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Home Explore 2019 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

Published by nchesser, 2020-06-23 07:40:30

Description: 2019 Annual Report


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2019 Annual Report 2 Table of 3 Contents 4 5 Introduction 6 Chairman’s Message 7 Board of Commissioners 14 Fire Chief’s Message 16 Staffing 20 Command 30 Logistics 32 Fire & Life Safety 36 Finance & Administration 42 Operations 44 Professional Development 46 Planning & Growth Management 52 Fleet 54 Looking Back At 2019 60 Did You Know? 62 Excellence Awards 64 Social Media Greater Naples Fire Foundation In the Community

3 Introduction introduction The Greater Naples Fire Rescue District is responsible for providing fire, rescue, emergency medical, and life safety services to residents, businesses and visitors within an area of one-thousand, five-hundred twelve (1,512) square miles within Collier County, Florida. The purpose of this report is to provide a concise summary of the Greater Naples Fire Rescue District’s accomplishments during 2019, shed light on the turning points which have helped shape the organization, and provide a clear picture of the services offered. This Annual Report contains information about the emergency preparedness, responses, training, personnel, and community involvement by the Greater Naples Fire Rescue District beginning January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.

Chairman’s Message 4 Jeff PageCHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS As current Chairman of the Board of Significant growth continues Fire Commissioners of the Greater throughout Collier County, and Naples Fire Rescue District, it is my the Greater Naples Fire Rescue honor to serve along-side my fellow District endeavors to keep pace Board members and provide the through the effective delivery of necessary oversite to ensure your services, detailed planning for Fire District remains good stewards the future needs, and closely of the community’s tax dollars while collaborating with our partners providing the highest level of fire- at Collier County and other rescue, emergency medical, and life public safety first responders of safety services possible. the community. Providing the The Greater Naples Fire Rescue citizens with excellent District continues to be the largest stewardship of its assets and independent fire district in Florida professional delivery of and is funded primarily through ad emergency and life safety valorem taxes. The District is services is paramount to our governed by a five-member Board mission. Future growth and of Fire Commissioners that are associated challenges are being elected to designated seats from addressed with great enthusiasm throughout the geographical as we remain committed to serve boundaries of the Fire District. the community with the most The Board of Fire Commissioners is professional services possible. authorized to levy up to one and a Sincerely, half (1.5) mill in taxes and remains vigilant in its responsibility to Jeff Page, Chairman monitor expenses. In addition, the Board of Fire Commissioners Board regularly examines the District’s financial and operational reports to ensure that public funds are allocated in the most efficient manner and operational resources are effectively deployed. The Board is very proud of our professional Firefighter/Paramedics and EMT’s, life safety professionals, administrative and technical support professionals. Under the guidance of the District’s Management team, everyone strives to provide professional and compassionate service to our citizens, business partners, and visitors.

5 Board of Fire Commissioners 2019 Board of Fire Commissioners Jeff Kevin David Tom Charlie Page Gerrity Stedman Henning Cottiers Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Commissioner As elected officials, the Commissioners serve as the representatives of the citizens who live in the District. The Commissioners are responsible for making certain the District is meeting the needs of those they serve. While the Fire Chief is the Chief Administrative Officer of the District and makes the day to day operational decisions, it is the Board’s responsibility to oversee the larger District considerations. Among these responsibilities are ensuring that District staff complies with applicable State and Federal mandates, preserving the District’s property and assets, stewarding the District’s finances and affairs, adopting an annual budget, and monitoring progress towards reaching established goals.

