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Arts Grade 3

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ARTSTeacher's Guide Grade 3

First Quarter : DrawingLesson No.1 Kinds of Lines and their CharacteristicsCode A3PR-If : Create a geometric design by contrasting two kinds : of lines in terms of type or sizeLesson Summary:Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationThe weave patterns and Draw a design Compare one’s Appreciate designsthe lines and colors, for a gift wrap output/design created which canused in the woven using different with that of the be used for the crafts.textiles of the different kinds of lines. creative designEthnic Groups/ done by someIndigenous People artists.(T’nalak of T’boli, ofIfugao, etc.), whichcorrespond to certainmeanings or symbols, emphasize their cultural heritage.DRAFTElements and Principles of Art: Lines, ContrastValue Focus: Creativity, CooperationTime Allotment: 1 session (40 minutes)I- Art Activity:April 22, 2014II-Objectives: CREATING A GIFT WRAP a. Name the different kinds of lines and their characteristics. b. Create a geometric design with contrasting lines. c. Show appreciation of own design and of others through anart exhibit.III- Materials:: Oslo paper, pencil, crayons or pastel colors, Reference : pictures of beautiful sceneries, small flat stone Active MAPE 3 p. 106-107IV – Procedure: A. Pre-Activity Review: Show pictures of beautiful scenery found in your locality. Let the pupils talk about the pictures. 1 | P a g e

B. Activity Proper : 1. Motivation : Show an illustration of lines. Ask the pupils to describe the kinds of lines and thier characteristics. 2. andPresentationDiscussion: Show picture or a drawing with geometric designs.(You can also use the previous outputs of the pupils.) 2. Presentation Say: Look and examine the drawing. Does the picture show DRAFTdifferent kinds of lines? Motivate the class to participate as they name and describe the lines and their characteristics as seen in the drawing.April 22, 2014 In the drawing, you can see several linear designs. Linear designs are designs out of different kinds of lines that form rectangles, triangles, circles. The kinds of lines are straight and curve while the types of lines are thin and thick. 2 | P a g e   

The weave patterns and the lines and colors, used in the woventextiles of the different ethnic groups/ indigenous people (T’nalak ofT’boli, Ifugao, etc.) emphasize their cultural heritage. 3. Art Activity: Activity I: Making a Design for a Gift Wrap Instruct the pupils to do BE CREATIVE on LM page _______. 4. Processing/Critiquing of Art Works: Encourage the pupils to post their artworks on the board. What experiences inspire them to create the design for a gift wrap? What makes your artwork special and different from others? Aside from using it as a gift wrap, where can you use your designs? C. Post- Activity: DRAFT1. Generalization: Ask: What makes your design artistic and creative? Different kinds of lines can create artistic and creative designs. 2. Values Integration:April 22, 2014How can you make your art design different and unique? How can you show appreciation of other’s artwork?V- Assessment/Evaluation :Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM page ______.Evaluate the artworks of the pupils using the rubric below. Very Evident Not Evident 3 Evident 1 5The artwork is original and creative.The kinds of lines and theircharacteristics are shown in the artwork.Geometric design is used in the artwork.The artwork is finished on time. 3 | P a g e   

VI. Assignment: Look for a picture of cloth with geometric designs from old magazines or newspapers. Ask the assistance of your parents or guardian in cutting the picture. DRAFTApril 22, 2014 4 | P a g e   

First Quarter : DrawingLesson No. 2 : People of Different SizesCode A3EL-Ia : Distinguishes the size of persons in theLesson Summary: drawing, by their distance from the viewerArt History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation Drawing is one of the Draw the image Distance is Show selfmajor forms of of persons in a shown with the confidence inexpression within the composition use of sizes and creating anvisual arts. In a drawing using the shapes in a artworkcomposition, the sizes knowledge on drawingof shapes of objects sizes of shapes to compositiondiffer. This is to show the show distancedistance of the objectsfrom one another andfrom the viewer.DRAFTFernando Amorsolo(local artist) have goodAprilworks on Philippine 22, 2014 Landscape/ Seascape. Edgar Degas (foreign artist) emphasizes onperspective.Elements and Principles of Art: sizes of shapesValue Focus: Self ConfidenceTime Allotment: 1 session (40 minutes)I. Art Activity I Drawing of Different Sizes of PeopleI. Objectives:1. Tell the difference of the sizes of persons in a picture in order to show awareness of distance.   

2. Draw a picture of persons in different sizes in a composition to show distance.3. Give value on one’s ability and confidence in making an artwork showing distance.III. Materials and Reference; Pencil, bond paper, crayonIV. Procedure: A Pre- Activity: 1. Review What are the elements of art? (Line, shapes, form, color, texture, size) Describe each element. B. Activity Proper: 1. Motivation DRAFTShow a picture with people of different sizes.April 22, 2014 Ask: What have you observed in the picture? Let the children notice the sizes of the persons in the drawing. (The teacher may ask follow-up questions.)   

