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Home Explore Physical Education Grade 4

Physical Education Grade 4

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-12-09 22:03:40

Description: Physical Education Grade 4


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K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS PE6RD-IIIb-h-3 MATERIALSNote: Dances PE6RD-IIIc-h-4available in the 28. observes safety precautions PE6PF-IIIb-h-19 Page 32 of 69area can beselected. 29. executes the different skills PE6PF-IIIb-h-20 involved in the dance PE6PF-IIIa-21 30. recognizes the value of PE6PF-IIIb-h-22 participation in physical activities PE6PF-IVa-16 PE6PF-IVa-17 31. displays joy of effort, respect for others during participation PE6PF-IVb-h-18 in physical activities PE6RD-IVb-1 32. explains health and skill related PE6RD-IVb-2 fitness components PE6RD-IVb-h-3 PE6RD-IVc-h-4 33. identifies areas for PE6PF-IVb-h-19 improvement PE6PF-IVb-h-20FOURTH QUARTER/ FOURTH PERIODAssessment of The learner . . . The learner . . . 34. describes the Philippinesphysical physical activity pyramid participates and assessesactivities and demonstrates performance in physical 35. explains the indicators forphysical fitness understanding of activities. fitness participation and assesses physical fitness 36. assesses regularly participation in physical activities based onFolk (Itik-itik for assessment of physical the Philippines physical activitygirls and activity and physical pyramidMaglalatik for fitness 37. explains theboys), nature/background of the danceindigenous,ethnic, 38. describes the skills involved in the dancetraditional and 39. observes safety precautionscreative dancesNote: Dances 40. executes the different skillsavailable in the involved in the dancearea can beselected. 41. recognizes the value of participation in physical activities 42. displays joy of effort, respect for others during participationK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS in physical activities 43. explains health and skill related PE6PF-IVa-21 fitness components PE6PF-IVb-h-22 44. identifies areas for improvementK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 33 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 7CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS PE7PF-Ia-h-23 MATERIALS The learner . . .FIRST QUARTER /FIRST GRADING PERIOD The learner . . . 1. undertakes physical activity and PE7PF-Ia-24 OHSP Y1Q1,Exercise Programs: The learner . . . physical fitness assessments PE7PF-Ib-25 Module 1 PE7PF-Ib-26 2010 SEC Y1Q1Training Guidelines, demonstrates designs an individualized 2. sets goals based on assessment 2010 SEC Y2Q1FITT Principles exercise program to achieve results Enjoy Life w/ PE & understanding of personal fitness Health, TX & TMEndurance, Muscle- and guidelines and principles 3. identifies training guidelines Unit 1Bone-strengthening and FITT principles OHSP Y1Q1,Activities: in exercise program Module 1a. individual sports design to achieve 4. recognizes barriers (low level of 2010 SEC Y1Q1 fitness, lack of skill and time) to 2010 SEC Y2Q1 1. running personal fitness exercise Enjoy Life w/ PE & 2. rhythmic Health, TX & TM Unit 1 sportive OHSP Y1Q1, gymnastics Module 1 3. swimming 2010 SEC Y1Q1b. dual sports 2010 SEC Y2Q1 1. badminton Enjoy Life w/ PE & 2. table tennis 3. tennis Health, TX & TMc. combative sports Unit 1 1. arnis (anyo) OHSP Y1Q1, 2. taekwondo Module 1 (poomsae) 2010 SEC Y1Q1 3. karate(kata) 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &Note: Activities Health, TX & TMdependent on teacher Unit 1capability and school OHSP Y1Q1,resources. Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 5. prepares an exercise program PE7PF-Ic-27 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Health, TX & TM Unit 1 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Page 34 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 6. describes the nature and PE7GS-Id-5 Proj EASE Module1 background of the sport OHSPY1Q2 Module1 7. executes the skills involved in PE7GS-Id-h-4 OHSPY1Q2 the sport Module2 OHSPY1Q2 8. monitors periodically one’s PE7PF-Id-h-28 Module3 progress towards the fitness 2010 SECY1Q2 goals &Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 9. distinguishes from fallacies and PE7PF-Id-29 Health, TX & TM misconceptions about the Unit physical activity participation Proj EASE Module1 OHSPY1Q2K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Module1 OHSPY1Q2 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Module2 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. OHSPY1Q2 Module3 2010 SECY1Q2 &Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 2 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 Page 35 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS PE7PF-Id-30 MATERIALS 10. performs appropriate first aid OHSP Y1Q1, for sports-related injuries (e.g. Module 1 cramps, sprain, heat 2010 SEC Y1Q1 exhaustion) 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 11. assumes responsibility for PE7PF-Id-h-31 Health, TX & TM achieving personal fitness Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, 12. keeps the importance of PE7PF-Id-h-32 Module 1 winning and losing in 2010 SEC Y1Q1 perspective 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &SECOND QUARTER/ SECOND PERIOD The learner . . . Health, TX & TM The learner . . . Unit 1 modifies the individualized OHSP Y1Q1,Exercise Programs: demonstrates exercise program to achieve 13. undertakes physical activity and PE7PF-IIa-h-23 Module 1 understanding of personal fitness physical fitness assessments 2010 SEC Y1Q1Training Guidelines, guidelines and principles 2010 SEC Y2Q1FITT Principles in exercise program Enjoy Life w/ PE & design to achieve Health, TX & TMEndurance, Muscle- and personal fitness Unit 1Bone-strengtheningActivities: 14. reviews goals based on PE7PF-IIa-24 OHSP Y1Q1, assessment results Module 1 a. individual 2010 SEC Y1Q1 sports 15. addresses barriers (low level of PE7PF-IIb-33 2010 SEC Y2Q1 fitness, lack of skill and time) to Enjoy Life w/ PE & 1. running Health, TX & TM 2. rhythmic Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, sportive Module 1 gymnastics 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Unit 1 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 Page 36 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS 3. swimming exercise 2010 SEC Y1Q1 b. dual sports 2010 SEC Y2Q1 1. badminton 16. describes the nature and PE7GS-IId-5 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 2. table tennis background of the sport Health, TX & TM 3. tennis Unit 1 Proj EASE Module1 c. combative sports OHSPY1Q2 1. arnis (anyo) Module1 2. taekwondo OHSPY1Q2 (poomsae) Module2 3. karate (kata) OHSPY1Q2 Module3Note: Activities 2010 SECY1Q2dependent on teacher &Q3capability and school Enjoy Life w/ PE &resources. Health, TX & TM Unit 2 17. executes the skills involved in PE7GS-IId-h-4 Proj EASE Module1 the sport OHSPY1Q2 Module1 18. monitors periodically one’s PE7PF-IId-h-28 OHSPY1Q2 progress towards the fitness Module2 goals OHSPY1Q2 Module3 19. performs appropriate first aid PE7PF-IId-30 2010 SECY1Q2 for sports-related injuries (e.g. &Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE &K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Health, TX & TM Unit 2 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - OHSP Y1Q1, electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 Page 37 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS cramps, sprain, heat 2010 SEC Y1Q1 exhaustion) 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 20. assumes responsibility for PE7PF-IId-h-31 Health, TX & TM achieving personal fitness Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, 21. keeps the importance of PE7PF-IId-h-32 Module 1 winning and losing in 2010 SEC Y1Q1 perspective 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &THIRD QUARTER/ THIRD PERIOD The learner . . .Exercise Programs: The learner . . . Health, TX & TM Unit 1Training Guidelines, demonstrates demonstrates understanding 22. undertakes physical activity and PE7PF-IIIa-h-23FITT Principles understanding of of guidelines and principles in physical fitness assessments OHSP Y1Q1, guidelines and principles exercise program design to Module 1Endurance, Muscle- and in exercise program achieve personal fitness 2010 SEC Y1Q1Bone-strengthening design to achieve 2010 SEC Y2Q1Activities: personal fitness Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TMFolk (Tinikling)/ 23. reviews goals based on PE7PF-IIIa-34 Unit 1indigenous, ethnic, assessment resultstraditional/ festival OHSP Y1Q1,dance Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1Note: Dances 24. addresses barriers (low level of PE7PF-IIIb-33 2010 SEC Y2Q1available in the fitness, lack of skill and time) to Enjoy Life w/ PE & exercise Health, TX & TM Unit 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - 2010 SEC Y1Q1 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Page 38 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS PE7RD-IIId-1 MATERIALSarea can be PE7RD-IIId-h-4selected. PE7PF-IIId-h-28 Enjoy Life w/ PE & PE7PF-IIId-30 Health, TX & TM 25. describes the nature and PE7PF-IIId-h-31 Unit 1 background of the dance PE7PF-IIId-h-32 OHSP Y1Q4 26. executes the skills involved in 2010 SEC Y1Q4 the dance 2010 SEC Y2Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 27. monitors periodically one’s Health, TX & TM progress towards the fitness Unit 4 goals OHSP Y1Q4 28. performs appropriate first aid 2010 SEC Y1Q4 for dance-related injuries (e.g. 2010 SEC Y2Q4 cramps, sprain, heat Enjoy Life w/ PE & exhaustion) Health, TX & TM Unit 4 29. assumes responsibility for achieving personal fitness OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 30. keeps the importance of 2010 SEC Y1Q1 winning and losing in 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 39 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS perspective 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1FOURTH QUARTER/ FOURTH PERIOD The learner . . . Enjoy Life w/ PE & The learner . . . Health, TX & TM modifies the individualized Unit 1Exercise Programs: demonstrates exercise program to achieve 31. undertakes physical activity and PE7PF-IVa-h-23 understanding of personal fitness physical fitness assessments OHSP Y1Q1,Training Guidelines, guidelines and principles Module 1FITT Principles in exercise program 2010 SEC Y1Q1 design to achieve 2010 SEC Y2Q1Endurance, Muscle- and personal fitness Enjoy Life w/ PE &Bone-strengthening Health, TX & TMActivities: Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1,Folk (Tinikling)/ 32. reviews goals based on PE7PF-IVa-34 Module 1indigenous, ethnic, assessment results 2010 SEC Y1Q1traditional/ festival 2010 SEC Y2Q1dance Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TMNote: Dances 33. addresses barriers (low level of PE7PF-IVb-33 Unit 1available in the fitness, lack of skill and time) to OHSP Y1Q1,area can be exercise Module 1selected. 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 34. describes the nature and PE7RD-IVc-1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & background of the dance Health, TX & TM Unit 1 35. executes the skills involved in PE7RD-IVd-h-4 OHSP Y1Q4 the dance 2010 SEC Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y2Q4K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Unit 4 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. OHSP Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y2Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Page 40 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS Unit 4 36. monitors periodically one’s PE7PF-IVd-h-28 OHSP Y1Q1, progress towards the fitness PE7PF-IVd-30 Module 1 goals PE7PF-IVh-35 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 37. performs appropriate first aid PE7PF-IVd-h-31 Enjoy Life w/ PE & for dance-related injuries (e.g. PE7PF-IVd-h-32 Health, TX & TM cramps, sprain, heat Unit 1 exhaustion) OHSP Y1Q1, 38. analyzes the effect of exercise Module 1 and physical activity 2010 SEC Y1Q1 participation on fitness 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 39. assumes responsibility for Health, TX & TM achieving personal fitness Unit 1 40. keeps the importance of winning OHSP Y1Q1, and losing in perspective Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 41 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 8CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS The learner. . .FIRST QUARTER/ FIRST GRADING The learner . . . 1. undertakes physical activity and OHSP Y1Q1, The learner . . . physical fitness assessments Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1Exercise demonstrates designs a physical activity 2. conducts physical activity and PE8PF-Ia-h-23 2010 SEC Y2Q1Programs: program for the family/school physical fitness assessments of PE8PF-Ib -36 Enjoy Life w/ PE & understanding of peers to achieve fitness family/school peers PE8PF-Ia-24 Health, TX & TMTraining Guidelines, guidelines and principles PE8PF-Ib-25 Unit 1FITT Principles 3. sets goals based on assessment in exercise program results OHSP Y1Q1, design to achieve fitness Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1Endurance, Muscle- 2010 SEC Y2Q1and Bone- Enjoy Life w/ PE &strengthening Health, TX & TMActivities: Unit 1team sports(basketball, OHSP Y1Q1,volleyball, Module 1football/futsal, 2010 SEC Y1Q1goalball, softball, 2010 SEC Y2Q1baseball) Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TMNote: Activities 4. identifies training guidelines and Unit 1dependent on FITT principlesteacher capability OHSP Y1Q1,and school Module 1resources. 