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confuse conscience constellation continue a confuses confusing confused consciences noun constellations noun content b verb a feeling inside you that tells c 1 to make someone puzzled you what is right and wrong. a group of stars. contents noun because of some difficulty A guilty conscience. an object inside something, in understanding. N say kon-shuns such as a box, bag, or book. The instructions confused me. 2 to find it difficult to tell one conscious N say kon-tent thing from another. I always confuse the twins. adjective d e congratulate awake and aware of what is happening. The Big Dipper lunch box f congratulates congratulating The man was still conscious contents g congratulated verb after the accident. construct to say to someone that they content h have done well. N say kon-shus constructs constructing i N opposite unconscious constructed verb adjective j Congratulating the winner. to build. congratulations noun conservation happy and satisfied. k Constructing a model. l conifer noun construction noun N say kon-tent m contented adjective n conifers noun the protection and careful contact o a tree that use of something. contest p has needles Conservation groups try contacts contacting contacted q instead to protect animals, plants, verb contests noun of leaves. and the environment. to communicate with someone. a match or competition r Conifers stay You can contact me by phone between people. s green all year consider while I’m away. A juggling contest. round and contact noun t have cones considers considering continent u instead considered verb contain v of flowers. Scotch pine to think about continents noun w something carefully. contains containing contained one of seven very large areas x connect She considered going out, verb of land that usually includes y but decided not to. to have something inside. several countries. z connects connecting connected verb considerate The box contains tools. the continent to link up two things. container noun of Africa adjective Connecting the digital camera continual to the computer. thoughtful toward connection noun other people. adjective happening often, or He is very considerate. without stopping. Continual noise. consonant continually adverb consonants noun continue any letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel (see continues continuing continued alphabet on page 16). verb to carry on. constant The match continued after the rain had stopped. adjective continuous adjective going on without stopping. A constant problem. constantly adverb 49

contract A contract convince cooperate corn contracts contracting contracted convinces convincing convinced cooperates cooperating noun B verb verb cooperated verb a tall plant that grows seeds to shrink or make smaller. to work with someone on large ears. Corn is used as to persuade someone to Your eye pupils contract when believe something. in a helpful way. food for people and animals. C light is shone on them. We cooperated on a project. N say kuhn-vins cooperation noun corner D contradict cook copper corners noun the place where two lines or contradicts contradicting cooks cooking cooked verb noun surfaces meet at an angle. A street corner. E contradicted verb to prepare and heat food a red-brown colored metal that to say the opposite of what so that it can be eaten. F someone else has said. cookery noun turns green when it comes The politicians contradicted into contact with moist air. correct G each other. contradiction noun adjective H contribute right, with no mistakes. N opposite incorrect correction noun I contributes contributing copper ore copper pipe corridor contributed verb to give a part of something. copy corridors noun J We all contributed to the meal. copies copying copied verb a long indoor passage with contribution noun K to do the same thing as doors leading off it into rooms. L control someone else. cook Copy me! I’ll show you how controls controlling controlled to do it. verb cooks noun copy noun M to have the power to make coral something or someone do corals noun N what you want. someone who prepares food. a hard substance that is O made of the skeletons of small sea animals. Coral P cool is found in cosmetics adjective warm seas. noun Q slightly cold. the things that R people use to change the way their skin or S These toy planes are controlled core hair looks. from the ground. cores noun T convenient the middle part of something. An apple core. U adjective This box keeps drinks cool. cork useful, or easy for you. N opposite warm noun V A convenient time. N say kuhn-veen-nyent the soft, N opposite inconvenient W springy bark lipstick eye pencil X conversation of the cork oak tree, cork oak bark cost conversations noun which is used talk between two to make mats, costs costing cost verb tiles, and seals to have a price. Y or more people. for bottles. A computer costs hundreds Z A friendly conversation. wine cork of dollars. cost noun 50

costume doublet costume a costumes noun gauntlets ruff b chemise c 1 an outfit worn in a particular period of time. corset d Historical costume. e 2 an outfit worn for petticoat a special reason. f Theatrical costume. g silk stockings h i tunic wig j (chiton) k beauty mark l m hose n o cravat p q drawers crinoline frame r s 16th-century costume 19th-century lingerie t waistcoat u v handbag w x sandals cuff y headdress z Ancient Greek costume trimming mules pendant brim girdle cloche hat breeches stockings petticoat pantaloons buckle suspenders 14th-century costume pumps 18th-century costume 19th-century costume 51

cotton A cotton course cow craft noun courses noun cows noun crafts noun B 1 soft, white hairs that surround 1 the plan of lessons that 1 a female mammal that eats 1 an activity that the seeds on students must follow in a school or college subject. grass and is reared on farms requires skill. C a cotton plant. Our history course starts 2 thread or cloth on Monday. to produce milk and beef. 2 the ground where many D woven from outdoor sports, such as golf cotton plants. and horse-racing, take place. E cotton thread F cough 2 the female of some large coughs coughing coughed verb G to force air out of your lungs animals, such as elephants paper craft with a sharp noise. and whales. N say kawf coward 2 a boat, airplane, or spaceship. H coward noun I council crane a person who is easily scared. councils noun a group of people who are cranes noun horse-racing course crab 1 a machine that lifts and J chosen to make decisions moves heavy objects. for an organization K or community. court crabs noun a shellfish with 10 legs L counter courts noun and a soft body protected 1 the place where it is decided by a hard covering. The front counters noun whether people have broken pair of legs end in claws, M a flat surface in a store or the law and what punishment which the crab uses to catch bank where you are served. they should receive. its prey. N The cheese counter. 2 a piece of ground, marked with lines, on which some O country sports are played. countries noun A badminton court. 2 a large bird that lives near P 1 an area of land with its own cousin marshes and lakes and feeds borders, people, and laws. coral on plants, small Q cousins noun crab insects, and animals. Cranes have a loud, a child of the sister or brother R of someone’s parent. crack echoing cry. S cover cracks cracking cracked verb covers covering covered verb to become damaged so that it splits, but does not break. to put something over or on The mirror cracked when he T something else. dropped it. crack noun U China is one of the biggest cracker crowned countries in the world. crane crackers noun V 2 land outside towns and cities. a thin, dry W courage biscuit crash X noun often eaten with cheese. crashes crashing crashed verb being brave when you are in danger or difficulty. to fall or collide with crackle a loud noise. Y It takes courage to admit The tray of china crashed that you are wrong. crackles crackling crackled verb Z N say kur-ij Cover your mouth. to make sharp, to the floor. courageous adjective cover noun snapping noises. crash noun 52

cross crate crease cricket a crates noun creases noun crickets noun b 1 a jumping insect that eats c an open container for a line or fold, usually made plants. Crickets rub their wings together to make d storing and carrying in cloth or paper. a singing sound. They have e long back legs for jumping. things, usually bottles. f 2 a team game played g crawl with 11 players in each team. The winning h crawls crawling crawled verb team is the one with i the most points, j to move along on your hands called runs. Runs are scored by the person k and knees. batting (see sport on l page 197). m crease n Most babies crawl before they crease verb cried crocodile o learn to walk. p from the verb to cry crocodiles noun q crayfish create The baby cried all last night. a reptile that lives on land and r noun creates creating created verb crime in water. Crocodiles are fierce s to design and hunters and hunt at night for a spiny shellfish that looks make something. crimes noun fish, mammals, and frogs (see t like a small lobster. Crayfish She created an activity that is against skeleton on page 188). u live under stones during a beautiful painting. the law. v the day and hunt for small Murder is a very serious crime. w fish and insects at night. N say kree-ate x y crazy creature criminal crop z adjective creatures noun criminals noun crops noun any living thing. a person who takes part a vegetable or plant that foolish or strange. in a crime. is grown on a farm for food. creek The potato crop. N comparisons crazier craziest crisp creeks noun cross creak a small, narrow inlet or bay adjective in the coast. crosses crossing crossed verb creaks creaking creaked verb dry and easily broken 1 to go over something, from to make a low, creep into pieces. one side to another. squeaking sound. Crossing the street. The door creaked open. creeps creeping crept verb crisp cookies 2 to put one thing to walk forward very slowly across another. and quietly. cream N comparisons crisper crispest noun The cat crept up on the birds. criticize He crossed his fingers. 1 the oily part of milk that crew criticizes criticizing criticized rises to the top. Cream is verb often used to make sweets crews noun and desserts. 1 the people who work on to say what you think is a ship or airplane. wrong with something. a pitcher 2 a team of people who work He was upset when I criticized of cream together in a job. his painting. The film crew was ready 2 a yellow-white color. to begin shooting. N say krit-i-size criticism noun 53

cross crown crutch cube A cross crowns noun crutches noun cubes noun crosses noun a solid shape a circle of precious metals a support for someone who with six B an object or and jewels. Kings and queens square sides. sign made wear crowns has difficulty walking. by two lines on their heads cucumber on special C crossing occasions. cucumbers noun each other. a green vegetable with a crisp, white flesh that grows D on vines. Cucumbers are a popular vegetable to use cross in salads. E adjective cuddle angry. cuddles cuddling cuddled verb F to hug someone in a loving way. G I get cross when cruel people litter. A mother adjective cuddling her daughter. H crossly adverb unkind and hurtful. culprit I crossword crumb culprits noun crosswords noun a person who has done J a word puzzle with clues. cry something wrong. crumbs noun The culprit had the stolen cries crying cried verb money in his pocket. You write down the answers a very small piece of food, to have tears falling from your eyes because you are cunning K by putting each letter of the such as bread, cake, upset or sad. answer into a separate square. or crackers. adjective crystal L crunch able to trick people. M crunches crunching crunched crystals noun a piece of clear quartz with verb flat sides that has been N to crush or chew formed something noisily. naturally. She crunched a juicy apple. N say kris-tuhl O P crush Q crouch crushes crushing crushed verb R crouches crouching crouched to damage something by squeezing it verb very hard. S to bend down low, with Crushing a can. your legs curled underneath you. crust T crusts noun 1 a hard covering. U V W pie crust cub X 2 the thick, hard outer cubs noun Y crowd covering of Earth. a young mammal, such as a fox, lion, crowds noun or bear. Z a large number of people fox cub gathered close together. 54

