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Home Explore 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

Published by daveeverettmarketing, 2019-01-27 13:18:22

Description: 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts


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97. A colleague takes credit for your work and is rewarded. How does that affect your perception of your own value? How do you react? 98. How did you surprise yourself this week? Did you do something the old you would have never been able to do?

99. How does writing, blogging or journaling help you? 100. If you were granted an extra hour each day, and all basic needs (i.e., sleep) were met, how would you spend it?

101. Name an animal whose characteristics you admire. Are you in any way like that animal? 102. Think about the experiences you’ve had while working to improve yourself. What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned in relation to personal growth? Why was it so important to you?

103. What did you do this week that moved you closer to reaching your goals? 104. What have you always wanted to do, but haven’t gotten around to it? What is stopping you?

105. What is the number one problem you would like to solve (or see solved) in the world? 106. What secrets are you still carrying?

107. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done that turned out to be worth it? 108. Write about a time when someone complimented you for showing personal growth. How did their recognition make you feel?

109. Write a letter to someone who believed in you even when you didn’t believe in yourself. 110. You just spent a day at the beach. How do you feel? Energized? Tired? Alternatively, you spent a day in the mountains. How do you feel?

111. 10 words that describe me are... 112. How do you maintain your physical health?

113. If you could invent something, what would it be? 114. Leave social media for a day or week. How does it feel? What thoughts start forming during this quiet time?

115. What are some small actions that, if you made them part of your daily routine, would make a positive difference? 116. What can you do, if anything, to improve your current stressful situations?

117. What have you been complaining about most lately? Is there a way to see that differently? 118. What is the most difficult aspect of personal growth? What could you do to make that aspect less challenging?

119. What is your favorite thing to do when the sky is cloudless and the sun hurts your eyes? 120. What would you do if you loved yourself unconditionally? How can you act on these things whether you do or don’t?

121. When was the last time you did something that was outside of your comfort zone? How did you feel afterward? 122. You overhear a stranger giving information/advice you believe is incorrect. Do you correct the person or stay out of it?

123. A group of people is having a conversation on a topic you know nothing about. One of them turns to you and asks your opinion. Do admit ignorance or bluff your way out? 124. How do you make a positive difference in others’ lives? How could you do that even more?

125. If you could run any business (and the business would be a guaranteed success), what business would you run? 126. Make a list of 30 things that make you smile.

127. What are the different roles you play in your life? (e.g. mother, partner, sister, etc.) 128. What do you think is the difference between living and existing? What does this quote mean to you?

129. What is the best way to form good habits? What can you do to make good habits more likely to stick? 130. What was the funniest thing you saw or heard this week?

131. When do you feel the most successful? Like you are in the right place, doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing? 132. Write about a challenging situation, how you handled it, and what you learned from it.

133. You can work at a job you love for very little pay, or work at job you hate for a luxurious salary. Which do you take? 134. Are you a spiritual person? Describe your beliefs and/or doubts. How do those beliefs affect how you live your life?

135. Do you have a current morning routine? If you did, what would you want it to look like? 136. If you could improve any single skill or talent you have, which would you choose? Why?

137. Make a list of 10 things that make you happy. How can you experience these things more frequently? 138. What did you particularly enjoy doing as a child?

139. What I am incredibly, ridiculously, annoyingly tired of is … 140. What is one of the desires you have for your career? (Just pick one – it doesn’t have to be the most important or all of them.)

141. What persons in your life have been most influential in shaping your character? 142. What was the biggest mistake you made this week? What did you learn about yourself from this mistake?

143. What’s the best book you’ve ever read and/or movie you’ve ever watched? What stands out about them? 144. Would you consider taking on a new hobby? If so, what would it be?

145. You got great news today. Who do you tell first: Your best friend, the first person you see, or social media? 146. Are your choices comforting and nourishing your spirit or are they temporary reprieves from vulnerability and difficult emotions ultimately diminishing your spirit?

147. How do you take care of yourself on a daily basis? 148. If you could take a class on anything starting tomorrow, what would it be and why?

149. In what area of your life have you grown the most over the past three years? What do you think helped you change? 150. What are the qualities you believe are important in a soul mate?

151. What do you believe about God? 152. What drives your daily behavior? Love? Fear? Obligation?

153. What is your biggest regret? 154. What is your greatest strength? Describe a time this strength served you well.

155. What’s 3 small moves you can make to start on that idea/career/purpose that you would do with my life? 156. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years?

157. Write about someone you know who has shown great personal growth in an area of his or her life. How did that person achieve growth? 158. Your to-do list this week is overwhelming. Do you ask for help or give up sleep?

159. Are you happy about what time you go to bed and wake up? Or do you wish you could change your routine? 160. Your to-do list this week is overwhelming. Do you ask for help or give up sleep?

161. Describe a time when you felt fulfilled. Where were you? What were you doing? What about that moment felt so satisfying? 162. How do you maintain balance in your life? Is there anything you need to change?

163. If you could go back in time and change one thing from your past, what would it be? 164. Make a list of your accomplishments, see if you can go through your life span and list 20.

165. If your body could talk to you, what would it say? It’s tired? Too busy? Needs exercise and attention? 166. What advice would you give your 20-something self – in life, career or something else?

167. What biblical or literary figure do you most identify with, and why? 168. What has been worrying you lately? How has that been playing out in your life?

169. What is the number one thing that feels like it’s missing from your life right now? 170. What was challenging for you today and what did you learn about yourself from that experience?

171. What’s one topic you need to learn more about to help you live a more fulfilling life? 172. Write about a person you admire. What qualities do you share with this person?

173. You just moved in to your dream home. Look out the kitchen window. What do you see? 174. Champion a cause close to your heart. Write about what it means to you and why

175. How would you describe yourself to a stranger? 176. If today was your last day, how you spend it?

177. Listen to your favorite song and write whatever comes to mind 178. What are the things in your home that are most “you”?

179. Think about the part of your life that you are trying to improve right now. As you get older, how do you think your focus will change? What other ways will you try to grow in? 180. What do you consider the best year of your life so far, and what made it so great?

181. What frustrates you the most about your partner? 182. What is the biggest problem you would like to solve in the world, if you could, and why?

183. What physical characteristics are you most self-conscious about? How could you make peace with those? 184. What’s one small ritual/routine you can add to your life to change the part of your life you’re least happy with?

185. Write about a promise you’ve made to someone. Did you keep that promise? 186. Write your body a letter thanking it for all it does for you (try not to be negative or body-shaming).

187. Are you making decisions out of fear or missing out, or are you making decisions out of love and respect for your body? 188. Describe a time you mistreated someone. How do you feel about your behavior, and what would you say to the person now?

189. If you could have a superpower what would it be? 190. If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing and the one person you would choose to be with you?

191. What activities light you up, energize you, or make you feel stronger, better, or more inspired? 192. What area of your life needs a little more love and attention?

193. What does unconditional love look like for you? 194. What is the best advice your parent, mentor or someone else ever gave you?

195. What relationship(s) would you like to enhance? What are some possible first steps? 196. What’s one thing I can do daily, to stop and give myself a 5 minute break?

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