is firmly convinced\"Thereis no place like home\". Affable and mild, reconciling andamicable, Muna is not boastful but quite indifferent to wards hisduty. He iscareless about every-thing except food andhismouthmoistensatthementionofadeliciousdishof \"Chicken\". Alluredby music and beauty he never misses a picture coming to the town,and islooking forward for a life of ease and romance. Perhaps the only true lignity m man is his capacity to<;lespise himself ,--Q.SANTAYANI\. 136
SATYABRAT PATTNAlK Cfo.N.Pattnaik Hazari Lane Cuttack-1 (Orissa)Fondly they call him 'Maharaja',Satya the tall and grace ful youthis ever gay and youthful. Frank and fearless, he possessesa politicalbent of mind with organisational ability. Wiseand intelligent, Satyaearnestly sticks to the princip:e of'Labour less and produce more'. An ardent lover of allgames, hehas a passion for English films. With a stream of youthfulvigourflowinginhisveins,hehasbeenselectedforthe Indian Army andhe eagerly awaits an opportunity to provehimselfagallantsonofhismotherland.On the soft bed o f luxury most kingdoms have expired. -YOUNG, 137
SESHDEVBAL Viii. Bhubanpur P.O. Gark Madhupur Dist. Cuttack (Orissa) In the desolate hours of the evening a shrill music dawns fromBal's room to kiss the fragrant breezeand blossoms in our hostelgarden. He is immensely fend of music and he sings sweetly thesongs from the ancient Oriya poets. His fondnessfo-rOriyancvelsisalsowcrth-noticing. He issteady and sober and cares a figforthedebades oflife. He spends his leisure in gossiping and playingcards. He speaks pro· fuselyabout the thingshe likes most. Letuswhilewaitingfornew J110m\!nts,preservethenncienl monument. -VIcToR Huoo. 138
SI VAN AN D P URO HIT At. Balibandha Sambalpur (Orissa) The formidable custodian of the college football team, he has alsoearned rare distinctions in sports. This emperor of the carom worldhas yet to see a sunrise scene, for his bed never bidshim farewell before9a.m. Blessedwith agigantic physique and exuberant with patrioticthoughts, he issteering his way into the sphere of jawans to defend thepresti&-e of our sci!. Even solemn and gay he finds an ocean of thrillin gossip and patriotic songs. To change another man's outlook on life one must oneself baveabetter one had live in accord with it. -TOLOSTOY. 139
SUBODH KUMAR SAHU Cfo. Sri Bindheswari Prasad Sahu At./P.O. Seraikella Dt. Singhbhum (Bihar) Very early in the morning while the stars still struggle to twinkle,Subodh brings his reluctant neighbours to the land of grim realitybyhissongs incomplete but sweet. Thishand some youth mu-::hparticular about his dress seeks refuge in friendship, knowledgeand music. A student with technical ideologies he feels quite athome amidst novels,and is confi dent on the stage. Life to him isnot a bed of roses nor an awful tempest but a fine opportunity torealise the truth underlying thecreation. Discontent isthe want of self-reliance,itisinfirmityof will. -EMERSON. 140
SUBRAT KUMARDAS Cfo.Dr.Pramath Nath DasAt.Barabaty P.O. Balasore Dist. Balasore (Orissa) Subrat, the modernist, isever reluctant tosacrificehissweet dreamsof the morn for the first periods. But surprisinglyenoughthisromantic youngmanshowsanunexpectedskill in technology,and his drawings always bear a print of superb talent. But forpictures and novels,life for him would be an arid land devoid ofsprings and gardens. Despite his failing health the love he exhibitsfor sports and games can never be overlooked. One should achieve not merely technical efficiencybut greatness ofspirit. -S.RADHAKRISHNA 141
s.PALSINGH 94,Tagore Town Allahabad A fine gentleman, Surendra Baboo is an embodiment of modestywith a sacred heart beating in his chest. Quite friendly innature, he is having friends in many parts of India. Himselfdevoted to sanctity, he heartily appreciates the good and lavishlyapplauds the virtuous. He is deeply interested in the current topicsof science &technology and often tends to contemplate onremedies for the National crises. A good athlete he is desirous ofgoing abroad for higher studies. We wait eagerly to seehim flyingto.U.S.A. shortly. Thinking well is wise, planning well IS wiser; doing wellwisestand bestof all. -ANONYMOUS. 142
SURENDRA SINGH Onkar Farm P.O. Ram Raj Dist. Muzattar Nagar (U.P.) 'Blessings on him that first invented sleep' sings Surenderwhofinds the greatest pleasure in lying down on hisspongy bed.Endowed withagiant body,heeatslessbutishabituated to the process ofintermittent dining at an interval of every two hours. Born with agolden spoon in his mouth, he is tranquil in nature and is extremelylethargic. Less inter:':sted in studies, he always contemplates on theways of making money with lesseffort. Gambling isthechild ofavarice, thebrother ofiniquity,and isthefather of mischiet -GEORGE WASHINGTON 143
UMASHANKAR CHAND Cjo.Satis Chandra Chand Vill. BaudpurP.O.Madha bnagar Via.Bhadrak Dist. Balasore (Orissa) For his devotion to the game of football the College chose him atthe right out, and Chand, in gratitude displayed his amazing talentson many an occasion.To satisfy his thirst forgameshealsoplayswithequalskillvolley, tabletennisand badminton.But heabhors \"all playand nostudy\" and isper fectly impartial toboth of them. Modest and tranquil in manners, Chandlikestovisitfilmstosweepaway thecobwebs ofmelancholy. Defeat bringsprudenceandconcentration, itennoblesand fortifies. -H.ELLIS. 144
