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Home Explore A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room

Published by j.sandhya.pillai, 2020-04-22 05:14:06

Description: Nanyang Technological University Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Final Year Project


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A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 151 In order to hide the Note: ‘The movement protruding nature of of the area’ refers these areas, I must to ‘the wobble’, wear clothes that allow particularly that which me to build illusions occurs in the stomach of a slender shape and area, as was previously lesser volume. However, mentioned on page 22 there are different under the first section factors to consider titled ‘Restriction’. for each body part in question. Factors such as the actual visibility of the area and the movement of the area come to play when determining how best to dress the area such that only the permitted degree of exposure is achieved.

152 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the PERMITTED Elephant in the room DEGREES OF Concealment EXPOSURE Exposure Management Stomach Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 153 My stomach is Note: The following my body’s most pages contain diagrams embarrassing and and instructions problematic aspect. pertaining to the Its high visibility and stomach area. It equally high rate of must be noted that movement render it despite following all a huge indicator of the specified steps the excessive nature accurately, failure of my body. It makes is likely to occur. It me feel like less of a is unfortunately the woman. Therefore, nature of this area. it is imperative that However, I must not I take the following allow that to deter me steps consecutively to from carrying out these further enhance the tasks to the best of my efficacy of the illusion. ability everyday. I must do so until it becomes muscles memory. Note: This does not only pertain to the instructions regarding appropriate attire, but also to the behavioural tips and tricks mentioned in later segments.

154 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the PERMITTED Elephant in the room DEGREES OF Concealment EXPOSURE Exposure Management Stomach Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 155 1. I must always Note: This page only wear loose material highlights general around my midriff. guidelines regarding the The movement of the stomach area. For more fabric will be able to information detailing effectively distract from how to combat midriff the actual movement yokes, refer to the of my stomach flesh. following segment. 2. Whenever possible, I must always wear darker colors. This is to ensure that rolls and bulges are less obvious when viewing from a distance. 3. I must always avoid loud patterns, especially horizontal stripes and eye-catching floral patterns which would only accentuate the width of my midriff.

156 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the PERMITTED Elephant in the room DEGREES OF Concealment EXPOSURE Exposure Management Stomach Permitted Degrees of Midriff Yoke Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 157 If I wear a shirt or dress Note: This is an that is cinched in at incredibly erratic and the waist, the position difficult concept to of its yoke is of utmost master. Especially due importance. I must to my size and the make sure that it does resulting ‘wobble’ as not fall too low or too mentioned previously, high on my stomach, the midriff yoke of both of which bring whatever item of about unsatisfactory clothing I am wearing results. If it were to is bound to move fall too high on my throughout the day. waist, my stomach Therefore, it has to would resemble a be practiced as often pregnant belly. If it as possible until it were to fall too low on becomes second nature my waist, my entire to adjust it whenever it torso would appear moves from its original rectangular, erasing any intended position. semblance of a curve.

034: Diagram Showing Midriff Yoke Measurements Fig.48 The ideal position would be approximately three fingers spacing below the bust; give or take depending on the thickness and fall pattern of the cloth at hand. (Fig. 48)

035: Diagram Showing Midriff Yoke Measurements Fig.49 Showing where the midriff yoke should start when wearing a skirt. As can be observed, when the skirt is placed three fingers spacing below the bust, it catches on the flattest part of my stomach. Thus it creates the illusion of a smaller midriff. Also, depending on the stiffness of the material (Hence the recommendation of thicker materials) the bulge of my stomach actually propels the material forward creating a flared effect rather than forming to the actual shape of my stomach. While this may make me appear to have a larger silhouette, it successfully hides the bulge of my stomach. (Fig. 49)

160 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the Elephant in the room PERMITTED Concealment DEGREES OF Exposure Management EXPOSURE Permitted Degrees of Exposure Arms Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 161 My arms are a huge Note: My arms contributor to the unfortunately provide an overall width of my extra plumping effect to body. The excess flesh the overall silhouette of with its accompanying my body. Refer to the stretchmarks make full-body diagram on people uncomfortable page 106 and 107 for especially when I reference. raise them up to hold railings or to tie my hair, the hanging flesh is unsightly and uncomfortable for the people around me to witness. Therefore, I must take the following steps to successfully conceal the lumpy shape of my arms.