cup curry curve cymbal a cups noun curries noun curves noun cycle b a line that bends smoothly. c a container used for 1 a hot, spicy dish made of curve verb cycles cycling cycled verb to ride a bicycle. d drinking liquids. meat, fish, or vegetables, cushion e cyclist usually served with rice. cushions noun f a type of pillow used for cycle g cure vegetable curry sitting or leaning on. cycles noun h cures curing cured verb customer changes that happen regularly i in a particular order. j to make somebody well again customers noun The life cycle of a butterfly. a person who buys something k after they have been ill. from a store or a company. cyclone l m curious 2 a mixture of cut cyclones noun n hot spices used a tropical storm with very o adjective to flavor food. cuts cutting cut verb strong winds. p to divide something into N say sye-klone q 1 eager to find out curry powder parts, using a sharp tool. about things. cylinder r She was curious to see what curtain Cutting with scissors. s was behind the door. cylinders noun 2 strange but interesting. curtains noun cut a solid or hollow object with t I saw a very curious animal pieces of material that are circular ends and straight u the other day. hung from a bar and can cuts noun sides (see shape on page 182). v be pulled across a window a wound, often made by N say sil-in-der w N say kyoor-ee-us or space. something sharp. x cymbal y curl cutlery z cymbals noun curls noun noun a round, hollow, brass a small, curved piece of hair. musical instrument that Her hair is a mass of curls. knives, forks, makes a loud, curly adjective and spoons. clashing sound curtsy when hit. curtsies noun a formal way for women to greet someone. currency currencies noun the money of a country. The currency of France is the euro. current N also spelled curtsey currents noun 1 a flow of water or air moving in a certain direction. The current carried the boat out to sea. 2 the flow of electricity through a wire. Switch off the current when you change a lightbulb. 55

daffodil A dance dare dances dancing danced verb dares daring dared verb B to move around to music. 1 to challenge someone to do something frightening C to show they are not afraid. 2 to be bold or foolish enough D to do something frightening or dangerous. DdE dark adjective F 1 with little or no light. G daffodil dam daffodils noun dams noun a plant that grows from a a wall built across a river or dance noun stream to hold back the flow H bulb and has a large, of water. trumpet-shaped flower I at the end of each stem. dandelion The street was dark away J from the streetlights. dandelions noun dark noun 2 with a lot of black in it. a common, wild plant Dark blue. K damage with a thick root and a single N comparisons darker darkest yellow flower on each stem. N opposite light L damages damaging damaged Fine hairs attached to verb the seeds mean that the seeds dash M are easily blown away by to harm something. the wind. dashes dashing dashed verb N to run very quickly for a short distance. dagger I dashed onto the platform, but the train had just left. O daggers noun a knife with a short, sharp, data P pointed blade, that is used noun as a weapon. Q daily The collision damaged the facts and figures R adverb front of the boat. about something. every day. N say dam-ij N say day-ta damage noun S Letters are delivered daily. database daily adjective seeds databases noun T dairy damp danger a large amount of information stored adjective in a computer. U dairies noun slightly wet or moist. dangers noun date a place where milk and A damp towel. a situation that might be dates noun V cream are stored and butter N comparisons damper dampest harmful to you. and cheese are made. damp noun 1 the day, month, and year. W daisy 2 a sweet, sticky fruit with a pit in the middle. X daisies noun a common plant with white or pink flowers. Daisies close Y their petals when it is dark. Some kinds of daisy are wild, Z while others are grown as Danger—falling rocks. garden plants. dangerous adjective 56

daughter dead decay decorate a daughters noun adjective decays decaying decayed verb decimal b to rot away. c a person’s female child. no longer living. Your teeth will decay if you adjective don’t take care of them. d N say daw-ter decay noun counting numbers and parts e of numbers in tens. dawdle dead leaves deceive f A decimal number. g dawdles dawdling dawdled verb N opposite alive deceives deceiving deceived decimal noun verb h to move or do things slowly. to trick a person into deck i thinking something is j dead true when it isn’t. decks noun deceit noun one of the floors of a ship. k noun l Stop dawdling! decibel m a time when everything is n still and quiet. decibels noun o The dead of night. a unit of measurement that p shows how loud a sound is. q dawn deadly N say des-si-bell r dawns noun adjective decide s the early part of the day able to kill. decides deciding decided verb t to make up your mind. u when it starts to v He couldn’t decide what to eat. w become light. decision noun x y N opposite dusk A scorpion’s sting is deadly. deciduous deck z day deaf adjective declare days noun adjective losing leaves every year. declares declaring declared verb 1 the part of the day when it to say something to everyone. is light. not able to hear well or not N opposite evergreen The judges declared the N opposite night able to hear at all. N say de-sid-yoo-us winner at the end 2 a period of 24 hours, deafness noun of the competition. starting and ending at midnight. dear decline dazed adjective declines declining declined verb to decrease or get worse. adjective 1 loved very much. His health declined steadily. A dear friend. decline noun not able to 2 highly respected. think clearly. Dear Sir. decorate He has N comparisons dearer dearest decorates decorating decorated a dazed verb look in debt to make something look his eyes. better by painting it or by debts noun adding extra things to it. N say day-zd money or a favor that you owe to someone. Decorating a room for dazzle N say det a party. decoration noun dazzles dazzling dazzled verb decade to shine a bright light into someone’s eyes so that they decades noun find it difficult to see. a period of 10 years. dazzling adjective The decade of 1920 to 1929. 57

decrease A decrease definite delighted demonstrate decreases decreasing decreased adjective adjective demonstrates demonstrating demonstrated verb B verb certain and clear. very pleased. 1 to show someone how to to become smaller. Are you definite about that? do something. He was delighted with his He demonstrated the new The number of whales in definitely adverb birthday present. food mixer. 2 to take part in a public C the world is decreasing. degree deliver rally or meeting to show N opposite increase that you feel very strongly degrees noun delivers delivering delivered about something. D 1 a unit used to measure verb The marchers demonstrated temperature and angles. to bring something to against the new highway. deep The symbol for a degree is °. someone. demonstration noun E adjective denim going down noun F a long way 2 a certificate awarded by from the a college or university. a type of strong, cotton cloth that G surface. delay is often dyed blue. H A deep well. delays delaying delayed verb N comparisons deeper deepest to take place later I than expected. The airplane’s departure was deer delayed for seven hours. J noun delay noun a mammal with hooves that K eats grass and leaves. A male delete deer is called a stag and has L large, branching horns called deletes deleting deleted verb antlers. A female to remove something. deer is called M a doe. N word deleted They delivered the new sofa dense this morning. O deliberately delivery noun adjective P stag adverb demand thick. A dense fog. Q defeat on purpose. demands demanding demanded R defeats defeating defeated verb He deliberately pushed me. verb dent deliberate adjective to ask someone for something to win a game or a battle firmly, not expecting them dents noun delicate to refuse. a hollow left in the surface of S against someone. She demanded to know something after it has been She defeated her brother adjective the truth. hit or pressed. at chess. demand noun The car had a dent in easily broken or damaged. its hood. T demolish dent verb U defend Delicate butterfly wings. demolishes demolishing dentist defends defending defended delicious demolished verb verb to destroy something. dentists noun adjective a person who examines and V to protect or guard. repairs your teeth. Birds stay with their eggs to tasting very nice. The ice cream was delicious. They started demolishing W defend them from attackers. the house yesterday. defense noun X define Y defines defining defined verb to describe accurately what Z something means. definition noun 58

dew depart design determined a departs departing departed verb designs designing designed verb adjective b to leave. to plan what something c is going to look like. not letting The boat departs for the island anything stop d every hour. Designing you from e departure noun a book. doing design noun something. f depend g desire destination He was determined to reach depends depending depended the top of the mountain. h verb desires noun destinations noun determination noun i to need or rely on someone a strong wish. the place someone or j or something. desire verb something is going to. develop I’m depending on you to be k there on time. desk The plane’s destination develops developing developed l is Australia. verb m describe desks noun to grow and become n a table that you use for destroy more complete. o describes describing described working on, often with The bud developed into p verb drawers in it. destroys destroying destroyed a beautiful flower. q to say or write what verb development noun something or someone is like. desperate to ruin something completely. r Describe your house to me. The fire destroyed the hut. device s description noun adjective destruction noun devices noun t desert 1 ready to do anything detail a machine or u without thinking of the risks. tool invented for v deserts deserting deserted verb A desperate escape plan. details noun a special purpose. w to leave without permission, 2 very serious or hopeless. a small part of something. x not planning to return. A desperate situation. The news report gave few A corkscrew is a device for y He deserted the army. details of the robbery. pulling corks out of bottles. z N say de-zert dessert detailed adjective dew desert desserts noun detective a sweet dish eaten at the end noun deserts noun of a meal. detectives noun a large, dry, sandy or stony a person who investigates small drops of water that area of land, with few plants. N say de-zert crimes. form on cool surfaces outside N say dez-ert during the night. detergent deserve detergents noun deserves deserving deserved a soapy powder or verb liquid that is used to have earned some reward for cleaning things because of something you such as clothes have done. or dishes. He deserved a rest after N say de-ter-jent working so hard. bottle of detergent 59

diagonal A diagonal dice difficult dilute adjective noun adjective dilutes diluting diluted verb B sloping at an angle from one cubes with a different hard to do. to make thinner or weaker, edge to another. number of dots, from one It was difficult to cut the string often by adding water. to six, on each side. Dice with blunt scissors. C are used in indoor games. dilution noun A single cube is called N opposite easy D diagonal a die. E stripes dig F diagram digs digging dug diagrams noun verb to make a hole in the ground. G a drawing or plan that shows dictionary or explains something. dictionaries noun H a book that contains an alphabetical list of I words with their meanings. J die digest dim K A diagram of the inside of dies dying died verb digests digesting digested verb adjective a volcano. to break food down so that to stop living. the body can use it. not bright. N say die-jest A dim lightbulb. death noun digestion noun N comparisons dimmer dimmest L dial diet digit M dials noun dinghy diets noun digits noun 1 a number from zero dinghies noun the face of a measuring device the food that you to nine, shown as a figure a small, open sailing boat rather than written in words. (see boat on page 31). N that has numbers on it. usually eat. 2 a finger or toe. N say ding-ee O P dingo Q dial dingoes noun R Fruit and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. a wild dog that lives in S diameter Australia. Dingoes hunt diameters noun different alone or in small packs and eat birds, reptiles, and T the width of a circle, adjective small animals. measured by a straight line. not like something else. digital U adjective V W diameter 1 showing number information in figures. 2 storing information using the digits zero and one. X diary Y diaries noun a book in which you write Two different shells. dinner Z down your thoughts and daily N opposite same digital camera dinners noun events (see time on page 216). difference noun the main meal of the day. 60