Fire Chief’s Message 6 FIRE CHIEF “The mission of the Greater Naples Fire Rescue District is to protect life and property by providing emergency “response services and education for the residents, businesses and visitors of our community” KINGMAN SCHULDT On behalf of the men and As Fire Chief of this great women who commit their lives organization, I stand proudly to the safety and welfare of the along-side the men and women community, I present the Greater who make it their duty to Naples Fire District’s 2019 provide the most professional Annual Report. This report will fire rescue services possible. On provide you pertinent behalf of these men and women, information to summarize the I thank the community for their successes of the District and its continuous support during 2019. members during 2019. The None of which would be report provides statistical data as possible without the Board of well as descriptive accounts of Fire Commissioners who the District’s activities and will provide continual guidance, depict the functions and governance, and leadership that responsibilities of each of the has enabled us to offer the District’s functional Sections. extraordinary level of life safety and emergency services. The District’s 225 members strive each day to fulfill our It will remain my commitment to Mission, achieve our Vision, serve our employees, enhance and demonstrate our Values services, exceed customer during the delivery of services. expectations, and be effective Professionalism The organization’s employees stewards of the tax-payers Integrity are the cornerstone to any money in 2020. Please enjoy successes realized; a group of this report as we report our Compassion incredibly dedicated, educated, professionalism, integrity, and and skilled professionals who compassion to the citizens and consistently demonstrate their community of the Greater ability to provide exemplary and Naples and Collier County compassionate services to our community. community. Sincerely, Kingman D. Schuldt | CFO Fire Chief

7 Staffing Command Staff Kingman Schuldt, Fire Chief J. Nolan Sapp, Assistant Chief Rob Low, Assistant Chief Alan McLaughlin, Assistant Chief Shawn Hanson, Assistant Chief Wayne Martin, Assistant Chief Tara Bishop, Director

Staffing 8 Command Staff Chris Tobin, Battalion Chief Forrest Campbell, Battalion Chief Jeff Davenport, Battalion Chief Andy Krajewski, Battalion Chief Corey Nelson, Battalion Chief Matthew Trent, Battalion Chief Caleb Morris, Division Chief Kevin Nelmes, EMS Division Chief

9 Staffing PAGES 32-35 PAGES 30-31 Director Tara Bishop Administrative Assistant Suanne Woeste HR Manager Debbie Schwarz Accountant Charlotte Johnson Finance Specialist Pat Meulenberg Finance Specialist Maria Mercedes Carrillo OPERATIONS Assistant Chief Nolan Sapp Administrative Assistant Susan Morris PAGES 36-41 Assistant Chief Rob Low Division Chief Caleb Morris Division Chief-EMS Kevin Nelmes Captain Rusty Godette Khris Klock Administrative Assistant Martie Morgan Assistant Chief Wayne Martin Administrative Assistant Amanda Eberl Judy Schleiffer PAGES 42-43 Fleet Manager John Luppy Lead Mechanic Jamie Popiol Mark Records Mechanic Matthew Day

Staffing 10 COMMAND Fire Chief Kingman Schuldt PAGES 14-15 Executive Assistant Nicole Chesser District Physician Robert Tober District Chaplain Jack Strom Communications & Charlee Dascani Public Affairs Intern LOGISTICS Assistant Chief Alan McLaughlin Logistics Technician Brian Bower PAGES 16-19 Logistics Technician Scott Johnson Acting Lieutenant Jarett Cotter Maintenance Technician Charlie Heweker IT Manager Brad Sprowls IT Technician Josh Williams FIRE & LIFE SAFETY Assistant Chief/ Fire Marshal Shawn Hanson Deputy Fire Marshal/Captain Shar Beddow Lieutenant Fire Inspector Steve Riley Mike Cruz John Bigica Fire Inspector Mike Bays James Cody PAGES 20-29 Joel Glover Brian Mading Jennifer Meredith Aaron Stewart Ian Stewart Administrative Assistant Tracey Caparrelli

11 Staffing A SHIFT BATTALION CHIEF Campbell, F DRIVER/ENGINEER Anzualda FIREFIGHTER Alvarado Tobin Borowski, D Borowski, A CAPTAIN Heath Bowers Conroy LIEUTENANT Arroyo Buczko Correa Bledsoe Cline Edwards Boutilier Dilyard Fickey Brewer Douglas Fleming Brisson Easley Frazier Brown Garner Humphrey Diaz, C Hennessy Jacobs Forte Holden King Grimm Maisano Occhipinti Kidder Moyer Oxar McGee Orsolini Packard, Br Melheim Richard Perez, S Nugent Quinn Rossi Sanchez Rogula Schilling Youngsman Saenz Szempruch Soto, N Suarez- Murias Tomaselli Wilcox APPRENTICE Trapani