036: Diagram Showing Proper Sleeve length Fig.50(a) (Fig. 50) This is the minimum length allowed. Regardless of weather, shirt material etc, my sleeves must not go above this stipulated length as the unsightly bulge of fat will be exposed. Fig.50(b) This is the the most optimum sleeve length. This particular length cuts my arms at the spot where my arm is beginning to taper into my wrist. Thus it provides a slimming appearance and places focus on the smallest part of my arm. (a) (b)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 163 1. I must never Note: My arms ever wear sleeveless unfortunately provide an shirts in public. The extra plumping effect to sheer volume of my the overall silhouette of arms must not be fully my body. Refer to the exposed as it will only full-body diagram on bring about further page 106 and 107 for unwanted attention. reference. 2. Even with sleeves, I must try my best to avoid going above the elbow. This is due to the mass of fat which hangs above my elbow.(Fig.50) 3. I must not wear sleeves made out of fabric that cling to my skin. The flesh of my arm is not smooth. Therefore, tight-fitting sleeves will ineffectively hide my arms.

164 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the PERMITTED Elephant in the room DEGREES OF Concealment EXPOSURE Exposure Management Thighs Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 165 My thighs hold a lot Note: This is especially of weight and bring important due to the extra unwanted focus very extreme taper from to my lower body. The my large thighs to my mass of my thighs is relatively smaller ankles. such that it creates an This harsh decline uneven, pear-like shape. further emphasizes the They are unsightly volume of my thighs and could potentially itself. I must take cause discomfort to note of the silhouette the people around me. produced when wearing When viewed from the any outfit. Refer to side especially, they the following segments cause the weight of for more detailed my body to appear instructions and guides. unbalanced. Therefore, it is imperative that I take the necessary steps to successfully conceal the mass of my thighs using the correct attire.

037: Diagram Showing Proper Skirt/Hem length Fig.51(a) (Fig. 51) This is the minimum (a) length allowed. Regardless of weather, skirt material etc, the hem of my skirt/dress must not go above this stipulated length as the unsightly bulge of fat that hangs above my knee will be exposed. Fig.51(b) This is the the most optimum hem length. This particular length cuts my calf at the spot where my calf is beginning to taper into my ankle. Thus it provides a slimming appearance and places focus on the smallest part of my leg. (b)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 167 1. I must never 3. I must only wear skirts that fall wear bottoms that above a certain length. are constructed with (Fig.51)(a)(b)specifically, thicker material such skirts with hems that that the bumps and fall above my knee. An ridges on my cellulite overhang of fat forms ridden thighs are hidden above my knee when I and smoothed over. straighten my legs.(Fig.51) I must cover this area with my skirt and in the Note: My skirt length must never fall between process bring focus to the two stipulated the smallest part of my lengths as shown on legs: my ankles. (Fig.51)(b) this page. In between those two lengths is 2. I must never where the width of my wear loose pants that claf is at its widest. Thus a hem would cut my calf at its widest point thus causing it to appear larger. would hug my thighs Note: This page only highlights general and flare out at my guidelines to take note ankles. This would be of when dressing my counterproductive as it thighs. However, the following segment will delve deeper into specific guidelines regarding skirts as hides my smaller ankles they are in fact a very and eradicates any effective way to hide semblance of a shape. the actual shape of my thighs and force the eyes to focus only on the smallest part of my legs which are my ankles.

168 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the PERMITTED Elephant in the room DEGREES OF Concealment EXPOSURE Exposure Management Thighs Permitted Degrees of Exposure Types of Skirts Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Skirt Length Types of Skirts

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 169 Contrary to popular belief, wearing skirts are actually a great way to effectively hide the not only the actual shape of my thighs but also the unsightly lumps of my thighs. However, this must be done strategically. There are a limited number of styles that I can wear such that the overall shape of my entire body is not instead emphasized, or worse, exaggerated. I must only opt for skirts that fit the following requirements.

