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Home Explore 2016 Leading Others Workbook vJuly

2016 Leading Others Workbook vJuly

Published by jaffar.nasir, 2016-08-04 04:33:17

Description: 2016 Leading Others Workbook vJuly


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Leading Others 1

INTRODUCTIONS Who you are Something interesting or unique about you, what you do for fun Where you want to be with your team between six and twelve months from now At your retirement speech, what do you want people to say about your leadership? 2

EXPECTATIONSIn the space provided, identify your expectations and concerns for this programme:• Expectations: for this programme to be a useful investment of my time, I expect and hope for the following: 3

SUCCESS STORY SO FARWhat about the history is important forleaders to know? Major achievements in the past that has led to current success 4

LOOKING TO THE FUTUREWhat do you see as the primary driversfor growth?How do we leverage the synergy of allour businesses?What are the success factors forsustaining our growth? 5

ROLE OF THE LEADERWhat role do leaders play to achieve thegrowth?What are your expectations of Al-Futtaimleaders? 6

John Harker Sean Connor Steve Faulkner AL-FUTTAIM FACULTY Group Director MD MD HR/ Marketing/ Electronics Al-Futtaim Debbie Chatten Travel Finance Group Head of Colin Cordery L&D Len Hunt MD John Kersten President Honda MD Tracy McGowan Automotive IKEA Leadership MCHWASonoCDalrnEiyndGnaCMeoCrdoehreyn DevelopmentNaveed Riaz Russell ManagerGroup Director RodriguesFinance & Financial Group Financial Pooja DhawanServices/EIT Controller Leadership DevelopmentPaul Delaoutre ConsultantGroup DirectorRetail Nigel Johnson MDChris O’Donnell HertzGroup DirectorReal Estate 7Dawood BinOzairSenior MDEET

AL-FUTTAIM FACULTYAndrew Gary Razeen RobertoWilkinson Kelway Manuel Dasilva Paul Justin David R Marius Shewan Roberts Dragos LakshmiDinesh Anil ManojSomani Lakhani Renjit Arshad Vinod Philip Hasan Jayan FadiAshley Ashish ChiviDymond Chawla 8


MonthsAssessment 3-7 LEADERSHIP JOURNEY 360° Feedback 8 - 9 10 Styles 12 Feedback Leading Workplace Workplace Re- ½ day Business Journey continues … Others Challenge Challenge + Measure Reflection Impact Course Workshop Action + Goal Learning Setting 70/20/10 20 10 70 20 20 70 10

PROGRAMME OBJECTIVESIn this programme you will:• Gain an understanding of expectations of what it takes to be a successful leader at Al- Futtaim• Understand Success Profiles – those key behavioural indicators that lead to success and predict high performance• Learn about a Four-Factor Model of Leadership and Performance and its component parts• Apply the factors to gain insight into the current state of your business, and seek opportunities for improved results• Receive feedback and use the feedback to inform your leadership development• Form action learning groups to work on a prescribed Workplace Challenge to aid your development and business performance• Create Leadership Development Action Plan which demonstrates changes in behaviour 11

COURSE OVERVIEW Leaders for Growth Al-Futtaim Story & Leadership Bringing Out the Best Role of Leaders Reflection & in OthersAl-Futtaim Story Feedback Talent for Growth- Review of the Past - Role of Leaders- Current State Feedback- Future Goals/Aspirations - 360 Feedback Application - Leadership Styles - Workplace ChallengeExpectations of AFG Leaders - Climate- Best Boss / Worst Boss- Business value Reflection & Application:- AFG Leadership Competencies & - Learning Journal - Co-coaching Success Profiles - Action Plans- Story telling about examples of high performance 12

Leading Strategy • Getting results through building a culture of collaboration and trust • Develops strategy for improving organizational, team and personal performance Leading Organisations • Adapts business strategy to ensure strategic growth • Getting results through comprehensive business management • Provides the meaningful link between the organizational goals with business unit objectives • Establish a clear understanding of how they have to work together toLeading Teams best meet their needs of their employees and stakeholders• Getting results through managers and through a function• Positively impacts the business performance through their people• Forms partnerships that sharescommon interests related to business needsLeading/ InfluencingOthers 13• Getting results through personal effort• Developing skills required for interpersonal effectiveness• Influence others by being aware of one self and broadens to gaining awareness of others


