2018 This year, we wanted to focus on a simple, timeless theme. We want to be able to look back at our yearbook in 20 years and immediately be brought back to Severn in 2018. Because of this, we decided on the theme “2018”. 2018 is a critical year for all of us, whether we are beginning high school, in the thick of it, or graduating. Browsing through this year’s edition of The Navigator, you will be able to see everything we accomplished in 2018. We also wanted to tie the yearbook in with our school wide adaptive challenge: Unity. Throughout the book, you will see many hexagons fitting together like puzzle pieces. We wanted to portray the message that although we are all different, we are still able to fit together and work cohe- sively with one another. 1
Contents Senior Portraits 14 Senior Pages & Tributes 24-137 Class Portraits 138 Clubs 162 Fall Highlights 164 Spirit Week & Homecoming 170 Fall Sports 190-2032
River Classic 186 Fall Play 188 Winter Highlights 204 Unity Day 208 Trivia Night 212Musician in Residence 214 Hoops Madness 216 Winter Sports 218 3
HEADS OF SCHOOL As you peruse the 2018 Navigator and think back on the triumphs, the losses, and the ups and Doug Lagarde downs of the year, I hope you do so with a genuine sense of accomplishment and that the goals you set for yourself have come to fruition or, at least, are well on their way to completion. I also hope that all of Headmaster you have begun to figure out your purpose. As I expressed at our opening convocation, my goal for you this year and in the years to come is to stop fretting over figuring out what your passions are, and instead use the sources of purpose in your life - a friend, your family, your school, your job, your faith, your teams, a charity - to find your purpose and make a difference in yours and someone else’s life. I thank all of you for making a lasting difference here at Severn. I particularly want to thank the Class of 2018, for leading a successful and spirited year, and the staff of the Navigator for beautifully archiving the year in pictures and stories. I enter each new school year with a great sense of optimism and excitement to see how the Beatrice Fuller leadership of the senior class will mesh with the juniors and sophomores, as all of the upper grades welcome the ninth graders and the new teachers. By choosing Unity as the adaptive challenge this Upper School Head year, the many students and faculty members who participated in the August Leadership Lab set the goal and made the commitment to inspire community and togetherness. I hope that each grade level, club, and team will work towards that goal within their smaller enclaves, and that the student council and prefects will keep an eye on the bigger picture of all school unity. I also hope that the faculty will echo these efforts within the upper school. I know we will have a great year together! Dan Keller As I reflect on this year, I think of the work we have done to serve our students: Transition to the Teel Program, assessment work, inclusion and interdisciplinary projects, among Middle School Head many other endeavors. I am delighted to see this year’s 8th grade grow in so many positive ways and especially wish them best as they venture to the upper school. This year has been an exciting one in the middle school. Middle Schools are spaces of busy bodies and minds as well as often messy and unfinished work. Our students have the privilege of a fine faculty, and the faculty has the honor to work with such talented and receptive young adolescents. Laughter, friendships, acts of kindness and academic successes were abundant throughout Cathy North the school house. We cherished our time together during school assemblies, Student Council initiatives, and Helping Hands activities. Seeing students’ joy, work, and pride throughout the process speaks to Lower School Head confidence, creativity, and character of our students. Congratulations to all students. You have much to celebrate. Go Admirals!4
DEPARTMENT HEADS Arts Science MathRob Redei Melissa Osquist Julien Meyer Language History EnglishRodica Townshend John Bodley Sandra Sanders (not pictured) 5
SummerActivities Above: Middle Schoolers Cooper Schwartz ‘24, John Szynal ‘24, Aidan Shenck ‘24, and Nate Long ‘24 enjoy the New Middle School Students Orientation Lunch. Top: New Severn Freshmen participate in team building exercises at freshmen orientation. Above: Sam Agro ‘18, Em Williams ‘21, Christiana Kambouris ‘21, Amy Sobocinski ‘21, Isabelle Benoit ‘21 Left: Arielle Hillock ‘21, Chase Turner ‘21, Amy Sobocinski ‘21, Sam Agro ‘18, Owen Wellschlager ‘21 Senior Girls at the Ropes Course for their Senior Retreat.10
Convocation“If you think you aren’t capable of something, askyourself why? Why can’t you do it? In a community like this,there is really nothing you can’t do if you are motivated09/01/2017and dedicated.” -Trevor MarvinFrom left to right, and top to bottom: 1: Kendall Gay ‘18, Jimmy Riley ‘18, Melody Jacob ‘29, Reilly Miller ‘18. 2: Jacob Perreten ‘18, Sophie Oliver ‘18,Alana Miller ‘18, Georgia Knoepfle ‘29. 3: Daniel Berlin ‘22 4: Charlotte O’Hare ‘18, Charlie Perritt ‘29, Taylor Critcher ‘18, Jermaine Hall ‘18. 5:Carter Walsh’ 29,, Reegan Morris ‘18, Kate Shushan ‘29, Ryan Jack ‘18, Jacob Jarosz ‘18, Ryan Loprete ‘18, Grace Mong ‘18. 6: Daniel Berlin ‘22,Finn Fries ‘25, Trevor Marvin ‘18. 7: Oliva Smith ‘18, Danny Boldt ‘18. 8: Ms. Fuller, Mr. Keller, Mr. Lagarde, Mrs. North. 11
Student CouncilStudent Vice President Student Body President Treasurer & SecretaryLisa O’Fiesh Trevor Marvin Hanna Duncan TateTaczak Senior Class President Junior Class President Addy Porter Danielle Vice President Drury Victoria Vice Decker President Owura Berko Sophomore Class Freshmen Class President PresidentWill Heard Daniel Vice President Babalola Kyle Vice President Russell Will12 Oliver
PrefectsBack Row: Jacob Jarosz, Ben Elstner, Jared Dove, Everett Cortes, Mr. BuckleyMiddle Row: Courtney Freeman, Jane Huang, Kennedy Albers, Olivia Smith, Inde Lauer, Shreeya Bahethi, Sam AgroFront Row: Sam WilliamsWhat does being a prefect mean to you?Olivia Smith: To me, being a prefect means guiding the younger studentsto find their passions so that they too can be future leaders of Severn,and giving back to the community that has given so much to me.Everett Cortes: Being a prefect means being in a position to influencethe community in a positive way that brings out the best in everyone.Inde Lauer: To me, being a prefect means representing the Courtney Freeman and Olivia Smithupperclassmen while guiding the freshmen and preparing them for thenext three years.Jane Huang: Being a prefect means being a part of a group of peoplewho are equally as excited about spending time planning events andboosting school spirit as I am! It also means getting to know a freshmenadvisory and relaying all my advice to them that I wish I had knownwhen I entered high school.Jacob Jarosz: To me, being a prefect means being a leader in the school.As a prefect I feel that people are going to look up to me, so I makesure that I always treat people like how I would want them to treat me.Shreeya Bahethi: Being a prefect means getting to know the freshmen The prefects hanging out with Severn School’s Third Gradersand to see them grow more comfortable as they begin high school. 13
Seniors The Class of 2018 took their role as leaders of the school seriously. Whether it was in the classroom, on the sports field, or on the stage, the Seniors represented their class to its fullest potential. The Seniors embraced their leadership role, but also prepared for their next step: college. This school year was full of lasts and some firsts, but every day they made the best of it. As they look forward to the future, they look back on their time spent as Admirals.14
Jorryn Avery Jared Dove Katie Dubinski Cooper EmmonsGoucher College US Air Force Academy Harvard University Furman UniversitySevern AthletesJosie Formica Dylan Gergar Burt Gesner Jake Lilly Babson College Johns Hopkins UniversityAmerican University University of Pennsylvania Reegan Morris Michelle Money LJ Owens Paige Perchinsky York College St. Johns University College of William and Temple University20 Mary