2. Presentation and Discussion Say: In a drawing composition, the sizes of objects differ because of their distance from the viewer. There is overlapping of objects and less detail as the image seems farther away from the viewer. Objects look smaller when they are far from the viewer, and larger when they are near. This is how perspective is shown in a drawing. Perspective is a way of portraying three-dimensions in a flat, two- dimensional surface. This is to create the appearance and spatial relationships of objects, buildings, etc. relative to each other as determined by their distance from the viewer. DRAFTShow a picture of the community to the pupils and talk about it. Show them also the works of Fernando Amorsolo (local artist) and Edgar Degas (foreign artist) with works that emphasize perspective and Philippine Landscape/Cityscape. 3. Art Activity 2014 Activity 1April 22,(Please refer to LM page ___.)    4. Processing and Critiquing Ask: What elements of art did you use? How did you show distance in your drawing composition? Did you enjoy the activity? Why?C. Post Activity: 1. Generalization Ask: How will you show distance in your drawing?   

In a drawing, objects that are near to the viewer are bigger while objects that are far from the viewer are smaller. 2. Values Integration Ask:  How did you show confidence in making an artwork? V. Assessment/ Evaluation Assess the output of the pupils based on the rubric below. Very Evident Not Evident 2 Evident 1 Questions 3 1.Was able to drew the different sizes of people in the picture to show their distance DRAFTwithout the help of others? 2. Is creativity manifested in the drawing? 3. Is confidence manifested by drawing the 2014 different sizes of people in the picture to show distance. April 22,4. Is the artwork finished on time? V. Assignment/ Agreement: Bring pictures of your community.   

First Quarter : DrawingLesson No. 3 : Illusion of SpaceCode: A3EL-Ib : Shows illusion of space in drawing objects and persons of different sizesLesson Summary:Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationIn a drawing, it is Create a Show the illusion Appreciate theimportant for an artist picture that of space in ability and skill ofto be able to create shows the drawing objects the artists inthe illusion of space. illusion of and persons of creating illusionManuel Baldemor space. different sizes. of space by(local artist) and applyingGiovanni Antonio learnedCanal better known techniques inas Canaletto(foreign one’s artwork.artist) have goodworks that emphasizecityscape andDRAFTPhilippinecommunity/daily lifethat shows treatmentof space.April 22, 2014Elements & Principles of Art: lines, shapes , and spaceValue Focus: Appreciation of one’s artworkTime Allotment: 1 Session (40 minutes)I. Art Activity Drawing of Persons of Different SizesII. Objectives 1. Explain the concept of illusion of space. 2. Create an artwork that shows the illusion of space. 3. Appreciate the ability and skill of the artist in using lines to create the illusion of space.III. Materials and Reference a. Materials: bond paper, pencil, crayon, picture of a community

b. Reference: 2002 BEC Sining 6- p122, Art in the Elementary School, PJV, Phil. Normal College Manila September, 1959.pp.48, Lesson Plans in Art 4, Division of Iloilo 2008-2011 ,Lesson 6 to 8, pp.11-16 http:// Procedure: A. Pre- Activity1. Review Ask the children to look at the picture they drew in the previouslesson. Let them examine the picture: the sizes of objects, the distance,etc. Then, ask: How do we know that an object is near or far from the viewer’s eye?B. Activity ProperDRAFT1. MotivationShow the following pictures.April 22, 2014PictureA Picture BLet the pupils give their own opinion or idea on the sizes anddistance of objects in pictures A and B.

2. Presentation Say: The use of illusion of space is a technique or process used by an artist to show distance and depth. Show an example of a picture of objects and or people that shows illusion of space. DRAFTApril 22, 2014Show them also the artwork of Manuel Baldemor (local artist) and Giovanni Antonio Canal better known as Canaletto(foreign artist) who have good works that emphasize cityscape and Philippine community/daily life. 3. Art Activity Activity 1 Let the pupils do the activity number 1 in LM p.______. 4. Processing/ Critiquing of Art Output Ask the following questions to the pupils after they finished their work: 1. What have you observed about the sizes of objects that are near

or far from the viewer? 2. Have you created the illusion of space? How? C. Post Activity 1. Generalization    How can you show the illusion of space in your artwork? In a drawing, the smaller the object, the farther its distance from the viewer. On the other hand, the bigger the object, the nearer its distance from the viewer. This is called illusion of space.2. Values IntegrationHow can you show appreciation for your own artwork and theDRAFTworks of others?3. ApplicationRefer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM page ____________.V. Assessment/ EvaluationApril 22, 2014Assess the artwork of pupils using the rubric below: Very Evident Not EvidentRubric Evident 2 1 31. Illusion of space is shown in the artwork.2. Persons and objects are included in the drawing.3. Creativity is shown in the artwork by making it different from others.4. The artwork is finished according to the timeallotted.

