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Home Explore 2024 Draft Book - Cornerstone

2024 Draft Book - Cornerstone

Published by agl_design, 2022-10-19 19:45:05

Description: 2024 Draft Book - Cornerstone


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13.5NFL PLAYER CONTRACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION —337— which is included herein solely for the administrative convenience and benefit of Player and the NFLPA. Nothing in Paragraph 4b shall be construed or deemed to modify in any way the rights set forth in Paragraph 4a, and the fact that Paragraph 4b (or any of the terms thereof) appears in the Player Contract shall not be referred to, relied upon, or otherwise cited by Player and/or the NFLPA or any of its affiliates in any dispute or legal proceeding as evidence that the NFL, any NFL entity, any Club or Club Affiliate, or any licensee of any of the foregoing has consented, agreed, acknowledged, or does not contest the applicabil-ity or interpretation of Paragraph 4b. 5. COMPENSATION. For performance of Player’s services and all other promises ofPlayer, Club will pay Player a yearly salary as follows:$ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season; $ __________ /* _________ for the 20_____season. (* - designates the compensation Club will pay player if the player is not on Club’s Ac-tive/Inactive List) In addition, Club will pay Player such earned performance bonuses as may be called for in this contract; Player’s necessary traveling expenses from his residence to training camp; Player’s reasonable board and lodging expenses during preseason training and in connec-tion with playing preseason, regular season, and postseason football games outside Club’s home city; Player’s necessary traveling expenses to and from preseason, regular season, and postseason football games outside Club’s home city; Player’s necessary traveling ex-penses to his residence if this contract is terminated by Club; and such additional compensation, benefits and reimbursement of expenses as may be called for in any collec-tive bargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract. (For purposes of this contract, a collective bargaining agreement will be deemed to be “in existence” during its stated term or during any period for which the parties to that agreement agree to extend it.) 6. PAYMENT. Unless this contract or any collective bargaining agreement in existenceduring the term of this contract specifically provides otherwise, Player will be paid 100%of his yearly salary under this contract in equal weekly or biweekly installments over the

NFL PLAYER CONTRACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 13.6—338— course of a 34- or 36-week period during any of the applicable 2021 through 2029 League Years, commencing with the first regular season game played by Club in each season. In the 2020 League Year and in the 2030 League Year, if applicable, Player will be paid 100% of his yearly salary under this contract in equal weekly or biweekly installments over the course of the applicable regular season, commencing with the first regular season game played by Club in such season. Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, if this contract is executed or Player is activated after the beginning of the regular season, the yearly salary payable to Player will be reduced proportionately and Player will be paid the weekly or biweekly portions of his yearly salary becoming due and payable after he is acti-vated. Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, if this contract is terminated after the beginning of the regular season, the yearly salary payable to Player will be reduced proportionately and Player will be paid the weekly or bi weekly portions of his yearly salary having become due and payable up to the time of termination. 7. DEDUCTIONS. Any advance made to Player will be repaid to Club, and any properlylevied Club fine or Commissioner fine against Player will be paid, in cash on demand orby means of deductions from payments coming due to the Player under this contract, theamount of such deductions to be determined by Club unless this contract or any collectivebargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract specifically providesotherwise.8. PHYSICAL CONDITION. Player represents to Club that he is and will maintain him-self in excellent physical condition. Player will undergo a complete physical examinationby the Club physician upon Club request, during which physical examination Player agreesto make full and complete disclosure of any physical or mental condition known to himwhich might impair his performance under this contract and to respond fully and in goodfaith when questioned by the Club physician about such condition. If Player fails to estab-lish or maintain his excellent physical condition to the satisfaction of the Club physician,or make the required full and complete disclosure and good faith responses to the Clubphysician, then Club may terminate this contract.9. INJURY. Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, if Player is injured in theperformance of his services under this contract and promptly reports such injury to theClub physician or trainer, then Player will receive such medical and hospital care duringthe term of this contract as the Club physician may deem necessary, and will continue toreceive his yearly salary for so long, during the season of injury only and for no subsequentperiod covered by this contract, as Player is physically unable to perform the services re-quired of him by this contract because of such injury. If Player’s injury in the performanceof his services under this contract results in his death, the unpaid balance of his yearlysalary for the season of injury will be paid to his stated beneficiary, or in the absence of astated beneficiary, to his estate.10. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION. Any compensation paid to Player under this con-tract or under any collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term of thiscontract for a period during which he is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits by

13.7NFL PLAYER CONTRACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION —339— reason of temporary total, permanent total, temporary partial, or permanent partial disa-bility will be deemed an advance payment of workers’ compensation benefits due Player, and Club will be entitled to be reimbursed the amount of such payment out of any award of workers’ compensation. 11. SKILL, PERFORMANCE AND CONDUCT. Player understands that he is compet-ing with other players for a position on Club’s roster within the applicable player limits. Ifat any time, in the sole judgment of Club, Player’s skill or performance has been unsatis-factory as compared with that of other players competing for positions on Club’s roster,or if Player has engaged in personal conduct reasonably judged by Club to adversely affector reflect on Club, then Club may terminate this contract. In addition, during the periodany salary cap is legally in effect, this contract may be terminated if, in Club’s opinion,Player is anticipated to make less of a contribution to Club’s ability to compete on theplaying field than another player or players whom Club intends to sign or attempts to sign,or another player or players who is or are already on Club’s roster, and for whom Clubneeds room.12. TERMINATION. The rights of termination set forth in this contract will be in addi-tion to any other rights of termination allowed either party by law. Termination will beeffective upon the giving of written notice, except that Player’s death, other than as a resultof injury incurred in the performance of his services under this contract, will automaticallyterminate this contract. If this contract is terminated by Club and either Player or Club sorequests, Player will promptly undergo a complete physical examination by the Club phy-sician.13. INJURY GRIEVANCE. Unless a collective bargaining agreement in existence at thetime of termination of this contract by Club provides otherwise, the following InjuryGrievance procedure will apply: If Player believes that at the time of termination of thiscontract by Club he was physically unable to perform the services required of him by thiscontract because of an injury incurred in the performance of his services under this con-tract, Player may, within 60 days after examination by the Club physician, submit at hisown expense to examination by a physician of his choice. If the opinion of Player’s physi-cian with respect to his physical ability to perform the services required of him by thiscontract is contrary to that of the Club’s physician, the dispute will be submitted within areasonable time to final and binding arbitration by an arbitrator selected by Club and Playeror, if they are unable to agree, one selected in accordance with the procedures of theAmerican Arbitration Association on application by either party.14. RULES. Player will comply with and be bound by all reasonable Club rules and regu-lations in effect during the term of this contract which are not inconsistent with theprovisions of this contract or of any collective bargaining agreement in existence duringthe term of this contract. Player’s attention is also called to the fact that the League func-tions with certain rules and procedures expressive of its operation as a joint venture amongits member clubs and that these rules and practices may affect Player’s relationship to theLeague and its member clubs independently of the provisions of this contract.

