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Home Explore Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250

Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250

Published by ken.vilgax, 2019-08-05 03:45:42

Description: Skills in English_English Activities Grade 1_PB_Text_176 X 250


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Activity 5 This is his pencil. 1. Look and read. This is my book. This is her desk. This is your father. This is our class This is its tail. Activity 6 Read the words. my our her his your its 147 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 7 Look and say whose it is. Use the words you have read in Activity 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Activity 8 Write whose it is. Use the words in Activity 6. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 148 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 9 What do the people you know have? Ask and answer. Example: Joan: What does your teacher have? Timona: My teacher has a book. Activity 10 Look, say and write the answers. 1. This is _______ bag. 2. This is ____ handkerchief. 3. This is _______ ball. My corner 1. Talk to your parents or guardians. 2. Ask them why we should respect people. 3. Find out what people have at home. 4. Tell your class about what people have. 149 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. Talk about it. 1. How is the boy holding the book? 2. How do you place your book on the desk when reading? 3. Show your deskmate how to place a book when reading. Activity 2 Look and read. yellow red orange purple blue green 150 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 3 1. Look and colour. 2. Listen to the teacher read. We live in peace We live in peace. We live as a family. We like living together. We are a loving family. We live with our father. We live with our mother. We live with our brother. We live with our grandfather. We live with our grandmother. 3. Do in pairs. a) Track words as the teacher reads. b) Track every word from left to right. c) Track every letter and each word in a sentence. My corner 1. Look at how the people you know use their fingers when reading. 2. Show your neighbours how to use fingers to track words when reading. 151 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 ee ee ee ee ee 1. Say the sounds. wh wh wh wh wh 2. Read the following words. wheel feet meet leaf pea Activity 5 Sing the song. A friend Today I am going to meet a friend. Meet a friend, meet a friend. Today I am going to meet a friend. And we will be friends forever. Today I am going to give someone a pea. Give a pea, give a pea. Today I am going to give someone a pea And we will share with others forever. Today I am going to whisper love. Whisper love, whisper love Today I am going to whisper love. And we will live in peace forever. My corner 1. Talk to people at home. Use words with the sounds wh and ee. 152 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 6 share love _____ Practise in pairs. _____ 1. Look at the cards your care teacher will show you. 2. Use the cards to build words. 3. Use your words to make a word tree. 4. Share your word tree with the class. Activity 7 1. Read. Fleet and Meek Mr Fleet and Meek are friends. They live together. Meek has a younger brother. His name is Meak. Meek told Fleet about Meak. Fleet wanted to meet Meak. 2. Read the following words Meak Fleet Meek My corner 1. What do you do when you cannot read a word? 2. Ask your teacher what you should do when you cannot read some words. 153 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 8 1. Read. Ali and Asha Ali and Asha live next to our home. They like making friends. They visit and help people. Asha and I go to the same school. Asha taught me to use good words. She told me how to ask for things. She taught me how to say please. She taught me how to say may I? She taught me how to say sorry. She taught me how to say thank you. I now have many friends, thanks to Asha. 2. Answer the following questions. a) What do Asha and Ali like to do? _____________ _________________________________________ b) Whom do they visit? ________________________ _________________________________________ c) Asha taught me to _________________________ d) Write words that show you are polite and have good manners. _________________________________ e) When do you use them? _____________________ My corner 1. Read the story to your parents or guardians. 2. Teach your friends about using words showing you have good manners. 3. Use such words when talking to people. 154 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

C. Writing Activity 1 Look and colour. 1. How do you place your exercise book while writing? 2. How do you write? 3. Practise writing from left to right. My corner 1. Look at how people in your community sit when writing. 2. Show them how to place books well. 3. Show them how to write from left to right. Activity 2 Write the words neatly. care ___ love ___ live ___ together ___ people ____ Activity 3 Use the jigsaw puzzle given by the teacher to make words. Write the words you make. 155 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 1. Write your name. _ _____________________________ 2. Write the name of your parents or guardians. ____________________________________________ 3. Write the name of your school.____________________ Activity 5 Write correctly. johN _______ PetEr. _______ nairobi ______ Activity 6 Rewrite. Use full stops and capital letters where they are needed. 1. john went to visit the children ________________ __________________________________________ 2. Mary and tom have cooked food for the neighbours __________________________________________ 3. alice is my best friend _________________________ ___________________________________________ Activity 7 Write what they do together. 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 156 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

