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Home Explore Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1

Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1

Published by Stephen Ndicho, 2023-03-28 17:25:56

Description: Ruto the 5th President FINAL 1


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["Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Meru Independent Governor Kawira received to KKA by the President William Ruto Thank you Meru County Governor-elect Kawira Mwangaza for choosing to work with Kenya Kwanza to drive Meru and Kenya forward. Words the President told Gvn Kawira. 201","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for po joi All Mt Kenya East escorted Kiraitu to President Ruto received the leader- Others were Alexander Mundigi ship of DEP at the Karen Office, Nai- (Senator, Embu), John Paul robi, led by former Meru Governor (Igembe South), Julius Taitumu (Igembe North), John Mutunga \u201cWe welcome the Devolution Empow- (Tigania West), Moses Kirima erment Party (DEP) to Kenya Kwan- (Central Imenti), John Mukunji za. Their resolve to work with us is (Manyatta), Eric Muchangi indication that leaders agree that the (Runyenjes), Geoffrey Ruku interests of Kenyans overrides our (Mbeere North), Nebert Muriuki personal or party interests,\u201d said the (Mbeere South), Jayne Kihara (Naivasha Town), Sylvanus Osoro Leaders present were Deputy Presi- (South Mugirango), Onesmus dent-Elect Rigathi Gachagua, Mu- Ngogoyo (Kajiado North), Justus salia Mudavadi, Moses Wetang'ula, Mugo (Deputy Governor, Embu) and Salim Mvurya, Aden Duale, Cecily more than 40 MCAs from Meru and Mbarire, Justin Muturi, Lenny Kivuti, Kathuri Murungi, Moses Kirima, Mu- The Bus fraternity led by their gambi Rindikiri, Mithika Linturi, John supremo Kiraitu Murungi joined Muchiri and Elizabeth Karambu. KKA 202","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William st political leaders to join Ruto\u2019s KKA 203","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Nyeri Gvn Mutahi led leaders to visit the President at Karen The President held a meeting with leaders from Nyeri County led by Governor Mutahi Kahiga at the Karen Residence, Others in the meeting were MPs John Kaguchia (Mukurweini), Wambugu Wainaina (Othaya), Ra- hab Mukami (Nyeri Wom- en Rep), Geoffrey Wan- deto (Tetu), Maina Mathenge (Nyeri Town), Anthony Njoroge (Kieni), Wahome Wamatinga (Nyeri), Hon Mwangi Said the President, \u201cOur administration will pursue an aggressive develop- ment plan that will deliver more for Kenyans in a short period of time. To make this happen, we require a good rapport with elected leaders across 204","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William A visitation by African Judges and Jurists Met a delegation of the Africa Judges and Jurists (AJJF) led by the former Chief Justice of Tanzania Justice Mohamed Chande Othman at the Karen Office, Nairobi. Others in the Mission were Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza (Supreme Court, Uganda), Justice Ivy Kamanga (Supreme Court of Appeal, Malawi), Justice Moses Chinhengo (Court of Appeal, Lesotho) and Justice Henry Bossie Mbha (President, Electoral Court of South Africa). Remarked the President, \u201cTo en- trench our democracy, our priority as an administration is to have a well -functioning, efficient and independ- ent judiciary that will safeguard pub- lic interest and protect our Constitu- have a well-functioning, efficient and independent judi- 205","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Northern MPs consulted the President for partnership and unity The Presient held consultations with MPs Guyo Waqo (Moyale, UPIA), Wario Guyo Adhe-North Horr (Kanu), Dido Raso (Saku, UDA) and Naomi Waqo (Women Rep. Marsabit, UDA) at Karen, Nairobi. Also present was former MP Chachu Ganya. 206","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William President Elect at Bungoma Catholic Holy Mass at Christ the King Cathedral Catholic Church in Bungoma Town attended by the President, Deputy- President Rigathi Gachagua, Ford Kenya Leader Moses Wetang\u2019ula, ANC Leader Mu- salia Mudavadi, and Bungo- ma Governor Ken Lusaka. Also with us were MP pre- sent were John Chikati (Tongaren), Majimbo Kal- asinga (Kabuchai), Martin Wanyonyi (Webuye East), John Makali (Kanduyi), Malu- lu Injendi (Malava), Kimani Ichungw\u2019ah (Kikuyu), Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu), Beatrice Adagala (Vihiga), Mary Emase (Teso South), Dan Wanyama (Webuye West), Omboko Milemba (Emuhaya), Catherine Wam- bilyanga (Bungoma), Erick Muchangi (Runyenjes)and Fred Kapondi (Mt Elgon). 207","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ruto to Bungoma people: Thank you! President Dr William Ruto toured Bungoma and had passionate words to the people of Bungoma County: Thank you for immensely support- ing us at Kenya Kwanza Alliance. He asked them to allow their Senator Moses Wetangula to resign and vie for the National Assembly Speaker which is a sure bet for him. So many leaders accompanied Dr Ruto. 208","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William President welcomed KANU Tiaty MP Hon Kapket to KKA 209","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ruto\u2019s grueling 210","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g Campaign trails 211","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ruto\u2019s grueling 212","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Campaign trails Captivating sayings of the President and his Deputy 213","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling \u201cWe\u2019ve Got a PLAN\u201d - WSR 214","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g Campaign trails The Whole \u201dPLAN\u201d for Kenya is here... 215","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for \u201cRigathi Gachagua my very able running mate. Kenyans are confident that in you we have a seasoned, passionate and focused leader to help us steer Kenya Kwanza to victory and the nation to prosperity. We thank the Almighty God na ubarikiwe sana. Never mind the media.