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Jeddah|KSA|SEO|Google Analytics|Digital Marketing Course
Jeddah|KSA|SEO|Google Analytics|Digital Marketing Course
Being a Student who have recently completed all the Google Certification with Meritphase the help of prestigious institute named for Digital Marketing Courses IIM SKILLS, I am the best resource to answer this question.
I am sure you know!
Over 90% of searches on the internet are made on Google itself!
Google is the No.1 search engine that comes to the mind of smartphone and PC users.
It is why students across the globe are learning Digital marketing with every means possible.
However, to be honest, when it comes to digital marketing courses, they pack all the shimmer on the outside, but on the inside, it’s the other way round.
It is important for you to know that in the year 2019 alone, digital ad spending crossed over 333.25 billion in US dollars. It is expected to rise by 15.5% to 384.96 in US dollars in the year 2020.
If you’re someone looking for digital marketing courses in Google, you have come to the right place.
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