EvidenceI-Our online communicationII-Our activities:1-Making posters about fruits around the world: 51
2-Making videos about fruits around the world: 53
3-Making fruits salad (healthy eating) 55
4-Our Indian school partner pupils watching our activities: 57
5-Our school partner’s activities: 58
6-Watching our school partner students’ activities: 59
7-The fruits around the world survey that my students took: 60
ISA Teacher Activity Evaluation Form (School partner teacher)Activity number 1To be completed by the internal co-ordinatorSchool name Mohamed El Fassi Junior High schoolCity FezTo be completed by a teacherName Mrs Anita BhattacharjeeTitle of activity Fruits around the worldYear group involved 14-16Date December the 1st,2017/ February the 10th,2017What impact has this activity had on the pupils involved (at your school or in your local community)?It was a great learning experience for the students of our school. Students were thrilled to know about the fruits of yourcountry and share activity sheets, pictures and information. They loved to make PPT and share it with students at your end.Comment on the impact this activity has had on you and any other staff involved (at your school or other schools)It was a great learning experience for me and my colleagues as well. They were equally excited to share work with yourteachers through email and schools online.Comment on the impact this activity has had on the school generally.It ia a great forum for all of us to take the work beyond the books and the classrooms as well. It makes the class moreinteresting and informative.Please make any suggestions for improvement (e.g. what was the most effective part of this activity for you andwhy? What was the least effective and why?)We can have Skype sessions to have a better understanding.Any other comments?-Thank you for your time and comments. 62
No. of activity 2Title of activity Health: How to protect oneself from cold?Teacher responsible Ms Nezha YoussefiOther staff involved Mrs Soumia AchiriPrincipal subjects involved Family educationOther subjects involved Arabic/English/ scienceBrief details of the aim, contentand outcomes of the activity In this project, children will discover how they can protect themselves from cold. They will do some research about the natural medicine people use in both Morocco and Palestine to cure cold then share what they will find through recording a video comparing and contrasting remedies in both countries. Then they will discuss the scientific advances in curing bad cases of cold. The lesson plan comes with curriculum links and handouts.Impact of activity undertaken (i.e. This activity will make children aware of the cold and of how toon pupils, learning, engagement, cure it. It will also enhance their knowledge about the curesschool, local community, global used in another country so they can be able to compare andcitizenship, your school contrast two different communities. More than this, this projectpartnerships and professional will develop children’s core skills especially critical thinkingdevelopment) and problem solving. The impact will be positive and constructivePartner school name/s Khan Younis Elem Boys school \"C\"Partner school country/s PalestineDates of activity December the 20th,2017 January the 30th,2018Number of pupils in the school 80involved in this activityTotal number of pupils in the 220schoolAge of pupils involved in this 9-10/11-12activity photos of display board , letters and emails from partner school,Is there evidence available for pupils’ work.inspection of this activity andwhat does this consist of?Number and type of evaluation Pupil Teacher Parent Visitorforms available (available at 0 1 0 0schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org) 64
Evidence: 65
1-Making posters 66
2-Wall magazine: 68
3-Our partner’s activities: 69
3-Watching our partner’s activities 70
4-Our partner school students watching our activities: 72
Teacher evaluation form 73
No. of activity 3-Title of activityTeacher responsible An Eye on my cultureOther staff involvedPrincipal subjects involved Ms Nezha YoussefiOther subjects involvedBrief details of the aim, content Ms Amaland outcomes of the activity English History and Geography /citizenship In this project, students will collect data about different cultural aspects (music, special dishes, popular dances, and traditional clothes, and grandma heritage) in their own country and also in Romania and Palestine. They will share the result of their research through a PPP to explain the similarities and the differences between the three countries.Impact of activity undertaken (i.e. The impact of this activity will be instructive and enlighteningon pupils, learning, engagement,school, local community, global since students will develop an appreciation and understanding ofcitizenship, your schoolpartnerships and professional global cultures and will become aware of the cultural diversity alldevelopment) over the world. This project will introduce the students to the concept of the “global citizen” and make them work on the welfare of the global community.Partner school name/s Mamounia Prep girls \"B\" +Gymnasium School Nr. 117Partner school country/s Palestine / RomaniaDates of activity January the 1st,2018 / April the 15th,2018Number of pupils in the school 60involved in this activityTotal number of pupils in the 220schoolAge of pupils involved in this 15-16activityIs there evidence available for e.g. photos of display board and role-play activity, letters and emailsinspection of this activity and what from partner school, pupils’ work.does this consist of?Number and type of evaluation Pupil Teacher Parent Visitorforms available (available at 1 1 0 1schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org) 74
