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Home Explore Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250

Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250

Published by ken.vilgax, 2019-08-05 03:45:42

Description: Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250


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Activity 9 Write in pairs. Use the words to fill in the blanks. ears nose eyes feet teeth 1. I breathe through it. It is my______________________ 2. I see with them. They are my _ ___________________ 3. I chew food with them. They are my_ ______________ 4. I hear with them. They are my____________________ 5. I slide them into my shoes. They are my____________ My corner Help your neighbours to name and write parts of the body. 97 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

9 Family A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. Talk about it. 1. How are the children sitting? 2. Show your deskmate how to sit properly when listening. 98 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. Show me your mother. Show me your brother. This is my mother. This is my brother. Activity 3 1. Practise in class. Show the class by pointing with your finger. a) Show me the table. b) Show me the chalkboard. c) Show me the door. d) Show me the book. 2. Listen and say. Do in groups. Find things in class. Say what they are. Example: That is a book. My corner 1. Look at your family members. Point and say who they are. 2. Help them sit and listen well as you talk. 99 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 group Read. u u u u u Activity 5 1. Listen to the teacher or audio. 2. Repeat the words. 3. Listen to the teacher read. shoe blue June cube 4. Read these words in groups. broom stool shoes Activity 6 Do in groups. How do you say these words fool good tool root My corner 1. Tell your parents or guardians about the sounds you have learnt. 2. Tell your neighbours at home about the sounds. 3. Look for more words with the sounds learnt. 4. Sing a song to your friends using the sounds learnt. 100 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

