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Home Explore Social Studies Book 9_2078 Revised and Updated Edition

Social Studies Book 9_2078 Revised and Updated Edition

Published by Sameer Shakya, 2020-09-30 09:24:35

Description: Social Studies Book 9_2078 Revised and Updated Edition


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The economic planning implemented in Nepal S. Economic Duration Year Major objectives No. Plan To increase production, create 1. First Plan Five Year 2013-2018 BS employment opportunity, provide opportunity for quality life, conduct development programs Without Plan 2018-2019 BS ***************************** Economic development, economic 2. Second Three 2019-2022 BS stability, creation of employment Plan Year opportunity, equal distribution of production To increase food production, 3. Third Plan Five Year 2022-2027 BS improve agriculture sector, develop infrastructures of development, eradicate social inequality To increase production, foreign trade 4. Fourth Plan Five Year 2027-2032 BS diversification, maintain economic stability, effective use of labor and population control To increase public useful production, 5. Fifth Plan Five Year 2032-2037 BS utilize labor, maintain regional balance and remove all kinds of discrimination To increase production at a faster 6. Sixth Plan Five Year 2037-2042 BS rate, increase productive employment opportunities, to meet the minimum needs of the people To increase production in large scale, 7. Seventh Five Year 2042-2047 BS fulfill the basic needs of people, Plan increase the opportunity of productive employment Without Plan 2047-2049 BS ***************************** To achieve sustainable economic 8. Eighth Plan Five Year 2049-2054 BS growth, reduce poverty, decrease regional imbalance To eliminate poverty, achieve 9. Ninth Plan Five Year 2054-2059 BS economic growth, develop infrastructures, increase production by improving productivity Economic Activities 301

10. Tenth Plan Five Year To extend the areas of the economic and employment opportunity, eliminate 2059-2064 BS poverty, increase the economic level of women, Dalit, marginalized community and people of remote area 11. Eleventh Three 2064/ 065- To make the Nepalese people feel Plan Year 2066/ 067 BS concrete change in life by maintaining long lasting peace, reducing unemployment problem and inequality 12. Twelfth Three 2067/ 068- To enable people feel change in their Plan Year 2069/ 2070 livelihood, ensure quality of life through various programs, establish BS sustainable peace through inclusive and equitable economic growth 13. Thirteenth Three 2070/ 071- To bring about a direct positive change Plan Year 2072/ 073 BS in the living standard of the general public by reducing the economic and human poverty prevalent in the nation. 14. Fourteenth Three 2073/ To make socio-economic Plan Year 074 -2075/ transformation by rapidly alleviating poverty through productive 076 BS employment-oriented high economic growth and just distribution system Fifteenth Plan (2076/077-2080/081) Long-term Vision 1. To upgrade Nepal from Least Developed Country to Developing Country by 2079 BS 2. To achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2087 BS 3. To materialize “Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali” by 2100 BS National Goal To prepare the base for upgrading to a country of high income by transforming into socialism-oriented welfare state including prosperous economy, social justice and improved life National Objectives 1. To prepare foundation for the prosperity 2. To make citizens attain improved and dignified life 3. To protect self-respect, independence and national interest 302 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

National Strategies 1. To grow rapid, sustainable and employment-oriented economy 2. To ensure accessible and qualitative health service and education 3. To develop internal and international interconnectivity and sustainable urban/ settlement 4. To increase production and productivity 5. To provide complete, sustainable and productive social security and protection 6. To form just society including poverty alleviation and economic social equality 7. To develop conservation, mobilization and promotion of natural resources 8. To promote national unity, provincial balance and strengthen public service Quantitative Goals: In this Fifteenth Planning, quantitative indicators, goals and targets for prosperity and happiness have set up. Some major quantitative indicators, goals and targets set up in the Fifteenth Planing are presented below: Major National Indicators and Targets S. Indicators/Goals Status (2074/75) Target (2080/81) Target (2100/01) No. 1. Economic growth rate 6.8% 9.6% 10.5% US$ 1,047 US$ 1,595 US$ 12,100 2. GNP Per Capita 18.7% 10% 0% 3. Population below poverty line 69.7 years 72 years 80 years 4. Life expectancy at birth 11.4% 6% 3% 6,979 km 15,000 km 33,000 km 5. Unemployment rate 6. Roadways 7. Railways 42 km 200 km 2,200 km 8. Family with access to electricity 90.7% 99% 100% 9. Internet users 55.4% 80% 100% 10. Hydroelectricity generation 1,020 MW 11. HDI 0.574 5,000 MW 40,000 MW 0.624 0.760 KEY TERMS Eradicate : get rid of something completely Marginalized : a group that’s confined to the lower or peripheral edge of the society, such a group is denied involvement in mainstream economic, political, cultural and social activities Plan : a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something Prevalent : found frequently Strategy : a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim Economic Activities 303

Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Discuss major objectives of the economic planning implemented in Nepal. 2. What should be done to achieve the goals of economic planning? Discuss in the class and list some suggestions. 3. The duration of economic planning is generally five years but some of the planning were made for three years. What could be the reasons? Discuss and write. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. What do you mean by economic planning? 2. How many periodic economic planning have been implemented in Nepal so far? 3. Why is economic planning important? Write in a sentence. 4. Write the long term vision of the current economic planning? Short answer questions: 1. Though, the planned development started in Nepal since 2013 BS, the expected goals could not be achieved. What were the reasons? 2. Suggest any four ways to make the economic planning successful to achieve the goals. 3. ‘No work can be successful without planning.’ Present your logics. 4. How can the slogan “Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali” be materialised? Write in points. Long answer question: 1. The national goal of Fifteenth Planning is ‘To prepare the base for upgrading to a country of high income by transforming into socialism-oriented welfare state including prosperous economy, social justice and improved life’. For this, what strategies have been adopted? Explain. Community Work Prepare a model of plan for the development of your community including program, objectives, priority and strategies. 304 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

11Lesson CONTRIBUTION OF ECONOMIC PLANNING IN POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION Planned development utilizes resources and means appropriately. It also makes development works economic. The economic planning made for the development of a country increases the economic activities and also helps to reduce poverty. New opportunities for job are created. A good economic planning, extensively contributes in the poverty alleviation and promotion of employment. Such contributions are discussed below: • Increase economic growth rate If the development activities are carried out in a planned way, the resources and means of the country can be utilized properly. Maximum profit can be gained from limited resources. The economic planning creates employment opportunity, increases saving and makes the country prosperous in economy. • Remove regional imbalance There is not balanced development throughout the country. The infrastructures of development are centered only in the cities and Terai region. Mountain region, hilly region and villages are deprived of even basic infrastructures. The economic activities of such places are also less in comparison with cities and Terai region. In this situation, economic planning can play a vital role to remove the regional imbalance in term of development. • Reduce poverty and inequality Various programs can be brought in the economic planning in order to reduce poverty and inequality. The programs like vocational training, technical education, self-employment programs, soft loan to entrepreneurs, etc can help in the poverty alleviation. Such programs can also reduce inequality among the people in term of economic strength. • Create employment opportunity Where there is no proper utilization of resources and means, neither there is industrialization nor opportunities of employment. In such a situation, an economic planning can search possible sources of income generations. It can bring the programs of mobilizing Economic Activities 305