Staffing 12 B SHIFT LOGISTICS BATTALION CHIEF Davenport DRIVER/ENGINEER Borowski, J. FIREFIGHTER Arbogast CAPTAIN Nelson Bunting Arts-Kottke Roll Citak Brody LIEUTENANT Weinbaum Crouse Castaneda Wilson Ellis Crato Asher Flores Favier Baker Garcia, J. Garretto Bright Kilmer Graham Fly Mading, T. Gutierrez Good McGinnis Henderson Grala Palermo Hogue Jones Perez, Da Keene Krick Raymond Kehoe Lara Reeve Lawrence Mayberry Stirns Leal McGowan Stoller Marrero Morgan, J. Mercier Purcell Pecora Taylor, J. Roseme’ Smith Taylor, N. Thigpen Williams APPRENTICE Hullibarger

13 Staffing C SHIFT BATTALION CHIEF Krajewski DRIVER/ENGINEER Andrews FIREFIGHTER Blanco CAPTAIN Trent Beasley Cipriano Hogan Cranor Contreras LIEUTENANT Schoch Edgemon Diaz, J. Sellers Festa Donovan Beckman Garcia, L. Finger Campbell, R. Gill Gonzalez Lowe Hancock Hofstetter MacQuarrie Hooks Jenks Michel Odum Kelly Nixon Palmateer Mathwich Padilla, E. Perez, Do McCarthy Padilla, J. Pernak Morales Rasmussen Pipitone Pratt Santana Sims, T. Ramis Sawyer Tomei Rojas Taylor, S. Rotkvich Walczak Soto, M. Zafiris Temperilli Wilkie Zmejkoski

Command 14 COMMAND

15 Command Command Command duties are executed by the Fire Chief The National Incident Management System who has the overall responsibility for managing (NIMS) model continues to serve as the foundation the District by establishing organizational goals for the day-to-day management of the Fire District. and objectives, planning assumptions, and The NIMS model provides a standardized implementing sound financial and business approach, not only for emergency incidents, but strategies. The Fire Chief provides direction and business and organizational management practices oversight to the Command Staff during the alike. This model provides for several functional development and execution of specific duties and areas to work independently, yet in support of assignments. To maintain an effective span of overall goals set forth by the Fire Chief. control, the Planning and Growth Management Chief additionally serves as the Chief Operating Due to the on-going organizational growth, it was Officer (COO) to support project management and again necessary to modify the NIMS model to coordination. better accommodate the increased demand for services. The Fire Chief continues to serve in the A primary duty as head of the Command Staff, the Command role with direct oversight of six Fire Chief is responsible for evaluating the current functional Sections including; Administration and economic and business environment and establish Finance, Logistics, Operations, Planning and a balanced budget capable of supporting District Growth Management, Fire and Life Safety, and operations throughout the year. He is responsible Professional Development. Each Section is for providing the Board of Fire Commissioners managed by a Command Staff officer serving as with relevant financial, business, and life safety Section Chief, providing the day-to-day information in order they remain abreast of all supervision needed to accomplish organizational District matters. objectives. The Fire Chief must ultimately ensure all programs and operations are adequately funded, developed, and executed in order organizational goals are met in accordance with Board direction.

Logistics 16 logistics

17 Logistics Logistics The Logistics Section supports the Mission of the Fire District by managing equipment and supplies, information technology administration, and facility maintenance. The Logistics Section completed 1,367 requests for service in 2019. BRANCHES Supply/Procurement Branch The Supply/Procurement Branch is responsible for ordering, stocking, and delivering all District supplies. The Supply/Procurement Branch also is responsible for annual fire alarm/sprinkler testing and maintenance, annual fire extinguisher maintenance, backflow inspections, ground well and fuel site maintenance, and water system maintenance and testing including all yearly service contracts and procurement bids. The Logistics Supply branch is supported by one Logistics Supply Technician and one Logistics purchasing/contract Technician. Facilities Branch The Facilities Branch is responsible for the routine maintenance and repair of all fire rescue facilities. Tasks include painting, minor structural repairs, minor plumbing work, air-conditioning maintenance and repairs, and other work involved in keeping fire stations and other District facilities up and running. The Facilities Branch oversees construction and repairs to all District facilities. The Facilities Branch has one Maintenance Technician assigned to provide services to 15 fire stations, in addition to administrative, life safety, and fleet facilities.

