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Home Explore Homeschool teaching guide

Homeschool teaching guide

Published by Jennifer Duchemin, 2021-10-18 20:54:06

Description: Homeschool teaching guide

Keywords: Prodigies


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Reinforcement • Instructions: • Using cut out bells or notes, allow your child to compose their own pattern with A and E notes and then play it for the class on their bells.

Movement • Instructions: • Listen to In the Hall of the Mountain King and lead your child in touching their head, shoulders, knees, and toes along with the steady beat of the song. • Repeat with other body parts or actions.

Connection • Instructions: • Talk about how the composer of In the Hall - Grieg - successfully uses different sounds and instruments to convey different emotions and actions that may be happening. What about the sounds made the class think a certain thing was happening? (i.e. tip-toeing, running, stopping short, etc.). • Show an image of characters that may be in the In the Hall story (or use other characters unrelated to the story - king, mother, baby, dog, dragon, etc.) guide your child in deciding what instruments or sounds they would use to convey each character.

Collaboration • Instructions: • Give some of the storyline to In the Hall - Peer Gynt is traveling around the world and at one point gets captured by trolls and taken to their troll king! Help your child imagine what may have all happened to Peer Gynt and how he may have felt at different moments in the story. • Guide your child in listening to the piece again and imagining what may be happening to Peer Gynt and the trolls as the music goes along.

Do Mi Stars and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Do Mi Stars • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Hall of the Mountain King printable

Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what actions or parts of a story did we hear in In the Hall of the Mountain King? answers vary • what did sounds did Grieg use to make us think of someone sneaking away? answers vary but can include quiet or short notes • what sounds would you use to show someone running from something? answers vary • what sounds would you use to show someone resting? answers vary • do you think Grieg did a good job showing us his story through music? answers vary

Create and Compose Part II with Campfire Song K.L35 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to have your child compose and arrange with the notes Do Re Mi. After sthinegianvgai&labhleanpda-tstiegrnnisngwwithithth\"\" your child should be able to arrange Do Re Mi icons to try all Lesson Essential Question • What patterns can a musician create using the notes Do Re & Mi? Concepts/Objectives • Play along with Campfire Song using the notes C, D and E. • Arrange a song using the notes C, D and E. Standards • MU:Re7.2.Ka With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat or melodic direction) is used in music • Adsaiufmfteheroesrn'estqNcuoeonntetcese:xtdTsee.asTccrehyneadrlilmnpgaokisnessiHbroleetfecCroremonscbseinBtauotnioDsnofsoRtroepMeuvripoaoksescedesinfodfefinrdegenmmt oeenmlosdotritcaiotsninesgq. utehnecseaimn eCnamotpefsiruesSeodnign vtws o

Activator and Campfire Song • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Campfire Song video. Encourage your child to sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.

Reinforcement • Instructions: • Using cut out bells or notes, allow your child to compose their own pattern with C, D, and E and then play it for the class on their bells.

Movement • Instructions: • Talk about some activities that are done when camping. Allow your child to give their own ideas of camping activities. • Lead your child in walking in a circle around an imaginary campfire while singing, \"Campfire song, campfire song, we'll ___ by the fire all night long\". Fill in the blank with a camping activity idea and pause the circle to act out that activity. • Repeat as time permits.

Connection • Instructions: • Tell your child that a 'combination' is how we order a set of things. Have your child guess how many different combinations can be made with just three bells (C, D, and E). Guide them in thinking of combinations using just those bells (do not repeat bells). • Show each combination on the board as it is created and count how many combinations were possible at the end (9).

Additional Activity • Instructions: • Play a game of 'Simon Says' with rhythm sticks or other percussion instruments. Determine a rhythmic pattern that Simon will play such as 'eight, eight, half note'; 'Simon' will then instruct your child to play the pattern in various ways, ex. 'Simon says play behind your back', or on your head, very softly, etc. Whoever plays the rhythm pattern when Simon does not say is out.

Performance • Instructions: • Give your child access to their bells/instruments. Play Campfire Song again and guide them in playing along with the part they know (do, re, mi). • Allow your child individual time to experiment and see if they can hear and figure out any of the other notes for the verse of the song. Praise and encourage your child for any efforts made as the object of this activity is to simply get them comfortable with the concept of listening and testing notes. • Follow up by encouraging them to play what they figured out for the you

Hot Cross Buns- Performance Track and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Hot Cross Buns - Performance Track • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Hot Cross Buns printable

Review Questions • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • can you sing and sign our three-note pattern from today? do, re, mi, • what three notes match that pattern? C, D, E, • what three colors match that pattern? red, orange, yellow • would you sing the Campfire song if you went camping? answers vary

Campfire Hide and Seek and Assessment • Follow on screen instructions • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.

