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Home Explore Gateway College Annual Review 2017

Gateway College Annual Review 2017

Published by amfmalin, 2018-03-21 03:43:18

Description: Gateway College Annual Review 2017


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Gateway CollegeAnnual Review2017 Engage More. Be More.

Engage More.Be More.By surrounding our students with a stimulating, yet loving andencouraging school environment which nurtures holistic developmentof body, mind, and spirit, Gateway challenges its students to Engagemore and Be more.We provide our students the opportunity to experiment with variousco-curricular and extra-curricular activities outside of their academic life.These opportunities open the door for a potential future in arts, music,sports, or theatre that may not be limited strictly to academic work.This year’s annual review is from the point of view of our students.The point-of-view photography style is used to portray our studentsengaging in the myriad of activities offered at Gateway. These activitiesare a critical component of a well-rounded education and we willcontinue to provide the widest possible opportunities to our dearstudents to Engage more and Be more.

06 12 PreambleOur vision and missionSchool song The history of GatewaySchool houses A message from the Chairman140 Board of DirectorsTeachers Educationalists at the helmStaff review 24Continuous Professional Gateway schools Development (CPD)Rewards and recognition School administrative structure Colombo campus Kandy campus Negombo campus Dehiwala campus Abingdon Kindergarten Gateway achievers

40 74What we offer StudentsCommunity and ethos Student bodyPastoral care AcademicInfrastructure facilitiesSecurity, health and hygiene Non-academic21st century learning Co-curricular activitiesWork experience Extra-curricular activitiesHigher education Events calendar 2017152FutureKey improvementsLooking to the future

The elements of our school crest signifythe essential qualities of Gateway College.The shield incorporates four colours. Blue andgrey are the school colours, red signifies powerand energy while white indicates purity.The lions holding the shield stand for braveryand our Sri Lankan heritage. The dove is theschool’s highest award in sport. The globesignifies international education. The arrowstands for Gateway’s advances throughtechnology. The book depicts knowledge.The torch signifies enlightenment. The threeinterlocking squares indicate teamworkand a sense of belonging shared amongparents, teachers and students. The coloursof the diagonals, orange, green, and maroon,represent the three main communitiesof Sri Lanka, symbolising the multiethnicand multireligious harmony within the school. Annual Review 2017 5

Our vision Energise, Enlighten, Empower Our vision is to Energise with healthy body and Enlighten with healthy mind and Empower one and all to be good citizens. Our mission Adding value yy Create an educational environment that naturally drives value addition at school as well as at home. yy Develop an educational culture that enhances spiritual, moral, emotional, physical, and intellectual development. yy Provide opportunities for every student and teacher to reach his or her highest potential. Education for tomorrow yy Consistently benchmark world-class educational systems to build best practices. yy Facilitate an open environment to encourage innovative and creative thinking with prudent risk-taking. yy Provide state-of-the-art facilities and resources to meet tomorrow’s needs. yy Create a research-oriented culture and a passion for lifelong learning. Tenacity and zeal yy Steadfastly pursue excellence in education. yy Adapt smoothly to change. yy Speedy action with determination to get things done. yy Open-minded, winning attitude. Community of spirit yy Share success with humility. yy Care for community and the environment. yy Build “family spirit” through mutual trust and respect. yy Inculcate Sri Lankan values and culture in a pluralistic setting. yy Promote a sense of belonging to the alma mater and the motherland.6 Gateway College

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School song Gateway O Gateway We pledge to tread thy glorious way A beacon, a light we shall be For fellow beings your path to see // Gateway to learning emblazons our crest Ready we follow, daring the best In work or play the grey and blue flies high Higher, still higher is our rallying cry Gateway O Gateway We pledge to tread thy glorious way A beacon, a light we shall be For fellow beings your path to see // Nurtured as we are with understanding and love We discipline ourselves no orders from above Teacher, parent, pupil, with perfect rapport Shoulder to shoulder we will march to the fore Gateway O Gateway We pledge to tread thy glorious way A beacon, a light we shall be For fellow beings your path to see //8 Gateway College

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10 Gateway College

School housesSchool Houses are named in the order of the first fourPrime Ministers of Sri Lanka: Don Stephen Senanayake,Dudley Shelton Senanayake, Sir John Lionel Kotelawala,and Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike.The choice of names of such distinguished personalitiesunderlines the emphasis laid by the school in developingan affinity to the motherland and acting with a sense ofresponsibility to her children. This is also a way of signifyingthe respect the school affords to statesmen who have leftan indelible mark on our society and for their individualcontribution to defining the spirit of Sri Lankans. Annual Review 2017 11

