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Published by monde, 2016-09-19 06:39:57



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ACCESSORIES Auxiliaries - Top Mount Pneumatic Timers Fits directly onto all T & F range contactors & Fits directly onto all T & F Range Contactors & TCA2 TCA2 Relays Relays Code Description Code Description TA1-DN11 1N.O. + 1N.C. TA2-DT2 Delay On 0-30sec TA1-DN02 2N.C. TA2-DT4 0-180sec TA1-DN20 2N.O. TA3-DR2 Delay Off 0-30sec TA1-DN22 2N.O. + 2N.C. TA3-DR4 0-180sec TA1-DN13 1N.O. + 3N.C. TA2-DS2 S/Delta 1-30sec* TA1-DN31 3N.O. + 1N.C. TA1-DN40 4N.O. *With 40ms pause between Star opening & Delta closing. TA1-DN04 4N.C. Auxiliaries - Side Mount T Range Contactors from 9Amp to 38Amp frame sizes and TCA2 and TCA3 Relays only Code Description Mechanical Latching Block Fitted with 230VAC release coil TA8-DN11 1N.O. + 1N.C. TA8-DN20 2N.O. Code For use with Contactors Horizontal Mechanical Interlocks LA6-DK01 D09 to D32 contactors and T Range only TCA2 relays Code For use with Contactors T-Range Rev/S-D Power Kits - Set of 6 CA9-D10 TC1-D09 to D38 c/w 2N.C. TA9-D09978 TC1-D09 to D38 & TCA2 Code For use with Contactors TA9-D50978 TC1-D40 to D65 TA9-D1269 TC1-D09 to D12 TA9-D80978 TC1-D80 to D95 Coil Suppressor TA9-D1869 TC1-D18 & D22 TA9-D2569 TC1-D25 Code For use with Contactors TA9-D3269 TC1-D32 & D38 TA9-AMOV980E D09 to D95 24-48VAC/DC TA9-AMOV980U D09 to D95 110-240VAC/DC 1 set TA9-D6569 TC1-D40 to D65 TA9-RC980N D09 to D95 380-440VAC TA9-D8069 TC1-D80 to D95F Range Accessories Set of 6 Set of 3F Range Reversing/Star- Star Point Vertical Power Horizontal Vertical Contact Kits ARC Chambers MOTOR CONTROLContactor Delta Busbar Bridge Connections Mechanical Mechanical (No. of Poles) (No. of Poles)Size Kits Interlocks Interlocks LA9-F115VL LA9-FF970 LA9-FF971115A LA9-F115CL LA9-F115SP LA9-F185VL LA5-FF431-F115(3) LA5-FDP11550(3) LA9-F185VL LA9-FF970 LA9-FF971 LA5-FF431-F150(3) LA5-FDP15050(3)150A LA9-F150CL LA9-F185SP LA9-F400VL LA5-FG431-F185(3) LA5-FDP18550(3) LA9-F400VL LA9-FG970 LA9-FG971 LA5-FG431-F225(3) LA5-FDP22550(3)185A LA9-F185CL LA9-F185SP LA9-F400VL LA5-FH431-F265(3) LA5-FDP26550(3) LA9-F400VL LA9-FG970 LA9-FG971 LA5-F400803-F330(3) LA5-FDP33050(3)225A LA9-F225CL LA9-F400SP LA9-F500VL LA5-F400803-F400(3) LA5-FDP40050(3) LA9-F630VL LA9-FJ970 LA9-FH971 LA5-F500803-F500(3) LA5-FDP50050(3)265A LA9-F265CL LA9-F400SP – LA5-F630803-F630(3) LA5-FDP63050(3) LA9-FJ970 LA9-FH971 LA5-F780801-F780(1) LA5-FDP78050(1)330A LA9-F400CL LA9-F400SP LA9-FJ970 LA9-FJ971400A LA9-F400CL LA9-F400SP LA9-FJ970 LA9-FK971500A LA9-F500CL LA9-F500SP LA9-FL970 LA9-FL971630A LA9-F630CL LA9-F630SP – LA9-FX970780A – – CO1 150

13MM PRE-WIRED DISTRIBUTION BOARDS Flush Type White Pre-Assembled Distribution Boards - Populated with 13mm MCBs Surface Type 8 Way 11 Way Pre-Wired Pre-Assembled Pre-Wired Pre-Assembled • Adjustable steel tray Surface SRBSAM-3 SRBSAM-5 SRBSAM-4 SRBSAM-6 • 20mm & 25mm knock outs • 20mm & 25mm knock outs Flush FRBSAM-3 FRBSAM-5 FRBSAM-4 FRBSAM-6 • Smokey, transparent lid • Smokey, transparent lid • 2x Neutral bars,fitted • 2x Neutral bars, fitted 1x 63A 1P+N MCB (Mains) 1x 63A 1P+N MCB (Mains) • 1x Earth bar • 1x Earth bar 1x 32A SP MCB (Stove) 1x 32A SP MCB (Stove) 1x 16A SP MCB (Geyser) 1x 16A SP MCB (Geyser) 1x 63A ELU 30mA 1x 63A ELU 30mA 1x 10A SP MCB (Lights) 2x 10A SP MCB (Lights) 1x 20A SP MCB (Plugs) 3x 20A SP MCB (Plugs) Supplied in 11-way enclosure. DIN PRE-ASSEMBLEIGDHDTISINTGRIBUTION BOARDS Flush Type White Pre-assembled Distribution Boards - Populated with 4.5kA AC/DC Breakers Surface Type 8 Way Pre-Wired 12 Way Pre-Wired 12 Way Pre Assembled Surface Code SRB-3 Code SRB-4 Code SRB-5 8 Way Pre-Wired 12 Way Pre-Wired 12 Way Pre Assembled Flush Code FRB-3 Code FRB-4 Code FRB-5 1 x 63A DP MCB (Mains) 1 x 63A DP MCB (Mains) 1 x 63A DP MCB (Mains) 1 x 63A ELU 30mA 1 x 63A ELU 30mA 1 x 63A ELU 30mA • 20mm and 25mm knock outs • Adjustable steel tray 1 x 32A SP MCB (Stove) 1 x 32A SP MCB (Stove) 1 x 40A SP MCB (Stove) • 20mm and 25mm knock outs • Smokey, transparent lid 1 x 16A SP MCB (Geyser) 1 x 16A SP MCB (Geyser) 1 x 20A SP+N MCB (Geyser) • Smokey, transparent lid • 2 x Neutral bars, fitted, • 1 x Earth bar 1 x 10A SP MCB (Lights) 2 x 10A SP MCB (Lights) 2 x 10A SP MCB (Lights) • 2 x Neutral bars, fitted, 1 x 20A SP MCB (Plugs) 3 x 20A SP MCB (Plugs) 3 x 20A SP MCB (Plugs) • 1 x Earth bar RELAIDGYHBTOINAGRDS Ready Board RB-1 Ready Board RB-2/2A • 3 x 15A switched socket outlets • 3 x 15A switched socket outlets • 1 x 63A DP earth leakage • 1 x 40 / 63A DP earth leakage • 2 x 20A SP CB for socket outlets • 1 x 10A SP CB for lights • 2 x 20A SP CB for socket outlets RB-1 RB-2/RB-2A Code Size - H x W x D RB-1 330 x 245 x 90 Description RB-2 455 x 245 x 90 No Bulkhead with 63A DP earth leakage RB-2A 455 x 245 x 90 With Bulkhead no lamp with 40A DP earth leakage With Bulkhead no lamp with 63A DP earth leakageCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS Manual Push Reset Code Amps Max. Internal Derating Factor Resistance 0°C x1.46 A-0709U 4A 4 0-120Ω 10°C x1.35 15°C x1.14 A-0709U 5A 5 0-100Ω 18°C x1.11 25°C x1 A-0709U 6A 6 0-075Ω 32°C x0.92 40°C x0.81 A-0709U 7A 7 0-035Ω 60°C x0.58 140%, Trip within 60 mins A-0709U 8A 8 0-020Ω 200%, Trip within 60 secs A-0709U 10A 10 0-015Ω A-0709U 12A 12 0-010Ω A-0709U 15A 15 0-008Ω 16mm mounting. 240VAC/32VDC rated. 0.2KA@240V Calibration of rated current @ 25°C:100%, Continuous 151 CB1

DIN MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCB’s) 4.5kADIN Modules: 1M = 17.5mm Amps 1 Pole Width 1 P+N Width 2 Pole Width 3 Pole Width 4 Pole WidthRCC Certificate No. 1209568 Code Code Code Code CodeIEC 60947-2 4.5kA Circuit Breakers C Curve 1P+N 1A NB1-1 1M – –– –– –– – 2M NB3-2 2A NB1-2 1M –– NB2-2 –– 3M NB4-2 4M 3A NB1-3 1M –– – –– 4A NB1-4 1M –– – 2M NB3-6 –– – 6A NB1-6 1M NB1N-6 2M NB2-6 2M NB3-10 10A NB1-10 1M NB1N-10 2M NB2-10 2M NB3-16 –– – 16A NB1-16 1M NB1N-16 2M NB2-16 2M NB3-20 20A NB1-20 1M NB1N-20 2M NB2-20 2M NB3-25 3M NB4-6 4M 25A NB1-25 1M NB1N-25 2M NB2-25 2M NB3-32 32A NB1-32 1M NB1N-32 2M NB2-32 2M NB3-40 3M NB4-10 4M 40A NB1-40 1M – 2M NB2-40 2M NB3-50 50A NB1-50 1M – 2M NB2-50 2M NB3-63 3M NB4-16 4M 63A NB1-63 1M – 2M NB2-63 3M NB4-20 4M 3M NB4-25 4M 3M NB4-32 4M 3M NB4-40 4M 3M NB4-50 4M 3M NB4-63 4M Isolators 32A NH1-32 1M – – NH2-32 2M NH3-32 3M NH4-32 4M 63A NH1-63 1M – – NH2-63 2M NH3-63 3M NH4-63 4M 100A NH1-100 1M – – NH2-100 2M NH3-100 3M NH4-100 4M Earth Leakage Relays – RCDs 30mA (RCC Certificate No. 1301603) No Overload Protection With Overload 2 Pole Amps 2 Pole Width 4 Pole Width Amps Code Width Code Code 2M 2M 25A NL2-25 2M NL4-25 4M 25A NL2L-25 2M 40A NL2-40 2M NL4-40 4M 32A NL2L-32 Width 1m NL2 NL2L 63A NL2-63 2M NL4-63 4M 63A NL2L-63 1m 1m Modular Accessories - For control and signalling 1m Code Description Carton – NST-230V Shunt trip right hand mounting 230VAC 50 20 NST-400V Shunt trip right hand mounting 400VAC 20 – NUV-230V Over/under voltage trip 170-280V±5% right hand mounting – – NSL-* LED indication lamp. Supply voltage 230VAC 152 *Add colour to code: R (Red), Y (Yellow), BL (Blue), GN (Green), W (White) DIN MCB Accessories Code Caps Description Busbar terminal for wire sizes up to 25mm2 Busbars – Spade Terminals S1L-1000/16 AS-25-SN – CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR S1L-1000/16 – Insulated busbar 1 phase 63Amps, 1000mm, 56 poles S2L-1000/16 EK-B-2+3 Insulated busbar 2 phase 63Amps, 1000mm, 56 polesTerminal S3L-1000/16 EK-B-2+3 Insulated busbar 3 phase 63Amps, 1000mm, 56 poles CK-SAM – Conversion Kit from DIN Breakers to 13mm mini rail SP-FBD1M SP-FBD1M – 1 x Module Rail Mount Dummy CK-SAM-R – 1m Conversion rail din to 13mm mini rail - c/w Blanking StripCK-SAM Blanking Strip Busbar for DIN MCB – Not for Gewiss Code Description Busbars – Fork Terminals EK-B-2+3 Insulated end cap for 2 & 3 pole busbarsCK-SAM-R End Cap G1L-1000/16 Fork busbar 1 phase 63Amps, 1000mm, 56 poles. G2L-1000/16 Fork busbar 2 phase 63Amps, 1000mm, 56 poles.G1L-1000/16 G3L-1000/16 Fork busbar 3 phase 63Amps, 1000mm, 56 poles. CB1

DNB-E2rCeWuarkveers 13MM MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCBs) 4.5kA SA Range 1M = 13mm Amps 1 Pole Code 1 P+N Code 2 Pole Code 3 Pole Code 3 P+N Code 4 Pole Code 1M wide 2M wide 2M wide 3M wide 4M wide 4M wide 4.5kA Circuit Breakers C Curve 1A SA1-1 – – – – – – – – – 2A SA1-2 – SA2-5* SA3-5* SA3N-5 SA4-5 SA2-10* SA3-10* SA3N-10 SA4-10 5A SA1-5* SA1N-5* SA2-15* SA3-15* SA3N-15 SA4-15 1P C Curve 1P+N C Curve 3P D Curve 10A SA1-10* SA1N-10* SA2-20* SA3-20* SA3N-20 SA4-20 SA2-25* SA3-25* SA3N-25 SA4-25 15A SA1-15* SA1N-15* SA2-32* SA3-32* SA3N-32 SA4-32 SA2-40* SA3-40* SA3N-40 SA4-40 20A SA1-20* SA1N-20* SA2-50* SA3-50* SA3N-50 SA4-50 SA2-63* SA3-63* – SA4-63 25A SA1-25* SA1N-25* 32A SA1-32* SA1N-32* 40A SA1-40* SA1N-40* 50A SA1-50* SA1N-50* 2P D Curve 4P C Curve 63A SA1-63* SA1N-63* 6kA Circuit Breakers C Curve C Curve D Curve Amps 2M wide – 4M wide 6M wide – 8M wide 5A SA61-5* – SA62-5* SA63-5* – – 10A SA61-10* – SA62-10* SA63-10* – – 15A SA61-15* – SA62-15* SA63-15* – – 20A SA61-20* – SA62-20* SA63-20* – – 25A SA61-25* – SA62-25* SA63-25* – – 32A SA61-32* – SA62-32* SA63-32* – – 45A SA61-40* – SA62-40* SA63-40* – – 50A SA61-50* – SA62-50* SA63-50* – – 63A SA61-63* – SA62-63* SA63-63* – SA64-63 80A SA61-80* – SA62-80* SA63-80* – SA64-80 100A SA61-100* – SA62-100* SA63-100* – SA64-100 125A SA61-125* – SA62-125* SA63-125* – SA64-125 4P C Curve * For D Curve Breakers, Add -D to code, e.g. SA1-10-D Isolators Amps 2M wide – 4M wide 6M wide – 8M wide 25A SAS1-25 – SAS2-25 SAS3-25 – SAS4-25 40A SAS1-40 – SAS2-40 SAS3-40 – SAS4-40 63A SAS1-63 – SAS2-63 SAS3-63 – SAS4-63 Earth Leakage Relays - RCDs 30mA No Overload Protection With Overload Amps 2 Pole Width 4 Pole Width Amps 2 Pole Width Code Code CodeCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR 25A SAE2-25 2M SAE4-25 4M 25A SAE2L-25 2M 40A SAE2-40 2M SAE4-40 4M 32A SAE2L-32 2M 63A SAE2-63 2M SAE4-63 4M 63A SAE2L-63 2M Surge Protection Device Code Class No. of poles Imax 8/20 In 8/20 Up Uc Un Width SASP-5KA 2 1 10kA 5kA 1200V 275V 230V 1M SASP-15KA 2 1 30kA 15kA 1200V 275V 230V 1M Time Switch Code Description • Switching Capacity: 30A SAT-30A • 15 Days Reserve • 24hrs/7days 8 On + 8 Off Programs • 3M Width (39mm) 153 CB1

13MM MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCBs) 4.5kA 13mm Mini C/B Accessories Code DescriptionSAM-RAIL SAM-RAIL Mini Rail for circuit breakers 77 Way/1m SAM-BLANK-WH SAM-B1C Copper busbar for 13mm mini rail breakers 750mm long 1 Pole black insulatedSAM-B1C SAM-B1 Copper busbar for 13mm mini rail breakers 750mm long 1 Pole non-insulated SAM-B2C Copper busbar for 13mm Mini Rail Breakers 750mm long 2 Pole black insulated SAM-NB SAM-B3C Copper busbar for 13mm mini rail breakers 750mm long 3 Pole black insulatedSAM-B1 SAM-BLANK-WH 4½ way 13mm mini rail blanks, white SAM-BLANK-BK 4½ Way 13mm mini rail blanks, blackSAM-B3C SAM-NB Neutral bar clip-in to rail Accommodates 16mm² x 1, 7mm² x 7Arc chute has Dual rail mounting: Mini Thermal magnetic MCB Isolator Earth Leakage Flush Mount13 splitter Rail or DIN Rail tripping mechanism Surface Mountplates to provides accurateincrease tripping at lower currentssafety and and protects againstextend loose connection on thecontact life load terminalsMODULAR CHANGEOVER SWITCHES & DIN CONTACTORS Modular Changeover Switches Code Amps AC22 No. of Poles Width SF2P-* 25, 40A 2P 2m 4m SF2P-* 63, 100, 125A 2P 3m 6m SF3P-* 25, 40A 3P 4m 8m SF3P-* 63, 100, 125A 3P SF4P-* 25, 40A 4PSF2P-25A/40A SF3P-25A/40A SF4P-25A/40A SF4P-* 63, 100, 125A 4P *Add amps to code: 25A, 40A, 63A, 100A, 125ANUEPW1T2O5A Code Description CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR SF2P-63A/100A/125A SF3P-63A/100A/125A SF4P-63A/100A/125A SFP-OH Operating Handle for 63-125A TM4P-40A DIN Contactors - Coil Voltage 230VAC Code Amps AC1 No. of Poles Width 2P N/O 1m NCH8-20 12A 2P N/O 2m 3P N/O 3m TM2P-*A 25A, 40A, 63A 4P N/O 3m 2 N/O + 2 N/C 3m TM3P-*A 25A, 40A, 63A 2 N/O + 2 N/C 3m 2 N/O + 2 N/C 3m TM4P-*A 25A, 40A, 63A 154 TM4P-25A/22 25A TM4P-40A/22 40A TM2P-40A TM4P-63A/22 63ANCH8-20 *Add amps to code: 25, 40, 63 CB1

TEMBREAK LITE MCCB's Fixed Settings 16kA 25kA 40kA Isolators 3-Pole E160-SF E250-SCF S160-SCF E250-SF S160-SF S250-SF S160-SN S250-SN 4-Pole E160-SF4 E250-SCF4 S160-SCF4 E250-SF4 S160-SF4 S250-SF4 S160-SN4 S250-SN4 016A 040A 100A 175A 016A 040A 100A 175A 016A 40A 100A 175A 160 250 Nominal Current Ratings 020A 050A 125A 200A -5 to 50˚C 025A 063A 160A 225A 020A 050A 125A 200A 020A 50A 125A 200A 025A 063A 160A 225A 025A 63A 160A 225A 032A 080A 250A 032A 080A 250A 032A 80A 250A Ratings: Ui / Ue 690/525V 690/525V 690/525V 690/525V 690/690V 690/690V 690/690V 690/690V 16/8kA 25/13kA 25/19kA 40/20kA 40/20kA N/A N/A Icu/Ics 400/415V 16/8kA 6kA 7.5kA 7.5kA 10kA 10kA N/A N/A 13/7kA 20/10kA 15/12kA 25/13kA 25/13kA N/A N/A Icu 525V 6kA Icu/Ics 250VDC 13/7kA Adjustable Settings 16kA 25kA 40kA 3-Pole E160-SJ E250-SCJ S160-SCJ E250-SJ S160-SJ S250-SJ 4-Pole E160-SJ4 E250-SCJ4 S160-SCJ4 E250-SJ4 S160-SJ4 S250-SJ4 Nominal Current Ratings 025A 100A 200A 025A 100A 200A 025A 100A 200A -5 to 50˚C 040A 125A 250A 040A 125A 250A 040A 125A 250A 063A 160A 063A 160A 063A 160A 080A 080A 080A Ratings: Ui / Ue 690/525V 690/525V 690/525V 690/525V 690/690V 690/690V 16/8kA 25/13kA 25/19kA 40/20kA 40/20kA AC Breaking Ics/Icu 400/415V 16/8kA 6kA 7.5kA 7.5kA 10kA 10kA 13/7kA 20/10kA 15/12kA 25/13kA 25/13kA Capacity Icu 525V 6kA 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 20ka 6-12 x In 6-12 x In 6-12 x In 6-13 x In 20ka Icu/Ics 250VDC 13/7kA Adjustability: Thermal 0.63-1 x In Magnetic 6-12 x In w d2 Dimensions: h 130mm 165mm 130mm 165mm 130mm 165mm h d1 For both d1 68mm 68mm 68mm 68mm 68mm 68mm adjustable d2 93mm 95mm 93mm 95mm 93mm 95mm & fixed w-3P 75mm 105mm 75mm 105mm 75mm 105mm settings w-4P 100mm 140mm 100mm 140mm 100mm 140mm MCCB ACCESSORIES FOR TEMBREAK LITE Frame Size 160A 250A Frame Size 160A 250A Frame Size 160A 250A Auxiliary Switches External Operating Handles Mechanical Interlocks 250Amp Frame 1 C/O for right & Left side A002489 A002489 Door Mount IP54 - Black Daros Handle 120-45-0110-01 120-45-0110-02 Link Type Mech. Interlock right side 250AF M064869 1 C/O for right & Left side M064876 A002892 A002892 Door Mount IP54 - Black Handle H908118 H909399 Link Type Mech. Interlock left side 3P 250A Shunt trip Door Mount IP65 - Black Handle H908125 H909405 Link Type Mech. Interlock left side 4P 250A M064883 Breaker Mount - Black Handle H906046 H907005 Wire Type Mech. Interlock use with Link Type M064890 Handle Lock - required for toggle lock H064906 H064906 Extension Bars Handle Holder - required for toggle lock H064913 H064913 Flat bar straight type half EB068072 EB061608 EB068089 EB061615 set 3P (3 pieces) EB068096 EB061622 Daros Handles IP54 Flat bar straight type half Auxilliary Switch Alarm Switch (Add gasket 12180 set 4P (4 pieces) to make Flat bar offset type half IP65) set 3P (3 pieces)CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Alarm Switches Flat bar offset type half EB068102 EB061639 set 4P (4 pieces) For Left Side Aux Alarm A002557 A002557 Door Mount Handle IP65 Covers Terminal covers for front 1C/O 1C/O connection 3P half set C065248 C065286 C065293 For Right Side C065729 C065729 Aux Alarm A002564 A002564 Terminal covers for front C065255 connection 4P half set 1C/O 1C/O Interpole barriers 3P 2pcs C065682 Shunt Trips with terminals per 3P MCCB (*1) AC100-120V S002649 S002649 Breaker Mount Handle Interpole barriers 4P 3pcs C065682 AC200-240V S002656 S002656 Mechanical Interlocks per 3P MCCB (*2) AC380-450V S002663 S002663 Slide type mechanical interlocks front M064784 M064821 (*1) Order two pieces for each MCCB (*2) Order three pieces for each MCCB DC24V S002670 S002670 rear connection 3P (*1) Undervoltage Trips Slide type mechanical interlocks front M064807 M064845 AC100-120V U002779 U002779 rear connection 4P (*1) AC200-240V U002786 U002786 (*1) Order one part between two MCCB AC380-450V U002793 U002793 DIN Rail Adapter DC24V U002809 U002809 DIN Rail mount MCCBs D066900 D066900 Terminal Cover Interpole Barrier155 TS