13 Technology A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the pictures. 1. Talk about the pictures. 2. What are the children using to learn? 3. How are they sitting? 4. Show your deskmate how to sit properly when using a computer. Activity 2 Sit upright. Listen to the teacher read. What we use Atambo: Good morning, Kawira. Kawira: Good morning, Atambo. Atambo: How do your parents talk to people who live far away? 157 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Kawira: My father uses a phone. Atambo: What about your mother? Kawira: She uses her computer. Atambo: How? Kawira: She writes an email to them. Atambo: That is great. Kawira: What do you use to talk to your friends who live far away? Atambo: I use my phone to call them. Sometimes I send them an email or a short text message. Kawira: Thank you. Atambo: Goodbye, Kawira. Kawira: Goodbye, Atambo. 2. Practise in pairs. a) Read the passage in turns. b) Keep quiet when it is not your turn to speak. My corner 1. Find out how people at home listen when others are talking. 2. Tell them to be silent when others are talking. 3. Teach your neighbours how to listen when others are talking. Activity 3 1. Practise saying those sounds. m m m m m n n n n n ng ng ng ng ng 158 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Listen to the teacher. mat monkey mother nine nest My corner 1. Talk to your parents or guardians. Use the words with sounds m, n and ng. 2. Help your neighbours to read words with the sound learnt properly. Activity 4 Look and say. 1. What is this? This is a 2. Where is the phone? The mobile phone. phone is under the chair. Activity 5 Look around the class. Ask one another questions about things in the classroom. Examples: 1. Where is the book? 2. Who is laughing? 159 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 6 Do in groups. Talk about your friends. Examples: 1. Who are your friends? 2. Where is their home? 3. What do they use to talk to friends who live far away? Activity 7 1. Look at the pictures. laptop phone radio television 2. Do in groups. Talk about the pictures. Examples: a) Who has a mobile phone in your family? d) What is the use of a phone? c) Where do they keep their phones? Activity 8 1. Read the poem. I want to know Who is the person? I want to know. Who took my phone? My phone was in the bag. 160 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

What is this thing? I want to know. What is in my bag? My phone was in the bag. Where is that place? I want to know. Where did they take my phone? My phone was in the bag. 2. Do in groups. Find these sentences in the poem. Read and underline them. a) Who is the person? c) Where is that place? b) What is this thing? Activity 9 1. Listen to the teacher read. On the phone Lagat: Hallo! Cherono. Cherono: Hallo! Lagat. Lagat: How are you today? Cherono: I am fine, thank you. Lagat: Where are you? Cherono: I am in Eldoret. Lagat: I am in Nairobi. Cherono: What can I do for you? Lagat: I just wanted to know how you are doing. Cherono: That is very kind of you. I am fine. Lagat: Goodbye. Cherono: Goodbye. 161 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Repeat the sentences. b) I am fine. a) What can I do for you? c) How are you? Activity 10 Listen to the teacher read the story. My phone Father: Where can I charge my mobile phone? Mother: Please, take it to the shopping centre. Father: Can I use your power bank? Mother: What is a power bank? Father: It is used to charge a mobile phone. It is a backup phone charger. Mother: I do not have a power bank. I will have to buy one soon. Father: I want to make a call. May I use your phone? Mother: Yes, you can. Activity 11 Fill in the spaces. Use the words in the box. Who Where What 1. _________ is the colour of your screen? 2. _________ is charging the phone? 3. _________ has bought a new mobile phone? 4. _________ do you live? 5. _________ is my battery? 162 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Talk to your parents or guardians about a mobile phone. Remember to ask questions. Example: Who placed the phone on the table? 2. Talk to your friends about what you learnt in school. B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How is Dokatu sitting? 2. How do you sit when reading from a computer? 3. Sit properly like Dokatu and read from a computer. Activity 2 Do in pairs. 1. Your teacher will show you letters of the alphabet. 2. Pick the letters from the box. 3. Say the sounds of the letters you pick. Activity 3 oo oo oo oo oo Say and read. ay ay ay ay ay ai ai ai ai ai clay play pray day stay sway nail tail train sail brain rain look moon good broom book food 163 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 Read the words. Put the words under the correct sound. ay ai oo Example: say sail cool say hood sway sail stoop tray stood maid gray cool ail hail My corner 1. Read a newspaper at home. 2. Draw a line under words with sounds ay, ai and oo. 3. Help your neighbours to read correctly. Activity 5 Read the story. May and Ray May and Ray are in the house. They want to call their father on the phone. It is a cloudy day. The rain is coming. They want to know where Father is. May gets into her room. She then makes a phone call. The phone rings. Their father says he is in the train coming. Activity 6 1. Read the words. Underline the words from the story. room train rain 164 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 7 Read words from your classroom word walls. 1. Which words are easy to read? _________________ 2. Which words are difficult to read? _________________ Activity 8 1. Read. The call My father is a pilot. He goes to work every day. He calls us using his mobile phone. He sometimes uses his laptop. We hold video calls. He sees me on his laptop. I see him on my laptop. 2. Answer the questions. a) He calls us using his ________________________. b) He sometimes uses his ______________________. c) I see him on my ____________________________. d) We use _____ to talk to people who live far from us. C. Writing Activity 1 1. Look at the picture. a) How is Katana sitting? b) Sit properly and use a computer to write. c) Practise typing like Katana. 165 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 1. Write your name. _____________________________ 2. Write words beginning with letters in your name. Example: PETER P - Phone, E - Email, T - Technology, E - Enjoy, R - Rose _________________________________________ Activity 3 1. Practise writing your name. 2. Use capital letters and small letters. _________________________________________ Activity 4 Match the pictures with the words. television Mobile phone charger Mobile phone 166 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

