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Home Explore Dog Man - Brawl of the Wild by Dav Pilkey

Dog Man - Brawl of the Wild by Dav Pilkey

Published by alumax4u, 2022-06-28 03:07:55

Description: Dog Man - Brawl of the Wild by Dav Pilkey


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7HYoeves-e co m ix ProudLy P re se n ts

MeanwAi/e... 1 Cops □ aa a Dog Alan is in B i ( r Trouble?• •it• lo o




Rea d y?

¿ liP E B A M *

So you w a n t me. to Tható IL le g c o l! Kelp y a, t u s f T#»aÎs Dangerous! /vtan o u t of Ja iL ? T/»aTs Irresponsible! X t g o e s 0.ßqinS+ every Law i've Sworn to uphold!!} Oh boy, is ponina. be G R 6 A T / / / J ----- 1 /£?<9

/ W e ó w i'v A ; J e . . . Do y<v wanna- he«r another jo k e ? m.____a . ■ M l ®ffl ÖDßD Hey, P » p g ?) Aw, come on. x+'s NO, I D O N O T ! ! A/ S U P A 9o o < / o n e ( N O F ffï'r* getting This one!r not made l>p. X got •fro/ri Tired of your rmaAe- O' bool< ! i* P j o fres J

11 SAID N O I OK. What did BaT/nan gef -for Vakrtfifie's^ I T BETTER NOT I f isfi’-hj Seriously. BE D/ARRHEA /!' f/e ch'dn-h get diarrhea,. 14 0 lio

er me. Think -WATJ¡*<?Dîdn’f I Ù>Hfi -frolli A B°t>r. Ill


Tree- House C orti r. Proudly Presents vxMtàiéA fcV CrQ orge and

fAcahiA/lr>iLe, Volo.y> My ihvestÿoiti'v-e ir&porTm^ sk¡Hs led Sar&h, owd Z.uZn U/erg hot on the trail. us to the seedy side, of the city... .Ahd Zu¿uS Sniffing Noto, X Shall use r*y skills are picking Charismatic \"People SKills\" to 9et dues! it/% + i / » 'f ItH

/Itefky, Booqet Breath! / chD/eouacfdsoeujdbc/olruaoTvoek<Kï<yD3—o^<yj-- MAVbe I DO. AMAA VAf^c e\\ HX^D£ o2n^' t^/ ^M r D /I5

o o H \"** Vow’r e ¡n f o r W O rld oF R A iN , A liíS V / fS e M A íW E V en T :] M . I A Y C A P?®*?: /Ifo

Rea d y?

H av/e y a had enough? I .Saw tAínf £ )o ç- heAdeol crook. U t H* was robbing /V\\-/VJ-/H Ay X no\\A6 P le a se ? TKat Lîvî*a»3 fa c îo ry O u tlet over There! 120

■—£<x7y \"Pretty P/eas—el'^' [what? WO Sugar^ P r e t t V ?LeA$e? P retty PleAse w/t-a ¿ 03^#- Whipped ****&» *r><*JKose on TOP Li m e ChocoLfiTe sprihklesf f^ V YfAfvAAAA^AAAAH.V/ < ^ T w ^ / xA / \\ / V \\ / v - ^ /¿i

U 4 c l f e e ling t h a t Warden waS up to no Good ! {( /¿3

G& d> B3 W CO s Qj Q W e ll Q U i + goofing Hey, Pckpck, hear another Jo ke? a ro u n d anA out of T h e r e ! ! ! ty o You SAID You were gonna, help me if/ UH

/VMkmg up J o k e s T h is one's no+ made h n o t H e lp fu l! Up. I+ 'i from cl TV Show J n O fay. \\Aih4t do you Call a. \\A/or/n -from King Arthur's Court? (25

/ \\ 1 Knÿht'crau/leir? *S--ir SQUiVrhS-CL'LoT-?-/ O k a y , i 5 / v e up. W Aaf do y ou V— ' Call AiVh ? y /2fo


So! YouVe came to rescu-e your L i H l e fnend, eh??? US

We|\\yVou're i~oo He's ChAnged!!!: vjO\\ His spirit His Will kqs been He'll Never be ¥ %CRUSHeDf\" tire SAM6 again!

,Vou See, Dog Mans Hot really (k Doj O R 0 / man ! j mm Even tAe other dogs don't like Wmn 130




'SrTQAu«i1rC1r«ee/TLe \\ tû 'J o r í /3fo

ÍV 7


VA/kat^ wrong, \\A/ka1\" a r e y o u f o r g e t those -for? other dogs!

TAey Iv e r e They G ro w le d to you!// > ni IHI

I t i no o re, 80-HDÌ He w on't le a v e w ith o u t Them! m

A lrig h t gang, we dont have nwcK t/we.

I f \\A/€ hurry, we hnig/»t Shake it back to +1^« city.-*

H«V. Look! It's that L ivin g SPro-y factory Ou+Z-er over th ere! And check \"it out: TH-4T Living SPr<xy Somebody Factory ouHer ¡robbing the place1. ov«r There mm i||crlosS<r?Dij |VI \\ :• •

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