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Assignments and Assessment Book

Published by info, 2018-06-12 12:21:08

Description: Assignments and Assessment Book


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8. In some organizations, a trimming inspection is required. Factories where majority of machine are without UBT, this will become necessary. Since during the trimming operation, garments may get damaged.SL PO Line Garment Trimming Inspection Report Total DamageNo. No. Date No No. Shade Variation Trim Quality Part Replacement Accepted Re-work Accepted Re-work Major MinorQ.A Comments GeneralQ.A Comments Specific Checked by Designation Notes

9. Garments sent for Washing after trimming are received in the finishing section are checked once again before they are ironed and packed. Garment Wash Inspection ReportSL PO Line Garment TotalNo. No. Date No No. Wash Standard After wash Damage Re- Accepted Lot 1 Lot 2 Accepted washQ.A Comments General Checked byQ.A Comments Specific Designation

10. Garments are pressed and ironed and moved to tagging. Tag placement is checked before they are packed. Garment Ironing & Tagging Inspection ReportSL PO Date Line Garment Iron Standard Folding Tagging TotalNo. No. No No. Re- Re- Damage Accept iron Reject Accept fold Accept Re-tagQ.A Comments General Checked byQ.A Comments Specific Designation Notes

11. Packing is checked before they are placed in the cartons. Garment Packing Inspection ReportSL PO Line GarmentNo. No. Date No No. Hanger / Size ring Polybag Sticker Polybag Correct In- In- Correct In- correct Correct correct fold correct foldQ.A Comments General Checked byQ.A Comments Specific Designation

12. Cartons are checked for numbering and marking. Garment Marking & Numbering Inspection ReportSL PO Line No Garment No. Marking NumberingNo. No. Date Correct In-correct Correct In-correctQ.A Comments General Checked byQ.A Comments Specific Designation

13. Final inspection is conducted by the QA before it is inspected by the buyer's QA. Final Inspection Report Order Total No. SampleCartons Qty / of Size Numbers Selected Colour Cartons PO Dely. Order Packed EndingStyle No. Date Buyer Date Qty Qty No. Starting No. Buyer' Specifications Workmanship Embroidery Print Size Placement Size Placement Seam Allowance Shape Tole cm or inch +/- Actual Spec. No.Sample No. Buyer's Passed / Stitch Colors Colors Specs Failed Quality Shipment Status1a2b Ironing Folding Packing3c4d5e6f Trims SampleNo. Placement Accept Reject Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Re-screen Fail123456Q.A Comments GeneralQ.A Comments Specific Signature Q. A Notes

CUTTING SECTION1. Once the fabric is inspected and checked, it moves to the cutting section based on the cutting priority. The lay helpers spread the fabric and allow for relaxation. As the fabric is spread on the cutting table, each lay is recorded. This report is used for calculation of fabric used per lay, number of plies, and if fabric is sorted for shade variation the lot number assigned. The report also allows the cutting manager to monitor the productivity of the layers and the efficiency. Fabric Lay ReportP.O Style Date Lot Roll Roll Ply Lay Start End No. of Signature/LayNo. No No Length. Width. No. length Time Time Layers Supervisor2. After each roll is spread on the table, fabric is left at the end which usually does not exceed 0.50 to 1.0 mtrs. Details of each left over fabric end are recorded. These left over fabric ends are called end-bits. In cases of re-cutting due to cuts being lost or damaged, these end-bits are used which match the shade of the other parts of the garment. They are preserved until the production of the style is completed. End-bit RecordPO Roll Color Lot Date Roll Lay Ply Weight Selvedge Width after End bitNo No No Length Length No. width 1 lay 2 3 lay length laySignatureLay Supervisor Signature Cutting Manager

3. The cut order plan gives the complete details of the cutting program to be followed by the section for a style and production order. Cut Order Plan PO No Order Qty +5% Total Qty Lot No.Colo Size S Size M Size L Size X Lr Order + 5% Tota Orde + Tota Order + 5% Total Order + 5% Total Qty Qty Qty l r Qty 5% l Qty Qty Qty QtyCut # Marke Color Size Qty Tota Roll Weight Fabri Consumption No. of Plies r# l Qty No. c P O Marke Planne Actua dl rCut Color Actua End Bit Shortage Bundle Part Total Total# l Sticker # # # Parts Bundle End s Bits1. The cut No., Marker No., Colours, Size, Quantity, Total Quantity, Average Consumption, Marker Consumption, No. of Plies, Bundle No.,details of bundles are filled by the Sr. Cutting Technician after PPM.2. Roll No. and Weight must be filled by the Lay Helper after collecting or receiving fabric from stores3. The actual number of plies, actual end bits, shortage, extra are entered after spre ading by the Lay Helper / Spreading HelperSignatureLay Supervisor Signature Cutting Manager

