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Book of Mormon

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The Book of MorMon Another Testament of Jesus Christ Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

First English edition published in Palmyra, New York, USA, in 1830 © 1981, 2013 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 9/2013 English approval: 11/12

The Book of Mormon An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites—Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile—Written by way of command- ment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation—Written and sealed up, and hid up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed—To come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof— Sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord, to come forth in due time by way of the Gentile—The interpretation thereof by the gift of God.  An abridgment taken from the Book of Ether also, which is a record of the people of Jared, who were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, when they were building a tower to get to heaven—Which is to show unto the remnant of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever—And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations—And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ. T r a n s l at e d b y J o s e p h Sm i t h , J un.

contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  vii Testimony of Three Witnesses . . . . . . . . . viii Testimony of Eight Witnesses . . . . . . . . . viii Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith . . . . . . . ix Brief Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 1 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Enos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Jarom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Omni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Words of Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Mosiah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Alma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Helaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 3 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 4 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Moroni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Pronunciation Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

Abbreviations Old Testament New Testament Book of Mormon 1 Ne. 1 Nephi Gen. Genesis Matt. Matthew 2 Ne. 2 Nephi Ex. Exodus Mark Mark Jacob Jacob Lev. Leviticus Luke Luke Enos Enos Num. Numbers John John Jarom Jarom Deut. Deuteronomy Acts Acts Omni Omni Josh. Joshua Rom. Romans W of M Words of Mormon Judg. Judges 1 Cor. 1 Corinthians Mosiah Mosiah Ruth Ruth 2 Cor. 2 Corinthians Alma Alma 1 Sam. 1 Samuel Gal. Galatians Hel. Helaman 2 Sam. 2 Samuel Eph. Ephesians 3 Ne. 3 Nephi 1 Kgs. 1 Kings Philip. Philippians 4 Ne. 4 Nephi 2 Kgs. 2 Kings Col. Colossians Morm. Mormon 1 Chr. 1 Chronicles 1 Thes. 1 Thessalonians Ether Ether 2 Chr. 2 Chronicles 2 Thes. 2 Thessalonians Moro. Moroni Ezra Ezra 1 Tim. 1 Timothy Neh. Nehemiah 2 Tim. 2 Timothy Esth. Esther Titus Titus Doctrine and Covenants Job Job Philem. Philemon Ps. Psalms Heb. Hebrews D&C Doctrine and Prov. Proverbs James James OD Covenants Eccl. Ecclesiastes 1 Pet. 1 Peter Song Song of Solomon 2 Pet. 2 Peter Official Declaration Isa. Isaiah 1 Jn. 1 John Pearl of Great Price Jer. Jeremiah 2 Jn. 2 John Lam. Lamentations 3 Jn. 3 John Moses Moses Ezek. Ezekiel Jude Jude Abr. Abraham Dan. Daniel Rev. Revelation JS—M Joseph Smith— Hosea Hosea JS—H Joel Joel A of F Matthew Amos Amos Joseph Smith— Obad. Obadiah Jonah Jonah History Articles of Faith Micah Micah Nahum Nahum Hab. Habakkuk Zeph. Zephaniah Hag. Haggai Zech. Zechariah Mal. Malachi Other Abbreviations and Explanations jst Joseph Smith Translation tg Topical Guide bd Bible Dictionary heb An alternate translation from the Hebrew gr An alternate translation from the Greek ie An explanation of idioms and difficult wording or Alternate words that clarify the meaning of an archaic expression

Introduction The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God’s dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Their words, written on gold plates, were quoted and abridged by a prophet-historian named Mormon. The record gives an account of two great civilizations. One came from Je- rusalem in 600 b.c. and afterward separated into two nations, known as the Nephites and the Lamanites. The other came much earlier when the Lord confounded the tongues at the Tower of Babel. This group is known as the Jaredites. After thousands of years, all were destroyed ex- cept the Lamanites, and they are among the ancestors of the American Indians. The crowning event recorded in the Book of Mormon is the personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ among the Nephites soon after His res- urrection. It puts forth the doctrines of the gospel, outlines the plan of salvation, and tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and eternal salvation in the life to come. After Mormon completed his writings, he delivered the account to his son Moroni, who added a few words of his own and hid up the plates in the Hill Cumorah. On September 21, 1823, the same Moroni, then a glo- rified, resurrected being, appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith and in- structed him relative to the ancient record and its destined translation into the English language. In due course the plates were delivered to Joseph Smith, who translated them by the gift and power of God. The record is now published in many languages as a new and additional witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that all who will come unto Him and obey the laws and ordinances of His gospel may be saved. Concerning this record the Prophet Joseph Smith said: “I told the breth- ren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.” In addition to Joseph Smith, the Lord provided for eleven others to see the gold plates for themselves and to be special witnesses of the truth and divinity of the Book of Mormon. Their written testimonies are included herewith as “The Testimony of Three Witnesses” and “The Testimony of Eight Witnesses.” We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost. (See Moroni 10:3–5.) Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is His revelator and prophet in these last days, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom once again established on the earth, preparatory to the Second Coming of the Messiah.

The Testimony of Three Witnesses Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom   this work shall come: That we, through the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates which contain this record, which is a record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their brethren, and also of the people of Jared, who came from the tower of which hath been spoken. And we also know that they have been trans- lated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us; wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not of man. And we declare with words of soberness, that an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon; and we know that it is by the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, that we beheld and bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes. Nevertheless, the voice of the Lord commanded us that we should bear record of it; wherefore, to be obedient unto the commandments of God, we bear testimony of these things. And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the judgment-seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him eternally in the heavens. And the honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen. Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Martin Harris The Testimony of Eight Witnesses Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom   this work shall come: That Joseph Smith, Jun., the translator of this work, has shown unto us the plates of which hath been spoken, which have the appearance of gold; and as many of the leaves as the said Smith has translated we did handle with our hands; and we also saw the en- gravings thereon, all of which has the appearance of ancient work, and of curious workmanship. And this we bear record with words of sober- ness, that the said Smith has shown unto us, for we have seen and hefted, and know of a surety that the said Smith has got the plates of which we have spoken. And we give our names unto the world, to witness unto the world that which we have seen. And we lie not, God bearing witness of it. Christian Whitmer Hiram Page Jacob Whitmer Joseph Smith, Sen. Peter Whitmer, Jun. Hyrum Smith John Whitmer Samuel H. Smith

The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith The Prophet Joseph Smith’s own words about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon are: “On the evening of the . . . twenty-first of September [1823] . . . I betook myself to prayer and supplication to Almighty God. . . . “While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside, standing in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor. “He had on a loose robe of most exquisite whiteness. It was a whiteness beyond anything earthly I had ever seen; nor do I believe that any earthly thing could be made to appear so exceedingly white and brilliant. His hands were naked, and his arms also, a little above the wrist; so, also, were his feet naked, as were his legs, a little above the ankles. His head and neck were also bare. I could discover that he had no other clothing on but this robe, as it was open, so that I could see into his bosom. “Not only was his robe exceedingly white, but his whole person was glorious beyond description, and his countenance truly like lightning. The room was exceedingly light, but not so very bright as immediately around his person. When I first looked upon him, I was afraid; but the fear soon left me. “He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Moroni; that God had a work for me to do; and that my name should be had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues, or that it should be both good and evil spoken of among all people. “He said there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang. He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants; “Also, that there were two stones in silver bows—and these stones, fas- tened to a breastplate, constituted what is called the Urim and Thum- mim—deposited with the plates; and the possession and use of these stones were what constituted ‘seers’ in ancient or former times; and that God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book. . . . “Again, he told me, that when I got those plates of which he had spo- ken—for the time that they should be obtained was not yet fulfilled—I should not show them to any person; neither the breastplate with the Urim and Thummim; only to those to whom I should be commanded to show them; if I did I should be destroyed. While he was conversing with me about the plates, the vision was opened to my mind that I could see the place where the plates were deposited, and that so clearly and dis- tinctly that I knew the place again when I visited it. “After this communication, I saw the light in the room begin to gather immediately around the person of him who had been speaking to me, and it continued to do so until the room was again left dark, except just around him; when, instantly I saw, as it were, a conduit open right up into heaven, and he ascended till he entirely disappeared, and the room was left as it had been before this heavenly light had made its appearance. “I lay musing on the singularity of the scene, and marveling greatly at what had been told to me by this extraordinary messenger; when, in the

Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith x midst of my meditation, I suddenly discovered that my room was again beginning to get lighted, and in an instant, as it were, the same heavenly messenger was again by my bedside. “He commenced, and again related the very same things which he had done at his first visit, without the least variation; which having done, he informed me of great judgments which were coming upon the earth, with great desolations by famine, sword, and pestilence; and that these grievous judgments would come on the earth in this generation. Having related these things, he again ascended as he had done before. “By this time, so deep were the impressions made on my mind, that sleep had fled from my eyes, and I lay overwhelmed in astonishment at what I had both seen and heard. But what was my surprise when again I beheld the same messenger at my bedside, and heard him rehearse or repeat over again to me the same things as before; and added a caution to me, telling me that Satan would try to tempt me (in consequence of the indigent circumstances of my father’s family), to get the plates for the purpose of getting rich. This he forbade me, saying that I must have no other object in view in getting the plates but to glorify God, and must not be influenced by any other motive than that of building his kingdom; otherwise I could not get them. “After this third visit, he again ascended into heaven as before, and I was again left to ponder on the strangeness of what I had just experi- enced; when almost immediately after the heavenly messenger had as- cended from me for the third time, the cock crowed, and I found that day was approaching, so that our interviews must have occupied the whole of that night. “I shortly after arose from my bed, and, as usual, went to the necessary labors of the day; but, in attempting to work as at other times, I found my strength so exhausted as to render me entirely unable. My father, who was laboring along with me, discovered something to be wrong with me, and told me to go home. I started with the intention of going to the house; but, in attempting to cross the fence out of the field where we were, my strength entirely failed me, and I fell helpless on the ground, and for a time was quite unconscious of anything. “The first thing that I can recollect was a voice speaking unto me, call- ing me by name. I looked up, and beheld the same messenger standing over my head, surrounded by light as before. He then again related unto me all that he had related to me the previous night, and commanded me to go to my father and tell him of the vision and commandments which I had received. “I obeyed; I returned to my father in the field, and rehearsed the whole matter to him. He replied to me that it was of God, and told me to go and do as commanded by the messenger. I left the field, and went to the place where the messenger had told me the plates were deposited; and owing to the distinctness of the vision which I had had concerning it, I knew the place the instant that I arrived there. “Convenient to the village of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, stands a hill of considerable size, and the most elevated of any in the neighborhood. On the west side of this hill, not far from the top, under a stone of considerable size, lay the plates, deposited in a stone box. This stone was thick and rounding in the middle on the upper side, and thin- ner towards the edges, so that the middle part of it was visible above the ground, but the edge all around was covered with earth. “Having removed the earth, I obtained a lever, which I got fixed under the edge of the stone, and with a little exertion raised it up. I looked in, and there indeed did I behold the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and

xi Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith the breastplate, as stated by the messenger. The box in which they lay was formed by laying stones together in some kind of cement. In the bot- tom of the box were laid two stones crossways of the box, and on these stones lay the plates and the other things with them. “I made an attempt to take them out, but was forbidden by the messen- ger, and was again informed that the time for bringing them forth had not yet arrived, neither would it, until four years from that time; but he told me that I should come to that place precisely in one year from that time, and that he would there meet with me, and that I should continue to do so until the time should come for obtaining the plates. “Accordingly, as I had been commanded, I went at the end of each year, and at each time I found the same messenger there, and received instruc- tion and intelligence from him at each of our interviews, respecting what the Lord was going to do, and how and in what manner his kingdom was to be conducted in the last days. . . . “At length the time arrived for obtaining the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the breastplate. On the twenty-second day of Septem- ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, having gone as usual at the end of another year to the place where they were deposited, the same heavenly messenger delivered them up to me with this charge: that I should be responsible for them; that if I should let them go carelessly, or through any neglect of mine, I should be cut off; but that if I would use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he, the messenger, should call for them, they should be protected. “I soon found out the reason why I had received such strict charges to keep them safe, and why it was that the messenger had said that when I had done what was required at my hand, he would call for them. For no sooner was it known that I had them, than the most strenuous exertions were used to get them from me. Every stratagem that could be invented was resorted to for that purpose. The persecution became more bitter and severe than before, and multitudes were on the alert continually to get them from me if possible. But by the wisdom of God, they remained safe in my hands, until I had accomplished by them what was required at my hand. When, according to arrangements, the messenger called for them, I delivered them up to him; and he has them in his charge until this day, being the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.” For a more complete account, see Joseph Smith—History in the Pearl of Great Price. The ancient record thus brought forth from the earth as the voice of a people speaking from the dust, and translated into modern speech by the gift and power of God as attested by Divine affirmation, was first pub- lished to the world in the year 1830 as The Book of Mormon.