Preamble The history of Gateway Our founder Ralph Ignatius Thomas Alles, widely known as R I T Alles, was a visionary who dedicated his entire life to the education sector where he left a lasting mark. He was educated at St. Aloysius’ College, Galle and at St. Anthony’s College, Kandy. He gained national recognition as the founding father of D.S. Senanayake College, Colombo, which has become one of Sri Lanka’s leading educational institutions. This experience, along with his time as a teacher at Royal College, Colombo, Principal of Zahira College, Colombo, the State Secretary of Education, and the training received at the Cambridge Institute of Education led to the founding of Gateway College. The education culture that he introduced to Sri Lanka is entrenched in every Gateway school. His ethos and philosophy are embedded in our vision and mission. He states in his autobiography, My Life, “The child leaves our gates as a confident, compassionate citizen who has the ability to move around in society, one who is equipped with the skills of surviving in this complicated world”. He firmly believed that Gateway should provide a holistic education and mould students who are international in nature but Sri Lankan at heart. Gateway can now declare proudly that we have realised the founding principles of R I T Alles. 12 Gateway College

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1997Gateway College, then known as Gateway International School, first openedits doors to 33 students who were supported by eight teachers. The schooloperated from two locations with the Secondary School at Rodney Streetand the Primary School at Gothami Road.1999In late 1999, Gateway acquired Kandy International School, which laterbecame Gateway College Kandy.Establishment of Gateway International School Bambalapitiya at Vajira Road.2000The first purpose-built building was located on 1st Lane off Gothami Roadand was named the “Millennium Tower” as it was completed in year 2000.The school grew rapidly in number from its humble beginnings.2002The Foundation section of Gateway Colombo was moved to 175,Castle Road, Colombo 8. Similarly, the secondary school expanded furtherat Rodney Street, Colombo 8. Gateway College Kandy expanded itspremises from Anniewatte to Asgiriya, where the school’s Foundation andKey Stage 1 sections were housed.2005Gateway International School became Gateway College and was relocatedto the new and current premises of Royal Gardens, Rajagiriya.2007Gateway College Negombo opened at a scenic location between NegomboRoad and the lagoon. Since then the school has thrived and expanded at arapid pace and acquired several adjacent blocks of land to accommodatethe expansion.2009The remaining sections of Gateway College Kandy were relocated to thenew site.Expansion of Gateway College Bambalapitiya to include year 7 and 8.2013Gateway College Dehiwala was established as a result of the acquisitionof the American International School, Dehiwala by the Gateway Group andits amalgamation with the Gateway College Bambalapitiya School.14 Gateway College

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A message from the ChairmanThe year under review has been full of “firsts” Investing in the NAVIANCE system has beenfor Gateway. It has been an exciting year which another step forward for Gateway. This systemsaw academics reach new heights and sports will connect students to potential career paths atachievements break the international school an early stage to ensure that they make informedboundary. It gave rise to many innovations that decisions about the subjects they select and thewill broaden the horizons of our students. universities they wish to attend. This facility canEngage more. Be more. Our main focus is, and be used from Year 10 onwards.has always been, to provide opportunities for The Smart Card, launched with HNB, willstudents to be more involved in activities within be used as an identification card, to markthe school, and more importantly, in activities attendance, and make purchases at the schoolthat are of interest to them. The belief at bookshop. This step was taken to provideGateway is that any child who wants to pursue greater convenience to students and area of interest will be given the opportunity Gateway schools will communicate with parentsto do so. via email which will foster better communicationIt is said that innovation doesn’t come just from while being people incentives; it comes from creating In this day and age where countries andenvironments where their ideas can connect. communities have built walls to separateOur mission is to facilitate an open environment themselves from each other; in a time whento encourage innovative and creative thinking. relationships between nations are strainedWith this in mind, Gateway initiated several and individuals only work for personal gain;new programmes. the Gateway schools are determined to makeAfter a successful pilot test, mindfulness a change. We want students who leave ourprogrammes were launched in all the Gateway halls to be “change agents” wherever theyschools this year. Calming the mind and may be. We want the students of Gateway tofocusing conscious thought at the start of the break boundaries built on fear and distrust; andday has served not only to enhance levels of instead build bridges that connect all individuals.concentration in the classroom but to improve We will begin this endeavour from our ownawareness of the present moment. network of schools and thereafter strengthenThis year saw the establishment of a Higher our ties with the private and the state schools.Education Counselling Unit which paved the With all sectors in our country working together,way for many university fairs. Links were forged the next generation will be able to reach out towith some of the best universities in Australia, the world more effectively. In the words of JohnCanada, the United Kingdom, and the United Locke, “As people are walking all the time, inStates of America. As a result, the University of the same spot, a path appears”. Let us be theMelbourne has offered a scholarship for the four beacon, the light, and the gateway that lead tobest students at IGCSE to attend their annual paths of prosperity for all.summer camp. Dr Harsha Alles Chairman16 Gateway College