NFL PLAYER CONTRACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 13.8—340— 15. INTEGRITY OF GAME. Player recognizes the detriment to the League and profes-sional football that would result from impairment of public confidence in the honest andorderly conduct of NFL games or the integrity and good character of NFL players. Playertherefore acknowledges his awareness that if he accepts a bribe or agrees to throw or fixan NFL game; fails to promptly report a bribe offer or an attempt to throw or fix an NFLgame; bets on an NFL game; knowingly associates with gamblers or gambling activity; usesor provides other players with stimulants or other drugs for the purpose of attempting toenhance on-field performance; or is guilty of any other form of conduct reasonably judgedby the League Commissioner to be detrimental to the League or professional football, theCommissioner will have the right, but only after giving Player the opportunity for a hearingat which he may be represented by counsel of his choice, to fine Player in a reasonableamount; to suspend Player for a period certain or indefinitely; and/or to terminate thiscontract.16. EXTENSION. Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, if Player becomesa member of the Armed Forces of the United States or any other country, or retires fromprofessional football as an active player, or otherwise fails or refuses to perform his ser-vices under this contract, then this contract will be tolled between the date of Player’sinduction into the Armed Forces, or his retirement, or his failure or refusal to perform,and the later date of his return to professional football. During the period this contract istolled, Player will not be entitled to any compensation or benefits. On Player’s return toprofessional football, the term of this contract will be extended for a period of time equalto the number of seasons (to the nearest multiple of one) remaining at the time the contractwas tolled. The right of renewal, if any, contained in this contract will remain in effect untilthe end of any such extended term.17. ASSIGNMENT. Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, Club may assignthis contract and Player’s services under this contract to any successor to Club’s franchiseor to any other Club in the League. Player will report to the assignee Club promptly uponbeing informed of the assignment of his contract and will faithfully perform his servicesunder this contract. The assignee club will pay Player’s necessary traveling expenses inreporting to it and will faithfully perform this contract with Player.18. FILING. This contract will be valid and binding upon Player and Club immediatelyupon execution. A copy of this contract, including any attachment to it, will be filed byClub with the League Commissioner within 10 days after execution. The Commissionerwill have the right to disapprove this contract on reasonable grounds, including but notlimited to an attempt by the parties to abridge or impair the rights of any other club, un-certainty or incompleteness in expression of the parties’ respective rights and obligations,or conflict between the terms of this contract and any collective bargaining agreement thenin existence. Approval will be automatic unless, within 10 days after receipt of this contractin his office, the Commissioner notifies the parties either of disapproval or of extensionof this 10-day period for purposes of investigation or clarification pending his decision.

13.9NFL PLAYER CONTRACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION —341— On the receipt of notice of disapproval and termination, both parties will be relieved of their respective rights and obligations under this contract. 19. DISPUTES. During the term of any collective bargaining agreement, any dispute be-tween Player and any Club involving the interpretation or application of any provision ofthe NFL collective bargaining agreement or this contract will be submitted to final andbinding arbitration in accordance with the procedure called for in any collective bargainingagreement in existence at the time the event giving rise to any such dispute occurs.20. NOTICE. Any notice, request, approval or consent under this contract will be suffi-ciently given if in writing and delivered in person or mailed (certified or first class) by oneparty to the other at the address set forth in this contract or to such other address as therecipient may subsequently have furnished in writing to the sender.21. OTHER AGREEMENTS. This contract, including any attachment to it, sets forththe entire agreement between Player and Club and cannot be modified or supplementedorally. Player and Club represent that no other agreement, oral or written, except as at-tached to or specifically incorporated in this contract, exists between them. The provisionsof this contract will govern the relationship between Player and Club unless there are con-flicting provisions in any collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term ofthis contract, in which case the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement will takeprecedence over conflicting provisions of this contract relating to the rights or obligationsof either party.22. LAW. This contract is made under and shall be governed by the laws of the State of______________.23. WAIVER AND RELEASE. Player waives and releases: (i) any antitrust claims relatingto the Draft, restrictions on free agency, franchise player designations, transition playerdesignations, the Entering Player Pool, the Rookie Compensation Pool, or any other termor condition of employment relating to conduct engaged in prior to the date of this Agree-ment; and (ii) any claims relating to conduct engaged in pursuant to the express terms ofany collective bargaining agreement during the term of any such agreement. This waiverand release does not waive any rights player may have to commence a grievance under the2011 CBA or to commence a grievance or other arbitration under the 2020 CBA.24. OTHER PROVISIONS.(a)Each of the undersigned hereby confirms that (i) this contract, renegotia-tion, extension or amendment sets forth all components of the player’s remuneration for playing professional football (whether such compensation is being furnished directly by the Club or by a related or affiliated entity); and (ii) there are not undisclosed agreements of any kind, whether express or implied, oral or written, and there are no promises, un-dertakings, representations, commitments, inducements, assurances of intent, or understandings of any kind that have not been disclosed to the NFL involving considera-tion of any kind to be paid, furnished or made available to Player or any entity or person

NFL PLAYER CONTRACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 13.10—342— owned or controlled by, affiliated with, or related to Player, either during the term of this contract or thereafter. (b)Each of the undersigned further confirms that, except as separately setforth in any attachment submitted herewith consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the .pdf NFL Player Contract Form as set forth herein has not been modified from the form officially authorized for use by the NFL and the NFLPA. (c)Each of the undersigned further confirms that, except insofar as any of theundersigned may describe in an addendum to this contract, to the best of their knowledge, no conduct in violation of the Anti-Collusion rules took place with respect to this contract. Each of the undersigned further confirms that nothing in this contract is designed or in-tended to defeat or circumvent any provisions of the collective bargaining agreement dated March 15, 2020, including but not limited to the Rookie Compensation Pool and Salary Cap provisions; however, any conduct permitted by that Agreement shall not be consid-ered a violation of this confirmation. (d)PERFORMANCE-BASED PAY. Player’s attention is called to the factthat he may be entitled to Performance-Based Pay in accordance with the procedures out-lined in Article 28, and that his eligibility for such pay is based on a formula that takes into account his playtime percentage and compensation 25. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. THIS CONTRACT is executed in six (6) copies. Playeracknowledges that before signing this contract he was given the opportunity to seek advicefrom or be represented by persons of his own selection.____________________________________________________PLAYER SIGNATURE CLUB EXECUTIVE SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________PLAYER PRINT CLUB EXECUTIVE PRINT ____________________________________________________PLAYER HOME ADDRESS CLUB NAME ____________________________________________________CLUB ADDRESS ____________________________________________________TELEPHONE NUMBER ____________________________________________________DATEDATE

13.11NFL PLAYER CONTRACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION —343— __________________________PLAYER’SAGENTSIGNATURE__________________________PLAYER’SAGENTPRINT__________________________ADDRESS____________________________________________________TELEPHONE NUMBER__________________________DATECopy Distribution: Management Council (Original Signature) Player, Member Club (Photocopy) League Office, NFLPA, Player Agent (Electronic Mail)


PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.2 —361— APPENDIX J PRACTICE SQUAD PLAYER CONTRACT PRACTICE PLAYER CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is between ________________________________________, hereinafter “Player,” and __________________________, a ___________ corporation (limited partnership) (partnership), hereinafter “Club,” operating under the name of the ________________ as a member of the National Football League, hereinafter “League.” In consideration of the promises made by each to the other, Player and Club agree as follows: 1. TERM. This contract covers the 20___ football season, and will begin on thedate of execution and end one week after the date of the Club's last regular season or postseason game, unless terminated by Player pursuant to Paragraph 10 or by Club pursu-ant to Paragraph 6 or Paragraph 9. 2. EMPLOYMENT AND SERVICES. Club employs Player as a member of itsPractice Squad. Player accepts such employment. Player agrees to give his best efforts and loyalty to the Club, and to conduct himself on and off the field with appropriate recogni-tion of the fact that the success of professional football depends largely on public respect for and approval of those associated with the game. Player will report promptly for and participate fully in all Club meetings and practice sessions, and all other football activities as directed by Club. Player will not participate in any football game not sponsored by the League unless the game is first approved by the League. Nor, while this contract is in effect, will Player play football or engage in activities related to football other than for Club or engage in any activity other than football which may involve a significant risk of per-sonal injury without first obtaining Club's prior written consent. 3. PUBLICITY.(a)Player hereby grants to Club and the League, separately and together, theright and authority to use, and to authorize others to use solely as described below, his name, nickname, initials, likeness, image, picture, photograph, animation, persona, auto-graph/signature (including facsimiles thereof), voice, biographical information, data concerning performance and/or movement collected from Sensors, as defined in Article 51, Section 14 of the CBA, in NFL games, and/or any and all other identifying character-istics (collectively, “Publicity Rights”), for any and all uses or purposes that publicize and promote NFL Football, the League or any of its member clubs in any way in any and all media or formats, whether analog, digital or other, now known or hereafter developed, including, but not limited to, print, tape, disc, computer file, radio, television, motion pic-tures, other audio-visual and audio works, Internet, broadband platforms, mobile platforms, applications, and other distribution platforms. Without limiting the foregoing, this grant includes the right to use Player’s Publicity Rights for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the following aspects of NFL Football, the League and/or any of its mem-ber clubs: brands, games, ticket sales, game broadcasts and telecasts and the availability thereof, programming focused on the NFL, one or more NFL clubs and/or their games C O L L E C T I V E B A R G A I N I N G A G R E E M E N T - March 15, 2020

