THE BALANCE RADAR COMPANYDimension Rating EvidenceFlexibilityResponsibility HM LStandards HM LRewards HM LClarity HM LTeam commitment HM L HM LWhat helped or hindered the climate?Helped Hindered 103
PERFORMANCE OUTCOMESPerformance measures Blazer Booker Balance1. Productivity (# of contracts completed)2. Quality (# of units rejected)3. Cost savings ($ saved through improved methods)4. New products (# of product innovations)5. Job satisfaction6. Net profits ($ earned) 104
Climate feedback 105
“SMART” REPORTS: KEY SECTIONS• Overview of concepts• Definition of climate dimensions• Understanding your feedback• Data validity• Styles self-report/climate you experience• Climate your raters experience• Climate comparison• Climate detail• Creating a healthier climate 107
Climate you experience CLIMATE REPORTS Climate your raters experience 109
EVALUATING MY ORGANISATIONAL CLIMATE RESULTS• What do I see as the positives in the climate I receive?• What needs to be improved in the climate I receive?• What are the positives in the climate described by my direct reports?• What would I like to improve in my direct reports’ climate? 111
LINKAGE BETWEEN LEADERS FOR GROWTH AND GROWING TOGETHER MANAGER RESULTSGrowing Together Al-Futtaim Leadership Effectiveness 1. Leadership Profiles 360⁰ 2. Leader Styles 3. Work Climate Wednesday, 03 August 2016 109
Co-Coaching 113
CO-COACHING• Get back into your co-coaching groups• Review your results, now that you have received your climate feedback• Use the following pages in your folder to structure your thinking• Discuss any changes you are thinking of making• Support and challenge where appropriate 114
Goal Setting 115
PROCESS OF CHANGE: REFLECTION• What do you find are the most difficult aspects of achieving personal change?• What about creating change for those you lead?• Where are you likely to find help and support for the changes you want to make? 116
PROCESS OF CHANGE: LOOKING AHEAD• Given all the feedback and information, what about you or team in your division might get in the way of achieving your vision (opportunities for change – so include things about yourself)?• What do you actually need to change to achieve your desired state (vision)? • Immediately:• Over the next six months:• Over the next year: 117
DEVELOPMENT PLANFuture leaders develop on the job. Learning is not random: there is a strong linkbetween challenging, specific experiences and lessons learned. The “right”experiences do not guarantee learning; unsuccessful leaders missed the meaning,relied too heavily on successful habits, or blocked their new learning.Development planning includes;ACT on your plan. Implement REVIEW REVIEW all the materials you have and all theand execute the plan! PLAN discussions that have taken place thus far. ACT Understand the requirement of the target positions and how you measure up to the target position profile PLAN your development. Remember, it’s about taking REFLECT REFLECT about how you might construct a action development plan based on all the input – identify gaps. Consider; What will I concentrate on? What will I do? What are your goals? Check back with manager once you have a general direction mapped out 118
WRITING PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOALSWhen development planning, reflect on;• What change in behaviours do you want to see in yourself – not a business goal• Be specific, measurable (observable changes you or others might see)• Limit to no more than 2 – 3 goals• Be challenging yet realistic• Choose action steps that allow success• Select no more than 1-3 actions per goal• Be committedIt is important to emphasize on- the- job activities when development planning.Leaders tend to focus on; Leaders should focus on;70% Books • Books (70%) 10% Books20% Seminars 20% Seminars10% OJT 70% On-The-Job 119
DEVELOPMENT GOALSAfter reviewing your feedback from your reports on 360, styles and climate, we would like you to think on how youwould like to develop yourself during your Leadership Journey. What goals would you like to set and how are yougoing to achieve this? Please follow these steps:1. Fill Overview sheet of Development Activities (set goals) and Learning Activities (how to achieve these goals)2. Fill details on Development Activities and Learning Activities on the second page3. Input details of Development Plan in iGrow4. Fulfill activities during your leadership journey and track status in iGrowEmployee Name: Date: Development Activity (What) Learning Activity (how)1 1.1 1.22 1.33 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 120
