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Home Explore NITRAA -1967

NITRAA -1967

Published by nitraa, 2015-09-19 10:36:02

Description: Souvenir of Alumni of REC / NIT Rourkela, Batch-1967 (Volume-03)


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AsiMKuMAR PoDDAR BlockNo.40 Flat No.256 Govt.Quarters,Behala, Calcutta-34.Knownaswind-wrestler,heisachainsmokerandofpleasing manners.Indifferent to his lean and thin physique,Poddarmoveshishockeystickwithfullconfidence,and isnowtryingtomasterthegameof tennis. The reservedlinesmaninfoot­ ball,heisaveterancriticofallpossiblegameson theglobe.Akeen,butsensitivesupporter ofEastBengalclub,herejoices over thecommentariesof all games. Beinga civilEngineer,hewantstoserveunderP.W.D.veryhonestlyin theconstruc­tionofaNewIndia. Logicistheworstenemyoftruth,asself-righteousnessistheworstenemyof virtue. Aurobindo. 55

BHASKAR CHANDRASUBUDHl Main Road BusStand At/P.O. Rambha Dist. Ganjam (Orissa) Jovial in spirit, cool in temperament, solid in stature, Subudhiis very careful about his dress. An excellent humorist outside,helaughsloudly and invokes laughter inall. Proud that he has rightlychosen his branch, he sings the glory of civil engineering at the topof his voice. He plans to hoard a hugesum of money and lead a lifeof pomp and p:easure. Solitary thinking, singing and story writingare his main hobbies. We judgeourselves bywhat wefeelcapable of doing while othersjudgeus bywhat wehave already done -Longfellow 56

BINAY KUMAR SINHA Binay KutirGulabBagh P.O. Bettiah Dt. Chaibasan (Bihar) His is a Herculean body with an angel's heart, and hiscountenance bears an innocent smile making him agreeable in allcircles. A man of billiards and tab!e tennis, he criti­ cises cricket tobe the \"game of fools\". Addicted to idle­ gossip. Sinha isalwaysvibrant insuch congregations. In the class he prefers the back-benches, and in the room he finds solace in his bed. Tangible in hisviews, he never believes in arguments. Oblivion isthef!ower \hat growsbeston graves. ·GEORGESANJ?. 57

DHIRENDRA NATH TRIPATHY At/P.O. Chatua Via Kujanga Dt. Cuttack (Orissa) Beaming withafaircomplexion,Dhirendra hasapleasing personality.A perfect gentleman with well polished manners, he isloved by all.A literary genius, he is strong in general knowledge and his essaysrank top in competitions. As the Secretary his name is recorded ingolden letters in the annals of Civil Engineering Association.Talented as a student he shows a neat artistic skill in drawings and allsessional works. Ambition means ability to workhard and for long hours, with adesire to reach the gq;;tt, -A.T.BROWN

FAROOQ AHMAD SHAHDAD At. Bul Bul lankerP.O.S.R.Gung Srinagar (Kashmir).A tall, slender, Kashmir youth, Farooq is a happy-go-lucky man.Far off from home he dreams of the panoramic Kashmir dalesand expresses appreciation for glamorous damsels. His softvoice and lovable demeanour can never make him a foe. He neverinterferes in anybody's personal affairsandisfondofprofessingoriginalityinhisownwork. Photography his mainhobby, he likes to visit pictures for refreshing the worried mind. No man has a right to do as he pleases, except when he pleases todo right -C.SIMMONS. 59

GOVINDA CHANDRAPATRO At. &P.O. Gopalpur Vio Tangi Dist. Puri (Orissa) Gifted with a well-built sportsman physique, Govind ishumble, honest and amicable to all. His motto 'Talk less andwork more' makes him observe silence on every Sunday. Cheerfuland happy he seldom gets irritated when others cut jokeswith him,but he is always worried at the hostile atti­ tude of his falling hair.An iron-left out in the class soccer­ team, he runs all the races andnever minds if he loses; A manwithloftyidealsoflife,Govindaisaregularreaderof autobiographies of great men. Success does not mean that one will stumble or falL It meansthat after every fall there is a new determination to set upand keepclimbing. -GARRISION,