agriculture, industries, trade and natural resources and means which can create employment opportunities in the country. • Increase capital formation Capital formation means the transfer of savings from individuals or government to business investment. When the common people get opportunities of employment, learning skills and increasing their efficiency, the economic activities grows considerably. A good economic planning can provide such opportunities to people. With the growing economic activities, the saving capacity of people also increases. People can invest their saving in the business for making more money. As a result, there is increase in capital formation. • Develop agricultural and industrial sectors Agriculture is the main occupation of majority of population in our country. It is also considered the backbone of Nepalese economy. A good economic planning can bring the programs of increasing skilled manpower, physical infrastructures, capital formation, etc which can contribute in the development of agricultural and industrial sector. Economic planning helps in the modernization of agriculture and industrialization setting different programs and strategies. • Extend foreign trade Nepal’s foreign trade is suffering from trade deficit. There is more import than export. It is because of the lack of industrialization in the country. So, it is necessary to formulate a good economic planning that encourages the investment in the export-oriented areas. It also should give priority in the education, training, conducive tax policy, etc which develops an environment for extending foreign trade to larger area. KEY TERMS Industrialization : the process in which a society or country (or world) transforms itself from a primarily agricultural society into one based on the manufacturing of goods and services Inequality : difference in status Self-employment : a situation in which an individual works for himself or herself instead of working for an employer that pays a salary or a wage 306 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Discuss the relationship between economic planning and poverty alleviation. 2. How can the economic planning create employment opportunities in the country? Write in brief. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. Define poverty alleviation in your own words. 2. What is meant by employment promotion? Short answer questions: 1. Write a letter to the Vice-chariperson of National Planning Commission suggesting the ways of increasing employment opportunities in the country. 2. “Employment is the basic strategy for poverty alleviation.” Justify the statement. 3. How does economic planning contribute to remove regional imbalance? Long answer question: 1. Explain the contributions of economic planning in poverty alleviation and promotion of employment. Community Work What programmes are planned at local level in your community to promote employment? When are these programmes going to be completed? Visit the Rural Municipality or Municipality office, ask the officials there and prepare a report. Economic Activities 307

12Lesson ENTREPRENEURSHIP Introduction Entrepreneurship is one of the prerequisites of development. There is a great role of entrepreneurship to bring changes in the human lifestyle and activities. As it contributes greatly in the development of national economy, it is necessary to motivate every citizen for the development of entrepreneurship. The term “Entrepreneurship” is developed from Entrepreneur. Thus, it is necessary to know about entrepreneur to understand entrepreneurship clearly. Entrepreneur Entrepreneur is someone who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. It means the owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits. An entrepreneur searches the new opportunities, adopts new techniques, identifies resources, accepts the risk, reforms in the management and organization and invests for earning profit. Qualities of successful entrepreneurs Successful entrepreneurs have many qualities in common with one another. Here are some qualities of the successful entrepreneurs. • Competitive: Entrepreneurs know that they can do a job better than other. They need to win the sports they play and need to win at the businesses that they create. • Confidence: They are confident with the knowledge that they will make their businesses succeed. The entrepreneurs do not ask questions whether they can succeed or they are worthy of success. • Determination: Entrepreneurs are not frustrated by their defeats. They look at defeat as an opportunity for success. Successful entrepreneurs do not believe that something cannot be done. • Disciplined: Successful entrepreneurs are disciplined enough to take steps every day toward the achievement of their objectives. 308 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

• Open Minded: Entrepreneurs realize that every event and situation is a business opportunity. They have the ability to look at everything around them and focus it toward their goals. • Passion: Passion is the most important quality of the successful entrepreneur. They genuinely love their work. The successful entrepreneurs always read and research ways to make the business better. • Self Starter: Entrepreneurs know that if something needs to be done, they should start it themselves. They are proactive, not waiting for someone to give them permission. • Strong in communication skills: The entrepreneurs have strong communication skills to sell the product and motivate employees. They are very good at highlighting the benefits of any situation and coaching others to their success. Entrepreneurship The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business enterprise along with any of its risks in order to make a profit is known as entrepreneurship. The most understandable example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. In short, entrepreneurship is the activity and effort to be an entrepreneur. Benefits of Entrepreneurship • Increase in production: It increases the economic activities, develops the human resource and means. It also collects the savings scattered in the society and mobilizes in the necessary fields. • Improvement in the quality of product: A good entrepreneur uses new ideas and strategies for the production of quality product so that his/her products can get the good market. It results in the improvement in the quality of product. • Means of change: The entrepreneurs implement new concept and visions. They bring some changes in the production which ultimately brings changes in the country. • Increment of capital: The development of entrepreneurship increases the economic activities in the country. People involve in the different self-employment schemes. As a result, income of people increases and it helps in the increment of capital. KEY TERMS 309 Frustrate : discouraged Proactive : taking initiative Scattered : dispersed Economic Activities

Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Most of the Nepalese youth are migrating abroad in search of employment opportunities and bright future. They blame that there is no guarantee of bright future in Nepal. At the same time many hidden entrepreneurs based on agriculture are doing well in our country. They have proved that there are always hidden opportunities in every unfavorable condition, if we have strong will power to do something with proper aim and determination. In this context, how do you convince the youths who do not see the bright future in Nepal and want to go for foreign employment? 2. Read the given news article and discuss about the lessons that it is trying to teach to its readers. af]lwlrTt ag]kf, @# kmfu'g – sfek|] nf~rfs] lhNnfdf nfvf“} dN\" odf vl/b lajm| L xg' ] af]lwlrTtsf] la?jfsf] dfu bfA] a/ a9]sf] 5 . ljZje/df g} o; lhNnfsf] ltdfn Ifq] df kfOg] af]lwlrTtsf] ?vsf] dN\" o kfr“ nfvbl] v #@ nfv;Dd kg{ yfns] f] 5 . o;af6 cfslif{t ePsf s[ifsn] Jofj;flos ¿kdf o;sf] vt] L ug{ la?jfsf] vfh] L u/k] l5 o;sf] dfucg';f/ cfk\"lt{ x'g ;s]sf] 5g} . Ps si[ fsn] eg,] ædn} ] b'O{ xhf/ la?jfsf] g;{/L /fv]sf] lyP“, ;a} ;lsof] / ca kfr“ xhf/ la?jfsf] g;{/L /fVg] tof/Ldf 5' .Æ kl| t la?jf kfr“ ;o ?lkofd“ f laj|mL ePsf] / hlt af]lwlrTtsf] dfnfsf] d\"No a9L eof] Tolt g} o;sf] la?jfsf] vfh] L xg' yfns] f] pgn] atfP . ;fy} eStk/' lhNnfsf] s6'~h]df afl] wlrTtsf] 7'nf] ?v #@ nfvdf / /fd5] fksf] eh'jfdf #^ nfvdf lajm| L ePsf] pgn] atfP . la?jf a]r/] cfkm\" n] emG8} !) nfv ?lkof“ cfDbfgL u/]sf] klg pgn] atfP . lhNnfsf] pur| 08L gfnf, sz' fb]jL, sf7df8f“,} eStk'/, nlntk'/, kfr“ y/, wgs'6f, kfv] /f, tgx“', afUnª' , uf/] vf nufotsf lhNnfaf6 s[ifsx¿n] afw] LlrTtsf] la?jf vl/b ug]{ u/]sf 5g\\ . af]wLlrTtsf] dfnf rLg, yfONofG8, e'6fg, ef/t, sfl] /of nufotsf bz] df lgoft{ xg' ] u5{ . Pp6f ?vaf6 emG8} %) lsnf]u|fd dfnf pTkfbg x'g] atfOG5 . Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. What do you mean by entrepreneur? 2. Define entrepreneurship in your words. Short answer questions: 1. Why is it important to develop entrepreneurship in our country? 2. Describe the benefits of entrepreneurship in brief. 3. Prepare a plan to provide necessary job-oriented trainings to the youth of your community in order to make them successful entrepreneur. Long answer question: 1. What are the qualities of successful entrepreneurs? Explain any seven of them in brief. Community Work Consult an entrepreneur of your community or district, your teacher and guardians and identify the procedures to be an entrepreneur. On the basis of your findings, prepare a plan to involve yourself in entrepreneurship. 310 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