17 Gateway College Annual Review 17

Mr Ramantha Alles Mrs Dinali Alles Dr Harsha Alles Mrs Rohini Alles Mr Asoka B Herath18 Gateway College

Board of DirectorsDr Harsha Alles Mrs Rohini Alles Mr Asoka B HerathDr Harsha Alles is a doctor by profession Mrs Rohini Alles counts over 50 years Mr Asoka B Herath who counts overand holds a PhD from the University of in the teaching profession having 50 years of experience in educationColombo. He was a lecturer attached commenced her career at Royal College, was the Principal of Gateway Collegeto the Faculty of Medicine, University Colombo. She was also the founding Kandy, from 2001 to 2015. Prior toof Colombo prior to joining his father to Deputy Principal of President’s College, joining Gateway College, he functionedassist in the Gateway Group. Dr Harsha Rajagiriya. as a teacher, Deputy Principal, andAlles is credited with placing the Principal of St. Sylvester’s College andGateway brand on the map as a provider Mrs Rohini Alles played a definitive role Dharmaraja College, in Kandy.of technology-based, high-quality in the founding of Gateway through a large network of She was personally responsible for Mr Herath has been the heartbeat ofcomputer schools, international schools, setting up the Primary School combining Gateway College Kandy and continuesa Graduate School, and schools offering her training as a qualified government to be a father figure to all Heads ofthe national curriculum in English. teacher and years of experience in Gateway schools. The acclaim and school administration. She continues her recognition achieved by GatewayDr Alles has been recognised for his work as Managing Director of Gateway College Kandy can be largely attributedpioneering efforts in the field of IT College. She is a shining example and a to the hard work and steadfasteducation by being awarded the Young role model to teachers of the present day. commitment of Mr Asoka Herath forScientist Scholarship Award twice, over a decade. He has been very closelyand in 2000, The Outstanding Young Mrs Dinali Alles associated with our Founder andPerson of the Year Award. He was also now plays a pivotal role in guiding thethe recipient of the Gold Award for the Mrs Dinali Alles counts over 25 years of schools on the path laid down by the lateOutstanding Businessman of the Year at teaching experience, with specialisation Mr R I T Alles.the CIMA Pinnacle Awards in 2003. in English. Mr Ramantha AllesDr Alles was also the architect in She has made an immense contributionreviving The International Schools to laying down processes and adopting With four years’ experience inof Sri Lanka (TISSL), which is an Global Best Practices in teaching at the corporate sector of Sri Lanka,umbrella organisation consisting of Gateway College. She maintains a close Mr Ramantha Alles is the most recentthe leading international schools in eye on Gateway Primary Schools drawing addition to the Gateway Group’s BoardSri Lanka. He has functioned as its on her vast experience as a teacher and of Directors. Educated in the UnitedChairman from 2013 to date, during administrator. As a Director of Gateway States of America, he completed hiswhich period the association undertook College, she is actively involved in the degree with a Bachelor of Scienceinnovative initiatives such as the Annual management of the school in Colombo in Aeronautics and in BusinessInternational Conference for Heads and also takes a personal interest to Administration. Upon his return toof Schools and the first International ensure maintenance of standards and Sri Lanka, he began his career at ApogeeTraining Seminar for Heads of Schools quality as expected by the Board. Holdings, a diverse group of companiesheld at the University of Nottingham, in involved in telecommunication, fireMalaysia. Dr Harsha Alles also serves protection, and media industries,as a Director of Universal College Lanka overseeing the group’s daily operations(UCL), which is engaged in providing at an upper management level.higher education in collaboration withleading global universities. Annual Review 2017 19

