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petal piano picture pill a petals noun pianos noun pictures noun pigeon b the colored outer parts of c a flower that are not green a large, stringed, an image of something, such pigeons noun (see plant on page 151). musical instrument with a bird that is common in d black and white keys. as a painting or a photograph. both town and countryside. e petroleum Different musical notes Pigeons mainly eat are produced berries, fruits, and f noun by pressing seeds. Some pigeons g the keys. can be trained to a natural liquid that can be deliver messages. h made into gasoline. i grand piano N say pij-in j photocopy pick pie pigment k photocopies noun l an exact copy of words or picks picking picked verb pies noun pigments noun m pictures made by a machine. 1 a colored powder that is n 1 to choose something. a pastry case filled with mixed with other substances o photocopy verb vegetables, meat, fish, to make paint. p or fruit and baked q photograph in an oven. r photographs noun She asked him to pick a card. apple pie windsor red cadmium yellow s a picture made 2 to remove a flower, fruit, using a camera. or leaf from piece 2 the substance that gives t Photograph a plant. coloring to the skin of u can be pieces noun animals and vegetables. v shortened a bit or a part of something. w to photo. pile x y Taking a photograph. piles noun z a group of things resting or photographer lying one on top of the other. photographers noun A piece of cheese. a person who takes photographs. Picking a flower. pier pill physical picnic piers noun pills noun adjective picnics noun a long platform built out into a small piece of medicine that a meal that is eaten in the to do with the body. open air, away from home. the sea for people to walk is swallowed whole. Physical exercise. picnic verb along or to tie boats to. N say fiz-i-kul pig piglets pianist pigs noun 149 pianists noun a person who plays the piano. an animal with a blunt snout N say pee-uh-nist and a curly tail that is kept on farms to provide meat, such as pork, ham, and bacon. sow (female pig)

pillow pink pity plan A pillow noun noun plans noun pillows noun a color made by a feeling of sadness for a map or drawing of B a soft pad for resting your mixing red and someone because they are head on in bed. white together. unhappy or in pain. an area, such as a room, C pity verb building, or town. D pizza bedroom kitchen E pipe pizzas noun bedroom living room F pipes noun a round, flat piece of dough G pilot with tomato, cheese, and a tube through which liquids other foods on top that pilots noun is baked in an oven. a person who controls and and gases can flow. H flies an aircraft. hall bathroom I pin N say peet-suh A plan of an apartment. pins noun place plan J a small piece of metal places noun with a sharp point at one K end, used to fasten pieces pipeline 1 a particular area. plans planning planned verb of cloth together. 2 a position in to decide how you are L pirate a competition going to do something. or race. plan noun M pirates noun planet someone who N attacks and planets noun robs ships or one of the huge spheres of O pin boats at sea. rock and gas that revolve cushion around the Sun. The eight planets in our solar system P pit They won the first, second, and are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Q pinch third places in the race. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune (see pinches pinching pinched verb universe on page 229). to squeeze someone’s skin R between your finger pits noun place plant and thumb. 1 a deep hole in the ground. 2 a coal mine. places placing placed verb plants planting planted verb S pitch to put something in to put a seed, pine a position. bulb, or plant pitches noun into the soil T pines noun He placed the vase in so that it an evergreen U tree that has 1 a throw of a ball, or the the center of the table. will grow. needle-shaped throw to a batter in baseball. V leaves and 2 the highness or lowness of plain produces cones. a musical note, musical instrument, or a human adjective W Arolla pine voice. 1 ordinary, or not fancy. pitch verb Her dress was very plain. X pineapple pitiful 2 understandable or clear. pineapples noun His meaning was plain. Y a tropical fruit with a tough, adjective scaly skin and a sprout of making you feel sad or plain Z spiky, green leaves at the top full of pity. plains noun (see fruit on page 85). A pitiful sight. a large area of flat land. Planting a window box. 150

plant plant frond a capsule plants noun b poppy c a living thing that cannot move seedheads around like animals do, and that d makes its own food. Some plants stigma e grow in the ground, while others grow in water. Plants f usually have a stem, leaves, g flowers, and roots. h spine stamen i (leaf) style j pinna k l petal fern m n flower head o p spike q sepal bract r flower bud s thistle t pedicel u (flower stalk) v w bulb x y stem z frond magnified leaf pollen grains root tulip hibiscus bract flower stalk pitcher green rock seaweed calla lily capsule stalk stalk lily pad cactus waterlily moss pitcher plant 151

plaster A plaster platypus pleasure plug plasters noun platypuses or platypi noun pleasures noun plugs noun B a powder mixed with an Australian mammal with enjoyment or satisfaction. 1 a circular piece of plastic or water that is spread on a bill like a duck’s, webbed N say plezh-ur other material used to keep walls and ceilings to make feet, and a long, flat tail. water in a bath or sink. Platypuses live in water and, pleat 2 an electrical device that C them smooth. unusually for a mammal, lay connects the wire from a eggs. They eat plants, worms, pleats noun piece of electrical equipment D plastic insects, and water animals. a fold that is pressed or sewn to a source of electricity. N say plat-uh-pus into cloth. plastics noun plum play E a light, manufactured plums noun material made from plays playing played a fruit that grows on trees, verb and has a smooth, thin F chemicals. Many types 1 to take part skin and soft, juicy flesh. of plastic can be heated in a game, usually with pleat G up and molded into other different shapes people. and products. pleat verb H I J Playing with a balloon. plenty plumber plastic 2 to make music on a musical instrument. noun plumbers noun K duck a large amount of something. a person who L plate Do you want some candy? I fits water and plates noun have plenty. heating pipes plentiful adjective into buildings M a flat dish that is used and repairs for serving plot them when they go wrong. N food on. plots plotting plotted verb to make a secret plan. O The thieves plotted to rob the bank. P dinner plot noun plate Q plateau plot R plateaus or plateaux noun a high, wide, flat area plots noun 1 the story of a book, play, S of ground. Playing an accordion. or movie. N say pla-toh 3 to act a part. The book has She played the fairy. a complicated plot. T platform 2 a small piece of ground. U platforms noun play noun plow 1 the flat, raised area at plows noun V a train station where people pleasant a farm tool that has large blades for cutting and turning get on and off trains. the soil. Plows are used to prepare the soil for planting 2 a flat, raised area in a hall adjective crops and are pulled by a tractor or an animal. W where speakers or performers enjoyable or well-liked. plow stand so they can be seen. A pleasant evening. X N opposite unpleasant Y please interjection Z a word used when you ask N rhymes with now for something politely. plow verb 152

plunge poem poison polite a plunges plunging plunged verb poems noun poisons noun police b to fall or dive very quickly. a piece of writing, set out c in lines that sometimes a substance that can kill or noun The bridge broke in two and rhyme. Poems describe harm animals d plunged into the river. things in a thoughtful or plants. an organization that is e plunge noun and imaginative way. responsible for keeping poison law and order and making f plural poet sure that a country’s laws g arrow frog are not broken. plurals noun poets noun h a word used to describe two a person who writes poetry. A deadly poison can be made polish i or more things or people. from this frog’s skin. j The plural of baby is babies. poetry poisonous adjective polishes polishing polished verb k plus noun poke to rub l something m preposition a general name for poems. pokes poking poked verb so that n to push something with it shines. o added to. point a stick, your finger, p 4 plus 2 equals 6. or another Polishing shoes. q points noun pointed N opposite minus 1 the sharp end object. r of an object. s plus He poked the fire with a stick. polish Each star has six points. t pluses noun 2 a score in a game polar bear polishes noun u a symbol in mathematics or competition. a substance that is v that means add. How many points did you get? polar bears noun rubbed into something w 3 the main goal or purpose. a large mammal that lives in to make it shine. x pocket What’s the point of this story? Arctic regions. Polar bears eat y 4 the level, time, or place at animals such as seals and fish. furniture polish z pockets noun which something happens. Their white fur camouflages a small pouch or fold sewn The freezing point of water them against the snow and ice into clothing or a bag where is 32°F (0°C). where they live. you can put your belongings. 5 a dot. pocket polite point pod adjective points pointing pointed verb pods noun to show where something well-mannered and pleasant a long seed case that is with your finger. to other people. holds the seeds of some plants. N opposite rude politely adverb bean pod pole 2 the most northern and southern end of an imaginary poles noun line, or axis, that passes through Earth’s center. 1 a long, rounded rod made North Pole from wood, metal, or plastic. A row of flagpoles. South Pole 3 either end of a magnet. 153

politics A politics pool popular portable noun pools noun adjective adjective B the work of government. a small area of water, liked by many people. easily carried or moved. political adjective especially one that is made C pollen for people to swim in. population populations noun D noun all the people living in a fine, yellow powder found a district or country. E in the middle of flowers. porch portable Pollen is made by the male DVD player parts of a flower. F pollinate swimming pool porches noun portion G pollinates pollinating pollinated a shelter built around poor the entrance to a building. portions noun verb porcupine a part or share H to transfer pollen from the male to the female parts porcupines noun of something. adjective 1 not having enough money I of a plant so that a seed to live on. a large rodent that is covered can grow. The family was very poor. in lots of sharp spines called J N opposite rich quills. A porcupine can raise 2 of low or bad quality. the quills to protect itself from The house was in its enemies. Porcupines eat K a poor condition. bark, buds, twigs, and leaves. 3 unfortunate. L The poor child was A portion of fisherman’s pie. soaking wet. poor noun MN The bee pollinated the flower. portrait pollute popcorn portraits noun noun a picture of a person or animal, especially their face. a snack made by heating O pollutes polluting polluted verb grains from the corn plant to make a thing or a place until they burst open and pork P dirty, unclean, or harmful. puff up. noun Chemicals from the factory meat from a pig. Q polluted the river. porpoise pollution noun R pond porpoises noun a sea mammal that belongs S ponds noun to the whale family. pose an area of fresh water that Porpoises eat shrimp, fish, is smaller than a lake. poppy squid, and other poses posing posed verb sea animals. to arrange yourself or a thing T in a particular position, U poppies noun especially for a painting a wild flower with delicate, or a photograph. V petals. When the flowers die, pose noun they leave behind a round seed head (see plant on position W page 151). positions noun X duck pond N say poor-pus 1 the way in which a person or thing is Y pony port placed or arranged. ponies noun A sitting position. ports noun 2 a place or location. Z a small horse (see horse on a place on a coast or river, He found the position of page 102). where ships load and unload. his house on the map. 154

positive postpone pouch practice a adjective postpones postponing pouches noun powder b postponed verb c definite or certain. to put something off 1 a small, open bag or sack noun until later. that is used for carrying d N opposite negative The game was postponed things like money. a mass of very fine, dry e because of the rain. 2 a part of the body that is grains of a substance. possess shaped like a bag or pocket f posy (see mammal on page 124). g possesses possessing possessed verb posies noun pounce washing powder h to own or have something. a small i possession noun bunch of pounces pouncing pounced verb power j flowers. possible to spring forward suddenly powers noun k 1 the ability to do something. l adjective and grab hold 2 the ability to control what m someone else does. n able to be done or happen. of something. 3 energy or force. o Is it possible to walk there? p q N opposite impossible possibly adverb r s post pot The cat pounced on the leaf. t noun pots noun u pour v 1 the delivery of letters a container with high sides. w and other mail, or pours pouring poured verb x the letters themselves. Batteries provide y 2 an upright pole of wood, to tip a container up so that the power for this flashlight. z stone, or metal set in the ground. gate-post its contents flow out. N rhymes with our 3 the place where a person is practical supposed to be when working. adjective poster coffee pot 1 sensible and useful. posters noun potato Gloves are very practical in cold weather. a large notice or picture that potatoes noun a common root vegetable N opposite impractical is displayed on a wall as an that can be boiled, roasted, fried, or baked. 2 having practice at ad or for decoration. doing something. You need practical experience for this job. poverty practice noun practices practicing practiced verb the situation of not having enough money to live on. to do something over and The family lived in poverty. over again in order to be good at it. post office pottery Practicing the piano. practice noun post offices noun noun a place where you go to buy a general name for containers and stamps and to send letters ornaments made from clay, then and packages. baked in a kiln. kitchen pottery 155

