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heel helmet herb hieroglyphics heels noun helmets noun herbs noun a 1 the back part a strong hat, worn to protect a plant that is used fresh of your foot. the head. or dried to flavor food or b to make medicines. c 2 the higher heel Two different types of herb. back part of a shoe. herbal adjective rosemary oregano d e heel cycling herd hibernate helmet f herds noun hibernates hibernating g hibernated verb a group of large, to go to sleep for the winter. grazing animals. height help h i heights noun helps helping helped verb j the measurement of how tall to make something easier k or better for someone. l or high someone or m help noun n something is. o p helpless A herd of bison. A fieldmouse hibernating. q adjective here N say hie-ber-nate r hibernation noun s unable to take care adverb of yourself. hiccup t A baby is completely helpless. in this place. u Is there a doctor here? hiccups noun v hemisphere a sudden movement in your w hero / heroine chest that causes a quick x hemispheres noun breath and a short gulp. y one half of the world. heroes / heroines noun N also spelled hiccough z 1 a very brave person. hiccup verb northern hemisphere 2 the main character in a story, movie, or play. hide N hero is male and heroine is female hides hiding hid hidden verb to put yourself or something He measured his height. southern hemisphere hesitate out of sight. N say hite hesitates hesitating hieroglyphics hesitated verb held noun to pause from the verb to hold because you a type of writing I held a snake when we went are not that uses to the zoo yesterday. sure what pictures to to do. represent sounds, words, helicopter He hesitated before jumping and letters. into the icy pool. helicopters noun hesitation noun ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics a type of aircraft that uses rotating N say hie-roh-gli-fiks blades to make it fly and hover. hexagon hexagons noun a shape with six sides (see shape on page 182). 99

high hip history hobby A high hips noun noun hobbies noun adjective a joint at the study of things that an activity that you do B tall or a long the top of each have happened to people way up. of your legs, in the past. for enjoyment in your between your We are studying the history C waist and of the United States. spare time. D your thigh. historical adjective E High above the ground. hip hit N say hye hits hitting hit verb F N comparisons higher highest to come into contact G highway with someone or highways noun something in a forceful way. H a main road. I hijack Stamp collecting is hijacks noun a popular hobby. J a crime in which a vehicle or hippopotamus hold an aircraft is seized by force, hippopotamuses or hippopotami holds holding held verb K and people are held prisoner. noun 1 to have or keep something hijack verb a large mammal that lives in a certain position. L hill in Africa. Hippopotamuses M hills noun spend most of the time in lakes or rivers and eat an area of high ground. water plants. N hilly adjective O P Q Hindu hire The tennis player hit the ball Holding a cup and saucer. Hindus noun over the net. 2 to contain. hires hiring hired verb hit R a follower of Hinduism to pay money so you can hits noun (cultural and religious beliefs use someone’s services. a success. The song was a big hit. S and practices that originated They hired two girls to help in India centuries ago). clean the yard. T hinge hiss hoax This container U hinges noun holds kitchen hisses hissing hissed verb hoaxes noun utensils. a metal device that an unpleasant trick or a joke to make a noise where a person tries to make hold V holds doors and someone believe something gates in place, like air escaping that isn’t really true. holds noun A hoax phone call. a place inside a ship or allowing them to from a tire. N say hoeks an aircraft where cargo is stored. W open and close. hobble The cars were driven into the ferry’s hold. X hint Snakes hiss. hobbles hobbling hobbled verb hints hinting hinted verb hiss noun to walk with difficulty and pain. Y to suggest something in a vague way. Z He hinted that he knew about my secret. 100

horror hole hood hood horn a holes noun hoods noun horns noun b a hollow place or gap. c 1 a part of a coat, jacket, or 1 a tough, pointed, bony part holiday sweatshirt that covers d your head. on the head of some animals. e holidays noun 2 the metal engine a period of time off from covering on the goat’s horn f school or work, often to front of a car. g celebrate a special event. h hollow hoof hop 2 a brass wind instrument i that you play by holding j adjective hoofs or hooves noun hops hopping down valves with your the hard, nail-like hopped verb fingers and blowing through k with a space inside. part of the foot of to jump on the narrow end of the tube. l a horse, deer, or one leg. m The mouse ran similar animal. French horn n through the hollow pipe. hop noun o horse’s hoof 3 a device that is used to p home hope make a warning signal. q hook homes noun hopes hoping hoped verb old-fashioned car horn r the place where a person hooks noun to want something to happen, s or an animal lives or a curved metal object used and think that it might. horoscope comes from. for hanging things on or for I hope I’ll make the team. t catching things. hopeful adjective horoscopes noun u honest clothes a prediction of what might v hook horizon happen to you in the future, w adjective made from the position of the x hoop horizons noun stars and your date of birth. y truthful or able to be trusted. the line in the distance z hoops noun where the land or the sea horrible N say on-nist a round strip of plastic, wood, seems to meet the sky. N opposite dishonest or metal. adjective honesty noun N say hor-ize-on hoot very unpleasant honey horizontal or frightening. hoots hooting hooted verb horribly adverb noun 1 to make a sound like adjective the noise an owl makes. horror a sweet, 2 to blow a horn or whistle. parallel to the ground. sticky food, hoot noun A tabletop is horizontal. noun made by bees from the nectar N opposite vertical a feeling of shock and fear. of flowers. horizontally adverb They watched in horror as the house burned down. N say hun-ee jar of honey honeycomb 101

horse halter mane A horse ovaro coat palomino horses noun (chestnut and white) coat B a large, plant-eating mammal palomino that is often used for riding and pulling equipment. There C are many different breeds of horse, and their coats can be D a variety of colors. E F nostril halter G pinto H lip tail neck I stripe J bay belly gray black coat docked knee coat coat tail horseshoe (cut K Shetland pony short) hoof shire feathers L Arab M hard hat bit joint forelock N jodhpurs ring snaffle bit pommel bridle bit withers O saddle back saddle pad reins loins croup P dappled gray coat Q R stirrup girth S thoroughbred throat muzzle T quarters U boot shoulder V bay coat breast forearm W hock elbow dun coat chestnut X liver- chestnut shank fetlock nail coat joint ergot Y heel horseshoe Z falabella foals (miniature horses) pastern thoroughbred 102

humane hose hotel hovercraft a hoses noun hotels noun hovercraft noun b c a long, narrow tube, through a building with bedrooms a vehicle that rides on a cushion that people pay to stay in. d which liquids can be sent. Most hotels have of air. A hovercraft can travel e a restaurant and a bar. across land and sea. f g garden hose h i hospital hotel building how huge j hospitals noun hour adverb adjective k l a place where sick or injured hours noun in what way. very large or enormous. m a period of time lasting How does this work? He was so hungry that he n people are treated. 60 minutes. There are ate a huge plateful of food. o 24 hours in a day. howl p N say ow-er hum q hourly adjective howls howling howled verb to make a long, whining hums humming hummed verb r sound like a wolf. to make a musical sound s with your lips closed. hostage house humming noun t u hostages noun houses noun human being v a person who is taken a building that people live in. w prisoner by someone who human beings noun x demands something in return houseboat a man, woman, or child. y for the prisoner’s safety. z houseboats noun hot a small boat that people live on. adjective huddle 1 very warm. huddles huddling huddled verb household to push or squeeze together. They huddled under households noun the shelter. all the people that live together in one home. hug hover hugs hugging hugged verb to hold someone close hovers hovering hovered verb in a loving way. to stay in one place The bars of the heater are in the air. very hot. 2 very spicy. Chili peppers taste very hot. A hummingbird hovers by N say hew-mun beating its wings very fast. human adjective N comparisons hotter hottest humane adjective kind and merciful. N say hew-mane humanely adverb 103

humid A humid hunt hurry hydrogen adjective hunts hunting hunted verb hurries hurrying hurried verb noun B warm and damp. 1 to chase an animal, often to to act quickly because there a gas that is lighter than air, The weather was humid. burns easily, and has no kill it for food. is not a lot of time. C humiliate taste, color, or smell. N say hy-dro-jen D humiliates humiliating hyena humiliated verb E to make someone feel Lions hunt in packs. He had to hurry to deliver hyenas noun ridiculous or ashamed. 2 to search for something in the package on time. a fierce mammal from Africa and Asia that looks like N say hew-mil-lee-ate a large dog. Hyenas hunt for food and have a strange bark F that sounds like a laugh. G humor noun the ability to see or show that many places. hurt H something is funny. A good sense of humor. hurts hurting hurt verb I N say hew-mer 1 to cause pain or injury. humorous adjective I hurt my leg when I fell. J hump 2 to be painful. K humps noun My broken arm hurts. a large, round lump. I hunted all over the house for husband N say hy-ee-nuh L husbands noun hygiene a married man. noun my key. N opposite wife cleanliness and health. M hunt noun hush N hurl noun hurls hurling hurled verb silence. O to throw something as hard There was a hush as as you can. the teacher came into the room. P hut Q This camel has two humps. huts noun R hung from the verb to hang a small shelter. Good hygiene is important in S I hung my coat up when I the kitchen. arrived this morning. N say hy-jeen T hungry Tourists stayed in huts on hysterical U adjective the beach. adjective wanting or needing crying or laughing wildly. V something to eat. N say his-ster-i-kuhl W She hurled the cushion across hutch the room. X hutches noun hurricane a large box Y hungry chicks made of wood N comparisons hungrier hurricanes noun and wire for a violent storm with very a small pet Z hungriest strong winds. to live in. hunger noun rabbit hutch 104

