1-Our students’ work: 152
2-Our schools partner’s students watching our work: 154
3-Having a Skype session with our Palestinian school partner: 156
4-Our school partner’s activities: 157
5-Watching our partner school students’ activities: 159
Section III: Supplementary activities Supplementary Activities (ie: activities not listed in the original action plan)1School Name: Mohamed El Fassi Junior High LA/Board: Ms Nezha Youssefi and the school School staffTitle of activity: The importance of reading The aim of this project is to encourage students to read, to become critical thinkers and problem solvers. It also aims at connecting them with teenagers in our school partners (Palestine and Sri Lanka) and share the joy of reading! The outcome of this project are: a powerpoint presentation about reading, posters, a wall magazine about the importance of reading, booklet and a reading contestBrief details of theaim, content andoutcomes of theactivityEvidence: 162
The reading contest: 164
2 PollutionActivity numberTitle of activity: The aim of this project is to make students aware of their environment and to show them how to protect it. It also aims at making them good local and global citizenship by involving them in environmental activities. The outcome of this project is sharing activities with our school partner (Egypt), a video, a PowerPoint presentation, posters and a wall magazine made by students and displayed at school for all our school visitors, students and their parents to see.Brief details of theaim, content andoutcomes of theactivity 165
Evidence: 166
3 PostcardsActivity number The aim of this project is to develop students ‘ creativity and make them produceTitle of activity: handmade postcards about different national and international events then share their work with our school partner in Iraq!Brief details of the The outcome of this project is amazing postcards.aim, content andoutcomes of theactivity 167
Evidence: 168
4 Sport: Play it fairActivity numberTitle of activity:Brief details of the The aim of this project is to make students aware of the importance ofaim, content and tolerance while playing sport. By doing this activity, students willoutcomes of the understand other values too like fairness and equality.activity The outcomes of this activity are: -Making posters with different slogans like: no to violence , no to racism and play it fair -Students will participate in a sport day event where all students of the school will join -Students will share their experience with their national and international school partner students through videos 169
Evidence: 170
5 Girls’ education (I carried on this project although our school partner ISA coordinator confirmed their collaboration first time then she cut all ties andActivity numberTitle of activity: stopped communicatingBrief details of the Subjects: citizenship, History and Englishaim, content and In this project, children will explore and examine the importance of girls’outcomes of the education in global societies and talk about the status of women in all history.activity They will share what they will find out through a PPP and live skype chat with children from our school partner to discuss the problems that girls face in both Morocco and Egypt and how we can solve them. The lesson plan comes with curriculum links and handouts This activity will help students’ recognize the importance of other’s needs and rights. It will also make them responsible citizens who help improve their own society and global communities. More than this, it will develop students’ communication and collaboration skills. 173
Evidence:A link to our students’ performance about the importance of girls’ education:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUD2p3FtYi8 174
Section IV: Future Plans Future PlansPlease include a brief outline of your future plans. This will count towards theassessment as the adjudication panel is interested in how the international dimensionaims to be further developed and celebrated across your school.-I will keep the “tradition” of the international school partner andinvolve all the students at school in different activities with differentpartners from all over the world-I have signed a partnership with our Romanian school partner towork on some projects till 2020-I will celebrate the outcomes of this fruitful and successful schoolyear with the school staff and students-I will create new projects and look for new partners but this time Iwill work on having a real visit exchange and real communicationso we can learn from each other’s culture and experience-I will share my experience as an ISA coordinator with otherteachers in my city and country through workshops duringpedagogical meeting or during MATE conferences 175
Section V: Appendix1- Sharing our ISA projects with the national and international ISA community: 176
2-Having our activities published in our Romanian school magazine: 177
3-Sharing our ISA activities in our school magazine: 179
4-Signing partnership with our Romanian school partner: 181
5-Getting a certificate of recognition from our Palestinian partner 182
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