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Home Explore Dog Man - Brawl of the Wild by Dav Pilkey

Dog Man - Brawl of the Wild by Dav Pilkey

Published by alumax4u, 2022-06-28 03:07:55

Description: Dog Man - Brawl of the Wild by Dav Pilkey


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Well; 9 ^ 3 , H looks And rr\\y Pa,pou w a s o* $ o o 4 like we Saved the Sc/y Q*QaJn\\H V/orld‘n !/ ! X St'// has/e to J o HeY! Let's all walk back, to jai/, Hough. th ere, t o g e t h e r !!! 200

rree- Houíe comíx- ProuJLy Prestan

Hey, D°3 ! Why d f e y°u s<*d? A huincha- folks Were /nean to hi m Tod ay / Í! 2(92

Do n't fee I bo*dj ...but X feel like o* m i s f i t , t o o • 203

Zu2.u amd 80-HD The Ttoth iSj s<k\\6i TKeV're we're ALL misfits! (VMSfitSj too HI Even Y o u But you're so peRFecTW 20^

I 'm j u s t AcTinGl B ut deep down X only Pretehd inside, X'm a , to be P erfect/ T o t a l Vteirdo! \\aJow! You had Don’t w rry , Dos Man. \\j5 all -fooled!!! E ve ryb o d y feels l i K e a, m i s f H U ! And that m eans ... Perfectly/// you f i t i n- . 205


Are you K'dding? You’re tA e biggest toisfi-t- I ' v e e u e r /v»e+îî! 207

I « m o o uP&P LT£ 11:30 PM 82% CUV Menu A PiiKev.hatoPFnewi.coM — y HAT OFF NEWS BLOG- SUPA BUDDIES SAVE THE DAY: The Supa Buddies kept everybody Safe d u ri 113 last night's tragic fire. Cat K id , th e leader o f the Su p a- B u d d ie s, was sad afterward because he forgot to sing their tAeme song (w h ic h he made up) d u rin g the b«3 brawl. \" N ext time I7J rem ember better/'* Said Cat Kid. TH E FLEAS: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Nobody knows the whereabouts o f Piggy, Crunky, and Bub (AKA The F L E A S). They were fast seen The FLEAS in the burning m ovie theater, but (artist!s depiction) then they disappeared. “ LjusT don't know wKat happened to th e m / ' said Petey the C a t aS he Scratched him self inside his ja il cell this morning. ‘ T h e y ju st v a n ish e d , \" he continued, Scratching agarn and 0.3am. “ Where could they b e ?\" he pyth«Cat asked again, Scra tching vigorously

•••OOUP&P L T£ It: 31 P M a z% c 3 M enu A pa Key. hoto rrrtcw 2 IS & HERO DOGS FIND FOREVER HOMES The Seven form er inmates at Dog Ja il w ere pardoned this morning for being heroes at last night's fire. T hey w ere immediately adopted by a buncha nice fam ilies and stuff, and are living happily ever after and Stuff. COMEUPPANCE This mornin5, Three meanies W/ere pulled out o f a stinky hole in the ground. During the rescue, the rope broke and they fell back into The hole a buncha times. It was awesome. DOG MAN IS GOt Reports are pouring in a.bout an A L L -N E W Dog M an adventure that is coming your way. It will be available Soon, but you should start bugging your parents, librarian, and/or bookseller about it now, ju st to be safe. Title o f thisTop secret book can now be revealed in this exclusive scoop: ie new book will be called DOG M / l(i! You heard it here first, folks/



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(D ( D LeArn to draw the FLEAS in These Excit;n6 Natural. Habi+ats: in Oj snowstorm at night in the fog at the keach if\\ outer space behind a. grape 2tf


i>4v psusSC CREATOR OF CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS IW/MMi “A fun introduction to chapter books.” - SCHOOL LIB R A R Y JOURNAL

AßOUT TÜC AUTttoP-ILtUSTRAroR When D&v piLkey wcus Oj Kid, he s u f f e r e d fr o m Ai>HI>, dysLex;&, a>nd beA&viora,/. p r o b l e m s - J>cw ia/&s so d isru p f/v e in cLa>ss ihcu-t A/s +ea>chers r^cude h>rn si+ 0U+ In ff>e InOoiL e v e r / d&/« LucKHy; DOyV Loved fo dro>ia/ o,nd mcuke up s+or/es- tie spefi^ kis t im e in ihe hcuLLwajy c re fo H n j Inis ou/n origincuL comic boo{<s:. l/i +Ae se co n d ^ r & d c , i>o>v PUfcey e r e c t e d a comic Loofc 0/boi/+ gosuperhero hchrnedccup+fainuhderp&mis- ■His fecocA er ripped H- up cu^d -fold K/m he c o u ld h 'i spend +J»e res+ o f his L ife masking siLLy booKs- f o r+ un(kieLy, b&v wcus no+ a> v e r / good L i s t e n e r . A B O U T Tfl£ C O L O F X S T Jose Cf(hr>icbLdi grewup on He sou-fk side op chicajyo- As ¿1» K/d> ke i^&s a» d&ydre&mer a,/id a> dood£er, &nd noi*/ i-f s kis fuü-f»me job +o do bo+L Jose is a; p ro fe ssio n a l ¡LLuslraj+or, pa>infer, O/ftd ccur+oonisi wKo Inibs crecu+ed wor^ for m&hy orgtbhizCb+iohSj ihcLudihy Nic^eio(\\eohj MAD /M&g&ziJne, c&>r-l-oon /Ve-fu/orK, &hd D/sney- He /'s currehHy workihg ojs (h visuooL deveLopmenf ¿br+isi oh r fff £/>xc A£v£/m ifc£S OF cf\\f>Tf\\XN UNPBfiPMTS f o r Dream W orks Ahimcbiioh- fie ¿/ves ih Los f\\HgeLeSj CfoLiforYWtbj w\\+/>Kis: ivohder dogs, tterma,ft a>nd Spcohty.

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