dinosaur brow dinosaur a horn dinosaurs noun beak nose tail b one of a group of land horn spikes c reptiles that lived on Earth, at different times, for more beak Stegosaurus d than 150 million years. frilled crest e The last dinosaurs died out N say steg-uh-sor-rus 65 million years ago. Triceratops armor f plating g Gallimimus N say try-ser-a-tops h N say gal-i-meem-us plates i j snout neck k hand Euoplocephalus l m claw N say yoo-oh-plo-sef-al-us n o Troodon tail p q N say troe-o-don Barosaurus Deinonychus r Heterodontosaurus N say bar-oh-soh-rus s N say het-er-oh-dont-oh-sor-rus claw N say die-non-i-kus t crest u scaly skin teeth v padded toes toe w claw x Corythosaurus leg y z N say koh-rith-oh-sor-rus Tyrannosaurus rex N say tie-ran-oh-sor-rus reks 61

dip dirty disaster disguise A dip adjective disasters noun disguises noun dips dipping dipped verb not clean. a terrible event that may an outfit that you wear to B 1 to put something into a liquid or a soft substance cause damage and suffering. hide who you really are. and then take it out again C immediately. D E F N comparisons dirtier dirtiest Floods are natural disasters. N opposite clean N say di-zas-tur G Fruit dipped in chocolate. disabled disastrous adjective 2 to slope downward. The road dips slightly here. adjective disc H not having a limb, or being discs noun I direct without power or strength, an object for recording sound. especially of movement, in A compact disc. directs directing directed verb 1 to show or tell someone how part of your body because discover J to get to a particular place. of injury or disease. discovers discovering discovered disability noun verb to find or find out. K L disagree disagrees disagreeing disagreed verb M to think differently from N say dis-gize someone about something. disguise verb N He directed the tourist We always disagree. N opposite agree to the castle. disagreement noun The pirates discovered disgusting a chest of buried treasure O direction noun disappear on the island. adjective 2 to be in charge of disappears disappearing discuss very unpleasant. P the making There was a disgusting smell of a play or disappeared verb discusses discussing discussed coming from the drains. to go out of sight. verb Q a movie. to talk about something with dish someone else. R We discussed where to go for dishes noun our vacation. 1 a plate or bowl that is used S discussion noun to hold food. T Directing a movie. The rabbit disappeared into its burrow. U direct N opposite appear disease A dish for serving vegetables. disappearance noun 2 one part of a meal. diseases noun V adjective disappoint going the shortest way. an illness. A direct route. Measles is an infectious disease. W disappoints disappointing X directory disappointed verb disgraceful directories noun to make someone sad adjective by not doing something so bad that the person a book that contains they expected. involved should be ashamed. Y information about people and I disappointed my friends Do this work again— organizations, usually listed by not going to the game it’s disgraceful! Z in alphabetical order. with them. The main dish. A telephone directory. disappointed adjective 62

dishonest disposable distribute divide a adjective adjective distributes distributing diver b distributed verb c telling lies or stealing. for throwing away after use. to give something out. divers noun a person who swims beneath d N opposite honest dissolve The teacher distributed the water, often taking an air e the books to the children. supply to breathe with. disinfectant dissolves dissolving dissolved f verb g disinfectants noun to mix something with water a chemical that is used for or another h killing germs. liquid so it i disinfect verb becomes part j of the liquid. dislike k A tablet dissolving in water. district l dislikes disliking disliked verb m to think someone or distance districts noun n something is not very nice. o distances noun an area in a town, city, p She disliked the smell the space measured between county, or country, which q of the perfume. two places. is sometimes marked out for a particular purpose. r N opposite like Denver—Atlanta s 1,210 miles School district. disobey t The signpost shows the disturb scuba diver u disobeys disobeying disobeyed distance between Denver v verb and Atlanta. disturbs disturbing disturbed verb divide w to refuse to do something x that someone tells you to do. to interrupt the peace and divides dividing divided verb y You mustn’t disobey orders. 1 to split something up z N opposite obey quiet of a place into parts. disobedient adjective or person. disperse distinguish The noise of the drill The cheese is divided into verb disturbed her. eight portions. distinguishes distinguishing disturbance noun 2 to separate a number into to scatter widely. distinguished verb equal parts. The dandelion seeds were to be able to tell ditch dispersed by the wind. the difference between things. Eight divided by two dispersal noun Can you distinguish between ditches noun equals four. the twins? a long channel that drains division noun display N say di-sting-gwish away water. displays displaying displayed distract verb to put something in a place distracts distracting distracted where people can look at it. verb to take someone’s attention Displaying paintings. away from what they are doing. The noise outside distracted her from her work. dive dives diving dived verb to jump headfirst into water. 63

divorce A divorce doll domino divorces divorcing divorced dolls noun dominoes noun B verb to end a marriage legally. a toy that is made to look a small, flat piece of wood divorce noun or plastic with dots marked like a human being. on it. Dominoes are used C in a table game, which is D dock also called dominoes. docks noun donation double E 1 a place where ships load donations noun adjective and unload cargo. dock verb a gift, usually of money, that twice is made to a charity or as much. F another organization. A double six. G He made a large donation. N say dub-ul H dolphin donkey doubtful I dolphins noun donkeys noun adjective J 2 the place in a courtroom a fish-eating sea mammal. a member of the horse family not sure, or unlikely. where the person on trial Dolphins breathe air, so they that has long ears and a soft, He was doubtful about must swim to the surface furry coat. Donkeys eat grass his chances of winning. K stands or sits. often. They are friendly and in some countries are animals and are known for used for carrying N say dout-ful L doctor their intelligence. Dolphins people and goods. doubt verb doctors noun are a type of small whale. dough M a person who is trained to treat sick or injured people. noun N a mixture of flour and either milk or water that is used to make bread or cakes. N say doh O doughnut P door doughnuts noun Q doors noun a sweet, round cake made from dough, which is fried R a piece of wood, glass, or in fat and S dodge metal that opens and shuts covered to provide a way into a room, in sugar. dodges dodging dodged verb cupboard, building, or vehicle. to avoid being hit by N say doh-nut T something by moving out of the way very quickly. N say doll-fin dove U She dodged the ball coming doves noun toward her. a bird that V dog is a member of the pigeon family. W dogs noun Doves are a mammal that is often often used as a symbol X kept as a pet. Dogs of peace. mainly eat meat and can be trained to perform dot Y certain tasks, such as herding sheep. Dogs are dots noun Z related to wolves and foxes a very small, round spot. (see pet on page 148). collie dog Ladybugs have dots on them. 64

down doze drain dress a adverb dozes dozing dozed verb drains noun drawer b to sleep lightly for c to a lower a short time. a pipe or channel that takes drawers noun place. She dozed in the chair. away waste a box-shaped container that d water and slides in and out of a piece of e The leaves floated down. dozen other liquids. furniture. Drawers are used to store things in. f N opposite up dozens noun g 12 of something. downcast h A dozen candles. drain A chest of drawers. i adjective j drag drains draining drained verb dream sad and upset. to flow away slowly. k He looked drags dragging dragged verb The water drained away. dreams dreaming dreamed or l downcast. to pull something along dreamt verb m the ground. drama 1 to have thoughts and n downhill pictures going through your o dramas noun mind while you are asleep. p adjective 1 a play. q My favorite drama is sloping down. Shakespeare’s Hamlet. r 2 plays, or the theater s downhill skiing in general. 3 an exciting or t downpour frightening event. u There was drama today when v downpours noun the school caught fire. w a large, heavy x amount He dragged his schoolbag draw I dreamed that I was petting y of rain. behind him. a lion. z draws drawing drew drawn verb 2 to hope for something. downstairs dragon She dreamed of traveling 1 to make a picture or around the world. adverb dragons noun dream noun a fierce, imaginary animal in diagram with a pencil to a lower floor. myths and fairy tales, that drench breathes fire and has a large, or crayon. He ran scaly body and wings. drenches drenching drenched downstairs verb to answer to soak with water. the phone. The rain drenched her. downstairs 2 to move together by pulling. dress He drew the curtains. adjective dresses dressing dressed verb on a lower floor than the one you are on. to put A noisy downstairs party. on clothes. dragonfly My little sister can dragonflies noun dress herself. a long, thin insect with two pairs of N opposite wings, often found near ponds and undress rivers. Dragonflies feed on small flying insects, which they catch with their legs while flying. 65

dress drill droop drought A dress drills noun droops drooping drooped verb droughts noun dresses noun 1 a tool used to make holes. to hang down in a weak or a period of time when there B a piece of clothing that 2 a practice. has a top joined to a skirt. tired way. is not enough rain. Fire drill. C D drink E drinks drinking drank drunk verb to swallow liquid. F G Many crops died during the drought. N say drout H I dried drown from the verb to dry The tulip drooped drowns drowning drowned verb He dried his clothes outside. over the edge of the vase. to die because you have gone under water and have not J N rhymes with hoop been able to breathe. K dried drop drowsy adjective adjective L with water or liquid removed. drink noun drops noun 1 a small amount sleepy. drip of liquid. drug M dried drips dripping dripped verb drugs noun N apricots to fall slowly, drop by drop. Water dripped from the faucet. O drift 1 a chemical substance used drifts drifting drifted verb as a medicine to treat people who are sick or in pain. P 1 to move slowly 2 an illegal chemical without control. substance that people take Q The boat drifted along. drip noun a drop of ink to make them feel different. 2 to be carried along by dripping adjective Taking this kind of drug is water or air. 2 a long way down. dangerous and can kill you. It was a big drop from R the bridge to the river below. drum S drift drop drums noun drifts noun a hollow musical instrument drops dropping dropped verb that has a covering across a pile of snow or sand made to let something fall. one or both ends. You hit T by the wind. U drill drive the drum with sticks, special V drills drilling drilled verb wire brushes, or your hands drives driving drove driven verb to make different sounds. to bore a hole in something to make a car, train, or other using a drill. vehicle move. They drove along W the country roads. drive noun X drizzle Y electric drill drizzles drizzling drizzled verb to rain in small, fine drops, Z like a mist. He dropped his sunglasses. Japanese drum drizzle noun 66