TEMBREAK MCCB's 25kA Adjustable Settings WSHTLILOAESCTKS E400-NJ 3-Pole E125-NJ E400-NJ4 4-Pole E125-NJ4 020A (12.5-20) 400A (250-400) 032A (20-32) Nominal Current Ratings 050A (32-50) -5 to 50°C 063A (40-63) 2000m Ratings: Ui / Ue 800/525V 800/525V 25/19kA 25/25kA Icu/Ics 400/415V 8/6kA 15/15kA 25/19KA 25/19KA E125-NJ Icu/Ics 525V 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x InPlug-in conversion kits available 6-12 x In 6-12 x In Icu/Ics 250VDC 155mm 260mm w d2 68mm 103mm d1 Protection: Thermal 92mm 145mm 90mm 140mm h Magnetic 120mm 185mm 543mm 610mmDimensions Dimensions: h d1 d2 w-3P w-4P Max Panel depth with VDH 36kA Adjustable Settings 3-Pole S125-NJ S160-NJ S250-NJ S400-CJ E630-NE E630-NE4 4-Pole S125-NJ4 S160-NJ4 S250-NJ4 S400-CJ4 020A (12.5-20) 160A (100-160) 200A (126-200) 400A (250-400) 630A (250-630) 032A (20-32) 250A (160-250) Nominal Current Ratings 050A (32-50) -5 to 50°C 2000m 063A (40-63) 100A (63-100) 125A (80-125) Ratings: Ui / Ue 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 36/25kA 36/36kA 36k/36A 36/36kAS125-NJ Icu/Ics 400/415V 36/30kA 25/25kA 25/25kA 22/22kA 15/15kA Plug-in conversion 40/40kA 40/40kA 40/40kA N/A kits available Icu/Ics 525V 22/22kA 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 6-13 x In 6-13 x In 6-12 x In Electronic w Icu/Ics 250VDC 25/19kA 165mm 165mm 260mm 260mm h Protection: Thermal 0.63-1 x In 68mm 68mm 103mm 103mm 92mm 92mm 145mm 145mmDimensions d1 Magnetic 6-12 x In 105mm 105mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm 185mm 185mm Dimensions: h 155mm 543mm 543mm 610mm 610mm d1 68mm d2 92mm w-3P 90mm w-4P 120mm Max Panel depth with VDH 543mm 50kA Adjustable Settings 3-Pole S400-NJ S630-CE S800-NJ S800-NE S1000-SE S1250-SE 4-Pole S400-NJ4 S630-CE4 S800-NJ4 S800-NE4 S1000-SE4 S1250-SE4 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Nominal Current Ratings 400A (250-400) 630A (250-630) 800A (500-800) 800A (500-800) 1000 (630-1000) 1250 (630-1250) -5 to 50°C 2000m R atings: Ui / Ue 800/690V 800/690V 690/690V 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 50/50kA 50/50kA 50/50kA 50/50kA 50/38kA 0/38kAS800-NJ Icu/Ics 400/415V 30/30kA 30/30kA 30/30kA 30/30kA 30/23kA 30/23kA 40/40kA N/A 50/50kA N/A N/A N/A Icu/Ics 525V 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 6-12 x In Electronic 3-12 x In Electronic Electronic Electronic Icu/Ics 250VDC 260mm 273mm 103mm 260mm 103mm 273mm 273mm 370mmPlug-in conversion P rotec tion: Thermal 145mm 103mm 145mm 103mm 103mm 120mmkits available 140mm 145mm 210mm 145mm 145mm 171mm Magnetic 185mm 140mm 280mm 210mm 210mm 210mm 185mm 280mm 280mm 280mmw d2d1 Dimensions: d1h 610mm 610mm 484mm 515mm d2 484mm 484mm TS 156h w-3P w-4PDimensions Max Panel depth with VDH

TEMBREAK MCCBs 65kA - Adjustable settings 3-Pole S125-GJ S160-GJ S250-GJ S400-GJ S630-GE 4-Pole S125-GJ4 S160-GJ4 S250-GJ4 S400-GJ4 S630-GE4 020A (12.5-20) 160A (100-160) 200A (126-200) 400A (250-400) 630A (250-630) 032A (20-32) 250A (160-250) Nominal Current Ratings 050A (32-50) 800/690V -5 to 50°C 063A (40-63) 65/36kA 800/690V 2000m 100A (63-100) 25/25kA 65/36kA 125A (80-125) 40/40kA 25/25/kA Ratings: Ui / Ue 0.63-1 x In 40/40kA 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 6-13 x In 0.63-1 x In 70/50kA 70/50kA S250-GJ Icu/Ics 415/400 65/36kA 165mm 6-13 x In 30/30kA 30/30kA 25/22kA 68mm 165mm 40/40kA N/A Plug-in conversion Icu/ Ics 525V 40/40kA 92mm 68mm 0.63-1 x In kits available 0.63-1 x In 105mm 92mm 6-12 x In Electronic Icu/Ics 250VDC 6-12 x In 140mm 105mm 260mm 543mm 140mm 103mm 260mm Protection: Thermal 155mm 543mm 145mm 103mm 140mm 145mm Magnetic 68mm L250-NJ 185mm 140mm 610mm 185mm w d2 Dimensions: h 92mm 610mm h d1 d1 90mm Dimensions d2 120mm w-3P 543mm w-4P Panel depth with VDH 65kA Icu @ 525V - Adjustable settings 3-Pole L125-NJ L160-NJ L400-NE S1250-GE 020A (12.5-20) 160A (100-160) 250A (160-250) 400A (250-400) 1250A (639-1250) 032A (20-32) 050A (32-50) Nominal Current Ratings 063A (40-63) -5 to 50°C 100A (63-100) 2000m 125A (80-125) Ratings: Ui / Ue 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V 200/150kA 200/150kA 200/150kA 200/150kA 100/75kA Icu/Ics 415/400 65/65kA 65/65kA 65/65/kA 65/65kA 65/50kA 40/40kA 40/40kA 40/40kA N/A N/A Icu/ Ics 525V 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 6-13 x In 6-13 x In 6-12 x In Electronic Icu/Ics 250VDC Protection: Thermal 0.63-1 x In Magnetic 6-12 x In w d2 Dimensions: h 165mm 165mm 165mm 260mm 370mm h d1 Dimensions d1 96mm 96mm 96mm 134mm 120mm d2 127mm 127mm 127mm 182mm 171mm w-3P 105mm 105mm 105mm 140mm 210mm Panel Depth with VDH 571mm 571mm 571mm 641mm 515mm 70kA - Adjustable settings / 100kA - Adjustable settings 3-Pole S1250-NE S1600-NECIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR 4-Pole S1250-NE4 S1600-NE4 1250A (630-1250) 1600A (800-1600) Nominal Current Ratings -5 to 50°C 800/690V 800/690V 2000m 70/50kA 100/75kA (400V) 85/65kA (415V) Ratings: Ui / Ue 45/34kA 65/50kA Icu/Ics 400/415V N/A N/A Electronic Icu/Ics 525V Electronic 370mm Icu/Ics 250VDC 120mm 370mm 171mm 140mm Protection: Thermal 210mm 191mm 280mm 210mm Magnetic 515mm 280mm 535mm w d2 Dimensions: h d1 d1 h d2 Dimensions w-3P S1600-GE w-4P Max panel depth with VDH157 TS

TEMBREAK MCCB ACCESSORIES Frame Size 125A 160 - 250A 400 - 630A 800A 1250 - 1600A E125/S125 Auxiliary Switches A000348 E250/S250 E400/S400/S630 S800/S1000 S1250/S1600 General purpose Aux 1C/O A000300 A000348 A000348 A215001005 A212001006 A000317 Rating 3A @ 240V 5A @ 250V; 3A @ 500V Heavy Duty N/O A000300 A000300 A000300 A000300 4A @ 240V; 1A @ 500V N/C A000317 A000317 A000317 A000317 Alarm Switches General purpose Aux 1C/O A000744 A000744 A000744 A000744 A000744 Rating A000706 3A @ 240V 5A @ 250V; 3A @ 500V A000713 Heavy Duty N/O A000706 A000706 A000706 A000706 4A @ 240V; 1A @ 500V N/C A000713 A000713 A000713 A000713 Shunt Trips AC100-120V S000904 S000904 S000904 S000904 S003904 S003911 AC200-240V S000911 S000911 S000911 S000911 S003935 DC24V S000935 S000935 S000935 S000935 Other Voltages available ex-indent (See Terasaki short form catalogue) Undervoltage Trips Instantaneous Type AC100-120V U001208 U001208 U001208 U002304 U002304 AC200-240V U001215 U001215 U001215 U002311 U002311 DC24V U001239 U001239 U001239 U002335 U002335 500mS Delay AC100-120V – – – U003127 U003233 800-1600A AC200-240V – – – U003134 U003140 Other Voltages available ex-indent • For Maximum Configurations see Terasaki Shortform CatalogueExternal Operating Handles Frame Size 125A 160 - 250A 400 - 630A 800A 1250A 1600A 120-45-0200-01 120-45-0200-01 121-45-0202-01 121-45-0208-01Door Mount IP54 Black Daros Handle* 121-45-0204-01 121-45-0206-01 H060601 12180 H060922 H061325 *Add Gasket to make IP65 H060649 H060687 H060960 12180 H061363 H725623 H060724 H727061 H027543Door Mount IP54 Black Handle H037016 H726347 H037207 H061240 H061325 H035326 TLSB-125 H037016 TLSB-630 –Door Mount IP65 Black Handle TLSB-250 H061288 H061363Breaker Mount IP3X H027079 H027543Padlock Attachment Handle Locks – H035326Padlock Attachment Slide Locks + Hat Stand TLSB-800 – Door Mount Handle IP65Padlock Breaker Mount IP3X Toggle lock Symmetrical Mount 12180 Chain DriveAttachments slide bracket Daros Handles IP54 Gasket Mechanism for larger MCCBsMotor operators Frame Size 125A 160-250A 400-630A 800A 1250-1600A AC100-110V MO755606 MO755705 – – MO735332 AC 100-240V – – MO756009 MO735400 MO735356 AC 230 - 240V MO755620 MO755729 – – MO735349To fit To fit DC 24V MO755637 MO755736 MO756016 MO735417 MO735363TB2 MCCBs XS MCCBs Other voltages available ex-indentMechanical & Electrical Int erlocks Frame Size 125A 160-250A 400-630A 800A 1250-1600A Slide Type Mech. Int. 3P (*1) M033513 M033605 M033704 M033803 M035302 Slide Type Mech. Int. 4P (*1) M033520 M033612 M033711 M033810 M035319 Link Type Mech. Int. Right Side (*2) M035005 M035104 M035265 M036309 – CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEARSlide Type Link Type Mech. Int. Left Side 3P (*2) M035012 M035111 M035272 M036316 – Link Type Mech. Int. Left Side 4P (*2) M035029 M035128 M035289 M036323 – (*1) Order one part between two MCCBs (*2) Order one Interlock part for each MCCB Cable type mechanical interlocks available (see Terasaki Shortform Catalogue)Link Type 125A 160 - 250A 400 - 630A 800A 1250A-1600ACovers C080425 C080456 C080807 C081040 C081088Terminal Covers for Front Connection 3P 2 Covers Terminal Covers for Front Connection 4P 3 Covers C080432 C080463 C080814 C081057 C081095Interpole Barriers 2 Pieces per 3P MCCB Door Flange C043062 C043161 C043338 C043338 C043338 C044908 C044908 C045400 – C211005161 Terminal cover Interpole Barrier Door Flange TS 158

ISOLATORS & INTERLOCKED MCCBs Isolators S125-NN S160-NN S250-NN S400-NN S630-NN XS800-NN XS1250-NN S125-NN4 S160-NN4 S250-NN4 S400-NN4 S630-NN4 XS800-NN4 XS1250-NN4 3 Pole Isolator 4 Pole Isolator Early make, Late break Neutral Terasaki Professional Switching Solutions 100% Rated Neutral For more economical 160A or 250A isolators, see page 155. Ratings Rated Current Amps 125A 160A 250A 400A 630A 800A 1250A Rated Voltage Ue AC 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 3.6kA 6kA 6kA 9kA 9kA 15kA 32kA Rated short circuit making capacity Peak 2kA 3kA 3kA 5kA 5kA 9.6kA 15kA 90mm 105mm 105mm 140mm 140mm 210mm 210mm Rated short time current 0.3 seconds 120mm 140mm 140mm 185mm 185mm 280mm 280mm 155mm 165mm 165mm 260mm 260mm 273mm 370mm Dimensions w - 3-Pole 68mm 68mm 68mm 103mm 103mm 103mm 120mm 92mm 92mm 92mm 145mm 145mm 145mm 171mm w d2 w - 4-Pole S125-NJ S160-NJ S250-NJ S400-NJ S630-NE XS800-NJ XS1250-SE d1 S125-NJ S160-NJ S250-NJ S400-NJ S630-NE XS800-NJ – h 750A 1000A 1500A 2400A 3780A 4800A 7500A h d1 d2 For accessories see CB Back-Up Circuit Breaker Maximum switching current AC MOTORISED INTERLOCKED MCCBS Motorised, Electrical & Mechanically interlocked • 80 - 800kVA • Ideal for gensets • One part number Each set comprises: Other combinations involving circuit 2 x 3-pole MCCBs breakers and isolators can be assembled 2 x Motor operators to your order. 2 x Aux interlocks 1 x Mechanical interlock set Supplied in kit format Workshop Assembly Code EEM125* EEM250* EEM400* EEM630* XSM800* XSM1250*CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Ratings: Voltage Ue 525V 525V 690V 690V 690V 690V 125A 250A 400A 600A 500-800A 630-1250A Current In 80kVA 160kVA 250kVA 400kVA 450-500kVA 550-850kVA 25kA 25kA 36kA 36kA 65kA 85kA Gensets Icu 400/415 0.63-1 x In 0.63 - 1 x In 0.63 - 1 x In 0.63 - 1 x In Adj. 63-1 x IIn Electronic Adj. 6-12 x In Adj. 6-12 x In Adj.6-12 x In Electronic Adj. 5-10 x In Electronic Overload Protection: Thermal Instant Description Qty Moulded Case MCCB 2 E125-NJ 125A E250-NJ 250A S400-CJ 400A E630-NE 630A – – MO755620 MO755729 MO756009 MO756009 – – Motor Operator 2 A000317 A000317 A000317 A000317 – – M033520 M033612 M033711 M033711 – – Auxiliary Switch 2 M035005 M035104 M035265 M035265 – – 240 270 340 340 420 420 RHS Mechanical Interlock 1 155 165 260 260 340 530 170 170 233 233 300 360 LHS Mechanical Interlock 1 E125 E250 S400 E630 XS800 XS1250 Dimensions: w h d For accessories & further specs, see CB * Add Control Voltage for Motorised Operators :230VAC or 24VDC eg EEM400 230VAC159 TS

TEMBREAK MINING 1100V MCCBs Series XV 3-Pole XV125-NJ XV250-NJ XV400-NE XV630-NE XV800-NE Current - 250A (160-250) 250A (125-250) 630A (315-630) 800A (400-800) Rating - 400A (200-400) In 050A (32-50) 4kA 063A (40-63) 6kA - -AC Breaking Capacity: Icu 1100V 4/6kA 6kA 12.5kA 18kA 18kAProtection: Thermal Adj 0.63-1 x In Adj 0.63-1 x In Electronic Electronic Electronic Magnetic (Inst.) Fixed 13 x In Fixed 13 x InDimensions h 155mm 165mm 260mm 273mm 273mm w d2 d1 86mm 103mm 103mm 103mm 103mm d2 104mm 124mm 145mm 145mm 145mm h w 90mm 105mm 140mm 210mm 210mm Max depth with VDH 373mm 390mm 385mm 385mm 385mmAuxiliary contacts (Ax) Accessories - See the Terasaki Shortform Catalogue for maximum configurationsAuxiliary = Aux Frame Size 125A 160-250A 400A 600-800AAlarm (Trip only) = Alarm Aux Alarm 1 C/O – A211001002 A212001003 A212001004 A215001005 2 C/O – A211001012 A212001013 A212001014 A215001015 3 C/O – – – A212001024 A215001025 – 1 C/O A212001067 A212001068 A212001069 A215001070 1 C/O 1 C/O A212001039 A212001040 A212001041 A215001042 Rating 3A @ 250V; 0.4A @ 500V 5A @ 250V; 3A @ 500VUndervoltage Trips (UVT) Inst: 100-120VAC U212002064 U212002065 U211002066 U215002067 U212002072 U212002073 U211002074 U215002075 Other voltages 200-240VAC U212002116 U212002117 U211002118 U215002119a vaila ble ex-indent. 500mS 100-120VAC 200-240VAC U212002124 U212002125 U211002126 U215002127Shunt Trips (SHT) 100-115VAC S212002003 S212002004 S211002005 S215002006 S212002011 S212002012 S211002013 S215002014O ther voltage s 200-480VAC S212002029 S212002030 S212002031 S215002032a vailable ex-i ndent. 24VDCCovers T erminal Covers 3 Pole (set of 2) C212004006 C211004010 C212004016 C215004018 Interpole Barriers (set of 2) C211004038 C211004040 – C215004042 Door flange C211005159 C211005159 C211005160 C215005160Mechanical Interlocks Rear Toggle M211009015 M211009017 M211009021 M211009023 M211009034 M215009035220 - 230VAC 1m cable – – H212011003 H215011004Handle Mechanisms Padlock attachment H211011001 H211011002 – 121TEC.8465 (600A) Varidepth handle IP54* 120TEC.8165 120TEC.8265 800A DAROS * Add Gasket 12180 to make IP65 121-45-0204-01 Motor Operators Motor Operator 230VAC MO215008024 MO212008025 Motor Operator 24VDC MO215008054 MO212008055 TEMBREAK 2 MINING 1100V MCCB's CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEARNote: Refer to Page 158 for accessories Series VS VS125-NJ VS250-NJ 3-Pole NETWYPE 020A (12.5-20) 4kA 250A (160-250) Nominal Current 032A (20-32) 4kA Ratings 050A (32-50) 4kA -5 to 50℃ 063A (40-63) 6kA 2000m 100A (63-100) 6kA 125A (80-125) 6kA AC Breaking Capacity: Icu 1100V 4/6kA 6kA Protection: Thermal Adj 0.63-1 x In Adj 0.63-1 x In Dimensions Magnetic (Inst.) Fixed 13 x In Fixed 13 x In h 155mm 165mm w d2 d1 68mm 68mm d2 92mm 140mm h w 90mm 105mm Max depth with VDH 373mm 390mm TS 160

MCCB's & ACCESSORIES Note: This range of MCCBs is available while stocks last. Accessories are available. Please see the shortform catalogue. WSHLTIAOLESCTKS 3-Pole XS800-NJ XS1250-CE XS1250-SE XS1600-SE XS2000-SE 4-Pole XS800-NJ4 – XS1250-SE4 XS1600-SE4 – Nominal Current Ratings 800A (500-800) 1000A (500-1000A) 1000A (500-1000A) 1600A (800-1600) 2000A (1000-2000) -5 to 50°C 1250A (630-1250) 1250A (630-1250) XS1250SE 2000m d2 Ratings Ui / Ue 690/690V 690/690V 800/690V 800/690V 800/690V d1 50kA/25kA(415v) 50kA/65kA 65kA/85kA 100kA Ics/Icu 415V 50kA/25kA(415v) 35kA/18kA 45kA/34kA 65kA/50kA Electronic Icu/ Ics 525V 35kA/18kA Electronic Electronic Electronic 450mm Protection Thermal 0.63-1 x In 370mm 370mm 370mm 225mm 120mm 120mm 140mm 285mm Magnetic 3-12 x In 171mm 171mm 191mm - 210mm 210mm 210mm - w Dimensions h 273mm 280mm 280mm 280mm 320 mm 515mm 515mm 535mm d1 103mm d2 145mm h w-3P 210mm w-4P 280mm Dimensions Max panel depth with VDH 484mm MCCB's WITH INTEGRATED EARTH LEAKAGE PROTECTION 3-Pole ZE125-NJ ZS125-NJ ZS125-GJ ZE250-NJ ZS250-NJ ZS250-GJ 4-Pole ZE125-NJ4 ZS125-NJ4 ZS125-GJ4 ZE250-NJ4 ZS250-NJ4 ZS250-GJ4 Current 020A (12.5-20) 020A (12.5-20) 020A (12.5-20) 250A 250A 250A Rating 032A (20-32) 032A (20-32) 032A (20-32) (160-250) (160-250) (160-250) In 050A (32-50) 050A (32-50) 050A (32-50) 063A (40-63) 063A (40-63) 063A (40-63) 240-525VAC Suitable for 100A (63-100) 100A (63-100) 100A (63-100) Single Phase installation 125A (80-125) 125A (80-125) 125A (80-125) AC Breaking Capacity Icu 400V/415V 25kA 36kA 65kA 25kA 36kA 65kA Icu 525V 8kA 22kA 25kA 10kA 25kA 25kA Protection Earth Leakage 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A Thermal 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In Magnetic Fixed 10-12 x In 10-12 x In 10-12 x In 10-13 x In 10-13 x In 10-13 x In Dimensions see CB E125 S125 S125 E250 S250 S250 Note: This range can only accommodate one alarm and two auxillary contact blocks, no shunts or UVTs can be fitted. MCCB'S with Intergral Earth LEAKAGE & Remote Trip & Alarm Feature Adjustable Undervoltage Feature Selectable 50% or 70% 3-Pole ZE125-NJ ZP ZS125-NJ ZP ZS125-GJ ZP ZE250-NJ ZP ZS250-NJ ZP ZS250-GJ ZPCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR 4-Pole - ZS125-NJ4 ZP ZS125-GJ4 ZP ZE250-NJ4 ZP ZS250-NJ4 ZP ZS250-GJ4 ZP 020A (12.5-20) Current 032A (20-32) 020A (12.5-20) 020A (12.5-20) 250A 250A 250A Rating 050A (32-50) In 063A (40-63) 032A (20-32) 032A (20-32) (160-250) (160-250) (160-250) 050A (32-50) 050A (32-50) 063A (40-63) 063A (40-63) 100A (63-100) 100A (63-100) 100A (63-100) 125A (80-125) 125A (80-125) 125A (80-125) AC Breaking Capacity Icu 400V/415V 25kA 36kA 65kA 25kA 36kA 65kA 525V 8kA 22kA 25kA 10kA 25kA 25kA Protection Earth Leakage 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A 30mA - 3A Thermal 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In 0.63-1 x In Magnetic Fixed 10-12 x In 10-12 x In 10-12 x In 10-13 x In 10-13 x In 10-13 x In Dimensions see CB E125 (W+23mm) S125 (W+23mm) S125 (W+23mm) E250 (W+23mm) S250 (W+23mm) S250 (W+23mm) Note: This range can only accommodate one alarm and two auxillary contact blocks, no shunts or UVTs can be fitted.161 TS

AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS - FIXED & DRAWOUTThe TemPower2 is the world’s first “Double Break”ACB, having two breaking contacts per phase. Theunique pole structure means that the short timewithstand rating (Icw, 1sec) is equal to the serviceshort-circuit breaking capacity (Ics) for all models.Icu=Ics=Icw for 1secTemPower2 ACBs have the world’s smallest depthresulting in space saving in switchboards.Simplified Ordering 1250AStandard part number Includes Drawout Only Double Break Contacts• Protection Relay LSI (AGR-11BL-AL) • Drawout Handle • Dial Type-2 (LCD available on request) • Horizontal or Vertical • 4 AB Auxiliary Contacts Connections• Padlockable Mechanical • Chassis Close & Open Buttons • Safety Shutters• Mechanical Close & Open Indicators • Terminal Cover• Mechanical Indicator for • Position Indicator Charged/Discharged State 4 Pole ACBs available on request Fixed Type Drawout TypeACB Frame Size AR 2 AR3 AR 2 AR3 AR 4 AR6Rated Current In 1250 / 1600 / 2000A 2500 / 3200A* 1250* / 1600 / 2000A 2500 / 3200A* 4000A* 5000* / 6300A*ACB Model 3 pole ACDC2F312HH ACDC3F325VV ACDC2D312HH* ACDC3D325VV ACDC4D340VV ACDC6D350VV*-5 - 40°C ACDC2F316HH ACDC3F332VV* ACDC2D316HH ACDC3D332VV* – ACDC6D363VV**Available Ex-Indent ACDC2F320VV – ACDC2D320VV – – –Rated Operational Voltage Ue 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690VAC Rated Insulation Voltage Ui 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000V 1000VIcs Service Breaking Capacity 690V 50kA 65kA 50kA 65kA 85kA 85kA(kA, symmetrical r.m.s) 440V 65kA 85kA 65kA 85kA 100kA 120kA 400/415V 65kA 85kA 65kA 85kA 100kA 120kAIcm Making Capacity 690V 105kA 143kA 105kA 143kA 187kA 187kA(kA, asymmetrical peak) 440V 143kA 187kA 143kA 187kA 220kA 264kA 400/415V 143kA 187kA 143kA 187kA 220kA 264kAIcw Short - Time Withstand 1 sec 65kA 85kA 65kA 85kA 100kA 120kA(kA rms) 3 sec 50kA 65kA 50kA 65kA 75kA 85kATimes Total Breaking Time (sec) max 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05Spring Charging Time (sec) max 10 10 10 10 10 10Closing Time (sec) max 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08Dimensions W 3 pole 360mm 466mm 354mm 460mm 460mm 799mm CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR H 460mm 460mm 460mm 460mm 460mm 460mm D 290mm 345mm 345mm 345mm 380mm 380mmNote: The Tempower 2 range of Air Circuit Breakers can be customised to meet the requirements of any application.Available accessories are:• Motor Operators and closing coils in various voltages • Shunt trips and UVTs in various voltages• Mechanical interlock kits for co-ordination of up to 3 ACB's • A full range of spare parts for maintenance purposes• A wide variety of advanced protection relays Accessories - See Terasaki Short Form CatalogueUndervoltage Trips Motor & Closing Coil for Key LocksDrawout Type Automatic Charging and ClosingShunt Trips Fixed Drawout Chassis Vertical or Horizontal Mechanicaland Drawout Type Terminals Interlocks Kits TS 162

BS HRC FUSE LINKS & CARRIERS BS 88 Size NS A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Standard Protection IEC269 – BS88 Code* BNS* BNIT* BTIA* BTIS* BTCP* BTFP* *2A *20A *32A *63M80A *80A Current *2A *16A *2A *4A *25A *35A *63M100A *100A *125A *6A *32A *40A *125A *160A (*Add Amp to code) *4A *20A *4A *10A *50A *160A *16A *63A *100M200A 660V *6A *25A *6A 80kA 660V 660V 660V *10A *32A *10A 80kA 80kA 80kA *16A *20A Voltage AC 550V 550V Fault capacity 80kA 80kA * For Econo Type Remove \"B\" From Code eg. NS16 Dimensions Overall length 58.5mm 55.6mm 85.8mm 85.8mm 111mm 111mm Hole fixing centres CLIP-IN 44.5mm 73mm 73mm 93.7mm 93.7mm Diameter 13.8mm 14.1mm 22.2mm 22.2mm 28mm 33.7mm Tag type / holes Offset / None One side / 2 One side / 2 One side / 2 One side / 2 One side / 2 NS Fuse Holders NIT Fuse Holders Volts 415V 415/660V 660V 550V 660V 415V Mounting Screw Screw Busbar DIN Screw Screw Connection Front Rear Rear/Front Front Front Front Black White NSH-B NSP-B * NSB-B 32NNSF-B RS20H CSM-20H NSH-W 32NNSF-W – – Dimensions NSP-W * – Height Width *Add 415V or 600V Depth 82.5mm 80mm 80mm 83mm 80mm 81mm Volts 44mm 25mm 25mm 25mm 27mm 25mm Mounting 67mm 81mm 44mm 49mm 54mm 46mmCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR TIA Fuse Holders 415V TIS Fuse Holders TCP Fuse Holders Screw 660V 660V 660V 660V 660V 415V 660V 415V Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Connection Front Rear/Front Front Front Rear Rear/Front Front Front Front RS32HD RS32PH CSM-32H RS63HD RS63P Black RS63-B CSM-63H RS100HD CSM-100H Dimensions Height 103mm 103mm 98mm 110mm 105mm 110mm 110mm 140mm 130mm Width 32mm 32mm 32mm 35mm 36mm 35mm 35mm 51mm 47mm Depth 70mm 70mm 65mm 76mm 65mm 76mm 76mm 100mm 91mm 163 L

BS HRC LINKS & CARRIERSBS 88 Size B1 B2 B3 B4 C1/C2 C3 Fuse Holders Screw MountStandard Protection Front Connection IEC269 – BS88 TF/TKF/TMFCode* BTS* BTF* BTKF* BTMF* BTM BTTM BTLM* 200A 660V *355A *800ACurrent *100A *250A *400A TM400 RS200HD *315A TTM500 660V 175 x 70 x 115(*Add Amp to code) *125A 660V TTM560 80kA TF 200A 415V 80kA TTM630 *160A CSM-200H 136.5mm 660V 176 x 70 x 125 *200A 111mm 80kA 60mmVoltage AC 660V 660V Centre / 2Fault capacity 80kA 80kA* For Econo Type Remove \"B\" From Code eg. TS100DimensionsOverall length 136.5mm 136.5mm 211mm 209.6mm 209.6mm 133mm / 184mmHole fixing centres 111mm 111mm 133mm / 184mm 82.2mmDiameter 33.7mm 40 / 52.6mm 60mm 74.2mm Centre / 4Tag type / holes Centre / 2 Centre / 2 Centre / 4 FUSES & HOLDERSBottle Fuses with blown indicator (diazed) Automotive Fuses (9.2mm Blade type) 32VSize D01-E14 D02-E18 D1 – E16 D11 – E27 D111 – E33 Standard 19mm Protection ↕9.2mm IEC269 E14-* E18-* E16-* E27-* E33-* Code/Amps Colour *2A *2A *2ACode *4A *20A *4A *4A *35A AF-2A ● Dark Green *6A *25A *6A *6A *50A AF-3A ● VioletCurrent 2A *10A *35A *10A *10A *63A AF-4A ● Pink *Add Amp 4A *16A *50A *16A *16A 500V AF-5A ● Tan to code 6A *63A *20A *20A 50mm AF-7.5A ● Brown 10A 400V 400V *25A *25A 26mm AF-10A ● Red 16A 36mm 36mm AF-15A ● Blue50kA 20A 11mm 14mm 500V 500V AF-20A ● Yellow 25A 50mm 50mm AF-25A ● Clear 35A PPD01-1 PPD02-1 13mm 22mm AF-30A ● Green 50A AF-35A ● Purple 63AVoltage AC Inline Fuse HolderDimensions Overall length E14/18 E27/33 PPE27-1 PPE33-1 Code V1161 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Diameter CAP CAPFuse Holders –Plastic, DIN MountBase 400VACIEC60269, VDE0636Order Caps separatelyCode 1PCode 3P PPD01-3 PPD02-3 ––– (7.2mm Blade type) Mini Automotive FusesCap Code E14-CAP E18-CAP – E27-CAP E33-CAP (7.2mm Blade type) Fuse Disconnectors – DIN Mount Fuse Holders c/w Caps – DIN Mount ↕ 7.2mmCode 1P VLD01-1 STVD02-1 E16/1B E27/1B E33/1B Code/Amps ColourCode 2P VLD01-2 STVD02-2 – – –Code 3P VLD01-3 STVD02-3 RL-3A ● Violet Spare Caps E16/3B E27/3B E33/3B RL-4A ● Pink E16-CAP E27-CAP E33-CAP RL-5A ● Tan RL-7.5A ● Brown L RL-10A ● Red RL-15A ● Blue RL-20A ● Yellow RL-25A ● Clear RL-30A ● Green 164

INDUSTRIAL FUSE HOLDERS Fuse Holders 10 x 38 14 x 51 22 x 58 G-231 Rated Voltage: 690VAC G-211 G-221 G-232 G-212 G-222 G-233 • High insulation voltage rating. G-213 G-223 G-233N • Resistant to abnormal heat and fire G-213N G-223N (Glow wire flammability test at 960 °C according to IEC 695-2-1). • Elevated vibration withstand. Fuse Size (mm) 1 Pole Code 2 Pole Code 3 Pole Code 3 P+N Code (c/w neutral link) Assembly Kit Ergonomic Handle Protection Degree IP20 Assembly Kits Marking Code Description Adapted shape for Protected against Push in clips and Easy to identify. Reference 21KE Assembly kit for fuse holder (10x38) (14x5) easy access and accidental finger pins for multipole and basic data visible on 23KE operation. contact. assemblies. front handle. Electrical Assembly kit for fuse holder (22x58) characteristics on the side. 21KE / 23KE NH FUSE SWITCH DISCONNECTORS NH Fuse Switch 000 00 1 2 3 - G-711 G-731 - - Size 000: G-713 G-733 G-743 G-753 DIN Rail/Base Mounting G-703 G-714 G-734 - - Size 00, 1, 2, 3: - Up to 160A Up to 250A Up to 400A Up to 630A All base mounting Up to 100A Fuse size 00 1 2 Easy direct installation Touch protection IP20 - 1 Pole Code G-713PC G-733PC G-743PC by snapping onto the when fuse link is in test mode 3 Pole Code busbars. IP rating is maintained. 4 Pole Code Current Rating NH Fuse Switch Busbar Mount Direct installation onto busbar systems. Fuse size 3 Pole CodeCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR 1000VDC FUSES & FUSE HOLDERS 10 x 38 1000VDC Fuse Fuse Holders for DC Applications Code Current Rating Power Loss Code Thermal Poles Width 0.8In In Rating Fuse Size 30F6PV 6A 1.1W 1.8W 211PV 32A 10 x 38 1 Pole 18mm 30F8PV 8A 1.2W 2.1W 221PV 50A 14 x 51 1 Pole 27mm 30F10PV 10A 1.3W 2.3W 30F12PV 12A 1.5W 2.7W Accessories 30F15PV 15A 1.7W 2.9W Code Description 30F20PV 20A 2.1W 3.6W 21KE Multipole assembly kits 14 x 51 1000VDC Fuse According To Characteristics 30F32PV 32A 3.3W 6.2W • IEC 60947-1 • 1000VDC - DC-20B • IEC 60947-3 • Mounting 35mm DIN rail A range of fuse links specifically designed for protection and isolation of • High temperature resistant plastics • Elevated insulation characteristics photovoltaic strings. The fuse links are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV string arrays. General Characteristics • Rated Voltage: 1000VDC • Rated breaking capacity: 33kA (VDC) • Time constant (L/R): under 1ms • Minimum interrupting rating 1.3 x In165 L

CYLINDRICAL FUSES & HOLDERSCylindrical Fuses (500V) IEC269 1500V Fuses Glass Fuses Ceramic Fuses Fast Blow 5 x 20 6.3 x 32Size mm 10 x 38 14 x 51 22 x 58 10 x 85 5 x 20 250V 250V 250VAM type UF type 135% – 1h max 200% – 5s max F600.* F601.*GL Fuse 1038.* 1451.* 2258.* F602.* F700.* AM1038.* AM1451.* AM2258.* *2A *100mA *2A *1A *250mA *5AAM Fuse UF1038.* UF1451.* UF2258.* *4A *10A *32A *10A *32A *6.3A *250mA *3A *2A *500mA *6.3AUltra Fast Fuse *01A *12A *12A *40A *12A *40A *10A *16A *50A *16A *50A *16A *500mA *3.5A *3A *750mA *10ACurrent *02A *16A *20A *63A *20A *63A*Add Amp to code *25A *25A *80A *1A *4A *4A *800mA *15ARated Voltage: 500V *04A *20ABreaking Capacity: *100A *1.25A *5A *5A *1A *16A100kA *06A *25A *1.5A *6.3A *6.3A *1.6A *20A *08A *32A *1.6A *10A *10A *2A *25A *10A *15A *15A *3A *30AFuse Holders 690V *20A *20A *4A P114 P115 NB: Sold in packs of 100 only 21.5mmØ 12mmØ Fuse Holders HF-015 SP1120 (5x20) P113 12mmØ SP1132 (6.3x32) 15mmØNeutral link CMS2258.3 1038.NNeutral link 1038.N 1451.N 2258.N 1000V 250V 250V 250V 250V 1 Pole MSC1038.1 CMS1451.1 CMS2258.1 2 Pole MSC1038.2 CMS1451.2 CMS2258.2 For Fuse 5 x 20mm 5 x 20mm Inline 6.3 x 32mm 3 Pole MSC1038.3 CMS1451.3 CMS2258.3 10 x 85 Fuse Holder Panel 4 Pole MSC1038.4 CMS1451.4 CMS2258.4 16A max. Panel Panel Mount 1 N Pole MSC1038.N CMS1451.N VS2258.N Mount MountEcono Type Fuse Holders 500V Panel Mount Fuse Holder Open Type Fuse Holders P.C.B. Fuse Holders DIN Mount10 x 38 10 x 38 10 x 38 P1891 P1892 CQ-2005 Max 250VAC CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR For 5 x 20 Fuse 32APole Code w/o Code with Pole Code Specification Pole Code indication indication 10A 250V Code Pole LVS1038.11 Pole VS1038.1 LVS1038.2 1 Pole P1891 Max. 30A 600V 1 Pole FB1038.1 HF004 FS10 1 Pole LVS1038.3 1 Pole P1892 Max. 30A 600V For 5 x 20 Fuse 6.3 x 32 Fuse2 Pole VS1038.2 – Base c/w neon3 Pole VS1038.3 indication1 N Pole VS1038.N 166 L

DIN HRC FUSE LINKS AND CARRIERS Standard DIN Size C00 00 0 1 2 3 Protection Fuses with Code GL 24700-* 24585-* 24710-* 24720-* 24582-* 24588-* Indicator Current *6A  *35A *100A *125A *200A *200A *400A *Add Amp to *10A  *40A *125A *160A *250A *250A *500A code *160A *315A *630A Rated Voltage: *16A  *50A *355A 500V *20A  *63A *400A Fault Capacity: *25A  *80A 120kA *32A *100A Semi Conductor Protection Ultra Fast Fuses Code Ultra Fast 500V DIN UF24700-* UF24585-* UF24710-* UF24720-* NH-SW1 Code Ultra Fast 660V UFB00-* UFB00-* UFB0-* UFB1-* Current Micro Switch *Add Amp to code *6A, *10A, *16A *125A *125A *125A for DIN Fuses size Fault Capacity: 120kA *20A, *25A, *32A *160A *200A C00 to 3 for indica- *40A, *50A, *63A *250A UFB Type tion of blown fuse Neutral Link Screw Mount *80A, *100A NL24585 NL24585 NL24710 NL24720 NL24582 NL24588 IP00 Fuse Bases DIN Fuse Handle Mount 24649 1 Pole CT-00FB CT-00FB CT-01FB CT-01FB CT-02FB CT-03FB fits all sizes DIN 24645 24645 24646 24646 24647 24649 M3 oPuonletCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Code 1 Pole 3 Pole Terminal Cover Fuse Cover Fuse Barriers Fuse Linking Piece Size C00 & 00 7900.N 7903.00 CT-00FBC1 CT-00FBC2 CT-00FBC3 – Size 0 & 1 7901.N 7903.01 CT-01FBC1 CT-01FBC2 CT-01FBC3 CT-01FBC4 Size 2 7902.N 7903.02 CT-01FBC1 CT-01FBC2 CT-01FBC3 CT-01FBC4 Size 3 7903.N 7903.03 CT-03FBC1 CT-03FBC2 – CT-03FBC4 Special Fuse Bases 690V Size C00 & 00 (160A) 3P IP20 Size 0 & 1 (250A) 3P IP20 Size 2 (400A) 3P IP20 Code HR17-00 HR17-1 HR17-2 S1000-80-00167 L

SQUARE BODY TYPE B FUSES High Speed Fuse - Rated Voltage: 690VAC (IEC/UL) • Characteristic: aR • Fault Capacity: 200kA Size Size 01 Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 170M64-* Code 170M34-* 170M44-* 170M54-* *500A Current *63A *200A *400A *550A *630A *80A *250A *450A *700A *800A *100A *315A *500A *900A *1000A *125A *350A *550A *1100A *1250A *160A *400A *630A *1400A *1500A *200A *450A *700A *1600A *250A *500A *800A - - Dimensions (mm) *315A *550A *900A *350A *630A *1000A Size A B D E F G H *400A *700A *1100A 01 50 51 N/A 45 M8 5 17 *450A *800A *1250A 1 50 51 69 N/A M8 8 20 *500A *900A - 2 50 51 N/A 61 M10 10 24 *550A - - 3 51 53 N/A 76 M12 10 30 *630A - - *Add Amp to code BS ULTRA RAPID FUSE LINKSBussmann Ultra Rapid Fuses – 240V Bussmann Ultra Rapid Fuses – 690VCode Rated I2t (Amps2 secs) Code Rated I2t (Amps2 secs) Current Loss Current Loss RMS-Amps Pre-arc Clearing Clearing RMS-Amps Pre-arc Clearing Clearing at 120V at 240V 4W at 415V at 660V 7W 5W 11W25LET 25A 18 120 250 5W 25ET 25A 25 150 250 9W32LET 32A 32 200 450 7W 32ET 32A 32 190 350 11W35LET 35A 50 320 600 9W 40ET 40A 103 600 900 14W50LET 50A 100 500 1.4k 10W 45ET 45A 103 680 1.1k 16W63LET 63A 180 1.1k 2.2k 10W 56ET 56A 135 950 1.5k 18W80LET 80A 300 1.9k 3.8k 16W 63ET 63A 171 1.2k 2k 12W100LET 100A 600 3.8k 7.5k 20W 80ET 80A 360 2.5k 4k 20W125LET 125A 600 3.8k 7.5k 21W 63FE 63A 135 480 750 20W160LET 160A 1.1k 7k 16k 80FE 80A 250 900 1.5k 23W180LET 180A 1.6k 12k 29k 90FE 90A 360 1.3k 2.1k 27W 100FE 100A 470 1.8k 2.8kDimensions LCT LET 110EET 110A 600 4k 6.5k Dimensions ET, FE Fuse Guide for SCRs: Fuse I2t ≤ 0.75 x SCR I2t J-TYPE POLE FUSES Code SMJ30-* SPJ30-* SMJ31-* SPJ31-* CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Fixing Centres Fuse Body 82mm 82mm 92mm 92mm Ø39mm Ø50mm Rated voltage: 415V Ø39mm Ø50mm *20A *100A *355A Fault Capacity: 80kA *32A *125A *400A *20A *100A *355A *40A *160ASlotted type fuses designed for wedge type fuse carriers on BS applications. *50A *200AFor use by electrical authorities in distribution pillars, open type sub-station *32A *125A *400A *63A *250Aboards, heavy duty cutouts and underground connection boxes. *80A *315A *40A *160A *50A *200A *63A *250A *80A *315A *Add current rating to code PLUG TOP FUSE-LINKS STOVE FUSESRated Voltage: 240V Cylindrical Fuses - Size: 6.45 x 24.4mm Screw Capped (E27) Glass Fuses 240VBreaking Capacity: 6kA Code Rating Colour Code Code Current Rating Code Current Rating C180-13A 13A Black SF-E27-6A 6A SF-E27-20A 20A SF-E27-10A 10A SF-E27-25A 25A SF-E27-15A 15A SF-E27-30A 30A L 168

