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GK Book 7_Edition 2077_Sunil

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Description: GK Book 7_Edition 2077_Sunil


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KGnoewnleerdagle KNOW MORE AND GROW MORE Mini Encyclopaedia As fascinating facts and informative comprehensive text in the series are primarily for self-reading and to develop students’ inquisitiveness, teachers are requested to help students read such text on their own, rather than explaining the lessons in the classroom. 7BOOK S. N. Mukhiya

Published By Preface Kuleshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal. This is a series of general knowledge designed for Phone: 4672071, 5187226, 5187211 Fax: 4672073 school students of Nepal for classroom and self E-mail: [email protected] study use. Each textbook of the series contains carefully selected and graded materials, illustrations and amazing facts; and aims to take into account the changing needs of young readers. © Copyright, Publisher, 2071 BS To capture readers’ attention and make the series Revised and Updated : 2077 BS classroom friendly, the reading materials of the series are presented in simple to complex order. The series provides young readers with a wealth of interesting and amazing reading materials of general knowledge that arouse curiosity and interest in them to get to know more and more about the word, and modern advancements. We are highly grateful to for its support in bringing out this series. always welcomes constructive suggestions regarding our textbooks. We are always interested to hear comments and constructive suggestions from our readers for the Layout: improvement of this series. Readmore Desktop Printed in Nepal Author You can exchange this book from your nearest book shop if any binding errors are found. Read to help others read! We are pleased to inform that certain amount from each book is allocated to Charity Fund. The fund is provided to the deserving and needy students all over Nepal. The charity always welcomes cooperation and support from all the well wishers and agencies.

Contents UNIT 1 Animals UNIT 5 Science and Technology n Origin of Life...............................4 n Internet........................................82 n Microbes.......................................6 n Scientists.....................................86 n Characteristics of Animals............8 n Computer.....................................90 n Dinosaurs....................................10 n Diseases......................................92 n Invertebrates................................12 n Common Science........................94 n Vertebrates..................................16 n Scientifically Speaking...............96 n Mammals....................................18 Test Yourself n Reptiles.......................................20 n Birds............................................24 UNIT 6 Games and Sports n WaterAnimals.............................26 n Team Sports..............................102 Test Yourself n Track and Field Events.............104 n SA Games 2019........................106 UNIT 2 Plants Test Yourself n Types of Plants............................32 UNIT 7 Literature n Flowering Plants.........................34 n Non-flowering Plants..................36 n Literature...................................112 Test Yourself Test Yourself UNIT 8 Miscellaneous UNIT 3 Nepal n The Brain..................................120 n Our History................................40 n Human Body.............................122 n Geography..................................42 Test Yourself n Heritages and National Parks.....44 n Planets.......................................126 n People.........................................46 n Astronomy.................................128 n Religion and Culture..................48 Test Yourself......................130-136 n Provinces in Nepal.....................50 n Social Workers in Nepal.............51 n Districts Headquarters................52 n Prime Minister in Nepal.............53 Test Yourself UNIT 4 World n History of the World...................58 n Geography of the World.............60 n Leaders........................................62 n Personalities................................66 Test Yourself

1Unit ANIMALS Origin of Life Earth is the only world we know that supports life. Life began on Earth a very long time ago. The earliest fossils (remains) of life that have been found are of simple single- celled creatures called bacteria. It is thought that these microscopic creatures are the ancient ancestors of all life on earth. The branch of science concerned with classification of animals is called taxonomy. Life forms are divided into groups of kingdoms, which are then split into smaller groups. Archaea bacteria Archaea bacteria are bacteria with internal membrances and are found in extreme environments such as hot boiling water and with no oxygen or highly acid environments. Eubacteria Eubacteria are single-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus. Bacteria make up the entire kingdom. There are more forms of bacteria in this kingdom than any other organisms on Earth. Some bacteria are beneficial to us, such as the ones found in yogurt. Others can cause us to get sick. Plants Plants contain chlorophyll, a green pigment necessary for photosynthesis. Plants are divided into two groups: flower- and-fruit-producing plants and those that don’t produce flowers or fruits. They include garden flowers, agricultural crops, grasses, shrubs, ferns, mosses, and conifers. 4 BOOK SEVEN

Protists Protists are mostly single-celled organisms that have a nucleus. They usually live in water. Some protists move around, while others stay in one place. Examples of protists include some algae, paramecium, and amoeba. Animals Animals are multi-celled organisms, eat food for survival, and have nervous systems. They are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates and include mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. Fungi Fungi are usually motionless organisms that absorb nutrients for survival. They include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. DIFFERENT SPECIES Animals of the same species can only breed with one another. Dogs, for example, can breed with other dogs, and they therefore belong to the same species. A dog cannot breed with a cat, and they are therefore different species. Each species is given a Latin name that is used by scientists all over the world, no matter what language they speak. Human beings belong to the species Homo sapiens, which means ‘wise man’. Australopithecus Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo sapiens Homo sapiens robustus neanderthalensis sapiens BOOK SEVEN 5

Microbes VIRUSES What makes a microbe? We In 1898, Friedrich Loeffler and Paul suppose you need a microscope Frosch found evidence that the to see them. Microbes are cause of foot-and-mouth disease single-cell organisms so tiny in livestock was an infectious that millions can fit into the eye particle smaller than any bacteria. of a needle. This was the first clue to the Tick ( ) the correct answer. nature of viruses, genetic entities 1 Which is a unicellular animal? that lie somewhere in the grey Bacteria area between living and non-living Sponge states. Spirogyra Viruses depend on the host cells 2 Lactobacillus is a: that they infect to reproduce. Virus When found outside of host cells, Algae viruses exist as a protein coat Bacteria or capsid, sometimes enclosed within a membrane. 3 Common cold is a: Viral disease Bacterial disease Fungal disease 4 What does your stomach uses to kill microbes? Water Acid Salt 5 Microbes that cause diseases are called: Germs Organisms Sick microbes 6 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Answer the following questions: 1. What are medicines given to kill Paramecium bacteria infections called? Paramecia, also known as Lady Slippers due to their appearance, are a group of ............................................................. unicellular ciliate protozoa, which are commonly studied as a representative of 2. What does a mycologist study? the ciliate group, and range from about 50 to 350 micrometer in length. ............................................................. 3. How does the organism yeast reproduce? Simple cilia cover the body, which allow ............................................................. the cell to move with a synchronous motion (like a caterpillar). 4. What are living things that can only be seen through a microscope known as? They generally feed on bacteria and other small cells. Osmoregulation is carried out ............................................................. by a pair of contractile vacuoles, which actively expel water absorbed by osmosis 5. What cells do our bodies have to kill off from their surroundings. microbes? ............................................................. 6. What control the size of microbe population? ............................................................. 7. Influenza is caused due to a: ............................................................. Key Words Virus Fungi Antibiotics Budding Microbes Limiting factors White blood cells Fact Box 7 Four Types of Microbes 1. Bacteria are one-celled plants classified by their shape and alignment. 2. Fungi are tiny plants that feed on dead matter (plant or animal). 3. Protozoa are tiny animals that live in contaminated water or decaying matter. 4. Viruses are the smallest microbes that grow and live in other living cells. BOOK SEVEN