13Lesson EMPLOYMENT GENERATION AND MANAGEMENT Jhak Bahadur is a student of grade IX. He is studying in a secondary school of Syangja district. Yesterday, in the Social Studies class, he was given an assignment by the teacher to collect some materials related to creation of job and its management. He is also interested to know more about this subject because he has been observing many youths in his community staying idle and wasting their time. He has also seen some of his seniors being unemployed. So, he has collected a success story from today’s newspaper. Here, it is presented below: A Change in Chisapani Chisapani is a town-oriented village. Two years ago, there were some tea shops and other grocery stores. Almost every day, the youths of nearby villages used to get together there for having snacks and tea. The shopkeepers also managed carom board and ludo so that the youths can have entertainment. After sometime, it turned into a kind of gambling. Not only the unemployed youths but also some farmers and job holders used to gather there during their leisure time and involve in alcoholism and gambling. The shopkeepers were busy in their business and happy to gain more profit. This trend resulted in quarrel, loot, theft, insecurity and disputes in the community. There were some educated youths too. Slowly, the youth started to search opportunities of job but they did not have any technical knowledge and money as well. The local cooperative society provided them soft-loan. They also participated in the skill-oriented trainings operated by the local government. Now, every youth is employed in one or another field. All of them have become self- employed. Chisapani Village has been transformed into a sample village. The people are involved in various income-generating occupations like vegetable farming, animal husbandry, furniture industry, cyber shop, etc. They are now capable of giving jobs to others too. The economic condition of the people has improved. There is no fight, theft, quarrel, etc in the village. Every youth is busy at work. This Chisapani has become example for other villages as well. After the discussion on the above success story, the class got over with the following conclusions. Generation of employment means identifying new areas of business and creating job opportunities. We should not depend only on the government for employment, we ourselves should create job and it is sustainable too. For creating employment and involving in the self-employment, we need to learn skills. The government has also brought different programmes to support the youths who want to be self-employed. Economic Activities 311

Various government and nongovernment organizations have been operating skill development trainings focusing the unemployed youths. The youths should take advantage of it. If we have strong will power to do something with proper aim and determination, we ourselves can generate job for us. Technical and vocational education helps in the creation and management of job. It can solve the problem of unemployment also. KEY TERMS Grocery store : store selling food and household goods Ludo : a board game Soft-loan : a loan with a below-market rate of interest Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Discuss the various ways of generating employment in the country. 2. If you are given the responsibility to solve the problem of unemployment in your community. What would you do to motivate the youth to create job and be self- employed? Write in points. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. What is meant by generation of employment? 2. Define self-employment. Short answer questions: 1. “Unemployment is the major social problem of our country.” Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer. 2. What kinds of job can be created at local level on our own? Make a list of them. Long answer question: 1. Employment generation is better than searching employment. Present your logics. Also suggest four ways to generate employment so that the problem of unemployment can be lower in the country. Community Work How many unemployed youth are there in your community? Collect their statistics. Prepare a plan to make them self-employed. Present your plan in the class and compare with your friends’ plan. 312 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

14Lesson LABOUR Introduction The aggregate of all human physical and mental efforts used in production of goods and services is called labour. It is a primary factor of production. But, according to the economist, the physical or mental effort by which a worker gets wage is called labour. “All the activities done for earning money in order to survive are included in labour.” - A.H. Smith “The physical or mental effort made with the objective of getting any good is called labour.” - Marshall As the labour is concerned with workers, it has been defined in the Labour Act 2048 as “Worker means a person employed on the basis of remuneration to work in any building, premises, machinery or any part thereof used for any productions process or providing service, or any act relating to such work or for any unscheduled works and this expression also includes any worker working at piece-rate, contract or agreement”. Types of labour Labour has been divided into three types. They are as follows: a. Productive and unproductive labour: The legal and socially accepted works done for producing positive result in the society are called productive labour whereas, the illegal and anti-social activities like smuggling, theft, human trafficking, gambling, etc are called unproductive labour. b. Skilled and unskilled labour: The work which needs special education, knowledge, efficiency, trainings to get done is called skilled labour. The work which does not need specific education and training to get done is called unskilled labour. Economic Activities 313

c. Physical and mental labour: The work which needs physical strength and movement of body parts such as labourers, farmers, etc is called physical labour whereas, the work which needs mental efforts, creativity, logic, etc rather than physical labour is called mental labour. Importance of labour Labour plays an important role in the economic growth of the country as it increases the economic activities in the country. Without labour, the production of goods and services is impossible. Labour mobilizes the capital and resources for the production of goods and services. With the maximum utilization of labour, necessary goods and services can be produced. Foreign currency also can be earned by the proper utilization of labour in the production. Labour utilizes the wasted resources and inactive manpower. Dignity/Respect of Labour Respect of labour means to respect one’s occupation. No occupation is superior or inferior. All the works require labour and all labours are equal. Whatever the type, quality or quantity of labour we get involved in, we should have faith in what we do. There should not be any kind of discrimination on the basis of work in which one gets engaged to fulfill his/her needs. Nepal is a country rich in natural resources and means but in the absence of skilled manpower and capital they are not being utilized. The problem of unemployment is increasing day by day. Many people are wandering in search of job. They hesitate to get involved in those occupations which they believe are inferior. They rather prefer staying unemployed and getting engaged in unproductive activities. They are willing to take inferior jobs in foreign countries but hesitate to do so in their own countries. This is the feudal mentality. Such a culture has led Nepal to remain backward in the development. We should love our job and respect others’ job too. Every day, more than 1,500 Nepalese youths are leaving Nepal for foreign employment. It is better to work in the motherland rather than paying large amount of money to the brokers and going abroad for dirty, dangerous and difficult work. If we could prevent such flow of manpower and utilize in the country by providing them skills and practical education, the economic condition of the country could be improved. KEY TERMS SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9 Broker : commercial agent Feudal : old-fashioned Hesitate : not be eager to do something Inferior : lower in quality or value Superior : higher in quality or value 314

Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. How do you convince the youths for staying in Nepal and engaging in self-employment rather than going abroad in search of job? 2. Write a letter to the minister of labour including your suggestions to prevent the flowing manpower towards foreign employment and create conducive environment in the country to utilize their skills. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. What is labour? 2. How has worker been defined in the Labour Act 2048? 3. Define the term ‘Dignity of labour’. Short answer questions: 1. Into how many types, the labour is divided? Describe each of them. 2. Mention the importance of labour in four points. 3. “Labour creates the employment.” Do you agree with this statement? Clarify your answer. 4. “Labour is necessary to increase the production”. Elaborate the statement with examples. Long answer question: 1. “If labour is respected, the problem of unemployment is solved in some extent.” Justify this statement. Also suggest some ways to increase the dignity of labour in our society. Community Work Meet some people of your community and consult with them about the occupation they are involved in and also find the occupations which are considered superior and inferior in your community. Economic Activities 315

UNIT OUR INTERNATIONAL 9 RELATIONS AND CO-OPERATION Learning achievements Analyze the cooperation and relationship between donor countries and agencies and Nepal, Recognize Nepal as a member of UNO, Explain the roles played by Nepal for international peace keeping in the UNO, Discuss the services and facilities available from the Nepali and foreign diplomatic missions, and Mention the effects in the human life caused by the current affairs happening in the world. 316 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

1Lesson NEPAL’S DONOR COUNTRIES AND AGENCIES We, human beings are social creatures. It is not possible to live alone. We need help from others. Similarly, the countries also need help and cooperation from each other. No country can be self- dependent completely. It is compulsory for every country to maintain mutual relations for the development of industries, trade, service, etc. Every country has to keep mutual relation and cooperation with other countries to promote cultural exchange, sports, education and for the increment in the employment opportunity. They maintain bilateral and multilateral relations with other countries around the world. The countries promote such relations by establishing diplomatic relations and also through the exchange of high level visits. Diplomatic relations refer to the normal political interaction between nations. It involves permanent contact and communication between sovereign countries. As a part of the diplomatic relations, two countries send diplomats to work in each other’s country and to deal with each other formally. Nepal’s international relation Nepal’s relation with international community began formally after establishing diplomatic relation with United Kingdom in 1816 AD. After this, there is continuous contact and relation of Nepal with world community. Before 2007 BS, the diplomatic relation of Nepal was limited only with UK, India, the United States and France. Nepal has established diplomatic relations with many countries. The number of countries having diplomatic relation with Nepal has reached 168 when the diplomatic relation was established with Ghana on 25th September 2019 AD. Fundamental Principles of Nepal’s foreign policy Non-alignment, Commitment towards United Nation’s Charter, Disarmament, Protection of the rights of landlocked countries, Faith on Panchasheel, International laws, norms and values. Nepal, being a developing country requires foreign assistance to develop physical infrastructures in various sectors. Friendly countries around the world provide necessary financial and technological supports to meet our requirements. Some agencies and missions are also supporting Nepal in different fields. Such donors are called donor countries and agencies. Our International Relations and Co-operation 317

Nepal’s relationship with United Kingdom The relation between Nepal and UK is very old. Nepal was an ally of UK during the World War I and World War II. Nepal had sent its troops to help UK in both the World Wars. United Kingdom is the first country to establish diplomatic relation with Nepal. The UK is Nepal’s largest bilateral aid donor as well. The friendly relationship between Nepal and United Kingdom was established in 1816 AD. The UK has been providing aid to Nepal in the following areas: Construction of Mahendra Highway from Narayangadh to Butwal Construction of Madan-Bhandari Highway (Dharan-Dhankuta) Agriculture Research Centers in Pakhribas, Dhankuta and Lumle, Kaski Establishment of Budhanilkantha School Recruitment of Nepalese youths in British Army British Library Nepal’s relationship with China The People’s Republic of China is our neighboring country. We share our Northern border with Tibet, an autonomous region of China. The relationship between Nepal and China is very old. On 1st August 1955 AD, Nepal formally established diplomatic relation with the People’s Republic of China. China has been helping Nepal in many fields such as: Bhrikuti Paper Factory, Harisiddhi Bricks and Tile Industry, Hetauda Cloth Mill, Bhaktapur Bricks Industry, Bansbari Leather Shoe Factory Prithvi Highway (Naunbise-Pokhara), Araniko Highway (Kathmandu-Kodari), Bhupi Sherchan Highway (Pokhara-Baglung), Ring road of Kathmandu valley Tripureshwar-Suryabinayak Trolley bus service Sunkoshi Hydroelectricity project Birendra International Convention Centre Civil Hospital, B.P. Koirala Cancer Hospital Scholarship to the Nepalese students for the higher studies in China Nepal’s relationship with India SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9 Nepal has established diplomatic relation with India on 13th June, 1947 AD. The relation of Nepal with India is very long and is very good. The Indo-Nepal border is open; Nepalese and Indian nationals may move freely across the border without passports or visas and may live and work in either country. India 318

has been providing aids for the development of infrastructures in Nepal. Some of the projects under Indian support are: B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Science, Dharan National Trauma Center and Bir Hospital, Kathmandu Some parts of East-West Highway Trishuli and Devighat Hydroelectricity Center, Nuwakot Manmohan Memorial Poly-technique, Morang Mahendranagar-Tanakpur Linkroad Farbisgunj-Biratnagar railway link Ambulance distribution to various hospitals and institutions Bus distribution to schools Scholarships to the Nepalese students for higher studies in India Nepal’s relationship with Japan Japan is also called the “Land of the Rising Sun”. After the establishment of diplomatic relation in 1956 AD, the residential embassy of Nepal was established in Japan in 1965 AD and the Japanese embassy in Nepal was also established in the same year. The government of Japan has been contributing a lot with technical as well as financial help to Nepal. It has been providing its support through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The following are the projects under Japanese aid: Kulekhani Hydroelectricity Project Gongabu Bus Park Bridges on Bagmati at Thapathali, Karnali-Chisapani and Malekhu Agricultural Development Projects Ground water project in the Terai Radio broadcasting centers in Kathmandu and Pokhara Nepal’s relationship with the United States The United States established official relations with Nepal in 1947 AD and opened its embassy in Kathmandu in 1959 AD. Relations between the two countries have always been friendly. Since 1951 AD, the United States has provided more than $791 million in bilateral economic assistance to Nepal. In recent years, annual bilateral US economic assistance through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has averaged $40 million. USAID supports agriculture, health, family planning, environment protection, democratization, governance, and hydropower development efforts in Nepal. USAID had also supported Nepal’s peace process. It has been helping Nepal in the following field: Our International Relations and Co-operation 319

