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Home Explore 2016 Leading Others Workbook vJuly

2016 Leading Others Workbook vJuly

Published by jaffar.nasir, 2016-08-04 04:33:17

Description: 2016 Leading Others Workbook vJuly


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Workplace challenge description EXECUTIVE SUMMARYXXXXX 154# Key Recommendations# Commercial lmpact/ ROI





Post 6 week review template

Workplace Challenge TopicProgramme date: Name Business/ DivisionReflection date:Team Name: TargetTeam Leader: What would the future state look like?Faculty Leader: Current Situation What is the issue identified? Which is/ are the business/ Division/ Function being considered for diagnostics/ implementation. Proposal Next steps & timeline Challenges, if any?How do you recommend reaching the target? What are some of the major milestones? Any support needed.


Workplace challenges Q1/2016Leading Teams (March 2016) Leading Others Managing Business Change Leadership ‘SWITCH’ Programme: Prescreened/ identified Bang J andManaging ‘Business Change’ in Al Futtaim which includes above employees from different business units to ‘SWITCH’ jobs for a period of 6 weeks, thus creating the opportunity to gain cross-functionalPeople, Process & Systems. experience and add to their skills making them more future ready compared to external candidates. SustainabilityEco friendly practice and how it applies to the Al-Futtaim Flexcellence: Work with ER team on Flexcellence as a policy in theGroup. This could bring cost saving by eliminating organisationwaste/duplicated effort & improve collaboration acrossthe group. In summary – a central Business Change AFG carbon – free stores/ a go-green initiativefunction department made up of qualified BA’s, ProjectManagers & Programme Managers AFG CRM platform for cross business leverage Marketing campaigns using Customer Data to engage and retain the right customer and build on the pool Sustainable vehicles incentivised for staff purchase and usage with car allowance Sustainability - “All Al-Futtaim employees should consider Sustainability as a natural part of their daily work” – what measures can we take that impact cost and carbon foot print Better Customer Experience – Improve end to end customer experience as an organisation. App for Customer Database at group level for shared advantage and retaining customer within the group EXPO 2020 – Leverage the opportunity of the world coming to Dubai with AFG brands ability to service all needs from Retail to Hospitality. 162

Workplace challenges Q4/2015 Leading Teams (October 2015) Leading Others Incentives Market researchA large percentage of manpower costs is made up by the Levels of customer service + what is available + what’s out there. Do we have the right skill set? Handling of cost of incentive schemes across the group for complaints? Little information on what competitors do. employees. These incentive schemes apply to a wide variety of activities, for example – Retail sales, sale of Data intelligence – exploit the data residences in Dubai Festival City, sale of automobiles,automotive parts, labour sales in workshops, incentives Shared services on sales of insurance policies as well as incentives to Back office functions. Duplicate functionality. Services that would lend themselves to a shared services model. support staff in various businesses. current shared services, different levels of capability Consider therefore how we can have a standardised HR/Finance/Logistics/Administration framework for incentives that can be adapted todiffering business needs and that can be communicated Collaborationclearly and with transparency to employees. This way we Al-Futtaim is made up of many different businesses. As can also ensure that incentives are fair and drive the an organisation, we are currently experiencing rapid correct behaviours of rewarding those employees that growth and expansion which necessitates improving collaboration to enhance business agility and establish a excel in delivering their business objectives. vision in alignment with all parts of the group – internal and external to affect sustainable change. 163

Workplace challenges Q2/Q3 2015 Leading Teams Leading Others Al-Futtaim branding Procurement/Supply Chain How can we better promote the Al-Futtaim brand in terms of Each business needs to procure items externally. How can wemarketing and public relations? How can this be more of a joint leverage same processes and infrastructure and handle volumes effort across different media for the benefit of the group? better where appropriate? Collaboration across business verticals Sharing best practice - CollaborationHow can we leverage: Customer sharing, cross selling; sharing of Everyone is under pressure to increase sales/more footfall, reducebest practices; cost management through scale; co-operation in stock levels, reduce costs and improve efficiencies. In order to maximise business results, how can we share best practice and overseas operations through sharing of facilities, country avoid reoccurring mistakes? management and shared services in order to impact business results. Customer Intelligence/Data sharing How can we capitalise on our extensive experience with customers in order to build central intelligence? 164

