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Flipp Book Class-7

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Lab Activities 1. Prepare the following document with the following attributes: a. Set the margins by 1 inch for all the four sides, left, right, top and bottom. b. Set the orientation Landscape and pa- per size A4. c. Set the page border style 'Shadow' and border margin 2pt top & bottom and 5pt left & right Measures from Text. d. Set the Paragraph Spacing 6 pt for both After/Before. e. Set the line spacing Multiple 1.3 pt. f. Set the other character formatting like font size and font face bold for heading. 2. Prepare the following document with paragraph border & shading and set the first line indentation, paragraph & line spacing, and other necessary character formatting: Borders and Shading In Microsoft Office word 2016, borders can be added to various parts of your document. You can add borders to pages, text tables and table cells, graphics objects, and pictures. Smart Computer Science Book-7 95

Review Knowledge 1. Answer the following questions: a. What do you mean by indentation? Write the types of indentation sup- ported by MS-word. Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... b. What do you mean by first line indent? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... c. What do you mean by hanging? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... d. Where do you get and 'Hanging'? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... e. What do you mean by orientation? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 96 More on Word processing

f. What do you mean by margin? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..................... g. Differentiate between 'Portrait' and 'Landscape'. Ans:.................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... h. What do you mean by border and shading? Ans:.................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... i. Differentiate between 'Page border' and 'Paragraph border'. Ans:.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-7 97

AUTO CORRECT FEATURES You can use the AutoCorrect feature to correct typos and misspelled words, as well as to insert symbols and other pieces of text. AutoCorrect is set up by default with a list of typical misspellings and symbols, but You can set up your program to automatically correct misspelled words that are similar to words in the main dictionary that the spelling checker uses. To turn on the AutoCorrect features. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click 'File' => 'Option'=> 'Proofing' =>'AutoCorrect' Step-2 : Click on 'Replace Text as you Type' to turn on 'Auto Cor- rect' feature. Step-3 : Type the word misspelled in 'Replace' section. Suppose doe. Step-4 : Type Correct word in 'With' section. Suppose correct word is do. Step-5 : Now, type the word 'doe' in the document and press space bar. The correct spelling 'do' is re- placed the misspelled word doe. Try out the feature with other misspelled words. If a word is not corrected automatically add it to the list. INSERT CURRENT DATE IN THE DOCUMENT Some time it is necessary to mention date and time in the document. MS- Word allows us to insert date and time on the document. Steps to Follow Step-1 : Type a application for two days leave. Step-2 : Place the insertion point at the position where you want to insert the cur- rent date and time. 98 More on Word processing

Step-3 : In the 'Insert' tab of the 'Text' group of Click on 'Date and Time' Step-4 : You get the dialog box, select the language and available date and time format. Step-5 : If you need to update date and time automatically. Click 'Update automatically' check box. Step-6 : Click on 'OK'. INSERT SYMBOL OR SPECIAL CHARACTER You can use the Symbol dialog box to insert symbols, such as ¼ and ©, or special characters, such as an em dash (—) or ellipsis (…) that are not on your keyboard. The types of symbols that you can insert depend on the font that you choose. The built-in Symbol font includes arrows, bullets, and scientific symbols. You might also have additional symbol fonts, such as Wingdings, that include decorative symbols. You can increase or decrease the size of the Symbol dialog box. Move the pointer to the lower-right corner of the dialog box until it changes into a double-headed arrow, and then drag to the size that you want. Steps to Follow Step-1 : Click on drop down button of 'Symbol' from 'Symbols group' of Insert Tab. Step-2 : Click on 'More Symbols'. Step-3 : The symbol dia- log box appears. Step-4 : Click on 'Sym- bol' tab. Smart Computer Science Book-7 99

Step-5 : Select your desire Font. Step-6 : Select symbol and click on 'Insert'. Lab Activities 1. You have to type misspelled words and check whether the words are automatically replaced or not, when the AutoCorrect fea- tures is on. If it is not replaced, add these words in dictionary of AutoCorrect. 2. Write an application for two days sick leave and insert automatically date and time in the document. 3. Insert suitable symbols and make the follow- ing design: Review Knowledge 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is the function of 'AutoCorrect' features? Ans:.................................................................................................................. 100 More on Word processing

................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... b. How do you 'on' 'AutoCorrect' feature? Ans:.................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... c. Where do you get 'Date & Time' feature to insert in the document? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... d. How do you insert symbol? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-7 101