praise A praise preen prepare preserve praises praising praised verb preens preening preened verb prepares preparing prepared verb preserves preserving B to tell someone that what to clean and to make something or preserved verb yourself ready. 1 to keep they have done is very good. arrange feathers praise noun with the beak. something Birds preen the way it is. C themselves. 2 to keep D pray food so that it lasts. prays praying prayed verb E to talk to a god, prophet, Fruit preserved or saint. in a jar. prayer noun F prefer press G precaution prefers preferring preferred verb presses pressing pressed verb precautions noun to squeeze or push something care or action taken in to like something or someone Preparing sandwiches down, often in order H advance to prevent something better than another. to flatten it. from happening. for lunch. I Locks are a precaution preposition against theft. prepositions noun J N say pre-kaw-shun a word such as “on” that K precious relates a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence. adjective The bird was on the chair L very valuable in the backyard. or special She pointed to the pair of to someone. skates she preferred. prescription preferable adjective M prescriptions noun N pregnant an order for medicine written Pressing flowers. by a doctor. adjective pretend O expecting a baby. present pretends pretending pretended P The ring was very precious. pregnancy noun noun verb N say presh-us 1 the time now. 1 to try to make people Q precise The story takes place believe something that in the present. isn’t true. present adjective 2 to believe R adjective 2 a gift to someone. something exact or accurate. for fun. S T U prehistoric N say prez-unt He pretended to be a cowboy. V Stopwatches measure adjective present pretence noun the precise time. belonging to the time before presents presenting presented pretty W N say pri-sise any records were written. verb to award or give adjective X predict prejudice something to someone. predicts predicting predicted The judge presented the rider nice to look at. prejudices noun with a cup. Y verb a strong feeling about N say pri-zent N comparisons prettier prettiest to say what is going to something, which has been formed unfairly or before all Z happen in the future. the facts are known. prediction noun N say pre-joo-dis 156

prevent priest prison professional a prevents preventing prevented priests noun prisons noun prod b verb a person who is trained a secure place in which c to stop something to lead religious services. criminals are kept prods prodding prodded verb from happening. as punishment. to poke or push something, d The barrier prevented anyone prince / princess often with something sharp. e from falling down the hole. private prevention noun princes / princesses noun produce f a son or daughter of a king adjective g previous or queen. The wife of a prince produces producing produced is also a princess. belonging only to one person verb h adjective N prince is male and princess or a few people, or not open 1 to make something happen. i is female to the public. The magician produced j happening or existing before. My diary is private. a rabbit out of his hat. The previous day. principle 2 to make, grow, manufacture, k N say pry-vit or create something. l N say pree-vee-us principles noun privately adverb m a general rule, belief, or truth. The orange trees produced n prey Scientific principles. prize a large crop of fruit this year. o p noun print prizes noun N say pruh-doos q a reward product noun creatures that are hunted prints printing printed verb for winning production noun r and eaten by other animals. 1 to write the letters of words something. s separately, rather than with produce linked letters. t noun u The owl swooped The prize was a silver cup. v down on its prey. things that w probable are grown x N say pray or made. y prey verb adjective z farm produce price 2 to put words, pictures, likely to happen. or patterns onto paper, probably adverb N say pro-doos prices noun using paint or ink, and printing blocks. problem profession the amount of money needed problems noun professions noun to buy something. something that is difficult to 1 a job or occupation where do or hard to understand. special knowledge of prickly a subject is needed. process 2 all the people who do such adjective a job. processes noun The medical profession. having many the method of making or little sharp doing something. professional points or N say prah-ses needles. adjective procession A prickly cactus. Printing a picture. 1 having to do with printed adjective processions noun a profession. N comparisons pricklier a line of people or vehicles He took professional advice. prickliest printer following each other. 2 earning a living from prick verb an occupation that is not noun A procession of musicians. usually thought of as a job. A professional actor. a machine that prints on paper, usually linked to 157 a computer.

profile project prompt proper A profile projects noun prompts prompting prompted adjective profiles noun verb a piece of work involving suitable B the side to encourage someone to do and correct. view of research and study of or say something. a face a particular subject. C or object. D prompt E profit adjective This is the proper F profits noun on time, or without delay. way to hit the extra money made when a golf ball A prompt delivery. so that it G something is sold for more He is doing a project rolls along than it cost to make or buy. on plants. pronoun the ground. properly adverb N opposite loss N say prah-jekt pronouns noun a word such as “he” or “she” property H profitable adjective that is used in a sentence to replace a noun. noun I program project Jane was sick today, so she didn’t go to school. 1 the things that belong programs noun projects projecting to a person. J 1 a television or radio show. projected verb pronunciation 2 a general name for 2 a list of planned events. to stick out or the buildings and land pronunciations noun owned by someone. K 3 a small book of information throw outward. the way a word is said. about a play or concert. N say pro-nun-see-ay-shun prosecute pronounce verb L There are two pianists prosecutes prosecuting on the program. proof prosecuted verb 4 a set of instructions that to accuse someone of a crime noun in a court of law. M tells a computer how to N say pros-i-kyoot do something. a thing or happening that prosecution noun shows something is true. N This program sorts for me. The rock projected over protect the valley. protects protecting protected O progress N say pro-jekt verb P noun to keep someone or something promise from being harmed. the process of moving promises promising promised Q forward or improving. verb R to say and mean that you will, or will not, do something. promise noun S promotion T She made slow progress promotions noun through the swamp. 1 a campaign to improve U progress verb the sale of a product The footprint was proof that or event by someone had been there. V prohibit advertising it. prohibits prohibiting prohibited propeller W verb propellers noun to ban or to forbid a device with revolving blades. X someone Propellers spin around to from doing move a boat through something. The promotion for the water, or to power a new yogurt. an airplane through the air Gardening gloves protect your Y 2 a change to a more (see boat on page 31 and hands from thorns. transportation on page 221). protection noun Z Smoking is important job or position. prohibited. promote verb 158

protest prowl pulley puncture a protests protesting protested prowls prowling prowled verb pulleys noun pump b verb to move around quietly while a device made c to say very clearly that you searching for something. of a wheel with pumps noun disagree with something. a rope or a chain a device that pushes d The tiger prowled around around it that is liquids or gases e They protested against the tree. used for lifting into or out the building of a new road. heavy objects. of something. f public g N say pro-test pulp bicycle pump protest noun adjective h noun punch i proud open to everybody. j the soft, inside part of punches noun adjective publish a plant, particularly fruits 1 a hard blow k (see fruit on page 85). made with l feeling very publishes publishing published your fist. m pleased verb pulse n or satisfied. to produce and print a book, punch verb o newspaper, or magazine. pulses noun 2 a machine that stamps p She was proud the regular sound of your holes, letters, or patterns q of her new outfit. puddle blood as the heart pumps in something. it through your body. r N say prowd puddles noun hole punch s proudly adverb a shallow pool of liquid on Feeling her pulse. 3 a sweet drink made by the ground. mixing fruit juices and t prove pump other liquids together. u puff Punch is usually served v proves proving proved verb pumps pumping pumped verb from a large bowl. w to show that something puffs noun to fill or inflate something by x is true. a small, sudden forcing air or liquids into it. puncture y N say proov gust of smoke, z air or breath. Pumping up a balloon. punctures noun proverb a hole or wound, often made a puff by a sharp pointed object or proverbs noun of smoke instrument. a short common saying that My tire has a puncture. comments on life. pull puncture verb “Many hands make light work” is a proverb. pulls pulling pulled verb 159 to move something with provide force toward you or in the same direction provides providing provided as you are going. verb to supply something that Pulling on a rope. is useful or needed. The runners were provided with drinks along the route.

punish puppy purpose puzzle A punish puppies noun purposes noun puzzles noun punishes punishing punished a young dog a reason for doing something, (see pet on or a goal. 1 a problem or question B verb page 148). that it is difficult to find to make someone suffer in purr the answer to. some way for things they purchase 2 a game in which purrs purring purred verb you have to find C have done wrong. purchases purchasing to make a low, rumbling the answers punishment noun purchased verb noise like a cat makes. to a problem. to buy something. D purse puzzle N say pur-chis pupa purses noun puzzles puzzling puzzled verb pure a small bag for carrying 1 to try to figure out E pupae noun money and personal things. something you do not the stage of an insect’s adjective understand. push 2 to confuse. F development when it changes clean, or not mixed The strange noises from a larva to a winged with anything. pushes pushing pushed verb puzzled us. Pure gold. to move something away N say puz-l G insect inside a rounded case from you by pressing hard puzzling adjective (see growth on N comparisons purer purest against it. page 94). pyramid purple He had to push the car to H N say pyoo-puh a garage when it broke down. pyramids noun ladybug noun 1 a solid shape with a square I pupa base and four triangular a color made by faces that meet in a point J mixing red and (see shape on page 182). K pupil blue together. 2 an ancient tomb or temple shaped like a pyramid. pupils noun string puppet put The pyramids of Egypt. L 1 a student at school. puts putting N say pir-a-mid put verb M to place or N position something O somewhere. P 2 the small, dark part at python the center of your eye pythons noun Q that expands or contracts a large snake that is found in to let in hot regions. Pythons kill by wrapping themselves around R the right their prey and squeezing. amount They eat small mammals. S of light. She put her N say pie-thon pupil books into her schoolbag. T U V puppet puppets noun W a doll or animal figure that is X moved by pulling on its strings or by making hand Y movements inside it. Z finger puppet 160