Educationalists at the helmMrs Nirmali Wickremesinghe Mrs Vinita Shenoy Mr Gladwin CanagasabeyConsultant to the Gateway Group Principal Gateway College Colombo Principal Gateway College Kandyof Schools Mrs. Vinita Shenoy stands in front of over 30 years of experience in handling Mr Gladwin Canagasabey startedMrs Nirmali Wickremesinghe joined the tutorials and teaching, both in India and his educational career in 1988 asGateway Group of Schools in 2014. Sri Lanka. She joined Gateway College a graduate teacher of Botany andShe brought with her many years of in June 2010 and since then has risen Agriculture. Later, he joined the Easternexperience as a teacher in both state up the ranks to Principal. University of Sri Lanka as the Head ofand private schools in Sri Lanka, Sports and Physical Education whereinternational schools overseas and as Mrs Shenoy is a firm believer in he served for 11 years. Whilst at thea principal of a highly respected private “Education for all”, especially for the Eastern University, he also served asgirls’ school. She is recognised as an girl child and for the less privileged. a visiting lecturer in Child Psychologyeducator who transformed the learning Education, to her, encompasses all and Educational Psychology. In 2004,approach to be enjoyable to students aspects of life and the teacher plays the he was appointed Headmaster ofwhile ensuring the holistic development most important role – of a role-model, S. Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa,of the child. She enjoys a fine reputation cheerleader and friend. where he founded and implementedas an innovative educationist who was the preschool and bilingual mediumable to infuse life and vitality to the As a Principal, she stands committed to of education. Later he joined TrinitySri Lankan National Curriculum. She take forward the vision of the Founder, College, Kandy as the Vice-Principal,has, thereby, brought in many new as well the Chairman and the Board where he served from 2007 to 2014.perspectives and best practices to of Directors. Having played an active Prior to joining Gateway College, hemake education even more dynamic role in Gateway’s journey in becoming was Registrar at the prestigious Generalat Gateway. one of Sri Lanka’s top International Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Schools, she is now looking forward Ratmalana. Mr Canagasabey alsoAs a Consultant to all Gateway schools, to usher the school in to its next level served as the Manager of HillwoodMrs Wickremesinghe plays a key role of excellence. Mrs Vinita Shenoy is College, formulating policies, developing a graduate in Commerce and also incurriculum, and textbooks, professionally Teaching Technology, whilst holding an Mr Canagasabey holds a Bachelordeveloping teachers and acting as counsel MBA in HR. In addition she has done of Science in Agriculture (Honoursto the heads of Gateway schools. She also her Diploma in Computer Science and Degree) from the Eastern University ofpersonally spearheads the pilot project for also in Human Rights. Mrs Shenoy is a Sri Lanka and a Master of Science inGlobal Perspectives, for which Gateway nurturer by nature, hence loves being Organisational Management from theCollege was selected by Cambridge with children. She is an ardent lover of Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture,International Examinations UK. nature and is one of the few qualified University of Peradeniya. His career in teachers of Ikebana in Sri Lanka, from the education and administration spans over20 Gateway College Sogetsu School of Japan. a period of 29 years, during which time, he has made important strides within With her nurturing nature, she the education system in Sri Lanka with encourages students, staff and parents emphasis on pastoral care. to the best of her ability.

Mrs Devika Alldis Mrs Priyanthi Seneviratne Mr Prashanth ChanmugamPrincipal Gateway College Negombo Principal Gateway College Dehiwala Chief Executive Officer, GatewayMrs Devika Alldis’s career in education After obtaining her BA from thespans over 25 years in government and University of Kelaniya, Mrs Priyanthi Graduate Schoolinternational schools. She has taught Seneviratne began her professionalEnglish Language, English Literature career at Ladies’ College, Colombo. Mr Prashanth Chanmugam joinedand Western Classical Civilisation at She counts over 17 years of experience Gateway Graduate School, the higherboth International General Certificate at Ladies’, teaching Greek and Roman education and professional developmentof Secondary Education (IGCSE) and Civilisation and English for Advanced arm, of the Gateway Group as its CEOGCE Advanced Level. Additionally, Level classes. She was the Head of the in September 2017. He brings withshe has been a Teacher Trainer, English Department at Ladies’ for eight him more than 15 years of internationalExamination Officer and a Visiting years and a member of the staff council. experience in higher educationUniversity Lecturer. In 2008, she was management, international universityappointed as Headmistress of Gateway She was responsible for curriculum partnership arrangements, curriculumCollege Negombo. development in English Language development, designing of learning and Literature at both Primary and and assessment systems, qualityHer dynamism and energy have Secondary levels. Under her direction, assurance of academic programmes,contributed greatly for the rapid progress Ladies’ College maintained its reputation research, academic and technical policyof the establishment and her ability for English literary excellence. development, business developmentto hold the entire school community and operations. Mr Chanmugam hastogether as a family has been the Later, Mrs Seneviratne took up the worked at senior managerial levelshallmark of her success. Mrs Alldis challenges of the corporate sector for with UK and South Asian institutions.holds a BA in English Language 12 years. Under her leadership, the He has also provided consultancyand Literature from the University regional office of The Chartered Institute services to reputable organisationsof Sri Jayewardenepura and an MA of Marketing UK (CIM Sri Lanka), won in Germany, Malaysia, Singapore,in Linguistics from the University of the international award for “Best CIM and Thailand. The academic andKelaniya, Sri Lanka. Region” four times. professional programmes developed by Mr Chanmugam include MBAShe was professionally trained at the Mrs Seneviratne re-entered academia qualifications delivered in the UK andTeacher Training College, Peradeniya and in 2011, serving as Principal of a leading an advanced leadership developmentwith TEFL from University of Toronto. international school. Three years later, system for training and developing she joined Gateway College. 2000 plus technical specialists and managers at TÜV Rheinland, one of the largest technical services firms in the world. Mr Chanmugam holds postgraduate qualifications in Education and Management from the University of Nottingham and from the University of South Wales.Educationalists at the helm Annual Review 2017 21