DEVELOPMENT GOALSDevelopment Plan – What Development Goals do you have and how are you going to achieve this? After reviewing your feedback from your reports on 360, styles and climate, we would like you to think on how you would like to develop yourself during your Leadership Journey. What goals would you like to set and how are you going to achieve this? Please follow these steps: 1. Fill Overview sheet of Development Activities (set goals) and Learning Activities (how to achieve these goals) 2. Fill details on Development Activities and Learning Activities on the second page 3. Input details of Development Plan in iGrow 4. Fulfill activities during your leadership journey and track status in iGrowEmployee Name: Date: Development Activity (What) Learning Activity (how)1 1.1 1.2 1.32 2.1 2.2 2.33 3.1 3.2 3.3 121
DEVELOPMENT GOALSDevelopment Activity 1 – What Development Goals do you have? Category: Short-Term Long-Term Target Date: Objective Name: Competency: Description: Measures:Learning Activity 1.1 – What Learning Activities would you like to use to reach your Development Goal?Activity Name: Activity Type: Classroom Mentoring E-learning Self Study OtherDescription: 122
DEVELOPMENT GOALSLearning Activity 1.2 – What Learning Activities would you like to use to reach your Development Goal?Activity Name: Activity Type: Classroom Mentoring E-learning Self Study OtherDescription:Learning Activity 1.3 – What Learning Activities would you like to use to reach your Development Goal?Activity Name: Activity Type: Classroom Mentoring E-learning Self Study OtherDescription: 123
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES1. On-going additional feedback on the job – solicit additional and on-going feedback from people around you. Example: monthly development meeting or quarterly personal commitment meetings with one leader or key work partner to solicit developmental feedback and action advice.2. Benchmark on-the-job targeted internal networking – model others who are competent at a skill where you need development. Example: Ask the head of strategic planning in your sector how s/he does his/her job and try some of their ideas in your own role.3. On-going coaching sessions for developmental advice – conduct one-on-one confidential meetings with an internal coach outside of your function to discuss job difficulties and possible solutions. Example: Quarterly meetings with executive for advice on how to deal with a particular problem or issue that has arisen.4. On-the-job vertical stretching assignment – take high visible and challenging special assignments where either success or failure is possible. Example: Head a new venture or start up project in your division to develop your entrepreneurial and business planning skills. 124
DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES5. On-the-job horizon diversified assignment – gain a more diversified full-range of experience inyour current role.Example: Coach someone who needs development in an area in which you have strength todevelop your leadership development skills; representing your manager by attending a strategicmeeting.6. Job Rotation – Broaden your skills by moving to a different job within your Business Unit orDivision.Example: Moving an executive from operations to marketing role to deepen his/herunderstanding of market trends. Think and act from outside in rather than inside out.7. Off-the-job development experience – participate in off-the-job professional and communityactivities to hone your leadership skills.Example: Head up your local or professional trade associations to develop your influencing,group facilitation and networking skills.8. Directed reading programme – carefully selected readings directly relevant to yourdevelopment followed by a presentation and discussion of information/lessons learned to yourmanager or coach.9. In-house/external training or action learning programme – take advantage of a standardtraining or an action-learning programme together with other colleaguesExample: Collaborate with others on areas that they have as strengths and you have 125development areas.