Ii identity image a identities noun iguana b c who someone is or what iguanas noun a large lizard found mainly in d something is. Central and South America. e The common iguana lives near rivers and streams. It eats plants, insects, and small animals. ice icicle common iguana f g noun icicles noun The card around his neck a hanging piece of ice, shows his identity. ill h frozen water. formed by dripping i water that has frozen. idle adjective iceberg j idea adjective feeling sick or unwell. icebergs noun a huge piece of ideas noun lazy, or doing nothing. illness noun ice floating in a thought or suggestion about cold something. igloo k seas. Do you have any better ideas? l igloos noun m ice cream ideal a round building made n of snow o ice creams noun adjective and ice. p a sweet, frozen food q made mainly from perfect in every way. illegal cream or milk. That’s an ideal solution. r ideal noun adjective s ice cube identical ignorant not allowed by law. t ice cubes noun It is illegal to park there. u a small block of ice adjective adjective v used in drinks. N opposite legal w exactly the same. not knowing illegally adverb x ice rink about something. y identical candles ignorance noun illustrate z ice rinks noun a surface of ice where identify ignore illustrates illustrating people skate; also called illustrated verb a “skating rink.” identifies identifying identified ignores ignoring ignored verb to supply with pictures. verb to take no notice of someone to recognize something or something. Illustrating a book. or someone illustration noun by name. image ice skate Can you identify which tree these leaves come from? images noun ice skates noun identification noun a picture of something or someone, or a picture in a boot with a your mind. metal blade on the sole, used for skating on ice. 105

imaginary A imaginary immigrate impossible incredible adjective immigrates immigrating adjective adjective B not real. immigrated verb not able to difficult to believe. He tells some incredible stories. to go to a country in order to be done. live there permanently. independent C immigration noun D impact It is adjective impossible not controlled by anyone E impacts noun for people to or anything. 1 the action of one object fly like birds. N opposite dependent hitting another with force. N opposite possible independently adverb F index G impress impresses impressing impressed indexes or indices noun The unicorn is The impact of the crash verb an alphabetical list of subjects and page numbers, usually H an imaginary animal. to make someone have a good found at the back of a book. N say i-maj-i-nar-ee opinion of something. I wrecked both cars. His cooking skills impressed 2 something that has enough the judges. imagine power to create strong feelings in someone. improve J imagines imagining imagined Traveling abroad had verb K to create a picture of a great impact on me. improves improving improved something in your mind. verb L N say i-ma-jin impatient to make imagination noun or become adjective better. indignant M imitate 1 not willing adjective to wait. N imitates imitating imitated verb We improved upset and annoyed because to copy the way that someone the flowerpot something is unfair. talks or does something. by decorating it. They were indignant about improvement noun the way they were treated. O indignantly adverb P imitation include individual imitations noun includes including included verb to put something in as part adjective Q a copy. of a whole. The travel brochure includes separate or for just R pictures of the hotels. one person. S inclusion noun T He became impatient when the bus didn’t come. inconvenient 2 easily annoyed. adjective U She was often impatient with not easy or not suitable. her little brother. Steep stairs are inconvenient V impatience noun for a lot of people. Individual teaching. These imitations of fruit individual noun important N say in-kun-veen-nyent W don’t look real. N opposite convenient imitation adjective adjective inconvenience noun X immediately 1 meaning a lot. increase Y adverb Winning this competition is very important to me. increases increasing increased verb without delay. 2 having great power or influence. to become bigger in size or number. Z Go home immediately! An important visitor. N opposite decrease immediate adjective importance noun increase noun 106

indoors inflate inhabitant inquire a adverb inflates inflating inflated verb inhabitants noun ink b a person who lives c inside a building. to make in a place. inks noun Let’s go indoors now. something The desert has very a black or colored liquid used d bigger by few inhabitants. for writing or drawing. e N opposite outdoors filling it with inhabit verb air or gas. inland f industry initial g adjective industries noun initials noun h a trade or business, and all the first letter of a word away from the sea, toward i the people and processes or name. the middle of the country. j involved in it. inflatable adjective inlet k The food industry. l industrial adjective influence Robert Anderson’s initials. inlets noun m a small opening or bay along n infant influences influencing N say i-nish-uhl the coast. o influenced verb p infants noun to have an effect on someone inject An inlet. q a very young child. so that they change their ideas or behavior. injects injecting injected verb innocent r infancy noun N say in-floo-ens to put a substance into your s influence noun body using a hollow needle adjective infection and a syringe. t information injection noun not guilty. u infections noun He was arrested for stealing, v a disease caused by germs, noun injure but was found to be innocent. w which can be passed from innocence noun x one person to another. useful facts injures injuring innocently adverb y infect verb about injured verb z infectious adjective something. to hurt yourself inquire or someone else. infinite inquires inquiring inquired verb The board gave information to ask for information. adjective about the birds in the area. He inquired at the stand about with no end. infuriate He injured his leg when he the way to the museum. infinity noun fell down the stairs. infuriates infuriating infuriated injured adjective N say in-kwire verb injury noun inquiry noun to make someone very angry. 107 N say in-fyoor-ee-ate ingredient ingredients noun one of the parts of a mixture. Ingredients for a salad. N say in-gree-dee-ent

insect black compound eye spot or A insect stigma insects noun tachinid fly dragonfly wing B a small animal with six legs and a body divided into three mottled veins parts. Insects usually have markings abdomen C two pairs of wings and do not have a backbone. D E abdomen thorax stalk F head G ant wasp’s nest H paper envelopes I spikes locust J paper wasp K praying antenna L mantis M claw N compound antenna fore wing eye hind wing verdant hawkmoth O P Q earwig R coxa stick insect S T thorax U femur cicada V tibia tarsus W wing case X (elytron) Y Z claw Goliath beetle dung beetle cockroach 108

insert instinct intersection a inserts inserting inserted verb instincts noun internal b to put one thing c inside another. a strong, natural feeling that makes adjective animals or people do things that d inside they haven’t learned. on the inside. e preposition Birds have a pecking instinct. The internal workings f of a pocket watch. g in the interior of. instruction interest N opposite external h Inside the box. instructions noun interests interesting interested internally adverb i information about something. verb j inside Read the instructions before to hold the attention of. international you use the machine. Anything to do with space k adverb instruct verb interests me. adjective l interesting adjective m in or into something. instrument involving several countries. n Come inside! interfere An international event. o inside noun instruments noun p a device or tool that interferes interfering interfered internet q has a special use. verb to involve yourself in noun r something that doesn’t have s anything to do with you. a worldwide computer network for sharing t insist A navigational instrument. She kept interfering as information and u he tried to prepare lunch. sending messages. v insists insisting insisted verb insult w to say something very firmly. interior interrupt x She insisted that she had seen insults insulting insulted verb y a ghost. to upset someone by saying interiors noun interrupts interrupting z insistence noun unpleasant things to them the part that is inside interrupted verb insistent adjective or about them. something. 1 to stop someone from insult noun talking by breaking into inspect the conversation. Please don’t interrupt while inspects inspecting inspected I’m speaking! verb 2 to stop something from to check something carefully. happening temporarily. The tennis match was intelligent interrupted by rain. adjective intersection quick to learn, think, intersections noun and understand. a place where lines or roads cross each other. Cars are inspected for faults before leaving the factory. A busy road intersection. inspection noun 109 instant She was intelligent, so she interior of a doll’s house solved the puzzle quickly. interior adjective adjective intelligence noun interjection immediate. She was an instant success. interjections noun a word such as “good-bye” instead or “hey” that can be used on its own. adverb in place of. I chose the red pen instead of the blue one.

interval investigate iron Islam A interval investigates investigating noun noun intervals noun investigated verb to look at a situation 1 a strong, heavy metal the Muslim religion. Muslims B a period of time carefully to find out what found in rocks; it is used to believe there is one God, between events. is happening or what make things such as tools Allah, and that Mohammed There was a short interval has happened. and gates. is his prophet. The police are investigating Islamic adjective C between the two acts. yesterday’s robbery. investigation noun island D interview invisible islands noun interviews noun a piece of land completely adjective surrounded by water. E a meeting where someone is questioned. unable to be seen. F N opposite visible G H invitation wrought-iron gate N say eye-land I invitations noun 2 a piece of electrical itch equipment that heats up and A job interview. a written or spoken request is used to remove creases itches itching itched verb in clothing. to have a feeling in your J interview verb asking someone to come skin that makes you want to scratch. and be with you. K intestine L intestines noun an organ that is connected to the stomach. Food is digested M in the intestine as well as in the stomach. N N say in-tes-tin O introduce A party invitation. introduces introducing invite verb P introduced verb involve to present a person or idea to involves involving involved verb irrigate Q someone for the first time. to include or affect irrigates irrigating Introduce me to your friend. introduction noun irrigated verb R something. to supply land with water. She scratched her hand S invade Two cars were involved in irrigation noun because it was itching. the accident. itch noun invades invading invaded verb T to enter a place as an enemy. ivy invasion noun involved irritate ivies noun adjective irritates irritating irritated verb an evergreen climbing plant. U invent complicated. to annoy someone. An involved plan. irritation noun N say eye-vee V invents inventing invented verb iris to design an original device or process. W This device was invented irises noun 2 the round, to record sound 1 a tall, X and play flowering colored it back. plant that part of invention grows from the eye. a bulb or a Y noun rootlike stem. iris Z N say eye-ris 110

Jj jaw jewel a jaws noun jellyfish b c the U-shaped bone that jellyfish or jellyfishes noun a sea animal that has a d supports your mouth, transparent, soft body. e Jellyfish feed on fish and allowing it to open and close. tiny sea animals, which they catch by stinging them with their long tentacles. jab jaw f g jabs jabbing jabbed verb jam jazz mangrove jellyfish to push a finger or a pointed h tool into something in jams noun noun jet i a quick, sharp way. 1 a sweet food j He jabbed his finger into his made from a type of popular music with jets noun friend’s ribs. boiled fruit strong rhythms, first played 1 a sudden spray or stream k jab noun and sugar. strawberry jam in the United States. of liquid or gas. l 2 a group of people or things The water was thrown up m jacket that are squashed together. jealous in a huge jet. n 2 a fast aircraft that is o jackets noun traffic jam adjective powered by an engine that p a short coat. sucks in air, heats it, and q jar annoyed and unhappy then pushes it out again. jagged because others have r jars jarring jarred verb something you would like. supersonic jet s adjective to make an unpleasant sound He was jealous of his or a jolt. friend’s computer. Jew t having rough, sharp edges. jarring adjective u Jagged rocks. N say jell-us Jews noun v jealousy noun a person whose ancestors w jaguar were Hebrew or whose x jeans religion is Judaism. y jaguars noun Jewish adjective z a meat-eating mammal that noun belongs to the cat family. jewel Jaguars live in forests and pants made marshes of North and of denim. jewels noun South America. 1 a precious stone that jar has been cut and polished. jail Diamonds, rubies, and jars noun emeralds are all jewels. jails noun 2 an ornament made of a place where criminals a glass container with a wide gems and precious metals are kept locked up. that people wear. top, used for storing foods. javelin jeep javelins noun jeeps noun a long, pointed stick that a small, open vehicle for is thrown like a spear in driving over rough ground athletic competitions. (see car on page 39). jelly jellies noun a soft, firm, clear food made from fruit juice and sugar. 111

jewelry hook A jewelry silver filigree gold chain noun bead B decorative ornaments that people wear. Jewelry is usually made from C metals and decorated with jewels. D E lapis lazuli Viking armband earrings F cornelian gold G amulet H amethyst diamond turquoise amethyst I J Egyptian necklace pendant K L M peridot heliodor solitaire ring N O red clasp choker garnet pearl green P drop earrings garnet Q scarf pin citrine sapphires fire opal R ruby S emerald cufflinks amethyst T setting eternity ring U pearl V opal malachite W X gold tourmaline diamanté Y collar cameo brooch clasp pearl Z diamond 112