Points to Know • Microsoft Office Word is the word processing software which comes with the Micro- soft Office Package. • Office button has replaced the place of 'File' menu of earlier version of MS-Word. • Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable tool bar that contains a set of commands. • The Ribbon, which is part of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, is designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. • Formatting document refers to change the appearance of document in desire format. • Character formatting is applied to a single character, word, sentence or a line of text, without affecting the entire current paragraph. • Paragraph formatting is a change format of text that affects the complete paragraph. • Saving a document refer to keep your document safely for future use in the disk. • The Office Clipboard works with the standard Copy, Cut and Paste commands. • The Microsoft Office Clipboard allows you to copy and move multiple text and graph- ical items. It is a virtual temporary storage location. • Page margins are the blank space around the edges of the page. • Indentation determines distance of the paragraph from either the left or right margin. • Spacing refers the blank spaces between tow or more than tow lines and paragraph. • AutoCorrect feature allows to correct typos and misspelled words, as well as to in- sert symbols and other pieces of text. • The types of symbols that you can insert depend on the font that you choose. Terms to Know Office Package : Collection of basic computer programs developed by Microsoft. Version : A unique set of numbers given to each specific release of a software program, SmartArt : Graphics tool used to make organizational chart Ribbon : User interface element available in MS-Office program of Microsoft. Clipboard : A temporary place to store data in a computer application. Wildcard : A special character that represents one or more other characters. Orientation : Layout View of the document . Outdent : Pull the paragraph outside of the left margin Indent : Push the paragraph inside the margin 102 More on Word processing

Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. .............................. ................... .................... comes with the Microsoft office package. b. First screen of MS-Word called MS-Office Word........................... c. ..................... ..................... has replaced the place of file menu. d. The Quick Access Tool bar is a ............................................. tool bar. e. Formatting refers to change the ................................. of document. f. Saving a document refers to keep the document safely for ......................... use. g. ..................................... collects items after using 'Copy' or 'Cut' command. h. ..................... ...................... are the blank spaces around the edge of the page. i. ............................... determines the distance of the paragraph from either the left or right margin. j. First line of paragraph is not indent is called ................................. k. Ribbon is called ........................... user interface. 2. State Wether the following statements are true or false: a. We can set up our programs to automatically correct misspelled words. b. Ms-Word allows to insert only date but not time in the document. c. We can not increase or decrease the size of symbols dialog box. d. Microsoft Office Word is an operating system software. e. Ribbon organise the commands in logical groups. f. Character formatting effects complete paragraph. g. We can select items using only Mouse in MS-Word. Smart Computer Science Book-7 103

h. Clipboard is a virtual storage location of MS-Word. i. We can also use wildcard characters to find a word in MS-Word. j. We can add borders to only one part of the document. k. We can increase or decrease the indentation within the page. 3. Match the following: a. Home Vertical Arrangement of paper b. Ctrl+End To make a duplicate copy c. Ctrl+A Move the cursor beginning of the line d. Copy Horizontal arrangement of paper e. Cut Move cursor end of the document f. Landscape To Move items Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is MS-Office Word? b. What does the Office button contain ? c. What is Ribbon? d. Differentiate between 'Save' and 'Save As..' command. e. What do you mean by 'Find and Replace'? f. Differentiate between Page margins and Border Margins. g. What do you mean by indentation? h. What do you mean by hanging? i. What do you mean by spacing? j. What does do 'Autocorrect' feature? Analytical Case Study Questions : 1. Sunita has to prepare a document in MS-word. a. How would she change the appearance of the document for better looking ? 104 More on Word processing

b. How would you suggest her to set the white spacing among the lines and paragraph of document ? 2. Matrika Chaudhary is a computer operator. He has to use some commands fre- quently in Ms-Word. It is very time consuming to explore these commands with the mouse. a. Which technique would you suggest him to get such commands easily in access? b. How would he proceed to set this technique ? 3. Sami Rai is feeling uneasy to navigate the long document with mouse and scroll bar in the Ms-Word. a. Is there any efficient technique which helps to make easy for this task to Sami ? b. She is also getting uneasy for selection of the text. How would you suggest her to select text in smart way ? 4. Rudramati Maharjan is planning to change the location of text in the document. She is getting confuse about commands used for such task. Now, its your turn to make clear her about the following commands: a. Copy and Paste b. Cut and Paste 5. Shivani Tharu found that she wrote wrong spelling Gaiehat which is in many places of the document. The correct spelling is Gaieghat. a. Is there any such smart method that could edit all the words in a single click? b. How would she proceed for this smart technique ? 6. Harka Magrati has prepared a certificate design in the default page. After complet- ing the task he found : a. The matter should be printed in horizontal form in A4 paper ? b. He is willing to increase the margins of the document. Now, how would he solve these problems efficiently? 7. Shanti Rasaili has a habit to type the oyu instead of you. a. Is there any feature to change immediately in correcting the word you instead of oyu? b. How would she proceed to set this feature ? Smart Computer Science Book-7 105

Project Work 1. Prepare the following Certificate design to award winners in Annual sports Meet. Men- tion major technique used in the report during preparation of project in computer. Creating Community Classroom Shree Janata Kalika Secondary School Shorung Chhabise-10 Annual Sports Meet This is to certify that ...................................................................... Son/Daughter of......................................................................... Studying in Class ................. Section.............. has...................... secured .................. in .................. at the Annual Sports meet. ....................... ........................... ......................... Date Head Teacher Chair person Activities 2. Manage your class in five groups and orga- nize the chart paper presentation or power point presentation on the following topics: a. Border and Shading Dialog box b. Paragraph dialog box. c. Page Setup dialog box d. Font Dialog box e Find & Replace and Auto Correct Features 106 More on Word processing

