Approved by Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) , Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal Smart Computer Science Book-8 Author Prabhu Ram Khadka M. Sc. IT (SMU), B. Ed. (TU) MeMorica Pvt. Ltd. Publishers & Distributors Maitidevi, Katmandu
Book : Smart Computer Science Book-9 : Prabhu Ram Khadka Author : Language Editors Publisher : MeMorica Pvt. Ltd. Edition Maitidevi, Kathmandu Copyright Ph: 01-4438703 ISBN : 1st 2078 B.S. (2021 AD) Price : All rights reserved with the author : 978-9937-9382-3-5 : NRs. 464.00/- For suggestion and advice please contact at [email protected] Cell : 9841816625, 9813303490 (Viber/Messenger) URL:
About this Book Creative Computer Science is a graded series of Eight textbooks prepared for class 1 to 10. This series of book is comprehensively designed on the basis of guide lines and syllabi designed by Government of Nepal, Ministry of edu- cation, Curriculum development centre. Beginning with the very basic concept of computer, the series gradually in- troduces more advanced aspects of computing concept, skill and software to students as they go to higher classes. It attempts to include latest software required for the daily working. I hope, this series shall be helpful in the overall development of the learners. Salient features • Step by step simple technique and tools. • Simple vocabulary and language. • Practical approach based • Worksheet based. • Logical analysis and case study base for enhancing creativeness. • Activity based. • Project work based. Although I’ve tried my best no to do any mistake as far as possible, some errors may have crept in without noticing. If so that I’d like to request the re- spected teachers to correct the mistakes for the students. Comments and constructive suggestions from students, teachers and well wishers are always welcome. Constructive advice will be incorporated in the next edition. I duly thank duo of Mr. Sharan Ratna Sthapit and Mr. Dilip Suwal and Mr. Sumindra Basnet for their contribution on editing through out this book. My hearty thanks go to Mr. Bidhan Khadka for his effort of bringing my work ac- complished. Prabhu Ram Khadka The Author
TABLE OF CONTENTS Ch. Title Page no. 1. More on history of coMputer 1-13 2. types of coMputer 14-22 3. More on coMputer software 23-32 4. More on nuMber systeM 33-39 5. More on operating systeM 40-63 6. More features on Ms-word 64-125 7. advance features in Ms-excel 126-184 8. presentation software 185-206 9. More on photoshop 207-246 10. ict, ethics & cyber law 247-261 11. internet & web technology 262-295 12. data coMMunication & network 296-315 13. basic concept of prograMMing 316-326 14. prograMMing in Qbasic 327-338 15. operator, operand & expression 339-351 16. Q-basic stateMents 352-362 17. control flow stateMents 363-378 18. looping stateMents 379-400 19. library functions 401-416
1More on History of Computer CHAPTER Muna : How have we been getting This chapter includes: the man-made magical machine computer ? Any • Introduction of Com- idea ? puter Juna : No idea, Mam ! • Early Counting device • Generation of Com- puter Muna : Well! It took long time to get success for this tech- nology, beyond this suc- cess there is hard struggle and dedication of many people. Till now, it is practiced in five phases for this invention which is said to be genera- tion of computer. Lets discuss more............ INTRODUCTION We are living in the computer age today and most of our daily activities cannot be accomplished without using computers. Sometimes knowingly and sometimes un- knowingly we use computers. Computer has become an essential and multipur- pose tool. Most of the people use comput- er for calculation or computation, but actually it is much more than that. Such device can be defined that \"Computer is an electronic device for performing arithmetic and logic operation and produces meaningful information.” Smart Computer Science Book-8 1
EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER It is seen, the counting job started with the beginning of human civilization. In the ancient period, people used different tools such as fingers, finger knots, stone pieces, sticks, etc to count and keep records of their property. When they started using such tools, they never knew that the day would lead to cre- ation of a digital counting device such as computer. Computer of today was the predecessor of the first calculating device invent- ed, known as ABACUS. Actually electronic data processing does not go back more than just half a century. Abacus Abacus is known to be the first mechanical calculat- ing device, which was used to perform addition and subtraction easily. This device was first developed by the Egyptians in the 10th century B.C., but it was given it's final shape in the 12th century A.D. by the Chinese. Abacus is made up of wooden frame in which rods were fitted across with round beads sliding on the rod. Commonly, it is divided into two parts called ‘Heaven’ and ‘Earth’. Heaven is the up- per part having two beads and Earth is the lower one having five beads. NAPIER’S BONES \"Necessity is the mother of invention\", scientist started inventing better calculating device. In the process, John Napier of Scotland invented a calcu- lating device, in the year 1617 called the Napier's Bones. In this device, Napier used the bone rods for the counting purpose where some numbers were printed on those rods. Using those rods, one could do addition, subtraction, multiplication and di- vision easily. 2 More on History of Computer
Pascal's calculator In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal a French scientist invented an adding machine called Pascal’s calculator, which represented the position of digit with the help of gears in it. It could only add and subtract. Leibniz Calculator In the year 1671, a German mathematician, Gottfried Leibniz modified the Pascal calculator and developed a machine which could perform various calculation based on multiplication and division as well. Analytical Engine In the year 1833, a scientist form England known to be Charles Babbage invented such a machine, Which could keep out data safely. This device was called Analytical engine and it could get the credit of the first mechanical computer. It included such feature which is used in today’s computer. For this great invention of the computer, Sir Charles Babbage is also known as the father of the computer. Lady Agusta Ada Lady Agusta Ada was one of the most charming characters in the computer history. She was the daughter of the English poet Lord Byron. She advised to Charles Babbage to use binary number system for programs to feed data in his machine Analytical Engine. And She developed a suitable binary number system for writing programs. It was Smart Computer Science Book-8 3