4. After the fabric is cut, depending on the defects, it is required to re-cut some of the parts. Re- cutting must be done from the same fabric lot and wherever possible from the end bits from the same rolls. To re-cut, the sewing section gives the requisition slip which contains the details of the lot and end bit. Re- Cutting Requisition slipPO Style Roll No Color Lot Date End bit Weight Ply Sewing FeedingNo No. No Sticker No Line Helper No. No.Sl. Part Part Size Qty Defect Defect CauseNo No. Name Total Missing Washing Trimming Transport Printing Sewing Emb Fusing Cutting FabricSignatureFeeding Helper Signature Line Supervisor

5. The fabric utilization report is prepared by the cutting section after the end bits are cut and re- cutting is completed. The cutting manager is responsible for the utilization. Fabric Utilization ReportPO Style No Color Lot No No. of Rolls DateNoSl Cut Marker Estimated No. No. of End bit Shortage Total Balance Balance / Excess Length / after afterNo. No. No. Consumption of Garments length / Weight single ply Re-cut cutting Plies weightTotal Number of Garments CutPercentage shortage / Excess = Total Shortage / Excess Total WeightPercentage End Bits = Total End Bit WeightAverage actual consumption = Total Weight Total Weight Total No. of garmentsVariation from approved consumption = Actual Consumption – Approved ConsumptionSignatureLay Supervisor Signature Cutting Manager6. The cutting room productivity is monitored by the hourly production it achieves. The number of fabric lays spread by hour against the target given and the actual lays gives the variance. Monitoring the both lay and cutting is important as feeding the sewing section will get delayed leading to a chain of delays across the production line.

Cutting Section Hourly Spreading / Cutting ReportSl. No. Date Style No. Quantity PO No. No. of Total Fabric Lot No. Rolls (mtrs)Roll No. Roll Length Roll Width Lay Length No. of Plies Lay Helpers Total Total Variance Target Actual (T –A)Sl. No. Date Present Absent Helpers/ table (Mtrs) (Mtrs) (Mtrs)Hour Spreading Spreading Spreading Spreading Total Table No. Table No. Table No. Table No Spreading9:0010:00 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Variance11:0012:0001:0002:0003:0004:00 Lay Cutters Cutters/ Total Total Actual Variance (T –A) (No. of cuts) (No. of cuts)Sl. No. Date Present Absent table Target (No. of cuts)Hour Cutting Cutting Cutting Cutting Total Cuttings Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual9:00 Target Actual Target Actual Variance10:00 Signature11:00 Sr. Cutter12:0001:0002:0003:0004:00Signature SignatureLay Supervisor Cutting Room Manager

7. The cutting section is also responsible for fabric losses during spreading. This may happen due to width and length variations and the methods adopted during the process. An account of these losses is made using the following format.Date Lay No. Lay Spreading Losses Overlap No. of No. of Length length Overlaps Plies Marker Lay Marker Diff Length width width +/-Lay Table No.Lay Table No.Lay Table No.Lay Table No.8. Based on the report above, spreading losses are calculated: Notes

Spreading Losses Calculation FormatDate ActualLay No. StandardNo. of PliesNo. of Meters in lay ActualLay Length StandardMarker LengthEnd Loss Actual (average)Excess (CM /Ply) StandardMeters per Lay (End Loss)Lay widthMarker widthWidth lossExcess (CM /Ply)Meters per layOver lap lengthExcess (Av)CMNo. of overlapsTotal overlap loss (mtrs/lay)Total excess losses% of meters in lay9. Cutting section is responsible to bundle the cuts and number them as per the lay and marker. PO Fabric Cutting Register No. Total No. of LayDate No. Style of No. Bundles Supervisor Consumption Lay Plies of Signature Length Cuts PO Marker (Mtrs)

10. Numbered cut parts are sent to band knife cutting where shape is given to the cuts as per the marker. Usually entries are made in the cutting register after the band knife operation. Cutting RegisterDate PO No. Style Fabric Consumption Lay No. Total No. of Lay PO Marker Length of No. Bundles Supervisor (Mtrs) Plies of Signature Cuts Cut Parts Issue Issue Band Knife Received Checked Part Part byLay No. Name No.11. Cut parts are then sent for fusing wherever necessary. An entry is made in the cutting register. Cutting Register Consumption Lay Total Lay Length PO No. of No. of No. of SupervisorDate No. Style Fabric PO Marker (Mtrs) Plies Cuts Bundles Signature