Performance is a functionof collaboration and coordination,not a sum of individual effort.

Engage More. Be More. Annual Review 2017 23

School administrative structure Management Deputy Principal (Academic/Pastoral) (Secondary/Primary) The Board of Directors ofGateway schools Gateway College is responsible Assistant Principal – Academic for overall governance, policy formulation, monitoring of policy, Head of Department Senior student achievement and strategic (Academic/Sports & PE) Librarian planning for all four schools. The management of each school is Assistant Subject Assistant Librarian headed by its Principal, who leads Head of Sports Leaders Higher a team of managerial staff responsible for the day-to-day Education operations of the school. Counsellor* The Board collaborates with the Principals and senior school management to arrive at an understanding concerning strategic direction. The Board is also accountable for preserving the vision of the Founder and the transcendent values that guide and shape the schools. Sports Subject Assistant Coordinators Teachers Librarian Lab Assistant * This person also reports to the higher education counsellor. Gateway College Gateway College Colombo Kandy Gateway College has a Principal Under the Principal, there is a Deputy overlooking the school. The two Deputy Principal in charge of academic Principals are in charge of academics and affairs assisted by two Assistant pastoral care. They are supported by two Principals in charge of academics, Assistant Principals in Secondary and three pastoral care, of the Primary School Assistant Principals in the Primary Sections. and the Foundation Section. (One each for Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2). The sectional heads There are also heads of departments and grade coordinators take care of the for Humanities, Mathematics, Science, different levels of grades while the heads of Business Studies, Sports and Information department for Humanities, Mathematics, & Communication Technology. There are Science, ICT & Business Studies and designated sectional heads for Key Stages Sports focus on the curriculum and subject and year heads for each grade. related matters.24 Gateway College

Directorate Curriculum Higher Team Leader Consultant Development Education Change Coordinator Counsellor Principal Management Consultant Registrar Assistant Principal – Pastoral Accountant Registrar School Manager Administration Secretary Front Office ManagerHeads of Key Stages/AL Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Accountant Registrar/ School Manager Manager Admissions Secretary Front Office AdministrationHeads of SENCO Senior Teacher in Head of Accounts Front Office Officer in Years Counsellor Charge Clubs and Executive Executive Charge Societies Maintenance of Prefects Class Assistant Counsellor Accounts ITTeachers SENCO Assistant Officer in Nurse Cashier Charge Security ClericalGateway College Gateway College GraduateNegombo Dehiwala SchoolThe Principal is in overall charge of the The Principal is in charge of the school. At the Graduate School, the CEO is inschool. The two deputy principals are There are two deputy principals who are charge of the overall proceedings. Theresponsible for the Primary and Secondary. responsible for the Primary and Secondary CEO is assisted by four heads, eachKey Stage 1 and Key Stage 3 are fully under schools respectively. Foundation, of whom is in charge of the following:the purview of the two assistant principals. Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4 and the International Foundation Programme,Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4, and A/Levels fall under the purview of six Computer Department, BusinessAdvanced Level are looked after by the sectional heads. The school also has heads Department and Faculty of Educationsectional coordinators. The school also has of departments for Humanities and Sports. and Teacher Training.a head of department for Sports.School administrative structure Annual Review 2017 25

Colombo campus Gateway College Colombo is our premier educational institution. From its humble beginnings at Gothami Road, to a spacious, four and a half acre campus, featuring state-of-the-art facilities, housing buildings with a contemporary, national twist to British independent school architecture, Gateway College Colombo has come a long way. It is situated at a scenic yet urban setting at Royal Gardens, Rajagiriya. First-rate teaching excellence is provided to a student population of over 1,700, who find joy through academic and non-academic achievement. Extent of land 4 acres, 76.13 perches Built-up space 112,046 sq.ft.26 Gateway College