the first programming concept for computer. So, she was awarded as the first computer programmer of computer. The US Defence department named a programming language ADA to honour her. Tabulating Machine In 1881, Herman Hollerith began designing a machine to tabulate census data more efficiently than by traditional hand methods. The U.S. Census Bureau had taken eight years to complete the 1880 census, and it was feared that the 1890 census would take even longer. Herman Hollerith invented and used a punched card device to help for analyzing the 1890 US census data. Herman Hollerith's great invention was his use of electricity to read, count, and sort data using punched cards. His machines were used for the 1890 census and accomplished in one year what would have taken nearly ten years of hand tabulating. In 1896, Herman Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to sell his invention, the Company became part of IBM (International Business Machine) in 1924. ENIAC ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrat- ed And Calculator) was the world's first successful electronic comput- er which was develops by the two scientists J. P. Eckert and J. W. Mauchly. It was the beginning of the first generation computer. ENIAC was a very huge and big computer and its weight was 30 tones. 18,000 vacuum tubes were used for processing. How- ever It could store only limited or small amount of information. 4 More on History of Computer
GENERATION OF COMPUTER Generation in computer terminology is a changing phase in technology being used in computer. Initially, the generation term was used to analyze between changing hardware technologies. But nowadays, it includes both hardware and software. There are totally five computer generations known till date. First Generation (1946-1959) The computers of first generation used vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory and processing. Those tubes, like electric bulbs, produced a lot of heat and were ready for new instal- lations for short time period. Therefore, those computers were very expensive and could be afforded only by very large organizations. In that generation mainly batch processing operating system were used. Punched cards, paper tape, and magnetic tape were used as input and output devices. The comput- ers in that generation used machine code as programming language. Size was huge and needed air-condition to maintain the heat. ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701, IBM-650 were some first generation computers. Second Generation Computer (1959-1965) In the second generation transistors were used that were cheaper, con- sumed less power, more compact in size, more reliable and faster than the first generation machines made of vacuum tubes. In that genera- tion, magnetic cores were used as primary memory and magnetic tape and magnetic disks as secondary storage devices. In that generation Smart Computer Science Book-8 5
assembly language and high-level programming languages like FORTRAN, COBOL were used. The computers used batch processing and multiprogram- ming operating system. IBM 1620, IBM 7094,CDC 1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108 were example of second generation computers. Third Generation Computer (1965-1971) The computers of third generation used integrated circuits (IC's) in place of transistors. The single IC had many transistors, resistors and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The IC was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable and efficient. In this generation remote processing, time- sharing, multi-programming operating system were used. High-level languages (FORTRAN-II TO IV, COBOL, PAS- CAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc.) were used during this generation. Some computers of this generation were: IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP(Personal Data Processor), IBM-370/168,TDC-316. Fourth Generation 1971-1980 The computers of the fourth generation used Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. VLSI circuits having about 5000 transistors and other circuit elements on a single chip. The VLSI made it possible to have microcomputers of fourth gener- ation. Fourth generation computers be- came more powerful, compact, reliable, and affordable. As a result, started revo- lution in the use of personal computer. In this generation time sharing, real time, networks, operating system were used. 6 More on History of Computer
All the high-level languages like C, C++, DBASE etc., were used in this gen- eration. Some computers of this generation were: DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11, CRAY-1(Super Computer), CRAY-X-MP(Super Computer) Fifth Generation 1980-till date In the fifth generation, the VLSI tech- nology became ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology. This ULSI made possible in the produc- tion of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic components. This generation is based on parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software. All the high-level languages like C and C++, Java, .Net etc., are used in this generation. AI in- cludes: • Robotics Neural Networks • Game Playing • Development of expert systems to make decisions in real life situations. • Natural language understanding. Some computer types of this generation are: Desktop,Laptop, NoteBook, Ul- traBook, ChromeBook, etc. Sixth-generation computers The time duration is very hard to define for this generation. The sixth generation could be defined as the era of intelligent computers, based on artificial neural net- works or “artificial brains”. They would be computers that use superconductors as raw material for its processors, which would allow not to waste electricity into heat due to no resistance, get perfor- mance and saving energy. The performance gain would be about 30 times Smart Computer Science Book-8 7
that of a same frequency processor us- ing base metals. All this is in full swing, at the moment the only developments have been the use of parallel processors, that is, the divi- sion of tasks across multiple processing units operating simultaneously. Another novelty is the incorporation of special- ized processor chips in the work of video and sound. Points to Know • Computer is an electronic device for performing arithmetic and logical operation and produce the reliable information. • In the ancient period, people used different tools such as fingers, fingers knot, stone pieces, sticks, etc. for counting and keeping records of their property. • Abacus is known to be the first mechanical calculating device that was used for ad- dition and subtraction. • Using Napier Bones one could do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division easily. • Pascal's calculator could only add and subtract. It was the mechanical calculator. • Charles Babbage is also known as the father of the computer because he developed first time such computer having the features which is used in today’s computer. • Leibniz Calculator could perform various calculation based on multiplication and division as well. • Lady Agusta Ada developed a suitable binary number system for writing a programs and suggest to Charles Babbage to use in the Analytical Engine. It was the first pro- gramming concept. So, she is honoured by first programmer of computer. • Herman Hollerith began designing a machine to tabulate census data more effi- ciently than by traditional hand methods. • Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology being used in com- puter which analyzes between changing both hardware and software technologies in different time periods. 8 More on History of Computer