Ryan Jack Jermaine Hall Hillary Hardig Jacob JaroszGrinnell College Wheeling Jesuit University East Carolina University US Naval AcademyIn ColleGeCharlie Marculeqicz Joel Mandish Devin McCarthy Reilly MillerUS Naval Academy US Naval Academy College of William and University of Mary Mary Washington Hanna Ramsey Blair Reilly Alex Rozner Camille WhiteMonmouth University Centre College Stanford University Hobart and William Smith 21 Colleges
SeniorMost Likely to be out of Dress Code: Drama King and Queen: Most Spirited: Phil Bartholomee Alex Marvin Will Barroll Sarah Sacker Grace Mong Addy PorterMost Likely to be President: Worst Case of Senioritis: Most Likely to Park in Trevor Marvin Paige Perchinsky Teacher Parking: Jane Huang Jordan MathisMost Likely to be a Movie Star: Most Likely to be Late to Best Glow-up: Yasmeen Meek Graduation: Joshua Walbridge Sam Agro Devon Beagan Liz Townshend Teacher’s Pet: Over-achiever: Most Likely to Win a Nobel Ben Carsley Katie Dubinski Peace Prize: Grace Fieni Jimmy Diamondidis Aidan Wang and Olivia Smith22
SuperlativesMost Likely to Lose Keys: Most Likely to Start a Term MostLikelytoBrightenyourDay: Reegan Morris Paper the Night Before: Courtney Freeman Nathan Roche Joel Mandish Blake Allman Hasn’t Changed since Most Likely to be Mistaken Most Likely to get a Ticket on Freshman Year: for a Freshmen: the way to School: Josie FormicaAshley Clifford & Jacob Winter JP Perreten and Erin BehrClass Clown: Best Bromance: Most Likely to Start a FortuneSimon Isper Jake Lilly 500 Company: Burt Gesner Cooper Emmons Biggest Flirt: Future Olympian: Most Likely to Trip atCharlie Marculewicz LJ Owens Graduation: Jenna Sortisio Taylor Critcher Michelle Money 23
“The universe is just a Sam Agro reflection of the world within you.” -Anonymous Reichard Squad: I’ll miss having someone to ignore for ten minutes every morning… We’ll keep the group chat lit though . Farha’s Room: Thank Allah it’s over. Baugh Advisory: Keep in touch! I want to hear about the rest of your years here. You have a problem, I’ve lived it, ask me about it. You have my number, use it!! Water Street Players: You can’t always pick your family. It’s a good thing I like (most of) you. Make me proud! I’ll be checking in. Seniors: It has been a looooooong ride. A little too long. Long enough that you will be in my heart for the rest of my life. I couldn’t have done it without you. JW JD GF SP ASfak TC JS JD RY FW SB: You guys have given me the ride of a lifetime, and you’ll stay with me for just as long. Through ups and downs and fights and even a little bit of romance, you’ve taught me that we are only as important to the world as we are to ourselves. AC: Many stories to come. You’ll be the first to know #Sashley #Samson ES: Keep me updated on you-know-who. MB, AB, CF, JH, FW, YM, NR, LOF, EC, AM, EM, MG, AT, GF, EW , TK, JR, AT, RJ, Emma: I guess you can’t just be Sam’s sister anymore. Leave YOUR legacy. Say hello to people you don’t know. Pour your heart and soul into your passion, whatever that may be. Everything will become clear. Ronald Arthur: You’ve facilitated a change in me I never thought possible. The things I’ve learned from you will last me so many lifetimes. Thank you to my teacher, my director, my coach, my mentor, my wingman, my friend. MAS Work hard and be kind. Peace.\"I'll have you know I Kennedy Albersstubbed my toe lastweek and only Mom, Dad, Michael, Eddie: Couldn’t have done it without you guys.cried for 20 Mrs J: Thanks for always believing in me, you’ll always be my school “mom.”minutes\" Dr Spiegel: You know how they always say that everyone has that one -Spongebob teacher in their life that made such an incredible impact on them? I’ve never met a teacher more enthusiastic and passionate about their subject. You never gave up on me and you always pushed me to go further with all of my work, which has influenced me to give my best at everything I do. I can’t put into words how much of an impact you have made on my life, I will never forget you! Ms Kim: I will ALWAYS be your coconut! Addy: Thanks for sitting next to me in Physics on the first day of school freshman year, if you hadn’t I might have never known what it meant to have a true best-friend. I can’t even imagine my life without you, you’re the closest thing I have to a sister. I love you more than you know, and get ready for me to come visit you! McNeil: Wouldn’t have gotten through senior year if it wasn’t for you. Still waiting for you to teach me how to sail. Love you lots!!! MY FAV FRESHIES: Before you know it you’ll be writing your senior shout-outs wondering where the time went. I love you guys and I will be here always!24
Blake AllmanMom and Dad: Thank you for sending me to this incredi- “I think itble school and supporting me every step of the way! You would behave provided me with an amazing number of great toopportunities that I am eternally grateful for. I love you be bornboth. on EarthDerek:Thank you for always making me laugh no matter and die onthe circumstances. Mars. JustMrs. Straub: You were the best advisor I could have asked hopefullyfor! Thank you for all the support. not at theTeachers: Thank you for providing me with a remarkableeducation and helping me become a better person. point ofFriends: Thanks for the fun times and memories. I’ll miss impact.”you guys. -Elon Musk Ryan AndrewsMom & Dad: Thank you for always supporting me and guiding me tomake the decisions that were the best for me. I know it'll be rough nowthat your favorite child will be leaving the nest :(John & Madison: Ya laugh, ya lose.Wolf Pack: Even though the group chat was one of the most toxic thingsI've ever been a part of, we've all left and came back to the group chatat least 20 times, and we've been at each other's necks almost all of thetime since sophomore year, we'll always be bros.My Pawns (Josh & Teddy): What does that even mean??Kevin H.: Having a big head is a gift and a curse. Just mainly a curse.Trevor M. & Pete: We'll split the money 45-45-10.Ben C.: You're a wizard.Ryan Rack: We forgive you. Maybe you should have a conversation withwhoever cuts your hair.Mr. Lenham: Thank you for being a great advisor and grade dean andfor always giving advice on any situation when I needed help.Dr. Lapolla: Sorry for saying that one Spanish word in your class “Jesus Christ.” -Alan Liao 25
Bryan Arteen \"I lift things up and put them down.\" -Planet Fitness Guy Jorryn Avery “...Moment I Ma: Shoutout to you for showing me what it looks like to be a strong independent woman! I stop having fun with it, I'll appreciate all the sacrifices you have made for me. You should be proud because I’m ready and be done with it...\" -Drake prepared to start a new journey of my life.26 Jevyn: I’m going to miss you lumpy! Get rid of your senioritis ASAP because junior and senior year is not a joke. Get out of your comfort zone. Stay wavy. Have fun at home with mommy :p Facetime me whenever, love you lots! Jaylen: Thanks for being my toughest critic. Thanks for being in my corner and hyping me up during the tough games. But you’re ugly now and you are only getting uglier. Try to beat the sun home sometimes. Sleep is healthy. Stay in school and get to where you want to be in life, Fatboy and I really do look up to you :) Gparents: Thanks for everything! You guys are the best! AJ: dumbwaaaay! Thanks for making me laugh. Always remember to get buckets my son! Mo: Don’t change. You have a bright future ahead of you. Keep ballin’ out, you are truly an unsung hero. Robbie: ya hate ta see it Sev Bask: It’s been real. Wish you guys the very best! Thank you. Fuller Advisory: Thanks for making my mornings a little easier for four years. Gonna miss you guys. Keep the group chat alive. Fuller: I’m thankful for all our conversations and all you’ve done for throughout my time here at Severn. I’ll never forget you and I hope you don’t forget me. Best advisor ever! Maya: You were right. Janae:Ohwait,nvm,youleftme.JKthanksforkeepingintouchandalways being there for me. Sister for life! RM: I kinda love you too EB: lol, it's really not fine. Hillary: hey