Cut Parts Issue Issue Band Knife Issue FusingLay No. Part Part Received Checked Received Checked by Name No. by12. Where embroidery or print is involved, those parts where such value additions are required are sent for those operations after entry in the cutting register. On return they are moved to sewing along with other parts of the garment in the same marker. Cutting Register Lay Total Lay Consumption Length (Mtrs) No. of No. of No. of Supervisor PO No. Style Fabric PO MarkerDate Plies Cuts Bundles Signature Cut Parts IssueBundle Lay Part Part Band Knife Issue Fusing No. No. Name No. Issue Received Checked Received Checked by by Cut Parts Issue Embroidery PrintBundle Lay Part Received Checked by Part Checked No. No. Name No. Issue Received by Issue

SEWING SECTION FORMATS1. Feeding helper receives and maintains cut parts registerDate Feeding Helper Name: Feeding Register Employee Code. NoLine Bundle Cuttings Received Checked & VerifiedNo. Colour Size No. Challan Counted by Remarks No. Date Qty Style Bundles Cuts Parts No.2. The feeding register will also record the issues given to operators in the line based on the line plan and OB.Date Feeding Helper Name: Issue Register Employee Code. No Operator Operation Operation E. No. Name Issue Time Name Code QtyLine Style BundleNo. No. Colour Size No.3. The cut parts are checked and sorted at the feeding table before they are issued to the line based on the line plan and OB. The line plan prepared by the industrial engineer is implemented by the line supervisor. While the operation bulletin is detailed plan of operations including time taken for each operation (SMV and SAM), line plan indicates the machines required together with the attachments. Machines are accordingly arranged in the line. Notes

Sl # Collar preparation Line Plan Attachment Inspection Points 1 Mark for collar run stitch Manual Machine STDPF Inspection 2 Collar fusing attach STDPF Inspection 3 Collar run stitch- MANUAL 5MM PF 4 Collar trim, turn & iron, ewatex SNLSEC STD PF 5 Collar top stitch, SNLSEC 6 Collar bottom trim EWATEX STD PF 7 Stay stitch on collar SNLS STD PF 8 Ready trim collar band ready SNLSEC CR 1/32” 9 Attach collar to top collar band SNLS 10 Attach under collar & peak ready SNLSEC SNLS 11 Collar peak shape turn 12 Collar centre stitch MANUAL SNLS 13 Collar ready trim SNLS Cuff preparation SNLSEC 14 Cuff hem iron 15 Cuff run-stitch marking IRON BOX SNLSEC STDPF 16 Cuff run stitch MANUAL EWATEX CR 3/8” 17 Cuff trim, turn & iron 18 Cuff top stitch IRON BOX SNLS 19 Press under cuff Inspection Sleeve preparation 20 Lower sleeve placket attach SNLS MF219 21 Tack sleeve vent, 2 cm SNLS 22 Match & mark sleeve placket, trim 23 Upper sleeve placket iron MANUAL 24 Upper sleeve placket box IRON BOX 25 Make sleeve pleat SNLS CR 1/16\" Back preparation SNLS 26 Tack size label & loop Inspection 27 Sew back pleat 28 Back yoke attach SNLS STD PF 29 Back yoke edge stitch SNLS 30 Back yoke trim SNLS SNLS Front preparation 31 Front button placket hem MANUAL SNLS CR 1/32” Inspection 32 Front button-hole placket trim SNLSEC CR 1/16\" Inspection 33 Patch attach to button-hole placket IRON BOX 34 Front button-hole placket iron SNLS IRON BOX 35 W/c label attach on left front MANUAL SNLS STD PF 36 Front button-hole placket. KANSAI MF201(3/4”KIT) 37 Button-hole on front placket B/H 38 Pocket iron 39 Pocket raw edge trimming SNLS CR 1/32” 40 Pocket hem SNLS CR 1/16\" 41 Pocket attach Assembly