The long U Long U loves June. Long U can sing a tune. Long U can play the flute. Long U is really cute. Long U is never rude. Long U has a good attitude. And she is cool. Activity 7 3. 4. Look at the pictures. 1. 2. Father Mother Brother Sister 5. 6. 7. 8. Uncle Aunt Grandfather Grandmother 101 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 8 Look at the picture. Write their names. Father Mother Brother Sister Activity 9 Say. My name My name is Mutua. My father is called Wambua. He is a teacher. My mother is called Anita. She is a tailor. I also have a sister. Her name is Mwikali. She is a very beautiful girl. Mwikali likes me a lot. I like her too. Activity 10 Do in pairs. Find these words in the story above. Circle and read them. father her brother sister she mother he 102 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 11 Do in pairs. Repeat the sentences. 1. My father is called Wambua. 2. He is a teacher. 3. My mother is called Anita. 4. She is a tailor. 5. Her name is Mwikali. 6. She is a very beautiful girl. 7. I am her brother. Activity 12 Write he or she in each space. 1. Father – he 5. Brother______________ 2. Mother_______________ 6. Aunt_ _______________ 3. Uncle________________ 7. Grandfather_ _________ 4. Sister________________ 8. Grandmother_ ________ 103 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 13 Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words. Father mother grandmother brother sister grandfather 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ Activity 14 1. Look at the picture. Kapu 104 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Name members of the family of Kapu. a) _________________________________________ b) _________________________________________ c) _________________________________________ d) _________________________________________ e) _________________________________________ f) _________________________________________ g) _________________________________________ Activity 15 Look at the picture. Talk about it. Activity 16 Say how we call the following people. 1. The brother of your father 2. The brother of your mother 3. The sister of your father 4. The sister of your mother 5. The father of your father 6. The father of your mother 7. The mother of your father 8. The mother of your mother 105 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Ask your parents or guardians about your relatives. Replace their names with she or he. 2. Recite this poem during your free time. This is my family This is my family. I love my family. He is my father. She is my mother. She is my sister. He is my brother. This is my family. This is my family. I love my family. He is my grandfather. She is my grandmother. He is my uncle. She is my aunt. This is my family. B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. What are they doing? 2. How is he using his finger to read. 3. Show your deskmate how to track and read words using a finger. 106 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. 1. Track the words with your finger as the teacher reads. 2. Track every word from left to right. I turn the pages a) I love to read. b) I read my book. I turn the pages. I turn the pages Right to left Careful as a snail. Right to left Right to left Careful as a snail Right to left Right to left While I read my book. Right to left My corner 1. Look at how the people you know use their fingers when reading. 2. Show your neighbours how to use fingers to track the words when reading. Activity 3 ch ch ch ch ch Read. sh sh sh sh sh Activity 4 1. Listen to the teacher or to an audio recording. 2. Repeat the words after the teacher. 107 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Read. shirt fish ship chalk child Activity 5 Read the words. Then write the words under the right sound sh or ch. flesh charm fetch ship finish chip brush chop sh ch Activity 6 1. Say. Aunt Mary Mary is my aunt. Her husband is called Shem. Shem is my uncle. Aunt Mary is cooking chicken. She has visitors today. Aunt Mary and Uncle Shem have two children. One is a boy. The other is a girl. Aunt Mary works very hard. She takes care of her family. She is my champion. I love my aunt very much. 108 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Read sentences with the sound ch. 3. Read sentences with the sound sh. My corner 1. Tell members of your family about the sounds you have learnt. 2. Tell your neighbours at home about the sounds. Activity 7 Let us play a game in pairs. chat fishing chap cash lunch wish 10. 9. chocolate shade children 8. 7. shot 6. 5. 1. Put these words on the ladder. 4. 3. 2. Read each word starting at 1. 2. 1. Chat 3. You only move to the next step in the ladder if you read correctly. 4. The group that reaches the top start here first are the winners. Activity 8 1. Read the bingo. 2. Look for a word with sound sh. dish toothbrush brush bush free space fish wish wash push 3. Make a table with sound ch. Draw it on manila paper. 109 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Read books from a library. 2. Pick out words with sounds ch and sh. 3. Read the words to people at home and at school. Activity 9 1. Read aloud. The Chick and the sheep A tiny chick saw a tiny sheep. The chick was brave. It chased away the tiny sheep. The sheep ran into the compound. It was a coward sheep. Shiko saw the sheep. The sheep ate her shoe. Shiko shouted at the sheep. Shiko ran after the coward sheep. 2. Read the sentences. a) Shiko shouted at the sheep. b) Shiko saw the sheep. My corner 1. Help your neighbours at home to read. 2. Look for more words with the sounds ch and sh. 110 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 10 Read. Visiting our village Shiundu and his sister Chiku are in the village. They are walking to the garden. After working in the garden, Shiundu and his sister will cook. Grandparents like telling stories to the children. They will all sit on stools around the fire. Sometimes the children tell their grandparents stories. They read the stories from storybooks. The children love their family. The family loves them too. Answer the following questions. 1. Where are Shiundu and Chiku?__________________ 2. Where are they going? _________________________ 3. What do grandparents do for the children? ___________________________________________ 4. How does the children assist their grandparents? ___________________________________________ 5. How do you assist your relatives or people you live with? ___________________________________ 111 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Read a story to your family. 2. Tell your neighbours about the story you read. C. Writing Activity 1 Look at the picture. Talk about it. 1. How is Shiko sitting? 2. Practise holding a crayon like Shiko. 112 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Write the words neatly. 1. Family _____________ 2. Father ______________ 3. Mother _____________ 4. Uncle ______________ 5. Brother _____________ 6. Sister ______________ Activity 3 Spell the words. 4. Sister _ ______________ 1. Aunt _ _______________ 5. Father _______________ 2. Mother _ _____________ 3. Uncle _ ______________ 6. Sister ______________ My corner 1. Tell your family names of places in your school. 2. Find out names of people at home who cannot read. 3. Help them to write and read their names. Activity 4 Put a full stop. 4. Uncle Ben has a car 1. Grandmother is happy 5. It is lunch time 2. My cousin has come 3. Grandfather drinks milk Activity 5 Write the first letter of their names. a) Aunt ________________ c) Grandfather __________ b) Uncle _______________ d) Grandmother _________ 113 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Write the names of people in your family. Use capital letters at the beggining. Activity 6 Fill in the blank spaces. Use words from this list. aunt grandmother grandfather uncle 1. The father of my mother is my __________________. 2. The father of my father is my ___________________. 3. The sister of my mother is my __________________. 4. The sister of my father is my ___________________. 5. The brother of my father is my __________________. 6. The brother of my mother is my _________________. Activity 7 Look at the picture and tell a story about the family. _ ___________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________ 114 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

