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NCRIS Abstract Book

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NCRIS 2018Abstract Book 1


CH001-Adulteration: Detection of Impurities in Milk Gohel Dushyant, N. Bhakt Kavi Narsinh Maheta University, College of Computer, Science & I.T. Junagadh, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] and contamination of milk which consumed at the different level by humanbeing is very common problem. Various types of contamination of like bio-organisms, metalsand pesticides in milk have been found at highly toxic level. Carcinogenic agents are alsoresponsible severely for about 70% of deaths. The awareness of people with variousawareness program conducted by state level or national level will play vital role to preventthe adulteration. The risk of milk adulteration can be minimized at all levels of milk supplyand consumption. Furthermore, a simple step towards the identification of adulteration canprevent further complications, particularly those caused by microbiological contaminants. Wetried to Reviews some examples of food adulteration and methods of analysis used todetermine authenticity of milk. A large number of research papers have been published onmilk adulteration and detection, including some review papers. In this paper I identify anddescribe the type of different adulteration and identification of milk. Methodologies adoptedto identify adulteration in milk and health hazards have been tried to justify. Thecomprehensive studies have been carried out on the detection technology.CH002-Synthesis, Characterization, Industrial Application and Antimicrobial Activityof (E)-3-(((4-(bis (2-chloroethyl) amino) phenyl) imino) methyl)-4-chloro-2H-chromen-2- one derivatives 1Ashwin Barasara, 1Hardik Bhatt and 2Purohit, D.M. 1School of Science, RK University, Kasturbadham, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2Shree Manibhai and Smt. Navalben Virani Science College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] new (E)-3-(((4-(bis(2-chloroethyl)amino)phenyl)imino)methyl)-4-chloro-2H-chromen-2-one derivatives possessing coumarine as basic nucleus were synthesized. Characterizationsof synthesised compounds were carried by IR, NMR and mass spectral analysis. Allsynthesized compounds were tested for antimicrobial using cup plate method against standard 3

drug. All the compounds showed moderate to good antimicrobial activity and anti-fungalactivity compared to standard.Keywords: Coumarine, Schiff base, Aniline mustard, Antimicrobial activity, anticanceractivity CH003-Recent Advances in Carbon-Carbon Development via Carbon- Hydrogen Activation 1Yogesh J. Sanghani, 2Krushnakumar J. Jilariya and 2Suresh B. Koradiya 1School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] bond activation is a burgeoning area of organometallic chemistry with thepotential to provide a wealth of improved protocols in synthetic organic chemistry. However,today a lot of challenges stay that continue to limit its synthetic utility. An analysis of somecurrent advance in the area of carbon-carbon bond formation via direct carbon-hydrogenactivation is presented. So using different synthetic method Carbon-hydrogen bond activationpossible and even the attract of this new and growing field, definitely prompt raised academicand industrial attention, and improved protocols for fascinating and synthetically applicablereactions are possible to still seem.Keywords: Carbon-Hydrogen bond activation, Organometallic, Carbon-carbon bond,Synthetic utility, IndustrialCH004-Catalytic synthesis and antimicrobial activity of N-(3-chloro-2-oxo- 4-phenylazetidin-1-yl)-4-(1H-indol-3-yl)-6-methyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4- tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxamides Malay J Bhatt Department of Chemistry, HVHP Institute of Post Graduate Studies and Research, Sarva Vidyalaya Campus, Nr. Railway Station, Kadi, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] 4

In continuation of our work towards synthesizing bio-active molecules we developed andoptimized the methodology for novel N-(3-chloro-2-oxo-4-phenylazetidin- 1-yl)-4-(1H-indol-3-yl)-6-methyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxamide analogues from readilyavailable starting materials. We focused on the pressing demand to find eco-friendlypathways by means of catalytic optimization of the process. All synthesized compounds werescreened for in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities on Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus pyogenes, Candidaalbicans, Aspergillus niger, and Aspergillus clavatus species. CH005-Catalytic Oxidation of Olefins by Zeolite-Y Entrapped Fe(II) Complex: Synthesis, Physico-Chemical Studies and Mechanistic Vision 1Digvijaysinh K Parmar and 2Jignasu P Mehta 1Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2Department of Chemistry, MK Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected][Fe(L)2(H2O)2]-Y complex (where, L= (Z)-2-((4-methoxybenzylidene)-amino)benzoic acid))has been prepared by Flexible Ligand (FL) method and characterized by chemical analysis(CHN, ICP-OES, TGA, AAS), diffraction method (XRD), absorption spectroscopy (FTIR,UV-Vis), BET and SEM techniques. To investigate the catalytic performance (activity,stability, and reusability), [Fe(L)2(H2O)2]-Y was employed as heterogeneous catalyst in theliquid phase oxidation of olefins specifically, α-pinene and limonene with H2O2 oxidant.[Fe(L)2(H2O)2]-Y catalyzed the oxidation of olefins via free radical formation as confirmedby in-situ IR and DR UV-Vis spectroscopy.Keywords: Zeolite-Y; Iron complex; Heterogeneous catalyst; Olefins oxidation CH006-Nanomedicine: Revolution in Modern Medical Science Meera Gadhavi B.V. Shah (Vadi-Vihar) Science College, Chemistry Department, C U Shah University, Wadhwan City, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] 5

21st century’s most promising technologies is nanotechnology. Nanomedicine refers to highlyspecific medical intervention at the molecular scale for curing disease or repairing damagedtissues, such as bone, muscle, or nerve. Disease diagnosis, target specific drug delivery,molecular imaging is possible with the application of nanotechnology in medicine.Nanoparticles are engineered in an extent that they get attracted to the diseased cells andallow for detection of disease. Nanomedicine is applicable in drug delivery, therapytechniques, diagnostic techniques, anti-microbial techniques, cell repair. Nanomedicine canoffer impressive resolutions for various life threatening diseases like cancer, HIV,cardiovascular system diseases, neurological diseases, diabetes, inflammatory/infectiousdiseases, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease and orthopedic problems. Towards the cure ofHIV, different Nanomedicine classes have been developed. As the Nanomedicine industrycontinues to grow, it is expected to have a significant impact on the economy.Keywords: Nanomedicine, Cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s diseases, Inflammatory diseasesCH007-Synthesis and Biological Screening of New Cyanopyridine Scaffold for Medicinal Interest Parmar, V., Vyas, D., Damani, P. and Pandya, M. Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] nucleus has been extensively explored for their application in the field of medicine,agriculture and industrial field. Cyanopyridine have considerable attention as they appearedof interest to possess antimicrobial, antifungal, antihypertensive and antidiabetic activities.We have undertaken the synthesis of 2-amino/methoxy-6-aryl-4-[(3’-methoxy)-4’-[(3”-methyl)-4”-(2”’, 2”’, 2”’-trifluroethoxy) pyridine-2”-yl]-methoxyphenyl}-nicotinonitrile viachalcones in a synthetically affordable route. Present work deals with the synthesis ofCyanopyridine derivatives were they synthesized by condensation of numerous substitutedchalcones (4a-f) derivatives reacts with ammonium acetate and malanonitrile using methanolas a solvent. Our finding of this development by synthetic medicinal chemistry is to optimizedrugs of new generation. The structural conformation of synthesized molecules has beenmade by spectral evaluation, such as Mass, IR and 1H NMR. All the synthesized moleculeswere placed for in-vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities.Keywords: Cyanopyridine, malanonitrile, Chalcones, antifungal and antibacterial activities 6

CH008-Imidazole Mediated Facile Synthesis of 2-Thiopyridines Using Non-Conventional Method Mohsin Abdul Aziz and Maqdoom Farooqui Post Graduate and Research Centre, Maulana Azad College, Rauza Baugh, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India Email: [email protected] mediated facile and convenient method has been developed for the synthesis ofpolysubstituted pyridine molecules by condensation of chalcones, malononitrile andthiophenol. The process describes mediation of imidazole as an organocatalyst employinggreen and environmentally benign PEG-400 as a solvent under the influence of microwaveirradiation.Keywords: Polysubstituted pyridines, imidazole, PEG-400, microwave CH009-Synthesis and Structure Characterization of Some Novel Schiff Bases Synthesized by Different Methods Sharma, N.R. and Parmar, J.M. Department of Chemistry, Maharaja Shree Mahendra Sinhji Science College, Morbi, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] bases containing heterocyclic scaffolds such as coumarin derivatives are an importantclass of heterocyclic compounds which show wide spectrum of biological andpharmacological activities. Hence, in the present work, some new heterocyclic Schiff baseshave been synthesized by two different methods; conventional and microwave irradiationmethods. The effect of solvents on reaction time and yield was also graphically represented.Further these synthesized compounds were characterized by different methods such as IR, 1HNMR and mass spectral data.Keywords: Schiff base, conventional method, microwave irradiation method 7