Putting People at the Heart of Corporate Purpose 127
Bring Out the Best in OthersOutcomes: Understand the critical role a leader plays in attracting, engaging, developing and retaining talent by reviewing best practice Through the use of a business case study, analyze strategies and ways of approaching and implementing a talent agenda that drives business results Consider your role as an Al-Futtaim leader and how you can take action to drive a talent plan that attracts, engages, develops and retains talent 128
BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS | WHY, WHAT & HOW WHY DOES THIS MATTER? Effective People Practices improve Business OutcomesCorporate Leadership Council research over the past 5 years confirm that companies with competitive peoplepractices show considerable returns in their ability to attract, retain and drive performance of their best talent. Labour is a firm’s largest expense RETURN ON INVESTMENT People assets have infinite potential to Attract & Retain Develop Engage grow Creating and Effective By refocusing Great talent cannot be easily replicated by delivering a execution to performance our competition competitive management employment talent efforts on the High performance of our people is the development strategies with only source for sustainable growth long- value highest impact, term proposition directly organisations allows an contributes to can improve organisation to increase its increased employee access to organisational performance candidates on effectiveness by up to 50% the labour market by and more 50% and profitability, improve the leading up to commitment as much as of current employees by 15.4% up to 29% advantage in total shareholder return 129
BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS | WHY, WHAT & HOW WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? Best Practices from High Performance Companies Driven by Business Priorities Leaders are Active Sponsors Foster High Performance Through Integrated System/Processes/Tools Source Best Talent anywhere Leverage Diversity through Inclusion 130
BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS | WHY, WHAT & HOWATTRACT ENGAGE1) What were the 3 opportunities areas for 1) What were the 3 opportunities areas for leaders? leaders?2) Anything the leaders could have done in 2) Anything the leaders could have done in addition? addition?RETAIN DEVELOP1) What were the 3 opportunities areas for 1) What were the 3 opportunities areas for leaders? leaders?2) Anything the leaders could have done in 2) Anything the leaders could have done in addition? addition? 132
Strategic focus TALENT FOR GROWTH – BUSINESS IMPERATIVES1 Establish a Robust Organisation capability focus Growth Engine (new & existing markets) • Create an operating model for international growth • Build M&A capabilities2 • Integration • Establish an effective organisation and process (e.g. resource allocation) Create a competitive edge in operations • Business Excellence • Drive horizontal and vertical cost efficiency (e.g., BPR and shared services)3 • Establish a leadership infrastructure to ensure sustainability (e.g. business Customer centric reviews and performance management) organisation • Focus on partnerships with consumers and customers4 • Drive consumer insight through big data • Social media Create sustainability • Governance frameworks5 • Cascading performance i.e. balanced scorecards • Define Corporate Social Responsibility Build organisation health • Sustain relationships with partners • Clarify and instill purpose and core values 130 • Aligned senior leadership • Organisation health index measured regularly
RETAIN TALENT FOR GROWTH | AT THE HEART OF OUR AGENDA Reward & ATTRACTRecognise results Quality talentDEVELOP ENGAGE Capability For Performance 131
(2016)ATTRACT ENGAGESupplying Quality Talent Improving Performance1. Selection Assessments Talent 1. Increase quality of2. Performance Based Interviews Brand impact planning3. Acquisition Plans in line with 2. Review Disciplinary & Grievance Business Strategies Codes for GCC4. Alignment of 3. UAE Employee Assistance Regional Talent Acquisition Programme for all bands Standards5. LinkedIn focus on attracting 4. Effective execution of ER overseas global talent 5. Equal Opportunity and Diversity6. Internal Mobility7. Executive Recruitment & Inclusion review 6. Performance CultureRETAIN 7. Family Friendly PoliciesRewarding & Recognising Results DEVELOP1. Assign Job Families to Developing Capability each job function 1. Career Compass2. Long Term Incentive Plan to act 2. Accelerate content for learning as a retention tool culture conversion (70/20/10)3. Enhancement of Medical Insurance regionally. Collaborative learning cover through iGROW 3. Nationals Graduate Programme4. Next Phase Nationalisation 4. Implementation of Lean Academy5. Review of Total Rewards Structure 5. Global Talent Mobility6. New compensation structures and 6. Top Talent Development 7. Transition Management policies for Africa, Far East Asia and future geographies HR Systems | HR Metrics | Communications Strategy | HR Competencies 132