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Kandy campus Situated at panoramic Asgiriya offering a bird’s-eye view of the Mahaweli River on one side and the picturesque Hanthana mountain range on the other, Gateway College Kandy, dubbed “Gateway in the hills”, is endowed with a quaint allure that is uniquely Kandyan. The school, formerly known as Kandy International School, one of the first international schools in the hill country, was brought under the wing of the Gateway Group in the year 1999. Together with its spectacular surroundings, contemporary architecture, leading-edge facilities and home to over 1,200 students from all corners of the Central Province, Gateway College Kandy is rated the leading international school in Kandy. Extent of land 3 acres, 2 roods, 39.98 perches Built-up space 90,649 sq.ft.28 Gateway College

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Negombo campus Located adjacent to the breathtaking splendour of the Negombo lagoon, Gateway College Negombo can boast of its own eco-friendly charm. Since its inception in 2007, Gateway College Negombo has gone from strength to strength, growing in numbers as well as stature to become widely recognised as the leading international school in the North of Colombo. The school possesses modern facilities, as well as a dynamic teaching staff who provide a holistic education to nearly 850 students from 2 1/2 to 18 years of age. Situated at an urban centre, Gateway College Negombo is truly a school of opportunities with windows open to the outside world. Extent of land 2 acres, 22.92 perches Built-up space 44,238 sq.ft.30 Gateway College

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Dehiwala campus Located in the South of Colombo, Gateway College Dehiwala is the youngest and latest addition to the Gateway family. The school was established in 2013 as the result of a merger between Gateway College Bambalapitiya and the American International School. It now caters the needs of students from playgroup to advanced level. In addition to providing academic guidance by a skilled set of professional teachers, Gateway College Dehiwala is also ideal for those keen to learn within, and beyond the bounds of the classroom, since it is equipped with the most modern infrastructure which includes a state-of-the-art auditorium, an indoor basketball court, a swimming pool, an innovation studio and a Math lab despite being the latest addition to the Gateway family. Extent of land 2 roods, 30.50 perches Built-up space 76,986 sq.ft.32 Gateway College

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34 Gateway College

Abingdon KindergartenAbingdon Kindergarten is situated in Oxford or the“City of Dreaming Spires”, famous the world over forbeing a home to royalty and scholars. This chain ofreputed kindergartens in the UK was brought underthe wing of the Gateway Group.Founded in 1987, the Abingdon Kindergarten Groupprovides quality child care and early learning tochildren up to five years. Abingdon Kindergartenbelieves that early childhood is the foundation onwhich children build the rest of their lives. Childrendevelop at different rates and in different ways;emotionally, socially, physically, intellectually,morally, and spiritually. Each child’s potential willemerge under favourable conditions and the homelyenvironment we provide, where children feel loved,secured, and happy. The Gateway Group is pleasedto have expanded its geographical boundaries to theUK and we are excited about the future prospects ofour conglomerate. Annual Review 2017 35

Gateway achieversIn keeping with our belief that everyone should have and art therapy have proven to be enabling factorsaccess to education, Gateway College operates for children with learning differences. At GatewayGateway Achievers since 2010 as a non-profit Achievers, we consider adaptive arts like music,organisation providing for the needs of students with drama, art and crafts as great ways to draw outlearning differences. hidden talents of our students. A concert is held annually where each child has an opportunity toGateway Achievers currently accommodates the express themselves creatively. There are otherneeds of children with dyslexia, Attention Deficient extra-curricular activities like the Brain Gym to enableDisorder (ADD), Attention Deficient Hyperactive brain stimulation, well-planned computer courses,Disorder (ADHD), autism, and other forms of learning sports facilities, and Yoga.challenges. The school functions on the philosophy,“If they cannot learn the way they are taught, teach We hope to improve our facilities and expand ourthem the way they can learn”. The focus of the school services to enhance the multisensory structuredis on the individual strength and the potential of every learning approach that is currently employed, and tochild. The students engage in learning in an extremely accommodate more students with special needs infriendly and supportive environment where they enjoy the interaction with their teachers. “An Adventure with Puppets”The staff consists of full-time teachers whoare qualified in handling children with learning Gateway Achievers held its annual concert titleddifferences following the Alpha to Omega teaching “An Adventure with Puppets” on 30th November 2017method. The teachers often assess, evaluate at the Russian Cultural Centre. A varied and aand draw up personalised programmes for colourful selection of items were put together by thestudents. Therefore, we provide each student with students and staff under the guidance of the veterana comprehensive Individualised Education theatre personality, Mr Jerome L de Silva.Programme (IEP), enabling each child to reach The occasion was graced by Mr Julian Boling.their maximum potential. Among the attendees were our Chairman, Dr HarshaThe school also provides opportunities for students Alles, Mrs Nirmali Wickremesinghe, Consultantwith limited academic skills to be exposed to basic Gateway, and Mrs Anushka De Silva, Consultantlife skills like cooking, housekeeping, gardening etc. to Gateway Achievers. The hard work of the team of teachers led by Ms Stephanie Fernando and theSelf-expression is a vital part of our experience as talent of our gifted children were evident to everyonehumans. Yet, for those with learning differences, present at the occasion.self-expression becomes challenging. Adaptive arts36 Gateway College