Shreeya Bahethi Nothing in theMom and Dad: I’ll never be able to put into words how much I love world that’syou two. Thank you for always pushing me to be the best I possibly worth having,can be. comes easyRohini: Although we may not always get along, you’ll always be my -Bob Kelsogo-to person, especially for essays about chimeras. “Scrubs”Dadi and Dada: I love you both more than you two will ever know.I’ll be sure to always have common sense!The Taubs: From Evan and I starting a dog washing company (withRigby as our mascot!) to baking bread with B and watching movieswith the three pups, I couldn’t have asked for a better second familynext door to mine.Jordan: Thank you for the constant supply of taters and endlessdrives in Jeepo. You’re my favorite person ever. LOVE YOU LOTS!Mac Advisees: I can’t wait to see what the next few years have instore for you! Love you all and keep the polaroid tradition alive!Alana: Thank you for listening to me whine about all my problems inadvisory :) You’re the best bud a girl could ask for.Jenna: I wouldn’t want to laugh for 10 minutes straight with anyoneelse. You always know how to make me smile :)SXC: We never liked running but we still did it. Good luck!Friends: Thank you for dealing with me and my puns! William Barroll \"The mostMom and Dad- Thanks for providing me with importantsuch a strong foundation to succeed over the shot in golf islast four years. Love you guys and can't wait to the next one.”see what memories come in the next four years. –Ben HoganJackson and Elizabeth- Thanks for the memo-ries. Good luck and make the most of your timeat Severn. Make the family proud.TWBC- Going to miss the daily laughs weshared. Remember all you need is a chip and achair. Good luck in college and I can't wait tosee what memories we still have not made.FTB- Thanks for all of the fun times. Good luckover the next four years, but more importantlyalways remember what Saturdays are for. 27
Phil Bartholomee turkey Shoutout to yams, rip sandwich, joey hungry, yummy yummy I have flaws. What Devon Beagan are they? I sing in the My Family: Thank you for dealing with me these past few years through my shower. tears and my laughs. You guys are my rock and have helped form me to be Sometimes the person I am today. I’m not sure how I will get through college without I spend too coming home and seeking your advice. I hope I don’t make too many mis- much time takes without you guys. MB: Thank you for our car rides and you caring for volunteering. me so much. LB: thank you for cleaning up my messes. DB: thank you for all Occasionally you life advice and our deep life conversations. Love you guys <3 I'll hit JS, PP, AM, and RS: High school without you guys would’ve sucked. You someone guys have helped me through my ups and downs and I am so thankful for with each and everyone one of you. I’m not sure how I will do without you guys my car. at college. JS: thank you for our after school Starbucks runs, our crying car rides, and our long nights together. You will be someone I will always love and share stories with. Good luck at Holy Cross! Field Hockey Team: JF and AC: thank you both for pushing me to be the best I can be. Without you too field hockey would not have been such a big part of my life. Thank you to the whole field hockey team for a great year and a great last season. I love each and everyone of MG: thanks for being one of my best friends for many years!! :) mention me when you’re famous! AP: thank you for our after school snacks and our crazy nights! Good luck next year! Class of 2018: Thanks for an interesting ride the last 4 Years! Thank you to everyone for being apart of my life! Good luck in college28
Erin BehrThe Flock: I don't know how I'm gonna start my day Don'twithout spending 10 minutes with you guys :( shout- follow yourout to Eljay for bringing snack once in 4 years!Female Flock: we're all so dramatic but we do it best. dreams.JD is definitely gonna miss our drama every morning. Follow me on(follow us on ig @femaleflock)JD: I don't know how you still put up with our drama Instagram.and fighting after4 years. Highs and lows? @erin_behrAll my friends: thanks for still liking me even thoughI suck.JA: honestly we hate each other but it's fine.Class of 2018: I could not have asked for better peo-ple to spend 4 years with. I'm gonna miss everyoneand good luck in college!Class of 2019: remember when your SFYS perfor-mance was good? Yeah, me neither.By the way, it's gainz seasonNick Bertocchio-To the Vindicators for being awe- See ya...some, it was cool. that was-Thanks parents for sending me toa great school. cool-Props to Lenham for being thebest Advisor. 29
Do I get girls? Danny Boldt No. Do I play lacrosse? Yes. FTB- You guys are pretty cool, sorry I’m always broke. Let’s rally Do I get girls Adam- Thanks for being a perfect role model for my entire life and helping mebecause I play make fun of Casey when you’re home. I’ll never forget the $10 you still owe me lacrosse? from when I was 7. N/A Casey- Remember that time at Thanksgiving when we took a normal picture together, yeah me neither. Mom and Dad- Thanks for dealing with me for the last 18 years, don’t know where I would be without you, but hey at least I’m not as bad as Casey. Alpha twin- Thanks for being a person that I consider to be a good friend, you know who you are. Beta twin- Just because you’re the beta twin doesn’t mean we’re any less of friends. WB JM- 19s>18s EJ- Remember when you dated someone for more than 2 weeks, me neither. JJ- You’ll be fine, I’m more worried about Jono CM JP SW LH- Sticks and stones may break my bones but words still hurt my feelings DG- Good thing you’re going Ivy League CE JL- Thanks for taking the blame on everything the last 4 years TU- White line #neverforget AD- Go punch some more walls GD- Thanks for letting me shoot on you, keep the tailgates going BV- If there was a best hair superlative you would’ve won it and we all know it. Mr. Laffey- You’re the man, I wouldn’t want anyone else as my advisor. ps thanks for not giving me any maroon cards for having my shirt untucked. Lexi Burchfield \"The only time I C,R,S,L- Thanks for being there for me through set the bar low thick and thin. You taught me what it means is for limbo.\" to have friends that last a lifetime. Can't wait -Michael Scott to see your bright, beautiful faces every time I come home. S.Y.B.F.O- Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. H.H, G.M- You already know... Family- Thank you for showing me what a dysfunctional family is but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you guys.30
Ben CarsleyFirst, I’d like to send my gratitude and affection to all these people who are not at \"All that ISevern know is that ITo IM Morrison for always supporting my zest for the game of chess. know nothing\"To my friends at St. John’s: Alysiana, Matt, Devin, Arthur, Morgan, Heather, Felipe,Max, and Damon!To my dearest friends, those who I wish could live so much closer: Erik, Boe, and KaylaTo those teachers whose presence at Severn I miss: Mr. Walker, Ms. Engelhardt, andMs. Stone!Now Severn!To my fellow chessers and teammates, especially our new prodigy Em!To Tate, Jon, Wayland, and Alan for countless legendary blitz matchesEspecially to Wayland and Alan, my senior chess brothers and future chess Twitchstreamers!To my art club associates: Anna, Kendall, Collette, Tate, and Caleb. Stay neato mypals.To my incredibly clever Mock Trial counselors and witnesses: Jane, Aidan, Evan, Caro-line, Tate, Mariah, Emily, Lisa, Jimmy, Mackenzie, and Danielle!To those who made Coffeehouse and the Mainsheet such fun: Ms. Maxey, Ms. Sand-ers, Grace, Jimmy, and AnnaTo my favorite teachers to stoke up a conversation with: Dr. Perez, Dr. Spiegel, Mr.Lapolla, Ms. Jackson, Ms. Towshend, Mr. Salinas, Mr. Bodley and Ms. CampbellTo Mlex Aarvin for calling me Cen Barsley and for calling Ryan Jack by his nickname!The “Wolf Pack” needs to grow up, but I’ll miss you allMost of all, Love to my Mom for only occasionally embarrassing me by telling herclasses my baby stories AND Love to my Dad for always keeping me sane, hardworking, and Canadian!Elizabeth ChappellMom and Dad: Thank you so much everything you have done forme. I am forever grateful for your constant support. Love you. \"Should I sleep or should I shower?Andrew: Thank you for always being there to make me laugh. Love I could sleep in the shower, but I'myou so much!Sophie Oliver, Liz Townshend, Ryan Loprete, and Lexi Burchfield: also starving\" -Christina YangI will never forget the times we have had these past four years.Thank you for always sticking by my side through the funny mo-ments and the shambles. Ryan, I hope that you become less emothroughout college. Sophie, I hope you can learn to spell through-out college. Liz and Lexi, I hope you always call me when we’re allhome because I am always ready for some adventures. I love youall so much (I know I actually said it back), but time to rally.AP, RM, IL, GM, HR, CO, RM, HH, CW, SO, LT, RL, LB: So happyto had spent these years with my FAV GALS. I will miss you all somuch and can’t wait to see all the great you all do!JJ: Thanks for the great memories these past years. I will miss youa lot, but know you will do amazing things in this next chapter ofyour life. Go Navy, Beat Army!’18 boys: I will miss our fun times together and wish you all thebest! 31
