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Home Explore Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1

Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1

Published by Stephen Ndicho, 2023-03-28 17:25:56

Description: Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1


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["Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification TOP: Presiednt Ruto making his acceptance speech as ArchBsp Sapit speaks as well 151","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Declaration & CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: UDA leaders standing anxiously before Chepukati pronounced William Ruto as President Elect. President and First Lady Rachael admiring and appreciating the Cert. Leaders remained calm throughout as leaders finally burst into jubilation after Ruto is named... 152","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification 153","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Declaration & 154","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification CLOCKWISE: Leaders Mudavadi and Kingi and others applause Ruto\u2019s win. President Ruto making his acceptance speech as UDA supporters remained calm throughout the tallying process. 155","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Declaration & David Ndii, Hon Kiarie ( Dagoretti ) and Mike Sonko all ears and eyes 156","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification The hour just presented itself: Declaration and Certification to the winner. The Clergy were interested parties and they too, waited in earnest. 157","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Declaration & Receiving the Certificate and making a speech thereafter sealed the day\u2019s anxiety. 158","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification Without emotions; but waiting and focused on the most important things kept Moses Wetangula of FORD-K strong and reaped the fruits thereof slowly... 159","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Declaration & Senator Mandago led his troupe in waiting and watching till it finally came home. 160","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification President Ruto leading his men confidently towards victory hall inside Bomas Finally, IEBC Chair Chepukati took over and did that which he was expected to do. 161","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Declaration & President Ruto with Coast strong woman Aisha Jumwa Governors Mvulia and Lenokulal patiently waiting for official announcement 162","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification The President\u2019s men and woman: UDA SG Veronica Maina and her Chairman Johnson Muthama and Sonko over there 163","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Declaration & Former Machakos Governor with President William Ruto Hon Kimani Ichungw;a with the President at Bomas 164","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification GVN Amazon Kingi with President WS Ruto at Bomas President William Ruto with Mike Sonko after the Announcement 165","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for M The pride of a The President\u2019s Mother Mama Sarah Cheruiyot arriving at the Bomas of Kenya where the Chairman of IEBC announced this year\u2019s presidential winner. When goons attempted to cause chaotic moment in a bid to stop the Chairman from announcing the winner, she had to be taken to safety and the function went on smoothly thereafter. 166","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William a Mother... Ruto\u2019s mother Mama Sarah arriving in style at Bomas 167","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for g Conceding is a Presidential looser Waihiga Mwaure conceded defeated and congratulated the winner William Ruto as the 5th Pres. 168","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William sa great virtue Presidential looser Wajackoyah conceded defeated and congratulated the winner William Ruto as the 5th Pres. 169","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Paresidency & Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika with Marsabit Women Rep. Nanyuki Governor Joshua Irungu with Marsabit Women Rep. 170","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Certification A jovial President Elect William Ruto embracing with Musalia Mudavadi after Kenya Kwanza Alliance won the presidential contest on August 9th, 2022 President Ruto with First Lady Rachael and Mwaure Waihiga 171","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for President Ruto, Deputy Gachagua and First Lady Rachael proudly holding the Certificate of Presidential Election. 