\u201d - Dr William Ruto 216","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William 217","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Cam Ruto\u2019s grueling S Finished President Elect Dr William Ruto at this significant very last rally at K last trail of campaign rallies across the country. Here at Kiambu, 218","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William Campaign trails Strong @ very last rally at Kirigiti town in Kiambu County which marked his ere at Kiambu, he got the highest number of votes countrywide. 219","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling Nyayo Stadium Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi was also significant. Nairobi was one of the Co 220","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g Campaign trails obi was one of the Counties where President Ruto got very many votes. 221","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ruto\u2019s grueling c was game DP William Ruto as he then was, now President, welcomed Sonko to the Winning Team. And truly the Team trounced its competitors and won the hotly contested general elec- tion since independence in 1963 with Ruto becoming the 5th Prsident after Jomo, Moi, Kibaki,Uhuru and now Ruto. 222","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William e Campaign trails changer That Sonko-Ruto handshake tilted tides towards KKA. 223","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling A prayerful presidency will never go wrong as God will be answering all prayers pleaded with humility. President and Deputy with their spouses and other believers in worship session on this first Sunday... 224","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g Campaign trails The President has a Church in his home compound GatoKdarheanswnhoerdeuasntbyisnefrovricpersaayreerosc. casionally held. AIt lilsphrearyeetrhsatatrheehfiersatrTdhiannhksegaivveinng service wasa hageunleddstaafpntreserwatchehereeerdleoacf tctihocenosrdd.aBiyni.gshlyo.p Mark Kariuki was 225","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ua Ruto\u2019s grueling Eldoret Town, Mammoth rallies with seas of humanity dominated President Ruto 226","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William wn, Campaign trails Uasin Gishu President Ruto\u2019s campaigns. Eldoret was massive. Mandago at it then 227","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ke Ruto\u2019s grueling Kericho Town, Kericho Town was an overwhelmingly turn out for KKA. 228","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g Campaign trails wn, Kericho County 229","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling Kapkures, Nakuru 230","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails 231","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling Kabarnet, Baringo 232","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails 233","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ruto\u2019s grueling Kitui Town, Kitui Cty. 234","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g Campaign trails 235","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ruto\u2019s grueling Murang\u2019a Town 236","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails 237","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Cam Ruto\u2019s grueling Nyeri Town 238","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William g Campaign trails 239","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling Karatina, Nyeri 240","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails 241","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ruto\u2019s grueling Bungoma Cty: Posta Grounds 242","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails 243","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for Ca Ruto\u2019s grueling Kitale, Trans Nzoia 244","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails 245","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling Embu Town, Embu Cty 246","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails 247","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling Kakamega Town 248","Kenya for His Excellency the President, Dr William ng Campaign trails In Kakamega town with Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetang\u2019ula, Jackson Mandago, Cleophas Malala, Beatrice Inyanga- la, Benjamin Washiali, Alfred Agoi, Beatrice Adagala, Boni Khalwale, Rashid Echesa, Ndindi Nyoro, Charles Njagua, Samson Cherargei among others. Kakamega Gov- ernor Wycliffe Oparanya ordered that Bukhungu stadium be locked for use by Kenya Kwanza Presi- dential candidate William Ruto who is also the Dep- uty President of the Re- public despite having booked it and paid requi- site fees for it. However, the meeting in Kakamega Town was a licenced one and it went on with the biggest ever witnessed crowd in Kakamega in recent times. Oparanya and his contemporaries must have been drawn aback by the massive turn out of residents who also promised to elect the Kenya Kwanza brigade. 249","Journey to the 5th Presidency of the Republic of Kenya for C Ruto\u2019s grueling Chuka, T\/ Nithi 250"]

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