4. The industrial engineer makes the operation bulletin for the supervisor to follow. Targets are set for each operation based on the SMV. Each workstation designated for particular operation has a job card which describes the operation, a sample of the operation to be performed, the SMV and the target Style J-30972 Operation Bulletin 780 Pieces / MachineBuyer 11Machine ESPRIT Efficiency @ Full sleeve checks shirtSMV MANUAL24.75 SMV 65.00% Target /shift 78034.22 TOTALOPN 3.89 SMV No. Of direct operators 80.0NO. Total duration of work in 28.67 minutes 480 1 69.5 2 3.89 38.11 Operators Actual SAM 3 DESCRIPTION 4 MACHINE PF,ATT, OPER TGT/ TARGET 5 FOLDER REQ SHIFT P/H 6 7 Collar preparation MANUAL STDPF 0.40 1 1200 150 8 Mark for collar run stitch SNLSEC STDPF 0.64 1.5 1125 94 9 Collar fusing attach SNLSEC 0.78 2 1231 77 10 Collar run stitch- EWATEX 5MM PF 0.47 1 1029 11 Collar trim, turn & iron, ewatex 0.50 1 129 12 Collar top stitch, SNLS 0.18 0.5 962 120 13 Collar bottom trim SNLSEC 0.44 1 1314 328 0.43 1 1097 137 14 Stay stitch on collar SNLS STD PF 0.47 1 1120 140 15 SNLSEC 0.47 1 1029 129 16 Ready trim collar band ready STD PF 0.35 1 17 SNLS STD PF 0.69 1.5 1011 126 18 Attach collar to top collar band SNLS 0.16 0.5 1369 171 19 Attach under collar & collar peak MANUAL 1040 ready 0.46 1 1458 87 20 Collar peak shape turn 0.40 1 364 21 1.13 2.5 22 Collar center stitch SNLS CR 1/32” 0.53 1 Collar ready trim SNLSEC 0.96 2 0.52 1 Cuff preparation IRON BOX STDPF 1040 130 Cuff hem iron MANUAL 0.52 1 1200 150 Cuff run stitch marking SNLSEC 0.47 1 1059 Cuff run stitch 0.40 1 53 900 113 Cuff trim, turn & iron EWATEX CR 3/8” 998 Cuff top stitch SNLS 923 62 Press under cuff manually 115 IRON BOX Sleeve preparation SNLS MF219 918 115 SNLS 1029 129 Lower sleeve placket attach MANUAL 1200 150 Tack sleeve vent, 2 cm Match, mark sleeve placket& trim

23 Upper sleeve placket iron, IRON BOX CR 1/16\" 1.04 2 924 5824 Upper sleeve placket box SNLS 1.33 3 1080 4525 Make sleeve pleat SNLS 0.47 1 1029 129 Back preparation 1166 146 1020 12826 Tack size label & loop SNLS STD PF 0.41 1 1302 10927 Sew back pleat SNLS 0.47 1 1166 14628 Back yoke attach SNLS 0.55 1.5 1632 20429 Back yoke edge stitch SNLS 0.41 130 Back yoke trim MANUAL 0.29 1 1200 100 1248 156 Front preparation 195 780 15631 Front button placket hem SNLS CR 1/32” 0.60 1.5 1248 130 1040 9832 Front button hole placket trim SNLSEC 0.38 1 1170 89 1067 7133 Patch attach to b/h placket SNLS CR 1/16\" 0.31 0.5 1140 113 12934 Front button hole placket iron IRON BOX 0.38 1 900 68 102935 W/c label attach on left front SNLS STD PF 0.46 1 1080 170 7836 Front button hole placket KANSAI MF201 0.62 1.5 1360 151 1255 17037 B/h on front placket B/H 0.68 1.5 1207 67 1360 6338 Pocket iron IRON BOX 0.84 2 1080 139 1004 5339 Pocket raw edge trimming MANUAL 0.53 1 1114 51 1050 6140 Pocket hem SNLS CR 1/32” 0.47 1 1020 71 1226 13041 Pocket attach SNLS CR 1/16\" 0.89 2 1143 50 1040 130 Assembly 1006 65 104042 Front & back no. Setting MANUAL 0.35 1 104042 Shoulder attach SNLS MF 211 0.76 243 Shoulder e/s SNLS 0.40 1 MANUAL 0.35 144 Collar paring & centre notch marking45 Collar attach SNLS STDPF 0.89 246 Collar finish SNLS CR 1/16” 0.96 247 Sleeve pairing MANUAL 0.43 148 Sleeve attach tack SNLS 1.14 2.549 Sleeve attach SNLS 1.18 2.550 Top stitch arm hole SNLS 8MM PF 0.98 2.551 Close side seam with feed-of-arm FOA STDPF 0.84 252 Cuff pairing, mark for cuff attach MANUAL 0.46 153 Cuff attach, with pleats SNLS CL 1/32” 1.19 2.554 Bottom trim MANUAL 8MM 0.46 155 Hem bottom SNLS FOLDER 0.92 2