drum duet dune dyslexia a drums drumming drummed verb duets noun dunes noun duty b a hill of sand, near the sea c to tap or hit continuously, a piece of music to be played or in a desert, that is made duties noun by the wind. things that you ought to do d or to play a drum. or sung by two people. or feel you should do. e dungeon It is the guard’s duty to make A violin duet. sure the doors are locked. f dungeons noun g N say doo-et an underground prison cell dvd in an old building, such as h dug a castle. noun i j from the verb to dig N say dun-jun a plastic disc that contains digital recordings of sounds k Our dog dug up part of duplicate and images (see abbreviations l the lawn this morning. on page 246). m duplicates noun n dry dull an exact copy. dye o p adjective adjective One key is dyes dyeing dyed verb q a duplicate to change the color of not wet. 1 not bright. of the other. something by soaking r They came in from the rain It was a dull day. it in colored liquids. s and changed into dry clothes. 2 not exciting. N say doo-pli-kat I thought the movie was These balls of yarn have been t N comparisons drier driest very dull. during dyed different colors. u dye noun v N opposite wet N comparisons duller dullest preposition w dry verb dynamite x 1 at some time in. y duck dummy I fell asleep during the movie. noun z 2 the whole time of. ducks noun dummies noun During the summer months a powerful substance that we go swimming in the sea. explodes when it is burned. a water bird that has oily, a model of a waterproof feathers and person’s body, dusk dynasty webbed feet for swimming. often used for Ducks eat fish, small plants, making or noun dynasties noun and small animals. Male displaying a series of rulers from ducks are called drakes. clothes. the time of evening when the same family. it starts to get dark. N say die-nu-stee duck dressmaker’s (female) dummy N opposite dawn dyslexia drake dump dust noun (male) dumps dumping dumped verb noun a learning difficulty that to put something down can affect reading, writing, or throw it away carelessly. tiny pieces of dirt that or spelling. They dumped the shopping float in the air and settle bags on the floor. on surfaces. N say dis-lek-see-uh dusty adjective dyslexic adjective 67

each A Earth echo noun echoes noun B the planet a sound that bounces off a that we surface and repeats itself. live on. My voice echoed in the cave. N say eh-ko C echo verb D eclipse EeE earth eclipses noun 1 a time when the Moon comes F early noun between the Earth and the G each Sun, hiding the Sun’s light. adverb 1 the surface of the land adjective or ground. 2 the material that plants every single one. 1 near the beginning. grow in. The hero dies early in the film. H They each received a present. 2 before the expected time. earthquake I eager He arrived early for the show. earthquakes noun N comparisons earlier earliest adjective N opposite late a violent shaking of the ground, because of movement J wanting to do or have earn from within the Earth. something very much. earns earning earned verb east An eclipse of the Sun. K The riders were eager to get something because 2 a time when the Earth to start the race. you have worked for it or noun L eagerly adverb deserve it. one of the four main comes between the Sun They earned some extra compass directions. East and the Moon, hiding M eagle money by washing cars. is the direction in which the Moon’s light. eagles noun N a large bird of prey that lives earring the Sun rises. An eclipse of the Moon. in mountainous areas. Eagles north eat animals and birds and ecology O have good eyesight for west earrings noun east noun spotting prey a long way off. a piece of jewelry that P can be attached to, eastern the study of how animals, or hung from, plants, and humans affect Q the earlobe (see adjective south one another and how they jewelry on live in their environment. R easypage 112). N say ee-kol-o-jee adjective edge S golden simple, not difficult. edges noun eagle N comparisons easier easiest T N opposite difficult the border of something. U eat V ear eats eating ate eaten verb W ears noun to take in food 1 the part through X of your body that you your mouth. hear with. 2 the top of a cereal stalk Flowers lined the path’s edge. Y where the seeds grow. ear edible ear of wheat Z earlobe adjective safe to eat. Are these mushrooms edible? 68

educate elastic election empty a educates educating educated noun elections noun embarrass b verb the time when people vote c a stretchy fabric. for someone to be in charge. embarrasses embarrassing to teach someone so that they Council elections. embarrassed verb d learn and understand things. to make someone feel e electric ashamed or shy. education noun It embarrasses me to have f adjective to speak in public. g eel embarrassment noun powered by h eels noun electricity. emergency i j a long, thin fish that lives in electric razor emergencies noun rivers and the sea. Eels eat a sudden, dangerous event. k tiny sea plants, animals electricity l called plankton and Helicopters are sometimes used m other fish. noun in emergencies. n o Suspenders made of elastic. a form of energy that is used N say ee-mer-jen-see p for heating and lighting, q ribbon eel elbow and for making machines emigrate work. Electricity is produced r effect elbows noun at a power plant and carried emigrates emigrating emigrated s along cables and wires. verb effects noun the joint in the middle of electrical adjective to leave your own country to t the result of an action or go to live in another. u event on another person your arm. elephant My best friend is emigrating v or thing. from Ireland to New Zealand. w Seeing the crash on the news elephants noun emigration noun x had a bad effect on me. a huge mammal that lives y in southern Asia and Africa. emotion z effort elbow Elephants eat tree bark, roots, leaves, grass, and other emotions noun efforts noun plants. They use their trunks a strong feeling people have. like hands to pick up or hold Love and hate are emotions. the energy you their food. employ need to do African elephant employs employing employed something. elevator verb to pay somebody to do a job. elderly elevators noun I employ six people in my office. a large box or cage that adjective carries people and goods empty between the floors of rather old. a building. adjective It took a lot of effort to lift elect email having nothing the suitcase. inside. elects electing elected verb noun an empty bottle to choose someone to do messages sent electronically between something by voting for them. computers. egg crow’s egg egg yolk egg white eggs noun egg shell egg cup a rounded object that hen’s egg is produced by some female animals. Eggs contain the animal’s babies, which hatch when developed. 69

emu endangered engine A emu adjective engines noun emus noun in danger of becoming extinct. a machine B a large bird that lives that uses fuel on the hot, grassy plains to make jet engine of Australia and eats leaves something move. C and insects. Emus can’t Turtles are engineer entertain fly, but they can run endangered animals. engineers noun entertains entertaining D very fast. enemy a person who is trained to entertained verb design, build, or repair E enemies noun things such as machines, to amuse people or provide 1 a person who dislikes you buildings, or bridges. a pleasant way to pass F or would like to harm you. the time. 2 the opposing country or enjoy G army during a time of war. N say ee-mew enjoys enjoying enjoyed verb to like doing something. H I encourage energy enormous encourages encouraging noun adjective encouraged verb 1 the strength that makes very large. J to help someone feel happy a person or animal lively and confident about what and active. K they are doing. The juggler entertained the children all afternoon. L entertainment noun M N enthusiastic O She has lots An enormous umbrella. adjective Cheerleaders encourage of energy. energetic enough very interested in something. P their team. adjective He is an enthusiastic skier. N say en-kur-rij adjective 2 the power or ability N say en-thoo-zee-as-tik Q encyclopedia of something to make as much as is needed. enthusiasm noun R encyclopedias noun something else work. Do you have enough money? enough noun entire a book, or set of books, that enter adjective S contains facts and information about lots of enters entering entered verb whole. different things. 1 to go into a place. The entire class came to my party. T N say en-sy-kluh-pee-dee-uh The train entered the tunnel. entirely adverb entrance noun U end 2 to take part in. envelope She entered the diving V ends ending ended verb Wind energy. competition with her friends. envelopes noun to finish. 3 to write down, as for a folded paper container The movie ends at 8:30 p.m. keeping a record. for letters I entered my name at the top or cards. of the test paper. W X end ends noun the place where something finishes. Y There is an eraser Z at the end of this pencil. 70

environment equipment escape every a environments noun noun escapes escaping escaped verb event b the surroundings in which c a person, plant, or the things that you need to run away from somewhere events noun animal lives. for a job or something important that A city environment is often an activity. or someone. happens or is organized. noisy and polluted. d environmental adjective e N say en-vy-run-munt envy The tiger escaped from f his cage. g envies envying envied verb to feel unhappy because you snorkeling establish The fireworks display is a big h want something that equipment event each year. i someone else has. establishes establishing j I envy her long vacations. error established verb eventually envious adjective to organize or set up. k envy noun errors noun They established a camp adverb l a mistake. at the foot of the mountain. m episode She failed the exam because in the end or finally. n her paper was full of errors. estimate After arguing for hours o episodes noun we eventually reached p one part of a television or erupt estimates estimating estimated an agreement. q radio series. verb The first episode was so erupts erupting erupted verb to make a thoughtful guess evergreen exciting that he couldn’t to explode suddenly. about something. wait to see the next one. We estimated that the journey adjective would take 10 hours. equal estimate noun having green leaves all adjective evaporate year round. the same. evaporates evaporating pine tree evaporated verb Equal in length. to dry up gradually, changing from a liquid to a gas. N say ee-kwul The water slowly evaporated. evaporation noun equator r even noun The volcano erupted. pine branch s eruption noun adjective an imaginary line around N opposite deciduous t the middle of the Earth that escalator 1 flat or level. u divides the northern half of every v the world from the southern escalators noun Smooth and even grass. w half. The equator is drawn a moving staircase adjective x onto maps and globes. that carries people N opposite uneven y between levels all, or each one. z N say ee-kway-tor or floors. 2 a number that can U We couldn’t use the parking be divided by two. lot since every space was full. equator U Everybody in the family N opposite odd loves chocolate. U We can’t take everyone with evening us, since there are only four places on the bus. evenings noun U Everything in the house the end of the day when the was stolen. Sun sets and it grows dark. U There were daffodils everywhere they looked. 71

evidence A evidence exact example excuse noun adjective examples noun excuses noun B proof that something accurate or precise. something that is typical of a reason you give for not has happened. other similar things, or how a rule works. doing what you should C Can you think of an example of have done. a plant that has blue flowers? D excellent E She pointed to the exact place adjective on the map. extremely good. N say egg-zact F The detectives looked for N opposite approximate G evidence at the scene of exactly adverb the crime. He had a good excuse for not washing the dishes. H evil exaggerate I adjective N say ik-skyoos exaggerates exaggerating excuse verb wicked. exaggerated verb exercise J evolution to say more about something K noun exercises noun than is really true. 1 activities or the gradual development training that The excellent flower you do to L of animals and plants over arrangement won first prize. become fit or a very long time. to stay fit. M She exaggerated the size except N Mesohippus of her catch. preposition O N say ig-za-jur-rate exaggeration noun but, or other than. P exam All the sheep were in the pen exercise verb Pliohippus except one. 2 a piece of work that exams noun exception noun practices a skill or Q an important test to find out a person’s knowledge how much you know about exciting of something. R something. Exam is short A math exercise. for examination. adjective S exhausted Equus examine thrilling. adjective T examines examining examined U Evolution of the horse. verb extremely tired. to look at V ewe an object ewes noun closely and carefully. W a female sheep. N say you X Y The roller coaster ride was She was exhausted after her Z lamb very exciting. long run. excitement noun exhaustion noun ewe N say ig-zam-in 72

