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Home Explore 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

Published by daveeverettmarketing, 2019-01-27 13:18:22

Description: 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts


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297. Write about your muse – what does he or she look like? What does your muse do to inspire you? 298. Write down a quote that has resonated with you for a while, and explain why it means so much to you.

299. You’re in an elevator and someone you admire walks in. Do you give the person your business card? Why or why not? 300. You’re on a gameshow that benefits the charity/cause of your choosing. What charity do you support? Why?

301. Are you writing in your journal regularly? Why or why not? 302. Do you believe in work/life balance? What does that look like to you?

303. Do you have a pet? Write about them! 304. Do you have an exercise routine? If not, how can you start one?

305. Do you work outside of the home? If so, where do you see yourself in 5 years? 306. How do you want to be remembered?

307. If you could relive an experience in your life, what would it be? 308. If you had to write the story of your life, what would the major chapters be?

309. Reflect on how you have changed since 5 years ago. 310. Reminisce about your first love. P.S. It could be a car, a person, or something else.

311. Reminisce about your wedding day (past or future). 312. Try your hand and write a poem.

313. What brings you joy every single day? 314. What do you consider to be your most challenging flaw?

315. What is a trait that you admire most in others? 316. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

317. What is your life motto, the words you live by? 318. What was the best concert you have ever been to?

319. What would your childhood self love about your current self? 320. I couldn’t imagine living without…

321. If you are completely honest with yourself, what beliefs or assumptions hold you back? 322. How would you like to make the world a better place?

323. If everyone could have more of one thing, what would you gift them? 324. If you could write a letter to your body, what would it say?

325. If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? 326. If your heart could talk, what would it say?

327. Think about one way that you have grown over the past year. How did you accomplish growth? 328. Think of someone you admire. Describe what qualities they possess that you admire.

329. What are you procrastinating on? Why? 330. What are your ego’s fearful beliefs?

331. What do you look for in a close friend? Do you have those characteristics? 332. What do you want your tombstone to say?

333. What is it you would like support in most? 334. What is your biggest weakness?

335. What makes you you? Why are you unique? 336. What memory do you cherish most?

337. What would your ideal day look like? 338. Write about the place you grew up. How has it shaped you?

339. Write about the questions swirling in your mind lately. Then answer them. 340. Write about your most embarrassing moment.

341. Write about your best friend. Why are they your bestie? 342. Write down what life has taught you this month.

343. You partner is not giving you something you need. Do you tell them or suffer in silence? 344. Your dream vacation – what is it?

345. Write your obituary. 346. You have an important task to do. Do you do it now or procrastinate?

347. You just spent all day by yourself. Are you bored? 348. Are you a city, a country or a beach person? Why?

349. How are you most often misunderstood by other people? 350. If nobody was watching I would...

351. If you won lotto what would you do? 352. Make a list of your best character traits.

353. So far I’ve learned these lessons about life … 354. What are you self-conscious about?

355. What are you still holding onto from the past? 356. What can you do today to make tomorrow more pleasurable?

357. What do you want to be remembered for? 358. What is a current problem you have and how can you be creative about solving it?

359. What is your favorite colour and why? 360. What is your favorite season and why

361. What was your last date like? 362. What would you do if you were not afraid?

363. When you think about your future, what do you fear the most? 364. When you think about your future, what do you hope for the most?

365. Write about the first time you saw your newborn. 366. What big adventure do you wish you could go on?

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