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 5. recognizes barriers (low level of PE8PF-Ib-26 OHSP Y1Q1, fitness, lack of skill and time) to Module 1 exercise 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Page 42 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS PE8PF-Ic-27 MATERIALS 6. prepares a physical activity Unit 1 program OHSP Y1Q1, 7. describes the nature and PE8GS-Id-1 Module 1 background of the sport 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 8. executes the skills involved in PE8GS-Id-h-4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & the sport Health, TX & TM Unit 1 9. monitors periodically progress PE8PF-Id-h-28 Project EASE towards the fitness goals Module5 2010 SEC Y1Q2 & 10. distinguishes facts from fallacies PE8PF-Id-29 Q3 and misconceptions about Enjoy Life w/ PE & physical activity participation Health, TX & TM Unit IIIK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Project EASE All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Module5 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. 2010 SEC Y1Q2 & Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit III OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Page 43 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS Unit 1 11. performs appropriate first aid for PE8PF-Id-30 OHSP Y1Q1, injuries and emergency Module 1 situations in physical activity and 2010 SEC Y1Q1 sport settings 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 12. assumes responsibility for PE8PF-Id-h-31 OHSP Y1Q1, achieving fitness Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 13. displays tolerance and PE8PF-Id-h-37 2010 SEC Y2Q1 acceptance of individuals with Enjoy Life w/ PE & varying skills and abilities Health, TX & TM Unit 1SECOND QUARTER/ SECOND PERIOD The learner . . . OHSP Y1Q1, The learner . . . Module 1 modifies a physical activity 2010 SEC Y1Q1Exercise demonstrates program for the family/school 14. undertakes physical activity and PE8PF-IIa-h-23 2010 SEC Y2Q1Programs: understanding of peers to achieve fitness physical fitness assessments Enjoy Life w/ PE & guidelines and principles Health, TX & TMTraining Guidelines, in exercise program Unit 1FITT Principles design to achieve fitness OHSP Y1Q1,Endurance, Muscle- 15. conducts physical activity and PE8PF-IIa-36 Module 1and Bone- physical fitness assessments of 2010 SEC Y1Q1strengthening family/school peers 2010 SEC Y2Q1Activities: Enjoy Life w/ PE &team sports Health, TX & TM Unit 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 OHSP Y1Q1, All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Module 1 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Page 44 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS(basketball,volleyball, Health, TX & TMfootball/futsal, Unit 1goalball, softball,baseball) OHSP Y1Q1,Note: Activities 16. sets goals based on assessment PE8PF-IIb-24 Module 1 results 2010 SEC Y1Q1dependent onteacher capability 17. recognizes barriers (low level of 2010 SEC Y2Q1 fitness, lack of skill and time) to Enjoy Life w/ PE &and school exerciseresources. Health, TX & TM Unit 1 PE8PF-IId-h-26 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 18. prepares a physical activity PE8PF-IIc-27 OHSP Y1Q1, program Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 19. describes the nature and PE8GS-IIc-1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 background of the sport Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM 20. executes the skills involved in PE8GS-IId-h-4 Unit 1 the sport Project EASE Module5K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 2010 SEC Y1Q2 & Q3 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Enjoy Life w/ PE & electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Health, TX & TM Unit III Project EASE Module5 2010 SEC Y1Q2 & Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Page 45 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS Health, TX & TM Unit III 21. monitors periodically progress PE8PF-IId-h-28 OHSP Y1Q1, towards the fitness goals PE8PF-IId-29 Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 22. distinguishes facts from fallacies 2010 SEC Y2Q1 and misconceptions about Enjoy Life w/ PE & physical activity participation Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 23. performs appropriate first aid for PE8PF-IId-30 OHSP Y1Q1, injuries and emergency Module 1 situations in physical activity 2010 SEC Y1Q1 and sport settings 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 24. assumes responsibility for PE8PF-IId-h-31 OHSP Y1Q1, achieving fitness Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 25. displays tolerance and PE8PF-IId-h-37 OHSP Y1Q1, acceptance of individuals with Module 1 varying skills and abilities 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 46 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1THIRD QUARTER/ THIRD PERIOD The learner . . . OHSP Y1Q1, The learner . . . Module 1 Modifies a physical activity 2010 SEC Y1Q1Exercise demonstrates program for the family/school 26. undertakes physical activity and PE8PF-IIIa-h-23 2010 SEC Y2Q1Programs: understanding of peers to achieve fitness physical fitness assessments Enjoy Life w/ PE & guidelines and principles Health, TX & TMTraining Guidelines, in exercise program Unit 1FITT Principles design to achieve fitness OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1Endurance, Muscle- 27. reviews goals based on PE8PF-IIIa-34 2010 SEC Y1Q1and Bone- assessment results 2010 SEC Y2Q1strengthening Enjoy Life w/ PE &Activities: Health, TX & TM Unit 1team sports 28. addresses barriers (low level of PE8PF-IIIb-33 OHSP Y1Q1,(basketball, fitness, lack of skill and time) to Module 1volleyball, exercise 2010 SEC Y1Q1football/futsal, 2010 SEC Y2Q1goalball, softball, Enjoy Life w/ PE &baseball) Health, TX & TM Unit 1Note: Activities 29. describes the nature and PE8GS-IIIc-1 Project EASEdependent on background of the sport Module5 2010 SEC Y1Q2 &teacher capability Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE &and school Health, TX & TMresources. Unit III Project EASE 30. executes the skills involved in PE8GS-IIId-h-4 Module5 the sport 2010 SEC Y1Q2 & Q3K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Enjoy Life w/ PE & All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Page 47 of 69 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS PE8PF-IIId-h-28 MATERIALS 31. monitors periodically one’s PE8PF-IIId-30 Health, TX & TM progress towards the fitness PE8PF-IIId-h-31 Unit III goals OHSP Y1Q1, 32. performs appropriate first aid for Module 1 sport-related injuries (cramps, 2010 SEC Y1Q1 sprain, heat exhaustion) 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 33. assumes responsibility for Health, TX & TM achieving fitness Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 34. displays tolerance and PE8PF-IIId-h-37 OHSP Y1Q1, acceptance of individuals with Module 1 varying skills and abilities 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1FOURTH QUARTER/ FOURTH PERIOD The learner . . . 35. undertakes physical activity and PE8PF-IVa-h-23 Enjoy Life w/ PE & The learner . . . physical fitness assessments Health, TX & TM modifies a physical activity Unit 1Exercise demonstrates program for the family/schoolPrograms: understanding of peers to achieve fitness OHSP Y1Q1, guidelines and principles Module 1Training Guidelines, in exercise program 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Page 48 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNINGFITT Principles design to achieve fitness STANDARDS MATERIALS Unit 1Endurance, Muscle- 36. reviews goals based on PE8PF-IVa-34 OHSP Y1Q1,and Bone- assessment results Module 1strengthening 2010 SEC Y1Q1Activities: 37. addresses barriers (low level of PE8PF-IVb-33 2010 SEC Y2Q1 fitness, lack of skill and time) to Enjoy Life w/ PE &Folk Dances with exercise Health, TX & TMAsian Influences Unit 1(Pangalay, 38. describes the nature and PE8RD-IVc-1 OHSP Y1Q1,Sakuting, Sua-ku- background of the dance Module 1sua, Binislakan) 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1Note: Enjoy Life w/ PE &Dances Health, TX & TMavailable in Unit 1the area OHSP Y1Q4can be 2010 SEC Y1Q4selected. 2010 SEC Y2Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 39. executes the skills involved in PE8RD-IVd-h-4 Health, TX & TM the dance Unit IV 40. monitors periodically one’s PE8PF-IVd-h-28 OHSP Y1Q4 progress towards the fitness 2010 SEC Y1Q4 goals 2010 SEC Y2Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 41. performs appropriate first aid for PE8PF-IVd-30 Health, TX & TM injuries and emergency Unit IV situations in dance(cramps, OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Enjoy Life w/ PE & electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 Page 49 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS PE8PF-IVh-35 sprain, heat exhaustion, PE8PF-IVd-h-31 2010 SEC Y2Q1 dehydration) PE8PF-IVd-h-38 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM 42. analyzes the effect of exercise Unit 1 and physical activity participation on fitness OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 43. assumes responsibility for 2010 SEC Y1Q1 achieving fitness 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 44. exerts best effort to achieve Health, TX & TM positive feeling about self and Unit 1 others OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 50 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 9CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS PE9PF-Ia-h-23 MATERIALSFIRST QUARTER /FIRST GRADING PERIOD The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . . 1. undertakes physical activity and PE9PF-Ia-39 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1Lifestyle and demonstrates maintains an active lifestyle physical fitness assessments 2010 SEC Y1Q1 to influence the physical 2010 SEC Y2Q1Weight understanding of lifestyle activity participation of the 2. assesses eating habits based on Enjoy Life w/ PE &Management and weight management community the Philippine Food Pyramid/My Health, TX & TM Food Plate Unit 1(physical activity to promote community practices healthy eating OHSP Y1Q1, Moduleand eating habits) fitness habits that support an active 1 lifestyle 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1Sports Officiating Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM 3. determines risk factors(obesity, PE9PF-Ia-40 Unit 1 physical inactivity, poor nutrition, PE9GS-Ib-h-5 OHSP Y1Q1, Module smoking) for major non- 1 communicable diseases lifestyle- 2010 SEC Y1Q1 related(e.g. diabetes, heart 2010 SEC Y2Q1 disease, stroke, cancer) Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM 4. officiates pratice and competitive Unit 1 games Proj EASE Module 2 Proj EASE Module 5K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 OHSP Y1Q1 OHSP All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Y1Q2,Modules 1, 2& electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. 3 OHSP Y1Q3 2012 SECY1, Q2 & Q3 2012 SECY2, Q2 & Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit II & III Page 51 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS PE9PF-Ia-29 MATERIALS 5. distinguishes facts from myths and OHSP Y1Q1, Module misinformation associated with 1 eating habits 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 6. monitors periodically one’s PE9PF-Ib-h-28 OHSP Y1Q1, Module progress towards the fitness 1 goals 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 7. performs appropriate first aid for PE9PF-Ib-30 Enjoy Life w/ PE & injuries and emergency situations Health, TX & TM in physical activity and sports Unit 1 settings (e.g. cramps, sprain, OHSP Y1Q1, Module heat exhaustion) 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 8. involves oneself in community PE9PF-Ie-h-41 2010 SEC Y2Q1 service through sports officiating Enjoy Life w/ PE & and physical activity programs Health, TX & TM Unit 1 9. recognizes the needs of others in PE9PF-Ie-h-42 OHSP Y1Q1, Module real life and in meaningful ways 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1SECOND QUARTER/ SECOND PERIOD The learner . . . 2010 SEC Y2Q1 The learner . . . Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TMSocial (community demonstrates maintains an active lifestyle 10. undertakes physical activity and PE9PF-IIa-h-23 Unit 1dance, mixers, understanding of lifestyle to influence the physical physical fitness assessments OHSP Y1Q1, Modulefestival) and weight management activity participation of the 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Health, TX & TM electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Page 52 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS PE9PF-IIa-39 MATERIALSand Ballroom to promote communitydances fitness community Health, TX & TM(Cha-cha, rock and Unit 1roll) practices healthy eating habits that support an active OHSP Y1Q1, Module lifestyle 11. assesses eating habits based on 1 the Philippine Food Pyramid/My 2010 SEC Y1Q1 Food Plate 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 12. determines risk factors related to PE9PF-IIa-40 Health, TX & TM lifestyle diseases (obesity, Unit 1 diabetes, heart disease) OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 13. distinguishes facts from myths PE9PF-IIb-29 2010 SEC Y1Q1 and misinformation associated 2010 SEC Y2Q1 with eating habits Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM 14. describes the nature and PE9RD-IIb-1 Unit 1 background of the dance OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 15. executes the skills involved in the PE9RD-IIb-h-4 2010 SEC Y1Q1 dance 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 16. monitors periodically one’s PE9PF-IIb-h-28 Health, TX & TM progress towards the fitness Unit 1 goals OHSP Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y1Q4K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 2010 SEC Y2Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Health, TX & TM electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Unit 4 OHSP Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y2Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 4 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 Page 53 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS 17. performs appropriate first aid for PE9PF-IIb-h-30 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & injuries and emergency