14.3PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—362— and events (e.g., coaches shows, highlight based shows such as Inside the NFL, behind-the-scenes programming such as Hard Knocks) and the availability thereof, other NFL-related media offerings (e.g., branded content segments featuring NFL game footage and other programming enhancements), media distribution platforms and direct-to-consumer ser-vices (e.g.,, NFL Network, NFL Game Pass, NFL apps), official events (e.g., NFL Kickoff, NFL Draft), officially sanctioned awards programs (e.g., Rookie of the Year), and public service or community oriented initiatives (e.g., Play60). For purposes of clarity, the foregoing grant of rights includes the right and authority to use, and to author-ize affiliates or business partners to use, after the term of this Agreement any Publicity Rights fixed in a tangible medium (e.g., filmed, photographed, recorded or otherwise cap-tured) during the term of this Agreement solely for the purposes described herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the foregoing grant does not confer, during or after the term of this Agreement, any right or authority to use Player’s Publicity Rights in a manner that constitutes any endorsement by Player of a third-party brand, product or service (“Endorsement”). For purposes of clarity, and without limitation, it shall not be an Endorsement for Club or the League to use, or authorize others to use, including, without limitation, in third party advertising and promotional materials, footage and photographs of Player’s participation in NFL games or other NFL events, or clips of NFL programming that incorporate Player’s Publicity Rights, that do not unduly focus on, feature, or high-light, Player in a manner that leads the reasonable consumer to believe that Player is a spokesperson for, or promoter of, a third-party commercial product or service. Player will cooperate with the news media, and will participate upon request in reasonable activities to promote the Club and the League. Player and National Football League Players Association, including any of its af-filiates (“NFLPA”) do not and will not contest during or after the term of this agreement, and this hereby confirms their acknowledgment of, the exclusive rights of the League, Club and any NFL member club (i) to telecast, broadcast, or otherwise distribute, transmit or perform, on a live, delayed, or archived basis, in any and all media now known or here-after developed, any NFL games or any excerpts thereof and (ii) to produce, license, offer for sale, sell, market, or otherwise distribute or perform (or authorize a third party to do any of the foregoing), on a live, delayed, or archived basis, any NFL games or any excerpts thereof, in any and all media now known or hereafter developed, including, but not limited to, packaged or other electronic or digital media. Nothing herein shall be construed to grant any Publicity Rights for use in licensed consumer products, whether traditional or digital (e.g., video games, trading cards, ap-parel), other than to the extent such products constitute programming (as described herein) or news and information offerings, regardless of medium (e.g., DVDs, digital high-light offerings, inclusion of NFL game highlight clips within a video game). (b)Player hereby assigns the NFLPA and its licensing affiliates, if any, theexclusive and unlimited right to use, license and sublicense the right to use his name, nick-name, initials, autograph/signature (including facsimiles), voice, picture, photograph, animation, image, likeness, persona, jersey number, statistics, data (including, but not lim-ited to data concerning performance and/or movement collected from Sensors, as defined in Article 51, Section 14 of the CBA, in NFL games), copyrights, biographical information and/or other personal indicia (individually and collectively, “Rights”) for use in connection

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.4 —363— with any product, brand, service, appearance, product line or other commercial use and any sponsorship, endorsement or promotion thereof, when more than five (5) NFL player Rights are involved, regardless of team affiliation and whether that number is reached using player Rights simultaneously or individually, in any form, media, or medium (now known or hereafter developed) during a consecutive 12-month period (a “group licensing program”). For sponsorships, endorsements, and promotions, group licensing programs are further defined as those: (a) in any one product category, as defined by industry stand-ards; or (b) in different categories if the products all use similar or derivative design or artwork, or one player product is used to promote another player product. The Rights may also be used for the promotion of the NFLPA, its affiliated entities and/or its designees (the “NFLPA Entities”), provided such promotion does not consti-tute an endorsement by Player of a commercial product not a part of a group licensing program. Player agrees to participate, upon request of the NFLPA and without additional compensation, in reasonable activities to promote the NFLPA Entities, which shall include (i) up to three (3) personal appearances per year or (ii) up to fifteen (15) minutes per weekdedicated to promoting the NFLPA Entities. Player retains the right to grant permissionto others to utilize his Rights if that individual or entity is not concurrently utilizing theRights of five (5) or more other NFL players for any commercial purpose whatsoever. IfPlayer’s inclusion in an NFLPA program is precluded by an individual exclusive endorse-ment agreement, and Player provides the NFLPA with immediate written notice of thatpreclusion, the NFLPA agrees to exclude Player from that particular program. ShouldPlayer fail to perform any of his obligations hereunder, the NFLPA may withhold pay-ments owed to Player, if any, in connection with this Group Licensing Assignment.In consideration for this assignment of rights, the NFLPA agrees to use the reve-nues it receives from group licensing programs to support the objectives as set forth in the Bylaws of the NFLPA and as otherwise determined by the NFLPA Board. The NFLPA further agrees to use reasonable efforts to promote the use of NFL player Rights in group licensing programs, to provide group licensing opportunities to all NFL players, and to monitor and police unauthorized third-party use of the Rights. The NFLPA makes no representations regarding group licensing other than those expressed herein. This agreement shall be construed under Virginia law. The assignment in this paragraph shall expire on December 31 of the latter of (i) the third year following the execution of this contract, or (ii) the year after this contract expires, and may not be revoked, terminated or otherwise assigned in any manner by Player until such date. Neither Club nor the League is a party to the terms of this paragraph, which is included herein solely for the administrative convenience and benefit of Player and the NFLPA. Nothing in Paragraph 3b shall be construed or deemed to modify in any way the rights set forth in Paragraph 3a, and the fact that Paragraph 3b (or any of the terms thereof) appears in the Player Contract shall not be referred to, relied upon, or otherwise cited by Player and/or the NFLPA or any of its affiliates in any dispute or legal proceeding as evidence that the NFL, any NFL entity, any Club or Club Affiliate, or any licensee of any of the foregoing has consented, agreed, acknowledged, or does not contest the applicabil-ity or interpretation of Paragraph 3b.

14.5PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—364— 4. COMPENSATION. For performance of Player’s services and all other prom-ises of Player, Club will pay Player a weekly salary of $___________ for each week during the Regular Season and each week that the Club is in the Postseason so long as Player is a member of Club’s Practice Squad during the week preceding the game in question. Such salary will be payable on a weekly or bi-weekly basis as Club shall choose. In addition, Club will pay Player’s necessary traveling expenses from his residence to Club’s home city or other location to which the Player is directed to report; Player’s necessary traveling ex-penses to his residence if this contract is terminated by Club; and such additional compensation, benefits and reimbursement of expenses, if any, to which Practice Squad members are entitled pursuant to any collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract. (For purposes of this contract, a collective bargaining agreement will be deemed to be “in existence” during its stated term and during any period for which the parties to that agreement agree to extend it.) In the event this Contract is terminated by the Club prior to 4:00 p.m., New York time, Tuesday, the Club shall not be obligated to pay Player for that week. If Player terminates this contract at any time, he will have no further right to receive any further compensation under this contract. 5. DEDUCTIONS. Any advance made to Player will be repaid to Club, and anyproperly levied Club fine or Commissioner fine against Player will be paid, in cash on demand or by means of deductions from payments coming due to the Player under this contract, the amount of such deductions to be determined by Club unless this contract or a collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract specifically provides otherwise. 6. PHYSICAL CONDITION. Player represents to Club that he is and will main-tain himself in excellent physical condition. Player will undergo a complete physical examination by the Club physician upon Club request, during which physical examination Player will make full and complete disclosure of any physical or mental condition known to him which might impair his performance under the contract and will respond fully and in good faith when questioned by the Club physician about such condition. If Player fails to establish or maintain his excellent physical condition to the satisfaction of the Club physician, or make the required full and complete disclosure and good faith responses to the Club physician, then Club may terminate this contract. 7. INJURY. If player is injured in the performance of his services under this con-tract and promptly reports such injury to the Club physician or trainer, Player will receive such medical and hospital care during the term of this contract as the Club physician may deem necessary, and will continue to receive his weekly salary for so long, during the sea-son of injury only and for no subsequent period, as Player is physically unable to perform the services required of him by this contract because of such injury. If Player's injury in the performance of his services under this contract results in his death, the unpaid balance of his salary for the season of injury will be paid to his stated beneficiary or, in the absence of a stated beneficiary, to his estate.

