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Home Explore Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Published by Zakobe Knutson, 2022-03-03 17:42:37

Description: Dog Man by Dav Pilkey


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Pe/iY Föll- it Led pu¡eòi The ff^n to the Sch°ot- rrOu'iL oF Then t m Recess ß eil Pfrng- O ÍC Ñ órT oaf] to C,ëT ThoSf 8 oO \\<íU i m

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ÿîÎFE-BKSjg Tke siAjiny 5 e t Ç rfitL c k-et

Th-e Sw ing S e t Sm cuc^er

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The sees& w Sw oosh ed

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So PeTeÿ'o^fj / ••■ Doc, ñ á h C. OsPTUFsd. RVl/ßTStd Thei >S word'B-Qon^ 2o0O ^ -A i/ And SOQW The books on earT/i H ( ? o P ¿ ^ F Q f^ D o e , ( y ío jM í IS(o

s co \\je re à \\Aih o P o o & d //) t h e ch/’e F 's O F F í c e - - /h v 2

t+ie ■FÄibhKS' O/iA/o^ke/i M<b¡L de- L'vßiry Ti me i f l u f f y J T/Tft. you & c a n d y Letfe r o d i '— T^THfÍMnte

■Hey, P e T e / J At Lastm You QoT Sornif- hVia, Too I lb I


Hb TKere - dnd /7)aKe t+ Sn &Pp Y Ul m

You?'!? \\AJo,nn<L Be -FIrlands wHh Aie?»/? lb(o

U vih g Spray* BtíngS Siuf^ r° ¿í-fe Q sf* + y •’* on

/v\\eounwh?Le y\\VyÇtVinrAo/m\\BAaALcuAknvc^hy\\Uy:W:.

STOP ff, DOÇj M&ni Sirop ih m !b°i

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^1 i lA/eicofine . . iX ^ r ^ T T x r r r r - V l . C K 'e F l J g ,l U—.------ .------ L!

\\why do y ou <X,l\\N(kiyS d o K\\— S . TW You Ju s t StKW ■X Hop6 y oit m e , L t K e , T h irl} weret)-t ¿y?n, WfìuTeS a,g ojii oh m y n e w co u ch iilLLL +imm/r7 c o o l

There's co \\tla,rm spot oh r*y N e w COUChJU, How Ai<wiy T ’mes Have 1 dT o l you t o stay oFfa, m y new couch ?i i? /75

H e Y H ÍÍ Dog fAdn ran OUT o f t h e PoLTce STfrT l°ft buT wliy ? WWWW' X_ /7fc

Haw Haw -Ha U/Ï] wHh Th?s Tfltrj C>o$ \\MhJsTLe aunâ this /mejcLphone' X can round up cull th e 4o js 7n J a[A//) Soon; every Doß '¡nro^/n c<xne I running. 17 7

6 '*3 D o g S ... ... M+fZe Tfie PooáL? -Fr0 the pet Even t>oq M an Wcus not Tmnicifte f

Çet a,Lc>n9; Tha,tï fig h t- l î ï f i e do39îes Soon; -every T n cU JT n a t>o$ ia/Mi ke Do 7 n my TrfrpJ & fï\\ea^nu/hVe Sîupicj caJ-jii b a c k euh £'LL Shio\\Aj hî/Ttl1! Cojt Jaw ¿.,* n<\\

! A l l of -tine hoT dofjs ouire Cooked

Come To L *Ç ey my B ro rh e r s our\\d ÇîsTeirsll1

The w e e n i e s F^LLoweä T h eir ev*¿ Leader out- £>p Cat Ja .* L . . - ... ¿t/M */jto Town. ALrîqhT, w e e n Tes, T'/7)e To TdoK-e over] Arvd £oy the WeertTç ✓ W0>r had begu/). /<93

we in te rru p t x7n Sfrrcbh T M s comic -for haJ-off w7fA brecLkfnj? hswsj, our Top sto ry» P eîey, The Wor/^j Thai's prjoST ev/¿esf caT T K e y re ¿LLL Loc KaS ca.f>Ture4 -a--,[-[--d-o-g--s--1i cnT^+yeJ.'i Inside This coLC \\a/Ka.T do you p/Æ/) j o do w*f/i rK e m ? wa+chcündYy Ledm, S*sterjJ^£^. IÔH

s o oosney No U/ay; T h Poq Man noh-uhi D<y mcbn Js f/| fke

It Wa.s True; DoQ ..■Cund coll hi$ M<w> Wits TR^PPed <;Trenfth didn't help. oH.noJU DoG \\tiWy ia/AS X (Dear* To h im ??A /Aa>n is cfoomedl chief There^ There Doc, N\\&r\\ \\mJLL Sosj^ the dayj Ch*<?F. YouLL S e e ljt t T f c ISb

m ea n M le, tke It Looked Like f e e r i e , wfor Tke Gnd w a s tcbgecl on... necbt... -HeyJ T^at one ftacte & LïiïLz cam IÔ7

tiG-V, ThoSe WhaA we n»?e4 gi>ys#aren't fs s o m e afröud of uS M usc L&HI out ( h L L i /<3<9

TKat^ \"PAilLy/'our Who aske^t cheeSes tea*k you ?iif WascoiJ \\£>°l

V/V'^A tAîs gyro mar) under My COft-firoL.» HAW H** cheese■ ' --------f 5Tecu^ HO

DoG, /VI(Lt) T r ie d To S+op The crushing Pom ty A ngies! o 00 b u+ hts kum cu/) S + r e n g fA wolS S '^ /'n g o u T . i« •i Oh, The . | HOW could things c o in in '+ylLlJ. 9 any worse?

TeLL Prepare to Surrende^ because the weenîeS cure ToX’ng over ILlli {a i t a c k m

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