HARIHARA SENAPATI Village Pathuria Sahi P.O. Puri Dist. Puri (Orissa) With a flourishing smile and youthful vigour, Harihar, amusesothers by his harmless jokes. Daring in dealings, moderate intemperament, he knows no fear. A critic and diplomat he giveshis own decisions on many matters. Dreadful to the freshersduring the ragging period, he yields to none in arguments. Giftedwith intelligence,he reads less butcomes out withflying coloursinallexaminations. Photo­ graphy and making pen-friends are hisspecial likings. Ideas are like beards, men do not have them until they grow up. GARFIELD. 61

JuGAL KrsHoRE AGRAWAL Cjo. Harmukhray Kedarmuli At/P.O. Chakradharpur Dt. Singhbhum \"A sound healthand a goodwife,isall thatIcrave for a happy life\"is the song of ever-cheerfulJugal, regardless of thehardshipsof theEngineeringstudies. He is neverfound sad for the low wage heearns from his sessionalsand re­ mainsblitheatalltimes.Steadyandsmiling heisalways courteous and well-behaved. Neatlydressed,he has always somenewstoriescopiouswithhumourforhisfriends. To desireimmortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of agreat mistake. -SCHOPENHAUEl- 62

KAMALAKANTA M!SHRA Viii. Bental P.O. Aharpada Via.Bhadrak Dt. Balasore (Orissa) Kamala owns a short body and wears a bright complexion. magnanimous ways of talking always compensates the.deficiency owing to the shortness of his stature. His conver­\"sations are persistently frequented by jovial remarks, when hishands waver in accord with a peculiar rhythm. He is falwaystolerant and ever jubilant. As the audio-visual secre­ tary, Kamaladisplayed an appreciable ability of management ndorganisational work. You cando anything. You fail only when you do notstrivesufficientlytomanifest infinitepower. -VIVE KANA NDA. 63

LMAIMU SINGH Pisum Ningom Lane P.O. Imphal, Manipur. He bears a tranquil face, and a serene mind pregnant with the idealsof life, and fondly they call him the leader of the \"Manipur-squad\".A staunch introvert, he keeps a vigilant eye on himself and neverneglects his duty. A dynamic per­ son in theworldof carom,healsofrequently treads thearena of badminton and tennis. Innocentand soft spoken, Maimu isverypartial tosolitude and has purposelychosen hisbranch tolead aconstructive but peaceful life. Itis better in prayer to have a heart without words than wordswithout aheart. M.K.GANDHI. 64

M.G. BA!G (MIRZAGULFAM BA!G) Vill.Shankerpur P.O. Bhadrak Dist. Balasore (Orissa) Tall and handsome Gulfam is adequately sober and in­creasingly amiable. Afascinating smile alwaysflourishesupon hiscountenance as beauty is a blooming lotus. A man of strongphysique, he harbours an immense fragrance of ten­ derness andsympathy in a hidden corner of his heart. Tear of campassioninundate his eyes at the distress of others, but his wrath knows nobounds fer scoundrelism. He isreligious and overwhelmingly recitesthe versesof Quoran after hisbath in the morning. \"Familiarity isa magician that iscruel to beauty, but kind tougliness, r-QUID.