CH010-MMA and MAA Polymer (Synthetic Thickener) Formulation – Utilization on Reactive Printing of Silk Madhu, C.R. and Patel, M.C. Pramukh Swami Science & H. D. Patel Arts College, Sarva Vidhyalaya Campus, Kadi, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] investigated the integration and characterisation of synthetic thickener, formulated bypolymerisation of Methyl Methacrylate and Methacrylic acid. Characterisation of thickenerconfirmed with Fourier Transform Infrared spectral data, rheology and viscosity. Theformulated thickener was utilized for preparation of reactive printing paste in with differentconcentrations; printed on silk, same procedure undertaken for study with guar gum andsodium alginate. The characteristics of prints such as K/S value, strength, and variousfastness are assessed. The highest K/S value and excellent fastness properties were found insamples which were printed using formulated polymer.Keywords: Synthetic thickener, Methyal Methacrylate, Methacrylic acid, Reactive printing CH011-Estimation of Sulphite Ion by a Newer Photochemical Method Using Sodium Nitroprusside 1Hardik Bhatt and 2Ajay Sharma 1Department of Chemistry, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2P.G. Department of Chemistry, Govt. College, Sirohi-307001, Rajasthan, India E-mail: [email protected] of sulphite ion by newer fast, convenient and inexpensive quantitative methodusing photochemical exchange reaction of sodium nitroprusside has been investigated.Sodium nitroprusside is a photolabile complex and it undergoes photochemical ligandexchange reactions rapidly. Some recent efforts have been made to utilise such reactions forthe estimation of some sulphur and nitrogen containing anions. The progress of the reaction isobserved spectrophotometrically. The effects of different parameters like pH, change ofconcentration of sodium nitroprusside, concentration of ligands, light intensity etc. onpercentage error was investigated. The efforts were made to minimise the percentage errorand some optimum conditions were obtained. Such reactions can also be used for the 8

estimation of other inorganic anions or molecules in the range of millimoles to micromoles,hence it is important to know whether such estimations can be done successfully and that towith the desired accuracy.Keywords: Sulphite, photochemical exchange reaction, sodium nitroprusside, photolabile,quantitative, spectrophotometrically, percentage error CH012-A Novel Lactone Approach for Regioselective Synthesis of 3- Quinolinecarboxylic Acid Md. Nasim Khan Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India E-mail: [email protected] acid itself has important medicinal values and also serves as anintermediate for various drugs and sweet flavour modifiers. Owing to the importance of 3-quinolinecarboxylic acid a novel method has been developed for the regioselective synthesisof 3-quinolinecarboxylic acid using lactone approach. The complete synthesis describesinitial formation of regioselective dihydroquinoline product using aldehyde, aromatic amineand 4-hydroxycoumarin catalysed by Bi(OTf)3 followed by cleavage of lactone ring to obtainthe product A instead of type B.R1 R2 COOH COOHN R2 N R1A BKeywords: 3-Quinolinecarboxylic acid, lactone ring, regioselective 9

CH013-Polymer Supported Tungsten(VI) complex in Selective Oxidation of Sulfides Siva Prasad Das Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] containing polymers have emerged as a new generation of material in the light of theirpotential applications in diversified fields like, catalysis, medicine, ecology, hydrometallurgy,ultra-high strength and superconducting materials, liquid crystals, electronics device andwaste water treatment.[1,2] Specially in the field of catalysis, these macro complexes played aninteresting role not only in designing effective catalysts but also in modeling of complexbiomolecules and bioprocesses. In order to develop an effective supported catalyst, variousapproaches have been utilized such as “heterogenisation of homogeneous complexes”,anchoring, attachment, immobilization, etc. The present work describes the synthesis of an insoluble polymer supportedtungsten(VI) complex PANW. The complex was characterized by elemental, thermal andspectral studies. The compound PANW shows clean conversion of a variety of sulfides to thecorresponding sulfoxide or sulfone, using H2O2 as oxidant. The reactions proceed under mildconditions with impressive turn over frequency (TOF). The catalyst can be regenerate easilyand reuse at least up to seven catalytic cycles with consistent activity and selectivity.References 1. H. Li, P. Yang, P. Pageni, C. Tang, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2017, 38(14), 1700109. 2. Y. Yan, J. Zhang, L. Ren, C. Tang, Chem Soc Rev. 2016, 45(19), 5232-5263. 10

CH014-A New Fluorescent Material from Agaroid by Coupling with Adenine 1Mihir D Oza and 2Hardik Bhatt 1Department of Chemistry, Gyanmanjari Science College, 30-Sidsar Road, Near Iscon Eleven, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India 2Department of Chemistry, R. K. University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India E-mail: [email protected] polymeric materials were synthesized by grafting the nucleobase adenine on to thebackbone of agaroid. The synthesis involved a rapid water based method under microwaveirradiation using potassium persulphate (KPS) as an initiator. The emission spectrum of themodified agaroid recorded in aqueous (5x10-5 M) solution exhibited emission maxima(λem,max) at 347 nm by excitation at 261 nm. The emission intensity was enhanced by ca.30%compared to that of pure adenine solution of the same concentration. When the concentrationof the pure adenine solution is made equivalent to the concentration of the adenine molarcomponent (3.28x10-5) present in 5x10-5M solution of modified agaroid, then ca.30%enhancement in emission intensity was observed. These grafted products were characterizedby FT-IR, 13C NMR, TGA, XRD, UV and fluorescence property. The fluorescent activity ofthe agaroid-adenine derivative may have potential uses as sensor in various applications.Keywords: Agaroid; Adenine; Emission Spectrum; Microwave irradiationCH015-Economical, Green Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Quantum Dots from Orange Peels 1Jivani Amita, 2Meet A. Moradiya, 1Patrick Fernandes and 1Divya R. Mishra 1School of Science, Department of Chemistry, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India 2Department of Nanotechnology, V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] carbon quantum dots (FCDs) have attracted tremendous interest because of theiradvantageous characteristics of fluorescent nature and good stability. In this study, wedeveloped a simple, economical and effective method for the green synthesis of fluorescentcarbon quantum dots (FCDs) from orange peels, a renewable and sustainable resource. Thesynthesis method involves the low cost hydrothermal process using low cost wastes of orange 11

peel as a carbon source. The as-synthesized FCDs were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Thesynthesized FCDs possess stable good water solubility and biocompatibility as well as highquantum yield. The results suggest that the proposed FCDs could be utilized for iondetection, photovoltaic cell, bio-sensor and drug delivery applications.Keywords: Carbon quantum dots, Orange peels, Hydrothermal, UV visible spectroscopy CH016-Analysis of Some Potential Adulteration in Selected Herbal Formulation Available in Saurashtra Region Ravi Ajudia School of Pharmacy, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] purpose of this research is to identify potential herbal adulteration which is done inerectile dysfunction herbal formulations. The aim of research work is to develop a methodwhich can detect adulterants present in formulation by using simple chemical tests. Thedeveloped method may be helpful by making people aware of various kinds of adulterationwhich are done in the formulation and in this way, may help in safe guarding life and alsopreventing from any kind of severe side effects occurring in the body. Research involvesqualitative identification of adulterants with help of simple chemical test and quantitation ofadulterants with the help of sophisticated instruments. Qualitative estimation was done toprove that presence of adulterants can be detected with help of simple chemical tests. Also,an identification scheme was developed which had steps for identification and determinationof adulteration step by step. With the help of test for steroids, testosterone was identifiedqualitatively. Also Test for Phenyl Ether Group, Sulphonamide, Pyrimidine ring, TertiaryAmine, Piperazine ring proved presence of synthetic PDE-5 inhibitors in the herbalformulation (sildenafil and vardenafil). Further for identification of tadalafil was done withhelp of fluorescence detection test and lastly Alprostadil was identified by 2,4 DNP test. Thefollowing chemical tests proved that with help of basic chemicals test adulteration can beidentified.Keywords: Adulteration, erectile Dysfunction, Sophisticated instrument, chemical test 12

CH017-Assessment of Removal Efficiency of Methylene Blue Dye by Using Banana Leaves as an Adsorbent 1Umesh Kumar and 2Sachin P Parikh 1Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2Department of Chemical Engineering, LD College of Engineering, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] removal from waste water has been a matter of concern, both an aesthetic sense andhealth point of view. Colour removal from dye waste water has been given much attention inlast few years, not only because of its toxicity, but also mainly due to its visibility problem.There have been various promising techniques for the removal of dye from effluent.However, the effectiveness of adsorption for dye removal from waste water has made it anideal alternative to other expensive treatment methods. Agricultural wastes are inexpensive,biodegradable. Agricultural wastes are good sources for the production of adsorbent, whichcan be used as alternate, low cost treatment system for the dye generated during the textileprocessing. Batch adsorption experiments are carried out using banana leave as an adsorbent.The adsorption study was performed by varying the adsorption parameter such as pH,adsorbent dose, contact time, temperature, agitation speed.Keywords: Dye, agricultural waste, Adsorption, percentage removal of dye CH018-Isolation and characterization of novel phytochemical constituent identified from the seeds of Mesua ferrea L. Faizan Danish Khaleel Natural Products Research Division, School of Studies in Chemistry, Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India Email: [email protected] phytochemical compound was isolated from the hexane extract of Mesua ferrea L.(seeds) by using n-hexane. The new compound Nonacosanol was identified by spectral (IR,1H NMR, Mass spectrum, elemental analysis) and chemical analysis. The compound beingnovel is first time reported by us.Keywords: Mesua ferrea L.,Calophyllaceae, Aliphatic 13


CHP001-Pesticides 1Akshay Dalsaniya, 2Arjun Patel & 2Deep Vachhani 1Shri M.P.Patel B.Ed. & Science College, Jodhpar, Nadi 2Saurashtara University Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] are used to kill the Pests and insects which attack on crops and harm them.Different kinds of pesticides have been used for crop protection for centuries. Pesticidesbenefit the crops; however, they also impose serious negative impacts on the environment.Excessive use of pesticides may lead to the destruction of biodiversity. Many birds, aquaticorganisms and animals are under the threat of pesticides they are affected and die also.Keywords: Pesticides, insects, organisms, biodiversity CHP002-Synthesis and Analysis of Some Novel Amine Based Heterocyclic Compounds and Its Derivatives Prepare by Different Catalyst Concentration and Time Duration Jayaveersinh Mahida, Ravi B Patel, Jigarkumar Patel, Nileshkumar Vala Shree P.M. Patel institute of P.G. Studies & Research in Science, Anand, Gujarat Email: [email protected] a days the time duration and resources are very costly and there for we check theactivity of regularly used acid or base catalyst for the reaction of preparation of Schiff base,generally acetic acid & sodium hydrogen pallet used as a catalyst in different amount variousfactor are affected to the reaction like amount of catalyst, time duration and temp of thereaction solvent are used as a media they are affected to reaction time and amount of yield.we are study and check the activity of acetic acid and sodium hydrogen pallet and check theTLC in different solvent used as mobile phase and change the value of Rf TLC plate. CHP003-One-Pot Synthesis of Fully Substituted Pyrimidines Using Amidine and Ketene dithioacetals as Synthons Mayur Shiyal, Dhananjay Pandya, Ashokbhai Rathod and Naliapara, Y.T. Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 15

