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Home Explore ISA portfolio of evidence

ISA portfolio of evidence

Published by Ms Youssefi, 2018-06-05 22:33:51

Description: ISA portfolio of evidence


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6-Our partner school students watching our activities: 101

7-Our other partner schools activities:A-Zoubair Bnou Aawam junior high school 102

B-Anas Bnou Malik Junior high school:8-Students in Bnou Awam junior high school in Tetouan are watching our activities: 103


8-Watching the activities of our school partners in Tetouan and Settat 105



No. of activity 5Title of activity My Language: My IdentityTeacher responsible Ms Nezha YoussefiOther staff involvedPrincipal subjects involved School principalOther subjects involved Arabic/EnglishBrief details of the aim, contentand outcomes of the activity Citizenship In this project, children will discuss how their mother language reflects their identity and share that with their international counterpart. More than this, children in both schools will introduce useful expressions to each other so they can use each other’s mother tongue during their Skype chatImpact of activity undertaken (i.e. This project will help children to better understand theiron pupils, learning, engagement, own country’s value, make them feel proud of theirschool, local community, global belonging and identity and also become aware of other’scitizenship, your school values and thus respect them and learn from them. Morepartnerships and professional than this, it will boost children’s creative and criticaldevelopment) thinking and thus help them produce innovative ideas to solve problems.Partner school name/s Apeejay School IndiaPartner school country/s February the 10th,2018 to April the 29th, 2018 60Dates of activity 220Number of pupils in the schoolinvolved in this activity 15-16Total number of pupils in the Photos of display board, pupils’ work., posters and a videoschool Pupil Teacher Parent VisitorAge of pupils involved in this 1 1 0 0activityIs there evidence available forinspection of this activity andwhat does this consist of?Number and type of evaluationforms available (available 108

Evidence: 109

1-Power point presentation: 110

2-Making posters: 111

3-A video: partner’s activities: 112

5-Our partner’s video about the language project: 113

6-Watching our partner school students’ activities: 114

ISA Teacher Activity Evaluation Form (School partner teacher)Activity number 5To be completed by the internal co-ordinatorSchool name Mohamed El Fassi Junior High schoolCity FezTo be completed by a teacherName Mrs Anita BhattacharjeeTitle of activity My Language, my identityYear group involved 14-16Date February the 10th,2018 to April the 29th, 2018What impact has this activity had on the pupils involved (at your school or in your local community)?Students learn about different authors of the world and know about their writing structure.Comment on the impact this activity has had on you and any other staff involved (at your school or other schools)The activity helped the students to reach for more information and learn things beyond the books. Our Author a monthprogramme initiative was quite enriching and enhancing for all.Comment on the impact this activity has had on the school generally.ISA activities are really interesting and give students a unique forum to learn about different culture, language and taste. Itgives them a global perspective and tolerance.Please make any suggestions for improvement (e.g. what was the most effective part of this activity for you andwhy? What was the least effective and why?)Language was a slight hindrance for the students so we can work on it.Any other comments?- 115

Thank you for your time and comments. 116

No. of activity 6Title of activityTeacher responsible Drawing: MigrationOther staff involvedPrincipal subjects involved Mr Fouad ChwibaOther subjects involvedBrief details of the aim, content Ms Nezha Youssefiand outcomes of the activity Art and design English, citizenship This project will focus on children’s artistic skills. It will develop their creative thinking and improve their awareness of migration and instead of discussing it with children from another international school; they will draw it and describe how they feel about it through art. This project will connect children in two international schools so children will have a rich experience comparing and contrasting what they will produce with each other.Impact of activity undertaken (i.e. This project will develop students’ core skills especiallyon pupils, learning, engagement, “creativity and imagination” and also “communication andschool, local community, global collaboration”. It will also help them become good “globalcitizenship, your school citizens” whose aim is to connect with the world and overcomepartnerships and professionaldevelopment) differences. The outcome of this project are creating an art magazine about the drawing based on the theme of “migration” and exchange it with our international partner and also recording a video about this project to share in youtube channel. This project will have a positive impact on children in the 2 international schools since they can learn a lot from this new experience which will develop their personality and hone their leadership skills and since all children at the school (from the 3 different levels) will participate in this project, the impact will be rewarding on the school as a whole.Partner school name/s Crescent Heights Language Arts Social/Justice Magnet School USAPartner school country/s December the 1st ,2017 / May the 30th,2018 about 120Dates of activity 220Number of pupils in the schoolinvolved in this activity 9-10/ 11-12/ 13-14/14-15Total number of pupils in the E.g. photos of display , postcard and souvenirs (cultural box) fromschool partner school, pupils’ work.Age of pupils involved in this Pupil Teacher Parent Visitoractivity 0 1 0 0Is there evidence available forinspection of this activity andwhat does this consist of?Number and type of evaluationforms available (available 117

