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Home Explore 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

Published by daveeverettmarketing, 2019-01-27 13:18:22

Description: 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts


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197. Write about a book, movie or song that has made a huge impact on you. 198. City mouse or country mouse. Which are you?

199. Franz Kafka eloquently said: “Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty in every age of life really never grows old.” Write about the beauty you see in your loved ones. Then write about the beauty you see in yourself. 200. How do you manage stress? Explore what has worked for you and what hasn’t

201. If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live? 202. Interview yourself. Draw up with some questions and explore the answers honestly.

203. Make a list of things you want to do before next year. 204. Reflect on an old photo and write about it. How does it make you feel?

205. True or False: “All is fair in love and war.” Explain your answer in the context of your life. 206. What difference do you want you make in the world and why?

207. What do you want to feel tomorrow? What do you desire for yourself tomorrow? 208. What has been inspiring you lately?

209. What is something you are going to work on in the upcoming week? 210. What is the thing you could do every day for a year and feel fulfilled?

211. What is your life philosophy? What can you do to ensure that you are living it every day? 212. What’s one of your weaknesses that you would like to start making one of your strengths?

213. What’s the best job you’ve ever had? What made it so great? 214. Why is personal growth so important?

215. Are your choices leading to your wholeheartedness, or do they leave you feeling empty and searching? 216. Do you lean into challenge or away from it? Describe a time you were given a challenge you weren’t sure you could complete. How did the situation make you feel?

217. If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be? 218. Make a list of everything you’d like to say no to.

219. If you were given $1 million that you had to spend on yourself within a year, how would you spend it? 220. To show someone you love them, are you likely to use words, actions, or another method?

221. What are your current long term goals? 222. What distractions am I allowing into my days? How can I start to minimize them?

223. What excites you about the future? 224. What is the nicest gift you’ve ever received? Given?

225. What lesson have you learned that has surprised you about your life? 226. What time of day are you most productive? Why do you think that is?

227. What is your greatest weakness? Describe a time this weakness held you back. 228. What three to five qualities feel the most important for you to embody?

229. What’s the last good habit you developed? How did you do it? 230. Write a letter to your daughter or son about body image.

231. Describe a place that feels like home. 232. Have you ever helped someone else to get better at something in his or her life? How did you encourage that person?

233. How do you feel God at work in your life right now? 234. IF you could change something about yourself, what would it be?

235. List your favourite affirmations and what they mean to you. 236. Name a book that spoke to you on a personal level. Why?

237. True or False: “I know how to stick up for myself.” Explain your answer. 238. What are the most important things in your life?

239. What do you enjoy most about your favorite hobby? How can you incorporate that into other parts of your life? 240. What is an idea you have for a sweet gesture? When can you schedule that into your day?

241. What is your favorite thing to do when it’s raining? 242. What went well today? Can you think of five things?

243. What natural gift would you most like to possess? 244. What words do I want to come to mind when others think about me?

245. When I’m in pain — physical or emotional — the kindest thing I can do for myself is… 246. When was the last time you helped someone? What did you do?

247. Who’s the best leader you’ve ever had? What qualities made her/him so amazing? 248. Write about how you’re doing. Right now. Don’t censor. No need for complete sentences. Just spill.

249. If you can control it, what are 3 small actions you can take to help make it less stressful? 250. If I was acting out of love instead of fear, how would my actions be different?

251. If you had a problem, would you go to a family member, best friend, or a stranger? 252. Is there anything you did this week that you wish you’d done differently?

253. List the things you need/want to achieve this week. 254. Someone trusts you with a secret and asks you not to reveal it. It’s really juicy! Do you tell anyone?

255. This is the story of my first love… 256. True or False: “I am more likely to try something if others would be impressed.”

257. What are 3 things I’ve achieved that I’m really proud of? 258. What do you remember about your 16th birthday? After you write what happened, include your feelings.

259. What do you think is the most unique thing about you? Do you keep it hidden or let it show? 260. What is something that has impacted positively on your life?

261. What is your greatest talent? How can you use it to help others? 262. What makes you unique (positive comments only, please)?

263. What’s one thing you can do for someone else today to show your appreciation for them? 264. Who are your role models and why? How are you on your path to be more like them?

265. Write about your family. It could be a parent, sibling, grandparent or someone else. How did they help shape your life? 266. Write about the time of day it is right now. What is the weather like? And the sky? What would you usually be doing at this time each day?

267. Write about your favorite holiday. List three reasons why it’s your favorite. 268. Write about the worst or best day of your life. Why is it so memorable. How has it changed you?

269. You’ve just started working at a new job. One of your colleagues is mean/unkind to you. How do you handle the situation? 270. Your neighbors are having a party. You only know 1 person who is attending. Will you go to the party?

271. Apart from time or money, what do you want more of? 272. Describe a time you were radiantly happy. What do you value most in that memory?

273. Do you have a hero? Describe what you admire about them. 274. How does it feel to be the age you currently are?

275. Go for a walk with your phone/camera, take some photos, and then write about one of the photos you took. 276. How would your best friend describe you?

277. How do you maintain your mental health? 278. If I could talk to my teenage self, the one thing I would say is…

279. Make a list of everything you’d like to say yes to. 280. What are 5-10 accomplishments that you are really proud of?

281. Think about something big you’ve accomplished in the past year, and write about how you managed to do it. 282. What activities are so engaging, you lose track of time?

283. What burdens are weighing down your mind right now? 284. What do you consider your greatest professional or personal success?

285. What does a successful life look like to you? 286. What is a romantic spot in your town? Why do you find it romantic?

287. What is it you love about your partner? 288. What is your earliest childhood memory?

289. What is one aspect of your life you’d like to improve over the next year? What would that improvement look like? 290. What is your favorite way to practice self care?

291. What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes? 292. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

293. What’s surprised you the most about your life or life in general? 294. Who made you feel good this week? What did they do or say?

295. Write a letter to someone you need to forgive. 296. Write down a bad habit that you would like to break and your plan for doing so.

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