Email: [email protected] simple, convenient and efficient one pot synthesis of fully substituted pyrimidines wasdeveloped by cyclocondensation of α-oxo ketene dithioacetals with amidine in the presenceof potassium carbonate in good yield. Structures of all the newly synthesized compoundswere elucidated by elemental analysis and spectral analysis. CHP004-Synthesis, Characterization of Novel 3-Heteroarylindoles as Inherent to Biological Activity Batuk M Bhil and Sharma, S. Department of Chemistry, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 384265, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected](3-(1H-Indol-3-yl)-5-(p-tolyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) - 4 - substituted - 5 -(substituted diazenyl) thiazoles and 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)-9-substituted-4,7-disubstitutedpyrido[3,2-e][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyrimindin-5(7H)-ones were synthesized via reaction ofhydrazonoyl halides with 3-(1H-indol-2-yl)-5-(p-tolyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-1-carbothioamide and 7-(1H-indol-3-yl)-2-thioxo-5-substituted-2,3-dihydropyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4(1H)-ones,respectively. Also, hydrazonoyl halides were reacted with N’-(1-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethlidene)-2-cyanoacetohydrazide to afford 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives.Structures of novel synthesis were expounded based on spectral data and elemental analysisbesides possibly alternate synthesis routes.Keywords: thiazoles; pyrazoles; coupling reactions; molecular docking; biological activityCHP005-Electrowinning of Zinc from Acidic Sulphate Solutions on Plastic Chip Electrode Dilip B. Parmar and Divesh N. Srivastava Analytical & Environmental Science Division and Centralized Instrumental Facility, CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar-364002, Gujarat Email: [email protected], [email protected] 16

Electrowinning is one of the oldest electrolytic processes known for metal recovery.Electrowinning has become the preferred method for the final recovery of metals, suchcopper, zinc, Aluminum, manganese, and cobalt. Nearly 20% of the world production ofcopper and more than 85% of the world’s zinc are produced by means of an electrowinningprocess preceded by leaching and solution purification steps. Electrochemical deposition ofmetals involves the reduction of metal ions from aqueous, organic, and fused-saltelectrolytes. For commercial electrochemical processes, reactive electrodes have to be useddue to economic consideration. There are some limitations of the inert electrode while beingused in an industrial application for a long time. As it gets corrode while used in the acidic orbasic medium due to some impurities present in the bath solution. This paper deals with theelectrowinning of zinc on a new tailored electrode, PCE, which is a polymer-graphitecomposite electrode. PCEs were found more stable in highly acidic and alkaline medium. Theeffect of current density and time on the Faradic efficiency, surface morphology,crystallographic orientation and polarization behavior of the cathode during electrowinning ofzinc from acidic sulfate solutions has been investigated. Maximum Faradic efficiency, 50%was achieved on PCE. Surface morphologies and crystallographic orientations of the zincdeposits were also examined by using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractionanalysis. In an acidic medium compact, sheet-like and smooth deposits were obtained. Whilein alkaline medium at higher current density, powdery with loose grain and crystals(dendritic) deposits were observed. CHP006-Synthesis and Characterization of Some Benzylidene Derivatives Kaushik J. Kanzariya and Bhupesh Bhatt C. U. Shah University, Wadhwan City,Surendranagar, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] synthesis of Benzylidene derivatives via environmentally friendly Microwave AssistedOrganic Synthesis (MAOS) crossed aldol condensation had been carried out. Thecondensation reaction to synthesize the benzylidenecyclohexanone andbenzylidenecyclopentanone was performed by reacting cyclohexanone, cyclopentanone etcwith benzaldehyde using NaOH as catalyst. The synthesized benzylidene derivatives werecharacterized by using TLC, FTIR, Mass Spectral techniques.Keywords: Benzylidene, synthesis and characterization 17

CHP007-Hybrid Synthetic Approach And Potent in vitro Antimicrobial Actions of Pyrazole, 1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl and dihydropyrimidin-2-one Derivatives Bonny Y Patel B.V. Shah (Vadi-Vihar) Science College, Chemistry Department, C U Shah University, Wadhwan city, Surendranagar, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] view of eternally increasing demand of novel antimicrobial compounds, the mostimportant goal for chemists is to ensure that the next era of synthetic approach for medicinaldrugs and fine chemical synthesis is more viable than the recent generation. In continuationto this, the present work deals with the hybrid synthesis and antimicrobial activity of novelseries of 4-(1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-6-methyl-5-(5-(aryl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones. All the newly synthesized compounds were screened for invitro antibacterial and antifungal activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria and Candida albicans, Aspergillusniger, Aspergillus clavatus fungi respectively by using serial broth dilution method. Thestructures of the novel compounds were elucidated by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and Massspectra.Keywords: Pyrazole, Dihydropyrimidin and 1,3,4-Oxadiazol; Antimicrobial evaluation CHP008-The Study and Mechanism of Avastin Chintan K. Ghetiya, Kishan D. Dalsaniya and Bhargav R. Dave Shri M. P. Patel B.Ed. & Sci. College - Jodhpar, Nadi Email: [email protected] An angiogenesis inhibiter, bevacizumab has been investigated in combination withdifferent chemotherapeutic agents, achieving an established role for metastatic cancertreatment. The aim of our study was to analyze efficacy, safety and survival of anti-angiogenenic based chemotherapy associated to regional deep cavity hyperthermia inmetastatic cancer patients. HT was well tolerated without additional adverse effect onchemotherapy related toxicity. Our primary data, that need to be confirmed in large studied,suggest that the combined treatment of bevacizumab base chemotherapy with HT has a 18

favorable tumor response is feasible and well tolerated and offers a potentially promisingoption for metastatic cancer patients.Keywords: Tumor, Angiogenesis, Chemotherapeutic Agents, HT(Hyperthermia), MetastaticCancer CHP009-Biodegredable Polymers 1Jalpa V. Savsani and 2Krinal P. Vagadiya 1Shri M.P. Patel B.Ed & Science College, Jodhpar, Nadi 2Saurashtara University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] are the backbone of a transdermal drug delivery system as they control the releaseof the drug from the device. Biodegredeble polymers attracts the attention of its use as theycan be degraded to non-toxic monomers and most important, a constant rate of drug releasecan be achieved from a biodegredeble polymers based controlled release device. Naturalpolymers can be used as the means of achieving predetermined rates of drug delivery andtheir physico-chemical characteristics with the ease of availabillity provide a platform to useit as a polymer for transdermal drug delivery system. These polymers may be used toformulate various controlled and targeted drug delivery system.Keywords: transdermal drug, biodegredeble polymers, non-toxic monomers, physicochemical CHP010-Preparation and Characterization of Polyallyl Polyether of Allyl Tris Buffer 1Zalak J. Patel, 1Mukesh C. Patel, 1Parimal M. Chatrabhuji and 2Jasmin Kumbhani 1Pramukh Swami Science and H D Patel Arts College, Kadi, HNG University, Gujarat 2H.V.H.P. Institute of Post Graduate Studies & Research, Kadi, KSV University, Gujarat Email: [email protected] tris buffer is prepared by using 2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-propane-1, 3-diol (trisbuffer), allyl chloride, NaOH and DMSO. The prepared tetra allyl poly ether can be used invarious industrial applications. Allyl tris buffer is applied in polymer synthesis as a cross- 19

linking agent. The product is characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared and MASSSpectrometry.Keywords: allyl tris buffer, allyl chloride, tris buffer, DMSO, NaOH CHP011-Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Quinoline Derivatives Bearing Pyrazoline and Pyridine Analogues Hardika Dave, Sapna Mehta and Bonny Patel B. V. Shah (Vadi-Vihar) Science College, Chemistry Department, C U Shah University, Wadhwan City, Surendranagar, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] present investigation is in the interest of some synthesized novel derivatives containing(3-(2-chloroquinolin-3-yl)-5-(aryl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)(pyridin-4-yl)methanones(4a-o) moieties incorporated with different biological active heterocycles such as quinoline,pyrazoline and pyridine derivatives. For the determination of the compounds reported in thispaper was based on IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and mass spectral data and same compounds werescreened for their antibacterial and antifungal activity on four bacteria (S. aureus, S. pyogenes,E. coli, P. aeruginosa) and three fungi (C. albicans, A. niger, A. clavatus) using ampicillinand griseofulvin as the standard drugs. Cytotoxicity study was carried out using MTTcolorimetric assay (HeLa cell line). Among the screened compounds, 4e, 4f and 4n showedmost potent antibacterial activity, while compounds 4d and 4g emerged as the most activeagainst fungal strains. The results demonstrated that compound 4o was remarkably activeagainst all microbial strains. From the viewpoint of SAR studies, it was observed that thepresence of electron withdrawing groups remarkably enhanced the antimicrobial activity ofsynthesized compounds. Additionally, preliminary MTT cytotoxicity studies on HeLa cellssuggested that effective antimicrobial activity of 4e-g, 4n and 4o was accompanied by lowcytotoxicity.Keywords: Pyridine; Pyrazoline; 2-Chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde; Antimicrobialevaluation; Cytotoxicity 20