situations Health, TX & TM in physical activity and dance Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module settings (cramps, sprain, heat 1 exhaustion) 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 18. involves oneself in community PE9PF-IIg-h-41 Enjoy Life w/ PE & service through dance activities in Health, TX & TM the community Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 19. recognizes the needs of others in PE9PF-IIa-h-42 1 real life and in meaningful ways 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1THIRD QUARTER/ THIRD PERIOD Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TMSocial (community The learner . . . The learner . . . Unit 1dance, mixers, OHSP Y1Q1, Module maintains an active lifestyle 1festival) demonstrates to influence the physical 20. undertakes physical activity and PE9PF-IIIa-h- 2010 SEC Y1Q1and Ballroom understanding of lifestyle activity participation of the physical fitness assessments 23 2010 SEC Y2Q1 community Enjoy Life w/ PE &dances and weight management Health, TX & TM(Cha-cha, rock and to promote community practices healthy eating Unit 1roll) fitness habits that support an active lifestyle OHSP Y1Q1, Module 21. assesses eating habits based on the PE9PF-IIIa-39 1 Philippine Food Pyramid/My Food 2010 SEC Y1Q1 Plate 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Health, TX & TM Unit 1 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - OHSP Y1Q1, Module electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Page 54 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS 22. determines risk factors related to PE9PF-IIIa-40 Health, TX & TM lifestyle diseases (obesity, Unit 1 diabetes, heart disease) OHSP Y1Q1, Module 23. distinguishes facts from myths PE9PF-IIIb-29 1 and misinformation associated 2010 SEC Y1Q1 with eating habits 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 24. describes the nature and PE9RD-IIIb-1 Health, TX & TM background of the dance Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 25. executes the skills involved in the PE9RD-IIIb-h-4 1 dance 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 26. monitors periodically one’s PE9PF-IIIb-h- Enjoy Life w/ PE & progress towards the fitness 28 Health, TX & TM goals Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q4 27. performs appropriate first aid for PE9PF-IIIb-h- 2010 SEC Y1Q4 injuries and emergency situations 30 2010 SEC Y2Q4 in physical activity and dance Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TMK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Unit 4 OHSP Y1Q4 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - 2010 SEC Y1Q4 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. 2010 SEC Y2Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 4 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 Page 55 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS MATERIALS PE9PF-IIIg-h- settings (cramps, sprain, heat 41 2010 SEC Y2Q1 exhaustion) Enjoy Life w/ PE & PE9PF-IIIa-h- Health, TX & TM 28. involves oneself in community 42 Unit 1 service through dance activities in the community OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 29. recognizes the needs of others in 2010 SEC Y1Q1 real life and in meaningful ways 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 30. discusses the nature and Health, TX & TM background of indoor and outdoor Unit 1 recreational activities OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1FOURTH QUARTER/ FOURTH PERIOD The learner . . . Proj EASE Module 2 The learner . . . Proj EASE Module 5 OHSP Y1Q1Active demonstrates maintains an active lifestyle PE9GS-IVa-6 OHSPRecreation understanding of lifestyle to influence the physical Y1Q2,Modules 1, 2& and weight management activity participation of the 3 a. Indoor to promote community community OHSP Y1Q3 1.individu fitness 2012 SECY1, Q2 & al and practices healthy eating Q3 dual habits that support an active 2012 SECY2, Q2 & sports lifestyle 2. team Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & sports Health, TX & TM 3. dances Unit 2, 3 & 4b. Out doorK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 56 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS PE9GS-IVb-h-7 MATERIALS 1. Hiking 2. Campin 31. participates in active recreation PE9PF-IVb-h-43 Proj EASE Module 2 PE9PF-IVb-h-44 Proj EASE Module 5 g OHSP Y1Q1 3. Oriente OHSP Y1Q2,Modules 1, 2& ering 3 4. Biking OHSP Y1Q3 2012 SECY1, Q2 &Note: Activities Q3not limited to the 2012 SECY2, Q2 &above list Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 32. advocates community efforts to Health, TX & TM increase participation in physical Unit activities and improve nutrition practices 2, 3 & 4 33. practices environmental ethics (e.g OHSP Y1Q1, Module Leave No Trace) during 1 participation in recreational 2010 SEC Y1Q1 activities of the community 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 57 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GRADE 10CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS The learner . . .FIRST QUARTER /FIRST GRADING PERIOD The learner . . . 1. assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habitsLifestyle and The learner . . . maintains an active lifestyle OHSP Y1Q1, Module to influence the physical 2. determines risk factors related to 1Weight activity participation of the lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes, 2010 SEC Y1Q1Management demonstrates community and society heart disease) 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &(physical activity and understanding of practices healthy eating 3. engages in moderate to vigorous PE10PF-Ia-h-39 Health, TX & TMeating habits) lifestyle and weight habits that support an active physical activities for at least 60 PE10PF-Ia-40 Unit 1 lifestyle minutes a day in and out of school management to PE10PF-Ib-h-45 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 promote societal fitness PE10PF-Ib-h-56 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1Active Recreation Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM(sports) Unit 1Suggested activities OHSP Y1, Q1, Q2 & Q31. individual and Proj EASE Modules 2 dual sports &5 2010 SEC Y1Q22. team sports &Q33. fitness 2010 SEC Y2 Q2 & Q3 activities Enjoy Life w/ PE & (strength Health, TX & TM training, Unit II & III running and walking for OHSP Y1, Q1, Q2 & fitness, yoga, Q3 group Proj EASE Modules 2 exercises) &5 2010 SEC Y1Q2 4. applies correct techniques to &Q3 2010 SEC Y2 minimize risk of injuries Q2 & Q3 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit II & IIIK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 58 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS PE10PF-Ib-46 MATERIALS PE10PF-Ib-47 5. analyzes the effects of media and PE10PF-Ib-h-48 OHSP Y1Q1, Module technology on fitness and physical 1 activity 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 6. critiques (verifies and validates) Enjoy Life w/ PE & media information on fitness and Health, TX & TM physical activity issues Unit 1 7. expresses a sense of purpose and OHSP Y1Q1, Module belongingness by participating in 1 physical activity-related community 2010 SEC Y1Q1 services and programs 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & 8. assesses physical activities, Health, TX & TM exercises and eating habits Unit 1 9. determines risk factors related to OHSP Y1Q1, Module lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes, 1 heart disease) 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 10. engages in moderate to vigorous Enjoy Life w/ PE & physical activities for at least 60 Health, TX & TM Unit 1SECOND QUARTER/ SECOND PERIOD Lifestyle and The learner ... The learner ... OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1Weight demonstrates maintains an active lifestyle PE10PF-IIa-h- 2010 SEC Y1Q1 understanding of to influence the physical 39 2010 SEC Y2Q1Management activity participation of the Enjoy Life w/ PE &(physical activity lifestyle and weight community and society PE10PF-IIa-40 Health, TX & TMand eating habits) management to Unit 1 promote societal fitness practices healthy eating PE10PF-IIc-h- habits that support an active 45 OHSP Y1Q1, ModuleActive Recreation lifestyle 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1(sports) 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &Suggested Health, TX & TMactivities Unit 11. individual and OHSP Y1, Q1, Q2 & dual sports Q32. teams sportsK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 59 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS3. fitness activities (strength training, minutes a day in and out of school Proj EASE Modules 2 running and &5 walking for 2010 SEC Y1Q2 fitness, yoga, &Q3 group exercises) 2010 SEC Y2 Q2 & Q3 11. applies correct techniques to PE10PF-IIc-h- Enjoy Life w/ PE & minimize risk of injuries 56 Health, TX & TM Unit II & III 12. analyzes the effects of media and PE10PF-IIb-46 OHSP Y1, Q1, Q2 & technology on fitness and physical Q3 activity Proj EASE Modules 2 &5 13. critiques (verifies and validates) PE10PF-IIb-47 2010 SEC Y1Q2 media information on fitness and &Q3 physical activity issues 2010 SEC Y2 Q2 & Q3 14. expresses a sense of purpose and PE10PF-IIc-h- Enjoy Life w/ PE & belongingness by participating in 48 Health, TX & TM physical activity-related community Unit II & III services and programs OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Enjoy Life w/ PE & electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Page 60 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1THIRD QUARTER/ THIRD PERIOD The learner ... OHSP Y1Q1, Module The learner ... 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1Other Dance demonstrates maintains an active lifestyle 15. assesses physical activities, PE10PF-IIIa-h- 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Forms(Hip-hop, understanding of to influence the physical exercises and eating habits 39 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Street dance, lifestyle and weight activity participation of the Health, TX & TM Cheer dance, management to community and society 16. determines risk factors related to PE10PF-IIIa-40 Unit 1 Contemporary promote societal fitness lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes, dance) practices healthy eating heart disease) PE10PF-IIIc-h- OHSP Y1Q1, Module habits that support an active 45 1 lifestyle 2010 SEC Y1Q1 PE10PF-IIIc-h- 2010 SEC Y2Q1 17. engages in moderate to vigorous 56 Enjoy Life w/ PE & physical activities for at least 60 Health, TX & TM minutes a day in and out of school PE10PF-IIIb-46 Unit 1 18. applies correct techniques to OHSP Y1, Q4 minimize risk of injuries 2010 SEC Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y2 Q4 19. analyzes the effects of media and Enjoy Life w/ PE & technology on fitness and physical Health, TX & TM activity Unit IV OHSP Y1, Q4 2010 SEC Y1Q4 2010 SEC Y2 Q4 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit IV OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 61 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS PE10PF-IIIb-47 MATERIALS 20. critiques (verifies and validates) OHSP Y1Q1, Module media information on fitness and 1 physical activity issues 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 21. expresses a sense of purpose and PE10PF-IIIc-h- Enjoy Life w/ PE & belongingness by participating in 48 Health, TX & TM physical activity-related community Unit 1 services and programs OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 22. recognizes the needs of others in PE10PF-IIIc-h- 2010 SEC Y1Q1 real life and in meaningful ways 49 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE &FOURTH QUARTER/ FOURTH PERIOD The learner ... Health, TX & TM The learner ... Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, ModuleOther Dance demonstrates maintains an active lifestyle 23. assesses physical activities, PE10PF-IVa-h- 1 Forms(Hip-hop, understanding of to influence the physical exercises and eating habits 39 2010 SEC Y1Q1 Street dance, lifestyle and weight activity participation of the 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Cheer dance, management to community and society Enjoy Life w/ PE & Contemporary promote societal fitness Health, TX & TM dance) practices healthy eating Unit 1 habits that support an active lifestyle 24. determines risk factors related to OHSP Y1Q1, Module lifestyle diseases (obesity, 1 diabetes, heart disease) PE10PF-IVa-40 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 25. engages in moderate to vigorous PE10PF-IVc-h- Enjoy Life w/ PE & physical activities for at least 60 45 Health, TX & TM Unit 1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - 2010 SEC Y1Q1 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1, Q4 2010 SEC Y1Q4 Page 62 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMCONTENT CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING COMPETENCY CODE LEARNING STANDARDS STANDARDS MATERIALS minutes a day in and out of 2010 SEC Y2 Q4 school Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM 26. applies correct techniques to PE10PF-IVc-h- Unit IV minimize risk of injuries 56 OHSP Y1, Q4 2010 SEC Y1Q4 27. analyzes the effects of media and PE10PF-IVb-46 2010 SEC Y2 Q4 technology on fitness and Enjoy Life w/ PE & physical activity Health, TX & TM Unit IV 28. critiques (verifies and validates) PE10PF-IVb-47 OHSP Y1Q1, Module media information on fitness and 1 physical activity issues 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 29. expresses a sense of purpose and PE10PF-IVc-h- Enjoy Life w/ PE & belongingness by participating in 48 Health, TX & TM physical activity-related Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 30. recognizes the needs of others in PE10PF-IIIc-h- 1 real life and in meaningful ways 49 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - Unit 1 electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 OHSP Y1Q1, Module 1 2010 SEC Y1Q1 2010 SEC Y2Q1 Enjoy Life w/ PE & Health, TX & TM Unit 1 Page 63 of 69