eye exhibition expedition experiment extinct a exhibitions noun expeditions noun experiments noun adjective b c an event where things are an adventurous journey that a test that you do in order no longer existing. d displayed for people to look at. is made for a special reason, to find out something. e such as exploring. f g The dodo is an extinct bird. h i A sculpture exhibition. They set off on an expedition expert extra j to cross the Antarctic. N say ek-suh-bish-un experts noun adjective k expensive a person who knows a lot l exist about a subject. more than m adjective The space shuttle was designed is usual. n exists existing existed verb by experts. o to be or to live. costing a lot of money. expert adjective An extra scoop of ice cream. p Dinosaurs existed long extra adverb q before humans. N opposite cheap explain existence noun extraordinary r an expensive watch explains explaining explained s exit verb adjective $300 to help someone to t exits noun understand something. very unusual. u a way out of a building. $2 a cheap Our teacher explained What an extraordinary car. v watch how rainbows occur. It must be 30 feet long! w We left by the nearest fire exit. explanation noun x experience extreme y expand explode z experiences noun adjective expands expanding expanded 1 an important event explodes exploding exploded verb that you remember for verb very great, or much more to become larger. a long time. to burst apart suddenly, than usual. Water expands as it freezes. Traveling around the world often into many pieces. He was in extreme danger. N opposite contract was a fantastic experience. expansion noun experience verb explosion eye 2 knowledge or skill gained noun expect from doing something for eyes noun a long time. explore the part of the body that expects expecting expected verb She has years of experience. you see with. to think that something is N say ik-speer-ree-ens explores exploring explored verb likely to happen. experienced adjective to look around somewhere eyebrow carefully for the first time. He was expecting rain. After we arrived on the island, eyelid we set off to explore. exploration noun eye 73

fable faint fairy A adjective fairies noun a small, not very strong. imaginary creature B She heard a faint noise coming from from the cupboard. stories. Fairies often have C faint magical powers. D faints fainting fainted verb faith to become unconscious for E Ff ashorttime. F factory noun G fable factories noun a strong feeling of trust in fables noun someone or something. I have faith in my doctor. a story, often with animal a building where people H characters, that tries to teach make things using machines. He fainted in the heat. us in an amusing way. faint noun faithful I fair adjective fabric adjective trustworthy or reliable. A faithful friend. J fabrics noun 1 light in color. cloth. fake K adjective L façade imitation, not real. façades noun the front of a building. M N fade Fair hair. fake jewels fades fading faded verb fake noun N opposite dark O 1 to lose color or strength. falcon 2 done in a way that is right P and honest. falcons noun Q N say fa-sod Everyone gets a fair share. a bird with a sharp beak R face and claws that is related to N opposite unfair the eagle. Falcons are good faces noun hunters and can fly very fast. 3 dry and sunny. They eat birds, reptiles, and S the front of your head, where Fair weather. small mammals. your nose, eyes, and mouth are. N comparisons fairer fairest T fair U fairs noun V The photograph was old and an outdoor event with stalls, competitions, games, and had faded. other entertainments. 2 to disappear slowly. W The music faded away. X fail N say fal-kun Y fact fails failing failed verb facts noun to be unsuccessful at Z a piece of information that doing something. is known to be true. He failed his driving test. failure noun 74

fall famine fang fang fast a falls falling fell fallen verb famines noun fangs noun farm b to drop from a higher a time when there is not c place to a lower place. enough to eat, usually 1 a long, pointed farms noun because of a drought or a war. tooth that a place where crops d She was thrown from the horse meat-eating are grown or animals are e and fell into the water. famous animals use reared for food. fall noun for tearing up f adjective their food. g fall well-known to many people. 2 a snake’s long, sharp sheep farm h falls noun tooth that has poison in it. farm verb i another name A famous movie star. j for autumn. fantastic fascinate fan k false adjective fascinates fascinating fascinated l fans noun verb m adjective 1 a device that moves air 1 difficult to believe. to interest someone so n around to make you A fantastic tale about giants. much that they think of o not real or true. feel cooler. 2 very pleasing or wonderful. nothing else. p He wore We had a fantastic vacation. Dinosaurs fascinate me. q a false beard. electric N say fas-uh-nate fan fantasy fascination noun r familiar s 2 a person who is very fantasies noun fashion adjective interested and enthusiastic something that is imaginary t about something. and not real. fashions noun u well-known to you. a way of v I saw a familiar face They played to their fans. far dressing that w in the crowd. people like and x fanatic adverb want to copy at y N opposite unfamiliar a particular time. z fanatics noun 1 to or from a long way away. family someone who believes in Have you come far? Long, straight something so strongly that 2 how distant something is. dresses were the families noun it controls their life. fashion in the 1920s. 1 a group of people who are A football fanatic. She walked along a path far fashionable adjective closely related to each other. from the city. I come from a large family of fast five brothers and sisters. N comparisons farther farthest 2 a group of animals or N opposite near adjective plants that are related to each other. fare at great speed. These butterflies belong to fares noun N comparisons faster fastest the same family. the money that you must N opposite slow pay to travel on a bus, train, fast adverb or airplane. What is the fare to Glasgow? fast adverb firmly held. Stuck fast in the mud. 75

fast A fast fatal fawn feel fasts fasting fasted verb adjective fawns noun feels feeling felt verb B to go without food for resulting in death. a young deer. 1 to experience an emotion. a special reason. Fatal injuries. I feel happy today. Muslims fast during N say fay-tuhl 2 to experience fatally adverb something C the festival of Ramadan. through fast noun D fasten father touch. fastens fastening fastened verb fathers noun E to join something together so a male that it holds. parent. F G fax faxes noun feeling noun a picture or message, that H is recorded electronically on a fax machine. A fax is sent fell I by telephone lines to another from the verb to fall fax machine, where it is I fell off my bike last week. printed out. J fax verb female K fear adjective belonging to the sex that can L Fastening her collar. fears noun give birth to babies, or the feeling of being afraid. produce eggs or seeds. M fat fault He had a fear of spiders. N opposite male fats noun fear verb female noun faults noun N 1 the oily substance that 1 something that is wrong. feather feminine is stored under the skin A fault in the computer. and in the cells of animals 2 a mistake that someone feathers noun adjective O and people. part of the soft, has made. light covering of or like women or girls. 2 an oily, solid substance that It was my fault we were late. N say fem-in-nin P is used in cooking. Lard, oil, 3 a split in the Earth’s crust. that a bird N opposite masculine butter, and margarine are The San Andreas Fault is has on its Q all fats. in California. body (see fence R bird on N say fall-t page 28). fences noun favor a barrier that separates one piece of land from another. S favors noun fee a kind and helpful action. Will you do me a favor? fees noun T money that you pay to margarine favorite a person or organization for a service. U adjective feed fat liked the best. feeds feeding V adjective fed verb 2 to eat food. having a lot of fat or flesh. 1 to give W X someone or something food. Y Red is her favorite color. Caterpillars Z N comparisons fatter fattest favorite noun feed on leaves. 76

fern fetch fiction file a ferns noun fetches fetching fetched verb noun fight b c a type of plant that has to go and get something and a story or poem that has fights fighting fought verb feathery leaves and been made up and is not to struggle against a person d doesn’t produce bring it back. about real events. or animal. e flowers (see I read a lot of crime fiction. plant on Fighting with swords. f page 151). N opposite nonfiction fight noun g ferocious The dog fetched the stick. field figure h i adjective fever fields noun figures noun j an area of land where grass 1 a symbol fierce, dangerous, and cruel. fevers noun grows, crops are grown, or that represents k ferociously adverb an illness when your body animals graze. a written number. l temperature is very high and m ferry your pulse is fast. fierce 2 the shape of the human body. n He saw a shadowy figure o ferries noun few adjective walking through the mist. p a boat or ship that regularly q sails a short distance between adjective violent or dangerous. N say fig-yuhr two places, carrying vehicles, r passengers, or cargo. not many, file s or a small number files noun t of something. 1 a folder for keeping paper u and other pieces of v fertile There are A fierce dog. information together. w a few pencils x adjective in the jar. N comparisons fiercer fiercest 2 a metal tool with rough y fiercely adverb sides that is used to z where something grows well. N opposite many smooth edges. Fertile farmland. fig fiancé / fiancée 3 a line of people, animals, festival figs noun or vehicles. fiancés / fiancées noun a small, soft fruit with a festivals noun someone who is engaged tough skin and sweet flesh, The ducklings walked in a celebration or special event, to be married. which is full of tiny seeds. single file. often with music, dancing, N say fee-on-say Figs can be eaten fresh and plays. N a fiancé is a man and a fiancée or dried. 77 is a woman fiber fibers noun a fine thread of something. A dance festival. rope fiber

fill A fill filter fine fire fills filling filled verb filters noun adjective fires noun B to put as much of a device that only allows 1 all right. the heat, light, and flames of something into some things, such as water I feel fine. something a container as it or air, to pass through it. 2 dry and sunny. burning. Fine weather. C can hold. coffee 3 very thin or D filter delicate. The pen has E a fine tip. F 4 having many small parts. fire alarm filter Fine sand. fire alarms noun G verb 5 very good. a bell that rings to warn Fine food. people of a fire. H fin N comparisons finer finest fins noun I 1 the part of a fish that sticks finger fire engine out from its body and helps it fingers noun fire engines noun the vehicle that firefighters J film to swim and keep its balance one of the separate parts travel in to get to a fire. K films filming filmed verb (see fish on page 79). at the end of your hand. 2 a device that helps vehicles fire extinguisher to use a movie or video keep steady while going fast fingernail (see universe on page 229). fire extinguishers noun L camera to take moving a device filled with pictures of something. finger water, powder, or chemicals that is M used for putting out fires. N fin firefighter Bluebird racing car O thumb firefighters noun P final fingerprint someone whose job is to adjective put out fires and rescue people in danger. Q last in a series. fingerprints noun R This is the final call for the mark that S film the flight to Paris. your finger or finally adverb thumb makes films noun when it touches find something. 1 a series of moving pictures finds finding finish T shown on a screen. found verb finishes finishing finished verb firework We went to see a film to discover U at the movie theater. something. to come to the end fireworks noun of something. a device that burns or 2 a long, thin piece of special V plastic that is used in explodes when lit, creating cameras for taking a colorful display. photographs. W He found the key under firm the mat. X fine adjective Y fines noun 1 solid. money you have to pay as A firm mattress. 2 fixed so it cannot move. 3 determined and definite. Z 3 a thin layer of something. a punishment. She finished the race ahead A firm decision. A film of oil. A parking fine. of him. firmly adverb 78