Characteristics of Animals There are millions of species of animals. They include insects, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, which include humans. Unlike plants, most animals are able to move from one place to another to find food. Different animals eat different kinds of food. Herbivorous eat plants and carnivorous eat animals. Animals that eat both plants and animals, such as brown bears, are called omnivorous. Most humans are omnivorous. Antlion trap Bald eagles have good eyesight and strong, sharp Antlions are insects like lacewings. claws, or talons, which help Some antlion larvae make a pit in the them to catch their prey. sand by moving around in a spiral path and throwing out sand. The larva then waits inside the pit and feeds on insects that fall into it. The bald eagle, which is the largest bird of prey, is a carnivore. It feeds mainly on fish, swooping down and snatching its prey from lakes and rivers. PREDATORS Most animals have to watch out for predators, which are other animals that want to eat them. Their bodies have to be adapted for running fast or hiding. Some animals, such as zebras, are camouflaged, which means they are patterned so that they blend in with their background and are harder for predators to see. But some predators are also camouflaged, so they can creep up on their prey (the animals they eat). 8 BOOK SEVEN

Animal Talk Sounds are a common way for animals to communicate. Birds sing to attract a mate or to warn other birds to keep away from their territory. Some animals produce sounds using different parts of the body. For example, male crickets rub their wings together to make a shrill chirping noise, which attracts females. Most animals that live in groups give out messages by the way they move or hold their bodies. For example, bees perform a dance to tell other bees where food can be found. Creatures that are poisonous, or have a BREATHING painful bite or sting, are often brightly coloured. This is a warning to predators, As well as eating food, animals need to who soon learn to avoid animals with these bright colours. breathe oxygen, a gas which is found in Some animals use smells to communicate. air and water. Animals take oxygen into their bodies, in a variety of different ways. Lungs Gills Fish have gills, which filter oxygen from the water as it flows through them. Spiracles Humans and many other animals have lungs, which extract oxygen from the air. Insects take in oxygen through tiny holes in their bodies, called spiracles. Human Threats Animals are very useful to humans, providing meat, eggs, wool, silk, leather and even medicines. Many animals are farmed carefully, but some species are in danger of becoming extinct. This can happen when people kill too many of them or destroy their homes and food supplies, for example by cutting down forests. Guanacos are hunted for their thick, warm wool. BOOK SEVEN 9

Dinosaurs The word ‘dinosaur’ is a Greek word which means ‘terrible lizard’. The dinosaurs were a group of prehistoric reptiles that had legs underneath their bodies, like modern mammals. They were closely related to crocodiles. For about 160 million years, the dinosaurs were the most successful animals on Earth. There were giant land dinosaurs that were much bigger than elephants. Some dinosaurs, such as Maiasaura were called careful parents. They made nests and guarded their eggs against predators and stayed with the young until they were able to fend for themselves. Seismosaurus Antarctosaurus M No one knows exactly how dinosaurs evolved, or what type of animal they DO YOU KNOW? evolved from. It is thought that they probably evolved from a group of Paleontologists study fossilized reptiles called thecodonts. dinosaur remains to try and understand how dinosaurs may have lived on the M Some thecodonts resembled sturdy Earth over 200 million years ago. lizards, other evolved into true crocodiles, which are still around today. 10 BOOK SEVEN M Most of the information we have about dinosaurs comes from fossils. These are the remains of once-living things that have been preserved in rocks and turned to stone, over millions of years. M When animals are fossilized their soft tissues (such as muscle or skin) are rarely preserved. Hard tissues, such as bones, teeth and claws are much more likely to be preserved.

M Amongst the biggest land Quick Quiz animals of all time were prehistoric reptiles, such Try the following questions. as Seismosaurus and a. The era of dinosaurs is also known as: Brachiosaurus. These • Prehistoric Age 50-tonne reptiles were as big • Ice age as houses. • Mesozoic Age M Dinosaurs were well- b. The era of dinosaurs is divided into: equipped for both defending • 5 periods themselves and attacking • 3 periods others. Some had horns on • 2 periods their heads; other had spikes or bony plates on their tails c. Which came first, the Jurassic or and spines. Meat-eating Cretaceous Period? dinosaurs had large pointed teeth with serrated edges for ............................................................. slicing through flesh. d. Which came first, the Jurassic or Triassic Period? ............................................................. e. What dinosaur themed book was turned into a blockbuster movie in 1993? ............................................................. What happened to the dinosaurs? The most likely explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs is that a comet, asteroid or meteorite hit the Earth. There have been other extinctions in Earth’s history but the disappearance of the dinosaurs around 65 million years ago was a cataclysmic event. Dust-clouds flung up by the impact caused climate change: plants died, eggs failed to hatch and mature animals died of starvation or cold. BOOK SEVEN 11

Invertebrates Invertebrates were the first animals to evolve. They are animals without backbones. It is estimated that as much as 97% of all animal species are invertebrates. Invertebrates These are animals that do not have a backbone. Protozoa are Flatworms are Annelid worms have Echinoderms are single celled simple and soft bodied. segmented bodies. spiny sea creatures. organisms and are (Tape worm, Flukes) (Earthworm, Leech) (Starfish, Sea urchin) all microscopic. Arthropods have hard external skeleton and jointed limbs. Coelenterates Molluscs have soft bodies and stinging have soft bodies and most cells. (Jellyfish, Sea anemone) have shells. (Snails, Limpet) Arachnids Crustaceans are Insects have wings, Myriapods have have eight legs, two mostly sea creatures. six legs, three body many legs and body body parts and no antennae. (Spider, They have many legs and parts, one pair of segments. Scorpion) two sets of antennae. antennae. (Centipede, Millipede) 12 BOOK SEVEN (Crab, Lobster) (Bee, Ladybird)