038: Diagram Showing Appropriate Type of Skirt Fig.52 This is an example of a skirt that acts as a good distraction and cover. The pleats on the skirt allow for one’s eyes to focus on the material of the skirt rather than the shape under it and the flared nature of this skirt allows me to hide the mass underneath. (Fig. 52)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 171 1. The skirts 3. Pencil skirts that I choose to wear are to be avoided at all must be made out of costs. While they seem heavy material such like a great strategy that when its yoke to employ when rests on my waist, it trying to insinuate an does not form settle hourglass figure, they around the shape of my will further emphasize stomach before falling the uneven and harsh down my legs. It must swell of my thighs when instead be able to hold viewed from the side. its own shape as it falls around my torso.(Fig.52) 2. In conjunction with the previous point, the skirt should also have pleats or Note: Although pencil skirts are great in folds.(Fig.52)This access creating the illusion of material will enable the an hourglass figure, fabric to flow around that is effective only when viewed from the front. Therefore, I must not take this set of instructions lightly my hips and legs and cause avoidable without settling on all embarrassing stares when out in public. the bumps, rolls and creases of my flesh..

172 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the PERMITTED Elephant in the room DEGREES OF Concealment EXPOSURE Exposure Management Double Chin Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Skirt Length Types of Skirts Double Chin

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 173 On a similar level to my Note: While this is stomach, my double a highly problematic chin causes me an area, there are ways to immense amount of combat this especially embarrassment. It acts when I am in a new as the first indication of social situation. The my size as it is highly following segments are visible. It is incredibly very important. I must problematic due to the ensure I accurately fact that it is not only follow the steps detailed connected to my body, in the segments but it also contributes below. The effective to my face. It is highly concealment of my embarrassing as I am double chin is one of always acutely aware the most important of the fact that during steps in this manual. every conversation, my double chin is in full view. Especially from the side, my double chin is an incredibly disadvantageous trait and must be hidden to the be

039: Diagram Showing Proper Hairstyle Fig.53 (Fig. 53) As can be seen from the diagram, the width of my bun exceeds the actual width of my double chin and thus balances out my entire face and head. This balance must be achieved at all times.

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 175 1. Whenever take the focus away possible, I must leave from my hanging my hair down and double chin and allow style it such that it my face to seem a covers the sides of little more pleasant. my face and neck This step is incredibly and as a result my vital as this is the covers my double hairstyle I adorn most chin from the side at frequently, especially the very least. This in casual settings. I works for any hairstyle must not let my double as long as it is long chin overtake the enough to reach my appearance of my face. shoulders and provide 3. Similar to me with a decent the previous point, amount of coverage. when letting down 2. If my hair my hair, I must make must be tied, I must sure that the overall ensure that my hair is size and volume of larger in volume than my hair exceeds the my neck to balance the volume of my face sheer size of my head and neck such that it and double chin.(Fig.53) appears balanced. This would hopefully

176 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the CONCEALMENT Elephant in the room VIA BEHAVIOUR Concealment Exposure Management Exercises to hide Permitted Degrees of my stomach, thighs and double chin Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Exercises to hide Stomach Thighs Double Chin

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 177 Unfortunately, hiding Note: The following my physical flesh segments detail with just appropriate exercises to be carried attire alone is not out everyday. These enough to prevent the exercises must be potential discomfort practiced often such I may be causing that they become the people around habitual when in public. me to experience. An air of nonchalance While proper clothes will improve the efficacy do provide a relative of these exercises. amount of coverage, I must supplement these with proper behavioural tips and tricks to buttress the proper attire as much as possible. Refer to the following segments for exercises to carry out specific to each area of my body.

178 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the CONCEALMENT Elephant in the room VIA BEHAVIOUR Concealment Exposure Management Exercises to hide Permitted Degrees of my stomach, thighs and double chin Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Exercises to hide Stomach Thighs Double Chin

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 179 1. When sitting Note: While tightening down, I must always my abdominal muscles sit bolt upright, such is an effective way of that the bulging of my further concealing my stomach is minimised. bulging stomach, I must take care not to do so 2. When in an obvious manner. walking or standing, I This could bring about must try my best to a look of discomfort or suck in my abdominal cause breathlessness. muscles to give the illusion of a smaller, tighter stomach. 3. Whenever I feel the material of my outfit riding up my stomach or clinging to my stomach I must loosen the area. This must be done subtly to avoid further unwanted attention to the area.

