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Readmore GK Book 6_sunil__2077

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KGnoewnleerdagle KNOW MORE AND GROW MORE Mini Encyclopaedia As fascinating facts and informative comprehensive text in the series are primarily for self-reading and to develop students’ inquisitiveness, teachers are requested to help students read such text on their own, rather than explaining the lessons in the classroom. 6BOOK S. N. Mukhiya

Published By Preface Kuleshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal. This is a series of general knowledge designed for Phone: 4672071, 5187226, 5187211 Fax: 4672073 school students of Nepal for classroom and self E-mail: [email protected] study use. Each textbook of the series contains carefully selected and graded materials, illustrations and amazing facts; and aims to take into account the changing needs of young readers. © Copyright, Publisher, 2071 BS To capture readers’ attention and make the series classroom friendly, the reading materials of the Reprint : 2073 BS series are presented in simple to complex order. Revised and Updated : 2077 BS The series provides young readers with a wealth of interesting and amazing reading materials of general knowledge that arouse curiosity and interest in them to get to know more and more about the word, and modern advancements. We are highly grateful to for its support in bringing out this series. always welcomes constructive suggestions regarding our textbooks. We are always interested to hear comments and constructive suggestions from our readers for the Layout: improvement of this series. Readmore Desktop Printed in Nepal Author You can exchange this book from your nearest book shop if any binding errors are found. Read to help others read! We are pleased to inform that certain amount from each book is allocated to Charity Fund. The fund is provided to the deserving and needy students all over Nepal. The charity always welcomes cooperation and support from all the well wishers and agencies.

Contents UNIT 1 Animals UNIT 5 Science and Technology n Evolution .....................................4 n Early Inventions. .........................82 n Animal Kingdom..........................6 n Scientists ....................................84 n Microbes. ....................................10 n Space Heroes .............................86 n Invertebrates ..............................12 n Return to Earth ..........................88 n Vertebrates .................................16 n Computer ..................................90 n Mammals ...................................18 n Reptiles ......................................20 Test Yourself n Birds ..........................................24 n Flightless Birds ..........................26 UNIT 6 Diseases n Sea Creatures .............................28 n Scientifically Speaking ..............94 Test Yourself Test Yourself UNIT 2 Plants UNIT 7 Games and Sports n Large and Small .........................36 n Olympics ................................104 n Flowering Plants. ........................38 n SA Games 2019........................106 n Non Flowering Plants. ................40 n Carnivorous Plants .....................42 Test Yourself Test Yourself UNIT 8 Language and Literature UNIT 3 Nepal n Literature ..................................112 Test Yourself n History ......................................46 n Geography ................................48 UNIT 9 Human Body n National Parks ..........................50 n People .......................................52 n Miscellaneous .........................120 n Administrative Divisions..........54 Test Yourself n Religion and Culture ................56 n Social Workers .........................58 UNIT 10 Astronomy Test Yourself n The Earth .........................126 n Astronomy .........................128 UNIT 4 Scientists Test Yourself n Explorers ..................................62 n Great Leaders ...........................64 UNIT 11 Earthquakes n History ......................................66 n Geography ................................68 n Earthquakes .........................130 n Personalities .............................70 Test Yourself Test Yourself

1UNIT ANIMALS Evolution Evolution means changes that occur in different kinds of living organisms during the history of the earth. Changes occur very slowly over thousands and millions of years. Most scientists believe that life on Earth started with very simple creatures and have AMMONITE developed gradually through a long series Ammonites are perhaps the most of changes. By studying existing plants widely known fossils that lived and animals alongside prehistoric remains, inside coil-shaped shells. These scientists try to explain how and why living creatures lived million years ago things have changed. on Earth and became extinct BACTERIA along with the dinosaurs. These fossils allow scientists to learn According to most scientists, the first tiny more about prehistoric life. organisms on Earth were bacteria, which first existed Sacabambaspis around 3.5 billion years 500 million years ago, the first fish evolved, ago. Scientists suggest with thick skin and no jaws. About 150 the following process of million years later, the bony fish evolved. evolution of living things on Earth. Ichthyostego Meganeura Megazostrodon 370 million years ago, 200 million years ago, some water-dwelling 410 million years ago, the first the first small mammals creatures began to wingless insects appeared. appeared. After the dinosaurs breathe air, and became About 110 million years later, died out, larger mammals the first amphibians. winged insects evolved. started to evolve. 4 BOOK SIX Archaeopteryx 150 million years ago, the first birds evolved from small species of dinosaurs.

CHARLES DARWIN In the 1850s, a British scientist named Charles Darwin put forward the theory of natural selection to explain how evolution takes place. He suggested that individual animals and plants have some qualities that help them to survive. Darwin’s theory was rejected by most people when he first made it public, but it has since become widely accepted by scientists. MASS EXTINCTION Do you know? Many scientists suggest that there have Large reptiles, such been at least five major events in the as Baryonyx, died Earth’s history during which huge numbers out, along with many of living things died at once. These are other animals, around called mass extinctions. 65 million years ago. These mass extinctions are thought to have happened as a result of sudden, dramatic changes in the Earth’s climate. Many organisms could not adapt to these changes, and so they died out. Dinosaurs may have been killed off when a large asteroid hit the Earth, causing major climate changes. Riojasaurus Baryonyx 250 million years ago, the first reptiles appeared. Dinosaurs evolved around 200 million years ago, and lived for 135 million years, before they rapidly died out. BOOK SIX 5

Animal Kingdom There are millions and millions of different kinds or species of animals. They can be divided into two groups – invertebrates and vertebrates. Invertebrates, such as worms and insects do not have backbones. Vertebrates such as lizards, birds and humans do have backbones. Worms are long wriggling tube-like animals. The bodies of earthworms are Mammals have furry bodies divided into segments. and feed milk to their young ones. Mammals are able to Crabs and lobsters are part of keep their body temperature an enormous group of shelled constant, which means that invertebrates called crustaceans. they can survive in very hot Crabs and lobsters are decapods, or very cold weather. which means they have ten legs- although the first pairs are often Octopuses and squids belong strong pincers that are used to to a group of molluscs called hold and tear food. cephalopods. They are sea creatures with eight arms or tentacles. 6 BOOK SIX