Qq quay quote a quays noun quiet b an area by a harbor c where ships are loaded adjective and unloaded. d N say kee silent and peaceful. e queen N comparisons quieter quietest f g queens noun quill a female ruler of a country or the wife of a king. quills noun a large feather, especially one that has been made into an ink pen. N say kwil quake quarrel query h i quakes quaking quarrels quareling quareled queries noun j quaked verb verb a question, because you k to shake to have an argument or l disagreement with someone. have a doubt or problem m or tremble. n N say kwor-rul about something. o p quarrel noun quill q pen He quaked with fear when quarry r he saw the crocodile. quilt s quarries noun N say kwake quilts noun t a place where stone, sand, or a thick, soft cover for a bed. u qualify v gravel is cut out of the ground. patchwork quilt w qualifies qualifying qualified x verb A stone quarry. The teacher helped to quite y to prove that you are fit answer the student’s query. z or suitable for something. N say kwor-ee adverb I hope I qualify for the team! N say kweer-ree N say kwol-uh-fie quarter query verb 1 fairly. qualification noun I am quite good at running. quarters noun question 2 completely. quality 1 one of four You are quite right. equal pieces questions questioning qualities noun of a whole. questioned verb quiz 1 a judgment of how good to ask someone for or bad something is. 2 a coin information or an answer. quizzes noun High quality. that is equal N opposite answer a game in which you are 2 something that is special to 25 cents, or question noun asked questions to find out about someone or something. a quarter of a dollar. how much you know. She has many good qualities. questionable N say kwol-i-tee quartz quote adjective quantity noun quotes quoting quoted verb doubtful or suspicious. to repeat something that quantities noun a hard mineral, His reasons for leaving someone else has said an amount often found in so quickly were or written. or number. crystal form. questionable. quotation noun A large quantity of crates. N say kworts quick N say kwon-ti-tee adjective fast or sudden. A quick movement. N comparisons quicker quickest N opposite slow quickly adverb 161

rabbi radio rag A radios noun rags noun B C a device that sends or a small, torn piece of cloth. D receives electrical signals and changes them RrE into sound. F racket radioactivity rage G rabbi rackets noun noun rages noun rabbis noun anger or uncontrolled temper. a teacher of the Jewish 1 a bat with the energy released by the In her rage, she slammed strings used center of atoms breaking the door shut. H religion and law. for playing up in some substances. High N say rab-eye sports such amounts of radioactivity can raid I as tennis and be harmful to living things. rabbit badminton (see raids noun J rabbits noun sport on page 197). a sudden surprise attack a small mammal with long by a group of people. K front teeth that lives badminton racket The police made a raid on the underground in burrows. house, arresting two women. L Rabbits are normally active in raid verb the evening or at night. They 2 a loud, rail eat grass, roots, and leaves. annoying noise. rails noun M He was making a racket with N his drums. They tested for radioactivity 1 a long bar for holding on to, outside the nuclear or for hanging clothes on. O radar power plant. Use the rail to help you climb N say ray-dee-oh-ak-tiv-i-tee the stairs. noun radioactive adjective 2 a long line of metal track P a device that tells you that trains run along. the position and speed of Q ships, cars, and aircraft radius by sending out radio waves. R race radii or radiuses noun S races noun a straight line drawn 1 a competition of speed. from the center of a circle to its outer edge. 3 the railroad. T We traveled by rail radius around Europe. U An airport radar screen. raft V N say ray-dar rafts noun W radiator 1 a floating platform 2 a hollow mat made of rubber radiators noun made of logs that or plastic and filled with have been tied air that can X A swimming race. 1 a thin, metal tank with hot tightly together. be used as race verb water flowing through it that a boat. 2 a group of people who heats a room. 2 a metal tank that allows Y share the same ancestors air to cool the hot water in and may share some Z physical characteristics. the engine of a vehicle. life raft racial adjective N say ray-dee-ay-tor 162

railroad rake rate a railroads noun rakes raking raked verb rascal b to gather up leaves into c 1 a network of tracks that a pile or to smooth over soil. rascals noun trains run on. a mischievous person. d 2 a transportation system that rake e uses rail tracks, together with rash trains, stations, and land. f rashes noun g rain rally ran a patch of red, itchy spots on your skin. rains noun rallies noun from the verb to run water that 1 a large, public meeting held 1 Last week, he ran raspberry falls from to discuss something that is a 400-meter race. the clouds important or worrying 2 She ran a bookstore. raspberries noun in drops. to people. a juicy, red fruit that grows ranch on a bush with thorns. rain verb The party held a political rally rainy adjective in the park. ranches noun h 2 a long-distance car race a huge farm where cattle i rainbow that tests drivers’ skills. or other animals are reared. j rainbows noun an arch of colors that appears N say raz-bair-ee k in the sky when the sun l shines while it’s raining. rat m n ram rats noun o a common rodent that looks p rams noun like a large mouse. Some q kinds of rat eat plants, while 1 a male sheep. others eat small animals. They can gnaw through stone, wood, and even metal with their strong front teeth. raindrop rang raindrops noun from the verb to ring a single drop of rain. He rang the doorbell. rainfall ranger rate r s noun rangers noun rates noun t the amount of rain that falls a person who looks after a 1 a speed. u over a particular area. forest or a wildlife park. Ostriches can run at a rate v The chart shows the annual of 30 miles (50 km) per hour. w rainfall in South America. N say rain-jer 2 a level of payment. x The vacation resort charges y rain forest 2 a device for pushing rapid high rates for its apartments. z against something with force. rain forests noun adjective a dense, hot, wet jungle that grows in tropical areas. quick or swift. They used the log as a ram to rare break down the door. ram verb adjective unusual or not common. A rare blue morpho butterfly. N comparisons rarer rarest N opposite common 163

rather A rather ready rear adverb adjective noun B 1 fairly or quite. It was rather hot prepared, or able to start. the back of something, the other day. or the part that is opposite N say red-ee or behind the front. C 2 preferably. real D adjective actually existing, or genuine. E She’d rather have realize fruit than cake. F reach realizes realizing realized verb The rear of a car. G ration to become aware, or to rear adjective reaches reaching reached verb understand completely. rations noun a fixed amount of something 1 to stretch out your hand H that someone is allowed. Food rations. and arm to touch something. reason I N say rash-un reasons noun ration verb an explanation of why or how J raw She did not realize the puddle something has happened. K adjective was so deep. rebel 1 in its natural condition, really rebels noun L not processed or cooked. adverb someone who fights against those in charge. very, or actually. N say reb-ul M The trip was really fun. rebellion noun N rear receipt raw carrot rears rearing reared verb receipts noun 1 to feed and care for young a written or printed piece O 2 not experienced. animals as they grow up. of paper that shows you A raw recruit. P 3 painful to touch. Our cat has reared 10 kittens. have received and paid A raw wound. 2 to rise up on for something. Q ray 2 to arrive at a place. the back legs. N say ri-seet A rearing horse. receive R rays noun After a long trek they reached receives receiving received verb a long, narrow beam of light, the other side of the island. S heat, or other powerful force. to take something given or sent to you. rays of light react T reacts reacting reacted verb to say or do something in U response to an event. He reacted badly to the news. V N say ree-akt She received lots of presents reaction noun W read for her birthday. X razor reads reading read verb recent razors noun to look at and understand written words. a device with a blade N rhymes with seed adjective Y that people use not long ago. to shave. A recent storm. Z N say ree-sunt recently adverb

recipe record recreation refinery a recipes noun records noun noun reed b instructions that tell you 1 a round plastic disc with tiny c how to make and cook food, grooves in the surface, on the things we like to do in our reeds noun or how to make a drink. which sounds are recorded. spare time, such as playing a tall plant d 2 information that is written sports and having hobbies. with a long, stiff, e recipe book or printed. straight stem that recruit grows in wet areas. f N say res-uh-pee She kept Reeds are used g a record recruits noun to make house recite of the day’s events in her diary. a new member of roofs and paper. h 3 the fastest or best an organization or group. i recites reciting recited verb performance in an activity N say ree-kroote common reed j to say aloud something that or sport. you have learned by heart. They tried to beat the record rectangle reef k for the number of people who l reckon can stand on a chair. rectangles noun reefs noun m a flat four-sided shape with a raised, narrow ridge n reckons reckoning reckoned N say rek-urd four right angles in its corners of rock, sand, or coral, just o verb (see shape on page 182). above or below the surface p 1 to suppose or recorder of the sea. q think something. What do you reckon that is? recorders noun recycle coral reef r 2 to work out the amount a small wooden or plastic wind s of something. instrument that you blow into. recycles recycling recycled verb referee N say rek-un The air is forced out through t holes, which you cover with to use things again, often referees noun u recognize your fingers to make by turning garbage into someone who watches over v different sounds. new products. Glass, a game or contest to see that w recognizes recognizing plastics, paper, and people play by the rules. x recognized verb recover metal can all y to see someone or something be recycled. z and know who they are or recovers recovering recovered what it is. verb materials for recycling reference 1 to get better after being ill. He recognized his friend’s bike 2 to get something back. red adjective because of the red bags. recognition noun He recovered his hat from noun providing information. the lake. The reference book was a color. full of interesting facts. reference noun refinery refineries noun a large factory where natural substances are processed into other products. Oil is made into gasoline at a refinery. record Recording a song. reduce oil refinery records recording recorded verb reduces reducing reduced verb to make something smaller 1 to store sounds or pictures, in size or amount. on tape, film, record, compact The store reduced the price disc (CD), or digital versatile/ of hats by half. video disc (DVD). 2 to write down information N say re-doos on paper. reduction noun N say ree-kord 165

reflect A reflect refuse rehearse relative reflects reflecting reflected verb refuses refusing refused verb rehearses rehearsing rehearsed relatives noun verb a member of B 1 to throw back light, heat, to say that you will not someone’s family. or sound that has come from do something. to practice doing something somewhere else. before giving a performance relax in public. C Shiny surfaces reflect light. relaxes relaxing relaxed verb 2 to give back, or show, to rest and feel comfortable. D an image of something or someone. E F G H He refused to give her the ball. I region J regions noun Rehearsing for a play. She relaxed with N say ree-hurs her favorite book. an area or district of a country. rehearsal noun K relay L reign reigns reigning reigned verb relays noun a team race in which runners His face was reflected to rule a country or region as take turns carrying a baton M in the mirror. a queen or king. and completing parts reflection noun of a course. N say rain N A mountain region. reign noun refrigerator N say ree-jun rein O refrigerators noun reins noun a machine that keeps food P and beverages cool and fresh. regret a long, thin, leather strap A refrigerator is sometimes regrets regretting regretted verb that a rider uses to control a Q called a fridge for short. to be sorry or sad about horse (see horse on page 102). something that has happened. N say rain He regretted being angry R with his sister. reindeer release S regular reindeer or reindeers noun releases releasing released verb a deer with large antlers that to let someone or something adjective lives in cold, Arctic regions. go free. T 1 normal, or happening at Reindeer herds migrate great certain times. distances every summer and U A regular bus service. winter in search of plants to 2 even in shape or sound. eat. Some reindeer are tamed V and used to pull sleighs. W refugee These wooden cubes are They released balloons in X refugees noun regular shapes. the park to celebrate the event. someone who leaves their N opposite irregular reliable regularly adverb home and belongings and adjective Y escapes to another place, able to be trusted. usually because he or Z she is in danger. N say ref-yoo-jee 166

relief remember rent represent a noun remembers remembering rents noun replica b remembered verb a regular payment that c 1 the removal of worry, pain, to think about a place, person, you make to the owner replicas noun or unhappiness. object, or past event again. of something so that you an exact copy of something. d It was a relief when the exam She suddenly remembered she can use it. She made a replica of the ship e was over. had left her bag on the bus. rent verb out of matchsticks. 2 help given to people who f need it. remind repair reply g N say ri-leef reminds reminding reminded repairs repairing repaired verb replies replying replied verb h verb to fix something that to answer. i religion to make someone remember is broken. He replied to the invitation j something. immediately. religions noun Repairing a bicycle. reply noun k a belief in God or gods, and A calendar reminds you repair noun l the way people express this of future events. report m belief in their life and worship. repeat n religious adjective remote reports noun o repeats repeating repeated verb a spoken or written account p reluctant adjective to say or do something again. of a situation or event. q repetition noun adjective far away, distant. reporter r A remote farmhouse. replace s unsure or unhappy about reporters noun doing something. remove replaces replacing replaced verb a person who gathers t 1 to put something information on events and u He was reluctant to cross removes removing removed verb back where it came from. writes or speaks v the old bridge. to take something off or away. about them for w a television x rely program, y newspaper, z relies relying relied verb or radio to depend on someone station. for something with complete trust. Young birds rely on their mothers for food. N say re-lie remain She replaced the book represent on the shelf. remains remaining remained 2 to exchange or renew. represents representing verb He replaced his bicycle with represented verb 1 to stay behind. a bigger, more expensive one. replacement noun to mean or show something. He remained there alone. 2 to be left behind. She removed replay Sailors use this flag to remains noun her shoe to get a pebble out. represent the word “yes” when 3 to stay unchanged. replays replaying replayed verb they signal to other ships. She remained calm while renew everyone else panicked. 1 to play a sports match again. renews renewing renewed verb to begin, make, or get again. 2 to play a recording of He renewed his bus pass. something again. 167

