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Four Winds Of Heaven

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THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Written by: The Israel Of God

Copyright © 1990All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-copying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system,without the written permission from the publisher.Printed in the USALibrary of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-86088ISBN: 0-9628289-0-4

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Acknowledgement The Israel of God would like to make tribute to all of themembers of the class who made the publication of this book pos-sible. A special acknowledgment to Henry Buie, who foundedand spearheaded this book from the very beginning. We wouldalso like to say thank you to our members: Timothy Graham Amirah Israel John Lee Clarence McMillan Barbie Norwood Paul Spencerfor the input of their time and talents in which they offered un-selfishly. A job well done.

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN PREFACE Upon professional advice, I sat down to write an introduc-tion to this book, to give a brief description of its contents, andto outline some of its high points. The harder I tried to think of aquick description, the more my head started to hurt. Finally, af-ter sitting and attempting to think for hours, I concluded that thebest introduction was none at all. The problem with man is hisimpatience. We all have become so impatient that we don’t havetime to sit down and study anything anymore. We thrive on briefstatements, brief letters, and most of the things we read must beshort. Therefore, I have no introduction. However, I do have a briefstatement to make: Buy this book, sit down, and read it. You willeither be glad you did or angry with the writer.

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN CONTENTSCHAPTER I The Four Beasts..................................................... 1CHAPTER II The Ten Horns and What They Represent............19CHAPTER III The Beast With Seven Heads and Ten Horns.......33CHAPTER IV The Origin of the Seven Heads and Ten Horns....43CHAPTER V Spiritual Blindness of Man...................................46CHAPTER VI Rapture.................................................................. 51CHAPTER VII Saved....................................................................63CHAPTER VIII Born Again............................................................69CHAPTER IX The Dangers of Not Proving All Doctrine............ 81CHAPTER X The Separating of the Sons of Noah.....................85CHAPTER XI Four Nations But One Family..............................89CHAPTER XII Beginning and End of Gentile Rulership..............95CHAPTER XIII Tribulation Period.............................................. 100COMMENTARY...........................................................................119FOOTNOTES............................................................................... 140BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................................142INDEX ..........................................................................................143


THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Peace to all that seek knowledge and truth in the name of ourLord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. May the Lord open your eyes thatyou may see and understand what you are about to read. This book is intended to serve as a Bible companionship tohelp you to understand the history and prophesies written in the KingJames Version of the Holy Bible. It begins in the 7th chapter of Danieland ends in the book of Revelation, which was given to the ApostleJohn from the ultimate prophet, Jesus the Messiah. We will start at the beginning with the Four Winds of Heaven,which Daniel saw as four great beasts. These beasts represent fourgreat kingdoms, which were to rise, domination and rule the worldwithout rivalry or compromising opposition. We know that there are some who will oppose this book andit’s prophesies, and some may name several great civilizations; suchas Assyria, Egypt, Mongolia, etc. We know that there were many greatcivilizations, but we know also that none rose to world dominationand became absolute rulers of all known civilizations except thosefour kingdoms spoken of by Daniel the prophet. Before I continue, I would like to clarify exactly how I quotedand made reference to the word of God for those of us who are notfamiliar with how the Holy Bible is read. For example, when Genesis2:12 is quoted as a reference, this simply means to turn to the book ofGenesis in the Bible, go to the 2nd chapter of Genesis, and begin read-ing the 12th verse. If Revelation 16:3-12 is quoted, turn to the bookof Revelation, go to the 16th chapter of Revelation, and begin readingthe 3rd verse through the 12th verse. Now, pick up your Bible andlet us begin to explore and rightfully divide the scripture. If you arethinking that you have no need to know prophecy, read what a promi-nent prophet and an apostle said: Ezekiel 14:19-20. (Verse 19) “Or if Isend a pestilence into the land, and pour out my fury upon it in blood,to cut off from it man and beast:” (Verse 20) “Though Noah, Daniel,and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver nei-ther son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by theirrighteousness.” Philippians 2:12. “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye havealways obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in myabsence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” 2

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Both Ezekiel and Paul are telling us that each person is re-sponsible for his or her own soul, and no one else can get you intoGod’s kingdom whether it be your pastor, bishop, teacher, etc. Youand only you can save yourself through obedience to God. Therefore,you do have a need to know not only what is in the book, but thewhole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. As Peter said in Acts 2ndchapter, verse 40, “Save yourselves from this untoward generation.” When Daniel, in the 7th chapter of Daniel, and John, in the13th chapter of Revelation said they saw beasts rise up out of the sea,they were talking about governments and people. The beast representsgovernments and the sea represents people. We will talk just enough about the first three beasts to enableyou to find them in your history books or encyclopedias. However,we will take a real close look at the fourth beast because he is the oneunder which we are still serving, although we are ignorant of it. He isthe one that shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and he is our chiefconcern. 3