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.6 —365— 8. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION. Any compensation paid to Player under thiscontract or under any collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract for a period during which he is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits by reason of temporary total, permanent total, temporary partial, or permanent partial disa-bility will be deemed an advance payment of workers’ compensation benefits due Player, and Club will be entitled to be reimbursed the amount of such payment out of any award of workers’ compensation. 9. SKILL, PERFORMANCE AND CONDUCT. Player understands that he iscompeting with other players for a position on Club’s Practice Squad within the applicable player limits. If at any time, in the sole judgment of Club, Player’s skill or performance has been unsatisfactory as compared with that of other players competing for positions on Club's Practice Squad, or if Player has engaged in personal conduct reasonably judged by Club to adversely affect or reflect on Club, Club may terminate this contract. In addition, during the period any salary cap is legally in effect, this contract may be terminated if, in Club's opinion, Player is anticipated to make less of a contribution to Club’s ability to compete on the playing field than another player or players whom Club intends to sign or to attempt to sign, or another player or players who is or are already on Club's roster or Practice Squad, and for whom Club needs room. 10. TERMINATION BY PLAYER. Player may terminate this contract to sign anNFL Player Contract with another NFL club, except that Player may not sign an NFL Player Contract with Club’s next opponent later than 4:00 p.m., New York time, on the sixth day preceding the game (except in bye-weeks, when the prohibition commences on the tenth day preceding the game). Player may not terminate this contract in order to sign a contract with another club to serve as a Practice Squad Player. 11. TERMINATION. The rights of termination set forth in this contract will bein addition to any other rights of termination allowed either party by law. Termination will be effective upon either Player or Club giving written notice to the other, except that Play-er's death, other than as a result of injury incurred in the performance of his services under this contract, will automatically terminate his contract. If this contract is terminated by Club and either Player or Club so requests, Player will promptly undergo a complete phys-ical examination by the Club physician. 12. INJURY GRIEVANCE. Unless a collective bargaining agreement in existenceat the time of termination of this contract by Club provides otherwise, the following Injury Grievance procedure will apply: If Player believes that at the time of termination of this contract by Club he was physically unable to perform the services required of him by this contract because of an injury incurred in the performance of his services under this con-tract, Player may, within 60 days after examination by the Club physician, submit at his own expense to examination by a physician of his choice. If the opinion of Player’s physi-cian with respect to his physical ability to perform the services required of him by this contract is contrary to that of the Club’s physician, the dispute will be submitted within a reasonable time to final and binding arbitration by an arbitrator selected by Club and Player

14.7PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—366— or, if they are unable to agree, one selected in accordance with the procedures of the American Arbitration Association on application by either party. 13. RULES. Player will comply with and be bound by all reasonable Club rules andregulations in effect during the term of this contract which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this contract or of any collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract. Player’s attention is also called to the fact that the League func-tions with certain rules and procedures expressive of its operation as a joint venture among its member clubs and that these rules and practices may affect Player’s relationship to the League and its member clubs independently of the provisions of this contract. 14. INTEGRITY OF GAME. Player recognizes the detriment to the League andprofessional football that would result from impairment of public confidence in the honest and orderly conduct of NFL games or the integrity and good character of NFL players. Player therefore acknowledges his awareness that if he accepts a bribe or agrees to throw or fix an NFL game; fails to promptly report a bribe offer or an attempt to throw or fix an NFL game; bets on an NFL game; knowingly associates with gamblers or gambling activity; uses or provides other players with stimulants or other drugs for the purpose of attempting to enhance on-field performance; or is guilty of any other form of conduct reasonably judged by the League Commissioner to be detrimental to the League or pro-fessional football, the Commissioner will have the right, but only after giving Player the opportunity for a hearing at which he may be represented by counsel of his choice, to fine Player in a reasonable amount, to suspend Player for a period certain or indefinitely, and/or to terminate this contract. 15. FILING. This contract will be valid and binding upon Player and Club imme-diately upon execution. A copy of this contract, including any attachment to it, will be filed by Club with the League Commissioner within 10 days after execution. The Commissioner will have the right to disapprove this contract on reasonable grounds, including but not limited to an attempt by the parties to abridge or impair the rights of any other club, un-certainty or incompleteness in expression of the parties' respective rights and obligations, conflict between the terms of this contract and any collective bargaining agreement then in existence, or upon any ground allowed in such collective bargaining agreement. Ap-proval will be automatic unless, within 10 days after receipt of this contract in his office, the Commissioner notifies the parties either of disapproval or of extension of this 10-day period for purposes of investigation or clarification pending his decision. On the receipt of notice of disapproval and termination, both parties will be relieved of their respective rights and obligations under this contract. 16. DISPUTES. During the term of any collective bargaining agreement, any dis-pute between Player and Club involving the interpretation or application of any provision of the NFL collective bargaining agreement or this contract will be submitted to final and binding arbitration in accordance with the procedure called for in any collective bargaining agreement in existence at the time the event giving rise to any such dispute occurs.

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.8 —367— 17. NOTICE. Any notice, request, approval or consent under this contract will besufficiently given if in writing and delivered in person or mailed (certified or first class) by one party to the other at the address set forth in this contract or to such other address as the recipient may subsequently have furnished in writing to the sender. 18. OTHER AGREEMENTS. This contract, including any attachment to it, setsforth the entire agreement between Player and Club and cannot be modified or supple-mented orally. Player and Club represent that no other agreement, oral or written, except as attached to or specifically incorporated in this contract, exists between them. The pro-visions of this contract will govern the relationship between Player and Club unless there are conflicting provisions in any collective bargaining agreement in existence during the term of this contract, in which case the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement will take precedence over conflicting provisions of this contract relating to the rights or obligations of either party. 19. LAW. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of__________________. 20. WAIVER AND RELEASE. Player waives and releases: (i) any antitrust claimsrelating to the Draft, restrictions on free agency, franchise player designations, transition player designations, the Entering Player Pool, the Rookie Compensation Pool, or any other term or condition of employment relating to conduct engaged in prior to the date of this Agreement; and (iii) any claims relating to conduct engaged in pursuant to the express terms of any collective bargaining agreement during the term of any such agreement. This waiver and release does not waive any rights player may have to commence a grievance under the 2011 CBA or to commence a grievance or other arbitration under the 2020 CBA. 21. OTHER PROVISIONS.(a)Each of the undersigned hereby confirms that (i) this contract sets forthall components of the player’s remuneration for playing professional football or serving as a Practice Player (whether such compensation is being furnished directly by the Club or by a related or affiliated entity); and (ii) there are no undisclosed agreements of any kind, whether express or implied, oral or written, and there are no promises, undertakings, rep-resentations, commitments, inducements, assurances of intent, or understandings of any kind that have not been disclosed to the NFL involving consideration of any kind to be paid, furnished or made available to Player or any entity or person owned or controlled by, affiliated with, or related to Player, either during the term of this contract or thereafter. (b)Each of the undersigned further confirms that, except as separately setforth in any attachment submitted herewith consistent with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the .pdf Practice Player Contract Form as set forth herein has not been mod-ified from the form officially authorized for use by the NFL and the NFLPA. (c)Each of the undersigned further confirms that, except insofar as any of theundersigned may describe in an addendum to this contract, to the best of their knowledge,

14.9PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—368— no conduct in violation of the Anti-Collusion rules of the Collective Bargaining Agreement took place with respect to this contract. THIS CONTRACT is executed in six copies. Player acknowledges that before signing this contract he was given the opportunity to seek advice from or be represented by persons of his own selection with respect to this contract. ____________________________________________________PLAYER SIGNATURE CLUB EXECUTIVE SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________PLAYER PRINT CLUB EXECUTIVE PRINT ____________________________________________________PLAYER HOME ADDRESS CLUB NAME ____________________________________________________CLUB ADDRESS ____________________________________________________TELEPHONE NUMBER ____________________________________________________DATEDATE__________________________PLAYER’SAGENTSIGNATURE__________________________PLAYER’SAGENTPRINT__________________________ADDRESS____________________________________________________TELEPHONE NUMBER__________________________DATECopy Distribution: Management Council (Original Signature) Player, Member Club (Photocopy) League Office, NFLPA, Player Agent (Electronic Mail)