Logistics 18 Information Technologies (IT) Branch The Information Technologies (IT) Branch provides expert computer and network infrastructure support to the District. The Branch is responsible for network and server administration, hardware and software installation and maintenance, development and implementation of data security and confidentiality protocols, site security, and assistance with technical questions. IT provides service to 20 facilities and support to all apparatus mobile data terminals. IT works with other agency IT systems such as Collier County for security access and Locution in shared facilities. The IT Branch has one Manager and one Technician assigned. Supplies and Equipment Branch The Supplies and Equipment Branch is responsible for the maintenance and repair of firefighting equipment. The Branch is responsible for the purchase, storage, and issuing of uniforms and protective clothing, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), facility supplies, firefighting equipment, hose and specialty items used by the District. It is also responsible for the testing and maintenance of protective clothing and SCBA, the annual testing of fire hose, hydraulic tools, ground ladders, and air compressor quality testing. The Branch also services all power tools, PPV fans, power saws, and all hand tools, thermal imagers and water flow appliances. This Branch is also responsible for placement and equipping of tools and equipment on apparatus and provides support to the apparatus and equipment committees. The Equipment Branch is supported by one field Captain and two field Lieutenants.

19 Logistics 2019 Logistics Section benchmarks  Replaced roofs on Stations 20 and 72  Tested 50,945 feet of fire hose per NFPA 62  Tested 1,116 feet of ground ladders per NFPA 1932  Tested 19 sets of Hydraulic extrication tools per NFPA 1936  Completed change out of all combat attack fire hose for all fire apparatus  Completed standardization of hydraulic delivery systems for all fire apparatus  Completed standardization of large diameter hose intakes for all fire apparatus  SCBA air packs flow tested per NFPA 1852  Fit testing conducted for all operations personnel  Inspected and tested 128 sets of personal protective gear per NFPA 1851

Fire & Life Safety 20 FIRE & LIFE SAFETY

21 Fire & Life Safety Fire & Life safety The Fire & Life Safety Section was active in Section staff continued to enjoy partnerships all-hazards reduction that was accomplished and daily interactions with Collier County through a combination of education, code Departments including Public Utilities staff, compliance enforcement, and investigations. Code Enforcement, Business Tax Licensing, Personnel were responsible for partnering in Zoning, and Planning. Additionally, a shared the District’s overall community risk Arc GIS software program continues to reduction efforts that saw daily Section provide for the tracking of water supply lines operations focus on community risk and fire hydrant locations, critical information reduction efforts and the enhancement of on service lines and hydrant status, backflows, safety for all District personnel and the and systems modifications such as line size community. changes and relocations. In 2019, the Section further enhanced its The District and its community also continued Knox program partnership by beginning the to benefit from coordinated efforts with Collier transitioning process to the Knox Box County Growth Management staff, allowing Electronic Key Rapid Entry System, the Section to work hand-in-hand with the encompassing commercial key boxes, building official, department heads, and fire residential key boxes (Homebox), gate plans reviewers. access solutions, FDC locking caps, elevator boxes, and more. This program was further The Section also enjoyed a fire & life safety enhanced by partnering with the surrounding services partnership with Everglades City, fire departments, Collier County Public enhancing fire safety awareness and code Schools, and the Collier County Sheriff’s compliance. Office.

Fire & Life Safety 22 Community risk reduction and enforcement Community Risk Reduction utilizing education was practiced daily through formal educational courses, including training on the use of fire extinguishers, crowd management certification, and general public education events. Fire & life safety inspections were also a critical educational opportunity in the promotion of community risk reduction. Eliminating hazards and educating residential occupants, contractors, and business owners and occupants by ensuring they remain informed on fire codes and their role in fire safety and hazard prevention was the primary focus. Working cohesively with community stakeholders to achieve code compliance and enhanced cooperative relationships aimed at fostering a safer community is the ultimate goal. Origin and Cause Investigations Initial origin and cause investigations were completed by Operations Section personnel and turned over to Fire & Life Safety Section personnel as requested. In 2019, Section personnel investigated twelve (12) structure fires and the State Fire Marshal’s office was requested to assist on four (4) of those investigations. Proper investigation and reporting of fires enables the Florida State Fire Marshal’s office to provide accurate statistical data to agencies such as the National Fire Protection Association to meet their mission of protecting life, property, and the environment from the devastation of fire.

