Performance • Instructions: • Talk about some ways we can show forte and piano with our bodies. Show your child how orchestra conductors convey loud and soft with their hands (raising hands/palms out for loud, lowering hands/palms closed or palms in for soft). • Consider watching a video of a conductor conducting Beethoven's 5th. ( or ) Allow your child to conduct along with the video and practice showing the music with their hands and bodies.
Printable Options • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use I’m a Nut printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what is an example of something that is very loud? answers vary • what is an example of something that is very soft? answers vary • what is an example of something that is medium loud or soft? answers vary • how can a conductor show the orchestra what volume to play? answers include raise/lower hands, hands out/in, etc • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Soft and Loud with Vivaldi's Spring K.L21 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce dynamics with more subtlety, working up to the idea of pthlaeyivnogluvmereyoqfutiehte,irmteadpipuimngqbueieyot,nmd esdoifutma,ndloulodudanadndveirnytolo3ud-.5Sdtuisdteinnctts lsehvoeulsl.d be able to vary Lesson Essential Question • How can musicians vary their music by adjusting their volume? Concepts/Objectives • Differentiate loud and soft with greater subtlety. • Control the volume of their playing with 3-5 distinct levels. Standards • qMuUa:lPitri5es.1o.Kf bmWusitich guidance, use suggested strategies in rehearsal to improve the expressive • MU:Pr6.1.Ka With guidance, perform music with expression
Activator • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review the concepts loud and soft and objects with the appropriate volume. Ask your child if loud or soft are the only volume options there are. See if your child can produce any other volume options. • Show your child how one's voice can be gradually changed to use many volumes in between loud and soft. • Lead your child in experimenting with gradually getting louder and softer by counting or reciting the alphabet while slowly changing dynamics. • Play a C major scale and gradually get louder while ascending and gradually get softer while descending. Repeat and switch directions/dynamics.
Movement • Instructions: • Play Dynamic Patterns track. Instruct your child to dance and move to follow the changing dynamics. • Repeat and play with percussion instruments/body percussion if time permits.
Connections • Instructions: • Read a book dealing with noise levels such as Too Much Noise by Ann McGovern (ALT: Quiet Down, Loud Town! by Alastair Heim). • Discuss when your child would have felt the noise level was medium loud, loud, very loud, etc. if they were in the story.
Collaboration and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Review the solfege syllables and hand signs for the C major scale. Demonstrate how to sing the scale and gradually get louder as the scale ascends and gradually get quieter as the scale descends. Guide your child in copying the scale. • Ask which syllable your child heard when they reached very quiet, very loud, medium loud, etc. Repeat as desired by reversing dynamics (i.e. start and end loud) or play on instruments. • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Vivaldi’s “Spring” printable
Review Questions • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what can music that is loud make us feel? answers vary • what can music that is soft make us feel? answers vary • why do you think musicians need different volumes? answers vary but include ability to express music
Quiet and Loud Game and Assessment • Please follow the on screen instructions • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
C Major Chord Part I K.L22 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to introduce your child to an important group of notes, the C wMialljosrtaCrthoprlda.yiWnge thhaevme btoeegnetfhoecrutsoinmg aoknetthheenCotMesajCor, Echaonrdd.G throughout the year, and here we Lesson Essential Question • How can your child build a C Major chord? Concepts/Objectives • Play a C Major Chord. Discern a C Major Chord from other chords. Standards • MU:Cr2.1.Ka With guidance, demonstrate and choose favorite musical ideas The idea of favorite pmitucshic/ainl tiedrevaaslsi.s explored throughout the grade level with regards to tempo, rhythm, • tAhuethpoitrc'sh,Nrohtyetsh: mHsavainngd cpolavyertehdeitrhfeavnoortitees. CFuErtGheirndreivinidfouraclleyd, sbtyudtehnetssocuanndeoxfprtehsestoripaidniovsn. athbeout solo pitches.
Activator and Do Mi Sol Slide • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Do Mi Sol Slide video. Encourage your child to play and sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review syllables and hand signs for do, mi, and sol. Sing and sign a C major arpeggio ascending and descending several times. • Review the colors for C, E, and G bells; sing an arpeggio again using the appropriate colors. Play the arpeggio using primary instruments.
Petzold Minuet in G- Easy Performance and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Petzold Minuet in G - Easy Performance • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Do Mi Sol Slide printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what notes are in the C chord? C, E, G • what solfege signs do we use to sing the C chord? do, mi, sol • did you think it was hard to play all three notes of the C chord together? answers vary • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
C Major Chord Part II K.L23 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce the sound of the C Major chord with our first chord ebsitamcs)eudltalinseteonuisnlyg)gianmceo.mYpoaurriscohnildwisthhowulidthbteheabsloeutnodidoefnatinfyonth-echsoorudntdonoef a(licghhotrndin(gC, kEeyGs pralatytelidng, Lesson Essential Question • How can your child identify a C Major Chord? Concepts/Objectives • Discern a C Major Chord from other sounds. Standards • MotUhe:Crnd1is1c.i0p.lKinaesD,evmaroinesdtrcaotneteuxntdse, rasntadnddainilgy loiffer.elationships between music and the other arts, • mAuutshico.r'IsnNreofteerse:nAccetitvoitireesalalcifreo,ssfotuhnedyseoaurnadrse, doeudricaabtielidtyttootdhieffecrreonsst-iactueribceutlwareerenlamtiuosnischaipnsdwith thunder crash, connections with animal noises etc
Activator and Chord Watching #1 • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Chord Watching #1 video. Encourage your child to play along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review the notes in the C chord - C, E, G. Tell your child that when three or more notes are played at the same time, we call that a 'chord'. • Let your child practice playing a C chord; they will need to use one hand to play two of the bells and the other hand to play the third bell. • Listen to 'Chord Sounds' track; instruct your child to play a C chord on their bells when they hear the chord.
