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Home Explore Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1

Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1

Published by Stephen Ndicho, 2023-03-28 17:25:56

Description: Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1


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["Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William he 5th Presidency TOP: President Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto. BELOW: President, Deputy, Former President and their spouses 51","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for 5t Swearing in the Instruments of Power were handed over peacefully and happily 52","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William he 5th Presidency Politics, as former Uasin Gishu Governor Jackson Mandago said should only be operated from the lungs so that once time is over, you breathe them out. Just some one month ago, no one would have envisaged a situation like the one obtaining above where President Ruto would be on such an embrace with Pres. Uhuru. Never. Now they are together and Uhuru got the first job from Ruto. 53","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for 5t Swearing in the Maybe if Prs. Uhuru knew before hand that things will divinely be like this, he couldn't have taken the political trajectory that he undertook in 2018, maybe. 54","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William he 5th Presidency During the heat of the campaigns between June, July and August, no one in his or her figment of imagination would have imagined such a scenario as this one... 55","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for 5 Swearing in the President William Ruto with his wife, First Lady Rachel Chebet Ruto 56","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William he 5th Presidency Deputy President Rigathi GAchagua with his wife Pst Dorcas, the Second Lady 57","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for 5t Swearing in the President Dr William Ruto making his maiden Presidential speech 58","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William he 5th Presidency First Lady Her Excellency Rachel Ruto leaving the dias after celebrations 59","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for 5t Swearing in the Deputy President Dr William Samoei Ruto as he then was, now the President of the Republic with Hon Stephen Ndicho, the Author and Publisher of this publication sometimes back. Both met in Parlia- ment as MPs in 1998, William representing the then Eldoret North constituency and Stephen representing Juja. They are friends since... 60","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William he 5th Presidency The Box with Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua and Registrar of Judiciary Madam Anne Amandi that contained the instruments of Power 61","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for 5t Swearing in the TOP: With Ethiopia\u2019s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and BELOW; With DR Congo President Felix Tshisekedi. 62","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William he 5th Presidency TOP: With Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye and BELOW; With Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa 63","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Uhu Change of the Guard TOP: Uhuru\u2019s flag ( Standard ) is lowered as Ruto\u2019s is hoisted. BELOW: General Kibochi hands over to Uhuru his Presidential Standard 64","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William rd Uhuru & Ruto Former President Uhuru Kenyatta climbs down the presidential stairs for the last time and is escorted by his security to his private vehicle where he started private life after handing over power to his Deputy now President William Ruto 65","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Uh Change of the Guard President William Ruto coming down the presidential stair case for the first time as President to go mount the Presidential Land Cruiser where he took a lap round the Stadium as wananchi applauded hysterically... 66","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ard Uhuru & Ruto President William Ruto riding in the Cruiser round the Stadium as citizens cheered their leader whom they had earlier elected with over 7,000,000 votes. 67","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Uh Change of the Guard This is newly elected and sworn-in President William Ruto\u2019s Presidential motor cade which came in with former President Uhuru Kenyatta but who, after handing over to William, went home in private car and Ruto took over the motorcade. 68","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ard Uhuru & Ruto The Presidential motorcade snaking its way from Kasarani headed to State House along Thika Super Highway. BELOW: The motorcade is finally home inside State House Nairobi which will be Dr Ruto\u2019s home for the next Ten years. 69","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for fin Presidential Motorcade 70","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William de finally reaches home 71","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for U.S President Joe Biden sent his congratulatory message to Kenya's President-Elect Dr. William Ruto White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in a media briefing stated that Biden had congratulated Kenyans on the conclusion of a peaceful electoral process. She also noted that Biden had praised Azimio leader Raila Odinga for accepting the outcome of the presidential petition and for respecting the judgement of the Supreme Court. \u201cWe congratulate William Ruto on his election as president of Kenya. We commend Raila Odinga for abiding by the Supreme Court\u2019s ruling,\u201d the White House Press Secretary stated. \\\"We also congratulate the people of Kenya on the conclusion of a peaceful electoral process we commend Raila Odinga and other candidates for abiding by the Supreme Court filing transparent electoral processes and the peaceful education adjudication of disputes our testimony to the strength of democratic institutions,\\\" Jean-Pierre stated. \\\"The United States and Kenya share a strong and long- standing partnership based on a commitment to democracy security economic Prosperity we look forward to,\\\" she added. 