Centipede and Millipede Centipedes are carnivores and eat insects and worms. They have a poisonous bite to help them kill their prey. Millipedes are herbivores and eat plants and rotting material. Horse flies are among The earthworm is a the fastest flying insects, very useful invertebrate, reaching maximum since it makes the soil speeds of 39 km/h. fertile by burrowing and Unlike most other flies, adding its excretions their flight can be silent (body waste). Its feeding allowing females to and tunnelling activities sneak up on their prey. allow air to permeate the soil and decompose Springtails are also organic matter, which called snow fleas as aids plant growth. they can survive in extreme cold. They are active even in freezing weather. Useful invertebrates Invertebrates play an important role in the survival of all animals. Many of them are food for other animals such as birds and reptiles. Insects such as bees, wasps and butterflies pollinate flowers. Without them plants, including those we eat, would quickly die out. BOOK SEVEN 13

Quick Quiz Insects Tick ( ) the correct answer. Insects, such as this buckeye 1 Which is smaller? butterfly, form the largest Flea invertebrate group. Butterflies Housefly evolved when flowering plants Dragonfly were beginning to spread over the land and they were among 2 Which is not an invertebrate? the first pollinating insects. Sponge Coral Leeches Platypus Leeches are segmented worms that live on 3 Which is an invertebrate? land and also in water. They can feed on Salamander both dead and decaying plant matter. Some Toad feed on insects and other worms such as Earthworm earthworms while other species suck the blood of mammals including humans. 4 Which is an annelid? Prawn Snail Oyster Earthworm Most snails spend the day inside their hard protective shells, emerging at 5 Crabs are: night to search for food. Like slugs, Arthropods they move by sliding over mucus Molluscs secreted by their large muscular foot. Echinoderms 14 BOOK SEVEN

If the Bhutan Quick Quiz glory butterfly is disturbed, it 1. If an animal is described as succivorous, quickly opens and what does it feed on? shuts its wings exposing its bright ............................................................. orange markings. 2. How many arms does a starfish have? ............................................................. 3. Which forest spider lives in huge communities? ............................................................. 4. What type of creature is a gastropod? ............................................................. 5. Which stinging creature represents one of the signs of the zodiac? ............................................................. 6. Which shrimp is also called the ‘fish doctor’? ............................................................. 7. What happens to a honey bee after it uses its sting? ............................................................. The caterpillars M Insects were the first creatures of Death’s head to live on land-nearby a quarter hawk-moths reach of a billion years before the first 12.5 cm when fully dinosaurs and the first to fly. grown and make a clicking sound if M An insect’s body is encased they are disturbed. in such a tough shell (its exoskeleton) that it has no need for bones. Insects grow by getting rid of their old exoskeleton and replacing it with a bigger one. This is called moulting. BOOK SEVEN 15

Vertebrates VERTEBRATES Quick Quiz Vertebrates are members of the subphylum Vertebrata, chordates Tick ( ) the correct answer. with backbones or spinal columns. 1 What is the largest frog in About 58,000 species of vertebrates North America? have been described. Vertebrata is Green frog the largest subphylum of chordates, Bull frog and contains many familiar groups Tree frog of large land animals. 2 Which is an ape? Vertebrates consist of cyclostomes, Gorilla bony fish, sharks and rays, Leopard amphibians, reptiles, mammals and Tiger birds. 3 Which is a fish? Vertebrates tend to be much more Eel intelligent than invertebrates. Squid Hydra 4 Which is a hot blooded animal? Snake Vulture Frog 5 Which are cold-blooded animals? Amphibians Mammals Birds 16 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Tick ( ) the correct box. Chimpanzee 1. Egg laying animals are called oviparous animals. The Common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), also known as the True False Robust Chimpanzee, is a great ape. The name troglodytes, Greek 2. Small bones that make up the spine are from ‘cave-dweller’, was coined called vertebrae. by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in his book ‘Handbook of Natural True False History’, published in 1779, Colloquially, it is often called the 3. The African elephant has the smallest brain. chimpanzee (or simply ‘chimp’), though technically this term refers True False to both species in the genus Pan: the Common Chimpanzee and the 4. The lion is the largest predator in Africa. closely-related Bonobo, or Pygmy Chimpanzee. True False 5. The kangaroo rat hops like a kangaroo. True False 6. There are six compartments in the cow’s stomach. True False 7. The tomb bat lives in the pyramids of Egypt. True False 8. St. Bernard dog was once used in mountain rescue. True False Did you know? While a goldfish might not compare to your intelligence, when you compare a goldfish to a sea anemone, a goldfish is like Einstein. Octopi are probably the smartest invertebrates. BOOK SEVEN 17

Mammals There are about 4500 species of mammals alive today. They can survive in every major habitat because they are able to adapt to different climates by keeping their body temperature constant. Humans are also mammals. They have hairy bodies, a large brain and special mammary glands for feeding their young with milk. The endangered European mink lives in wetlands where it can prowl searching of fish, frogs, waterbirds and crayfish. The mysterious clouded leopard lurks Massive herds of African in the forests of Southeast Asia. As wildebeest migrate for the trees are being cut down, so the hundreds of kilometers in numbers of this endangered species fall. search of fresh grass which only grows after seasonal rainfalls. Keeping cool is as essential to survival as keeping warm. Mammals of hot and dry regions rest in the shade and pant to lower their temperatures. Lions live on the African grasslands. They rest during the hottest part of the day. 18 BOOK SEVEN

Newborn kangaroo Amazing When they are first born, Bats that hunt at night kangaroos are naked do not need to use their and look like tiny jellybabies eyes. Instead, they find with two arms. They haul prey by echo location; themselves up through the fur on they make high-pitched their mother’s belly and into her squeaks and use the pouch. Here the baby kangaroo echoes to find their way (called a joey) sucks on teats and in the dark. grows for six to eight months. Big cats The snow leopard has thick fur and can survive extreme cold. Its grey coat helps to camouflage it in snow. Jaguars can feed on The caracal lives in dry turtles because they have places. Its gold colour large heavy teeth and makes it difficult to spot immensely powerful jaws. among the brown plants and sandy soil. It can The puma is a great athlete. It has jump four times its own long hind legs packed with muscles. body length. The world’s most mysterious cat is the clouded leopard. It sleeps all day and only hunts at night. BOOK SEVEN 19