Key words Quick Quiz Capybara Try the following questions. Blue whale 1. Which is the smallest land mammal? Giraffe .............................................................. Polar bear 2. Which is the largest mammal? Siberian tiger Alaskan moose .............................................................. Etruscan shrew 3. Which is the heaviest land mammal? African elephant .............................................................. 4. Which is the largest land carnivore? .............................................................. 5. Which is the largest feline? .............................................................. 6. Which is the largest deer? .............................................................. 7. Which is the largest rodent? .............................................................. 8. Which is the tallest land mammal? .............................................................. Fish are mostly slim, streamlined Snails and slugs are small squidgy, slimy animals that live in water. Many are soft-bodied crawling creatures. They belong covered in tiny, shiny plates called to a group of animals called molluscs. scales. Most fish have bony skeletons and a backbone but sharks have skeletons of rubbery material called cartilage. BOOK SIX 7

Spiders are small scurrying creatures which, unlike insects, have eight legs, not six, and bodies with two parts–not three. Spiders belong to a group of 70,000 creatures called the arachnids, which also includes scorpions, mites and ticks. Insects may be tiny, but there are more of them than all other animals. Flies, butterflies, moths, beetles, ants, grasshoppers, dragonflies, fleas earth bees and wasps are all types of insects. Insects have six legs and a body divided into three sections – head, thorax (middle) and abdomen. Reptiles are scaly-skinned vertebrates that live in many different habitats, especially warm places. Crocodiles, alligators, lizards, snakes, turtles and tortoises are all types of reptiles. Amphibians live both on land and in water. They include frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. Frogs and toads begin life as tadpoles, hatching into water from huge clutches of eggs called spawn. 8 BOOK SIX

Not all birds can fly, but they all have feathers. Instead of teeth, birds have a hard beak or bill. Unlike humans, birds do not give birth to babies. Instead they lay eggs. Quick Quiz Try the following questions. 1. Which is the largest butterfly? .............................................................. 2. Which is the largest bird in the world? .............................................................. 3. Which is the longest snake? .............................................................. Key words 4. Which is the smallest horse? Ostrich .............................................................. African cicada 5. Which is the smallest bird? Cheetah .............................................................. Gaboon viper 6. Which is the fastest land mammal? Falabella .............................................................. Stonefish 7. Which is the slowest land mammal? Reticulated python .............................................................. Bee hummingbird 8. Which is the most poisonous fish? Australian sea wasp .............................................................. Three-toed sloth 9. Which is the most poisonous snake? Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing .............................................................. 10. Which is the most poisonous jellyfish? .............................................................. 11. Which is the most loudest insect? .............................................................. BOOK SIX 9

Microbes Quick Quiz Try the following questions. 1 Which is a microbe? MICROBES Hydra If you can only see a living thing with a Snail microscope, that means it is a microorganism Amoeba or microbe. These are found everywhere. 2 Which is not an animal? Some of them, like yeast are helpful. And Amoeba some of them are harmful and disease Algae causing, like bacteria. Most microbes do not cause disease - less than 5% do. TYPES OF MICROBES Euglena Major types of microbes are: 3 Which is a single celled animal? 1 Bacteria are one celled Amoeba plants classified by their shape and alignment. Sponge 2 Fungi are tiny plants that Salmon feed on dead matter (plant 4 Common cold is due to a: or animal). Bacteria 3 Protozoa are tiny animals Virus Fungus that live in contaminated 5 Which one helps in making water or decaying matter. foods like yogurt and cheese? 4 Viruses are the smallest Bacteria microbes that grow and live in other living cells. Virus Fungus 10 BOOK SIX

Interesting Facts Quick Quiz Amoeba is a type of Answer the following questions: cell or organism. It is a unicellular organism. It 1. Which German physician discovered the can only be seen under bacteria that cause tuberculosis and cholera? a microscope. It has ............................................................................ the ability to change its shape. Amoeboid cells 2. What does a mycologist study? occur not only among ............................................................................ the protozoa, but also in fungi, algae and animals. 3. What was the first virus to be isolated? ............................................................................. Do you know? 4. Which common viral infection is caused by Epstein - Barr virus? Viruses don’t have legs ............................................................................. and they can’t move on their own. They 5. What are viroids? travel from host to .............................................................................. host through the water droplets in the air, 6. What is the difference between cocci and bacilli through blood, in water, bacteria? or in food. Insects, ............................................................................. such as mosquitoes, can spread viruses from 7. What is influenza caused by? person to person or ............................................................................. animal to animal. Key words Robert Koch Virus Glandular fever Tobacco Mosaic Virus Bugs, smaller than virus Fungi Cocci are spherical and bacilli are rod-shaped BOOK SIX 11

Invertebrates Quick Quiz Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1 Which is the smallest among them? INVERTEBRATES Invertebrates are cold-blooded Flea animals. This means that they depend Housefly on their surroundings to maintain Dragonfly their body temperature. Of the million or more animal species in the world, 2 Which is not an invertebrate? more than 98% are invertebrates. Invertebrates don’t have a backbone. Sponge Many invertebrates have a fluid-filled Coral hydrostatic skeleton, like a jelly fish or worm. Others have a hard outer Platypus shell like insects, crabs and lobsters. 3 Which is an invertebrate? There are many types of Salamander invertebrates. The most common invertebrates include protozoa, Toad annelids, echinoderms, mollusks and arthropods. Earthworm 4 Which is an annelid? Prawn ANTS Oyster Ants are intelligent insects. Earthworm Experts have calculated that 5 Backbones are also called: an ant brain can function as Vertebrate fast as a powerful computer. Bone-marrow Fungus There are more than 900 species of ants. They are social animals that live in huge colonies. 12 BOOK SIX

n Some invertebrates are parasitic, meaning that they live leech on or in the bodies of other animals, which are referred to tick as hosts. Ticks and leeches are external parasites. Some flatworms and roundworms, including tapeworms and flatworm flukes, are internal parasites. n Slugs and snails are molluscs with a muscular ‘foot’ for moving around, and a tongue covered in tiny teeth for rasping at food. slug snail n Most invertebrates change shape as they grow, and this change is called metamorphosis. It allows the adults and young to have different lifestyles. GRASSHOPPER Egg Mass Grasshoppers are insects with powerful Adult Frog back legs that allow them to leap huge Tadpole distances. Some grasshoppers can leap Young Frog Tadpole more than 3 m. It is said with Legs that the grasshopper’s back leg is 1000 times more powerful than those of a human. ROUNDWORMS Roundworms are among the most common animals. They inhabit almost every type of environment. Parasitic roundworms are a major cause of human and animal diseases. BOOK SIX 13