Workplace challenges Q1/2015 Leading Teams Leading Others Cost Management Innovation As we continue our rapid growth, the way in which we think about and manage If we wanted to be known as an Innovative group, what are your our costs needs to be different. Consider managing our costs better through recommendations on how we can become better at innovation? What shared services for back-office functions, use of social media, continuous forums, processes or organisational culture can you suggest in order for improvement in processes and by leveraging the Group’s investment in SAP innovation to become part of our DNA and our every day practices? better. Examples such as these which have the dual effect of reducing costs and making our processes more efficient – more robust, simpler, standardized and Partneringeasier to measure and have a significant impact on overall business results on our In relation to our Partnering Cluster in our Leadership Competencies, what divisions and ultimately Al-Futtaim group. can you recommend in order to improve these relationships which may result Talent Pools in better cost management, collaboration and improved business results. One of our competency clusters is Leading People which includes DevelopingTalent. The behaviours expected are to build talent pipelines and to share talentacross our divisions. What are your suggestions for making this paradigm shift of sharing talent a reality? Business Excellence In order to improve efficiencies, think about a current process in your business unit or division that you would like to recommend improving/changing and make recommendations accordingly. Consider if your new recommended process can bring about a cost saving, improve efficiency or even have a positive impact for our customers if relevant. Where possible demonstrate this impact by providing evidence. 165

Workplace challenges 2014 Leading Teams Leading Others Increase National Talent Delighting our Customers A business priority and a regional responsibility is to attract, Delighting the customer is at the heart of driving Al-Futtaim’s growthdevelop, engage and retain National talent. As we continue to grow plans. Working co-operatively and productively to meet and surpass the needs of customers plays a large part in Al-Futtaim’s ability to deliver a regionally leaders need to understand the needs of acquiring National talent to achieve our growth goals. truly world class service, and will give us an advantage over our competitors. How could we build a sharp focus on differentiating Al-Futtaim through the quality and consistency of personalised customer experiences? Manage Manpower Costs Increase Employee EngagementAs we continue our rapid growth the way in which we think about At Al–Futtaim attracting the right talent in order to drive our growth, weand manage our manpower costs needs to be different. How can must engage our talent to help sustain our growth and go beyond it. The progress made on Growing Together has been significant and remains a you balance costs versus the return on the business? key focus for leaders. How do we sustain and take employee engagement to the next level? Collaboration Al-Futtaim is made up of many different businesses. Collaboration provides the foundations required to be successful both internally and externally. It enables individuals to work effectively within and across departmental, organisational and geographic boundaries and achieve better results by drawing on the help and expertise of colleagues in order to achieve results and deliver more together, than what could be delivered individually. 166

Workplace challenges 2014Leading Teams Leading Others Incentives Shared ServicesA large percentage of manpower costs is made up by the cost of incentive An opportunity exists in our group to better utilise and consolidate sharedschemes across the group for employees. These incentive schemes apply to a services i.e. HR, Finance, Logistics, Procurement, and Administrationwide variety of activities, for example – Retail sales, sale of residences in DubaiFestival City, sale of automobiles, automotive parts, labour sales in workshops, amongst others. At present each of these functions has varied levels ofincentives on sales of insurance policies as well as incentives to support staff in consolidation, some by business vertical, and some by geography.various businesses.It appears that currently there is a lack of transparency on how these incentive Market Researchschemes work and therefore how to communicate these schemes becomesincreasingly difficult. It further looks like that schemes currently in operation In our group currently, there is a need to establish in a more organisedcould be quite diverse, leading to significantly different incentives being paid manner what customers want are competitors are doing, what services theyacross the Group. offer and what the latest trends are.Consider therefore how we can have a standardised framework for incentives Do we currently know our own levels of service and handling of complaintsthat can be adapted to differing business needs and that can be communicated in comparison to competitors?clearly and with transparency to employees. This way we can also ensure that Could we leverage our current Call Centres, for example, to carry ourincentives are fair and drive the correct behaviours of rewarding those employees market research that would benefit the group in terms of data intelligence?that excel in delivering their business objectives. Could we consider a center of By exploiting this data, we could potentially improve our services offered toexcellence for incentives in order to establish and maintain governance around customers and therefore positively impact our business results? What aresome broad principles? How do these schemes compare to our competitors, how the best practices followed by large ‘multi-vertical’ business like ours? Whatattuned are they with the companies’ objectives and how often should they be are the best practices in the region?reviewed and revised? Please also review this in terms of sales incentives as well Consider therefore how best we could carry out market research and whatas support role incentives. the benefits of this would be for the group? Collaboration Al-Futtaim is made up of many different businesses. As an organisation, we are currently experiencing rapid growth and expansion which necessitates improving collaboration to enhance business agility and establish a vision in alignment with all parts of the group – internal and external to affect sustainable change. Given the constantly shifting business landscape, we need to look at innovative solutions and technology which complement existing strategies whilst uplifting the key focus areas of cooperation, collaboration, co-creation and growing market sha1r6e7.

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