5. The job card of each operator has the details of the operation, a sample of the stitched part for reference and the target per hour Job Card Target Actual Diff + / - 130Name of Operator Xxxxxxxxx 1st Hour Employee Code yyyyyyyyyy 2nd Hour Description of W/c label attach 3rd Hour Operation on left front 4th Hour 5th Hour 6th Hour 7th Hour 8th Hour Sample Attached for Reference Total6. The feeding helper notes the hourly production output of each operator report as a summary. This report is prepared based on the recording of actual time by the operator in the job card. Sewing Section Hourly Report by OperationDate Line Feeding Helper Name: Employee Code. No Operation RemarksLine Style Bundle Employee DiffNo. No. Colour Size No. Name code Hour Target Actual +/- Operation Employee Diff Name code Hour Target Actual +/-

7. Machine breakdown report is prepared by the feeding helper whenever there is a breakdown. The report is signed by the operator concerned, mechanic who repairs and the line supervisor Sewing Section Machine Breakdown ReportDate Line Feeding Helper Name: Employee Code. No Operator Name: Employee Code. NoLine Machine Machine Reason for Work Total timeNo. Operation No. Type breakdown Stop time Start time Loss Remarks8. Waiting / idle time in the sewing line can be due to many reasons. However, whenever time is lost due to any reason, the cost of production will increase and profitability will come down. Hence, all types of waiting and idle time are recorded and time lost is calculated and reported. Sewing Section Waiting / Idle Time ReportDate Line Feeding Helper Name: Employee Code. No: Work RemarksLine No Bottle neck Poor Style Poor Broken Start timeTotalNo. Operation Feeding operation method Change layout Needle Stop time time Loss over

9. Among the common causes for work stoppage is needle breakage. Since parts of the broken needle may be stuck in the garment and cause injury to the wearer, it is made mandatory that the machine operator collect all the parts of the needle before a new needle is given as replacement. The broken parts of the needle are collected and maintained in a register as below: Sewing Section Broken Needle RegisterDate Line Feeding Helper Name: Employee Code. No: Signature Needle Remarks Needle PartsLine Operator Employee Machine Needle Store Operator Keeper Signature (All PartsNo. Operation Name Code Type Size must be received & stuck in the space below) Sewing Section Re-work / Repair ReportDate Line Feeding Helper Name: Employee Code. No: Line No.:Operation Cause Fabric Fabric Re- Total Part Bundle Type of Lot cutting No No. Defect No Colour Required Machine Operator Parts Garments

11. The feeding helper prepares the hourly report. This report is based on all the previous reports - hourly production by operator, machine breakdown, waiting /idle time, re-work/repairDate Feeding Helper Name: Employee Code: Line No. Supervisor Name: Issues Production Dely. To Finishing Alterations Re-Hourly Today Balance Today Challan No. Qty Received Issued09:00 Balance WIP work10:0011:0012:0001:0002:0003:0004:00 Production per Hour No. of Tailors No. of Helpers No. of CheckersPresent Absent Present Absent Present Absent Parts Assembly End Line Checking 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 Notes

SNLS12. The sewing line supervisor uses the skill matrix to plan the operators in the line DNLS 3-T O/LOperation Name 4-T O/L 5-T O/LA Grade Ops F-O-AUpper slv plkt box 4-n chain stitchButton hole placket attach (kansai) Automatic pocketPocket attach velting m/cCollar attach Sleeve setting m/cCollar Finish Blind stitch m/cSleeve Attach Bartack m/cTopstitch armhole Button hole m/cClose side seam Pocket setting m/cBottom Hem Contour stitching m/cCuff Attach B + Grade Ops Collar / Cuff Run Stitch Cuff Tape Attach Yoke attach to back with folder Shoulder attach with folder Hem circular sleeve / Bottom Hem second fold with gusset Side seam top stitch Grade B Ops Attach collar to collar band Collar top stitch Collar peak ready Cuff top stitch Stitch lower sleeve placket with folder Attach main / size labels to yoke Attach yoke to back Back yoke top stitch with double needle Hem Button placket Shoulder attach Sleeve tack to body Sleeve tack to body Close side seam Front b/h plkt hem Button hole operation Buttoning operation Collar / cuff turning Grade C ops Hem Collar band Collar center stitch Neck band label attach at sides Cuff hem Make sleeve pleats