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN “The lion represents Babylon, from Nebuchadnezzar to Belteshazzer” The first beast was like a lion and had eagle’s wings; Daniel7:4. This was the Babylonian empire. Babylon rose to world domina-tion under King Nebuchadnezzar in 605 to 562 B.C. Daniel 2:37-38,Nebuchadnezzar was told, (verse 37) “Thou, O king, art a king ofkings: for the God of the heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power,and strength, and glory.” (Verse 38) “And wheresoever the children ofmen dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath hegiven into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou artthis head of gold.” After the death of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, his son, tookover. However, his rule was short lived because he failed to acknowl-edge God, so Belshazzar was killed (See Daniel the 5th chapter). Hewas succeeded by Darius the Median (See Daniel the 6th chapter).That was the end of the Babylonian empire and the beginning of theMede and Persian Empire, which brings us to the second beast. 4

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN“The bear represents Medo Persia from Darius the Mede to Darius III, the Persian” 5

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN The second beast was like a bear, with three ribs in its mouth(see Daniel the 7th chapter). This beast represents the Medo-PersianEmpire. It’s first king, Darius the Mede, inherited the Babyloniankingdom at age sixty-two but did not strengthen it and was ignored byhistory. (Darius the Mede is not to be confused with the Darius thatcame along later in history. They were all Persians and adopted thename as a title.) Because of a lack of history on Darius the Mede, we mustadvance to 12 years later in history to pick up Cyrus the Persian. Thus,the median empire became the Medo-Persian Empire. The Bible even shows the apparent weakness of Darius be-cause the horn that represents him and his people, the Medes, wasshorter than the Persians’ horn. It also reveals the duality of this em-pire by revealing it even as another beast; A ram with two horns. Onehorn represented Media and the other horn represented Persia. “One horn on the ram represents the Medes and the other, the Persians” 6

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN In Daniel 8:3, Daniel said, “the two horns were high, but onewas higher than the other, and the higher one came up last,” This lasthorn represented the Persians, and Cyrus was a Persian who took overthe kingdom and reigned from 550 B.C. to 530 B.C. Cyrus controlledthe kingdom after putting down many revolts, and as king of the uni-verse, proclaimed peace for all. He was later killed while putting downanother revolt on the eastern border of the kingdom. After the death of Cyrus, there came three kings who sur-named themselves Darius I, Darius II, and Darius III. Even though afew Persian kings ruled under other names, there was a Darius rulingwhen Alexander The Great assaulted and took the kingdom in 334B.C. This classic battle was even foretold by the prophet Daniel in thebook of Daniel 8:4-8, 20-22. (Verse 4) “I saw the ram pushing west-ward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might standbefore him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand;but he did according to his will, and became great.” (Verse 5) “Andas I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on theface of the whole earth, and touched not the ground; and the goat hada notable horn between his eyes.”“The goat represents the Greek Empire. The one horn is its first king, Alexander The Great” 7

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN (Verse 6) “And he came to the ram that had two horns, whichI had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury ofhis power.” (Verse 7) “And I saw him come close unto the ram, andhe was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brakehis two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him,but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and therewas none that could deliver the ram out of his hand.” (Verse 8) “There-fore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the greathorn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the fourwinds of heaven.” (Verse 20) “The ram which thou sawest having twohorns are the kings of Media and Persia.” (Verse 21) “And the roughgoat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyesis the first king.” (Verse 22) “Now that being broken, whereas fourstood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but notin his power.”“The four horns on this goat represent Alexander’s four generals that rose after his death and inherited the kingdom” 8