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMAdherence GLOSSARYAnxiety Voluntary, self-regulated and sustained regular participation in exercise programApparently healthy Negative state of arousal characterized by physical, mental and behavioural manifestations such unpleasant feeling, negative thoughts, excessiveindividual sweating, biting of nails and fidgeting Adults 18-65 years of age with no noticeable symptoms and have no significant disease or physical condition that prevents them from engagingArousal in physical activities.Basic Life Support Children, adolescents, men less than 45 years, and women less than 55 years who have no symptoms of or known presence of heart disease or(BLS) major cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.Bend Men 45 years or older and women 55 years or older who have no symptoms or known presence of heart disease and with less than two majorBurnout CVD risk factors.Cohesion Men 45 years or older and women 55 years or older who have no symptoms or known presence of heart disease and with two or more CVD riskCollapse factors.Competition A state of being awake ranging from relaxed to frenzy.environment An emergency procedure that consists of recognizing respiratory or cardiac arrest or both and the proper application of CPR to maintain life untilCompetition rescuer or advanced life support is availableenvironment Movement that causes the formation of a Exhaustion and diminished interest resulting from long term-stressConflictmanagement The tendency of a group to stick together and remain united in pursuit of a goal.Cueing To fall downDance MixersDeconditioning This comprises of individuals and material resources where competition is held Managing aspect of sports setting where competition is held (athletes and spectators, facilities and equipment, others) The process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict thereby enhancing learning and outcomes or performance. Handling conflict (formal protest, verbal disagreements, physical altercation, etc.) among athletes, parents, spectators and others before, during or after the competition= Verbal or physical signal provided in anticipation of a movement. Is a kind of participation dance in a social dance setting that involves changing partners as an integral part. It allows dancer to meet new partners and allow beginners to dance with more advanced dancers. To lose fitnessK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 64 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GLOSSARYDehydration Excessive loss of body water with an accompanying disruption of metabolic processesDirections refer to linear-forward and backward, lateral sideward and multi- directional movementDisaster A sudden or serious disruption of life caused by nature or humans that creates or threatens to create injuries to a number of person or propertiesDynamic Flexibility is doing flexibility exercises while movingEthical behaviour Acting in ways that are consistent with one’s personal values and commonly held norms of the society.Ethical standards Principles that promote values such as trust, good behaviour, fairness and kindnessExercise program A carefully designed plan for improving health or fitness.Feasibility Assessment of how beneficial or practical the development of a particular system will be to an event.assessment An immediate and temporary care given to a person who suddenly gets ill or injuredFirst aidFlexibility Is the ability of a person to bend or stretch without hurting themselves.Flow Refers to smoothness of movementForce Refers to light, lighter, lightest/strong, stronger and strongestGallop Feet face forward, step forward & close with the trail foot, step & close… (Same foot always leads).Game statistics A metric of one’s game or competition performance in specific sports terms such as game point average, assists, errors, home runs, etc.General space Is an unlimited area where you move from one place to another.Group dynamics Behavioural and psychological processes which occur within a groupHead level dribbling It is dribbling the balloon the head level/head and waist in between.Heat fatigue A heat exhaustion which is a milder form of heat-related illness that can occur after prolonged exposure to high temperature.Heat stroke A life threatening condition with symptoms of high body temperature, rapid pulse and difficulty of breathing.Hop Push off 1 foot, land on same foot. Vertical or horizontalHyperthermia An elevated body temperature due to failed thermoregulation that occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat that it dissipatesHypothermia A condition in which core temperature drops below the required temperature (370 C)for normal metabolism and body functionsImplements An instrument, tool, or utensil for accomplishing work. K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 65 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GLOSSARYInclusion The principle of ensuring participation of all learners.Indigenous game Is a native game in one place specially in a region or countryJump Take off 1 or 2 feet, land on 2 feet. Vertical or horizontalKnee level dribbling Is dribbling the ball on the knee level/below.Kunday Literary means move the hands gracefully somewhat like a kumintangLead-up games Is an organize game that can be used to improve the locomotor skills like catching and throwing/passing.Leap Take off 1 foot, cover a large distance. Land on other foot. Use several running steps to lead into the leapLevels Refer to high, Middle, and Low movementsLife skills Behaviours used appropriately and responsibly in the management of personal affairsLocation Refer to behind, infront, under, over, personal space, and general spaceLuksong tinik Is an indigenous/native game played by three or more players using hand as tinik.Manipulative skills Are done with the use of light implements. It is also a combination of locomotor and non-locomotor movements.Motivationalstrategies Techniques or exercises used to improve a participant’s drive and persistence toward his/her goal.Motor control The process by which the central nervous system produces purposeful and coordinated movement in its interaction with the rest of the body andMotor learning the environmentMovement screen A set of internal processes associated with practice or experience leading to relatively permanent changes and the capability for skilled behaviour An assessment technique for identifying imbalances in mobility and stability during the performance of fundamental movement patterns. TheMovements assessment results can be used for the prevention of non-contact injuries and optimization of performance. Is a change of position of body or body parts in spaceObjects Refers to ribbons, hoops, balls, and any available indigenous/improvised materialsParameter A measurable factor of a set that defines a system.PAR-Q Physical Activity Readiness QuestionnairePerformance Measures taken to perform better in sports or exercise.enhancement Specific personal standard unaffected by the performance of othersPerformance goalK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 66 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM GLOSSARYPerson Refers to individual partners, group.Personal best The highest performance achieved by an athlete expressed in quantitative terms (time, score, distance, etc.).Personal or self-space Is a given space when you move in your fixed position.Physical activity Any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness, health and wellnessPhysical fitness Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure A state of good health and well-being of an individualPlanes Refer to a diagonal, horizontal, vertical, rotationalPreventive activities Activities that help avoid injuries A careful plan for spreading the word about a product or service to stakeholders and the broader public.Promotional Mental, emotional, or behavioural consequence.strategies Individual and social factors influencing participation, performance, adherence and well-being in sports and exercisePsychologicalimpactPsychosocialPull Exert force on object to move it towards source of forcePunch Use forceful actions with various body parts – hands, feet knees, elbows.Push Try to move away by pressure. Teaching sports and other related activities as leisure pursuits.Recreation Activities designed to restore something to its former condition.instruction Is an activity that helps us express our feeling to a person and the objects used.RehabilitativeactivitiesRhythmic routineRing Is one of the many implements that can be used in rhythmic routines.Risk assessment Assessment of threats, problems and other concerns that may arise in an event.Run Move fast by using the feet, with one foot off the ground at any given timeSafety awareness Knowledge of safety issues and of potential hazards to reduce risk and threat to lifeSelf-efficacy Belief in one’s ability to complete a task or reach one’s goal.Simulation The act of imitating the behaviour of some situation or process by means of something similar for the purpose of studying and training K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 67 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Skip K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMSlash GLOSSARYSlideSport-life balance Step forward, hop on that foot while bringing other foot forward to step and hop and switch. SlideStatic FlexibilityStress Longer movements but powerful like punches (picture a slashing sword)StretchStretching Step to the side, close with other foot, step to the side again, close with other…Sway The need to equip the learner with skills to manage the demands of one’s study and training through integral formation. This is significant to anSwing athlete’s performance, longevity in the sport and preparation for life after sport.Tiklos Is doing flexibility exercises on a stationary position.TimeTumbang Preso Anything that poses threat or challenge to body and/or mind.TurnTwist Extend the limbs or muscles, or the entire body.Waist level Is a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon (or muscle group) is deliberately fixed or stretched in order to improve theWalk muscle’s felt elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone. Swing unsteadily; rock by moving back and forth sideways. Move or walk in a to and fro or swaying manner. Is a dance which refers to a group of peasants who agree to work for each other one day each week to clear the forest, prepare the soil for planting Refers to slow, slower, slowest/fast, faster, fastest. Is the game that will test your skills in running, walking, and dodging in slow and fast pace in varying directions. Partial or full rotation of the body while shifting the base of support (spin to make yourself dizzy) Rotate body or body parts around a stationary base (twist upper body back and forth, keep feet still) Is dribbling the ball on the waist level/waist and knee in between. Waist level Using the feet to advance the steps.K to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 68 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM CODE BOOK LEGEND Sample: PE2PF-IIa-h-14 LEGEND SAMPLE DOMAIN/ COMPONENT CODE Body Management EL Learning Area and Physical Education PE2 Movement Skills MS Strand/ Subject or Grade 2 Physical Fitness PF Games and Sports GS Specialization Rhythms and Dance RDFirst Entry Grade LevelUppercase Letter/s Domain/Content/ Physical Fitness PF Component/ Topic - II Roman Numeral Quarter Second Quarter *Zero if no specific quarter Week a-h Week one to eight - Lowercase Letter/s Competency 14*Put a hyphen (-) in between Observes correct postureletters to indicate more than a and body mechanics while performing specific week movement activities Arabic NumberK to 12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide December 2013 Page 69 of 69 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Edukasyong Pangkatawan 1 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