reptile crest nostril A reptile scales reptiles noun external ear B one of a group of cold-blooded animals that have a backbone, camouflaged lungs for breathing, dry, scaly skin C skin, and clawed fingers or toes. Reptiles lay their D eggs on dry land. E padded toe head F banded skin G milk snake crested water dragon tail H I horn swiveling eye beak J camouflaged skin K fold of L tortoise hatching skin tokay lizard M carapace N Jackson’s chameleon forked O tongue shell eye starred tortoise plastron P tail with rattle Q R rattlesnake S leg covered red-eared terrapin eardrum T leopard gecko U tail crest webbed foot hind limb V scute W X snout Y belly forefoot tail digit (finger) Z claw caiman nostril flying gecko 168

request resign responsible return a requests requesting requested resigns resigning resigned verb adjective result b verb to give up your job. c to ask for something formally. N say ri-zine 1 sensible and dependable. results noun The prisoner requested a visit 2 in charge of something. the effect of certain actions d to his mother. resist or events. e N say ri-kwest The boy was What was the result request noun resists resisting resisted verb responsible for of the experiment? f to try to stop something feeding his dog. result verb g rescue from happening. He resisted temptation. rest retire h rescues rescuing rescued verb i to save someone who is resort noun retires retiring retired verb j injured or in danger. to give up working, usually resorts noun 1 the time when you because of old age or illness. k N say res-kyoo a place where many people are relaxing. l go for a vacation. rest verb return m research 2 something that is left over. n A ski resort. Most people left yesterday, but returns returning returned verb o researches researching the rest went this morning. 1 to come back p researched verb resource 3 when something is still. from somewhere. q to study The ball came to rest a subject in resources noun at the teacher’s feet. The boomerang returned easily r order to learn a supply of something useful to his hand. s new facts or valuable, such as oil or gas. restaurant 2 to give something back or develop The country is rich in to a person. t new ideas. natural resources. restaurants noun She returned the book u N say ree-sors a place where people go to he had lent her. v buy and eat a meal. return noun w x Researching objects found respect N say res-tur-ont 169 y on the seashore. z research noun noun restless reserve 1 admiration for someone. adjective I have great respect for her. reserves reserving reserved verb 2 politeness. unable to stay still or relax. to arrange to have something respect verb kept for a later time. respectful adjective They reserved a table at the restaurant for 8 o’clock. response reservation noun responses noun a reply, in actions or words, to something. respond verb responsive adjective reservoir The baby had a restless night. reservoirs noun restore a large storage area restores restoring restored verb where water is to fix something old or collected and stored worn, so that it looks new for future use. or can be used again. N say rez-ur-vwar

revenge A revenge reward rhythm ride noun reward noun rhythms noun rides riding rode ridden verb 1 to travel on B harm or injury that a person a prize given because of a good a regular pattern of sound, the back of does to another, in return for thing someone has done. such as beats in music. a horse. something unpleasant N say rith-um 2 to travel on anything C previously done to them. LOST that moves. D reverse rib Riding on a Ferris wheel. ribs noun ride noun reverses reversing reversed verb $50 one of the bones that curves ridiculous reward around from your spine to E to go backward, usually the front of your chest. Ribs adjective in a vehicle. protect your internal organs (see skeleton on page 188). crazy, funny, or not F making sense. G They offered a reward to ribbon She looked ridiculous. anyone who found their cat. H ribbons noun N say ri-dik-yuh-lus rhinoceros I a thin strip of decorative right rhinoceroses noun material often used J She reversed her motorcycle a heavy mammal that lives in for tying hair adjective into the parking space. hot regions. Rhinoceroses have or wrapping one or two horns and thick presents. 1 the opposite direction K skin with hardly any hair. to left. L reverse My right hand. N say ry-noss-er-rus rice 2 correct or lawful. adjective The right answer. rhubarb noun right noun at the opposite side, inside, noun a grasslike plant M or back of an object. that grows in a large-leaved plant. Its long warm, wet N stems can be cooked and regions. The small eaten as a dessert. white or brown O grains can be cooked and eaten. P cooked rice Q N say roo-barb rich R The reverse side of the coat S is lined with white material. rhyme adjective reverse noun rhymes noun 1 having a lot of money. words that have the same or 2 having a lot of something. T revise similar sound and are often Milk is rich in calcium. U revises revising revised verb found in a poem. N say rime N comparisons richer richest to look back over work to N opposite poor V make extra changes. riddle revision noun riddles noun W revolution a word puzzle in which you X revolutions noun have to guess the answer from clues. 1 one complete turn. 2 a time when people fight Y to change the government of their country. Z The French Revolution. N say rev-uh-loo-shun 170

right angle rinse ripple rock a right angles noun rinses rinsing rinsed verb ripples noun roast b c an angle that measures to wash something in water a small wave on the surface roasts roasting roasted verb 90 degrees, formed by two to cook food in a hot oven d lines that are perpendicular with no soap in it. of water. or over a fire. e to one another (see shape on page 182). rob f The four inside corners of g a square are right angles. robs robbing robbed verb to steal from someone, often h rim When the duck dived, it made by using violence. i ripples on the water’s surface. They robbed the bank. j rims noun robbery noun rise k the edge or border robber l rises rising rose risen verb m of something. to go upward or robbers noun n become higher. a person who robs you of o Heat rises. something, usually money p rising adjective or goods. q He looked over the rim of riot risk robot r the volcano into the crater. s riots noun risks risking risked verb robots noun ring uncontrolled fighting to take the chance of t among a crowd of people harming or losing something. a machine that can imitate u rings ringing rang rung verb who are angry or protesting He risked his life to save her. some human actions. Robots v 1 to strike metal about something. risk noun are often used w or play a bell so N say ry-ut risky adjective in factories, x that it makes but can y a pleasant sound. rip river also be used z in homes. rips ripping ripped verb rivers noun to tear something, usually a large stream of water cloth or paper. that flows into another river, a lake, or the ocean. A toy robot runs on batteries. rock rocks noun a hard, natural, nonliving substance. Mountains are made up mostly of rock. 2 to sound or press a doorbell. He ripped road granite rock I rang the doorbell three the piece of paper in half. rocky adjective times but no one answered roads noun the door. ripe a path for vehicles to travel rock on, usually with a hard, ring adjective smooth surface. rocks rocking rocked verb rings noun ready to pick or eat, usually roar to move gently a piece of jewelry used about fruit. backward and that is worn on roars roaring roared verb forward, or your finger N comparisons riper ripest to make a from side (see jewelry N opposite unripe loud, deep, to side. on page 112). rumbling noise like the noise a lion makes. rocking chair 171

rocket A rocket roll root rough rockets noun rolls noun roots noun adjective B 1 an engine that 1 paper, cloth, film, the part of a plant that powers a spacecraft. or other material usually grows underground. 1 uneven, or not smooth. Hot gases are that has been A plant’s roots supply it with A rough sea. wound onto water and minerals from 2 approximate, or not exact. C released from a tube. the soil. A rough guess. the rear of the rolls of rope N comparisons rougher D engine, causing wrapping paper roughest the craft to ropes noun 2 a rounded piece of bread a strong, thick piece of round E move forward. or pastry. twisted string or wire. 2 a type of adjective F firework that shoots into shaped like a circle, with the sky and explodes. no corners. G rode route H from the verb to ride She rode her horse last week. routes noun the path you take to get from I bread coil of rope one place to another. rolls rodent We drew our route on the map roof in red. J rodents noun a small, usually nocturnal N say root K mammal with long front roofs noun routine teeth for gnawing food. Some 1 the outside covering on top rose routines noun L rodents eat insects and of a vehicle or a building. roses noun a regular activity. plants, while others only 2 the highest surface inside a plant N say roo-teen eat plants. Rats, mice, and your mouth or a cave. with thorns row M squirrels are rodents. room along its rows noun N say road-nt stem and a line of several things next rooms noun flowers with to each other. N many petals. 1 one of the separate areas N rhymes with toe roll rose inside a building. row O rolls rolling rolled verb 1 to move by turning over rows rowing rowed verb to make a boat move forward P and over. from the verb to rise by pulling it through the The Sun rose in the sky. water with oars. Q rot R rots rotting rotted verb to go bad, or to weaken and S bathroom break down. rotten adjective T The logs rolled down the hill. 2 space. 2 to move on wheels. Is there any room in the car rotate U 3 to tilt from side to side, like for me? rotates rotating rotated verb a ship on a rough sea. to turn around a central point like a wheel does. V roost roosts roosting roosted verb W to settle down for the night, usually done by birds. X Y axis Z 4 to flatten something by The Earth rotates on its axis. moving a tool over it. rotation noun 172

royal rugged rule rye a adjective adjective rules noun runway b an instruction of what must c to do with a king, queen, or 1 having a rough, uneven or must not be done, for runways noun members of his or her family. surface. example, in a game. a long, flat strip of ground d A rugged landscape. with a hard surface from e rub rule which aircraft take off and land. f rubs rubbing rubbed verb rules ruling ruled verb g to press something backward to govern a country runway and forward over the surface or a group of people. h of something else. i j She rubbed her wet hair with 2 not regular, or tough and ruler rural a towel. strong. k The actor had a rugged face. rulers noun adjective l rubbish 3 stormy. 1 a straight piece m Rugged weather. of wood, metal, to do with the countryside n noun or plastic that is or farms. o N say rug-id used for measuring A rural village. p the things that people throw and drawing q away because they no longer ruin straight lines. N say roor-ul have use for them. 2 a person, such r ruins noun as a king or rush s rude the broken remains of queen, who a building. rules a country. rushes rushing rushed verb t adjective to hurry, or to do u ruined adjective rumble something quickly. v speaking or behaving in a way w that does not show respect. ruin rumbles rumbling rumbled verb rust x to make a long, low sound, y N opposite polite ruins ruining ruined verb like the noise thunder makes. noun z to spoil or damage something. rumble noun rug the red-brown coating rumor that forms on some rugs noun metals when they a small carpet made of rumors noun get wet. thick material. a tale passed from one person to another about something The sickle was covered that may not be true. with rust. run rustle runs running rustles rustling rustled verb ran verb to make a soft, 1 to move whispering sound. quickly on The leaves on the tree rustled your legs. in the wind. rye noun a grass with light-brown grains, grown to make bread and food for cattle. She ruined her top by spilling 2 to organize something. a cotton bath rug ink on it. He runs a swim club. 173