Quick Quiz Try the following questions. 1 Which animal has tentacles? GOLIATH BEETLE Hydra The Goliath beetle is the largest Sea horse beetle on the earth in terms of size, Fish bulk and weight. 2 Which animal has a protective Goliath beetles can be found in many shell? of Africa’s tropical forests, where Jellyfish they feed primarily on leaves and fruit. Snail Goliath beetles have 6 legs equipped Octopus with sharp claws. They are handy for 3 Which is the biggest of the climbing on trees. Males and females can be easily distinguished. Females three? lack Y-shaped horns on the heads. Silkmoth Unlike males, females have wedge Ladybird shaped heads. Earthworm 4 Which is not mollusc? Goliath beetles can lift a weight that 850 times heavier than their own weight. Snail Oyester Spider Ladybirds 5 Which one is an invertebrate? Interesting Facts Birds Ladybirds produce an unpleasant liquid so that birds Reptiles do not eat them. Ladybirds are Mollusks very helpful to a garden as they eat aphids and mites. 14 BOOK SIX

Do you know? Quick Quiz HYDRA Hydras are simple, fresh Tick ( ) the correct answer. water animals. It can be 1. What is the largest invertebrate creature in the found in most unpolluted world? freshwater ponds, lakes and streams in the ............................................................................ temperate and tropical 2. What is a young spider called? regions. They are usually a few ............................................................................ millimeters long. Its 3. What is the larva of a butterfly or moth called? mouth is surrounded by one to twelve thin mobile ............................................................................. tentacles. Each tentacle is clothed with highly 4. What type of creature is a gastropod? specialized stinging cells. ............................................................................. Hydras mainly feed on small aquatic invertebrates 5. Musca domestica is a well-known pest, which such as Daphnia and spreads diseases. What is it? Cyclops. .............................................................................. 6. What is the name given to the wide expanse of coral located off the coast of Australia? ............................................................................. HOUSE-FLIES 7. Which spider has a hinged, like flap entrance to its nest? House-flies often vomit some of their last feed ............................................................................. on top of their next meal. This makes the new food 8. Spiders and scorpions are arachnids because material easier to digest. they have.............................................................. Most of the time, house -flies do not eat all the Key words food and leave some particles behind. These The trapdoor spider A snail or slug 8 legs remaining food particles Common housefly Catterpillar Spiderling can spread a variety of The giant squid The Great Barrier Reef diseases. BOOK SIX 15

Vertebrates Vertebrates are the most advanced DUCK-BILLED PLATYPUS organisms on Earth as they have The duck-billed platypus is a semi- spinal cords, vertebrae, and aquatic mammal. It lays eggs and after notochords. an egg hatches, the tiny baby sucks its Fish are the largest vertebrate group, mother’s milk, which comes from the with more species than all the other tiny openings in the mother’s belly. groups put together. Platypuses live in burrows and spend much of their time in freshwater ponds Quick Quiz and streams. The duck-billed platypus is about the Tick ( ) the correct answer. size of a pet cat. It has thick, water proof fur all over its body (except for 1 Which is an egg laying mammal? the feet and bill). The legs sprawl out to the side of the body, giving it a Snake lizard-like walk. Males are venomous as they have poisoned spike on their Platypus ankles which the platypus can use to kill small animals in self-defense. Seal This carnivore (meat-eater) uses its bill to strain its tiny prey, like insects. 2 Which is an aves? It can store food in cheek pouches while it is hunting underwater. Bat Condor Mongoose 3 Which is a fish? Whale Shark Squid Hydra 4 Which is a cold blooded animal? Snake Vulture Penguin 16 BOOK SIX

Do you know? Quick Quiz GORILLA Write whether the following statements are Gorillas are the largest true or false. species of primates. Humans are also primates. a. Animals that eat plants are called herbivorous The male gorillas are animals. often twice as big as the ........................................... females. They are found in central Africa and like b. The whale shark is the biggest fish in the world. to live in small family ........................................... groups. The gorilla moves on all c. The sperm whale has the smallest brain. fours with its knuckles ........................................... on the ground, but its weight is supported by its d. The lion is the largest predator in Africa. feet. Strikingly human in ........................................... appearance the hands are very broad and strong. e. Dinosaurs were the first animals on the earth. The thumbs are smaller ........................................... than the fingers, which helps the gorilla to grabs f. A kangaroo sometimes drowns enemies by as it climbs trees or grab holding them underwater. foliage. The gorilla’s feet ........................................... are characterized by the big toe. Unlike those of g. European freshwater fish, the pike, sometimes most apes, it is not widely catches and eats ducks. separated from the other ........................................... toes. h. Birds are cold blooded animals. ........................................... i. Amphibians include frogs, toads and newts. ....................................... j. Frogs can breathe through their skin. 17 ........................................... BOOK SIX

Mammals Mammals appeared on Earth before 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs still roamed the land. When dinosaurs died out, mammals, with their large brains went on to become a large and successful group of animals. Today there are about 4500 types or species of mammals, ranging in size from the giant blue whale to tiny shrews and bats. Infant SPERM WHALE HUMAN Elderly The sperm whale has the biggest brain of Human beings are the any living mammals. BLUE WHALE Child mammals with the largest The blue whale is the biggest mammal and numbers in the world – more the largest animal ever known to have lived. It can than seven billion. We have measure more than 33.5 m long – that’s the length of hairy bodies, large brains seven cars parked end to end. and special mammary glands 18 BOOK SIX for feeding our young ones. S Adolescent Adult

KANGAROOS When they are first born, kangaroos are naked and look like tiny jelly babies - just a few centimeters long, with two tiny arms. But straight away they have to haul themselves up through the fur on their mother’s belly and into her pouch. Here the baby kangaroo (called a joey) lives and grows for 6 to 8 months, sucking on teats inside the pouch. Only when it is quite large and covered in fur it will leave the pouch to live by itself. derly Quick Quiz Special Conditions Try the following questions. 1. Which is the slowest land mammal? ................................................................. 2. Which is the world’s most mysterious cat? ................................................................. 3. Which mammal finds its prey by echo-location, not using its eyes? ................................................................. 4. Which is the tallest land mammal? ................................................................. 5. Which land mammal has the largest brain? ................................................................. 6. What are the two main groups of mammals? ................................................................. 7. Which mammal does not have teeth? ................................................................. Key words Anteaters Giraffe Placentals and Marsupials Elephant Three-toed sloth Bat Clouded leopard BOOK SIX 19