10 Safety A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. Talk about it. a) How are the children sitting? b) Practise sitting like them. 115 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. Show me a table. Show me a book. This is a table. This is a book. Activity 3 1. Show the teacher by touching. a) This is a bell. c) This is a razor. b) This is a thorn. d) This is a glass. 2. Do in pairs. Point to where they are. a) The teacher. c) The window. b) The roof. d) The door. My corner 1. Look in the eyes of members of your family as they talk to you. 2. Help your neighbours to sit and listen. Activity 4 3. Read. S S S S S Z Z Z Z Z s s s s s z z z z z 116 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 5 1. Read in pairs. bus dress house zebra zigzag 2. Read the following words in groups. a) price prize b) dose doze c) bus buzz d) sip zip Activity 6 1. Sing. Stay safe a) When it rains, b) When crossing the road, Run to the house. Do not play football. Do not play in the rain. Look left and right. You will get wet. Do not play on the road. You will get sick. Cross when the road is clear. 117 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

c) When it floods, d) When you keep a razor Do not swim in the river. blade, Flood water is dirty. do not keep it in the pocket. If you swim, Give it to the teacher. You will get sick. You will be very safe. 2. Write four words with the sounds s and z. My corner 1. Write other words with the sound s. 2. Tell the people around your home about the sounds you have learnt. Activity 7 Look and say. 1. The books are on the 2. The bag is under the chair. table. 3. Omari is behind his 4. Barika is between the blue mother. car and the red car. 118 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Look and say. 5. The teacher is inside 6. Anita and Kiplagat are the classroom. playing outside the house. 7. The books are in the 8. The goat is in front of the bag. sheep. Activity 8 Do in groups. 1. Look at what the teacher has put in class. 2. Say where they are. Example: The water is inside the bottle. 119 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 9 Look and say. 1. It is wrong to play 2. You should walk under an between cars. umbrella when it is raining. 3. Do not play near a fence. 4. Peter should not play in the river. 5. Ongwae was playing on 6. Do not sleep inside a the road. closed room near a burning charcoal stove. 7. When a house is burning, 8. They were packed in front of the fire station. run outside for safety. 120 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 10 Do in groups. 1. Hide objects in class. 2. Let your friends find the objects and say where they are. Example: The duster is under the table. 3. Take turns at hiding and finding objects. Activity 11 Do in groups. 1. Write the objects used in the game. Example: book 2. Write a sentence using the objects. Example: The book is in the bag. a) ______________________________________ b) ______________________________________ c) ______________________________________ Activity 12 Do in groups. 1. Write the things found at home. Example: Rake 2. Write where things are. Example: The rake is kept in the store. a) ______________________________________ b) ______________________________________ c) ______________________________________ 121 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 13 1. Listen to the teacher read. Kubo: Good afternoon, Nekesa? Nekesa: Good afternoon, Kubo. Kubo: Where is the knife? Nekesa: The knife is on the grass. Kubo: Do not put it on the grass. Nekesa: Why? Kubo: It can cut your leg. Nekesa: Where can I keep it? Kubo: Put it inside the cupboard. Nekesa: Rita is playing on the road. That is wrong, isn’t it? Kubo: Yes It is wrong to play on the road. Nekesa: Now I know. It is also very dangerous. Kubo: The teacher is inside the class. Nekesa: Let us run to class. Kubo: I will walk behind you. Nekesa: I do not want to walk in front of you. Kubo: Let us walk together. Nekesa: Thank you. 2. Repeat after the teacher. a) The knife is on the grass. b) Do not put it on the grass. c) Put it inside the cupboard. 122 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 14 Fill in the spaces. Use the words in the box. under on outside between in front in 1. You should not pour hot water__________ your body. 2. The baby is crawling ______________ of the house. 3. You should not swim _________ the river alone. 4. You should not walk _______ broken glass. Activity 15 Do in pairs. Tick the right word. 1. The pencil is in on the table. 2. The dog is behind in front of the cat. 3. The goat is infront behind the dog. 123 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Look around you. Say where things are. 2. Name the things around you that can hurt. 3. Say where they should be kept. B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. What is Elema doing? 2. Show your deskmate how to track words using your finger. My corner 1. See how people at home track words while reading. 2. Show your neighbours at home how to track words when reading. Activity 2 V V V V v v v v 1. Listen to the teacher say. Y Y Y Y Y V y y y y y v 2. Listen to the teacher read. I saw a man drive I saw a man drive. I saw another dive. Then came the noise. He had been hit. 124 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