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The confidence gained throughengaging in performing arts will helpstudents in school, career, and life.

Engage More. Be More. Annual Review 2017 39

We foster the individuality of every student while cultivating a collective spirit.What we offer

Community and ethosA love of learning and developing individualknowledge and skills are at the heart of the broadeducation that Gateway provides. We foster theindividuality of every student while cultivating acollective spirit. At Gateway, we value and embracethe diverse characteristics, backgrounds andcultures of all within our inclusive school community,celebrating the success and unique contributioneveryone can make.Our Founder believed that there is “unity in diversity”,that in an increasingly divisive world acceptance ofdiversity ushers in sociocultural harmony. With themultinational, multicultural, and multi-ethnic studentpopulation at Gateway College, our students grow uplearning to embrace diversity. Our children are taughtto respect one another regardless of differencesin gender, race, ethnicity, religious background,socio-economic background, disability, or any othercircumstance. A prime example is the religiousobservances of all major faiths that are practised dailyin all schools and also celebration of religious andcultural events where the entire school communitycomes together.Within a clear code of conduct, Gateway schoolsencourage self-respect, discipline, honesty, trust, goodmanners, and relationships that ensure a secure, calm,and creative environment in which all can thrive. Ourstudents learn to take responsibility, to be accountableto others and respect both person and property.A deep sense of affection and mutual respect areshared among the students and teachers. The notionof a loving school environment was propagated byour Founder, Mr R I T Alles, who took very seriouslythe concept of in loco parentis. The Gateway teachersguide their students in a firm, fair, and friendly mannerin keeping with the vision of our Founder. Annual Review 2017 41

Pastoral careThe link between academic achievement and resilience in dealing withpersonal issues is well documented, and a student who receives timelysupport in dealing with the problems of everyday life is likely to succeedacademically and have a positive social and personal life. Gateway schoolshave invested in developing the quality of pastoral care in order to equip ourstudents to face the challenges of life.The way we treat, talk to, interact with, and indeed teach students will allcontribute to the quality of our pastoral care. The school principal, as thehead of the team, ensures that learning opportunities are optimised for everystudent. The academic staff comprising teachers, year heads, assistantprincipals, and deputy principals, all collaborate with each other to supportthe pastoral programme. This is a fundamental part of life at Gateway,both in and out of the classroom. All teachers remain alert in order to spotany changes in mood, behaviour, or attitude of students, which may be areflection of a bigger problem. Our teachers are also trained to identify thepotential of gifted children and to spot the need for special support for thosewho are academically challenged.However, we have recognised that the responsibility of pastoral care falls notonly on the teaching staff, but on the entire school community.We have special educational needs support in every school to help usidentify and meet the particular needs of all children. Moreover, every schoolhas counsellors who are qualified to deal with problems of students. Hence,the entire school community acts as a support group in helping each otherout to cope with difficult situations be they of an academic, vocational, social,emotional, or behavioural nature. Career guidance and counselling are alsofreely available: students are offered advice and guidance on choosing andapplying to universities.This collective spirit is further developed in the wide range of activities:dramatic,sporting, artistic, musical, and cultural. We actively encourageparents to come to the school to support their children in sports fixtures,drama, and musical performances. The main aims of our pastoral programmeare to provide an exceptionally warm, friendly, and caring environment wherethe students feel valued and to encourage students to achieve outstandingacademic success while developing a lasting sense of moral, social, andspiritual well-being.