14 Numbers and our classroom A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How are the children sitting? 2. How do you sit in class? 3. Show your class how to sit properly. Activity 2 Sit upright. Listen to the teacher read. I can count 1. Look at the leaves 2. Look at our classroom On that tall tree. Made of red bricks. I can count I can count. Twenty-six leaves! Fifty-four red bricks! 167 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

3. Look at all the books On our desks. I can count Fourty-six exercise books! Activity 3 Do in pairs. Talk about things in school. Say how many they are. 1. Keep quiet and listen when a person is talking. 2. Look at their faces as they talk. My corner 1. Listen to people in your family as they talk in turns. 2. Help your neighbours to listen to others talk. Activity 4 y y y y y u u u u u 1. Say the sounds. w w w w w 2. Read the words. cup bus yatch wheel window 168 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 5 Match the words with the pictures. yellow wall sun watch Activity 6 Sing the song. Round and round The wheels of bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels of the bus go round and round all day long My corner 1. Read the new words you have learnt to your friends. 2. Write more words with the sounds w, y and u. 169 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 7 black orange Look and say the colour. white yellow pink red grey green purple blue Activity 8 Look and read. square circle star rectangle oval triangle Activity 9 Count numbers 1 to 10. 170 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 10 small 1. Look and read. big 2. Draw and write. big big big big two _____ _____ _____ small small small small three _____ _____ _____ 171 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 11 Colour. book bag chair Activity 12 1. Write their colours. grass_______ sun _______ sky _______ 2. Read the sentences. a) The big bag fell on the desk. b) Atieno wears her red uniform. c) Fahim collected five books. d) They gave him a big desk. e) They have a blue classroom door. Activity 13 Practise in pairs. Talk about things around you. Use these words. yellow red blue green circle oval triangle big small one three ten second first fourth 172 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 14 1. Read the following numbers. Number Ordinal Ordinal Number Ordinal Ordinal number word number word 1 1st first 11 11th eleventh 2 2nd second 12 12th twelfth 3 3rd third 13 13th thirteenth 4 4th fourth 14 14th fourteenth 5 5th fifth 15 15th fifteenth 6 6th sixth 16 16th sixteenth 7 7th seventh 17 17th seventeenth 8 8th eighth 18 18th eighteenth 9 9th ninth 19 19th nineteenth 10 10th tenth 20 20th twentieth 2. Write sentences using the numbers. Examples: a) Atieno is the first learner sitting in this row. b) There are twenty-four pupils in our class. 173 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 15 Colour and say the shapes. Activity 16 1. Read the poem. The rainbow Rainbow rainbow why do you run away. Do you fear the wind? Bring back our colours. Green, blue, red, indigo oh! Yellow, orange and violet where do you take them? Bring back our seven beautiful colours. Rainbow so lovely. I love the shapes and colours. Rainbow rainbow touch my heart. Bring back our seven beautiful colours. 174 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Read the following sentences. a) Bring back our colours. b) Green, blue, red, indigo oh! c) Yellow, orange and violet where do you take them? d) Bring back our seven beautiful colours. e) I love the shapes and colours. Activity 17 Look around your class. Talk about the size, colour and number of what you can see. Examples: 1. One red pencil is on the table. 2. A small red ball is on the floor. 3. A big rubber is in the bag. Activity 18 Which is the colour? 1. Do in groups. 2. Walk around your school. 3. What did you see? Say their colours. Examples: a) I saw a red car. b) I saw a white bird. Activity 19 Do in pairs. Count the pens. Say their number and colours. 175 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 20 Look and say. 1 2 3 4 5 Activity 21 Do in groups. 1. Put five books together. Arrange the books on the table from first to fifth. 2. Talk about their colours. Example: The first book is green. Activity 22 Talk about things in class. What is their number? Example: There are six books in the classroom cupboard. 176 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

B Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How is Kisa using his finger to read? 2. Show your class how to use your finger when reading. Activity 2 Listen to teacher read. I see I see two red triangles. I see them in my red bag. The children play with white balls. The teacher is holding a big ruler. Our class has a small chalkboard. 2. Do in pairs. a) Track words using your forefinger as the teacher reads. b) Track every word from left to right. c) Track every letter from left to right. My corner 1. Look at how your friends use their fingers when reading. 2. Show your neighbours how to use fingers to track words when reading. 177 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 3 ge ge ge ge ge 1. Say the sounds. z z z z z 2. Look at the pictures. Read the words. zip zebra orange page Activity 4 1. Read. Zebra and the cage The aged zebra saw the cage in a zoo. The zoo was very big. The cage had zigzag patterns. The zebra kicked the zigzag patterns. The cage was very strong. A man put the zebra in the cage. The zebra moved in zigzag inside the zigzag cage. 2. Read the words. zigzag aged zebra cage 178 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 5 1. Read The football match It was the school sports day. We all came out to support our teams. Our school scored a goal. All the children jumped up and down. The ball was yellow and red in colour. Our school wore yellow and blue games kits. The field had white goal posts. The referee had a blue and red tracksuit. Jen scored a second goal for our team. The players were happy. Our school won the match. 2. Answer the questions. a) What colour of clothes did the players wear? b) What are the colours of your favourite clothes? C. Writing Activity 1 Colour. 179 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Join the dots to form letters. Activity 3 1. Practise in pairs. Practise writing your name in both small and capital letters. 2. Form words using the letters in your names. Example: NANCY N - NUMBERS A- AGE N-NINE C- COLOUR Y - YELLOW Activity 4 Practise in groups. Match pictures with words. bell square chalkboard 180 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