jigsaw puzzle joint judge justice a jigsaw puzzles noun joints noun judges noun juice b a puzzle with oddly shaped the place where two 1 a person in charge of c pieces that fit together to pieces of something a court who decides the juices noun make a picture. join together. punishment of those people a liquid from fruit or meat. d The bones in your that the jury finds guilty. juicy adjective e job body meet at joints to 2 a person who decides help you move around. the winner of a competition jump f jobs noun or contest. g 1 a task or some work that ankle joint jumps jumping jumped verb you have to do. judo to throw yourself into the air. h Jobs to do around the house. joke i 2 work that someone is paid noun j to do. jokes noun I have an outdoor job. something that someone says a sport from Japan in which k or does to make people laugh. two people fight using special l jockey joke verb movements to try and throw m the other player to the ground. n jockeys noun o a person who rides a horse jolt junction p in races. q jolts jolting jolted verb junctions noun jog r to shake or move in a place where several s jogs jogging jogged verb to run steadily and slowly. a bumpy way. things join, such as roads t u join or railroads. v w joins joining Jolting along a bumpy track. jug jungle x joined verb jolt noun y 1 to put jugs noun jungles noun z two things journalist together. an open container that is used a dense, tropical forest. journalists noun Joining the two ends of a strip a person who gathers to hold liquids and that has of paper. and writes news. 2 to become a member of N say jur-nuhl-list a handle and a narrow mouth. something, such as a club. journey juggle junior journeys noun juggles juggling juggled verb adjective a distance traveled. N say jur-nee to keep several objects in younger or less experienced. the air at the same time Judaism by throwing and catching. noun jury the religion of Jewish people. Jews believe in one God, and juries noun in the teachings of the Old Testament and the Talmud, a group of 12 people, chosen the Jewish holy books. from the public, who sit in court and decide whether N say joo-dee-iz-uhm the person on trial is guilty or not guilty. judge justice judges judging judged verb noun to decide whether something a fair and honest is right or wrong, good or bad. judgment. judgment noun N say jus-tis 113

kaleidoscope key kidney A keys noun kidneys noun B 1 a piece of metal that has C been cut so that it one of two organs in your D will lock and unlock a door or padlock. body that filters your blood KkE keyhole and helps to keep it clean. F kayak 2 a small lever that you press kidney G kaleidoscope with your finger. kayaks noun Computer keys. kaleidoscopes noun a tube with mirrors and a covered canoe for one person, originally made keyboard kill H small pieces of colorful from sealskins. plastic inside that you can kills killing killed verb I look through. When the tube N say ky-yak keyboards noun to make someone or is turned, the pieces move, a row of keys that you use something die. making a pattern of colors. kebab to play a musical instrument, She killed the wasp with J N say kuh-ly-duh-skope or to use a computer or a rolled-up newspaper. a typewriter. kebabs noun K kangaroo pieces of meat and vegetables, kind usually cooked over a grill L kangaroos noun on a sharp spike of wood or kinds noun a marsupial mammal from metal called a skewer. a type or sort Australia that eats leaves of something. M and plants. Kangaroos can computer keyboard hop fast on their strong back N legs. The females carry keep kick pastry floor their young in brush brush a stomach pouch. keeps keeping kept verb kicks kicking kicked verb O to hit something or someone P with your foot. nailbrush Q 1 to have something and not Different kinds of brush. give it away. She wanted to keep the doll. R 2 to remain. kind Keep still! S 3 to continue. adjective He kept walking. helpful and generous to T karate kennel other people. noun N comparisons kinder kindest N opposite unkind U a sport from Southeast Asia kennels noun king in which people fight with a shelter outdoors for a dog. kings noun V their hands and feet using kick noun special movements. a male ruler of a country. W kingfisher X kidnap kidnaps kidnapping kingfishers noun kidnapped verb a bird with a long, straight Y to take someone away bill and a small body. against their will and Kingfishers eat insects or Z N say ka-rah-tee keep them prisoner. fish and live in river banks kidnapping noun or holes in trees. 114

kosher kiss kiwi knight a kisses kissing kissed verb kiwis noun knights noun b to touch someone with your a nocturnal bird from c lips in an affectionate way. New Zealand. Kiwis have a soldier from medieval hairlike feathers but they times who rode a horse. d kiss noun cannot fly. They have long, A knight fought on e curved bills, which they behalf of a lord, or kitchen use to hunt for insects and for the king or queen. f worms (see bird on page 28). g kitchens noun N say kee-wee N say nite a room in which food h is prepared and cooked. knee knit know i j kite knees noun knits knitting knitted verb knows knowing knew known the joint to make clothes and blankets verb k kites noun between the from thread or yarn using l a light, upper and large plastic or metal needles. 1 to understand something m material-covered lower bones or to be sure about something. n frame that is of your leg. N say nit Do you know her name? o flown in the air. 2 to have met p Kites are attached knee knitting noun someone before. q to a string held I have known him for years. by a person on N say nee r the ground. N say no s kneel kitten knowledge t kneels kneeling u kittens noun kneeled or noun v a young cat. knelt verb w to go down the things that someone x on your knees. knows, or all the things y N say neel that are known. z knew N say noll-ij from the verb to know knowledgeable adjective I knew the answers to the test this morning. knob knuckle N say new knobs noun knuckles noun knife one of the bony joints at a round handle made of metal, the base of your fingers. knives noun china, plastic, or wood that is a sharp blade fitted to a piece of furniture. knuckle with a handle, that is used N say nob N say nu-kuhl for cutting. N say nife knock koala knocks knocking knocked verb koalas noun to strike something sharply a marsupial from Australia. and quickly. Koalas eat the leaves She knocked on the door. and bark of N say nok the eucalyptus trees in knot which they live. knots noun a twisted or tied piece kosher of string, rope, or adjective other cord. food that is prepared N say not according to the rules knot verb of the Jewish religion. Kosher meat. N say koh-shur 115

label lagoon land A lagoons noun lands noun B a shallow lake, cut off from 1 the parts of the world that C the sea or a larger lake by are not covered by sea. D coral, rocks, or sand banks. 2 a country, or an area of ground. LlE laid The farmer owns all the land F lack around the village. G label from the verb to lay noun 1 He laid his paintings language labels noun on the table so we could a small notice attached to a state of not having enough see them. languages noun or any of something. 2 Our hen laid two eggs the words or movements that H something that gives you The plants died from lack this morning. people use to communicate information about it. of water. with each other. lake I lack verb The word “language” in lakes noun sign language. J ladder a large area of water surrounded by land. N say lan-gwij K ladders noun a wooden or metal lamb lantern L laboratory frame with rungs lambs noun lanterns noun or steps, which you 1 a young sheep. a light that use for climbing is inside 2 meat from a young sheep. a transparent M laboratories noun up or down. case to protect lamp it from winds. a place where scientists work. lamps noun lap N rung a light that works by using electricity, oil, or gas. laps noun lace 1 the top of your land legs when you O noun are sitting down. 1 a material with lands landing landed verb to arrive on the ground The books were on his lap. P a pattern of after flying. 2 one circuit of a race track. small holes. The runners were on the last The plane landed lap of the track. Q on the runway. R lace border ladle S 2 a cord that is used ladles noun to fasten things. a large, deep, round spoon used to serve soup and T lace other liquids. U laces lacing ladybug laced verb ladybugs noun V to thread a small flying insect with a lace spotted wing covers. through Ladybugs eat other small W holes. insects. X Y Z shoelace 116

lap last law leak a laps lapping lapped verb lasts lasting lasted verb laws noun lead b 1 to splash gently to take a certain amount a set of rules that people c against something. of time. live by, usually made by leads leading led verb The waves lapped My riding lesson lasts an hour. the government of a country. 1 to go first to show someone d against the beach. It is against the law the way. e 2 to drink using the tongue, late to litter. Our tour guide led us in the way an animal does. to the bus. f adjective lawn N opposite follow g The kittens lapped up the milk. 2 to be in charge of something. after the correct time. lawns noun She led the expedition h large They were late for dinner. an area of grass that to the South Pole. i is regularly cut in a park 3 to go in the direction j adjective N comparisons later latest or a garden. of something. N opposite early The road leads to the house. k great in size. lay l laugh lead m lays laying laid verb n laughs laughing 1 to arrange or leads noun o laughed verb put something 1 the first place in a race. p to make down on She was in the lead all the way q a noise with a surface around the race track. your voice carefully. 2 a clue. r because you The police followed up s think that every lead. something N rhymes with feed t is funny. u lead v a small tomato a large tomato w noun x N comparisons larger largest y N opposite small a soft, heavy metal used z in building and for making weights. larva N say laf Lay the cards on the table. diving belt laughter noun 2 to produce an egg. larvae noun lead an insect after it has hatched launch lay weight out of its egg, but before it has become an adult launches launching launched from the verb to lie N rhymes with bed (see growth on page 94). verb He lay down on the bed. 1 to put a boat or ship into leaf laser the water. layer leaves noun lasers noun layers noun one of the thin, a machine that produces a a single thickness flat, green parts beam of powerful light. of something. of a plant that Lasers are used grows out from to cut metal, to the stem perform surgery, or shoots. or for light shows. 2 to start something off. last They launched There is a layer of nuts leak the rocket successfully. on top of the cake. adjective leaks noun lazy a hole or crack in a container 1 the only one left. through which liquid or gas The last roll on the plate. adjective can escape. There is a leak in this bottle. N opposite first not wanting to work leak verb or do anything energetic. 2 the most recent. 117 We stayed in last night. N comparisons lazier laziest

lean lecture legal lens A lean lectures noun adjective lenses noun leans leaning leaned a talk given by one person a curved piece of plastic to an audience. allowed by law, or having to or glass that is used to help B verb do with the law. you to see things in a clearer to rest on leek way. Lenses are an important something N say lee-gal part of telescopes, cameras, leeks noun N opposite illegal and eyeglasses. C or tilt to a long vegetable with one side. layers of tight leaves. legend contact lens Leeks are part of lens case D the onion family. legends noun a well-known old story that N say lenz E left may or may not be true. N say lej-und leopard F adjective leisure leopards noun G the side that is opposite a large mammal that lives to the right. noun in Africa and Asia and H belongs to the cat family. She writes with her left hand. a time when you don’t have Leopards hunt at night and I leap left noun to work. are good at climbing trees. leaps leaping leaped or leapt leg N say lee-zhur or leezh-ur J verb to jump a long distance, legs noun lemon 1 the part K or to jump high into the air. of your body lemons noun between your a sour, juicy fruit L leap year hip and with a tough, yellow skin. leap years noun your foot. lend N say lep-ard M a year that has 366 days, leg instead of 365. A leap year lends lending lent verb leotard 2 a support for furniture. to give something to someone N happens once in every four for a short time. leotards noun years. The extra date in He lent me his umbrella a tight piece of clothing worn a leap year is February 29. because it was raining. for dancing and other kinds of exercise. O N opposite borrow P learn length learns learning learned verb lengths noun Q to find out about something, 1 the measurement of and to understand it. something from one end to the other. R We learned about magnetism Twelve inches in length. at school today. 2 a piece cut from a longer piece. S learning noun N say lee-uh-tard T leather noun less U a material adjective made from not as much. V the skin Three is less than four. of an animal, N opposite more W usually a cow. leather bag X leave table leg A length of ribbon. leaves leaving left verb Y 1 to go away. We’ll leave after lunch. Z 2 to let something stay as it is. Leave those cookies alone! 118