Balaju and Hetauda Industrial Estates Center for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA) Janak Education Material Center, Sanothimi Scholarships to Nepalese students for higher studies in the US Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) Family planning programmes Dhangadhi-Dadeldhura Highway construction Air service, telephone service and expansion of radio service Nepal’s relation with the World Bank The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises of two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system. Nepal got its membership on 6th September, 1961 AD. The following are the projects assisted by the World Bank: Kulekhani Hydroelectricity Project Nepal Industrial Development Corporation Agriculture Manpower Development Basic and Primary Education Projects related to highways, irrigation, drinking water and drainage School building reconstruction in the earthquake affected areas Nepal’s relation with the Asian Development Bank The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a regional development bank established on 19th December 1966 AD to promote social and economic development in Asia. Nepal has taken its membership in 1966 AD. The Asian Development Bank has been supporting Nepal in the following areas: Public drinking water and sanitation project Improvement in the audit level of public sector Institutional support on electricity sector Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Restoration for Earthquake-Affected Communities Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project Strengthening Public Management Program Skill Development Project 320 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

Besides these, there are many donor countries and agencies helping Nepal financially and technically. Canada, Germany, Italy, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), World Trade Organization (WTO), South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA), Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), etc have been contributing a lot for the development of Nepal. KEY TERMS Bilateral : involving two groups Diplomat : government representative abroad Residential : with living accommodations Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Prepare a chart showing donor countries and agencies and their area of assistance. Discuss about it in the class. 2. Conduct an essay writing competition among the friends on “Need of international relation, understanding and cooperation”. Select the best one and show your teacher. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. What do you understand by diplomatic relation? 2. Differentiate between bilateral and multilateral cooperation in a sentence. 3. What is meant by donor countries and agencies? 4. How do you define international relation and cooperation? Short answer questions: 1. What is meant by foreign policy? What kinds of foreign policy has Nepal adopted? Mention its fundamental principles. 2. Highlight on the Nepal’s international relation. 3. What are the major sectors of foreign aid in Nepal? Write with examples. 4. Why is international relation and cooperation important? Write in four points. Project Work Consult a senior social worker or use internet service and find five other donor countries and agencies of Nepal except mentioned in the lesson. Discuss in the class about area of cooperation made by them. Our International Relations and Co-operation 321

2Lesson NEPAL IN UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION United Nations Organization (UNO) is an international organization established on 24th October, 1945 AD. It was established with the objective to maintain international peace and security, promote sustainable development, protect human rights, observe international law and deliver humanitarian aid in the world. Nepal got its membership on 14th December, 1955 AD. There are 193 member countries in the UNO at present. UNO’s charter is one of the bases of Nepal’s foreign policy. Nepal has been actively participating in the peace keeping mission of UNO continuously after being its member. Nepal has participated in the United Nations peace keeping force as an observer in 1958 AD and joined in UN peace keeping force when Israel invaded over Southern Lebanon in UN General Assembly 1978 AD. Since the first mission of UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), Nepal has been sending its troops as a part of Peace Keeping Force. Nepal Police, Nepal Army and Armed Police Force are working in UN Peace Keeping mission in various countries like Haiti, Liberia, Chad, Sudan, Burundi, etc. UN Peace Keeping Force carries modern weapons but use only for self protection. Besides, the soldiers, Nepal Army in Peace Keeping Force experts of various fields are involved in Peace Keeping mission such as electoral expert, lawyer, mine removal expert, interpreter, development and emergency aid workers, human rights monitors, etc. UN Peacekeepers provide security and the political and peace-building support to help countries transform from conflict to peace. UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles: Consent of the parties 322 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

Impartiality Non-use of force except in self-defense and defense of the mandate Peace keeping missions not only maintain peace and security, but also facilitate the political process, protect civilians, assist in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; support to organize elections, protect and promote human rights and assist in restoring the rule of law. Nepal is the 4th largest peace keeping contributor to the United Nations. As per the record of 31st January, 2020 AD, 5,658 Nepalese are working in different countries for peace keeping. Nepal and its peace keepers are invaluable in maintaining world peace efforts. Nepal had played a major role to pass the special report against racial discrimination in 1966 AD. Similarly, Nepal, when it was in UN Security Council as a temporary member in 1968/69 AD, played a significant role to pass the report regarding the disarmament and ban on atomic weapons. Nepal’s role in the issue of rights of landlocked countries and permanent membership of China to maintain regional balance is unforgettable. Nepal and other member countries have been actively participating in the actions carried out by the UN to tackle the challenges created by the climate change and other current happenings. Pawan Jung Thapa, an officer of Nepal Army had been appointed as the Force Commender of United Nations Mission in Sudan in 2008. Nepal has become the head of Least Developed Countries (LDC). Nepal, as a member, has agreed and signed in the UN Charter, resolutions, treaties, declarations and commitment of the UN and its specialized agencies. This justifies that Nepal has played a major role to make the United Nation’s main objective of maintaining peace and order, a success. United Nations has also played vital role in Nepal’s development, conflict management, democracy and peace and order. The UN has been providing great assistance in the area of women empowerment, child welfare, protection and promotion of human rights. It had established the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), a temporary political mission to assist in the peace process in Nepal. The role played by the UN in the arm settlement after ten years long armed insurgency, election of Constituent Assembly, integration of Maoist combatant, etc was highly considerable. KEY TERMS Combatant : a person or group taking part in a war Disarmament : the process of reducing a nation’s supply of weapons or the strength of its armed forces Insurgency : a movement within a country dedicated to overthrowing the government Our International Relations and Co-operation 323

Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Since the establishment of UN peace keeping force, Nepal has been involved in it. What should be done to make the function of peace keeping force more effective? Discuss. 2. Discuss with your friends about the countries where Nepal has sent its peace keeping force. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. When was UNO established? 2. How many member countries are there in UNO at present? When did Nepal get the membership of UNO? 3. What do you mean by UN peace keeping mission? Short answer questions: 1. Highlight the objectives of UNO. 2. Explain the roles of peace keeping mission. 3. Mention the roles played by Nepal to make the objectives of United Nations successful. 4. What should be done to make Nepal’s role in UN’s activities more effective? Write your opinion in points. 5. The country which advocates peace in the world should maintain peace within its own. In this context, mention any four ways to maintain permanent peace in Nepal. Community Work What kinds of activities have been done in your community to maintain peace and order? Collect the information consulting with academic personalities. Present your findings in the class. 324 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

3Lesson NEPAL’S CONTRIBUTION IN INTERNATIONAL PEACE KEEPING Introduction The United Nations led the way to peacekeeping since 1948 AD with the establishment of the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in the Middle East. There have been 71 peacekeeping missions worldwide since then. Nepal has been actively participating in the UN peace keeping mission since 1958 AD. Nepal Army performs its duties under the direction of Department of Peace Keeping Operation while in peace keeping mission. It mainly performs the activities such as identification of the conflict, solution of the conflict, the activities of public welfare, periodic election, help in the emergency, etc in the working area. Such activities have helped to establish peace in the conflict stricken countries. In addition to this, Nepal has been raising the voice to end the racial and colour discrimination and colonization to establish peace in the world. It has been standing strongly against the exploitation, domination, attack, threatening and inhuman activities done by one country to another. Because of such neutral and bold performance, Nepal has got the opportunities to work in the important post of various organs of the UN. Nepal has succeeded to earn name and fame in the international arena due to such important contributions. Nepal’s contribution in the establishment of international peace Nepal has been sending its peace keeping force since ages and has been able to solve disputes in different countries in the world. As a member of UN, Nepal has signed in the resolutions, treaties, declarations and commitments of the UN and its specialized agencies and has implemented them in the country. As a member of Non-aligned Movement, Nepal is actively participating in its activities and has not taken the side of any group or country when they are involved in war or conflict. Nepal has been raising the voice in the UN for reasonable rights of landlocked countries in the transportation and sea routes. Our International Relations and Co-operation 325