sack sail saliva A sails sailing noun B sailed verb C the fluid that is produced in D to travel your mouth to help you to across water chew and digest food. SsE in a ship or boat. salmon F safari sail noun G sack safaris noun sails noun a large, edible fish. Salmon sacks noun hatch in rivers, but then swim a large, strong bag made of an expedition to hunt or a piece of material attached to the sea to live. They swim to the mast of a boat or ship back up rivers to lay H cloth, plastic, or paper that observe wild animals, that catches the wind and their eggs. is used for helps to move the vessel usually in Africa. along (see boat on page 31). N say sam-un I carrying or storing salt things. noun J a substance made K salad of small, white salads noun crystals that we put on L N say sa-far-ree a mixture of vegetables, food in order fruit, or other foods, usually to add flavor. served cold. salt mill salty adjective M sacred safe salute N adjective adjective holy, or connected with salutes saluting saluted verb 1 protected from harm to give a sign of respect by raising the right hand the worship of God or gods. or danger. to the forehead or by firing O The Qur’an is the sacred book Safe on dry land. guns into the air. of Muslims. 2 not dangerous. mixed salute noun salad same P N say say-krid A safe driver. salary Q sad adjective N comparisons safer safest salaries noun safety noun 1 matching exactly. She was wearing the same adjective safe an amount of money dress as me. regularly paid to someone 2 mentioned or seen before. R not feeling happy. safes noun for work they have done. He looks like the same person N comparisons sadder saddest who was there yesterday. S N opposite happy a lockable A monthly salary. N opposite different metal box T saddle that is used sale saddles noun for storing money and sales noun U a seat for a rider on a horse valuable things. 1 the act of offering or a bicycle (see horse on something to be sold. V page 102 and transportation sag FOR on page 221). SALE sags sagging sagged verb W to bend or sink, especially in the middle. X The sofa sagged in the middle. Y said The house is for sale. Z horse saddle 2 an event where things are from the verb to say sold at reduced prices. Half-price sale! 1 She said “Good morning.” 2 The clock said half past four. 174

sample sank satisfy say a samples noun from the verb to sink satisfies satisfying satisfied verb sausage b a small part of something 1 The ship sank at sea. to please someone or give c that shows what the rest 2 The balloon sank slowly. someone what they want sausages noun is like. or need. a food made from a mixture of d sari His answer didn’t satisfy chopped meat, fat, and cereal e The supermarket was giving the teacher. inside a tube of thin skin. away free samples of cheese. saris noun satisfaction noun N say saw-sij f sample verb a long, light cloth wrapped g around the body and shoulder sauce save sand that is worn mainly by h women of India, sauces noun saves saving saved verb i noun Bangladesh, a liquid or soft food that 1 to rescue. j Nepal, and is eaten with a meal. The firefighter saved him very small grains of broken Sri Lanka. from the burning house. k rock, found on beaches or 2 to not waste. l in deserts. sarong raspberry Save power—turn off the light! m sauce 3 to keep something to n sandal sarongs noun N say sawss use later. o a traditional Asian skirt worn He saved all his allowance. p sandals noun by men and women and made saucepan q a shoe with a top made from a piece of cloth wrapped saw of straps, usually worn around the waist or chest. saucepans noun r in warm weather. a metal container with a saws noun s sash handle, used for cooking. a tool for sandwich cutting wood t sashes noun

scald A scald scarce scavenger scheme scalds scalding scalded verb adjective scavengers noun schemes noun B to burn with hot liquid or steam. not great in amount, an animal that feeds on 1 a secret plan. N say skawld or not often found. 2 a way of arranging things. Snow is scarce in May. rotting meat and garbage. A color scheme. C N say skairs N say skeem D scale scare school scales noun E 1 a series of regular scares scaring scared verb schools noun marks along a line used 1 to become frightened. a place where children for measuring. 2 to make someone go to learn. F Thermometers have a scale else frightened. scavenge verb N say skool for measuring temperature. G 2 a set sequence of musical scene science notes going from the highest to the lowest, or from scenes noun sciences noun 1 the place where the study of things H the lowest to the highest. something happened. in the world; it involves I The scene of the crime. observing, measuring, and 2 a part of a play or film, set experimenting to test ideas. J 3 a small, hard plate on in a particular time or place. N say sy-uns the skin of a fish, insect, The bear appeared suddenly 3 a view. scientific adjective and scared him. or reptile (see fish on scarecrow scientist K page 79, insect on page 108, scarecrows noun scientists noun reptile on page 168). someone who does L 4 the size of a map or a model a figure made from sticks and compared with the actual scientific work. M size of the object. old clothes that is used to N say sy-un-tist scare birds away from crops. N A winter scene. scissors O N say seen noun P scarf scenery a tool with handles and two blades joined Q This model of a building has scarves noun noun together. Scissors are been made to scale. used for cutting a piece of cloth that you wear 1 the way a place looks. things, such as R around your shoulders, neck, The scenery in the mountains paper and hair. S scales or head for decoration or to was amazing. keep warm. 2 an artificial background N say siz-urz noun used in a play or a film. scold a machine that is used N say see-nuh-ree scolds scolding scolded verb T to weigh things. to speak to someone angrily because they have done U something wrong. My father scolded me V for being late. W kitchen scales scatter scent X scar scatters scattering scattered verb scents noun Y scars noun 1 a trail of smell left by to spread in many an animal or a person. a mark left on the skin different directions. The dog followed the scent. 2 perfume. Z after a wound has healed. The wind scattered the seeds. scar verb N say sent 176

scoop scramble scratch sea a scoops scooping scooped verb scrambles scrambling scrambled scratches scratching scratched screw b verb verb c to lift something up using your 1 to make a mark screws noun 1 to crawl or climb fast, on the surface of something a metal pin used for d hand or a tool shaped like using your hands. with a sharp object. fastening things together. e a deep spoon. The cat scratched the tree. screwdriver f 2 to rub skin with fingernails g scoop He scrambled back up or claws to stop it from screwdrivers noun the riverbank. itching. a tool for turning screws. h Scooping pasta out of a jar. 2 to mix together. scratch noun i Scrambling an egg. script j score scream scrap scripts noun k scores scoring scored verb screams screaming screamed 1 a written version of a play, l to win points in a game. noun verb film, radio, or television show. m to cry out in a loud, high 2 handwriting. n 1 a small piece of something. voice because you are o frightened or in pain. scrub p scorn scream noun q scrubs scrubbing scrubbed verb scorns scorning scorned verb screen to clean by rubbing hard. r s to show by words or your scraps screens noun expression that you do not of paper 1 a flat surface onto which t think much of something moving images are projected. u or someone. 2 anything that is worn out Some movie theaters have v The journalist scorned the or no longer of any use. six screens. w plans for the power plant. 2 a barrier that is used x to hide, separate, or y scornful adjective protect something. z scorpion The cars were sold as scrap. She dressed behind a screen. Scrubbing a rabbit hutch. scrap verb 3 the part of a computer scorpions noun or television on which sculpture a small, nocturnal animal scrape the picture or text appears. that is part of the same sculptures noun animal group as spiders. scrapes scraping scraped verb a piece of Scorpions usually live in hot to drag an object across art made regions. They eat insects and something, often removing from wood, spiders that they kill with part of the surface. stone, metal, the poisonous or another stingers on solid material. their tails. imperial scorpion scowl Scraping wallpaper sea off the walls. scowls scowling scowled verb seas noun to frown in an angry the salt water that or bad-tempered way. She scowled when she was covers two-thirds of given extra homework. the Earth’s surface. scowl noun 177

sea life A sea life eye antenna noun jaws shell B all the plants and animals tentacle tentacle that live in the sea or mouth foot stump of on the seashore. missing leg C pincer D mouthparts claw E abdomen leg F tube foot lettuce sea slug shore crab sea cucumber G antenna arm tentacle H body I J abdomen leg squat lobster scarlet serpent brittlestar shell scallop snout K fin ray (strut) eye spine L siphon mantle M N giant blue clam mouth O buckler thornback ray pectoral sea urchin dorsal fin antenna tendril P fin pelvic fin blade eye stalk Q claw R eye S tentacle baby dogfish T anemone U compound eye hermit crab plant body V W seaweed tentacle red seaweed dog-fish egg cases X tail Y zebra Z strawberry pipefish shrimp sucker octopus 178

seal seat see sell a seals noun seats noun sees seeing saw seen verb seesaw b anything that to notice something with c 1 a sea mammal usually found is used for your eyes. seesaws noun in cold seas. Seals eat fish sitting on. a balancing toy. Children d and are excellent seat belt play on a seesaw by sitting e swimmers. Some child’s car at either end of a board and seals are clumsy safety seat rocking up and down. f on land, where g they move by seize rolling or h sliding along. seizes seizing seized verb i to take hold of j 2 a piece of paper or wax that second something suddenly. is used to mark something or The thief seized her bag. k to close it so that you can tell seconds noun N say seez l whether it has been opened. m a very short period of time. seldom n o There are 60 seconds in adverb p q one minute. not often, or rarely. I seldom get home before six. r wax seal secret You can see a long way s with binoculars. select seal secrets noun t something that is not seed selects selecting selected verb u seals sealing sealed verb known by everyone. to choose v to close something securely Can you keep a secret? seeds noun something you w or tightly. secret adjective a small, hard part of some want from x Seal the envelope. flowering plants, from which a number y secretary new plants may grow (see of things. z search growth on page 94). secretaries noun She selected a pot of paint searches searching searched a person whose job is to sunflower from the tray. verb assist other people by making seeds selection noun to look hard for something. business appointments, writing letters, and selfish keeping records. adjective He searched for his ball section seek in the long grass. only caring about yourself. search noun sections noun seeks seeking sought verb He was very selfish and never a separate part or portion to search for something, shared his toys. season of something. or try to achieve something. The library has Seeking help. sell seasons noun a children’s section. 1 one of the four divisions seem sells selling sold verb of the year marked by secure to give something to someone particular kinds of weather. seems seeming seemed verb in return for money. Our seasons are spring, adjective to appear to be. They sell all kinds of vegetables summer, fall, and winter. She seems worried at the market. 2 a particular part of the year. 1 well fastened. about something. The football season starts 179 next week. A secure door. 2 safe and confident. secure verb My baby brother needs his teddy bear to help him feel secure.