Characteristics of best boss GROUP EXERCISE: BEST BOSS, WORST BOSS Characteristics of worst boss 16

Competency: any characteristic of a person that differentiates outstanding fromaverage performance in a role, a job, an organisation, or culture 17

VALUE PROPOSITION OF COMPETENCIES‘Rest’ ‘Best’ ‘Future’Competencies provide Competencies help Competencies enablea common view of leadership, you identify who your best you to you identify the secretcriteria for assessment, and a leaders are and will be, given of your best leaders’ successroad map for development current and future measures so you can develop and select of success better leaders for the future 18

THE AL-FUTTAIM LEADERSHIP SUCCESS PROFILEHow the model was built and how it canhelp Al-Futtaim get to where it wants to go. 19

DRIVING GROWTH Al-Futtaim Strategy : Double the size of the business Leadership capabilityIdentify outstanding leadership capability – What does it mean to be an Al-Futtaim Leader? Define outstanding leadership capability EBP Succession Recruitment Managing L&D Added value to employer Planning Competency based Performance Creating training and brand through the way the interviewing for developmenttalent is attracted, managed Transitioning individual recruitment will &Talent programs and retained. Employees contributors torecognise Al-Futtaim taking supervisors and leads to better fit to A well defined set of underpinned by role, quicker time to behaviours that lead leadership the necessary steps to supervisors to leaders by identify and develop talent clearly defining what full performance to superior competencies for aacross the organisation as and lower turnover performance for more strategic behaviours at which level benchmarking approach to it looks to the future of sophistication are employees against to capability building required for success in identify high current roles and what are potentials and drive the areas for focus for performance future roles Motivated people performing at higher levels driving growth 20

HOW THE MODEL WAS DEVELOPED strategic review of leadership benchmarking finalise and pilot develop context strategic success communicate development leaders againstinterviews with documents profiles model – sense- programmes 10 senior workshops with checking with the model leaders leaders from representatives different parts from across the of the business group December 2013 May – Dec 14 Feb 15 onwards 21

CLUSTERSPartnering Delivering Leading People Excellence• Delighting our • Taking Initiative • Engaging Leadership Customers • Drive for Results • Developing Talent• Collaboration• Managing Complexity• Influencing Others 22

A GLOBAL FMCG BUSINESS• External hires were leaving a global FMCG business at alarming and expensive rate• A leadership competency framework was put in place to assess and select external executive hires against• Turnover rates after two years for external executives hired against the leadership framework competencies considerably lower than those hired with traditional interview methods 23

NORTH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY• A North American insurance company needed to align their people to their new strategy to focus sales efforts on non-required insurance premiums such as life insurance• Competency model was put in place to assess and develop sales managers against• The results showed that those who hit the target on more competencies also generated more revenue in strategic life insurance premiums 24

THE VALUE OF SUPERIOR PERFORMANCESource: Hunter, Schmidt, Judiesch 25

THE IMPORTANCE OF GETTING IT RIGHT “If you’re going to bet the company on a set of behaviours, they had better be the right ones.” Lou Gerstner, ex-CEO, IBMThe emphasis is on finding the behaviours that predict top performance atAl-Futtaim. 26

MonthsAssessment 3-7 LEADERSHIP JOURNEY 360° Feedback 8 - 9 10 Styles 12 Feedback Leading Workplace Workplace Re- ½ day Business Journey continues … Others Challenge Challenge + Measure Reflection Impact Course Workshop Action + Goal Learning Setting 70/20/10 20 10 70 20 20 70 27



What has been your most powerful learning experience this year so far?“we learn most when faced with a real problem which we are obliged to solve” Agree or disagree? 30