CHP012-Cement Manufacturing in India 1Goriya Maulik bharatbhai, 2Dashadiya Vishal Dasharathbhai and 2Rajapara Parth Balvantbhai Shri M.P.Patel B.Ed. & Science College, Jodhpar, Nadi Saurashtara University Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] is a material which is highly compatible to the earth's eco-system and most adaptableto sustainable development. Cement is a fine powder which sets after a few hours whenmixed with water and then hardens into a solid, strong material. Cement is mainly used tobind fine sand and coarse aggregates together in concrete. Cement is a hydraulic binder ,i.e. ithardens when water is added to cement powder. Joseph Aspdin, a Leeds Builder andbricklayer had invented the Portland cement in 1824. In this process, Aspdin mixed andground hard limestone and finely divided clay into the form of slurry and calcined it in afurnace similar to a lime kiln till carbon dioxide was expelled. The mixture so calcined wasthen ground to a fine powder & was used as Portland cement. The name Portland was givenowing to the resemblance of this hardened cement paste to the natural stone available at aplace called Portland in England. In India Portland cement was first manufactured in 1904near Chennai by South India Industries Limited and later developed by The Indian CementCompany limited in 1914Keywords: eco-system, concrete, slurry, Portland, sand, carbon dioxide CHP013-Synthesis of Drugs and Dyes 1Dashlaniya Pranjal, H. and 2Agola Rashmi, L. 1Shri M.P.Patel B.Ed. & Science College, Jodhpar, Nadi 2Saurashtara University Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] review which is the second in this series summarizes the most common synthetic routesas applied to the preparation of many modern pharmaceutical compounds categorized ascontaining a six membered heterocyclic ring. The reported example based on the top retailingdrug molecules combining synthetic information from both scientific journal and the widerpatent literature. It is hoped that this compilation, in combination with the previously 21

published review of five membered ring, will form a comprehensive foundation and referencesource for individual interested in medicinal, synthetic and preparative chemistry.Keywords: heterocycles; medicinal chemistry; pharmaceuticals; six membered ring synthesis CHP014-Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Novel 4-(4-(arylamino)-6-(piperidin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino)-N- (pyrimidin-2-yl)benzenesulfonamides Senta, R.D. and Desi, N.C. B.V. Shah Science College, C. U. Shah University, Wadhwan City, Surendranagar-363030 Email: [email protected] a part of our quest for the synthesis of new bioactive heterocyclic compounds, in ourpresent work we have synthesized a series of 4-(4-(arylamino)-6-(piperidin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazine-2-ylamino)-N-(pyrimidin-2-yl)benzenesulfonamide (3a-o) derivatives. The newlysynthesized compounds were screened for their in vitro antimicrobial activity. Compounds3c, 3n and 3o exhibited significant antimicrobial activity on several strains of microbes. Thestructures of newly synthesized compounds were elucidated by IR, 1H-NMR,13C-NMR andMass spectral analysis.Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, Benzenesulfonamide, Cyanuric chloride, Piperidine,Pyrimidine, 1,3,5-Triazine CHP015-Montmorillonite (Indigenous) Reinforced LDPE Nanocomposite Film Dipak Makwana, Rajesh S Somani and Hari C Bajaj Inorganic Materials and Catalysis Division, CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, INDIA Email: [email protected] concept of nanocomposites provides opportunity for synthesis of polymer nanocompositewith enhanced physical properties. Behaviour of low density polyethylene (LDPE) containingdifferent nanofillers such as silylated clay (Indigenous) was investigated. Samples ofnanocomposites (LDPE/APTMS-MMT) were prepared with the nanocontent 1 to 8 wt % ofAPTMS modified clay by solvent casting method[1]. The mechanical properties such as 22

Tensile Strength, Young's modulus, Impact strength and thermal properties (TGA) have beenconsidered. Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)was in support of the formation of partially delaminated nanocomposite material[2].Keywords: nanocomposite, low density polyethylene (LDPE), clay, nanofilleraminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) 3% 5% 8% LDPE/MMT NanocompositeCharacterizationPXRD pattern of APTMS MMT, LDPE 3%, 5% and 8% APTMS MMT Nanocomposite CHP016-A Review on Microwave Assisted Synthesis Joshi Rupal, Bhut Riddhi and Adodariya Foram College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Nr. Junagadh Bypass, Green City, Junagdh-362001, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] and special designed microwave ovens have been widely used now a days toreduce the Synthesis times with comparable yield. In the electromagnetic spectrum themicrowave radiation region is located between infrared radiation and radio-waves.Significant solvent effects were also observed in microwave assisted synthesis. Differenttypes of organic Synthesis have been studied Carried out in a microwave oven. This work 23

demonstrates that organic compounds can be synthesized up to 1240 times faster in amicrowave oven than by conventional (reflux) techniques.Change in reaction rate, yield andnature of products have been criticized.Two type of microwave reactor can be usedinlaboratory. Multimode microwave reactor and monomode microwave reactor. Hydrolysis ofbenzyl chloride with water in microwave oven gives 97 % yield of benzyl alcohol in 3 min.The usual hydrolysis in normal way takes about 35 min. Oxidation of toluene with KMnO4under normal conditions of refluxing takes 10-12 hr compared to reaction in microwaveconditions, which takes only 5 min and the yield is 40 %. The synthesis of polyacrylamide(PAM) was studied under microwave irradiation This green processes have resulted throughuse of less or no catalyst, readily recyclable solvents and yield that are often higher thanconventional method. It also focus on the principle of microwave activation, various types ofMicrowave Reactor and its characteristics. The application of microwave irradiation isimmense in the field of analytical chemistry. Microwave heating is plying an important rolein treatment of domestic and hazardous industrial and nuclear waste.Keywords: Microwave Synthesis, organic synthesis by microwave oven, types of microwavereactor,application of microwave, advantages and disadvantages of microwave CHP017-Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography 1Savan B. Kundariya, 2Krupesh N. Dhoriyani and 2Vaibhav J. Mundadiya Shri M.P.Patel B.Ed. & Science College, Jodhpar, Nadi Saurashtara University Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) is a form of high-performance chromatographythat takes advantage of high resolution made possible by small-diameter stationary phases. Itwas originally developed for proteins and features high loading capacity, biocompatibleaqueous buffer systems fast flow rates, and availability of stationary phases in most commonchromatography modes (e.g., ion exchange, gel filtration, reversed phase, and affinity). Thesystem makes reproducible separation possible by incorporating a high level of automationincluding autosamplers, gradient program control, and peak collection. In addition toproteins, the method is applicable to other kinds of biological samples includingoligonucleotides and plasmids. The most common type of FPLC experiment is anion 24

exchange of proteins. This chapter describes such an experiment carried out using an ÄKTAFPLC explorer system.Keywords: Chromatography, Autosamplers, Automation, Biological, SeparationCHP018-One Pot Detetrahydropyranylation and Deoxygenation of Epoxide to Hydroxy Olefins by TeCl2/NaI as a Novel Reagent 1Ganpatdan Charan, 1Mukesh C Patel and 2Parimal Chatrabhuji 1Pramukh Swami Science and H D Patel Arts College, Kadi, HNG University 2HVHP Institute of PG Studies and Research – Kadi Email: [email protected]/NaI provided an efficient and one-pot deprotection of tetrahydropyranyl ethers inalcohols and phenols and sequel deoxygenation of epoxide to hydroxy olefin at reflux 15 min. Using TeCl2/NaI in 1:3 ratio, the reaction gave excellent yield (80-95%) fortetrahydropyranyl deprotections followed by deoxygenation without affecting otherfunctional groups.Keywords: NaI, detetrahydropyranylation, Deoxygenation of epoxideCHP019-Purine Derivatives of 6-Mercaptopurine: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation 1Ganpatdan Charan, 1Mukesh C Patel and 2Parimal Chatrabhuji 1Pramukh Swami Science and H D Patel Arts College, Kadi, HNG University 2HVHP Institute of PG Studies and Research – Kadi Email: [email protected] purines derivatives 1-9 of 7H-purine-6-thiol were synthesized by condensation of6_mercaptopurine with different compound in presence of base. Structures of all the preparedcompounds were deduced from the spectrometric studies. The compounds were alsoevaluated for their antimicrobial activities.Keywords: 7H-purine-6-thiol, Purines, 6-Mercaptopurine, Azathioprine 25

CHP020-X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Nickel(II) Bakelite Nanocomposite 1Giriraj Tailor, 1Jyoti Chaudhary and 2Gulzar Ahmed 1Department of Polymer Science, M. L. S. University Udaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Department of Physics, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] synthesis of Nickel(II) Bakelite composite using phenol formaldehyde was done bychemical precipitation method. To obtain the nickel nanoparticles synthesized phenolformaldehyde decomposed at 8000C. The composite so had attributes of both metal andpolymer and their properties depend on proportion and compatibility of various componentsof composite. The chemical composition and crystallographic structure of Ni nanoparticle isconfirmed by XRD measurement. The SEM analysis shows the spherical Morphology. TheXRD analysis reveals the size of the nanoparticle is 24 nm. On the basis of X-Raydiffraction data, the monolcinic crystal system has been proposed for the nanocomposite. TheXRD analysis proves the Nano structure of the Ni particle through its crystal analysisand spacing.Keywords: X-Ray diffraction studies, Phenol, Formaldehyde. CHP021-Evaluation of Emissions to Atmosphere 1Digant R. Bhadja and 2Abhishek D. Bhadja 1M. M. Science College, Morbi, Gujarat, India 2Shri M. P. Patel B. Ed. & Science College, Jodhapar, Nadi, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] reference of atmosphere the primary components of pure dry air are Nitrogen, Oxygen,Argon and Carbon dioxide. Water vapour is present in amounts which typically range from0.5 to 3% at ground level depending on temperature and relative humidity. Analysis of airsamples reveals the presence of hundreds of other substances in trace amounts. Some of thesecan be explained directly in terms of their emissions either from natural sources or humanactivity. Distinguish these as primary and secondary pollutants. Evaluation of primarypollutants which arisen from atmosphere by sources can usually identify.Keywords: Atmosphere, Primary components, Emissions, Pollutants 26