MRUTYUNJOYA DAS C/o. Sri Bharat Chandra Das At.Baghra Road P.O.Baripada DisL Mayurbhanj (Orissa) Mrutyunjoya, having a striking resemblence with Bhima in theMahabharat, carefully grows his moustache to intimidate the Lordof Death and to perpetually enjoy life on this beautiful earth. Achatter box he giveslittle opportunity to others tospeak. He likes toboast and feels irritated if any­ body jeersat himin theface for hisvainboastings. Agiant in the knowledgeof the filmdom,he is rightlyelected asthe Audio Visual Secretary of thecollege. He isgood atcricket and has successfullyserved in theclass cricket team. Believe only ha!f of what you see and nothing that you hear, ::--CRAIK,

MURARI PRASAD PANDA Village &P.O. Bhapur Dist. Dhenkanal (Orissa) A broad smile on hissolemn face, Murari exhibits a pleas­ingpersonality. Asthehostel secretaryhenevermakeswrong decisionsand reads his report with confidence. Steady and patient, he facesprob!ems with versatile vigour and is hardly biased by the mob-opinion. Extremely sober, he does nothing that willhamper theprestige of others but never tolerates in­ justice. An active player inthe badminton court, he finds relaxation in all indoor games. A nation may do without its millionaires and without itscapitalists; but a nation cannot do without its labourers. -GANDHIJL 67

N.>\RENDRANATH MALLliC ViJLRamakrishnapur C!o.Sri Maheswar MallikP.O.Nischinta Koile Dist. Cuttack (Orissa) With a sound mind in a sound body, Narendra aspires to beaperfect practical engineer. Well polished in manners he is neitherboastful nor submissive. Daring in dealings and jovial in spirit heiscandid in his views. He is interested in games and sports but chessis his main game. Model mak­ ing, reading journals of engineeringinterest are his hobbies. The man who reg\trds his life and that of his fellow crea­ tures asmeaningless is not merely unfortunate but also dis­ qualified for life. -A.£EINSTEIN, 68

RABINDRA KUMAR SAHOO C/o.Satrughna Sahoo At. Nuapatna P.O. Buxibazar Dt. Cuttack (Orissa) Rabi exhibits sun-like punctuality in performing his morn­ ingrites;and radiates a glow of innocence and friendliness. Society hefinds unavoidable, and is always out to mend its draw-backs in themost humble way. His lively jokesrightly come in one's gloom andhis helping hand isalways extended lo the needy. Loyal to hismother-tongue, he highly appre­ ciates oriya novels and oriyanews-papers, and intends to enrich it too.See God in all beings and love them as your ownself. Do not hateany one. ' -SIVANAND. 69

RAMACH ANDRARO UT At. Purunia P.O.Belabahali Via.Salapada Dist. Keonjhar (Orissa) Anable organizerRambabu,hasearnedpopularityforhis outstandingsincerity as Hostel Secretary. He is an ardent loverofgossipandmusic,and hisroomisthegossipchamber of all. Seemingly artless,Rambabu builds a marble temple oflovein the solitary premisesofhisheart wherehe silently singsthe sublime hymns of love. A loverof literature, with letter-writing as his main hobby, he takes a keeninterest in dramas.All our pride is but :,t jestNone are worst and none are best. P.RossETER.70

RAMAKANTA GOCHHAYAT At. Chhurini P.O. Betnoti Dt. Mayurbhanj(Orissa)Accomplished with a fair complexion, handsome Ramakantaalways wears a sweet smile on his face. A scholar through hardwork, he believes more in labour. Too soft at heart,heissympathetic innatureandafriend indeed. Complicated domestictroub1escould hardly deter him on his wayof acade­ mic progress. Indrama hisperformanceisunique indelicate ro1es, and he is interestedin games too. He that lives m the Kingdom of sense will die in the king­dom of sorrow, BAXTER.