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN As we mentioned earlier, the Medo-Persian Empire was alsoshown as a ram with two horns to show that it was ruled by kings oftwo different nationalities. This ram was assaulted by the goat withone horn between its eyes. This goat represented the Greeks and theone horn represented Alexander The Great. After Alexander had defeated Medo-Persia, later Egypt, andthen all other rebellious people, the world was under his rulership. ButAlexander died in 323 B.C. at a young age and had no blood successorwith any power. Therefore, after some battles among his officers, fourof his generals rose to power and took the title of king. Now, we havefour kings ruling over one kingdom, thus dominating all known civili-zation. These four generals were represented by the four horns thatrose up out of the head of the goat after the one horn had been broken.This broken horn represented Alexander’s death (see Daniel 8:21-22).The defeat of the ram with two horns marked the end of the Medo-Per-sian Empire.The third beast was like a leopard with four wings on its back andit had four heads (see Daniel 7:6). This beast represented the GreekEmpire. As previously mentioned, the Greek Empire was also rep-resented by another beast, the goat that attached the ram which hadtwo horns in Daniel 8:5-8 and Daniel 8:20-22. The four heads on theleopard and the four horns that rose up on the head of the goat are thesame kings. These four generals that became kings, were Lysimachus,Ptolemy, Cassander, and Seleucus. After efforts failed by each king tooverthrow the other, they all settled down and ruled the Greek Empirein their separate regions. The empire was one, just as the leopard wasone with four heads. 9

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENThe Leopard represent the Greek empire. The four heads on this leopard represent the same four generals that inherited the kingdom. 10

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN These four kings were not able to maintain this forced peacethat was agreed upon because each wanted to rule the entire empireand they began to war among themselves. Eventually, the kingdomwas severely fragmented and two kings were eliminated. Cassanderdied in 297 B.C. and Lysimachus died in 281 B.C. after Seleucus de-feated him, and the kings were down to two. The king of the north, Se-leucus (whose descendants were defeated by Rome), and the king ofthe south, Ptolemy (whose descendants were also defeated by Rome),which at that time were Syria and Egypt. Because of constant battlesbetween the two, the rest of the kingdom was left to mind itself, thusleaving room for another people to grow into power. These were thepeople of the peninsula, which later became Italy, out of which grewRome, our fourth and most fierce beast, mentioned in the 7th chapterof Daniel. So terrible was this state, that Daniel had no beast in thecreation with which to compare or identify it. Therefore, Daniel justcalled it a dreadful and terrible beast. 11

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENThe beast represents Rome. The head represents all the emperors of Rome, fromOctavian to Romulus Augustulus. The ten (10) horns represent the men that tried to restore Rome after it’s fall. 12

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN The fourth beast was dreadful, terrible, had ten horns and wasdifferent from all the other beasts before it. In Daniel 7:7-8, this beastalso had another little horn that rose and plucked up three of the firsthorns. This horn represent all the religious leaders from the first one to the coming of Jesus. Before we can discuss the ten horns on this beast, and thelittle horn, before which three of the first ten were destroyed, we mustidentify the head on which the horns set and the beast itself. This beast,the Roman Empire, first put the Italian peninsula in order by wagingwar against the other communities that had settled on it, most of whichhad their own cultures and laws. The largest and most organized tried,other than the Roman townships, were the Samnities. As the Romanscontinued their wars of expansion against the smaller communities,they would have minor clashes with the Samnities from time to time.However, no major battles developed from them.8 13

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Map of the Italian Peninsula 14

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Finally the Romans captured Naples and the Samnities struckback. War ensued. There were defeats and victories for both sides.Long, hard campaigns and truces did not last. Most of the smallertribes in the mountainous areas of the peninsular Italy sided with theSamnities, as did many of the Greek city-states along the coast. Thetribes of Southern Italy, enemies to the Greeks, usually sided withRome. In the end, the Samnites combined forces with the Etruscansand with the Gauls of Northern Italy. By 290 B.C., the Samnities hadbeen defeated, then the Etruscans, and later, the Gauls. Most of the Greek city-states in the peninsula were broughtinto the Roman state, some as subjects, others as allies. After a fewmore battles and even two defeats in 280 B.C., the Romans finallyprevailed. They quickly subjugated all the remaining independentcommunities. The entire Italian peninsula was now a confederationincluding about two hundred autonomous states, among which Romeheld supreme power. Rome, now being in total control of three to fourmillion inhabitants and many powerful armies, set its sights beyond itsborders. After some military defeats, the Romans finally conqueredoutside enemies, such as the Gauls, Carthaginans and other surround-ing neighbors. Rome grew and expanded in territory and power. In64 B.C., under the leadership of Pompey, Rome conquered Syria, thekingdom of the north. Thus, they put an end to the dynasty started byAlexander The Great’s general, Seleucus. At that time, Rome and Egypt were on friendly terms but asthe years passed, power struggles took place within the Roman state.Julius Caesar was appointed sole dictator after rising to prominenceover Pompey , his sons, and several other potential leaders. Caesarwas assassinated on the 15th of March 44 B.C in a conspiracy ledby Marcus Junius Brutus after making many enemies. He also mademany reforms. The citizens of Rome turned against the conspiratorsand most of the army followed the lead of the anti-republican, (Cae-sar’s Calvary leader), Mark Antony, who spent most of his time withhis mistress Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt. While Mark Anthony wasin Egypt making his own plans, Octavian, who became the first Ro-man emperor, rose to power and established his supreme rule in Italyand in the western and central provinces. A civil war broke out be-tween Octavian and Mark Anthony. The war ended in 31 B.C. withOctavian the victor. Anthony and Cleopatra 15