Reptiles THIRD EYE REPTILES Tuataras and many lizards including Reptiles are animals that are cold- iguanas have an eye-like structure under blooded. This means that their the skin on top of the skull. The function bodies react to the temperature of of this third eye is uncertain. It is thought their surroundings. When they to register day length, and may influence get too warm, they can go into the behaviour such as basking hibernation and water or shade to cool off. even breeding. Reptiles include lizards, crocodiles, Do you know? snakes, alligators, and turtles. Most reptiles lay eggs and their skin is KING COBRA covered with hard, dry scales. The king cobra of Southeast Asia is the world’s longest venomous snake, being Reptiles are cold-blooded, but this able to reach nearly 6 m in length. does not mean that their blood is In India cobras kill more than 7000 cold. Cold-blooded animals cannot people every year. The bite of a king keep the temperature of their bodies steady; it changes according to the cobra can kill an elephant temperature around them. They in 4 hours. control their temperature by moving When on the defensive a between hot and cool places. cobra rears up and spreads the skin of its neck in a Lizards cannot control their own hood to make itself look body heat, and so rely on sunshine bigger. This often gives for warmth. This is why they live in enemies a chance to strike warm climates and bask in the sun it. for hours each day. 20 BOOK SIX

Quick Quiz Try the following questions. 1. Which body feature is visibly different in crocodiles and alligators? ................................................................... 2. What does a rattlesnake release to kill its prey? ................................................................... Key words 3. Which is the biggest reptile in the world? ................................................................... Tongue Leatherback turtle 4. What is called the top of the turtle's shell? Threadsnake Snouts ................................................................... Venom Chameleon 5. What do lizards and snakes use for smelling? Saltwater crocodile ................................................................... 6. Which is the largest turtle in the world? ................................................................... 7. Which is the smallest snake in the world? ................................................................... TORTOISE RATTLESNAKE Many tortoises are herbivores (plant Rattlesnakes are pit vipers. Their heat eaters), often using their forefeet to pits are lined with a layer of cells called hold plants down while they nibble thermo-receptors which detect heat the shoots. Tortoises are mainly plant given off by warm-blooded animals. eaters grazing or browsing on fruit This allows them to track prey such as and leaves. Freshwater turtles are mammals or birds in the dark. The heat more carnivorous than their land- pits tell the snake not only the location dwelling cousins. of the prey, but also how far away it is. BOOK SIX 21

Quick Quiz Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1 Which is the smallest reptile? Crocodile Gecko Snake CHAMELEON 2 Which reptile has a long tongue? Some (but not all) chameleon species Komodo dragon are able to change their skin colors. Salamander Gecko Different chameleon species are able to change different colors which can include pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, yellow and turquoise. 3 Which is the biggest lizard? Recent research indicates that they do Wall lizard not typically change their color but Salamander instead use color changes as a method Komodo dragon of communication, including to make themselves more attractive to potential mates. 4 Which is the smallest of the three? Interesting Facts Anaconda Leatherback turtles have been recorded diving down to Python 1200 m. They may even exceed depths of 1500 m as they Cobra search for large congregations of jellyfish. Sea turtles are the fastest of all chelonians. Their flipper- like front legs fly through the water. Their back legs form mini rudders for steering. Pacific leatherback turtles have managed speeds of up to 35 km/h. 22 BOOK SIX

Do you know? Quick Quiz KOMODO DRAGON Answer the following questions: The Komodo dragon is the world’s heaviest living 1. How many species of snakes are found lizard. worldwide? They can grow into a length of 10 feet with an ............................................................................ average length of 8 feet 2. What is called the snakes that squeeze their and weight of 91kg. The Komodo dragon’s keen victims to death before swallowing them whole? sense of smell enables it ............................................................................ to seek out carrion to 3. What is the name of the fastest swimming 8 km away. Despite its size, the turtle? Komodo is fast moving ............................................................................. and agile. It can climb 4. Which reptile can change its color according to trees and like all monitor lizards it is a good the surrounding? swimmer. ............................................................................. 5. How many species of lizards are there? .............................................................................. 6. Which reptile can move its eyes independently? ............................................................................. 7. What is the biggest predatory dinosaur that ever lived? ............................................................................. Key words The green turtle Constrictors About 2500 3000 Chameleon Tyrannosaurus Chameleon BOOK SIX 23

Birds LYREBIRD The superb lyrebird is a pheasant sized Quick Quiz songbird. It is the longest and third heaviest of all songbirds. The male Tick ( ) the correct answer. lyrebird is the bearer of the most elegant 1 Which is not a bird? of all tails. The Superb Lyrebird has Condor a wide vocal range and extraordinary Canary ability to accurately mimic sounds. Ladybird OWL 2 Which bird makes the loudest Owls are nocturnal birds and hunt at sound? night. They have huge eyes that allow them to see in almost pitch darkness. Vulture Their hearing is four times sharper than Eagle a cat’s. Peacock 3 Which is the biggest flying bird? Ostrich Condor Eagle 4 Which is a flightless bird? Emu Pheasant Lophophorus 5 Which bird cannot walk backwards? Ostrich Emu Pigeon 24 BOOK SIX

Interesting Facts Quick Quiz Ostrich eggs are the largest eggs in the Answer the following questions: world and would take 40 minutes to hard-boil. 1. What is the national bird of our country? ............................................................................ Do you know? 2. What is called the scientific study of birds? ............................................................................ LOPHOPHORUS 3. Which bird is found only in New Zealand? (HIMALAYAN MONAL) ............................................................................. A colorful member of 4. Which bird makes the longest migration? the pheasant family, the ............................................................................. Himalayan monal is the 5. Which bird is found only in Nepal? national bird of Nepal. The .............................................................................. male Himalayan monal 6. Which is the biggest bird of prey? possesses a wiry, metallic ............................................................................. green head- crest that is 7. Which is the smallest flightless bird in the absent in other monals. world? ............................................................................. 8. Which is the only poisonous bird of the world? ............................................................................. Key words Hooded Pitohui Condor Lophophorus Spiny Babler Kiwi Arctic Tern Ornithology Kiwi BOOK SIX 25