Kindergarten Review K.L36 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to begin reviewing the material covered thus fwahr.ileYoaulrsochbieldinsghaobulled tboepaebrlfeortmo pitlaaytaa2v-a4rientoytoefsvoonlgumuseisnganCd DteEmpaonsd. G, Lesson Essential Question • How can a musician use dynamics, tempo and multiple notes to make interesting music? Concepts/Objectives • Vary their playing of a C, D, E and G song. Standards • MU:Re9.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation of music

Activator • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed.

Reinforcement • Instructions: • Using cut out bells or notes, guide your child in composing a song with the notes C, D, E, and G. • Display the song it at the front of the room and playing their song together. • Repeat as time permits.

Movement • Instructions: • Review the letters, colors, hand signs, and syllables of the C major scale while performing different actions. • Actions can be written on strips of paper for your child to pick from and perform while listing the above reviews. Actions include, hop on one foot, rub your belly, pat your head, run in place, hop like a frog, flap your arms like wings, roll your hands over each other, turn around in a circle, etc.

Assessment • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.

Rehearse & Perform I K.L37 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to refresh your child on Vivalid's spring as we prepare for a performance next week. Your child sBhoorduuldn baerraabnlgeemtoepnlta.y the note E with the falling bell version, or even graduate up to playing the notes E & B with the two note Lesson Essential Question • How can your child apply constructive criticism to improve a performance? Concepts/Objectives • Play along with Vivaldi Spring using either the E bell or the E and B bell. • Select a song to perform. • Apply constructive criticism to improve a performance. Standards • MU:Pr5.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances • MU:Pr6.1.Ka With guidance, perform music with expression • aMnUd:Crens1p0o.n0d.KinagDtoemmounssitcr.ate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing,

Activator • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed.

Reinforcement • Instructions: • Use this time to practice the song chosen for performance. Allow time for discussing what your child liked about their practice performance and what they can make even better.

Movement • Instructions: • Review the bell colors for C, D, E, and G by attaching each color to one of the four corners of the room. Call out a letter, solfege syllable, play a pitch, or show a hand sign and instruct your child to run to the color that matches. • This game can also be repeated with letters or hand sign images in each corner.

Performance • Have your child perform Vivaldi’s Spring or any previous song from throughout the lessons. • Give them feedback on how they did!

Assessment • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.

Rehearse & Perform Part II K.L38 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to allow your child to perform in a more staged and high-pressured acpebnheliovleidproltesonh.mpoToluealnydetn.afdenTehdtlhispteehmyrefiegotaherrmt,nstbhitoehisnepsaephnriofedoucrrelmdeloiebnnaegsdeafeostfrukhbnaaetfalrilnssiedpwnerdietn,hpjaoaayrsaimfnbagalierlalacgpmurileoomcuuiepnn,taootfoirofmnfaoucorscfitcuhtrhaeaencwidyr,hpweoexolerprfkrofe.arsYmmsoiiioulnynrg. cEaithintidfhlodeirrdsoehwatoahlulyeyl,,rdyjoobyue.r Lesson Essential Question • How can your child rehearse and perform? Concepts/Objectives • Perform a song of their choice for peers. Standards • MU:Pr6.1.Ka With guidance, perform music with expression • MU:Pr6.1.Kb Perform appropriately for the audience • cMreUa:Ctinn1g,0p.0e.rKfaorDmeinmgo,nasntdrarteeshpoowndiinntgerteostmsu, skinco. wledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when

Activator • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed.

Reinforcement • Instructions: • Use this time to practice the song chosen for performance. Allow time for discussing what your child liked about their practice performance and what they can make even better.

Movement • Instructions: • Make a circle on the floor with large cut outs of bells or other objects (paper plates or pieces of colored paper also work) • Instruct your child to walk around the circle while a song is played. When the song is paused step on a cut out, then ask your child a review question regarding content covered throughout the year. • Repeat as time and questions allow.

Review Game • Instructions: • Review notes and hand signs learned throughout the year. Images of colors, letters, hand signs, or bells can be shown, instructe your child to play the corresponding bell or sing/sign the corresponding solfege symbol. • Review any songs learned throughout the year as well.

Review Game 2 • Instructions: • Review each of the main concepts covered through out the year. Ask your child evaluation questions regarding each concept. This can be made into a game by giving your child something to hold up (happy/sad face signs, red/green lights, up/down thumb, etc) to answer each question. • Do you remember what __ means? Did you know about __ before this year? Do you think will remember __ when you are in 1st grade? Did you have fun learning about ___? Was learning about ___ your favorite part of music class this year?

Assessment and End of Kindergarten Lessons • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.

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