lesson liberty lid light a lessons noun liberties noun lids noun lift b c a period of time for teaching freedom. the top of a container. lifts lifting lifted verb and learning. to pick something up. d The prisoner’s relatives e A piano lesson. campaigned for his liberty. f g let library saucepan lid lift h lets letting let verb libraries noun lie lifts noun i to allow someone to a place where books and j do something. other sources of information lies lying lied verb 1 a machine that carries The farmer let the children are collected and may to say something that you k pet the donkey. be borrowed. know is untrue. people up to or down from l lie noun m letter license high places. n lie o letters noun licenses noun p 1 a written symbol that an official certificate that lies lying lay lain verb q is part of the alphabet shows you have permission to be in a horizontal position. (see alphabet on page 16). to do something. Lying down. r 2 a written message that A driving license. s you send to N say lie-sens life someone license verb t by mail. lives noun u lick 1 all things that are living. v lettuce Life on Earth. w licks licking licked verb 2 the time that you are alive. x lettuces noun to touch something with your My grandmother had a long, y a green vegetable with large tongue to eat it happy life. z leaves around a short, central or make it wet. stem. Lettuce is often used in salads. N say let-iss lifeboat A ski lift. 2 a ride in a vehicle that you level Licking an lifeboats noun don’t have to pay for. ice pop. a boat for rescuing people Can I give you a lift into town? adjective who are in trouble at sea. light smooth and flat. lifeguard lights lighting lit verb A sports field should be level. lifeguards noun to make something catch fire, a person whose job it is or to turn on a light. lever to rescue people who are Lighting a candle. in trouble in the sea or in levers noun a swimming pool. light 1 a bar that is used to lift heavy lever lights noun weights or to force things open. something that shines to help 2 a long bar or handle for you see in the dark. operating a machine. I had to turn on the light so I could see the way. espresso coffee machine 119

light lily liner A light lilies noun liners noun adjective a tall plant that grows a large passenger ship. B 1 weighing little. from a bulb, with large, C trumpet-shaped blooms. D E link liquid a light balloon a heavy bucket links noun liquids noun F limeN comparisons lighter lightest 1 one of the individual a substance that G N opposite heavy limes noun 2 not dark in color. a juicy fruit sections that make flows and is up a chain. not a gas. Her dress was light blue. with a sour link flavor, similar H to that of a lemon. 2 a connection between list I lighthouse two things. limit The new highway provides lists noun lighthouses noun a link between the two cities. the names of several people a tall tower limits noun or things written in columns. the point where lion A shopping list. J with a bright, flashing light lions noun listen a large mammal that is found K that guides or something ends. in Africa and India. Lions listens listening listened verb warns ships The limits of the town. belong to the cat family. They to hear and pay attention to live together in groups called something, such as music. L around dangerous limp prides. The females, called areas of coast. lionesses, hunt at night for large animals such as M limps limping limped verb antelope and zebra. to walk with difficulty N because your leg or your foot is injured or stiff. lightning The dog limped because it had a thorn in its paw. O noun limp noun a flash of light in the sky P during a thunderstorm. limp Q adjective not stiff. R A limp flag. S line lioness 2 the top edge of a container. T lines noun lip lip 1 a piece of rope or thread. U A fishing line. lips noun 2 a long, thin mark. 1 one of the two soft, like pink edges of A wavy line. your mouth. V likes liking liked verb to think that someone 3 a straight row of something. W or something is pleasant. lips N opposite dislike A line of cars. X likeable adjective Y like adjective Z similar to. He looks like his brother. 120

lit live load lonely a from the verb to light adjective loads loading loaded verb location b They lit a fire last night. to put things into a vehicle. c 1 having life. Loading the ship with cargo. locations noun literature A live snake. the place or position d 2 shown while the event loaf of something. e noun is taking place. A live television show. loaves noun lock f novels, plays, poems, and a lump of bread baked as one g other written material. N rhymes with dive piece that can be locks noun cut into slices. 1 a device h litter liver that keeps i loaf of bread something shut. j noun livers noun combination an organ in the body that lobster lock k 1 garbage left lying around. cleans the blood and helps lock verb l 2 baby animals born to to digest food. lobsters noun 2 a device on a canal that m the same mother at one time. a large shellfish that lives in raises or lowers the water n liver the sea and has five pairs of level so that boats can move o A litter of puppies. legs. One pair of legs are up and down. p living claws, which lobsters use for q little cutting up dead fish and locker noun crushing shellfish to eat. r adjective lockers noun s the way a person lives European lobster a small, narrow cupboard 1 small or earns money. with a lock that is used for t in size. He earns his living as a chef. local storing clothes or books. u v a little ball a big ball lizard adjective log w x N comparisons littler littlest lizards noun having to do with the area logs noun y a reptile with scales. Most near to a place. a thick piece of tree trunk z N opposite big types of lizard have four legs The local paper showed or branch. and a long tail. Many lizards a picture of the flood. 2 not much. live in warm regions and locally adjective lonely I only have a little time. eat insects. locate adjective N comparisons less least A gecko is a type of lizard. locates locating located verb feeling sad and alone. live load 1 to be in a particular place. He was lonely with no one The company has located its to play with. lives living lived verb loads noun main office in the city. an amount of 2 to find where something is. N comparisons lonelier loneliest 1 to be alive. something that He finally located the garage loneliness noun is carried. down a side street. He lived to an old age. 121 A load of gravel. 2 to stay in a place. Hermit crabs live in shells. N rhymes with give living adjective

long lose lower luminous A long loses losing lost verb lowers lowering lowered verb adjective adjective 1 to no longer to let something down to glowing in the dark. B 1 having great length. have something. the ground carefully. A deep-sea fish with luminous markings. C N say loo-min-us D lump E a short string lumps noun a rough piece of something. F of beads The load was lowered A lump of coal. onto the pile. lunch G a long luck string lunches noun of beads She has lost noun a meal eaten in the middle of H her shoe. the day. N comparisons longer longest N opposite find something that happens lung I N opposite short 2 to be defeated in a game to you by chance, without 2 being a certain length. or battle. being planned. lungs noun one of a pair of organs The fish was one foot long. He lost the tennis match. I had the good luck to win inside your body that you use a free vacation. for breathing. J N say looz lucky adjective K look N opposite win lung luggage looks looking looked verb loud luxury noun L 1 to use your eyes adjective luxuries noun to see something. something that is expensive. noisy. cases and bags containing The new car was a luxury. N say lug-zhur-ee or luk-zhur-ee M Loud music. your clothes and other luxurious adjective N comparisons louder loudest things that you carry when lyrics N you travel. noun loudspeaker the words to a song. O loudspeakers noun a device N say lir-iks P Looking up. that turns electrical Q 2 to appear a certain way. signals He looked tired after into sound. a sleepless night. R N say lug-ij S loose adjective love lukewarm not firmly loves loving loved verb adjective T fastened or held. to like someone or something not very warm. The hot water system wasn’t U loose very much. working properly, so he had V scarf love noun to have a lukewarm shower. low lull W adjective lulls lulling lulled verb to calm someone. near the ground. X He lulled the baby to sleep. Y N say loos A low table. lullaby N comparisons looser loosest N comparisons lower lowest lullabies noun Z loosely adverb loosen verb a song that is sung to help children to fall asleep. 122

Mm magnificent male a machine magic adjective make b machines noun noun c grand and wonderful. makes making made verb a piece of equipment that tricks that a person A magnificent fountain. 1 to create, produce, build, d is made up of several parts. performs that seem to make or do something. e The parts move together to impossible and surprising magnify do a particular job. things happen. She made some musical pipes f magnifies magnifying magnified out of straws and tape. g magical adjective verb 2 to cause something to make something look to happen. h magician bigger than it i really is. The stone made ripples j magicians noun in the pond. magnifying 3 to force someone to k someone who performs glass do something. l Our teacher made us m magic tricks. mail straighten up the classroom. n o A food processor is noun makeup p a useful machine. q letters and packages that are noun machinery collected and delivered. r a substance that people s noun mail verb put on their faces to change the way that they look. t machines in general. main u male v mad magnet adjective w adjective x adjective magnets noun most important. y The main road. belonging to the sex that z 1 very angry. a piece of iron that attracts mainly adverb can be a father, but cannot 2 crazy or foolish. give birth to babies or She is mad to swim in the sea metals with iron or steel major produce eggs or seeds. during winter. in them. adjective N opposite female N comparisons madder maddest male noun big or important. magazine Scientists have made 123 a major discovery. magazines noun a collection of news, stories, N opposite minor pictures, and advertisements majority noun with a paper cover. magnetic adjective magnetism noun

mammal hair ear A mammal mammals noun mane giant anteater snout knuckle B one of a group of animals that usually have hair or fur and a backbone and are C warm-blooded. Most female mammals give birth to live D babies and feed them on milk. E F muzzle G H stripe I pouch J red-necked wallaby joey zebra foal hoof human being zebra K L cheek finger- pouch and toe-tips M chinchilla N O tusk Senegal bush baby P trunk fur earflap skin tail Q R paw whiskers maned wolf trunk toe S thumb fingers flipper T wing African bush elephant fur finger bumps (instead U claw of dorsal fin) sea lion pup V barnacles long-eared bat W X skin eye horny plates Y pectoral fin tail fluke gray whale Z 124

man manufacture march marsh a men noun manufactures manufacturing marches marching marched verb mark b manufactured verb c an adult to walk with quick, marks noun to make something in large 1 a line or a stain d male person. quantities with a machine. regular steps. on something. e Manufacturing cars. A chalk mark. 2 a score that shows how well f N say man-yu-fak-chur you have done at something. g I got high marks in French. many market adjective markets noun a large number. a place with stalls for There were so many people, I couldn’t find her. buying and selling goods, N comparisons more most often outside. N opposite few man map march noun h i noun maps noun margarine open market j a drawing of all, or part of, people in general. Earth’s surface. Maps often noun marmalade k Apes are related to man. show where towns, rivers, l and other geographical a food made of vegetable marmalades noun m manage features are. oil that is used for cooking a type of jam made from fruit n or spreading on bread. such as oranges or limes. o manages managing road map p managed verb N say mar-jer-in q 1 to be in charge of a business marathon or part of a business. margin She manages a store and has marathons noun two assistants to help her. a very long running race. margins noun 2 to be able to do something A marathon is 26 miles and a space that forms a border at that is difficult. 385 yards (42.2 km) long. the edge of a piece of paper. She managed to swim across the bay. marble orange marmalade r s manner noun margin marry t noun 1 a hard rock that is used in marine marries marrying married verb u buildings to make floors or to become someone’s husband v a way that a person acts, for decoration. adjective or wife at a wedding. w or a way something is done. marriage noun x She always greets us in living in the sea, or having y a friendly manner. something to do with the sea. marsh z manners marshes noun a low area of land that noun is always very wet. the way a person behaves. marble slab marine life 2 a small, glass ball that is used to play a children’s N say ma-reen game called marbles. He has good manners. 125