FUSED ISOLATORS DIN Type Fuse Enclosed Version - Electric Orange All open fused isolators supplied complete with IP54 black handle and 170mm shaft. BS Type Fuse 3 Pole DIN DIN Fuse 3 Pole BS BS Fuse AC23A kVAR DIN BS Enclosure Code Size Code Size 415V Switching Dimensions Dimensions Size Capacity H xWx D H xWx D H xWx D CSSDF032D 00 CSSDF032B A2 32A 15 107 x 168 x 126 107 x 168 x 126 300 x 250 x 200 CSSDF063D 00 CSSDF063B A3 63A 30 107 x 168 x 126 107 x 168 x 126 300 x 250 x 200 CSSDF100D 00 CSSDF100B A4 100A 45 142 x 190 x 135 142 x 190 x 135 300 x 250 x 200 CSSDF125D 00 CSSDF125B A4 125A 50 142 x 190 x 135 142 x 190 x 135 300 x 250 x 200 CSSD5160D 00 CSSDF160B B2 160A 60 142 x 212 x 135 142 x 212 x 135 300 x 250 x 200 CSSDF200D 1 CSSDF200B B2 200A 90 200 x 261 x 184 200 x 261 x 184 500 x 400 x 200 CSSDF250D 1 CSSDF250B B3 250A 115 200 x 261 x 184 200 x 261 x 184 500 x 400 x 200 CSSDF315D 2 CSSDF315B B3 315A 145 200 x 285 x 184 200 x 285 x 184 500 x 400 x 200 CSSDF400D 2 CSSDF400B B4 400A 180 200 x 285 x 184 200 x 285 x 184 500 x 400 x 200 CSSDF630D 3 CSSDF630B C2 630A 250 320 x 343 x 223 320 x 403 x 223 800 x 600 x 320 CSSDF800D 3 CSSDF800B C3 800A 310 320 x 373 x 223 320 x 403 x 223 800 x 600 x 320 For enclosed fused isolators IP54 add prefix “E-” to the above codes, eg. E-CSSDF200D • The fused isolators conform to IEC 60947 part 3. • Rated insulation voltage Ui 750V. Impulse withstand voltage Uimp 750V. • Max operational voltage without derating 690V. • Conventional enclosed thermal rating 45˚C • Utilisation category AC23A@415V and DC23A@220V 2 poles in series. AccessoriesCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Isolator CSSDFZX 33/36 CSSDFZX 1/16 CSSFZW CSWH8056 CSP Size Spare Shaft 32-63A Auxiliary Contact Auxiliary Contact Change Over CSWH145512 Code 100-160A 1NO+1NC 2NO+2NC mechanism CSP6X165 200-400A Spare Handle CSP6X165 630-800A CSSDFZX 46 CSSDFZX 32 CSSFZW1 Code IP54 CSP12X255 CSSDFZX 1 CSSDFZX 16 CSSFZW1 CSWH80S6 CSP12X255 169 CSSDFZX 33 CSSDFZX 34 CSSFZW12/1 CSWH80S6 CSSDFZX 35 CSSDFZX 36 CSSFZW12/1 CSWH145S12 Dimensions CSWH220S12 L x W xD 95 x 95 x 90 ENCLOSED ISOLATORS 95 x 95 x 90 110 x 170 x 110 Aluminium Die-Cast Enclosed Isolators IP65 (4 x M25 x 1.5mm Entries) Code Code AC23 3-Pole 4-Pole ELCL-CSSD025D3 ELCL-CSSD025D4 25A ELCL-CSSD040D3 ELCL-CSSD040D4 40A ELCL-CSSD063D3 - 63A CO1

ONLOAD ISOLATORS Open Isolators 25...3200A Ue 690V 25-63A supplied with red/yellow padlockable handle and 70mm shaft. For longer shaft order separately. 125-3200A supplied with padlockable pistol-grip handle and shaft. DIN Rail mounting: 25 & 40A (3 & 4 pole) plus 63A 3 pole. All others are screw mounting. 3-Pole 4-Pole Ie AC23A kVAr Dimensions 3/4 Pole (mm) Code Code 690V 415V 415V W/W x H x D Panel Depth CSSD0025D3 CSSD0025D4 25A 25A 10 51/62 x 60 x 68 85-110 CSSD0040D3 CSSD0040D4 40A 40A 12.5 51/62 x 60 x 68 85-110 Order shaft separately 25-63A D Type CSSD0063D3 – 63A 63A 30 53 x 84 x 68 85-110 – CSSD0063D4 63A 63A 30 110 x 97 x 75 85-110 CSSD0125D3 CSSD0125D4 125A 125A 35 77/110 x 97 x 75 85-110 CSSD0125DM3 CSSD0125DM4 125A 125A 50 190/230 x 142 x 90 135-235 CSSD0160DM3 CSSD0160DM4 160A 160A 60 190/230 x 142 x 90 135-235 CSSD0200DM3 CSSD0200DM4 200A 200A 90 195/240 x 163 x 105 190-300 CSSD0250DM3 CSSD0250DM4 250A 250A 115 195/240 x 163 x 105 190-300 125-160A DM Type CSSD0315DM3 CSSD0315DM4 315A 315A 145 195/240 x 163 x 105 190-300 LED 125A D Type CSSD0400DM3 CSSD0400DM4 400A 400A 250 211/257 x 205 x 130 220-325 Complete with CSSD0630K3 CSSD0630K4 630A 630A 300 244/306 x 223 x 130 220-325 Shaft and Handle CSSD0800K3 CSSD0800K4 800A 720A 330 260/330 x 223 x 130 220-325 CSSD1000K3 CSSD1000K4 1000A 1000A - 383/483 x 352 x 125 240-310 200-800A CSSD1250K3 CSSD1250K4 1250A 1000A - 383/483 x 352 x 124 240-310 CSSD1600K3 CSSD1600K4 1600A 1000A - 383/483 x 352 x 124 240-310 CSSD1800K3 CSSD1800K4 1800A 1000A - 461/600 x 372 x 125 240-310 CSSD2000K3 CSSD2000K4 2000A 1000A - 468/607 x 352 x 271 340-450 CSSD2500K3 CSSD2500K4 2500A 1000A - 468/607 x 352 x 271 340-450 CSSD3200K3 CSSD3200K4 3200A 1000A - 468/607 x 352 x 271 340-450 Values not specified are available on application 1000-1250A Enclosed Isolators IP54 For any of the above to be supplied in a steel enclosure, add the prefix “E-”. and -G (Grey) or -O (Orange) e.g. E-CSSD0160DM3-GAccessories CSSDZX49 CSSDZX108 CSSDZX111BL CSWH80S6 CSWH145S12 CSP6X165 CSSDB1/2/3 CSSDZW6/1 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEARSwitch size 25-40D 63D 125D* 125-160DM 200-315DM 400-800D/K 1000-1800K CSSDZX111BL CSSDZX111BL CSSDZX111BL CSWH80S6* CSWH80S8* CSWH145S12* CSWH220S12*Spare Handle – B lack CSSDZX108 CSSDZX108 CSSDZX108 – – – –padlockable 5² x 150 5² x 150 5² x 150 6² x 165 8² x 240 12² x 255 12² x 255 Red/Yellow(IP54)Shaft – S ize (mm)Code CSP5X150 CSP5X150 CSP5X150 CSP6X165 CSP8X240 CSP12X255 CSP12X255Support bracket 70mm CSSDB1 CSSDB1 CSSDB2 CSSDB3 – – –Changeover mechanism CSSDZW6/1† CSSDZW6/1† CSSDZW6/1† – – CSSFZW11 –Aux. Contact – 1NO + 1NC CSSDZX49 CSSDZX79 CSSDZX52 CSSDFZX 1 CSSDZX37 CSSDZX33 CSSDZX353P 2NO + 2NC CSSDZX50 CSSDZX80 CSSDZX53 CSSDFZX 16 CSSDZX38 CSSDZX34 CSSDZX36Aux. Contact – 1NO + 1NC CSSDZX87 CSSDZX55 CSSDZX55 CSSDFZX 1 CSSDZX37 CSSDZX33 CSSDZX354P 2NO + 2NC CSSDZX88 CSSDZX56 CSSDZX56 CSSDFZX 16 CSSDZX38 CSSDZX34 CSSDZX36Terminal shrouds – – SF701 SF702 SF703 – – *These are supplied with the isolator and are offered for spares purposes only. †Order CSP6X165 Shaft. CSWH80S6 Pistol Grip Handle supplied *For pistol Grip Handle use CSP5/6X160 Shaft + CSWH80S6 Handle CO1 170

ISOLATORS Isolators - c/w Handle and 360mm Shaft Open Code Open Code KA RMS AMPS AMPS Dimensions Dimensions 3 Pole 4 Pole For 1 AC21 Sec @ 400V AC23 3 Pole 4 Pole @ 400V (H x W x D) (H x W x D) YGL-0125/3P YGL-0125/4P 10 125 125 135 x 140 x 120 135 x 170 x 120 YGL-0160/3P YGL-0160/4P 10 160 160 135 x 140 x 120 135 x 170 x 120 YGL-0200/3P YGL-0200/4P 12 200 200 165 x 180 x 140 165 x 230 x 140 YGL-0250/3P YGL-0250/4P 12 250 250 165 x 180 x 140 165 x 230 x 140 NOTE: Accessories supplied with switch YGL-0315/3P YGL-0315/4P 20 315 315 234 x 230 x 140 234 x 290 x 140 YGL 125A-630A - YU-3, YU-8 YGL 800A-3150A - YU-4, YU-5, YU-10, YU-12, YGL-0400/3P YGL-0400/4P 20 400 340 234 x 230 x 185 234 x 290 x 185 YU-13, YU-14 YGL-0500/3P YGL-0500/4P 25 500 425 250 x 230 x 185 250 x 290 x 185 See accessories for additional spare parts. YGL-0630/3P YGL-0630/4P 25 630 500 250 x 230 x 185 250 x 290 x 185 Enclosed Version YGL-0800/3P YGL-0800/4P 50 800 630 328 x 378 x 354 328 x 492 x 440 YGL-1000/3P YGL-1000/4P 50 1000 800 328 x 378 x 354 328 x 492 x 440 YGL-1250/3P YGL-1250/4P 50 1250 1000 336 x 378 x 354 336 x 492 x 440 YGL-1600/3P YGL-1600/4P 50 1600 1250 336 x 378 x 354 336 x 492 x 440 YGL-2000/3P YGL-2000/4P 50 2000 1250 422 x 378 x 354 422 x 492 x 440 YGL-2500/3P YGL-2500/4P 50 2500 1250 432 x 378 x 354 432 x 492 x 440 YGL-3150/3P YGL-3150/4P 50 3150 1250 442 x 378 x 354 442 x 492 x 440 NOTE: For enclosed models add: EO- (Orange) or EG- (Grey) to beginning of code eg.: EO-YGL-0160/3P CHANGE OVER SWITCHES Each switch is supplied c/w: Padlockable Handle, Extension shaft, Joint sleeve, Face plate, Door plate, Ext shaft joint and Copper Bridge Pieces. Switch includes auxiliary contacts: 2NO & 2NC. See accessories for additional spare parts. Enclosed Version Open Code Open Code KA RMS AMPS AC21 AMPS AC23 Open Dimensions Closed Dimensions 3 Pole 4 Pole For 1 Sec @ 400V @ 400V 3 Pole 4 Pole 3 Pole 4 Pole YGLZ1-0125/3P YGLZ1-0125/4P 10 125 125 135 x 274 x 166 135 x 304 x 215 400 x 350 x 380 450 x 350 x 380CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR YGLZ1-0160/3P YGLZ1-0160/4P 10 160 160 135 x 274 x 166 135 x 304 x 215 400 x 350 x 380 450 x 350 x 380 YGLZ1-0200/3P YGLZ1-0200/4P 12 200 200 165 x 347 x 250 165 x 396 x 250 470 x 420 x 400 570 x 420 x 400 YGLZ1-0250/3P YGLZ1-0250/4P 12 250 250 165 x 347 x 250 165 x 396 x 250 470 x 420 x 400 570 x 420 x 400 YGLZ1-0315/3P YGLZ1-0315/4P 20 315 315 234 x 432 x 325 234 x 492 x 325 600 x 580 x 500 720 x 580 x 500 YGLZ1-0400/3P YGLZ1-0400/4P 20 400 340 234 x 432 x 325 234 x 492 x 325 600 x 580 x 500 720 x 580 x 500 YGLZ1-0500/3P YGLZ1-0500/4P 25 500 425 250 x 432 x 325 250 x 492 x 325 600 x 580 x 500 720 x 580 x 500 YGLZ1-0630/3P YGLZ1-0630/4P 25 630 500 250 x 432 x 325 250 x 492 x 325 600 x 580 x 500 720 x 580 x 500 YGLZ1-0800/3P YGLZ1-0800/4P 50 800 630 328 x 583 x 390 328 x 698 x 390 950 x 820 x 550 950 x 820 x 550 YGLZ1-1000/3P YGLZ1-1000/4P 50 1000 800 328 x 583 x 390 328 x 698 x 390 950 x 820 x 550 950 x 820 x 550 YGLZ1-1250/3P YGLZ1-1250/4P 50 1250 1000 336 x 583 x 390 336 x 698 x 390 950 x 820 x 550 950 x 820 x 550 YGLZ1-1600/3P YGLZ1-1600/4P 50 1600 1250 336 x 583 x 390 336 x 698 x 390 1340 x 820 x 600 1540 x 820 x 600 YGLZ1-2000/3P YGLZ1-2000/4P 50 2000 1250 422 x 583 x 568 422 x 698 x 568 1440 x 820 x 770 1540 x 820 x 770 YGLZ1-2500/3P YGLZ1-2500/4P 50 2500 1250 432 x 583 x 568 422 x 698 x 568 1440 x 820 x 770 1540 x 820 x 770 NOTE: For enclosed models add: EO- (Orange) or EG- (Grey) to beginning of code eg.: EG-YGLZ1-0160/3P171 TEC

MOTORISED CHANGE OVER SWITCHESAvailable in 4 pole only YES1 type Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Integrates control logic an electromechanical switch into a singleSupplied with manual housing without the requirements of additional controllers.operating handle. Internally fitted with Aux contact 1 NO + 1 NC.Copper Bridge Pieces includedOpen Type KA RMS for Internal Motor Switch Over Amperage @ Amperage @ Open 4 Pole SizeCode - 4 Pole 1 Second Watts Time in Secs AC21 400V AC23 400V H x W x D (mm) 106 x 279 x 169YES1-0040GA/4P 7 300 0.45 40 40 106 x 279 x 169YES1-0063GA/4P 7 300 0.45 63 63 106 x 279 x 169YES1-0080GA/4P 7 300 0.45 80 80 106 x 279 x 169YES1-0100GA/4P 7 300 0.45 100 100 135 x 322 x 230YES1-0125GA/4P 7 300 0.45 125 125 135 x 322 x 230YES1-0160GA/4P 9 325 0.45 160 160 163 x 406 x 230YES1-0250GA/4P 9 325 0.45 250 250 234 x 552 x 230YES1-0400GA/4P 13 355 0.6 400 400 328 x 760 x 284YES1-0630GA/4P 13 355 0.6 630 400 328 x 760 x 284YES1-0800GA/4P 26 400 1.2 800 630 328 x 760 x 363YES1-1000GA/4P 26 440 1.2 1000 800 328 x 760 x 363YES1-1250GA/4P 50 440 1.2 1250 800 328 x 760 x 363YES1-1600GA/4P 50 440 1.2 1600 1000 422 x 800 x 542YES1-2000GA/4P 55 600 1.8 2000 2000 432 x 800 x 542YES1-2500GA/4P 55 600 1.8 2500 2500 442 x 800 x 542YES1-3200GA/4P 55 600 2.4 3200 3000 ACCESSORIES FOR YGL - YGLZ - YES1 SERIES YU-1 YU-2 YU-3 YU-4 115mm 145mm 125mm 330mm YU-8 YU-10 YU-11 YU-5 360mm On-Off On-Off-On 305mm YU-12 YU-9 Code YU-6Door Plate 330mm 605mm YU-1 YU-13 YU-2 Description Extention Joint YU-3 Spare Handle for YES1-0040 to 0100 / YGLZ1-0125 YU-4 Spare Handle for YES1-0125 to 0160 / YGLZ1-0160 to 0630 YU-14 YU-5 Spare Handle for YGL-0125 to 0630 Joint Sleeve YU-6 Spare Handle for YGL-800 to 3150 / YGLZ1-800 to 3150 YU-8 Spare Handle for YES1-0400 to 630AFOR YGL 125A 15mm YU-9 Spare Handle for YES1-800 to 3200A CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEARto 630A 15mm YU-10 Spare Shaft for YGL-0125 to 0630 (360mm) YU-11 Spare Shaft for YGL-0800 to 3150 / YGLZ1-0125 to 3150 (330mm) FOR YGL 800 YU-12 Face Plate On-Off (YGL) TO 3150A YU-13 Face Plate On-Off-On (YGLZ1) YU-14 Door Plate FOR YGLZ 125A Extension Joint TO 3150A Joint Sleeve AUTO / MANUAL ATS MCB Based Motorised Change Over Switch Code AC Rated Freq Hz Control C/O Poles Size YEQ1-M1-63A/4P Volts Amps Volts Time (sec) L xHxD 400V 63A 50 / 60 230VAC 1.5 - 3 4 218 x 135 x 115 • Mechanical and electrical interlock • Auto / Manual Operation • LED indication • Operating Life >10000 operations • Overload Protected TEC 172

CHANGEOVER SWITCHES - CS SERIES Change Over Switches Supplied with shaft 165mm long and Padlockable “pistol grip” handle. Ue = 690V Code Code Ith AC22 AC23 Dimensions 3/4 Pole (mm) 3 Pole 4 Pole @415V @415V W/W x H x D Panel Depth CSCS0160DM3CO CSCS0160DM4CO 160A 160A 160A 215/255 x 142 x 182 195-295 CSCS0200DM3CO CSCS0200DM4CO 200A 200A 200A 248/309 x 163 x 242 255-355 CSCS0250DM3CO CSCS0250DM4CO 250A 250A 250A 248/309 x 163 x 242 255-355 CSCS0315DM3CO CSCS0315DM4CO 315A 315A 315A 248/309 x 163 x 242 255-355 CSCS0400K3CO CSCS0400K4CO 400A 400A 400A 282/352 x 223 x 262 300-400 CSCS0630K3CO CSCS0630K4CO 630A 630A 630A 282/352 x 223 x 262 300-400 CSCS0800K3CO CSCS0800K4CO 800A 800A 720A 282/352 x 223 x 262 300-400 CSCS1000K3CO CSCS1000K4CO 1000A 1000A 800A 356/436 x 372 x 260 330-450 CSCS1250K3CO CSCS1250K4CO 1250A 1250A 800A 356/436 x 372 x 260 330-450 CSCS1600K3CO CSCS1600K4CO 1600A 1600A 800A 400/502 x 372 x 260 330-450 CSCS2500K3CO CSCS2500K4CO 2500A 1800A - 436/556 x 372 x 522 590-690 Enclosed Version IP54 Steel enclosed changeover switches. Prefix the above codes with “E-”. e.g. E-CSCS0630K4CO For rating below 160A/64kVA, use 2 isolators plus changeover mechanism. See page 18 Auxiliary Contacts Code Contact Configuration For Switch Type Qty/ Switch CO1 CSCSZX1-U 1NO + 1NC 160A 1 CSCSZX1-L 1NO + 1NC 160A 1 CSCSZX3-U 2NO + 2NC 160A 1 CSCSZX3-L 2NO + 2NC 160A 1 CSCSZX2 1NO + 1NC 200 - 3200A 2 CSCSZX4 1NO + 2NC 200 - 3200A 2 ISOLATORS & CHANGEOVER SWITCHES - SD SERIES Panel Mounting - DIN Mount - Open Type. Handle and shaft to be ordered separately. Rated Current Ith 25A 40A 63A 80A 100A 125A Code 3 Pole direct handle standard SD1-325 SD1-340 SD1-363 SD2-380 SD2-3100 SD2-3125 Code 4 Pole direct handle standard SD1-425 SD1-440 SD1-463 SD2-480 SD2-4100 SD2-4125 Code 3 Pole changeover switch SDC-363 SDC-380 SDC-3100 SDC-3125 Code 4 Pole changeover switch – – SDC-463 SDC-480 SDC-4100 SDC-4125 – – Rated insulation voltage IEC947-3 800VAC 800VAC 800VAC 800VAC 800VAC 800VAC Rated operational current (A) SD1 & SD2 40A DMINouCn/Ot AC21 240 - 690 VAC 25A 40A 63A 80A 100A 125A 40A 40A 80A 80A 80A SDC 63A to 125A AC23 240 - 400 VAC 25A 25A 40A 63A 63A 63A 25A 32A 32A 32A 500V 25A 15kW 15kaW 690V 25A 15kW 16CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Rated operational power (kW) AC23 380/415V 11kW 22kW 37kW 37kW 37kW 25kW 35kW 35kW 35kW 500V 11kW 25kW 24kW 24kW 24kW 16-50 25-50 35-50 35-50 690V 15kW Maximum cable csa (mm2) 16 19535-200 19535-100 SD-HANDLE Accessories Description SD1-AUX SD1-4P SDC-HANDLE Code Extension Shaft 100mm Extension Shaft 200mm 19535-100 Aux Contact 1NO + 1NC for SD1- 25 to 63A 19535-200 Aux Contact 1NO + 1NC for SD2- 80 to 125A SD1-AUX 25-40A 4th Pole for SD1- 25 to 40A SD2-AUX 63-125A 4th Pole for SD2- 63 to 125A SD1-4P Red / Yellow Handle door interlocked for SD1 & SD2 (IP65) SD2-4P Black Handle door interlocked for change-over (1-0-2) SDC 63A to 125A (IP65) SD-HANDLE SDC-HANDLE173 TEC