8More on Excel Spreadsheet CHAPTER Minu : I heard Excel is fun. But I don't know more feature. Anu : There are a lot of features This chapter includes: • Entering data. such as formatting, ana- lyzing data & charts and • Editing & Formatting Data. many for small functions. • Simple Calculation. Minu : Is it possible to take the de- • Graphs & Charts. cision such as cold, hot, fail , pass, etc. ? Anu : Yes, Using IF () function, we can solve such problems . Minu : I heard there are amazing formatting features. What are they ? Anu : Yes, Very strong formatting features are in Ms-Excel for num- ber as well as text formatting. Minu : I saw, creating a chart is possible on Ms-Excel. How is it ? Anu : It is very simple, there is feature for creating chart. Let's dis- cuss in detail about these in this chapter. INTRODUCTION Electronic Spreadsheet is an application program which is used to handle various types of data and to deal with a number of calculations. The data in the electronic spreadsheet can be represented in the form of rows and columns. The data can be represented in the tabular forms and charts in a spreadsheet. There are 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns in MS excel Smart Computer Science Book-7 107

2016. There are various types of spreadsheet packages. Lotus 1-2-3, Su- perclac, Ms Office Excel are example of electronic spread sheet packages. Here, we discuss about MS-Office Excel ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET 1. A computer spreadsheet is in compact form. Otherwise the in manual spread- sheets take very large space. 2. Spreadsheets are required mainly for tabulation of data, calculations etc. Spreadsheet provides you all the required results. 3. Spreadsheet provides various powerful tools for data formatting. 4. Spreadsheet minimizes the manual work and produces the instantaneous re- sult. 5. Multiple copies of the spreadsheets can be prepared on computer. 6. Spreadsheets programs support charts and graphics which give a beautiful look to spreadsheets. ENTERING DATA IN THE WORKSHEET Data can be raw fact which are collected to enter into the spreadsheet. There are three basic types of data can be entered in the Ms-Excel Worksheet. a. Numbers b. Text. c. Formula Data can be entered by selecting a cell and then typing the respective data and simply press the enter key or press the arrow key as you like. Whatever you type, the data fill the ‘Formula bar’ and the active cell at the same time. The two small buttons appear to the left of the formula bar as soon you start to enter the data in the cell. a. Enter button b. Cancel button Enter button: It is denoted by tick mark. Clicking on this button carried the accep- tance of the data in a cell. It is equivalent to pressing the Enter key. Cancel button: It is denoted by cross mark. Clicking on this button carried the cancel the entry. It is equivalent to press- ing the delete key. 108 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Enter the following data in the worksheet s Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Select cell A1 and type Sn. Step-2 : Move your cursor in cell B1 just by pressing right arrow key or mouse clicking then type Name. In this way, type all the heading as given you. Step-3 : Select Cell A2 by mouse clicking or moving the cursor by pressing arrow key and type your data. Now, enter all the data in the respective cells. FORMATTING WORKSHEET Formatting refers that how data should be presented in worksheet and how it will appear on the printed page. A formatted worksheet makes your informa- tion easy to read, more informative and attractive. To present the worksheet in an effective manner, some data can be put in bold type, italic, in a different color, font size and face, etc. Basically formatting includes Smart Computer Science Book-7 109

i) Number Formatting ii) Date Time Formatting iii)Text Formatting Number Formatting By applying different number formats, you can change the appearance of numbers without changing meaning and function. A number format does not affect the actual cell value that Microsoft Office Excel uses to perform calcula- tions. The actual value is displayed in the formula bar. Steps to follow Step-1 : Select the range of cells whose data is to be formatted. Step-2 : Click 'Flayer' menu from 'Number' group of 'Home' tab. You get the 'For- mat Cell' dialog box as given: Step-3 : Make sure selection 'Number' category . Step-4 : Under this Number cat- egory, you can set the decimal places, thou- sand separator for large number, and appear- ance of negative num- ber. Step-5 : Finally, click 'Ok' button. Step-6 : Let's see , selected data is formatted. Step-7 : In this way you can format date and time by selecting 'Date' or 'Time' Cat- egory. You can also format numbers with currency symbol, percentage, account- ing, Scientific, fraction, etc., using 'Number' group of 'Home' tab. 110 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Lab Activities 1. Natasha has to prepare the following worksheet and perform the task as mentioned: a. Format the number formatting in the cell range E2 : E10 as indicated. b. Format the date formatting in the cell range C2 : C10 as given. How would Natasha perform these tasks. Review Knowledge 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is the thousand separator? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... b. Write any five types of category that you find on 'Number' formatting tab. Ans: .................................................................................................................. Smart Computer Science Book-7 111