Evidence: 118

2-Our work: 119

2-Sending a cultural box to our partner: 120

3-Our partner school students’ work 121


4-Watching our school partner students’ activities: 123


No. of activity 7Title of activity the power of poetic language in communication between generations andTeacher responsible civilizations\"Other staff involvedPrincipal subjects involved Ms Nezha YoussefiOther subjects involvedBrief details of the aim, content Teacher of Arabic and the school staffand outcomes of the activity English Citizenship/ Arabic Children will discover authors and poets around the world and fill in a survey to analyse their interest and ideas in literature. They will also read some poems in English and Arabic and create some rhythmic lines to share with each other. They will later on compare and contrast their results with children from our international school partners.Impact of activity undertaken (i.e. This project will develop the children’s global citizenship skills,on pupils, learning, engagement,school, local community, global make them aware of the world beyond their own country, helpcitizenship, your school them connect to the world and know how to use ICT topartnerships and professionaldevelopment) communicate with children from international schools and it will also encourage children to work in a “global” community and develop their communication and collaboration along with their critical thinking skills. More than this, it will hone the children’s creative thinking and make them produce a piece of literacy like a short story or some rhythmic lines. The impact will be positive for sure and the outcome of this project will be constructive.Partner school name/s Assaki Junior High School MoroccoPartner school country/s March the 25th 2018 /t April the 30th 2018 30Dates of activity 220Number of pupils in the schoolinvolved in this activity 14-15/ 15-16Total number of pupils in the E.g. photos of display board , videos and, pupils’ work.schoolAge of pupils involved in thisactivityIs there evidence available forinspection of this activity andwhat does this consist of?Number and type of evaluation Pupil Teacher Parent Visitorforms available (available at 0 1 0 125

Evidence: 126

1-Reading some poems 127

2-Writing some rhythmic lines: 128

3-Our partner school’s work: 129

Videos: 1- 2- 130

ISA Teacher Activity Evaluation FormActivity number 7To be completed by the internal co-ordinatorSchool name Mohamed El Fassi Junior High schoolCity FezTo be completed by a teacherName Ms Nezha YoussefiTitle of activity The power of poetic language in connecting civilizations and generationsYear group involved 14-15Date March the25th,2018 to April the 30th,2018What impact has this activity had on the pupils involved (at your school or in your local community)?The impact was very positive on the studentsComment on the impact this activity has had on you and any other staff involved (at your school or other schools)Students got the chance to write some rhythmic lines and share them with their school partner students! The activity wasfruitful since all students benefitted from itComment on the impact this activity has had on the school generally.The impact was positive and welcoming since all students at the school got a chance to learn something useful from thisactivityPlease make any suggestions for improvement (e.g. what was the most effective part of this activity for you andwhy? What was the least effective and why?)No suggestions since the activity was well planned along with our school partner project coordinatorAny other comments?No comment 131