fish fish a fish or fishes noun gill opening b a cold-blooded animal that c lives in the water, breathes nostril through gills, and is usually d covered in scales. Most fish teeth e have streamlined shapes. Fish eat other water animals great white shark f and plants (see skeleton on g page 188). freshwater mouth angelfish h barbel forceps fish i scales j clown loach dorsal fin k spines l m false n eyespot o p tail (caudal) fin q lionfish lips r s golden rudd lateral line pectoral fin anal fin t gill cover belly u mandarin fish v bony w rings x y seahorse eye z tail concealed trigger spine eye clownfish clown triggerfish porcupine fish inflated body 79

fish fizzy flap flavor A fish adjective flaps flapping flapped verb flavors noun fishes fishing fished verb 1 to hang or swing loosely. the taste full of bubbles. The laundry flapped of food B to try to catch fish. in the wind. or drink. fishing noun A fizzy drink. 2 to move up and down. fizz verb Birds flap their wings in This dessert has C fist order to fly. an orange flavor. D fists noun flag flash flea the shape your hand makes flags noun a piece of cloth with a design flashes noun fleas noun E when you that represents a country or 1 a sudden, bright light. a very small, curl up an organization. Flags are A flash of lightning. jumping insect your often flown from flagpoles. flash verb without wings that 2 a short period of time. sucks the blood of F fingers It was all over in a flash. humans and animals. and thumb flask flew G tightly. H fitfits fitting fit or fitted verb flasks noun from the verb to fly I 1 to be the right He flew to France yesterday. a container for liquids that size or shape. flexible usually has a narrow top J adjective and a tight-fitting lid. K easy to bend. flagpole L United Nations flag M flake laboratory flask N flakes noun She checked a small, thin piece O to see if the skirt fit her. of something. P flakes of pastry flat Q 2 to put something in place. flake verb adjective I fitted a lock to the door. flame 1 level or even. R fit flames noun A flat roof. S adjective a bright point 2 without air inside it. of burning gas healthy. in a fire. N comparisons fitter fittest T U fix fixes fixing fixed verb V 1 to mend something. W A flat beach ball. X flatten Y Fixing a car engine. flammable flattens flattening flattened verb 2 to make something secure. adjective to make something flat. Z They fixed the shelf to catching fire easily. The car ran over the can, A flexible ruler. the wall. N opposite nonflammable flattening it. 80

flick flock flour flutter a flicks flicking flicked verb flocks noun noun fluid b c to touch or hit something a group of birds, or animals a powder made by crushing fluids noun such as sheep or goats. grain such as wheat. Flour is a substance that flows. d in a quick, light way. used in baked goods such as Gases and liquids are fluids. e A flock of geese. bread and cakes. fluorescent flood N say flower adjective floods flooding flooded verb to cover an area that is giving off light. normally dry with a large The horse flicked the flies away amount of water. f with its tail. The river burst its banks, g flick noun flooding the town. flood noun flow His fluorescent h flight top made him i floodlight flows flowing flowed verb visible in j noun to move along steadily. the dark. floodlights noun A steady flow of traffic. k 1 the action of flying. a large, bright lamp N say floo-res-sent l that is used at night to flower m light up an open area, flush n usually outside. flowers noun o the part of a plant that flushes flushing flushed verb p contains the seeds. Flowers 1 to become red in the face. q often have colorful petals She flushed with anger when (see plant on page 151). her friend shouted at her. r 2 to clean with a sudden and s floodlit adjective quick flow of water. He flushed the dirty t A parakeet in flight. floor water away. u 2 a journey through the air. v floors noun petal flute w N say flite 1 a surface that you walk x on inside a building. flu flutes noun y fling A marble floor. a wind instrument made z 2 a level of a building. noun of wood or metal. You flings flinging flung verb I live on the sixth floor of this play it by covering to throw something suddenly apartment building. an infectious illness, caused holes with your and forcefully. by a virus, that often affects fingers or special He flung his shoes into florist the nose and throat. Flu is pads and blowing the corner. short for “influenza.” across a hole at florists noun one end. float a person who sells and fluff arranges flowers. flutter floats floating floated verb noun to rest on the surface of flutters fluttering fluttered verb water or another liquid soft fibers or threads to move or flap quickly. without sinking. from a material. fluffy adjective floating adjective The butterflies fluttered around the bush. 81

fly A fly fold foot forbid flies noun folds folding folded verb feet noun forbids forbidding forbade forbidden verb B a flying insect with two to bend one part of the part of to tell a person that they must not do something. wings and six legs. Most flies something over another. your body that I forbid you to drive. N opposite allow feed on rotting plants and you stand on. forbidden adjective C animals. There are many force different kinds of fly. forces forcing forced verb D 1 to make a person do something. E football I was forced to make a choice. 2 to push strongly. F bluebottle fly a fold noun They forced the safe open. G fly fold noun H flies flying flew verb 1 a game for two teams of force 11 players. Points are scored to travel through the air. by carrying the ball over forces noun the other team’s goal line, 1 a power. or kicking it through the other team’s goalposts. The force of the wind blew her hat off. I follow 2 a group of people who together have power. foal follows following followed verb The armed forces. J foals noun to go behind or after someone forearm a young horse. forearms noun K or something. the part of your The dog followed him arm between your elbow L all the way home. 2 an oval-shaped ball that is and your wrist. M food used in football games. forearm noun forecast N all the things that humans and animals eat to help them forecasts forecasting forecast live and grow. verb O foam to predict that something noun will happen in the future. P lots of very small air bubbles. Forecasting the weather. Foam can be liquid or solid. forecast noun Q shaving foam a football R footprint S Pasta is an Italian food. footprints noun the mark left by T focus a foot or shoe. focuses focusing focused verb U to adjust something to make foolish footstep a clearer and sharper image. adjective footsteps noun V He focused his camera on not sensible. the sound of the flower. someone walking. focus noun I heard footsteps behind me. W X fog noun a thick cloud of tiny water He was foolish to walk under Y droplets and dust that hangs in the air, close Z to the ground. the ladder. foggy adjective foolishly adverb 82

forehead form forward fragile a foreheads noun forms noun adverb fox b the part of your c face above 1 the shape or the type moving toward the front. foxes noun your eyes of something. He fell forward onto a mammal that belongs d and below Trains are a form his hands. to the dog family and lives in e your hair. of transportation. the countryside and in towns. 2 a printed piece of paper fossil Foxes eat small animals, f forehead with spaces in which you birds, and scraps g write information. fossils noun from garbage cans. I filled in the form. the remains or print of h a plant or animal that died i foreign formula many years ago. Fossils are fraction j found preserved in rocks. adjective formulas or formulae noun fossilized adjective fractions noun k 1 a number l belonging to another country. 1 a type of recipe or code that foster that is part of m Foreign languages. a whole number. n shows chemists what fosters fostering fostered verb o N say for-in to give a home for a period of One-third is a fraction. p foreigner noun chemicals are made of. time to a child who comes 2 a very small part of q from another family. something. forest They have fostered three You can fly there in a fraction r children in the past two years. of the time it takes to drive. s forests noun fought fracture t a very large area of trees. u from the verb to fight fractures fracturing fractured v chemical formula for water The team fought back, but verb w 2 instructions or a recipe for in the end they lost the game. to break. x making or doing something. N say fawt y fracture z forget fortnight found The X-ray showed forgets forgetting forgot noun from the verb to find where the bone had fractured. forgotten verb She found her wallet fracture noun to not remember something. a period of time lasting this morning. I forgot my sister’s birthday. two weeks. fragile N opposite remember fortnightly adjective fountain fortnightly adverb adjective forgive fountains noun fortune a statue or delicate forgives forgiving forgave structure and easily forgiven verb noun that broken. to stop blaming or being sprays angry with someone for 1 luck. water something they said or did. He had the good fortune up into I forgave my brother for losing to be rescued from the wreck. the air. my favorite CD. forgiveness noun N opposite misfortune 2 a lot of money. She won a fortune. fork 2 the place where something divides into two parts. forks noun 1 a tool with two or more narrow spikes that is used for lifting things. table fork A fork in the road. fragile coral N say fraj-uhl 83

frame freeze friend front A frame freezes freezing froze frozen friends noun fronts noun frames noun verb someone whom you like and the part of something that who likes you. faces forward. B a structure that surrounds to reach such a low, cold friendly adjective the edge of something, temperature that a liquid front of holding it in place. becomes a solid. frighten a truck C frightens frightening frightened verb D to make someone feel afraid. She was always trying to E frighten her brother. frightening adjective F The lake froze in winter. fringe frontier G A picture frame. freezer fringes noun frontiers noun H freezers noun a border made up of loose, the border between two I frantic a machine that freezes food regions or countries, so that it can be stored for hanging pieces of material especially if one of them adjective a long time without spoiling. is wild and unknown. or thread. very upset and excited, freight N say fron-tee-er J because of fear, worry, noun frost or pain. goods that are carried by frosts noun K The frantic animal tried road, rail, sea, or air. to escape from its cage. tiny ice crystals that form N rhymes with mate on surfaces outside in very L frantically adverb cold weather. M freckle fringe frosty adjective freckles noun frog frown N a small, light brown spot on the skin. frogs noun frowns frowning frowned verb O an amphibian with no tail to pull your eyebrows that lives in or near water. together and wrinkle your P Frogs eat spiders, worms, forehead to show that you are small fish, and insects. They not happy about something. Q freckle begin life as fishlike tadpoles. freight train R S frequent frozen T free adjective adjective adjective happening often. preserved by being kept U 1 costing no money. There is a frequent train very cold. Please accept this free gift. service to the city. frozen peas V 2 not restricted by rules N say free-kwent or limits. frequently adverb Do you have any free time fresh W this week? free adverb adjective X free verb new, not stale or preserved. Y freedom fresh parsley dried noun parsley Z being free. The freedom to do as you like. 84

fruit pit fruit a fruits noun lychees passion fruit b c the part of a plant that contains d the seeds. Many e fruits are edible. N rhymes with boot greengage black currants plums f g red currants star fruit (side view) (end view) h i drupelet j mango pulp green olives red raspberries kiwi fruit k l seeds mandarin oranges m n pomegranates segment pips o stem p rambutans peel tomatoes q ugli fruit pith flesh r s rind papaya t pineapple u v w x y z 85

frustrate A frustrate fund funny furniture frustrates frustrating frustrated funds noun adjective noun B verb an amount of 1 making you laugh or smile. chairs, beds, to upset someone by keeping money collected ROOF FUND cupboards, them from doing something for a special and other C they want to do. movable reason. things that It was frustrating that the last D tickets for the concert had you have in already been sold. the place E frustration noun where you live or work. F fry cupboard fries frying fried verb G to cook something in hot oil. The church has started a fund 2 strange or odd. to repair the roof. What’s that funny noise? H funeral N comparisons funnier funniest I funerals noun fur armchair a formal occasion during noun which the body of someone the soft, hairy covering J frying pan who has died is buried that some double bed or burned. animals have K fuel on their bodies. furrow L fuels noun fungus furrows noun something that is burned fungi or funguses noun a groove in the ground made to give heat or power. a plant with no flowers or by a plow. leaves. Fungus M Wood, coal, and gasoline grows in damp are types of fuel. N places and furry adjective has seeds full called spores. furious O adjective fly agaric adjective without space for any more. P Q funnel very angry. fuse funnels noun She was furious to discover that her wallet was missing. R 1 a tube that is N say fyoor-ee-us fuses noun wide at one end a safety device for electrical S and narrow at the furnace machines that stops other. Funnels are the current from flowing This box is full of beads. used for pouring furnaces noun if it is too strong. liquids through a device in which fuel is T small openings. burned to heat buildings, fuss U fumes or to melt metals. fusses fussing fussed verb noun N say fur-nis V smoke or gas that is often to be more anxious than is strong-smelling and necessary about something. unpleasant. Some fumes Don’t fuss with my hair! W are poisonous. 2 the smokestack on a ship. fussy adjective Exhaust fumes. funnel future X fun Y noun noun an enjoyable activity. the time that is to come. In the future, people might Z The treasure hunt was steel-making furnace travel to Mars. lots of fun. N opposite past 86