23 Fire & Life Safety Section Personnel The Fire & Life Safety Section was supported by one (1) Captain - Florida State Certified as a Firefighter/Inspector/Investigator, three (3) Lieutenant Inspectors - Florida State Certified as a Firefighter/Inspector/Investigator, four (4) Inspectors - Florida State Certified as a Firefighter/ Inspector/Investigator, and three (3) Civilian Inspectors - Florida State Certified as an Inspector. Experience within the Investigative Section ranges from 2 to 30 years. The Investigative Section was under the auspices of an Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal and further supported by an Administrative Assistant. Enhancing the Section team were four (4) Collier County Fire Plans Reviewers; all Greater Naples fire plans review were conducted by County staff under Section oversight and District authority. Personnel Development and Education Section personnel are active in training and professional development; more than 1,862 hours were spent collectively on education and training to remain current with codes, processes, technology, and other fire service advancements and requirements. In addition to bi-weekly in-services, some of the 2019 educational attendance highlights were the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspector’s Association (FFMIA) Annual Conference, the Florida Fire Chiefs’ Association (FFCA) Fire-Rescue East Conference, the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ (IAFC) Fire-Rescue International Conference. Local courses ensured knowledge in rapid advances in technology in such topics as radio enhancement, firewalls, fire stopping, fire alarms, fire sprinklers and other topics. Many team members took advantage of subject matter experts imported into the area to instruct. Involvement in committees such as the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association Legislative Committee allows staff to identify issues at the state level, which affect local areas. The Fire Alarm Committee, a local Collier County committee, allows the District to work with plan reviewers, engineers, and fire alarm license holders countywide to address issues associated with fire alarms proactively.

Fire & Life Safety 24 37,959,664 Total square feet new construction inspections

25 Fire & Life Safety Covering a geographic area of 1,512 square miles, including the City of Everglades City and the Ochopee Service Area, the Fire & Life Safety Section (Section) completed 6,978 New Construction Inspections for a total of 37,959,664 square feet; of that total, 20,617,035 new square footage was added to the District; 4,154 Existing Building Inspections including Hydrant Flow Tests and Inspections, Business Tax License Inspections, Periodic Fire & Life Safety Inspections, School Inspections, Deficiency/ Complaint Inspections, Special Events/Tents, and Fireworks Inspections, Key Boxes, and Evacuation Plans Review. In addition to servicing the Greater Naples Fire Rescue District, the Fire & Life Safety Section was responsible for new and existing inspections located within the Ochopee Fire District, including the City of Everglades City. The Section is also responsible for the oversight of Collier County Fire Plans Reviews for the District. Four (4) Collier County Fire Plans Reviewers conducted 4,805 building fire plans reviews and 824 planning fire plans reviews. In addition to the fire & life safety inspections, the following public education was delivered to the community by Section staff:  Five (5) Fire Extinguisher Classes provided training to 110 community members;  Seven (7) Crowd Manager Training Classes provided 26 citizens with crowd manager certifications, and  Fire safety talks were delivered by Section staff, including Sparky the Fire Dog, to more than 486 adults and children.  In October, the 11th Annual Fire Prevention Awareness Day at Coastland Center Mall was attended by more than 1,100 people throughout the day.

Fire & Life Safety 82 26 4% OCCUR IN HOME FIRES IN 2019 50% OCCUR IN THE THE KITCHEN LIVING ROOM 3% OCCUR IN 7% OCCUR IN THE THE BEDROOM LAUNDRY ROOM Greater Naples Fire Rescue District responded to 82 residential fires in 2019. Typically, 30 percent of all structure fires occur in a single family home. Our goal for 2020 is to reduce this number through education and prevention in the community. The chart above maps out where the most fires occur in the home. Through proper knowledge and safe habits we can cut down these numbers and keep our homes and families safe from fire.