Gabby Ciraolo \"I could never feel more free\" CF AC CR FW MM VD SS OS: I honestly can’t imagine these four years without you guys. You made even the worst days of junior year bearable, and thanks for -Lil Yachty putting up with all my anxious moments. Whether it was intentional or not, you guys always made me laugh. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends to experience high school with and I’m so excited for you all to go off and do your own things in college. Love you guys. BE EC JD CS TS WS NB JM: You guys are the biggest pains but thanks for all the fun times CF: Conference szn. You're a bad b and no one can kill you. AC: They’re normal I swear. Thanks for all the dumb jokes. MM: Ayyyyyyyyaaayyyyy. Can’t wait to see you kill it on the field in NY FW: two curbs in less than 24 hours. Try not to whine too much in college CR: xoxo gossip girl. Don’t go full lifeguard mode next year CS: Slytherin is the worst and you’re not bigger than me. EC: footy? Thanks for convincing me to play soccer this year Soccer Team: Driving back from away games and blaring music with you guys was usually the highlight of my week. Go get that ship' next year. Mom, Dad and Nick: Thank you for always supporting me in everything I do. Nick, stay out of trouble while I’m gone and try not to curse too much on Xbox live Fuller Gang: I'm convinced we had the best advisory in the grade. I’ll miss all the snacks and anti-ravens jokes—the first ten minutes of my day won't be the same. Thanks for all the banana bread Ms. Fuller!! Ashley Clifford\"Sometimes you will never know Mom and Dad: Thanks for all the love and support throughout my life. I would not be thethe value of a moment until it person I am today without the guidance from you two!becomes a memory.\" -Dr. Suess Libby, Izzy, Regan: You three will always be like my three little sisters. Love you guys. #veronica Alaura and Julia: You’re both losers, but I still love you. Good luck with the rest of high school!! Katie G: thanks for making these last two years of math suck less. You rock for that. Hailey: I’ve never had a friend who I became so close with so fast, I love you, girl. #walter #mcfarland Steve: STEVE Marah: I’m going to miss you more than you’ll ever know! Make me proud and finish off high school with a bang! Josie: Thanks for being my best friend in field hockey and in life! You’re gonna kill it at American... don’t forget about me while you’re becoming famous in the field hockey world!! Colin Shanahan: You are the G.O.A.T. Sam Agro: You’re quite possibly the most amazing human being that’s ever walked this planet. I’m going to miss you more than you know. #samson #brashley Olivia, Faith, Sacker, Vicki, Michelle, Carol: You all kept me grounded these past four (or more!) years of my life. Thanks so much for putting up with me and being the greatest friends any girl could ask for. Field Hockey Team: Thanks so much for making the greatest team at Severn even better! I love each and every one of you. Remember to always WORK! Gabby: I still remember the day we met in Ms. Teagarden’s class freshman year... thanks for being the best friend a girl could ask for. I know you’re going to go far and have fun wherever life takes you!32
Everett CortésMom and Dad: Thank you for all of your incredible support and for the incredible \"Go every time soopportunities you have provided me. Words cannot describe my appreciation. others mayAudge: Thank you for being a role model and best friend. You are the best sister a everytimeguy could ask for. Getsome!\"NR: You’ve been my boy since day 1. These first 18 years are just the beginning. -Coach RickWe’re going to do great things.Fuller Advisory: Thank you for being my family away from home for four years. Vice: Football'sAnd thank you Ms. Fuller for always baking food for us when we needed it the Finestmost.BE, NB, TS, WS, CS, PB, JD: keep it tightVindicators: Stay thirsty my friends.KM, LOF: Love you two so muchEK, VD, RS, SS: Still don’t know why you guys hang out with me, but I love you allanyway.Men’s Varsity Soccer: Since day 1 of high school everyone in this program has beenlike a brother to me. I will miss all of you boys. Thanks to coach Mac for making itall possible.The Water Street Players: I never thought I would end up loving the theatre somuch, but this group has made it impossible not to.Men’s Varsity Baseball: I love this sport and everyone on the baseball team hasmade me love it even more.AM: Thank you for always being there for me. Also, my S’well is better.CB: Stop it.Prefects: You guys are all great and I’ve loved working with all of you.CF: Hala MadridCarrington Advisory: You guys have become an awesome part of the Severn com-munity. I can’t wait to see all of the great things that you all will do.The girls: you guys are cool.Everyone else: I ran out of words. Taylor CritcherMom and Dad: Thank you for all you did to get me where I am today; Icould not have done it without you guys. You two are always supportiveand mean the world to me. Love you bothCO: I do not know what I am going to do without you next year. Thanksfor being there for me 24/7. I am going to miss all the fun times. Most ofall thanks for always packing me lunches and supplying me with endlessperfume. I love you and will miss you more than anything.AP: Thanks for being my first friend at Severn and always highlighting meup. I cannot wait to watch all our vlogs from the entire year! 10/29/17IL: I am going to miss all the grilled cheese, bean rush, and ice cream. Ihope we achieve our goals of being like Mori’s momJP: Thanks for being my best friend and being like a brother to me, I donot know what I am going to do without your brutal honesty. I am going tomiss you tons next year. See you at the 25-year reunion. Love youMr. Lapolla: You are awesome and the best teacher. Thanks for all youtaught our math class, we are all very fortunate to have been able toenjoy our senior year with you!Coach Albert, Cynthia, and Lexi: I cannot thank you enough for makingthe person I am today. You guys support me through anything and arethe best coaches I could have ever asked for. You guys are there for me onand off the soccer field and have taught me lessons I will always carry withme. 33
\"If no one Tori Cronin from the future comes Mom and Dad– Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do; I wouldn’t to stop me, be the person I am today without you. I love you both to the moon and back!how bad of an Ellie– I’m so proud of you all the time, keep doing what your doing and you’re gonna idea can it go far. really be?\" To my friends– Thank you for the constant support, the hilarious gossip sessions, and -Will Ferrell the wonderful memories. There is no way I could’ve made it through high school with- out you guys and I’m going to miss you all so much XOXO (you know who you are) Class of 2018– High school has been an experience and I’m so glad I got to do it with you guys. I can’t wait to hear about all of the great things that everyone is going to do! Field Hockey– I can’t believe that it’s been four years...I couldn’t have asked for a better team. to play with! All of the game day hype, music blasting in the locker room, fun bus rides, and long practices would not have been the same without y’all. Keep being the wonderful people that you all are. Coach Betz– Thanks for all of encouragement on the sidelines, trust on the field, and tough love during practices, I don’t think I can thank you enough. You’ve made my high school field hockey career unforgettable in the best way possible. To my teachers– Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. I appreciate it more than you know. To anyone I forgot….Thank you for making my experience at Severn the best 4 years I could ask for!!! \"If you ain't Victoria Decker first, you're Mom, Dad, Madi, Claudia: Thanks for supporting me. Love you lots and I’ll miss you last.