Terms to Know Data : Collection of basic facts and figure without any sequence Processing : The calculation, comparisons or the decision taken by the computer. Information : The final output of any processed work Batch processing : A number of input jobs are grouped for processing dur- ing the same machine run. Logical : Action based on reason. Circuitry : Arrangement of group of electric circuit. Remote Processing : Processing task taken place from different place. Transistors : A device with three connections that regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals. Parallel Processing : A mode of operation in which a process is split into parts, which are executed simultaneously on different proces- sors attached to the same computer. Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Computer performs ........................... and ............................ logical op- erations. b. Commonly, abacus is divided in ................................................... sec- tion. c. Napier's bone developed in ........................................ AD. and d. Pascal machine could perform ................................ ............................... Smart Computer Science Book-8 9
e. ............................................... is known as the father of computer. f. Lady Agusta Ada wrote a program using ............................. number system. g. .............................. vacuum tubes were used for processing in ENIAC. h. Transistors were used in .....................................generation. i. Fifth generation is based on............................... ............................... hardware and ............................ software. 2. State whether following statements are true or false: a. Computer is a flexible machine. b. Heaven is the upper part having two beads of abacus. c. Leibnz calculator could perform calculation based on addition. d. Lady Ada wrote a program using high level programming language first time. e. Analytical Engine could get credit of the first mechanical computer. f. Tabulating machine were used for the 1890 census of US and ac- complished in one year. g. Batch processing operating system were used in first generation computer. h. Machine code programming language was used in third generation. i. Transistors were replaced by vacuum tubes in second generation. j. IC was invented by Jack Kilby. k. Micro computer is a gift of 4th generation . l. Fifth generation computer is based on AI and parallel processing hardware. 10 More on History of Computer
3. Write the full forms of : a. IC ................................................ d. VLSI.................................................. b. ULSI............................................. e. IBM.................................................... c. ENIAC ......................................... f. AI....................................................... 4. Match the following a. Tabulating Machine Fourth generation b. First programmer High level Programming Language c. ENIAC Fifth generation d. ULSI Lady Agusta Ada e. IC First generation f. .Net Herman Hollerith Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is computer ? b. Who is the father of computer ? Why is he/she called the father of com- puter ? c. Who is first computer programmer ? Why is he/she called the first pro- grammer ? d. Why was the tabulating machine developed for? e. Why was the first generation computer huge in size? f. What does AI include? g. How did VLIS make possible to present the micro computer? h. What do you mean by the generation of computer? i. Write the characteristics of the second generation of computer. Analytical Questions: 1. Mr. Dhurba Narayn of AGFA International School discussed about the com- puter and he gave the key point as Computer becoming an essential and multipurpose tool. Most of people use computer for calculation or simple computation, but actually it is much more than that. Smart Computer Science Book-8 11
a. Now, say how is computer used rather than calculation or simple computation ? b. Justify, how is the computer most essential tool for us? c. How is computer multi purpose tool ? 2. Menak is telling counting and calculation task is started with the beginning in the ancient period of human civilization. a. Now, how could they count their goods (Like animal, number of people in family, utensil in home, etc) in the ancient period? b. How could they calculate ? Give the concept of calculation. c. How the calculation and counting concept develop in the ancient period ? 3. Muna Tamang told us about the computers that they were very large like entire building where vacuum tubes were used. a. About which generation she is talking ? b. Write the features of this generation. c. What was the time period of this generation ? Write major characteristics of these com- puters. 4. Mr.Ram Avatar was teaching in the class about Lady Agusta Ada and Her- man Hollerith. Lady Ada was the first computer programmer, and Herman Hollerith was the census specialist, he found a company to sell his inven- tion that became a part of today's IBM company. a. Why is Lady Ada called first programmer? b. Who is Herman Hollerith? c. Where was Herman Hollerith machine used ? d. How was his machine efficient ? e. How did Herman Hollerith become a partner of the Modern IBM company ? 5. Rabindra Koju is talking about ULSI and AI in the technology of computing. a. About of which generation is he talking? b. How does the computer work in this generation ? c. Do they work as human being ? 12 More on History of Computer
Activities-1 1. Your school is going to organize class room decoration program. In order to decorate class room, you are asked that the chart paper must be informative and refresher or re- minder when it is displayed. Only the selected chart paper will be dis- played in the class room. Now, you also prepare the chart pa- per with the topic 'Generation of Computer' which shares the infor- mation of computational technology development. The required textual infor- mation you can take from this book, and pictures and additional information you can take from computing magazine and internet. Get help from seniors and subject teacher to make a genuine and attractive chart paper. Hope your chart paper will be selected to display. Activities-2 2. Your computer science teacher is going to organise a class presen- tation on the topic 'Development of Computing Time Line' . In order to prepare the presentation make an attractive poster that includes all the information regarding the topic. The major information must be included are: a. Introduction. b. Major devices name c. Inventor d. Invention date e. Function, purpose, application f. Picture of device. Smart Computer Science Book-8 13
Types of Computer CHAPTER 2 Muna : Let's discuss about the This chapter includes: classification of comput- ers . • Introduction: Juna : Oh ! Are Computers clas- • Analog, Digital and sified into different types Hybrid Computer ? What are the base to classify computers, • Classification of Digi- Mam? tal Computer (Super, Mainframe, Mini and Micro ) Muna : Well ! Good question. In the working principle, size and technology are the major bases to classify the computer. The broad classification of computers are three types in the basis of working principle which are Analog, Digital and Hybrid. Lets discuss more............ INTRODUCTION Since the development of first computer, different types and sizes of computers are offering for different services. Computers can be as big as occupying a large building and as small as a laptop or a mobile phone capable to carry in a hand. Broadly, computers are classified into three types: 1. Analog Computer 2. Digital Computer 3. Hybrid Computer 14 Types of Computer