27 Fire & Life Safety According to, in less than 30 seconds a small flame can turn into a major fire.

Fire & Life Safety 28 New Construction Inspections 8,000 New Construction 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Existing Building Inspections 5,000 Existing Building 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

29 Fire & Life Safety 70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000 Permitted Sq Ft 30,000,000 New Construction Sq Ft 20,000,000 10,000,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 Plans Review Site Development & Planning Review 2,000 1,000 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015

Finance 30 adFmiinnaisntcrea&tion

31 Finance Finance & Administration The Finance & Administration Section manages critical functions for the Fire District including budget management, human resources, legal services, and legislative administration. The Finance Branch is responsible for Accounts Payable (A/P), Accounts Receivable (A/R), procurement oversight, general ledger accounting, payroll, and facilitating the annual audit. The Finance Technician is responsible for every aspect of payroll administration for all employees; including payroll record management, payroll data research and analysis, and the identification and reconciliation of payroll related issues, ensuring all are paid timely and accurately. To ensure the District remains fiscally sound, the Finance Branch manages all financial activities to ensure all recognized governmental standards of accounting are followed. The team is also responsible for all grant management and reimbursement funding projects. The Human Resources (HR) Branch assists employees with every area of personnel administration from the beginning of employment through separation and retirement. In addition to handling new employees, promotions, and retirements, the Human Resources Branch is responsible for administering personnel-related programs in compliance with state and federal requirements. Program management includes benefits orientation and annual renewal, worker’s compensation, healthcare, FMLA, and general benefit coordination from enrollment to billing issues, employee data maintenance, personnel records management, grievance processing, tuition reimbursement, and public records requests. The Administrative Branch holds the primary responsibility to manage all Commission activities relating to Florida’s Sunshine Law. Preparation and execution of the Board’s monthly agenda and schedule remains a priority in order the District is provided the necessary oversite to function effectively. The Administrative Branch works cohesively with the Office of the Fire Chief on all legislative and legal matters of the District necessary to meet various state and federal requirements.

Operations 32 OPERATIONS

33 Operations Operations The Operations Section is comprised of a 24/48-hour fire service shift broken down into A, B, C- Shift assignments. The Fire District is divided into two Battalions due to the large response area and span of control. They are tasked with the response to calls for service which include structure fires, wildland fires, emergency medical response, vehicle entrapments, water rescue, USAR, and hazardous material spills or releases, for example. They also assist many of our other public safety partners, such as Collier County Sheriff Office and Collier County Emergency Medical Services. Firefighters respond from 15 Fire Stations with 11 Engines, 2 Aerials, 1 Heavy Rescue, 5 Water Tenders, 10 Brush Trucks, 1 Light Rescue, 1 Light and Air Unit, 2 Marine Units, and 3 Medical Response Squad units. Two Battalion Commanders oversee each shift. The Greater Naples Fire Rescue District is responsible to provide services to an area of more than 1,512 square miles. This includes a large number of year-round residential communities, over 25 Collier County School facilities, an expansive industrial area, 54 miles of interstate, and miles of intercoastal shoreline and canal infrastructure. The Greater Naples Fire Rescue District responded to 22,627 calls for service in 2019. A total of 15,090 were to rescue and emergency medical service incidents, representing 67% of all calls for service. Units responded to 407 reports of fire, 105 of which were reported to be structure fires. Greater Naples has one of the largest wildland urban interface regions in the State of Florida, responding to 70 wildland and vegetation fires in 2019. The agency has a very proactive response strategy to address incidents of wildfire and work hand-in-hand with our partners with the Florida Forestry Service and National Park Service. In 2019 the District purchased a new Type I Brush truck with assistance from our partners at the Golden Gate Estates Land Trust group. That truck is based at Fire Station 71 in the Golden Gate Estates service area.

Operations 34 22,627 Incident Responses in 2019 +4.15% Increase from 2018 Operations enhanced capabilities in 2019 by preparing for “Active Shooter Hostile Event Response” (NFPA 3000 ASHER). The District procured ballistics protection equipment for all firefighters that may be required to respond to hostile events. Personnel participated in extensive training alongside the Collier County Sheriff’s Office and Collier County EMS to prepare together and provide assistance in the event such services are requested. The Operations Section also provides hundreds of contact hours with the general public providing valuable educational and community-based programs. These include school programs, special events such as Everglades Seafood Festival which brings thousands of visitors to Everglades City over a three-day period, and the world famous South Florida Swamp Buggy Races. Personnel provide educational sessions to civic groups for Fire Safety, CPR, wildfire awareness and hurricane preparedness to mention a few. Greater Naples Fire Rescue District has the most diversified demographics in Collier County, and stands ready to respond to any type of emergent incident.