A Brief Explanation about the book of Mormon The Book of Mormon is a sacred record of peoples in ancient America and was engraved upon metal plates. Sources from which this record was compiled include the following: 1. The Plates of Nephi, which were of two kinds: the small plates and the large plates. The former were more particularly devoted to spiritual matters and the ministry and teachings of the prophets, while the lat- ter were occupied mostly by a secular history of the peoples concerned (1 Nephi 9:2–4). From the time of Mosiah, however, the large plates also included items of major spiritual importance. 2. The Plates of Mormon, which consist of an abridgment by Mormon from the large plates of Nephi, with many commentaries. These plates also contained a continuation of the history by Mormon and additions by his son Moroni. 3. The Plates of Ether, which present a history of the Jaredites. This record was abridged by Moroni, who inserted comments of his own and incorpo- rated the record with the general history under the title “Book of Ether.” 4. The Plates of Brass brought by the people of Lehi from Jerusalem in 600 b.c. These contained “the five books of Moses, . . . and also a record of the Jews from the beginning, . . . down to the commencement of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah; and also the prophecies of the holy prophets” (1 Nephi 5:11–13). Many quotations from these plates, citing Isaiah and other biblical and nonbiblical prophets, appear in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon comprises fifteen main parts or divisions, known, with one exception, as books, usually designated by the name of their princi- pal author. The first portion (the first six books, ending with Omni) is a trans- lation from the small plates of Nephi. Between the books of Omni and Mosiah is an insert called the Words of Mormon. This insert connects the record engraved on the small plates with Mormon’s abridgment of the large plates. The longest portion, from Mosiah through Mormon chapter 7, is a trans- lation of Mormon’s abridgment of the large plates of Nephi. The concluding portion, from Mormon chapter 8 to the end of the volume, was engraved by Mormon’s son Moroni, who, after finishing the record of his father’s life, made an abridgment of the Jaredite record (as the book of Ether) and later added the parts known as the book of Moroni. In or about the year a.d. 421, Moroni, the last of the Nephite prophet- historians, sealed the sacred record and hid it up unto the Lord, to be brought forth in the latter days, as predicted by the voice of God through His ancient prophets. In a.d. 1823, this same Moroni, then a resurrected personage, visited the Prophet Joseph Smith and subsequently delivered the engraved plates to him. About this edition: The original title page, immediately preceding the contents page, is taken from the plates and is part of the sacred text. Introductions in a non-italic typeface, such as in 1 Nephi and immediately preceding Mosiah chapter 9, are also part of the sacred text. Introductions in italics, such as in chapter headings, are not original to the text but are study helps included for convenience in reading. Some minor errors in the text have been perpetuated in past editions of the Book of Mormon. This edition contains corrections that seem appropriate to bring the material into conformity with prepublication manuscripts and early editions edited by the Prophet Joseph Smith.

I l l u s t r a ti o n s

The Lord Jesus Christ Painting by Heinrich Hofmann

The Prophet Joseph Smith Painting by Alvin Gittins See “The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” pages ix–xi See “The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” pages xx–xx

Lehi discovers the Liahona Painting by Arnold Friberg See 1 Nephi 16, pages 33–36 See 1 Nephi 16, pages 00–00

Lehi and his people arrive in the promised land Painting by Arnold Friberg See 1 Nephi 18, pages 41–43 See 1 Nephi 18, pages 00–00

Alma baptizes in the Waters of Mormon Painting by Arnold Friberg See Mosiah 18, pages 180–83 See Mosiah 18, pages 00–00

Samuel the Lamanite prophesies Painting by Arnold Friberg See Helaman 16, pages 404–6 See Helaman 16, pages 00–00

Jesus Christ visits the Americas Painting by John Scott See 3 Nephi 11, pages 427–30 See 3 Nephi 11, pages 00–00

Moroni buries the Nephite record Painting by Tom Lovell See Mormon 8, pages 481–84 See Mormon 8, pages 00–00

The First Book of Nephi His Reign and Ministry An account of Lehi and his wife Sariah, and his four sons, being called, (be- ginning at the eldest) Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. The Lord warns Lehi to depart out of the land of Jerusalem, because he prophesieth unto the people concerning their iniquity and they seek to destroy his life. He taketh three days’ journey into the wilderness with his family. Nephi taketh his brethren and returneth to the land of Jerusalem after the record of the Jews. The account of their sufferings. They take the daughters of Ishmael to wife. They take their families and depart into the wilderness. Their sufferings and afflictions in the wilderness. The course of their travels. They come to the large waters. Nephi’s brethren rebel against him. He confoundeth them, and buildeth a ship. They call the name of the place Bountiful. They cross the large waters into the promised land, and so forth. This is according to the account of Nephi; or in other words, I, Nephi, wrote this record. Chapter 1 2 Yea, I make a record in the a lan- Nephi begins the record of his people— guage of my father, which consists Lehi sees in vision a pillar of fire and of the learning of the Jews and the reads from a book of prophecy—He language of the Egyptians. praises God, foretells the coming of the Messiah, and prophesies the destruction 3 And I know that the record which of Jerusalem—He is persecuted by the I make is a true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it ac- IJews. About 600 b.c. cording to my knowledge. , Nephi, having been a born of b goodly c parents, therefore I 4 For it came to pass in the com- was d taught somewhat in all the mencement of the a first year of the learning of my father; and having reign of b Zedekiah, king of Judah, seen many e afflictions in the course (my father, Lehi, having dwelt at of my days, nevertheless, having c Jerusalem in all his days); and in been highly favored of the Lord in all that same year there came many my days; yea, having had a great d prophets, prophesying unto the knowledge of the goodness and people that they must e repent, or the mysteries of God, therefore I the great city f Jerusalem must be make a f record of my proceedings destroyed. in my days. 5 Wherefore it came to pass that my father, Lehi, as he went forth prayed unto the Lord, yea, even 1 1 a tg Birthright. Scriptures, Writing of. c 1 Chr. 9:3; 2 a Mosiah 1:4; 2 Chr. 15:9; b Prov. 22:1. Alma 7:10. c Mosiah 1:2 (2–3); Morm. 9:32 (32–33). 3 a 1 Ne. 14:30; d 2 Kgs. 17:13 (13–15); D&C 68:25 (25, 28). 2 Chr. 36:15 (15–16); tg Honoring Father and 2 Ne. 25:20; Jer. 7:25; 26:20. Mother. Mosiah 1:6; tg Prophets, Mission of. d Enos 1:1. Alma 3:12; tg Education; Ether 5:3 (1–3). e tg Repent. Family, Children, 4 a 1 Ne. 2:4; f Jer. 26:18 (17–19); Responsibilities toward; Mosiah 6:4. Family, Love within. b 2 Kgs. 24:18; 2 Ne. 1:4; e tg Affliction; 2 Chr. 36:10; Hel. 8:20. Blessing; Jer. 37:1; 44:30; 49:34; tg Israel, Bondage of, God, Gifts of. 52:3 (3–5); in Other Lands; f tg Record Keeping; Omni 1:15. Jerusalem.

1 Nephi 1 : 6–16 2 with all his a heart, in behalf of his read, he was filled with the a Spirit people. of the Lord. 6 And it came to pass as he prayed 13 And he read, saying: Wo, wo, unto the Lord, there came a a pillar unto Jerusalem, for I have seen of fire and dwelt upon a rock before thine a abominations! Yea, and many him; and he saw and heard much; things did my father read concern- and because of the things which he ing b Jerusalem—that it should be saw and heard he did b quake and destroyed, and the inhabitants tremble exceedingly. thereof; many should perish by the sword, and many should be c carried 7 And it came to pass that he re- away captive into Babylon. turned to his own house at Jeru- salem; and he cast himself upon 14 And it came to pass that when his bed, being a overcome with the my father had read and seen many Spirit and the things which he had great and marvelous things, he did seen. exclaim many things unto the Lord; such as: Great and marvelous are 8 And being thus overcome with thy works, O Lord God Almighty! the Spirit, he was carried away Thy throne is high in the heavens, in a a vision, even that he saw the and thy a power, and goodness, and b heavens open, and he thought he mercy are over all the inhabitants c saw God sitting upon his throne, of the earth; and, because thou art surrounded with numberless con- merciful, thou wilt not suffer those courses of angels in the attitude who b come unto thee that they shall of singing and praising their God. perish! 9 And it came to pass that he saw 15 And after this manner was One descending out of the midst the language of my father in the of heaven, and he beheld that his praising of his God; for his soul did a luster was above that of the sun rejoice, and his whole heart was at noon-day. filled, because of the things which he had seen, yea, which the Lord 10  And he also saw a twelve others had shown unto him. following him, and their brightness did exceed that of the stars in the 16 And now I, Nephi, do not make firmament. a full account of the things which my father hath written, for he hath 11 And they came down and went written many things which he saw forth upon the face of the earth; and in a visions and in b dreams; and the first came and a stood before my he also hath written many things father, and gave unto him a b book, which he c prophesied and spake and bade him that he should read. 12 And it came to pass that as he 5 a Jer. 29:13; Alma 36:22; Jer. 13:27. James 5:16; Hel. 5:48 (45–49); b 2 Kgs. 23:27; 24:2; 2 Ne. 4:24 (23–25). D&C 137:1. c tg God, Manifesta- Jer. 13:14; 6 a Ex. 13:21; tions of; Ezek. 15:6 (6–8); Hel. 5:24 (24, 43); God, Privilege of Seeing. 1 Ne. 2:13; 3:17. D&C 29:12; 9 a JS—H 1:17 (16–17), c 2 Kgs. 20:17 (17–18); JS—H 1:16, 30. 30 (30–32). Jer. 52:15 (3–15); 10 a tg Apostles. 2 Ne. 25:10; b Isa. 6:5 (1–5). 11 a 1 Sam. 3:10; Omni 1:15. 7 a Dan. 8:27 (26–27); D&C 110:2 (2–3). tg Babylon. b Ezek. 2:9 (9–10); 14 a tg God, Power of. 10:8 (8–12); Rev. 10:9 (2–11). b 2 Ne. 26:25 (24–28); 1 Ne. 17:47; 12 a Gen. 41:38; Alma 5:34 (33–36); Alma 27:17; Mosiah 27:24; 3 Ne. 9:14 (13–14). Moses 1:10 (9–10). Alma 18:16. 16 a Ezek. 1:1; 8 a 1 Ne. 3:18 (17–18); 5:4. 13 a 2 Kgs. 24:19; JS—H 1:24 (21–25). tg Vision. 2 Chr. 36:14; b 1 Ne. 8:2 (2–38). b Ezek. 1:1; c 1 Ne. 7:1. Acts 7:56 (55–56); 1 Ne. 11:14;

3 1 Nephi 1 : 17–2 : 4 unto his children, of which I shall those whom he hath chosen, be- not make a full account. cause of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of 17 But I shall make an account of d deliverance. my proceedings in my days. Behold, I make an a abridgment of the record Chapter 2 of my b father, upon c plates which I Lehi takes his family into the wilder- have made with mine own hands; ness by the Red Sea—They leave their wherefore, after I have abridged property—Lehi offers a sacrifice to the the record of my d father then will I Lord and teaches his sons to keep the make an account of mine own life. commandments—Laman and Lemuel murmur against their father—Nephi is 18 Therefore, I would that ye obedient and prays in faith; the Lord should know, that after the Lord had speaks to him, and he is chosen to rule shown so many marvelous things over his brethren. About 600 b.c. unto my father, Lehi, yea, concern- For behold, it came to pass that ing the a destruction of Jerusalem, the Lord spake unto my father, yea, behold he went forth among the even in a dream, and said unto him: people, and began to b prophesy Blessed art thou Lehi, because of and to declare unto them concern- the things which thou hast done; ing the things which he had both and because thou hast been faithful seen and heard. and declared unto this people the things which I commanded thee, 19 And it came to pass that the behold, they seek to a take away a Jews did b mock him because of the thy b life. things which he testified of them; for he truly testified of their c wick- 2 And it came to pass that the Lord edness and their abominations; and a commanded my father, even in a he testified that the things which he b dream, that he should c take his fam- saw and heard, and also the things ily and depart into the wilderness. which he read in the book, mani- fested plainly of the coming of a 3 And it came to pass that he was d Messiah, and also the redemption a obedient unto the word of the Lord, of the world. wherefore he did as the Lord com- manded him. 20 And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; 4 And it came to pass that he de- yea, even as with the prophets of parted into the wilderness. And old, whom they had a cast out, and he left his house, and the land of stoned, and slain; and they also his inheritance, and his gold, and b sought his life, that they might his silver, and his precious things, take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, and took nothing with him, save it will show unto you that the tender c mercies of the Lord are over all 17 a 1 Ne. 9:2 (2–5); Ezek. 5:6; b 1 Ne. 7:14. Enos 1:13 (13, 15–18). 1 Ne. 2:13; 7:14. 2 a 1 Ne. 3:16; 4:34; tg Scriptures, c 1 Ne. 17:22. Writing of. d tg Jesus Christ, 5:8; 17:44; Prophecies about. Mosiah 7:20; b 1 Ne. 6:1 (1–3); 20 a Jer. 13:11; Alma 9:9. 8:29 (29–30); 19:1 (1–6). Hel. 13:24 (24–28). tg Called of God. b Jer. 11:19; b tg Dream. c 1 Ne. 10:15. 1 Ne. 2:2 (1–4). c Gen. 12:1; 19:12; d 2 Ne. 4:14; 5:33 (29–33); tg Prophets, 1 Ne. 1:20 (18–20); Rejection of. 2 Ne. 10:20; D&C 10:42. c Gen. 32:10; Ether 1:42; 18 a 2 Ne. 25:9; Alma 34:38; Abr. 2:3. D&C 46:15. tg Protection, Divine. D&C 5:20. 2 1 ad tg Deliver. 3 a tg Commitment. b tg Prophets, Mission of; tg Persecution. Prophets, Rejection of. 19 a tg Apostasy of Israel. b 2 Chr. 36:16; Jer. 25:4 (1–4);