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENcommitted suicide and Egypt became a Roman Province, thus bring-ing to an end the Kingdom of the south, which had been ruled over theAlexander’s general Ptolemy. With the fall of Egypt went the last ves-tige of the once great Greek Empire. Octavian was given the title Au-gustus and from that time on, Rome was no longer called the RomanState, but the Roman Empire, and was the undisputed possessor of allknown civilization. The supreme ruler was no longer called dictator,but Emperor, which was the head of the fourth beast. With the head,a succession of emperors in place, the Roman Empire enjoyed quietorder and internal peace, and was in control from 31 B.C. to 235 A.D. After 235 A.D., chaos started to set in. First, from internal cor-ruption among high officials, which weakened the empire, then pres-sure from outside nations, over which they once had control. With anincreasing number of civil wars, and Roman generals fighting againsteach other, the empire could no longer stop the advances of outsideforces. Because of these internal and external problems, Rome revert-ed to totalitarianism, and that’s when cruel treatment of the public setin. The suffering became unbearable. Because of excessive cruelty, Romans started to turn to a re-ligion that stressed love and charity. It promised redemption, resur-rection, and in the afterlife, happiness unattainable on earth. Until itbecame worldly with the exercise of power, Christianity meant alien-ation from life. Total Alienation. There were many other religions inthe empire, but when Constantine I (called “The Great”) rose to pow-er, he supported Christianity. As soon as Christianity was recognized,laws for the observance of Sunday as the Christian Sabbath day wereenacted. Constantine, in 321 A.D., prohibited all business on that dayexcept necessary agricultural labor. Constantine died in 337 A.D., re-ceiving a Christian baptism before his death. Rome was not able to stop its outside attackers. It finally col-lapsed in 476 A.D., when its last emperor, Romulus Augustulus wasdeposed by the Herulians under the leadership of Odoacer, the first ofthe Germanic tribes to sack and rule the Roman state. I used the word“state” because the empire had long since fragmented and Rome hadlost control of the world. 16

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN After the fall of the empire, the Christian church stepped inand for at least 1000 years, gave Europe a measure of unity. The pope,who had little or no power under the Roman emperors, had grown tobe more powerful than the barbarian kings who tried to recreate theRoman Empire. The pope claimed his authority descended from theapostle Peter, to whom Jesus had said, “Thou art Peter and upon thisrock I will build my church.” This will bring us to the ten horns on the head of the dreadfuland terrible beast mentioned in Daniel 7:7-8. The head of the beastrepresents the emperors who ruled Rome during its empire. The tenhorns represent ten men who tried to restore Rome and make it a worlddominating empire again. The little horn that had eyes like a man anda mouth speaking great things represents the men that took on the titleof the Pope. Being that this little horn will continue until the secondcoming of Jesus, we understand it is the office of the Pope that willmake the difference. It does not matter how many men hold that office,they inherit the power that comes with it, and are all represented bythat little horn. Daniel 7:9-10 tells us about the Judgment and the openingof the Books the same White Throne Judgment spoken of in the 20thchapter of Revelation. Daniel 7:9 says, “I beheld till the thrones werecast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was whiteas snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne waslike the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.” (Verse 10) “Afiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thou-sands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stoodbefore him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.” Dan-iel 7:11 says, (Verse 11) “I beheld then because of the voice of thegreat words which the horn spake; I beheld even till the beast wasslain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.” Ad-ditionally, Revelation 20: 11-15 says: (Verse 11) “And I saw a greatwhite throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and theheaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.” (Verse 12)“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the bookswere opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life:and the dead were judged out of those things which were written inthe books, according to their words.” (Verse 14) “And death and hellwere cast into the lake of fire. 17

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN This is the second death.” (Verse 15) “And whosoever wasnot found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” The prophet Daniel spoke of the Ancient of days and histhrone, and the thousands that stood before him, and the judgment,and the beast slain and given to the burning flame; because of thewords the little horn spoke and the Apostle John, in Revelation, spokeof the same things. He saw a great white throne, and him that sat onit, and the dead, (thousands) both small and great standing before him,the books were opened, and those that were not found in the book oflife was cast into the lake of fire. It is reasonable to ask, how many judgment days are there?Only one. Daniel and John are talking about the same time. That isonly one of the reasons why we know that the little horn will continueuntil the Lord comes. 18


THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN THE TEN HORNS AND WHAT THEY REPRESENT Now that the emperor (the head) no longer exists, we areleft with the ten horns on the head of the beast. The first threehorns that were plucked up by the roots are the Herulians, theOstrogoths, and the Vandals. Odoacer, the leader of the Herulians,was sometimes looked upon as the leader of the Ostrogoths, but intruth he was a usurper, and was later assassinated by the real kingof the Ostrogoths, Theodoric II. Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor in 476 A.D. andgoverned Italy as a representative of the Roman emperor of theEast, thus becoming the first foreign ruler to govern the Romanstate in Italy. This Odoacer and his Herulians were the first of theten horns on the head of the fourth beast.“This beast represents the Roman Empire before any of the men had died that tried to restore it after its fall.” “King Theodoric II, led his Ostrogoths into Italy in 493A.D. and besieged the Herulians in Ravenna. Odoacer surrenderedand was assassinated in 493 A.D.” 21 20

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN The Herulians were never heard of again” They represent-ed the first horn that was plucked up by the roots. “There were nine (9) horn left after the defeat of the Herulians.” “The Ostrogoths, after vanquishing the Herulian, becamethe second foreign power to rule the Roman state in Italy. Underthe Ostrogoths, Italy was still one state, but a state in which twodistinct nations lived, each with its own political organizations andits own version of Christianity. The Romans were Catholic, and theOstrogoths were called the Arian Version.” “While King Theodoric II was busy carving himself a spotout of the once great Roman Empire, his brother-in-law, King Gai-seric, the leader of the Vandals, conquered all of Roman Africa withthe exception of Bovia, and Cirta (Constantine). The Vandals helddominion over North Africa from Cirenaica to the Atlantic Ocean,including the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, and the Port ofSicily.” “After both King Theodoric II of the Ostrogoths and KingGaiseric of the Vandals died, their successors took over. Belong-ing to the Arian version of Christianity, they severely persecuted 21

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENthe Catholics and both nations were defeated by Justinian, whoheld the title of Roman Emperor of the East.”23 “Justinian waged war on the Vandals and defeated themin 533 A.D. The Vandals no longer figured as a nation in history.”24 Now, the second horn on the head of the fourth beast has beenplucked up by the roots. “There were eight (8) horns left after the defeat of the Vandals.” Justinian, bent on reestablishing the unity of the empire,sent an expeditionary force to Italy in 535 A.D. and attacked theOstrogoths. After almost two decades of ferocious war, they finallydefeated him. After their defeat, the Ostrogoths disappeared fromthe pages of history.25 Now, the third horn was plucked by the roots. 22

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN“The Ostrogoths being defeated left only seven (7) horns, plus the religious leader.” With the Herulians, Vandals, and Ostrogoths now gone,this left seven horns on the head of the fourth beast. The first ofthe seven horns was Justinian. Being of the order of the Byzan-tine emperors and looked upon as the legitimate ruler, Justinianwas also looked upon as the head of the Christian church. As werehis predecessors, he was crowned in Hagia Sophia, the Church ofHoly Wisdom. Justinian died in 565 A.D.26 His death representedthe passing of the first of the seven horns left on the head of thefourth beast. Now, only six were left. 23

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN“The Ostrogoths being defeated left only seven (7) horns, plus the religious leader.” “From the time of Constantine, the Roman Empire lookedupon Byzantine emperors as the head of the Christian Church.However, disputes over doctrine weakened Byzantine authori-ty and in 800 A.D., Pope Leo III, head of the Church in Rome,crowned Charles, King of the Franks, as Emperor of the Holy Ro-man Empire. Charles was later called Charlemagne. The crown-ing of Charlemagne was a big ceremony. The Italians were proudbecause there had been no Emperor in the west since 476.”27 But,this also led to a rift between Western Christianity (Catholic) andEastern Christianity (Orthodox), as it exists today. This was thefirst time the name “holy” had been placed in front of the RomanEmpire, which brings to focus the power of the pope. Charlemagnedied in 814 A.D.28 His death represented the passing of anotherhorn. Now, five are left. 24