35 Operations

Professional Development 36 Pdreovfeelsosipomneanlt

37 Professional Development Professional Development This past year was a transitional period for the Training Section. A reassessment of the District Strategic Plan led to a recommendation for renaming the Training Section. As a result, and to more accurately align with our Mission, the Training Section is now known as Professional Development. The Professional Development Section consists of four branches: Fire Training, EMS, Special Operations, and Health and Safety. It is the Mission of the Greater Naples Fire Rescue District's Professional Development Section to enhance customer service delivery by providing safe, high quality, progressive training, and education programs.

Professional Development 38 BRANCHES Fire Training Branch Led by the Branch Captain, the Fire Training Branch focuses on specialty program delivery; extrication, live fire, acquired structure, facility training, wildland fire safety, driver training, new employee orientation, and development of annual company training. The Fire Training Branch provided the following training opportunities in 2019: Collier County Communication Center Overview- This program allowed all personnel to sit with the Dispatch team for three hours; answering calls, dispatching units, and sharing response information New Hire Firefighter and EMS Orientation Program- A three-week program designed to integrate new employees into our system Acquired Structures- The use of acquired structures greatly enhances the opportunity for training personnel in realistic environments; this year, several structures slated for demolition were donated for training purposes. Numerous partner agencies utilized these structures, including SWAT, FBI, EOD Teams, Law Enforcement, EMS, and Fire Rescue. Acquired structure and Hands-on Training (HOT) classes include: Ground Ladder Operations Hose Advancement Aerial Operations USAR Operations Fire Ground Operations SCBA Air Consumption Maze Meth Lab Awareness New Brush Apparatus Factory Train the Trainer Thermal Imaging Drills Search and Rescue in a nursing home Arson Investigation Fire behavior and Read the smoke Live Fire Company Officer, Battalion Commander, or Branch Captain Led Training Hazardous Materials Basics for the Engine Company Fire Damage Assessment Hide in Plain Sight Firefighter Survival Skills Basic Firefighter Skills Active Shooter

39 Professional Development EMS Branch The Professional Development Section added our first EMS Chief to the newly improved EMS branch. The Mission of the EMS Branch Chief is to transform EMS training and education, compliance, and quality control into a state of the art program aligned with local, regional, and national best practices. Also, the EMS Chief assessed our current medical equipment cadre and established a long-term strategy for standardization and replacement. The EMS branch provided the following opportunities in 2019: Medical Director Inservice- A quarterly training partnership program with Collier County EMS and the Medical director concentrated on new and emerging trends, equipment updates, and protocol changes. Collier County Paramedic Re-credentialing- Each year, the medical director meets with and evaluates paramedics, assessing their knowledge, skills, and abilities, ensuring the highest standard of care is provided to visitors and residents. District Physician Monthly Inservice- Each month the District's physician conducts supplemental training for personnel in a just-in-time format, covering a variety of topics that include: quality assurance, stroke assessment, cardiac, and bioterrorism. ACLS/BLS Recertification– Every two years personnel are required to recertify in ACLS and BLS, in support of this requirement, the EMS branch conducted the training. Also, all civilian staff received CPR training. Ambulance Orientation- Required for all personnel operating a Collier County ambulance Lousiana State University Partnership Programs: Emergency Response to Domestic Biological Incidents Biological Incidents Awareness

Professional Development 40 Health & Safety Branch Firefighter mental health and cancer risks are at the forefront of the global fire service. The Branch continues to support programs to ensure the wellbeing of all employees. 2019 initiatives of the Health and Safety Branch include:  Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Group and Individual (GRIN) Training- Initial training provided to personnel interested in being members of the CISM team  Quarterly Accident/Injury Review- In conjunction with the Safety Committee, conduct a quarterly review of all accidents and injuries involving district personnel and assets and providing recommended preventative measures.  Firefighter Cancer Statute Inservice Program Mutual Aid Radio Communications (MARC)- Midway through the year, the Professional Development Section became the program manager of the State of Florida, Region Six, MARC unit. The unit consists of 100' trailer-mounted radio tower, tow unit (pickup truck), numerous portable radios, and miscellaneous communication support equipment. The MARC response system provides a self-sustained radio cache deployed into disaster impacted areas that have lost existing communication needs or areas in need of additional radio communication capabilities. Training SnapShot- The following information provides a snapshot of the recorded hours personnel recorded for training throughout the year.