72","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William The World has endorsed and recognized Dr William Ruto as the bona fide President of the Republic of Kenya 73","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for KENYA PRESIDENTIAL RESULTS 2022 REGISTERED CANDIDATES CANDID- COM- ROUNDED UP VOTERS ATES PLETE BY THE SYSTEM VOTES COMPUT- CAST ER %AGE 4 DECIMAL POINTS 22,120,458.00 ODINGA R.A. 6,942,930.00 0.488490594 0.4885 RUTO W.S 7,176,141.0 0.504898851 0.5049 MWAURE W. 31,987.00 0.002250541 WAJACKOYA 61,969.00 0.004360014 14,213,027.00 1 14,213,137.00 74","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ROUNDED UP ROUNDED MANUAL KEYING BY THE SYSTEM UP BY THE SYSTEM 2 OF % 4 DECIMAL AGES POINTS DECIMAL POINTS 0.4885 48.85 48.85 0.5049 50.49 50.49 0.0023 0.23 0.23 0.0044 0.44 0.44 1,000 1,00.00 1,00.01 \u201cKenyans, I salute you for having confidence in me and electing me your President. Ahsanteni sana\u201d \u2014President Elect Dr William Ruto The Chief Agents for Three Presidential Candidates appended their signatures to the results but the Chief Agent for Raila Odinga refused to append his despite being present at the National Tallying Center\u2014Bomas of Kenya 75","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for 76","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William UDA Party Interviewed Dr Ruto for the Presidency UDA Party Secreatry General Veronica Maina and Chair- man Johnstone Muthama interviewing Dr Ruto. He quali- fied and was issued with Nomination Certificate for run for the presidency on UDA Ticket. LEFT: IEBC issued him with the Certificate of President Elect of the Republic of Kenya. 77","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Raila\u2019s Petition against Pres Areas of concern that Sup Chebukati had, on August 15, Kakamega and Mombasa 2022, declared that Ruto, the counties, parliamentary elections Kenya Kwanza flagbearer won the in Kitui Rural, Kacheliba, Rongai election with 7,176, 141 votes, and Pokot South constituencies which is 50.49% of the total votes and ward elections in Nyaki West cast beating Raila, his Azimio la (North Imenti constituency) and Umoja \u2013 One Kenya rival who Kwa Njenga in Embakasi South garnered 6, 942, 930 votes constituency resulted in voter (48.85%). suppression to the detriment of the The judgment by Chief Justice petitioners. Martha Koome, Deputy Chief 5. Whether there were Justice Philomena Mwilu, and unexplainable discrepancies judges Mohamed Ibrahim, Smokin between the votes cast for Wanjala, Njoki Ndungu, Isaac presidential candidates and other Lenaola, and William Ouko was elective positions. determined based on nine issues 6. Whether the IEBC carried out including; the verification, tallying, and 1. Whether the technology declaration of results in deployed by the IEBC for the accordance with Article 138 (3) (c) conduct of the 2022 general and 138 (10) of the Constitution. elections met the standards of 7. Whether the declared president- integrity, verifiability, security, and elect attained 50%+1 vote of all transparency to guarantee the votes cast in accordance with accurate and verifiable results. Article 138 (4) of the Constitution. 2. Whether there was interference 8. Whether there were with the uploading and irregularities and illegalities of transmission of Forms 34A from such magnitude as to affect the the polling stations to the IEBC final result of the presidential Public Portal. election. 3. Whether there was a difference 9. What reliefs and orders can the between Forms 34A uploaded on court grant\/issue? the IEBC Public Portal and the All the seven Supreme Court Forms 34A received at the Judges were unanimous and National Tallying Centre, and Dismissed the entire Petition Forms 34A issued to the agents at and declared that William Ruto the Polling Stations. was validly elected on the 9th 4. Whether the postponement of August 2022. No costs to issue! gubernatorial elections in 78","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William nst President Dr. William Ruto: hat Supreme Court dismissed Final Orders In unanimity we make the following orders: i. The Presidential CJ Martha Koome Election Petition No. E005 of 2022, as consolidated with Presidential Election Petition Nos. E001, E002, E003, E004, E007 & E008 OF 2022 is hereby dismissed. ii. As a consequence we declare the election of 1st respondent as President-elect to be valid under Article 140 (3) of the Constitution. iii. This being a public interest matter we order that each party shall bear their costs. The IEBC Chairperson IEBC Chairman Wafula Chepukati Chepukati noted that the Supreme Court vindicated the commission over the credibility of the electoral process. \\\"The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is finally vindicated,\u201d Chepukati. 