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN“After the death of Charlemagne, five (5) horns were left, plus the religious leader.” The last of Charlemagne’s heirs were deposed and the gov-ernment fell into several hands. Finally, Pope John XII asked Otto(Otto The Great) to come to Italy and fight against Berengar II. Af-ter defeating him, Otto was crowned King of Italy in Pavia in 952A.D., and Emperor of Rome in 962 A.D. Otto’s reign inauguratedthe Holy Roman Empire, founded on the principle, “one pope, oneemperor.” Otto (some history books spell his name “Otho”) wascredited as being the founder of the Holy Roman Empire. He diedin 973 A.D.29 His death represented the passing of another horn.Now, only four are left. 25

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN“After the death of Otto the Great, four (4) horns were left, plus the religious leader.” After Otto’s death, the church continued to grow with manyclerics in the kingdoms of Germany, Italy, and Burgundy, mak-ing up the Holy Roman Empire and held both ecclesiastical andtemporal power. The following question began to loom: Which isthe supreme ruler, the emperor or the pope?” Other the years thislooming question created power struggles between the Papacy andthe Supreme Ruler. In the 1500’s, Charles V rose to power. As it was with em-perors before him, he also clashed with the pope. Finally, PopeClement made peace with him and crowned him Holy Roman Em-peror in 1530. In exchange, the pope requested the reestablishmentof his family’s rule in Florence. Charles V also restored other papalstates to Catholic rule in following years and did more toward re-storing the Roman Empire than any other ruler since Charlemagne.Charles abdicated in 1556 and died in 1558.30 His death represent-ed the passing of another horn on the head of the fourth beast, leav-ing three. 26

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN“After the death of Charles V, three (3) horns were left, plus the religious leader.” After Charles V’s passing, the empire started to erode againand was scattered in the hands of many different nationalities. TheProtestants, which started with the protest of Martin Luther in 1517,were on the rise and revolts were everywhere, including the elimi-nation of papal control over the English Catholic Church, by HenryVIII in 1534. The decline of the once great empire had reached anall time low. Even in Italy, Italians were no longer citizens but sub-jects instead. The pope still had some control and the papal statewas still intact.31 Early in 1797, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the PapalStates and forced Pope Pius VI to recognize the Cispadane Re-public. Bonaparte became Napoleon I, Emperor of France, andin 1805, made himself king of Italy. As it had been with previ-ous rulers, Napoleon clashed with the popes. “On July 5, 1809,one of Napoleon’s generals forced his way into the pope’s resi-dence in Rome and asked Pope Pius VII Chiaramonti to retracta statement reiterating papal supremacy over temporal sovereigns. 27

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENPius VII refused and was deported to France the next day.” Later,the Papal States were re-established according to their pre 1796boundaries and were ruled over by Pius VII, whom Napoleon hadreleased from his second confinement in France in January 1814.32 There were several more battles, some victories and somelosses for Napoleon. However, he was finally defeated for the lasttime during the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon abdicated and wasconfined on the island of St. Helena, where he died on May 5, 1821.33 His death represented the passing of another horn on the head ofthe fourth beast in the 7th chapter of Daniel. Now, there are twoleft.“After the death of Napoleon I, two (2) horns were left, plus the religious leader.” In 1861, after the revolutionaries achieved most of theirgoals, Italy was proclaimed a kingdom and Rome was made it’scapitol. In time, the new Italian states brought the whole nationtogether. Eventually, Italy and other European countries developedeconomic and political problems. Furthermore, the Russian revo-lution in 1917 sent a shockwave across Europe, exacerbating theeconomic problems many of the countries already faced. 28

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN The war ended and the Italian soldiers were returning hometo face the poverty and unemployment waiting on them.34 “In the atmosphere of unrest, a renegade socialist, Beni-to Mussolini, launched his anti-communist movement, the Fascistparty (which took its name from the ancient Roman emblem of thefasces. The fasces symbolized authority and unity). With unques-tioned control of his followers, Mussolini came to power. Mus-solini ordered his followers to march on Rome in 1922. The kinggave way to his show of force and called on Mussolini to form agovernment. Mussolini gradually transformed Italy into a dictator-ship.”35 There was still the ever-present problem of the papacy thatMussolini had to heal. As it was with all of the previous rulers ofthe once great Roman state, there was a conflict. “Pius XI Ratti, who saw Fascism as an efficient bulwarkagainst communism, was the pope during most of the fascist pe-riod. The Lateran Treaty, negotiated by the Cardinal Gasparri andsigned on February 11, 1929, ended the conflict between the Italianstate and the papacy. The papacy renounced all claims on formerpapal territories in exchange for the creation of the independentstate of Vatican City.”36 Afterward, Mussolini pursued his grandambition, and that was to revive the glories of ancient Rome andmake the Italians once again a conquering, militaristic people. His dream, as it was with his predecessors, was never ac-complished. After many failures and eventually an alliance withHitler, Mussolini was captured and shot near Como on April 28,1945.37 His death represented the passing of another horn on thehead of the fourth beast in the 7th chapter of Daniel. Now, only oneis left. 29