YUNIT 2` PAGPAPAYAMAN SA MGA GAWAING ARALIN 1 MAGPAPAUNLAD NG PHYSICAL FITNESS Pagpapalakas at Pagpapatatag ng KalamnanI. Layunin 1. Natutukoy ang mga gawaing pisikal na nagdudulot ng muscular strength at muscular endurance at nasusunod ang mga gabay sa Physical Activity Pyramid Guide para sa Batang Pilipino. 2. Naipaliliwanag ang pagkakaiba ng lakas ng kalamnan at tatag ng kalamnan. 3. Naisasagawa nang wasto ang mga gawaing pisikal na nakapaloob sa aralin. 4. Naipakikita ang kasiyahan at pag-iingat sa pagsasagawa ng mga gawain.II. Nilalaman Paksa: Physical Activity Pyramid Guide para sa Batang Pilipino Mga physical activity na nagdudulot ng muscular strength at muscular endurance Kasanayan: Lakas at Tatag ng Kalamnan Pagpapahalaga: Kalusugan na dulot ng malakas na katawan Sangggunian: Curriculum Guide Kagamitan: Larawan ng Physical Activity Pyramid Guide para sa Batang Pilipino Lubid o mahabang tela (siguraduhin na ang tela ay di nakakasugat kapag hinila ng mga bata) Pito Mesa na may bigat na kayang itulak ng mga bata Sako o bag na may pampabigat na damit o libro (Siguraduhin na ang bigat ng sako ay kakayaning dalhin ng mga bata)III. Pamamaraan A. Pang araw–araw na Gawain 1. Pagtsek ng attendance at angkop na kasuotan Pagtsek sa takdang-aralin 2. Pampasiglang Gawain Ipagawa sa mga bata ang pampasiglang gawain na ginawa sa mga nakaraang aralin. 25 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