.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... c. What do you mean by decimal place? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... d. In how many ways MS-Excel allows you to present your negative number? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... e. How do you get format cell dialog box? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... TEXT FORMATTING Text Formatting refers to change the alignment of text, font style, font size, color,effects, underlie indentation, rotation,orientation, etc. Setting Alignment Alignment refers to the position in which data is placed within the boundary of a cell. Numbers are al- ways right align and text is always left align. But, we can change it's default alignment. The alignment of text can be set from 'Alignment' group of 'Home' tab. 112 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Select a cell or range of cells. Step-2 : Click on 'Flyer' menu of 'Alignment' group of 'Home' tab. You get the cell formatting dialog box. Step-3 : Choose the required attri- butes such as 'Horizontal' alignment, 'Vertical' align- ment and 'Text control' option such as 'Wrap', 'Shrink' to fit, 'Merge' cells. Step-4 : You can set the orientation of text from the 'Orienta- tion' group of dialog box. Step-5 : Click 'Ok' button. Tricks & TIPS Lab Activities If you have to put multiple lines in Merge cell, you have to press Alt+enter for each following line. 1. Prepare the following worksheet and format as given: Smart Computer Science Book-7 113

Setting Font You can change the font or font size for selected cells or ranges in a work- sheet. You can set the font and it's re- lated attributes from the 'Font' group of 'Home' menu. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Find the 'Font' group of 'Home' tab. Step-2 : Select a cell or range of cells. Step-3 : You can change, font style, size and face. For advance set- ting: Step-4 : Click on 'Flyer' menu of 'Font' group. You get 'Format' cell dialog box. Step-5 : Make sure, 'Font' tab is select- ed or not. Step-6 : You can set different attribute of 'Font'. Step-7 : Finally click 'Ok' button. Setting Border By using predefined border styles, you can quickly add a bor- der around cells or ranges (range: two or more cells on a sheet. The cells in a range can be adjacent or nonadjacent.) of cells. You can use neither 'Border' option from 'Font' group of 'Home' tab nor 'Cell Format' dialog box to set the border. 114 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Select a cell or Range of Cells. Step-2 : Click drop down button of 'Border' option from the 'Font' group of 'Home' tab. Step-3 : Select the desired border. Step-4 : For advance setting, do the following: Step-5 : Click 'More' border op- tion from drop down menu of 'Border' option. You get Cell Formatting dialog box. Step-6 : Select the required attributes. Step-7 : Click 'Ok' button. Changing Cell Color and Pattern You can change the color of the text in cells and the cell's background color. For the background color, you can use a solid color, or you can apply special effects, such as gradients, textures, and pictures. You can use neither 'Font Col- or' and 'Fill Color' option from 'Font' group of 'Home' tab nor 'Cell Format' dialog box to set the color and pattern in the cell. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Select a Cell or Range of Cell. Step-2 : Click drop down button of 'Font Color' option or 'Fill Color' option to change or fill the color respectively from the 'Font' group of 'Home' tab. Smart Computer Science Book-7 115

Step-3 : Select the desired color. Step-4 : For advance setting of background color and pattern, do the following: Step-5 : Click 'Flyer menu' of 'Font' group of 'Home' tab. You get the 'Format' cell di- alog box. Step-6 : Select the required attributes such as background color, Fill effects or pat- tern to fill color in cell. Step-7 : Click 'Ok' button. Lab Activities 1. Prepare the following worksheet and format as given: 116 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Review Knowledge 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is alignment? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... b. How do you set the alignment? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... c. How many types of alignment are supported by MS-Excel? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... d. How do you set font and it's attributes? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... e. What do you mean by border? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-7 117

.......................................................................................................................... f. Differentiate between 'Fill' color and 'Font' color. Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... g. How do you set pattern? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... h. How do you set fill color? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... i. How do you change text color? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... FORMULA Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in your work- sheet. A formula starts with an equal sign (=). For example, the following formula multiplies 2 by 3 and then adds 5 to the result. =5+2*3 Parts of a formula Let's look the following formula, there are different parts having own functions. 118 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Basically formula include: i) Function ii) Reference ii) Operators iv) constant: =PI()*B1^2 Functions: The PI() function returns the value of pi: 3.142... References: B1 is a cell reference which returns the value. Constants: Numbers or text values entered directly into a formula, such as 2 is number constant. Operators: The ^ (caret) operator raises a number to a power, and the * (aster- isk) operator multiple. Operators Operators are the most important parts of the formula which symbols return specific value. Operator always comes with operand. There are 5 types of operators in MS-Office Excel. Operators Symbols Example Arithmetic +, -, *, / ,^, % =5+3-2 Comparison <, >, =, <=, >= ,<> = 4<10 (These come with IF function) Text concatenation & \"Manju\" & \"Khadka\" Logical Operator AND, OR, NOT =IF(AND(A37>40,B37>40),\"Passe\",\"F ail\") =IF(OR(A37<40,B37<40),\"fail\",\"Pass\") =IF(NOT(A37<50),\"pass\", \"Failed\") Reference Operator : C1 : D10 Use of parentheses To change the order of evaluation, enclose in parentheses the part of the formula to be calculated first. For example, the following formula produces 11 because Excel calculates multiplication before addition. The formula mul- tiplies 2 by 3 and then adds 5 to the result. =5+2*3 In contrast, if you use parentheses to change the syntax, Excel adds 5 and 2 together and then multiplies the result by 3 to produce 21. =(5+2)*3 =21 Smart Computer Science Book-7 119