1 Nephi 2 : 5–16 4 were his family, and provisions, Lemuel; for behold they did b mur- and tents, and a departed into the mur in many things against their wilderness. c father, because he was a d visionary man, and had led them out of the 5 And he came down by the bor- land of Jerusalem, to leave the land ders near the shore of the a Red Sea; of their inheritance, and their gold, and he traveled in the wilderness and their silver, and their precious in the borders which are nearer the things, to perish in the wilderness. Red Sea; and he did travel in the And this they said he had done be- wilderness with his family, which cause of the foolish imaginations consisted of my mother, Sariah, of his heart. and my elder brothers, who were Laman, Lemuel, and Sam. 12 And thus Laman and Lemuel, being the eldest, did murmur against 6 And it came to pass that when he their a father. And they did b murmur had traveled three days in the wilder- because they c knew not the deal- ness, he pitched his tent in a a valley ings of that God who had d created by the side of a b river of water. them. 7 And it came to pass that he built 13 Neither did they a believe that an a altar of b stones, and made an Jerusalem, that great city, could be c offering unto the Lord, and gave b destroyed according to the words d thanks unto the Lord our God. of the prophets. And they were like unto the Jews who were at Jerusa- 8 And it came to pass that he called lem, who sought to take away the the name of the river, Laman, and life of my father. it emptied into the Red Sea; and the valley was in the borders near 14 And it came to pass that my the mouth thereof. father did speak unto them in the a valley of Lemuel, with b power, 9 And when my father saw that being filled with the Spirit, until the waters of the river emptied their frames did c shake before him. into the a fountain of the Red Sea, And he did confound them, that he spake unto Laman, saying: O they durst not utter against him; that thou mightest be like unto this wherefore, they did as he com- river, continually running into the manded them. fountain of all righteousness! 15 And my father dwelt in a a tent. 10 And he also spake unto Lem- 16 And it came to pass that I, uel: O that thou mightest be like Nephi, being exceedingly young, unto this valley, a firm and b stead- nevertheless being large in stat- fast, and immovable in keeping the ure, and also having great desires commandments of the Lord! to know of the a mysteries of God, 11 Now this he spake because of the a stiffneckedness of Laman and 4 a 1 Ne. 10:4; 19:8. 10 a ie like Ezion-geber, the D&C 43:23. 5 a 1 Ne. 16:14; Hebrew roots of which tg Man, Physical denote firmness and Creation of. D&C 17:1. strength, or might of 13 a Ezek. 5:6; 6 a 1 Ne. 9:1. a man. 1 Ne. 1:19 (18–20). b Joel 1:20. b Jer. 13:14; 7 a Gen. 12:7 (7–8); 26:25; b tg Dependability. 1 Ne. 1:13 (4–13). 11 a tg Stiffnecked. 14 a 1 Ne. 9:1; 16:6 (6, 12). Ex. 24:4; b 1 Ne. 17:17. b tg Priesthood, Abr. 2:17. Power of. b Ex. 20:25; tg Murmuring. c 1 Ne. 17:45. Deut. 27:5 (5–6); c Prov. 20:20. 15 a Gen. 12:8; Josh. 8:31 (30–31). d 1 Ne. 5:4 (2–4); 17:20. 26:17 (17, 25); c tg Sacrifice. 12 a Lam. 4:16 (16–17). 31:25 (25, 33); d tg Thanksgiving. b 1 Sam. 3:13; 1 Ne. 4:38; 10:16. 9 a ie fount, or source, like 16 a tg Mysteries of the Gulf of Akaba, Mosiah 27:8 (7–37); Godliness. which empties into the Moses 5:16. Red Sea. c Moses 4:6. d Deut. 32:6;

5 1 Nephi 2 : 17–3 : 5 wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; thy seed except they shall c rebel and behold he did b visit me, and against me also. did c soften my heart that I did d be- lieve all the words which had been 24 And if it so be that they rebel spoken by my e father; wherefore, I against me, they shall be a a scourge did not f rebel against him like unto unto thy seed, to b stir them up in my brothers. the ways of remembrance. 17 And I spake unto Sam, making Chapter 3 known unto him the things which Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem to ob- the Lord had manifested unto me tain the plates of brass—Laban refuses by his Holy Spirit. And it came to to give the plates up—Nephi exhorts pass that he believed in my words. and encourages his brethren—Laban steals their property and attempts to 18 But, behold, Laman and Lemuel slay them—Laman and Lemuel smite would not hearken unto my words; Nephi and Sam and are reproved by and being a grieved because of the an angel. About 600–592 b.c. hardness of their hearts I cried unto And it came to pass that I, Nephi, the Lord for them. returned from a speaking with the Lord, to the tent of my father. 19 And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed 2 And it came to pass that he spake art thou, Nephi, because of thy unto me, saying: Behold I have a faith, for thou hast sought me dreamed a a dream, in the which diligently, with lowliness of heart. the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren shall b return 20 And inasmuch as ye shall keep to Jerusalem. my commandments, ye shall a pros- per, and shall be led to a b land of 3 For behold, Laban hath the promise; yea, even a land which I record of the Jews and also a a ge- have prepared for you; yea, a land nealogy of my forefathers, and which is choice above all other they are b engraven upon plates of lands. brass. 21 And inasmuch as thy brethren 4 Wherefore, the Lord hath com- shall rebel against thee, they shall manded me that thou and thy be a cut off from the presence of brothers should go unto the house the Lord. of Laban, and seek the records, and bring them down hither into the 22 And inasmuch as thou shalt wilderness. keep my commandments, thou shalt be made a a ruler and a teacher 5 And now, behold thy brothers over thy brethren. murmur, saying it is a hard thing which I have required of them; but 23 For behold, in that day that behold I have not required it of they shall a rebel against me, I will b curse them even with a sore curse, and they shall have no power over 16 b Ps. 8:4; 1 Ne. 4:14; 1 Ne. 12:22 (22–23); 1 Ne. 3:1; 19:11; Mosiah 1:7. D&C 41:1. Alma 17:10; b Deut. 33:13 (13–16); tg Curse. D&C 5:16. 1 Chr. 28:8 (7–8); c Josh. 22:16; tg Guidance, Divine. 1 Ne. 5:5 (5, 22); 7:13; Mosiah 15:26. Moses 7:17 (17–18). 24 a Josh. 23:13; c 1 Kgs. 18:37; tg Promised Lands. Judg. 2:22 (22–23). Alma 5:7. 21 a Josh. 23:13; 3 1 ba 2 Ne. 5:25. 2 Ne. 5:20 (20–24); 1 Ne. 2:16. d 1 Ne. 11:5. Alma 9:14 (13–15); 38:1. 2 a tg Dream. e tg Honoring Father and 22 a Gen. 37:8 (8–11); b 1 Ne. 2:4 (1–5); 7:3. 1 Ne. 3:29. 3 a 1 Ne. 3:12; 5:14. Mother. tg Authority. b Jer. 17:1; f tg Family, Love within. 23 a Job 24:13. 1 Ne. 3:24 (12, 19–24). 18 a Alma 31:24; b Deut. 11:28; 3 Ne. 7:16. 19 a 1 Ne. 7:12 (9–13); 15:11. 20 a Josh. 1:7;

1 Nephi 3 : 6–20 6 them, but it is a commandment of 14 But Laman fled out of his pres- the Lord. ence, and told the things which La- ban had done, unto us. And we began 6 Therefore go, my son, and thou to be exceedingly sorrowful, and shalt be favored of the Lord, because my brethren were about to return thou hast a not b murmured. unto my father in the wilderness. 7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, 15 But behold I said unto them said unto my father: I a will go and that: aA  s the Lord liveth, and as we do the things which the Lord hath live, we will not go down unto our commanded, for I know that the father in the wilderness until we Lord giveth no b commandments have b accomplished the thing which unto the children of men, save he the Lord hath commanded us. shall c prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing 16 Wherefore, let us be faithful which he commandeth them. in keeping the commandments of the Lord; therefore let us go down 8 And it came to pass that when to the land of our father’s a inheri- my father had heard these words he tance, for behold he left gold and was exceedingly glad, for he knew silver, and all manner of riches. that I had been blessed of the Lord. And all this he hath done because of the b commandments of the Lord. 9 And I, Nephi, and my brethren took our journey in the wilderness, 17 For he knew that Jerusalem with our tents, to go up to the land must be a destroyed, because of the of Jerusalem. wickedness of the people. 10 And it came to pass that when 18 For behold, they have a rejected we had gone up to the land of Je- the words of the prophets. Where- rusalem, I and my brethren did fore, if my father should dwell in the consult one with another. land after he hath been b commanded to flee out of the land, behold, he 11 And we a cast lots—who of us would also perish. Wherefore, it should go in unto the house of Laban. must needs be that he flee out of And it came to pass that the lot fell the land. upon Laman; and Laman went in unto the house of Laban, and he 19 And behold, it is wisdom in talked with him as he sat in his God that we should obtain these house. a records, that we may preserve unto our children the language of 12 And he desired of Laban the our fathers; records which were engraven upon the plates of brass, which contained 20 And also that we may a preserve the a genealogy of my father. unto them the words which have been spoken by the mouth of all 13 And behold, it came to pass the holy b prophets, which have that Laban was angry, and thrust been delivered unto them by the him out from his presence; and he Spirit and power of God, since the would not that he should have the world began, even down unto this records. Wherefore, he said unto present time. him: Behold thou art a robber, and I will slay thee. 6 a tg Sustaining Church 11 a Neh. 10:34; Acts 1:26. 18 a Jer. 26:23 (21–24). Leaders. 12 a 1 Ne. 3:3; 5:14; tg Prophets, Rejection of. b tg Murmuring. Jarom 1:1. 7 a 1 Sam. 17:32; 15 a tg Oath; b 1 Ne. 5:21; 7:2; 16:8. 19 a Omni 1:17; 1 Kgs. 17:15 (11–15). Promise. tg Faith; Loyalty; b tg Commitment; Mosiah 1:3 (2–6). Obedience. tg Record Keeping. b tg Commandments Dedication. 20 a tg Scriptures, of God. 16 a 1 Ne. 2:4. Preservation of. c Gen. 18:14; Philip. 4:13; b 1 Ne. 2:2; 4:34. b Zech. 7:12; 1 Ne. 17:3, 50; 17 a 2 Chr. 36:20 (16–20); Matt. 11:13; D&C 5:34. Mosiah 15:13. Jer. 39:9 (1–9); 1 Ne. 1:13.

7 1 Nephi 3 : 21–4 : 2 21 And it came to pass that af- smote us with a rod, behold, an ter this manner of language did I a angel of the Lord came and stood a persuade my brethren, that they before them, and he spake unto might be faithful in keeping the them, saying: Why do ye smite your commandments of God. younger brother with a rod? Know ye not that the Lord hath chosen 22 And it came to pass that we him to be a b ruler over you, and this went down to the land of our inheri­ because of your iniquities? Behold tance, and we did gather together ye shall go up to Jerusalem again, our a gold, and our silver, and our and the Lord will c deliver Laban precious things. into your hands. 23 And after we had gathered these 30 And after the a angel had spo- things together, we went up again ken unto us, he departed. unto the house of Laban. 31 And after the angel had de- 24 And it came to pass that we parted, Laman and Lemuel again went in unto Laban, and desired began to a murmur, saying: How is him that he would give unto us the it possible that the Lord will deliver records which were engraven upon Laban into our hands? Behold, he the a plates of brass, for which we is a mighty man, and he can com- would give unto him our gold, and our mand fifty, yea, even he can slay silver, and all our precious things. fifty; then why not us? 25 And it came to pass that when Chapter 4 Laban saw our property, and that it Nephi slays Laban at the Lord’s com- was exceedingly great, he did a lust mand and then secures the plates of after it, insomuch that he thrust us brass by stratagem—Zoram chooses out, and sent his servants to slay us, to join Lehi’s family in the wilderness. that he might obtain our property. About 600–592 b.c. And it came to pass that I spake 26 And a it came to pass that we unto my brethren, saying: Let us did flee before the servants of La- go up again unto Jerusalem, and ban, and we were obliged to leave let us be a faithful in keeping the behind our property, and it fell into commandments of the Lord; for the hands of Laban. behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not b mightier than 27 And it came to pass that we Laban and his fifty, yea, or even fled into the wilderness, and the than his tens of thousands? servants of Laban did not overtake us, and we a hid ourselves in the 2 Therefore let us go up; let us cavity of a rock. be a strong like unto Moses; for he truly spake unto the waters of the 28 And it came to pass that Laman b Red Sea and they divided hither was angry with me, and also with and thither, and our fathers came my father; and also was Lemuel, through, out of captivity, on dry for he hearkened unto the words ground, and the armies of Pharaoh of Laman. Wherefore Laman and Lemuel did speak many a hard words unto us, their younger brothers, and they did smite us even with a rod. 29 And it came to pass as they 21 a tg Family, Love within; 28 a 1 Ne. 17:18. Dependability; Persuade. 29 a 1 Ne. 4:3; 7:10. Faithful. tg Angels. b 1 Ne. 7:11. 22 a 1 Ne. 2:4. b Gen. 41:43 (41–43); tg God, Power of. 24 a 1 Ne. 3:3; 4:24 (24, 38). 1 Ne. 2:22. 2 a Deut. 11:8; 25 a tg Covet. c 2 Kgs. 3:18; Prov. 24:10 (10–12). 26 a 1 Ne. 4:11. 3 Ne. 3:21. b Ex. 14:21 (18–30); 27 a Josh. 10:16 (16–17); 30 a 1 Ne. 4:3; 16:38. Josh. 2:10; 4 3 11 aa tg Murmuring. 1 Ne. 17:26; 1 Sam. 13:6; tg Courage; Mosiah 7:19. Jer. 36:26; Ether 13:13 (13, 22).

1 Nephi 4 : 3–19 8 did follow and were drowned in the 11 And the Spirit said unto me waters of the Red Sea. again: Behold the a Lord hath b deliv- ered him into thy hands. Yea, and 3 Now behold ye know that this is I also knew that he had sought to true; and ye also know that an a an- take away mine own life; yea, and gel hath spoken unto you; where- he would not hearken unto the fore can ye b doubt? Let us go up; the commandments of the Lord; and he Lord is able to c deliver us, even as also had c taken away our property. our fathers, and to destroy Laban, even as the Egyptians. 12 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me again: Slay him, 4 Now when I had spoken these for the Lord hath delivered him words, they were yet wroth, and did into thy hands; still continue to murmur; neverthe- less they did follow me up until we 13 Behold the Lord a slayeth the came without the walls of Jerusalem. b wicked to bring forth his righ- teous purposes. It is c better that 5 And it was by night; and I caused one man should perish than that a that they should hide themselves nation should dwindle and perish without the walls. And after they in d unbelief. had hid themselves, I, Nephi, crept into the city and went forth towards 14 And now, when I, Nephi, had the house of Laban. heard these words, I remembered the words of the Lord which he 6 And I was a led by the Spirit, not spake unto me in the wilderness, b knowing beforehand the things saying that: a Inasmuch as thy seed which I should do. shall keep my b commandments, they shall c prosper in the d land of 7 Nevertheless I went forth, and promise. as I came near unto the house of Laban I beheld a man, and he had 15 Yea, and I also thought that they fallen to the earth before me, for could not keep the commandments he was a drunken with wine. of the Lord according to the a law of Moses, save they should have the law. 8 And when I came to him I found that it was Laban. 16 And I also knew that the a law was engraven upon the plates of 9 And I beheld his a sword, and brass. I drew it forth from the sheath thereof; and the hilt thereof was 17 And again, I knew that the Lord of pure gold, and the workmanship had delivered Laban into my hands thereof was exceedingly fine, and for this cause—that I might obtain I saw that the blade thereof was of the records according to his com- the most precious steel. mandments. 10 And it came to pass that I was 18 Therefore I did obey the voice a constrained by the Spirit that I of the Spirit, and took Laban by should kill Laban; but I said in my the hair of the head, and I smote heart: Never at any time have I shed off his head with his own a sword. the blood of man. And I shrunk and would that I might not slay him. 19 And after I had smitten off his 3 a 1 Ne. 3:30 (29–31); 7:10. b 1 Ne. 7:11. 14 a Omni 1:6; b tg Doubt. c 1 Ne. 3:26. Mosiah 2:22; c tg Deliver. 13 a Num. 25:17; Ether 2:7 (7–12). 6 a tg Guidance, Divine; Deut. 12:29; b tg Commandments Holy Ghost, Gifts of; Ps. 139:19; of God. Inspiration. 1 Ne. 17:37 (33–38); b Heb. 11:8. D&C 98:32 (31–32). c 1 Ne. 2:20. 7 a tg Drunkenness. b tg Justice; d 1 Ne. 17:13 (13–14); 9 a 2 Ne. 5:14; Punish; D&C 17:1. Wickedness. Jacob 2:12. 10 a 1 Sam. 15:3 (3–33). c Alma 30:47. 15 a Mosiah 1:5 (1–6). 11 a Deut. 3:3; tg Life, Sanctity of. 16 a Josh. 1:8. 1 Sam. 17:46 (41–49). d tg Unbelief. tg Law of Moses. 18 a 1 Sam. 17:51.