The way we treat, talk to, interact with, and indeed teach students will all contribute to the quality of our pastoral care. Annual Review 2017 43

Infrastructure facilitiesThe quality of school infrastructure has a The Board continues to invest in developingstrong impact on a student’s perception of the infrastructure of the schools. The obvioushis/her well-being. Favourable attitude towards constraint of space is also being addressedschool infrastructure leads to school attendance with the acquisition of real estate for futuremotivation which improves literacy rates and development. In line with our theme for 2017academic performance. Gateway is committed Engage more. Be more., the Managementto providing safe, modern, environmentally has invested in improving sports facilities.sustainable, and technologically advanced Each school is equipped with state-of-the-artfacilities that serve the needs of the school basketball courts, gymnasiums, swimming pools,community. and many other facilities.One of the salient features of the Gateway Cricketcolleges is that all schools share similarfacilities, ensuring parity in terms of the learning The adjoining land of Gateway Colombo, ofenvironments. Each campus is equipped with which 65 perch land was annexed last year, iscontemporary furniture and the latest technology. used to house cricket nets. They were declaredAll classrooms are well laid out to accommodate open by the renowned cricketer Aravinda Deup to 25 students. There is constant improvement Silva accompanied by Anushka De Silva, whoin the IT infrastructure to keep abreast with rapid were Guests of Honour at the Founder’s Dayadvances. The schools now enjoy high bandwidth celebrations.internet connectivity within the campus. Theenhanced Wi-Fi connectivity has tremendouslyboosted the integration of ICT to the mainstreamactivities of the classroom.All school libraries are well stocked anddesigned to present a stimulating learningenvironment to the children. The students makeuse of the library for their reading at leisure aswell as personal study. There are dedicatedspaces for drama, music, art, design, technology,history, Sinhala, and BTEC sport which facilitatethe specialised learning experience.44 Gateway College

Netball In order to raise the standards of Mathematics in the school, Gateway Colleges are in the processA new netball court at Gateway Colombo of setting up Maths Labs to improve the interestwas declared open by Mrs Rohini Alles, our and the curiosity of children from a young age.Managing Director. This event was followed by These labs have already been set up in Kandyan inaugural staff netball tournament. and Dehiwala and plans are in progress to establish them in the other two campuses asRowing well. The labs are rich in manipulation materials to which children will have ready access,Encouraged by the commitment of our young so that they may experiment, play games androwers, the Management has invested in a solve puzzles resulting in the discovery ofnew pier in the waterway adjacent to Gateway mathematical principles, patterns and processes.Colombo. The new pier was declared open The proposed activities will create interestby Mr Asela Iddawela, the Chairman of the among students to test their ideas and beliefsSri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development about Mathematics. These activities that areCorporation on 3 October 2017. designed for different grade levels, are intended to give children an experience of “doing”Swimming Mathematics rather than to demonstrate the subject. The activities will help students toSwimming is an essential part of our PE visualise, manipulate and reason.curriculum. Kindergarten and Key Stage 1classes of Gateway Colombo use the baby pool New infrastructure forfor their lessons. In Gateway Dehiwala, a new Gateway Kandybaby pool is being constructed to encouragechildren to take up swimming from a tender age. A five-story building was constructed forConstruction will be completed in January 2018. Gateway College Kandy, which houses all administrative offices of the school. Further, itInnovation studio and Maths Lab has a fully-equipped gymnasium, which can be used for customised training programmes forThe designing and building of an Innovation students who are engaged in sports. There arestudio was commissioned at both Gateway also specialised rooms designated for aestheticDehiwala and Kandy in order to take STEM subjects which contains separate work areas,learning to the next level. Students will be equipped with modern facilities. The buildingprovided with a safe environment to undertake also has the junior science lab, the Innovationresearch and experiment on new ideas. The studio, and the Primary library.Innovation studio is located next to the school.Infrastructure facilities Annual Review 2017 45

Security, healthand hygieneGateway complies with applicable environmental,health, and safety laws and regulations, in creating asafe, secure, and hygienic learning environment. Theentire school premises are secured by parapet wallsand chain-link fences. All points of entrance and exitare manned by experienced security personnel froma professional service provider. The buildings arecovered by closed circuit television cameras (CCTV)which operate both day and night.The schools maintain sick rooms with qualifiednurses in attendance. All cases of minor ailmentsare dealt with by the nurses who maintain contactwith the parents. The schools are also registeredwith an ambulance service that provides paramedicsupport on call. All buildings are equipped with fireextinguishers and surrounding areas are periodicallyaudited by way of self-assessment to ensure thatthe school premises are safe and secure for use byyoung children.All Gateway campuses possess a clean and ahygienic environment. Students are constantlyreminded to act responsibly and refrain from littering.There have been recent initiatives to beautify schoolcampuses through tree planting campaigns anddeveloping butterfly gardens.

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