Using Fill Handle A fill handle is a small black square at the bottom right corner of an active cell or range of Cells. It is used to copy a formula and display series of data in continues scale such as, 1, 2, 3..........., Sunday, Monday............ Saturday, January, Febru- ary................December. You can also use to copy series of formula. Steps to Follow a. Select the cell containing the formula. b. Click the Fill Handle and drag it over the range to be filed. c. The formula gets pasted to all the cells. Lab Activities 1. Prepare the following worksheet and calculate as given: a. Calculate Gross total (Quantity x Rate) b. Find the discount 5% of Gross Total c. Find the Net Total (Gross Total-Discount) d. Find Grand Total (Sum of Net Total) 120 More on Excel Spreadsheet

FUNCTIONS WITH MS-EXCEL Functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values, called arguments, in a particular order, or structure. Functions can be used to perform simple or complex calculations. Function Action Example SUM () To add numbers in a range of cell. =SUM (A2:A5) AVERAGE() To return average in a range of cell. =AVERAGE(B2:B5 MAX () To return the largest value of range of =MAX(A2:A5) cell. MIN() To return the smallest value of range of =MIN(A2:A5) cell PRODUCT() To multiply numbers in a range of cell =PRODUCT(A2:A3) COUNT() o count number of values in range =COUTN(A2:A10) IF() To check the value and return true or =IF(A1=A2, false \"Tru\",\"False\" INT () To round a number down to the nearest = INT(8.9) Rounds integer. 8.9 down (8) AUTOSUM Feature The AutoSum feature in Excel allows you to quickly find the sum of numbers in a rang. It allows to find the sum without typing formula. AutoSum feature includes a lot of functions such as, SUM (), AVERAGE (), MIN (), MAX(),etc. Steps to Follow Step-1 : Select cells Step-2 : Drop down button of 'Au- toSum' from 'Editing' of 'Home' group. Step-3 : Select the 'Desire' Func- tion. If you want find the sum of selected cell. You have to select 'Sum' op- tion from the list of drop down. Step-4 : If you are willing to use oth- Smart Computer Science Book-7 121

er functions except, you can use 'More Functions'. You get the More func- tions dialog box. Step-5 : Select 'Category of Function' and select desire Function from the list. Lab Activities 1. Prepare the following worksheet and format as given: a. Calculate Total marks and percentage with SUM() and AVERAGE() function. b. Find Maximum marks in each subject and total and percentage marks. c. Find Minimum marks in each subject and total and percentage marks. IF FUNCTION It is used to conduct conditional tests on values and formulas and returns one value neither True nor False. Syntax: IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) Logical_test : is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. For example, A10=100 is a logical expression; if the value in cell A10 is equal to 100, the expression evaluates to TRUE. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to FALSE. 122 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Example: =IF(C2>10, \"Teenager\",\"Child\") Value_if_true : is the value that is returned if logical_test is TRUE. In this ex- ample, it is evaluated 'Teenager' where condition is true. Value_if_false : is the value that is returned if logical_test is FALSE. In this ex- ample, it is evaluated 'Child' where condition is false. Nested IF A If comes inside a IF is called nested IF. Example: =IF(C2<5,\"Baby\", IF(C2<10, \"Child\", IF(C2<18, \"Teenager\", IF(C2<40, \"Young\", IF(C2<60,\"Adult\", \"Old\"))))) • In this example, it evaluates false and display 'Old' when it doesn't meet any condi- tion. Smart Computer Science Book-7 123

Lab Activities 1. Prepare the following worksheet and perform the task using IF Func- tions as given. =IF(C2<5,\"Baby\", IF(C2<10, \"Child\", IF(C2<18, \"Teenager\", IF(C2<40, \"Young\", IF(C2<60,\"Adult\", \"Old\"))))) 2. Prepare the following worksheet and perform the task. If total amount is above 10,000, discount is allowed 10% otherwise 5% in total amount. Hint: =IF(E2>10000, 10*E2/100, 5*E2/100). CHARTS WITH EXCEL Charts are the graphical representation of data. Microsoft Office Excel sup- ports numerous types of charts to help you display data in ways that are meaningful to your audience. When you want to create a chart or change an 124 More on Excel Spreadsheet

existing chart, you can choose from a wide range of chart subtypes available for each of the following chart types. a. Column charts b. Line charts c. Pie charts d. Bar charts e. Area charts 1 f. XY (scatter) charts g. Stock charts h. Surface charts i. Doughnut charts j. Bubble charts k. Radar charts Steps to Follow Step-1 : Select Data Step-2 : Click 'Insert' tab. Step-3 : Click on drop down button of desire Chart option from the 'Chart' group. If you want to active the dia- log box of chart, click 'Flyer' menu. step-4 : Select the desire chart type. Step-5 : You get the chart of se- lected data. Smart Computer Science Book-7 125