VI. Assignment/ Agreement DRAFTApril 22, 2014

First Quarter : DrawingLesson 4 : Visual TextureCode A3PL-Ic : Appreciates that artists create visual textures by:Lesson Summary using lines, dots, and colorsArt History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationThings around us Create a still life Observe how lines Give importancehave different drawing with the and colors are to the artworkstextures. Texture use of cross hatch used in a still life that show visualcan be tactile or lines or dots to drawing to create textures by usingvisual. Visual show visual a visual texture. lines, dots, andtexture is the texture. colors.perceived textureof an objectwithout touchingit.DRAFTElements and Principles of Art: Texture, lines, and colorsValue Focus : Valuing an ArtworkTime Allotment : 1 Session (40 Minutes)I Art Activity: 22, 2014Still Life Drawing Using Cross Hatch Lines or DotsAprilII Objectives1. Discuss visual texture in a still life drawing with the use of crosshatch lines or dots.2. Draw a still life drawing that shows visual textures using lines, dots, andcolors.3. Show appreciation of one’s skill in using variety of lines, dots, and colorsin artwork.III Materials and ReferencesMaterials : pencil, colored pencils, bond paper,

IV Procedure A. Pre Activity 1. Review Ask: How illusion of space is shown in a drawing?B. Activity 1. Motivation Distribute sets of jigsaw puzzles to groups of pupils. Let each group assemble the puzzle. Example: DRAFTApril 22, 2014 Ask: What picture was formed by the puzzle? Does it show texture, lines and colors? Identify them. 2. Presentation and Discussion Tell the pupils that visual texture is defined as the texture of an object perceived without touching it. Every object has its own visual texture and needs to be taken into consideration before creating a composition.

Picture of still life showing  Picture of still life showing the use the use of cross hatch lines.   of dots.     Look at the other picture. What have you observed in picture A?DRAFTin picture B? Discuss further the use of cross hatch lines and dots (pointillism) to create visual texture in a still life drawing. Here’s an illustration showing the 2014 “crosshatching” of a pencil stroke. The technique is very simple- you just doApril 22,the “ slinky’ pencil stroke in several directions one over the other. Each different direction adds more tone to the shading, and progressively darker.Pointillism is a method of using dots toachieve various effects in a drawing orpainting. The dots can be placed singly,in rows, or randomly. The dots can alsobe placed by themselves, in groups,and/or be overlapping.The dots used can also vary in size. Refer to THINK ABOUT THIS of the LM, p.____.

3. Art Activity: “Still Life Drawing with Cross Hatch Lines or Dots” (Refer to BE CREATIVE of the LM, p. _____) 4. Processing/Critiquing Let the pupils show their artworks to the class. Then, ask them about their experiences and learning while doing the activity. C. Post Activity 1. Generalization Ask: What is Visual Texture? DRAFT(Visual texture is the texture of an object perceived without touching it. It that can only be determined by looking at the object.) 2. Value Integration How will you value your artwork and that others? 3. ApplicationApril 22, 2014(Refer to Take the Challenge of the LM, p.___)IV Assessment/Evaluation: (Refer to Be Proud of the LM p. ____)V. Agreement/Assignment Bring picture of a land formation.

First Quarter : DrawingLesson 5 LANDSCAPE DRAWINGCode A3PL – ld : Tells that in a landscape, the nearest object drawn is : the foreground; the objects behind the foreground are the middle ground, while the farthest objects are the background.Lesson Summary:Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationThere are many Make a Show balance in Appreciate thefamous landscape the landscape beauty oflandscapes or drawing. drawing by landscape in theland formations in indicating the province or regionthe different foreground, through creativeregions in the middle ground Ex. Mt. and background,Mayon, Batangas in thePlateau, composition.Chocolate Hills,Mt. Apo, etc. :DRAFTElements & Principle of Art BalanceValue Focus : Appreciating Beauty of NatureTime Allotment : 1 Session (40 Minutes)I Art Activity 22, 2014: Landscape DrawingAprilII Objectives1. Identify and describe the foreground, middle ground, and the background in a picture of a landscape.2. Draw a landscape that shows balance.3. Appreciate the beauty of landscapes in the province or region through creative drawing.III Materials and ReferenceMaterials : paper, pencil, crayonReference : Art Express, 1998 Harcourt Brace and Company, Daniel V.E. et. Al.

IV Procedure A. Preliminary Activity 1. Review What is visual texture? B. Developmental Activity 1. Motivation Ask the pupils to show the pictures of land formation they brought to class. Let them say something about it. Introduce a guessing game of land formations and landscapes by describing their characteristics. (The teacher can use pictures of land formations and landscapes found in their locality/province.) DRAFT2. Presentation and Discussion Tell the pupils that there are famous landscape and land formations in the Philippines. Introduce some of these with the aid of pictures. Ex. Cagayan Valley, Mayon Volcano in Bicol, Chocolate HillsApril 22, 2014in Bohol, Mount Apo in Davao and Plateau in Baguio. . Mount Apo            Chocolate hills Mayon VolcanoAsk:What objects in the picture appear nearest to the viewer?What objects in the picture appear farthest to the viewer?Compare their sizes. In a landscape drawing, balance is shown through the presence offoreground, middle ground, and background. Foreground is the part of

drawing that appears to be in the front, nearest to the viewer. While the middle ground, is the part of the drawing that lies between the foreground and the background. The background, is the part the drawing that appears to be at the back, farthest away from the viewer. (Refer to Think About This , LM p. ____) 3. Art Activity: “Landscape Drawing” Refer to BE CREATIVE, LM p. _____ 4. Processing and Critiquing Say: Show your artwork to your classmates and share your experiences while doing the activity. C. Post Activity 1. Generalization DRAFTAsk: How is balance shown in the picture? There is a feeling of balance when there is foreground, middle ground, and background in the composition.April 22, 20142.ValueIntegration How can you preserve the beauty of nature in your place? 3. Application Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE, LM P. ____V Assessment/ Evaluation Refer to BE PROUD, LM p. ____