RAMESH CHANDRA BEHERA C/o.Indramani BeheraAt.Madhyapara P.O. Madanpur Via. Patamundai Dt. Cuttack (Orissa) 'Early to bed and early to rise' as motto, Ramesh is ever punctualand sincere in duty. An apostle of 'Survival of the fittest', he throwsinvincible challenges to his oponents and is popularly known as theopposition leader. A lover of sweet melody, he prefers joining achorus of divine songs to bragging in a place of idle talks.Hospitable to the distressed and enthusiastic in team works, he keepshimself busy with indoor games. Health lies in labour and there is no royal road to it butthrough toil. -W.PHILLJ,PS. 72

RA VI SHANKARANANTA CIc. Sri Gauri Shankar Prasad At/P.O. Bahadurpur Dist. Champaran (Bihar) Here is a wonderful youngman who is definitely anexception among us. His brilliancy thrives in the domain of sports,and in the realm of education. An all rounder in athletics modestand polite, he displays his proficiency in cricket, bad-minton andtable tennis, and what not! A lover of aimless walkings and eveningdrives, he has an unchalleng­ able hand in photography. Blessedwithan amazing power of memory and intelligence he toils less, butalways remains among the top-rankingstudents. For bragging time is over, and fighting time has come. -NEWBOTI. 73

SuBASH CHANDRA MJSHRA Cio. Gobinda Chandra Mishra At.-P.O. Taichakradhar Pur Via-- Sakhigopal Dist. Puri Subash, notwithstanding his diminutivestature, displayed amazingcapability in shouldering responsibilities as the Secy. S.S.G.,andthiscrownedhimastheSecy. ofCivilEngg. Association. In agroup he speaks in a thundering voice but when alone, singssweetlyfrom poets and pictures. Innocent and honest, he neverstoops to be a captive of avarice and anger. His tenacity to duty hasmade his life sublime and hiscareer brilliant. The fool who knows his foolishness is wiseat least sofar. Butafool who thinks himself wiseisa fool indeed. -THEBUDDHA. 74

SuRENDRANATHSAHUC/o. Shri Mayadhar SahuBuxiBazar Cuttack-1, (Orissa) This youngman loves solitary ponderings and derives a livingpleasure from it. Verbally contemptous of 'much add aboutnothing', he rarely gives up an opportunityto talk big. Friendly inoutlook he joins political parleys and presents valuable arguments.He is interested in outdoor games and is often seen playing the partof an encourager in the field. He aspires to do something which nobody has everdone but despairs that itends in adream. Fame islike a river, that bearth up thingslight and swollen naddrowns things weighty and solid. -FRANCIS BACON. 75

TRIPURARI SHARAN C/o.Sri Basudeo Narain Sharma, Advocate Motihari, (Bihar) An usual late comer to the class, Saran runs all the way fromhostel to the ColLegeto get his attendance. Eloquent in speech, hedominates in all discussions and his wellknown voiceis frequentlyheard from the back benches. Externally simple his riddles are hardto read. With a straight stature he looks like a Medieval knightowing not to his gigantic figure but to his splendid postures. Withhis experienced brain, Saran feels himself too old to work hard. Republicscometo endbyluxurious habits; monarchiesby poverty. --MONTESQUIEN. 76

UDIT NARAYAN DEO \"Deo- Bhawan\" Bishaharia P.O. Tilathi Dt. Saptary (Nepal) He hails from Nepal, the land of heroes, but he is deeply devotedto the teachings of Gandhiji. A fluent speaker of many of the Indianlanguages, heisa great admirer of Indian culture and heritage, and isan active member of many of the Foreign Students Associations.He is a veteran chess player, and also keeps exhaustive details offilms. Sincere in his study he dreams to build up a Modern Nepal-and may hisdreams come true. Human history becomes more and more a race betweeneducation and catastrophe. -H.G.WELLS. 77

Karmanyebadhikarste ma phaleshu Kadachan, Ma Karmaphalaheturbhuma te sangostwokarmani. Thy right is to work only, but never with its fruits;let not rhefruit ofaction bethy motive, nor letthy attachmentbeto inaction. -TheGita

Sradhavan lavale jnanam tatparah sanjatendriyah Jnanamlabdhwa param santim aclzirenadlzigachhati. The man who is full of faith, who is devoted to it, and who hassudued the senses obtains knowledge; and having obtainedknowledge he goes at once to the supreme peace. THEGITA.