CHP022-Easy, Simplistic and Green Synthesis of Various Benzimidazole and Benzoxazole Derivatives Using PEG400 as a Green Solvent 1Mital D. Khunt, 2Vipul C. Kotadiya, 2Pravin H. Paramar and 1Umed C. Bhoya 1Deparment of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot-360005, Gujrat, India 2Sheth P.T. Arts&science College Godhra, 389001 Email: [email protected] improved environmentally benign procedure for the synthesis of various benzimidazoleand benzoxazole derivatives using green solvent PEG400. We have optimized the reactioncondition and it was found that PEG400 was believed to be best as compared to PEG200,PEG600 and PEG800 at 80 to 850C. This method provides a novel route for the synthesis ofbenzimidazole and benzoxazole derivatives. The main attractive features of this process are amild reaction conditions, easy workup procedure and good to excellent yield. The structuresof all the synthesized compounds were confirmed by 1H NMR, IR, MASS and ElementalAnalysis.Keywords: PEG400, Benzimidazole, Benzoxazole, Green synthesis CHP023-Basic Ionic Liquid Cristilysed Rapid One Pot Synthesis of Tetrahydrobenzo[b] Pyran at Ambient Temperature Using Gridstone Chemistry Approach Padaliya Prashant, Koshiya Alkesh, Patadiya Hardik and Patel Harikrushn B. V. Shah (Vadi-Vihar) Science College, Chemistry Department, C U Shah University, Wadhwan City, Gujarat Email: [email protected], [email protected] efficient and convenient approach for the synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyranderivatives under mild condition using the task specific ionic liquid 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]-undec-7-en-8-ium acetate ([DBU][Ac]) as an proficient catalyst is described. A wide range ofaromatic aldehyde easily undergo condensation with malononitrile and 5,5-dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-dione (dimedone) to afford the desired products in excellent yields.Taking into account the environmental and economic considerations, the present protocol hasthe merits of environmentally benign procedure such as shorter reaction time, low cost,recycling of the catalyst and simple workup. 27

Keywords: Ionic liquid; green procedure; one pot synthesis; tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran;gridstone chemistry CHP024-Highly Sensitive Nanostructure SnO2 Gas Sensor for CODetection Jivani Amita Jayantibhai School of Science, Department of Chemistry, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] major quantity of pollutants is produced from industries and vehicles in the form of gases.Novel approaches are needed to solve well known environmental pollutants. Therefore,detection with an effective gas sensor is an essential part of pollution prevention efforts.There is a need to develop fast, rapid, cost effective, highly sensitive used as a sensingmaterial in the device and synthesized using co-precipitation method to detect CO gas. Thedetailed development of SnO2 nanostructure gas sensor fabrication is described, which showsthe remarkable CHP025-Approach for the Synthesis of Potent Antimicrobials Containing Pyrazole, Pyrimidine and Morpholine Analogues Ketan A Baraiya, Mahammadwasim N Bhatti, Kirti N Trentiya and Pritesh C Dalasaniya B.V. Shah (Vadi-Vihar) Science College, Chemistry Department, C U Shah University, Wadhwan City, Gujarat Email: [email protected] present study is in the interest of some synthesized novel derivatives containing 4-(1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-N-(morpholinomethyl)-6-arylpyrimidin-2-amines pooled withdifferent bio-active heterocycles such as pyrazole, pyrimidine and morpholine derivatives.The structures of newly synthesized compounds were elucidated by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMRand mass spectral data. The synthesized compounds were evaluated for their in vitroantimicrobial activity against different bacterial and fungal strains using Mueller-HintonBroth dilution method. On the basis of SAR studies, it was observed that the presence ofelectron withdrawing groups remarkably enhanced the antimicrobial activity of synthesizedcompounds. 28

Keywords: Pyrazole, Pyrimidine, 1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde, Antimicrobialevaluation, MIC CHP026-Review on Potential Candidate of Renewable Energy Sources- “Algae” Makawana Khushbu and Fuletra Jeet Collage of Computer, Science and Information Technology, Near Junagadh Bypass Green City, Junagadh-362001, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] the growth in population humans will dry the limited fossil fuels supply of earth,scientists are searching for an alternate renewable energy source. One of the sources that hasbeen under the radar is algae. The by-products produce via trans-esterification from algaeused as alternate fuel instead of fossil fuel. With minimal nutrient inputs, it can be grown insalt and waste water, thus leaving clean water to drink. It is also carbon neutral, which meansit absorbs as much carbon dioxide as it produces. We try to justify the various algae asenormous and potential renewable energy sourceKeywords: Reduction of CO2 by algae, species of algae, Trans-esterification, production ofbio-fuel CHP027-Analysis of Honey 1Maheta Axita M. and 2Joshi Pooja, D. 1Shri M.P.Patel B.Ed. & Science College (Jodhpar – Nadi) 2Saurashtara University Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] is to analyze the available honey for presence of different minerals and carbohydrates.Honey, thick, sweet, super saturated sugar solution manufactured by bees to feed their larvaeand for the subsistence during winter. Bee honey is composed of fructose, glucose and water,in varying proportions. It also contains several enzymes and oils. The color & flavor dependson the age of the honey and the sources of the nectar .It colored honeys are usually of higherquality than dark coloured honeys. Other high grade honeys are made by bees from orangeblossoms, clover and Alfalfa. A well-known, poorer grade honey is produced from 29

buckwheat. Honey has a fuel value of about 3307 cal/kg [1520 cal/ lbs]. It readily picks upmoisture from the air and is consequently used as a moistioning agent for Tobacco and inbaking. Glucose crystallizes out of honey on standing at room temperature, leaving onuncrystallized layer of dissolved fructose. Honey to be marketed is usually heated by aspecial process to about 66oC [150.01 F] to dissolve the crystals and is sealed to preventcrystallization. The fructose in crystallized honey ferments readily at about 160C.Keywords: Minerals, Carbohydrates, Bee, Color, Flavor, Glucose CHP028-Antimicrobial and Antitubercular Efficiency of Benzimidazole Analogues Accompanied with Azetidinone Kanani Monika and Zala Hardipsinh B.V. Shah (Vadi-Vihar) Science College, Chemistry Department, C U Shah University, Wadhwan City, Gujarat Email: [email protected], [email protected] efficient synthesis of novel benzimidazol analogues accompanied with azetidin-2 –onehas been established. Thus, 3-chloro-1-5–{5-[2–methy1-1H-benzimidazol-1-y1)methy1]-1,3,4-Thiadiazol-2–y]}-4–(Substituted)phenylazetidin-2–ones (6) has been synthesized ingood yield via cyclo condensation of 5-[2-methy1-1H– benzimidazol–1– yl)methy1]–N–(substitute) phenyl methylidene]–1,3,4–thiadiazole– 2–amine (5) and chloroacety1 choride inthe presence of triethyl amine as catalyst. All the synthesized compounds were evaluated fortheir antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus Aureus (gram positive), StreptococcusPyogenes (gram negative) using broth microdilution method using ciprofloxacin as a controldrug and antitubercular activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RV using Microplatealamar blue assay (MABA) MIC method. Further, all compounds were examined for theircyclotoxic study on VERO cell line and structures of the synthesized compounds have beenelucidated on the basis of their elemental analysis and spectral data. It was observed thatsome derivatives possess excellent antibacterial and antitubercular activities with lowcytotoxicity.Keywords: benzimidazol, Thiadiazol, Azetidin-2–one, Antimicrobial activity, Antitubercularactivity 30

CHP029-Nanotechnology 1Chavda Prakash Bhagvanjibhai and 2Gadhiya Parash Sureshbhai 1Shri M.P.Patel B.Ed. & Science College (Jodhpar – Nadi) Saurashtara University Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] is an interesting branch of science which deals with atoms at the nano level.fascinating works has been done in field of engineering at the molecular or atomic scale. Thispaper intoduces the various methods of producing nanoparticles and the applications ofnanotechnology.Keywords: Science, Atoms, Engineering, Molecular, Applications CHP030-Diversity Oriented One-Pot Synthesis of Some Novel 1,4- dihydropyridines Derivatives 1Pratik K. Talpara, 2Gaurang G. Dubal, 1Janak J. Surani, 1Pankaj M. Singala and 1Viresh H. Shah 1Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot - 360005, India 2School of Science, R. K. University, Rajkot – 360020, India Email address: [email protected], [email protected] synthesis of a novel dihydropyridine, bearing carboxymethyl groups at C(3) and pharmacophore at C(5), respectively, has been achieved byapplying three component Hantzsch-type condensation. The products were assayed for theirin vitro biological assay antibacterial activity against with two Gram-positive bacteriaStaphylococcus aureus MTCC-96, Streptococcus pyogenes MTCC 443, two Gram-negativebacteria Escherichia coli MTCC 442, Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 441 and three fungalstrains Candida albicans MTCC 227, Aspergillus Niger MTCC 282, Aspergillus clavatusMTCC 1323 taking ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, nystatin, andgriseofulvin as standard drugs.Keywords: 1,4-Dihydropyridine, Hantzsch synthesis, antimicrobial activity 31