First Quarter : DrawingLesson No. 6 : Textures and ShapesCode A3PR-lg : Sketches on-the-spot outside or near the school to draw a plant, flowers or a tree showing the different textures and shape of each part, using only a pencil or black crayon or ballpen.Lesson Summary:Art History/ Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationColors, textures and On –the- spot Identify the Share one’s feelingshapes are sketching of plants, textures and about finding otherelements of art that flowers or trees shapes of things in ways in usingcan be seen in with different the drawing. textures andnatural and man- textures and shapes in themade objects. shapes using artwork.These elements, pencil, blackwhen used properly crayon, or drawing,contribute and addbeauty to theartworkElements and Principles of ArtDRAFTValue Focus : Textures and Shapes : Awareness of the Things Around UsTime Allotment : 1 session (40 minutes)I – Art Activity : On –the-Spot SketchingII- Objective:April 22, 20141. Identify the textures and shapes of in natural and man-made objects.2. Draw on-the-spot sketches of objects seen outside the school like plants,flowers, or trees and objects found inside the room.3. Develop awareness on texture of objects found in the natural environmentthrough drawing.III – Materials : bond paper, black crayons, pencil, a Reference recycled hard board :III – ProcedureA. Pre-Activity: 1. Review: Ask: What kinds of lines can be used to create geometric designs?

B. Activity Proper 1. Motivation Show different kinds of real flowers. Let the pupils take turns to examine and identify the texture and shape of the flowers. 2. Presentation and Discussion Bring the children outside to observe the flowers, plants and trees in the garden. Allow them to touch and discover the different textures and shapes of the leaves, stems, and flowers of plants and trees. Ask: What are the different textures and shapes you observed in the plants? Let the pupils give/share their experiences about the different textures and shapes of the plants. ( The discussion can be done outside the classroom.) Anita Magsaysay Ho (local artist) and Claude Monet (foreign artist) are artists known to emphasize flowers or garden/nature as theme in their works. Refer to THINK ABOUT THIS on LM p_____. DRAFT3. Art Activity: Drawing of a Plant, a Flower or a Tree Let the children bring their drawing materials and recycled hard board to be used during the drawing activity.April 22, 2014Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM p._______ 4. Processing/ Critiquing of Arts Output: Ask the pupils to show to the class their artworks and their experiences in identifying the textures and shapes in their drawing. C. Post activity: 1. Generalization Ask: What elements are to be emphasized in sketching natural objects like plants, flowers or trees? 2. Application (Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM p.___) 3. Value Integration: How will you value the things around us?

IV – Assessment/Evaluation: (Refer to BE PROUD on LM p.______)V. Assignment/Agreement: DRAFTApril 22, 2014

First Quarter : DrawingLesson No. 7 : Pencil/ Pen DrawingCode A3PR‐lh  & Ie : 1. Creates a pencil or pen drawing of scene in daily life, where people in the province/region show their occupation by the action they are doing. 2. Describe the way of life of people in the cultural community.Lesson Summary:Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationThe works of the Create a pencil Evaluate own Give importancepeople in the or pen drawing artwork/drawing tolocality depend of a scene in on the use of lines one’s culture byon the kind of daily life of and shapes. sharing the way oftopography, people in the life of people inclimate, and province/region the communityculture of a through theirplace. works.DRAFTTime Allotment:Elements and Principles of Art:  Lines and ShapesValue Focus: Pride in one’s culture and work 1 session (40 minutes)I. Art Activity: Pencil or Pen Drawing of a Scene in Daily LifeII. Objectives:April 22, 20141. Identify the different works of people in a province or region. 2. Create a pencil or pen drawing of a scene in daily life wherepeople in the province/region show their occupation by the actionthey are doing.3. Give importance to one’s culture by sharing the way of life ofpeople in the community through their works.III. Materials: pencil or pen, bond paper, manila paper References: a. en.wikipedia.orgIV. Procedure: b. c. rizalprovince.phA. Pre Activity: 1. Review Why is sketching important before you do the final drawing?Let the pupils recall what they did during their previous art session.

Ask the pupils to make or draw designs using lines and shapes on a paper, on air, on the blackboard, or anywhere they want. Let the pupils look at the picture in the box.      Picture with a scene in a community using  different lines and shapes.                   Tell the pupils to identify the lines and shapes in the picture. DRAFTB. Activity Proper: 1. Motivation a. What do you mean by the word occupation? b. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?April 22, 2014Tell the children to act out or show a pantomime about what they want to be when they grow up. 2. Presentation and Discussion Say: There are many kinds of works or occupations in different places of our country. Each region or province has its major source of income. It depends on the topographical situation, climate, and culture of a place.