marsupial match mathematics maximum A marsupial matches matching matched verb noun noun marsupials noun to be similar to, the study of numbers, the greatest possible amount. B one of a group of mammals quantities, shapes, and sizes. that carry their babies in or to go well with, Mathematics is often pouches. Kangaroos and shortened to “math.” something else. C koalas are marsupials (see mammal on page 124). D N say mar-soo-pee-al E masculine adjective F of, or like, men or boys. Symbols that are used This box holds a maximum N say mas-kul-lin in mathematics. of 12 pencils. G N opposite feminine mathematical adjective N opposite minimum H mask His pants matter may masks noun matched his hat and scarf. noun might verb 1 to ask or have permission I something that hides matching adjective 1 any substance that takes to do something. or protects the face. up space and has weight, May I go now? 2 to suggest that something J match such as solids, liquids, is possible. and gases. It may rain later. N always used with another verb matches noun Everything is made up mayonnaise K 1 a sports competition of matter. noun between two people or teams. 2 a subject that needs to be a creamy sauce made from L party A tennis match. discussed or decided. eggs, vegetable 2 a small stick of wood It was an urgent matter. oil, and vinegar and eaten mask or cardboard that you strike mattress with salads. against a rough surface M mask verb to make a flame. N say may-uh-nayz N mass mattresses noun maze a soft, thick pad that you lie mazes noun masses noun on in a bed. a system of paths in which it is difficult O a very large number of people to find or things. your way around. P mate mature Q R A mass of mates mating mated verb adjective to join together as males and females to produce babies. Many animals mate in S bees gathered the spring and have their fully grown or developed. around the hive. babies in the summer. mature verb T mast mate noun maturity noun U masts noun material an upright pole that holds materials noun V the sails on a boat or ship 1 cloth. 2 things that are used to (see boat on page 31). make or do something. W mat meadow X mats noun meadows noun a covering for a floor or to put under dishes on a table. a field of grass, often with wild flowers growing in it. Y N say med-oh Z woven material building materials 126

meal medal melt a meals noun medals noun medium b c food eaten at a piece of metal that looks adjective like a large coin hanging on d a particular a ribbon. Medals are awarded an average size, not e to people for particularly large or small. time of the day. something f special that small medium large g they have done. h An evening meal. i j mean meat war medal meet k adjective noun medical meets meeting met verb l to come face-to-face with m 1 unkind or unpleasant. the parts of an animal that adjective another person. n can be eaten. I meet my friend at o mean having to do with medicine the bus stop every day. p meat or doctors. meeting noun q mean meaning meant verb kebabs Medical school. to have in your mind melody r as your purpose. mechanic medicine s What did you mean by that? melodies noun mechanics noun medicines noun a tune. t meaning a person who makes and a substance given Do you recognize this melody? u repairs engines to a sick person melodic adjective v meanings noun and machines. to help make w the explanation behind what them better. melon x something says or what y it is about. N say med-i-sin melons noun z She didn’t understand a round yellow or green fruit the meaning of the joke. medieval with a tough skin, soft flesh, and many seeds. meanwhile adjective melt adverb coming from the historical period between melts melting melted verb at the same time. the 12th and to turn from a solid to Put the pasta on to boil, and 15th centuries. a liquid when heated. meanwhile, make the sauce. measure measures measuring measured verb to find out how big or how heavy something is. mechanical adjective worked by a machine. medieval costume N say mezh-ur A mechanical toy. N say The butter melted quickly measurement noun med-ee-ee-val in the hot pan. 127

member mental merry meteorite A member adjective adjective meteorites noun members noun having to do with the mind. happy and cheerful. a piece of rock that falls to B a person who belongs A test of mental abilities. Earth from space without to a club or an organization. N comparisons merrier merriest burning up. Pieces of rock menu that burn up as they enter C memorial mess Earth’s atmosphere are D memorials noun menus noun called meteors. a list of dishes messes noun a structure in a restaurant. things that are dirty or in the wrong place and look untidy. E that is built There was a big mess after they to remind us had finished cooking. of people who messy adjective F have died. G message meteorite messages noun N say meet-ee-or-ite H N say men-yoo a piece of information or an A war memorial. instruction that you send to method I mercury someone or leave for them. methods noun a way of doing something. memorize noun Organic farming methods. J memorizes memorizing a heavy, silver-colored microphone memorized verb metal that is usually microphones noun K to learn something so that in a liquid form. a device that is used to send sound you can remember it in detail. Mercury is often used over a distance or to make L Memorize the directions before in thermometers. it louder. you begin your trip. mercury microscope M memory N memories noun mercy microscopes noun an instrument that 1 the ability to noun magnifies very tiny things so remember things. the ability to forgive someone that they can be O I have a terrible memory seen in detail. or to treat them microwave oven for people’s names. sympathetically. met microwave ovens noun P 2 what you remember of The prisoners were shown from the verb to meet an oven that cooks food very quickly by passing electrical something that has happened mercy and released. signals through it. Q in the past. merciful adjective I met my friend in The photos brought back town yesterday. happy memories. merit metal R merits meriting merited verb metals noun S mend to deserve something. a substance that is found in mends mending mended verb Her actions merited a special to repair something that award for bravery. rocks and can be hammered merit noun or stretched into a shape. T is broken. Iron, gold, and copper are U mermaid all metals. Electricity and heat can be passed V mermaids noun through metals. a sea creature from legends that has the upper W body of a woman and tin can the tail of a fish. X Y Z gold watch metallic adjective 128

midday military millionaire minister a noun adjective millionaires noun mineral b a very rich person with c 12 o’clock, in the middle of to do with an army, navy, money and property minerals noun the day. or air force. worth more than a natural substance, such d a million dollars. as coal or gold, that is found e N opposite midnight military hat in rocks and in the ground. mime f middle milk lapis lazuli g mimes noun middles noun noun a type of miniature h the center, or the part acting that i between the outer edges the liquid that female uses movements adjective j of something. mammals produce to feed instead of words. their babies. People also very small, or made to k She sat in the middle drink goat’s and cow’s milk. mime verb a small scale. l of the bench, between her m two friends. mill mimic n o midnight mills noun mimics mimicking p 1 a building where materials mimicked verb q noun are manufactured. to imitate what someone r 12 o’clock at night. sawmill says or does. s 2 a device that grinds N opposite midday or crushes. Parrots can mimic miniature china t lots of noises. u might pepper mill N say min-i-cher v mind miniaturize verb w from the verb may x It might snow later. minds minding minded verb minimum y N say mite 1 to object to something. z Do you mind if I sit here? noun migrate 2 to take care of someone for a time. the smallest possible amount migrates migrating migrated I had to mind the baby while or number. verb my sister went out. The minimum age for driving 1 to go from one place a car is 16. to another to live there. Migrating from the country N opposite maximum to the city. 2 to go from one place mind minister to another every year at the same time. minds noun ministers noun Birds migrate huge distances. 1 the thoughts, feelings, and 1 a person who holds memory of a person. religious services in a church. N say my-grate I’ve changed my mind. 2 someone in charge of migration noun 2 intelligence. a government department. She has a quick mind. The British health minister. mine mines noun 1 a deep hole in the ground from which minerals are dug out of rock. miner noun 2 a type of bomb that can float in the sea or be buried in the ground. coal mine 129

minor mirror mist mobile A minor mirrors noun mists noun adjective adjective a shiny surface, a cloud of tiny water drops usually made in the air. able to move or be B small or unimportant. of glass. Mirrors misty adjective carried around. A minor fault delayed reflect the images A mobile library. the plane’s departure. of things placed mistake in front of them. mobile C N opposite major mistakes noun minority noun mischievous something that someone mobiles noun does wrong. a decoration made of small D adjective objects hanging mistaken adjective on strings. minus playful in a way that can be annoying. mix model E preposition subtract or less. The mischievous cat knocked mixes mixing mixed verb models noun over the plant. to combine two 1 a small copy of something F 8 minus 5 equals 3. or more things larger. N opposite plus N say mis-chuh-vus together. mischievously adverb G minus H minuses noun a symbol in mathematics I that means subtract. J minus adjective K minute minutes noun L a measurement of time that lasts 60 seconds. There are 60 minutes in an hour. M N say min-it N minute miserable adjective adjective O extremely small. very sad or unhappy. A model of an airplane. P model adjective 2 a person who demonstrates Q A minute bead. clothes or other things that are for sale. N say my-noot mixture noun R S miracle moan miracles noun moans moaning moaned verb a sudden, wonderful event to complain or to make T that sometimes makes a bad a long, low, groaning noise situation better. because of pain or sadness. missHer recovery after the accident U was a miracle. misses missing missed verb moat A fashion model. 3 a person who poses for V N say mir-u-kuhl 1 to fail to meet, reach, moats noun photographs or for an artist. miraculous adjective or hit something that you a deep ditch filled with water are aiming at. W mirage He threw the ball at the target, that surrounds a castle. but missed it. X mirages noun 2 to be sad because someone something that looks real is not there. from far away, but is not I will miss you. Y there when you get closer to it. 3 to fail to keep, have, or The lake that they saw in the attend something. Z desert was only a mirage. She has missed school for three N say -mi-razh weeks now. 130

modern monk moon motion a adjective monks noun moons noun mosquito b c of the present time. a man who lives a ball-shaped natural mosquitoes or mosquitos noun A modern house. satellite made of rock that a small, flying insect found in d in a religious revolves around a planet hot, wet regions. Female e modest (see universe on page 229). mosquitoes bite and feed on community. the blood of people and adjective animals and can infect them Buddhist mop with serious illnesses, such not boasting about your monk as malaria. talents and actions. mops noun He was too modest to say he N say munk f had won first prize. a tool for cleaning g floors, used with moist water and a bucket. adjective monkey more N say muh-skee-toe h slightly wet. i moisture noun monkeys noun adjective most j mole a furry mammal that usually greater in number adjective k lives in hot regions. Most or quantity. l moles noun monkeys live in trees and eat greatest in number m 1 a small, furry mammal fruit, although some eat N opposite less or quantity. n that lives in underground small insects and mammals. o tunnels. Moles eat worms There are many different N opposite least p and insects and they are species of monkey. q almost blind. motel macaque morning r 2 a small, dark patch motels noun s on your skin. mornings noun a hotel specially built for guests with cars. t moment the early part of the day, u ending at noon. moth v moments noun w a short time. School starts at 8:30 in moths noun x I’ll be back in a moment. a flying insect with wings y the morning. covered in fine scales. Moths z money belong to the same animal N say mung-kee mosaic group as butterflies, but they noun usually fly at night. monster mosaics noun the coins and paper bills pine emperor moth used to monsters noun a picture or pattern buy things. a fierce, frightening creature mother from myths and fairy tales. made of small squares mongrel mothers noun of colored stone. a female parent. mongrels noun a dog that month N say mo-zay-ik motion is a mixture of more than months noun mosque motions noun one breed. a period of between movement. 28 and 31 days. A year mosques noun The rocking motion of the boat is divided into 12 months. a building where Muslims made me feel sick. go to pray. mood N say mosk moods noun a way you feel at a particular time. The sunny day put us all in a good mood. 131