Nepal has played significant roles to establish international peace when it was involved in the different committees of UN, elected as a temporary member in the UN Security Council in 1968 AD, and elected as the Deputy Chairperson in the UN General Assembly in 1958 AD. Nepal has signed in the treaties to stop the experiment and manufacturing of atomic weapons. Nepal has proved itself as peace lover by appealing for world disarmament conference. Nepal has played an important role while preparing report of the special committee regarding color discrimination in 1966 AD. KEY TERMS Dispute : a serious argument or disagreement Non-aligned : a group of states which are not formally aligned with or against any major power block Resolution : an official decision that is made after a group or organization has voted Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Discuss in the class and identify the causes of international conflicts. 2. “Every conflict has a peaceful solution.” Write a paragraph on this statement. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. What do you understand by international peace keeping? 2. Why is international peace keeping important? Write in a sentence. 3. Write any two activities that UN peace keeping mission does. Short answer questions: 1. What are the roles played by Nepal in international peace keeping? Write in points. 2. Explain the activities of Nepal Army in UN peace keeping missions. Community Work Consult a person who was involved in the peace keeping mission or get the information from various sources like radio, newspaper, internet or television about the causes of conflicts in the conflict stricken countries and roles of peace keeping force. Prepare an article on it. 326 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

4Lesson DIPLOMATIC MISSION The management of communication and relationship between nations by the members and employees of each nation’s government is known as diplomacy. A member or employee of a government who represents his/her country in dealings with other nation, especially by working in an embassy or consulate abroad is called a diplomat. All the countries in the world send their diplomats to each other’s country for extending their relationship. The countries having friendly relation with each other establish offices for the envoy or ambassador in each other’s country. Such offices are called embassy or consulate. This is called diplomatic mission. Nepal has friendly relation with 168 countries. Among them, Nepal has established 31 embassies abroad as well as 57 consulates. 26 friend nations have established their embassies and 47 consulates in Nepal. It is not necessary to establish embassy in all the Embassy of Nepal in London friendly countries. Trade relation, citizen’s visit and power balance, etc affect the establishment of an embassy. In some of the countries, consulates or office of the consuls are established. An embassy, established in one friendly country can also be given responsibility to maintain the relationship with other neighbouring friendly countries. In the embassy, there is an ambassador and other employees of concerned country. Nepalese ambassador is appointed by the President on Embassy of USA in Nepal the recommendation of Council of Ministers. Embassies exchange information from one country to another. Embassy has an important role even during the high level visit. It issues visa to the citizens who want to visit other countries. It has also to be careful to maintain self respect and sovereignty of other countries so that both the countries can maintain good relation. Roles of diplomatic missions Represent their own country by maintaining diplomatic norms, values and protocol. Present the authentic opinion of the country if any kind of misunderstanding or complaint comes regarding the citizens of the country. Represent the country while doing any kind of treaty or agreement. Play important role to exchange socio-cultural activities, fairs, conference, etc. Provide the security of their citizens, settle their complaints and work out the solutions and provide necessary help if they want to return to their country. Our International Relations and Co-operation 327

Foreign Embassies in Nepal and Nepalese Embassies in Foreign Countries Foreign Embassies in Nepal Nepalese Embassies in Foreign Countries Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, India, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Israel, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Norway, Pakistan, South Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Emirates, United Kingdom, United States United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States KEY TERMS Ambassador : a diplomatic official of the highest rank sent by one country as its long-term representative to another Consul : government official working abroad Consulate : Consul’s office Embassy : ambassador’s headquarters Envoy : official representative Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Make a model of news article including the activities of Nepali diplomatic mission in abroad to increase the reputation of the country. 2. Discuss in the class about the role of Nepali diplomatic missions in the socio-cultural development. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. What is diplomacy? 2. What is meant by diplomatic mission? 3. Why is diplomatic mission established in other countries? Short answer questions: 1. Name any eight countries having their embassies in Nepal. 2. Enlist the roles of diplomatic mission. 3. “An ambassador is the representative of the country in foreign land.” Justify this statement. 4. The role of diplomatic mission is important to strengthen the relationship between the countries. How? Write in points. Community Work Visit a person who has an experience of working in the diplomatic mission. Ask about the services provided from the diplomatic mission to our citizens in abroad. Prepare a report on your findings and present in the class. 328 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

5Lesson CONTEMPORARY EVENTS The world is our common home. We are the family members of this world. Due to the advancement of electronic media and information technology, the whole world has become as a simple community. This is called global village. The incident of one part of the world may affect the other parts. Such incidents can have many positive and negative impacts on human life. It is important for us to get informed of every happenings taking place anywhere in the world. The knowledge on the contemporary issues helps to enhance our intellectually. We can gather useful information from radio, TV, internet, newspapers, telephones, etc. Let’s read the following news about some incidents in the world: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Symptoms of COVID-19 The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhoea. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop serious illness. Protection measures Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority. 329

Visit Nepal 2020 With a vision of enhancing the growth of tourism industry by welcoming more than two million tourists, the year 2020 has been announced as “Visit Nepal 2020”. The government has planned to complete the construction and expansion of the international and domestic airports, heritage sites and other tourism infrastructures before 2020. However this ambitious campaign has been postponed by the Government of Nepal due to the threat of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) which was spread from China. 13th South Asian Games (SAG)-2019 13th South Asian Games (SAG) was hosted by Nepal from 1st- 10th December, 2019. The game was inaugurated at Dasarath Rangasala, Kathmandu by Bidhya Devi Bhandari, the President of Nepal. Next South Asian Games will be held in Pakistan in 2022. Medal Table Country Gold Silver Bronze Total India 173 93 45 311 Nepal 51 60 95 206 Sri Lanka 40 83 128 251 Pakistan 32 41 59 132 Bangladesh 19 32 87 138 Maldives 1 0 4 5 Bhutan 0 7 13 20 Santoshi Shretha is the first female to win gold medal for Nepal Santoshi Shrestha in Athletics. She won gold medal in 10 km race in 13th SAG defeating opponent by just 1 millisecond (0.001 second). Exoworld’s star, planet named Sagarmatha, Laliguras International Astronomical Union, an apex body of more Planet Star than 12,000 professional astronomers around the globe has HD100777 given Nepali name to a star and a planet. The star with code HD100777b Sagarmatha HD100777 has been named Sagarmatha and the planet with Laliguras code HD100777b has been named Laliguras. The Exoworld solar system with a single planet lies around 172 light years away from the earth in Leo Constellation of Milky Way Galaxy. One light year is a distance travelled by light in one year. Scientists have claimed planet Laliguras has possibility of ‘habitable zone’. 330 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