AGNIBHU PANDA VilL Larkey P.O.Kandetara Dist. Kalahandi (Orissa) Toomuchconsciousofhis moustache,dense,streamlinede, Agnibhuisendowed with a slowand solemn disposition. He is an amusingyoungman and his child like prattlings emit a beam of brightfascinations. His ways of talking and the peculiar manners ofconfessing an obvious falsehood invoke loud laughters. He is findof visiting outdoor games and is much interested in dramas. But pleasure like poppies spread;you sieze the flower its bloomisshed. -BURNS. 81

AKSHAYA KUMAR MISHR.I>C/o.Nityanand Mishra Viii.Babakarpur P.O. Rajagad Dt. Cuttack (Orissa) Handsomely built Akshaya showshisgratitude tothe Maker by hissincere dedication to duty. Extravagant in sympathy, but miserly ingossip, two things he dreads most-'Literature' and 'Publicspeaking'. Honest to the last degree, he loses his temper at an actof injustice. Out-side his room he leaps up to find the fascinatingworld of foot-ball, carom and table tennis; when on bed he sleepslikea loglost in the peaceful musicof repose. Use no hurtful deceit, think innocently and justly, and if youspeak, speak accordingly. -BENJAMIN FRANKLIK. 82

ANIL KUMAR S/0.ShriK.C.Rajvanshi 235I1 BegumBagh Meerut (U.P.) \"A soft smile and a sweet word, they cost you nothing. Giftstheyarefrom theLord,shouldbespentasanoffering\". Anil Kumar is avotary of this ideal. An admirer of life and literature, he writesbeautiful poems and striking short stories in Hindi. He lovesnature and humbly pays his tri· butes to its benevolnt architect. Heloves beautiful decora­ tions and takes interest in collection ofbooks and reading thrilling novels. Though the mills of the gods grind exceedinglyslow, yet theygrind exceedinglyfine. -VONLOOAU, 83

ARUN CHANDBASSI C/o.Sri L. D. Bassi At Mahalanwali P.O.Joshiarpur (Punjab} 'Believenot because the holy scriptures recommended it, or becausethe ancestors practised it, reason it out and believeifitappealstoyourconscience'-Bassi feelsthisrelevantand practises itwith firm determination. Enticed by the charms of literatureheenjoys reading short-stories depicting life. Collection of books andsnaps are his main hobbies and he roams aimlessly for break in themonotony of life. His fond games are chess and hockey. No tyrant has yetlived, who has not paid for the sufferings he hascaused. 84

ARUN KUMAR DASH Cfo.Sri RameshChandra Dash CityPoliceRoad Balangir Haveyouevercomeacrossabornaptimist? Ifnot,please seeone inArun, the greatestoptimistasregardsthefuture. He is alwayscheerful and animated, describingthe bright future of engineers.Full of juvenile enthusiasm he can shoulderanyresponsibility,whichhehasdisplayedas the common room secy. The fabulousretainingcapacityof his mindhasmadehimlethargic,butnot pround. Weseldomthinkof whatwehavebut alwaysof \yhatwelack,thetendencyisthegreatesttragedyonearth. -DALECARNEGIE 85

AsnoKKuMARRoYC/o.Subo dh ChandraRoy 3rdline,Amlapada At/P.O. Anugl Dist. Dhenkanal, (Orissa)Thehiddensobriety beneath hisdemoniacappearancere­ semblesatriklingspring beneath the arid sands. Frank&fearless,thisyoungmandefies anysort offalselyallegedhumiliations&wrongdecisions. His heart issimpleand he istoosoft in hisnormaldealings. He entertainsan earnesthonourforthewarmworld inasacredcornerofhisheart.Photographyisthefondhobbyofthisintelligentandstudious youngman. A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward duringthe time,anda courageousman afterwards. -RITCHER. 86