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.10 —371— STANDARD ELEVATION ADDENDUM _____________ (“Practice Squad Player”) and ____________ (“Club”) agree to the fol-lowing terms: 1. The terms of this addendum will take effect if Practice Squad Player is elevatedfrom Practice Squad to Club’s Active/Inactive List for a game pursuant to Article33, Section 5 of the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement.2. If Practice Squad Player is elevated to Club’s Active/Inactive List for any regularseason game, then Practice Squad Player’s weekly compensation specified in Par-agraph 4 of the Practice Squad Player Contract will be adjusted for that game to1/17 of the Paragraph 5 minimum salary for Active/Inactive List players (i.e., theth“up” amount) with the same number of credited seasons. Unless otherwise pro-vided for below in Paragraphs 3 and 4, Practice Squad Player will be paid theweekly compensation set forth in Paragraph 4 (“Compensation”) of the PracticeSquad Player Contract after he automatically reverts to the Practice Squad.3. In the event Practice Squad player: (1) sustains a football-related injury after beingelevated to Club’s Active/Inactive List (either in a practice prior to the game or inthe game itself), and (2) is physically unable to practice or play for Club due to theinjury, then the player’s weekly compensation specified in Paragraph 4 of the Prac-tice Squad Player Contract will be adjusted to 1/17 of the Paragraph 5 minimumthsalary for players not on a Club’s Active/Inactive List (i.e., the “down” amount)with the same number of credited seasons. Player shall receive this weekly “SalaryContinuation” for so long as he remains physically unable to perform the servicesrequired of him because of such injury. Once Practice Squad player is physicallyable to perform the services required of him by his Practice Squad Player Contract,his salary will be adjusted to the amount set forth in Paragraph 4 (“Compensation”)of that contract for the period of time he remains on the club’s Practice Squad.4. If Practice Squad player sustains a football-related injury after being elevated toClub’s Active/Inactive List (either in practice prior to the game or during the gameitself), and is subsequently placed on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured list, he willbe paid Salary Continuation (for so long as he remains physically unable to performthe services required of him because of such injury) at a rate equal to the proratedportion of the Paragraph 5 minimum salary for players not on a Club’s Active/In-active List (i.e., the “down” amount) with the same number of credited seasons.Once the Practice Squad player is physically able to perform the services requiredof him by his Practice Squad Player Contract, his salary will be adjusted to theamount set forth in Paragraph 4 of that contract for the period of time he remainsC O L L E C T I V E B A R G A I N I N G A G R E E M E N T - March 15, 2020

14.11PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—372— on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured List. Any dispute concerning the player’s entitlement to Salary Continuation while he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured list and/or any dispute concerning the number of weeks of Salary Continuation to which the player may be entitled shall be resolved in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth in Article 43 (Non-Injury Grievance) of this Agreement. The neutral physician procedures set forth in Article 44 (Injury Grievance) shall apply to any such grievance. _______________________________________________________Practice Squad Player Club Executive Signature Player’s Agent Signature Signature ____________________________________________________________Practice Squad Player Club Executive Print Name Player’s Agent Print Name Print Name ___________________________________________________________Date Club Date ____________________ Date

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.12 —194— ARTICLE 33 PRACTICE SQUADSSection 1. Practice Squads:(a)In the 2020 and 2021 League Years Practice Squads shall not exceed twelve(12) players per Club. Beginning with the 2022 League Year and for the remainder of thisAgreement, Practice Squads shall not exceed fourteen (14) players per Club.(b)The League may elect to allow some or all Clubs to add to their PracticeSquads one additional player, who shall not count against the limit above, whose citizen-ship and principal place of residence are outside the United States, its Territories, and Canada (“International Player”). The League’s election in any one season shall not deter-mine or affect its election in any subsequent season. Such International Players shall be subject to the same terms and conditions of employment that apply to other Practice Squad players except that they may not, during the term of their Practice Squad Contract, negotiate or sign an NFL Player Contract with any Club. In addition, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4 below, such International Player shall be eligible to serve on a Practice Squad for three additional seasons after the completion of the player’s year(s) as an International Player. As set forth in Section 3 below, the weekly salary for such Inter-national Players shall not be included in the employing Club’s Team Salary and shall instead be deducted from the calculation of the Salary Cap in the same manner as any Player Benefit Cost. Any NFL Club may, but is not required to, reimburse an International Player for the actual, ordinary and reasonable legal expenses and filing fees incurred by the player in securing a visa permitting the player to work in the United States. If permitted by applicable federal law, a Club may elect to pay such filing fees directly to the responsible government agency, and may elect to pay the player’s actual, ordinary and reasonable legal expenses directly to the third-party attorneys or law firms providing such services. All such reimbursements or payments shall be contingent upon the service provider or the player providing the Club with receipts and/or invoices for those expenses and fees. If made in compliance with this provision, the reimbursement or payment of such legal ex-penses and filing fees shall not be considered Salary, Rookie Salary or a Player Benefit Cost. Any reimbursements or payments beyond the scope of this provision are prohibited. The Club shall promptly report to the NFL all reimbursements or payments, and shall simultaneously submit all receipts and/or invoices reimbursed or paid by the Club. The NFL shall have the right to audit the records of Clubs or Club affiliates to investigate possible violations of this provision. If any Club has made reimbursements or payments that exceed the permissible scope of this provision, (i) the NFL may seek enforcement of any applicable provision of this Agreement including, without limitation, Article 7, Article 13 and Article 14; and (ii) the amount by which such reimbursement or payment exceeds the actual, ordinary and reasonable legal expenses and filing fees incurred by the player may be charged to the League-wide Total Rookie Compensation Pool, the League-wide Year-One Rookie Compensation Pool and to the Club's Total Rookie Allocation, Year-One Rookie Allocation and Team Salary, to the extent those provisions apply to Rookie players or Veteran players. In no event will the Club be responsible for, or incur any liability for or relating to, the adequacy or competency of legal advice rendered to the player by third-party attorneys or law firms or for the result of the player’s application. For COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - March 15, 2020

14.13PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—195— the purpose of Club reimbursement of legal expenses and filing fees as detailed in this Subsection (b), an \"international player\" is a non-US citizen NFL Rookie player or Veteran player who is, or would be, required to secure a visa or other immigration-related approval to practice and play for the Club, whether under an NFL Player Contract or under a Prac-tice Squad Player Contract. (c)All NFL Practice Squad Player Contracts shall consist of (a) the .pdf Prac-tice Player Contract Form attached hereto as Appendix J (which may not be modified in the form itself); and (b) any attachment submitted therewith containing any changes agreed to between the Club and practice player in a practice player’s contract consistent with the provisions of the CBA, pursuant to Subsection 1(d) below (collectively, the “.pdf Practice Player Contract”). Any such attachment shall be paginated, and each page of any such attachment shall be initialed by the practice player and the Club. The provision of any Practice Player Contract or copy thereof as required by the CBA (for example, without limitation, as required by Article 26, Section 7) may be effectuated by email or other elec-tronic transmission of the complete .pdf Practice Player Contract to the NFL ([email protected]) or the NFLPA ([email protected]), as applicable. Any refer-ence to the “Practice Player Contract” herein shall apply equally to the .pdf Practice Player Contract Form attached hereto as Appendix J. (d)The .pdf Practice Player Contract cannot be amended without the approvalof the Management Council and the NFLPA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, changes may be agreed to between a Club and a Practice Squad player consistent with the provi-sions of this Agreement. Section 2. Signing With Other Clubs: (a)Any player under contract to a Club as a Practice Squad player shall becompletely free to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club at any time during the League Year, to serve as a player on any Club’s Active or Inactive List, and any Club is completely free to negotiate and sign such a Player Contract with such player, without penalty or restriction, including, but not limited to, Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs or First Refusal Rights of any kind, or any signing period, except that such player shall not be permitted to sign a Player Contract with another Club to serve as a Practice Squad player while under contract as a Practice Squad player. (b)Notwithstanding Subsection (a) above, a Practice Squad player may notsign an NFL Player Contract with his Club’s next opponent later than 4:00pm, New York time, on the sixth day preceding the game (except in bye weeks, when the prohibition commences on the tenth day preceding the game). When the current employer club has a bye the weekend before the game against the Club signing the Practice Squad player to an NFL Player Contract, such contract must be executed prior to 4:00pm, New York time, on the 10th day preceding the game. After the Conference Championship games, Practice Squad Players on Clubs participating in the Super Bowl may not sign an NFL Player Con-tract with their current Club’s Super Bowl opponent.