9 1 Nephi 4 : 20–37 head with his own sword, I took the after them, and they did hear me; garments of Laban and put them wherefore they did cease to flee upon mine own body; yea, even from my presence. every whit; and I did gird on his armor about my loins. 30 And it came to pass that when the servant of Laban beheld my 20 And after I had done this, I went brethren he began to tremble, and forth unto the treasury of Laban. was about to flee from before me And as I went forth towards the and return to the city of Jerusalem. treasury of Laban, behold, I saw the a servant of Laban who had the keys 31 And now I, Nephi, being a man of the treasury. And I commanded large in stature, and also having re- him in the voice of Laban, that he ceived much a strength of the Lord, should go with me into the treasury. therefore I did seize upon the ser- vant of Laban, and held him, that 21 And he supposed me to be his he should not flee. master, Laban, for he beheld the garments and also the sword girded 32 And it came to pass that I spake about my loins. with him, that if he would hearken unto my words, as the Lord liveth, 22 And he spake unto me con- and as I live, even so that if he would cerning the a elders of the Jews, he hearken unto our words, we would knowing that his master, Laban, spare his life. had been out by night among them. 33 And I spake unto him, even 23 And I spake unto him as if it with an a oath, that he need not fear; had been Laban. that he should be a b free man like unto us if he would go down in the 24 And I also spake unto him that I wilderness with us. should carry the engravings, which were upon the a plates of brass, to 34 And I also spake unto him, my elder brethren, who were with- saying: Surely the Lord hath a com- out the walls. manded us to do this thing; and shall we not be diligent in keeping the 25 And I also bade him that he commandments of the Lord? There- should follow me. fore, if thou wilt go down into the wilderness to my father thou shalt 26 And he, supposing that I spake have place with us. of the a brethren of the b church, and that I was truly that Laban whom 35 And it came to pass that a Zoram I had slain, wherefore he did fol- did take courage at the words which low me. I spake. Now Zoram was the name of the servant; and he promised that he 27 And he spake unto me many would go down into the wilderness times concerning the elders of the unto our father. Yea, and he also Jews, as I went forth unto my breth- made an oath unto us that he would ren, who were without the walls. tarry with us from that time forth. 28 And it came to pass that when 36 Now we were desirous that he Laman saw me he was exceedingly should tarry with us for this cause, frightened, and also Lemuel and that the Jews might not know con- Sam. And they fled from before cerning our flight into the wilder- my presence; for they supposed it ness, lest they should pursue us and was Laban, and that he had slain destroy us. me and had sought to take away their lives also. 37 And it came to pass that when 29 And it came to pass that I called 20 a 2 Ne. 1:30. Num. 18:6; b tg Free. 22 a 2 Sam. 17:15; 2 Sam. 19:41. 34 a 1 Ne. 2:2; 3:16. b tg Church Organization. 35 a 1 Ne. 16:7; Ezek. 8:1; 31 a tg Strength; Acts 25:15. Strengthen. 2 Ne. 5:6 (5–6); 24 a 1 Ne. 3:24 (12, 19–24); 33 a 2 Sam. 21:7. Jacob 1:13; 5:10 (10–22). tg Oath. Alma 54:23; 26 a Ex. 2:11; 4 Ne. 1:36 (36–37).

1 Nephi 4 : 38–5 : 11 10 Zoram had made an a oath unto us, 5 But behold, I have a obtained a our b fears did cease concerning him. b land of promise, in the which things I do rejoice; yea, and I c know that 38 And it came to pass that we the Lord will deliver my sons out of took the plates of brass and the ser- the hands of Laban, and bring them vant of Laban, and departed into down again unto us in the wilderness. the wilderness, and journeyed unto the a tent of our father. 6 And after this manner of lan- guage did my father, Lehi, a comfort Chapter 5 my mother, Sariah, concerning us, Sariah complains against Lehi—Both while we journeyed in the wilder- rejoice over the return of their sons— ness up to the land of Jerusalem, They offer sacrifices—The plates of to obtain the record of the Jews. brass contain writings of Moses and the prophets—The plates identify Lehi as a 7 And when we had returned to descendant of Joseph—Lehi prophesies the tent of my father, behold their concerning his seed and the preserva- joy was full, and my mother was tion of the plates. About 600–592 b.c. comforted. And it came to pass that after we had come down into the wilderness 8 And she spake, saying: Now I unto our father, behold, he was filled know of a surety that the Lord hath with joy, and also my mother, Sa- a commanded my husband to b flee riah, was exceedingly glad, for she into the wilderness; yea, and I also truly had mourned because of us. know of a surety that the Lord hath protected my sons, and delivered 2 For she had supposed that we them out of the hands of Laban, had perished in the wilderness; and and given them power whereby she also had a complained against they could c accomplish the thing my father, telling him that he was which the Lord hath commanded a b visionary man; saying: Behold them. And after this manner of thou hast led us forth from the land language did she speak. of our inheritance, and my sons are no more, and we perish in the 9 And it came to pass that they did wilderness. rejoice exceedingly, and did offer a sacrifice and burnt offerings unto 3 And after this manner of lan- the Lord; and they gave b thanks guage had my mother complained unto the God of Israel. against my father. 10 And after they had given thanks 4 And it had come to pass that unto the God of Israel, my father, my father spake unto her, saying: Lehi, took the records which were I know that I am a a visionary man; engraven upon the a plates of brass, for if I had not seen the things of and he did search them from the God in a b vision I should not have beginning. known the goodness of God, but had tarried at Jerusalem, and had 11 And he beheld that they did perished with my brethren. contain the five a books of Moses, which gave an account of the cre- ation of the world, and also of Adam and Eve, who were our first parents; 37 a Ex. 22:11 (10–11); 5 a Eph. 1:11; 9 a 1 Ne. 7:22; Josh. 9:19 (1–21). Heb. 6:15 (13–15). Mosiah 2:3; tg Oath; 3 Ne. 9:19. Vow. b 1 Ne. 2:20; tg Law of Moses. b tg Trustworthiness. 18:8 (8, 22–23). 53 82 aa 1 Ne. 2:15. tg Promised Lands. b tg Thanksgiving. tg Murmuring. 10 a 1 Ne. 4:24 (24, 38); 13:23. b Gen. 37:19 (8, 19). c tg Faith; 11 a Ex. 17:14; 4 a 1 Ne. 2:11; 17:20. Trust in God. b 1 Ne. 1:8 (8–13); Deut. 31:9; 3:18 (17–18). 6 a tg Comfort; Luke 16:29; 24:27; tg Vision. Family, Love within. 1 Ne. 19:23; Moses 1:41 (40–41). 8 a 1 Ne. 2:2. b Gen. 19:14. c 1 Ne. 3:7.

11 1 Nephi 5 : 12–6 : 3 12 And also a a record of the Jews plates of brass should a never perish; from the beginning, even down to neither should they be dimmed any the commencement of the reign of more by time. And he prophesied Zedekiah, king of Judah; many things concerning his seed. 13 And also the prophecies of the 20 And it came to pass that thus holy prophets, from the beginning, far I and my father had kept the even down to the commencement commandments wherewith the of the reign of a Zedekiah; and also Lord had commanded us. many prophecies which have been spoken by the mouth of b Jeremiah. 21 And we had obtained the records which the Lord had commanded us, 14 And it came to pass that my and searched them and found that father, Lehi, also found upon the they were desirable; yea, even of a plates of brass a b genealogy of his great a worth unto us, insomuch that c fathers; wherefore he knew that we could b preserve the command- he was a descendant of d Joseph; ments of the Lord unto our children. yea, even that Joseph who was the son of e Jacob, who was f sold into 22 Wherefore, it was wisdom in the Egypt, and who was g preserved by Lord that we should carry them with the hand of the Lord, that he might us, as we journeyed in the wilder- preserve his father, Jacob, and all ness towards the land of promise. his household from perishing with famine. Chapter 6 Nephi writes of the things of God— 15 And they were also a led out Nephi’s purpose is to persuade men to of captivity and out of the land of come unto the God of Abraham and be Egypt, by that same God who had saved. About 600–592 b.c. preserved them. And now I, Nephi, do not give the genealogy of my fathers in a this 16 And thus my father, Lehi, did part of my record; neither at any discover the genealogy of his fathers. time shall I give it after upon these And Laban also was a descendant b plates which I am c writing; for it is of a Joseph, wherefore he and his given in the record which has been fathers had kept the b records. kept by my d father; wherefore, I do not write it in this work. 17 And now when my father saw all these things, he was filled with 2 For it sufficeth me to say that we the Spirit, and began to prophesy are descendants of a Joseph. concerning his seed— 3 And it mattereth not to me that I 18 That these a plates of brass am particular to give a full account should go forth unto all b nations, of all the things of my father, for kindreds, tongues, and people who they cannot be written upon a these were of his seed. 19 Wherefore, he said that these 12 a 1 Chr. 9:1. 2 Ne. 20:21; 18 a Alma 22:12. tg Scriptures, Alma 7:25; b JS—H 1:33. Writing of. D&C 27:10. 19 a Alma 37:4. f Gen. 37:36 (29–36). 21 a tg Scriptures, Value of. 13 a 2 Kgs. 24:18; Jer. 37:1. g tg Protection, Divine. b tg Scriptures, b Ezra 1:1; 15 a Gen. 15:14 (13–14); Preservation of. Ex. 15:13; 6 1 a 2 Ne. 4:15. Jer. 36:32 (17–32); Amos 3:1 (1–2); b 1 Ne. 9:2. 1 Ne. 7:14; Hel. 8:20. 1 Ne. 17:31 (23–31); 19:10; c tg Scriptures, 14 a Mosiah 2:34. D&C 103:16 (16–18); Writing of. b 1 Ne. 3:3, 12; Jarom 1:1. 136:22. d 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17); tg Book of 16 a 2 Chr. 15:9; 19:1 (1–6). Remembrance. 1 Ne. 6:2. 2 a 1 Ne. 5:16 (14–16). c tg Israel, Origins of. tg Israel, Joseph, 3 a Jacob 7:27; d 2 Ne. 3:4; Alma 10:3. People of. Jarom 1:2 (2, 14); tg Israel, Joseph, b tg Record Keeping. Omni 1:1, 30. People of. e Gen. 25:26;

1 Nephi 6 : 4–7 : 10 12 plates, for I desire the room that bring down Ishmael and his family I may write of the things of God. into the wilderness. 4 For the fulness of mine intent is 3 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, that I may a persuade men to b come did a again, with my brethren, go unto the God of Abraham, and the forth into the wilderness to go up God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, to Jerusalem. and be saved. 4 And it came to pass that we 5 Wherefore, the things which went up unto the house of Ishmael, are a pleasing unto the world I do and we did gain favor in the sight not write, but the things which are of Ishmael, insomuch that we did pleasing unto God and unto those speak unto him the words of the who are not of the world. Lord. 6 Wherefore, I shall give com- 5 And it came to pass that the a Lord mandment unto my seed, that they did soften the heart of Ishmael, shall not occupy these plates with and also his household, insomuch things which are not of worth unto that they took their journey with the children of men. us down into the wilderness to the tent of our father. Chapter 7 Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem and 6 And it came to pass that as we invite Ishmael and his household to journeyed in the wilderness, be- join them in their journey—Laman hold Laman and Lemuel, and two and others rebel—Nephi exhorts his of the a daughters of Ishmael, and brethren to have faith in the Lord— the two b sons of Ishmael and their They bind him with cords and plan his families, did c rebel against us; yea, destruction—He is freed by the power against me, Nephi, and Sam, and of faith—His brethren ask forgiveness— their father, Ishmael, and his wife, Lehi and his company offer sacrifice and his three other daughters. and burnt offerings. About 600–592 b.c. And now I would that ye might 7 And it came to pass in the which know, that after my father, Lehi, rebellion, they were desirous to re- had made an end of a prophesying turn unto the land of Jerusalem. concerning his seed, it came to pass that the Lord spake unto him again, 8 And now I, Nephi, being a grieved saying that it was not meet for him, for the hardness of their hearts, Lehi, that he should take his fam- therefore I spake unto them, say- ily into the wilderness alone; but ing, yea, even unto Laman and unto that his sons should take b daugh- Lemuel: Behold ye are mine elder ters to c wife, that they might raise brethren, and how is it that ye up d seed unto the Lord in the land are so hard in your hearts, and so of promise. blind in your minds, that ye have need that I, your b younger brother, 2 And it came to pass that the Lord should speak unto you, yea, and set a commanded him that I, Nephi, and an c example for you? my brethren, should again return unto the land of Jerusalem, and 9 How is it that ye have not heark­ ened unto the word of the Lord? 10 How is it that ye have a forgot- ten that ye have seen an angel of the Lord? 4 a Luke 1:4 (3–4); c tg Marriage, Marry. Alma 31:2; John 20:31 (30–31). d Ps. 127:3. 3 Ne. 17:14; b 2 Ne. 9:41 (41, 45, 51). 2 a 1 Ne. 16:8. Moses 7:41. 5 a Gal. 1:10; 3 a 1 Ne. 3:2. b 1 Chr. 29:1; 1 Thes. 2:4; 5 a tg Guidance, Divine. D&C 1:19 (19, 23). Heb. 13:21; 6 a 1 Ne. 16:7 (7, 27). c tg Example. W of M 1:4. b 2 Ne. 4:10. 10 a Deut. 4:9 (9–13); 7 1 a 1 Ne. 1:16. c 1 Ne. 17:18 (17–55). 1 Ne. 4:3. b 1 Ne. 16:7. 8 a Mosiah 28:3;