COMPACT ISOLATORS DIN Rail Mount Isolators - Order operating handle & shaft separately (Padlockable for 3 Padlocks) Code Description AC22 AC23 AC23 kW AC23 kW Size @ 400/415/690V @ 400/415V @ 400/415V @ 690V H x W x D KU325N 25A 3P Isolator 25A 25A 11kW 22kW 74 x 49.5 x 73 KU340N 40A 3P Isolator 40A KU363N 63A 3P Isolator 63A 40A 22kW 30kW 74 x 49.5 x 73 KU380N 80A 3P Isolator 80A VKA3125N 125A 3P Isolator 125A 40A 22kW 37kW 74 x 49.5 x 73 VKA3160N 160A 3P Isolator 160A 63A 30kW 37kW 74 x 49.5 x 73 100A 55kW 55kW 82 x 79.0 x 82 135A 75kW 90kW 82 x 79.0 x 82 Accessories Code Description Aux Contact ArrangementsKU1V KU2V ALK3160 KU1V Aux Contact 1N0/1NC for KU 25 - 125A LK10 KU2V Aux Contact 2N0/2NC for KU 25 - 125A LK11 LK10YR L VKA1V Aux Contact 1N0/1NC for VKA 25 - 125A VKA2V Aux Contact 2N0/2NC for VKA 25 -125A L100AD11 LK11YR Shafts L100AD11 100mm Alu Shaft for KU/VKA L200AD11 200mm Alu Shaft for KU/VKA L300AD11 300mm Alu Shaft for KU/VKA Handles On/Off IP66 - Padlockable, accepts up to 3 padlocks LK10 Black Handle for KU 25 - 80A LK10YR Yellow & Red Handle for KU 25 - 80A LK11 Black Handle for VKA 125 - 160A LK11YR Yellow & Red Handle for VKA 125 - 160A Spreader Connection Bars ALK3160 Spreader Bars for VKA 125 - 160A for 3 Pole LARGE FRAME ISOLATORS On Load Isolators - Switch is supplied, c/w operating handle and shaft (Padlockable for 3 Padlocks) Code Description AC22 AC23 AC23 kW AC23 kW Size @ 400/415/690V @ 400/415V @ 400/ 415V @ 690V H x W x D VKE3125 125A 3P Isolator 125A 125A 55kW 90kW 163 x 146 x 94 VKE3160 160A 3P Isolator 160A 125A 55kW 90kW 163 x 146 x 94 VKE3200 200A 3P Isolator 200A 200A 110kW 160kW 217 x 234 x 101 VKE3250 250A 3P Isolator 250A 250A 132kW 250kW 217 x 234 x 101 VKE3315 315A 3P Isolator 315A 315A 160kW 315kW 224 x 271 x 101 VKE3400 400A 3P Isolator 400A 400A 200kW 355kW 224 x 271 x 101 VKE3630 630A 3P Isolator 630A 630A 355kW 500kW 238 x 307 x 101 Accessories - for more options see page 175 KVKE1V Code Description Aux Contact Arrangements - Early Make Late Break CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEARLK12 KVKE1V Aux Contact 1N0/1NC for KVKE/VKE Range KVKE2V Aux Contact 2N0/2NC for KVKE/VKE Range LK12YR Shafts L L100AD12T 100mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 63-160A & LK12 L200AD12T 200mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 63-160A & LK12LK13 LK13YR L300AD12T 300mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 63-160A & LK12 LVK228 228mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 200-630A & LK13 & LK14 LVK320 300mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 200-630A & LK13 & LK14 Handles On/Off IP65 - Padlockable, accepts up to 3 padlocksLK14 LK14YR LK12 Black Handle for KVKE/VKE 125-160A LK12YR Yellow & Red Handle for KVKE/VKE 125-160A LK13 Black Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-400A LK13YR Yellow & Red Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-400A LK14 Black Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-630A LK14YR Yellow & Red Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-630A TEC 174

FUSED ISOLATORS • Includes Fuse Covers, Din Fused Isolators - Switch is supplied c/w operating handle and shaft Excludes Terminal Covers Code Description AC22 @ AC23 @ AC23 AC23 Fuse Size • Dimensions Exclude 400/415/ 400/415V KW @ KW Size HxWxD Terminal Covers KVKE332AD 400/415V @ 690V KVKE363AD 690V • 63-160A Includes Handle KVKE380AD LK12 and Shaft L=220mm KVKE3100AD 32A 3P Din Fused Isolator 32A 32A 15KW - 10 x 38 102 x 108 x 92 KVKE3125AD • 200-630A Includes Handle KVKE3160AD 63A 3P Din Fused Isolator 63A 63A 30KW 55KW 00 163 x 146 x 118 LK14 and Shaft LVK=228mm KVKE3200AD KVKE3250AD 80A 3P Din Fused Isolator 80A 80A 40KW 75KW 00 163 x 146 x 118 KVKE3315AD KVKE3400AD 100A 3P Din Fused Isolator 100A 100A 55KW 90KW 00 163 x 146 x 118 KVKE3630AD 125A 3P Din Fused Isolator 125A 125A 55KW 110KW 00 163 x 146 x 118 160A 3P Din Fused Isolator 160A 160A 55KW 110KW 00 163 x 146 x 118 200A 3P Din Fused Isolator 200A 200A 110KW 160KW 1 217 x 234 x 128 250A 3P Din Fused Isolator 250A 250A 132KW 250KW 1 217 x 234 x 128 315A 3P Din Fused Isolator 315A 315A 160KW 315KW 2 224 x 271 x 140 400A 3P Din Fused Isolator 400A 400A 200KW 355KW 2 224 x 271 x 140 630A 3P Din Fused Isolator 630A 630A 355KW 500KW 3 236 x 293 x 151 BS Fused Isolators - Dimensions Exclude Terminal Covers KVKE332ABS 32A 3P BS Fused Isolator 32A 32A 15KW - A1 102 x 108 x 92 KVKE363ABS 63A 3P BS Fused Isolator 63A 63-160A KVKE380ABS 80A 3P BS Fused Isolator 80A 63A 55KW 55KW A2-A3 163 x 146 x 118 KVKE3100ABS 100A 3P BS Fused Isolator 100A KVKE3125ABS 125A 3P BS Fused Isolator 125A 80A 75KW 75KW A2-A3 163 x 146 x 118 KVKE3160ABS 160A 3P BS Fused Isolator 160A KVKE3200ABS 200A 3P BS Fused Isolator 200A 100A 55KW 90KW A2-A3 163 x 146 x 118 KVKE3250ABS 250A 3P BS Fused Isolator 250A KVKE3315ABS 315A 3P BS Fused Isolator 315A 125A 55KW 110KW A2-A3 163 x 146 x 118 KVKE3400ABS 400A 3P BS Fused Isolator 400A KVKE3630ABS 630A 3P BS Fused Isolator 630A 160A 55KW 110KW B1-B2 217 x 234 x 128 200A 110KW 160KW B1-B3 217 x 234 x 128 250A 132KW 250KW B1-B4 217 x 234 x 128 630A 315A 160KW 315KW B1-B4 224 x 271 x 140 400A 200KW 355KW B1-B4 224 x 271 x 140 630A 355KW 500KW B1-B4 236 x 293 x 151 Accessories L Code Description KVKE1V Aux Contact Arrangements Aux Contact 1N0/1NC for KVKE/VKE 20-32A Aux Contact 2N0/2NC for KVKE/VKE 20-32A LK12 LK12YR KVKEC1V Aux Contact 1N0/1NC for KVKE/VKE 63-630A KVKEC2V Aux Contact 2N0/2NC for KVKE/VKE 63-630A LK13 LK13YR KVKE1V KVKE2V 100mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 63-160A & LK12CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR LK14 LK14YR 200mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 63-160A & LK12 Shafts 300mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 63-160A & LK12 228mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 200-630A & LK13 & LK14 L100AD12T 300mm Steel Shaft for KVKE/VKE 200-630A & LK13 & LK14 L200AD12T L300AD12T Black Handle for KVKE/VKE 125-160A LVK228 Yellow & Red Handle for KVKE/VKE 125-160A LVK320 Black Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-400A Yellow & Red Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-400A Handles On/Off IP65 - Padlockable Black Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-630A Yellow & Red Handle for KVKE/VKE 200-630A LK12 LK12YR VKE 125-160A & KVKE 63-160A LK13 VKE 200-250A & KVKE 200-250A LK13YR VKE 315-400A & KVKE 315-400A LK14 VKE 630A & KVKE 630A LK14YR Terminal Covers Spreader bars for KVKE/VKE 125-160A LS125 LS250 LS400 LS630 Spreader Connection Bars KVKEALK1603P SIDE OPERATED FIREMAN SWITCHES IP66 Code Description AC21 @ AC22 @ AC23 @ AC23 AC23 KW Enclosure 400/415/ 400/415/ 400/415V KW @ @ 690V Size (mm) 400/415V 690V 690V HxWxD 157x103x80 KEF316A 16A 3P Side Operated Fire Switch 25A 16A 16A 7.5KW 11KW 157x103x80 KEF340A 63A 3P Side Operated Fire Switch 63A 40A 40A 22KW 30KW • Aluminium Enclosure • High Impact Resistance • Good UV Resistance • Handle Padlockable in Off Position175 TEC

ENCLOSED ISOLATORSFeatures Code Description AC21 @ AC22 @ AC23 @ AC23 AC23 Enclosure• Interlocked Handle 400/415/ 400/415/ 400/415V kW @ kW Size (mm)• Self-Extinguishing 400/415V @ 690V H x W xD• Good UV Resistance 690V 690V 16-125A IP66 Polycarbonate - Enclosed Isolators - c/w Padlockable Handle, accepts upto 3 Padlocks 160-630A IP65 KEM325UYR 25A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 40A 25A 25A 11kW 22kW 131 x 96 x 106 16-160A IP66 AISI 316 200-630A IP65 AISI 304 KEM340UYR 40A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 63A 40A 40A 22kW 30kW 131 x 96 x 106 KEM363UYR 63A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 80A 63A 40A 22kW 37kW 190 x 144 x 131 KEM380UYR 80A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 100A 80A 63A 30kW 37kW 190 x 144 x 131 KEM3125UYR 125A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 160A 125A 100A 55kW 55kW 255 x 180 x 139 KEM3160YR 160A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 200A 160A 135A 75kW 90kW 380 x 280 x 171 KEM3200YR 200A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 200A 200A 200A 110kW 160kW 560 x 380 x 240 KEM3250YR 250A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 250A 250A 250A 132kW 250kW 560 x 380 x 240 KEM3315YR 315A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 315A 315A 315A 160kW 315kW 560 x 380 x 240 KEM3400YR 400A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 400A 400A 400A 200kW 355kW 560 x 380 x 240 KEM3630YR 630A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 630A 630A 630A 355kW 500kW 760 x 560 x 310 Stainless Steel Enclosed Isolators - c/w Padlockable Handle, accepts upto 3 Padlocks KER325Y/R 25A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 40A 25A 25A 11kW 22kW 180 x 120 x 115 KER340Y/R 40A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 63A 40A 40A 22kW 30kW 180 x 120 x 115 KER363Y/R 63A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 80A 63A 40A 22kW 37kW 280 x 160 x 128 KER380Y/R 80A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 100A 80A 63A 30kW 37kW 280 x 160 x 128 KER3125Y/R 125A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 160A 125A 100A 55kW 55kW 420 x 300 x 161 KER3160Y/R 160A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 200A 160A 135A 75kW 90kW 420 x 300 x 161 KER3200Y/R 200A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 200A 200A 200A 110kW 160kW 620 x 400 x 270 KER3250Y/R 250A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 250A 250A 250A 132kW 250kW 620 x 400 x 270 KER3315Y/R 315A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 315A 315A 315A 160kW 315kW 620 x 400 x 270 KER3400Y/R 400A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 400A 400A 400A 200kW 355kW 620 x 400 x 270 KER3630Y/R 630A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 630A 630A 630A 355kW 500kW 790 x 630 x 270 Full Stainless Steel Enclosed Isolators - c/w Padlockable Handle KER325RS 25A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 40A 25A 25A 11kW 22kW 293 x 120 x 113 KER340RS 40A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP67 63A 40A 40A 22kW 30kW 293 x 120 x 113 KER363RS 63A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP68 80A 36A 40A 22kW 37kW 389 x 160 x 127 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR KER380RS 80A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP69 100A 80A 63A 30kW 37kW 389 x 160 x 127 Aluminium Enclosed Isolators - c/w Padlockable Handle KEA325U 25A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 40A 25A 25A 11kW 22kW 157 x 102.5 x116 KEA340U 40A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 63A 40A 40A 22kW 30kW 157 x 102.5 x116 KEA363U 63A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 80A 63A 40A 22kW 37kW 262 x 162 x 143 KEA380U 80A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 100A 80A 63A 30kW 37kW 262 x 162 x 143 KEA3125U 125A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 160A 125A 100A 55kW 55kW 262 x 162 x 143 KEA3160U 160A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP66 200A 160A 135A 75kW 90kW 262 x 162 x 143 KEA3200C 200A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 200A 200A 200A 110kW - 422 x 300 x 230 KEA3250C 250A 3P Enclosed Isolator IP65 250A 250A 250A 132kW - 422 x 300 x 230 TEC 176

POLYCARBONATE ENCILSOOSLEADTOCRHSANGE OVER SWITCHES Polycarbonate Enclosed Change Over Switches IP66 2 & 3 Pole No of 4 Pole AC21 @ AC22 @ AC23 @ AC23 AC23 KW Enclosure Code Poles Code 400/415/ 400/415/ 400/415V KW @ @ 690V Size (mm) 400/415V H x W xD TKM225UVV 2P - 690V 690V 25A 4kW - 130 x 97 x 106 25A 25A 7.5kW TKM240UVV 2P - 40A 40A 40A 11kW - 130 x 97 x 106 KEM325VV 3P KEM425VV 40A 25A 25A 22kW 22kW 190 x 144 x 131 TKM225UVV KEM340VV 3P KEM440VV 63A 40A 40A 22kW 30kW 190 x 144 x 131 KEM325VV KEM363VV 3P KEM463VV 80A 63A 40A 30kW 37kW 190 x 144 x 131 KEM380VV 3P KEM480VV 100A 80A 63A 55kW 37kW 190 x 144 x 131 KEM3125VV 3P KEM4125VV 160A 125A 100A 75kW 55kW 380 x 280 x 171 KEM3160VV 3P KEM4160VV 200A 160A 135A 90kW 380 x 280 x 171 Features • Self Extinguishing Material • IEC 60947-3 • Padlockable Handle, accepts upto 3 padlocks • Good UV Resistance • Interlocked Handle ENCLOSED CHANGE OVER SWITCHES EVB Type - Enclosed Rotary Change Over Switches IP65 Amps Amps 2-Pole 3-Pole 4-Pole Size (mm) AC21 AC23 1-0-2 1-0-2 1-0-2 H xWxD 100 x 80 x 120 20A 15A - EVB1403 EVB1478 125 x 100 x 120 125 x 100 x 120 32A 25A - 56SW332C/O EVB1510 175 x 114 x 135 240 x 160 x 140 40A 32A - 56SW340C/O EVB1528 240 x 160 x 140 63A 44A EVB1263* 56SW363C/O* EVB1529* 75A 63A - EVB1429* EVB1544* 100A 80A - EVB1003* EVB1004* EVB Type EVB-L Type *Add ‘L’ to code for LED Indication ESDC Type - Enclosed Modular Change Over Switches IP65 Amps AC22A 2-Pole 3-Pole 4-Pole Size (mm) 1-0-2 1-0-2 1-0-2 H xWxD 260 x 298 x 140 63A ESDC-2063 ESDC-3063 ESDC-4063 260 x 298 x 140 260 x 298 x 140 100A ESDC-2100 ESDC-3100 ESDC-4100 ESDC Type 120A ESDC-2125 ESDC-3125 ESDC-4125 ESDCL Type - Enclosed Modular Change Over Switches IP65 - c/w pilot lights and buzzerCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Amps AC22A 2-Pole 3-Pole 4-Pole Size (mm) 1-0-2 1-0-2 1-0-2 H xWxD 63A ESDCL-2063 ESDCL-3063 ESDCL-4063 285 x 410 x 140 100A ESDCL-2100 ESDCL-3100 ESDCL-4100 285 x 410 x 140 ESDCL Type 120A ESDCL-2125 ESDCL-3125 ESDCL-4125 285 x 410 x 140 ESDCTL Type - Enclosed Change Over Switches IP65 - c/w pilot lights and buzzer Amps Amps 2-Pole 3-Pole 4-Pole Size (mm) AC21 AC23 1-0-2 1-0-2 1-0-2 H xWxD 63A 40A ESDCTL-2063 ESDCTL-3063 ESDCTL-4063 285 x 410 x 140 100A 80A ESDCTL-2100 ESDCTL-3100 ESDCTL-4100 285 x 410 x 140 125A 80A ESDCTL-2125 ESDCTL-3125 ESDCTL-4125 285 x 410 x 140 ESDCTL Type177 GEW

ENCLOSED CHANGEOVER SWITCHES IP65Rated Voltage: 690VAC 16-32A 40-100A 100-125A 160-250A Metal Enclosures c/w Gland PlateCode 3P AB562-16A AB562-25A AB562-32A AB562-40A AB562-63A AB562P-100A AB562-100A AB562-125A AB562-160A AB562-200A AB562-250ACode 4P AB563-16A AB563-25A AB563-32A AB563-40A AB563-63A AB563P-100A AB563-100A AB563-125A AB563-160A AB563-200A AB563-250ARated Current 16A 25A 32A 40A 63A 100A 100A 125A 160A 200A 250AThermal Rating (Ithe) 20A 25A 40A 40 A 70A 100A 100A 125A 160A 200A 250ATerminal Capacity 2.5-6 mm2 2.5-6 mm2 10-25mm2 10-25mm2 16-50mm2 16-50mm2 16-50mm2 16-50mm2 70mm2 95mm2 120mm2Enclosure Plastic Steel - Grey RAL7032Size (mm) H x W x D 190 x 140 x 70 240 x 190 240 x 190 x 130 300 x 300 x 200 400 x 300 500 x 400 600 x 400 x 90 x 200 x 200 x 260 FIRE RATED SWITCH DISCONNECTOR IP65Designed to meet EN-12101-3 which specifies temperature/time requirements for Powered Smoke and Heat Exhaust fans in order to maintain safetyunder emergency conditions.EN-12101-3/ F300: • The switch will be operational after 1 hour at 300°C. • F300 switch can be identified by its light brown exterior colour. Employed materials offer excellent resistance to temperature changes.EN-12101-3/ F400: • The switch will be operational after 25A 40-63A 100 - 125A 2 hours at 400°C. AB55261F4-A AB55291F4-A • The switch body is a larger size containing specific mechanical F400 F400 elements with materials resistant to high temperatures. 63A 125A 70A 125A • F400 switches are identified by 16mm2 50mm2 their external black colour. 690VAC 690VAC 15 18.53 Pole + 1 Aux AB55225F3-A AB55221F4-A AB55241F3-A AB55241F4-A 22 AB55271F4-A 37(1NO + 1NC) Code 160 x 160 x 124 250 x 250 x 145 F300 F400 M32 F400 M40Temperature Rating to F300 F400EN12101-3 40A 40A 100A 50A 50A 120ARated Current 25A 25A 10mm2 10mm2 35mm2 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR 690VAC 690VAC 690VACThermal Rating 30A 30A 7.5 7.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 30Terminal Capacity 6mm2 6mm2 160 x 160 x 124 160 x 160 x 124 250 x 250 x 145 M32 M32 M40Operating Voltage 690VAC 690VACAC23 kW @ 230VAC 4 4AC23kW @ 400 VAC 7.5 7.5Size L x W x H (mm) 100 x 100 x 106 130 x 130 x 124Cable Gland Inlet (mm) M25 M25 ENCLOSED ISOLATORS Surface Mounting IP65 with padlockable red/yellow handle Code Pole AC21 AC23 Terminal Dimensions Qty/ 400V 400V Capacity H x W x D Box ESD2-3125ME 3 125A 45kW 35mm2 185 x 142 x 104 1 ESD2-4125ME 4 125A 45kW 35mm2 190 x 147 x 104 1 TEC 178

ONLOAD ISOLATOR, CHANGEOVER & BYPASS SWITCHES Supplied c/w black operating handle. Door mount kits to be ordered separately. 63-80A 100-125A 160-250A Integrated Link Compact Size Installation Common link internally Integrating two circuits on Designed to mount integrated saving each cell permits an extra directly on DIN Rail. installation time and compact size. Up to 40% avoiding misconnection space saving to conventional Bypass Switch switches. Switching Scheme for use with Voltage Stabilisers. Rated Operational Current 63A 80A 100A 125A 160A 200A 250A Code 3 pole isolator switch LQ5526100 LQ5528100 LQ5527100 LQ5529100 LQ552A100 LQ552B100 LQ552C100 Code 4 pole isolator switch LQ5536100 LQ5538100 LQ5537100 LQ5539100 LQ553A100 LQ553B100 LQ553C100 Code 3 pole changeover switch LQ5626100 LQ5628100 LQ5627100 LQ5629100 LQ562A100 LQ562B100 LQ562C100 Code 4 pole changeover switch LQ5636100 LQ5638100 LQ5637100 LQ5639100 LQ563A100 LQ563B100 LQ563C100 Code 4 Pole Bypass Switch L271F6100 - L271F7100 L271F9100 L271FA100 L271FB100 L271FC100 Rated operating voltage 690VAC 690VAC 690VAC 690VAC 690VAC 690VAC 690VAC AC21 Kw @ 400V 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 AC23 Kw @ 400V 22 30 30 37 52 65 - Maximum cable size (mm²) 16 - 50 16-50 16-50 16-50 70 95 120 Terminal type Screw Screw Screw Screw Bolt Bolt Bolt Accessories Code Description LK1720006 Door Mounting Kit with 200mm shaft & door interlock LK1720006 AK1200146 AK1200526 LK0800006 Door Mounting Kit 200mm shaft extension AK1200146 Black/Grey Padlockable Handle for 63-80A AK1200148 Black/Grey Padlockable Handle for 100-250A AK2240006 AK1200526 Red/Yellow Padlockable Handle for 63-80A LK0800006 AK1200148 AK1200528 Red/Yellow Padlockable Handle for 100-250A AK1200528 AK2240006 IP65 Gasket for Door Mounted Handles EXTREANNDGEED AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES IP66 Suitable for industrial, commercial and domestic 3ph+N 400V applications, the Y-Series Automatic Transfer Switch Panels provide automatic control between mains and standby generators. The controller monitors the mains supply and in the event of failure, provides a start signal to the generator and switches over to the generator supply when voltage and frequency have been stabilised. Return to the mains supply will be automatic after the mains supply has been restored.CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR • Changeover can be manually operated and locked out for emergencies and maintenance. • Rated for onload switching • Digital contact position indication, memory of original position when restoring automatic function from manual. • Built-in counter of number of complete operations • Mains & Generator Voltage 400V 50Hz. Control voltage 12VDC with battery back up independant of generator battery voltage. • ATS-10 controller can be programmed to have additional delays and determine when to connect the generator to load by either monitoring the output voltage or responding to a signal from the generator. • Larger sizes manufactured to your order. Panel Code ATS 040 ATS 063 ATS 080 ATS 100 ATS 125 ATS 160 ATS 200 ATS 250 ATS 330 ATS 400 ATS 630 ATS 800 ATS 1250 Rated Current (Amp) 40A 63A 80A 100A 125A 160A 200A 250A 330A 400A 630A 800A 1250A Size (mm) 600 x 400 x 260 700 x 500 x 260 800 x 600 1000 x 600 x 320 1200 x 800 x 320 1600 x 600 Generator (kVA) 28 kVA 44kVA x 260 280kVA 350kVA 1200 x 800 x 320 55kVA 69kVA 87kVA 111kVA 139kVA 173kVA x 400 400kVA 500kVA 850kVA Type Gave Motorised Changeover C&S Contactors Teresaki Motorised MCCB179 TEC