79","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Supreme Court Judges\u2014Kenya Lenaola Dr Ouko DCJ Mwilu CJ M Koomw Ibrahim Njoki Ndungu Wanjala Supreme Court Upheld Ruto\u2019s Kenya Presidential Election Win + Judges find no evidence of rigging, manipulation of results + Ruling is a major step toward ending political uncertainty What International Media said about Kenya\u2019s Election Here is the thing. Leading was no single demontration of any newspapers around the world, of these claims. Pauline Njoroge including the influential New York lied to Raila that there were ghost Times, Washington Post, Al polling stations and ghost voters. Jazeera, the BBC, German\u2019s Die Okiya Amtata lied that more than a Welt and several others have million votes could not be published articles praising explained, or the much repeated Kenya\u2019s just concluded elections. lie that more than a half a million Wafula Chebukati was singled out people in Kikuyu-counties along for running a transparent poll voted for the presidency but not where results were displayed in for any other candidates proved to the open, and could not be altered be false. because the entire system is What was particularly impressive based on block chain technology. was that none of Raila Odinga\u2019s Despite claims that Raila\u2019s votes 100 attorneys and surrogates were stolen, forms were edited, could produce a single, yes, one that votes dumped, or claims vote that was questionable!!!! ballot boxes were stuffed, there 80","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William President & First Lady walking for Press briefing on the 5th Sept. 81","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Deputy President and Second Lady walking for the Presser on the 5th Sept. 2022 82","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William President Dr William Ruto and their spouses The Kenya Kwanza Principals and other supporters and well-wishers 83","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for The President\u2019s Legal Team with other friends after the ruling by SCoK 84","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g by SCoK Legal Team 85","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Su We salute the What President The President shaking hands William Ruto said: with his legal team led by Mr Ngatia, Kilukumi, Kitwa Kigen We salute the Supreme and Murkomen Court for performing its duty with utmost fidelity to the Constitution; its profession- alism has elevated the stature of the Judiciary and enhanced the place of the petition process in legitimis- ing election results as the true reflection of the peo- ple\u2019s decision. 86","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William e Supreme Court\u2014Ruto President William Ruto and his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua with their spouses at the Press briefing after the Su- preme Court rul- ing on Monday 5th Sept. 87","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for ele an The hero of this Chebukati \u201cWe commend the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for their noble achievement \u2014 at tremendous and regrettable cost \u2014 to serve the people of Kenya by ensuring that their sovereign will is upheld. There is no doubt that the hero of this election is Wafula Chebukati and the IEBC.\u201d Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua making his remarks at Karen following the SCoK ruling 88","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William is election is Wafula ti and the IEBC-Ruto 89","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for The President couldn't hide his happiness alongside his wife Rachael when pronounced as the winner of the race. KKA leaders during the Presser at Dr Ruto\u2019s place, Karen 90","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William President Ruto during the SCoK reading of the ruling President Ruto shaking hands with his legal team 91","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Congratulations From The President to Speakers \u201cI salute Members of Parliament for trusting Kenya Kwanza to provide leadership in both Houses; a clear indication of our national support. \u201cTo Moses Wetang\u2019ula and Amason Kingi on your election as speakers of the National Assembly and the Senate respectively as well as in Gladys Shollei and Kathuri Murungi as deputy speakers. Your elevation is a clear demonstration of Kenya Kwanza's support. I have tremendous faith that you will serve the people of Kenya with purpose and distinction,\u201d - WSR 92","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William How President Ruto mourned Queen Elizabeth ll \u201cI have received news of the death The queen\u2019s leadership of the of Queen Elizabeth II and I send Commonwealth for the past seven condolences to the people of the decades is admirable. She steered the United Kingdom. institution\u2019s evolution into a forum for effective multilateral engagement \u201cWe join the Commonwealth in whose potential to drive tremendous mourning and offer our socioeconomic progress remain condolences to the Royal Family incontestable and redounds to the and the United Kingdom. Queen\u2019s historic legacy.\u201d- WSR We will miss the cordial ties she enjoyed with Kenya and may her memories continue to inspire us. 93","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Message of Goodwill and congratulation from The Government of Eritrea President Dr William Ruto with Eritrean ambassador to Kenya Beyene Russom who conveyed a message of goodwill from President Isaias Afwerki. \u201cKenya will continue to pursue peace in the region to advance economic development,\u201d the President told the Eritrean Envoy. 