FINISHING SECTIONThe garments after sewing arrive at the finishing section. These sections comprise of the sub-sections- trimming & stain removing; washing; loose thread sucking and dusting; ironing; foldingand tagging; packing, numbering and marking.1. All garments received from sewing need to be trimmed since the seams will have extra threads at the end. Even the UBT machines will leave a margin of thread that needs to be trimmed manually. A record of all the garments that are received, trimmed and moved to the next operation is maintained to monitor the productivity. Daily Trimming ReportDate Trimming Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Line Style Trimmer No. of Trim Target : Diff TotalNo. No. Name / Pcs. Output Colour Size Code Issued Hour Actual +/- Damage 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:002. The trimmed garments are then sent for stain removal. Stain removal operation is also the responsibility of the trimming supervisor. During stain removal some of the garments may get damaged due to reaction of colours with the removing chemical. These may be damaged permanently. Daily Stain Removal ReportDate Trimming Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Line Style Employee No. of Target : Diff TotalNo. No. Name / Pcs. Output Colour Size Code Issued Hour Actual +/- Damage 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00

3. After the stain removal garments are sent for button hole and button stitch operations. In case of any other alterations and repairs, such issues are completed in this section prior to dispatching the garments for washing. Daily Button hole/buttoning ReportDate Finishing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Style Style Colour Size Target for Marking: Target for B/H: Damage TotalNo. Name Issued Diff +/- Actual Diff +/- Output Qty Hour Actual 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:004. The washing unit may be either in-house or sourced externally. Daily Wash Issues / ReceiptsDate Finishing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Line Style Style Pieces Pieces Diff Total ReceivedNo. No. Name Colour Size Date Issued Received +/- Damage

5. The washing section is responsible for various washes as per the buyers' requirement. The section prepares a daily report of the washes performed, chemicals/materials used and deliveries. Daily Wash ReportDate Washing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No: Wash standard Pcs for Total Pcs DeliveredsampleWash Total Output Qty Size Style No.Line No. Style Not Washed Damaged Name Colour Recd. Recd. Challan Pcs Qty Pcs. Qty Date Date No.6. The washed garments are received by the finishing section. These garments are then buttoned. Where snaps are to be fixed the same are fixed after receiving from wash. Daily Buttoning / Snap Fixing ReportDate Finishing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No: Target for Buttoning: Target for Snaps Fixing: Total output Qty. Damage Diff +/- Actual Hour Size Colour Style Name Style No. Total output Qty. Damage Diff +/- Actual Hour Issue Qty Size Colour Style NameStyle No. 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 Notes

7. All garments washed or not are passed through a thread sucking machine which will suck out all the lose threads and dust. These garments are then sent for ironing and pressing. As per the buyer's requirements they are ironed. The daily ironing report format- Daily Ironing ReportDate Ironing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Line No. of Target :No. Hour Actual Employee Pcs. Style Name / Issued to Diff Total No. +/- Output Colour Size Code Ironing Damage 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:008. The garments are then tagged as per the instructions. Tags are placed on the garment either with the help of fine ropes supplied with the tag or by shooting plastic tag bullets as specified. Each garment has to be tagged and a price ticket has to be properly stuck in the prescribed space on the tag. Daily Tagging ReportDate Finishing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Line No. of Target :No. Employee Pcs. Style Name / Issued for Diff To tal No. +/- Output Colour Size Code Tagging Hour Actual Damage 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:009. The tagged garments are folded and packed in polybag of prescribed size. In some cases garments are not folded but put on hangers. A size ring in specific colour and shape is put on the hanger hook and the garment with hanger is inserted into a polybag of ordered length. The open end of the polybag is sealed. Garments that are folded and packed are placed in cartons as per the packing instructions. Sometimes garments on hangers are half folded and placed in suitable cartons with the hanger hooks secured on to the ropes on the insides of the cartons. Garments on hangers are placed in special containers prepared to ship store ready garments. The packing report is as below:

Daily Packing ReportDate Finishing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Line Employee No. of Target : Diff Damage TotalNo. Hour Actual +/- Output Style Name / Cartons No. Colour Size Code packed 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:0010. The packed cartons are marked and numbered as per instructions. Daily Packing ReportDate Finishing Supervisor Name: Employee Code No:Line Style Employee No. of Target : Diff TotalNo. No. Name / Cartons Output Colour Size Code Issued Hour Actual +/- Damage 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 Notes



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