MOTORISED CHANGEOVER SWITCHES 63-250ARated Voltage: 690VAC@50Hz Note: All 230 VAC units are supplied with one Power Supply.All current ratings above 80Aare AC23 4P Code Rated KVA @ AC23 @ Terminal WeightAuxilliary contacts included. Current 400V AC21 400VAC Capacity mm²No external bridging required. Motor Volts 12VDC 1.25kgPadlockable manual operating Y-5634101 40A (AC21) 28kVA 18.5kW 10 - 25mm² Cage 1.25kghandle included. Y-5635101 63A (AC22) 44kVA - 10 - 25mm² Cage 2.25kg YL5636101 63A (AC23) 44kVA 37kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg 40-63A YL5638101 80A 55kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL5637101 100A 69kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg133.5 YL5639101 125A 87kVA 55kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.85kg YL563A101 160A 111kVA 60kW 70mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg 161.3 YL563B101 200A 139kVA 75kW 95mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL563C101 250A 173kVA 90kW 120mm² M8 Stud 63-125A Motor Volts 24VDC 40A (AC21) 28kVA 18.5kW 10 - 25mm² Cage 1.25kg 63A (AC22) 44kVA - 10 - 25mm² Cage 1.25kg146.5 Y-5634201 63A (AC23) 44kVA 37kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg Y-5635201 80A 55kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg 195 YL5636201 100A 69kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL5638201 125A 87kVA 55kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg 160-250A YL5637201 160A 111kVA 60kW 70mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL5639201 200A 139kVA 75kW 95mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg178 YL563A201 250A 173kVA 90kW 120mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg 265 YL563B201 YL563C201 Motor Volts 230VAC 40A (AC21) 28kVA 18.5kW 10 - 25mm² Cage 1.25kg 63A (AC22) 44kVA - 10 - 25mm² Cage 1.25kg Y-5634301 63A (AC23) 44kVA 37kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg Y-5635301 80A 55kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL5636301 100A 69kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL5638301 125A 87kVA 55kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL5637301 160A 111kVA 60kW 70mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL5639301 200A 139kVA 75kW 95mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL563A301 250A 173kVA 90kW 120mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL563B301 YL563C301 3 Sources Motorised Changeover Switch 12VDC YL3936101 63A (AC23) 44kVA 37kW 10 - 25mm² Cage 1.25kg CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR YL3938101 80A 55kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL3937101 100A 69kVA 45kW 16 -50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL3939101 125A 87kVA 55kW 16-50mm² Cage 2.25kg YL393A101 160A 111kVA 60kW 70mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL393B101 200A 139kVA 75kW 95mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL393C101 250A 173kVA 90kW 120mm² M8 Stud 2.85kgNew 3 Source motorised 3 Sources Motorised Changeover Switch 24VDCchangeover switch is used inapplications where three sources YL3936201 63A (AC23) 44kVA 37kW 10 - 25mm² Cage 1.25kgof supply are available, e.g: YL3938201 80A 55kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg0 = Off YL3937201 100A 69kVA 45kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg1 = Mains YL3939201 125A 87kVA 55kW 16 - 50mm² Cage 2.25kg2 = Generator YL393A201 160A 111kVA 60kW 70mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg3 = Battery Back-Up YL393B201 200A 139kVA 75kW 95mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg YL393C201 250A 173kVA 90kW 120mm² M8 Stud 2.85kg Power Supply for above Change Over Switches Code Output Voltage Adj. Range Input DRA30-12 DC Voltage Rated Current Rated Power 10.8~13.2V Voltage Range DRA60-24 24~28V 90~265VAC 12V 2.5A 30 90~265VAC 24V 2.5A 30 TEC 180

DISCREPANCY & POSITION SWITCHES • Discrepancy switches are used to control and monitor the position of isolator switches and circuit breakers and signal any discrepancy on their operation. • Control contacts rated 25Amp • Signal elements consume 50mA from supply to switch • Single colour signal: White • Bi-colour signal (Green) 0-180°, (Red) 90-270°. Colours only indicate switch position. LED on/off will indicate correct operation or discrepancy. • Each unit has one control contact and one signalling contact (Switches with different contact configurations available on request) Push & Turn with Spring Return Turn Turn & Push Note: Switches are supplied with only the operat- ing handle. Bezels are to be ordered sepa- rately (see acces- sories below). Code AES112000 AEB112210 AMS112000 AMB112210* AEV112000 - Type Single colour Bi-colour Single colour Bi-colour Single colour Bi-colour Supply Voltage 24 - 240VAC *110VAC 24 - 240VAC *110VAC 24 - 240VAC *110VAC 24 - 150VDC 24 - 150VDC 24 - 150VDC Description ES push-turn discrepan- MS Discrepancy EV switches have two cy control switches control switches have fixed positions at 90° * Bi-Colour type have two fixed positions two fixed positions for with turn contacts and available in for pre-selection con- pre-selection contacts discrepancy different tacts at 90° and two at 90° and two addi- contacts, and two voltages on additional push-turn tional impulse posi- vertical push positions request impulse positions with tions with 30° spring for maintained 30° spring return. return. contacts. Accessories Code AP327906 AP326904 AP325906 AK1020050 Description Grey faceplate with black insert Black faceplate with chrome insert Chrome faceplate Operation Spare handle Signal OK Signal OK Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Signal Discrepancy and control/sig- and control/sig- Circuit breaker is nal contacts are nal contacts are disconnected (protection disconnected. connected. has tripped: and control/ Knob light is on. Knob light is on. signal contacts are connected. Knob light is off indicating discrepancy.CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR DC SWITCH DISCONNECTORS Manually operated multiple load break switches that ensure safe on-load opening and closing of photovoltiac circuits on small and medium systems. Series links mounted Code Voltage A-5342PVO A-5362PVO A-5382PVO A-5102-PVO in factory Connecting Screw - M5 M5 M5 M5 Standard wire (mm2) - 10-25 10-25 10-25 10-25 IP20 - Finger safe Flexible wire (mm2) - 10-16 10-16 10-16 10-16 • Double Breaking Mechanism - 4 4 4 4 • Contacts in series to optimize electrical characteristics Impulse Volt Uimp kV • External series links mounted in factory - - - • Silver alloy contacts 300VDC 35ADC 25ADC - - - Current ratings @ 400VDC - 20ADC - - load duty category 15ADC 25ADC - DC - 21 500VDC - 10ADC - 600VDC - - 25ADC SOL 800VDC - - 900VDC -181 TEC

MOTOR & PROCESS CONTROL CAM SWITCHESMotor Control SwitchesDoor MountRated AC21 @ AC23 @ DC Panel 3 Phase Panel Star Delta Panel Dahlander Panel PlateCurrent 400VAC 400VAC Reversing Depth Reversing Depth Depth Depth Size12A 7.5kW 4kW AN6400000 60.5mm AN6810000 60.5mm 48x48mm16A 11kW 5.5kW AN6700000 40.5mm AN6710000 50.5mm AN6401000 60.5mm AN6811000 60.5mm 48x48mm25A 15kW 7.5kW AN6402000 60.5mm AN6812000 60.5mm 48x48mm32A 18.5kW 10kW - - AN6711000 50.5mm AN6403100 72.3mm AN6813100 72.3mm 64x64mm40A 22kW 11kW AN6404100 72.3mm AN6814100 72.3mm 64x64mm - - AN6712000 50.5mm - - AN6713100 60.3mm - - AN6714100 60.3mm Stepping Switches - Door Mount Type Rated AC23 @ Code Plate Panel Plate Size Current 400VAC Marking Depth 1 Pole 3 step + off 12A 4kW AN6110000 0-1-2-3 40.5mm 48x48mm 1 Pole 5 step + off AN6130000 48x48mm 1 Pole 7 step + off 12A 4kW AN6150000 0-1-2-3-4-5 50.5mm 48x48mm 12A 4kW 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 60.5mmOverlapping Change Over Switch By-Pass Change Over SwitchRated AC21 @ AC23 @ 4 Pole Panel Rated AC21 @ AC23 @ 4 Pole PanelCurrent 400VAC 400VAC Code Depth Current 400VAC 400VAC Code Depth12A 7.5kW 4kW 7.5kW AN9842000 80.5mm16A 11kW 5.5kW AN5430000 60.5mm 25A 15kW 18.5kW AN9844100 96.3mm25A 15kW 7.5kW 22kW AN9846100 128.5mm32A 18.5kW 11kW AN5431000 60.5mm 40A 22kW 30kW AN9848100 128.5mm40A 22kW 18.5kW 30kW AN9847100 128.5mm63A 37kW 22Kw AN5432000 60.5mm 63A 37kW 37Kw AN9849100 128.5mm AN5433100 72.3mm 80A 45kW AN5434100 72.3mm 100A 55kW CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR AN5436100 95.5mm 125A 75kW Mounting Accessories - for all Gave Cam SwitchesAK0000003 AK0000006 Code Description For Switch Amps AK0000003 Base mounting plate Up to 40A IP65 Gasket AK0000006 Base mounting plate 63-250A AK0100007 Din rail mounting plate Up to 40ADoor Interlock Kit AK0100007 AK1730003 Base mounting kit with extension shaft and door interlock Up to 40A AK1730006 Base mounting kit with extension shaft and door interlock 63-250A AK1740003 Din rail mounting kit with extension shaft and door interlock Up to 40A AK1740006 Din rail mounting kit with extension shaft and door interlock 63-250A AK2240003 IP65 gasket for door mount switches Up to 40A AK2240006 IP65 gasket for door mount switches 63-250A TEC 182

ROTARY ISOLATORS Isolators Simple 'click' front plate Rated Voltage: fixing. 690VAC. c/w Operating handle and IP20 plate. All supplied as door finger safe. mount. For other mounting options see accessories. 12-40A 63-80A 100-125A 160-250A Rated ITH AC21 @ AC23 @ 1 Pole Panel 2 Pole Panel 3 Pole Panel 4 Pole Panel Plate Current 400VAC 400VAC Code Depth Code Depth Code Depth Code Depth Size 7.5kW 4kW AN5500000 30.5mm AN5510000 30.5mm 48x48mm 12A 16A 11kW 5.5kW AN5501000 30.5mm AN5511000 30.5mm AN5520000 40.5mm AN5530000 40.5mm 60x60mm 15kW 7.5kW AN5502000 30.5mm AN5512000 30.5mm 16A 20A 18.5kW 11kW AN5503100 36.3mm AN5513100 36.3mm AN5521000 40.5mm AN5531000 40.5mm 66x66mm 22kW 18.5kW AN5504100 36.3mm AN5514100 36.3mm 25A 32A 37kW 22kW AN5506100 46mm AN5516100 46mm AN5522000 40.5mm AN5532000 40.5mm 45kW 30kW - - AN5518100 46mm 32A 40A 55kW 30kW - - AN5517100 46mm AN5523100 48.3mm AN5533100 48.3mm 75kW 37kW - - - - 40A 50A 90kW 52kW - - - - AN5524100 48.3mm AN5534100 48.3mm 110kW 65kW - - - - 63A 70A 132kW - - - - - AN5526100 62.5mm AN5536100 62.5mm 80A 100A AN5528100 62.5mm AN5538100 62.5mm 100A 100A AN5527100 62.5mm AN5537100 62.5mm 125A 125A AN5529100 62.5mm AN5539100 62.5mm 160A 160A AN552A100 95.5mm AN553A100 95.5mm 200A 200A AN552B100 95.5mm AN553B100 95.5mm 250A 250A AN552C100 95.5mm AN553C100 95.5mm Spare Handles for Isolators 12-40A 63-80A 100-250A Black/Grey Red/Yellow Black/Grey Red/Yellow Rated Black Handle c/w Plate 0-1 White Handle c/w Padlockable Padlockable Padlockable Padlockable Current Plate 0-1 (3 lock) (3 lock) 12-25A AK1200143 AK1200523 AK1300143 AK1300523 32-40A AR0386040 AR0386010 AK1200143 AK1200523 - - 63-80A AK1200146 AK1200526 - - 100-250A AR0386140 AR0386110 AK1200148 AK1200528 - - AR0386640 AR0386610 AR0386840 AR0386810 CHANGE OVER SWITCHES Rated Voltage: 690VACCIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR c/w Operating handle and 12-40A 63-80A 100-125A 160-250A plate. All supplied as door mount. For other mounting 3 Pole 4 Pole options see accessories. Code Code Rated ITH AC21 @ AC23 @ 2 Pole Panel AN5621000 Panel AN5631000 Panel Plate Current 400VAC 400VAC Code Depth AN5622000 Depth AN5632000 Depth Size AN5623100 AN5633100 16A 20A 11kW 5.5kW - - AN5624100 50.5mm AN5634100 60.5mm 48x48mm - AN5626100 50.5mm AN5636100 60.5mm 60x60mm 25A 32A 15kW 7.5kW - 48.3mm AN5628100 60.3mm AN5638100 72.3mm - AN5627100 60.3mm AN5637100 72.3mm 66x66mm 32A 40A 18.5kW 11kW AN5613100 62.5mm AN5629100 79mm AN5639100 95.5mm - AN562A100 79mm AN563A100 95.5mm 40A 50A 22kW 18.5kW - - AN562B100 79mm AN563B100 95.5mm - AN562C100 79mm AN563C100 95.5mm 63A 70A 37kW 22kW AN5616100 - 128.5mm 161.5mm - 128.5mm 161.5mm 80A 100A 45kW 30kW - - 128.5mm 161.5mm 100A 100A 55kW 30kW - 125A 125A 75kW 37kW - 160A 160A 90kW 52kW - 200A 200A 110kW 65kW - 250A 250A 132kW - -183 TEC

Door Mounting Isolators (Switch supplied complete with operating handle) AC21 16A 20A 32A 40A 75A 115A AC23A 12A 16A 25A 32A 63A 100A VB0793 1 Pole VB0728 VB0751 VB0769 VB0777 VB0876 - VB0959 - 2 Pole VB0801 VB0835 VB0843 VB0850 VB1122 VB0967 96x96 VB1130 3 Pole VB0884 VB0918 VB0926 VB0934 96x96 Door Mount 4 Pole VB1056 VB1080 VB1018 VB1106 PL-1/PL-2 Spare Handle Plate Size (mm) 48x48 48x48 64x64 64x6422mm Door Mount Spare Operating Handles c/w Escutcheon PlatePadlockable Black escutcheon PL-1 PL-1 PL-2 PL-2 VB-3 VB-3 plate size 52 x 52 52 x 52 75 x 75 75 x 75 96 x 96 96 x 96 (mm) Red with yellow 3L-2 3L-2 3L-2 3L-2 3L-3 3L-3 padlockable size Ø64 Ø64 Ø64 (mm) Ø64 96 x 96 96 x 96 Isolator 22mm Ø Door Mount (48x48) AC21 16A 20A 32A 40A AC23 12A 16A 25A 32A CR0320002 CR0400002 2 Pole CR0160002 CR0200002 CR0320003 CR0400003 CR0200003 CR0320004 CR0400004 3 Pole CR0160003 CR0200004 32A 40A 4 Pole CR0160004 25A 32A CR03200G3 CR04000G3 Isolator padlockable Front Door Mount (67x67) CR03200G4 CR04000G4 AC21 16A 20A AC23 12A 16A CR01600G3 3 Pole CR02000G3 4 Pole CR01600G4 CR02000G4 Motor Control Switches - Door Mount AC-1 AC23 1 Phase * Reversing 3 Phase Reversing Star-delta Plate Size (mm) 16A 12A VB1940 48 x 48 20A 16A - VB1593 VB1841 48 x 48 32A 25A - VB1619 VB1866 64 x 64 40A 32A - VB1635 VB1882 96 x 96 50A 40A - VB1643 VB1890 96 x 96 VB1650 VB1908 Motor Control Switches - 22mm Door Mount 16A 12A - CR0160008 48 x 48 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR 48 x 48 20A 16A - CR0200008 48 x 48 48 x 48 32A 25A - CR0320008 40A 32A - CR0400008 Stepping Switches Rear Door Mount 1 Pole 3 step+ off 16A VB3045 0-1-2-3 Size (mm) 1 Pole 5 step+ off 16A VG5325 0-1-2-1-4-5 48 x 48 1 Pole 7 step+ off 16A VF3783 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 48 x 48 48 x 48 On - Off Switches 20Amps AC23 Switches spring return to centre Eschutcheon Plate 2 Poles 4 Poles 6 Poles R201-23 R202-23 R203-23 TEC 184

CHANGE OVER SWITCHES Change Over Switch Door Mount - 2 Pole Door Mount AC21 16A 32A 40A 63A 75A 115A 200A AC23A 12A 25A 32A 50A 63A 100A 160A 2 Pole VB1232 VB1263 Change Over Switch Door Mounting - 3 & 4 Pole 3 Pole VB1353 VB1395 VB1403 VB1363 VB1429 VB1437 VB1445 VB1463 VB1544 VB1551 VB1569 Door Mount 4 Pole VB1478 VB1510 VB1528 64 x 64 96 x 96 96 x 96 96 x 96 Plate Size (mm) 48 x 48 64 x 64 96 x 96 Change Over Switches Chassis Mount - 3 & 4 Pole 3 Pole - VG9906 ZL0496 - ZL0505 VF2993 VF3058 VD9446 VF3033 VF3066 4 Pole - ZL0538 ZL0546 - 105 x 105 130 x 130 130 x 130 Chassis Mount Plate Size (mm) - 75 x 75 105 x 105 - supplied with shroud 32A Change Over Switches 22mm Ø Door Mount 25A CR0320006 AC21 16A 40A AC23A 12A 32A CR0400006 2 Pole CR0200006 CR0400007 22mm Door Mount 3 Pole CR0200007 CR0320007 4 Pole CR0200039 CR0320039 CR0400039 Plate Size (mm) 48x48 48x48 48x48 VOLTMETER & AMMETER SWITCHES A7431100 A7461100 A7671100 Size (mm)CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR Code Description 48 x 48 x 50.5 A7431100 Voltmeter switch 3 phase 16A phase to phase measurement. O, RS, ST, TR A7461100 48 x 48 x 60.5 A7671100 Voltmeter switch 3 phase 16A phase to neutral measurement. RN, SN, TN, O, TR, ST, RS 48 x 48 x 50.5 185 Ammeter switch 3 phase 16A. O, R, S, T 3 PHASE SOCKET OUTLET IP44 Switched Industrial Socket Outlet Code Description Size (mm) 145 x 107 x 118mm NES-16A3 16A 3PH+E 6H Neesoc Socket Splash Proof 126 x 120 x 162mm 145 x 160 x 197mm NES-25A3 25A 3PH+E 6H Neesoc Socket Splash Proof 45 x 60 x 97mm NEP-16A 16A 3PH+E 6H Plug Top NEP-16/25 NEP-25A 25A 3PH+E 6H Plug Top NES-16A3 Material: ABS (Flame Retardant and UV Resistant) Gland Entry: 2xM20 (Top and Bottom) TEC