Lab Activity 1. Prepare the following worksheet and insert the bar graph as given: 126 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Review Knowledge 1. Answer the following questions: a. What do you mean by formula? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... b. Write the parts of formula. Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... c. What is operator? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... d. Why do you use parenthesis? Ans:.................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. e. What is 'Fill Handle'? Ans:.................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... f. What do you mean by Function? Smart Computer Science Book-7 127

Ans:................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... g. What does AutoSum allow? Ans:.................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... h. Why do you use IF Function? Ans:................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... i. How does IF function work? Ans:................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... j. What do you mean by nested IF ? Ans:................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... k. What do you mean by chart? Ans:................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 128 More on Excel Spreadsheet

Points to Know • Electronic Spreadsheet is an application program which is used to handle various types of data and to deal with a number of calculations. • Data in the electronic spreadsheet can be represented in the form of rows and columns. • Data can be raw fact which are collected to enter into the spreadsheet. • Data is entered by selecting a cell and then typing the respective data and simply press the enter key or press the arrow key as you like. • Formatting Worksheet refers that how data should be presented in work- sheet and how it will appear on the printed page. • Text Formatting refers to change the alignment of text, font style, font size, color,effects, underlie indentation, rotation,orientation, etc. • Number format changes the appearance of numbers without changing meaning and function of number. • Alignment refers to the position in which data is placed within the boundary of a cell. By default, numbers are always right align and text is always left align. • Formulas are equations that perform calculations on values in your work- sheet. A formula starts with an equal sign (=). • Operator are the most important part of the formula which are symbols re- turns specific value. • A fill handle is a small black square at the bottom right corner of an active cell or range of Cells. • AutoSum feature allows to find the sum without typing formula. • IF () Function is used to conduct conditional tests on values and formulas and returns one value neither True nor False. • Charts are the graphical representation of data. Smart Computer Science Book-7 129

Terms to Know Spreadsheet : An interactive computer application for organization, analysis and place of data in tabular form. Row : Horizontal arrangement of data Column : Vertical arrangement of data Cell : Interaction of row an column Worksheet : an electronic sheet where cells organized in rows and columns. Argument : Numbers, text or logical values passed to the Function. Operand : A term used to describe any object that is capable of being manipu- lated. Operator : A symbol that usually represents an action or process. Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Electronic Spreadsheet is a ................................ program. b. The data in spreadsheet can be presented in the form of ........................ and ......................... c. There are ........................... row and ................................... columns. d. There are .................................. types of data in the Excel. e. ................................ refers to the position in which data is placed within the boundary of a cell. f. ............................... are equations that perform calculation values. g. .............................. are symbols returns specific values. h. ................................. are predefined formula. i. .............................. allows to find the sum without typing formula. j. IF () is used to conduct ....................................... test. k. Charts are the ..................................representations of data. 130 More on Excel Spreadsheet

2. State whether the following statements are true or false. a. Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet software. b. Only one copy of the spreadsheet can be prepared on the computer. c. Enter button is denoted by tick mark. d. The Number format changes the meaning and function of number. e. Numbers are always right align and text is left align by default. f. Alt+Enter allows us to enter multiple line in merge two or more rows. g. The cells in the range can be adjacent or non-adjacent. h. A formula always starts with an equal sign. i. Operator always comes with operand. j. Formula performs calculations by using arguments. k. INT () function round the a number upward to nearest integer. Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. Why do you use chart? Write any five types of chart. b. What do you mean by fill handle? c. What is formula? d. How do you set border? e. What do you mean by text formatting? f. What does it make difference in number after formatting? g. What do you mean by formatting worksheet? h. How do you enter data in the worksheet? i. Write any three advantages of electronic spreadsheet? j. What do you mean by electronic spreadsheet? Smart Computer Science Book-7 131

Analytical Case Study Questions : 1. Rashmita Ghale has to work in the excel. She has opened a Blank Workbook. a. How many worksheets are there in a blank workbook by default ? b. What is the default name of the Worksheet ? c. How can you get the new worksheet ? 2. Bandana Khadka has to make a sum calculation of Cell B2 to G2 and apply same formula in the subsequent cell up to H20. a. How would she write the formula to make this calculation in H2 ? b. What would you suggest to apply same formula in the sub sequent cell smartly ? 3. Mandakini made work sheets of monthly income and expenditure in the end of fiscal year. But She feels, it is not effective to present in front of mass audience of annual meeting of the company. a. Is there any technique and tools to present this report in the pictorial from which helps draw the attention of audience and clearly make them understand ? b. How would she proceed to use such technique and tools ? 4. Consider the given worksheet and find the formatting features used : a. How would you format heading as like in picture ? b. Which formatting parameters are used in the cell C2 to D4? c. Which type of alignment do you get by default for entering text and numeric data ? 5. Ram Pirit Paswan wants to display a heading of the data in the worksheet in complete vertical format as given: a. Why did Rampirit want to display heading in such a format? b. Which formatting technique would be used by Ram Priti for this problem? 132 More on Excel Spreadsheet