13 1 Nephi 7 : 11–22 11 Yea, and how is it that ye have cords, for they sought to take away forgotten what great things the my life, that they might leave me Lord hath done for us, in a delivering in the wilderness to be devoured us out of the hands of Laban, and by wild beasts. also that we should obtain the record? 17 But it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, ac- 12 Yea, and how is it that ye have cording to my faith which is in thee, forgotten that the Lord is able to wilt thou deliver me from the hands do all a things according to his will, of my brethren; yea, even give me for the children of men, if it so be a strength that I may b burst these that they exercise b faith in him? bands with which I am bound. Wherefore, let us be faithful to him. 18 And it came to pass that when 13 And if it so be that we are faith- I had said these words, behold, the ful to him, we shall obtain the a land bands were loosed from off my of promise; and ye shall know at hands and feet, and I stood before some future period that the word of my brethren, and I spake unto them the Lord shall be fulfilled concern- again. ing the b destruction of c Jerusalem; for all things which the Lord hath 19 And it came to pass that they spoken concerning the destruction were angry with me again, and of Jerusalem must be fulfilled. sought to lay hands upon me; but behold, one of the a daughters of 14 For behold, the a Spirit of the Ishmael, yea, and also her mother, Lord b ceaseth soon to strive with and one of the sons of Ishmael, did them; for behold, they have c re- plead with my brethren, insomuch jected the prophets, and d Jeremiah that they did soften their hearts; have they cast into prison. And they and they did cease striving to take have sought to take away the e life away my life. of my father, insomuch that they have driven him out of the land. 20 And it came to pass that they were sorrowful, because of their 15 Now behold, I say unto you that wickedness, insomuch that they if ye will return unto Jerusalem ye did bow down before me, and did shall also perish with them. And plead with me that I would a forgive now, if ye have choice, go up to them of the thing that they had the land, and remember the words done against me. which I speak unto you, that if ye go ye will also perish; for thus the 21 And it came to pass that I did Spirit of the Lord constraineth me frankly a forgive them all that they that I should speak. had done, and I did exhort them that they would pray unto the Lord 16 And it came to pass that when their God for b forgiveness. And it I, Nephi, had spoken these words came to pass that they did so. And unto my brethren, they were angry after they had done praying unto with me. And it came to pass that the Lord we did again travel on they did lay their hands upon me, our journey towards the tent of our for behold, they were exceedingly father. wroth, and they did a bind me with 22 And it came to pass that we did 11 a 1 Ne. 4:1 (1–38). Hel. 8:21 (20–21). b Jacob 4:6; 12 a Ps. 18:32 (32–40); 14 a tg God, Spirit of. Alma 14:28 (26–28); b Ezek. 5:6; 3 Ne. 28:20 (19–22). 1 Ne. 17:50; Alma 26:12. 1 Ne. 1:19 (18–20); 2:13. 19 a 1 Ne. 16:7; b 1 Ne. 2:19 (18–21); 15:11. c tg Prophets, 18:19 (19–20). 13 a 1 Ne. 2:20. tg Promised Lands. Rejection of. 20 a tg Repent. b 2 Kgs. 25:4 (1–21). d Jer. 37:15 (15–21). 21 a tg Family, Love within. c 2 Ne. 6:8; 25:10; e 1 Ne. 2:1. b tg Forgive. Omni 1:15; 16 a 1 Ne. 18:11 (11–15). 17 a Judg. 14:6.

1 Nephi 8 : 1–15 14 come down unto the tent of our 7 And it came to pass that as I father. And after I and my brethren followed him I beheld myself that and all the house of Ishmael had come I was in a dark and dreary waste. down unto the tent of my father, they did give a thanks unto the Lord their 8 And after I had traveled for the God; and they did offer b sacrifice space of many hours in darkness, I and burnt offerings unto him. began to pray unto the Lord that he would have a mercy on me, accord- Chapter 8 ing to the multitude of his tender Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life— mercies. He partakes of its fruit and desires his family to do likewise—He sees a rod of 9 And it came to pass after I had iron, a strait and narrow path, and the prayed unto the Lord I beheld a mists of darkness that enshroud men— large and spacious a field. Sariah, Nephi, and Sam partake of the fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse. 10 And it came to pass that I beheld About 600–592 b.c. a a tree, whose b fruit was desirable And it came to pass that we had to make one c happy. gathered together all manner of a seeds of every kind, both of grain 11 And it came to pass that I did of every kind, and also of the seeds go forth and partake of the a fruit of fruit of every kind. thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before 2 And it came to pass that while tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the my father tarried in the wilderness fruit thereof was white, to exceed he spake unto us, saying: Behold, I all the b whiteness that I had ever have a dreamed a dream; or, in other seen. words, I have b seen a c vision. 12 And as I partook of the fruit 3 And behold, because of the thing thereof it filled my soul with ex- which I have seen, I have reason to ceedingly great a joy; wherefore, I rejoice in the Lord because of a Nephi began to be b desirous that my family and also of Sam; for I have reason should partake of it also; for I knew to suppose that they, and also many that it was c desirable above all other of their seed, will be saved. fruit. 4 But behold, a Laman and Lemuel, 13 And as I cast my eyes round I fear exceedingly because of you; about, that perhaps I might discover for behold, methought I saw in my my family also, I beheld a a river of dream, a dark and dreary wilderness. water; and it ran along, and it was near the tree of which I was par- 5 And it came to pass that I saw taking the fruit. a a man, and he was dressed in a white b robe; and he came and stood 14 And I looked to behold from before me. whence it came; and I saw the head thereof a little way off; and at the 6 And it came to pass that he spake head thereof I beheld your mother unto me, and bade me follow him. Sariah, and Sam, and a Nephi; and they stood as if they knew not whither they should go. 15 And it came to pass that I 22 a tg Thanksgiving. b JS—H 1:31 (30–32). b 1 Ne. 11:8. 8 1 ba 1 Ne. 5:9. 8 a tg God, Mercy of. 12 a tg Joy. 1 Ne. 16:11. 9 a Matt. 13:38. b Enos 1:9; 2 a 1 Ne. 1:16; 10:2. 10 a Gen. 2:9; tg Dream; Alma 36:24. Revelation; Rev. 2:7 (1–7); tg Family, Love within. Vision. 22:2 (1–16); c Gen. 3:6; b 1 Ne. 14:29. 1 Ne. 11:4, 8 (8–25). 1 Ne. 15:36. c 1 Ne. 10:17. b 1 Ne. 8:24 (15, 20, 24); 13 a 1 Ne. 12:16 (16–18); 3 a 1 Ne. 8:14 (14–18). Alma 32:42 (41–43). 15:26–27 (26–29). 4 a 1 Ne. 8:35. c tg Happiness. 14 a 1 Ne. 8:3 (3–4). 11 a 1 Ne. 15:36; 5 a Dan. 10:5 (2–12). Alma 5:34.

15 1 Nephi 8 : 16–30 beckoned unto them; and I also did way, that they wandered off and say unto them with a loud voice were b lost. that they should come unto me, and partake of the fruit, which was de- 24 And it came to pass that I be- sirable above all other fruit. held others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of 16 And it came to pass that they the end of the rod of iron; and they did come unto me and partake of did press forward through the mist the fruit also. of darkness, a clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth 17 And it came to pass that I was and partake of the b fruit of the tree. desirous that Laman and Lemuel should come and partake of the 25 And after they had partaken of fruit also; wherefore, I cast mine the fruit of the tree they did cast eyes towards the head of the river, their eyes about as if they were that perhaps I might see them. a ashamed. 18 And it came to pass that I saw 26 And I also cast my eyes round them, but they would a not come about, and beheld, on the a other unto me and partake of the fruit. side of the river of water, a great and b spacious building; and it stood 19 And I beheld a a rod of iron, and as it were in the c air, high above it extended along the bank of the the earth. river, and led to the tree by which I stood. 27 And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and 20 And I also beheld a a strait and female; and their manner of dress narrow path, which came along by was exceedingly fine; and they the rod of iron, even to the tree by were in the a attitude of b mocking which I stood; and it also led by the and pointing their fingers towards head of the fountain, unto a large those who had come at and were and spacious field, as if it had been partaking of the fruit. a b world. 28 And after they had a tasted of 21 And I saw numberless con- the fruit they were b ashamed, be- courses of people, many of whom cause of those that were c scoffing were a pressing forward, that they at them; and they d fell away into might obtain the b path which led forbidden paths and were lost. unto the tree by which I stood. 29 And now I, Nephi, do not speak 22 And it came to pass that they a all the words of my father. did come forth, and commence in the path which led to the tree. 30 But, to be short in writing, behold, he saw other multitudes 23 And it came to pass that there pressing forward; and they came arose a a mist of darkness; yea, even and caught hold of the end of the an exceedingly great mist of dark- a rod of iron; and they did press their ness, insomuch that they who had way forward, continually holding commenced in the path did lose their 18 a 2 Ne. 5:20 (20–25). 1 Ne. 12:17; 27 a tg Haughtiness; Pride. 19 a Ps. 2:9; 15:24 (23–24). b Matt. 9:24 (20–26). b tg Apostasy of Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 19:15; Individuals. tg Mocking. jst Rev. 19:15 24 a tg Diligence; 28 a 2 Pet. 2:20 (19–22). (Rev. 19:15 note a); Perseverance. b Mark 4:17 (14–20); 8:38; 1 Ne. 8:30; 11:25; b 1 Ne. 8:10. 15:23 (23–24). 25 a Rom. 1:16; Luke 8:13 (11–15); 20 a Matt. 7:14; 2 Tim. 1:8; John 12:43 (42–43); 2 Ne. 31:18 (17–20). Alma 46:21; Rom. 3:3. b Matt. 13:38. Morm. 8:38. tg Courage; 21 a D&C 123:12. 26 a Luke 16:26. Fearful. b tg Objectives; Path; b 1 Ne. 11:35 (35–36); c tg Peer Influence. Way. 12:18. d tg Apostasy of 23 a Matt. 13:19 (18–19); c Eph. 2:2 (1–3). Individuals. 2 Pet. 2:17; 29 a 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17). 30 a 1 Ne. 8:19; 15:24 (23–24).

1 Nephi 8 : 31–9 : 4 16 fast to the rod of iron, until they to keep the commandments of the came forth and fell down and par- Lord; and he did cease speaking took of the fruit of the tree. unto them. 31 And he also saw other a mul- Chapter 9 titudes feeling their way towards Nephi makes two sets of records—Each that great and spacious building. is called the plates of Nephi—The larger plates contain a secular history; the 32 And it came to pass that many smaller ones deal primarily with sacred were drowned in the a depths of things. About 600–592 b.c. the b fountain; and many were lost And all these things did my father from his view, wandering in strange see, and hear, and speak, as he dwelt roads. in a tent, in the a valley of Lemuel, and also a great many more things, 33 And great was the multitude which cannot be written upon these that did enter into that strange plates. building. And after they did enter into that building they did point 2 And now, as I have spoken con- the finger of a scorn at me and cerning these plates, behold they those that were partaking of the are not the plates upon which I fruit also; but we heeded them not. make a full account of the history of my people; for the a plates upon 34 These are the words of my which I make a full account of my father: For as many as a heeded people I have given the name of them, had fallen away. Nephi; wherefore, they are called the plates of Nephi, after mine own 35 And a Laman and Lemuel par- name; and these plates also are took not of the fruit, said my called the plates of Nephi. father. 3 Nevertheless, I have received a 36 And it came to pass after my commandment of the Lord that I father had spoken all the words of should make these plates, for the his dream or vision, which were special a purpose that there should many, he said unto us, because be an account engraven of the b min- of these things which he saw in a istry of my people. vision, he exceedingly feared for Laman and Lemuel; yea, he feared 4 Upon the other plates should be lest they should be cast off from engraven an account of the reign the presence of the Lord. of the kings, and the wars and con- tentions of my people; wherefore 37 And he did a exhort them then these plates are for the more part of with all the feeling of a tender par- the ministry; and the a other plates ent, that they would hearken to his are for the more part of the reign words, that perhaps the Lord would of the kings and the wars and con- be merciful to them, and not cast tentions of my people. them off; yea, my father did preach unto them. 38 And after he had preached unto them, and also prophesied unto them of many things, he bade them 31 a Matt. 7:13. 2 Ne. 5:20 (19–24). 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17); 6:1; 32 a 1 Ne. 15:29 (26–29). 37 a tg Family, Children, 10:1; 19:2, 4; b 1 Ne. 8:14 (13–14). Responsibilities Omni 1:1; 33 a Neh. 2:19; toward. W of M 1:3 (2–11); 9 1 a 1 Ne. 2:6 (4–6, 8, 14–15); D&C 10:38 (38–40). Alma 26:23. 16:6 (6, 12). 3 a D&C 3:19. tg Persecution; 2 a ie the full account is on b 1 Ne. 6:3. Scorn; larger plates; the special 4 a 2 Ne. 4:14; 5:33 (29–33); Scorner. account of his ministry Jacob 1:3 (2–4); 34 a Ex. 23:2; is on the smaller plates Jarom 1:14; Prov. 19:27; of Nephi. See Omni 1:18; Mosiah 2:37 (33, 37). Jacob 3:13–14. See also W of M 1:10. 35 a 1 Ne. 8:4 (4, 17–18);