Flightless Birds KIWI Although flying offers great A native of New Zealand, the advantages, it uses a vast amount of kiwi eats soil-dwelling creatures, energy and food. Many birds have such as spiders and beetles. It given up flying to save this energy but hunts at night and has poor being flightless is risky as it is harder to eyesight, so finds food using escape from predators. A few flightless smell and by probing with its birds have evolved to be very large in sensitive bill. The bird can also order to survive. hear animals moving in the soil. Even though they do not fly, flightless birds still have wings. The large, fast running birds, such as ostriches, use their wings to aid their balance as they sprint at high speeds. They also flap their wings up and down to fan themselves in order to cool down. CASSOWARY This 1.7m tall bird jumps up and strikes out with its huge, blade-like claws. There are several records of people in New Guinea and Australia dying from injuries caused by these powerful birds. Other birds known to have killed people include ostriches and even mute swans. 26 BOOK SIX

EMU The emu like most flightless birds is a good runner. It can out-pace the fastest hunters and can deliver a vicious kick if an enemy gets too close. RHEA 27 Reaching 1.3m tall, the rhea is the largest bird found in either North or South America. It eats roots, fruits and leaves but can also snatch up small creatures such as lizards. KAKAPO The kakapo is the world’s only flightless parrot. It is also the heaviest. Like the kiwi, it is a native of New Zealand. The kakapo is now one of the world's rarest birds with fewer than 100 individuals left in the wild. Do you know? Although a few flightless birds are found on the mainland and most of these are very large, the majority of the world’s flightless birds are found on remote islands. These birds originally flew to the islands, found there were no predators and evolved to become flightless because there was no need to fly to escape danger. But once humans discovered the islands, birds such as the dodo were at the mercy of hungry sailors. BOOK SIX

Sea Creatures THE GIANT SQUID The giant squid is a deep-ocean Quick Quiz dwelling squid. It has two tentacles that are longer than its arms. It has Tick ( ) the correct answer. eight arms. 1 Which of the following It has very big eyes. Its eyes are the is not a fish? largest eyes in the animal kingdom and are about 10 inches (25 centimeters) in Gold fish diameter. Their big eyes help them to Lungfish spy objects in dark depths where most Silverfish other animals would see nothing. 2 Which animal secretes the Giant squid can grow to a tremendous pigment called sepia? size. Females can grow up to 13 meters Cuttlefish and males can grow up to 10 meters. Salmon Lungfish The mantle is about 2 meters long and 3 What is a gar? the length of the squid including its Frog tentacles is 5 meters. Fish Lizard 4 What fish is also called the white whale? Beluga Silverfish Dolphin 5 sTahnedskpianpeorf?which fish feels like Sharks Dolphin Lungfish 28 BOOK SIX

Do you know? Quick Quiz OYSTER Answer the following questions: Generally four types of 1. What is the percentage of water in a jelly fish? oysters are found: true oysters, pearl oysters, ............................................................................ thorny oysters and saddle 2. Name a fish which has no brain, no eyes, no oysters. True oysters are part of human diet; pearl ears, no bones and no heart. oysters produce pearl; and ............................................................................ saddle oysters are those 3. Which sea insect’s leg has a special kind of fur with very thin shells. Thorny oysters have to avoid them to sink? colourful tentacles and ............................................................................. they often remain attached 4. Which is the world’s only male species of to the floor and do not move. animal that can become pregnant? ............................................................................. Pearl oysters produce 5. Which is the world’s biggest fish? pearl around small grain .............................................................................. of sand or some other 6. What do you call a group of fish? substances trapped in the ............................................................................. shell. They repeatedly 7. What is the shape of the pupil of Octopus’s eye? cover grain of sand with mixture of calcium and ............................................................................. protein (substance called 8. Which sea animal can change its sex anually? nacre) until prominent, white, yellow, rose or ............................................................................. black-color pearl is created, usually 3 to 6 years later. Key words Sea-horse School Rectangular Whale shark Jelly fish 95 percent Oyster Water strider BOOK SIX 29

Fact Box 1. Fastest Bird Hunting – Peregrine Falcon 2. Fastest Fish – Sailfish 3. Largest Bird – Ostrich 4. Fastest Reptile – Spiny-Tailed Iguana 5. Fastest Whale – Killer Whale 6. Heaviest Snake – Anaconda 7. Highest Flying Bird – Griffon Vulture 8. Largest Bear – Kodiak bear 9. Largest Bird Egg – Ostrich 10. Largest Carnivore – Sperm Whale 11. Largest Dolphin – Killer Whale (Orca) 12. Largest Flying Bird – Kori Bustard 13. Largest Invertebrate – Colossal Squid 14. Largest Pantherine – Tiger 15. Largest Raptor – Andean Condor 16. Largest Rodent – Capybara 17. Largest Shark – Great White Shark 18. Largest Tree Nest Bird – Bald Eagle 19. Longest Fish – Whale Shark 20. Longest Flying Bird – Sooty Terns 21. Longest Living Animal – Giant Tortoise 22. Loudest Animal – Blue Whale 23. Loudest Insect – Cicada 24. Loudest Land Animal – Howler Monkey 25. Most Poisonous Animal – Golden Poison Frog 26. Most Poisonous Fish – Stonefish 27. Slowest Flying Bird – American Woodcock 28. Smallest Mammal – Bumble-Bee Bat 29. Smallest Snake – Blind Snake 30. Smallest Soaring Bird – Swift 31. Strongest Animal – Rhinoceros Beetle 32. Strongest Bird – Bald Eagle 30 BOOK SIX

Test Yourself Match the superlative expressions with the animals. Fastest Insect Polar Bear Fastest Land Animal Dragonfly Heaviest Bear Giraffe Heaviest Bird of Prey Cheetah Heaviest Bug Whale Shark Largest Amphibian Giant Salamander Largest Animal Komodo Dragon Largest Fish Goliath Beetle Largest Frog African Elephant Largest Land Carnivore Saltwater Crocodile Largest Land Mammal Hummingbird Largest Lizard Blue Whale Largest Reptile Polar Bear Largest Turtle Leatherback Turtle Longest and Largest Snake Goliath Frog Longest Migration Bird Arctic Tern Slowest Fish Ostrich Smallest Bird Python Smallest Crab Pea Crab Tallest and Biggest Bird Sea Horse Tallest Mammal Condor BOOK SIX 31