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.14 —196— Section 3. Salary:Except as provided in Section 5 (Standard Elevation Addendum) and Section 7 (Standard Contagious Disease Addendum) of this Article, the salary for a Prac-tice Squad player shall be limited to the following fixed amounts per week, including postseason weeks in which his Club is in the Playoffs: (a)Any Practice Squad player who falls within categories (i), (ii) or (iii) in Sec-tion 4 of this Article shall receive a fixed weekly Paragraph 4 Salary in the following amounts for each League Year of this Agreement: (b)Any Practice Squad player who does not fall within categories (i), (ii) or(iii) in Section 4 of this Article shall receive a fixed weekly Paragraph 4 Salary within thefollowing minimum and maximum amounts in each League Year of this Agreement, asagreed upon by the Club and the player:(c)No Practice Squad Player Contract may provide for Salary guarantees, bonuses,incentives or compensation of any kind other than the fixed weekly Paragraph 4 amountsset forth in Subsections 3(a) and (b) of this Article, as applicable. For the sake of clarityand the avoidance of doubt, during the 2022 League Year, any Practice Squad player whofalls within categories (i), (ii) or (iii) of Section 4 below must contract for a fixed Paragraph4 Salary of $11,500 per week. Alternatively, during the 2022 League Year, any PracticeSquad player who does not fall within categories (i), (ii) or (iii) of Section 4 below mustcontract for a Paragraph 4 Salary of between $15,400 and $19,900 per week.Section 4. Eligibility: Beginning in the 2020 League Year, the Practice Squad shall con-sist of the following players: (i) players who do not have an Accrued Season of NFL experience; (ii) free agent players who were on the Active List for fewer than nine regular season games during their only Accrued Season(s); (iii) a maximum of four free agent players per Club who have earned no more than two Accrued Seasons, with those four players to have no limitation as to the number of games on the game day Active List in either of those seasons; and (iv) a maximum of two free agent players per Club with no limitations as to their number of earned Accrued Seasons; provided, however, that the NFL shall increase the maximum number of players in category (iv) above from two play-ers to four players for the 2022-30 League Years. Section 5. Standard Elevation Addendum:(a)All Practice Squad players will execute an addendum to the Practice SquadPlayer Contract relating to elevations from a Club’s Practice Squad to the Club’s Ac-tive/Inactive List, as set forth in Appendix J (“Standard Elevation Addendum”). 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $8,400 $9,200 $11,500 $12,000$12,500$13,000$13,750$14,500 $15,250 $16,000 $16,75020202021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 (Min.) $12,000 $14,000 $15,400 $16,100 $16,800 $17,500 $18,350 $19,200 $20,050 $20,900 $21,750(Max.) $12,000 $14,000 $19,900 $20,600 $21,300 $22,000 $22,850 $23,700 $24,550 $25,400 $26,250

14.15PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—197— (b)In each game of the regular and postseason, a Club may choose to elevatea maximum of two players from its Practice Squad to its Active/Inactive List without the player first terminating his Practice Squad Player Contract and executing an NFL Player Contract. (c)If a Practice Squad player is elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List, theterms of the Standard Elevation Addendum will be in effect. (d)Any elevation of a player from a Club’s Practice Squad to its Active/Inac-tive List must occur no earlier in the week than the final day for such player personnel transactions prior to the game for which the player is being elevated, but not later than the applicable player personnel transaction deadline for that day. Any player who is elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List must be listed on the Club’s game-day Active List or In-active List, as applicable. (e)Any player who is elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List for a regularseason or postseason game pursuant to this Section 5 shall automatically revert to the Club’s Practice Squad at 4:00 p.m., New York time, on the first business day following such game without being subject to waivers. (f)A Practice Squad player may be elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive Listfor a maximum combination of two regular season or postseason games in the same League Year. After a Club has elevated a player to its Active/Inactive List for a maximum combination of two games during the regular season or postseason, any subsequent ele-vation of the player must be an activation to the Club’s 53-player Active/Inactive List. In such a case, the player must first terminate his Practice Squad Player Contract and execute an NFL Player Contract, and the Club must request waivers on that contract, or terminate the contract if the player is not subject to waivers, before resigning the player to its Practice Squad. If the Club requests waivers on the player’s NFL Player Contract and that contract is not claimed by another Club, or if the Club terminates the player’s contract, the player shall become a free agent and shall be free to sign an NFL Player Contract or a Practice Squad Player Contract with any Club, including the Club that requested waivers or termi-nated the contract. If the player’s NFL Player Contract is not claimed, or if the contract is terminated, and the player subsequently signs a Practice Squad Player Contract with a new Club, nothing shall preclude the signing Club from elevating the player to its Active/In-active List up to a maximum combination of two regular season or postseason games, subject to the rules set forth in this Section 5. If a Practice Squad Player: (i) has been elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List for either one or two games pursuant to this Subsection 5; and (ii) the Club subsequently requests waivers on or terminates his NFL Player Contract, or if the Club terminates his Practice Squad Player Contract; and (iii) thereafter resigns the player to its Practice Squad, the player may not be elevated to that Club’s Active/Inactive List pursuant to this Section 5 for the remainder of that regular or postseason. (g)If a Practice Squad player is elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List forany regular season game, the player’s weekly compensation specified in Paragraph 4 of the Practice Squad Player Contract will be adjusted to one-seventeenth (1/17th) of the Para-graph 5 minimum salary for players on a Club’s Active/Inactive List with the Practice Squad player’s number of Credited Seasons (i.e., the “up” amount) for such game.

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.16 —198— (h)If a Practice Squad player is elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List forany postseason game, he shall be paid Postseason Pay under the applicable Section of Article 37 of this Agreement for such game. (i)A Practice Squad Player’s elevation to a Club’s Active/Inactive List pursu-ant to this Section 5 shall not serve as the basis for any claim for Termination Pay pursuant to Article 30 of this Agreement. Nor shall any amounts paid to a Practice Squad Player under Subsections (g), (k) or (l) of this Article constitute or be deemed Paragraph 5 Salary within the meaning of Article 30 of this Agreement. (j)Any games for which a player is elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive Listin this manner shall count for purposes of earning a Credited Season for both minimum salary and pension credit and an Accrued Season for purposes of free agency, even though the player is playing under the Standard Elevation Addendum to his Practice Squad Player Contract. (k)In the event a Practice Squad player: (1) sustains a football-related injuryduring the game for which he was elevated to the Club’s Active/Inactive List (or during practice after being elevated but prior to the game), and (2) is physically unable to practice or play for the Club due to the injury, the player’s weekly compensation specified in Para-graph 4 of the Practice Squad Player Contract will be adjusted to one-seventeenth (1/17th) of the Paragraph 5 minimum salary for players not on a Club’s Active/Inactive List (i.e., the “down” amount) with the player’s number of Credited Seasons. Such a player shall receive this weekly “Salary Continuation” for so long as he remains physically unable to perform the services required of him because of such injury. Once the Practice Squad player is physically able to perform the services required of him by his Practice Squad Player Contract, his salary will be adjusted to the amount set forth in Paragraph 4 of that contract for the period of time he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad. Any dispute concerning the player’s entitlement to Salary Continuation while he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad and/or any dispute concerning the number of weeks of Salary Continua-tion to which the player may be entitled shall be resolved in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth in Article 43 (Non-Injury Grievance) of this Agreement. The neutral physician procedures set forth in Article 44 (Injury Grievance) shall apply to any such grievance. (l)If a Practice Squad player sustains a football-related injury during the gamefor which he was elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List (or during practice after being elevated but prior to the game) and is subsequently placed on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured List, he will be paid Salary Continuation (for so long as he remains physi-cally unable to perform the services required of him because of such injury) at a rate equal to the prorated portion of the Paragraph 5 minimum salary for players not on a Club’s Active/Inactive List (i.e., the “down” amount) with the player’s number of Credited Sea-sons. Once the Practice Squad player is physically able to perform the services required of him by his Practice Squad Player Contract, his salary will be adjusted to the amount set forth in Paragraph 4 of that contract for the period of time he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured List. Any dispute concerning the player’s entitlement to Salary Continuation while he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured list and/or any dis-pute concerning the number of weeks of Salary Continuation to which the player may be entitled shall be resolved in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth in Article

