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Home Explore Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Published by Zakobe Knutson, 2022-03-03 17:42:37

Description: Dog Man by Dav Pilkey


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For he's co JoLLy good doggy/

WeLi, bog M an , 1 puî Kçr x. guess ^ w a s ThereiM^y \\Mrong a,loovT y°^> *V ~7 ^ |0^eF|_ JPl 11i ^ J^ * l ^ <?>/ ^ / y V ^ ^ UwSw,i Ot-w Lib

one c/ay, t h i s li otsppeneâ. »♦ 4ô

BAD Doççy/ BAD.' BAD/M»! Pap dog mani í^ r \\f Why ölo y o u CLi\\Ai(xys i^^ve to dio That ? 5Í

who chewed up <£Kid U/A¿? ¿1+6 a l i IJiy dfrT y Any S L îp f> e h 5 ? ? Î íss i/«s ?U £ ¿ 7 SnïfF ¿ind. w/io p€é»^ o/? /wy f L o o r P 52.

Cvecy hod Y I in m y ofP/ce NOW!!' OchfiffiFceis ALRighT, which one o f yov chew­ ed up my Tissues and ^w Slippery a.M fee<J on my f l o o r ? S3

hs li/wu/ ÆST /M~ k W id s^ a lirto T riX a a ^

fifili hëb UM/ Vf HA/»4/ K?r ,Il 55

R a v e You , vS^en T oOAYs h e ws ??? 56

you Are in BiGtTfioUßie, chìeF! vA cr 0 \" OR I'LL RzfL&ce y o u \\fl/ÎTh ol> ROBOT Hi I! 7T v f t r ~ Ruff 1 Rurpj s i_ > J&/ cm i3 H r f 57



^SvddenLy, Dog /Vine's 5up& ears ^e^rd f_^ör>,ethmg. JT ôûn^rriÿ * » VevìL pta^n va/juY tcoYn^ ^ r g ^ i | v . y i

Poc, Man -fo LLei/iyed CTìCKyot t o Ou itrouhye ffrd o h y

A v i esome Í Soor} X S h a ll USe ti/n 'to ta k e O v e r TAe

now Try) co/^p, UTeLy mv/VU/e/ Uii-oA ! Petey x ]// ¿5

T ee h eell!

la i

SooKj Pe+ey F ree ai LasíJ -Haw Hawl Walked out o f Coct\" J û L . z o o J®c a3ID*a^nO11D-CD m

I T R i e o To • baT you Leati^ w urn y o u 9 w e no cho<c€ / 70

X ¿tno fMu/ ÜAW FoBo c h i-e fs •HAW Ma w !.1/ s^ Boss ! . 72

how Tha+ Chî-eF î f 3 OJr>&; I can fí-un th is Toiït) M Y U/ay/ dnd you or you Li en4 ß S -T ~her DÒT T ry up In t h e to fio p tfo-e J onkY&rdiU 73

VK.eeM/CMIMé489« 6ï \"■% ^ musT 30

ftì&ke toe prouà! 75

Me&niA/hîL-e- dash, i t s good To be the K in ^ I oK, DR. Scar», it 's Tim e t o put our -evil P¿a-r> in+n ¿LC-blónlH Sooft; p£. Scum and his \"team o f b&d 3 uys ¿uUt a, fau/)ch rotten B u rstA C

and a,ll cops were ordered To s+ay OAUfly* L îf Was p e rfe c t crime.., fi Aw\\ Hau/j 77

ih visiíLe Pete y Somebody is *be- w a s noT HcuppyJ iryifig i-o in muse Le in on X h a ve ~1~° T h e r e c<\\n o n ly S to p those, be O N e Villain + InvJsULe Pete/ f oLLOwe^ to-ch 0ot fìghT +o I Customer \\Alcrf<. into T/\\e rotten

XVLL ta k e ~or\\e1 hehe you 0)0. b o m b , PLe a s e L 7? RuT Then»-. Hey! my JH Paints F e t t do\\Ain ! in p i Ml) I c t ^a ° y Jj zip/ t e l / vi-^U _ .. ^ 7?

¿MAA/M/MHJ IJnyJslSL£ Petey i i - i (h (j h O S 'iJJI c•ufos/-ltoowmee^rs otAer ../\\r\\to o th e r -..And f*uLLed ro tte n Stores,. Tke/r p a n ts g u L ly Su?f>L>v. down, T oo ! } / fac\\chm es 80

READY? í-’.v

\\jJh¿LÍ~ Joes up-.. ---------------------- — 1 ... t Y ì u S i , come , down L ....................1«___________ ... a > n á jP cQ — C\\/ Then b up ' Osq&in.

2 |ii P E' RAM ^q ... /TlU^ corine. do wn ... th-en b ctcK Ua,Pg .coin.

ggL XT's o A QHOSTlJ i (w m ä ä ^ ^*vE/L «V1 ^ STuF#- ßuLLy SvWLie$ LeT /vie ouT of Hereili /v\\«a>\\ Machw /Mayer-- I t i *, di Sixs+e/- //.' _ <5H

(klL o f y°ur \\<k în\\j/'$Îl>Le ghoSt îs ä R o tten Stores j Securing all (tre Hauhte ä //J tA^l <luSTornsrS a invisible. ( B //i mí ..U a Tghosi ? l¡?J ' 1 I^ SiA A tó 3 — 65

-—*-------- - î_______________ 5RoBo cHleFy ^YeSy t^oôjOr^ ¿er in Hçtem*• m Qo j=în4 ] •’■Aî\\d IDESI RoY ïrwjîsU Le sj****1-!! !ü'f#• #* ##o» í^¿V- ’ mA sx>. RoS£ CHÍeF \"• s+arte^ cl coftack. 1 ßan to Town... |[TxNVÍS/F¿e ^vVjw-7OFOewre'vj'd- y\\ \\L—iisz—Jr£°-L^_^To7-ZiAJ7î°o7o_uF*r■ âb

¿p 4V8 \"¿J04S n? °4- UTD3 yi</»siAur # 4PU SVI*\\ Wooc] Ay4. 4-23VU, o -i- d jv jd ^ } [ ÁH 0é ¿1$[siaux

tnVfSií>Le feTey fie r^h To a,\" Z ip p ei aMjfry norhem ró X ten TuSÍ ír> '/'?V)iç> Hey; £obo Ou¿ e l T'm ov/er Here ñoujlU 66

OH Y ea./i?

xnv/*£/¿ Le Pete; lían fr o m fm * jo r r e n s-f-are.. b<kj GoobS1 L— Rotten S+OR& {m'sseá V^l€/y UntiL e v e ^ RoXten S to r e v/aS gor>e 90

trwf.£íJ>Le Pe^ey R<zn f 0 uiiTwjnr- P/(^y5rou^d. Z* TTetckZ cariti £W® Kcvtch fíne! J r ____ 91

0 ® / n )° 00 HeLio/ t>r. Scyft' Did R.PÔO c h i e f Destroy In fá m e PeT-ey Dr. Sc ui?i T old M ayoi* The baà news. fAtyor had one ÜAe c/roV'C \"to the c-oP Lasf pLaift up her ß\\j)L jLeev-e* Sj-at toil. . . ^3

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