Evidence: 75
1-Powerpoint presentation: 76
2-Making posters: 78
3-Wall magazine 79
3- Making booklets about our cultural heritage 82
4-Our partner’s activities: 85
5-Watching our partner’s activities: 86
Our Romanian partner school students watching our activities: 88
Our Palestinian school partner watching our activities: 89
ISA Teacher Activity Evaluation Form (School partner teacher)Activity number 3To be completed by the internal co-ordinatorSchool name Mohamed El Fassi Junior High schoolCity FezTo be completed by a teacherName Reema Abu ZayedTitle of activity Grandmother's Heritage (an eye on our culture)Year group involved 11-14Date January the 1st, 2018 / April the 15th, 2018What impact has this activity had on the pupils involved (at your school or in your local community)?Students become more interested in learning more about the cultural heritage of Morocco such as:food ..etc.Comment on the impact this activity has had on you and any other staff involved (at your school or other schools)Teachers were excited to know about new aspects about heritage of Morocco. Like: buildings,dances.Comment on the impact this activity has had on the school generally.This activity was overwhelming. Students and school staff were amused by the students' wonderfulwork.I would like to include live shows for heritage: traditional songs, dances and outfits.Please make any suggestions for improvement (e.g. what was the most effective part of this activity for you andwhy? What was the least effective and why?)The posters' corner was great. Our students love them because they were handmade. Also,PowerPoint presentations were amazing.Any other comments? 92
I would recommend to bring real items from Morocco cultural heritage in this activity: pieces of clothes, traditional crafts.Thank you for your time and comments. 93
No. of activity 4Title of activityTeacher responsible Wedding ceremonies : Cultural heritageOther staff involvedPrincipal subjects involved Ms Nezha YoussefiOther subjects involvedBrief details of the aim, content The school head teacher and principaland outcomes of the activity English Geography, citizenship In this project, children will discover the origin of some wedding celebration customs related to four different parts of Morocco (Fez, Tifelt, Tetouan and Settat). They will find out the similarities and differences between wedding celebration in an urban area and in a rural one. They will also talk about the different traditional clothes that the bride and the groom wear during the wedding celebration. The outcome of this project will be a PPP by children presenting the wedding celebration in both regions of Morocco ,posters , a video recording of the children research results and a Facebook group where children in the four schools will share ideas and information about their research.Impact of activity undertaken (i.e. This project will enrich the students’ knowledge about their ownon pupils, learning, engagement, culture and make them aware of the customs of weddingschool, local community, global celebrations in four different parts of Morocco. It will also makecitizenship, your school them conscious of their belonging and thus know how topartnerships and professional preserve customs in their own region in particular and in theirdevelopment) country in general. What is more, is that this project will boost students’ self-confidence since they will present their project in front of their peers and share it with students from our partner schools, develop their public speaking skills and enhance their learning through digital literacy. Because of all these, the impact will be rich, fruitful and so instructive.Partner school name/s Oued Eddahab High School (Tifelt) Zoubair Bnou 3awam Junior High school (Tetoaun) Anas Bnou Malik Junior High School (Settat)Partner school country/s MoroccoDates of activity February 05th, 2018 March the 20th, 2018Number of pupils in the school 60involved in this activityTotal number of pupils in the 220schoolAge of pupils involved in this 15-16activityIs there evidence available for Photos of display board and role-play activity, pupils’ work.inspection of this activity and what A videodoes this consist of?Number and type of evaluation Pupil Teacher Parent Visitorforms available (available at 0 0 1 0schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org) 95
Evidence: 96
1-Making posters: 97
2-Power point presentation: 98
3-Role play: A demonstration 99
4-A video: A demonstration about a modern Moroccan wedding celebrationhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmtKUyu11785-Watching our partners’ activities: 100
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