In some works of Ben Cabrera (local artist) and Ron C, Guthrie (foreign artist), pointillism was used in creating daily life scenes. Picture Ben Cabrera’s Artwork using pointillism. Show the painting of Fernando Amorsolo entitled, “Planting Rice” DRAFTApril 22, 2014 Ask: a. What kind of work or occupation is shown in the picture? b. Are there also farmers in your place? c. Aside from farming, what other works or occupations of people are found in the province or region? d. How important are their works to the community? e. Describe the way of life of people living in your community. Activity 1 Distribute the activity cards to the two groups. After a five- minute group discussion and preparation, pupils should present

their group output (group artwork-group song with actionpresentation)(Please refer to LM page ___.)Activity 2 refer to LM page ___.)  C. Processing and CritiquingAsk: Did you enjoy the activity? Why? Why not?  What kind of works or occupations do people in your  province or region have? In what ways can we be proud of the works or  occupations of the people in our place? Let pupils take turns to explain their views. D. Post Activity: DRAFT1. Generalization Ask: What are the works or occupations of the people in your province or region? 2. Values Integration Ask: How can you give importance to people’s way of life orApril 22, 2014cultureinthecommunity?V. Assessment/Evaluation:Use rubrics in assessing the pupils’ output.Refer to BE PROUD on LM page___.VI. Assignment/Agreement: Ask the help of your family members to list down works oroccupations of people in your region or province.  

First Quarter : DrawingLesson No. 8 : Historical Houses and BuildingsCode A3PR-Ii : Sketches and colors the view of the province/region with houses and buildings indicating the foreground middle ground and background by the size of the objects.Lesson Summary: Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationArt History Draw historical Observe shapes State theHouses and buildings houses and and sizes of houses importance andin the locality, buildings in a composition value of theprovince or region indicating the that indicates the historical housesthat played an foreground, foreground, and buildings inimportant role in the middle ground, middle ground, one’shistory of the place and and background. province/region.are considered as background in ahistorical houses and composition.buildings.DRAFTValue FocusElements and Principle of Art : Lines, shapes Preservation of Houses and Buildings :Time Allotment : I session (40 minutes)I. Art ActivityApril 22, 2014II.Objectives: : Drawing of Houses and Buildings1. Describe the historical houses/buildings in one’s province/region.2. Make sketches of historical houses/buildings that show unique features such as windows made of capiz shell, decorative beams, doors, etc.3. Give importance to the historical houses and buildings in one’s province/region.III. Materials: crayon, pencil, bond paperIV. Procedure: A. Preparatory Activity: Review: Ask: What art materials did you use in making a sketch of the occupations of people in your community?

B. Activity Proper : 1. Motivation: Show pictures of historical houses/buildings found in the province/region. Pictures of Historical Houses Or   pictures historical houses and buildings from  other regions  DRAFTAsk: Where can these houses/buildings be found? 2. Presentation and Discussion Present pictures of historical houses and buildings famous in the country like the house of Rizal in Calamba, Laguna, Aguinaldo Mansion, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Folk Arts Theater, etc.April 22, 2014Let the children say something about the picture. Show pictures of historical houses and buildings in the region and province and discuss with them the historical importance of the structures. 3. Art Activity: Let the pupils do BE CREATIVE on LM p.__ “Drawing of Houses or Buildings with Designs” 4. Processing/Critiquing of Art Outputs: Let pupils describe the kinds of lines and shapes they used to make their drawings of historical houses or buildings unique and different. C. Post Activity:

1. Generalization; Ask: What have you learned in our art activity? 2. Value Integration Discuss the importance of preserving historical houses/buildings. V. Assessment/Evaluation Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM page ___. DRAFTApril 22, 2014

SUMMATIV TEST FOR QUARTER 1Directions:  Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. What did you observe about the objects that appear nearer to theviewer’s eyes? A. It glows. B. It becomes dark. C. It appears bigger than the other objects. D. It appears brighter than the other objects.2. It tells the relationship of objects and people in terms of their distance.A. shape B. distance C. harmony D. illusion of space3. What did you observe about the objects that appear farther from theviewer’s eye? A. They appear glossy. B. They are shinier than the other objects. C. They are wider than the other objects. DRAFTD. They are smaller than the other objects. 4. What is the important use of the illusion of space in the artwork of an artist? A. To show creativity. B. To give emphasis on the subject shown.April 22, 2014C. To make the artwork of the artist more colorful. D. To show the distance, depth, and widen the space occupied by the elements of art.5. Which of the pictures below show illusion of space?A. B. C. D.