17 1 Nephi 9 : 5–10 : 9 5 Wherefore, the Lord hath com- 3 That after they should be de- manded me to make these plates stroyed, even that great city a Jeru- for a a wise purpose in him, which salem, and many be b carried away purpose I know not. captive into c Babylon, according to the own due time of the Lord, they 6 But the Lord a knoweth all things should d return again, yea, even be from the beginning; wherefore, he brought back out of captivity; and prepareth a way to accomplish all after they should be brought back his works among the children of out of captivity they should possess men; for behold, he hath all b power again the land of their inheritance. unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen. 4 Yea, even a six hundred years from the time that my father left Chapter 10 Jerusalem, a b prophet would the Lehi predicts that the Jews will be taken Lord God raise up among the c Jews— captive by the Babylonians—He tells of even a d Messiah, or, in other words, the coming among the Jews of a Mes- a Savior of the world. siah, a Savior, a Redeemer—Lehi tells also of the coming of the one who should 5 And he also spake concerning the baptize the Lamb of God—Lehi tells of prophets, how great a number had the death and resurrection of the Mes- a testified of these things, concerning siah—He compares the scattering and this Messiah, of whom he had spo- gathering of Israel to an olive tree— ken, or this Redeemer of the world. Nephi speaks of the Son of God, of the gift of the Holy Ghost, and of the need 6 Wherefore, all mankind were in a for righteousness. About 600–592 b.c. a lost and in a b fallen state, and ever And now I, Nephi, proceed to give would be save they should rely on an account upon a these plates of this Redeemer. my proceedings, and my reign and ministry; wherefore, to proceed with 7 And he spake also concerning a mine account, I must speak some- a prophet who should come before what of the things of my father, the Messiah, to prepare the way of and also of my brethren. the Lord— 2 For behold, it came to pass af- 8 Yea, even he should go forth and ter my father had made an end of cry in the wilderness: a Prepare ye speaking the words of his a dream, the way of the Lord, and make his and also of exhorting them to all paths straight; for there standeth diligence, he spake unto them con- one among you whom ye know not; cerning the Jews— and he is mightier than I, whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose. And much spake my father concerning this thing. 9 And my father said he should 5 a 1 Ne. 19:3; Israel, Scattering of. Birth of; W of M 1:7; c Ezek. 24:2; Jesus Christ, Messiah. Alma 37:14 (2, 12, 14). 5 a Jacob 7:11; 6 a Isa. 48:3 (3–7); 1 Ne. 1:13; Mosiah 13:33; Moses 1:6, 35. Omni 1:15. Hel. 8:24 (19–24); tg God, Foreknowledge tg Babylon. 3 Ne. 20:24 (23–24). of; God, Intelligence of; d Neh. 12:1; tg Jesus Christ, God, Omniscience of. Jer. 29:10 (9–10); Prophecies about. 1 0 1 ab Matt. 28:18. 2 Ne. 6:9 (8–9); 6 a Rom. 3:23; 1 Ne. 9:2 (1–5); Abr. 2:6. 2 Ne. 2:5 (5–8). 19:3 (1–6). 4 a 1 Ne. 19:8 (8–14); b tg Death, Spiritual, 2 a 1 Ne. 8:2 (2–36). 2 Ne. 25:19; First. 3 a Esth. 2:6; 2 Ne. 6:8; Alma 13:25; 7 a 1 Ne. 11:27; Hel. 8:20 (20–21). 3 Ne. 1:1. 2 Ne. 31:4 (4–18). b Ezek. 36:12 (8–15); b 1 Ne. 22:21 (20–21). tg Foreordination. 2 Ne. 25:10. c tg Israel, Judah, 8 a Isa. 40:3; tg Israel, Bondage of, People of. Matt. 3:3 (1–3); in Other Lands; d Jacob 1:6. D&C 84:26. tg Jesus Christ,

1 Nephi 10 : 10–17 18 baptize in a Bethabara, beyond 14 And after the house of a Israel Jordan; and he also said he should should be scattered they should be b baptize with water; even that he b gathered together again; or, in fine, should baptize the Messiah with after the c Gentiles had received the water. fulness of the d Gospel, the natural branches of the e olive tree, or the 10 And after he had baptized the f remnants of the house of g Israel, Messiah with water, he should be- should be grafted in, or h come to the hold and bear record that he had knowledge of the true Messiah, their baptized the a Lamb of God, who Lord and their Redeemer. should take away the sins of the world. 15 And after this manner of lan- guage did my father prophesy 11 And it came to pass after my and speak unto my brethren, and father had spoken these words he also many more things which I do spake unto my brethren concern- not write in this book; for I have ing the gospel which should be written as many of them as were preached among the Jews, and also expedient for me in mine a other concerning the a dwindling of the book. Jews in b unbelief. And after they had c slain the Messiah, who should 16 And all these things, of which come, and after he had been slain I have spoken, were done as my he should d rise from the dead, and father dwelt in a a tent, in the val- should make himself e manifest, by ley of Lemuel. the Holy Ghost, unto the Gentiles. 17 And it came to pass after I, 12 Yea, even my father spake much Nephi, having heard all the a words concerning the Gentiles, and also of my father, concerning the things concerning the house of Israel, that which he saw in a b vision, and also they should be compared like unto the things which he spake by the an a olive tree, whose b branches power of the Holy Ghost, which should be broken off and should power he received by faith on the be c scattered upon all the face of Son of God—and the Son of God was the earth. the c Messiah who should come—I, Nephi, was d desirous also that I 13 Wherefore, he said it must needs might see, and hear, and know of be that we should be led with one these things, by the power of the accord into the a land of promise, e Holy Ghost, which is the f gift of unto the fulfilling of the word of God unto g all those who diligently the Lord, that we should be scat- seek him, as well in times of h old tered upon all the face of the earth. 9 a John 1:28. 1 Ne. 15:12; f tg Israel, Remnant of. b tg Jesus Christ, 2 Ne. 3:5 (4–5); g tg Israel, Twelve Jacob 5:3 (3–77); Baptism of. 6:1 (1–7). Tribes of. 10 a tg Jesus Christ, Lamb tg Vineyard of the Lord. h 1 Ne. 19:15 (14–17). b tg Israel, Bondage of, in 15 a 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–18). of God. Other Lands. 16 a 1 Ne. 2:15 (15–16). 11 a Rom. 11:1 (1–36); c Deut. 32:26; 17 a Enos 1:3; 1 Ne. 22:3 (3–8). Jacob 4:15 (14–18). tg Israel, Scattering of. Alma 36:17 (17–18). b Morm. 5:14 (14–20). 13 a 1 Ne. 2:20. b 1 Ne. 8:2. tg Promised Lands. c tg Jesus Christ, Messiah. tg Unbelief. 14 a tg Israel, Ten Lost d 2 Ne. 4:24. c tg Jesus Christ, Tribes of. e 2 Pet. 1:21. b tg Israel, Gathering of. f tg God, Gifts of; Crucifixion of; c 1 Ne. 13:42; Jesus Christ, D&C 14:10. Holy Ghost, Gift of. Prophecies about. d tg Gospel. g Moro. 7:36; d tg Jesus Christ, e 1 Ne. 15:7. Resurrection. 10:7 (4–5, 7, 19). e 3 Ne. 15:23 (21–24). h D&C 20:26. tg Holy Ghost, Mission of. 12 a Gen. 49:22 (22–26);

19 1 Nephi 10 : 18–11 : 8 as in the time that he should mani­ For it came to pass after I had de- fest himself unto the children of sired to know the things that my men. father had seen, and believing that the Lord was able to make them 18 For he is the a same yesterday, known unto me, as I sat a pondering today, and forever; and the way is in mine heart I was b caught away in prepared for all men from the foun- the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an dation of the world, if it so be that exceedingly high c mountain, which they repent and come unto him. I never had before seen, and upon which I never had before set my foot. 19 For he that diligently a seeketh shall find; and the b mysteries of God 2 And the Spirit said unto me: Be- shall be unfolded unto them, by the hold, what a desirest thou? power of the c Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and 3 And I said: I desire to behold as well in times of old as in times the things which my father a saw. to come; wherefore, the d course of the Lord is one eternal round. 4 And the Spirit said unto me: a Believest thou that thy father saw 20 Therefore remember, O man, the b tree of which he hath spoken? for all thy doings thou shalt be brought into a judgment. 5 And I said: Yea, thou knowest that I a believe all the words of my 21 Wherefore, if ye have sought father. to do a wickedly in the days of your b probation, then ye are found c un- 6 And when I had spoken these clean before the judgment-seat of words, the Spirit cried with a loud God; and no unclean thing can dwell voice, saying: Hosanna to the Lord, with God; wherefore, ye must be the most high God; for he is God cast off forever. over all the a earth, yea, even above all. And blessed art thou, Nephi, 22 And the Holy Ghost giveth a au- because thou b believest in the Son thority that I should speak these of the most high God; wherefore, things, and deny them not. thou shalt behold the things which thou hast desired. Chapter 11 Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and 7 And behold this thing shall be is shown in vision the tree of life—He given unto thee for a a sign, that af- sees the mother of the Son of God and ter thou hast beheld the tree which learns of the condescension of God—He bore the fruit which thy father sees the baptism, ministry, and cruci- tasted, thou shalt also behold a man fixion of the Lamb of God—He sees descending out of heaven, and him also the call and ministry of the Twelve shall ye witness; and after ye have Apostles of the Lamb. About 600 – witnessed him ye shall b bear record 592 b.c. that it is the Son of God. 8 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me: Look! And I 18 a Heb. 13:8; tg Judgment, the Last. 2 Ne. 4:25; Moses 1:1. Morm. 9:9 (9–11); 21 a Ezek. 33:9. c Ex. 24:13 (12–13); D&C 20:12. b tg Probation. tg God, Perfection of. c 1 Cor. 6:9 (9–10); Deut. 10:1; Ether 3:1. 2 a Zech. 4:2 (1–6). 19 a tg Objectives. Morm. 7:7; 3 a 1 Ne. 8:2. b tg Mysteries of D&C 76:62 (50–62); 4 a Mosiah 5:1 (1–2). 138:20, 37; b 1 Ne. 8:10 (10–12); Godliness. Moses 6:57. c tg Holy Ghost, Source 22 a tg Holy Ghost, 15:22 (21–22). Mission of. 5 a 1 Ne. 2:16. of Testimony. 6 a Ex. 9:29; Deut. 10:14; d Alma 7:20; 37:12; 11 1 a D&C 76:19. 2 Ne. 29:7; 3 Ne. 11:14; D&C 3:2; 35:1. tg Meditation. D&C 55:1; Moses 6:44. tg God, Eternal b Dan. 8:2; b tg Believe. Nature of. 7 a tg Signs. 20 a Eccl. 12:14; 2 Cor. 12:2 (1–4); b tg Testimony; Witness. Ezek. 33:20. Rev. 21:10;

1 Nephi 11 : 9–25 20 looked and beheld a tree; and it was 17 And I said unto him: I know like unto the a tree which my father that he loveth his children; never- had seen; and the b beauty thereof theless, I do not know the meaning was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all things. of all beauty; and the c whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness 18 And he said unto me: Behold, of the driven snow. the a virgin whom thou seest is the b mother of the Son of God, after the 9 And it came to pass after I had manner of the flesh. seen the tree, I said unto the Spirit: I behold thou hast shown unto me 19 And it came to pass that I be- the tree which is a precious above all. held that she was carried away in the Spirit; and after she had been 10 And he said unto me: What carried away in the a Spirit for the desirest thou? space of a time the angel spake unto me, saying: Look! 11 And I said unto him: To know the a interpretation thereof—for I 20 And I looked and beheld the spake unto him as a man speak- virgin again, bearing a a child in eth; for I beheld that he was in the her arms. b form of a man; yet nevertheless, I knew that it was the Spirit of the 21 And the angel said unto me: Lord; and he spake unto me as a Behold the a Lamb of God, yea, even man speaketh with another. the b Son of the Eternal c Father! Knowest thou the meaning of the 12 And it came to pass that he said d tree which thy father saw? unto me: Look! And I looked as if to look upon him, and I saw him not; for 22 And I answered him, saying: he had gone from before my presence. Yea, it is the a love of God, which b sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts 13 And it came to pass that I of the children of men; wherefore, looked and beheld the great city of it is the c most desirable above all Jerusalem, and also other cities. And things. I beheld the city of Nazareth; and in the city of a Nazareth I beheld a 23 And he spake unto me, saying: b virgin, and she was exceedingly Yea, and the most a joyous to the fair and white. soul. 14 And it came to pass that I saw 24 And after he had said these the a heavens open; and an angel words, he said unto me: Look! And I came down and stood before me; looked, and I beheld the Son of God and he said unto me: Nephi, what a going forth among the children of beholdest thou? men; and I saw many fall down at his feet and worship him. 15 And I said unto him: A virgin, most beautiful and fair above all 25 And it came to pass that I beheld other virgins. that the a rod of iron, which my father had seen, was the b word of 16 And he said unto me: Knowest God, which c led to the fountain of thou the a condescension of God? d living waters, or to the e tree of life; 8 a 1 Ne. 8:10. tg Foreordination; d 1 Ne. 8:10; Alma 5:62. b tg Beauty. Jesus Christ, Prophecies 22 a tg God, Love of. c 1 Ne. 8:11. about. b Moro. 8:26. 9 a 1 Ne. 11:22 (22–25). b Matt. 1:16; c 1 Ne. 11:9. 11 a Gen. 40:8. Mosiah 3:8; 23 a tg Joy. b tg Spirit Body. Alma 19:13. 24 a Luke 4:14 (14–21). 13 a Matt. 2:23. tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. 25 a Rev. 2:27; b Luke 1:27 (26–27); 19 a Matt. 1:20. 20 a Luke 2:16. jst Rev. 2:27 (Bible Alma 7:10. 21 a tg Jesus Christ, Lamb Appendix). 14 a Ezek.1:1; of God. b 1 Ne. 8:19. b tg Jesus Christ, Divine c tg Guidance, Divine. 1 Ne.1:8 (6–11). Sonship. d tg Living Water. 16 a 1 Ne. 11:26. c tg God the Father, e Gen. 2:9; Elohim. Prov. 11:30 (22–30); tg Jesus Christ, Moses 4:28 (28, 31). Condescension of. 18 a Luke 1:34 (34–35).