DIECAST WELDING SOCKET OUTLETS IP67 All With Orange Cover + 2 Holes For Pad Lock - Cable Entry Flange to be ordered separately Code Description Size (HxWxD) Flange Size SF29641 Alupres Switch Socket 16A 2P+E 220V 315 x 125 x 150 F1 SF29642 Alupres Switch Socket 16A 3P+E 380V 315 x 125 x 150 F1 SF29643 Alupres Switch Socket 16A 3P+N+E 380V 315 x 125 x 150 F1 SF29644 Alupres Switch Socket 32A 2P+E 220V 315 x 125 x 170 F1 SF29645 Alupres Switch Socket 32A 3P+E 380V 315 x 125 x 170 F1 SF29646 Alupres Switch Socket 32A 3P+N+E 380V 315 x 125 x 170 F1 SF29647 Alupres Switch Socket 63A 3P+E 380V 355 x 125 x 189 F1 SF29648 Alupres Switch Socket 63A 3P+N+E 380V 355 x 125 x 189 F1 SF29649 Alupres Switch Socket 16A 3P+E 500V 315 x 125 x 150 F1 SF29650 Alupres Switch Socket 32A 3P+E 500V 315 x 125 x 170 F1 SF29651 Alupres Switch Socket 63A 3P+E 500V 355 x 125 x 189 F1 Accessories (To be ordered separately)Entry F1 511214 4 Way Junction Box for socket 16/32/63A 125 x 125 x 63 F1x4 511237 5 Way Junction Box for socket 16/32/63A 252 x 125 x 63 F1x4+F2x1 Entry F2 532876 Mounting Plate for 1 socket 558 x 125 - Entry F1* 532836 Mounting Plate for 2 sockets 558 x 250 - SL461133 Orange Flat Cover for 4 Way Junction Box 125 x 125 F1 SL461134 Orange Deep Cover for 5 Way Junction Box 252 x 125 x 50 F1 SL461135 Hinged Transparent Cover for 4xMCB Din Modules 125 x 125 F1 SL361136 Hinged Transparent Cover for 9xMCB Din Modules 252 x 125 F1 Flanges and Gland Entry (To be ordered separately) - F2 to F1 547021 Reduction Flange from F2 to F1 - F3 to F1 547031 Reduction Flange from F3 to F1 - F5 to F1 547151 Reduction Flange from F5 to F1 - F1 540091 Blind Closing Flange - F1 541055 Aluminium Flat Flange M25 - F1 540180 Aluminium Raised Flange M32 - F2 540185 Aluminium Raised Flange M32 - F2 540186 Aluminium Raised Flange M40 - F5 540195 Aluminium Raised Flange M50 - F1 SL461126 2 Entry Threaded Flanges M25 - F3 SL461137 2 Entry Threaded Flanges M32 511214 532876 511237 532836 547021 SL461133 SL461134 SL461135 547031 SL461136 547151 Blind Flange 541055 540091 540180 SL461126 Reduction Flange 540186 SL461137 540195*Welding Socket 16-32-63A WELDING SOCKET OUTLETS 125A IP67 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES & SWITCHGEAR All With Orange Cover + 2 Holes For Pad Lock - Cable Entry Flange to be ordered separately Code Description Size (HxWxD) Flange Size 545 x 185 x 240 F3 SF29652 Alupres Switch Socket 125A 3P+E 380V IP67 540190 SL461132 SF29653 Alupres Switch Socket 125A 3P+N+E 380V IP67 545 x 185 x 240 F3 540033 SL461131 574053 SF29654 Alupres Switch Socket 125A 3P+E 500V IP67 545 x 185 x 240 F3 511312 Accessories (To be ordered separately) 511312 4 Way Grey Junction Box for 125A Weld Socket 185 x 185 x 95 F3 SL461131 Orange Cover for 4 Way Junction Box 185 x 185 x 50 F3 SL461132 Orange Cover 7,5xMCB Din Modules 185 x 185 x 50 F3 Flanges and Gland Entry (To be ordered separately)SL461127 547053 Grey Reduction Flange F5 to F3 for 125A Socket - F5 to F3 540190 Grey Raised Flange M40 125A Weld Socket - F3 540033 Grey Blind Flange for 125A Weld Socket - F3 SL461127 2 Entry Threaded Flanges M40 - F3 TEC 186

RB2 PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS 22mm Ø • Fully interchangeable • Uses ‘455’ standard key • Style approved and used by industry world-wide Illuminated Pushbuttons Heads Only IP65 Pushbutton Heads Only Colour Flush IP65 Extended IP65 Booted IP66 Flush Iluminated ● RB2-BA1 – ● RB2-BP1 ● RB2-BW31 White ● RB2-BA2 ● RB2-BP2 – Black ● RB2-BA3 ● RB2-BL2 ● RB2-BP3 ● RB2-BW33 Green ● RB2-BA4 ● RB2-BL3 ● RB2-BP4 ● RB2-BW34 Red ● RB2-BL4 ● RB2-BW35 Amber – – – Yellow ● RB2-BA5 – ● RB2-BP5 ● RB2-BW36 Blue ● RB2-BA6 ● RB2-BL5 ● RB2-BP6 ● RB2-BL6 Mushroom Heads Only IP65 Colour Head Spring Return Twist to Release Push Pull Key Release (455) ● RB2-BC2 – – Black 40Ø ● RB2-BC3 – – – Green 40Ø ● RB2-BC4 – Red 40Ø ● RB2-BR4 ● RB2-BS54 ● RB2-BT54 ● RB2-BS14 Red 60Ø ● RB2-BS64 – Selector Switch Heads Only IP65PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS Description Short Handle Long Handle Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated ● RB2-BD2 ● RB2-BJ2 ● RB2-BK123 ● RB2-BK124 ● RB2-BK125 2 Position: M aintained ● RB2-BDR2 ● RB2-BJR2 Spring Return ● RB2-BD3 ● RB2-BJ3 – – – ● RB2-BDR3 ● RB2-BJR3 ● RB2-BK133 ● RB2-BK134 – 3 Position: M aintained – Spring Return – – Key Switch Heads only (Raas 455 key) IP65 Dimensions Position Type Key Removal Code ● RB2-BG2 2 position Maintained Left ● RB2-BG02 Right ● RB2-BG4 Spring return to left All ● RB2-BG6 Left ● RB2-BG3 3 position Maintained Centre ● RB2-BG5 Supplied ● RB2-BG0 with 2 keys Left – Right ● RB2-BG09 ● RB2-BG9 All ● RB2-BG7 General Characteristics – RB2 Pushbuttons Right ● RB2-BG8 Current rating: Ith 10A. Rated insulation Voltage: Ui 500V Left Mechanical life: Mushroom operators 300,000 ops. All others 1,000,000 ops Spring return to centre Centre Ambient: -25°C to + 70°C Mounting Matrix: 40H x 30W Spring return to centre Contacts: self cleaning, slow acting, positive opening from right, maintained in Centre Conformity: IEC 60947-5-1 Approvals: left position187 CO1

RB2 PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS 22mm Ø Pilot Lights Heads Only IP65 Contact Blocks - c/w Fixing Collar Description Code 1N/O ● RB2-BZ101Colour Code 1N/C ● RB2-BZ102● White RB2-BV01● Green RB2-BV03 2N/O ● ● RB2-BZ103● Red RB2-BV04● Amber RB2-BV05 2N/C ● ● RB2-BZ104● Blue RB2-BV06 RB2-B Double Pushbuttons Head Only IP40 1N/O + N/C ● ● RB2-BZ105 Description Colour Code Add on Contact Blocks - 10A Ith N/O ● RB2-BE101 Double Button ■ Green RB2-BA87 ■ Red Double Button ■ Green N/C ● RB2-BE102 & Pilot Light ■ Amber ■ Red RB2-BW9 Lamp Blocks Accessories (for both Pilot Llights & illuminated Pushbutton Heads) Boots for illuminated RB2-RC-L Description Rated Code pushbuttons (RB2-BW) Clear ● Voltage S pare Silicone Black ● RB2-BP002 Direct Connect 230V RB2-BV6 2.6W max max br uobobteedr bflouosths for Green ● RB2-BP003 (Lamp excluded) p ushbuttons Red ● RB2-BP004 With Resistor 220VAC RB2-BV7 (RB2-BP) (130V BA9s Yellow ● RB2-BP005 Lamp included) Blue ● RB2-BP006 Clear ● RB2-BP007 With fixed ultra high Green ● RB2-BVL73* bright cluster LED Red ● RB2-BVL74* B oot for flush pushbutton Clear ● RB2-RC-S Amber ● RB2-BVL75* Spare fixing collar RB2-B Blue ● RB2-BVL76* Spare keys (455) RB2-K455EPL-3 *Specify voltage: 24V, 48V, 110VAC/DC, 240VAC Padlock attachment only for RB2-BL4 EPL-3 Lamp Extraction Tool RB2-X13 PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS EPL-5 Padlock attachment only for RB2-BS54 EPL-5 For Lamps, see Page 193Black – White on black Aluminium Legend Plates Aluminium Legend Plates RB2-BY2304 Description Code Description Code ● RB2-BY2311 AUTO-HAND ● RB2-BY2364 ON ● RB2-BY2323 AUTO-O-HAND ● RB2-BY2385 RESET ● RB2-BY2306 BLANK ● RB2-BY2301 REVERSE ● RB2-BY2303 DOWN ● RB2-BY2308 START ● RB2-BY2331 STOP ● RB2-BY2304 EMERGENCY STOP ● RB2-BY2307 FORWARD ● RB2-BY2305 UP ● ED-60 INCH ● RB2-BY2321 ● ED-90 OFF ● RB2-BY2312 Yellow Emergency Stop 60mmØ OFF-ON ● RB2-BY2336 Yellow Emergency Stop 90mmØ ● RB2-BY2301E Laser Engraved with customer specified text CO1 188

PUSHBUTTONS, PILOT LIGHTS & SELECTOR SWITCHES 22mm Ø Pushbuttons (Heads only) Extended Pushbuttons Colour Colour Code Black Code Red ● ECX1110 Black ● ECX1100 Green ● ECX1111 Yellow ● ECX1112 Red ● ECX1101 Blue ● ECX1113 ● ECX1114 Green ● ECX1102 Yellow ● ECX1103 Blue ● ECX1104 White ● ECX1105 Pilot Lights Illuminated Pushbuttons Colour Code Colour Code Red ● ECX1231 Red ● ECX1201 Green ● ECX1232 Green ● ECX1202 Yellow ● ECX1233 Yellow ● ECX1203 Blue ● ECX1234 Blue ● ECX1204 Clear ● ECX1235 Clear ● ECX1205 Emergency Stops Illuminated Emergency Stops Description Colour Code Description Colour Code ECX1131 With latch ECX1226 Red Ø 40 ECX1130 Red ECX1136 twist to release Red ECX1221 With latch twist to Black Ø 40 Momentary release Red Ø 60 Momentary R ed Ø 40 ECX1135 Illuminated Selector Switches Momentary R ed Ø 60 ECX1137 Push Pull ECX1146 Colour 2 maintained 3 maintained Red Ø 40 positions positions Red ECX1251 ● ECX1261 Green ECX1252 ● ECX1262 Selector Switch Short Handle Selector Switch Long Handle Description Code Description Code po s2ition Maintained ECX1300 2 Maintained ECX1350 Return from right ECX1310 po sition Return from right ECX1360 Maintained ECX1320 3 Return to centre position ECX1330 Maintained ECX1370 3 Return to centre position ECX1380 position position ECX1390 Return from left ECX1400 Return from left ECX1340 Return from right PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS Return from right ECX1345 Emergency Stops with Key Key Switches Type Key Removal Code Position ECX1410 Maintained Left ECX1420 Right-Left ECX1430 2 Left ECX1440 position ECX1450 ECX1460 Spring return from right ECX1470 ECX1480 Description Colour Code Centre ECX-KEY 3 Right-Left Red ECX1141 position Maintained Left Ø 40mm With latch In all positions Key release Spare Key ECX-KEY Spring return to centre position Centre Spare Key 189 COM

PUSHBUTTONS, PILOT LIGHTS 22mm Ø IP65Contact Blocks with Support Base Lampholders with Support BaseDescription Code Description Wiring Rated Code Diagram Voltage1 Contact 1N/C ECX1031 Direct Feed 400V ~ ECX1050Block@10A 1N/O ECX1032 (BA9S Lamp (Max) not included) 2.6W Max 2N/C ECX1033 Lampholders with Support Base2 Contact Description Wiring Rated CodeBlocks@10A Diagram Voltage 2N/O ECX1034 ECX1035 With Resistor 250V ÷ 1N/O (130V - 2,6W ECX1060 + 1N/C Lamp included) 250V ~Double Button with Light Code 24VAC ECX1080Description ECX1153 48VAV ECX1081Head only with flush red button 110V to ECX1082 130VACHead only with extended red button ECX1157 Flashing device 230V ECX1083Double Button no Light ECX1150 (Lamp (BA9S Lamp 130VAC)Head only with flush red button included)Head only with extended red button ECX1154 24VDC ECX1084Add-on Contact Blocks 10A Code Spare Support Base CodeDescription ECX1030 Description ECX1029N/C Red Spare Support BaseN/O Green ECX1040Boots Joy Sticks (complete with Contact Blocks)Description Colour Material Code Description Code 2 ECX1510 Black ● Neoprene ECX1700 Momentary ECX1512 position Maintained ECX1520 Protection Cap for Red ● Neoprene ECX1701 Momentary ECX1524 Flush non- Green ● Neoprene ECX1702 4 Maintained ● Neoprene ECX1703 position illuminated Yellow ● Neoprene ECX1704 Pushbuttons Blue Colourless ● Silicone ECX1705Protection Cap for Colourless Silicone ECX1706Extended PushbuttonsHole Plugs - 22mmØ PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS Description Colour Padlock Attachments CodePlug for unused holes ECX1490 Description EPL-3Supplied with O-ring and mounting screw. Padlock attachment only for extended EPL-6For Econo plugs see page 473 Code push button ECX111122mm Panel Mount Potentiometers Padlock attatchment only forSingle Turn (Complete with legend plate) ECX1131/30/36 Description1KΩ Single Turn ECX2300-1K EPL-35KΩ Single Turn ECX2300-5K10KΩ Single Turn ECX2300-10K EPL-620KΩ Single Turn ECX2300-20KSpare Legend ECX2640 COM 190

IEC 947-5-1 PLASTIC BEZEL 22mmØ CONTROL DEVICES Heads IP65 Heads IP65 Description Code Description Code Pushbuttons LAY5-EA2 Pilot Lights LAY5-EA3 Flush Black Green LAY5-EV03 LAY5-EL4 LAY5-EW33 Green LAY5-EA3 Red LAY5-EV04 LAY5-EP2 LAY5-EC4 Red LAY5-EA4 Yellow LAY5-EV05 LAY5-ES14 LAY5-ES64 Yellow LAY5-EA5 Blue LAY5-EV06 LAY5-ET4 Ui = 600V Selector Switches –­ Standard Short Lever Ith = 10A Blue LAY5-EA6 2 posn maintained LAY5-ED2 240V 2.6W max Extended Red LAY5-EL4 2 posn spring return to left LAY5-ED4 191 Pushbuttons - Illuminated 3 posn maintained LAY5-ED3 Green LAY5-EW33 Key Operated Key removal 2 posn maintained Red LAY5-EW34 Spring return to left Left LAY5-EG2 2 posn maintained Left LAY5-EG4 Yellow LAY5-EW35 3 posn maintained all LAY5-EG6 3 posn maintained All LAY5-EG0 Blue LAY5-EW36 Spring return left & Centre LAY5-EG3 right to centre Centre LAY5-EG5 Pushbuttons - Booted LAY5-EP2 Black Green LAY5-EP3 Red LAY5-EP4 Double Pushbutton Head Yellow LAY5-EP5 Description Code LAY5-EW8325 Blue LAY5-EP6 With 1N/O + 1N/C contact block and provision for direct Pushbuttons - Mushroom Head c­ onnected lamp. BA9s MAX 250VAC Momentary Ø40mm LAY5-EC4 Twist release Ø40mm LAY5-ES54 R-2/R-3 Accessories Code Twist release Ø60mm LAY5-ES64 Description R-2 Key release Ø40mm LAY5-ES14 Re-set Button – 125mm depth R ed R-3 Push pull Ø40mm LAY5-ET4 Green Contact & Lamp Blocks Description Code Padlock Attachments Description Complete with mounting collar For Flush Button Code EPL-4 EPL-4 1N/O LAY5-EZ101 For Extended Button EPL-3PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS 1N/C LAY5-EZ102 For LAY5-ES54 (Emg. twist release) EPL-5 2N/O LAY5-EZ103 EPL-3 2N/C LAY5-EZ104 EPL-5 1N/O+1N/C LAY5-EZ105 LAY5-E Shown complete with EMG Button Add-on  LAY5-BE101 LAY5-BE102 Description Code 1N/O Spare Mounting Collar LAY5-E LAY5-EV6 R22/30 Adaptor from 30.5 to 22.5mm R22/30 1N/C LAY5-EW06 Other Accessories Direct connecting Order BA9s lamp separately Lamps: page 193, Enclosures: page 194, Legend Plates pages 188 & 193 Pilot light only Hole Plugs page 190 Accepts contact blocks ELT

PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTSCluster LED lights 16mm hole mounting - IP65 LEDPanel depth: 35mm Shrouded terminals * Specify voltage with order: 12VAC/DC, 24VAC/DC, 48VAC/DC, 110VAC/DC, 230VAC, 400VACCode Description LEDAD16-R* ● RedAD16-G* ● Green * Specify voltage with order: 12VAC/DC, 24VAC/DC, 48VAC/DC, 110VAC/DC,AD16-Y* ● Yellow 230VAC, 400VACAD16-W* ● WhiteAD16-B* ● BlueCluster LED lights 22mm hole mounting IP65reduced panel depth – 35mm long body, shrouded terminalsALED-R* ● RedALED-G* ● GreenALED-Y* ● YellowALED-W* ● WhiteALED-B* ● BlueCluster LED Lights 30mm hole mounting - IP65 LEDPanel depth: 40mm Shrouded terminalsAD30-R* ● Red * Specify voltage with order: 12VAC/DC, 24VAC/DC, 48VAC/DC, 110VAC/DC,AD30-G* ● Green 230VAC, 400VACAD30-Y* ● YellowAD30-W* ● WhiteAD30-B* ● BlueCluster LED lights dome type LED22mm hole mounting, High surge resistance, High-bright, 120,000hrsCLED-1* ● RedCLED-2* ● GreenCLED-3* ● YellowCLED-4* ● Blue * Specify voltage with order: 12VAC/DC, 24VAC/DC, 48VAC/DC, 115VAC/DC, 230VAC/DCEconomy indicating lights 22mm hole mounting, BA9S fittingMK/EL-1* ● Red * Lamp: Filament 12, 24, 48V. Neon 110, 230VAC & No Lamp (Blank)MK/EL-2* ● GreenMK/EL-3* ● YellowMK/EL-4* ● ClearMK/EL-5* ● BlueNeon indicating lights 10mm hole mounting, 25,000hrs, Solder terminalsTE1-1 ● 90-250VAC RedTE1-2 ● 90-250VAC GreenTE1-3 ● 90-250VAC YellowTE1-4 ● 90-250VAC ClearEconomy Pushbuttons & Selector Switches22mm hole mounting, 10A, IP44Pushbuttons Selector SwitchesSB7-EA42 ● Red 1 N/C pushbutton SB7-ED21 ● Black 1 N/O 2 pos. maintainedSB7-EA31 ● Green 1 N/O pushbutton SB7-ED33 ● Black 2 N/O 3 pos. maintainedSB7-EA21 ● Black 1 N/O pushbutton 30mm Ø PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS - IP65 PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTSFlush Pushbuttons (head only) Mushroom Pushbuttons Selector Switches Key Switch Pilot Lights (c/w lamp block) Contact BlocksCode Colour Code Colour Code Description Code Description Code Colour Code DescriptionAF3 ● Green AM4 (spring return) ● Red AS2-2P 2 posn, maintained AK-2PB 2 posn, maintained PLB3 ● Green S11 1 N/O + 1 N/C c/w locking plateAF4 ● Red AML4 (twist release) ● Red AS2-3P 3 posn, maintained AK-3PA 3 posn, maintained PLB4 ● Red S12* 1 N/O + 1 N/C no locking plate ● AmberSpecifications PLB5 500VAC 10 Amp *F or 2 N/O + 2 N/C orderContact blocks to be Contact blocks to be Contact blocks to be Key removable from all Lamp S11 and S12ordered separately ordered separately ordered separately positions. Contact blocks BA15D 5W 230V max to be ordered separately ELT 192

LEGEND PLATES Plastic Legend Plates - Ø22mm Legend Plates for 22mm Devices Description Code Description Code Code Description Qty Reset Blank Legend Plates MK-100 EM Stop MK-110 PTAR22-25 Tag Holder Ø22mm 25 Power MK-111 Start MK-101 Up MK-112 Accepts 15 x 27mm Cardboard Labels Down MK-113 Also see Stop MK-102 Pump 1 – Pump 2 MK-114 15 x 27mm page 188 MK-115 cardboard Forward MK-103 Yellow Legend Disc 15 x 27mm Cardboard Labels Emergency Stop 60mmØ labels Reverse MK-104 Emergency Stop 90mmØ Code Description Off-On MK-105 Cardboard sheet 28 labels per sheet of Hand-Auto MK-106 T1527C-1 15 x 27mm labels Hand-Off-Auto MK-107 Run MK-108 ED-60 Manual Marking or with Printer, Typewriter. ED-90 C/w Cardboard & Protection Glass. Trip MK-109 Special Laser Engraved Legends Special Printed Aluminium Foil Labels Description Code STOP MAINS ON Description Code Ø22,5mm White Print on Black MK-200 Label Only (Printed) MK-201 Ø22,5mm Black Print on Brushed Aluminium MK-202 Ø30,5mm Black Print on Brushed Aluminium MK-203 OVER/UNDER 13 Blank Legend Plate MK-100 VOLTAGE mm Modified according to your preference Specify Text & Layout when ordering 25mm - Sticks on MK-100 Blank Plate LAMPS & LED's 28mm 24mm Colour Code Code Luminous Current Code Current Code Code Luminous Current 8 Chip BA9S 8 Chip E10 mcd mA 3 Chip BA9S mA 1 Chip BA9S 1 Chip E10 mcd mA Red ● LED8-R* ● E10LED8-R* 80 2.5 ● LED3-R* 2.5 ● LED1-R* ● E10LED-R* 170 2.8 280 2.8 Green ● LED8-G* ● E10LED8-G* 30 2.5 ● LED3-G* 2.5 ● LED1-G* ● E10LED-G* 90 2.8 50 2.8 Yellow ● LED8-Y* ● E10LED8-Y* 80 2.5 ● LED3-Y* 2.5 ● LED1-Y* ● E10LED-Y* 200 2.8 Blue ● LED8-B* ● E10LED8-B* 30 2.5 ● LED3-B* 2.5 ● LED1-B* ● E10LED-B* White – – – – ● LED3-W* 2.5 ● LED1-W* ● E10LED-W* *Add Voltage to code: 12V (12VAC/DC), 24V (24VAC/DC), 48V (48VAC/DC), 110V (110V-130VAC/DC), 230V (200-240VAC/DC) Current and Luminous Mcd shown for 230V only. Filament Lamps 10x28mm Long Life (BA9S) Neon Lamps (BA9S) Voltage Wattage Code Lens colour of Pilot Light Voltage Code BANR-110 6V AC/DC 2W BA9S-6 Red, Yellow, Clear & White 110VAC BANG-110 12V AC/DC 2W BA9S-12 BANR-220 14V AC/DC 2W BA9S-14 Green & Blue 110VAC BANG-220 18V AC/DC 2W BA9S-18 BANR-380 24V AC/DC 2W BA9S-24 Red, Yellow, Clear & White 220VAC BANG-380 30V AC/DC 2W BA9S-30PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS 3,000-5,000 48V AC/DC 2W BA9S-48 25,000 Green & Blue 220VAC Hours 130V AC/DC 2W BA9S-130 Hours Red, Yellow, Clear & White 380VAC 240V AC/DC 2.4W* BA9S-240 Lamp Life Green & Blue 380VAC Lamp Life Midget Grooved LED’s Miniature Panel LED Lamps (15mm x 5mØ) 10mmØ 16mmØ Colour Volts Code Volts Code Volts Code Code ØDiameter Description ● Green 6VDC 50-004-16 12VDC 50-004-19 24VDC 50-004-22 AD22C-10*-* 10mm LED Light ● Red 6VDC 50-004-17 12VDC 50-004-20 24VDC 50-004-23 AD22C-16*-* 16mm LED Light ● Yellow 6VDC 50-004-18 12VDC 50-004-21 24VDC 50-004-24 *Add colour required: ●R, ●GN, ●Y, ●W, ●B *Add voltage required: 12VDC, 24VDC. 110VAC, 230VAC193 ELT