KEY TERMS Ambitious : having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich Astronomer : someone who studies astronomy Exoworld : a planet outside our solar system Habitable : providing conditions that are good enough to live in or on Inaugurate : mark the beginning Evaluation Exercises Activities 1. Discuss about the means that are available for gathering information on contemporary events. 2. Collect pictures and news articles of the current happenings and present in the class. Exercise Very short answer questions: 1. Why is it important for us to be informed about the incidents taking place in the world? 2. Where and when did Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) breakout? 3. Why was Visit Nepal 2020 postponed by the Government of Nepal? 4. Name the first Nepali female to win gold medal for Nepal in Athletics. 5. When will the next South Asian Game (SAG) be held? 6. Write the Nepali name of the star with code HD100777 and the planet with code HD100777b. Short answer questions: 1. “The world has become a global village.” Justify the statement. 2. Make a list of the symptoms and effects of Coronavirus disease. 3. Mention any four protection measures from Coronavirus disease. 4. What are the current events in Nepal and around the world? Enlist any two such incidents each of Nepal and the world. Community Work Find out the most important incident that happened in your community within last month in political, economic, social or natural sector and prepare a news article. 331

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152SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9 hDdf 170 4 311 3 2 1 2 1 12 0 21 75 135 hDdf c+s ef/ 4 12 7 1 12 14 1 8 7 75 1 80 kZ| gsf] lsl;d k|Zg ;V+ of c+s ljefhg hDdf c+s ef/ ;do ljefhg Nfdf] pQ/ cfpg] k|Zg $ $ X & Ö @* k|Tos] ! cª\\ssf lglDt !=* ldg6] 5f]6f] pQ/ cfpg] kZ| g !) ! X& !) X $ Ö $) ;dosf b/n] ;do nfUg]5 . ljb\\ofyL{n] w/] } 5f6] f] pQ/ cfpg] kZ| g & !X$ &X!Ö& kZ| gsf] ks| [lt cg;' f/ ;dfof]hg u/L ! X! pTt/ n]Vg' kg]5{ . tfl] sPsf] ;dodf hDdf @! &% k|Zg k9g\\ ,] dgg\\ ug]{ / nV] g] sfo{ ;d] dfWolds lzIff kf7o\\ jm| d -sIff (–!)_, @)&! t ;DkGg ug'{ kg{] xg' fn] pTt/ lbFbf w/] } e\"ldsf gafwF L ;s;] Dd kZ| gn] ;f] 333 w] cg;' f/sf] ;+lIfKt / ;l6s hjfkm lbg' kb{5 . !#% ldg6] bi| 6Jo M s_ gk] fnnufot ljZj kl/j]zdf 36s] f sx] L ;d;fdlos 36gfx¿af6 klg pk/fS] t adfl] hdsf] ljifo / If]q;Fu ;dfof]hg u/L kZ| gx¿ ;f]Wg ;lsg5] . o:tf kZ| gx¿ ;fdflhs cWoog ljifosf] kf7o\\ qmd / kf7o\\ k':ts;Fu ;fGble{s x'g'kg{5] . v_ b'O{ bO' { j6f PsfO ;d]6]/ w]/} 5f6] f, 5f]6f / nfdf pTt/ cfpg] kZ| gx¿ ;fW] g ;lsg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . bO' j{ 6f PsfO ;d]6]/ agfOPsf] k|Zgx¿ l;sfOsf bO' {j6f txaf6 ;f]Wg ;lsg] u/L tof/ kl/Psf] 5 . h:t} M PsfO # / $ df 5f6] f] pTt/ cfpg] kZ| g agfpbF f PsfO # af6 ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg l;ksf] k|Zg ;f]lwof] eg] PsfO $ af6 dN\" o tyf clejl[ Tt txsf] k|Zg ;fW] g' kg{5] . To;} u/L PsfO # af6 d\"No tyf clej[lTt txsf] k|Zg ;f]lwof] eg] PsfO $ af6 ;dfnfr] gfTds lrGtg l;ksf] k|Zg ;f]Wg' kg]{ 5 . of] lgod cGo PsfOdf / kZ| gsf] txdf klg o;} u/L nfu' xg' 5] .

u_ PsfO ^ cGtu{t ;fl] wg] nfdf] pQ/fTds k|Zgdf :jtGq ljlwaf6 (Free hand method) ;fdfGo cfsf/k|sf/ ldNg] u/L g]kfnsf] gS;f sf/] L tYox¿ eg{] k|Zg lbOg]5 . To;sf] ;66\\ fdf clk|msf, pTt/ cdl] /sf / blIf0f cdl] /sf dWo] s'g} Ps dxfb]zsf] :jtGq ljlwaf6 (Free hand method) ;fdfGo cfsf/k|sf/ ldNg] u/L gS;f sf]//] To;df lbOPsf tYox¿ eg{ nufpg] j}slNks k|Zg ;fl] wg5] . pTt/ cdl] /sfsf] gS;f sfb] f{ x8\\;gsf] vf8L b]lv pTt/tkm{sf låkx¿ bv] fpg' kg]{ 5}g . 3_ ;fd'bflos sfo;{ Fu ;DalGwt x'gu] /L kl/ofh] gf sfo{ / If]q e|d0fsf ljleGg cª\\ux¿ h:t,} sfo{ofh] gf, ljlw, ;fwg / k|ltjb] g jf kl| tj]bgsf ljleGg cªu\\ x¿ dWo] sg' } Ps efu ;d]6g\\ ] u/L sfo{ Ifdtf (ability to do) txaf6 - PsfO %,^,&, * / ( dWoa] f6 _ slDtdf Ps 5f6] f] jf nfdf] kZ| g ;fl] wg5] . ª_ kZ| g g=+ (item number) /fVbf klxn] w]/} 5f6] f pTt/ cfpg] kZ| gx¿ k|= g=+ ! bl] v & ;Dd, To; kl5 5f]6f] pTt/ cfpg] kZ| gx¿ k=| g+= * b]lv !& ;Dd / nfdf] pTt/ cfpg] k|Zgx¿ k|= g+= !* bl] v @! ;Dd x'g] u/L ljlzli6s/0f tflnsfdf dflyaf6 tn / jfofFaf6 bfofFsf] j|mddf k|Zg g+= sfod ug'{ kg]{5 . r_ ljbo\\ fyLn{ ] kfPsf] lnlvt / ko| fu] fTds cªs\\ nfO{ hf8] ]/ cIf/fªs\\ kb\\blt cg';f/ :t/ lgwf{/0f ug{' kb5{ . dfWolds lzIff kf7o\\ j|md -sIff (–!)_, @)&! 153 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9 334