Movement • Instructions: • Instruct your child to start in a crouched position. Play several sounds, musical and otherwise, your child should jump up when they hear the C chord and return to a crouched position when they hear any other sound.
Connection • Instructions: • Play the notes C, E, and G and talk about how nice they sound when played together. Tell your child that those three notes 'complement' each other or 'work together well'. Play a group of dissonate notes (ex. A#, B, C#) ask if those notes complement each other. • Guide your child in thinking of other things that go together/complement each other (bat and ball, fork and spoon, horse and saddle). • Digital option: your child will be shown one object and directed to choose from several other objects something that goes together with the first object.
Morning Mood- Easy Performance and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Morning Mood - Easy Performance • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Chord Watching #1 printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • is the note A in the C chord? no • is the note G in the C chord? yes • is the note D in the C chord? no • is the note E in the C chord? yes • can you sing and sign the C chord? do, mi, sol • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
C Major Chord Part III K.L24 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the formal idea of an arpeggio by having your child play, compose and arrange with the notes C E G. Lesson Essential Question • How can your child identify an arpeggio? Concepts/Objectives • Play patterns of C, E and G. • Build arpeggios using C, E and G. • Identify arpeggios and differentiate each note. Standards • MU:Re7.2.Ka With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat or melodic direction) is used in music • dAtheuemthcoohnros'srtdrNabtoeeteihnsog: wAprltapoyeegedgs.tioasblaisrhe mtheelondoicteisdeoafsafcrohmordthsepeinllfeodrmoauttiomnetlohdatic'salglyiv. eTnhitsocuosncferopmt isthuesehdartmoony, or
Activator and Do Mi Sol Study • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Do Mi Sol Study video. Your child may need to watch and sing/sign along with this performance track one time first before attempting to play along. • Performance video tip: use the tool setting at the bottom of the screen to adjust the playback speed.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review the notes in the C chord; review playing the C chord as an arpeggio and harmonically as a chord. • Review the solfege signs for the C arpeggio and sing it ascending and descending several times together. • With a set of bells set up so your child cannot see what is played, play either a harmonic C chord or a single note from the C chord. Guide your child in guessing if they heard the C chord or just one note from the chord. For extra practice, guess which note from the chord was played when a single note is played.
Movement • Instructions: • Choose a simple action for the notes C, E, and G such as tap head, turn around, hop, or tap bottom of foot. • Play Do, Mi, Sol Study again and have your child perform each action when the correct note is shown. • Adjust the playback speed of the video as needed.
Connection • Instructions: • Using an image of a C scale show your child how the chords, such as the C chord, often skip over every other note. • Guide your child in experimenting with counting to 20 or saying the alphabet while skipping over every other number/letter. It may be helpful to clap on the skipped numbers/letters.
Performance and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Using note or solfege sign cut outs allow your child to compose their own melody with C, E, and G. • Have your child play their melody and give them feedback • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Do Mi Sol Study printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge you child’s comprehension: • what notes are in the C chord? C, E ,G • what colors make up the C chord? red, yellow, teal • can you sing and sign a C chord? do, mi, sol • can you sing and sign a C chord going backwards? sol, mi, do • which of the notes in the C chord is your favorite? answers vary • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Sol Mi Part I K.L25 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to further reinforce your child’s understanding of the notes E and G through Mi Sol songs and games. Lesson Essential Question • How can your child identify the notes E & G? Concepts/Objectives • Identify the notes E and G. • Play and sing along with E and G. Standards • (MsUuc:Rhea7s.2b.KeaatWoirthmgeuloiddaicncdeir,edcetmioonn)sitsrautseedhoinwmausspicecific music concept
Activator and Mi Sol Stars • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Mi Sol Stars video. Encourage your child to play and sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Show an image of an E or G bell and lead your child in singing the correct letter and playing the correct bell. Repeat several times. • Repeat activity with images of hand signs and sing/sign the syllables together if desired. • Play any interval of two pitches other than a third; instruct your child to sing and sign 'mi-sol' when they hear that interval and to make a buzzer noise when they hear an interval that is not 'mi-sol'.
Movement • Instructions: • Play random intervals and instruct your child to move around the room as the notes play, when they hear the interval 'Sol-Mi' everyone freezes until a new interval is played.