14.17PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—199— 43 (Non-Injury Grievance) of this Agreement. The neutral physician procedures set forth in Article 44 (Injury Grievance) shall apply to any such grievance. (m)If a player receives salary under the circumstances set forth in Subsections(k) or (l) above, then those games shall count toward a Credited Season under the BertBell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan.(n)If a player is elevated to a Club’s Active/Inactive List pursuant to this Sec-tion 5, and the Club chooses to add the player to its 53-player Active/Inactive List following the game for which the player was activated, the Club must follow all of the established procedures for signing a Practice Squad player to an NFL Player Contract (in-cluding making room for that player on the Club’s 53-player Active/Inactive List). (o)Use of these procedures by any Club in any week of the regular season orpostseason shall be in the sole discretion of the Club. (p)Nothing in this Section shall affect in any way a Practice Squad player’sright under Section 2 of this Article to negotiate and sign an NFL Player Contract with any Club at any time during the League Year (except during the period beginning with the player’s elevation to a Club’s Active/Inactive List and ending with the player’s automatic reversion to the Club’s Practice Squad) to serve as a player on such Club’s Active or Inac-tive List subject to the restrictions stated therein. (q)Nothing in this Section shall affect in any way a Club’s right to activate aplayer from its Practice Squad to its 53-player Active/Inactive List. Section 6. Active List (Other Clubs): If a player on the Practice Squad of one club (Club A) signs an NFL Player Contract with another club (Club B), (1) the player shall receivethree weeks salary of his NFL Player Contract at the 53-player Active/Inactive List mini-mum even if he is terminated by Club B prior to earning that amount, and (2) Club B isrequired to count the player on its 53-player Active/Inactive List for three games (a byeweek counts as a game) even if he is terminated, traded, or assigned via waivers to anotherclub or is signed as a free agent to another club’s 53-player roster or another club’s PracticeSquad prior to that time. If the player is terminated from Club B’s 53-player roster andsigned to Club B’s Practice Squad, he shall continue to count on the club’s 53-player Ac-tive/Inactive List but shall not count against the twelve or fourteen-player Practice Squadlimit, as applicable, until the three-game requirement has been fulfilled. If a player is ter-minated prior to the completion of the three-game period and is signed to Club B’sPractice Squad or is signed or assigned to another Club’s 53-player roster or PracticeSquad, any Salary (as that term is defined in Article 13, Section 4 that he receives from anyNFL club applicable to the three-game period shall be an offset against the three weeks’Salary that he is entitled to receive from Club B. If the promotion occurs with fewer thanthree games remaining in the Club’s regular season, the three game requirement for rostercount shall not carry over into the next season.Section 7. Standard Contagious Disease Addendum:(a) All Practice Squad players will execute an addendum to the Practice SquadPlayer Contract relating to the Contagious Disease Policy (as set forth in Appendix J).(b) If a player is elevated from Practice Squad to the Active/Inactive List fora game because a club was given roster exemptions due to confirmed or suspected cases

PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION14.18—200— of a contagious disease among its players, then the terms of the addendum in that Player’s Practice Player Contract will be in effect. A Practice Squad player who is elevated to the Active/Inactive List under these circumstances will not be required to sign an NFL Player Contract for that game. (c)If a player is elevated from the Practice Squad to the affected Club’s Ac-tive/Inactive List, the player’s weekly compensation specified in Paragraph 4 of the Practice Squad Player Contract will be adjusted to 1/17th of the Paragraph 5 minimum salary for Active/Inactive List players with the same number of credited seasons for such game. Any games for which a player is elevated in this manner to the Active/Inactive List would count for purposes of earning a Credited Season for both minimum salary and pension credit and an Accrued Season for purposes of free agency, even though player is playing under the aforementioned addendum to his Practice Squad Player Contract. (d)At the conclusion of the club’s game, any player who was elevated fromthe Practice Squad to the affected club’s Active/Inactive List for the game will automati-cally revert to the club’s Practice Squad roster without going through waivers. (e)In the event a Practice Squad player: (1) sustains a football-related injury(either in a practice prior to the game or in the game itself) after being elevated to the Active/Inactive List under the circumstances described in Subsection (b) above, and (2) is physically unable to practice or play for the Club due to the injury, then the player’s weekly compensation specified in Paragraph 4 of the Practice Squad Player Contract will be ad-justed to 1/17th of the Paragraph 5 minimum salary for players not on a Club’s Active/Inactive List (i.e., the “down” amount) with the same number of Credited Seasons. Such a player shall receive this weekly “Salary Continuation” for so long as he remains physically unable to perform the services required of him because of such injury. Once the Practice Squad player is physically able to perform the services required of him by his Practice Squad Player Contract, then his salary will be adjusted to the amount set forth in Paragraph 4 (“Compensation”) of that contract for the period of time he remains on the club’s Practice Squad. Any dispute concerning the player’s entitlement to Salary Continu-ation while he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad and/or any dispute concerning the number of weeks of Salary Continuation to which the player may be entitled shall be re-solved in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth in Article 43 (Non-Injury Grievance) of this Agreement. The neutral physician procedures set forth in Article 44 (Injury Grievance) shall apply to any such grievance. (f)If a Practice Squad player sustains a football-related injury during the gamein which he was elevated (or during a practice after being elevated to the Club’s Active/In-active List but prior to the game) and is subsequently placed on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured list, he will be paid Salary Continuation (for so long as he remains physically unable to perform the services required of him because of such injury) at a rate equal to the prorated portion of the Paragraph 5 minimum salary for players not on a Club’s Ac-tive/Inactive List (i.e., the “down” amount) with the same number of Credited Seasons. Once the Practice Squad player is physically able to perform the services required of him by his Practice Squad Player Contract, his salary will be adjusted to the amount set forth in Paragraph 4 of that contract for the period of time he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured list. Any dispute concerning the player’s entitlement to Salary Continuation while he remains on the Club’s Practice Squad/Injured list and/or any dispute concerning

14.19PRACTICE SQUAD INFORMATION—201— the number of weeks of Salary Continuation to which the player may be entitled shall be resolved in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth in Article 43 (Non-Injury Grievance) of this Agreement. The neutral physician procedures set forth in Article 44 (Injury Grievance) shall apply to any such grievance. (g)If a player receives salary under the circumstances set forth in Subsections(e) or (f) above, then those games shall count toward a Credited Season under the BertBell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan.(h)If a Club chooses to add the Practice Squad player to its Active/InactiveList following the game in which exemptions were granted and the player was elevated, then the Club must follow all of the established procedures for signing a Practice Squad player to an NFL Player Contract (including making room for that player on club’s Ac-tive/Inactive List). (i)Use of these procedures by any Club in any week of the regular or post-season shall be in the sole discretion of the Club subject only to prior approval of the Commissioner and after a showing of confirmed or suspected contagious disease among its players. The NFLPA and its Medical Director shall be informed when such procedures are invoked. Section 8. Housing: If a Club signs a free agent player to its Practice Squad and such player does not already reside in the area of the Club’s home city, the Club shall make best efforts to provide the player an option for short-term, month-to-month housing at the player’s expense.