Test Yourself Write true or false: a. The volvox is a unicellular animal. ................................................ b. Influenza is caused due to a virus. ................................................ c. Mycology is the study of Amoeba. ................................................ d. The Goliath beetle is the smallest insect. ................................................ e. A hydra has tentacles. ................................................ f. A ladybird produces pleasant smell. ................................................ g. The giant Squid is the largest invertebrate. ................................................ h. The duck-billed platypus is a mammal. ................................................ i. The whale shark is not a fish. ................................................ j. Ostriches can run faster than horses. ................................................ k. Deer have no gall bladder. ................................................ l. The bat is the only mammal that can fly. ................................................ m. There are more human beings than ants. ................................................ 32 BOOK SIX

Test Yourself Tick ( ) the correct answer. 1 Which has the biggest brain? 7 Which is the biggest bird of a. Whale Shark prey? b. Sperm whale a. Flacon c. Blue whale b. Eagle c. Condor 2 Which lizard can change its body color? a. Komodo dragon 8 Which is a unicellular animal? b. Chameleon a. Amoeba c. Gecko b. Leech c. Earthworm 3 Which is the biggest lizard? a. Komodo dragon b. Chameleon c. Gecko 4 Which is the fastest swimming turtle? a. Leatherback turtle b. Green turtle c. Galapagos turtle 5 Which songbird can mimic sound? a. Lovebird b Canary c Lyrebird 6 What is a roadrunner? a. a bird b a lizard c. a snake BOOK SIX 33

2UNIT PLANTS There are more than 400,000 different kinds of plants. They contribute to the well-being of our world in all kinds of ways, including giving off oxygen and anchoring in the soil in the place with their roots. Plants are the main source for food, drinks, ACACIA medicines, clothes, timber and many other important things. When nibbled by animals or attacked by insects, the Acacia tree releases a bitter-taste substance called tannin to ward off predators. The top of a mushroom is called the cap. Inside are gills, where it produces spores, instead of seeds. Some mushrooms just drop their spores and let the wind carry them away, but some shoot their spores in the air, as far as 2.5 m. Some mushrooms can release 2.7 billion spores a day. 34 BOOK SIX The bristlecone pine is the longest-lived life form on Earth. The oldest individual is more than 5,000 years old, making it the oldest known individual of any species. The tree has a long span because it grows very slowly. Interesting Facts Chocolate is made by grinding the kernels of cocoa beans to a paste called chocolate liquor. The liquor is hardened in moulds to make chocolate.

PLANT GROUP There are about 375,000 species of plants. The biggest plant family is the flowering plants, or angiosperms, with over 250,000 species. Other important plant groups are mosses and liverworts, ferns and horsetails, and conifers and cycads. Fungi used to be classed as plants, but as they cannot make their own food, they are now put in a class of their own, which includes about 100,000 species. HOW OLD IS A TREE? If a tree is sawn across, you Growth Ring can see the annual growth rings. These show how much the tree has grown each year. New rings are made just beneath the bark and the oldest rings are found at the center of the trunk. Counting the rings gives the age of the tree. Most plants absorb nitrogen and It is estimated that there are other nutrients from the soil through at least 1.5 million different their roots. Carnivorous plants live species of fungi. One species in nutrient-poor soils. They get is the truffle. It is the fruit of a additional nitrogen by absorbing fungus that grows in tree roots. animal prey through their modified leaves. What all plants share is the ability to capture the 35 energy in sunlight. Plants, such as this sunflower, use this energy to fuel their own life processes, such as growth and reproduction. Animals, in turn, derive energy from plants by eating them. In this way, plants power all life on Earth. BOOK SIX

Large and Small Plants range from tiny mosses that absorb water from damp air to giant trees that draw water and other foods from the ground and pump it up more than 100m to their topmost leaves. Measuring up to 2 m across, the Some flowering leaves of the giant water-lily of plants are enormous. tropical South America are so A Chinese wisteria big and strong that a bird like in California has a heron can stand on them and branches 150m long walk across a pond. and produces 1.5 million flowers every year. The biggest flower belongs to the smelly rafflesia of Southeast Asia. It smells like rotten meat, to attract insects. The orchid family The African baobab is one of the largest has a barrel-shaped and most diverse off trunk that stores all plant families, water. Some of the containing between largest trees can 20,000 and 25,000 measure up to 54m different species. around the outside of the trunk. The bamboo looks like a tree but it actually is a giant grass. It is the tallest grass (growing up to 25m) and the fastest-growing plant, shooting up almost 1m per day. 36 BOOK SIX

The banyan or Indian fig tree puts out wide- spreading branches that send down hundreds of hanging roots. These take hold of the soil and act as supports for the branches. The biggest-known banyan is in the Botanical Gardens in Calcutta, India. It has an estimated 1,775 hanging roots and its huge canopy covers an area the size of a small forest. The world’s tallest flower is the 2.5m titan arum, which grows in the tropical jungles of Sumatra. Coast redwoods are about 112m high - the length of a soccer pitch. The world’s most massive tree is the giant sequoia. It grows to an average height of 164 to 279 feet and 20 to 26 feet in diameter. One giant sequoia, known as General Sherman, is the world’s largest tree. It is among the oldest living things on Earth. BOOK SIX 37

Flowering Plants Amazing plants Quick Quiz • A notch in a tree will remain at the same distance from Tick ( ) the correct answer. the ground as the tree grows. 1 What do you call the colorful part of a flower? • A pineapple is a berry. Corolla • 84% of a raw apple and 96% of a Sepal raw cucumber is water. Calyx 2 Which is a part of a flower? • Avocados have the highest Gynoecium calories of any fruits – Apex 167 calories per hundred Midrib grams. 3 What is the female reproductive • Peanuts are beans. organ of a flower? Gynoecium • The largest single flower Chlorophyll is the Rafflesia or “corpse Calyx flower”. They are generally 4 Heartsease is the alternate name of 3 feet in diameter with the record being 42 inches. which flower? Daisy Pansy Crocus 5 What is the scientific name for flowering plants? Angiospermae Gynoecium Gynoecium 38 BOOK SIX