172","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William PTrheesiPdreenstidEelnetcftieflideilndginqgueqsuteiosntsiofnrosmfrjoomurnJaoliusrtsnalists after he wimams eddeicaltaerlyedhethwisasyeparor\u2019cslawiminendearsotfhtehPerperseidseidnet nEcleyc.t President Ruto, Deputy Gachagua and Musalia Mudavadi 173","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for to AU-COMESA visit At the Karen Office, President Elect held a meeting with the AU-COMESA Election Observer Mission who congratulated Kenya and voters for a peaceful election. 174","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William sit to President Elect 175","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ser Ruto\u2019s first Church Church service at Karen Residence, Nairobi County. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which trans- cends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. \u2014 Philippians 4: 4-7 176","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William h Service as President The Churchman Bible loving President who doesn\u2019t shy away from confessing his faith. At Church at Karen home 177","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ser Ruto\u2019s first Church Singing together and reading the Scriptures is great virtue 178","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William h Service as President TOP: President Elect speaking at the congregation in the CMheunracnhd aWtohmisenKoaf trheenBhibolem, pera. yBerEfuLl LanOdWbe:liWevietrhs wthheo pDuetspGuotdyfairsntdin theveeirrysthpinoguthseeysdop.rNaoyiwnogndaetr CthhatuGrcodhgave it to them\u2026 179","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for \u201cWe appreciate the people of goodwill who want to journey with us during t should advance its democracy and always strive to get better.\u201d DP Ruto This is during a meeting with observers from the National Democratic Instit Institute led by former Mozambique President Joaquim Chissano. He was son, Donna Lease Brazile, Randy Scheunemann, Scott Mastic and Richard 180","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ant to journey with us during this election period. It is our belief that Kenya ive to get better.\u201d DP Ruto he National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Joaquim Chissano. He was accompanied by Ambassador Johnnie Car- ann, Scott Mastic and Richard Klein. 181","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Lamu Women Rep joined KKA Dr Ruto welcomed to Kenya Kwanza Monicah Muthoni Marubu, the Women Representative of Lamu County. Many others joined in 182","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Talks with Congressional Delegation from the United States President Ruto held talks with Congressional Delegation from the United States led by Delaware Senator Chris Andrew Coons in the company of US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman at the Karen The talks touched on the August 9 elections in the country and areas of cooperation between Kenya and United States. Dr Ruto commited to deepen relations and further partnership for the mutual benefit of the citizens of the two countries. 183","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for This was a Great Moment for Kenya 184","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William 185","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Nyanza Politicians joined Ruto Nyanza politicians from Movement for Democracy and Growth bolted from Azimio and joined Kenya Kwanza Alli- ance led by President William Ruto. Those present were party leader David Ochieng (MP Ugenya), Secretary General Mary Makokha, Hon Jack Ranguma, Hon Fred Outa, Hon Olago Oluoch and Eliud Owalo. Governors Johnson Sakaja (Nairobi) and Kimani Wamatangi (Kiambu) also attended the meeting, Karen, Nairobi County. 186","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William President at Nairobi Governor\u2019s swearing in ceremony \u201cCongratula- tions to all the governors who assumed office. Your journey to the office is commendable and worthy of recognition.\u201d -President Dr William Ruto 187","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for The day Gvn. Prof Kivutha joined the President\u2019s Alliance, Kenya Kwanza At the Karen Residence, welcoming Governor Prof. Kibwana to Kenya Kwanza accompanied by other leaders. What the President said: \u201cWe associate with the leadership that Prof. Kivutha Kibwana has manifested in agreeing to work with us in furthering our country\u2019s development agenda. The Makueni Governor will join the Kenya Kwanza legal team in the ongoing presidential election petition.\u201d 188","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Serbia\u2019s congratulatory Message delivered to the New President The President receiving the message of goodwill from Serbia Government that was delivered by Ambassador Dragan Zupanjevac at the Karen Office, Nairobi last month. \u201cWe welcome Serbia\u2019s strong desire to work with our administration. We commit to strengthen our ties and step up areas of cooperation such as agriculture, Information Technology and healthcare,\u201d the President informed the Ambassador. 