Reptiles The first reptiles are believed to have evolved around 320 million years ago. The main categories of reptiles are snakes, crocodiles and alligators, turtles, and lizards. Reptiles can be found on every continent except for Antarctica. Changing colour The chameleon can change its colour and pattern in minutes to blend in with its background. It uses tiny coloured particles called pigments in its skin that can clump together so they are not seen or spread out to show their hue. For example when the chameleon moves from a leafy branch to dry twigs it changes from green to brown. M The flap-necked chameleon is perhaps the most widespread chameleon species in southern Africa. Eggs M Most lizards can change colour to limited extent but chameleons are Nearly all reptiles lay shelled eggs. expert colour-changers transforming Most reptile eggs are tougher than those quickly to all sorts of colours. amphibians. The egg yolk provides food for the young, called an embryo. The shell protects the embryo from the outside world. Alligators lay their eggs in a mound of plants or earth. A typical clutch contains from 35 to 40 eggs. 20 BOOK SEVEN

Amazing M Pythons are tropical snakes that live in moist forests in Asia and Africa. They are A 4-5 m long African rock the world’s biggest snakes. Pythons are python was once seen to one long tube of muscle, well able to swallow an entire 60 kg squeeze even big victims to death. They impala, a kind of antelope usually eat animals about the size of whole-horns and everything. domestic cats, but occasionally they go for really big meals, such as wild pigs and deer. Crocodiles Crocodilian species lived alongside the dinosaurs 200 million years ago and they are the nearest we have to living dinosaurs today. Crocodiles are hunters that lie in wait for animals coming to drink at the water’s edge. This dwarf crocodile measuring only 1.5-2 m in length is one of the smallest crocodiles. It is so small that a frog, fish or baby water bird is more than enough of a meal. BOOK SEVEN 21

Quick Quiz Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1 Which is the most poisonous reptile? Python Gecko Black Mamba 2 Which reptile has a long tongue? Lizards Komodo Dragon Salamander Lizards are a large and widespread Gecko group of reptiles, with nearly 5,000 species, ranging across all continents 3 Which is the most poisonous snake except Antarctica as well as most in Nepal? oceanic island chains. The group, traditionally recognized as the Anaconda suborder Lacertilia, is defined as all Black Mamba extant members of the Lepidosauria King Cobra (reptiles with overlapping scales). 4 Which is a reptile? Lizards typically have four limbs and Frog external ears, while snakes lack both Toad these characteristics. Crocodile Many lizards can detach their tails in 5 Reptiles and birds have what kind order to escape from predators, an of scales? act called autotomy, but this trait is not universal. Vision, including colour Ectodermal vision, is particularly well developed in Endodermal most lizards, and most communicate Epidermal with body. 22 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Answer the following questions: Black Mamba 1. What came first on the earth: dinosaurs The Black Mamba, is one of or crocodiles? Africa’s most dangerous and feared snakes. It has a wide ............................................................. range of known locations throughout Africa. 2. What is called the snakes that squeeze their victims to death before The black mamba is native swallowing them whole? to Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Angola, ............................................................. Namibia, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and the Congo. 3. What is the name of the fastest swimming turtle? The black mamba is also known for being very aggressive when ............................................................. disturbed or confronted and will not hesitate to strike with 4. Which reptile can change its colour deadly precision. according to the surrounding? ............................................................. 5. How many species of lizards are there? ............................................................. 6. Which reptile can move its eyes independently? ............................................................. 7. What is the world’s rarest snake? ............................................................. Key Words The green turtle Constrictors Crocodiles 5000 Chameleon Antiguan racer Chameleon BOOK SEVEN 23

Birds Ribbon-Tailed Astrapia Quick Quiz The Ribbon-tailed Astrapia is a medium-sized bird. It can grow up Tick ( ) the correct answer. to 32cm long without including 1 What is the world’s smallest owl? the tail of the male. Its tail can be American owl over 1 meter. It is a velvet black Black owl bird of paradise. Elf owl The male is adorned with 2 Which is the fastest bird in level ornamental “ball” plume above flight? its bill and two extremely long, ribbon-like white tail feathers. Swift Eagle The female is a brown bird with Peacock an iridescent head. 3 Which is the biggest flying bird? The male Ribbon-tailed Astrapia Ostrich has the longest tail feathers in Condor relation to body size of any bird, Eagle over three times the length of its body. 4 Which bird lays the smallest egg? Emu Pheasant Hummingbird 24 BOOK SEVEN

Quick Quiz Answer the following questions: 1. What country does the lyrebird come from? ............................................................. 2. Which European bird of prey hovers over its hunting ground? Did you ............................................................. know? 3. Which Australian bird is also called the laughing Jackass? Albatross ............................................................. An albatross is the grandest living flying machine on Earth. A parent 4. What is the only creature that can turn its albatross may fly more than head in almost a compete circle? 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometers) to delivery one meal to its chick. ............................................................. Wielding the longest wings in 5. Which large seabird can glide for a day nature-up to eleven and a half without flapping its wings? feet (3.5 meters)-albatrosses can glide hundreds of miles without ............................................................. flapping, crossing ocean basins, circumnavigating the globe. 6. Which very tall bird has a communal nest for the eggs of several females? ............................................................. 7. Which is the only poisonous bird of the world? ............................................................. Key Words Hooded Pitohui Kestrel Mexico Ostrich Kookaburra Owl Albatross BOOK SEVEN 25

Water Animals Viper Fish Quick Quiz Viper fish (found at 80-1600 meters-about a mile down) are Tick ( ) the correct answer. some of the most wicked looking 1 Which has an ivory tusk? fish dredged up from the depths. Virus Some of them are black as night Platypus all over with light organs (called Walrus photophores) in strategic place on their bodies, including one on 2 Which is a fish? a long dorsal fin that serves as a Eel lure for the fish it preys upon. Prawn Whale Some viper fish (and many other deep ocean fish species) don’t 3 What is a gar? have any pigment (colour) at all- Frog they’re “see through”. They also Fish have enlarged eyes, presumably Lizard for gathering as much light as possible where there is little or no 4 What fish is also called the white light at all. The light organs create whale? lights by using a chemical process called bioluminescence. Beluga Silverfish Dolphin 26 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Answer the following questions: 1. Other than a walrus, what is the only sea Fangtooth creature that possesses an ivory tusk? The fangtooth is a menacing looking creature that inhabits the deep of ............................................................. the ocean. Although it may look like a monster, it only grows to a size of 2. In which species of fish does the male about six inches in length. It has a incubate the young? short body and a large head. The fangtooth gets its name from the ............................................................. long, sharp, fang-like teeth that line its enormous, over-sized mouth. 3. Which sea insect’s leg has a special kind of fur to avoid them to sink? The fangtooth is an extreme deep- water species that lives at depths ............................................................. of about 16,000 feet. The pressure at these depths is intense and the 4. Which is the largest member of Dolphin water temperature is near freezing. family? Most of its meals probably fall from the upper depths of the ocean. ............................................................. 5. Is the perch fish a carnivore? ............................................................. 6. What is a pond slider? ............................................................. 7. Which sea turtle eats jellyfish as a major part of its diet? ............................................................. 8. Which sea animal can change its sex annually? ............................................................. Key Words Narwhal Sea-horse Orca Oyster Leatherback Turtle Water strider Turtle Yes BOOK SEVEN 27