PUSHBUTTON STATIONSPlastic Pushbutton Control Station Enclosures IP65No. of Grey Cover Size Yellow Cover Sizeholes HxWxD ● MK27111 HxWxD1 ● MK27101 82 x 66 x 65 MK27111   85 x 75 x 65 132 x 82 x 65 ● LAY5-1YB2 ● MK27102 171 x 66 x 65 ● PSAML4 171 x 132 x 65 ● LAY5-JBE013 ● MK27103 264 x 171 x 65 ● LAY5-JBE02 ● LAY5-JBE032 x 3 (3 x 2) ● MK27104 ● LAY5-JBE044 x 3 (3 x 4) ● MK27105 Control Station Enclosures MK27104 MK27105 LAY5-JBE011– 85 x 85 x 1051– 68 x 68 x 801 ● LAY5-BE01 68 x 68 x 512 ● LAY5-BE02 104 x 68 x 51 LAY5-1YB PSAML43 ● LAY5-BE03 134 x 68 x 514 ● LAY5-BE04 186 x 68 x 515 ● LAY5-BE05 222 x 68 x 51PSAML4 c/w shroud for emergency stopDie Cast Aluminium Pushbutton Station Enclosures IP65 RM-1YB RM-1GB RM-2GBRAL 7042 grey epoxy powder coated Size Holes For 22mm For 30.5mm Plain cover Lx W x D devices devices 1 ● RM-1YB – –  90 x   78 x 52 1 ● RM-1GB – –  90 x   78 x 52 2 ● RM-2GB – –137 x   78 x 52 1 ● SAM103-B ● A3P0909.01 ● SAM203-B106 x 106 x 81 2 ● SAM106-B ● A3P0915.02 ● SAM206-B126 x   79 x 75 3 ● SAM107-B ● A3P0920.03 ● SAM207-B206 x 106 x 81 4 ● SAM109-B ● A3P0925.04 ● SAM209-B256 x   91 x 75Assembled Pushbutton StationsDescription LAY5 Plastic RB2 Plastic RB2 Die Cast Enclosure Enclosure Enclosure1 Way control stationsE-stop (mushroom twist to release) with pushbutton protection ● E/ST-10 ● R/ST-10 – ● R/ST-11 ● RM/ST-11E-stop (mushroom spring return) ● E/ST-11 ● R/ST-12* ● RM/ST-12 E/ST-10 E/ST-11 R/ST-12 RM/ST-12 ● R/ST-13 ● RM/ST-13 E/ST-16E-stop (mushroom twist to release) ● E/ST-12 ● R/ST-14 ● RM/ST-14 ● R/ST-15 ● RM/ST-15E-stop (mushroom key release) ● E/ST-13 ● R/ST-16 ● RM/ST-16 ● R/ST-17 ● RM/ST-17E-Stop (illuminated latching 230V) ● E/ST-14 ● R/ST-18 ● RM/ST-18Stop ● E/ST-15Stop padlockable ● E/ST-16Start ● E/ST-172 posn key selector switch (0-1) ● E/ST-18 R/ST-17 RM/ST-17*Also available white on black2 Way control stations PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTSStart/Stop ● E/ST-21 ● R/ST-21 ● RM/ST-21 E/ST-22 R/ST-23 RM/ST-21Start/Stop padlockable ● E/ST-22 ● R/ST-22 ● RM/ST-22 E/ST-33 R/ST-33Start/E - Stop (mushroom spring return) ● E/ST-23 ● R/ST-23 ● RM/ST-23Start/E - Stop (mushroom twist to release) ● E/ST-24 ● R/ST-24 ● RM/ST-24Up/Down ● E/ST-25 ● R/ST-25 ● RM/ST-25Start/E - Stop (mushroom key release) ● E/ST-26 ● R/ST-26 ● RM/ST-263 Way control stations Palm Push 90mm ØWith standard stop pushbutton:Start/Stop/Run light (Green 220/240V neon) ● E/ST-31 ● R/ST-31 ● RM/ST-31Fwd/Stop/Rev ● E/ST-32 ● R/ST-32 ● RM/ST-32Up/Stop/Down ● E/ST-33 ● R/ST-33 ● RM/ST-33Fwd/E-Stop/Rev ● E/ST-35 ● R/ST-35 ● RM/ST-35Alternatively, custom assembled control stations can be supplied in horizontal or ­vertical RM/ST-33 EV90format with the option of customised engraving. Plastic Enclosure IP65 ELT 194

16mmØ PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS Pilot Lights Round Square Rectangle Lamps not Bezel 18mmØ Bezel 18 x 18mm Bezel 18 x 24mm included D16PL-RR D16PL-SR D16PL-TR Red D16PL-RG D16PL-SG D16PL-TG Green D16PL-RY D16PL-SY D16PL-TY Yellow D16PL-RA D16PL-SA D16PL-TA Amber D16PL-RB D16PL-SB D16PL-TB Blue D16PL-RW D16PL-SW D16PL-TW White Pushbuttons Emergency Stop Red only Lamps not Illuminated Non Illuminated Non Illuminated Non Illuminated Non included D16LM-R*-* Illuminated D16LM-S*-* Illuminated D16LM-T*-* Illuminated D16EC-RR-* Illuminated D16LA-R*-* D16PM-R*-* D16LA-S*-* D16PM-S*-* D16LA-T*-* D16PM-T*-* D16EB-RR-* D16EM-RR-* Momentary D16PA-R*-* D16PA-S*-* D16PA-T*-* D16EA-RR-* (Non latching) Alternate (Latching) *Add lens colour: ● R (Red), ● GN (Green), ● Y (Yellow), ● A (Amber), ● BL (Blue), W (White) *Add number of contact: 1 = 1 NO + 1 NC; 2 = 2 NO + 2 NC; 3 = 3 NO + 3 NC; 4 = 4 NO + 4 NC Accessories Lamps Description Code Description AC/DC 25mA Code 50-005-01 Incandescent 48V AC/DC 40mA Lamp Lamp removal tool AC/DC 40mA 50-004-06 Extractor 28V AC/DC 40mA 50-004-05 14V 50-004-03 Mounting For tightening of 50-006-01 6V AC Green 50-004-01 Wrench ­locking rings Red Neon 110V 50-004-11 Lens For removal of lenses 50-007-01 AC Green 50-004-12 Remover 230V Red 50-004-13 50-004-14 Spare Lens Round Rectangle Square Green DC Red 50-004-16 ● Blue 50-001-11 50-002-11 50-003-11 Round LED 50-004-17 ● Green 50-001-12 50-002-12 50-003-12 6V Yellow 50-004-18 ● Orange 50-001-13 50-002-13 50-003-13 Green 50-004-19 ● Red 50-001-14 50-002-14 50-003-14 Rectangle DC Red 50-004-20 ● White 50-001-15 50-002-15 50-003-15 Yellow 50-004-21PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS ● Yellow 50-001-16 50-002-16 50-003-16 Square 12V Green 50-004-22 DC Red 50-004-23 Protection For square head (90°) 50-011-01 24V Yellow 50-004-24 Cap For square head (180°) 50-011-11 50-011-02 For rectangular head (90°) 50-011-12 For rectangular head (180°) Type Contact block diagram Mounting Block Specifications IP40 SPST depth colour DPST 29mm Minimum mounting matrix: Round 18 x 18mm 3PST Lamp: Black Square 18 x 18mm 4PST 36.5mm Contact: Red Rectangular h18 x w 24mm Lamp connections (for DC) a –ve, b +ve 44mm Lamp: Black Contacts: Snap action d ouble break, silver contacts Contact: Red 51.5mm 5A @ 250VAC Lamp: Black 8A @ 125VAC Contact: Red 200mA @ 250VDC 6A @ 24VDC Lamp: Black Maximum panel thickness: 8mm Contact: Red Terminals: Solder type, intended for use with 0.75mm2 wire max.195 ELT

APPLIANCE CONTROLSToggle switches 12mm hole mounting, 16Amps @ 250VAC contacts Miniature PushbuttonsStay Put Type Spring Return 14mmØ hole mountingT11CS (On-off) SPST ST11CS TR-1T12CS Fast-on connectionsT13CS (On-on) SPDT ST12CST21CST22CS (On-off-on) SPDT ST13CST23CSTR-1 (On-off) DPST ST21CS (On-on) DPDT ST22CS PB-305 (On-off-on) DPDT ST23CS Description ● Off (on) 3A 250V Red latching Rubber Boot for Toggle Switches IP65 Code ● Off (on) 3A 250V Green latching PB-305A ● On - Off 3A 250V Red N/O Stainless Steel Pushbuttons & Pilot Lights 22mmØ IP66 PB-305B ● Off - On 3A 250V Green N/O PB-305AN ● On - Off 3A 250V Red N/C PB-305BN PB-305CN Pushbutton 8mmØ hole mounting Low Profile ProtrudingType Colour Illuminated PushbuttonsCode ● Red *MP0001.T.R MSW1941-R ● Green *MP0001.T.GN MSW1941-GN ● Amber *MP0001.T.A MSW1941-A MP0031 MP0031.2 ● Blue *MP0001.T.BL MSW1941-BLCurrent/Volts 20mA @ 3.6V* 50mA / 9-30VDC – – Code PB-101ASize 22mmØ x 22mmØ x 22mmØ x 32mm(L) 22mmØ x 37.2mm(L) 30mm(L) 30mm(L) PB-101A Description PB-101B ● Off - On 1A 250V Black N/OPanel Cutout Size 19.2mmØ 19.2mmØ ● On - Off 1A 250V Red N/C NO/NC 5A @ 250VContacts SPDT 50mA@ 24VDC SPDT 1A@ 24VDCLED’s (Rating @ 20mA) & Technical Specifications: MP0001 *Resistor Values for MP0001Colour Red Green Amber Blue For all colour push buttonsLuminous Intensity 900mcd 1500mcd 220mcd 1500mcd 12V 100Ω 0.5WSupply voltage* 1.85V 3.0V 2.0V 3.4V 24V 220Ω 0.5W *A resistor in series must be connected by the user Rocker Switches16A@250VACLamp Voltage230VACType On/Off SPST On/Off SPST On/Off DPST On/Off DPST On/Off/On SPDT PUSHBUTTONS & PILOT LIGHTS No Lamp Illuminated No Lamp Illuminated No LampBody Colour Black White Black BlackCode Red Black White ❚ R12-2CR R13-2CR BlackCode Amber ❚ R12-2AR R13-2AR ❚ R12-2CO R13-2CA ■ R9-49AR ■ R9-49ALR ❚ R12-3BLRCode Green ❚ R12-2AO R13-2AA ❚ R12-2CG – ■ R9-49AO ■ R9-49ALO ❚ R12-3BLOCode Black ❚ R12-2AG – ❚ R12-2CBK – ■ R9-49AG ■ R9-49ALG ❚ R12-3BLGHole Size ❚ R12-2ABK – ■ R9-49ABK ❚ R12-3BLBK 30 x 11mm – 30 x 11mm 30 x 25mm 30 x 11mm 6A 6A 30 x 25mm 6A 16A 16A 10ALamp Voltage230VACType On/Off SPST On/Off SPST On/Off DPST On/Off/On SPST On/Off/On DPST Lamp only On/Off SPST No Lamp Illuminated No Lamp No Lamp No Lamp Round – No LampCode Red ❚ WS3-1R ❚ WL03-5R ● JS-606-2RCode Amber ❚ WS1-1R ❚ WS1-2R – ■ WS3-3R ■ WS3-5R ❚ WL03-5ACode Green ❚ WS1-2A – – – ❚ WL03-5G –Code Black – ❚ WS1-2G ❚ WS3-1BK – – –Hole Size ❚ WS1-1G – ● JS-606-2A ❚ WS1-1BK – 19.2 x 21.9mm ■ WS3-3BK ■ WS3-5BK 30 x 11mm 20.2mmØ 19.2 x 12.9mm 19.2 x 12.9mm 19.2 x 12.9mm 19.2 x 21.9mm ELT 196

ALUMINIUM LABEL HOLDER Label Holder Rail - 25mm - Natural Anodised Code Description LH-A/1 Aluminium label holder 1m length. Size of label 20mm LH-A/2 Aluminium label holder 2m length. Size of label 20mm LABEL LH-A Aluminium label holder c/w laser engraved label - Black Letters on White (sold per cm) Specify text and format when ordering DIN MOUNTING RAIL Ω Code Description A x B x C Length Ω DR35A DIN 35-V Anodised aluminium slotted 35 x 7.5 x 1 2m Ω DR35A-NS DIN 35-Ω Anodised aluminium non-slotted 35 x 7.5 x 1 2m Ω DR35S DIN 35-Ω P assivated* steel slotted 35 x 7.5 x 1 2m Ω DR35S-1M DIN 35-Ω Passivated* steel slotted 35 x 7.5 x 1 1m DR35NS DIN 35-Ω Passivated* steel non-slotted 35 x 7.5 x 1 2m Ω NS35/15 DIN 35-Ω P assivated* steel slotted (Heavy duty) 35 x 15 x 1.5 2m Ω NS35/15-NS DIN 35-Ω P assivated* steel non slotted (Heavy duty) 35 x 15 x 1.5 2m Micro SDR-7525 DIN 75-Ω P assivated* steel slotted (Heavy duty) 75 x 15 x 1.5 2m G PR2 DIN 15-Ω Passivated* steel slotted 15 x 7.5 x 1 2m DIN 32-G Passivated* steel non-slotted G DR32NS DIN 32-G Passivated* steel slotted 32 x 15 x 1.5 2m *Yellow Zinc passivated corrosion protection DR32S 32 x 15 x 1.5 2m End Stops End Stop Accessories SR/3 Code To Fit Rail SR/15 BA2 DIN 15-micro Code To Fit Rail Support Brackets TSTW Angle bracket for DIN rail SR SR/7.5 Guillotine for DIN Rail Code To Fit Rail 159SM DR-CLIP DIN 35-Ω SR/3 DIN 35-Ω Code To Fit Rail Code Rail Size SR/7.5 DIN 35-Ω Guillotine to cut 7.5mm DIN Rail SR/15 DIN 32-Ω 159SM DIN 35 Rails ODG-02 Guillotine to cut 15mm DIN Rail SR DR-CLIP/10 ODG-03 (Pack of 10) Clip for DIN 35 Rails c/w M6 nut & screw. TERMINAL BLOCKSTERMINALS, INSULATORS & COPPER Code UKK6/47/4X10 UKK6/47/6X10 UKK6G/158/4X16 UKK6G/158/6X16 UKK6G-100/10-35/4X16 63A 63A 100A 100A 100A Amperage In Pin (15 x 6.5 x 5mm) Pin (15 x 6.5 x 5mm) Pin (20 x 9.5 x 5mm) Pin (20 x 9.5 x 5mm) Lug (Hole Ø8.5mm) Out 4 x 10mm² 6 x 10mm² 4 x 16mm² 6 x 16mm² 4 x 16mm² Ui 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V Code UKK6G-100/10-35/6X16 UKK6G-100/10-35/8X16 UKK6G-250/16-50/4X16 UKK6G-250/16-50/8X16 UKK6G-250/16-50/12X16 UKK6G-400/16-50/8X16 Amperage 100A 100A 250A 250A 250A 400A In Lug (Hole Ø8.5mm) Lug (Hole Ø8.5mm) Lug (Hole Ø8.5mm) Lug (Hole Ø8.5mm) Lug (Hole Ø8.5mm) Lug (Hole Ø10.5mm) Out Ui 6 x 16mm² 8 x 16mm² 4 x 16mm² 8 x 16mm² 12 x 16mm² 8 x 16mm² 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 197 R

RAIL MOUNTED TERMINALS Standard Terminals End Plate 2.5mm 2.5mm 4mm 6mm 10mm 16mm 35mm 50mm 95mmWire Size (mm2) JUK2.5B JUK3N JUK5N JUK35 JUKH50 JUKH95 JUK6N JUK10N JUK16N 125A Std Terminal Code 32A 32A 41A 800V 150A 232A Rating Amps 800V 800V 800V 57A 76A 101A 15.2mm 1000V 1000V Volts 6.2mm 5.2mm 6.2mm 20mm 25mm Width 800V 800V 800V 8.2mm 10.2mm 12.2mm Accessories End plate D-JUK2.5 D-JUK4/10 D-JUK4/10 D-JUK4/10 D-JUK4/10 D-JUK16 –– – – Partition ATP-JUK ATP-JUK ATP-JUK ATP-JUK ATP-JUK ATP-JUK ATP-JUK – – ZB10 *Fix Bridge (ways) FBI10-6 FBI10-5 FBI10-6 FBI10-8 FBI10-10 FBI10-12 FBI10-15 –Marker (Strip of 10) ZB6 * ZB5 * ZB6 * ZB8 * ZB10 * ZB10 * ZB10 * ZB10 * Double Level Isolating Fused Cage Terminals 5 x 20mm fuse excl. 5 x 20mm fuse excl.FBI10JBS10 4mm 2.5mm 4mm 4mm 16mm 2.5mm 4mm 6mmWire Size (mm2) JUKK5 JMTK-P/P JST2.5 JST4 JST6Std Terminal Code JUK5-MTK-P/P JUK5-HESI JUK10-DREHSI – – – – – With Indication 32A 16A – JUK5-HESILED JUK10-DREHSILED 31A 40A 52A Rating Amps 500V 800V 800V 800V 800V 6.2mm 5.2mm 16A 6.3A 10A 5.2mm 6.2mm 8.2mm Volts Width D-JMTK 800V 800V 800V D-JST2.5 D-JST4 D-JST6 – JBS10-5 JBS10-6 JBS10-8 6.2mm 8.2mm 12mm ZB5 * ZB5 * ZB6 * ZB8 * Accessories End plate D-JUKK3/5 ––– Fix Bridge (ways) FBI10-6Marker (strip of 10) ZB6 * – – FBI10-12 ZB6 * ZB8 * ZB8 *Terminal Marker Codes Rail Marker Holder*Add suffix below to codes above. e.g. ZB5 1-10Legend *Code Legend *Code Legend *Code Legend *Code Legend *Code Legend *Code Legend *Code Legend *Code TERMINALS, INSULATORS & COPPER Suffix Suffix Suffix Suffix Suffix Suffix Suffix Suffix1-10 1-10 1 1 5 59 9 L1 L1 L1 L1 N N Earth EARTH11-20 11-20 2 2 621-30 21-30 3 3 7 6 10 10 L2 L2 L2 L2 U U For DIN 32/3531-40 31-40 4 4 8 7 L3 L3 L3 L3 V V 8 LL L L WW JUBE/D ECONO DIN RAIL EARTH TERMINALS Size 2.5mm2 4mm2 6mm2 10mm2 16mm2 35mm2 50mm2 Code: JUSLKG3 JUSLKG5 JUSLKG6 JUSLKG10 JUSLKG16 JUSLKG35 JUSLKG50 Rated Amps: 34A 34A 37A 76A 101A 125A 150A Volts 500V 500V 500V 500V 500V 500V 500V Width (mm) 5.2 6.2 8.2 10.2 12.5 15.2 20.5 Mounting Rail DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 R 198

RAIL MOUNTED TERMINALS Micro DIN2 Standard Terminals Earth terminal 1.5mm 4mm 2.5mm 4mm 6mm Wire Size (mm2) DR1.5/5 DR4/6 MA2,5/5 M4/6 M6/8 Std Terminal Code – – MA2,5/5P M4/6P M6/8P Earth Terminal Code 20A 30A 250V 500V 24A 32A 41A Rating Amps 5mm 6mm 800V 800V 800V Volts PR2 Micro PR2 Micro 5mm 6mm 8mm Width DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 DIN 32/35 FEDR5 FEDR61 Mounting rail – – FEM6 FEM6 FEM6 Accessories – – SCF6 SCF6 SCF6 – – BJS5 (20) BJS6 (20) BJS8 (20) End plate – – EV5 EV6 EV6 Partition N... EN... EN... Bus coupler (ways) Double deck Connecting screw Isolating Marker with spring loaded connectors AT'AeltlreEmxn'itnarpaelplsercaorveed Special Terminals Wire Size (mm2) 2.5mm 4mm 4mm 6mm 4mm 6mm M4/6SNBO M6/8.STP M4/6SNTS M6/8.STP.RS Terminal Code MA2,5/5D2 M4/6D2 20A 15A 10A 24A Rating Amps 24A 32A 320V 500V 500V 500V 6mm 8mm 6mm 8mm Volts 630V 800V DIN32/35 DIN32/35 DIN32/35 DIN32/35 Width 5mm 6mm FEM62 FEMT1 Mounting rail DIN32/35 DIN32/35 – EN... Accessories End plate FEM6D FEM6D FEM6 FEMR8TTERMINALS, INSULATORS & COPPER Other – –– – – (See bottom of page 200) Marker EN... EN... EN... EN... EN... Hinged Covers End Stops Power Terminals Terminal covers to be ordered separately Wire Size (mm2) 35mm² 70mm² 120mm² 35mm² DIN35 BAM Terminal Code D35/27FF D70/32FF D120/42FF Code: CPUF35 Rating Amps 125A 192A 269A 70mm² Entrelec end stop to 1000V 1000V 1000V fit d­ irectly onto Volts 27mm 32mm 42mm Code: CPUF70 DIN35 Ω rail Width 120mm² Spacer Included Included Included 2 x Cover To Be Ordered Separately To Be Ordered Separately To Be Ordered Separately Code: CPUF120 Mounting Rail DIN 35 DIN 35 DIN 35 199 R