Performance and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Using note or solfege sign cut outs allow your child to compose their own melody with E and G. • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Mi Sol Stars printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what two notes did we focus on today? mi and sol • can you sing and sign mi-sol? • what letter goes with the note mi? E • what letter goes with the note sol? G • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Sol Mi Part II K.L26 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson to apply the notes Mi and Sol to the song Doggie Doggie. Your child should be able to move to the music, follow instruction for the Doggie Doggie game, and begin to sing the song tunefully. Lesson Essential Question • How can songs and games reinforce musical learning? Concepts/Objectives • Sing along with Doggie Doggie using Sol and Mi. Standards • MU:Cn10.0.Ka Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
Activator and Doggie, Doggie • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Doggie, Doggie, Where's Your Bone video. Encourage your child to play and sing/sign along with Mr. Rob.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Show an image of an E or G bell and lead your child in singing the correct letter and playing the correct bell. Repeat several times. • Repeat activity with images of hand signs and sing/sign the syllables together if desired. • Play any interval of two pitches other than a third; instruct your child to sing and sign 'sol-mi' when they hear that interval and to make a buzzer noise when they hear an interval that is not 'sol-mi'.
Collaboration • Instructions: • Play the 'Poison Pitch' game. If you have one them one child, divide students into teams. If not, play parent vs child. Instruct your child to copy singing/signing patterns of two pitches. Instruct your child that the pattern 'Mi-Sol' are the 'poison pitches' and anyone who repeats that pattern loses a point.
Do, Re, Mi Introduction and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Do, Re, Mi Introduction • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Doggie Doggie printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’d comprehension: • can you sing and sign the two notes we focused on today? sol-mi • can you sing and sign them backwards? mi-sol • what two bells play the notes sol-mi? G-E • what two bells play the notes mi-sol? E-G • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
Borduns Part I- Beethoven’s 5th K.L27 Lesson Overview • The purpose of this lesson is to shift our focus from Sol and Mi to Sol and Do. This will continue to develop patthhnaaedttnieSmoronpulsori.nr1taBnneotettreheoloavstetioninn'sasth5oitsphfb,reoatnmwdeeseahnroli1uel-rd.5YfoewuehlrilcceohneilnfdiadsbehlniontugaldryroabunergacinbhglieldDtootoaspinnedgr,fSohoralmnicdmo-nsosirgetnom&cerapenlaaitnyegwftuhitlehiprbaototwtehnrnDso Lesson Essential Question • How can your child identify the notes C & G? Concepts/Objectives • Identify the notes C and G. • Play and sing along with C and G. Standards • MU:Re8.1.Ka With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent • Author's Notes: Discuss opening notes of Beethoven's 5th, how the melodic motif makes it memorable, the feelings evoked by the loud dynamics and huge orchestral sound
Activator and Beethoven’s Fifth • Instructions: • Using call and response format, clap the Rhythm of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Using call and response format sing and sign the Melody of the Day. Repeat as needed. • Instructions: • Play Beethoven's Fifth - Easy Performance video. Encourage your child to play or sing/sign along. • Performance video tip: use the tool setting at the bottom of the screen to adjust the playback speed.
Reinforcement • Instructions: • Review the solfege hand signs and syllables for C and G. Tell your child that most songs can be made simpler by playing just C and G along with the song like they did for the song Beethoven's Fifth. • Using bell or solfege cut outs lead your child in composing a melody with the notes C and G. Guide them in singing/signing or playing the melody together.
Movement • Instructions: • Show images of scrolling C and G bells. Instruct your child to sit down when they see a C bell and stand up when they see a G bell. • Additionally, sing pitches while standing and sitting.
Connection • Instructions: • Ask your child what they already know about composers and the composer Beethoven. Tell them some basic facts about Beethoven and his music. • Consider coloring a picture of Beethoven while listening to excerpts from some of his most well known pieces. ( heets/beethoven-coloring-page.php) • This activity ties into the following activity.
Social Emotional Learning • Instructions: • Listen to excerpts from some of Beethoven's most well-known pieces (Fur Elise, 5th Symphony, Turkish Rondo, Ode to Joy, Moonlight Sonata, Pathetique, etc.) while coloring a picture of the composer if desired. • Facilitate conversation about the music with questions such as, What do you think Beethoven was feeling when he wrote this? How does this music make you feel? What do you picture when you hear this music? What may Beethoven have wanted this music to say/create? Do you like this song - why or why not? • Experimentation option: allow your child to experiment with playing their do and sol bells along with another of Beethoven's pieces in addition to their playing with his 5th Symphony.
Hot Cross Buns and Sheet Music • Instructions: • Play or sing/sign along with the extension video: Hot Cross Buns • Instructions: • Printable options are supplementary materials you might use or assign as desired. • Use the Beethoven’s 5th printable
Review Questions and Assessment • Instructions: • Ask the following review questions to gauge your child’s comprehension: • what volumes did you hear in Beethoven's 5th today? answers vary • what speeds did you hear in Beethoven's 5th today? answers vary • did you like today's song? Why or why not? answers vary • Have your child complete the assessment • Once completed, submit to be graded.
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