41 Professional Development Special Operations Branch The Special Operations Branch is made up of four teams and led by a Divison Chief overseeing the day to day operations and training of team members; the following training opportunities occurred in 2019 in support of mission readiness. Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)  Rope Rescue Inservice  Confined Space Inservice  Trench Rescue Inservice  Annual Team Member Assessment Dive  Public Safety Dive Certification  Diver MayDay Drill  Annual Watermanship Skills Assessment HazMat  Monthly multiagency hazmat training on a variety of related topics Marine Emergency Response Team (MERT)  Boat Operations  Fire Attack on a remote inhabited island  County Wide Hazardous Materials and Marine Emergency Response Team Drill

Planning & Growth Management 42 PLANNING & GROWTH MANAGEMENT

43 Planning & Growth Management Planning & Growth Management The Planning & Growth Management Section was instrumental in numerous programs in 2019.  The Governing Documents Committee processed over 30 Standard Operating Guidelines in 2019 in cooperation with management staff and the IAFF Local 2396.  A Grant was secured for $5,000 for Ballistics Gear from the Preferred Matching Training Incentive Program.  The District placed several new apparatus in service and celebrated these events by holding traditional push back ceremonies for Engines 22, 23, 70, 71, Squad 76, Battalion 20, Battalion 70, and Brush 71. Fleet Management The Fleet Management Branch is responsible for the maintenance and repairs of approximately 100 pieces of rolling stock including staff vehicles, fire engines, ladder trucks, brush trucks, water tenders, squads, boats, and various trailers. In 2019 Fleet introduced several new apparatus including five fire engines, one Type I Brush truck, two Battalion supervisor units, and one quick response medical squad. The District continues to utilize the Enterprise E-Fleet leasing program to maintain a fleet in excess of 30 staff support vehicles. In 2019 three utility pickup trucks were acquired for the Professional Development and Fire and Life Safety Sections. In addition, one Fleet Management technician service truck, one Logistics mini-van, and one general staff vehicle were placed in service. In 2019 the District declared several outdated vehicles and equipment surplus and were disposed of through an online auction, providing more than $60,000 in revenue. Annual fire apparatus pump testing was completed on 31 fire apparatus in accordance with standards recommended by the National Fire Protection (NFPA). In similar fashion both in-service aerials tested and achieved annual certification. The District also maintains fire apparatus for the City of Marco Island through an inter-agency cooperative agreement. A new modified agreement was reached in 2019 and provided for a continuation of services under a new funding formulation that best reflects the actual costs to both agencies. In 2019 the Fleet Management Branch generated $724,043 in repair costs. Vehicle Technicians utilized 5,850 parts at a cost of $204,438.

Fleet 44 GNFD FLEET Two Ladder Tr ucks 11 Frontline Engines One Heavy Rescue Six Reser ve Engines Five Br ush Tr ucks Four Attack Tr ucks Three Medical Squads One Air Light Tr uck Five 2,500 to 3,000 Gallon Water Tenders Two All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) Four Special Response Units Two Command Staff Vehicles Two Battalion Commander Vehicles 14 Fire & Life Safety Vehicles Five Planning Section / Fleet Vehicles Six Logistics Section Suppor t Vehicles Four Pr ofessional Development Section Vehicles Two Finance Section Vehicles Four Staff Utility Vehicles Two Fir e Rescue Mar ine Units 14 Trailers for Hazmat, Public Education, Training, USAR, etc.

45 Fleet

Looking Back at 2019 46

47 Looking Back at 2019

Looking Back at 2019 48

49 Looking Back at 2019

Looking Back at 2019 50

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