6. How will you create a design? B. By drawing shapes and lines A. By drawing shapes D. By coloring C. By drawing lines7. What do we mean by variation of lines?A. different lines B. different shapesC. the same lines D. the same shapes8. Which of the following shows variation of lines?A. / // / /B. / - X C. = = = = = D. ( ) ) )DRAFT9. What does pencil sketching mean? A. Making a pencil. B. Making pencil paintings. C. Making a drawing of a pencil. D. Making a sketch with the use of pencil.April 22, 201410. Why is it important to make pencil sketches before painting? A. To make an outline for the drawing or painting. B. To assure the correct form of an object to be drawn C. To determine the placement of the drawing or object. D. To evaluate the drawing.11. What is being formed if a set of points are connected together? A. shape B. color C. lines D. proportion12. What kind of line shows steadiness and balance? A. straight line B. dotted line C. curved line D. zigzag line13. If you connect four equal length of lines to form a figure, what shape isformed? A. triangle B. square C. rectangle D. circle

14. What figure is formed if two diagonal lines meet at a sharp angle? A. curved lines B. zigzag lines C. angular lines D. vertical lines15. What kind of line indicates action and energy? D. horizontal line A. straight line B. dotted line C. curved line16. What do you call the work of art that appears to be at the back part of apicture and is the farthest object from the viewer? A. foreground B. background C. middle Ground D. center of interest17. Look at the picture in the box, which object/s is considered as the middleground? DRAFTApril 22, 2014A.  B.   C.   D.  18. What principle of design is shown when we show foreground, middle ground,and background in an artwork?A. emphasis B. balance C. contrast D. variation19. What famous land formation is found in Bohol region?A. Mount Apo B. Mount ArayatC. Mayon Volcano D. Chocolate Hills

20. Which picture shows formal balance? D. A. B. C.21. What are the elements and principles involved in visual texture?A. Texture, lines, colors B. Lines, colors, contrastC. Emphasis, lines, shape D. Colors, shapes, texture22. It shows the surface of an object by illustrating it in a composition.A. Hand puppet B. Visual Texture C. Pointillism D. Cross HatchDRAFTA. Texture23. This is a way of applying small strokes or dots of color to a surface. B. Contrast C. Pointillism D. Cross Hatch24. This is defined as a mark or shade with two or more sets of intersectingparallel lines.B. TextureApril 22, 2014A.Pointillism C. Contrast D. Cross Hatch25. How can you show appreciation for one’s artwork.A. By giving negative comments.B. By submitting his/her artwork on time.C. By praising the artwork of your classmate/s.D. By helping your classmates finish his/her artwork on time.26. The elements of art that refers to the contour and profile of an object.A. Form B. Line C. Color D. Value27. This refers to the amount of light, shade or dark in an object.A. Value B. Form C. Line D. Texture28. Refers to the quality or kind of light that reflects from the surface of theobject.A. Line B. Form C. Color D. Value

29. This is a line that suggests grace, femininity, variation, and movement.A. light B. Heavy C. Straight D. Curve30. Expresses calmness, quietness and peace or reposeA. horizontal B. Broken C. Heavy D. Curve31. Element of arts showing the physical form of a thing.A. Texture B. Shape C. Harmony D. Color32. How would you identify textures? B. By clapping the hands A. By seeing and touching D. By singing C. By walking and running33. This is an element of art that depicts the feelings of the viewer towardscertain object/artwork. It also refers to the smoothness or roughness of anobject. A. ColorDRAFT34. How would you appreciate your artwork?B. ShapeC. TextureD. HarmonyA. Add different colors to your artwork.B. Tell a short story about the artworks of others. C. Show your artwork to your parents and friends. D. Prepare the necessary materials, draw something and paint it.April 22, 201435. How would you show creativity through drawing? A. By doing other designsB. By creating new designsC. By using borrowed materialsD. By finishing your work on time36. It is the part of a work of art that lies between the foreground and thebackground.A. Foreground B. Middle Ground C. Background D. Ground37. It is the part of a work of art that appears to be in the front and nearest tothe viewer.A. Foreground B. Middle Ground C. Background D. Ground38. It is the part of a work of art that appears to be in the back and farthestfrom the viewer.A. Foreground B. Middle Ground C. Background D. Ground

39. Which of the following pictures shows a modern Filipino house?A.   B. C. D. DRAFTApril 22, 201440. How would you differentiate a traditional Filipino house from a modernhouse? A. Traditional Filipino houses were made of bamboo, wood, metal and other concrete materials. B. Modern houses are made of bamboo, wood, metal and other concrete materials. C. Traditional houses were made of stones, metal and galvanized iron while houses modern houses are made of bamboo, wood and nipa or anahaw leaves. D. Traditional Filipino houses were made of bamboo, wood and nipa or anahaw leaves while modern houses nowadays mostly are made of stones, metal and galvanized iron.

Second Quarter : Painting Harmony in PlantsLesson No. 1 : Perceives how harmony is created in an artwork because of complementary colorsLearning CodeA3PL-IIc : and shapesLESSON SUMMARY :Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art Appreciation Looking into the Appreciate howHarmony is an art Paint a picture of styles of the artists colors are in painting, combined toprinciple that can a plant or tree harmony is show harmony in attained in the artwork donebe seen in things using color, different ways by by pupils. combining theall around. harmony, shapes, selected colors, shapes, andIt is the pleasing and textures. textures.selection andarrangement ofcolors, shapes,and textures.DRAFTTime AllotmentElements and Principles of Art : Colors, Shapes, Textures Environmental AwarenessValue Focus : 1 Session (40 minutes) :I – Art Activity : PaintingII – Objectives: 1. Identify complementary colors in the color wheel.April 22, 20142. Paint the things that can be seen in a natural environment in theprovince or region.3. Tell how painting is made more interesting by combining colors toachieve harmony.II- Materials : pencil, bond paper, brush, newspaper, Reference watercolor, oil pastel, water container, rags :III – Procedure A. Pre Activity Review Ask the pupils to name several complementary colors.