CHP031-Host-Guest Chemistry of Zeolite-Y Encapsulated Oxovanadium(II) Complex: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Behaviour on Cyclopentanone Oxidation 1Pinal Jasani, 1Pinal Butani, 1Ravikumar Padaliya, 1Digvijaysinh Parmar and 2Jignasu P Mehta 1Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2Department of Chemistry, MK Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] encapsulated [VO(L)]-Y complex has been synthesized by Flexible Ligandmethod. Elemental analysis, ICP-OES, BET, FT-IR, UV-Vis, TGA, SEM, and XRD confirmthe encapsulation and well-distribution of metal complex inside cavities of the host. [VO(L)]-Y complex has been tested as heterogeneous catalyst in the Baeyer-Villiger (B-V) oxidationof cyclopentanone. The reaction parameters viz., effect of solvents, catalysts amount, themole ratio of substrate to oxidant, temperature and reaction time on substrate conversion werealso tested. The probable mechanism for the cyclopentanone oxidation has been proposedwith the help of in-situ IR spectroscopy. Moreover, in four consecutive reaction cycles, thecatalyst activity was remained intact.Keywords: Zeolite-Y; Heterogeneous catalyst; Oxovanadium(II) complex; Baeyer-Villigeroxidation CHP032-New Method for Solar Desalination using Metal Sulphides Sojitra Princy and Hardik Bhatt Department of Chemistry, School of Science, R.K University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] quality of water influenced has been due to over utilization of groundwater, poorrecharge, uncertainty of monsoon, poor aquifer conditions, absence of proper monitoring andmanagement. As water is one of the principal elements, which influences economic,industrial and agricultural growth of mankind an effective, convenient and inexpensivemethod for the purification of water has been investigated. A solar desalination plant wasfabricated to utilize solar energy to obtain distilled water. The effect of metal oxides asphotocatalyst, on the rate of production of distilled water and its quality was made and it was 32

found that the rate of production of desalinated water increased to a remarkable extent. Acomparative study of different parameters like pH, conductivity, concentration anions andcations, etc. was made between raw water and desalinated water under these condition.Keywords: Solar desalination, photocatalyst, desalinated water, solar energy, solar still CHP033-Synthesis & Biological Activity of Benzimidazole Purvi Kakadiya, Komal Vekariya and Sai Pranathi PatimallaDepartment of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] is one of the most studied and researched molecules owing to its wide rangeof pharmacokinetic, phamacodynamic properties and an excellent range of therapeutic uses.Benzimidazole is a very bio active compound which is also an integral part of vitamin B12, amarine alkaloid. - Kaeliiquinone and Benzimidazole neucleosides. Many of its derivativeshave shown and are marketed as antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, and antipsychoticdrugs. A few other derivatives have also been found to possess anticancer and antitubercularactivities. Apart from the wide spectrum of therapeutic activities and effective druggabilitythese compounds can be synthesized with a great ease which generally involves thecondensation of O-phenylenediamine or its derivatives with a carboxylic acid or an aldehyde. CHP034- Hydrogen Fuel Muchhal Deva, Shudra Yagnesh and Sai Pranathi Patimalla Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] renewable clean source of energy as an alternative is the need of the how owing to theenergy crisis and its awareness rising too quickly. Hydrogen can be a potential candidate as itis an energy carrier which has the potential to transfer fossil fuel based society to ahydrogen based society. One of the major advantages of it being that it is an emission freefuel with the only possible emission being water vapour. Hydrogen fuel can be used ininternal combustion energy instead of gasoline where hydrogen combusts with oxygen toproduce expanding hot gasses which move the physical parts of the engine; Apart from this apolymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell can also be used as if produces electrical current by 33

splitting hydrogen into hydrogen ions and electrons. The only possible problems withhydrogen as a fuel might be production and storage owing to the no availability of freeatmosphere hydrogen its low density, optimization of the production and storage of hydrogenare issues of intense research, if solved could change the fossil fuel based energy to hydrogenbased ones. CHP035-Synthesis and Characterization of Molybdenum(VI) Complexes Anchored on Merrifield Resin Gunjan Haribhai Butani and Jeena Jyoti Boruah Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Bhavnagar Highway, Rajkot- 360020, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] has been a continuous upsurge in the development of greener catalytic processes,which are also economically viable. Immobilization of an active catalyst on an insolublesupport is a useful approach because this enhances the thermal stability, selectivity,recyclability, and easy separation of the expensive catalyst from the reaction products. Manyeffective and recyclable heterogeneous catalysts have been studied for liquid-phaseoxidations. Merrifield resin is a promising candidate in the development of greenerheterogeneous catalyst. In the present work, we have synthesized and characterized a pair of newheterogeneous catalysts of the type, [MoO2(O2)(L)2]2-—MR, [L = valine (MRVMo) oralanine (MRAMo) and MR = Merrifield resin] obtained by immobilizing molybdenum(VI)species on amino acid functionalized Merrifield resin. The catalysts were characterized byelemental analysis, spectral studies and thermal analysis.Keywords: Merrifield resin, heterogeneous complex, molybdenum(VI) complex CHP036-Activities of Abrus Precatorius Seeds Rahul Parmar, Hemal Zalavadiya and Jayesh Dhalani Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] 34

Abrus precatorius, commonly known as Indian liquorices is a herbal plant which belongs tothe family Fabaceae. This plant species has been found to have a wide variety of biochemicalactivities. Seeds of Abrus precatorius have medicinal properties. The plant has been found toexhibit diverse pharmacological activities like antibacterial activity, Agglutinin activity, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-oxidant, Anti-diarrheal activity, Anti-fertility activity,Anti-arthritic activity, Anti-cancer activity, Anti-diabetic activity, Nephrotroteactive activity,Immunostimulatory activity, Uterine stimulant activity, Anti-yeast activity, Hemagglutininactivity, Anthelminitic activity, Teratogenic activity, Smooth muscle stimulant activity,Mitogenic activity and Antispasmodic activity. The plant also has traditional value and usefulin treatment of eye diseases, skin diseases and wounds. The present review will pave the wayto the researchers for the further exploration of bio-active compounds from Abrus precatoriusseeds. CHP037-Phyto-Chemical Analysis of Abrus Precatorius Seeds Ravindra Sinaroja, Raj Rajpara, Anandi Marvania, Kajal Pansuriya, Chandani Acharya, Aarti Visrolia and Jayesh Dhalani Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] present study was carried out to determine the phyto-chemical constituents andphysicochemical parameters of Abrus precatorius seeds. Earlier studies have shown thatmany plant seeds have bio activities. In our study, different types of extracts were preparedlike petroleum ether, methanol, and water. Extracts were prepared using cold extractionmethod. The seed extracts were extensively studied through different qualitative tests likeLiebermann burchard test, salkowaski test, fluorescence test, with lead acetate, Fehling test,killer kilani test, bronstenger’s test, FeCl3 test. The extractive value of petroleum ether,methanol and water extracts were done. The result indicated the presence of compounds likesteroids, terpenoids, tannins, glycosides, carbohydrate, anthraquinone, Phenolics in the seedextracts of A. precatorius. The extractive value of water, methanol and petroleum werefound to be 27.2%, 12% and 3.92% respectively. Phytochemical study of this plant is stillmissing which draws the attention of researchers towards potential bio-active compound fromthis medicine plant. 35

CHP038-Supported Molybdenum(VI) Complexes: An Efficient Heterogeneous Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of Organic Sulfides Ekta Nareshbhai Rank and Jeena Jyoti Boruah Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Bhavnagar Highway, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] contemporary interest in the selective oxidation of sulfur containing compounds has beenfuelled by the utility of sulfoxides as fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and as valuableintermediates for the construction of chemically and biologically active molecules. We havedeveloped a pair of supported molybdenum(VI) complexes viz MRAMo and MRVMo. Thecompounds show clean conversion of a variety of organic sulfides to the correspondingsulfoxide or sulfone, using H2O2 as oxidant. The optimum reaction conditions could beachieved by a versatile variation of reaction conditions, at ambient temperature. Thedeveloped protocol is high-yielding, environmentally safe and operationally simple.Keywords: Catalysis, supported molybdenum(VI) complex, sulfide oxidation CHP039-Hypervalent Iodine (III) Reagents in Chiral Synthesis Rozakumari Umapati, D. Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] iodine compounds have been found as efficient reagents in organic synthesis.These are good oxidants and tolerate a wide range of functional groups. In addition tooxidations, electrophilic properties of these reagents are used for functionalization. Here, inmy presentation I would like to discuss about the importance of hypervalent Iodine (III)reagents of type-1 in chiral synthesis.Keywords: Hypervalent Iodine(III) reagents, Chiral synthesis CHP040-Selective Oxidation of Sulfides with Supported Tungsten(VI) Complex Sonar Vaibhavi and Siva Prasad Das Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 36

Email: [email protected], [email protected] the present work, we have synthesized an insoluble polymer supported tungsten(VI)complex PANW. The complex was synthesized by reacting tungstic acid with the support inpresence of H2O2. Elemental analysis, thermal analysis and spectral studies were conductedto characterize the complex. The PANW shows efficient catalytic activity towards oxidationof a variety of sulfides to the corresponding sulfoxide or sulfone. The protocol is clean andthe reactions proceed under mild conditions. The catalyst can be reuse at least up to sevencatalytic cycles with consistent activity.Keywords: Sulfoxidation, catalysis, tungsten(VI) CHP041-Application of Experimental Design for Multivariate Optimization of the Experimental Conditions of RP-HPLC Method Swati Jolapara, Ajay Patel, Ashok Patel and Jayant Chavda B. K. Mody Government Pharmacy College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] of experiment is modern and systematic approach for product development andquality of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical quality can be assured by understanding as wellas controlling formulation and manufacturing variables through such structured context.Now-a-days the concept of DoE can be extended to analytical techniques. In this concept ofDesign of experiment is a powerful and underutilized development tool for methodcharacterization and method validation. Analytical professionals need to be comfortableusing it to characterize and optimize the analytical method. If used properly and duringdevelopment, DOE will provide significant improvements in precision and a reduction in biaserrors. It will further help to avoid costly and time consuming validation studies asconcentrations are modified in formulations and dosing schemes are changed for drugproduct and drug substance. Moreover, it also meets FDA requirements for pharmaceuticalquality management system. The outcomes of organized analytical process development andvalidation are understandings of critical quality attributes, risk assessment and outliningdesign space. 37

