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Home Explore Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Published by Zakobe Knutson, 2022-03-03 17:42:37

Description: Dog Man by Dav Pilkey


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OH LookJ L Jitiç baby hot dogs &r& Sta,r-Tîr)j) ou revoLut7oh Wìì^ 'M m «1® .......... .................................. \\AieVe Hot 1 [oh, how cute J Lìti Le ba.loîeçl we're regular (GrrrrJ) \\AieVe n o t CL\\mww! Tl\\aï cutey eith erí one Ç+curTeJ Os aJortubLe. LtftLe I°I3

TAat's N o T ou frâor&ble Lîtîie F 'relU That’s a ta,g/ng ¡nFerno OF DEATH!!! \\A/KaT do X * have have To do To DçsTR<oy To 3 e T cu LTtfLe Respect IVQ iryThîng? (bround h ere? SuddehLy, inside The M uTt- Mashçr 2000y Doç 9/Vlflun 9°T co react Idea, I

He reached 1 ,..a,nd puLied f í hisxi/lviIhto Shi ouï (X/ ioone iJJ ns

W/no T h r e w 0# P 03 Köl/o reCLChed -for ¿another...

Jj-^ you ~rhro\\Aj ° n® Wore bone X m gonna,- - '{ nv

They'he comTns F Fom Thúut' D ESTRO Y T H A T ,lar na

ALL tK e dogS u/ere nou/ i¿¡tfe ...exceptóle; \\A/eLL, weiL, U/eLL 2¿?0

So you Thînk y o u > e ¿t ToVshy 3W, e h ? J t \\ /®^k¿L^Irx lthv Y o u T h 'n k YoU Thînfc Youre Y o u 're ^ S W A rt p H e r g h u j ¿ . v/vkLL, wiHen x . . f a u /\"<? 3 0 / ) ^ 9 e r through \\A/»Sh yo(/ u/e^ jneye^ e\\/er~^ w *+h Vou*»^__ ^ 201

giunchi rn unc h ! nriutt c ^ me/ne/* 202



PeTey F L ew ...and Dog Ala/) ~fLt\\M 1*K€ other... ...and all t/ìiiT w&s Lef i war <*- bur»c/i o-f LîïtLe baby hot dog S. M [yje're NOTÌ (we're +-1 t ^ L V -S^epJ ^ y We ft\\o¿y have ... anâ our jî a n l Lost our Leader.. • /V ¿M ( V■Ä i ÍL<£' 208

fßuT \\Aie wUL Neveft sTop our reîgn oF Terroh///¿ \\aJG unìUl destro)) This world qnci bmi.d up G/** 7uk--* hey, w h * r e \\ iaTd all of T^\\e5€ J \\dog$co^>i€> -Fror*?/ 201

ü-------------------- ^ - 1\\A/eLiy l Suppose» we SkouLd ¿)€.-. ffSl X ^jp'l 41\\y^ €K VVp\\ ' Uvy) ^ ^ 210

LooKs i-'ke *ti ¿t BuT Whatever Doc, -£¿ií- fi°T-Po» h a p p e n e d t o w orld a»fter



'JJV d'il yß'AOJlvfll W 7 i U*V\\jJ 60ÇJ



READY? í-’.v

S iiP Elwsra Hip ! Hf Hip 1 HoorayIH

a i n t you g Lad cWeF a î n t out DoC, fAM r»o floore? 220


--O<d?>3i \\) -C

IO 2.H fc\\4\\cuLousLy ea,sy s+eps- 225


n\\/O 5*»n«5*ter ev/\\L DiaboLíc^t^- SCKck A ^ jry S u o CK ( K v s ß r y Sorpr-.'í«^ 5l¿>epy 227

ÍN Ríclíci/loi/sly easySTeps! 228


fftcKd ~ÉL' ^ ^ _ < ¡r < _------ S urprised Content' ÛÛ Q ^~ Äf ''D O oachi Steamed óroried - ^ /> WO our nn ^ n< » /? : üb (Lprai d L a u g ltih^ S Leepy 230

ín Q easy s+eps* fWPy a.n$ry o £> O to o oBsequToui*

ABOU7 Tfi£ fKUTftOfi-lLLUSTRhTOR D&v f>iLkey wcus & fcd, ke su ffered Pror* Aì>hdv dysi.ex/'a,, a;tfd be/>d>viorflvi prolLems- £>a>v wchs so disruptive in cLOjss ihcui kis +ea>c/>ers o>de hiM s i i ou+ in He hcuLL e^ery d&y. LucKiLy, D&v Loved lo drcuiv a,nd rn&ke up s+or/es- fie spe^-f ^¡s fime /h +Ae hcuLLwajy crea>iin<j Ivs ou/n origincuL cornìc boo^s- l/i +/>e second grande, Dcuv PiLfcey cre& fed comic toof: a,boiy+ cu stvper^ero hoi/ned ca»p-(-ou;rt u/iderpouio+s- fiis leouc/ìer nppeJi i+ up a>hd loLd him i^e couLdn'i spehJi ihe re si o f bis LiFe rhcul<ing sìLLy booKs* foriu n a jieLy, D&v 1aJùjs n o i cu v e ry gooà Lis-i-eher. A B O U T T tt£ C 0 L 0 8 X S T Jose (q(kril>a,Ld'i grew up oh Ifie Sou+li side o f chieggo. As a» K/dj l^e i^/ìis cu da>ydre&mer a,hd & doodLer, &nd noiv ìVs bis fu L L -iim e jo b io do boH. Jo s e is cu proFessìoncuL ?LLustrcuior> p&ih-fer, c& rio o n isi wKo Uojs crect>+ed wor{< Por fiorse Comics, Dishe/, NickeLodzoy), Mhù W&g&z/Jie, cund meuny rr\\ore- He L/ves i/i Los hftgeLes, Ccuii f o r n i i ivi+A f>;s iv/Pe U e ir ca>is.

CM gBM A Pröurw-/view m í €m o \\>OG Man noveL iS Co/YiJnq Soon I Xr\\ ~Os U rn e o f When S-t-rcunije darkness aW nçw S/iLLoiîns despair... arise.. • •*■ CLncl sir\\ÏS+£r Scoundrels foîsoh J T A e r v \\ J n d s o f t h e m e e ^ - - a . ____ \\a/€ Love PeteW

'O h iy Dog-o n e I D o ^ /nan, T A e h e a d e d cop can IC'ity Ï5 lender SoMe The d a y / astfacksLs * ^ ------ r\\AjKo w ^ n t î to Who'j A' {¡food ^“öLve the dcxy? heiro ? ASt jÿÇ; w h o wanTs t o \\ Qo g e t 'em//// St of The ba.a F r » y ~

n you Reatd ov\\Ly ONê yeû/f*, we^L-.- You really st*ou[J \"Try -h read niore than t k c d ~ - \\Al e ' r e 1 CTu-S^ S0-V/V...... ßuT Donf po et +0 Refld Tin 15 one; Too ! pe CKf u r»v\\g

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