\" next year. Shake and bake. Jake and Desmond: Thanks for keeping it real. Ellie, Sarah, Rebecca: Somehow I ended up having the three most amazing girls on the planet as my best friends. I don’t know how it happened, but it did and I’m grateful. Ellie. Mary. 24th in the world. You joining The Flock was the best thing that’s ever happened to our advisory. I’m so happy that you’re in my life, and thanks for making it better. Sarah Anne. You’ve been with me since eighth grade. You’re one of my oldest friends, and I don’t know what kind of life I would be living if you were not in it, but I know it wouldn’t be nearly as fun. Stay swaggy. Becky, between being in the same advisory and living half a mile apart, we were bound to become friends. I never imagined it would be as great as it has been. Thanks for everything, I love you all bunches. EB, AC, GC, CF, MM, BR, CR, OS, FW: I’m so appreciative of the friendships I have with each of you and how great my five years at Severn have been because of you. I’m thankful for having such a big group of people to support and look out for me. Love you lots. The Guys: You know who you are. Regardless of how long we’ve been friends, thanks for always making my day better and making me smile. I’m so happy I got to spend these past couple years with you, and I’ll miss the laughs next year. JD: You’re a real one. Thank you for being the best advisor I could have had and making these four years great.34
Jimmy DiamondidisMom and Dad: I cannot imagine a pair of more supportive parents than you two. It’s “When isgonna be hard to be a parent knowing that I’ll never do as good a job as you have that due???”done. Thank you for the little everyday things: smiles, jokes, laundry, lunches, the cursiveJ.Nik: I’ve missed you these four years. Thanks for keeping me somewhat normal. Remem-ber me when you’re a famous rock star (I’ll still be richer!)YM: It’s been a lot of years… Try not to punch people in the future. Still love ya anyway:)SA: Ah, Samanuensis, we had a good run!LOF: #frolly. MY EYES, MY EYES!!!Fire Meyer: Cinnamon bagels made the week worth it. Way to be the smart ones.Orgo Squad: I got 99 problems, but synthesis of meta-dibromobenzene ain’t one.GF: Did you do the problem set yet???Jane: You brighten my day without fail. You can do literally anything. Oh, did you bringyour violin???AM: Dude, you’re hilarious. Thanks for making Lang a joke.JW: JV Tennis let’s gooooooo.ES: You’re sheer optimism keeps me alive. Hail Kunst!JR: Karen, shut the BEEP up!Teachers: Thank you all for taking the time to get to know me. You have challengedme every step of the way, and have guided me to where I am today. I couldn’t havedone it without your support. Berard: ¡¿Película?! Thanks for being my number onefan! Sanders: Thanks for being my school mom and letting me sleep on the beanbags.Giddings: You are the reason I fell in love with theatre. Kunst: Please don’t rememberme for Queen Anne…\"Manage the heat, let the Teddy Douglasmeat cook, and you'll get fantastic results.\" -Guy FieriI would like to shoutout my parents. Theyhave given so much to me and all I canexpressisgratitude.Thankyouguysforraisingme strictly and always grounding me whenI need it. I would like to thank my Volvo,Willow, for not breaking down despite theimmense strain I put on the engine. I wouldliketothanktheWolfPackforalwayshavingmy back in times of need. You boys are somereal ones. Finally, I would like to thank all theteacher's I've learned from throughout theyears as all of them do a fantastic job. 35
“If you ain’t Jared Dove first, your Mom and Dad: Thanks for the undying support and love. I couldn’t last” imagine who I would be without you guys. -Ricky Riley: Thanks for being the best little sister out there. Bobby Julian and Jordan: Thanks for teaching me everything I know. You two have been two huge influences in my life. Grandmommie and Pop: Thanks for being some of the biggest role models and influences in my life. Vindicators: Thanks for all the laughs and good times. The season wouldn’t have been the same without you guys. CS: Thanks for being a great friend these past four years. I’ll never forget all the good times we had. I know you’ll do great no matter where you go. TS: Thanks for being my friend all these years. It’s been a pleasure on and off the field. NB: Thanks for letting me come to your house so often. You’ve been a great friend. PB: Thanks for being a great friend. Sorry I couldn’t play Scrub League this year. EC: Thanks for being a great friend and teammate. Good luck with the rest of your playing career. I know you’ll do well. Coach Mac: Thanks for everything you have done for me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support and guidance you have given me. Donn and Beckman: Thanks for being great teachers and advisors. “You have Katie Dubinski brains in your head. You have Mom and Dad: You guys are the best. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me over the years. Love you people. feet in your Robby: thanks for being not only my brother, but my best friend. I am so shoes. You can proud of you kiddo, and I will dearly miss your constant easygoingness next steer yourself year. any direction Jos: I would not have survived high school (mentally or academically) without you. I am so grateful for our 14 hour FaceTime calls, bike rides, and movie you choose.” nights. I am so happy to call you my best friend, even if you hate me ;) -Dr. Seuss Jane: I am so glad that we both had momentary lapses of judgement and sprinted freshman year. I cannot imagine these past four years without you. You are the most optimistic, most brilliant, and LOUDEST human being I have ever met. Our friendship has meant the world to me, love you :) Yasmeen: thanks for ruining my academic drive. But ALSO thanks for being such a loyal and caring friend, I can’t wait to see everything you accomplish. Camille: thanks for sitting next to the trash cans with me at lunch. AJR VLADIES: the biggest group of weirdos I have ever met. Wouldn’t have wanted to spend high school in the pain cave with any other people :) Ms. Osquist: Sorry I quit track. Aidan: thanks for always reminding me of my roots #hp Olivia: if you are reading this, we survived genetics. Period 5 Free: there were good times, there were bad times, and there were really bad times. thanks for all the fun laughs in the midst of dfh.36
Ben ElstnerMom and Dad: Every day I think about how lucky I am to have a “Given the pacefamily as close as we are. Our family has shaped who I am and has of technology, Igrounded me when things start to get hectic. You guys have taught me propose we leaveto think for myself and to be a caring, compassionate person. Thankyou for the incredible experiences we have had together and thank you math to thefor my education. machines and goJack: You have always been there to help keep me on track. I look up toyou more than you will ever know and I will always cherish the amazing play outside.”things we have done together over the past eighteen years. From -Calvin andclimbing mountains to skiing shirtless to exploring nearly every river of Hobbesthe Bay together, we really have done some pretty awesome things. Iam so grateful for brotherhood.Mrs. Straub: Thanks for being a great advisor. I really appreciate all ofthe little things that you have done for me over the past four years.Mr. Palmer: You were the first face I saw at the beginning of sixthgrade and you have helped make me feel at home. My experience herewould not be the same without you. Thank you for everything that youdo for the school.Everett and Jordan: Go every time so others may every time. Enoughsaid.Shoutout to Period 5 free. Cooper EmmonsMom: Thanks for everything you do for me every day and caring “It is notfor me more than anyone else. Wouldn’t know what to do without necessary to doyou for a day. You are the best mother I could ask for! extraordinaryDad: Thanks for all the valuable lessons you have taught me andthe opportunities you have given me thus far in life. Looking to things to getgive you a good return on investment. Thanks, Dad. Love you. extraordinaryJackson: Love ya. Wouldn’t be the same without you. I love sleep-ing in your bed. results.”Jakob and Dyl: Thanks for being the best partners in crime any- -Warrenbody could ask for. Love you guys. BuffettTWBC: Thanks for being my brothers since day 1, you can all workfor me someday.FTB: Thanks for the good memories, but no question we will con-tinue to make them.Teachers: Thank you for teaching me all the lessons you have overthe past years.Football Team: Thanks for being an awesome brotherhood andcreating a season we will never forget.Lacrosse Team: Squad full of winners. 37