B. Activity Proper 1. Motivation: Go on a nature walk. Let the pupils identify the different complementary colors they see around the school premises. (Discussions and activities can be done outside the classroom.) 2. Presentation and Discussion Harmony is an art principle that is present in things around us. It is seen in the arrangement of colors, shapes, and textures. Harmony in visual design means all parts of the visual image relate to and complement each other. Looking into the styles of the artists in painting, harmony is attained by combining the selected colors, shapes and textures. DRAFTSome famous Filipino artists are appreciated because of their style in combining colors and in producing harmony in their artwork.    April 22, 2014Painting showing complementary colors  Discuss the things seen in the pictures. Ask about the different colors, shapes, and textures seen in the pictures. Let the pupils tell their observations about how complementary colors were put together in the paintings. 2. Art activity: Painting Let the children prepare the materials and remind them to always to be careful in handling their art materials. Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM p._____.

3. Processing/Critiquing of Art Output a. What plant did your paint? b. What colors did you use in your painting? c. Is color harmony present in your artwork? Discuss briefly.C. Post Activity 1. Generalization Ask: How did you show color harmony in your painting/artwork? Harmony in painting is a pleasing visual arrangement of colors. It is created when secondary colors and their opposite colors or complementary colors in the color wheel are used. 2. Application Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE, LM p.____ 3. Values Integration DRAFTGive a situation that shows environmental awareness.IV – Assessment/Evaluation Refer to BE PROUD, LM p.____April 22, 2014V – Assignment/Agreement: Bring to class any kind of fruit.

Second Quarter : Painting Landscape PaintingLesson No.2 : Sees that there is harmony in nature as seen in the color of landscapesCode A3EL-IIa :Lesson Summary:Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationThe landscape painting Paint a Identify how Show appreciationshows the visible features landscape at colors are andof the land, such as different times combined to preservation ofmountains and hills. of the day come up with nature throughKnown Filipino (morning, noon, harmony in the painting alandscape painters are night time) to painting. landscape.Felix Hidalgo, Fernando show harmony in nature.Amorsolo, andJonahmar Salvosa.DRAFTValue Focus:Elements and Principle of Art: Colors, Harmony Environmental AwarenessTime Allotment: 1 session (40 minutes) II. Objectives: April 22, 20141. Identify the visible features of a landscape. I. Art Activity: Landscape Painting 2. Tell how to paint a landscape that shows color harmony. 3. Identify bright and dull colors, light and dark colors. 3. Paint a landscape at different times of the day. 4. Express ideas, feelings, emotions, and imagination through painting a landscape.II. Materials Pictures, pencil, bond paper, crayons, brush, water color   

IV. Procedure: A. Pre- Activity :Review: Share to the class your experiences of using colors in your different artworks.B. Activity Proper1. Motivation Show the sample pictures of the landscape paintings of Felix Hidalgo, Fernando Amorsolo, and Jonahmar Salvosa. Ask: What color combination have you seen in the painting? DRAFTWhich are bright colors? dark colors? light colors? What feelings/ emotions/ mood does the painter express in his painting according to the color combination used?     landscape painting   landscape painting  Ni Fernado Amorsolo  Ni Jonahmar Salvosa   landscape painting Ni  Felix Hidalgo April 22, 2014  2. Presentation and Discussion Say: The landscape painting shows the visible features of the land, including the physical elements of landforms such as mountains and hills. Known Filipino landscape painters are Felix Hidalgo, Fernando Amorsolo, and Jonahmar Salvosa. They used different kinds of colors to show emotions or moods in their painting. 3. Art Activity Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM, page __________.   

  4. Processing and Critiquing Ask:  Did you enjoy the activity? Why? Why not?  How did you show the time of day in your composition?  What elements of art did you use to show harmony?  What colors did you use in your landscape painting?  What did you feel while doing the landscape painting? D. Post Activity: 1. Generalization Ask: How is harmony in nature depicted in landscape painting? Harmony in nature is depicted through the different combination of colors in the landscape painting. The painter expresses his feelings/ mood or emotions based on the kinds of colors he used in the painting. 2. Values Integration DRAFTAsk: If you are a painter, how can you help develop environmental awareness?V. Assessment/ EvaluationApril 22, 2014Rate the outputs of the pupils based on the given rubric below. Criteria Points 321 Very Evident Not Evident Evident 1. Did he/ she use colors to express his / her feelings/ moods or emotions? 2. Is the painting based on the theme? 3. Did he/she express himself/herself freely in making the artworks using different colors according to the time of the day? 4. Did he/she finish the artwork with seriousness?   