15 Do not waste A. Listening and speaking Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How are the learners sitting? 2. How are they listening? 3. Tell your class a story. 4. Tell them to be quiet as you speak. 181 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. Be quiet when the teacher is reading. Do not waste 1. Mother says that when eating food. Serve only what you can eat. Do not throw away food. We should not waste food. 2. She says that when washing at home. We should turn off the tap. Do not let the water to run. We should not waste water. 3. She reminds me that time is money. Do not sit doing nothing. It is wrong to waste time. We should not waste time. My corner 1. Talk to your parents or guardians about wasting things. 2. Tell your neighbours at home how to avoid wasting. Activity 3 R R R R R r r r r r 1. Say the sounds. L L L L L l l l l l 182 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Look and read. lion lorry rat rabbit rain Activity 4 1. Draw lines to match. rainbow rabbit rain rat radio Ring 183 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Draw lines to match. lorry lizard lion ladder lock My corner 1. Talk to people at home. Use the words you have learnt. 2. Help your neighbours to read the words you have learnt. Activity 5 1. Listen to the teacher read. Yes, madam Mrs Kombo: This class is very dirty! Please, clean it. Oigara: I am looking for a broom. Mrs Kombo: I want this class swept now! Oigara: Sorry, I cannot find a broom. Mrs Kombo: I want you to mop the floor! 184 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Oigara: Yes, Madam. Mrs Kombo: Make sure you arrange the desks. Oigara: I need to fetch water first. Mrs Kombo: Do not use a lot of water! Oigara: Yes, Madam. Mrs Kombo: Use a little soap too! Oigara: Yes, Madam. 2. Read the sentences a) I want this class swept now! b) I want you to mop the floor! c) Do not use a lot of water! d) Use a little soap too! Activity 6 Look and read. 1. Turn off the tap! 2. Do not cut trees! 3. Do not waste firewood! 185 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 7 1. Say and do in pairs. a) Open the window. b) Open the door. c) Collect the litter. d) Switch off the lights. e) Switch off the laptop. 2. Read and do. Start 1. Clap 2. Stamp 3. Snap 4. shrug 5. Nod END your your feet your finger your hands your shoulders head Activity 8 Do in groups. 1. Walk around the school. 2. Tell your classmates what they should do outside. Example: Do not leave the tap running. Activity 9 Tell your class members what they should not do. Example: 1. Do not walk on the grass! 186 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 10 1. Listen to the following. Simon says Simon says Turn off the tap. Fence the young trees. Switch off the lights. Do not cut trees. Do not throw away food. We say and do. Simon says. 2. Repeat the following sentences. a) Fence around the young trees. b) Switch off the lights. Activity 11 Look at the picture. Write what the police officer says. 1. Stop the vehicle. 2. Show me your licence. 3. ________________________ 4. ________________________ My corner 1. Tell people around you how to use things carefully. 2. Tell your friends about rules to be followed during a game. 3. Practise the rules to be followed during a game. 4. Listen to how people around you talk. 5. Write words that show command. Example: a) Switch off the radio! 187 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

B. Reading Activity 1 Look at the picture. 1. How are they reading? 2. Show your deskmate how to read. Activity 2 Listen to the teacher read. A girl called Peggy Little Peggy was very hungry. She ran home to her mother. She wanted food. Mother gave her food. Peggy ate and ate. She was now full. Peggy started playing with the food. She put a lot of food in her mouth. She spilled some on the floor. Her mother told her to stop. She threw all the food in the dustbin. Her mother told her not to throw food away. 1. Track the words using your fingers as the teacher reads. 2. Track every word from left to right. 188 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

My corner 1. Look at how your friends use their fingers when reading. 2. Show your neighbours how to use a finger to track words when reading. Activity 3 ss ss ss ss ss 1. Say the sounds. ce ce ce ce ce 2. Read the words. police snake rice hiss miss a) Which words are difficult to read? b) Which words are easy to read? 3. Do in groups. a) Write each word on a piece of manila paper. b) Put the paper in a box. c) Play the fishing game. Fish out a word using your hand. d) Read and write the words below under the correct sound. rice grass price dress mice boss nice ce ss ______________________ ____________________ My corner 1. Read a newspaper at home. Pick words with the sounds ce and ss. 2. Help people around your home to read words you have learnt correctly. 189 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 4 1. Read. The mouse and the snake Mosi the mouse saw Saki the snake. Saki the snake hissed at Mosi the mouse. Saki wanted to eat the Mosi. Mosi the mouse ran away from Saki the snake. 2. Read the words. swan rice snake mice hissed a) Which words are difficult to read? b) Which words are easy to read? My corner 1. Read the words you have learnt to people who cannot read. 2. Read more words from the library. Activity 5 1. Read Do not cut tree down Professor Wangari said, Do not cut down trees. Trees give us rain. Do not throw waste in the rivers. Rivers give us water. Do not spoil the air. We breathe in air. Do not spoil land. We walk on land. We get food from land. Do not waste. 190 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

2. Answer the questions. Write what we should not do. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ C. Writing Activity 1 Look at the pictures. 1. How is Atieno taking care of her books? 2. How do you take care of your books? 3. Show your class how to take care of books. 4. Practise taking care of your books. My corner 1. Show your parents or guardians how to take care of their books. Activity 2 Write the letters. r r r r r r s s s s s s 191 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

Activity 3 Spell words 1. Listen to the teacher read some words aloud. 2. Write them correctly. _ ___________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________ Activity 4 Write your name in both capital and small letters. _ ___________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________ Activity 5 1. Look at the pictures. 2. Write about the pictures. _ ___________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________ 192 Approved by KICD – 2018 Edition

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