Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • which number represents the low C? 1 • which number represents the high c? 8 • what is an example of a high sound? answers vary • what is an example of a low sound? answers vary • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
High and Low Part II K.L14 Lesson Overview • Tidheea poufrLpeofsteaonfdtRhiigshlet.ssYoonurischtoildresihnofourldcebtehaebildeetaoopflaHyigthheanLdowLoCw/1whBielellinwtirtohdtuhceinirgletfhte hand and the Higher c/8 bell with their right hand. Lesson Essential Question • How can your child play the bells using both right and left? Concepts/Objectives • Differentiate left and right. • Connect the low C with left hand and high c with right hand. Standards • Mp(seUurfc:Pohrr4ma.sa2nh.KcigaehW/loitwh,glouuidda/nscoef,t,esxapmloere/daifnfderdeenmt)oinnstaravtaerieatwyaorefnmesussiocfsmeluescitcedcofnotrrasts
Activator and Left C, Right C • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed • Instructions: • Play Left C, Right C video. Encourage your child to play or sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Reinforce concepts taught in the video including right and left hands, high and low C bell, and the numbers 1 and 8. • Show images of right and left hands and lead your child in playing the correct bell with the correct hand. • Repeat this activity with images of high and low C bells and guide students to play with the correct hand.
Movement • Instructions: • Place a printable high C Bell on the wall to your child’s right and a low C Bell on the wall to your child’s' left. Instruct them to run to the right wall when they hear high C and to run to the left wall when they hear low C.
Connection • Instructions: • Reinforce the concept of left and right. Display 'Right and left activity' image or create your own with similar images or objects. Give your child a soft object such as a bean bag or an object for swatting such as a fly swatter, roll of paper, or scarf. • Ask a question involving right or left such as, 'Find the object to the left of the bear’. Your child should use the object you provided to hit the correct right or left.
Collaboration and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Talk about how we use our right and left hands for different activities, one of which is greeting other people with a handshake or high five. Allow your child to practice greeting you by presenting their right or left hand for a handshake or high five. • ALT: Play The Hokey, Pokey to reinforce the right and left side. • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Left C & Right C printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • is the high C on the left side or the right side of low C? right side • is the low C on the left side or the right side of high C? left side • which hand is your left hand? • which hand is your right hand? • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Fast and Slow Part I K.L15 Lesson Overview • Ttehme ppou.rYpoouser cohfiltdhisshloeuslsdonbeisatboleetxoplipcliatylyainstlroowdupcaetttehren iodneathoefirfabsetlltsemanpdoaanfadstslpoawttern on their bells. Lesson Essential Question • How can your child identify a fast and slow tempo? Concepts/Objectives • Move their bodies to various tempos. • Distinguish a fast tempo from a slow tempo. Standards • Mp(seUurfc:Pohrr4ma.sa2nh.KcigaehW/loitwh, glouuidda/nscoeft,,esxapmloere/daifnfderdeenmt)oinnsatravtaerieatwyaorefnmesussiocfsmeluescitcedcofnotrrasts
Activator • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Talk about the concepts fast and slow. Ask your child for examples of things they know of that move fast or slow and make two lists for each. • Listen to a metronome set at various bmp. Ask your child if the tempo they hear is fast or slow. Lead them in playing that tempo on their instruments or via clapping.
Movement • Instructions: • Using the metronome feature have your child walk/run in place to the different tempos. • Try with various movements such as hopping, dancing, or rocking.
Connection • Instructions: • Explain how the words slow, slower, slowest and fast, faster, fastest can help us know how fast or slow something moves in comparison with other things. • Show a group of 3 slow moving things and help your child order them as slow, slower, and slowest (baby, turtle, snail). Repeat with 3 fast objects (running man, cheetah, race car).
Performance and Track • Instructions: • Lead your child in singing or playing along with a song at a very slow tempo (use a song your child is already familiar with, ex. Sweet Beets or Hello C). Ask if that speed felt right for the song. • Repeat song again at a very fast tempo and again at the normal tempo. Talk about how the speed of the music can affect how we perform and how most songs are performed best when they are not too fast or slow. • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: One, Eight, They're Great! - Performance Track
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what is an example of something fast? answers vary • what is an example of something slow? answers vary • do you think it is harder to play music that is fast or slow? answer vary • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Fast and Slow Part II K.L16 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce the idea of tempo with fast, slow and now a medium tthemeirpob.eYllosu. r child should be able to play a slow pattern, a medium pattern, and a fast pattern on Lesson Essential Question • How can your child identify subtle changes in tempo? Concepts/Objectives • Distinguish a medium tempo from a fast or slow one. Standards • MU:Pr4.2.Ka With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts (such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for performance • MU:Pr5.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances • iAnustthruomr'senNtoatlepse: take the shape of movement activities, rhythmic engagement and
Activator • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review the concepts fast and slow and objects that move at both speeds. • Listen to a metronome beat that gradually gets faster. Determine if the tempo is getting faster or slower. Guide your child in signaling when they hear the tempos fast, medium, and slow. • Play the same beat again (or lead and child follow) and lead them in playing or clapping along with the changing beat. Repeat with a beat gradually getting slower.