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN “After the death of Mussolini, one (1) horn is left, plus the religious leader.” We do not know who this last horn will be, but we knowwhere to look. He will be the leader of the European CommonMarket. The bible is very clear in its explanation of the revival ofthe old Roman Empire, which it calls Babylon the Great. Now, wemust go to the book of revelation for more on this subject 30

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENThis beast represents the Roman There were nine (9) horns leftEmpire before any of the men had after the defeat of the Herulians.died that tried to restore it afterits fall.There were eight (8) horns left The Ostrogoths being defeated,after the defeat of the Vandels. left only seven (7) horns, plus the religious leader.After the death of Justinian, six (6)horns were left, plus the religious leader. 31

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENAfter the death of Charlemagn, five After the death of Otto the(5) horns were left, plus the religious Great, four (4) horns were left,leader. plus the religious leader.After the death of Charles V, After the death of Napoleon I,three (3) horns were left, plus two (2) horns were left, plus thethe religious leader. religious leader.After the death of Mussolini, one (1) horn is left, plus the religious leader. 32


The beast represents the kingdom. The seven heads represent the entire gentilerulership from Babylon to Rome. The ten horns represent the ten nations combined to make up the European Common Market” 34

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN THE BEAST WITH SEVEN HEADS AND TEN HORNS First, we will go to Revelation 13:1-2. In this chapter, theApostle John saw only one beast rise up out of the sea (Danielsaw four beasts). (Verse 1) “And I stood upon the sand of the sea,and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads andten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads thename of blasphemy.” (Verse 2) “And the beast which I saw waslike unto a leopard, and his feet were the feet of a bear, and hismouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon (devil) gave him hispower, and his seat, and great authority.” If you look closely at this beast, you will see that he hasparts of the four beasts spoken of in the 7th chapter of Daniel.He has the body of a leopard (Greek Empire), the feet of a bear(Mede-Persian Empire), the mouth of a lion (Babylonian Empire),and ten horns (Roman Empire). We will call him a compositebeast. The seven heads on the beast represents the four beastsin Daniel. Babylon (the lion with eagle’s wings) had one head,Mede-Persian (the bear) had one head, Greece (the leopard) hadfour heads, and Rome (the dreadful and terrible beast) had onehead. Add them together and you will have seven heads. Now that we know where the seven heads came from, wemust find out where the ten horns came from. Now, these are notthe ten horns on the head of the fourth beast in Daniel the 7thchapter. Remember, three of those horns were plucked up by theroots and six of the remaining seven have died, one after the otherin their generations. Only one is left. The ten horns make up theEuropean Common Market. There may be some changes (somenations may get out but others will replace them), but in its finalstate, there will only be ten. This composite beast represents thereturn of the old Roman Empire and every nation that joins theEuropean Common Market must sign the same treaty. It is calledthe Treaty of Rome. Revelation states that upon each of these ten horns, thereis a crown. That tells us that each horn is a ruler over his ownindividual nation. These ten will elect one man to act as supreme 35

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENruler over them all. That man will be the tenth and last horn onthe head of the fourth beast spoken of in Daniel the 7th Chapter.In brief, these ten kings, presidents, prime ministers, or whateverthey call themselves are rulers that will allow themselves to beruled. In Revelation 13:3, John said, “And I saw one of his headsas it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed:and all the world wondered after the beast.” The wounded headon this seven-headed beast was Rome. Rome didn’t just die and go away like the three empiresbefore it. Rome kept trying to make a comeback. Each time oneof the horns spoken by Daniel rose up, it tried to restore the an-cient Roman Empire. From Odoacer, the leader of the Heruliansto Mussolini, the leader of the Fascists, they all failed. However,they did enough to keep that wounded Roman head from dyingcompletely. When the last horn arrives, he will revive the RomanEmpire under its new name, the European Common Market. Oncethese ten nations place their power into the hand of this one man,the deadly wound will be healed. Now, let us skip down to Revelation 13:11-12, where Johnsaid (Verse 11) “And I beheld another beast coming up out of theearth: and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a drag-on.” (Verse 12) “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beastbefore him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein toworship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.” First, who is this other beast that has two horns like alamb and spake as a dragon? This beast does not represent the ris-ing of another kingdom after Rome; it represents the leadership ofthe revived Roman Empire. Remember that horns represent peo-ple. Before the fall of the last Roman emperor, there was no suchman claiming to be the supreme religious leader, much less thesupreme ruler of the earth. No emperor would have tolerated sucha person. After the fall of Rome’s last emperor, a religious leadersurfaced, claiming authority that surpassed even the emperor.With this religious leader claiming power and the king or emperorclaiming it also, there was conflict until a compromise was made.This compromise produced a spiritual and temporal leader. Now, 36