semaphore A semaphore sensible separate serious noun adjective separates separating adjective separated verb B a way of sending messages thinking clearly 1 requiring careful thought. by signaling with two or in a practical way. to set A serious question. apart from 2 not smiling or laughing. flags. The flags are each other. A serious expression. 3 worrying or dangerous. C held in different positions to D represent each letter of E the alphabet. The letter “x” F in semaphore. N say sem-uh-for G send He separated the yellow The fallen tree caused serious H sends sending sent verb marbles from the green ones. damage to the roof. separate adjective to make someone or separately adverb I something go to another place. She was sensible about servant Send me a postcard! sequel servants noun J senior dressing for the cold weather. a person whose job it is to sensibly adverb sequels noun something that follows an work for someone in that K adjective sensitive earlier event, or continues person’s home. older, more experienced, a story from a previous L or more important. adjective book or movie. serve Senior club members set A movie sequel. 1 quick to feel, understand, the rules. or react to something. N say see-kwul serves serving served verb 1 to help someone, usually by M N say seen-yur sequence giving them something they want or need. N sense sequences noun 2 to start play in senses noun a number of things that games such as tennis follow in a particular order. by hitting O 1 one of the five ways the ball in which we can receive N say see-kwens P information about the world. sequin to your The five senses are sight, opponent. sequins noun Q hearing, touch, smell, and taste. a small, shiny, R metal or plastic disk that is sewn S Sensitive hairs on this plant onto material as make the leaves close when a decoration. they are touched. N say see-kwin T 2 easily upset or hurt. His skin was very sensitive serial U where he had been burned. serials noun V You need your sense of hearing sentence a story that is broadcast or published in a series of parts. to use a telephone. sentences noun W 2 a feeling. 1 a group of words that make series A sense of disappointment. sense together. Sentences X 3 reasonable decisions start with a capital letter noun 2 a television or radio or good judgment. and end with a period. They 1 a group of similar She has a lot of sense. usually include a verb. things that follow show that is broadcast 2 a punishment decided one another in order. in regular episodes, or Y 4 a meaning that can by a judge in a court of law. A series of books a set of novels about be understood. Z It makes sense. He received a four-year on nature. the same characters. prison sentence. 180

service several shade shampoo a services noun adjective shades noun shake b 1 the act of serving. c Good restaurant service. a number, usually three or 1 a cool place where the Sun’s shakes shaking shook shaken 2 employment in the more, but not many more. verb d armed forces or in a Several people waved as they direct light doesn’t reach. e public organization. walked past. 1 to move something rapidly Military service. up and down, or from side f 3 the supply of something to side. g that helps or serves people. A telephone service. severe She sat in the shade to read. Shaking hands. h 4 religious worship. 2 to tremble with fear, i A church service. adjective shady adjective shock, or cold. j 5 the act of checking and 2 a slight difference in color. repairing machinery so that 1 extremely bad. k it continues to work well. A severe accident. Different shades of paint. shall l A car service. 2 strict or hard. m The rock face was a severe shadow verb n set test for the climbers. o severely adverb shadows noun a word used to show that p sets noun a dark shape made something will happen in q a group of things that sew by something the future. belong together. that is blocking I shall go shopping later. r sews sewing sewn verb the light. s A toy construction set. to join something together N always used with another verb using a needle shadow t set and thread. shallow u v sets setting set verb Sewing on a shirt button. adjective w 1 to put in position or x arrange something. N say so not deep. y She set the vase on the table. z 2 to decide or determine a sewer shaft They played in shallow water. limit, time, or date. She set the party for Friday. sewers noun shafts noun shame 3 to go below the horizon. a large, underground pipe 1 a long, vertical passageway. The Sun sets in the west. or channel that takes dirty A lift shaft. shames noun 4 to go hard. water and waste matter away. 2 a long, straight part 1 a sad thing that happens. The cement took a long N say soo-er of something. It’s a shame you can’t come. time to set. A shaft of light. 2 an uncomfortable, guilty sex feeling about something you settle shaggy have done. sexes noun ashamed adjective settles settling settled verb one of two groups, male or adjective 1 to calm female, that people, animals, down or and plants are divided into. having long, rough, stop moving. untidy hair. The dog 2 to decide or agree shampoo settled down about something to sleep. without any doubts. shampoos noun Settle an argument. a soapy liquid that is used for washing hair. N comparisons shaggier shaggiest shampoo verb 181

shape Two-dimensional shapes A shape rectangle semicircle crescent shapes noun equilateral isosceles B the outline or form of an object. triangle triangle Everything has a shape. Some shapes are two-dimensional, because they have C width and length, but no height. Some shapes are three-dimensional, because D they have width, length, and height. E F G H star pentagon I J square K L hexagon diamond M octagon N right angle right-angled triangle Three-dimensional shapes pattern O rectangle P triangle triangle Q R tetrahedron prism S rectangle T U pyramid V cylinder W cone square rectangle cube cuboid right-angled triangle X Y equilateral square Z sphere triangle rhombicuboctahedron octahedron icosahedron 182

share sheep shield a shares sharing shared verb sheep noun shelter b c 1 to have or use together. a farm animal reared for shelters noun 2 to divide something a thing that protects d into parts to give its wool and meat. someone or something from e to others. the weather or from danger. f They shared the melon. g shark shave sheer The doorway was a shelter h from the rain. i sharks noun shaves shaving shaved verb adjective shelter verb j sheltered adjective a large fish with rows of to remove hair from the skin 1 very steep. k sharp teeth that lives It was a sheer drop. sheriff l in both cold and warm with a razor. 2 complete or absolute. m oceans. Sharks eat fish or Sheer exhaustion. sheriffs noun n small water animals and are a law officer whose job is to o able to detect smells and sheet see that people obey the law p sounds at great distances. in a particular area. q sheets noun leopard shark shawl a large, thin, flat piece of shield r cloth, paper, plastic, or metal. s sharp shawls noun A sheet of steel. shields noun a large piece of cloth worn a strong piece of metal or t adjective over the shoulders. shelf leather that soldiers used u to carry in battle to protect v with a thin edge or a fine shear shelves noun their bodies w point that may be used for a horizontal piece of wood or from their x cutting things. shears shearing sheared shorn metal for storing things on. opponents’ y Careful—that knife is sharp! verb weapons. z to cut off wool or fur. shell N comparisons sharper sharpest We shear sheep for their wool. an ancient shells noun Indian shield shatter shed the hard, outer covering that protects some living things. shatters shattering shattered sheds noun Eggs, nuts, and animals such verb a small building for storing as snails, crabs, and tortoises 1 to break into many pieces. things such as garden tools. have shells (see reptile on page 168). shield shields shielding shielded verb to protect. egg shell nut shell shed sheds shedding shed verb to drop, lose, or separate from something. When she sang the top notes, Snakes shed their skins. crab’s She shielded her eyes from the glass shattered. shell the sun. 2 to ruin someone’s plans, or to make someone upset. shellfish 183 The loss of their jobs shattered their dreams of buying a home. noun any small, edible water animal that has a shell.

shin shirt short A shin shirts noun adjective shins noun a piece of clothing 1 not long in B the front part for covering the top measurement. of your leg below half of your body. Shirts the knee. have sleeves and usually short hair have a collar and buttons C down the front. D shin shiver shook 2 not lasting a long time. E The movie was very short. shivers shivering shivered verb from the verb to shake F The dog shook himself dry. N comparisons shorter shortest to tremble with cold or fear. N opposite long G shine shoot shines shining shone verb 3 not having enough shoots shooting shot verb of something. H to give out or reflect light. 1 to fire a bullet from a gun We are one playing card short. or another weapon. I shortage J shortages noun a situation where there is K not enough of something. There is a shortage of bread L in the supermarket. The car headlights shone He shivered in the cold wind. She shot at the ducks in shorten M on the road ahead. the fairground booth, hoping shiny adjective shock she would win a prize. shortens shortening 2 to wound or kill with shortened verb N shocks noun a bullet or other weapon. to make 1 an unpleasant experience. The hunters shot the birds. something shorter. ship shock verb 3 to take pictures with shocking adjective a camera. She shortened the little girl’s O ships noun 2 pain and injury caused She shoots lots of skirt for her. a large vessel for by a flow of electricity animal photographs. through a person’s body. shorts P transporting people and 3 a state of weakness caused shop cargo by sea. A ship is by injury or pain, or by an noun unpleasant experience. shops shopping shopped verb Q powered by a motor or sails He was in shock after to visit a store to look at and a pair of short pants and is bigger than a boat. the accident. buy things. that usually do not reach Let’s go shopping today. below the knees. R shipwreck shoe shop noun S shipwrecks noun shot shoes noun shore 1 the destruction of a ship a protective covering worn shots noun at sea. on your feet, often shores noun an injection. made of leather. the edge of an ocean, sea, The doctor gave her a shot to T The whole of the ship’s cargo or lake. make her feel better. was lost in the shipwreck. seashore U 2 the remains of a ship that was destroyed at sea. V W X Y Z N say ship-rek 184

should show shrink sick a verb shows noun shrinks shrinking shrank shuffle b a public performance shrunk verb c a word used to show that or exhibition. to become shuffles shuffling shuffled verb something must be done, smaller. 1 to mix things up to change d ought to be done, or is shower their order. e expected to happen. His sweater had shrunk I should do my homework. showers noun in the wash. He shuffled the cards. f 1 a device that sends out 2 to move by dragging your g N opposite should not / a fine spray of water, used shrivel feet along the ground. shouldn’t for washing your body. h N always used with another verb shrivels shriveling shriveled shut i verb j shoulder to become small and shuts shutting shut verb wrinkled, or dry out. to close something. k shoulders noun Water your plants or they He shut the book carefully. l the place below your neck will shrivel and die. N opposite open m where your shut adjective n arms join shrub o your body. shutter p shrubs noun q shoulder a large plant that is smaller shutters noun than a tree, often with many 1 a hard cover for a window. r shout 2 a short, sudden rain. stems and little or no trunk. s 3 a sudden fall of something The house has shutters shouts shouting shouted verb in large quantities. shrug on every window. t to call out loudly. A shower of meteors. 2 the part of a camera inside u shout noun shrugs shrugging shrugged verb the lens that opens and closes v N rhymes with our to raise your shoulders to to allow light to fall onto w shovel shower verb show that you do not care the film. x or do not know. y shovels noun shred shy z a broad spadelike tool shudder that you use to move shreds noun adjective something, like earth or a small, narrow strip shudders shuddering shuddered snow, by scooping it up. that has been cut or torn verb timid and lacking confidence off something. to shake or tremble violently with people. for a short time. show shreds of paper The thought of spiders makes N comparisons shier shiest me shudder. shyly adverb shows showing showed verb shriek sick to allow something to be shrieks shrieking shrieked verb to cry out in a high-pitched adjective seen, or to make something voice because you are excited or afraid. ill, or not healthy. clear to other people. He shrieked when he saw the mouse. N comparisons sicker sickest N say shreek shriek noun 185 He showed the class shrill his favorite photograph in the book. adjective making a sharp, high sound. A shrill whistle. N comparisons shriller shrillest

side A side sigh signal silhouette sides noun sighs sighing sighed verb signals noun silhouettes noun a dark outline of B 1 the edge of something. to let out a long, deep 1 an action or object that something seen against Triangles have three sides. breath slowly. is used to send a message a pale background. N say sil-oo-et 2 the outside surfaces N say sye without words. silk C of something, but not sight the front or back. silks noun noun a thin, soft fabric made from D threads spun by a silkworm. E 1 the ability to see. A car viewed from the side. She lost her sight in an accident. F 3 a team or group of people 2 something that can be seen. that is against another group. The ship was a fine sight G Which side are you on? as it sailed up the river. N say site H sideways sign adverb I toward the side or from signs signing signed verb He put his the side. 1 to write your signature. right arm out Crabs walk sideways. as a signal silly that he J wanted to adjective K siege turn right. 2 the electrical current by not sensible. sieges noun L the action of surrounding which sounds and pictures What a silly idea! a place to try to force the are transmitted to radios, N comparisons sillier silliest people inside to surrender. televisions, and telephones. M N say seej The boy signed his friend’s signature silver N sieve cast. 2 to use sign language to signatures noun noun 1 a precious metal found in sieves noun communicate with people your special way of the ground that is used O a container made of plastic or who have hearing difficulties. writing your own name. in making coins metal that has mesh or small N say sine and jewelry. P holes for sorting solids from sign silver liquids, or fine grains from signs noun N say sig-nuh-chur Q larger pieces. 1 a symbol that R N say siv represents something. significant The sign for dollar is “$.” S sieve verb 2 a movement that expresses adjective silver ring a meaning. very important, or having T sift He nodded his head as a special meaning. 2 the color of the metal silver. sifts sifting sifted verb a sign that he wanted to leave. A significant event. silver adjective 3 a public notice that U to sort through something gives information. Sikh carefully in order to Sikhs noun similar V separate larger pieces from smaller pieces. a person who follows adjective Sikhism, an Indian religion. almost, but not exactly, W Sikhs believe in a single God. the same. N say seek X A road sign. silent These mugs are similar. Y 4 anything that indicates Z Sifting for gold. something is going to happen. adjective Is there any sign of snow? not making any sound. silence noun silently adverb 186