ko| f]ufTds dN\" ofªs\\ gsf] ljlzi6Ls/0f tflnsf ljifoM M;fdflhs cWoog dfWolds tx -sIff (–!)_ k0\" ffª{ s\\ M @% jBfyLs{ f] ;sf/fTds Jojxf/ ko| f]ufTds dN\" ofª\\sg kmfOn kl/ofh] gf sfo{ k|of]ufTds k/LIff hDdf k|bz{g cª\\s gfd @% pTtd dWod ;w' f/fTds l;h{gfTds ;Lkd\"ns l;sfOsf j|mddf lzIfsn] of]hgf sfo{ kl| tjb] g cGt/jftf{ k/LIf0f %# @ sfo{sf sfos{ f k|of]u u/]sf kmf/fdx¿ lgdf{0f ;Dkfbg # @ / k|bz{g clenv] clen]v @ ! k|lj|mof # $$ ! gf6] M dfly plNnlvt zLifs{ x¿sf] JofVof M s_ ;sf/fTds Jojxf/ k|bzg{ M o; cGtu{t 3'nldn x'g], g]tT[ j lng], ldn]/ sfd ug,]{ c¿k|lt ;lxi0f' xg' ,] ;dGjo ug],{ pNnv] gLo k|ltef k|bz{g ug]{, cgz' f;gdf /xg,] c?sf] ;Ddfg ug,{] ;sf/fTds ;fr] /fVg,] ljbo\\ fnodf / ;dfhdf pTs[i6 Jojxf/ k|bzg{ cflb kb{5g\\ . lzIfsn] kT| o]s ljb\\ofyLs{ f] o:tf Jojxf/sf ;DaGwdf cfkmg\\ f] 8fo/Ldf l6kf]6 ug{,] 36gfjT[ t clenv] / fVg], cjnf]sg kmf/fdx¿ eg]{ h:tf pkfo ckgfpg ;lsG5 . kT| o]s PsfO lzIf0f kZrft dN\" ofª\\ sg u/L o;sf] /]s8{ /fVg' kb{5 . v_ ko| fu] fTds dN\" ofªs\\ g kmfOn M o;df ljb\\ofyL{n] k|Tos] PsfOsf] lzIf0f l;sfOsf j|mddf u/] sf lgDgfg;' f/sf clenv] x¿ ;dfj]z x'g' kb{5 . ;fs] f cfwf/df q}dfl;s ?kdf dN\" ofªs\\ g ug{‘ kb{5 . • l;hg{ fTds sfo{ M syf, sljtf, uLt, jStT[ jsnf, ;+jfb, lr7L, ;DkfbsLo, ;dfrf/, lrq, gf/f, kDKn6] , krf{, rf6x{ ¿ . – $ c+s • ;Lkd\"ns sfo{M ;\"rL, tflnsf, :tDe lrq, jQ[ lrq, ;do /]vf, gS;f, of]hgf, k|ZgfjnL, kfi] 6/, ;dfrf/ ;ª\\sng, ljZn]if0f kl| tj]bgx¿ / ;fdu|Lx¿ . – $ c+s 154 dfWolds lzIff kf7\\ojm| d -sIff (–!)_, @)&! SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9 335

• l;sfOsf j|mddf lzIfsn] k|ofu] u/s] f kmf/fdx¿ M ljbo\\ fyLx{ ¿nfO{ ljleGg ks| f/sf kl/of] hgf sfo{, ;fd'bflos sfo,{ sIff sfo,{ ;x tyf cltl/St lj|mofsnfk cflbdf ;xefuL xFb' f dN\" ofª\\sg ug{ k|ofu] ul/Psf >]0fLdfkg kmf/fd, ?h;' \"rL, ?ljS| ; / Socio metric chart cflb ;fx] L kmfOndf /fVg] . – @ c+s u_ kl/of]hgf sfo{, If]q ed| 0f / kl| tjb] g M kT| os] PsfOaf6 slDtdf Pp6f kl/of]hgf sfo{ jf ;fdb' flos sfo{ jf Ifq] ed| 0fdf ;xefuL u/fpg] . ljbo\\ fyLs{ f] ;xeflutf, ;ljm| otf, ofh] gf lgdf0{ f, cjnf]sg, cGtjft{ f{, tYofª\\s ;ªs\\ ng, kl| tjb] g tof/L / k:| t'lts/0fnfO{ cfwf/ dfgL ;fd\"lxs jf JolStut ?kdf d\"Nofªs\\ g ug{] . k|To]s ljb\\ofyLn{ ] jifd{ f slDtdf tLgj6f kl| tj] bgx¿ JolStut ?kdf tof/ kf/s] f] xg' ' kg{5] . 3_ k|of]ufTds k/LIff M o; cGtu{t lgDgfg';f/sf sfox{ ¿ u/L k|bz{g / df}lvs jf lnlvt ?kdf k|of]ufTds k/LIff lnOg] 5 . • cGt/jftf{ M ljbo\\ fyL{;Fusf] cGt/jftf{ – @ c+s • k/LIf0f / kb| z{g M k/LIff :yndf ;fd\"lxs jf JolStut ?kdf es\" Dk, xfjfkfgL, b]zfGt/ / ;do, P]ltxfl;s j:t'x¿sf] ;+sng / k|ofu] , cfly{s ultljlwx¿sf] cjwf/0ff ae' mfpg] ;fdu|L, hgr] tgfdn' s ;fdu|L lgdf0{ f cflb ljifoj:tF'u ;DalGwt ljleGg ;fduL| sf] lgdf0{ f, k/LIf0f / ko| fu] u//] bv] fpg] – # cs+ kg' Zr M q}dfl;s ?kdf dflysf] kmf/fd ko| f]u u/L dN\" ofª\\sg ug{‘ k5{ . q}dfl;s k/LIffsf] d\"Nofª\\sgsf] cf}ift lgsfnL jflif{s d\"Nofª\\sg ug{ ;lsG5 . ljb\\ofyLx{ ¿sf] lgoldt ?kdf d\"Nofª\\sg ug{ lgDgfg;' f/sf] >]0fLdfkg kmf/fdsf] k|ofu] ug{ klg ;lsG5 . k|ofu] fTds tkm{sf] clGtd dN\" ofª\\sg ug{ oL b'O{ dWo] s'g} Ps kmf/fd jf b'j}sf] ko| f]u ug{ ;lsg5] . ljBfyL{sf] ;sf/fTds Jojxf/ kb| zg{ k|ofu] fTds kmfOn kl/of]hgfsfo,{ If]qed| 0f kl| tj] k|of]ufTds k/LIff hDdf gfd % !) bg % % cªs\\ c p* p* d ;f * lg* c p p* d* ;f* lg* c p* p* d* ;f* lg* c p* p* d* ;f* lg* % $ * # @ ! * !) * ^ $ @ % $ # @ ! % $ # @ ! * c p ≠ clt pQd, p ≠ pQd, d ≠ dWod, ;f ≠ ;fdfGo, lg ≠ lgDg bi| 6Jo M of] lu|8 k|:tfljt d:ofb} f dfq xf] . dfWolds lzIff kf7\\oj|md -sIff (–!)_, @)&! 155 336 SOCIAL STUDIES - GRADE 9

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