Gg garage gather a gadget gang garages noun gas b gadgets noun gangs noun 1 a place where cars and c a small, useful tool. a group of people who do other vehicles are stored. gases noun N say ga-jit things together. 1 a substance that is d A gang of road workers. 2 a place where cars and not a liquid or a solid. e galaxy other vehicles are repaired. gangster This stove is f galaxies noun N say guh-razh powered by g a large group of stars. gangsters noun a gas called The Milky Way is a galaxy. someone who belongs butane. h to a group of criminals. i gale 2 the fuel j gap used in cars; gales noun short for k a strong wind. gaps noun “gasoline.” l a space between two things. m gallop garbage gash n o gallops galloping galloped verb noun gashes noun p to move in the way that a long, deep cut. q a horse does when it runs things that have been as fast as it can. thrown away. gasp r s N say gar-bij gasps gasping gasped verb to struggle to breathe, taking t garden in air in short, quick breaths. u He rose to the surface of v gardens noun the water, gasping for air. w a piece of ground where fruit, gasp noun x flowers, vegetables, and other y plants are grown. z gate gates noun a type of outside door that is fitted into walls or fences. A gap in the hedge. The garden looked beautiful in the summer. gamble gape gather garlic gambles gambling gambled verb gapes gaping gaped verb gathers gathering gathered verb noun to bet money on the result of to stare at something with to collect together. your mouth open. a plant with a race, game, or competition. an onion-shaped bulb, They gaped at the acrobat made up of sections called cloves. Garlic is on the tightrope. used in cooking to add flavor to food. game games noun an activity that you play for fun, or a sport. Many games have rules and a scoring system. garlic cloves bowling pins string of garlic Gathering leaves. 87

gave A gave generous geography giant from the verb to give adjective noun giants noun B She gave me a kite for kind and ready to give. the study of the Earth’s a huge, imaginary person my birthday last week. It was generous of him surface and its inhabitants. from fairy tales C gaze to lend us the car. N say jee-og-ra-fee generously adverb or legends. D gazes gazing gazed verb genius geometry to stare at something noun E for a long time. geniuses noun He gazed out of the window. a person who is the study of shapes, surfaces, extremely intelligent. and angles. N say jee-om-e-tree F gem Many people think that germ Albert Einstein was a genius. germs noun G gems noun N say jeen-nyus a tiny plant or animal that a jewel or can cause illness. precious stone. emerald gentle germinate giant H adjective germinates adjective germinating I kind and germinated verb very large. careful. to start to grow. gift aquamarine fire opal a seed germinating gifts noun J a present. K L heliodor yellow sapphire gesture M N general gestures noun adjective 1 usual, or true of Be gentle with the kitten. a sign that you make gigantic O most people. N comparisons gentler gentlest with your The general opinion is that gently adverb hands adjective or body. huge or enormous. P exercise is good for you. genuine A gigantic house with 2 having to do with the main 20 bedrooms. adjective Q parts, but not the details. N say jie-gan-tik The newspaper reported the real, or not imitation. general points of the R president’s speech. A genuine leather bag. giggle generally adverb N say jen-yoo-in giggles giggling giggled verb S to laugh in a nervous generation or silly way. T generations noun ghost all the people who ghosts noun U are in approximately the spirit of the same age group. a dead person. V There is usually N say goest a period of about ghostly adjective 30 years between W one generation and the next. X Y child parent grandparent Three Z different generations. 88

gill give gland glitter a gills noun gives giving gave glands noun glasses b the organ that a fish uses to given verb c breathe (see fish on page 79). to let somebody one of the parts of your body noun have something. that makes the chemicals d gimmick your body needs. a pair of lenses in frames. e He gave her Glands near your eyes People wear glasses to help gimmicks noun a book as a prize. them see better. f a way of making people make tears. g aware of something or glacier gleam somebody. h Free gifts are often given glaciers noun gleams gleaming gleamed verb i away as a gimmick to draw a huge river of ice that moves to shine or glow. j attention to a new product. very slowly. glider k ginger l gliders noun m noun a very light aircraft n with no motor o a spicy root that is used that flies using p to add flavor to food. air currents. q ground glare glimpse r ginger s glares glaring glared verb glimpses glimpsing glimpsed root ginger glad 1 to look at someone in verb t an angry way. to see something or someone u giraffe adjective 2 to shine very brightly. for just a few moments. v The sun glared down. He glimpsed his friend w giraffes noun pleased and happy. glare noun in the crowd. x a very tall mammal that lives I am glad to be back home. y on dry plains in Africa. glass glitter z Giraffes eat leaves on trees, gladiator which they can reach with noun glitters glittering glittered verb their long necks. gladiators noun to shine with a bright, a man who was trained to 1 a transparent, fragile sparkling light. fight as entertainment for substance that is used to spectators in ancient Rome. make things such as windows and bottles. stained glass girl glance 2 a container that is used girls noun glances glancing glanced verb to drink from. a young female person. to take a quick look wineglass at something. She glanced at the clock to see if it was time to go out. 89

globe glue goat A globe glues noun goats noun globes noun a substance that is used to a mammal with B the world, or a model horns from the same of the world. stick things together. animal group as sheep. Goats eat grass and C other plants and are often kept on farms D for their milk. A baby goat is called a kid. E F glue verb gobble gold G gnat gobbles gobbling gobbled verb noun gnats noun to eat something quickly and H gloomy a small, biting insect with in a greedy way. a soft, bright, wings and long, fine legs. yellow metal God that is very valuable. noun I adjective A mosquito is a type of gnat. dull and dark. the being that Christians, N say nat Jews, and Muslims worship and believe made the world. A gloomy winter day. gold ore J gnaw god gold ring K glossy gnaws gnawing gnawed verb gods noun goldfish adjective to chew something. a being that people worship noun L shiny. and believe has power an orange fish that is often Glossy paper. kept in aquariums and ponds N comparisons glossier glossiest over their lives. as a pet. M N glove gloves noun a piece of clothing that you The mouse gnawed the wood. Shiva, a O wear on your hands. Hindu god P N say naw Q goal Vishnu, a golf R Hindu god S goals noun noun T glow U glows glowing glowed verb 1 the target that you have a game played on a grass to aim the ball at in course, with a ball, and to give off a steady light. some games. sticks called clubs. Players An ice hockey goal. hit the ball into holes around V 2 a point scored for sending the course. The player who a ball into a net. completes the course in the fewest shots is the winner. W goggles X noun Y Z The fire glowed brightly special glasses worn to protect the eyes. in the dark. She scored a goal in the last swimming goggles minute of the game. 3 an aim or an ambition. My goal in life is to become a doctor. 90

gong gorge grand a gongs noun gorges noun graffiti b a metal disk a deep, c that you hit narrow valley. noun to make d a loud noise. gorgeous writing and drawing on walls e in public places. good adjective f government N say gruh-fee-tee g adjective very nice to look at or taste. The long, sandy beach looked governments noun grain h 1 pleasant or of high quality. gorgeous in the photograph. a group of people who i That was a good movie! run a country. grains noun j 2 useful. N say gor-jus N say guv-ern-ment 1 a seed of a cereal crop This knife is good for cutting. govern verb such as wheat or barley, k 3 kind or well-behaved. gorilla or a quantity of these seeds. l A good child. grab m 4 skillful. gorillas noun n She’s very good at math. a large mammal covered in grabs grabbing grabbed verb o dark hair that lives in rain to take hold of something in p N comparisons better best forests in Africa. Gorillas eat a quick, rough way. q fruits, nuts, and leaves. They good-bye are the largest and strongest barley grains r apes in the world. s interjection 2 a small, hard piece baby of something. t a word that you say when gorilla Sand is made up of many u someone tiny grains. v leaves. gossip 3 the pattern in wood. w x goods gossips gossiping gossiped verb He grabbed his coat and ran to y to talk about someone or the station. z noun something without always knowing whether what you graceful things that can be bought say is true or not. and sold. People often gossip about adjective movie stars. goose moving in a beautiful way. geese noun a large bird that lives on Ballet dancers different wood grains or near water. Geese eat are very grasses and grain. A male graceful. grammar goose is called a gander. gracefully adverb Some types of geese are kept noun by farmers for their eggs, grade meat, and feathers. the rules for writing and grades noun speaking a language. 1 a year at school 2 a mark to show how well grand you have done in your schoolwork. adjective grade verb large and impressive. The grand house had a huge, iron gate. N comparisons grander grandest 91