Do you know? Quick Quiz • The rose family of Answer the following questions: plants, in addition to flowers, gives us apples, 1. What name is given to the study of plants? pears, plums, cherries, ............................................................................ almonds, peaches and 2. What is the common name of the flower Bellies apricots. Perennis? • The bright orange ............................................................................ colour of carrots tells 3. What do we call the plants that shed their leaves you that they are an excellent source of before winter? Vitamin A which is ............................................................................. important for good 4. Which is the oldest known tree? eyesight, especially ............................................................................. at night. Vitamin A 5. In which country did the sunflower helps your body fight infection and keeps originate? your skin and hair .............................................................................. healthy. 6. Which flower blooms nearest the North Pole? ............................................................................. • Onions contain a mild 7. What is the name of the tree on which cocoa antibiotic that fights infections, soothes seed grows? burns, tames bee stings ............................................................................. and relieves the itch of 8. Mustard belongs to what vegetable family? athlete’s foot. ............................................................................. Key words Cabbage Deciduous USA Bristlecone pine Botany Arctic Poppy Daisy Cocoa tree BOOK SIX 39

Non Flowering Plants Amazing plants Quick Quiz • A person standing under an oak tree is Tick ( ) the correct answer. 16 more times liable to be hit by lightning 1 What is the term for dwarf than if he has taken plant growing ? Bonsai Mosaic refuge beneath a Dwarf beech tree. The oak tree has 2 Which is a plant? vertical roots which provide a Sponge more direct route to ground water. Coral • A plant in central Australia Merchantia called the candlesticks of the 3 Which is not the part of a leaf? sun grows a candle-shaped Midrib flower once every 7 years. Apex • Bamboo can grow up to three Pollengrains feet in a 24 hour period. 4 Which is green? • Pine, spruce, or other Fungus evergreen Algae wood should Mushroom never be used for barbecuing. 5 Which one is a non-flowering These woods, plant? when burning or smoking, can add Conifer harmful tar and Cactus resins to the food. Corn 40 BOOK SIX

Do you know? Quick Quiz • The fragrance of flowers Answer the following questions: is due to the essences of oil which they produce. 1. What are the plants that grow in deserts called? ............................................................................ • The Mexican Jumping 2. Which is the fastest growing plant? Bean is not a bean. It is ............................................................................ actually a thin shelled 3. Non flowering plants are some of the oldest section of seed capsule containing the larva plant on earth. True or false? of a small gray moth ............................................................................. called the jumping bean 4. Which is the oldest known tree? moth. ............................................................................. 5. Non flowering plants grow from spores. True or • Orchids are grown from seeds so small that false? it would take thirty .............................................................................. thousand to weigh as 6. What is the name for the process of water loss much as one grain of wheat. through evaporation from the leaves of plants? ............................................................................. 7. Do fir trees lose their leaves in winter? ............................................................................. 8. What is the more common name for eucalyptus tree? ............................................................................. Key words Transpiration bamboo True True Gum Tree xerophytes No Brestle cone Pine BOOK SIX 41

Carnivorous Plants Monkey cup (Nepenthes) pitcher plant has a lid Plants that trap insects for food are that acts as a landing known as carnivorous plants. They platform for insects. It grow or survive in places where they also helps to prevent cannot get enough nitrogen from the rainwater from diluting soil. So they obtain the nitrogen they the digestive juices need from the bodies of their insect inside the pitcher. Many victims. Nepenthes plants have two types of pitchers, one n There are 550 species of on the ground and the carnivorous plants living in the other higher up the stem. world. The pitchers grow from 5 cm to 35 cm in length. butterwort n The butterwort gets its name because its leaves produce droplets of liquid that make them glisten like butter. These droplets contain the plants digestive juices. sundew n The sundew can tell the difference between fresh and other substances and only react to flesh. n The sundew’s leaves are covered in tentacles that ooze a sticky substance called mucilage. n The sundew wraps up its victims in its tentacles and suffocates them with time in under ten seconds. 42 BOOK SIX

PITCHER PLANTS The strange leaves of pitcher plants develop from the tips of leaves which extend into tendrils and then swell like balloons. At first they are full of air, but soon they begin to fill with digestive juices. Insects attracted to the pitcher by its scent or color slide down the walls and drown in a soup of digestive juices at the bottom. Insects land on sticky n A Venus fly-trap’s trap will only shut if touched tentacles. at least twice in 20 seconds. n Insects are lured to many carnivorous plants by sweet-tasting nectar or the smell of rotting meat. n The juice of a pitcher plant will dissolve a chunk of steak to nothing in a few days. n The bladders of bladderworts were once thought to be air sacs to keep the plant afloat. In fact, they are tiny traps for water insects. When an insect lands on the sticky tentacles of a sundew, it struggles to free itself, but this struggling stimulates the tentacles to tighten their grip. The tentacles then produce a digestive juice that dissolves the victim. BOOK SIX 43

Quick Quiz 1 M Answer the following questions: 1. Which fruit has the highest calories? .......................................... 2. Is the mango called the king of the fruit? .......................................... 3. Which is the oldest living thing in existence? .......................................... 4. Do apples, pears, plums, cherries and almonds belong to the Rose family? .......................................... 5. What is the name given to the study of plants? .......................................... 6. What is the name given to the study of animals? .......................................... 7. What is the rich source of vitamin A? .......................................... 8. Which plant has the smallest seeds? .......................................... 9. Which is the largest living marine reptile? .......................................... 10. Which mammal lays eggs and suckles its baby? .......................................... 11. Are asparagus and lily in the same family? .......................................... 44 BOOK SIX

Quick Quiz 2 Match the superlative expressions with the plants. 1. Most massive tree Great Basin bristlecone pine 2. Tallest tree Orchid 3. Widest tree Wolffia globosa 4. Longest-live tree Coast redwood 5. Smallest flower Baobab tree 6. Smallest seed Giant sequoia 7. Largest seed Jackfruit 8. Smallest fruit Victoria Amazonica 9. Largest fruit Cedar tree 10. Biggest leaf Raffia palm 11. Largest flower Wolffia 12. Largest of water lilies Rafflesia 13. Tallest cactus species Coco de mer 14. Fastest growing plant Cardon 15. Slowest growing tree Bamboo BOOK SIX 45