motor A motor mouse 2 a control switch for murder motors noun a computer that can be used mice noun to move things around on murders murdering murdered B a machine that supplies a computer screen. verb power to objects to move 1 a small, furry mammal to kill someone deliberately. them or make them work. from the rodent family. Mice have large front teeth that murmur C they use to gnaw food. Mice mainly eat plants, murmurs noun D but sometimes a quiet, whispering sound. they eat small murmur verb E animals and insects, too. F mouth mud muscle G motorcycle mouths noun noun muscles noun H motorcycles noun 1 the opening in your face the fleshy parts that you use soft, wet earth. of your body that a two-wheeled vehicle that for eating muddy adjective help it to move. and talking. I is powered by a motor. muddle biceps muscle mouth J muddles noun N say mus-suhl a confusing or messy muscular adjective K situation. muddle verb L 2 the end of a mug museum M motorist river where it meets the sea. mugs noun museums noun motorists noun move a large cup without a saucer. a place where objects from N a person who drives a moves moving moved verb other times and places, car regularly. to go from one place to or of special interest, another, or to make are displayed. O mound something change position. P mounds noun movement noun N say myoo-zee-um a small hill, or a pile. moving multiply mushroom Q There is a mound of dirt adjective multiplies multiplying multiplied mushrooms noun at the end of the mole’s tunnel. verb a common fungus making you feel emotions, to increase a number or that grows in R mountain especially sympathy. an amount of something warm, damp S mountains noun by adding it to itself areas. Some movie several times. mushrooms an area of land that rises can be eaten, up to a great height. movies noun Nine multiplied by five but others are a moving picture. equals forty-five. poisonous. field mushrooms T mountainous adjective multiplication noun mow music U mows mowing noun V mowed verb to cut grass. the sound that people make W when they sing or play musical instruments. X mourn munch Y mourns mourning mourned verb to be sad because someone munches munching munched verb to make a crunching noise while eating something. Munching lettuce. Z has died. Mowing the lawn. N say morn N rhymes with go 132

musical instrument musical instrument treble sharp sign quarter half flat sign quarter whole a clef note note note note musical instruments noun b an instrument for making key signature time signature eighth sixteenth bar line repeat sign c music, usually played by notes notes mouthpiece hitting, blowing, or pulling d or hitting strings. Musical symbols e Wind instruments Brass instruments f g didgeridoo piston valve (Australian Aboriginal pipe) h reed flared bell i j bassoon keys bell mouthpiece k carrying cord l m ocarina Panpipes coils of tubing n String instruments o reed nfîr p (Moroccan q tuba trumpet) r sound hole string Percussion instruments s fret peg box t u animal skin v w balalaika x y castanets z fingerboard tuning steel tuning peg peg bead bridge cabaca (rattle) djeme (African drum) sound box soundboard sitar fiddle bow mu-yus (Chinese temple blocks) beaters 133

musician D muttermusician mutiny E Nnmutters muttering muttered verbA musicians nounmutinies noun a rebellion by the crew of a a person who sings, ship or by soldiers in an army against the people in charge. B plays a musical instrument, C or writes music. N say myoot-n-ee mutiny verb to talk in a low voice. F I can’t hear when you mutter. nail narrator G mutual nails noun narrators noun adjective 1 a long, thin, pointed someone who tells H shared by two or more. metal spike that is a story, either by A mutual friend. hammered into writing it or I N say myoo-zish-un N say myoo-tyoo-ul pieces of wood by reading to fasten it aloud. J Muslim muzzle them together. Muslims noun nail verb muzzles noun muzzle K a person who believes in and 1 the mouth and 2 a hard substance that follows the Islamic religion. nose of an animal. grows at the ends of L N also spelled Moslem 2 a cage or straps your fingers M mussel put over an and toes. animal’s mouth mussels noun to stop it narrate verb from biting. N a type of shellfish that fingernail narrow is edible. Some mussels live in the sea, while mystery naked adjective O others live mysteries noun with sides or in lakes edges that are very P and streams. Q an unusual and adjective close together. puzzling event. R must His disappearance is not wearing any clothes. verb still a mystery. mysterious adjective N say nay-kid S to have to do something. I must mail her birthday myth name The path was very narrow. present today. myths noun names noun N comparisons narrower T N opposite must not or mustn’t an ancient story that tries a word that a person or thing narrowest N always used with another verb to explain how the world is known by. N opposite wide became the way it is. My dog’s name is Rover. U nasty nap mustard adjective naps noun V noun a short sleep. unpleasant or cruel. a spicy powder N comparisons nastier nastiest W or sauce made from mustard nation X seeds and nations noun used to add flavor a group of people who usually Zeus was the god of light, share the same history, Y to food. clear skies, and thunder language, and way of life and Z in Greek myths. He took a quick nap live in the same country. mythical adjective before supper. national adjective 134

natural navigate neck neighborhood a adjective navigates navigating navigated necks noun needle b verb c produced by nature. the part of the body that needles noun to steer a boat, ship, or 1 a small, thin piece d aircraft in a particular supports your head and joins of pointed steel. e direction using special instruments and maps. it to the rest of your body. sewing needle f 2 a plastic or metal stick used g for knitting. h natural sponge 3 a thin, pointed leaf of some i plants, such as pine trees. j nature navigation noun neck 4 a part that points on a dial. A compass needle. k noun navy necklace l negative m all the things in the world noun necklaces noun n that are not made by humans, a chain or beads worn around adjective o such as the weather, animals, 1 a country’s warships the neck as a piece p plants, and the sea. and sailors. of jewelry. 1 saying or meaning no. q 2 a dark blue color. A negative answer. N say nay-cher 2 smaller than zero. r near A negative number. s naughty preposition N opposite positive t adjective u close to or not neglect v disobedient or badly behaved. far from. w neglects neglecting neglected x verb y to pay too little or no z attention to someone or something. It is very naughty to draw They lived near the airport. nectar They neglected their yard. on walls. neglect noun N opposite far noun N say naw-tee near adjective negotiate N comparisons naughtier near adverb a sweet liquid that bees and naughtiest some birds collect from negotiates negotiating nearby flowers. Bees use nectar to negotiated verb nautical make honey. to discuss something in adverb order to reach an agreement. adjective need N say neg-oh-she-ate not far away. negotiation noun relating Do you live nearby? needs needing needed verb to ships, to want something because neighbor sailors, nearly you have to have it. or sailing. Do you need anything from neighbors noun adverb the store? someone who lives near you. ship’s register N say nay-bur not quite, but almost. map It’s nearly bedtime. neighborhood dividers necessary handheld flare neighborhoods noun Nautical the people and the area instruments. sextant adjective parachute flare where you live. life jacket N say nay-bur-hood needed. Necessary equipment 135 for survival at sea. N say nes-i-sair-ee N opposite unnecessary necessarily adverb

nephew A nephew net next nephews noun nets noun adjective B the son of a person’s brother, a material made of knotted threads, 1 coming immediately after. sister, brother-in-law, or string, or rope. Nets are often The next day. 2 nearest. sister-in-law. used to catch fish. It’s in the next room. next adverb C N say nef-yoo nib D nerve nettle never nibs noun nerves noun nettles noun adverb the point at the end a plant with stinging hairs of an ink pen where E 1 a thin fiber that connects not ever. the ink comes out. your brain to all parts of your on its stems and leaves. I’ve never been here before. nib F body. Nerves carry messages These hairs can cause new to and from your brain so a rash on your adjective G that you can feel and move. skin if you touch the plant. 1 recently made, or unused. H nerve I nibble nibbles nibbling nibbled verb J 2 courage. to eat by taking quick, small To lose your nerve. bites out of something. K L nervous adjective network slightly worried or frightened networks noun M about what is happening or 1 a system of connected lines, going to happen. roads, people, computers, I bought a new shirt today. N or organizations. 2 unfamiliar or recently changed. A new job. O N comparisons newer newest N opposite old Nibbling some nuts. P nibble noun news Q nice noun information about recent adjective R He was nervous about events around the country 1 pleasant or delightful. or around the world. A nice day. S speaking in public. Have you heard the news? 2 kind. nervously adverb He is a nice person. T nest Plan of a rail network. newspaper N comparisons nicer nicest U nests noun 2 a group of connected newspapers noun nickel the home that a bird or large sheets of paper, printed noun with pictures and V animal builds out of leaves, radio or television stations news reports. 1 a 5-cent piece. grass, and other materials. that can broadcast 2 a strong, silvery-white the same programs. metal. Nickel doesn’t W rust easily. X neutral adjective 1 not being on anyone’s side. Y A neutral country. 2 not very definite. Z nest verb squirrel’s Gray is a neutral color. daily newspapers nickel ore nest N say noo-trul 136

nickname nobody noodle notice a nicknames noun noun noodles noun note b a shortened form of a name c or an extra name that people no person. a type of pasta that is notes noun may use instead of a person’s Nobody came to the party. 1 a short, written message d full name. made in long, flat, to remind you of something, e She was so smart that she nocturnal or a short letter. earned the nickname “Brains.” narrow strips. f adjective g niece active at night. h nieces noun i the daughter of a person’s noon 2 a piece of paper money. j brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law. noun k N rhymes with peace l 12 o’clock midday. m n night Bats are nocturnal animals. noose o p nights noun nod nooses noun q the time between sunset and nods nodding nodded verb a circle of rope with a sliding r to move your head up s sunrise, when the sky is dark. and down. knot. The loop tightens when nod noun t the rope is pulled. u v N opposite day noise normal 3 a single sound in w a piece of music. x nightmare noises noun adjective y nothing z nightmares noun any kind of usual or ordinary. an unpleasant and sound, especially Come at the normal time. noun frightening dream. a sound that normally adverb is too loud or 1 not anything. unpleasant. north There’s nothing to worry about. 2 zero. noun notice one of the four main compass directions. North is to your notices noticing noticed verb right when you are facing to see or be aware of the setting Sun. something and pay attention to it. north west east He was making a lot of noise. A nightmare about a ghost. noisy south northern adjective nimble adjective nose adjective making loud sounds. noisily adverb noses noun able to move quickly the part of your face that and easily. nonfiction you smell and breathe with Nimble fingers. through two noun openings nitrogen called information that is written nostrils. noun about real events, things, and people. nose He noticed that he had a mark a gas with no taste or smell. nostril on his sleeve. All living things contain N opposite fiction noticeable adjective nitrogen, and air is mainly made of nitrogen. nonsense 137 N say ny-troh-jin noun words that are silly or do not make sense.