grandchild A grandchild graph grateful grandchildren noun graphs noun adjective B a son or daughter’s child. a diagram that shows feeling thankful to A grandchild can be a how amounts and numbers someone because they have done something granddaughter or a grandson. of things compare with for you. C each other. She was grateful for one of his sandwiches. D grandfather gratefully adverb grandfathers noun E the father of a parent. N say graf grave graze A grandfather can also be called granddad or grandpa. graves noun grazes grazing grazed verb a hole in the ground in F which a dead body is buried. 1 to move around eating G grandmother grass and plants, in the grave way that cattle and other grandmothers noun animals do. the mother of a parent. adjective H A grandmother can also be very serious and important. called grandma or granny. I grandfather grasp grandmother grasps grasping grasped verb J 1 to take hold of something firmly. gravel K noun L a mixture of tiny pieces of stone, used for covering paths and roads. M 2 to understand something. gravity grazing antelopes They couldn’t grasp how 2 to touch lightly in passing. N the computer worked. noun Her skirt grazed the flowers on the path. O grass 1 the natural grandchild force that pulls grease grasses noun everything down P grape a plant with long, thin, green toward Earth. noun Q grapes noun leaves. Grass is an important food for many animals. a soft, thick oil or fat. a small, round greasy adjective fruit with a smooth grasshopper Apples fall downward rather than upward because great R green or black grasshoppers noun of gravity. skin and 2 seriousness. adjective a jumping insect that A criminal’s punishment S soft, juicy feeds on plants. depends on the gravity 1 very big. flesh. Grasshoppers have of a crime. The great trees grew Grapes can two sets of wings over the road. and strong N say grav-it-ee T be used to back legs. 2 important or powerful. make wine. gray A great leader. U bunch of grapes noun N say grayt N comparisons greater greatest V grapefruit a color that is a mixture of W grapefruit or grapefruits noun black and white. greedy a large, round, juicy fruit adjective X with a thick wanting much more of skin and something than you need. a sour taste. A greedy person. Y N comparisons greedier greediest Z 92

green grief groceries growl a noun noun noun group b c a color. great unhappiness. food, cleaning groups noun supplies, and people, animals, or things d greenhouse grill other things that that are connected in e you buy regularly some way. greenhouses noun grills noun to use at home. f a building made mainly a set of A group of schoolchildren. g of glass, used for metal bars N say grow-sir-reez growing plants. for cooking grow h food on. barbecue groom i grill verb grill grows growing grew grown verb j grooms grooming groomed verb 1 to become bigger. grin to make an animal clean by k brushing it. The plant grew l grins grinning grinned verb a little more m to have a big smile. groove every day. n 2 to become something o greet grin noun grooves noun gradually. p a long, fine line that is cut Growing older. q greets greeting greeted verb grind into a flat surface. to welcome someone. growl r grinds grinding ground verb grotesque s greeting to crush something into growls growling growled verb a powder by adjective to make a long, low, angry t greetings rubbing it. sound deep down in u noun ugly and strange. the throat. v an action, The dog growled every time w or words, N say grow-tesk I came near. x used when y meeting ground 93 z someone. noun Grinding spices. 1 the surface of the Earth. grip You could see the ground from grips gripping gripped verb the top of the tower. 2 a piece of land around to hold on to something a building. very firmly. Hospital grounds. She gripped her briefcase. When we arrived, she gave us groan a traditional Indian greeting. groans groaning groaned verb to make a long, deep sound because you are unhappy or in pain.

growth Snake A growth egg case egg tooth noun egg hatchling adult rat snake B the way in which things change as they become older legs silk girdle and bigger. The growth of C animals and plants happens in many different ways. D E Butterfly F G head eggshell H I claspers pupa imago (adult) (chrysalis) prolegs disk florets J silk pad a single flower egg larva (caterpillar) (ray floret) K L Sunflower first true leaf M bract N shoot (plumule) O seed leaf stem stem P root hairs flower Q seed coat radicle (testa) R primary S germinating root seed seedling T U Human being V W X toddler child teenager adult Y Z baby 94

grub guess guilty gymnastics a grubs noun guesses guessing guessed verb adjective gurgle b the larva of a newly hatched c insect before it becomes to suggest an answer to having done something wrong. gurgles gurgling gurgled verb an adult. A grub looks like to make small bubbling d a thick, soft worm. a question, without being sounds in the throat. e The baby gurgled when his grumble sure it is the right one. mother tickled him. f g grumbles grumbling grumbled guilt noun gust verb h to complain in an angry way, gusts noun i usually in a quiet voice. j a sudden, strong rush grunt of wind. k l grunts grunting grunted verb A gust of wind blew off his hat. m to make a short sound like n the noise a pig makes. guitar gym o p guarantee guitars noun gyms noun q guarantees noun a musical a large room or building r 1 a promise from a company instrument with where people can play sports s that if one of their products six or twelve or exercise, often using breaks or goes wrong they strings. You pull special equipment. Gym is t will fix or replace it. the strings with short for “gymnasium.” u A one-year guarantee. your fingers to v 2 a promise that something make different N say jim w will happen. sounds. x N say ga-run-tee She had to guess what she y was holding. z guard guess noun guards guarding guarded verb guest electric to watch over something to guitar keep it safe. guests noun The building was guarded gymnast at night. someone who stays at a house N say gard or a hotel. gymnasts noun a person who is skilled guard N rhymes with best in gymnastics. N say jim-nast guards noun guide gulp 1 someone who gymnastics watches over guides noun gulps gulping gulped verb and protects 1 someone whose job is to to swallow something fast noun something show people around places. or in large amounts. or someone. The guide took us He gulped the drink quickly. a sport in which people around the museum. perform exercises that security 2 a book with maps and gum develop physical strength guard information about a place. and ability. guide verb gums noun 1 the firm part inside your N say jim-nass-ticks 2 something that prevents mouth around your teeth. damage or injury. 2 a sticky substance that is usually made from plants. Chewing gum. gun guns noun a weapon that shoots bullets. face 18th-century gun guard 95

habit hand A half hands noun halves noun the part of your body at the B one of two equal parts end of your arm that has four of something. fingers and one thumb. C D HhE halveverb F hair hall hand G habit noun halls noun hands handing handed verb habits noun 1 a corridor or small room at to give something to someone 1 something 1 thin strands that grow the entrance of a house. with your hand. on the skin of animals 2 a large, open room in Hand the hammer to me. H that you and people. a building, used for meetings usually do 2 a mass of or other group activities. handkerchief thin strands I without that covers halt handkerchiefs noun thinking. your head. a small piece of cloth or halts halting halted verb paper used for blowing J braided to stop walking or your nose. hair moving forward. K N say hawlt hairy adjective L ham handle hairbrush M Biting your nails is noun handles noun N a bad habit. hairbrushes noun a part of a brush for hair. meat from the leg of a pig something that 2 a type of that has been preserved is designed to be haircut with salt or smoke. grasped or held O clothing worn by the hand. by monks haircuts noun hamburger a style in which hair is cut. door handle P and nuns. Have you seen his hamburgers noun new haircut? a flat piece of chopped beef, handle Q grilled and served in a roll. monk’s habit hairdresser handles handling handled verb hammer to touch or hold something. R hairdressers noun Please handle that S habitat someone hammers noun vase carefully! whose job a tool with a metal habitats noun it is to end that is used the natural place where cut hair. to knock nails into wood and T an animal, bird, or plant for shaping lives and grows. metals. hammer verb U hammock hail hammocks noun V noun frozen rain that falls in a bed made of cloth or net hung W small, hard balls. by rope and fastened at two ends. X Y Z 96

handlebar hangar hare haul a handlebars noun hangars noun hares noun harvest b a bar at the front of a bicycle a very large building where c that you turn to steer (see aircraft are stored. a furry, plant-eating harvests harvesting harvested transportation on page 221). mammal that belongs to verb d hang glider the same animal group as to gather a crop, such as fruit e handsome rabbits. Hares can or wheat, when it is ready to hang gliders noun run fast and have be used or eaten. f adjective a huge kite that a person can very good hearing. combine g hang from. The hang glider Males are called harvester attractive and pleasant to rides on currents of air in jacks and h look at. the same way as females are Harvesting wheat. i A handsome man. a glider. called jills. harvest noun j handstand happen harm hat k l handstands noun happens happening happened harms harming harmed verb hats noun m an upside-down verb to damage or injure something that is worn on n position, to take place. something or someone. the head. o standing on What happened to your car? p your hands, harmful hatch q with your happy legs in adjective hatches hatching r the air. adjective hatched verb s able to damage or injure to be born by handwriting pleased and content. someone or something. coming out of t He felt happy on his birthday. an egg. u noun N opposite harmless v N comparisons happier happiest hate w writing done by hand, not happiness noun harmony x typed or printed. hates hating hated verb y harbor harmonies noun to dislike something or z hang a collection of musical notes someone very much. harbors noun played or sung together to hatred noun hangs hanging hung verb a sheltered place where ships make a pleasant sound. to support something can anchor and unload safely. They sang in perfect harmony. haul from above. harp hauls hauling hauled verb Hanging up to pull with force. her clothes. harps noun a musical instrument that has a large frame with strings stretched across it. Harps are played by pulling the strings with your fingers. hard frame Hauling a boat. harp adjective 1 solid and firm to touch. Hard ground. 2 difficult to understand or do. These puzzles are hard. N comparisons harder hardest hard adverb 97

haunted A haunted head healthy heat adjective heads noun adjective heats heating heated verb to make or become warmer. B having ghosts or other spirits 1 the part of your body that well and strong. We heated some water. in it. contains your brain, and is heat noun A haunted house. where your ears, eyes, nose, N say hell-thee and mouth are. N comparisons healthier heave C healthiest health noun heaves heaving heaved verb D hawk to lift, pull, or throw hawks noun heap something with a lot of effort. E one of a group of birds that heaps noun He heaved the sack onto hunt animals for food. a collection of things lying the back of the truck. Falcons, buzzards, on top of each other. heavy F and vultures are She left her clothes in a heap all hawks. on the chair. adjective G hear weighing a large H 2 a leader of a group. hears hearing heard verb amount. She is the head of 1 to notice a sound. Did you hear that bird? a heavy I a large company. 2 to listen to. stone I’d like to hear you play J headache the piano. a light K long-legged buzzard feather headaches noun heart N say hev-ee a pain in your head. hearts noun N comparisons heavier heaviest 1 the organ in your chest N opposite light L hay headlight that pumps blood around noun your body. hedge headlights noun M grass that has a light at the front of a heart hedges noun been cut and vehicle, used when driving a line of bushes grown so at night. 2 a shape. that they make a boundary N dried to be fed to between two places. animals. Hay is headlight N say hart often stored in hedgehog O large heaps hedgehogs noun called a small, noctural mammal covered in spines. Hedgehogs P haystacks. hunt for insects and small animals. They roll into a ball Q headline when they feel threatened. Hay is R often hung headlines noun in a net for the title of a report in S horses to eat. a newspaper. Have you seen T hazard the headlines today? hazards noun U a risk or dangerous obstacle. headphones noun V a device worn over the ears that is used for listening to the radio or W to recorded music. X Y Icy pavements are a hazard to Z pedestrians in winter. hazardous adjective 98

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