AsiM KuMARBosE Gopaljee Lane, P.O. Cuttack-1, (Orissa) The quiet youngman Asim is blessed with a robust andsoundbody. Agoodgymnast, hecandisplayanimpressive swingingon the parallel bars. His amusing pranks and furtive remarksalwaysdissipatethe beamsof rapture among his friends. Silencereigns supreme in his nature and his sweet manners are illuminedwith the limelight of modesty. He is fervently fond of kite-flying, fishing and settling disputes. My crown is in my heart, not on my head; not decayedwithdiamonds and Indian stones;mycrown iscalledcontent acrownthat seldomkingsenvy. -ANON. 87

AswiNIKuMARPRAua..._N CIo. Balakrishna Pradhan Vill.Jayapanga P.O.Hatura Dist. Dhenkanal (Orissa)A born humorist, Aswini,alwaysbearsa 'merry-heart' anda'cheerfulcountenance'. Hisinclinationtotechnology andappreciation for practical aspectsbackedbya receptivemindhaveledhimtoeminence. Anaggreablepartner incards,and a worthyopponent in chess,he findsnone to challengehim in edacity. Tooafraid to harm any body,heseldomfindsa foe. Alwaysofffrom theidle-talkshe 'toils whilehis com paniessleep',andsometimesslipsawaytovisitfilms.. They conquer who be!ivethey can. He ha snot learnedthelessonoflifewhodoesnoteachdaysurmountafear. -R.W.EMERSON. ·88

B.L. GOYANKA C/o. SriPrabhudayal Durgaprashad P.O. Jugsalai TatanagarA hidden votary of peace,Goyanka is neverfound in the arena ofjostling. His face alwaysemits the bright rays of calmness andsobriety, and we have hardly seen a gale of aner ever prevailing onthis pacific land. Himself gifted witharefineddisposition,hesilentlyshedsapleasantlookof appreciation onthevirtuous. Motor cyclingishishobbyand he isextremelyinterestedin playingtennis&basketball.Be still, sad heart! and cease repmmgBehindthecloudsistheSunstillshining. -LONGFELLOW. 89

BALEPUR SRINIVAS CIo.Sri B.Gopal Rao Chief Supdt. (Engg.) C/2, Sector-4 Rourkela-2 (Orissa) A perfect gentleman with an enviable physique, Balepur is proud ofbeing a permaent back-bencher. His jokes, tinged with his uniqueway of expression are extremely soothing duringthewearyhoursintheclass. Endowedwithallthe potentialities of a technicalman he seldom despises literary works, and is believed to be an ardentlover of novels and politics. We sincerely confess, we are still toknow 50% of Srinivas, whose eyes sing. \"I am content with what Ihave, Little be it or much\" For the Scientist Skepticism is the highest of duties, blind faith theunpardonable sin.\" -T.HUXLEY. 90

BASUDEVA MISRA C/o. SriHarekrishna MisraAt/P.O. Sarangadharpur PuriA veteranactor, an invincibleorator, a competentessayist, adependable cricketer, Basu,the 'tea-loving' youth has only onething lacking in him-'health'. His inquisitiveeyesand alert ears,seldom permit any news to escape him. Withsportcommentariesonairhecanforgethis classes. Astrictdisciplinarian he has the reputation of being amiable, anddiligent,and hopes to dedicate hislater lifefor literature. The creative man must have in himself thisincentiveand the self-disciplineto do the things that he seesneedsto be done. -DR.A.H.CoMPTON. 91