simmer single sister skateboard a simmers simmering simmered adjective sisters noun size b verb a female person who has c to cook something so that something the same mother and sizes noun it bubbles very gently. that is only father as someone else. a measurement Leave the soup to simmer for one of how large for 20 minutes. person, or sit or small only one of something is. simple something. sits sitting sat verb single bed 1 to rest your body by d adjective supporting your weight on e sink your bottom, rather than 1 easy to understand or solve. on your feet. f A simple solution. sinks sinking sank sunk verb g 1 to go down below 2 to rest or be positioned. N opposite complicated the surface of water. 3 to pose for something. The boat was sinking fast. She sat for her portrait. 2 plain. 2 to go down slowly. The Sun sank below site the horizon. h sites noun i simple sink an area of ground used for These shoes are the wrong size. j earrings ornate earrings a particular purpose. N comparisons simpler simplest sinks noun sizzle k A construction site. l simplify a basin with a water supply, sizzles sizzling sizzled verb m situation to make a hissing sound n simplifies simplifying simplified faucets, and a drain. during cooking. o verb situations noun The sausages sizzled under p to make something easier. what is happening in the broiler. q a particular place sincere kitchen sink at a particular time. skate adjective sip skates skating skated verb to slide along on a hard honest, or not pretending. sips sipping sipped verb surface wearing special She was sincere when she to drink in small amounts. shoes with blades or wheels. said she was sorry. r N say sin-seer s sincerely adverb t sing u v sings singing sang sung verb w 1 to make a musical sound x with your voice. y z He sipped his coffee slowly. skating noun roller skate sip noun siren skateboard sirens noun skateboards noun a device that makes a loud a small board on wheels that noise and is used as a warning signal. people stand on to ride along. A fire engine’s siren. She likes to sing. He found himself in 2 to perform by singing. N say sy-run a desperate situation. She is singing in an opera. N say sich-oo-ay-shun 187

skeleton horny shield layer A skeleton skeletons noun ribs B a group of connected bones that support a person’s or animal’s body. C There are 206 bones in a human skeleton. D E seal skeleton bird skeleton F bony layer G tortoise skeleton skull (cranium) H frog skeleton collarbone jawbone I horn (clavicle) (mandible) J tusk K breastbone shoulder blade elephant skull (sternum) (scapula) goat skull rib cage radial upper arm bone L (humerus) M bony plates fish skeleton hipbone N (pelvis) spine O spine main forearm P hand bones bone (ulna) Q (carpals) R small forearm S metacarpal bone (radius) T U phalanx coccyx rib main shin thigh bone bone (tibia) (femur) kneecap skull (patella) foot bones small shin (tarsals) bone (fibula) V metatarsal W monkey skeleton phalanx snake skeleton human skeleton X Y Z crocodile skeleton 188

sketch skip sky sleeve a sketches noun skips skipping skipped verb skies noun slap b 1 a quick drawing. 1 to move along, hopping the air around the Earth as c lightly from one foot we see it. The sky usually slaps slapping slapped verb A sketch of a ship. to another. looks blue. to hit quickly with the palm d 2 a short play. She skipped down the road. Not a cloud in the sky. of your hand. e 2 to jump over a turning rope. slap noun ski skyscraper f skipping slave g skis skiing skied verb rope skyscrapers noun to move over snow or ice a very tall building with slaves noun h on two long pieces of wood, many stories. someone who is forced to i metal, or plastic work without being paid j attached to and is not free to leave. special boots. k sled l m sleds noun n a low platform with curved o strips of metal or wood p underneath. Sleds are used q to carry people and things over snow and ice. r s ski slam t N say skee slams slamming slammed verb sleek u ski noun to shut something with v a bang. adjective w skid 3 to pass over or leave Slam the door. x something out deliberately. smooth and shiny. y skids skidding skidded verb We’ll skip the next question. slang Seals have sleek fur. z to slide out of control. skirt noun sleep skirts noun everyday words and phrases sleeps sleeping slept verb a piece of clothing worn that are not normally used in to rest your body and mind by a girl or woman that writing or formal speaking. with your eyes closed. hangs down from the waist. slant slants slanting slanted verb to slope sideways. The car skidded on the icy road. skill The wooden shelf slanted sleep noun to the right. skills noun sleeve ram’s skull an ability to do something. sleeves noun Juggling is a difficult skill the part of a piece of clothing to learn. that covers the arm. skilful adjective skin skull sleeve skins noun skulls noun 1 the thin, protective layer the bone frame that animals and people have of the head that on the outside of their bodies protects the brain (see mammal on page 124). and supports the 2 a thin layer that covers face (see skeleton the flesh of vegetables and on page 188). fruit (see fruit on page 85). 189

sleigh slight slippery slouch A sleigh adjective adjective slouches slouching slouched sleighs noun verb very small in amount. smooth and difficult to grip. to sit, stand, or walk so that B a large sled, usually pulled There’s a slight chance She couldn’t hold on to the your shoulders are bent over by an animal and used for he’ll come. slippery fish. and your back is not straight. traveling over snow or ice. N rhymes with ouch N say slite slit C N comparisons slighter slightest slow slightly adverb slits noun D a long, narrow, straight cut. adjective slim slit verb E 1 taking a long time, adjective slither or not hurrying. F G N say slay fairly thin. slithers slithering slithered verb Tortoises are very slow, while H slender to slide along. rabbits move quickly. N comparisons slimmer Snakes slither 2 behind the time. adjective slimmest over sand. This watch is 5 minutes slow. I long and thin. slime N comparisons slower slowest A slender branch. N opposite fast noun slowly adverb J slice K slices noun an unpleasantly wet and sly slippery substance. a thin, flat piece cut Snails leave a trail of slime adjective as they move along. L from something. slimy adjective doing something in a sneaky a slice or secretive way. sling slope She had a sly plan to trick M of bread her brother. slings noun slopes noun N N comparisons slier sliest a piece of material used ground that slants. slyly adverb O slice verb to support an injured arm. P slide Q slides sliding slid verb sling to move smoothly over slip They practiced on the artificial smack a surface. ski slope. slips slipping slipped verb slope verb smacks smacking smacked verb R She slid across the ice to open and close your lips on her skates. 1 to move, or to move slot noisily. something easily or quietly. S She slipped the note under slots noun small the door. a small, narrow opening slide 2 to slide or fall over for putting something in. adjective by accident. T slides noun He slipped in the mud. little in size, or not great 1 a piece of or big. U children’s play equipment for V sliding down. W X slipper slippers noun small can big can Y a soft, comfortable, of paint of paint Z 2 a transparent photo in loose shoe She put a coin in the slot. N comparisons smaller smallest slot verb a cardboard or plastic frame. worn indoors. N opposite big 190

smart smell smooth snarl a adjective smells smelling smelled adjective snake b verb c 1 quick and intelligent. having an even surface, snakes noun A smart idea. 1 to use without sharp edges or a long, thin reptile with no d 2 well-dressed. your nose lumps. legs. Snakes eat insects, e to notice As smooth as glass. eggs, fish, or animals. Some odors. snakes are poisonous, while f N opposite rough others kill by g squeezing their smudge prey tightly. h i smudges noun vine snake j a dirty mark made by rubbing or smearing k something onto a surface. l m Smelling a rose. n 2 to have an odor. o The barn smelled of hay. p q He looked very smell She had a smudge of chalk snap smart in his on her cheek. r new suit. smells noun smudge verb snaps snapping snapped verb s 1 the sense you use to notice N comparisons smarter smartest odors through your nose. 1 to make a sudden t Smell is one of the five senses. cracking noise. u smash 2 the odor of something, v usually unpleasant. Snap your fingers. w smashes smashing What a smell! 2 to break x smashed verb suddenly. y to break something smile z into pieces. smuggle smiles smiling smiled verb The plates to show you are happy by smuggles smuggling smuggled smashed widening your mouth and verb on the turning up the corners of ground. your lips. to take something into a place secretly and illegally. smuggler smear smile noun They smuggled their cargo She snapped into the country under cover the stick in half. smears smearing smeared verb of darkness. 3 to talk in a quick, angry way. to spread something snack “Why haven’t you done your homework?” he snapped. sticky or messy. snacks noun a small amount of food eaten snarl smoke between meals or instead of a meal. snarls snarling snarled verb noun to growl fiercely, showing the teeth. the cloud of gas and small The guard dog snarled ash particles that rises at the burglar. from a fire. snail smoke verb snails noun He smeared glue onto the back smolder of the picture. a slow-moving animal smolders smoldering smoldered with a spiral shell. Snails live N say smeer verb on land or in water and eat smear noun mainly plants. When in danger, to burn very slowly, without snails pull their soft bodies any flames. back into their shells. N say smole-dur 191

snatch A snatch sniff snout snug snatches snatching snatched sniffs sniffing sniffed verb snouts noun adjective B verb 1 to breathe in noisily an animal’s long nose and comfortable to take hold of through your nose. jaws (see dinosaur on page and warm. something suddenly. Stop sniffing and blow 61, mammal on page 124, The cat looked very snug your nose! and reptile on page 168). curled up inside the basket. C I snatched my coat and ran 2 to breathe in through out of the house. snuggle D your nose, trying to snow snuggles snuggling snuggled verb smell something. to lie close together in order to sneak Dogs find out about things noun keep warm. by sniffing them. E sneaks sneaking sneaked verb soft, white flakes of ice soak to move or act in a quiet that fall from the clouds soaks soaking F or secret way. snip in cold weather. soaked verb snow verb to make or become G snips snipping snipped verb snowy adjective thoroughly wet. to cut something H with scissors in one, The rain had quick movement. snowball soaked her hair. snowballs noun soap I a ball shape made soaps noun by pressing a substance used for washing. snow together. He sneaked out of the room soar snowdrift J when no one was looking. soars soaring soared verb sneaky adjective snowdrifts noun to fly high in the air. snow that has been blown K into a pile by the wind. The eagle soared over L sneer the valley. sneers sneering sneered verb to show scorn about M something or someone. “My bike is better than yours,” N she sneered. sneer noun Snipping the top off the box. snowflake O sneeze snowflakes noun snoresneezes sneezing sneezed verb P to force air out of your nose in snores snoring snored verb Q a sudden, uncontrolled way. to breathe noisily a group of ice as you sleep. crystals that falls as a tiny R snorkel piece of snow. S snorkels noun a short tube that a swimmer snowman holds in his or her mouth in snowmen noun T order to breathe underwater. a figure that you build U snorkel with snow. V snorkels snorkeling snorkeled snowplow verb to swim using a snorkel. snowplows noun W a machine used to clear snow off the roads or off X other surfaces. Y snowstorm Z sneeze noun snowstorms noun a storm during which a lot of snow falls. 192