ANALOG DEVICE Analog devices are used to process analog data. Analog data is of continu- ous nature and which is not discrete or separate. Such type of data includes temperature, pressure, speed weight, voltage, etc. Analog device measures continuous changes in some physical quantity e.g. The Speedometer of a car measures speed, the change of temperature is measured by a Thermometer, the weight is measured by Weights machine,etc. DIGITAL COMPUTER Digital Computer works with digits to repre- sent numerals, letters or other special sym- bols. Digital Computers operate on ON-OFF signal and process discrete data. Normally, an ON is represented by a 1 and an OFF is represented by a 0. So we can say that digi- tal computers process information based on binary number system. Now a days digital computers are more popular and most of the computers available today are digital computers. A digital computer can be used to process numeric as well as non-numeric data. It can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and also logical operations. The Digital computers are also classified into four different types in the basis of size and working capacity. a. Super Computer b. Mainframe Computer c. Mini Computer d. Micro Computer Super Computer : The most powerful computers in terms of performance and data processing are the supercomputers. These are specialized and task specific computers used by large organizations. These computers are used for exploration purposes, Smart Computer Science Book-8 15
like NASA uses supercomputers for launching space shuttles, controlling them and for space exploration purpose. The supercomputers are very expensive and very large in size. It can be accommodated in large air-conditioned rooms; some super computers can occupy an entire building. In 1964, Seymour cray designed the first super computer CDC(Control Data Cyber) 6600. Mainframe Computer Although Mainframes are not as powerful as supercomputers, but certainly they are quite expensive. Large firms & government organi- zations use Mainframes to run their business operations. The Mainframe computers can be accommodated in large air-conditioned rooms because of its size. Mainframes can also pro- cess & store large amount of data. Banks, edu- cational institutions & insurance companies use mainframe computers to store data about their customers, students & insurance policy holders. Mini Computers Minicomputers are used by small businesses & firms. Minicomputers are also called as “Mid- range Computers”. It doesn't have processing and data storage capabilities as super-comput- ers & Mainframes. These computers are not de- signed for a single user. Individual departments of a large company or organizations use Mini- computers for specific purposes. For example, a production department can use Mini-computers for monitoring certain production process. 16 Types of Computer
Micro Computer Desktop computers, laptop, personal digital assis- tant (PDA), tablets & smart phones are all types of microcomputers. The micro-computers are wide- ly used as the fastest growing computers. These computers are the cheapest among the other three types of computers. The Micro-computers are spe- cially designed for general usage like entertainment, education and official gener- al work, home uses purposes. Well known manufacturers of Micro-computer are Dell, Apple, Samsung, Sony & Toshiba, IBM (International Business Machine), etc. HYBRID COMPUTERS A hybrid computer is a combination of digi- tal and analog computers. It combines the best features of both types of analog and digital computers. It has the speed of analog computer and the memory and accuracy of digital computer. Hybrid computers are used mainly in specialized places where both kinds of data need to be processed. For ex- ample a petrol pump contains a processor that converts fuel flow measurements into quantity and price values. In hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU), an analog device is used which measures patient's blood pressure and temperature etc, which are then converted and displayed in the form of digits. Points to Know • The computer which is used to process analog data that includes temperature, pressure, speed weight, voltage, etc is called analog computer. • Analog data is of continuous nature and which is not discrete or separated. • The Computers which are operated on the basis of on-off signal that is binary number system is called digital computer. • It can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and Smart Computer Science Book-8 17
division and also logical operations. • Super computers are used to scientific and research such as space exploration, earthquake study weather forecasting, nuclear weapon testing, etc. • The Micro-computers are specially designed for general usage like entertain- ment, education and work purposes. • The computers having the features of both digital and analog computers are called hybrid computers. Terms to Know Analog : Data by measurement of a continuous physical variable, as voltage or pressure. Digital : Using numerical digits based on 0 and 1. Combination of analog and digital Hybrid : Discontinues or separation of data for processing. The investigation of unknown regions Discrete data : Involvement of atomic weapons Exploration : Nuclear : Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Broadly computers are classified into .................................types. b. Analog data is of ............................ continuous nature. c. Voltage of current is an example of d. Digital computers operate on .................... ................ signal. e. ..................................are the most powerful in terms of overall perfor- mances. f. ............................... are used by small business and firms. 18 Types of Computer
g. The micro computers are designed for general purpose. h. A hybrid computer is a combination of .................................... and ............................. 2. State whether the following statements are true of false. a. Hybrid computer has the speed of digital computer and memory and accuracy of analog computer. b. Tablets and Smart phones are example of micro computers. c. Mini computers are designed for only single users. d. Mainframe computers are not as powerful as Super computers. e. Supercomputers are used for exploration purpose. f. Digital Computers process continuouss data. g. Analog Computer process discrete data. 3. Write the full forms of : a. PDA ............................................ b. ICU.................................................... c. CDC ............................................ d. IBM.................................................... 4. Match the following : a. Laptop Computer Analog Device b. Speedometer Hybrid Computer c. CDC 6600 Digital Computer d. Combination of Analog and Digital Super Computer Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What do you mean by analog data? What does it include? b. What do you mean by digital computer? Why are Digital Computers used for? Smart Computer Science Book-8 19
c. What do you mean by Super Computer? Why are Super computer used for? d. Where are mainframe computer used for? e. Where does Hybrid Computer used? f. What is micro computer designed for? Analytical Case Study Questions: 1. Ratna Munikar had demonstrated the giv- en picture in his presentation on the title 'Types of computer' at the ICT exhibition organized by his school 'Motherland Inter- national School, Gairgaun, Kathmandu.' a. What is the name of this device ? Where do you find this device ? b. What type of computing features are in this device ? c. What is the use of this device? 2. Dorje Lama saw the given machine first time at the city. Let's see this machine care fully and study. a. What is the name of this machine ? b. Where do you find this machine ? c. Which computational feature is used in this ma- chine ? 3. Manita Tamang saw the given machine. a. Name the device given in the picture . b. What types of machine are these ? c. Are they computers ? If no, What are they ? 20 Types of Computer