6. Rameswor Pandit got the follow- ing worksheet in the practical exam along with Grade type : A, B, C and D. a. How would you suggest Rames- wor to complete this worksheet making certain reliable condition himself? b. Write the sample formula to com- plete this work with your own reliable condition. 7. Pandit Rudra Narayan has cre- ated a worksheet to list out of chemistry chemical notification and algebraic expression. a. Was rudra Narayan benefited with this dialog box ? Illustrate with example. b. How would Rudra Narayn access this dialog box ? Project Work-1 1. Prepare the following worksheet and Format as indicated: a. Find the coldest Place. b. Where is the moderate temperature? c. Which is the hottest place. d. List out the formatting attributes used on this worksheet. e. Which technique is used to find the moder- ate temperature ? Smart Computer Science Book-7 133

Project Work-2 1. Prepare the following worksheet and find as indicated: a. Interest Amount, total amount. b. Apply the appro- priate format c. The annual rate of interest should be defined as:. Deposit Rate Fixed 16% Normal 3% Saving 10% Project Work-3 1. Prepare the following worksheet and calculate as indicated: a. Apply the appropriate format. b. The rate of interest should be defined as:. Grand total Discount Rate <50000 0% <200000 2% <500000 5% >500000 8% Project Work-4 1. Prepare the following worksheet and display column chart: 134 More on Excel Spreadsheet

PowerPoint Presentation CHAPTER 9 Minu : I made a presentation, but it was not interactive. How could it become effective ? This chapter includes: Anu : Well ! Using the multimedia • Introduction to Multi- media Presentation. features, you can make • Creating & Format- more interactive and effec- ting. • Insert objects. tive presentation. • Add Audio, Video, Minu : Is there any feature to Animation. move objet in the slide ? Anu : Of course, There is an ani- mation feature. Minu : Can we display important text in organizing graphical form? Anu : Yes, You can use Smart Art features for this purpose. Minu : Which features are used for decorating the text ? Anu : Word Art as well as formatting features are used for the text decoration. INTRODUCTION Multimedia is a technology which includes different types of media under a single roof such as text, animation, picture, video, audio, etc. Specially, it is used for teaching, learning and sharing the idea, knowledge,etc. within a group of people. Often one has to explain an idea, a plan or scheme to a group of people. Smart Computer Science Book-7 135

Multimedia presentation software are technologies that make our such task easy to perform. When we use a multimedia presentation software, we can easily include pictures, audio an video beside line of text in our presentation. MS- Office PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress are the example of Multimedia Presentation Software. FEATURES OF MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION SOFTWARE a. Create Presentation slide. b. Graphical objects can be included in the slide. c. Sound effect, video, animation, picture and image can be included. d. Varieties of formatting can be made for the presentation more effective. e. It can create handouts, notes and outline. MICROSOFT OFFICE POWERPOINT Microsoft Office PowerPoint is a powerful multimedia presentation software program. It comes with Microsoft Office package developed by Microsoft Company USA. Using PowePoint, we can quickly and easily create presen- tations which contains text, graphics, sound, animation and even videos. So, it is called Microsoft Office PowerPoint is a multimedia presentation program. A presentation in PowerPoint is made up of number of slides which appear in sequential order to create a slide show. You have already learnt PowerPoint and Multimedia in the previous class. Let us discuss some more features with the Multimedia & PowerPoint. ENTERING TEXT IN THE SLIDE Entering text refers to type text in the presentation document or copy text from another documents such as word processing or page layout software in the slide. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Start 'Microsoft Office PowerPoint' Step-2 : Select appropriate Layout, clicking drop down button of 'Layout' option from 'Slides' group of 'Home' tab. Step-3 : Select 'Themes' of slide, clicking desire themes from 'Themes' group of 'Design' tab. 136 Powerpoint Presentation

Step-4 : Click on ‘Insert’ tab. Step-5 : Click on ‘Text box’ option from ‘Text’ Group. Step-6 : Click and drag the mouse. Step-7 : Release the mouse pointer . Step-8 : You get the insertion point in text box. Step-9 : Start to type text . FORMATTING TEXT Formatting text refers to change the appearance of the text in presentation slide. It includes change font style,size, color, paragraph style etc. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Select Text. Step-2 : Click on 'Home' tab. Step-3 : Find the Font group. You can find a lot of formatting parameters such as Bold, Italic, Font style, size, strike through, shadow, character spacing, change case, color,etc. Step-4 : You can select desire attribute and change it. Step-5 : Find the 'Paragraph' group where you can find a lot of paragraph format- ting parameters such as Alignment, Columns, Bullet and Number list, Increase Decrease list level, Line spacing, Text direction, Align Text, SmartArt, etc. Step-6 : You can select and change the attributes as you like. Smart Computer Science Book-7 137