sob soft soldier solution a sobs sobbing sobbed verb adjective soldiers noun solid b c to cry noisily, catching 1 easy to put out of shape by a person who adjective touching, or not firm or hard. d your breath. A soft pillow. is part of 1 made of the same e thing all the N opposite hard an army. way through. f g 2 gentle or smooth This cat is carved from to the touch. a solid block of wood. h 2 firm or strongly made. i The little boy was sobbing in They built a solid wall j the corner. around the castle. k soccer A soft ball of yarn. a Roman solo l soldier m noun N opposite rough adjective n N say sole-jur o a game played with a round 3 not harsh or loud. on your own. p ball that players may move A soft sound. sole She made a solo flight q with any part of their bodies around the world. except their hands and arms. N comparisons softer softest soles noun r Players score by moving the 1 the bottom part N say so-low s ball into the other team’s goal. software of your foot. solo t social noun sole u solos noun v adjective programs that are put into 2 the bottom of a shoe. a piece of music that is played w a computer to make it work. or sung by one person. x to do with people living 3 an edible type of flat fish. y together in communities. soil She played a violin solo. z Social history. sole soils noun solution N say so-shul the top layer of earth in adjective which plants can grow. solutions noun one or only. 1 the answer to a problem. society soil He was the sole survivor The solution to the crossword. of the crash. 2 a liquid that has something societies noun You can grow some vegetables dissolved in it. 1 all the people who live in in pots of soil. solemn A solution of salt and water. a group or in a country, and N say suh-loo-shun their way of life. adjective Laws protect society. 193 2 a club or an organization. serious. An animal welfare society. A solemn promise. N say suh-sy-i-tee N say sol-em sock solar solid socks noun adjective solids noun a substance that keeps its a piece of having to shape, and is not a liquid clothing that do with the or a gas. covers your power of the Ice, rock, and jelly are solids. foot and the Sun or any lower part of other light. your leg. solar panel socket A solar-powered calculator. sockets noun sold a hole that something, such from the verb to sell as a plug or bulb, fits into. She sold her bike when she grew too big for it. An electric socket.

solve A solve son sort sour solves solving solved verb sons noun sorts noun adjective B to find the answer to a person’s male child. a group of similar things, with a sharp taste, like a problem or a type of something. vinegar or a lemon. N say sun or mystery. sonar What sort of vacation will you N rhymes with power take this year? C noun source D sort a device that finds and sources noun E records the depth of water. sorts sorting sorted verb the place where something Sonar works by sending out to arrange comes from or is found. sound waves and measuring things into The source of a river. how long it takes for the echo different types south or groups. F to return. Submarines use noun G sonar to navigate at sea. one of the four main H directions on a compass. South is to your right when I you are facing the rising Sun. north To solve the puzzle you must west east J end up with one marble in the middle. south southern adjective K N say so-nar He sorted the socks and put L some them in pairs. souvenir song adjective sought souvenirs noun 1 several or a few, but not from the verb to seek The two countries M a definite number or amount. songs noun sought peace. Could you buy some a piece of music with words N say sawt N apples, please? that you sing. 2 part of, but not all. I ate some cake. something that you keep soon soul to remind you of a person, O U Somebody has taken place, or event. my ruler. adverb P U I must get there somehow. after a short time. souls noun Holiday souvenirs. U Will someone set the It will soon be lunchtime. the spiritual part of a person. N say soo-vuh-neer Q table please. sore Some people believe that sow U Let’s get something to eat. the soul continues after adjective a person’s body is dead. sows sowing sowed sown verb U Sometimes I go to the aching or sound to put seeds in the soil R swimming pool after school. hurting. U You must have put sounds noun so that they will grow S it somewhere. into plants. T somersault His head was sore where something that can be heard. somersaults somersaulting soup U somersaulted verb to roll or leap forward soups noun V or backward so that your he had bumped it. a liquid food made from fish, whole body turns over. meat, or vegetables, cooked N comparisons sorer sorest in water W sorry or milk. X adjective feeling sad or unhappy about what has happened. She sowed some seeds Y I am sorry that I stepped on your toe. Z N say summer-salt N comparisons sorrier sorriest vegetable soup in a window box. somersault noun N opposite pleased N say soop N say so 194

spicy soybean spare species a noun adjective species noun b a group of animals or plants that c a vegetable seed used for food more than is needed. usually look similar or behave in or crushed for its oil. a similar way. d There are about 320 species e space of salamander in the world. f noun N say spee-sheez g 1 the place where all the spare tire specific spell h stars and planets are found. i 2 an empty area or gap. adjective spells spelling spelled or j spelt verb spacecraft spark definite or precise. to say or write the letters k Can you be more specific? of a word in the correct order. l spacecrafts noun sparks noun How do you spell “special”? m N say spi-sif-ik n a vehicle for traveling a small, burning piece spell o speck p in space. of material that is thrown spells noun q specks noun words that are supposed up from a fire. a very small piece or spot. to have a magic power. r A speck of dust. The magician cast a spell s sparkle on the frog. speckled t sparkles sparkling sparkled verb spend u adjective v to reflect tiny flashes of spends spending spent verb w covered with 1 to use money to buy things. x bright light. tiny marks I spent my money on a book. y or spots. 2 to pass time. z Vostok 1 was the first We spent two weeks camping manned spacecraft. A speckled egg. in the forest. spade Diamonds spectator sphere sparkle. spades noun sparkling adjective spectators noun spheres noun a person who watches an a solid, round shape, like a a shovel or tool speak event but does not take part. ball (see shape on page 182). N say sfeer that is used for speaks speaking spoke spoken verb digging. to say words, or to talk. spaghetti spear spice noun spears noun spices noun a type of long, thin pasta. a long weapon a substance made from dried with a sharp point that is thrown parts of a plant and used to by hand. add flavor to food. The spectators cheered for their favorite team. N say spu-get-ee special speech cayenne pepper paprika span adjective speeches noun cinnamon stick 1 the ability to speak spans noun different from the rest, and the way people speak. spicy 1 a period of time. usually because it is better. Speech is a power only 2 the distance between humans have. adjective two objects. N say spesh-ul 2 a talk given to an audience. strongly flavored with spice. N opposite ordinary speed speeds noun a measurement of how fast something is moving. 195

spider A spider spine spit spoil spiders noun spines noun spits spitting spat verb spoils spoiling spoiled B a small animal with eight 1 the column of bones that to force saliva or something verb legs. Spiders spin nets of makes up the backbone else out of your mouth. 1 to destroy or damage thin, sticky threads called of a skeleton (see skeleton She spat out the rotten apple. something. C webs, which they use to trap on page 188). Don’t draw on that—you’ll insects for food. They spite spoil it. 2 to give a child so much that D kill their prey noun he or she becomes demanding with poison. E deliberate nastiness. and unpleasant. He ignored him out of spite. spiteful adjective F spine spoke splash G spike from the verb to speak H spikes noun splashes splashing splashed verb They spoke in a whisper a sharp point, often made of to scatter water in case anyone was listening. or another liquid. sponge 2 one of the stiff, sharp I metal or wood, or a pointed points on an animal, like sponges noun part of an animal or plant. a porcupine, or on a plant, a soft, flexible material used J spill like a cactus (see fish on page for washing and cleaning. 79, plant on page 151, and Some sponges are made of sea life on page 178). plastic, but real sponges are K spills spilling spilled or spilt verb 3 the part of a book where made from the skeletons of to let something drop or the pages are joined and The children splashed around sea creatures. L overflow from a container. that holds the book together. in the pool. N say spunj splash noun M spiral splinter spirals noun N an object shaped splinters noun in a curve that a thin, sharp piece that has turns around broken off something hard, O a central point. such as wood or glass. bath sponge P split sponsor Q splits splitting split verb sponsors sponsoring sponsored verb 1 to divide into parts. to give money to support R She spilled her drink. spire a charity or event. Sometimes money is given in return for a S spin spires noun person completing an activity. T spins spinning spun verb a tall, pointed The sporting goods store structure at the sponsored the race. 1 to turn around quickly, top of a tower. sponsor noun U or to make church spire something She split the logs with an ax. spoon 2 to tear or crack, perhaps V turn quickly. by mistake. spoons noun The bag split open. a small utensil with a curved W spirit bowl at one end. Spoons are splutter used for eating or stirring. X spirits noun 1 a person’s mind splutters spluttering spluttered plastic spoon 2 to produce threads. Spiders and feelings. verb to speak quickly in a metal spoon Y and silkworms spin threads In good spirits. confused way. by producing them from their spiritual adjective She knocked over the display and spluttered an apology. Z bodies. People spin raw cotton 2 a being, such as a ghost, and wool to make threads. that does not have a body. 196

sport windsurfing golf basketball sport a sports noun ball shaft basketball basketball b tee rim c an activity or game that putter requires physical effort net d or skill. People play tank e sports for exercise top or pleasure. f shorts g badminton wood iron h mast head i j head golf clubs shaft football k l sail m n feathers face o guard p shuttlecocks batten q armpad football helmet r handle boom sneaker s racket squash t u table tennis strings v frame w blade life shoulder and chest pads throat x jacket athletics y z wetsuit board bat ball shaft sailboard spike track shoes ball ice hockey shaft grip skates blade field hockey cricket ball grip racket bail blade baseball goalkeeper’s shoe cover webbed barrel pocket ball stump field hockey shoe blade puck head ball ice hockey stick wicket bat baseball glove bat 197 field hockey stick

spot A spot spring squash spots noun springs springing sprang sprung squashes squashing squashed B 1 a small, round area that verb verb is a different color from the area around it. 1 to jump upward 1 to crush something so in a lively way. that it becomes flat. C This cup and saucer are 2 to squeeze together. covered in white spots. D 2 a place. It was a perfect picnic spot. E spot spread F spots spotting spotted verb spreads spreading spread verb She sprang over We all squashed onto the sofa. to notice or see. to open something out the gymnastic apparatus. G Can you spot my car? or make it cover spring noun N say skwosh a bigger area. 2 to appear or grow quickly. H spotlight New houses sprang up all over squeak spotlights noun the hillside. squeaks squeaking squeaked I a strong light pointed at a sprint verb small area, usually on a stage. to make a short, high-pitched J spout sprints sprinting sprinted verb sound like a mouse. to run very fast for squeak noun a short He spread the blanket out K spouts noun on the ground. distance. squeal the part of a container that N say spred L a liquid is poured from. spring squeals squealing squealed verb to make a long, high-pitched sound like a piglet. M springs noun squeal noun 1 the season between N winter and summer when squeeze the weather becomes warmer and many plants start to grow. squeezes squeezing squeezed O 2 a coil of thin metal that verb jumps back into shape after sprint noun to press hard, often in P teapot spout it has been pressed together sprout order to push Q spray or pulled apart. something out. sprouts sprouting sprouted verb R sprays spraying sprayed verb to begin to grow. to scatter a fine shower S of liquid onto something. Green shoots sprouted from the bean. T sprout noun U 3 a place where water flows spy She squeezed the paint out V out of the ground. of the tube. W spies noun X squirm Y a person who gathers information in secret. squirms squirming squirmed He sprayed the plant verb spy verb to twist the body from Z with water. side to side, or to wriggle. spray noun square The rabbit squirmed under the fence. squares noun N say skwurm a shape with four equal sides and four right angles (see shape on page 182). square adjective 198

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