THE CORNERSTONE TEAMsuccessful players, such as Hall-of-Famers Bruce Smith, Darrell Green, and Deion Sanders and All-Pros Champ Bailey, Lavar Arrington, Chris Samuels, Jon Jansen, and Stephen Davis.During his career, Mendes has evaluated and played a major role in drafting more than a dozen Pro Bowlers who have made nearly 50 trips to Hawaii. He also has been a member of two Super Bowl teams: the 1979 Los Angeles Rams and the 1985 New England Patriots. Some of his notable draft selections who went on to earn Pro Bowl recognition include Rich Gannon, Ben Coates, Irving Fryar, Bruce Armstrong, and a recent addition to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Andre Tippet.Mendes first joined the Redskins in 1993 as the NFL’s first “capologist” by successfully guiding the Redskins through the difficult task of applying the NFL’s critical salary cap guidelines. He came JOE MENDESAs a former NFL vice president of football operations, personnel scout, director of college scouting, director of player operations, and vice president for player operations, Joe Mendes brings 25 years of NFL experience to Cornerstone. Mendes most recently served as Vice President of Football Operations for the Washington Redskins, where he reported directly to Owner Daniel Snyder. Mendes oversaw player personnel, the college draft, free agency, contract negotiations, the salary cap, and the day-to-day football operations of the entire organization.Joe Mendes has long been recognized as one of the top talent evaluators and contract negotiators in the National Football League. He has the respect and confidence of agents, owners, league personnel executives, and players. Joe has negotiated contracts for well-known and 15.2

15.3THE CORNERSTONE TEAMaboard after a short stint with the San Diego Chargers after spending 12 years with the New England Patriots, the last two as Vice President of Player Operations.After successful completion of draftee contract negotiations in July of 2000, Mendes resigned from the Redskins. In the fall of 2001, Mendes worked briefly as a consultant for LMM, a sports representation agency based in Phoenix, AZ. After the conclusion of the 2001 season, Daniel Snyder, owner of the Redskins, asked Mendes to return as Vice President of Football Operations.Mendes joined the NFL in 1978 as a college scout with the Los Angeles Rams under General Manager Dick Steinberg. He followed Steinberg to the New Orleans Saints in 1980 before again moving with Steinberg to the Patriots as his Director of College Scouting.Mendes is a 1974 graduate of Chico State University. He spent a year at Chico as a graduate assistant coach. He then had stops at Hawaii (the World Football League) and the University of California. Mendes began his scouting career in 1977 when Mike Giddings gave him the opportunity to learn the profession under his mentorship at Pro Scout, Inc.After leaving the NFL, Mendes created Cornerstone Sports Consulting, which provides a quality educational program to assist universities in educating and preparing student-athletes and their families with regards to a potential career in the NFL.Raised on a dairy farm and a native of the Northern California town of Ferndale, Joe and his wife, Sandy, have one son, Joe, and reside in Leesburg, VA.

THE CORNERSTONE TEAMplayers, player personnel, medical/training, equipment, player development, and video.As General Counsel for the 49ers, Heneghan was responsible for the club’s legal affairs, including club compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local legal statutes and regulations as well as all provisions of the NFL Constitution and Bylaws and the league’s Collective Bargaining Agreement. He also assisted with the preparation and reviewing of all contracts.Before working with the 49ers, Heneghan was VP of Football Operations and General Counsel for the Cleveland Browns. He joined the club in 1998, as it re-started operations in Cleveland. As a new franchise, the Browns reached the playoffs in only their fourth year.Heneghan joined the NFL league office in 1991, spending 7 years with the NFL Management LAL HENEGHANA respected attorney and sports executive with more than 20 years of experience in professional sports, Lal Heneghan has served with two NFL franchises as Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Counsel. In addition, Heneghan worked as an attorney and administrator in the NFL League Office for its labor group, working closely with each of the NFL teams in all aspects of their daily operations.Most recently, Heneghan served the San Francisco 49ers as Executive Vice President of Football Operations and Legal Counsel. In that role, he supervised all aspects of football operations and legal affairs for the team.Working at the NFL club level, Heneghan’s football operations experience includes more than 10 years responsibility and experience in negotiating player and coaching contracts as well as supervising daily football operations, including coaching, 15.4

15.5THE CORNERSTONE TEAMCouncil as a staff attorney and then Director of Labor Relations. He supervised the administration and interpretation of the NFL salary cap, the CBA, and all other daily operations involving players. As labor counsel, Heneghan represented the NFL clubs in arbitration proceedings and advised the clubs on various labor issues. In 1993, as part of the NFL’s labor negotiating group, he participated in negotiations with the NFLPA, which resulted in the 1993 CBA and subsequent extensions.Heneghan worked closely with the NFL’s Player Development Department and conducted league-wide and team seminars for players on the salary cap and player benefits, financial education, degree completion, and career internship programs.During his time in the NFL League Office, Heneghan served on the NFL Management Council’s Working Club Executive Committee and served as a Trustee of the NFL Players Insurance Plan as well as the NFL Players Tuition Plan.Before joining the NFL, Heneghan was a labor attorney with the Washington, DC, firm Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. He served as a law clerk for the NFL Players’ Association, working with the union’s legal department to protect players’ rights.Heneghan was a tight end and co-captain for the 1984 University of Pennsylvania Ivy League Champion football team. Born in Rockville, MD, Heneghan received his BA from the University of Pennsylvania and is a graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center. Lal and his wife, Amy (a pediatrician) have two children and live near Palo Alto, CA.

THE CORNERSTONE TEAMexecutives, player personnel staff, and coaches in developing programs to empower college scouting evaluations, draft selection, game tendency analysis, and physical testing.Poreda’s expertise in data management includes integration mapping, data integrity, and analytics. He graduated from Michigan State University (BS, Mathematics) and University of Southern California (MS Systems Management).STEVE POREDASteve Poreda is the founder of MAST Data Systems, a data analysis and software development firm located in Naples, FL. He has more than 35 years of experience in developing unique software solutions for clients in various industries, including professional sports, manufacturing, distribution, finance, retail, construction, real estate management, insurance, and collegiate academics. The New England Patriots and Boston Celtics are among his clients.While working with the Patriots for more than 12 years, Poreda collaborated closely with team 15.6



2022 DRAFT BOOK | 16.3UNDERCLASSMANEDUCATE YOURSELF!•Know the NFL scouting process and how it affects you!•Draft history•Your position•Position layering by round (How many drafted in each of the past 5 years)•Position depth by round (When drafted in each of the past 5 years)•Players Similar to you at your position•Success/Failure rate of the draft•Especially for your position•Know the agent recruiting regulations•The NFLPA prohibits certified agents to use runners in any way•NO contact is allowed by anyone other than an NFLPA-certified agentUNDERSTAND ALL THE FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS•Know the “Value of the SLOT”USE ALL THE RESOURCES AVAILABLE•Your coaches•School sports panel•NFL review board•The NFLPA•Former NFL executivesCHECK THE MOTIVES OF EVERY PERSONWHO ADVISES YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS!






16.9UNDERCLASSMANDEBUNKING THE MYTHSTHE DRAFT•Do not believe agents who say they can get you drafted higher–only you can do that•Connections with owners and general managers•Some agents will even say, “I control the draft”•Clubs spend$2 million+ on draft preparation•They are not going to listen to an agent push their player•Agents Oversell Highlight Tapes•For Most Players, They Are a Waste of TimeCONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS•Rookie contracts—Slotted with contract wording variations per club•Veteran contracts—Demand•Leverage—The better the veteran player, the more creative an agent can beMARKETING•Do not believe six-figure promises•How many professional athletes do you seehaving primetime endorsements?•How often do you see players at your positionwith big endorsements?•Beware the marketing guarantees•THE NFLPA•The NFLPA does not rate or rank agents. Do notlet an agent try to tell you differently.Justin Jefferson—WR All Pro and 1st Round Selection


UNDERCLASSMAN DEBUNKING THE MYTHS THE DRAFT • Do not believe agents who say they can get you drafted higher–only you can do that • Connections with owners and general managers • Some agents will even say, “I control the draft” • Clubs spend$2 million+ on draft preparation • They are not going to listen to an agent push their player • Agents Oversell Highlight Tapes • For Most Players, They Are a Waste of Time CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS • Rookie contracts—Slotted with contract wording variations per club • Veteran contracts—Demand • Leverage—The better the veteran player, the more creative an agent can be MARKETING • Do not believe six-figure promises • How many professional athletes do you see having primetime endorsements? • How often do you see players at your position with big endorsements? • Beware the marketing guarantees • THE NFLPA • The NFLPA does not rate or rank agents. Do not let an agent try to tell you differently. Justin Jefferson—WR All Pro and 1st Round Selection 16.9


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