Movement • Instructions: • Play a version of Red Light, Green Light with musical tempos. Have your child start at one end of the room and walk fast, medium, and slow when the appropriate tempo is called or heard.
Connection • Instructions: • Guide your child in thinking of animals or objects that move fast and slow. Additionally, think of things that can change speed (most animals, cars, wind, etc) and things that use only one speed (snails, fireworks, growing plants, etc). • Digital ALT: your child will see several images and will click on a fast or slow option that correlates.
Beet and Watermelon • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Beet and Watermelon
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what is something that moves very fast? answers vary • what is something that moves very slow? answers vary • what is something that moves at a medium speed? answers vary • what speed do you move? answers vary • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Solfege Part 1 Overview K.L17 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to introduce your child to the Solfege Hand Signs for Do Re Mi Fa SsioglnLaanTdi athnedyHsihgohuDldob. eYgoiunr tcohislidngshaonudldhuanndd-esrsigtnanbdytmhaimt tichkeinmgutshiecavlidneootessaenadcihnshtaruvectaorhsa. nd- Lesson Essential Question • How can your child identify the Solfege hand-signs? Concepts/Objectives • Identify each of the Solfege hand-signs. • Perform each of the Solfege hand-signs. Standards • MU:Cr1.1.Kb With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives). • Apruetsheonrt'satNioonteosf: tMheovneomteesntosfrCelamteadjort.o the Solfege hand signs, motives being the scalar
Activator and Solfege Hand Signs • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Solfege Hand Signs video. Encourage your child to sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Go over each of the hand symbols and solfege syllables for each note in the C scale. • Model a hand symbol and have your child guess what syllable it is. • Alternatively, call out a symbol and see who can make the correct hand sign. • Practice singing and signing up the scale with different tempos, dynamics, and expressions.
Movement • Instructions: • Play Simon Says with solfege hand symbols. Have your child copy the hand sign shown only when 'Simon Says', ex. \"Simon says show me Do\" or \"Show me Re\". Repeat with all signs previously learned.
Connection • Instructions: • Talk about how some people who cannot hear words often rely on communicating by making symbols with their hands. Distinguish that though the hand symbols we use for each note are different than sign language, they are still a way to communicate a concept by using our hands. • Teach your child some simply ASL symbols such as I Love You, music, and friend.
Collaboration • Instructions: • Review the hand signs for each previously learned note.
Fabulous F- Guided Performance and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Fabulous F - Guided Performance • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Solfege Hand-Sign Review printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what color is the note F? green • what color is the note A? purple • what is the hand sign for Fa? • what is the hand sign for La? • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Solfege Part II- C Major Scale K.L18 Lesson Overview • Talhloewpuyropuorscehoilfdtthoisfeleeslscoonmisfotrotasbinleg,wsitighna&ll tphleaybewliltshatnhdeSColMfeagjeorwShcilaeler,eiwnhfoicrchinwgillour work with high and low notes. Lesson Essential Question • How can we sing using the Solfege hand-signs? Concepts/Objectives • Play using all 8 bells. • Hand-sign using all 8 Solfege hand-signs. • Discern high and low notes on the scale. Standards • eMxUpr:Pers5si.v1e.KqbuaWliittihesgoufidmanucseic, use suggested strategies in rehearsal to improve the
Activator and Melodies #1 • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Melodies #1 video. Encourage your child to sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review solfege hand signs and syllables for the C scale. Practice singing and signing up the scale. • With all of the bells laid out demonstrate how to play all the bells in order. Allow your child time to individually play their bells in a similar way.
Movement • Instructions: • Play or sing an interval that starts on low 'do'. Show your child how to sing/sign that interval by moving their hands from a low position for 'do' to the correct position for the second note, modeling a staircase. • Repeat with various intervals.
Connection • Instructions: • Show or play two different bells starting with low C, sing those two notes with solfege syllables. Count how many letters (and bells) come in between the two bells. Repeat with additional intervals. • Digital ALT: each child is shown two bells and must click on all the bells that come in between those two bells.