189","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Israeli Government\u2019s message to Dr Ruto\u2019s win The President received congratulatory message from President of Israel Isaac Herzog that was presented by ambassador Michael Lotem, at Karen, Nairobi. \u201cWe look forward to growing our relationship with the peo- ple of Israel and working together on key areas such as universal healthcare, agriculture and water provision. We appreciate Israel's support in these fields,\u201d -President Ruto 190","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William President\u2019s Thanksgiving Prayers in Kiambu Thanksgiving service at Gathiruini Presbyterian Church Of East Africa (P.C.E.A), Githunguri Constituency, Kiambu County. President Ruto thanked Kiambu for giving him the highest number of votes per county and termed Kiambu as his Jerusalem 191","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Dr Ruto assembled po Th Interdenominational Na Larmudiac in Njoro, President Dr William Ruto on Joseph Tonui (Kuresoi South), Sunday September 5,led a Martha Wangari (Gilgil), Jayne huge contingent of politicians Kihara (Naivasha), Samuel during an Interdenominational Gachobe (Subukia) among Prayer service at Larmudiac others. High School grounds in Njoro, The new President has Nakuru County. introduced a new lifestyle for Present were Rigathi politicians where they must be Gachagua Deputy President, attending church services Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), every Sunday either Susan Kihika (Nakuru accompanying the President or Governor), Patrick Ole Ntutu alone. (Narok Governor), Charity The new political leadership led Kathambi (Njoro MP), Salim by President Ruto is inclined Mvurya (Former Governor, towards God in a big way as Kwale County), Amason Kingi they believe that if it wasn't (Former Kilifi Governor), God being on their side, it Kivutha Kibwana (Former wasn't such easy to defeat Makueni Governor), Tabitha their opponents who were Karanja (Nakuru Senator), Liza backed by the State Chelule (Women Rep, Nakuru), machinery, the so called Deep David Gikaria (Nakuru Town State and the President East), Francis Kuria (Molo MP), himself. Alfred Mutai (Kuresoi North), \\\"That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.\\\" \u2014 1 Timothy 4:10 192","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William al politicians for , Thanksgiving at Nakuru County 193","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for po Th Dr Ruto assembled Na Interdenominational Larmudiac in Njoro, 194","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William al politicians for , Thanksgiving at Nakuru County 195","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Az of w ( UDM ) moved from signed an agreement \u201cWe officially welcome United Democratic Movement (UDM) to the Kenya Kwanza coalition. We believe in freedom of association,\u201d - His Excellency The President, Dr WS Ruto UDM Party Leader and Mandera Senator Ali Roba, Deputy Party Leader and Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali and Mandera Governor Mohamed Adan Khalif were present at the Karen Residence to witness the signing in ceremony. Others were Deputy Governor Mandera Ali Maalim, Wajir Senator Abbas Sheikh, MPs Umulkheir Kassim (Mandera), Bashir Abdullahi (Mandera North), Kullow Hassan (Banisa), Joseph Lekuton (Laisamis), Mangale Munga Chiforomodo (Lunga Lunga), AbdulEnrahim Haro (Mandera South) and Adan Haji (Mandera West). 196","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William m Azimio to KKA and ent of working together 197","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for WFP Director\u2019s visit to President Ruto Dr Ruto held talks with the Executive Direc- tor of the World Food Pro- gramme Mr. Da- vid Beasley re- garding the drought situa- tion in Northern Kenya and the Horn of Africa region. \u201cOur plan to sup- port farmers through a subsi- dy programme and access to credit will pro- vide a long-term solution to this issue,\u201d - Dr Ruto 198","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Independent MPs joined Kenya Kwanza Alliance The President hosted a caucus that included Joshua Mbithi (Masinga), Njoroge Elijah (Gatundu North), Caroline Ngelechei (Elgeyo Markwet), Rahim Dawood (Imenti North), Timothy Kipchumba (Markwet West), Ntutu Kitilai (Narok South), and Monica Muthoni (Lamu Woman Rep.) who are all independent MPs and who expressed desire to join Ken- ya Kwanza Alliance in all areas of politics in the country. 199","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for UPIA Party MP also joined Ruto President William Ruto led other Kenya Kwanza Alliance leaders in wel- coming Yakub Adow Kuno (MP for Bura Con- stituency, UPIA Party) and Abdi Ali Abdi (MP Ijara, National Agenda Party of Kenya) to the Kenya Kwanza team. Let us serve the people and move Kenya forward. 200"]

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