The only Grace Fienithing that you To Mom and Dad: Thank you for being the most amazing parents! You absolutely were always there for my ups and downs. You listened, you laughed, andhave to know, you cared for me. I will never be able to repay you for all of the love and kindness you have given me, unconditionally. You have taught me how to is the be a strong, confident woman. I love you, always and forever.location of To Mrs. Townshend: Thank you for believing in me, despite my horrible French! You always pushed me and made me a better student. (Also, the thank you for letting me use your giant bean bag! It has been a wonder- library. ful napping place countless times!) I will miss you! -Albert To Dr. Martin: Thank you for always listening to me. You have been an Einstein instrumental part of my Severn experience and I don’t think that I could have gotten through without your incredible advice. You were not only an amazing teacher, but an amazing friend. I will dearly miss having long chats with you in college! To Ms. Kim: Thank you for being such an inspiring teacher, role model, and friend. You constantly supported me and my dream to become an engineer. You are a strong, smart female and I can only hope to be half as successful as you. Thank you for our long talks during the day and for treating me with the respect and kindness of a friend. I wish you the best in your future endeavors and will miss you greatly next year! To Jimmy: No, I have not done the problem set yet! Josie Formica Some people are worth Yasmeen: Thanks for taking a chance on the crazy, screaming, hula-hooper in melting for -Olaf elementary school. I can’t wait to be best friends forever. Love ya Field hockey team: thanks for all the memories and hard work that we’ve shared together:) I know you’re gonna kill it next year!! Katie: I really don’t hate you. I’m so grateful for our friendship and I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you next year. I know we’ll be runnin’ pals when we grow old. Don’t ever lose your unique quirkiness! Go Crimson and especially go hp!! ps: Robby—run fast Jane: Even though we were kind of forced to be friends, I’m so glad that we are!!! You’re literally the coolest person ever and if you’ve learned anything from me I hope it’s “pack your lunch.” Ashley: All of the intense studying, hours of field hockey, and other craziness that we’ve done together have been the best. I can’t believe we won’t be at the same school any- more but I’m so glad we are so close! Olivia: thanks for teaching me how to stick save and solve integrals:) Libby: you’re my idol Ms. Osquist: you’re the best:) Let me meet your baby. Sophie: I’ll never forget our horrible fail of a lab. ily! Trevor M: shut up Aidan: thanks for maintaining my gpa Mom: I can’t believe my childhood is basically coming to a close, but thank you for making it absolutely amazing. You’re my role model and I don’t know how I’m going to survive next year without you. Love you!! Tata and Papa: Love you guys! Vivian and Tori: here’s my advice—be yourself, get A+ ’s, and be nice to mom. Love ya! Drew: thanks for teaching me to find my drive in athletics and have confidence in myself:)38
Courtney FreemanSarah, Gabby, Olivia, Vicki, Michelle, Erin, Ashley, Faith, Caroline, “877 241and the Fuller Advisory - These past 4 years could not have been (boopbetter because I had you guys. I’ll miss seeing you all everyday boop boopand being able to laugh with each one of you. I’m so proud of you boop)all and I know every one of you is going to make it far. I love all of Lunaaa”you!Mom and Dad - I cannot say thank you enough for giving me theopportunity to go to Severn. Thank you for allowing me to go to aschool that I wake up wanting to go to. You both constantly pushme to be better and never stop believing in what I can do. I think Imay miss you more in college than you will miss me. I love you!!Mrs. Fuller - You’re the best advisor I could ever ask for. For thepast four years, you’ve helped me realize what I am passionateabout and I cannot thank you enough for that. Also I am con-vinced my high school experience would not have been half asgood without your cookies or banana bread!Prefects - Even though we were only together for our senior year,it was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Being withthis group has taught me a lot about working with other peopleand I’m so grateful to have been a part of this! Waylund Fung“Eureka!”-Archimedes 39
“Sometimes you Kendall Gaywill never know Mom and Dad: Thank you for being the two most importantthe value of a people in my life and being supportive of everything I do no moment until matter how stupid you think it is. I really appreciate you guys more than words can even describe. I love you guys too much! it becomes a Abber and Bernard: Thank you both for being there for me and memory” making my family a bigger, better place and a more loving-Dr Seuss place. Ricky: Thank you for being my little brother I know we fight sometimes but I still love you and you are one of my best friends. Katie: Thank you for being my older sister I know we fight A LOT but that’s ok because in the end we will work it out. Caroline: Thank you so much for being my only friend going into freshman year to being my best friend for the next 4. I know you will always be there for me through thick and thin and always will put up with me no matter how mad we are at each other I know I can count on you for anything! I love you! Abi: Thank you for being you and everything whether it’s the morning eye rolls or all the laughs from us just being stupid together or just being there to support me. I love you! Susan Flannagan and Smoochie: Thank you so much for every- thing I’ve put you through for the past 3 years and you are one of my biggest secret keepers and supporters throughout my high school career “we don’t need a A we just need a 80”. “I don’t Dylan Gergar always graduate. The Gergar Family: I love all of you, thank you for the constant support and love But when throughout my life. Words can’t explain how much I appreciate you guys. I do, It’s JL and CE: You two are my brothers. You guys will kill it in college. Can’t wait to barely.” move in with each other after college. FTB: Love you guys and love all the great memories we have, I can’t wait to make more with you all. I’m shocked that we all made it this far. Danny, make sure to pay everyone back. JP, tell Les that I love her. Joel, it’s just another manic monday. Sam,babyswillwillliveon.Charlie,friendlyfireisnotcool.Barroll,cheerloudatall the college sporting events. Marvin Twins, both of you guys are alpha. Luca, keep killing it chuck. JJ, you’re gonna kill it at Navy. Judge, I’ll buy the triple monitors from you any day. IL: thanks for being my school sister, I will always be here for you. Have fun in college! Senior Girls: although we may not have always gotten along, you guys are like family. I love you all. Have fun in college!! Juniors: Have fun while it lasts. Don’t take senior year for granted, it goes by way faster than you think. OC: I’ll see you next year little buddy. Don’t get expelled when i’m not here to watch over you.40