notice nuclear energy numb nut A notice noun adjective nuts noun notices noun energy that is released by unable to feel anything. 1 a tree fruit that consists of B 1 a written or printed sign splitting the center, or His fingers were numb that provides information. nucleus, of particular atoms. with cold. a seed, or kernel, surrounded C N say noo-klee-ur N say num by a hard shell. D nude number adjective numbers noun E with no clothes on. a figure used in counting that almond kernel shows the quantity or total F Notices on a board. nudge of something. G 2 attention. nudges nudging nudged verb Take no notice of them. to push or poke someone H noun gently to draw their attention brazil nut kernel to something. 848 is a three-figure number. 2 a small piece of metal with I nouns noun numeral a hole in it that is screwed a word that is used onto a bolt. as a name. A noun can numerals noun a symbol that stands J name a person, a place, for a number. a thing, or an idea. K VI is the Roman bolt L novel numeral for 6. nut novels noun numerous nutmeg a fictional written story adjective M in book form. very many. N nowhere Too numerous to count. nutmegs noun the hard seed of the tropical, adverb nudge noun nun evergreen nutmeg tree. Nutmegs can be used as O not in any place. nuns noun a spice in cooking. P a woman who lives in a religious community. Q nugget nuggets noun nurse a lump of R something, nurses noun usually a person who S His dog was nowhere a mineral. is trained to nutrient to be seen. care for and T nozzle A gold nugget. treat sick nutrients noun people, a part of a food that gives U nozzles noun nuisance usually in living things what they need a spout attached to the open a hospital. to be healthy or to grow. nuisances noun V end of a pipe or hose, through an annoying person or thing. nursery which water or other liquids are sprayed. nurseries noun W 1 a room or building where 2 a place where trees and young children are plants are grown and sold. X looked after. Y The cat was being a nuisance. Z nozzle N say noo-suhns 138

Oo observatory occur a observatories noun obvious b c a building from which people adjective observe stars, the planets, d and the weather, using easy to see or understand. e powerful telescopes. N say ob-vee-us f oak obey observe obviously adverb g oaks noun obeys obeying observes observing observed occasion h a large deciduous tree that obeyed verb verb i has fruit called acorns. occasions noun j Oak wood is often to do something to watch something. 1 a special event. used for making that someone k furniture (see tells or orders observation noun The park opening was l tree on page 223). you to do. a grand occasion. m 2 a time when n oak leaf obstacle something happens. o I have flown in an airplane p oar obstacles noun on two occasions. q oars noun a thing that blocks your way. occupation r a long pole s with a wide, He had to jump over 10 occupations noun flat end used the work that someone does t for rowing obstacles to win the race. to earn a living. u a boat. v N say or She taught the dog to obey obstinate occupy w her commands. x oasis adjective occupies occupying occupied y N opposite disobey verb z oases noun obedient adjective difficult to persuade. 1 to be busy. a place in the desert where I was occupied with my book there is water and where object when the doorbell rang. plants and trees can grow. 2 to take up a space or live objects noun in a place. N say oh-ay-sis The company occupied the top anything you can see two floors of the building. oats or touch that isn’t alive. 3 to control a place by force. The army occupied the city. noun N say ob-jekt occur a type of cereal object He was very obstinate and crop grown on farms. refused to pick up his room. occurs occurring occurred verb Oats are used to objects objecting objected verb obstinately adverb 1 to happen or exist. make food and to to dislike or disagree When did the problem occur? feed cattle, horses, with something. 2 to come into your mind. and other animals. He objected to people dropping That never occurred to me. litter in the street. 139 N say ub-jekt oblong obstruct adjective obstructs obstructing obstructed verb longer than it is wide, with to block or to prevent sides nearly parallel. something or someone An oblong box. from passing. oblong noun She obstructed his path. obstruction noun

ocean A ocean odor oil old oceans noun odors noun noun adjective B a very large area of sea, a strong smell. 1 a thick liquid that occurs 1 having been in use for naturally underground. a long time. usually separating continents. Oil is used to make C products such as fuel and plastics. D 2 a greasy substance that is found in the E seeds and fruits of some plants. This There was a strange odor type of oil is often F Pacific Ocean coming from the garbage. used for cooking. N say oh-der G octagon offend oily adjective Sunflower oil. octagons noun offends offending offended verb oil rig An old teddy bear. H a flat shape with eight straight sides (see shape 1 to upset or annoy someone. oil rigs noun N opposite new I on page 182). offensive adjective a structure and machinery 2 having existed for 2 to break a law. used for drilling into a long time. J octopus offer the ground in search of oil N opposite young octopuses or octopi noun and gas. Some oil rigs are N comparisons older oldest used at sea, while others K a sea animal that does not offers offering offered verb are used on land. olive have a backbone. Octopuses to ask someone if they would L have eight arms, which like something, or if you can olives noun they use for catching crabs, do something for them. a small, oval fruit that shellfish, and fish. They grows in countries near M have good eyesight and are the Mediterranean Sea. thought to have the ability Olives are eaten in salads N to learn things. and crushed to make olive oil. O He offered her some grapes. oil slick Olympic Games offer noun P oil slicks noun noun office a patch of oil, usually spilled Q odd accidentally, that floats on a sporting competition for R adjective offices noun the surface of the sea. athletes from countries all a place where people organize over the world that is held 1 strange or unusual. and run a business. oil tanker every four years. S That’s a very odd thing to do! oil tankers noun omit N comparisons odder oddest a ship that transports huge 2 not belonging to a pair amounts of oil. omits omitting omitted verb to leave something out, T or a set of things. or not to do something. His name was omitted from U the list. V official ointment onion W adjective ointments noun onions noun X properly approved by a substance that you put on a small, round root vegetable someone in charge. with a strong taste. Onions Y Wearing odd socks. your skin or on a wound to have a thin, papery 3 any number that cannot N say uh-fish-al skin with many officially adverb make it better. layers inside. Z be divided exactly by two. N opposite even often adverb many times. I often go to school by bus. 140

only operate oppose orchard a adjective operates operating operated opposes opposing opposed verb orangutan b verb to argue or fight against c without any others. 1 to work a piece someone or something. orangutans noun He’s the only person of machinery. They opposed the decision to a large ape that lives d wearing green. close the park. in tropical forests in e You must be careful when opposition noun Southeast Asia. Orangutans only operating machinery. eat mainly fruit, but also eat f 2 to perform surgery opposite leaves, bark, and birds’ eggs. g adverb in a hospital. They live in nests called adjective platforms, which they h 1 just. operating adjective build in trees. i operation noun 1 on the other side. j There were only a few beads N say or-rang-a-tang left in the box. opinion He saw his friend on k 2 no more than. the opposite side of the river. orbit l Only five of us went opinions noun 2 completely different. m to the park. a person’s belief or judgment Tall is the opposite of short. orbits orbiting orbited verb n about something. opposite noun to move around a planet, o open Who is the best football player, a moon, or the Sun in space. p in your opinion? optician The Earth orbits the Sun. q adjective orbit noun opponent opticians noun r 1 not closed or shut, so a person whose job is to test orchard s that people or things can opponents noun peoples’ sight and to sell go in and out. someone who is on eyeglasses and contact lenses. orchards noun t the opposite side in a fight N say op-tish-un an area of land where fruit u Open car doors. or competition. trees are grown. v optimistic w N opposite shut Chess opponents. They were picking apples x adjective in the orchard. y 2 with plenty of space, opportunity z or not closed in. expecting or hoping that 2 a juicy fruit with Open fields. opportunities noun things will go well. a tough skin. a chance, or a suitable time Optimistic about the future. opera to do something. 141 He had the opportunity to go N opposite pessimistic operas noun to Europe for a year. optimism noun a musical play where the words are sung instead option of spoken. options noun opera singer a choice. You have several options: you can travel by car, train, or plane. optional adjective orange oranges noun 1 a color made by mixing red and yellow together.

orchestra ornament out A orchestra ornaments noun adverb orchestras noun an object that is used 1 away from B a large group of a place or not musicians who as a decoration. in a place. play together. organ orphan The bird pulled the worm out C N say or-kes-tra of the ground. organs noun orphans noun 2 into view. D orchid 1 a musical instrument with someone whose parents The Sun came out from a keyboard and large air have died. behind the cloud. orchids noun pipes. The pipes make a noise N say or-fan when air is forced into them. N opposite in E a type of plant 2 a part inside your body that ostrich with flowers does a particular job. Your 3 no longer lit. heart is an organ. ostriches noun Blow the candle out. F that are an a tall bird from Africa unusual shape. organism that can run very fast, outcome but cannot fly. Ostriches G N say or-kid organisms noun live in dry, open outcomes noun H order any living animal or plant. countryside and the result of something. eat plants, What was the outcome orders noun organization fruit, of the football game? insects, I 1 an instruction telling organizations noun and small outdoors someone to do something. a group of people with animals. common goals or business. adverb J not inside a building. K Shall we eat outdoors today? L N opposite indoors M He gave them orders to stop. organize other outfit 2 a request for something in organizes organizing organized adjective outfits noun N a store or restaurant. verb a set of clothes worn to arrange the remaining one, for a particular occasion. O or plan usually of two. something. outgrow P She tried on the other hat. Organizing work into folders. outgrows Q order verb organization noun ought outgrowing 3 a way that things are outgrew origin verb outgrown verb R placed or arranged. Alphabetical order. origins noun to do something because it is to grow too the beginning of something, necessary or should be done. big for something. S 4 a peaceful, lawful state. or where something or You ought to be in bed. He had outgrown Law and order. someone comes from. his clothes. The pot was of Roman origin. N say awt T ordinary N say o-rij-in N always used with another verb outline U adjective original outlines noun not different or unusual a line that shows adjective the shape V in any way. of something. earliest or first. Outline of a leaf. W An original design. outside X N say or-rij-in-nal outsides noun Y a part of something that His sandwich was fairly faces out. They painted the outside Z ordinary, but she had of the house green. a special one. outside adverb 142