Fact Box Fastest Land Animal Cheetah Largest Pantherine Tiger Fastest Bird Hunting Peregrine Falcon Largest Raptor Andean Condor Fastest Dog Greyhound Largest Reptile Saltwater Crocodile Fastest Dolphin Dall’s Porpoise Largest Rodent Capybara Fastest Fish Sailfish Largest Shark Great White Shark Fastest Flightless Bird Ostrich Largest Snake Python Fastest Insect Dragonfly Largest Spider Goliath Bird Eater Fastest Insect Runner Cockroach Largest Swan Trumpeter Swan Fastest Reptile Spiny-Tailed Iguana Largest Tree Nest Bird Bald Eagle Fastest Swimming Bird Gentoo Penguin Largest Turtle Leatherback Turtle Fastest Whale Killer Whale Longest Fish Whale Shark Heaviest Bear Polar Bear Longest Flying Bird Sooty Terns Heaviest Bird Of Prey Condor Longest Living Animal Giant Tortoise Heaviest Bug Goliath Beetle Longest Migration (Bird) Arctic Tern Heaviest Reptile Leatherback Turtle Longest Snake Python Heaviest Snake Anaconda Longest Worm Boot Lace Worm Highest Flying Bird Griffon Vulture Loudest Animal Blue Whale Largest Amphibian Giant Salamander Loudest Insect Cicada Largest Animal Blue Whale Loudest Land Animal Howler Monkey Largest Bat Species Giant Fox Bat Most Destructive Insect Desert Locust Largest Bear Kodiak Bear Most Poisonous Animal Golden Poison Frog Largest Bird Egg Ostrich Most Poisonous Fish Stonefish Largest Carnivore Sperm Whale Most Venomous Animal Box Jellyfish Largest Dolphin Killer Whale (Orca) Slowest Fish Sea Horse Largest Eye Atlantic Giant Squid Slowest Flying Bird American Woodcock Largest Fish Whale Shark Smallest Amphibian Cuban Frog Largest Flying Bird Kori Bustard Smallest Bird Hummingbird Largest Frog Goliath Frog Smallest Crab Pea Crab Largest Insect Egg Stick Insect Smallest Mammal Bumble-Bee Bat Largest Invertebrate Colossal Squid Smallest Snake Blind Snake Largest Land Carnivore Polar Bear Smallest Soaring Bird Swift Largest Land Mammal African Elephant Smallest Turtle Speckled Cape Tortoise Largest Living Organism Humongous Fungus Strongest Animal Rhinoceros Beetles Largest Lizard Komodo Dragon Strongest Bird Bald Eagle Largest Moth Atlas Moth Tallest and Biggest Bird Ostrich Largest Octopus Pacific Giant Octopus Tallest Mammal Giraffe 28 BOOK SEVEN

1Test Yourself Tick ( ) the correct box: 1. Paramecium is a multicellur animal. True False 2. Starfish has six arms. True False 3. Eel is a fish. True False 4. Egg laying animals are called oviparous animals. True False 5. The black mamba is the most poisonous snake in Africa. True False 6. The leatherback turtle is the fastest swimming turtle. True False 7. A humming bird lays the biggest egg. True False 8. The leatherback turtle is the heaviest reptile in the world. True False 9. The snow leopard can survive extreme cold. True False 10. Jaguars cannot feed on turtles as they have hard cells. True False BOOK SEVEN 29

2Test Yourself Choose the correct answer: 1. What does ‘Homo sapiens’ mean? i. wise man ii. invertebrate iii. bonny man 2. What branch of science is concerned with classification of animals? i. geology ii. botany iii. taxonomy 3. Antlions are: ii. baby lions iii. female lions i. insects 4. Which is the largest bird of prey? i. vulture ii. bald eagle iii. hawk 5. How do male crickets do to make a shrill chirping noise? i. rubbing their wings ii. rubbing their feet iii. rubbing their teeth 6. What do fish have use to filter oxygen from the water? i. nose ii. gills iii. fins 7. What do paleontologists study? i. dead plants ii. rocks iii. fossilized dinosaur remains 8. Which is the loudest insect in the world? i. cricket ii. ladybug iii. cicada 9. Which is the largest frog in the world? i. goliath frog ii. poison dart frog iii. tomato frog 10. Which is the largest lizard in the world? i. komodo dragon ii. leopard gecko iii. northern alligator lizard 11. Which is the strongest bird in the world? i. bald eagle ii. vulture iii. hawk 12. What are female elephants called? i. calves ii. cows iii. mares 30 BOOK SEVEN

3Test Yourself Write true or false: 1. Bacteria found in yogurt are beneficial to us. ...................................... 2. Viruses are the smallest microbes that grow and live in other living cells. ...................................... 3. Vertebrates were the first animals to evolve. ...................................... 4. Arachnids have four legs and two body parts. ...................................... 5. Centipedes are herbivorous. ...................................... 6. Bats do not need to use their eyes to hunt at night. ...................................... 7. Nearly all reptiles lay shelled eggs. ...................................... 8. Both snakes and lizards typically have four limbs and external ears. ...................................... 9. The earthworm is a very useful invertebrate. ...................................... 10. Hummingbirds can fly backwards. ...................................... 11. Camels have three eyelids. ...................................... 12. A butterfly has four wings. ...................................... BOOK SEVEN 31

2Unit PLANTS Types of Plants MOSSES The plant kingdom is one of the six kingdoms of These plants grow in shady living organisms. There are more than 400,000 places. They do not make seeds different kinds of plants in the world today. or have vessels to carry water. Mosses can survive for weeks All other living creatures depend on plants to without water, and then soak it survive. Plants provide the oxygen humans and up like a sponge when it rains. animals breathe, because plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and release oxygen into the There are around 12000 atmosphere. species of mosses that can be found throughout the world. Human beings rely heavily on plants for food, timber, medicines, drinks, clothes, paper as well as They reproduce using spores. fuels such as coal and oil. Lichens can survive in many places where other plants would die such as the Arctic on mountaintops and in deserts. Some Arctic lichens are over 4000 years old. Algae are simple organisms that live in oceans, lakes, rivers and damp mud. Algae vary from single-celled microscopic organisms to huge fronds of seaweed (brown algae) that can grow to over 60 m long. FUNGI Phytoplankton is made up of There are more than 50,000 different kinds of tiny floating plants, such as fungi, including mushrooms, toadstools, yeast diatoms, that live in water. and moulds. Fungi do not have chlorophyll, but feed either from other plants and animals or from 32 BOOK SEVEN matter that has rotten in the soil. They reproduce by releasing tiny spores that then germinate (sprout) and grow into a new fungus.