Fig.54 040: Diagram Showing Exercises to Hide my Double Chin This is an incredibly (Fig. 54) effective way to hide my doube chin as it is (Fig. 56) very easyto pass it off as a normal habitual action. Fig.55 This shows how effective it is to stretch my neck to successfully hide my double chin. This is especially useful when I am having a conversation with someone right in front of me across a table. I can lean my body forwards and ensure that my double chin is not seen. (Fig. 55)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 181 1. When spine and neck such sitting next to people, that they are stretched especially while in towards the camera. conversation, I must This will lengthen the use my hand to cover appearance of my my double chin. neck as well as stretch However, I must do out my double chin so while making it and(Fig.56) essentially look like I am merely hiding it from view. resting my head.(Fig.54) Note: Posing while 2. While taking bending forward may selfies, I have to make appear odd to the sure that the camera people around me. To is placed at a higher prevent any awkward angle such that my unwanted queries, I can neck is stretched. stand in the middle of That(Fig.56) would the group and place provide the illusion of my arms around the a slender neck with shoulders of my peers no double chin. oon either side. In doing so, it appears as if I 3. When taking am merely bending to photographs in a accommodate for our group, I must bend different heights. forward, curving my

041: Diagram Showing Exercises to Hide my Thighs (Fig. 57) Fig.57 Profile-view of knees bent at a ninety degree angle and pushed up using the balls of my feet. This prevents the overall spillage of my thighs when sitting down. (Fig. 58)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 183 1. When sitting I must always stand Note: These positions down, to prevent my with my feet together may prove to be thighs from spreading and slightly inwards incredibly uncomfortable out to double their size, to provide the illusion when carried out for I must lift my thighs of slimmer legs. long periods of time. up using the balls of Therefore, to ensure my feet so that they maximum efficacy I are not resting on the must alternate between actual seat of the chair. the positions mentioned This(Fig.57)(58) allows them on this page. to appear smaller. 2. When standing, whenever possible I must try my very best not to fully extend my knee. This allows the flesh above my knee to stay loose and unflexed. When flexed, it appears to be even more prominent than it is otherwise. 3. When standing or sitting,

184 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the CONCEALMENT Elephant in the room VIA BEHAVIOUR Concealment Exposure Management Exercises to hide Permitted Degrees of Naturally occurring bodily reactions Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Exercises to hide Stomach Thighs Double Chin Exercies to hide Naturally Occurring Bodily Reactions

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 185 There are some things that I physically cannot do due to my size. I must hide my physical inability and weakness when performing simple everyday physical acts around other people. Sweating and Panting are signs of unpermitted exertion and alerts others to my physical fitness which will then be correlated to my fatness. I must take the necessary steps to hide my sweaty and breathless appearance such that my physical inabilities are hidden.

186 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the CONCEALMENT Elephant in the room VIA BEHAVIOUR Concealment Exposure Management Exercises to hide Sweating Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Exercises to hide Stomach Thighs Double Chin Exercies to hide Naturally Occurring Bodily Reactions Sweating

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 187 1. I must 3. When I am immediately look to in close-contact with the people around people while sweating me for any signs of copiously, I must act perspiration. If seen, baffled at my own no further action body’s response. I ought to be taken. must insinuate the If the people around unusual nature of this me are not sweating, response and blame this means that my the weather to deflect sweating must be due attention away from to my fatness and will my body’s difference. present as a symptom This conversation of said fatness. must be self-initiated, 2. I must I must not wait for immediately find means others to notice and to remove my sweat question my sweat. either by dabbing with tissue or cloth, wiping the evidence with my bare hands, or in desperate times, removing myself from the situation.

188 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the CONCEALMENT Elephant in the room VIA BEHAVIOUR Concealment Exposure Management Exercises to hide Panting Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Exercises to hide Stomach Thighs Double Chin Exercies to hide Naturally Occurring Bodily Reactions Sweating Panting

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 189 1. I must them, I must discreetly immediately look at direct my face away the people around me from them and proceed and listen to whether to inhale deeply to or not they are panting try and alleviate the or exhibiting any other panting. If no such signs of exertion. If opportunity presents they are, no further itself, I must slow my action ought to be walking such that they taken. If they are not, can no longer see my this means that I am face and proceed to panting due to my size. take big gulps of air. 2. If I am currently not in direct contact with anyone and only occasionally pass others, I must employ the Sniffing Technique as detailed on page. 3. If I am in direct contact with people, or in a conversation with

Fig.59 042: Diagram Showing Sniffing Technique I must place my fingers (Fig. 59) against my nose and rub them to convince others of potential sinus problems in order to truly use this technique effectively.