The doctor wore a pair of gloves. They looked like doves. The man was down. He had been injured by the car. 3. Repeat the words. a) I saw the man drive. b) I saw another man dive. c) The doctor wore a pair of gloves. d) They looked like doves. Activity 3 1. Say. Yellow yam Sam ate yellow yam. The yam grew on his farm. He loved the sweet yam. Again and again the yam grew Yellow yam, yellow yam 2. Draw lines to match. V y Y v Activity 4 Read the words. Do in pairs. family July my vest van My corner 1. Read charts on walls at home. Write down the words you can read. 125 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 5 Read aloud. Vicky and the van Vicky saw a yellow van on the road. The yellow van had a young driver. The driver of the van drove carefully. Vicky wanted to cross the road. Vicky waited until the van was gone. She then crossed the road carefully. Activity 6 Work in pairs. Read the words. young van yard Vicky yellow driver yell My corner 1. Read short poems at home. 2. Help your neighbours at home to read short stories. Activity 7 1. Read the story. The rain The rains were coming. The clouds were very dark. It soon started to rain. People were told to remain in their houses. Sammy refused to listen. He ran outside to play in the rain. His parents were away at work. There was water all over the town. Sammy could not swim. He started to cry. 126 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

The water carried him away. He held onto a tree. Everybody was afraid. There was nobody to save him. Then some people came in a boat. They saved Sammy from the water. Sammy said he will never play in the rain again. 2. Answer the questions. a) What was very dark? ________________________ b) Who refused to listen? _______________________ c) Why was Sammy crying? _____________________ d) What would have happened to Sammy? e) What do you think his parents will do to him? C. Writing Activity 1 1. Look at the picture. Talk about it. 127 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Do in pairs. a) How is the boy sitting? b) Practise sitting like him. c) Practise writing from left to right. Activity 2 1. Practise holding crayons. 2. Look at the teacher holding a crayon. 3. Look at others holding their crayons and colouring. My corner 1. Look at how your family members hold pens when writing. 2. Show people around your home how to hold pens or pencils and write. Activity 3 Write neatly. safe vet yam young My corner Copy the letters: S _____ s ______ V _____ v ______ Activity 4 Copy the words. ambulance doctor bandage 128 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 5 Write the names of four of your classmates. Use capital letters at the beginning of each name. ______________________________________________ My corner 1. Write names of people and places around you. 2. Share the names with people at school and at home. Activity 6 Read and fill in the spaces. How I stay safe in school. I want to be safe in school. I do not ________ (sit/stand) on the desks. I do not want to fall. I do not throw ________ (bread/stones) in the house. I do not want to injure people. I also do not play with a ___________ (knife/chalk). I do not want to ___________ (make/cut) my fingers. I wear my ________ (shoes/jacket) on my feet all the time. Activity 7 Look at the pictures. Write words about them. 12 ____________________ _____________________ 129 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