Trees, bushes, flowers and herbs grow wide, flat leaves. Broadleaved trees can be ever green or deciduous. Also known as maidenhair trees, gingkos The flowering plant are an ancient type of plant with fan- group contains more shaped leaves and fleshy yellow seeds. than 250,000 different species including flowers, herbs, grasses, vegetables and trees (except conifers). Flowering plants are also known as angiosperms. Conifer trees have needle-like leaves that make their seeds in cones rather than in flowers. Conifers, cycads and gingkos are also known as gymnosperms. Ferns live in damp, shady places around the world. They are an ancient group of plants and have been found as fossils in rocks 400 million years old. Coal is made largely of fossilized ferns, horsetails and club masses. These are mostly short stubby palm-like trees. Some are thousands of years old. Cycads have fern-like leaves growing in a circle around the end of the stem. New leaves sprout each year and last for several years. BOOK SEVEN 33

Flowering Plants Some interesting facts M A pineapple is a berry. Quick Quiz M Peanuts are beans. Tick ( ) the correct answer. M 84% of a raw apple and 96% of a raw cucumber is water. 1 Which is a flowering plant? M Avocados have the highest calories of any Mustard fruit at 167 calories per hundred grams. Fern M No species of wild plant produces a flower Cycas or blossom that is absolutely black and so far, none has been developed artificially. 2 Which is a part of a flower? M Quinine, one of the most important drugs known to man, is obtained from the dried Gynoecium bark of an evergreen tree native to South Apex America. Midrib M The California coast redwood and giant sequoia are the tallest and largest living organisms in the world. 3 Which is a part of a leaf? M The largest single flower is the Rafflesia Midrib or “corpse flower”. It is generally 3 feet in Sepal diameter. Anther M The oldest living thing in existence is not a giant redwood, but a bristlecone pine in the White Mountains of California, dated 4 Which plant has a yellow flower? to be aged 4,600 years old. Hibiscus Mustard Jasmine 34 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Answer the following questions: 1. What part of a flower contains the pollen? S The rose family of plants, in addition to flowers, gives ............................................................. us apples, pears, plums, cherries, almonds, peaches 2. What common weed spreads its seeds by and apricots. feathery looking parachutes? S The bright orange colour of ............................................................. carrots tell you they are an excellent source of Vitamin A 3. Where could you find a stigma, carpels and which is important for good sepals? eyesight, especially at night. Vitamin A helps your body ............................................................. fight infection and keeps your skin and hair healthy. 4. Which is the oldest known tree? S Onions contain a mild ............................................................. antibiotic that fights infections, soothes burns, 5. Which plant grows hairs to protect itself tames bee stings, and relieves from extreme cold? the itch of athlete’s foot. ............................................................. 6. Which flower blooms nearest the North Pole? ............................................................. 7. What familiar yellow flower blooms early in spring? ............................................................. 8. Are catkins fruits or flowers? ............................................................. Key Words Dandelion Anther Flowers Bristlecone pine Daffodil Arctic Poppy Edelweiss Flower BOOK SEVEN 35

Non-flowering Plants Quick Quiz Some interesting facts Tick ( ) the correct answer. M A person standing under an oak 1 What is the term for a dwarf tree is 16 more times liable to be hit by lightning than if he takes refuge plant growing? beneath a beech tree. The oak tree has Bonsai vertical roots which provide a more Mosaic direct route to ground water. Dwarf M A plant in central Australia, the 2 Which is a non-flowering plant? candlesticks of the sun, grows a candle- Daffodil shaped flower once every 7 years. Rose Merchantia M Bamboo can grow up to three feet in a 24 hours period. 3 Which is not a part of a leaf? Midrib M Pine, spruce, or other evergreen wood Apex should never be used for barbecuing. Sepal These woods, when burning or smoking, can add harmful tar and resins to the food. Only hardwoods should be used for smoking and grilling, such as oak, pecan, maple, cherry or apple depending on the type of meat being cooked. 4 Which is a non-green plant? Cycas Algae Mushroom 36 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Answer the following questions: S The bark of a redwood tree is 1. What are the plants that grow in fireproof. Fires that occur in a redwood forest take place inside the deserts called? trees. ............................................................. S The fragrance of flowers is due to the essences of oil which they produce. 2. Which nut plant grows underground? S The leaves of the Victorian water ............................................................. lily are sometimes over six feet in diameter. 3. What plant was once used as a comb for new wool? S The Mexican Jumping Bean is not a bean. It is actually a thin-shelled ............................................................. section of a seed capsule containing the larva of a small gray moth called 4. What is a mandrake? the jumping bean moth. ............................................................. 5. Which type of grass grows the tallest and thickest? ............................................................. 6. What is the name of the process of water loss through evaporation from the leaves of plants? ............................................................. 7. Which umbrella like tree has no branches? ............................................................. 8. Which desert plant has the same name with a desert moth? ............................................................. Key Words Peanut Bamboo Teasel Poisonous plant Palm Yucca Transpiration Xerophytes BOOK SEVEN 37

1Test Yourself Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1. Which is the tallest tree in the world? a) Giant Sequoia b) Date c) Bamboo 2. Which is a part of a leaf? a) Midrib b) Sepal c) Anther 3. What are catkins? a) Fruits b) Leaves c) Flowers 4. Which is a non-green plant? a) Algae b) Mushroom c) Mustard 5. Which umbrella like tree has no branches? a) Mushroom b) Palm c) Spruce 6. The movement of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of the flower is known as what? a) Pollination b) Photosynthesis c) Trailing 7. Many flowers have both male and female parts. Which is the male part of a flower? a) Pistil b) Stamen c) Carpel 8. Which is a carnivorous plant? a) Pitcher plant b) Resin c) Water lily 38 BOOK SEVEN