d. How does this machine perform the task ? 21 e. Where do you find these machine being used ? 4. Phulmaya Pariyar had visited the electronics market, She observed a lot of electronics gadgets. She had taken photo clips that she liked. One of the best photo clips is given here. a. Name the gadgets given in the picture. b. What are the use of these gadgets ? c. Are these Computers ? if yes, what types of computer are they ? d. Which working principle is used in these gadgets ? e. Are these popular gadgets ? If yes, Why ? Activities 1. Watch the respective video carefully provid- ed you in the computer lab and explore the idea about types of computer. You can explore the video from www.memo- 2. Prepare a chart paper presentation on the topic about 'Types of Computer' and organise the presentation in your class room. At least three students pres- ent presentation taking 10 minutes time each. The chart paper must clearly present the types of computer in tree structures. As far as possible paste the respective pic- ture of computer. Smart Computer Science Book-8
Project Work 1. Prepare a small project work on the topic 'Types of Computer' which illustrates the classification of computer and their applica- tion and functionality. To prepare this project report, you are sug- gested to visit the nearest hospital, and one more govt. offices (If it is possible visit the office of the department of Science and Technology' , then study carefully and note down and collect the information : a. What types of computers are being used ? b. What are the purposes of using them? c. Take the interview with respective person. d. Take the photograph and record the video of activities. 22 Types of Computer
3More on Computer Software CHAPTER Muna : You may have gained This chapter includes: knowledge about soft- ware . • Definition & Features of Software. Juna : Yes, Mam ! But we want to know more on types • Types of Software of software and their functions. • System Software • Application Software Muna : Well ! OS is a central control mechanism soft- ware. It controls all the hardware as well as other soft- ware. Application software performs specific type of task. Language processor is a translator mechanism. Utility software are general maintenance mechanism. INTRODUCTION You have been known that the computer is a machine; it does not work itself. It needs step by step instruction clearly to work. Computer software is a col- lection of small computer program where step by step instructions are clearly defined; so that computer can perform the work as we mentioned in the com- puter program. Without a computer software; computer does not work even we can not start up. So, Software is also called soul of the computer; it brings life to the computer. So, software can be defined \" It is a set of programs which controls the over all operations of the computer system.\" Smart Computer Science Book-8 23
• Software can not be touched and feel. • Software makes a powerful multifunctional machine to computer. • According to the nature of job, different types of software are available. • Software allows us to interact with each hardware component and gives us con- trol over them. • Software can be designed in choice of user. • Until and unless becomes changes in hardware technology, software won't be out dated. TYPES OF SOFTWARE Generally, Software can be divided into two types: 1) System Software 2) Application Software System Software System software constitutes of programs which operate the computer hard- ware and allows us to run the Application software. Generally, system soft- ware includes operating system, language translators, utility software, etc. The major functions of system software are : • Manage hardware devices and their function such as input, process, output etc. • Manages files and folders in the disk. • Creates operating platform to run other application program. • Performs language translator. • Performs house keeping task logically such as maintenance and supporting task. Operating System An operating system (OS) is the software responsible for the management and co- ordination of activities and the sharing of the resources of the computer. When the computer is switched on, Operating sys- tem software is loaded first time in the computer. The OS acts as a host for oth- ers software that are run on the machine. It is the master control system. It controls 24 More on Computer Software
flow of signals from the central processing unit to the various parts of the computer. Better to understand, It can be compared with a traffic policeman. A traffic police man gives the signal to control the vehicles when to move, on a particular direction and what speed . In the same way, an operating system create routine and signals the hardware devices and other software program to perform the task. Some of the popular operating system software are: Win- dows, MAC OS, Linux, Android, etc. Language Translators Computer doesn't understand any other language in spite of Machine level language. So, the software which is used to translate machine level language to other human being language vice versa is called language translator or lan- guage processor. There are three types of language translators: Compilers : A compiler is a computer program that transforms whole code written in a high- level programming language into the machine code and execute at a time. If errors occurs, all the errors list out at a time. It is a program which translates the human-readable code to a language a computer processor understands (binary 1 and 0 bits). and vice versa. Interpreter: An interpreter is a system pro- gram, which coverts each high-level program statement into the machine code. Both com- piler and interpreters do the same job which is converting high level programming language to machine code. However, a compiler will convert the code into machine code (create an exe) before the program runs. Interpreters convert code into machine code when the program is running. Assembler : An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine code. It takes the basic commands and operations from as- sembly code and converts them into binary code that can be recognized by a Smart Computer Science Book-8 25
specific type of processor. Assemblers are similar to compil- ers so that they produce execut- able code. However, assemblers are more simplistic since they only convert low-level code (as- sembly language) to machine code. Utility Software Utility software is a kind of system soft- ware. They are small computer programs, which are used to perform the mainte- nance task. It helps to keep the computer hardware and software up to date. Some of the commonly used utility software are : Antivirus Software: Due to anti virus soft- ware, computer is protected from computer virus. McAfee, Quick Heal, Norton Antivirus are example of such type of utility programs. Backup Programs: These programs come with the operating system; which helps to keep a backup copy in the disk; when we need we can restore them. Compression Software: These types of software are used to shrink the file size so that less disk space is occupied . Winzip, PkZip are such type of pro- grams. Disk Cleaner Software : Disk cleaner software is available by default with the operating system. We can also buy separate from the market or down load through the internet. These software are used to find and delete unnecessary files, such as duplicate copy of files, temporary files, etc. APPLICATION SOFTWARE Application software are such software which are designed to carry out spe- cific task for common users or specific users. You have already used some 26 More on Computer Software