94","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William European Union President sends message to Dr Ruto President Elect Dr President Elect Dr William Ruto greeting William Ruto yesterday Joseph Borrell, the EU High Representative for received a message of congratulation from the Foreign Affairs President of the European Council Charles Michel delivered by the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy\/Vice- President of the European Commission Joseph Borrell at Said President Ruto,\u201dWe acknowledge the special place the European Union has accorded Kenya for its lead role in regional peace and stability. We also appreciate the recognition it has given the people of Kenya for conducting peaceful and democratic 95","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Biden sent US Delegation to attend Ruto\u2019s swearing in US President Joe Biden President William Ruto President Joe Biden sent 5 members of the presidential delegation shall attend the inauguration of William Ruto led by United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai. In a statement from the White House, President Joe Biden confirmed then that 5 members of the presidential delegation shall attend the inauguration led by United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai. Other members are US Ambassador to Kenya The Honorable Meg Whitman, U.S. representative from Texas Colin Allred, Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of African Affairs Mary Catherine Phee, and Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Africa, U.S. Agency for International Development Dr. Monde Muyangwa. 96","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Kisii & Kamba political leaders troop to Dr Ruto Azimio leaders from Ukambani and Kisii communities trooped to Karen to pay homage to the new Kenyan President Dr William Ruto who welcomed them all. President Ruto welcomed them all and declared that he is ready to unite the country and work with all Kenyans for a better country. Notables were Musila, Ndambuki, Obure and Angewenyi, Opore and Ongwae. 97","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for William Samoei Arap Rut William Samoei Arap Ruto is setbacks, he completed and was a Kenyan politician who recently awarded a PhD from the University served as Deputy President of of Nairobi, graduating on 21 Kenya since September 2013. December 2018. On 15 March 2022, Ruto was Ruto authored several papers endorsed by UDA as the party's including a paper titled Plant presidential candidate for Kenya's Species Diversity and Composition presidential election which was set of Two Wetlands in the Nairobi for August 2022. On 12th April National Park, Kenya. 2022, Kenya Kwanza political During his time in campus for the coalition endorsed Ruto as its undergraduate course, Ruto was presidential candidate for just an active member of the Christian concluded 2022 elections Union. He also served as the Chairman of the University of Early life and Nairobi's choir. education William Ruto was born on 21 December 1966 in the Sambut The President on his graduation village, Kamagut, Uasin Gishu day as a PHD holder in 2018 County to Daniel Cheruiyot and Sarah Cheruiyot. He attended Kerotet Primary School for his primary school education. He was enrolled in Wareng Secondary School for his Ordinary Levels education before proceeding to Kapsabet Boys High School in Nandi County for his Advanced Levels. He then went on to receive a BSC in Botany and Zoology from the University of Nairobi, graduating in 1990. Ruto later enrolled for a MSc in Plant ecology, graduating in 2011. The following year, he enrolled for a PhD and after several 98","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ap Ruto: His Life\u2019s Story Christian Union (CU) Leader Ruto was the chairman of the University of Nairobi Christian Union Choir.It is through his church leadership activities at the University of Nairobi that Ruto met President Daniel Arap Moi who would introduced him to Kenya politics at later date, specifically during the 1992 general elections. Political University of Nairobi CU Chairman Choir career was lobbying for the re-election of President Moi in 1992,from where After graduating from University of he learnt the ropes of Kenyan Nairobi in 1990,Ruto was politics. He is also believed to have employed as a teacher in the North accumulated some wealth in this Rift region of Kenya from 1990 to period. After the 1992 elections, 1992,where he was also the leader President Moi of the local African Inland Church disbanded YK'92 and Ruto (AIC) Choir. attempted to vie for various KANU (then Kenya's ruling YK'92 party) branch party positions but did not succeed. Member Of Parliament Ruto began his political career Ruto competed for a parliamentary when he became the treasurer of seat at the 1997 Kenyan general the YK'92 campaign group that election. He surprisingly beat the incumbent, Reuben Chesire, Moi's 99","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Rut William Samoei Arap preferred candidate, as well as government ministers resigned to the Uasin Gishu KANU branch join the opposition, he would be chairman and assistant promoted to be the full Cabinet minister. Minister in the ministry. After this, he would later gain KANU lost the election but he favour with Moi and be retained his parliamentary seat. appointed KANU Director of Ruto would thereafter be elected Elections. KANU Secretary General in 2005 His strong support in 2002 for with Uhuru Kenyatta getting Moi's preferred successor Uhuru elected as Chairman. Kenyatta saw him get a place as In 2005, Kenya held a assistant minister in the Home constitutional referendum which Affairs (Interior) ministry docket. KANU opposed. Later in that election, as some 100"]

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