21 1 Nephi 11 : 26–36 which waters are a representation were a sick, and who were afflicted of the love of God; and I also beheld with all manner of diseases, and that the tree of life was a represen- with b devils and c unclean spirits; tation of the love of God. and the angel spake and showed all these things unto me. And they 26 And the angel said unto me were d healed by the power of the again: Look and behold the a con- Lamb of God; and the devils and descension of God! the unclean spirits were cast out. 27 And I looked and a beheld the 32 And it came to pass that the Redeemer of the world, of whom angel spake unto me again, saying: my father had spoken; and I also Look! And I looked and beheld the beheld the b prophet who should Lamb of God, that he was a taken prepare the way before him. And by the people; yea, the Son of the the Lamb of God went forth and everlasting God was b judged of the was c baptized of him; and after world; and I saw and bear record. he was baptized, I beheld the heav- ens open, and the Holy Ghost come 33 And I, Nephi, saw that he was down out of heaven and abide upon a lifted up upon the cross and b slain him in the form of a d dove. for the sins of the world. 28 And I beheld that he went 34 And after he was slain I saw the forth ministering unto the people, multitudes of the earth, that they in a power and great glory; and the were gathered together to a fight multitudes were gathered together against the apostles of the Lamb; to hear him; and I beheld that they for thus were the twelve called by cast him out from among them. the angel of the Lord. 29 And I also beheld a twelve oth- 35 And the multitude of the earth ers following him. And it came to was gathered together; and I be- pass that they were b carried away held that they were in a large and in the Spirit from before my face, spacious a building, like unto the and I saw them not. building which my father saw. And the angel of the Lord spake unto 30 And it came to pass that the me again, saying: Behold the world angel spake unto me again, saying: and the wisdom thereof; yea, behold Look! And I looked, and I beheld the house of Israel hath gathered the heavens open again, and I saw together to b fight against the twelve a angels descending upon the chil- apostles of the Lamb. dren of men; and they did minister unto them. 36 And it came to pass that I saw and bear record, that the great and 31 And he spake unto me again, spacious building was the a pride of saying: Look! And I looked, and I the world; and it b fell, and the fall beheld the Lamb of God going forth thereof was exceedingly great. And among the children of men. And I the angel of the Lord spake unto me beheld multitudes of people who 26 a 1 Ne. 11:16. 13:40 (24–26, 40). 33 a Luke 18:31; tg Jesus Christ, tg Apostles. 2 Ne. 10:3; Condescension of. b 1 Ne. 14:30. Mosiah 3:9 (9–10); 30 a tg Angels. 3 Ne. 27:14. 27 a 2 Ne. 25:13. 31 a tg Sickness. b Mal. 3:1; Matt. 11:10; b Mark 5:15 (15–20); 7:30; b tg Jesus Christ, Mosiah 3:6 (5–7); Atonement through; John 1:6 (6–7); Morm. 9:24. Jesus Christ, Death of. 1 Ne. 10:7 (7–10); c tg Spirits, Evil or 2 Ne. 31:4 (4–18); Unclean. 34 a Mark 13:13; D&C 35:4. d tg Heal. 1 Cor. 4:9 (6–13). c tg Jesus Christ, 32 a tg Jesus Christ, Baptism of. Betrayal of. 35 a 1 Ne. 8:26; 12:18. d tg Holy Ghost, Dove, b Mark 15:19 (17–20); b Micah 3:5; Sign of. Luke 9:44 (44–45). 28 a D&C 138:26. D&C 121:38. 29 a 1 Ne. 12:9; 36 a tg Pride. b tg Earth, Cleansing of; World, End of.

1 Nephi 12 : 1–11 22 again, saying: Thus shall be the de- pieces; and I saw the plains of the struction of all nations, kindreds, earth, that they were c broken up; tongues, and people, that shall and I saw many cities that they were fight against the twelve apostles d sunk; and I saw many that they of the Lamb. were burned with fire; and I saw many that did tumble to the earth, Chapter 12 because of the quaking thereof. Nephi sees in vision the land of promise; the righteousness, iniquity, and down- 5 And it came to pass after I saw fall of its inhabitants; the coming of these things, I saw the a vapor of the Lamb of God among them; how the darkness, that it passed from off Twelve Disciples and the Twelve Apos- the face of the earth; and behold, I tles will judge Israel; and the loathsome saw multitudes who had not fallen and filthy state of those who dwindle because of the great and terrible in unbelief. About 600–592 b.c. judgments of the Lord. And it came to pass that the angel said unto me: Look, and behold 6 And I saw the heavens open, and thy seed, and also the seed of thy the a Lamb of God descending out brethren. And I looked and beheld of heaven; and he came down and the a land of promise; and I beheld b showed himself unto them. multitudes of people, yea, even as it were in number as many as the 7 And I also saw and bear record b sand of the sea. that the Holy Ghost fell upon a twelve others; and they were ordained of 2 And it came to pass that I beheld God, and chosen. multitudes gathered together to battle, one against the other; and I 8 And the angel spake unto me, beheld a wars, and rumors of wars, saying: Behold the twelve disci- and great slaughters with the sword ples of the Lamb, who are chosen among my people. to minister unto thy seed. 3 And it came to pass that I be- 9 And he said unto me: Thou held many generations pass away, rememberest the a twelve apostles after the manner of wars and con- of the Lamb? Behold they are they tentions in the land; and I beheld who shall b judge the twelve tribes many cities, yea, even that I did not of Israel; wherefore, the twelve number them. ministers of thy seed shall be judged of them; for ye are of the house of 4 And it came to pass that I saw Israel. a a mist of b darkness on the face of the land of promise; and I saw 10 And these a twelve ministers lightnings, and I heard thunderings, whom thou beholdest shall judge and earthquakes, and all manner of thy seed. And, behold, they are tumultuous noises; and I saw the righteous forever; for because of earth and the rocks, that they rent; their faith in the Lamb of God their and I saw mountains tumbling into b garments are made white in his blood. 11 And the angel said unto me: Look! And I looked, and beheld a three generations pass away in 12 1 a tg Promised Lands. d 3 Ne. 8:14. b Matt. 19:28; 5 a 3 Ne. 8:20. D&C 29:12. b Gen. 22:17 (17–18); 6 a 2 Ne. 26:1 (1, 9); tg Judgment, the Last. 1 Kgs. 4:20. 3 Ne. 11:8 (3–17). 10 a 3 Ne. 27:27; 2 a Enos 1:24; b 2 Ne. 32:6; Morm. 3:18–19. Morm. 8:7 (7–8). tg War. Alma 7:8; 16:20. b Rev. 7:14; 19:8; 7 a 3 Ne. 11:22; 12:1. Alma 5:21 (21–27); 4 a 1 Ne. 19:12; 9 a Matt. 10:1; 13:11 (11–13); Hel. 14:28 (20–28); 3 Ne. 27:19 (19–20); 3 Ne. 10:11. Luke 6:13; D&C 88:85. John 6:70; b 1 Ne. 19:10; 1 Ne. 11:29; 11 a 2 Ne. 26:9 (9–10); 2 Ne. 26:3. 13:40 (24–26, 40). 3 Ne. 27:32 (30–32). c Gen. 7:11.

23 1 Nephi 12 : 12–23 righteousness; and their garments until this time, and from this time were white even like unto the Lamb henceforth and forever. of God. And the angel said unto me: These are made white in the blood 19 And while the angel spake of the Lamb, because of their faith these words, I beheld and saw that in him. the seed of my brethren did con- tend against my seed, according to 12 And I, Nephi, also saw many of the word of the angel; and because the a fourth generation who passed of the pride of my seed, and the away in righteousness. a temptations of the devil, I beheld that the seed of my brethren did 13 And it came to pass that I saw b overpower the people of my seed. the multitudes of the earth gath- ered together. 20 And it came to pass that I be- held, and saw the people of the 14 And the angel said unto me: seed of my brethren that they had Behold thy seed, and also the seed overcome my seed; and they went of thy brethren. forth in multitudes upon the face of the land. 15 And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the people of my seed 21 And I saw them gathered to- gathered together in multitudes gether in multitudes; and I saw a wars a against the seed of my brethren; and rumors of wars among them; and they were gathered together and in wars and rumors of wars I to battle. saw b many generations pass away. 16 And the angel spake unto me, 22 And the angel said unto me: saying: Behold the fountain of Behold these shall a dwindle in a filthy water which thy father saw; unbelief. yea, even the b river of which he spake; and the depths thereof are 23 And it came to pass that I be- the depths of c hell. held, after they had dwindled in unbelief they became a a dark, and 17 And the a mists of darkness are loathsome, and a b filthy people, the temptations of the devil, which full of c idleness and all manner of b blindeth the eyes, and hardeneth abominations. the hearts of the children of men, and leadeth them away into c broad Chapter 13 roads, that they perish and are lost. Nephi sees in vision the church of the devil set up among the Gentiles, the 18 And the large and spacious discovery and colonizing of America, a building, which thy father saw, is the loss of many plain and precious vain b imaginations and the c pride parts of the Bible, the resultant state of the children of men. And a great of gentile apostasy, the restoration of and a terrible d gulf divideth them; the gospel, the coming forth of latter- yea, even the word of the e justice of day scripture, and the building up of the Eternal God, and the Messiah Zion. About 600–592 b.c. who is the Lamb of God, of whom the Holy Ghost beareth record, from the beginning of the world 12 a 2 Ne. 26:9; b tg Apostasy of 19 a tg Temptation. Alma 45:12 (10–12); Individuals. b Jarom 1:10; Hel. 13:10 (5, 9–10); 3 Ne. 27:32; c Prov. 4:14; W of M 1:2 (1–2). 4 Ne. 1:14 (14–41). Luke 13:24. 21 a Morm. 8:8; 15 a Morm. 6:7 (1–22). 18 a 1 Ne. 8:26; Moro. 1:2. 16 a tg Filthiness. 11:35 (35–36). b 2 Ne. 1:18. b 1 Ne. 8:13 (13–14); 22 a 1 Ne. 15:13; b Jer. 7:24; 9:14. 15:27 (26–29). c tg Haughtiness; 2 Ne. 26:15. c tg Hell. 23 a 2 Ne. 26:33. 17 a 2 Pet. 2:17; Pride. b 2 Ne. 5:22 (20–25). d Luke 16:26; 1 Ne. 8:23; 15:24 (23–24). tg Filthiness. 1 Ne. 15:28 (28–30). c tg Idleness. e tg God, Justice of.

1 Nephi 13 : 1–17 24 And it came to pass that the angel divided the Gentiles from the seed spake unto me, saying: Look! And of my brethren. I looked and beheld many nations and kingdoms. 11 And it came to pass that the angel said unto me: Behold the 2 And the angel said unto me: What wrath of God is upon the seed of beholdest thou? And I said: I behold thy brethren. many a nations and kingdoms. 12 And I looked and beheld a man 3 And he said unto me: These are among the Gentiles, who was sepa- the nations and kingdoms of the rated from the seed of my brethren Gentiles. by the many waters; and I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down 4 And it came to pass that I saw and a wrought upon the man; and he among the nations of the a Gentiles went forth upon the many waters, the formation of a b great church. even unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the promised land. 5 And the angel said unto me: Behold the formation of a a church 13 And it came to pass that I beheld which is most abominable above the Spirit of God, that it wrought all other churches, which b slayeth upon other Gentiles; and they went the saints of God, yea, and tortureth forth out of captivity, upon the them and bindeth them down, and many waters. yoketh them with a c yoke of iron, and bringeth them down into captivity. 14 And it came to pass that I beheld many a multitudes of the Gentiles 6 And it came to pass that I beheld upon the b land of promise; and I this a great and b abominable church; beheld the wrath of God, that it and I saw the c devil that he was the was upon the seed of my brethren; founder of it. and they were c scattered before the Gentiles and were smitten. 7 And I also saw a gold, and silver, and silks, and scarlets, and fine- 15 And I beheld the Spirit of the twined b linen, and all manner of Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles, precious clothing; and I saw many and they did prosper and a obtain harlots. the b land for their inheritance; and I beheld that they were white, and 8 And the angel spake unto me, exceedingly fair and c beautiful, saying: Behold the gold, and the like unto my people before they silver, and the silks, and the scarlets, were d slain. and the fine-twined linen, and the precious clothing, and the harlots, 16 And it came to pass that I, are the a desires of this great and Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles abominable church. who had gone forth out of captiv- ity did humble themselves before 9 And also for the a praise of the the Lord; and the power of the Lord world do they b destroy the saints was a with them. of God, and bring them down into captivity. 17 And I beheld that their mother Gentiles were gathered together 10 And it came to pass that I looked and beheld many waters; and they 13 2 a tg Kings, Earthly; b tg Devil, Church of. Morm. 5:19 (19–20). c 1 Ne. 22:23 (22–23). b tg Promised Lands. Nations. c 1 Ne. 22:7. 4 a tg Gentiles. tg Devil. b 1 Ne. 13:26 (26, 34); 7 a Morm. 8:37 (36–38). tg Israel, Scattering of. b Ether 10:24. 15 a Morm. 5:19. 14:10 (3, 9–17). 8 a Rev. 18:19 (10–24); b 2 Ne. 10:19. 5 a 2 Ne. 10:16. c 2 Ne. 5:21; b Rev. 17:6 (3–6); 18:24; Morm. 8:37 (36–41). 9 a Morm. 8:38. 4 Ne. 1:10; 1 Ne. 14:13. b Rev. 13:7 (4–7). Morm. 9:6. c Jer. 28:14 (10–14). 12 a tg Guidance, Divine. d Morm. 6:19 (17–22). 14 a 2 Ne. 1:11; 16 a D&C 101:80. tg Bondage, Spiritual. 6 a D&C 88:94.