application software in previous classes such as Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power point, Paint program, Photo Shop, InDesign, etc. You have seen in other places that use of application software such as in your school to prepare result; collecting fee using computer, In bank to handle cash deposit and with- draw, etc. Application software can broadly be divided into two types: a. General Application Software b. Customized Application Software. General Application Software : is a such software which is designed to meet the needs of common users. Such software can be used all most in all the places where com- puters are used; and they are equally impor- tant for them. For example, Microsoft office word is used in schools, hospitals, banks, airlines, telephone office, etc. Some of the general application software are: • Micro Soft Office Word for word processing task. • Micro Soft Office Excel for accounting task. • Adobe Photoshop for image editing task. • Micro Soft Office Power point for multimedia presentation task. • Adobe InDesign for desktop publishing task. Customize Application Software : Customize application software is a such a software which is designed to meet the requirement of specific user group. Such software are used in specific places. For example, students result pro- cessing software is used in academic institutions; schools and colleges. It is used less in Banks. But Banking software is used in Banking organizations, it is used less for academic institutions. Customize application software are developed to specific user group: • To keep track of items and account of supermarkets. • To keep track of patient in hospitals. • To perform result processing for academic institutions. • To perform the ticket reservation of airlines, railway sta- tions, bus stations, etc. • To perform the billing system of electricity office, tele- phone office, etc. Smart Computer Science Book-8 27
Points to Know • Computer software is a collection of small computer programs where step by step instructions are clearly defined. • Without a computer software; computer does not work even we can not start up. So, Software is also called soul of the computer. • System software comprises of programs which operates the computer hard- ware and allows you to run the Application software. • Utility software are small computer programs, which are used to perform the maintenance task. • Application software are such software which are designed to carry out specific task for common users or specific user group. • General application software is a such software which is designed to meet the needs of common users group. • Customize application software is such a software which is designed to meet the requirement of specific user group. • Compiler is a computer program that transforms whole code written in a high- level programming language into the machine code at once. • An interpreter is a computer program, which coverts each high-level program statement into the machine code. Terms to Know Software : Set of programs accepted by computer to perform task. Hardware : Physical components of Computer. Program : Set of instructions to tell the computer to do work. Instruction : Command given to the computer to perform a task. Customize software : Software which is designed according to interest of specific user. Application Software : Software which is designed for common use. 28 More on Computer Software
Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Computer software is a .............. of .................... which control the over- all operations of the computer. b. ............................ ensures us to interact with hardware component. c. ....................... software is used to perform the maintenance task. d. Compression software is used to ............................ the file size. e. ........................................ application software is designed to meet the requirement of specific user group. f. The software which meets the requirement of common user group is called ...................... ............................. software. g. .......................... is a program that converts assembly language in to machine code. h. Interpreter converts ................................... high level program state- ments into the machine code. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false. a. Computer needs step by step instructions clearly to work. b. Software can be designed as choice of users. c. Software can be touched and felt. d. Software makes multifunctional machine to computer. e. Utility software is an application software. f. Operating system is a kind of system software. Smart Computer Science Book-8 29
g. Microsoft office word is a kind of customize application software. h. Banking software is a general application software. Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. Why is software called the soul of computer? b. Write any four features of software. c. What do you mean by system software? d. What do you mean by utility software? Give some examples. e. What do you mean by application software? f. Differentiate between general application software and customize ap- plication software. g. What is operating system ? h. Why is customized software designed for ? i. What do you mean by general application software ? j. What do you mean by language translator ? k. Differentiate between Compiler and interpreter . Analytical Questions: 1. Hikmat Jung Khadka has purchased a computer having been installed the software Windos 7, MS-Office Package, Graphics Design package of Ado- be collection, Kaspersky software, and sales billing software for the gar- ment store. a. Identify the types of software (System software, application software, utility software and customized application software) b. When the computer is switched on, Which kind of software is loaded first time ? 2. Harshit Bagla wrote a program and ran in his computer, When he has ran 30 More on Computer Software
the program, the computer displayed error message in line number 5, he made correction and run, again he got the error message in line number 5. After making this correction, he got the output result. a. Which type of software is used by Harshit to write program ? b. Which language translator is installed in his computer ? 3. Anamika Tripathi has been assigned a work to write a program. After com- pleting her work, she ran the program, she got the list of error messages on the screen. a. Which type of programing language is used by Anamika Tripath to write this program ? b. Which type of language processor is associated with her programming language software? 4. Now a days, Mohamod Ansari's computer is getting slow when he prac- tices his lesson. He needs to perform the maintenance to his computer. a. What may have caused his computer slower? b. Which types of software are used for this task. c. Do you have these software in your computer? Check and list out. 5. Poonam Mishra is an English teacher, she has to type question papers for the examination. a. Which type software Poonam would be used to type her questions ? b. Is this software useful enough for all people not for only teacher to type question paper? 6. Maynka Darji went to the electricity authority office to pay bill. He saw, after paying, the computer operator produced the computerised bill. a. Which type of software is used to produce the bill ? b. Is this software useful for other organizations like school, hospital, tele- phone office ? Smart Computer Science Book-8 31