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENthere are two leaders of the Roman Empire. One pope, and oneemperor. Therefore, the two horns represent the two leaders. The religious leader is the same horn in Daniel 7:8 thathad eyes like a man and a mouth speaking great things. If youwould go back and read Revelation 13:5, you will see that Johnsaid that the seven-headed beast “was given a mouth speakinggreat things and blasphemies.” 37

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVENRELIGIOUS TEMPORAL LEADER LEADERThe beast represents the ten European Common Market nations (beast kingdom), plus the religious and temporal leader.” 38A

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN The horn with eyes like a man and a mouth that spoke great things, that was mentioned in the 7th chapter of Daniel, is the religious leader of the beast with seven heads and ten horns. The last horn on the head of the beast, which was mentioned in the 7th Chapter of Daniel, is the temporal leader of the beast with seven heads and ten horns. He will be the eighth head of this great gentile dynasty, but he will come from among the seven horns.” 38B

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Where did the temporal leader come from? He is that lasthorn that was left on the head of the dreadful and terrible beastin the 7th chapter of Daniel. He will do what his predecessorswere not able to; he will restore the Roman Empire, which is nowcalled the European Common Market. However, he will have toaccept the role as co-leader because, as it was with all the leadersbefore him, he will be compelled to come to some kind of agree-ment with that little horn that has eyes like a man and a mouththat speaketh great things. In brief, the beast with seven heads and ten horns rep-resents the revived Roman Empire. The other beast that had twohorns like a lamb but spake as a dragon represents the two leadersof the revived Roman Empire. When John said, “he spake as a dragon,” he merely meansthat this beast is speaking things that are contrary to the word ofGod. The dragon is Satan, the Devil (Revelation 12:9). Remem-ber, Revelation 13:2 says, “…the dragon gave him his power andhis seat and great authority,” which means he is going to say onlywhat the dragon wants him to say. The 13th chapter of Revelation tells us mostly about therevived Roman Empire. We must go to the 17th chapter to geta clearer picture of how the religious part of it will materialize.We’ll start at the beginning. Revelation 17:1-3 (Verse 1) “Andthere came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, andtalked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew untothee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many wa-ters:” (Verse 2) “With whom the kings of the earth have commit-ted fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been madedrunk with the wine of her fornication.” (Verse 3) “So he carriedme away in the spirit into the wilderness; and I saw a woman situpon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, havingseven heads and ten horns.” 39

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN Map of Seven Hills 40

THE FOUR WINDS OF HEAVEN We know that this scarlet colored beast with seven headsand ten horns is the revived Roman Empire, but who is thiswoman? The angel called her a whore. One might ask, what arethose many waters on which she sits? For the answer, see Revela-tion 17:15 and 18. (Verse 15) “And he saith unto me, “The waterswhich thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and mul-titudes, and nations, and tongues.” (Verse 18) “And the womanwhich thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kingsof the earth.” Now that we know that the many waters are millions ofpeople of different nationalities and languages and the woman isa great city, let’s find the geographical location of the city. SeeRevelation 17:9 (Verse 9) “And here is the mind which hath wis-dom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the womansitteth.” Now, check your geography books and you will see thatRome, the capital of Italy, was built (or founded) on seven hills(or mountains) and Vatican City is in Rome. There are Roman Catholics in almost every nation uponthe face of the earth and where there are Catholics, there is obedi-ence to the pope, who resides in Vatican City. Right now, the poperules through religion, but the time is almost here when he willrule through force of arms. He will have ten nations, which willbe headed by one man, to do his bidding for him and they willpunish all who refuse to adhere to the Catholic version of Christi-anity as it was done in the past. How do we know that they will be at his disposal? Well,the bible says that the woman was sitting (riding) upon the beast.We know that anything that one rides is under some control of therider. How did this woman (religion) grow to such power? First,by gaining the mind of the common people and then by makingdeals or forcing concessions out of every emperor or king thatrose up after the fall of the ancient Roman Empire, from JustinianI to Mussolini, until she grew to be a power to be reckoned with. See Revelation 17:10-11. (Verse 10) “And there are sevenkings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come;and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” (Verse 11) 41

Four Winds Of Heaven

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