3. Balik-Aral Tanungin kung paano nilalaro ang Syato. Tanungin din kung anong kasanayan ang pinahuhusay nito at anong tulong ang maidudulot sa katawan. B. Panimulang Gawain Itanong sa mga bata ang mga tanong sa LM. Talakayin ang Physical Activity Pyramid Guide para sa Batang Pilipino at kung paano ito masusunod. Ipagawa ang Gawain I. Bumuo ng apat na pangkat. Ihanda ang bawat estasyon na iikutan ng bawat pangkat. Ipaalala ang mga pag-iingat na dapat gawin. Ipakita ang tamang paraan sa paggawa ng mga nakalaan sa bawat estasyon.Ipagawa ang mga gawaing nakalaan sa bawat pangkat. Magtala ng 30 segundo hanggang isang minuto lamang para sa bawat estasyon. C. Panlinang na Gawain Magkaroon ng talakayan sa ginawang gawain. Ipasagot sa mga bata ang mga tanong sa “Ipagpatuloy Natin” at ipaliwanag ito. D. Paglalapat Ipagawa ang nasa LM na “Gawin Natin”. Gabayan ang mga bata sa pagsasagawa at ipaalala ang mga pag-iingat na dapat gawin.Talakayin ang ginawang gawain. E. Paglalagom Gabayan ang mga bata upang makabuo ng paglalahat. Maaaring magtanong upang makabuo ng kaisipan na dapat tandaan.IV. Pagtataya Ipasagot sa mga bata ang mga tanong sa Suriin Natin. Sagot: 1. Tama 2. Mali 3. Tama 4.Tama V. Takdang-aralin Itala ang mga ginagawa ninyo sa araw-araw na nangangailangan ng lakas at tatag ng kalamnan. Ugaliing gawin ang mga ito sa tuwina upang mapalakas ang inyong katawan. 26 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