BHABANI KUMAR PATIAJOSHI Cfo. Laxminarayan Pattajoshi Bimala Medical Hall Berhampur Ganjam To do justice to his height, his friends call him 'Tima', but hisheart teems with the high juvenile spirits, which he displaysgracefully in his activities. An admirer of all games, hepleadslikeagiant and isa hardnut to crack inarguments. Reluctant toshoulder any responsibility, he desparately·tries toevadethemonotony oflife by reading novels,playing table tennies,indulging ingossip and visitingfilms. Shrewed enough totread therude course oflife,heoften adds alovable gait to hismajestic movements. \"Knowledge isproud that hehaslearned too much, Wisdomishumble that he knows no more\". -W.COWPER.92

BHUPINDERSINGH, 13,Cantonment Road, Cuttack-1, (Orissa). In thefieldofcricket hehassurpassed allasanallrounder ; and isrlwaysa reliable player in table tennis. His reputation isdefinitelymoreforhisageand weexpecthistoshine brighter in the time to come. Off thefield, he isa smart gentle man with tight-fit garments, and likes tolisten to English songs. Always imsling, he possesses a very soft heartand for this theyfondly callhim'Bobby'. Strong and patriotic, hewantsto joinin theIndian army and wewishhimsuccess. The boring jobforhim istositand study.There isno armour against fate -Shirley. 93

BIJTY KRusHNA MoHANTY. C/o Joygopal Mohant Barabazar, P.O.Baripada,Dist.Mayur \" the are thevoiceofthebody\". usseau. 94

BmwARANJAN DurrA B.15/81,LakePlace, Kalyani, Dist.Nadia, (W.B.) cl_;: ·Amj; ericalstoilinghard t' ogether in the-litte?s-pla artand .ev).r tis e rgeticyouth can lecture on any toptc--m.thetiby§,lmd\can uff with unparalled confidence. Polite and-----podishedid. behavio tolerant in attitude, ever consciousofduty,hefidsa sweet rld around him,brilliantenough towipeout s rows. Photogra ishishobby,and musicthepanaceafor llmaladiesoflife.Il 95

B.VASANTK.UMAR C/o SriB.A.Rao, MangarajBuildings, MeriaBazar, Cuttack- 1.Away from the tumultouslifeof reality,Vasant roams intheholylandofmusicandbeauty,seekingpeaceandhappinessforhimandhisfellow-men. Giftedwithanightingale'svoice, heisanassettothe Rengcolpendal. Far offfrom thecom­plicaciesofmodernlifethisinnocentman knowsnotwhattospeakbutthetruth. Heharboursnodisdainforthecondemned althoughhe adores the virtuous. An expert in carom and chess,heneverbothersfor out-door games.Isleptanddremptthatlifewasbeauty,Iwokeandfound thatlifewasduty. 96

CHANDRASEKHAR PANIGRAHI Vill.Burapalli, P.O. Pantikhari,Dist. Ganjam Via. Belluguntha, He is candid, but his ways are uncanny. His heart is brimmedwith tl;ie nectar of light and love. His sympathy knows no boundsand hisearnest consolation isblessedenough to liquidate the worries ofhis friends in no time. He is a voracious reader, and frequents thegarden of philosophy plucking thebeautiful flowersoflifeandlustre.Chandrasekhar ishighly esteemed among usand isbestowed withthebefitting traits of indifference and austerity. To bea learned professoris his long-cherished ambition. Let us proclaim to every soul: Arise, awake, and stop not till thegoal is reached. -Vivekadanda 97

CHINMOYDAS AtBilpar, P.O.Silchar, AssamChinmoy,withhispeculiarwaysoflife,isawondertoall ofus.Slimandtallheinfalliblydrawstheattentionofothersbyhisfunnydressandthinlimbs. Hiseyescravefor beautyinnature,andhisearsarecrasyforthemelodyintheenchant·ingmusicof love. He playsfun witha fewand is having limitedbutintimatefriends. AferventloverofRock-8Rollmusic,hespendshisleisureinreadingmagazins.Bashfulnessisanornament toyouth,butareproachtoold age. -Aristotle 98