11 Community leaders A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the pictures. 1. Who is sitting properly? 2. Who is not sitting properly? 3. Ask your deskmates whether they are sitting properly. Activity 2 Look at the pictures. 1. 2. What do you think the teacher is telling the pupils? 130 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 3 Do in pairs. Make your deskmate do the following: Do not talk to them. Just show. 1. Open them book. 3. Open the window. 2. Draw a table. 4. Close the door. My corner 1. Tell people at home to do something. Do not talk. Let them do what you do. 2. See the faces and hands of your neighbours as they talk. Activity 4 1. Read the words. shop measure ship pleasure Activity 5 1. Listen to the teacher read. The shopkeeper is selling some sugar. He weighed the sugar in the morning. The sugar came by sea on a ship. I am sure my mother will buy some sugar. 2. Practise reading. shopkeeper sugar measure sure ship 131 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 6 Practise in pairs. leisure shell Which words have the sound sh? treasure shoes measure shovel Activity 7 Listen to the teacher read. The treasurer has called the pastor to his office. The treasurer had bought the pastor new shoes. The pastor will use the shoes for exercise during his leisure time. I am sure he treasures them so much. Activity 8 Practise in pairs. Write sentences using the words learnt. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ My corner 1. Talk to your family members and neighbours. 2. Tell them about the new sounds and words learnt. 3. Help people around your home to read words with sounds learnt. 132 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 9 1. Look at the picture. 2. What can you see? Example: a) The community leader is addressing a crowd. b) I can see a man standing. c) One of the men is holding an umbrella. Activity 10 1. Look at the pictures. Who are they? 133 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Talk about the people in the pictures. Example: I met an Imam on my way to school. Activity 11 Look at the classrooms. What can you see? Examples: 1. I can see an umbrella. 2. The teacher is in class. 3. There is a pen on the desk. 134 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 12 Practise in pairs. Name some of the things in your classroom. Use a, an and the to talk about them. Examples: 1. Onyango has a red pen. 2. There is an umbrella on the table. 3. The book is in the bag. Activity 13 an the Say. a Activity 14 Write their names. Use a, an and the. ______ ______ ______ 135 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