YUNIT 2 Pagpapalakas at Pagpapatatag ng KalamnanARALIN 2I. Layunin1. Naisasagawa ang mga gawaing sumusubok sa lakas at tatag ng kalamnan.2. Nabibigyang halaga ang lakas at tatag ng kalamnan sa pakikilahok sa mga gawain sa klase.3. Naisasagawa nang maayos at tama ang mga gawaing nakalilinang sa lakas at tatag ng kalamnan.4. Naipaliliwanag ang pagkakaiba ng lakas at tatag ng kalamnan.5. Naipakikita ang kasiyahan na puno ng enerhiya at tiyaga sa pagsasagawa ng mga gawaing pisikal.II. NilalamanPaksa: Mga gawaing sumusubok sa lakas at tatag ng kalamnan Pag-unawa sa pagkakaiba ng lakas at tatag ng kalamnanKasanayan: Lakas at tatag ng kalamnanPagpapahalaga: Pagtitiyaga sa mga gawain gaano man kahirapSanggunian:Grade 4 P.E. Curriculum GuideKagamitan: Larawan, bag, mga aklatIII. PamamaraanA. Pang araw-araw na Gawain 1. Pagtsek ng attendance at angkop na kasuotan2. Pampasiglang Gawain• Ipagawa sa mga bata ang gawaing pampasigla na nasa LM sa Yunit I.• Ipaalala sa mga bata ang pag-iingat sa pagsasagawa.3. Balik–aral: Balik-aralan ang nakaraang aralin.B. Panimulang Gawain Ipakita ang mga larawang nasa LM. Maaaring may nakahanda ang guro na malalaking larawan. Ipagawa ang gawaing isinasaad sa LM. 27 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

Talakayin at magtanong sa mga bata kung ano ang nakita nila sa larawan. Itanong kung ang larawan ay nagpapakita ng gawaing magpapalakas at magpapatatag ng kalamnan. C. Panlinang na Gawain Ipagawa ang gawain na sumusubok sa lakas at tatag ng kalamnan na makikita sa LM. Pagkatapos ng gawain, ipasagot ang tanong sa LM. Talakayin at ipaliwanag ang pagkakaiba ng may lakas at tatag ng kalamnan. Ipaliwanag ang kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng lakas at tatag ng kalamnan. D. Paglalapat Ipagawa sa mga bata ang pangkatang gawain sa LM “Gawin Natin”. Ipaliwanag kung paano nagamit ang muscular endurance sa laro dito. Linawin ang pagkakaiba ng lakas at tatag ng kalamnan. E. Paglalagom Tulungan ang mga bata na makabuo ng isang paglalahat na dapat nilang tandaan. Linawin ang pagkakaiba ng konsepto ng lakas at tatag ng kalamnan at kung anong mga pang-araw-araw na gawain na nangangailangan nitoIV. Pagtataya Ipasagot ang mga sumusunod ng OO o HINDI. OO HINDI1. Naisagawa mo ba nang tama ang mga gawaing sumusubok sa tatag at lakas ng kalamnan.2. Nauunawaan mo na ba ang pagkakaiba ng tatag at lakas ng kalamnan.3. Nasisiyahan ka ba kapag pinagagawa ka ng mga gawain sa bahay at paaralan?V. Takdang-aralin Ipagawa ang nasa LM. “Isabuhay Natin.” Ipaliwanag ang paggawa ng Fitness diary. 28 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

YUNIT 2ARALIN 3 Pagpapaunlad ng LiksiI. Layunin 1. Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng agility (liksi) bilang sangkap ng Physical Fitness. 2. Nasasabi ang kahalagahan ng pakikilahok sa mga gawaing pisikal. 3. Naipapakita ang liksi sa pakikilahok sa obstacle relay.II. NilalamanPaksa: Kasanayan ng KaliksihanKasanayan: Agility (Liksi)Pagpapahalaga: Pagiging maingat sa sarili at kapwaSangggunian: PE Curriculm Guide,Kagamitan: Tsart ng mga gawain, pito, cone, buklod o hulahoopIII. PamamaraanA. Pang araw–araw na gawain 1. Pagtsek ng attendance at angkop na kasuotan 2. Pampasiglang Gawain Ipagawa sa mga bata ang pampasiglang gawain na ginawa sa mga nakaraang aralin. 3. Balik AralPunan ang patlang. Ang pagkakaroon ng lakas at tatag ng kalamnan ay mahalagadahil______________________________. Ang ilan sa mga gawaingnagpapahusay ng kasanayang ito ay ang______, B. Panimulang Gawain 1. Pahanayin ang mga bata. 2. Paghudyat gamit ang pito, ituro kung ang mga bata ay hahakbang pakaliwa o pakanan.Isaalang-alang ang konsepto ng mirror-image para sa mga bata. (Hal. Kung papupuntahin sa kanan, ituro ang pakaliwa.) 3. Ulit-ulitin ito sa loob ng limang minuto. Tingnan kung nakasusunod ang mga bata. 29 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