Burt GesnerMom and Dad: Thank you so much for everything. Without you, none of this would “You don’tbe possible. Thanks for always being there for everything and supporting me in know whateverything I do. pressure isMeg: You are my favorite sibling! Thanks for always being there and telling me when I until youlook ridiculous. I hope you’ll come visit me in college next year.Teachers and Faculty: Thank you for making me who I am today. You all are the play forreason I looked forward to coming to school everyday to learn. five bucksTWBC: Thanks for being the best friends anyone could ask for. You guys have made with onlythe past four years awesome. I can’t wait to visit all of you in college next year. Also, if two bucksCoop’s job offer falls through you can work for me Barroll.Class of 2018: Good luck to everyone at college next year. We have a lot of characters in yourin this group and I can’t wait to see the great things everyone does. pocket.”DB Advisory: I promise I’ll bring breakfast...spending every morning with you has beena true pleasure. Thanks for listening to all of my speeches most mornings. Special -Leeshoutout to Travis for bringing the most breakfast and to Addy for making the best Trevinoadvisory board. Also, I hope all of you now have a great appreciation for organiclollipops. And remember, aliens are real!Severn Golf Squad: You guys are the best. Thanks for an awesome final year on thegolf team. Remember, you don’t have to be good all of the time, you have to be goodwhen it is time. I am hopeful that by the time we are reading this we have won theship.Winter Musical People: Thanks for all of the good, good times! Keep on AlabamaStomping.Shoutout to anyone I missed!Luca HagenMom, Vaughn, Helena, Cristina, Joe: Love you all and I appreciate “It’s noteverything you guys have done for me college, it’sJJ,KD,DE,OF,OC,HR,SN,GK,CS,AD: Continue the dynastyLapolla: I’ll be a leader, and pay for those sodas I emptied out Costal.”FTB: You’re my brothers and nothing will ever break thatSam: Dunkin Donuts will miss usEvan: I’m going to miss you broJP: Coastal is going to be radMaine: Since 4th grade we have been boys, and I already know it’sgoing to last a lifetimeJacob J: Love you bro, kill it at Navy broCoach T: Thanks for everything through my 4 years, you have taken meunder your wing and helped me grow as a football playerCoachChristie:thankyoufortheinspirationthroughmylacrosselifehereat Severn, and helping me change from a boy to a man #luckyones #eo 41
Jermaine HallI, Exist in the Depth of Solitude,Pondering My True Goal, Trying Shoutout to all my family & friends,To Find Peace Of Mind, And Still Everyone who has been in the process of my growth, I honestly appreciate everything you havePerserve My Soul - Tupac Shakur done for me, even if it was the smallest thing it still played a part of who I am today. For the Hoop Squad: All the way from Junior Varsity to Varsity, appreciate all the players, coaches and staff that helped my growth of becoming a better basketball player. Great Memories that will always be in my mind. #GetBuckets! For my Brovas: Knowing that we are all on the same mission, appreciate y’all for keeping me on the right track and allowing me to pursue the dreams I’ve always dreamed. Love y’all, Amir, Buddha, Cjones, LJ, AJ #GRVY For my Cousins: Creating the memories we have, will always be with me. The days we just get to see and talk to each other means a lot. Love y’all! For my Blood Brother: You’re my brother forever. Taught me a lot about life. Your presence allowed me to be the person I am today. Love you forever! For Nana & Nanan: Even though you both live miles away, I pray and think of you both everyday. Love you all and thanks for everything! For my parents: You guys don’t understand how much you mean to me. Through thick and thin you’ve both been by my side and will continue to do so. Love both of you to the moon and back! R.I.P SHIRLEY & KAREN Even though your corpse is not here on earth, your spirt enlightens me everyday. Wishing I had them nights back when I stayed at grams house with all the family having a great time. Memories like that will never be erased. Love you all, see you soon! Hillary Hardig Old Towel- Thanks for making senior year the best year yet I love you guys. Grace Mong- Thanks for being the best friend a girl could ask for. I love you 4ever Lexi and Mong- FTS Mom and Dad- You guys are the best thank you for everything42
Kendall HarmonFamily: Thank you for motivat- “Real G’sing me and pushing me to be move inthe best possible person I can silence likebe. I love all of you. lasagna.” -Lil WayneFriends: Thanks for helping meout throughout the years.Shoutout to my 1400 gang (Lil 14).Jane Huang “Lukewarm is noMom and Dad: Thank you for all your love and for being my biggest fans through all of good”- Roaldmy madness. DahlIsaac: Thanks for being the fam guinea pig and always being there for advice.Jeffrey: Sorry for stranding you buddy. :)SY: Love you girls SO much. I am so lucky that I found this group. KD: Thanks for beingmy best friend, in the good times, sucky times, and the best times. I miss you already.#brainstrings YM: my literal fam- knowing me inside and out, keeping me woke, teach-ing me what fearless looks like. JF: MLP. I know I can count on laughing at everythingwhen I’m with you. CW: it’s.. just cosmetic. Thanks for being the chillest and alwaysgetting me.BE: one of the best people i know! Sorry nothing slips by but thanks for making melaugh. JD: Thanks for being there always and being my playing partner for all 4 years!AW, NR: Thanks for being great friends!TM: you’re an amazing person- can’t wait to see all you accomplish.AM: thanks for being there for me more than you know!‘18s: CF, OS, JM, GC, AC, RS, VD, SB, SO‘19’s: DD, NT; you da best soon-to-be seniors. Love you both so much!Prefects, Mock Trialers, SevTennis: love you groups individually so much. Thanks forgiving me a community each couchroom meeting, saturday morning, or fall afternoon.Ms. Osquist: I’ll keep you updated on everything! Thanks for being my bff.Ms. Sanders: you’ve given me so much support and guidance. thank you so much.Meyer Advisory: #stacked glad we’ve come a long way from silent freshmen mornings.Love you guys.Osquist Advisees: best ‘21s there ever were..Severn: Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and showing me what a communityfeels like. 43
Past, Simon Isper Present, or Future. To my parents: Thank you both for being my rocks and The Boys especially my biggest supporters. I wouldn’t have made it will always this far without you guys. Love you two a ton. have their Uncle Si’s To my sister Marcie: Thanks for setting the bar so high for me. Keep killing it and good luck, I can’t wait to see what’s back. in store for you. “A man is a To my little cousins: Good luck in the rest of your high success if he school careers. Cherish every moment you have and give it gets up in the everything you got. It was fun to drive you to school every- morning and day....not. gets to bed at night, and To my boys: It was a heck of a ride. I wouldn’t have wanted in between he any other group of guys to finish high school with. Good does what he luck in your futures, you guys are really something special, wants to do.” love you guys. -Bob Dylan Ryan Jack44 Thank you Mom, Dad, Kyle, Grandmom, Granddad, Grandma and Grand- daddy for supporting me over these four years. I love you guys. To the XC team: It was a great four years. I had a lot of fun and we made a lot of memories. To the Pack: You know who you are. The 2017 Half-Marathon was epic! To the Baseball Team: You guys were like a second family to me over the past four years. We had many great triumphs and many tough losses, but we stuck with it through thick and thin (some of us more than others, shoutout to a certain era of Severn Baseball). I hope that when I am reading this in the Spring that we are the 2018 MIAA B Conference Champs! To my coaches: Thank you for mentoring and helping me. It was an hon- or to play for you these past four years. To my teachers: Thanks for teaching me. “When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all”- Paul Simon, Kodachrome. But seriously, I will remember all the valuable things that you taught me that I can bring to college and later my career. Thanks for being a great advisor Mr. Lenham. RA, BA, BC, TD, BE, WF, TK, AL, TM, JR, JS, CS, JW, JW, JW: It was fun hanging out with you guys over the past four years. We made a lot of memories and annoyed Lappy during many lunches and free periods. It was a good time. Best of luck in college!