______ ______ ______ Activity 15 Do in pairs. Name things at home. Example: 1. A fridge 2. An oven 3. The house Activity 16 cup umbrella Match. sky A radio moon An egg The Activity 17 1. Do in groups. Read the words. chair spoon orange umbrella sun moon 136 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Put the words you have read in Activity 17 in the right tin. Example: chair a an the A village elder Activity 18 1. Read. A village elder went into the forest. The village elder looked around and saw a man. The man was a hunter. The hunter was carrying a trap. The trap was for catching animals. The village elder hid behind a tree. Then he saw an elephant walking towards the hunter. He wanted to save the elephant from the trap. He arrested the hunter and took him to the chief. The chief took him to the police. The hunter said he was very sorry. The hunter was taken to the court and fined. He promised never to kill animals again. 2. Repeat the sentences a) A village elder. b) He looked around and saw a man. c) The man was a hunter. My corner 1. Talk to your parents or guardians about respecting elders. 2. Talk to friends about community leaders. 137 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. Is Lelo sitting properly while reading? 2. How do you sit when reading? Activity 2 Sit properly. Listen to the teacher reading. 1. Track words as the teacher reads. 2. Track every word from left to right. 3. Track letters in every word. I respect my elders I respect my elders. I respect the police officers. They offer us security. I respect the village elders. They take care of the village. My corner 1. Look how the people you know use their fingers when reading. 2. Show your neighbours how to use a finger to track the letters and words when reading. Activity 3 i ii i e ee e 1. Read. ee ee ee ee ii ee ee ee 138 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Look and read. 10 chief thief bee tree ten Activity 4 Sing the song. I am Renee I am Renee the respectful one. I have good manners. I have to others. I follow the rules. I keep my hands to myself. I report bad people to the chief. I am Renee the respectful one. My corner 1. Talk to your parents or guardians. Use the sounds you have learnt. 2. Teach other children how to read the words. 139 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 5 Respect Chief _____ Practise in pairs. _____ 1. Look at the cards your Elder teacher will show you. 2. Use the cards to build words. 3. Use your words to make a word tree. 4. Share your word tree with the class. Activity 6 1. Read aloud. The meeting The thief was seen stealing a sheep. The thief was arrested and taken to the elders. The ten elders had a meeting. The elders made the thief to lie on the ground. The thief promised never to steal again. The chief rose to her feet to speak. She asked all young people to respect elders. 2. Work in pairs. Read the following words. meeting brief thief seen sheep feet My corner 1. Read a newspaper at home. Pick words with the sounds ie and ee. 2. Help your parents or guardians to read words with the sounds ie and ee correctly. 140 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 7 1. Read. Tree planting day Everybody loves Chief Ngeno. We respect him. He respects us. The children in the village visit him. Last Sunday, he took the children to plant trees. We planted trees at Kawa Fields. All the children rode on a donkey cart. They carried the tree seedlings with them. The village elder Opima went with the children. Every person planted five trees. Trees protect our community. Our community leaders protect us. 2. Answer the questions. a) What did the children go to do at Kawa Fields? _____________________________________ b) Who took them to Kawa Fields? ______________________________________ c) What do we get from trees? ______________________________________ d) Who are our community leaders? ______________________________________ e) What do they do for us? ______________________________________ 141 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Listen to a story from elders. 2. Talk about the story. C. Writing Activity 1 Look at the pictures. Talk about the pictures in pairs. Ben Caro 1. Who is sitting properly? 2. Why do you think so? 3. How do you sit while writing? 4. Show your class how to sit properly when writing. My corner 1. How do your parents or guardians sit when writing? 142 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Write the following words. chief ______ elder ______ leader ______ protect _____ community ______ Activity 3 Use the jigsaw puzzle given by the teacher to make words. Write the words you make. Activity 4 1. Write your name. _ _____________________________ 2. Write the name of your deskmate. _________________ 3. Write the name of your teacher. ___________________ Activity 5 Write the names. bi___ pa___ im___ 143 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

12 Living together A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How are the children sitting? 2. Practise sitting properly when listening. Activity 2 Do in pairs. Tell your deskmate what to do. Do not talk. Just show. jump sit walk clap 144 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 3 Sit upright. Listen to the teacher read. Living together Juma: Hallo grandfather! Grandfather: Hallo, Juma. Juma: May I come in? Grandfather: Please, come in. Juma: I have brought you some food. Grandfather: Thank you very much Juma. You are such a good boy. Juma: Do you want to eat it now? Grandfather: Yes, Juma. Juma: Let me get you some water to wash your hands. Grandfather: Thank you my boy. Juma: You are welcome Grandfather. Grandfather: It is good to live together in peace. Juma: Thank you my grandfather. My corner 1. See how your family members listen. 2. Find out if they are listening carefully. Activity 4 1. Say the sounds. h h h h h ch ch ch ch ch 2. Read the words. hen hammer hat chair teacher 145 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

3. Read the following words. heart house hand chair child watch 4. Work in pairs. Practise reading the words. 5. Talk to your classmates. Use the sounds learnt. Example: Kemunto: Cheruto has a big heart. Maina: Why do you say so? Kemunto: She offered a chair to a visitor. The visitor had come to see the chief. Maina: I watched her through the window. Kemunto: Yes, she stretched her hand and greeted the visitor before giving him the chair. Maina: That was great. Kemunto: We should all be like Cheruto. My corner 1. Talk to your family members. Tell them about the sounds h and ch. 2. Help people around you say the sounds h and ch. 3. Visit and help your neighbours. 146 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

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