VI. Assignment/ Agreement Bring pictures of animals found in province or region. DRAFTApril 22, 2014   

Second Quarter : PaintingLESSON 3 : LANDSCAPE PAINTINGCode A3PR– IIf : Paints a landscape at a particular time of the day and selects colors that complement each other to create a mood.Lessons Summary: Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationMany artists Paint a Identify moods Take pride andcreate landscape that and feelings in inspiration in thepaintings that shows mood the paintings. beauty ofshow different and feelings landscapesmoods and using warm and painted byfeelings. cool colors. Filipino artists.Elements & Principle of Art: Colors (warm and cool)Value Focus : Take Pride of one’s work : 1 Session (40 Minutes) : Landscape Painting Using Warm and Cool ColorsTime AllotmentDRAFTI. Art ActivityII. Objectives1. Identify warm and cool colors in the artwork that shows the mood and feelings in the artwork. 2. Paint a landscape that creates mood and feelings using warm and cool colors.April 22, 20143. Take pride and inspiration in the beauty of landscapes painted by Filipino artists.III. Materials and ReferenceMaterials : pencil, watercolor, oslo paper Art Express, 1998 Harcourt Brace andReference : Company, Daniel V.E. et. Al.IV. Procedure A. Preliminary Activity ReviewHow can you make light colors? How can you make darkcolors? What are the neutral colors?

B. Developmental Activity 1. Motivation Have a guessing game on colors. Group the pupils according to their favorite colors. Tell the pupils that each color has meaning and emotions to convey. Ex. red means bravery and courage; green means calmness, etc.. 2. Presentation and Discussion Show a painting of a landscape. Let the pupils identify the colors seen in the painting. Ask the pupils what feeling or emotions each painting wants to convey or tell.Picture of a Landscape  Picture of a Landscape painting with bright  painting with dark DRAFTcolors by Filipino artists  colors by Filipino  artists   April 22, 2014 Talk about the paintings. Ask the pupils which objects in the paintings communicate warm/cool feelings. Let the pupils give their own thoughts and observations about the feelings suggested by the picture. Refer to THINK ABOUT THIS on LM page____.3. Art Activity:Landscape Painting Using Warm & Cool ColorsRefer to BE CREATIVE on LM page____.

4. Discussion of Artworks Tell the pupils show their finished artworks to their classmates. Let them discuss about their artwork and share their experiences while painting landscapes. C. Post Activity 1. Generalization How can feelings or mood be shown in an artwork or painting? Refer to FRAME YOUR THOUGHTS on LM page____. 2. Value Integration Should you be proud of your artwork and the works of Filipino artists? Why? DRAFT3. Application Refer to TAKE THE CHALLENGE on LM page ___. V. Assessment/ Evaluation Assess the pupils’ performance in painting landscape using warm and cool colors.April 22, 2014Refer to BE PROUD on LM page ____ VI. Agreement/Assignment List down at least five wild animals in your notebook.

Second Quarter : PaintingLesson No. 4 : Landscape PaintingCode A3PR-IIh : Appreciates the Filipino artists painted landscapes in their own particular style and can identify what makes each artist unique in his use of colors to create harmony.Lesson Summary:Art History Art Production Art Criticism Art AppreciationThere are Paint a Compare Give importanceFilipino painters landscape with unique styles of to one’s ownlike Fernando the use of Filipino artists in landscapeAmorsolo, Jose bright and dark their use of painting byBlanco, and colors. bright and dark recognizing theothers who are colors. styles in paintings.famousbecause oftheir uniquestyle in painting.Elements/Principle of Art:Value Focus:DRAFTTime Allotment: Colors Appreciate originality of one’s artwork 1 session (40 minutes)I. Art Activity: Landscape Painting II. ObjectivesApril 22, 20141. Identify the types of colors used in paintings by some Filipino artists. 2. Create a painting using bright and dark colors. 3. Show appreciation for the contribution of Filipino artists in promoting Filipino culture pointing out to their unique styles in painting.III. Materials watercolor, brush, pencil, oslo paper, old References: newspapers, apron K12 Curriculum, URL, Work text in Music, Arts, and Physical Education (Radiance) by: Imelda V. Codog, p.149-157

IV. Procedure A. Preparatory Activity: Review Ask: Let the pupils look around the room and out the windows to look for things with warm and cool colors. Draw art examples of warm and cool colors. B. Activity Proper 1. Motivation Say: Let’s stand and sing the song “Magtanim ay Di Biro” with actions of planting rice. Show the paintings of Fernando Amorsolo’s “Planting Rice” and Carlos Francisco’s “Bayanihan”. DRAFTFernando Amorsolo’s “Planting Rice”April 22, 2014

Carlos Francisco’s ”Bayanihan” What can you say about Amorsolo’s painting? Francisco’s painting? Ask pupils to say something about the colors used by the artists in their paintings. DRAFT1. Presentation and Discussion Say: The “Planting Rice” of Fernando Amorsolo has dark and bright colors while Carlos Francisco’s paintingApril 22, 2014entitled “Bayanihan” uses bright colors. The two artists have different styles in using colors for their paintings. A color becomes darker when it is mixed with black. A color is bright when it is not mixed with another color. 2. Art Activity Refer to BE CREATIVE on LM page __. 3. Processing/Critiquing of Art Outputs Let the pupils exhibit their artworks. Call some pupils to say something about their painting.

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