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 191 Sniffing Technique: and there to further This is a special buttress the act. technique employed 3. I must to disguise my continue to do so unpermitted panting until they successfully as sniffing such that pass by me. I must surrounding people ensure that I do not will not notice my make eye contact with body’s level of anybody as I do this as irrational exertion. it may come across as 1. Once artificial and awkward. someone is about a , metre away from me as I am panting, I must sniff deeply as if trying to stifle a running nose. 2. This must be done in five second intervals to insinuate a cold or sinus issue. This is best done while rubbing my nose or(Fig.59) adding a few fake coughs here

192 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the SOCIAL Elephant in the room CONCEALMENT Concealment Hiding Insecurities Exposure Management through conversational tactics Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Stomach Thighs Double Chin Naturally-occurring bodily reactions Social Concealment Hiding Insecurities through conversational tactics

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 193 When in a social Note: It must be noted setting and engaged in that each method is conversation, my size incredibly dependent will be the elephant on the situation and in the room. I must thus discretion is make sure to prevent advised when deciding possible discomfort and upon which approach tension which could to employ. I must arise from any form analyse the situation of insecurity slipping properly before making through the cracks. this decision. When in However, at the same doubt, I must retreat time, overconfidence is into the background of not permitted. I must the conversation. not allow them to think that I am unaware of how my size makes me different but, at the same time, I must not show them my sadness.

194 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the SOCIAL Elephant in the room CONCEALMENT Concealment Self-humour Exposure Management Self-deprecating joke Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Stomach Thighs Double Chin Naturally-occurring bodily reactions Social Concealment Hiding Insecurities through conversational tactics

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 195 Self-deprecating jokes “ Haha if you are a tricky business. don’t wanna end I must make sure up like me, follow they are employed these rules…” in such a manner that suggests that I “ Hahahaha my am well aware that I diet starts tomorrow…” must not be entirely happy with my size, “ Girl, if but at the same time you’re fat then what I cannot show people the hell am I?” if I am upset with it. It acts as a disclaimer “ Haha it’s ok to the situation. next to me you’ll look My body must be so much smaller…” treated with a comedic nonchalance to dispel any discomfort people “ Haha yeah like I may have regarding my could actually have a size and at the same boyfriend…*scoff*” time, make it known that I am aware that Note: This method my body is funny. should only be employed on people whom I have been previously acquainted with. Anyone I would consider to be acquainted with 30% and above is suitable for this method. I must not use this method with people I have just met; it may cause some awkward tension. This is not the way to make a first impression.

196 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide to Being the SOCIAL Elephant in the room CONCEALMENT Concealment Deflection Exposure Management Avoiding the topic Permitted Degrees of Exposure Stomach Midriff Yoke Arms Sleeve Length Thighs Types of Skirts Double Chin Concealment via Behaviour Stomach Thighs Double Chin Naturally-occurring bodily reactions Social Concealment Hiding Insecurities through conversational tactics

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 197 1. If someone may not be looking were to mention the at me in association topic of my size, I am to the subject of size. to feign confidence They are looking for and stability in order to my reaction as I am prevent any potential directly related to awkwardness. I am the topic at hand. not to get angry 3. In situations and further escalate such as these, I must the situation. I must try my best to avoid Note: This is a slightly keep a cool, calm providing an opinion. riskier method due to face, and make sure However, if such a the fact that I run the to avoid swallowing need arises, I must be risk of having someone my saliva until I feel as neutral as possible else mention my body before I can, preventing me from inserting my disclaimer as previously mentioned. However, this is best employed in extremely new social situations where I am meeting new people. that most eyes are such that judgements not on me anymore. surrounding the 2. However, decisions I may or may if someone brings up not make about my the topic of size with own body cannot be regards to someone thrown into question. else while I am visibly there, I must not make eye contact with people who may or

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Code of Permissable Conduct

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room I am the elephant in the room no matter which room I inhabit. Hence, there are particular ways in which I must conduct myself in order to maintain or suggest a level of righteousness, stature and value in the public eye. This code of conduct has provided me with an accurate account of how to conduct. The elephant in the room has been addressed. Code of Permissable Conduct

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