No. of activity 8Title of activityTeacher responsible The math projectOther staff involvedPrincipal subjects involved Mr Ilyas ChoujaaOther subjects involvedBrief details of the aim, content Ms Nezha Youssefiand outcomes of the activity Math ……. In this activity, both students in Morocco and Palestine will compete in making posters about mathematics rules and both will compete in solving puzzles. They will also play games by using numbers. The outcome of this activity will be a skype live competition between students in the two countries and posters of mathematics’ rules.Impact of activity undertaken (i.e. This activity will improve students’ intelligence, encourage them to competeon pupils, learning, engagement, with other students and also help them become, local community, globalcitizenship, your schoolpartnerships and professionaldevelopment)Partner school name/s Mamounia Prep girls \"B\"Partner school country/s Palestine December the 5th ,2017 / April the 10th,2018Dates of activity 60Number of pupils in the schoolinvolved in this activityTotal number of pupils in the 220schoolAge of pupils involved in this 13-14 / 14-15activityIs there evidence available for E.g. photos of display board and, pupils’ work.inspection of this activity and whatdoes this consist of?Number and type of evaluation Pupil Teacher Parent Visitorforms available (available at 0 1 0 133

Evidence:1-Our online conversation: 134

1-Our activities: wall magazines: 135

2-Math contest: 136

3-The audience who attended the math contest: Students, school staff, parents and my Americanguest:4-Our school partner students watching our activities: 137


4-Our school partner’s activities: 139

5-Watching our school partner students’ activities: 140


No. of activity 9Title of activityTeacher responsible HandicraftsOther staff involved Ms Soumia AchiriPrincipal subjects involved Ms Nezha YoussefiOther subjects involvedBrief details of the aim, content Family educationand outcomes of the activity …….. In this project, children will display their artistic skills and know how to use things by creating their own design. The outcome of this activity is a handicraft exhibition in which students will share their creative work with our school partners. We will also share a skype chat in which students will show their products to each other.Impact of activity undertaken (i.e. This activity will develop students’ creative thinking, enhance their creativityon pupils, learning, engagement, and imagination and also develop their collaboration and, local community, global The impact of this activity will be seen on the school as a whole since we willcitizenship, your school use the handicrafts in decorating the classrooms and the school’s yard.partnerships and professionaldevelopment)Partner school name/s Charfession T Barret Model Secondary School.Partner school country/s Gymnasium School Nr. 117Dates of activity Bangladesh and RomaniaNumber of pupils in the schoolinvolved in this activity December the 20th, 2017 / May the 31st ,2018 60Total number of pupils in theschool 220Age of pupils involved in this 11-12 / 12-13activity E.g. photos of display , letters and emails from partner school, pupils’Is there evidence available for work.inspection of this activity andwhat does this consist of? Pupil Teacher Parent Visitor 0 1 0 0Number and type of evaluationforms available (available 142

Evidence:1-Our online conversation: 143

2-Our students’ work: 144


2-Our Romanian school partner students watching our activities: 146

4-Our Bengali school partner students’ work: 147


No. of activity 10Title of activityTeacher responsible RecyclingOther staff involvedPrincipal subjects involved Mr Fouad ChwibaOther subjects involvedBrief details of the aim, content Mr Fouad Chouibaand outcomes of the activity Art and designImpact of activity undertaken (i.e.on pupils, learning, engagement, Science and family education (the environment club)school, local community, globalcitizenship, your school This project will display the artistic skills of children and theirpartnerships and professional ability to reuse waste instead of throwing it away. This project willdevelopment) connect children in three international schools so children will have a rich experience comparing and contrasting what they will create with each other. This project will develop students’ core skills especially “creativity and imagination” This project will also help the children to become globally aware citizens who can address human and environmental sustainability and help reduce pollution by reusing waste. The outcome of this project are recycling products ‘exhibition. The project will have a positive impact on children in the 3 international schools since they can learn a lot from this new experience which will develop their self-confidence and hone their artistic skills and since all children at the school (from the 3 different levels) will participate in this project, the impact will be rewarding on all the school as a whole.Partner school name/s lmaghazi girls school and Kufer Ra'i Secondary Girls' SchoolPartner school country/s PalestineDates of activity December the 30th,2017 / May 31st , 2018Number of pupils in the school 60involved in this activityTotal number of pupils in the 220schoolAge of pupils involved in this 12-13/ 13-14activityIs there evidence available for E.g. photos of display board , letters and emails from partner school,inspection of this activity and what pupils’ work.does this consist of?Number and type of evaluation Pupil Teacher Parent Visitorforms available (available at 0 1 0 149

Evidence: 150

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