4. Magkaroon ng talakayan na may kaugnayan sa mga kilos na nagpapakita ng agility (liksi). C. Panlinang na Gawain Ipagawa ang gawain na nasa LM na “Gawin Natin”. Pagkatapos ng gawain, magkaroon ng talakayan o pag-uusap sa isinagawa.Ipaliwanag ang kasanayang ginamit sa pagsasagawa ng mga gawain. Ipatukoy ang mga kasanayang nililinang sa gawain at itanong ang kahalagahan ng pakikilahok sa mga gawaing katulad nito. Palawakin ang mga sagot ng mga bata. D. Paglalapat Ipagawa ang larong nasa LM. Ipaliwanag ang pamamaraan ng paglaro. Ipaalala ang mga pag-iingat na dapat gawin sa tuwing maglalaro. Pagkatapos ng gawain, pag-usapan ang naging karanasan at talakayin ang kasanayan na ginamit sa laro. E. Paglalagom Gabayan ang mga bata sa pagbuo ng konsepto Maaaring magbigay ng mga gabay na tanong.IV. Pagtataya Ipasagot ang tanong sa LM na “Suriin Natin”. Sagot: 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. CV. Takdang-aralin Pasulatan ang Fitness diary. Ipasulat ang kahalagahan ng ginawang gawain na may kaugnayan sa kaliksihan ng katawan. 30 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

YUNIT 2ARALIN 4 Paglinang ng Bilis I. Layunin 1. Nakasusunod sa alintunin ng laro. 2. Natutukoy ang kahalagahan ng bilis sa pagkapanalo sa laro. 3. Nakakikilos nang mabilis at may direksyon ayon sa tuntunin. II. Nilalaman Paksa: Mga gawaing pisikal na nagpapakita ng bilis Kasanayan: Bilis Pagpapahalaga: Sportsmanship; may pag-iingat at kasiyahan sa pagsa- sagawa ng mga gawaing pisikal. Sangggunian: P.E 4 Curriculum Guide, tsart ng mga gawain Kagamitan: tsart ng mga gawain III. Pamamaraan A. Pang-araw–araw na gawain 1. Pagtsek ng attendance at angkop na kasuotan 2. Pampasiglang Gawain: Ipagawa sa mga bata ang pampasiglang gawain na ginawa sa mga nakaraang aralin. Maaaring magbigay ang guro ng ibang pampasiglang gawain. 3. Balik-aral Ipagawa sa mga bata. Isulat ang mga pang-araw-araw na kilos o gawaing ginagawa sa paaralan o sa bahay na nagpapahusay ng kaliksihan 1. 2 3. 4 5. 31 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

B. Panimulang Gawain Sabihin sa mga bata na magkakaroon sila ng paligsahan sa pag-aabot ng mga bagay. Maghanda ang guro ng mga premyo sa mga batang mabilis magbigay ng bagay na sasabihin ng guro. (Halimbawa: “Bigyan ako ng isang puting panyo, isang pares ng itim na sapatos at iba pa.) Pag-usapan ang ginawang gawain. Ipaalala sa mga bata ang mga dapat tandaang pag-iingat kapag naglalaro.C. Panlinang na Gawain Ipaliwanag sa mga bata ang ibang kaalaman tungkol sa larong “Tapikan ng Tuhod”. Ipaalala muli ang mga pag-iingat na dapat gawin. Ihanda ang paglalaruan ng mga bata at gabayan ang mga bata sa paglalaro. Pagkatapos ng pagsasagawa, itanong sa mga bata kung ano ang kanilang pakiramdam. Pag-usapan ang mga naging karanasan sa paglalaro. Talakayin at ipaliwanag ang kasanayang nililinang sa pagsasagawa ng laro.D. Paglalapat Talakayin ang pamamaraan sa larong Circle Chase. Ipaliwanag sa mga bata ang dapat gawin. Pagkatapos ng gawain, magkaroon ng talakayan kung paano isinagawa ang laro at mga kasanayang nililinang nito. Maaaring itanong ang nasa LM.E. Paglalagom Magbigay ng mga gabay na tanong sa mga bata upang makabuo ng paglalahat. 32 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

IV. Pagtataya Ipasagot sa mga bata ang mga tanong ng OO o HINDI sa pamamagitan ng paglagay ng tsek sa kolum ng kanilang sagot.Mga tanong OO HINDI1. Nakasunod ka ba ng may pag- iingat sa alituntunin ng laro?2. Pinahalagahan mo ba ang mga gawaing tumutulong upang malinang ang kasanayan sa bilis?3. Nagsisikap ka ba na sanayin ang iyong sarili na kumilos nang mabilis?V. Takdang-aralin Ipatala sa mga bata sa kanilang kuwaderno ang mga gawain sa bahay o sa paaralan na tumutulong upang mapahusay ang kanilang bilis. Alamin ang mga paraan sa paglalaro ng Patintero para sa susunod na aralin. 33 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

YUNIT 2 ARALIN 5 PatinteroI. Layunin1. Nakasusunod sa mga alintunin ng laro.2. Natutukoy ang kahalagahan ng laro sa pagpapaunlad ng mga sangkap ng Physical fitness.3. Nakakakilos nang mabilis at maliksi habang naglalaro.II. NilalamanPaksa: Paglaro ng PatinteroKasanayan: Bilis at LiksiPagpapahalaga: Sportsmanship; may kasiyahan sa paglalaro ng invasion gamesSangggunian: P.E 4 Curriculum GuideKagamitan: chalk, pitoIII. PamamaraanA. Pang araw–araw na gawain 1. Pagtsek ng attendance at angkop na kasuotan 2. Pampasiglang Gawain: Ipagawa sa mga bata ang pampasiglang gawain na ginawa sa mga nakaraang aralin. Maaaring magbigay ang guro ng ibang pampasiglang gawain. B. Panimulang Gawain 1. Ipasagot sa mga bata ang mga tanong sa LM. 2. Pag-usapan ang mga sagot. 3. Ipaalala sa mga bata ang mga dapat tandaang mga sangkap ng Physical fitness. C. Panlinang na Gawain: 1. Ipaliwanag sa mga bata ang ibang kaalaman tungkol sa larong “Patintero” at mga halimbawa ng invasion games. 2. Linawin ang mga tuntunin ng laro. 34 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

D. Paglalapat Ihanda ang paglalaruan ng mga bata para sa Patintero. Pagkatapos ng laro, itanong sa mga bata kung anong mga skill- related components ang ginamit sa laro. Pag-usapan ang mga naging karanasan sa paglalaro. Talakayin at ipaliwanag ang sportsmanship sa paglalaro. E. Paglalagom Magbigay ng mga gabay na tanong sa mga bata upang makabuo ng paglalahat.IV. PagtatayaIpasagot ang mga tanong sa pamamagitan ng pagguhit ng sawastong hanay. Napakahusay Mahusay Kailangan pangLiksi sa pag-iwas sa husayinpagtataya sa larong PatinteroBilis ng pagtakbo sa larongPatinteroMagalang na pakikipaglaroNauunawaan ang konseptong invasion gamesV. Takdang-aralin Ipasulat sa kanilang Fitness Diary ang mga natutuhan tungkol sa pagpapalakas at pagpapatatag ng kalamnan. Ipasiyasat ang tungkol sa larong Agawang Panyo. 35 All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical including photocopying – without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015.

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