CHP042-A Review: Instability in Paediatric Dry Syrup of Antibiotics Vidhi Dadhaniya, Nilesh Patel, Ashok Patel and Jayant Chavda B.K. Mody Government Pharmacy College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] Suspension of antibiotics are mainly available as dry powders for reconstitution. Most ofreconstituted antibiotic suspension is to be kept refrigerated in order to get the optimaltherapeutic action from the drug. However many patients do not keep to it to specifiedstorage conditions for many reasons. Like no refrigeration and irregular power supply thatmay result in various degree of degradation of reconstituted antibiotics. Pharmacists aretherefore challenged how to counsel patients when there is no refrigeration or erratic powersupply. Inappropriate use of antibiotics leads to economically and clinically preventablenegative consequences including unnecessary adverse effects, increase mortality andmorbidity from treatment failure, wasting healthcare resources, and increase the emergencyof bacterial resistance. Improper storage condition leads to physical instability, chemicalinstability, reduction in potency, or it may also leads to serious adverse effect on the patient’shealth. Therefore storage conditions for reconstituted liquids must not be taken lightly.Present review will discuss instability problems associated with dry syrup of antibiotic and itsfeasible remedial measure. Like proper storage condition, use of stabilizer, differentpackaging material. CHP043-Kinetics and Thermal Stability Study of 1, 1’-Bis(3-Methyl-4- Hydroxyphenyl) Cyclohexane Vidhi Limbani, Bhagyashree Godhasara, Foram Jani and Bhavin. B. Dhaduk Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected],1’-bis(3-methyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)cyclohexane (MEBC) was synthesized by acid-catalysedcondensation. The structure of compound was supported by 1H NMR and single crystal XRD.Thermal stability study of compound have been investigated using TG and DSC techniquesunder N2 at the heating rate of 10 ºC min-1. Thermal stability and kinetic parameters weredetermined according to Anderson - Freeman method and discussed.Keywords: Kinetic parameters; Bisphenol-C; Thermal decomposition; TG; DSC 38

CHP044-Design and Synthesis of New Pyrimidine Derivatives for Medicinal Interests Sadiya, Y., Kalavadiya, V and Pandya, M. Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] derivatives have been reported to possess various biological activities such asantioxidant, anti-tubercular, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial activities. It is a basic moiety ofmany heterocyclic systems. Nitrogen containing heterocyclic derivatives synthesized fromchalcones have exhibited anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-tubercular, anti-inflammatory andantibacterial activities. An attempt has been made to synthesize chalcones by the reaction of2-acetyl 3-methyl pyridine with various aromatic and heteroaromatic aldehydes. Further,chalcones (PDA-C-1 to 5) derivatives were cyclized to amino pyrimidine analogs by usingguanidine hydrochloride, ammonium acetate and potassium hydroxide. The newlysynthesized pyrimidine derivatives have been characterized by IR, 1H NMR, Mass spectraand evaluated for their antibacterial activity.Keywords: Chalcones, amino-pyrimidine, guanidine hydrochloride, antibacterial activity CHP045-Synthesis and Microbial Evaluation of Terminal Amino bearing 4-(6-Substituted-[1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazol-3-yl)benzenamine Derivatives 1Chirag Rathod, 2Ranjan Khunt and 1Khushal Kapadiya 1Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2Chemical Research Laboratory (CRL), Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] acid catalyzed reaction for an effective preparation of 4-(6-Substituted-[1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazol-3-yl)benzenamine derivatives have been described. Single step reaction of4-amino-5-(4-aminophenyl)-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol and various aromatic acid, which wascatalysed by con. H2SO4 gives corresponding triazolo-thiadiazol derivatives. Newlysynthesized compounds were characterized by different spectral techniques such as IR, PMR,CMR and Mass spectrometry. All the synthesized compounds were endangered to Invitro 39

antimicrobial screening against a panel of pathogenic strains of bacteria to appraise theirpotency. Some of the compounds were found to be equipotent or extra potent than marketableantibiotics against some active strains. R S NN NN C NH2Terminal Amino GroupKeywords: [1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole, Cyclization, Microbial activityCHP046-Determination of Kinetics Studies and Thermal Decomposition of Some Bisphenol-C Derivatives as Potent Microbial Agent 1Bhavin. B. Dhaduk, 1Gaurang Dubal and 2Parsotam H. Parsania 1Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India 2Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] study of some microbial potent bisphenol-C derivatives have been investigatedusing TG and DSC techniques under nitrogen atmosphere at the heating rate of 10 ºC min-1.The nature and position of the substituents affect DSC transition, thermal stability and kineticparameters. Melting transitions (61-194 oC) and heat of fusion (57-86 kJ mol-1) of thecompounds have been determined from DSC curves. Bisphenol-C derivatives are thermallystable up to about 270-325 oC and followed either integral or fractional order degradationkinetics due to structural dissimilarity. Different magnitudes of n, Ea and A suggesteddifferent degradation mechanisms. A large and negative magnitudes of ∆S* confirmed highlyordered transition state, while a large and positive magnitudes of ∆S* confirmed less orderedtransition state. 40

Keywords: Kinetic parameters; Bisphenol-C; Thermal decomposition; TG; DSC CHP047-Jatropha Curcas L.: A Source for Biofuel Production Vidur Bakutra and Digvijaysinh Parmar Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] environmental outlook, biodiesel has become more attractive as it is found fromrenewable resources. There is an increasing attention of Jatropha curcas L. oil as thefeedstock for production of biodiesel. Jatropha curcas L. is non-edible and therefore does notcompromise the edible oils, which are mainly used for food consumption. The biodieselproduced from Jatropha curcas L. seed has a high content of oil and emit lesser pollutantsthan that of petroleum-based diesel.In this work, we have presented the techniques used to generate biodiesel from Jatrophacurcas oil and factors affecting the biodiesel yield, i.e. molar ratio of alcohol to oil, catalystamount, reaction temperature and reaction time. CHP048-Synthesis, Characterization and Application of New Polymer Bound Molybdenum(VI) Complexes Jeena Jyoti Boruah Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] has been a continuous upsurge in interest in metal containing polymeric materials dueto their tremendous potential in diverse fields including catalysis, drug delivery systems and ahost of other biomedical applications. Despite the enormous progress in the field of metalcontaining polymers, very little information is available dealing with synthesis or use ofmolybdenum(VI) compounds anchored to organic polymers in catalysis, or their effect oninhibition and activation of enzyme function.The present work deals with the synthesis and characterization of molybdenum(VI)complexes supported on organic polymers. The compounds can be easily synthesized andcharacterized by elemental analysis, spectral and physico-chemical methods. The biological 41

activity of the compounds was studied towards the action of alkaline phosphatase. Thecompounds successfully inhibit the action of alkaline phosphatase.Keywords: Molybdenum(VI) complex, polymer bound, biological activity CHP049-Recent warning letter issued by US-FDA Sonal Akhiyaniya, Ashok Patel and Jayant Chavda B. K. Mody Government Pharmacy College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] warning letter typically a warning letter notifies a responsible individual or a firm thatthe Agency considers one or more products, practices, processes, or other activities to be inviolation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, its implementing regulations andother federal statutes. General FDA warning letters, Tobacco Retail warning letters, DrugMarketing and Advertising warning letter and Close out letter program. There are mainly fourtypes of warning letters. Here some warning letters given by US-FDA 1) Health-ChemDiagnostic, LLC for One-Step Test for Zika Virus Antibody and One-Step Test for ZikaVirus IgG/IgM Antibody tests are adulterated under section 501(f) (1) (B) of the Act. 2) ArcoGlobus Trading LLC for One-Step Test for Zika Virus Antibody and One-Step Test for ZikaVirus IgG/IgM Antibody tests are adulterated under section 501(f) (1) (B) of the Act. 2) ArcoGlobus Trading LLC for marketing and distribution of unapproved new drug. 3) NovaDistributors, LLC for several disposable cigarette filter products are adulterated under section902(8) of the FD&C Act because they are modified risk tobacco products sold or distributedwithout an FDA order in effect that permits such sale or distribution. 4) Vita Pure Inc forCurrent Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, orHolding Operations for Dietary Supplements. CHP050-Chemometrics in Pharmaceutical Analysis: An Introduction, Review, and Future Perspectives Grishma Nathwani, Amit Vyas, Ashok Patel and Jayant Chavda B.K. Modi Government Pharmacy College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] 42