Activities 1. Visit your computer lab and list out types of software, their use and function, which are used there with their developer company for your project work. 2. Organize inter class debate compe- tition in the school with the help of your IT club of your School, in the topic of \"Computer System Software is more important than Application Software in the computing.\" Manage all the essential requirement such as place, audience, chief guest, panel of Judges, provision of prize. etc 3. Explore more idea, watch the video gives you, or you may download from www. Project Work 1. Prepare the complete Presentation Project Report on the topic of 'Type of Software '. It is expected your report comes with new idea and uniqueness which could prove you have verygood knowledge about this topic. Make provision to keep in Library best report for the references to up coming students. The project work should include presentation package using power point. It expects to use your in depth knowledge of Power point. 32 More on Computer Software
4More on Number System CHAPTER Muna : Do you know computer is a digital machine that This chapter includes: works in the basis of bi- nary numbers 0 and 1 ? • Basic Introduction . Juna : Yes Ma'am ! But we don't • Conversion Decimal to have any idea how does Binary, Octal & Hexa it works with binary num- Decimal vice vers. bers. • Calculation of binary numbers addition, subtraction, multipli- cation and division. Muna : Good ! How it works about this you will study in higher classes. Here I share basic con- cept of binary number system. Simple calculation as well as simple conversion. BASIC CONCEPT OF BINARY NUMBER SYSTEM The binary number system is a num- bering system that represents numeric values using two unique digits (0 and 1). Most of computing devices use bi- nary numbering to represent electronic circuit voltage state, (i.e., on/off switch), which considers 0 voltage input as off and 1 input as on. This is also known as the base-2 num- ber system, or the binary numbering system. Smart Computer Science Book-8 33
Equivalency Conversion Table Decimal Num- Binary Number Octal Number Hexadecimal ber System system System Number System 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 10 2 2 3 11 3 3 4 100 4 4 5 101 5 5 6 110 6 6 7 111 7 7 8 1000 10 8 9 1001 11 9 10 1010 12 A 11 1011 13 B 12 1100 14 C 13 1101 15 D 14 1110 16 E 15 1111 17 F Conversion of Decimal to Binary Follow the points to convert decimal to binary number: • Divide the given decimal number by the base of binary number 2. • Note down the remainder in the right hand side as shown in the example. • Keep continue this process until the quotient obtained zero (0) is obtained. • Collect all the remainders from bottom to top. The obtained value is the final result. Example - 1 2 19 Example - 2 2 14 (19)10 = (?)2 29 (14)10 = (?)2 27 1 Remainder 0 24 1 Remainder231 22 21 21 0 1 0 0 1 01 = 1110 = 10011 So, (14)10 = (1110)2 So, (19)10 = (10011)2 34 More on Number System
Conversion of Binary to Decimal Follow the following points to convert Binary to Decimal number. • Multiply each digit of the given binary number by 2 with raised to the power of positional notation value. • The Positional notation value must be started from right to left. • Add all the product of multiplication. Example - 1 Example - 2 (1011)2 = (?)10 (1001)2 = (?)10 = 1 × 23 + 0 × 22+ 1 × 21+1 × 20 = 1 × 23 + 0 × 22+ 0 × 21+1 × 20 =8+0+2+1 =8+0+0+1 = 11 =9 So, (1011)2 = (11)10 So, (9)2 = (8)10 Conversion of Decimal to Octal Follow these points to convert decimal to octal number: • Divide the given decimal number by base of octal number 8. • Note down the remainder in the right hand side as shown in example. • Keep continue this process until the quotient zero (0) is obtained. • Collect all the remainders from bottom to top. The obtained value is the final result. Example - 1 8 76 Example - 2 8 98 (76)10 = (?)8 89 (98)10 = (?)8 8 12 4 Remainder 2 81 1 Remainder814 0 0 1 1 = 114 = 142 So, (76)10 = (114)8 So, (98)10 = (142)8 Conversion of Octal to Decimal Follow these points to convert Octal to Decimal number: • Multiply each digit of the given octal number by 8 with raised to the power of positional notation value. • The Positional notation value must be started from right to left. • Add all the product of multiplication. Smart Computer Science Book-8 35
Example - 1 Example - 2 (114)8 = (?)8 (142)8 = (?)10 = 1 × 82 + 1× 81+ 4 × 80 = 1 × 82 + 4× 81+ 2 × 80 = 64 + 8 + 4 = 64 + 32 + 2 = 76 = 98 So, (114)8 = (76)10 So, (142)8 = (98)10 Conversion of Decimal to Hexa-Decimal Follow these points to convert decimal to Hexa-decimal number: • Divide the given decimal number by base of Hexa-decimal number 16. • Note down the remainder in the right hand side as shown in example. • Keep continue this process until the quotient zero (0) is obtained. • Collect all the remainders from bottom to top. The obtain value is the final result. Remainder Remainder Example - 1 16 146 2 Example - 2 16 46 14 (146)10 = (?)16 16 9 9 (46)10 = (?)16 16 2 2 0 0 = 92 = 14 represents E So, (146)10 = (92)16 = 2E So, (46)10 = (2E)16 Conversion of Hexa-Decimal to Decimal Follow the following points to convert Hexa-Decimal to Decimal number: • Multiply each digit of the given Hexa-Decimal number by 16 with raised to the power of positional notation value. • The Positional notation value must be started from right to left. • Add all the product of multiplication. Example - 1 Example - 2 (92)16 = (?)10 (9E)16 = (?)10 = 9 × 161 + 2× 160 E represents 14 = 9× 161 + 14× 160 = 144 + 2 = 146 = 144 + 14 So, (92)16 = (146)10 = 158 So, (9E)16 = (158)10 36 More on Number System
Binary Addition Follow these rules to the Binary Addition: A B A+B 011 101 000 1 1 0 with carry over 1 Example - 1 Example - 2 10111 11111 +11011 +11101 110010 111100 Binary Subtraction Follow these rules to the Binary Subtraction: A B A-B 1 10 1 01 0 00 0 1 1 (By browning 1 from the left had side) Example - 1 Example - 2 11010 110100 -10011 -11111 00111 010101 Binary Multiplication Follow these rules for the Binary multiplication: A B A×B 010 100 000 111 Smart Computer Science Book-8 37
Example - 1 Example - 2 Example - 3 10110 10011 10011 × 11 × 10 × 10 10110 00000 00000 +10110 +10011 +10011 1000010 100110 100110 Binary Division Follow these rules for the Binary multiplication: A B A/B 010 111 0 0 Not defined 1 0 Not defined Example - 1 Quotient = 11 Example - 2 110 ÷ 10 Remainder=0 10010 ÷ 10 10)110(11 10)10010(1001 Quotient = 1001 - 10 - 10 Remainder=0 ×10 ××010 10 10 × × 38 More on Number System