DAITYADI BALIYARSINGH Vill.Madhuban, P.O. Jankia, Dist. Puri, (Orissa) Daityari, the silent man of the class,is full of benevolence andlove. Tall and handsome he is much exalted for his unswervingfaith inGod. Helovestoloiter onadesolate path and ponder over themystery behind this enigmatic world.'Pride' he condemns since 'Pride is ignorance' and hatred heabhors since 'hatred is the offspring of pride'. He solemnlysingsthehymn, 'Let sorrows dawn upon me,ifpride arisesinmyheart ForThee only,and notforfameorname,letmysoullament'. The measure of a man's real character iswhat he would do if knewhe would never befound out. -T.Macaulay 99

DEBIDAS BANERJEECjoSri N. R.Banerjee.AtSentola, P.O.Chaibasa, Dist. Singhbhum, (Bihar) He is mad to drink the nectar of music and his gleaming eyesseemto sing \"0Music, thy charms can soothe a savage beast and soften therock. \"The quick sequences in dancing have a unique fascinationforhim. Much interested in world affairs Debidas joyously participatesindiscussionsand debates. He holds the celebrated political leaders inhigh esteem. He ismildin nature and courteous inspeech. Chance is a word void of sense, nothingcanexist without a cause. -Voltaire 100.

DHIRENDRA NATH SAHOO CfoPadmanava Sahoo, At Gopalpur, P.O.Uttampur, Dist. Cuttack A quiet and considerate youngman, Dhir becomes ferocious if thecommon prestige is at stake. Exceedingly interested in politics hevociferously condemns corruption in administration. A staunchvotary cf the principle \"tit for tat\" Dhir instigates fire into your veinsby his thundering speech. He obstinately sticks to what he thinksisright. He isa friend in-deed since heisafriend in need.Turn from glittering bribe thy scornful eye --'-JohinsonNor sellfor gold what gold could neverbuy. 101

DIBAKAR SAHU CIo Sri Shyam Sundar Sahu, At Ankapara, P.O.Biriadia, Via. Ghanteswar, Dist. Balasore, (Orissa) A perfect 'KarmaYogi' he has three things shining in him'Wisdom, Knowledge and faith'. Firm and faultless in judg­ ment hewas always sought at the time of crisis, a.ndrightly deserved tobethesecyoftheMechanical Engineering Associa­ tion. He lives in theideals of the Gita, and his stories and poems are always impregnatedwith originality and divinity. Much interested in nuclearEngineering, he aspires to bring together spirituality and modernscience for the salvation of the souland the mind. God helps us when wefeel ourselves humbler than the dust beneathour feet. M.K. Gandhi 102

DIPTIMOY BHATTACHARJEE CIo Sri Rashamoy Bhattacharjee Advocate, P.O. Silcbar,NutanPatty, (Assam) Diptimoy is popularly know as 'The old Brother' among his friends.His rapidly growing beard puts him to the trouble of repeated shavingsin a week. He knows the study of palms and forecasts thefuture of hisfriends ina tone ofconfidence. Such prognostication of dsetiny is hisfond pastime. A chain smoker, healwaysmiserably failsinhisdesiretoremainfrugal An ardent lover of money he sings aloud. \"Money,money, money, Brighter than sun-shine, sweater than honey\". 'Beware oflittleexpenses;asmalllink willsinkagreat ship'. -Franklin 103

DULALCHANDRA RoY Vill. Natuk, P.O.Harinagar, Dist. Midnapore,(W.B.)Dulau possessesalean&thinframe, poor inphysicalpowers. Poetic intemperament, he composes poems, highly emotional in singing theglories of love. Love, for this poet isnectar &man is potentially dvinesince love dwells in him. He is an earnest boats-manontheOceanofthoughts ofthemasterminds. The self-evident ambiguityinhistalks and hishealing jestsare delicious &hence precious forhisfriends.Love istooyoung toknow whatconscienceis Yetwho knows not conscience isshorn oflove. -Shakespeare 104

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