2Test Yourself Answer the following questions: 1. Which forest spider lives in huge communities? 2. How many species of lizards are there? 3. Which is the only poisonous bird? 4. What familiar yellow flower blooms early in spring? 5. Which nut grows underground? 6. Which desert plant has the same name with a desert moth? 7. Which is the largest member of Dolphin family? 8. What is a lactobacillus? 9. What cells do our bodies have to kill off microbes? 10. Which stinging creature represents one of the signs of the zodiac? 11. Are penguins warm blooded animals? BOOK SEVEN 39

3Unit NEPAL Our History Quick Quiz Pokhara Tick ( ) the correct answer. Pokhara, located west of 1 Who was the last King of Patan? Kathmandu lies in Kaski District, Pratap Malla Gandaki Province. Jaya Prakash Malla Tej Nar Singh Malla It is the second largest city in the country by population. It is a well- 2 Where is the origin of Bagmati river? known excursion destination with Bagdwar its relaxed nature and lush beauty. Shivapuri Melamchi Pokhara has a subtropical climate with moderate temperatures. 3 What was the real name of Bahadur December to January is the coolest. Shah? February to April is a warm period. Ram Bahadur Shah The months of October and Phatya Bahadur Shah November are the best time to visit Bir Bahadur Shah for the pleasant weather and lush green surroundings. 4 Which temple was made by Bhupatindra Malla? Historically, Pokhara was a mystical place which was partly inaccessible. Nyatapola After the construction of roads, the Pashupatinath city has developed rapidly. Today, it Changu Narayan is a peaceful, resort town. 5 When was slavery abolished in Nepal? 1924 BS 1920 BS 1910 BS 40 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Answer the following questions: 1. Who started the system of passport in Hanuman Dhoka Nepal? Hanuman Dhoka is the former Royal Palace of the Malla kings and ............................................................. sequentially of the Shah dynasty. It has several complexes connected 2. Who built the Narayanhiti Palace? together taking up about five acres. The eastern wing of the palace was ............................................................. built in the mid-16th century and is the oldest part of the palace. It has 3. Who abolished the ‘Sati system’ in ten courtyards. King Pratap Malla Nepal? enlarged the original building in the 17th century, adding many of the ............................................................. temples. The oldest part of the palace is Sundari Chowk and Mohan Chowk 4. When was the system of Airmail in the north part of the palace, which started in Nepal? are both closed. In 1768, after Prithvi Narayan Shah took over the valley ............................................................. he built four lookout towers in the southeast part of the palace. 5. Which is the oldest script in Nepal? ............................................................. 6. Who started the system of sticking stamps on the letter? ............................................................. 7. Who started the custom of copper coins in Nepal? ............................................................. Key Words Bir Shamsher 2016 BS Bhimsen Thapa Ratna Malla Chandra Shamsher Bramhi Script Juddha Shamsher BOOK SEVEN 41

Geography Major Rivers in Nepal Quick Quiz Name Location Specialty Sunkoshi Eastern Nepal The Golden River Tick ( ) the correct answer. Best for White water 1 Which is the smallest Trisuli Central Nepal rafting The Thrilling River district of Nepal? Marshyangdi Western Nepal The Isolated River Rupendehi Seti Western Nepal Best for Kayaking Rolpa Kali Gandaki Western Nepal Largest and longest river Bhaktapur Karnali Mid-western Nepal 2 Where does Satyawati Lake lie? Rivers in Nepal are treated as goddesses. They Bara are the ever flowing and inspiring source of Palpa beauty, abundance and infinite adventure. The Gulmi rugged topography, extreme variations and excessive snow melting in Nepal has blessed this country with blossoming, flowering rivers, running across the country. This makes Nepal an obvious choice for river adventure. 3 When was Nepal divided into 5 development regions? 2036 BS 2037 BS 2038 BS 4 Where is Bhairab Kunda? Rasuwa Mustang Rolpa Nepal has many rivers for rafting- Trishuli River, Seti River, Bhote Koshi River, Kali Gandaki River, Sun Koshi River, etc. 42 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Mahendra Guffa Answer the following questions: 1. What is the total area of Nepal? Mahendra Guffa (Mahendra Cave) is the most popular cave in Pokhara. ............................................................. It is very dim and visitors are recommended to bring a flashlight. 2. Where does Mt. Gaurishankar lie? It is a large limestone cave. A statue ............................................................. of Lord Shiva is found inside the cave. This conglomerate is capped going 3. Which place is known as the entrance down into a sort of depression point. of Mt. Everest? ............................................................. 4. How many metropolitan cities are there in Nepal? ............................................................. 5. How many districts does Province No 1 have? ............................................................. 6. What is the total area of Kathmandu district? ............................................................. 7. When was Mt. Everest climbed for the first time? ............................................................. Key Words May 29, 1953 Six 14 395 sq km Dolakha 147,181 sq km Namche Bazar BOOK SEVEN 43

Heritages and Chitwan National Park National Parks The Chitwan National Park, Quick Quiz established in 1973, provides a great wildlife experience with its rich flora Tick ( ) the correct answer. and fauna. 1 Where is Tilichotal? Mugu The wildlife and the landscape are Palpa not as breathtaking as those found Manang in Africa. Still, the experience will stand out. 2 Which is the biggest lake in Nepal? Rara Chitwan is only 150 m above the Phewa sea level. The place gets steamy Phoksundo from March-June, with peak temperatures reaching 43°C in the 3 What is the area of Sagarmatha shade. Short grass makes February- National Park? May the best game-viewing season, but the autumn months are 1148 sq km gorgeous, with Himalayan views, 1184 sq km and in winter (December-January), 1150 sq km Chitwan is pleasantly warmed compared to Kathmandu. 4 Which is the oldest National Park in Nepal? The monsoon season (July-August) is intense, with pounding rain, swollen Bardiya rivers and luxuriant vegetation. Chitwan While the rain is not constant, the Rara humidity is all pervasive. 5 Which is the largest National Park in Nepal? Shey-Phoksundo National Park Chitwan National Park Bardiya National Park 44 BOOK SEVEN