PEOPLE LEARN BEST WHEN…They are trying things out in practiceReflecting on what happens as a resultof their actions and why this happensExploring options and alternatives 31

ACTION LEARNING SETSWhat is Action Learning?Real time learning Involves working with groups ActionLearningOpportunity to be Centers around a challenged and problem motivated 32

Components  A problem  An action learning group or team  A process  Taking action  Commitment to learning  An action learning coach 33

ACTION LEARNING CYCLE ActionPlanning Reflection Learning 34

OBJECTIVES & STRUCTUREObjectives Structure Principles To allow the chance to reflect on your  The problem, opportunity or issue  Committing regular time to be discussedjourney so far  Learning to listen Work on a real business challenge  Leaders - the members of the  Learning to ask helpful action learning set questions Gain support from your colleagues and  Facilitator - groups may self  Not giving advice work towards solutions facilitate  Following the Action Learning Cycle Maintain activity from programme  Co-ordinator - person nominated  Giving individual airtime Increase trust and build relations to co-ordinate from within the set  Chair person - the person chairing the action learning set on that occasionAn action learning set will work with almost any group if there is goodwill, acommitment to learn and experiment and a willingness to be open 35

SUGGESTIVE BEST PRACTICES• Use kick off meeting to formulate future plans, meeting rhythms and review mechanism.• Decide on roles and responsibility within the action learning group.• Consider appointing a group lead to steer the team to results & hold accountability.• Consider various communication mechanisms like – email group, chat group, Lync calls, Lync video chat, etc.• Create a milestone charter with clear deliverables and timelines attached to them.• Ensure everyone in the group contributes significantly & regularly. Call out any work related travel or long planned leaves upfront.• Each member ensures and drives 100% attendance on all meetings .• Plan stage-gate reviews after each milestone.• Establish a process of filtering ideas and narrowing down to one commonly agreed idea for execution.• Constant communication and progress update to ensure seamless execution. 37

Criteria WORKPLACE CHALLENGE - IDEATIONYour idea must be able to – Process• Impact the Group, not just one division or one 1. Day 1 of the course – start brand. conversations about possible• Demonstrate value and long term business challenge topics. impact. 2. Faculty leader provides guidance on• Represent a common vision for the future. overall concept and ideation.• Be easily implemented and should be practical.• Demonstrate unique value proposition. 3. Leaders present their chosen topics• State the need clearly. for faculty leader approval on day 3.• Demonstrate commercial value. 4. Topics are approved post discussion with Faculty leader and next steps agreed. 38


CONCEPTUAL MODEL Individual Jobmotives, values requirements andcompetenciesLeadership Organisational Business styles climate results 40

RECEIVING FEEDBACK – THE JOHARI WINDOW Known to Self Unknown to SelfKnown to Others OPEN Feedback BLIND SPOT Self DisclosureUnknown to Others HIDDEN UNKNOWN 41

360 degree feedback 42





Denial RESPONSES TO FEEDBACKAngerWithdrawal 47AcceptanceAction

REFLECTION ON 360 FEEDBACK• What is your initial reaction to the feedback?• Are there any surprises in the data?• How did the views of others compare with your own views? 48

REFLECTION ON 360 FEEDBACK• Are there any patterns or themes in the data? Do any particular groups rate you higher or lower than others?• Are there particular questions which elicited particularly clear responses?• Are there any themes in the verbatim comments? 49

Forming co-coaching groups 50

FORMING CO-COACHING GROUPS• Making improvements are a form of making change• Research has demonstrated time and again that successful change is much more likely when undertaken as part of a group (think WeightWatchers®)• We will be suggesting that your co-coaching group continue to talk about what you’re trying to do, even after you leave the program this week• We have observed that co-coaching groups with a mix of people work well• Therefore, select as diverse a group as you can: someone you know and don’t know, someone like you and different. Try to arrange to be comfortable, yet pushed out of your comfort zone• Spend a few minutes forming a group (2 or 3 people is fine). Get together and discuss your experience of the programme so far. If you feel comfortable, share your feedback results, and working to support each other in driving improvements 51

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