Worksheet 1. Convert the following decimal to binary number system a. (23)10 = (?)2 b. (24)10 = (?)2 c. (37)10 = (?)2 d. (18)10 = (?)2 2. Perform the following Binary addition: a. 1 0 1 0 0 b. 1 1 1 0 1 c. 1 0 1 0 1 d. 1 0 1 1 1 +1 0 0 1 1 +1 1 0 0 1 +1 1 0 1 1 +1 1 1 1 0 3. Convert the following Binary to Decimal number system d. (1010)2 = (?)10 a. (1001)2 = (?)10 b. (1110)2 = (?)10 c. (1011)2 = (?)10 4. Convert the following Decimal to Octal number system a. (72)10 = (?)8 b. (81)10 = (?)8 c. (247)8 = (?)10 d. (174)8 = (?)10 5. Convert the following octal to decimal number system: a. (546)8 = (?)10 b. (452)8 = (?)10 c. (126)8 = (?)10 d. (114)8 = (?)10 6. Convert the following Decimal to Hexa decimal number system : a. (549)10 = (?)16 b. (258)10 = (?)16 c. (526)10 = (?)16 d. (614)10 = (?)16 7. Convert the following Hexa-decimal number to Decimal number: a. (483)16= (?)110 b. (2B8)16 = (?)10 c. (A2C)16 = (?)10 d. (512)116 = (?)10 8. Perform the following Binary multiplication: a. 1 0 1 1 1 b. 1 0 0 1 1 c. 1 1 1 0 1 d. 1 0 0 0 1 ×1 0 ×1 1 ×1 0 ×1 1 9. Perform the following Binary subtraction: a. 1 0 1 0 0 b. 1 1 1 0 1 c. 10101 d. 1 1 0 1 0 -1011 -1 0 1 1 1 -1011 -1001 10. Perform the following division calculation: a. 1101 ÷ 101 b. 100110 ÷ 111 c. 1101101 ÷ 10 d. 110101 ÷ 11 Smart Computer Science Book-8 39
5More on Operating System CHAPTER Muna : Do you know there are two types of operating This chapter includes: system. CUI & GUI base • Types of operating System . on user interface? • Advance in Windows. Juna : Oh! We know about Win- • Introduction of MS- DOS. dows , Ma'am. • Internal Commands of MS-DOS Muna : Windows is a GUI Graphi- cal User Interface. An- other is MS-DOS, it is CUI Character User Interface. Juna : Which one is latest sir. Muna : Windows is the latest but MS-DOS is most essential. Juna : What is the function of operating system? Muna : It helps to startup the computer, create working environ- ment and manage overall operation of computer. INTRODUCTION OF OS (OPERATING SYSTEM) The operating system is the most important system software that runs on the computer. For every general-purpose computer must have an operating sys- tem to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. 40 More on Operating System
For large systems, the operating system has even greater responsibilities and powers. It is like a traffic policeman who makes sure that different programs and users running at the same time do not interfere with each other. The oper- ating system is also responsible for security, ensuring that unauthorized users do not access the system. The operating system is classified in the basis of two principles: 1. Based on Model of user • Single User Operating System • Multi User Operating System 2. Based on User Interface • Graphical User Interface Operating System • Character User Interface Operating System Single User Operating System The operating system which allows one user at a time to operate on the computer is called single user operating system. It is typically used in single laptop and desktop computer in homes and offices. It supports one user at a time. MS-DOS, Windows Xp, Mac Os (Ma- cintosh Operating System), Windows 7, Win- dows 8 are single user operating system. Multiuser Operating System The operating system which allows several users at a time to operate on the computer is called multiuser operating system. Several us- ers operate on the computer by sharing the same resources like printer, storage disk, pro- grams, etc. with the help of multiuser operat- ing system. Microsoft Windows NT, Windows Server 2012, UNIX, Novell Netware are popu- lar multiuser operating system software. Smart Computer Science Book-8 41
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Operating System Now a days, computers have become very user friendly by the invention of GUI (Graphical User Interface). A GUI based operating system provides icons and menus and allows the user to choose options using the mouse or keyboard. Since, it is menu based, there is no need to memorize the exact command. It is the primary mode of interaction in all version of windows operating system now days. Microsoft windows is a popular GUI based operating system soft- ware. But Windows offers the choice of using CUI (Character User Interface). Character User Interface(CUI) operating system Sometime CUI is also called CLI (Character Line Inter- face). All the earlier operating system used command line interface. In this principle, the user has to type spe- cific commands to carry out functions. The CLI based operating system does not use any icons and menus. The commands have to be exactly and correctly spell and need to memorise. Command line interface is the primary mod of interac- tion in MS-DOS and UNIX. Linux offers a choice of both CLI and GUI. FUNCTIONS OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM The basic functions of an operating system are: a. Booting the computer b. Performs basic computer tasks such as managing input output operation. c. Provides a user interface, e.g. command line, graphical user interface (GUI) d. Handles system resources such as computer's memory and sharing of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) time by various applications or hardware e. Provides file management which refers to the way that the operating system manipulates, stores, retrieves and saves data. f. Supports built in utility programs 42 More on Operating System
g. Create operating platform to run the other programs. h. User and security management. ADVANCE FEATURES OF WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM Microsoft Windows is one of the most popular operating systems, developed by ‘Microsoft Company’ in USA. It provides a multi-user and multi-tasking en- vironment to operate the computer. It makes the working on the computer very simple and powerful because it is a GUI based operating system. Win- dows operating system software are available in different versions such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2007. First version Windows was Windows 3.1 and current version of Microsoft Windows is ‘Windows 10’. How to get System Information The system information includes basic informa- tion about your com- puter, such as operat- ing system, processor, installed RAM, system type, computer name, work group, etc. Step-1 : Right mouse click on 'This Computer' icon from the desktop Step-2 : Click the 'Properties' option from the context menu. Step-3 : No, you get the basic system information about your computer. Smart Computer Science Book-8 43
Disk Cleanup Disk cleanup is a utility program of window. It is used to clean unnecessary temporary files, downloaded files, duplicate files may exist and disturbing the computer. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click the 'This Com- puter' icon on the desk- top Step-2 : Right mouse click on desired drive Step-3 : Click on properties op- tion. Step-4 : You get disk properties dialog box. Step-5 : Click the 'Disk cleans up' button. Step-6 : You get the cleaning calculating processing box. Step-7 : After completing this process you get next 'Disk Clean up' dialog box. Step-8 : Select the folder from you cleaned up or de- lete the files. Step-9 : Click on 'Ok' button. Step-10 : You get the conformation message box. If you have unwanted files then only click on 'Yes' button from the conformation message box. De-fragmentation As you use your computer throughout the day, the files you use can reduce or expand depending on the work that is being done. A deleted file leaves a 44 More on Operating System
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