oval owe Pppage a pack paddle ovals noun owes owing owed verb b a flat, round shape to have to pay back money packs packing paddles noun c like a zero. or something else you packed verb a pole with a flat blade at oval adjective have borrowed. to put things one or both ends. You hold d You owe me $5. into a the paddle and use it to move e oven suitcase, a boat or canoe through owl box, or water (see boat on page 31). f ovens noun other g a space for cooking food, owls noun container. paddle heating, or drying things, a nocturnal h usually inside a stove. bird that N opposite unpack paddles paddling paddled verb i hunts for 1 to move a boat through j over mice and other 2 to fit in as much as possible. water using a paddle. small animals. Owls have The hall was packed k preposition good hearing and can see with people. l well in the dark. They can m above or across. turn their heads around to pack 2 to walk around in n She threw the ball over see behind them. shallow water. o the wall. packs noun p own 1 a bundle that you carry. paddock q overboard 2 a group of similar animals owns owning owned verb or objects. paddocks noun r adverb to have something that Pack of cards. a fenced area of grass, often s belongs to you. where animals are kept. over the side of package t a ship or boat. ox padlock u packages noun v The fishermen threw their oxen noun a wrapped parcel or bundle. padlocks noun w nets overboard. a bull used for carrying or a type of portable x pulling things. pad lock often used y overgrown A zebu is a type of ox. on gates. z pads noun adjective oxygen 1 a pile of sheets of paper page joined at one end. covered in plants that have noun 2 a thick piece of soft material. pages noun been left to grow wild. 3 the soft, fleshy parts on one side of a single piece of An overgrown garden. a gas found in air and water. an animal’s paw. paper forming part of a book, You cannot see, smell, or 4 a place where helicopters newspaper, or magazine. overhear taste oxygen. All living land and take off. things need oxygen in order overhears overhearing to live. overheard verb to hear people talking about N say ox-i-jen things accidently. oyster overlap oysters noun overlaps overlapping overlapped a shellfish that verb lives in shallow to cover the edge water. Oysters of something. feed on tiny Fish scales overlap each other. bits of food that they overtake filter through the edge of their shells. overtakes overtaking overtaken overtook verb ozone layer to catch up with and pass by. The car overtook the truck. noun a layer of ozone gas in the Earth’s atmosphere that protects the Earth from the more harmful rays of the Sun. 143

paid A paid palace panic from the verb to pay palaces noun panics panicking panicked verb B I paid for the movie tickets. a large, grand home belonging to lose control suddenly to an important person. because you are frightened C pail pale or do not know what to do. pails noun The chickens panicked when they saw the fox. D a bucket, usually made of adjective panic noun wood or metal. of faint color, almost white. E pain He painted the hall pale blue. pant parade N comparisons paler palest pants panting panted verb parades noun F pains noun to breathe quickly through a procession of people, your mouth because you are animals, or vehicles, either suffering caused by an injury, palm G disease, or sadness. palms noun hot or out of breath. for display or inspection. painful adjective 1 the flat, middle part on H paint the inside of panther paragraph your hand. panthers noun paragraphs noun I paints noun a black a section in a piece of a colored liquid used for leopard. writing. Paragraphs start decorating or for 2 a tree without branches on a new line. that grows in hot J making pictures. regions. Palms parallel K adjective L have long pantomime being side by side and at leaves that the same distance from grow from each other. M paintbrush the top of the pantomimes noun trunk (see tree a traditional children’s N paint on page 223). play with music, songs, and dancing. parallel lines paints painting painted verb O to cover a surface with color, pan either for decoration or pans noun paper paralyze P to create a picture. a metal container with a papers noun paralyzes paralyzing paralyzed handle, used for cooking. a material made from wood, verb Q pancake and mainly used for writing, to be unable to move a part printing, and of the body because of drawing on. an injury or disease. R pancakes noun paralysis noun a flat, fried cake made S of eggs, flour, and milk. parcel T panda parcels noun pandas noun an object wrapped up U a large, bearlike mammal parachute with paper. that lives in the mountain V painting forests of China. Pandas parachutes noun parent paintings noun mainly eat bamboo shoots, but sometimes an apparatus made of parents noun W a painted picture. eat other plants material that helps people and objects fall to the ground X pair and small safely from a father or mother. animals. an aircraft. pairs noun park Y a set of two things that parks noun match each other, or Z belong together. N say pair-uh-shoot an area of grass and trees A pair of socks. that the public may use. 144

park particular past patrol a parks parking parked verb adjective noun pasture b to drive a vehicle into a c position where it can be left. 1 a specific one. the time before now. pastures noun Which particular one do past adjective a field of grass where d parliament you mean? animals graze. e 2 special, or careful. past parliaments noun Take particular care of that! patch f a group of people who have adverb g been elected to govern and partner patches noun make the laws of their nation. by or beyond. 1 a small piece of material h N say par-luh-ment partners noun He walked past the store. that is placed over a hole i one of a pair of people who do to repair it. j parrot something together, such as pasta dancing or playing a game. patch k parrots noun A business partner. noun l a large bird that lives in 2 a small area of something. m tropical forests and eats fruit party an Italian food, usually made A patch of grass. n and seeds. Parrots are from wheat flour and water. o often kept as pets. parties noun path p In the wild, 1 a group of people invited to Different shapes of pasta. q parrots live in celebrate a special occasion. paths noun large flocks. 2 an organized group of paste a narrow track for walking r people who have the same along, or a route. s part political beliefs. pastes noun 1 a soft, moist, and usually t parts noun pass sticky substance. u 1 a piece of something. 2 a type of glue made of flour v passes passing passed verb and water. w The parts of an electric guitar. 1 to go by someone x 2 a role in a play. or something. y 2 to give something to z She played the part of someone with your hand. the queen in the play. He passed the bowl to her. pasteurize patient 3 to be successful in an examination or test. pasteurizes pasteurizing adjective pasteurized verb passenger to heat and then cool able to wait calmly. something to kill the passengers noun bacteria in it. Milk is N say pay-shent someone traveling in or on usually pasteurized. patience noun a vehicle that is controlled by N say past-yoor-ize another person. motorcycle patient pastry passenger patients noun pastries noun a person being treated a dough made of flour, water, by a doctor, nurse, or dentist. and fat that is baked to make small cakes called pastries, or shells for pies. passport cheese pastries patrol passports noun patrols patrolling patrolled verb to guard a place by an official certificate that moving around it and checking it regularly. you need for traveling to patrol noun other countries. 145

pattern 2 a guide for making things, pearl peel such as toys or clothes. A pattern pearls noun peels peeling peeled verb patterns noun a smooth, shiny, rounded to remove or strip B 1 a decorative shape object that grows inside or design. an oyster. Pearls are often something off. used for making jewelry. C D pearl E F patterned adjective teddy bear pattern N say purl G pause peach pebble pauses pausing paused verb peaches noun pebbles noun H to stop what you are doing for a round fruit with a velvety a small, smooth, Peeling a banana. a short time. skin and a large pit inside. I N say pawz rounded stone. peep pause noun peeps peeping peeped verb J pave to look quickly and secretly at something paves paving paved verb or someone. K to cover a road with stone or peacock peck L concrete to make it smooth. peacocks noun M paw a large bird that is also pecks pecking pecked verb paws noun called a peafowl. Peacocks to bite or strike live in forests in Africa and with a beak. N a soft, padded India and eat insects, grains, animal foot plants, and small animals. with claws The males are known for peer their beautiful tail feathers O or nails. (see bird on page 28). peers peering peered verb P cat’s paw Q pay peak to look closely at something peaks noun or someone. pays paying paid verb the pointed top of a mountain. R to give money in return peanut The bird pecked at the food. peg for something. peanuts noun pegs noun S payment noun a hook on the wall for T pea a small, edible peculiar hanging things on. peas noun nut that grows He hung his coat on the peg. in pods under the ground. adjective U a small, round, sweet-tasting strange, odd, or unusual. pelican vegetable that grows in a pod. pear pedal pelicans noun V pea pod pears noun pedals noun a large bird that a pale green or brown fruit lives in or near water W with a thin skin, pale, juicy a lever that you work with in warm regions. flesh, and pits. your foot to move or control It has a pouch X something (see transportation beneath its on page 221). bill that Y peace pedestrian it uses to noun catch and hold fish. Z a period of quietness and calm. pedestrians noun peaceful adjective N rhymes with hair a person traveling on foot. 146

pen pepper perfume pest a pens noun peppers noun perfumes noun perpendicular b 1 a tool filled with ink, c used for writing. 1 the dried berries of 1 a sweet-smelling adjective d 2 a small area with a fence the pepper plant used liquid that you crossing at or forming e for keeping animals in. a right angle. A cattle pen. to flavor foods. put on your skin. f N say pur-pen-dik-yuh-lur g penalty peppercorns ground pepper 2 any sweet or pleasant smell. person h penalties noun i a fine or a punishment for 2 a bright green, yellow, perhaps persons or people noun j breaking a law or rule, or orange, or red vegetable (see a human being. for breaking a rule during vegetable on page 233). adverb k a sports game. personal l The referre gave a penalty to percent maybe or possibly. m our team. adjective n noun perimeter o pencil belonging to, or meant for p a fraction of a whole written as perimeters noun one person. q pencils noun part of 100. Fifty percent the outer edge or boundary a tool with an means 50 parts of 100. Percent of something. r erasable material is also written as percentage. N say puh-rim-i-ter s inside, used The sign for percent is “%.” for writing t and drawing. 27% (percent) of 100 is 27. period Personal belongings. u v penguin perch periods noun personality w a length or portion of time. x penguins noun perches perching perched verb A fortnight is a period of personalities noun y a large, fish-eating seabird to sit on a branch two weeks. 1 your character or the kind z found in the cold seas of or other place of person you are. the southern hemisphere. like a bird. permanent My sister has Penguins cannot fly, but are a friendly personality. good underwater swimmers adjective 2 someone famous. (see bird on page 28). A sports personality. lasting a long time penknife or forever. persuade A permanent job. penknives noun persuades persuading persuaded a small knife that folds N opposite temporary verb into a case. to make someone believe Perching on permission or do something by giving pentagon a branch. good reasons. perch noun noun She persuaded me to go skiing pentagons noun with her. a flat shape with five sides of the act of allowing someone persuasion noun equal length (see shape on to do something. N say pur-swade page 182). perfect The teacher gave him pest people permission to leave the room. adjective permit verb pests noun noun an insect or animal that having nothing wrong, is harmful or a nuisance. 1 human beings in general. or just right. 2 members of a particular race, culture, or nation. perfectly adverb perform Colorado beetle performs performing performed verb to put on a show for other people. Performing in the street. performance noun 147

pet seed cere female hopper male (hen) A pet (cock) pets noun zebra green budgerigar finches B a tame animal that is kept because it is loved rather than because it is useful. C Pets are often kept in the home. D paw E Siamese cat F identity giant Flemish rabbit Abyssinian guinea pig Peruvian tag guinea pig G scut H Jack Russell puppy I J golden coat grooming brush Persian cat K tortoiseshell coat L M N rumpy O golden retriever water Manx cat bottle P Q ear tuft wiry coat R S T Angora rabbit self golden fox terrier U leash guinea pig tabby V sleek coat coat clipping scissors W fur whiskers X Y dew claw Z whippet lop-eared French rabbit shorthaired cat 148

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