Chemometrics is the application of statistical and mathematical methods to analytical data topermit maximum collection and extraction of useful information. The utility of chemometrictechniques as tools enabling multidimensional calibration of selected spectroscopic,electrochemical, and chromatographic methods is demonstrated. Application of this approachmainly for interpretation of UV-Vis and near-IR (NIR) spectra, as well as for data obtainedby other instrumental methods, makes identification and quantitative analysis of activesubstances in complex mixtures possible, especially in the analysis of pharmaceuticalpreparations present in the market. Such analytical work is carried out by the use of advancedchemical instruments and data processing, which has led to a need for advanced methods todesign experiments, calibrate instruments, and analyze the resulting data. The purpose of thisreview is to describe various chemometric methods in combination with UV-Visspectrophotometry, NIR spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and chromatographicseparation for the analysis of drugs in pharmaceutical preparations. This review willconcentrate on gaining an understanding of how chemometrics can be useful in the modernanalytical laboratory. CHP051-Synthetic Variants of New Dihydro Benzo Azepine with Substituted Piperazine Derivatives for Therapeutic Interest Jayant Hirani and Mayank Pandya School of science, RK University, Kasturbadham, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] nucleus has been widely discovered for their tender in the area of therapeutic,agriculture and industrial field. Azepine have substantial consideration as they seemed topossess antimicrobial, antifungal, antihypertensive and antidiabetic activities. We haveengaged synthesis of 3-(3-(4-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)piperazin-1-yl)propyl)-7,8-dimethoxy-4,5-dihydro-1H-benzo[d]azepin-2(3H)-one via chloro amine coupling reaction using pottasiumcarbonate base and acetonitrile as a asolvent. Our outcome of this development by synthetictherapeutic chemistry to improve drugs of new generation. The structural elucidation ofsynthesized molecules has been made by spectral evaluation, such as Mass, IR and 1H NMRspectroscopy.Keywords: Azepine, therapeutic, chloro-amine coupling, spectroscopy, potassium carbonate 43

CHP052-Chalcones Janki Kalariya, Rakshita Faldu and Neha Bhalara Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkt, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] series of chalcones have been synthesized by Crossed-Aldol condensation of acetophenoneand substituted aromatic aldehyde. The purities of these chalcones have been check by theirphysical constant, TLC and mass spectra. The antimicrobial activities of these chalcones havebeen evaluated using Agar well diffusion method.Keywords: chalcone, Crossed-Aldol condensation, TLC, Mass spectra, Antimicrobialactivities CHP053-Magnetically Separable Fe3O4-Supported Ruthenium Nanoparticles for the Epoxidation of Olefins Bhargav Deshani, Premsai Santosh Maddali, S.V. and Digvijaysinh Parmar Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] of olefins using aqueous hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant over Fe3O4-supportedRuthenium nanoparticles (Ru-Fe3O4) was investigated. Ru-Fe3O4 showed excellentconversion and selectivity toward olefins. Ru-Fe3O4 nanoparticles could be recycled andreused without significant loss of catalytic activity in this transformation. Additionally, thecatalytic route of olefin epoxidation by Ru-Fe3O4 has been proposed.Keywords: Olefins epoxidation; Ru-Fe3O4; Hydrogen peroxide CHP054-Synthesis and Characterization of Schiff's Bases Janki Chhatrala, Twinshi Dadhaniya, Milap Borisagar and Neha Bhalara Department of Chemistry, School of science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] A Schiff’s bases have been synthesized from salicyladehyde and 4-fluro benzaldehyde.Schiff’s bases (azomethine) are the chemical derivatives having a carbon attach with nitrogendouble bond in which nitrogen atom linked with aryl as well as alkyl group without 44

hydrogen. All the propose derivatives were characterized by mass spectrometric, 1H NMR and IR spectroscopy. In general, Schiff bases are represented by the general formula RCH=NR’ where >C=N is the azomethine group. Where R and R’, may be an alkyl or an aryl group. These Schiff bases are reported to have pharmaceutical importance; they show analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic activity, antifungal and antibacterial activity. Keywords: Schiff bases, azomethine, aryl group, alkyl group CHP055-An Expedient Synthesis of Azomethine Derivatives of Triazole Rajan Raval, Naimish Ramani, Hetal Parekh and Chirag RathodBio-research and Characterization Center (BRCC), School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT A series of Azomethine 2a-e containing Triazoles nucleus and its derivatives have been synthesized. The Azomethine 2a-e was prepared by the condensation of N- aminotriazole with various aldehydes in acidic condition and alcohol as a solvent. The structures of the 1 newly synthesized compounds were characterized on the basis of H-NMR, Mass, IR and elemental analysis data. CHP056-Estimation of Thiomalic Acid by a Newer Photochemical Method Using Sodium Nitroprusside Aman Kumar and Hardik Bhatt Department of Chemistry, School of Science, RK University, Rajkot, Gujarat Email: [email protected], [email protected] 45

ABSTRACTA newer fast, convenient and inexpensive quantitative method for the determination ofThiomalic acid using photochemical exchange reaction of sodium nitroprusside has beeninvestigated. Sodium nitroprusside is a photolabile complex and it undergoes photochemicalligand exchange reactions rapidly. Some recent efforts have been made to utilise suchreactions for the estimation of some sulphur containing anions and electron rich organicmolecules. The progress of the reaction is observed spectrophotometrically. The effects ofdifferent parameters like pH, change of concentration of sodium nitroprusside, concentrationof ligands, light intensity etc. on percentage error was investigated. The efforts were made tominimise the percentage error and some optimum conditions were obtained. Such reactioncan be used for the determination of Thiomalic acid in the range of millimoles to micromoles,hence it is important to know whether such estimations can be done successfully and that towith the desired accuracy.Keywords: photochemical exchange reaction, sodium nitroprusside, quantitative, Thiomalicacid, percentage error CHP057-Structural Analysis of the Industrial Grade Feldspar 1Rajiv P. Shah and 2Kamlesh G Rawal 1Government Science College, Valod (Dist- Tapi) 2Narmada College of Science and Commerce, Bharuch, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] analysis of industrial grade feldspar is studied in present investigation. Feldspar isaluminoslicates which contains various amounts of potassium aluminum and silicates..Feldspar is subjected to structural studies. EDAX is carried out to know the presence andweight percentage of the elements. According to this test, it is confirmed that unwantedelements are absent in the sample. Functional groups are identified by using FourierTransform Infrared (FTIR) analysis. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was carriedout to know the internal structure of the feldspar. The structure of the feldspar was furtherstudied by the powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. The structure of the feldsparpossesses confirmed by XRD analysis Furthermore, after completed the EDAX , FT-IR ,XRD and SEM test, detailed analysis of the sample were done with help of varioustechniques and software. And structural facts were obtained of this industrial grade feldspar 46

materials which are largely utilize in ceramic tiles industries as a flux. Above allcharacterization is discussed in detailed in this paper.Keywords: Feldspar, EDAX, FT-IR, SEM, XRD 47


LS001-Status of Tree diversity of Mandvi Town of Mandvi Tehsil of Kachchh District, Gujarat State, India 1Malsatar Alpesh P. and 2P.K. Mehta1School of Science, Department of Environmental Science, Gujarat University, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India 2Government Science College, Mandvi, Kachchh, Gujarat, India Email: [email protected] studies help us to assess the plant wealth and its potentiality of any given area.Floristic studies also help us to understand the basic aspects of biology such as speciation,isolation, endemism and evolution. Flora of any area is not fixed up and it changes from timeto time. Various ecological factors, mostly biotic, change the floristic components. The totalnumber of species may be changed; dominant species may be replaced with other species; thefloristic composition, i.e., family: genus: species ratio may be changed. The present studydeal with enumeration of tree species belonging to Angiospermic plants which grows in thearea of Mandvi town of Mandvi tehsil, Gujarat state, India. Tree species play an importantrole in urban ecosystem. Urban area and developing city need proper plantation in largenumber of Tree species. In this research work Tree species has been listed in systematicallyincluding indigenous, cultivated and naturalized plants. The study area show Tree diversitycomprise of 35 genera and 46 species belonging to 23 Angiospermic families. The presentstudy provides the status of Floristic details of selected study area. LS002-Challenges in the Management of Invasive Exotic Organisms in India1Kamaladhasan N, 1Soundararajan N, 1Indhar Saidanyan R, 1Mohan Raj R, 1Nobin Raja M, 2Saravanan S, 3Sugato Dutt and 1S. Chandrasekaran1Department of Plant Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai - 625 021, Tamil Nadu, India 2Department of Botany (DDE), Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India 3Tamil Nadu State Land Use Research Board, State Planning Commission, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Email: [email protected], [email protected] 49

Invasive species possess serious menace to ecosystem and economy in the introducedregions. Moreover all countries now encounter the problems of biological invasions anddevising effective strategies and control measures for curtailing the new invasion episodesand for mitigating the negative impacts posed by these exotic invaders. Understanding thebehavior of exotic species, their invasive potential, ecological and economic impacts are thepoints usually pondered when planning for any effective control measures and legal lawsglobally. In India, Invasive Alien species (IAS) has havocked serious impacts which haveeven significant in threatening the livelihood of many local people. Though we are facingnew invasive episodes day by day, still least awareness about invasive species, theirmanagement and actions plans are in naïve condition in Indian scenario. Our case study aboutAchatina fulica and Pterygoplichthys pardalis is evidence that how these species are tackledunscientifically by the local people and their dilemma in approaching the right officials forreporting regarding these problems. The lack of laws and regulations, non-availability ofclear cut methods in managing IAS and lack of public awareness about invasive species areapparently visible in Indian context. Our case study reveals also about the gap between thepublic, scientific community and government organization in addressing the management ofinvasive species. Herewith we also propose few policy level changes which can affiliatepublic/ victims, scientific communities and government organizations in managing theseinvasive species.Keywords: Achatina fulica, control measures, Invasive Alien species, Pterygoplichthyspardalis, sucker mouth cat fish. LS003-Studies on the Foraging Shift of Bees and Their Negative Consequences at Urban Ecosystems of Tamil Nadu, South India 1Saravanan, S., 2Kamaladhasan, N., 1Jothi Basu, M and 2Chandrasekaran, S. 1Department of Botany (DDE), Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630 003, Tamil Nadu, India 2Department of Plant Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai – 625 021, Tamil Nadu, India Email: [email protected] are indispensable pollinators being highly responsible for agricultural productivity andecosystem sustainability. They are found to be declining across the world due to various 50

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