Performance and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Review singing and signing the C major scale going up and then going down. • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Melodies #1 printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge child’s comprehension: • what are all the letters in the musical alphabet? a,b,c,d,e,f,and g • what are all the colors in the music alphabet? red, orange, yellow, green, teal, purple, and pink • what are all the solfge signs we have learned? do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Solfege Part III- C Major Intervals K.L19 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to further reinforce you child’s understanding of the Solfege by comparing and contrasting each note in the C Major Scale with the tonic note C. Lesson Essential Question • How can your child differentiate notes of the C Major Scale? Concepts/Objectives • Differentiate notes of the scale from the note C. • Perform hand-signs and sing along with a performance track. Standards • MU:Re9.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation of music • MoApuaitnjhoioorrnS'scaabNloeou.tetTsht:heDeyusinrhitnoegurlvtdahlcesoScmroemlfaeetgenedt Soblnyidetehxpereierlraiftmaevedonratiictnetgivwiwtaiieytsht,odsitsfufinedgree,nnltotsucsdohlmyo,ubqliduniaeettxilopynr.essws iptheirnsotnhael C
Activator and Solfege Slide • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Solfege Slide video. Encourage your child to play or sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review all the solfege hand signs and syllables for the C major scale. • Play or sing an interval starting with low do. Compare and contrast the sounds between do and the higher note in the interval. • Plaolrlwaocwdtiocyeoaunsrdincgihninisltdgrutaocntdpiniscgikgtnhoienngcinliantestrsevrtavolalssstigabrnytiamnngoddosenilnidngogitaannbdaicntkthe.erAvslatinlegrsntaaanrttidvinesgliyg,onnit together. • Rinetpeervaatltshtearstainmgewaicthtivloitwy bduot(osnintghtehbeecllosl;oyrosuorwlielltmteorsdealspwlaeylilnigf danesired) and your child will echo. Alternatively, allow your child to play an interval starting on low do and you will echo.
Movement • Instructions: • Show your child how to crouch down as low as possible and sign/sing the Do sign; repeat with each sign while gradually straightening up until reaching above the head for high Do. Repeat going down the scale.
Connection • Instructions: • Review the English alphabet; sing the alphabet song together if desired. • Tell your child that they will now learn a new alphabet - the musical alphabet. Sing from A-G and then stop; tell your child that is all the letters in the music alphabet. • Sing the music alphabet together. Compare and contrast the music alphabet with the English alphabet. Count how many letters are in each alphabet. • Make sure your child knows that the music alphabet repeats back to A after G; possibly sing the music alphabet repeating after G several times.
Collaboration • Instructions: • This will require more then 1 child to do- • Split your children into two groups. one group will play/sing low do and the other group will play/sing a higher note to create an interval. Show or sing an interval starting on low do and guide the children in creating that interval by allowing the do group to play/sing first and the additional group to play/sing after. • Repeat with various notes or switch the group roles as desired.
Aloha A- Guided Performance Track and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Aloha A - Guided Performance Track • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Solfege Slide in C Major printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what bell is the color pink? B • what is the solfege sign for B/ti? • what letters are in the musical alphabet? a,b,c,d,e,f,g • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Soft and Loud with \"I'm a Nut\" K.L20 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to explicitly introduce the ideas of loud sounds and soft sounds. Your child sfohrotueld(lboueda)b. le to vocalize loud and soft sounds while becoming familiar with the idea of piano (soft) and Lesson Essential Question • How can musicians adjust their volume to create different types of music? Concepts/Objectives • Discern loud sounds from soft sounds. • Vocalize loud and soft sounds. Standards • MU:Pr4.3.Ka With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as voice quality, dynamics, and tempo) that support the creators’ expressive intent • sfAluyupitnphgoorrat'rsotNhuenodtpelosa:nyWftuhhlaattthaemcmaoekrenosfoMrthcre.hRisloloibnnggs?owinthutstyominetwheooI'dmlanadNcurteavtiduereos?. HHeowmduosteswtahnet iynosutrtuomkennotwatihoen's nutty,
Activator and I’m a Nut • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play I'm A Nut video. Encourage your child to sing along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Compare and contrast the concepts loud and soft. Guide your child in making two lists of things that they can think of that sound either loud or soft. • Transfer their knowledge of loud and soft by leading your child in singing and signing a solfege scale at forte and again at piano. Repeat by using instruments.
Movement • Instructions: • Show images of various actions or objects. Ask your child if the image shown is loud or soft. • Instruct your child to act out the action to the determined dynamic.
Connection • Instructions: • Listen to the opening phrases of Sousa's Stars and Stripes ap(hclattytivipnistgi:e/,/sdwaawnrewci.fnyiotgtu)i.ntugAbsfeko.cryoommuur/swcichaittlcdhh,a?tWvi=hsyMfod5rotbeecsplitjkUhejiLstphmUisu);spidiceiscfcietu(tsehsxowesrehcaiastcindtgiav,iiltyies? (gives us energy and makes us want to move) • (Rhetptepast://wwitwhwt.hyeouotpuebnei.ncgomp/hwraastecsh?ovf=BTr6ahnabm35'sI9Luwl-la8b)y. and piano • (pLAiisaLtnTeo:nTsctuohcahaikacoslvassOksfyifc’esanl5bptaihcechSe'ysmtChpaahnto-snChyao:nwMsfvrott.hme2,OcBorpenhetrteahusostviebnnet'tshwe5eetUhnn,dfSoeurrrtwpeorairslnded, Symphony, etc). Instruct your child to stand up/crouch down, or a similar action, when the music is loud and when it is soft.
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