Jacob JaroszMom/Dad: Thank you for always supporting me and sending me to Severn. I appreciate I feel fortunateeverything you have done for me. I would never have been as successful without you two. to have spentJonJ: Together we have achieved great things. I have always loved competing with you in the last 4 yearseverything we do. with such a greatFootball: I will never forget the memories that have been made playing with you guys. Itwas one heck of a ride. group ofWrestling: By far one of the toughest sports at Severn and I respect everyone who has students andstuck with it. Sern on 3!!! PJ: Wrestling Partners;) athletes. Here’s toLacrosse: love you guys. Big things ahead for all of us. EO the great class ofChap: Thanks for always being there for me. Lot of great memories!!! 2018, Cheers.JP/DM: I have known you two pretty much my whole life. Never forget CMS and the memo-ries made playing for the Cardinals!DB/WB: I love the energy! Never forget the true spirit captainsBA: Never stop the infinite bulkJM/CM/HR/JonJ: Can’t wait to spend the next years with you guys. We got a nationalchampionship to get! TU: Señor;) AM/TM: Who is the alpha twin?LH/SI: The towers will always man the line EJ: Mike’s Crab house?CE/JL: Coop where did you get the pink flamingo?SW: Did Sophie change you? The answer will never be knownDG/OC: The Penn Pipeline cranks. DyyyylanFire Meyer Advisory: Never forget we will always be the most intelligent advisoryPrefects: Loved working with everyone. We killed Hoco!!!Mooney Advisory: Continue to bring Friday snack for the next 3 years!JonJ/OC/DE/OF/HR/GK/SN/NL: Kill it next year and win some rings Pete JensenThank you, “You betterParents: For always supporting me through the thick and thin tie your shoes,and paying for my tuition cause it’s napMM: For always helping me through rough times and beingthere for me time”CS: For always talking (arguing) with me about the greatest -Catchphraseseries in the worldTS: For always getting a good lift in with me JonesWS/AL: For always spending late nights at the lanes with meTM/RA: For creating the greatest study group in the schoolBA: For always reminding me I can get hugerJJ: For working hard and teaching me your skills the past fouryearsAdvisory: For always being quiet in the morningWrestling: For giving me discipline and not letting me becomefatBest of luck to all of you,Pete 45
“It’s not the Evan Judgewand, it’s thewizard “ Family: Gotta love you guys. Thanks for being so supportive and-Duff Goldman always being there for me. Joel: Dude wash your hair. But thanks for being there for me and always taking the L in NHL. You’re my real homie and I hope big things come your way at the academy. The beach will never get old. Sam and Chuck: Well, You guys gotta be going somewhere. Chuck nation I hope to see you living the college dream and Sam pick me up on Patience soon and we will prolly be performing at Ultra but we’ll see if we’re too booked up. John Mandish: The X-factor is an absolute beast. Look good, feel good Varsity Football Team 2017-2018: Never forget the brothers. Love you guys #8-0 The boys: To all the memories with you guys. Can’t be a better group of kids out there. Cooper and Jake did did it. Damien: Keep it real fluffy puppy “If you Travis Kerridge spend too much time Mom and Dad: Thank you for all of you thinking support during through school and through about a everything else. Thank you for taking me thing, on all of my college visits and helping me You’ll through the whole process. never get it done.” Advisory: Its been a good four years. Even -Bruce though we lost a member after freshman year we have still had fun and had some good and Lee bad breakfasts during our years. Friends: Its been a fun four years we’ve had some good times. Good luck in college and in your careers after.46
Mom: Thank you for giving me the idea of transferring to Severn after Ellie Kingfreshman year. I will miss traveling the world with you!Dad: Thanks for putting up with my attitude for all these years. I will miss “Laters,you. baby”Regan: When we aren’t fighting, you are actuallyyyy a kinda cool sister.Please don’t take my room next year and take good care of the dogs!! -ChristianRebecca: I will forever be thankful for AP Chem for bringing us together Greylast year. You are an amazing person and I can’t wait to see what you willdo in the future. Love yaSarah Sketin Sacker: I hope I find someone in college that makes melaugh as hard you can make me laugh. Skeet ya laterVicki: We better find a chick-fil-a halfway in between our colleges so wecan meet up after school every day! I love you so much.The (Female) Flock: 8:00-8:10 will never be the same. Thank you for takingme in sophomore year even though I didn’t say one word. I will miss ourFebruary 14th movie dates :)JD: I never would’ve become the person I am today without you so thanksa lot!!OS, EB, CR, JS, DB: I will miss you ladies more than you all know and Ican’t wait to see what amazing things you are going to do in the future.Come visit me next year!!Chick-Fil-A: Thanks for being my biggest supporter these past coupleyears (except on Sundays)Charlotte KraftMom and Dad : Thank you for being there and for everything that you You arehave done for me especially through these four years at school, and braver thanthank you for helping me get through everything with your encouraging you believe,words and support. I love you both so very much.Elsa and Kathrine : Though you guys may have been slightly annoying, strongerthank you for being the best little sisters anyone could have, love you two than youso much. I will miss you guys in college. seem, andFriends : There’s too many of you all to list, but I want to thank you guys smarterfor laughing with me until I cried, or just hanging around the halls with than youme, and those of you who were able to put up with me, I will miss youall very much. I wish you all the best of luck throughout the rest of your thinkyears. -ChristopherTeachers : Thank you all for sharing your wisdom with me and helping meto expand my learning in and out of the classroom. RobinCross Country Team : Even though most of us hated running duringpractice we still got together to run as a team. I had the most wonderfultime being on the team throughout my four years and I will miss runningwith you all. 47
Anything can happen, Inde Lauer anything can be.” - Shel Silverstein mom n dad: thanks for all of your love and support, I wouldn’t be where I am without you. mellow: you are the absolute best. fav gals: you guys are the best group of friends I could ever ask for. I can’t wait to see what you guys will do in life. thankful for the mems and I love you all forever. I’ll miss you guys the most. LB,RL,EC,HH: I love you people. period. gtm: thank you for being my constant since 3rd grade and teaching me how to pluck my eye- brows. grin lamo forever. you’re truly a day 1. shmeegs: thank you, cody, for being one of the best friends ever. you make me laugh harder than you know and I couldn’t ask for anyone better to be stupid with. soph: thanks for being there always, especially supporting me when I say the wrong word. love twinning with you the most. TC: squisitos forever, thanks for making me better at soccer. maybe one day we will be like mori’s mom. the boys: never forget you guys are the best and I wouldn’t change any of the mems ever. wouldn’t want to go through high school with a different group of boys JP: I’ll miss seeing your idiot face next year. thank you for all the good times these past three years, I wouldn’t trade them for the world. DBadvisory: thankful for the 10 minutes of chaos every morning. burt, order us pizza. greenlee’s: don’t take any moment for granted! have the best next three years ever. the whole ‘18 class: so grateful for each and every one of you, you are so amazing, and you will go so far. expect me to say hi everywhere I see you 2019 babies: make it last. sevlax,sevsoc,sevswim: bring it home and have the most fun Alan Liao “This wasn’t like High Dad and Mom: Thanks for everything. I wouldn’t be here without your School Musical at all.” - me unconditional support. Sister: Thanks for roasting my life. Anna and Josh: You’re the perfect host family and friends that I’ll cherish forever. Advisory & Mrs. Jackson: THE. BEST. I will miss every one of you! Ryan: “Jesus Christ.” Josh: “You know my mama…” Carsley: Keep up the chess! Jake: See you in discord. Selbo: “2 plus 2 is 4.” Colin: I can’t wait to rock those Yeezys with you. And yes I’ll watch Naruto Shippuden, one day. Kendall: “I’m the most intelligent people you’ve ever seen.” “Come on you don’t know how to play tic-tac-chess?” Thank you so much for being my best friend I love you so much you’re absolutely amazing!! You make me love coming to school every day just so I can see you! You are the best person I know and I love you. Sarah: Thanks for being an even better best friend than Kendall, you are truly my number one. Nick: To my favorite leprechaun who spray paints his armpits orange, please give me a corner in your apartment when you get into 30 under 30. Love you gingy.48
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