TALENT FOR GROWTH | REFLECTION & GROUP DISCUSSIONReflect on the Talent for Growth agenda and consider:1. What do you currently do to attract, engage, develop and retain your employees?2. What will you do personally to drive the Talent for Growth agenda?3. What support will you need and from whom? 136
TALENT FOR GROWTH | ROLE OF AL-FUTTAIM LEADERSATTRACT Make good hiring decisions Be a magnet for talent Clearly define roles Build your pipeline Be an AFG Talent Brand ambassador Search creatively and beat your competitors Leave a Talent Legacy 137
TALENT FOR GROWTH | ROLE OF AL-FUTTAIM LEADERSENGAGE Set clear, stretch performance expectations Provide frequent feedback & support Show care & concern Transparent & consistent communication Remember, YOU have the biggest impact on engagement 138
TALENT FOR GROWTH | ROLE OF AL-FUTTAIM LEADERSDEVELOP Guide, encourage and support development Invest most of your time on the best Listen Enable employees to reach their potential by providing development opportunities Apply 70/20/10 Coach Daily to boost performance 139
TALENT FOR GROWTH | ROLE OF AL-FUTTAIM LEADERSRETAIN Understand key drivers to retaining your talent Be aware of monetary and non-monetary resources Provide recognition Create a culture of meritocracy 140
TALENT FOR GROWTH | CLOSINGThe Tree…are we Leading by example? 141
MonthsAssessment 3-7 Leadership Journey 360° Feedback 8 - 9 10 Styles 12 Feedback Leading Workplace Workplace Re- ½ day Business Journey continues … Others Challenge Challenge + Measure Reflection Impact Course Workshop Action + Goal Learning Setting 70/20/10 20 10 70 20 20 70 143
Objectives & StructureObjectives Structure Principles To allow the chance to reflect on your The problem, opportunity or issue Committing regular time to be discussedjourney so far Learning to listen Work on a real business challenge Leaders - the members of the Learning to ask helpful action learning set questions Gain support from your colleagues and Facilitator - groups may self Not giving advice work towards solutions facilitate Following the Action Learning Cycle Maintain activity from programme Co-ordinator - person nominated Giving individual airtime Increase trust and build relations to co-ordinate from within the set Chair person - the person chairing the action learning set on that occasionAn action learning set will work with almost any group if there is goodwill, acommitment to learn and experiment and a willingness to be open 141
ACTIVITYCall to Action – Split into your respective Action Set Groups and consider; Frequency Venue Roles and responsibilities Guidelines and ground rules Approach 142
Suggestive Best Practices• Use kick off meeting to formulate future plans, meeting rhythms and review mechanism.• Decide on roles and responsibility within the action learning group.• Consider appointing a group lead to steer the team to results & hold accountability.• Consider various communication mechanisms like – email group, chat group, Lync calls, Lync video chat, etc.• Create a milestone charter with clear deliverables and timelines attached to them.• Ensure everyone in the group contributes significantly & regularly. Call out any work related travel or long planned leaves upfront.• Each member ensures and drives 100% attendance on all meetings .• Plan stage-gate reviews after each milestone.• Establish a process of filtering ideas and narrowing down to one commonly agreed idea for execution.• Constant communication and progress update to ensure seamless execution. 143
ACTION LEARNING IN PRACTICECALL TO ACTIONLet us discuss your business challenge …..Split into groups and conduct your first action set meeting 144
NEXT STEPSAs you leave this room, here are your next steps…..- JOIN our JAM group through iGrow- SCHEDULE your ACTION LEARNING GROUP and involve your ADVISOR- UPLOAD development goals in iGrow- DISCUSS your development goals with your line manager- DISCUSS your 360° feedback with your line manager and team- REACH OUT for further Coaching support 145
EXPECTATIONS REVIEWWhat were ourexpectations on day one? 146
REFLECTIONS ON THE PROGRAMME• After all is said and done, what did I learn?• So once more: What does it mean to me?• Now what: What are the implications and what do I plan to do as a result of these new insights?• How do I think I’ll do with all the changes? 150
In closing 148
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