3UNIT NEPAL ANCIENT NEPAL Nepal is now a multiethnic, History multiracial, multicultural, multi religious and multilingual country. Tick ( ) the correct answer. Until the late 18th century, the name 1 Who is the father of Bhrikuti? ‘Nepal’ was largely applied only Mandev to the Kathmandu Valley and its Dharmakar surroundings. It emerged as a unified Anshu Varma Nepal when the small kingdoms 2 Who did Bagh Durbar belong to? were reunified under the Shah rule. Bhimshen Thapa Amar Singh Thapa According to the references Lakhan Thapa mentioned in the Mahabharata epic, 3 What was the real name of Bahadur in Puranas and in Buddhist and Jaina scriptures, Nepal is described as an Shah? independent political and territorial Ram Bahadur Shah entity. Phatya Bahadur Shah Bir Bahadur Shah The oldest Vamshavali or chronicle, 4 Which vihar was made by Anshu the Gopalarajavamsavali, is a fairly reliable basis for Nepal’s ancient Verma? history. That Vamshavali was copied Raj Vihar from older manuscripts during the Ratna Vihar late 14th century. The Vamshavalis Moti Vihar mention the rule of several dynasties 5 When was Monarchy abolished in – the Gopalas, the Abhiras and the Kiratas. Nepal? 2008 AD The documented history of Nepal 2010 AD begins with the Changu Narayan 2004 AD temple inscription of King Manadeva I (c. 464–505 CE) of the 46 BOOK SIX Licchavi dynasty.

Interesting Facts Quick Quiz NYATAPOLA Answer the following questions: 1. ............................. dynasty ruled first in Nepal. Nyatapola Temple, 2. Kalu Pandey was killed at ................................... located in Bhaktapur, is a five tiered pagoda 3. .................................. was the last king of Patan. temple. It is dedicated to the Hindu Goddess 4. ............................. is the last king of Bhaktapur. Siddhi Laxmi, who is the wrathful manifestation of the Goddess Durga. The temple was built during the time of King Bhupatindra Malla. 5. .............................. started the system of stamps. 6. Bagdwar is the origin of .............................river. Do you know? 7. ....................................... made Nyatapola and 55 Windows Durbar. GORKHA DURBAR The Gorkha Durbar is 8. .................................. dissmissed the slave a historical palace. The system in Nepal. east wing of the Durbar is the palace, where King 9. In ...................... BS computer was started in Prithivi Narayan Shah was Nepal. born. It has some excellent 18th century brick-and Key words woodwork. Kirtipur Gopal 2028 Taj Nar Singh Malla Ranajit Malla Bagmati Juddha Shamsher Chandra Shamsher Bhupatindra Malla BOOK SIX 47

Geography Quick Quiz 1 GEOGRAPHY OF NEPAL Tick ( ) the correct answer. Nepal is almost rectangular in shape. 1 What is the deepest lake of Nepal ? Its east to west length along with its Rara Himalayan axis is about 800 km length. Fewa Its width north to south is about 150 to Syarpu 250 km. It has a total of 147,181 square 2 Where does Satyawati Lake lie ? kilometers of land. Nepal is a landlocked Bara country and it lies between India and the Palpa Tibetan Autonomous Region of China. Gulmi 3 Where is the temple Ugratara Nepal is known as the land of Himalayas all over the world. There are 1,310 peaks situated? above 6000 meters of which 238 are Bajhang already opened for climbing. Likewise, 8 Dadeldhura peaks above 8000 meters, including the Dolpa highest peak in the world Mount Everest 4 Where is Bhairab Kunda? lie in Nepal. Rasuwa Mustang Nepal’s incredible geographic diversity Rolpa makes this country beautiful and 5 How many check points are there exploratory. It is divided into three geographical regions: Terai, Hill and on the border of Nepal and India? Mountain Regions. 15 23 18 48 BOOK SIX

Do you know? Quick Quiz WILD Answer the following questions: GEOGRAPHY 1. Where does Mahendra Cave lie? Nepal is full of giant ............................................................................ mountains, dense forests 2. Where does Mt. Gaurishankar lie? and wild rivers. It will ............................................................................ jangle your nerves while 3. What is each province divided into? doing mountain biking, ............................................................................. rock climbing or canoeing 4. Where is Simja Valley in Nepal? through the wild rivers like ............................................................................. Sun Koshi or Karnali. 5. How many municipalities are there in Nepal? .............................................................................. The wonderful topography 6. What is the headquarters of Parbat district? of this country is very ............................................................................. adventurous and thrilling. 7. What is the place with the smallest rainfall in It will spellbind you with scarlet rhododendron Nepal? blooms as you hike ............................................................................. through Champa Devi and 8. Where is Gokarna Park? Phulchoki. It will tell you about its history. It will ............................................................................. lift you up and dangle you around in a micro-light aircraft. It will delight you as you walk uphill on a pony, and it will raise an army of goose bumps on your flesh as you stare into the amused eyes of a tiger. Key words Dolakha Districts Pokhara Jumla 276 Kusma Mustang Kathmandu BOOK SIX 49

National Parks ENJOY NEPAL Quick Quiz Nepal is a distinctively beautiful country in the world. It possesses several things Tick ( ) the correct answer. that have been the concern of different 1 How many national parks are kinds of tourists for years. Tourists love to experience Nepal’s diverse cultures there in Nepal? and religions that have shaped the Seven philosophical outlook of the civilized Eight world for the last thousand years. Nine Moreover, Nepal is not only a paradise 2 Where is Royal Chitwan for adventurers but a scenic revelation and an educational source to several Natioanl Park situated? visitors. Furthermore, more than 120 Parsa languages are spoken in Nepal and Chitwan linguists from all over the world love to Bara come to study these languages. All these 3 What is the area of Sagarmatha features make Nepal unique and worth visiting. National Park? 1148 sq km Kathmandu is home to several temples, 1184 sq km places and administrative offices. 1150 sq km Pokhara, with its lakes, Himalayan views 4 Which is the oldest National and mellow climate is one of the most delightful places in the country. It is Park in Nepal? located 200 km away from Kathmandu Bardiya and is one of the largest cities of Nepal. Chitwan Chitwan National Park, situated in the Rara tropical Terai region, gives a unique and 5 Which is the smallest national exceptional wildlife experience as it has several rare species of animals and birds, park in Nepal? in particular the one horned rhino and Rara National Park Royal Bengal Tiger. Chitwan National Park Khaptad National Park 50 BOOK SIX

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