Famous Lakes in Nepal Learn about the famous lakes of Nepal. Nepal is also famous for its lakes. There are several lakes and tanks of glacial and tectonic origin in Nepal. Mountain lakes like Rara Lake, Shey Phoksundo Lake, Phewa Lake, etc are majestic in extent and beauty. Rara Lake in Mugu District of western Nepal is the country’s largest lake. Phewa Lake in Pokhara is another equally famous lake. Phoksundo Lake in Dolpa district is yet another big lake but is less popular than Phewa Lake due to its difficult approach. Rupatal and Begnastal (Pokhara), Gaduwaltal (Chitwan), Satyavatital (Palpa), Khaptadtal (Doti), Barhakunetal (Dang), Surma Sarobar (Bajhang) and Tilichotal (Manang) are some of Nepal’s other well-known lakes. Gosaikunda and other lakes in the Langtang Himal region are of religous significance. Rara Lake Phewa Lake Tilicho Lake Phoksundo Lake Gosaikunda Lake Rupatal Begnastal BOOK SEVEN 45

People Raute Quick Quiz Raute are a nomadic ethnic group in Nepal. They are known especially Tick ( ) the correct answer. for their hunting of Langur and 1 Who was the famous author of Macaque monkeys for subsistence. They also gather wild forest tubers, Nepal? fruits and greens on a regular basis. Pasang Lhamu Sherpa They normally do no gardening, Laxmi Prasad Devkota farming, or work for others as Baburam Acharya tenants or wage laborers. To obtain grain, iron, cloth and jewelry, they 2 Who is the first President of trade handmade wooden bowls Nepal? and boxes to local farmers. They do not sell other forest products, Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat bushmeat, or forest medical plants. Dr. Ram Baran Yadav Puspa Kamal Dahal Their population is estimated at about 650 people living in small 3 Who is the first Vice President settlements in the Karnali and of Nepal? Mahakali watershed regions of western Nepal. Parmanand Jha Mukunda Jha The closest language to Raute Girija Parsad Koirala known at the present time is Chepang, spoken by an ethnic 4 Who translated the Ramayan in group of west-central Nepal who Nepali? also have been hunter-gatherers until the current generation. Basanta Sharma Bhanubhakta Acharya Motiram Bhatta 5 Who is the first woman President of Nepal? Bidhya Devi Bhandari Onsari Gharti Magar Sarita Giri 46 BOOK SEVEN

Fast Facts Quick Quiz Answer the following questions: S The word ‘Himalaya’ means 1. In which district was social activist the home or abode of snow. Mahabir Pun born? S According to Hindu mythology, ............................................................. God Shiva resides in the Himalaya. 2. Where was Kalu Pandey killed? S There are eight peaks with a ............................................................. total of 19 points above 8000 3. Who made the Nyatapola temple and the metres in Nepal. 55 windows palace? S Fourteen mountains in the ............................................................. Himalaya exceed 8000 metres. 4. Who is the writer of MASAN? S There are 25 points in all which exceed 8000 metres in ............................................................. the Himalaya. 5. Who is the author of MUNA MADAN? S Nameha Barwa peak is the ............................................................. easternmost peak of the Himalaya. 6. Who is the writer of TARUN TAPASI? S The geological age of the ............................................................. Himalaya is approximately 70 7. Which eye surgeon in Nepal is also know million years. S Himalayan rivers are older as 'God of Sight\"? than the Himalayan peaks. ............................................................. S Kumbhakarna is the new name 8. Who wrote the poem ‘OKHALDUNGA’? of Mount Jannu (7,710 m). Key Wor ds ...........S..i.d..d..h..i..C...h..a..r.a..n...S..h..r.e..s..t.h..a.............. Lekha Nath Poudel Kirtipur Gopal Prasad Rimal Bhupatindra Malla Laxmi Prasad Devkota Myagdi Dr. Sanduk Ruit BOOK SEVEN 47

Religion and Culture Quick Quiz Gautama Buddha Tick ( ) the correct answer. Buddhism, which is the fourth largest 1 Where is the Deuda dance famous? religion all over the world, is the Eastern Nepal second largest religion in Nepal. Far Western Nepal Buddhism in Nepal dates from the Kathmandu birth of Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni Buddha himself. Buddhism 2 Who was the father of Pandava? was founded on his teachings. Pandu Dasharath Siddhartha Gautama was born into Bidur the Shakya clan in Lumbini, Nepal and obtained his enlightenment in Bodh 3 Who was the mother of Pandava? Gaya. Sita Mandodari Nepal is the centre of Buddhism for Kunti pilgrims and Buddhist followers all over the world. Buddha is widely 4 Who is the founder of Buddhism? worshipped by both Buddhists and Gautam Buddha Hindus in Nepal. Ravan Krishna The five Dhyani Buddhas - Vairochana, Akshobhaya, Rathasambhava, 5 According to the census 2001, how Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi, many percent Nepalese are Hindu? represent the five basic elements: earth, fire, water, air and ether. Above 80% Below 50% Below 30% 48 BOOK SEVEN

Did you Quick Quiz know? Tick ( ) the correct answer. Indra Jatra 1. Hinduism and Buddhism are two religions of Nepal. Hinduism and Buddhism are the two major religions in Nepal, each True False having its own rules and rituals. However, like most festivals of 2. Mithila is the ancient name of Janakpur. Nepal, both Hindus and Buddhists unite to celebrate the festival of True False Indra Jatra. 3. Maithili is the national language of Nepal. This festival is celebrated by both Hindus and Buddhists with great True False enthusiasm. It is also believed that Indra Jatra is a festival of classical 4. Parbati was the wife of Lord Shiva. dances. It is on this very day when one is able to observe numerous True False varieties of traditional dances. The festival is named after Lord Indra 5. Indra Jatra is a festival of Hindus. who is known as the God of rain and also as the king of heaven. True False 6. Kathmandu is the home of the famous Pashupatinath temple. True False 7. Eid is the festival of Muslim. True False 8. Christmas is celebrated on 25th December. True False BOOK SEVEN 49

Provinces in Nepal Write true or false. 1. Districts of Nepal are second level of administrative divisions. 2. There are 77 provinces and 7 districts in Nepal. 3. The rural municipality is called 'Jilla' in Nepali. 4. Humla lies in Karnali Pradesh. 5. There are 460 rural municipalities in Nepal. 6. The old Nawalpasari District was divided into Parasi District and Nawalpur District. 7. DDC stands for District Coordination Committee. 8. Lalitpur lies in Province No. 2. 9. Each province in Nepal has its headquarters. 10. Nepal has 77 districts under new administration. Did you know? NEPALISAT-1 is the first satellite of Nepal. It is also known as Bird NPL. It was launched on 17 April 2019 successfully from Virginia in the United States. Its aim is to gather detailed geographical information. 50 BOOK SEVEN

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