UPENDRA KUMAR PANDA At/P.O. Sundar Pur Via. Kothar Dist. Balasore (Orissa) A secret adorer of beauty,':Upendra, isoften seenengrossed in deepcontemplation with his eyes lost in the shrine of nature. A bitemotional, he entertains a thrilling appreciation for literature andmusic. His heart, a sacred temple of sym pathy, grows tender atthe mishaps of his friends and he always proves to be a blessingin their need. Popularly called 'Master', he exhibits a stable mindand a bold heart in the face of trials and tribulations. Better than man be born dumb, nay, void of reason, rather than thatheemploys thegifts9f providence to the destruction ofhij1ei$hbour.'\" -QUINTILIAN, 145
VnoY KuMARPRASAD Vill. &P.O. Bathana Dt. Champaran (Bihar)Agile and smart, Prasad, can perform excellent twists. His ringingvoice along with prolonged winking has a sort of fascination forhis listeners. Quite firm 111 i1is principles. Prasad alters his viewsonly in the event of being convinced ofhis ownmistakes.Heismuchinterestedinautomobile engineering and enjoys nothinglikecar-driving. Photography. penfriendship, and repairingofmehcnaical andelectrical appliances are his fond hobbies. Heplays table tennis and lawn tennis as well. Ideals are like stars. Choose them as your guides, following them reach your destiny. ·-·CARL ScHURZY. 146
V.S. JAINC/o.N.K.Gupt a General Manager Towkok Tea Estate P.O. Sonari Dist. Sibsagar (Assam) The stars have started twinkling in the sky; the evening fadeshurriedly and all have fled away. \"Ahl who is that youngmanloitering inthe garden?\" He isMr. Jain, listening to the silentgrievances of his dumb sons and daughters-the plants in thegarden. The uncanny beauty of our hostel gardens owes to thisyoung man, a little short in stature and quite strong. Politics is hishobby, he speaks eloquently with an unbrokendignity, giftedwithacoolbrain, hethinks clearl'y. When the state ismost corrupt thenlossaremost multiplied. -TACITUS. 147
Karmanyebadhikarstema phaleshu Kadachan, Ma Karmaphalaheturbhuma te sangostwokarmani. Thy right isto work only, but never with its fruits; let not thefruit ofaction bethy motive, nor let thy attachmentbeto inaction. -The Gita
ALOK KIRAN DEB C/o.Prof. K. C. Deb Sarada Devi Road Puri (Orissa) Alok vehemently defies the idea \"A good athlete is rarely agenius\", by the display of his amazing talents in play and study.Blessedwithanenviable memory, ·healsofindshim inseparable fromfootball and cricket. A story teller of his own kind, he is famous asa cartoonist too. His flute he loves most as through it he takes hisaudience to the dream land of music. He is usually the first man toenter into the dining hall and the last man toleave it. There is no season such delight can bring As summer, autumn, winter and spring. -W. BROWNE. 15J
BA!KUNTH NAfH RAY C/o.Notabar Ray At./P.O. Bhaliadihi Via. Sarankul Dist. Puri (Orissa) Tall and slender Baikunth is extremely perseverant, andremains engrossed in his books even during the abnormal hoursof the day. Ever conscious of \"Life is short, but art is long\" he isreluctant to while away the precious moments of life in idle talks.Talented with juvenilevirtues, he always wears a fascinating glow onhis serene face. Adamant and obstinate, he hardly yields toanybody but dishonours none. We hear he cherishes a secret desireto serve under some African State Govt. for better loaves andfishes and rapid promotion. Honest men neither fear the light nor the dark. THOMAS FULLER. 152
BANCHHANIDHI DASH C/oSri Alekha Ch. Dash, AtTulasipur, P. 0.Marsaghai,Di;,t.Cuttac k (Orissa). Banchhanidhi issober in dealings and tranquil indisposition. Alover of solitude, he also participates in gossiping off andonwhenhespeaksa littlebutlistensmore. Hispatienceis commendableandhispowerforconcentrationis worthyof emulation. He feels littletired and gets hardly annoyed in explaining stiff lessons to hisfriends. He fiercely denounces ariy evil demeanour unbecoming ofstudentship. He is ex ceedingly devoted to God and regularly offershis matins and vespers. If the l'iind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. -MATHEWS. 153
BHABAGRAHI PANDA, Phatak, Sambalpur, Phatak, Sambalpur, Orissa. A master in trH art of immitation, Bhahagrahi, keeps his groupspell-bound Lyhis immaculate r;,nicatu,\"eand repetition of fonddialogues tram pictures. H\"has always some new stories copiouswith humour for his friends and his way of narrating them is aspeciality with him. Neatly dressed, he tries in vain to concealhis jovial heart under the veil of gravity. 'Films' he findsunavoidable for his mono tonous life, but never feels it an obstaclein his studies. The more weloveour friends thelessweflatter them;itis by excusingnothing that pure loveshow itself. -J.B.MOLIERE. 154
CHANDRA SEKHARDIXIT C/o.Sri Indramani Dixit, At-Balangir Tikarapada, P. 0.Balangir (Orissa). 'Man is a Political animal' says Aristotle and Dixit is an unerringevidence to his statement. A wonderful votary of politics, he oftendiscusses on a fresh political issue amid his friends oblivious of hisown existence. Afaid of none under theSun, he boldly condemnsthecorrupted and directly points out faults in his opponents.Obstinate but reconciling, he neverfails to appreciate a relevant pointin an argument. He finds relaxation in visiting matches and hearingsports com mentaries. Doing easily what others find difficultin talent;doing whatisimposs1ble for talent is genius. -AMID. 155
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