INSERT IMAGE IN THE SLIDE Images are the most essential part for the presentation which helps to make more effective and clarity to our presentation. The images can be captured by camera or drawn by using drawing tools and save in the computer. Picture and ClipArt can be added in the slide easily. Steps to Follow to Insert Picture: Step-1 : Click on ‘Insert’. Step-2 : Click ‘Picture’ icon option from 'Illustration'. Step-3 : Find location. Step-4 : Select your Image/picture. Step-5 : Click on ‘Insert’ button. INSERT CLIP ART ClipArt is a ready made picture which comes with the Microsoft Office Pack- age. We can also download from internet and add in our system as we like. Steps to Follow to insert Clip Art Office 2007: Step-1 : To insert ClipArt, click 'ClipArt' icon from 'Illustration' group. Step-2 : Click 'Organise Clip' from 'ClipArt' dialog box. Step-3 : Select 'Office Collection'. Step-4 : Select type of 'ClipArt' from collection list pane. Step-5 : Select your desire 'ClipArt' images from the images pane. Steps to Follow to insert Clip Art Office 016: Step-1 : Click the 'Insert', Select the 'Online Pictures' from 'Im- age' group. You get the in- sert picture dialog box. Step-2 : Search image in the bing search text box. Step-3 : Click the 'Type' drop down 138 Powerpoint Presentation

button. Step-4 : Select 'ClipArt' type from list. Step-5 : Select your desire 'ClipArt' images from the images pane. Lab Activity 1. Prepare the given slide using 'Font' and 'Paragraph' formatting attributes and insert an image. Your slide should look almost as given below: Smart Computer Science Book-7 139

Review Knowledge 1. Answer the following questions: a. What do you mean by Layout of slide? How do you select Layout? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... b. What do you mean by themes? Where do you get 'Themes' group? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... c. Why do you format text? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... d. What do you mean by font face? Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... e. Write any four attributes of 'Font' group? 140 Powerpoint Presentation

Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... f. Write any four attributes of 'Paragraph' group. Ans: ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... g. How do you mean by insert ClipArt? Ans: .................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... HOW TO INSERT BULLET OR NUMBER LIST Bullet and numbering are the features which allows to create a an order or unorder list in the presentation slide. You can quickly add bullets or numbers to existing lines of text. Steps to Follow Step-1 : Select Text. Step-2 : Click on the 'Home' tab. Step-3 : Click on ‘Drop down’ button of the Bullet list icon from ‘Paragraph’ group. or Click on ‘Drop down’ button of Number list icon from ‘Paragraph’ group. Step-4 : Select and click on desired bullet or Number list. Smart Computer Science Book-7 141

HOW TO INSERT SHAPES You can add one shape in your pre- sentation slide or combine multiple shapes to make a drawing or a more complex shape. Available shapes in- clude lines, basic geometric shapes, arrows, equation shapes, flowchart shapes, stars, banners, etc. After you add one or more shapes, you can add text, bullets, numbering, and Quick Styles to them. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Click on ‘Insert’. Step-2 : Click in ‘Shapes’ drop down button. Step-3 : Select desired Shape. Step-4 : Click and drag your mouse on vacant space of slide. INSERT WORDART WordArt is a gallery of text styles that you can add to your Microsoft Office system documents to create deco- rative effects, such as shadowed or mirrored (reflected) text. In Microsoft Office PowerPoint, you can also con- vert existing text into WordArt. You can change WordArt text like you can change any other text in a shape. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Select Text. Step-2 : Click in ‘Insert’. Step-3 : Click on ‘WordArt’ drop down button from ‘Text’ group 142 Powerpoint Presentation

Step-4 : Select desire Art. Now, you can adjust your WordArt as you like. INSERT SMARTART A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information that you can quickly and easily create, choosing from among many different layouts, to ef- fectively present your message or ideas. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Clcik on 'Insert' tab. Step-2 : Click 'SmartArt' icon from the 'Il- lustration' group. You get 'Choose a SmartArt Graphics' dialog box. Step-3 : Select desire SmartArt Graphic. Step-4 : Type text in 'Text pane' . Step-5 : Select text and format text using for- matting attributes. Step-6 : Finally, close the text pane. Lab Activity 1. Prepare the following slide using insert SmartArt and shapes features and other formatting attributes: Smart Computer Science Book-7 143

Lab Activity 1. Prepare the slide as given below using Shapes and other attributes of shapes such as fill color, fill with pattern, shapes style, line style,etc. You should also include Wor- dArt, number list and paragraph as well as character formatting features. Review Knowledge 1. Answer the following questions: a. Differentiate between bullet list and number list. Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... b. Where do you get bullet and numbering list? Ans:................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 144 Powerpoint Presentation

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