25 1 Nephi 13 : 18–29 upon the waters, and upon the land of the Lord, of whom the twelve also, to battle against them. apostles bear record; and they bear record according to the truth which 18 And I beheld that the power is in the Lamb of God. of God was with them, and also that the wrath of God was upon all 25 Wherefore, these things go forth those that were gathered together from the a Jews in purity unto the a against them to battle. b Gentiles, according to the truth which is in God. 19 And I, Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles that had gone out of cap- 26 And after they go forth by the tivity were a delivered by the power a hand of the twelve apostles of of God out of the hands of all other the Lamb, from the Jews b unto the nations. Gentiles, thou seest the formation of that c great and abominable d church, 20 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, which is most abominable above beheld that they did prosper in all other churches; for behold, they the land; and I beheld a a book, and have e taken away from the gospel it was carried forth among them. of the Lamb many parts which are f plain and most precious; and also 21 And the angel said unto me: many covenants of the Lord have Knowest thou the meaning of the they taken away. book? 27 And all this have they done that 22 And I said unto him: I know not. they might pervert the right ways 23 And he said: Behold it pro- of the Lord, that they might blind ceedeth out of the mouth of a Jew. the eyes and harden the hearts of And I, Nephi, beheld it; and he the children of men. said unto me: The a book that thou beholdest is a b record of the c Jews, 28 Wherefore, thou seest that after which contains the covenants of the book hath gone forth through the Lord, which he hath made unto the hands of the great and abomi- the house of Israel; and it also con- nable church, that there are many taineth many of the prophecies of plain and a precious things taken the holy prophets; and it is a record away from the book, which is the like unto the engravings which are book of the Lamb of God. upon the d plates of brass, save there are not so many; nevertheless, they 29 And after these plain and pre- contain the covenants of the Lord, cious things were a taken away it which he hath made unto the house goeth forth unto all the nations of of Israel; wherefore, they are of great the Gentiles; and after it goeth forth worth unto the Gentiles. unto all the nations of the Gentiles, 24 And the angel of the Lord said yea, even across the many waters unto me: Thou hast beheld that the which thou hast seen with the Gen- a book proceeded forth from the tiles which have gone forth out of mouth of a Jew; and when it pro- captivity, thou seest—because of ceeded forth from the mouth of a  Jew the many plain and precious things it contained the fulness of the gospel which have been taken out of the 18 a 1 Ne. 17:35. 24 a 2 Ne. 29:3. d tg Apostasy of the Early 19 a 2 Ne. 10:10 (10–14); 25 a 2 Ne. 29:4 (4–6); Christian Church. 3 Ne. 21:4; D&C 3:16. e Morm. 8:33; Ether 2:12. tg Israel, Judah, Moses 1:41. 20 a 1 Ne. 13:41 (3–41); 14:23. People of. tg False Doctrine; 23 a 1 Ne. 13:38; b tg Gentiles. Scriptures, Lost. 2 Ne. 29:6 (4–12). 26 a Luke 1:1 (1–4); b tg Scriptures, 2 Tim. 4:13. f 1 Ne. 14:21 (20–26); Preservation of. b Matt. 21:43. A of F 1:8. c 2 Ne. 3:12. c 1 Ne. 13:4 (4–6); d 1 Ne. 5:10 (10–22); 19:22. 14:10 (3, 9–17). 28 a 1 Ne. 14:23. 29 a 2 Pet. 3:16.

1 Nephi 13 : 30–37 26 book, which were plain unto the un- 34 And it came to pass that the derstanding of the children of men, angel of the Lord spake unto me, according to the plainness which saying: Behold, saith the Lamb of is in the Lamb of God—because of God, after I have a visited the b rem- these things which are taken away nant of the house of Israel—and out of the gospel of the Lamb, an this remnant of whom I speak is the exceedingly great many do stum- seed of thy father—wherefore, after ble, yea, insomuch that Satan hath I have visited them in judgment, great power over them. and smitten them by the hand of the Gentiles, and after the Gentiles 30 Nevertheless, thou beholdest do c stumble exceedingly, because that the Gentiles who have gone of the most plain and precious forth out of captivity, and have been parts of the d gospel of the Lamb lifted up by the power of God above which have been kept back by that all other nations, upon the face of abominable church, which is the the land which is choice above all mother of harlots, saith the Lamb—I other lands, which is the land that will be merciful unto the e Gentiles the Lord God hath covenanted with in that day, insomuch that I will thy father that his seed should have f  bring forth unto them, in mine own for the a land of their inheritance; power, much of my g gospel, which wherefore, thou seest that the Lord shall be plain and precious, saith God will not suffer that the Gentiles the Lamb. will utterly destroy the b mixture of thy c seed, which are among thy 35 For, behold, saith the Lamb: I brethren. will manifest myself unto thy seed, that they shall write many things 31 Neither will he suffer that the which I shall minister unto them, Gentiles shall a destroy the seed of which shall be plain and precious; thy brethren. and after thy seed shall be de- stroyed, and dwindle in unbelief, 32 Neither will the Lord God suf- and also the seed of thy brethren, fer that the Gentiles shall forever behold, a these things shall be hid remain in that awful state of blind- up, to come forth unto the Gentiles, ness, which thou beholdest they are by the gift and power of the Lamb. in, because of the plain and most precious parts of the gospel of the 36 And in them shall be written Lamb which have been kept back my a gospel, saith the Lamb, and my by that a abominable church, whose b rock and my salvation. formation thou hast seen. 37 And a blessed are they who shall 33 Wherefore saith the Lamb of seek to bring forth my b Zion at that God: I will be a merciful unto the day, for they shall have the c gift and Gentiles, unto the visiting of the the d power of the Holy Ghost; and remnant of the house of Israel in if they e endure unto the end they great judgment. 30 a tg Lands of Inheritance; People of. b 3 Ne. 11:39 (38–39). Promised Lands. c 1 Ne. 14:1 (1–3); tg Rock. b 2 Ne. 29:12 (12–13); 2 Ne. 26:20. 37 a Jacob 5:75 (70–76); Alma 45:14 (10–14); d tg Gospel. D&C 21:9. D&C 3:17. e tg Millennium, tg Israel, Mission of; Mission of Latter-day c 2 Ne. 3:3. Preparing a People for. Saints. 31 a 2 Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (18–19); f tg Scriptures, Lost. g D&C 10:62. b tg Zion. Jacob 3:6 (5–9); c tg Holy Ghost, Gift of. Hel. 15:12 (10–17); tg Restoration of the d Luke 24:49; 1 Ne. 14:14; 3 Ne. 16:8 (4–13); Gospel. Morm. 5:20 (20–21). 35 a 1 Ne. 14:7; 22:8; D&C 38:38 (32–38). 32 a tg Devil, Church of. 2 Ne. 27:26 (6–26); e 3 Ne. 27:16. 33 a Isa. 42:1 (1, 3–4). 29:1 (1–2). 34 a D&C 124:8; Abr. 1:17. tg Book of Mormon. tg Endure; b tg Israel, Joseph, 36 a 3 Ne. 27:21. Perseverance; Steadfastness.

27 1 Nephi 13 : 38–14 : 2 shall be f  lifted up at the last day, 41 And they must come according and shall be saved in the everlasting to the words which shall be estab- g kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso lished by the mouth of the Lamb; shall h publish peace, yea, tidings of and the words of the Lamb shall be great joy, how beautiful upon the made known in the records of thy mountains shall they be. seed, as well as in the a records of the twelve apostles of the Lamb; where- 38 And it came to pass that I be- fore they both shall be established held the remnant of the seed of my in b one; for there is c one God and brethren, and also the a book of the one d Shepherd over all the earth. Lamb of God, which had proceeded forth from the mouth of the Jew, 42 And the time cometh that he that it came forth from the Gentiles shall manifest himself unto all na- b unto the remnant of the seed of tions, both unto the a Jews and also my brethren. unto the Gentiles; and after he has manifested himself unto the Jews 39 And after it had come forth and also unto the Gentiles, then unto them I beheld a other b books, he shall manifest himself unto the which came forth by the power of Gentiles and also unto the Jews, the Lamb, from the Gentiles unto and the b last shall be first, and the them, unto the c convincing of the c first shall be last. Gentiles and the remnant of the seed of my brethren, and also the Jews Chapter 14 who were scattered upon all the An angel tells Nephi of the blessings and face of the earth, that the records cursings to fall upon the Gentiles—There of the prophets and of the twelve are only two churches: the Church of apostles of the Lamb are d true. the Lamb of God and the church of the devil—The Saints of God in all nations 40 And the angel spake unto me, are persecuted by the great and abomi­ saying: These a last records, which nable church—The Apostle John will thou hast seen among the Gentiles, write concerning the end of the world. shall b establish the truth of the c first, About 600–592 b.c. which are of the d twelve apostles of And it shall come to pass, that if the Lamb, and shall make known the a Gentiles shall hearken unto the plain and precious things which the Lamb of God in that day that have been taken away from them; he shall manifest himself unto them and shall make known to all kin- in word, and also in b power, in very dreds, tongues, and people, that deed, unto the c taking away of their the Lamb of God is the Son of the d stumbling blocks— Eternal Father, and the e Savior of the world; and that all men must 2 And harden not their hearts come unto him, or they cannot be saved. 37 f James 4:10. tg Book of Mormon. c Luke 13:30; g tg Kingdom of God, b tg Scriptures, Value of. 1 Ne. 10:14; c See the title page of the 15:13 (13–20); in Heaven. D&C 14:10. h Isa. 52:7 (7–10); Book of Mormon. tg Bible. 14 1 a 1 Ne. 22:9 (8–9); Mark 13:10; 3 Ne. 20:40. d 1 Ne. 11:29; 12:9. 38 a 1 Ne. 13:23; e Moses 1:6. 2 Ne. 30:3; 41 a 1 Ne. 13:20 (20–28). 3 Ne. 16:6 (6–13). 2 Ne. 29:6 (4–6). b Ezek. 37:17. tg Gentiles. b Morm. 5:15; 7:8 (8–9). c Deut. 6:4; 2 Ne. 31:21. b 1 Thes. 1:5; 39 a D&C 9:2. d tg Jesus Christ, Good 1 Ne. 14:14; b tg Scriptures to Shepherd. Jacob 6:2 (2–3). 42 a D&C 18:6, 26; 19:27; c Ether 12:27. Come Forth. 21:12; 90:9 (8–9); d Isa. 57:14; Ezek. 7:19; c Ezek. 37:17 (15–20); 107:33; 112:4. 1 Cor. 1:23; b Jacob 5:63; Ether 13:12. 1 Ne. 13:34 (29, 34); 1 Ne. 14:2 (1–5). 2 Ne. 26:20. d 1 Ne. 14:30. 40 a 2 Ne. 26:17 (16–17); 27:6 (6–26); 29:12.

1 Nephi 14 : 3–11 28 against the Lamb of God, they shall their hearts against the Lamb of be numbered among the seed of thy God. father; yea, they shall be a numbered among the house of Israel; and they 7 For the time cometh, saith the shall be a b blessed people upon the Lamb of God, that I will work a c promised land forever; they shall great and a a marvelous work among be no more brought down into cap- the children of men; a b work which tivity; and the house of Israel shall shall be everlasting, either on the no more be confounded. one hand or on the other—either to the convincing of them unto 3 And that great a pit, which hath c peace and d life eternal, or unto the been digged for them by that great deliverance of them to the hardness and abominable church, which of their hearts and the blindness of was founded by the devil and his their minds unto their being brought children, that he might lead away down into captivity, and also into the souls of men down to hell— destruction, both temporally and yea, that great pit which hath been spiritually, according to the e cap- digged for the destruction of men tivity of the devil, of which I have shall be filled by those who digged spoken. it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God; not the de- 8 And it came to pass that when struction of the soul, save it be the the angel had spoken these words, casting of it into that b hell which he said unto me: Rememberest thou hath no end. the a covenants of the Father unto the house of Israel? I said unto him, Yea. 4 For behold, this is according to the a captivity of the devil, and also 9 And it came to pass that he said according to the justice of God, upon unto me: Look, and behold that great all those who will work wickedness and abominable church, which is and abomination before him. the mother of abominations, whose founder is the a devil. 5 And it came to pass that the an- gel spake unto me, Nephi, saying: 10 And he said unto me: Behold Thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles there are save a two churches only; repent it shall be a well with them; the one is the church of the Lamb and thou also knowest concerning of God, and the b other is the church the covenants of the Lord unto the of the c devil; wherefore, d whoso house of Israel; and thou also hast belongeth not to the church of the heard that whoso b repenteth not Lamb of God belongeth to that must perish. great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the 6 Therefore, a wo be unto the e whore of all the earth. Gentiles if it so be that they harden 11 And it came to pass that I 2 a Gal. 3:7 (7, 29); tg Damnation; Hell. e 2 Ne. 2:29 (26–29); 2 Ne. 10:18 (18–19); 4 a tg Bondage, Spiritual. Alma 12:11 (9–11). 3 Ne. 16:13; 21:6 (6, 22); 5 a 1 Ne. 13:39 (34–42); Abr. 2:10 (9–11). 8 a tg Abrahamic Covenant; 22:9. Israel, Mission of. b 2 Ne. 6:12; 10:10 (8–14); b tg Repent. 3 Ne. 16:6 (6–7); 20:27; 6 a 2 Ne. 28:32. 9 a 1 Ne. 15:35; Morm. 5:19. 7 a Isa. 29:14; D&C 1:35. tg Devil, Church of. c tg Israel, Deliver- 1 Ne. 13:35; 22:8; ance of; 2 Ne. 27:26; 29:1 (1–2); 10 a 1 Ne. 22:23; Israel, Restoration of; D&C 4:1. 2 Ne. 26:20; Lands of Inheritance. tg Restoration of the Morm. 8:28 (25–41). Gospel. tg Church. 3 a Ps. 57:6; b tg God, Works of. Matt. 7:2 (1–2); c tg Peace; b 1 Ne. 13:4 (4–6), 1 Ne. 22:14 (13–14); Peace of God. 26 (26, 34). D&C 10:26 (25–27); d Jer. 21:8. 109:25. tg Eternal Life. c tg Devil, Church of; False Prophets. b Alma 19:29. d 2 Ne. 10:16. e Rev. 17:15 (5, 15).

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